september 2015 volume 30, issue No. 7 LEAD AND LINE newsletter of the naval Association of vancouver island A Royal Toast Haida in drydock Russia’s Messy Naval Day Life of Richard Leir Page 3 Page 4 Page 8 Page 9 HMCS Fredericton's CH-124 Sea King helicopter conducting hoists during Operation Reassurance this summer. Photo: Cpl Charles A. Stephen Speaker: LCdr. Martin Head, Executive NAC-VI Officer RCSU Pacific, who will be speaking on 28 Sept the Sea Cadet Program in British Columbia as well as the recent Summer Training for Cadets Luncheon at HMCS Quadra. Guests - spouses, friends, family are most welcome Please contact Kathie Csomany Lunch at the Fireside Grill at 1130 for 1215
[email protected] or 250-477-4175 prior to 4509 West Saanich Road, Royal Oak, Saanich. noon on Thursday 24 Sep. Please advise of any allergies or food sensitivities. NACVI • PO box 5221, Victoria BC • Canada V8R 6N4 • • Page 1 september 2015 volume 30, issue No. 7 NAC-VI LEAD AND LINE See below in this publication for a listing of the new Board as well as members that have taken on special appointments. Lo. will also note that President’s a few former positions, Membership and Nro9 grams are still to be Cilled. These are big tasks Message and we, as a Board, will be looking at innovative sol.tions, perhaps breaking .p the load a bit. Sept 2015 If an1 of 1o. have some time, and will be willing to take on some tasks, please contact me and we will gladly include you.