AT 7.30PM

PRESENT: The Mayor, Councillor Mrs B Wrangles , in the Chair

Councillors Miss J Sartin , Mr s B Haddock, Mrs S N Newton, Mrs S Dunkley

Mr J Whelan – Town Clerk Ms N Kirby – Interim Civic Administration Manger 3 member s of the public


The Mayor, Councillor Mrs Wrangles welcomed members and the members o f the public who were present to the meeting and introduced the Leader, Cllr Sally Newton.


The minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 22nd March 2018 were approved as a correct record and the Chairman authorised to sign the sa me.


Cllr Mrs Wrangles presented a report on the activities and events attended by the Mayor during the year 2018 -19 . The report is attached at Appendix A.


Cllr Mrs Sally Newton gave an update of the work of Hertford Town Council during the past year. The report is attached at Appendix B. 5. ACCOUNTS OF PAROCHIAL CHARITIES

The acc ounts of the par ochial charities , The Newton Exhibition Foundation and the Ancient Charities of Hertford , were available at the meeting and no queries were raised concerning these documents .


The following two questions were raised by members of the public in attendance:

A member of the public raised a significant concern regarding the closure of the pub lic toilets at Bircherley Green Bus Station in January. The Town Clerk explained that it would have been a decision by the l andlord Wrenbridge and he would contact them to ask that the building pr ogramme for the redeveloped Bir cherley Green provides replacement public toilets at the earliest opportunity.

A member of the public advised that there was an article in the mercury regarding the Maidenhead street ped estrianisation scheme advising the closing times for the new gates being 10am – 5.30pm . It was also stated that times on the HUDS website was als o incorrect. The Town Clerk confirmed that the correct times were 9.30am to 5 pm.

There bein g no further matters to discuss the Ma yor, Councillor Mrs Wrangles closed the meeting at 7.49 pm . Annual Town Meeting – Mayors’ Report

My Mayoral Year has just flown past with so many enjoyable engagements supporting not only my chosen charities; Prostate Cancer UK and St John Ambulance here in Hertford but other local Mayors’ charities.

It would be difficult to choose one, they have all been wonderful in their own special way. To date there have been well over 100 Mayoral Duties .

To name but a few;

Back in July we had six coaches visit The Castle and two weeks later six more; visiting foreign student s staying at Haileybury.

Prize giving at a number of schools.

I invited residents to Afternoon Tea at The Castle with The Mayor raising money for my charities.

Open day at Park with a trip round on the back of a tractor.

Rock at The Castle

Open Air Cinema, on the Friday evening the heavens opened, Saturday was a much better night.

Cars at The Castle

Carnival Fun Day

Teddy Bears Picnic.

All of which were very well attended.

In October we had the Annual Vintage Tea Party at Sele School

Remembrance Day with a service at Parliament Square and in All Saints Church which was attended by The Lord Lieutenant of and many other dignitaries. Followed by a special commemoration in the evening at The Castle with the magnificent display of poppie s for the Centenary of the end of 1 st World War .

Lights of Love here at the Castle

Christmas Day, my husband and I attended Christmas Alone to wish the guests a Merry Christmas before they enjoyed their lunch served by so many volunteer helpers.

My Quiz Ni ght was a great success raising a large amount of money for my charities .

Attended Hertingfordbury WI 100 th Birthday lunch

Afternoon tea at Bircherley Court, with residents run by the ladies of the Inner Wheel

I have been to Hertford Theatre on a number of occasions to hear some wonderful music and shows

Attended a number of C ivic Church services in the Town

And the list goes on, but this was a flavour of a year in the life of being Mayor of Hertford.

I would like to thank my Deputy Cllr Peter Ruffles, for his support throughout the year. Hertford Town Council report 201 8/1 9

Role of Hertford Town Council

The Town Council provides a range of local services for residents in Hertford, Bengeo and Hertingfordbury village.

The Town Council has a wide range of powers under the Genera l Power of Competence and specific acts of Parliament. Most of these powers are discretionary allowing the Council to choose to do things.

Current Programme of Work

We have continued the good work undertaken in recent years as the number of projects a nd initiatives undertaken continues to grow.

The Sele Neighbourhood Area Plan

The Neighbourhood Plan for Sele Ward has been underway for since the summer of 2016 and the pre -submission consultation will be competed in the next few weeks. T he draft plan will then be submitted to East Herts District Council for examination. The Commun ity Steerin g Group , m ade up predominantly of volunteers from the Sele community should be congratulated on re achin g this significant milestone.

The key messages in the fina l plan will be how the residents wish to see the Sele Ward community protected and enhanced. The insight and views of young people will be featured in the final plan and associated action plan.

Bengeo Neighbourhood Area Plan

The Neighbourhood Plan sta rte d in June 2017 and has made good progress.

The draft polices are being consulted on during March and April and will form the basis of the pre -submission plan that will be consulted on within the next three months.

Town Centre

Hertford Town Council continue s to support our town centre, particularly during times of great change with the redevelopment of the Bircherley Green Shopping Centre that is currently underway . The Town Council has worked in partnership with East Herts District and Hertfordshi re County Councils to deliver a major project regenerating the Maidenhead Street area with works set to be finished in April 2019. The Town Council is part funding the £1M improvement scheme with the remaining funding coming from East Herts Council and the Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership.

Our Town Centre Officer has undertaken a variety of activities to support the Town's retailers, including the organisation of events, and several children's treasure trails around the shops. The Love Hertfor d awards are now in their second year, recognising the important part local business plays in our community, and publi c voting will commence shortly.

The Hertford Town and Tourist Information Centre continues to be successful having moved to the Wash duri ng 2016. Visitor numbers have increased and the additional floorspace is being used in a variety of ways including sho wcasing the work of local artists and selling a variety of goods including for the purposes of raising money for charity

The Council has invested in matters of crime detection and crime prevention, and funds the CCTV cameras in the Town Centre, and also the successful taxi marshal scheme which operates on a Friday and Saturday night.

Local Businesses

Local businesses and traders continue to be supported by the Hertford Entrepreneurs Committee that run a number of business focussed and popular events during the year that are facilitated by the Town Council.

New Homes Bonus

The Council has recently implemented a New Homes Bonus grant schem e to ensure that NHB funding is used to support and encourage a diverse range of improvement schemes and projects across all age ranges, and interests and wherever possible innovative initiatives to meet the needs of Hertford residents and businesses.

Cou ncil Business

The C onstitution of Hertford Town Council outlines the statutory requirements which the Town Council is required to perform. The Council continues to provide much more than the minimum requirements.

Councillors continue to meet fortnightly to review and comment on all planning applications for the town, ensuring a local perspective is put forward to the planning decision makers at East Herts. District Council and Hertfordshire County Council .

The Community Serv ices Committee has continued it s duties including the management of cemeteries, closed church yards and allotment sites amongst other things.

The Finance Committee has continued to prudently manage H ertford Town Council's finances, and has awarded grants to many local organisations . The good work being undertaken is p ublished on the Council ’s website.

The Development and Leisure Committee is responsible for many of the events already mentioned, and again an open air cinema will take place this summer due to its successes in previo us years.

Hertford Castle and

The Castle is established as a first rate venue for weddings and other types of private hire. In the past year an impressive array of activities have been taking place at the Mill Bridge Rooms that the Cou ncil hires to local groups. Yoga classes, mother and toddlers groups and keep fit classes are all popular with the local community.

Once again the Town Council will be running a varied programme of community events in the grounds of Hertford Castle over the summer months, including a car show, Teddy Bears’ picnic and the ever popular Rock at the Castle. A highlight of 2018 was the poppy display at Hertford Castle that drew thousands in through the gates of the C astle and helped the Royal British Legion po ppy appeal raise over £1 6 000 on site.

The Friends of Hertford Castle do a sterling job learning approximately 400 years’ worth of history. No simple task! We have welcomed new members recently and hope they find the roles as fulfilling as all do.

Her tford is fortunate to have an excellent museum, which the Town Council has continued to be the primary funder.

To conclude

We continue to acknowledge and support the town's civic heritage and ceremonial traditions. The Mayor , support ed by the Sergeants a t Mace and Stave bearers and their spouses, has made a significant contribution to the civic life of the Council and Town. Our close ties with our Town Twinning Friends in Evron and Wilderhausen ha ve continued. Hertford Town Council continues to strive to maintain services to their current high standards whilst keeping them cost effective and work ing towards an inclusive welcoming town which hopefully has something for everyone.

Th ank you,

Sally Newton 21 Ma rch 2019