Clinton Independent ! Clinton Independent

(orm iAt r*m oa na otvm.) llll Iwry Thtnity, ftt ______)£»•. fiKi K*

Oa* .Ml...... $1 t*z$J fo*x<* lM Two *mIu ...... |DU it » <*• 4 30> 7 to 18 tw Thr«-© «Mkl ... t |II' 4 Ml, | to M to Ift UM OOIIBIT.& ESTES, four waako. .. S to| • 4 to) • to 1* to 1. to Tkre« woli H. .. • to 6 to 1 to ti to to to to to The Clinton Independent. Ma moot to...... t to' * 0U Ml On l* TO TO 0*48 «M Atom Milw . ■! T to >0 to is on as to 44 to to to TKB M 0. TwwH# wroth* 0 0i> i* m> I* u> m 00 40 «Mi 4t l4gal A4v«ftlMMt«at tuiau rates. I Mia 41 Of |w*Ur. $IA, I* •druta, for Mpm 3 — «i m« vTto* emir, tbd $l»lir tho*© k tto M*rrl0f. aud Itestb WoClcro from. _tW~ \H wrttrea tar pabltcatioa wmi tola bao4 Bu Ibcm Card.. |v. !i»m nr bmU t, ft per ym w•>du©© Buraiii to Ihvc pubUianoa ito VOL. X-NO. 27 . ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 187 <>. WHOLE NO. 495. LmiI RbiIr#«« Mutkrt 10 cotta a lla. for Im, Hlilt wvrk. and I Min. lor i«ch *nb* ©aa* ai luterxloi.

Irish ('mtbeltca, who regarded bHn as Itoir beat MILTI M IN PAMY0. SAILED 7UDA 7. piece of ditching to earn a hunting shirt, " Are you Captain of the Revt hgr f ’ ahe EORE144S GO.SB IP. cNRintry alio tio not live in Scw Hamp­ LATEST NEWS. frtnnd, bach money to pat Into bis pH*ate for he wm poorly covered with rag*, lit* continue*^ shire. business, and the depositor* now mourn It- utter N khha -ka exj-uvM aa in inml* h *i«id to dav : brave heart rehellad against tl inching ** I am." The Martjui* of Bute and his wife are Tlie organ from which thr x1*oreextract Iona. Fscsh I lb. gray sea. and whlla vlafw skies. WONLO. fratioo Uil* i » %r Mon. watahAng from tto quay with si/alnlug from the enemy, and in the morning, " la It possible you are Hie man repre­ spoken of as a pair ol Buies. is taken expresses iu owi eaiiinm wearing the new shift, he started out sented to be a bloody and femrioua pirate, On the Sd, the French rtrntle, tlthoul The bill to tax churvh and educational Tmr tuan who had a projm t oa fbot went •yea Miss Huntin ' a. of f^indon, has paid |>opular intelligence by ih< mi, u i« tit dr hat*. nui Mtlj •def'ied Ida Mil raislaf tba property ban been defeated by the Hew Jemey to a corn doctor, witli a determination to join the army w h«»se chief delight is in scenes of car­ assertion that it is 44 the Adininistratuui Mailed today again. He intended to seize the first go**! nage *" Ett.(JOU f**r a noiselero pavement hi lie laid •Ula of ategw. Laffialatar©. Ah extensivg vela of aiuethjrat has lieen Far in ht. diataai home, aad face* bow round Middlesex Hospital. Hucti charity which ho* expo-el sn l puuinlM*d corrup­ And whisper: ** Is bis ablp anaoebured now F’ horse he found, and set off for the tnaijis " I am that person of whom these nur ­ The Afrigeoti, i Grecian vtatrl, col The Independent National Executive Aiacovgrvd near MoaliceUo, tin. is lieaven born. tion .*• Arson' to unoar «io tocounl of the hard tiiuau. nothing, till at last he heard a l«ell much from British prisons and from Brit­ ported to have killed 127 ptop|« and -uuk. ai d laaalji tlta of tor paeeeagar. and Culled Htaten la every But# * 4 to organise and tha UreuiJeuUsl election and the ( eotcB Ttoy Sadr her ebeer tocanm* bar boy waa ls»*. ami working in its interests* If it had tinkling through the woods, and ish calumny; hut my sufferings will never stopped a nubile road for many week*. not been for that majority. Belknap would crew were drowned . .end delegatee to the Billiaal Independent Con •HI*' Hailed today: vrntiro, to be told at Indianapolis. lad.. May IT, following the sound, came out upon make me forget the courtesy due to la­ Wales did his hunting in onothc r depart still be Her retar y of Mar, Batirot k still The Liverpool dock laborer, struck for PnoFANiTY la U*0 tribute which Satan Aad tfcar wbo loved him heat urged oa bis a pretty domestic m-ene. Around a dies" rurnt. 107S. a* ito only hope of securing that Jaat Inan- demauda of Uttme who aerve hitu It it Bight. private secretary of the Prtwddeut, Schem k klfhar «i|«a atltoMaad Ml •a-lnro© «u cial legislation and pare government a bleb lain Tba biller message reached him but last night. neat houne some little children Kor a few days the two vessels keftf to­ Thf . Library of Straehurg, which was still M in inter to England. Pierre|smt still •laoal ©*ttr©ly a«©p©rrirri. aad acvartl of the At liti pcrt«iual lokott had reminder of a le- dispensable to their welfare. were playing, while a young girl was let gether, till the Revenge brought her prl/e destnoed during the siefe ol that city in a mode! Attorney General. The only effort laailc and older itrracn were mill to tear© for fUaoe. Hailed today: ( ting a hortve into the yard. A» Green aj»- ink) port But them- few day* were A few peixtQt met al Columbus, Ohio, With laagb aad boon eonapaaloaa ledl hrb'nt 1M70, has U-en re (wtabliaheil by Uie Ger­ the Administration has turtle was on the itolr dealloailoa. “ Soak her up," or lea tbs farmer to his Tiinxk him la the gbaaily midnight wind. j poached , a young woman came out, ami enough to win the young girl's heart - i | ia whisky trial- Uiereby <>B the ttth. In answer to a call for a Ma.. Plate man Government, and now counts tt5,U(J0 A ferry-boat which wa* being drawn field* aa the rain* steadily tall; " s*>ak her harked anxloiuily to see if lie were friend toward the Captain of the nrivau-cr. Tlie volumt-s. emtair musing Bristow and acquitting Convention of those Intereated la an additional up, fur roti 11 bt d'y enough before the Hailed to day : arMW lto rtTW Dee. at Abartoa. kotlaal, «aa I Tbe d*y of loving part tog I. so sad. or loe. Entering into convertaitom, site g**»d ship proved to l>e tne richest prize lUlcuck. And if the Administration had Irene of greeabarda. aad adopt* d resolution* ap­ kuinuier ‘0 over." invited him in, and he soon learned that <'apt C'ouyngliMm ever U*>k. Utr he had It is said that an Ingenious English eopeiaed oa ito Vd li Mid stream by Ida vladwa pealing to tbe people of tto country to organic* Bui we bav. learaed to iniak aurb day la glad. its way, all the Kw publican linetes now of Ito c a neat Tto del «w crowded with pa. It wa* Tailevmnrl who tail that "on© . »he wa. the famous widow Nancy Ander* capluml a uohle w ife. gentleman intemls to patent a skate on in the public pillory would l>e duly and unite lu b« half of the ancondltional repeal ; toiled to-dav : sou. Thev talked on till dinner-time, which business men will be enabled to go eeagera, and ahoal thirty were drowacd. rt tto Me.amptioa net. and declaring that It la must have lovnd a woman of geniuvja If ** love laughs at lockaiuith*," it like- whiU-waaliid and told to go and sin more, W« mourn wti b tortare faar* (hat drop wlihtn, when tbe young soldier gladly accepted wiiM- ignores iwditics. and leap* every l»ar- to Uieir work in ihe morning and return A decree was promulgated in Paris «»n the dnty of the Uatrrtni t be taught again. Thin is Repub­ three U In loving a tool " her beo. Tna WatrrUiry (Conu ) Am*ric>v\ re* 1 Mailed la-day : turned to his employer, forgetting the Bri'lah in America had souls a* sitM-epti- pie want, anti which they Intend lo have Ito French l nlT.raal Kapocltloa The New York an«l Brooklyn Aaaocia- O »otd rrayseasl O, aallen winter skies! c< Rlly announced that uo Mat ion agent who army Tor this day at* least. That night bln to woman's love to those of lUc pa­ The Hhab of IVr*ia has determined at any cost and at all hazard*. —St. l/jutn iloa of Congregational ra met in tto 1st I Will tbev* be ever *amm« r In our eye*? Vienna and Loodon diqiatchr* of the b not married will nart aAt r be employed he thought long and deeply. The widow triots. and many an English soldier with­ that the ('rtiwn l*rince, Mu/eroer 4jddin, JtrputAirmm. •id aay that affair* la Ida Tarkl.d prodacM bad ter city on tbe 7th. Tto action of tto Advisory j Hailed to-day : was a famous charm ler. having U-en held his hand from plunder because of •hall recaive a Euro|N-*n education anti on the Naugatuck K<>ad Hhall we not always fee) this biting cold? oner sour© a—nmrd a threatening aapeet. It wm Onh II was en d orsed and rweolutlona were ! thoroughly tented by the peiihru* tunes, the spot in his heart kept tender by Ihe training The young man in to travel in reported that id. whole of aafldwaalafi Baa ala adopted to pubMcly invite any one having or K akmuka about Johnstivwn. Pa, fear There la no summer w hen the heart la old lion It la Pone. 1hat the gn-nA nuiaher of wild pigeon* in and found evjual to every emergency. M»e memory of a wife or sweetheart over the tnfmta, with but few M*rvantn, but bad bfokaa oat la fail rebellion and that beret, professing to have any evidence against Mr. • Mailed lo-day : was young, of splendid figure, and gn at, that vicinity will remain long mough to Well, ship* go out, hut ibey com* back again — sea. They often, also, succeeded in doing whether he is to lie 44 finished" in Paris H ivfno ruled out nil the witnesses who ena making preparation, for war fteec her. not already investigated before tto civil robust beauty. And then she h*d U-en so court, to bring .acta evidence before a commit* tal ait the ami to be sown. A day ng mo n tba of p«Ja. by love what they could not do by srm# or London has not yet transpired. were «upp«MM <1 to know anything aU>ut Over 5,000 workmen in the coal mines I kind and sociable to him! How hand* and proclamation*, and made tunny fol­ Uie corrupt mean* tise'l hy Hpencer in tee to be appointed for tbe purpoee of bear A man at Salem, Maas , bu canceled ' Hai’cd today * some she w in* as she recounted her sudor Tub Ttro Ilepubltra, published in the of Worth Idrbyahlrt, Kagtand. hate .track work t»r such evidence, tto proponed ©ommteteoa to ftto.OUD worth of notes and mortgage* ! Aod some stipe gu with lead aad rotor with lower* of their fortunes, if n<4 adherents city of Mexico, refmrta fhat Mrs A !>e pets oring hi* election as ’Henauw Irom In cwDM^araca of a proponed radnetiou of wagea mat mi .4 Messrs K B. btorr*. W 1 Huddtngton. gold — ingsf With h soldier's quickness his to their principh-s. Alabama, Mr. MorU»n*s commitu-e nre Bgainel several pemous who** means *re j Mad hearts have bnpe* too daring to to told. iitin* I was made tip. He would go again Bar, a pious holer of Mercy, ha* discov ­ A Copenhagen (Denmark) s|*ecial of L. btnllh llobart. H ft. Btone and N. W. Vrrgaa. small, bcc.iue© tlie times are so hard. The failure of Greene's siege of Fort ered the medicinal virtue* of an herb, by now engaged in receiving the evidence of the Ttd aaja tto (tovemaiMta of Uru mark and Messrs Htorr*. Haddington. II H McFarland. B. ! Hallrd U»-dsy: the next day. In the morning the young Ninety Six in May, 17M1, was owing to person* who know nothing about the elec­ LtCT lloopi.ifl* of the opinion that the O(»od’ wbo to the fart brat deep nwa down. the use of which she ha* curt*! 101 case* Ocrmany were eagaced la dlarsaaioa wrtlh a view V Marlin, W. M. Taylor and W II. M'ard ca­ girl whom he had seen with the horse the devotion of a planter's daughter, toral crookedness in question For obvious great need of l'uris is a large Yankee M ho kaoara «h» stranger* lu Ihe f««retgo tows, came to the house for corn. Green sax ot typhoid fever out of lfrj cumr* which she to the .ettlenient of the tehl©#w‘f Holstein tered a protest against this course, oa tba whom* lover was in the hewieged garrison. has visited. Hhe make* no secret of her reasons this sort of testimony can tic had jMipulatlon —people who got out of bed out of «*er reach 1* villi In nwch of /oa. glad to *ee her, for here w«s »n excuse. qaeatioa ground that an Invrettgatbm thos organised She learned of Kawdon s approach, and art. in any desired (qualities, ui<*t of the pco- coaid retail la nothing more than an ami liegin biumeas be lore ten o'clock in Tto led who rare* for vpam>vr* love* bta* who He loaded Ihe com «hi to the hor»e. and found mean* ot communicating it to her tlie morning j Hailed UMtay* ple of Alal»ama and the surrounding NSW WON other supertclal aad onsatiafactnry In* -fawriTi Jffogtixiae. i then offered to help her home with it. lover In time to keep the fort from sur­ TiiKkR are this year 171 w’omen study ­ Mate* living able to swear unhesitatingly On the morning of the ttd, the town of qmry. Hssolutlrna submitted by Mr. Martin V ihoima lias been compelled by tho __Hut the girl waa afraid to lru»l the strau* rendering. ing in the Ht. Petersburg (Russia) Atod- that Spencer never paid them a dollar for favoring an eccl«*tlcal polity tto opposite c4 increase of petty larcenies and the in ­ ger. after heating him aay the day 1*4 ore WlMB the Urin-h held I>*og Island, a emy of Medicine and Surgery, of whom his feat. Thus judiciously combining the Folrwtroal. W Va . waa over half deeimyed by sufficiency ot jail accociinsolations to re­ tee. Twenty-three datldingn. law India/ Ito pmK- that espoused by Plytnontb i*bnrcb and Its < *»na LOVE TALES OK THE REVOLUTION* that he was looking for a horse to hear fine hxtkinf? Highlander**uoeeaed in wio 102 are of noble birth, s»-venti*en daugh­ two process©* of excluding all witnesses ortc© *>.d two new.paper office, were barned eil were tabled. I>rt Iloddlngti-n, McFarland vive the » h(poleg-post, and IViawert no ----- him to camp, and so the disappointed lover ning the devotedm aboat fU'.MB. Mis* Ann Elliott, ol Charleston. S C., w»s lelt w ithout an errand. He m*»u tie- i Her pnrenta violently opposed her choice, clergymen. The association of men and those who know nothing, al*>ut the matter, letter in which they withdrew from tbe member term hied to go boldly, and trust to his i but, with that noble unselfishnee* which W'Mnen at clinics and the dissecting table Oa the turning of the 2d, the Mexican 1 iik Egyptians used to w«M>hip onions was a lady calculated to hold a so'dier** Mr. Morton feel*, satisfied of his ability to ship of the New Yard and Brooklyn Aasocia 2.UUU yein ago, and it anylaHlv know* heart. H Uile the British were in the city I wits and addrero In a few hour* he was i» alnntd the (werogalive of woman, tlie baa been ebara* U-rued by entire harmony give Hpencer a pretty fair •♦•rt of character revolutionist* ander bit* captarro tto city of tion. why an American should now a!*unr the j she remained wholly unsubdued, wearing again at the widows'* table, delighted to voting girl deUrmined to leave all and and sobriety. Mat * mors- without aaneb dgauag. Gcai. Toledo, —for a C’arfct bag Heoator.— Chicago The National (bloffd O»nvention. late- v. g. utde let him speak, up before any constantly thirteen plame* in her bonnet, j fiud himself ao welcome, li wva A m st«*ry follow him On«- «1ay the Highland reg|. tto ercond la cosnud of tto G«n«abrki I.adt Loaaro|P, in Ireland, s<»me ten Tmi/4. April 7 troop., tamed traitor and Gca la Barra, tbe V hr .1 Si Nashville. Tin., adopted raeotuMMe more onion be.!* are made up —Iwrvit and winning from tto enetuv the name of now that wa<* t»»ld. and well might it draw i nient receixed sudden marching orders, years ago, gave birth lo twin boy*. In mdof-ing tb«- platform of and reaMrmiog ad- trot i*m». tears to the bvautiful eyes. At last he c ame , At night the maiden did not return. Sum - Commander- In- Thief. fluding hi. f<«rc«a drmorai i *• the tM-eiitilul rebel." A British officer, f order Ut tell which war. fieir to tlie Earl- A .Yatiirsi Question. Ised. fed aertwa the river late Titu. • L.rrma u> tbe NsUuwai lArpubiicaa part/. " No, Mna. Hfnrt . nol" said John, in of the uohility, bocnou: aw t-nsiaved hyher out plump: [*Tting the cause at once, her father pur­ «l'*m, a blue ribbon was Iun I to the arm of cli.snua as to plead pitifully for favor, "1 supptwe, now, jou think well of ihe sued the troops, and, overtaking them, A Wwhmpton dispatch of the 2d say. t‘ nea of solemn warning. ** l»*k at Mr* the first bom, but a careless nurse |m )»)*■rae, "I do, indeed! Mvam dear WiUiedied | There wa* no such woman with the regi- lar to perwoes la charge of Govcniannt bstldtasr* came off. Theconsetjueuce was that nol«ody public building* for the rl-ca! year adding which tlie death of a soldier." ft. talico, Mrs llenry, and avoid the in.idi* she instantly returneil. At last he • meat. At the father's request, however, could tell t'other from which < Jne of the June Mi. lH7i>, ia n< arly <-xh«u*t«wl Thu ratlin- attentioa to tto fart that tto *pfm>yn*- Hot n —The hill to amend tlie law* *• TLen ym would marry a soldier?" oti* voice of the tempter." told her I.* would i 'he American the troo|>* wen* drawn up in line; he then twins, bnwetrr. recently died, leaving the mn r< tar)’ of the Treasury has sent a « ir* l* ‘»a few far], light, wafer and mince itaneou© ©a- eowcernlng commerce and navtgatiaa aad tbe She hesitated a little at this; It was car­ ! Thank Hkahd , the arusL while at dia- l«t ea if ahe would but listen U bis love. Ftfrlied everv lace, and at la«t discovered ribbtm to the survivor. cular to all p« rou a having charge of praore fur pa bite baildinga, kw tto tnral y >-.r regaiaUon of steam vee^la was debat'd at con ­ rying her by ftorni. ending June 00. 1*71 In nearly atbaa.led. and 41 L siderable length A resolution was adopted aer recently, was told of a man in Na*-au Her noble reply was quick : tbe truant daughter, bearded and Had Governnont buildings dinning them to flrvcttnr the t‘,*mm!Uee on Military Affair* b» *' To my former want of esteem Is " I have not thought aU>ut that," she j " in tartan array." The whiteness of her A st'MMAKT of the party result* at the rr ettng t tot gaa and water la aarh boll ding, be street with thrrv- hand* ** Ifow la that?* ’ late election to the French Chamber of incur no expenditure* of anv kind wtiat- abat off and that the laborer* paid fr tu aurb ap­ Inreeftgate rkargvw o i^ldtd scorn for a man capable of totray- soon said, *' but, if I ever sAouh/ marry— skin betrayed her. evet on art-mint of the def>ar*meut wbi< h alleged to have been ing his sovt-reign for selfish inU-reste" and —think — aa I do new, none but a sol­ Even the girls of Boston were not pro«*f Deputies show* that 8,fi7:!.00i) vote* were propriation to discharged, la arcordanra with tto ton. clerk •»; .aid coniumilio. whiW an »*ftlrer ol hand, W** tlie reply ** You are a morv given for the Republic, 1,413,(00 for tbe would lie a proper charge against tlie ap- provisions of tto law prodtbiting tto expendKarc Internal R*-«enae ta Texas .. Adiosmcd •xtnujfxtianiy mau.,T w .§ the r«*piv, " for s^ncli a woman ’s love, when <*nce be­ dier would I have!" against tl e love of " the minions of tyran- propriatiou reterml to. 44 and to that stowed, carried with it all that man could It was enough; three days afbt they N'llliam Sheaffe was a wealthy aad Empire and 1,.’fi*4 000 vote* rvpreaefit the by a department of tbe Government of say *na» PntATI. —(>l the ttd, Mr. Morton in- you have two brmla; you have a head of combined strength of the Bourbon and end.* ’ rc*«bi the circular, "you will shut la ©sees* of tto appropriation Bade lor .neb de- )«>ur own, anti you v© got atica. Ward, formerly member of dk-r the happy event her lover wa* sur- through tong years, happiness, pggQff, cauo was gathering Its fon ts for the out- cirrular, and discharge all the cnginei r*. Ida utijwl bring to bring tto Knfc»rerwrnt net some hrandy-stmked cherries in tv • the prosperity and honor. ing Of tbe vote* given the Rcpubli grana from ito Second Illia<4* btetrtrt. and ©nfo* prised *•»'I surrounded while on a visit to burnt Ills daughters were remurkabic laborer* aod other employ «** who have within tto Ula decision of tto Hupo-mr Court .. )ard where to kept a flock of gt-eac. TUa But the most rGinvtir of these South­ cans cast 4-tttt.000 more than a half, or a qnentiy l otted Mete* District Atwwncy for tto A bill war pa-M-c am* nCiuf lb«- Hai.krapt law bv at Accabns, near the city A i for their la-auty, and the grace ami ©le­ been paid from Uih appropriation " The geese aU* heartily, and mion one by one ern love affair* w as that of the first Gov majority of Hfifi.UUO over both Monarchies Morttcra District of llltn«(* baa been indicted prortdlfcf no voluntary swalgnmrnt \tx a noise outside drew the young girl lo the ant e of their manner* With one ot the object of this order i» to I<>rce C'oagn-sa for tippled <»ver. The farmer, thinking thftu and the Empire. bvnrwtiwd n -«__fifi j art *t r,» deNuw o/ull hi* |>ropcny. wsdr in good fbtth I window, where she saw the lawn covered eroor <»f icon ■»<*©© lit* was then ouly detm hint tits of British trtHifw sent to B«** to speedily pio»f an appropriation hill lo ^r at nttod HUUe tUsud / thah^rit orrredhrr.. aud *add aceofdtogRl* dc-Hl, began lo pluck their It-alheo, wl*en plain Captain J**hn Sevier, In command J ton in these troublesome days came an alleged row; licit J la the wblskjr fraud* la that ■the law nf the H'st* wha*rty of Indians thev were formed directly in front of Mr. Meaatr rejected tto nomination of Richard H by which the bill rrdaritig the Prneiden.'s salary *• We want the cursed rebel!" roared the in everything a spice of poliUcs, by hsog- full fiscal year b about exhausted with Dana Jr., m Minuter to the Conn of Ht. Jamc*. waa )>s*«rd wa» luei—Ml* si... Aanoancatnrtii A ca *a of rheas playing extraordinary officer. turtle a sudden descent upon the station, .Sht .dfe's residence The sisters were lo log conspit ooasly a placaru in his parlor* three months of the year yd to cmne? by a vote of 17 to M. waa made that the Itoaee bad ad >pt«-4 tba IH-l- U mentioned in the i*»ud<»n specttUor by “Go look for him In the American and the frightened women fhd In every tbe ladcony, watching the brilliant dis ­ inscrilMNl *'S**ner or Io Ut he will re­ The appropnati'Ni w.ts mad* by a Repub- kuap la*pm< btnentsrtlclws ,..A<|)ut $.'IUO.OOU in silver dimes ami Mr N. B. Jamea, who nays that some year* army!" returned the dauntless girl. How play. Chaneingto lift niseves, the young turn.* 4 The Bonapartitta look up at it In an Congress, and was unOcrstood to tie ago hi* brvMii«r and the late I»r Fears, v>f out towarl the fort with the hjm «*d of a quarter* were received at the Trvnaurr Depan Ilot'sn —After the tntrodoction and refer­ dare you moicat a family under the pro- officer, C’apt. I *« *n hob by Molrw'vorth, woe and say, 44 Ah. ah! that mean* our boy!" ample. The wifiter ha* Im n an cxc«-ed- h> |.t< n. played a game ol cImm* on tin gl deer. Tills was Caiharine hherrill. She startled by the wonderful beauty of the meal ia W'aahlagtou front Haa Francl*c«*. on the ence of sundry Mil*, the article# of laipt-scbment lection ot t»oili armiesT* (Uie young Naiaihon.) The Orlcanisls ingly mild one, aniM.-i9bira coiu 2i oa a dark n A The hold ntaa sure eeded ; the troops was a woodland toautv, and famon* eldrot girl, Susanna. Turning to another think the allusion is to the Count ue Pari*; priadon is now exhausted indicates that 4ih. and ItOU.iO* la quarter* were oa the Way. and w whoul a buwrd btoore them. A- the through the country for Ler courage and and es pec ted to to received in a day or two. Mimo . 1 ord Kiutt. I.ynde. M> Mabon. Jen** slunk off ashamed. Like many r»f the officer, he exclaimed, impressively, " Tliat the Legitimists opine Uiat i! can only there ha* liren grow* mismanagement. Upbun and iltwx were appointed to manage the BrookIj n H igle on* a a«id, in Uencritting a w..nun here hnuight together, ibis fair agility. It ia said " the could outrun and girl seals my fate!" But a lew day* mean the Count de Chamljord. while the Why were O'R Uie exjwn liture* kepi The Connecticut JAtate elect i«»n Fes a Bed proeceuitoa urn tto part <• t tto ll«>u*e. Mr. U»td man w ho had l«.itru hi* wflu while oa a heroine was afterwanl stnong the distin ­ out leap every other woman ; could walk j passed ere be was wall advanced in hi* Republican* are convinced that it nfers within the auUiori/od liunta ?—lktroil in tto sacoean of tto Democratic ticket Tto acting aa v hair man of the Board of Manager* ... an«i ride more gracefully and skillfully Htil* were pawd anibortaing the aalcaf tbr Tan ■ »l'itt " I be qu dity of ruiu«i hire « x- guished belle* i*f the Rzmibltcan court j suit. Her father would not listen to it for Ut "little Thier* " Ho all are pleased, Free Pr<$$. vwto of the Htste. with ibc town of HsV ri - ne< nserration In Nebraska; ao*cnding ito F«-a- 1*1 t*ileal defies aaalynio ub I bwfttes dewt rip- under the great Aral Frcddent. than any rfther woman In the country * ’ a moment; they pleaded — he was inexora ­ and the honest quiz, when questions are which I net year %ot renounce ail for his shoulders. 44 He" really mean* his JOu.SKJ last yea/. Infrrnull (Dm.i for Governor Armor. well, t amer«m. VI i*e. Ogl—by. Bayard aad Mr- liffbie't in the house of Samtiel I^er^ it. i tine aa » ‘*iuin tiering angel. ’ Thi« on I w lib fl« nv y* 1U they sprang lo in love of her lover, bhe eloped with him Zouave boy on African service. ha* ki.07l ; KoblatM «Rep.k UJAI; bmith i Pm honal*l were appolatod 4* the Hciect Committee famous officer had been wounded and t lerrept her way. Wto let! thedinvt pttlh, to Rhode 1»Iand, they were married, and 1.S71; A tarn ter (Cureency Keforwi). IV* lng<-r the then l*resl«lent of the New York Gas Connecticut, yertcnlay, re elected Gov. to inquire into the recent M»*»W!ppt electiona Lifht Company, at No 7 Cherry street, captured in the fierce cavalry-charge at (•""*» • ein-niWMi* way, and rame tip on soon he took her home across the sea. satra majority-1*37; plaraMty. 7.*15. Tbe ton Tr.e ItnjM arhjn* tt m-tiag--t* on the part of Eutaw Springa He to now lying in a 1 "the ‘back *tdc of tha fort, unending Ui Three authentic tales of love in tto Brit Mwre of Wen. Babcock. lngerv»)|,n Democrul, who nobly deserved au stands 18 Democrat* nod S Republican*, sod tbr H.»u«*e ai>pr«red awl prevented tto art £leeaf!nmpsny. on February 2d, 1h ?R, t harU-*ton hospital, suffering from hi* otale tha palisades. Gathering all her ish army surpaaa, in their beauty ot ro­ all that his party could do lor^ him. the Uoaee IS* Ueaaocrsbs. HA K«pubUcaa» sad f lmpc*< hnv at against W W, IWIxM, lata |*>wers, she sprang into the air. An officer The House Judiciary Committee have Connecticut al-o electrol Democratic ma- Independent* rrtary ofMjof B ur ~ A a»c*«a^e was rrcetied from|« i*d the price of ga* frr»m $2 75 to wound, and ictardmg hi* progrt-ro to mance, the wildest flights of fiction and ] the Prt-aidmi rrtotog a MU 1o the relief aft. B |-i .«yi prr 1 0(V) fevt which 1« the lowe*t health by heart burnings t»» lie »nce more w ax reaching over the top to cat- h her f the subfiles! weavings of them poet’s dr* am touched bottom in the safe-burglary in. Joritira in ladh houres of the Legislature. The Chicago Tribute of Ihe 5th in the field. But that brave was and lift herI in, . but his, I x»f slipped.. and At the <*utbrmk ol the war . Capt<’a Charles ▼eatigation, and they have found <»eq Hi is will do for one days ’* work, an I it noanced of * C Tfli 7 f-V.JIi!'«VMIrt2u4»*vtnnff all them* year* the a ion to tie «*»th»*d in the most delightful ^ Wl 1° the ground, with the wall »ti)l Ro*«. white regiment was then stationed Babroi k there. Whilelj, ex-Chief of tlie known railway contractor* in •>i*i city . ud ! d«»- %ryr 4 #|orrk#«*t»er Is a Keatacky dletillrry la fire that was lifhtrol when the company manner Jane Klllolt *a» the only child j In *tween thtin. A loud shout fiotu Uie . in a |>rmlncIni town of England, wa* s»- Treasury Hecrrt Seivice, having returned tion and hi* ottiAide faction.- will fully tag basineaa b Ht Louis ander tto name ot II twe-70 Adjourned. rtarGil ha* never l«en allowed to expire; «»f a wealthy patriot, who, having s)>ent Indians, as they felt the prite in their rrctly engage*! U> a young lady of the tn Washington under an assurance of im un lereiand. Connecticut haa rej»utlia'e«l K PnyeonACo ListoliUea over fTOe wir Hot hr —A bill waa panned, pr«»xiv!tnj{ ami when ia 1H74 the works were removed large sum* in equipping lr*»ops for thr | hand*, gave added atrrneth to the maid- j place, whose beauty and abilities won the munfty and pmiertioo, was lietore the the rtivaiicc*, the flattery, anti tli© falre- The motion for a new trial in tlie cane that no prr*<>a •Ua'l to prowwrs-ed. triad or poa- from Canal and Center *trt e»«. the btirn- gtMtd cause, had died and lelt her bis liiBoa. She saitl, w hen telling Uie highest admiration. But her family had (Yunmlttee yestenlay and gave the history houd of the Admini»trwtoa urrtor-, who of W. (> A eery . convicted. »t Ht L>ui*. <»f w hla- isfortforuay offeaaa. escept aa offense affalast log coals wera tran*ported to the pre-onl principles and ki* property. Hheff once atory in after years, " Their bullets and other plan* for ihe promising girl, and, of the famous safe burglary conspiracy shouted within her b>»rdir- ihe old -tory which haw«*l uy*Hi her a remarkable from first to last. There is a great deal tl.rp* oi'f ultrf *acu eff-nse ha* been or muy he -- — - of Habrork in it, and not a little of I lam t»«h ire. The annoum ement was made, in 1*hi1a r nmtattled . A rrt-ort «•* made that tbr la- - X. T Homing Tati. American soldiers, anti took herself the i ^ J woiild n-*» live a caj»tite." With etlucation, they strenuously op|Mjoed the proehtorut trtk ’♦-# S»d bres rr*J ta thr H*hatf . 1 •ujierinlesdenuff of rcvcral wards, wboaa j **® terrible effort *he Ica|w-t! in|§ the air young offit-cr's desire*, lit* regtineut wa* ex Attorney General Williams, now tliat The Detma'raiic C<*ogTeiH», which em- tolphi*. aa tha 4lb. that tha PtwtoAoa In th*> A Tomo married woman. Mr*. Je*"up, sod that that would take srnoa la the mat inmate* she {^-rsonalty visi ImI On tw once more, cleared (he pahsaTiea. and ordered to America, and be was f«*ft ed io Wlutely has " laid down " and 44 squealed." bodied, at its re-cleclion, the voice of elty won id to ctowad at dark, sad *!! night work a ho lives a* the Hildreth crossing of the trt... Th»* D(Shil*r Approprtatloa Mil •*• catuedown into die arm* of her future leave w i thou l communicating with his lie It is erperted that William* will 44 give l*»nu!ar reform and revolu'lon, ha- Imn aad haalne** *a*pvnded. ander (to Krcrrurj <»f takeW UP. and an amend meat to pass tb* item Eel River, on Ihe roula bt tw«uso l ki th of these occasions flic first met Ihe tiand- h Unhand. qc away" the ex-Private Secretary, as he endorsed by Connecticut. There was uo (ha Tranwar* a erder. Hateful Ihm (b«« Arm* of 8 nog tlw Prrrtdsnt** sulsry after M»r» s 4, l* “, an<) Round Valiev, one dav tael w©«-k got ••*m« )•* Una Udotiel. Ill* naan wm. well tr*«th<.d. I» . silent we**k* of anxiety at M.<*»» psrjsar. nnti! the ll«*a*e *h*>otd tak* j The first thing this noble girl did afbT need* must lo Hear his own *kirt«. it I* dispaction w ith the siurtiv Democrat* of that dty thereupon off- red to defray the expense in s *mai\ boat wii rb krtl bees known and highly hon*»red, and, as she h'llowcd, till, analdc to midure tbe sepa ictlnn oa the *pret»| MU 8xiag the Ffr*lde*t ‘a ! Ii»t4raed lo bis story of Itettle and auflrr her marriage wa* to make with her own radon, preferring to brave the anger of said. Tb«n Batcuek will explain and tbe M.»te to g«» trock tij«on aud stultiiy of keeping (to oi« opes as u*u*l during tbe salary, waa rejected . Adjourttrd. fastened to tlie shore anu into which she their record. The efftet of the New week, and Puatmaatar Furman accepted the log. the two hearts were drawn into tlie hamls the suita worn by her husband tud her friends, the noble girl suddenly fie*I deny, ard there will be proof fort4icomiug 8KNXTE. —On the 5ih, bill* were passed bad goticn fur mere pastin ' Thera were llam|»-!iirr ©Kction ha* Urn more than offer. no oar* iu ihe boat, and by the time she ennunutnou of rveipeocal lovw. . hhe wa* hi* Uiree son* at the battle of king* , from b«v home and escaped to America that Whitcly Is a lying scoundrel and al- - sethnrtxlng tl* sate of the Ernomw** rrona Mountain. Hhe wan peculiarly adapted wars w*s But wbettor iherr will fa* a neutralized bv ve-tcrdHy ’s result Politic* In the cas« of Frank Moulton agNio*i was pret’v well out in the stream and ap- vary young, of the most surpasaingbrauty, disguised m male attire.attire Here she I Uuw ta W lMOb*in under the direct lot. of tbe la- j to Uie requirements of her position —tbnf in Connecticut are purer than they *re in Hr*. H. W Beet her. tto demurrer of (to drfuu narrmly btHind for a coosidorable voyage, anu of noble and leoder soul Tb* • wi learned that her lover 4* regiment won verdict of acquittal, a complete vindR*a- ter lor I»eper’rnenl ; Route Mil to enaMe the Her- | of the highest lady in a new country. far inland, actively engaged in the tion, snd the coogratulatlons of friends, N»w Hamp'-lnr©. ami to Uie agency ffi daat waa aatn hiwd oa tto Mb. a ltd Irava to th« re. ary of the Treasury te pa* Jadrweat* rendeied Mrs. JttHup concluded wdnntbing hi*l to ws* fitting. Uiey were tnrjrjed in the next year An<»th«-r atlai k s o* threatened soou alter war Hhe immediately act forth upon is yet to be sawn .—Chisago Tribune. I Gov. Ingereoll, who ia tb© I ir. personation ptUatiff to aw»ead hi* complaint wfthta twenty l bjr the Court of Alabama Cairn*; lloase Mil to 1 l«e done. s<» *he took thr rope attrt hrd io ot h«*nor and integrity, th».- *>up«-rior -late days, oa payment of coet*. oath rite the *sle at the Pawnee nrtenralioa ... Uie how of tbe Inml in her mouth, slid or Meanwhile an officer of Colooc) W aah- her marriage, and fanulie* hantene*! aw ay a font Journey «*4 hundreds of April tl. Tto Nestle orcnalted w a Court of imp*-** bau-nt. ingtoA's ir*-.p* r* waa fast going the way to a 1*1 sec ol greater safely. •* I -hall not mile* through a country filled with rapine of lliiogs in hi- Htalc'is Largely due. to-t Mrawrs Mootgr»mery Blair, Jerr B. sud an order agreed to that a •amauMt* i**u- jumped into the river, swam ashore, go­ *A his *u|ier!4»r On N low l*. in a* *jf Uie W," said she, though her husbwntt was and slaughter. After a long time »h© us everywhere strengthen the party by it* Black B F. Butler aad ex Heaator ( acpesl* t U» *x-J»«cretar9 Belhuep. rrtarsshle oa tbe 17th ing partially with the current aod making A Good Likeness. representative* "Let tto* candidate* b© of April to which Urns tto e««urt adjouiwsd ... a trip of forty yards or so, reached tom* Saluda River, B* hctnlond Moore and her ***y »n Uie army; * the wife ot John brgan to get definite information —she will aarvw aa aoan*e| for ea Hocrvury Berk nap Tto Mil 8 slag tfce rote of pnatoge oa third else* mother liveol in th** fine old mansion, and Ha^rtffff knows no fwr! At another time learned the rr Station the troop* occu- the platform." daring tto tmpaachmant trial. mail matt. r. aad for otart par|-oee» was tabes willows or brushes first and then pulli-d The following truthful picture of Uie 'luotigh the mrthine|H»litic* of Federal through to land, towed the emit all the cartel fur Uie pi au lad* n w lnle the hu.»->and a large bwnd of Tories came to the house, pied. With ghter heart, without «»ne The Prvnident, on live 5th, uaued an up sad debated, pending which tto fo-nnte sd , Z K< puhlx an pwrir i* drasrn by a Republi­ oAceholders ha- keen »trikingly repu­ Jonrwed. time and tied it nafaly, and then walked and father wo* away ia the war. Beln lit- determined to hang her hudtand. Hhe iild he carried lr**ut Gen tJnwne U> * afraid Indie! But rememlier that, while never l«»>ked Q|on a Itsttle, and the her It or a.*, that that ptr y nautr that w» thfi-h ro The Uoatoffice Drfvartmeiit iaaued nearly i dm/ Jane Ml. iHTA ...A bill wa* pasted to ref- . CV»1. Lee, w ho had already rri»saed the 1*1- (here is a Hevirr up*»a the earth, my blood Hide tale* rt war and Indian cnieltr larrattr bv he*** -tatoed with fowl tilagrsre; tha with Ihe agencies «H Radical corruption ih It having been telegraphed all over the carntpti'OM of Admlaiatra'ioe* «*s|»*i*«*ti in *m-ry It.OiC Oh) pustal card* danng the mowth of March . a ale tto windisx up of Nafoma! Bauo .. Aa- and Ford in retreat Ine meaaage was will not lie unavenged/' which now thronged her memory struck a work *4 time, art, indeed, a liletinn . oj » noancemoat was made • f the srtloa of tto H«a country that Gross Valiev. 0*1., was snow- *lroctlot>. sad raianaanug at >s»t ia the -rlfcn the official record* at Washington show.— Returns from the Khodr Island election air oa the la.p ncbmrst qae«Uoo... .Tha blU to brought lo the plantation, but here no The sea hrtl also iu share in the love. an oviTwhelming terror to her heart. Hhe fr-*vd Mihery *1 thr Krpnblicn f-r for Guecroor. S.S1S; Howard (Fra k t.tfl; (a ( <-n nilttee • f the IX hole.... At the eieoing ! dangerous country. Behcthlaad Mivirc j ho*»d aasrrted iteelf once more. Perhaps ixaa wnl'i; Ida tnerrtetng dw^aiuvn of thr danrer of taniioe, tha t’toen of Mart'll 14 manded by Gustavu* Gonyngham. Tills her hirer was in the foGtle! Perhayis Beach t beau V, X.4TS—Lfpp'tt lacking about 1.0K ***d<>a the L*-gtelatlve Appeoprlatfoa bill was explains the situation aa follows: "We iniine*ltaieiv volunteered aod went up the r>Arrrs Sbd ogrsta ot thr Admiut-U* fol* of thla A Herlona 1 harge. rrsslKa'fob ro- of aa electron by the people. Addemaa « H. p. *. are somewhat surprised to see. In aotne of l*atl«-»ty aad at all r«*ot# to orewonat rad* has few HaarahKF ot Htoto. Is elected hy about Jours *4. ing the Uiai with her own hands Hhe the British. Tto wil Wsi siorica w« re cir­ )>r« ttb! Hhe turned again, and now flew In iipivrh delivered at ilurtford, i'onn., the newapajwrs, that Gras* Valley is short culated and belie vet! il*>ut him, and En. rvorywhrra afuSM* the frirnda *4 free govern- aujarttyoew Ptorce t Dam ). Tto othar caadi Hf.nate —On theffih, !ht Finance (*om- of food supplies Now there la not a dtdivered Ihe message safely to (apt Iowan! the m ise *4 the fight Ere want, and ha* start Ir* mod alarm* d thr hoo«>t la-t Saturviay «vtntng, l nited Htatcs Hen- deiee on tto Bute ticket ran aboat tto same *• mltlee rawnrted fasurnhly oa ito Hooee Mil lo Wallace, wlio at once sent it on to g!i«h mothera frigbtebett thefr children •he reacl»e*l the spot all was still; the notera of thr Kr^ahlirsa party. •Ior EaU>n made the following Hurtling family in this wtode town, and we num ­ info obedience bv speaking his name. A tba Gwvarnor Tba Benera! Assembly will *uad provide for tto deffrfowey la tto Kngravlng and ( ber betwern «,nuo and 7,0lh) In population, Returning ftum this important and dan i IteUle wan dowo. Rut. still press­ The men who stained the party " with statement: Meaulu, 8? Kepuhitcaa* aad S Democrats. f*»lntlng Bureau of the Treasury Drpenment ... gerous sffrvlce, the young rirl reat hed the print, called 44 The Areh Rebel,'* was ex. ing on. she came suddenly upon the foul disgrace," ruled ibcHyiaeure Con ­ Wh©n the New Otlron* whi*k© riwr wa- r* The Houee Mil to amend tbe Revised Ntatote* tn • but has hot biscuits, buckwlienl cakes, Libiled in tbe ahop*windows of Is>odon, Hawse. 08 Hepabtlcawe and 0 Democrat*, insuring hoi waffies. *o(Vboiled eggs, porter house old home just at daylight In a few mo­ i s* ene. and her eye- fell at once upon the vention, at which Mr. Ctirti* mad© hit ptwwid. at. D'Wte sad other W oaiera till-* of thl© Ito elecHoa at tto Re public as Mtate ticket by regard tn Itmitatfoae ha criminal praoeeu»«on representlnt Min os a giant of most plrmd- ln»dy of an oflb-er stretched across Ihe r|©*« w *nld ©«-©m lo»urs'fl im. for lit N**w Ur- wa* amended and passed .. Thr Mfi Axing the steak*, potatoes in all styles, te* and mf ments » handsome rouof officer of cav ­ •pro* h. of which Ihe alaive i* au extract, '•-as© fraaff- wr. and * os met by root's of a tree Rti© w«wt to him with aud will rule the Cincinnati Convention. White liuwr cud l<» I'rv-tdciit t*rsu>. who «s< Four powder maga/inr* near Balt I^akc up. Amendments were submitted and ordered the maiden herself. Her cheeks and eye# our cause that iVmgrea* pansttl a special trembling heart; »he fumed the face up­ — lUinoit State Hegiater c«*r©©raant with all th© fort*. H# claimed. l«r- prlated .. Adjourned to the Hk kind of sugar oa tniamtng*. poison and the Idood. This«beo*ntinued ■inrdrrre* H» knew thf© h» fo tea©, and ho have and does have at dinner. Rofot beef kn©w tho Au wi ry i»©a©rai a .<1 ProaiiUat also p ft ton at a foot ia a boot. A woman and hoy to si«*a .. The hill to carry Into operation tto Ha dusk. Re waa «>■ a tour of Inquiry . and wo* one day neariug tbe Ac-t India ! till her knowletlge of surgerv. which she Zaire (Sean. aaltoa treaty was discussed. Tto Dfi'lallT* sod plum pudding ala ay* make a show Tto Chicago a stronongly harw It. vto « Ha mer* stench hr boulder* and killed, sod I had studied in flnrlon*!, amured her that , Jis AppropfloH.m MU waa farther debated in Com­ log on a Gras- Valley dinner table in these (Vbethlands waa able—and willing, for Islands, when suddenly there came tr*»m alcoholized Ad mini-trail *o Sheet We await with wune anxfctv the action trural other pee sows were Injured One woman mittee of tha thuh,., Adjourned. •lavs, although this is the season of LrnL aha, too, wa- moved —to * newer oil the alolt the uuwrlcouie cry, 44 A sail! a sail!" Ihe poison was wholly extracted. Then courses thus of Ihe Hr a ul© ii|M»a this em|iltatlc dectora- diod from fright Over $30 000 w n the California eam aaerU* bam meatywhero aroared th© sppro- and frand*. .. Adjoaraed, ito session on tto 8th 1H(9; while bis noble wife lirouffht him was mh >d thr< a n arniM the bears, aod tlie i uureed the Invalid, attending to his every h«n*1©b rt thr frWr 4a of fr*a Uovrrnmrot. and happened to a wa of JammO'HHan, who The steamer IIHv Hius , with the Em lo be far debate only . coast, the wife of a well known citizen of a* fine a family as ever did honor to pootenger-ahip lay to In a few momenta want, supply tag his fond from U»e eaten Hm atari tet snd slanwrd th© h«©wr©t iwn —te rt rrsWfs on Hwratoga street. It ©fits that pc roc of Bcaall ow honed, left Fare, on the Mb. I/w Angeles, Oa!., waa dreadfully sea tb©fti Rwparttcaaiw p wi w »a— rtmagiparty." H*aMh Carolfna and the country Tlieir a boat from the pursuer brought two offi of her own hand* Hi* weeks ia the ^ ic, the jsufrtaMU. i hr direct for tto felted State* ■ wink sick, aad entreated the Captain to put her This la ant_ tN»tyU sato^sslolr. Hu II la rohroasu* 1!? forest, with only the she I let at houghs • nlrarlUrs'. Tk* rwslt 4 (M !t«v lisa©• h r© alro- of twelve or ifWco tear* of age. laid down ashore anywhere, for she knew she was childtwn roar to tbe highest civil ami mil- cere aud a force of mew. who leaped up>m The Attorney General. A. C. Bradley, N bw Y ork , April B.—Flour—Wklu- j itary pnaitiocs ia the gift of their native the ship’s deck. f>u© of these officers which her frail head* could erect! They thw ©hear* ham for wm th* latter aa©ninprt.*r.. in a corner of the kitchen last night and, I-eVt F. Lackary aad Hoc. Babrnrk ww*u before Wbua* Kiuw. 7b%: TV Wtont Ha • f%leago r'dng In die This being ftnpnesfbtr. her white th* fact that k In tha racy Adalibtfstmo being tired out from plav, was anon ta-t husband rolled up some pellet* of moist • Htate. immediately called for the Captain, ami were weary week* to him. hot tn tor which fo c©n**rote and ©frothat fo* aspMord t lymer * iaerottgattwg committee ow tto Aid. Spring fiaamiar; •«, mtiwnghaa. |!.rj they brought the f reatort joy of tor young asleep The father was rending rt a ta­ bread aad sto*ok them ap in a pill box, One forenoon in April, 17H1. a voting aakad many question- about the ship’s and pmajekrt rornip'Kte, lf,n*«rst©« twr ln>«©itrv aod contra d icted matt of tto eoaowttal parte of IJS BarVsy MATOc. Onin —Waatorn Mix* A. 44 man was ditching a field near Ro* ky cargo, owners and destination He wa* a life. Hhe still kepi her aertet ftom tor rt th© fnearer o©reeltro Wr bar* no pwllctlar ble placed in the center of tto room, the Detective Ball's at ary , Mined, safoastac Fw where they were soon cowled with the ohjattlaata harlwg prrroro In tfo Urp«H)lr«a rent of the family were all in bid. ami Creek, In the (h rotor d Mir trt of S**utk •light built young mao, ajipaiwntly twen lover. As he grew stronger, be would party laawirtj aipm.»r to th© party ilm it. bat Oa the fob, Mr. Rpnager. of the Honee I*- Uf< IIV tattG ^titv powder la which the pills had been often talk of his part history, and consequently the house w%* perfectly packed Then be went to his wife and Carolina. Suddenly he wa* startled hy $ ty fire, with fine manly countenance, aad ft wro*4 hr sower aaiirtorwwy \t they wowM tear© ( ommtttee m Froalgn Afolru. mkwd far Goad la Extra Nto*p-*t(C "*«e. GoMclaaad Anally told his wltrndant the whole atfoa rton Ihoroa©!©©© lo fflaro»©a© aod boo-t rt still Huddenly a stortling cry rame m iu . told bee that the pills hrtl lieen preen 1 bed clattering ot b«M»f«, and looking up he the a|r ef a gmnlemaa Whau the Cap* Hctoack if the cammittoe etoaid rrym slory of his unhappy love. He charged thl* ©serpafowal Orta- ihe child, wli ich arourewl ito loUicr. who by the skill'* doctor wa an infallible cure saw a man named Eabel, "a mighty hun ­ lain told I*iU i Ihgre w* ir lodl«w la tto f ) bad toaw ewgaomt la tto Emm* Vtae Fast Libbbty , Pa. — Tmttle — Beat TV© never knew before thsl It wa* >4hu Intel* a nsslt for U m* boy and asked kirn for sea sick wees, and such was the miraru- ter" and dare devil, plunging down the cabin, to Mnshe*l to the hair, aod asked his none to reek out the lady, should to trs*MCffn*» la goad faith, and with no freed a lent gr 7*40* on. madiam. ffYaaRa aD Bogs- Turk return to England, and tefl her of her offensive assumption nf superior virtue" what was the matter The boy elfoiwd Wms c fieri **f the bread pi lla. and the lady '# hill, fiercely pursued by fifty red coala hla Lieutenant In go aud inform them lateat. whettor to would *41(1 dartre a foliar In eta, r «!*•; Fkifoffetpktoa. ppffi Ol The i<>ur ( man dashed for the bushes that rlta pus- ngvre were ma pdaoto rs. lover # constancy to Ihe Iasi. Hhoukri to call things by their right nameato til© father In his arms, and with stortling i iitlgnWia for tbe eato at other*, (tea ffetowrk atoep $vana? » imarin*is>n, that ahe derlared herself tlea'li MJ<>w the wound, tto surer waa cull a r*ara. a raurwl. and corrupt loo nor- eyes exclaimed : ** Father. 1 have awal- qwtte well again and passed tbe rent of the and hra. Attrr a long while he earn© obi , but guests The Lieutenant hung hark. r pMei aforaustivafy. aad aoM farther that towa* ••) in j I have uot confidence enough togged wot lo lewve hia body till to dellv* rupttou This »* what Mr Curlla ffid, towrol n nsonee. and I firtl him biting me CMfiflO - W Best N* 9 ftprtfeg etatod vwrwm- d* « k. A and fiudmg tbe mast Hear, returned to cetther S depe nor s knave, tot had la rested )* 01 BklMM cask, t era dtoad at 4kfee for work. Soon, however, he «aw the British to speak to them " ifrre was ijtfw’k* ornj it Into the loved ooe’s arms. What and nil to did.u. Aaas forwr thein© vwauitnsuii in Newitrw imude!" In an inetonl the father had Ihe wkh hie eyas apaa. and wkh a elew at Ha 8. Orta-Bo E 089 abac anrbt Bay omtsff hurk, but without R*M;kr to) menl —rather a strange one for two "fort* extras of Joy filled the girl's bosom as she Hampshire proving that "Ito hooert house aroused, and a mcroeugi-r vns sent • aand'fltoa. and to wlafesd to daman- — What ronstltutea the gendibc frontier tor a dortor, wbo soon arrived snd admin so»d at ni %c. lo- ir. a. aagfoitac. ] e? The nwuktru of Hvllizeilon, eafihBffVr Thani*-1 Grroru (for this wa* the H<»u§ pirates"' The superior had at lost listened daily to such words as these! masses of l • Kaput. I Iran party** are wrt errata flu tto foftora at tto nto was owing to g4.t,fifir7H« Mesa Frok-$08 M ft ail • dWrher'* name) again hastened to cover, to go himrelf, and th* ladies ware eared Aud Gwd at last hlran ed her devottou aad "alurmed ’ rt*1 the growth and devwbsp.devulup. Mr red an emetic, which htel the desired mlamv aaga maat Why hi n young Indy like a hill of ex efffo t. and the boy. after some terrible Lard —$IA aa# t t.M. CVGa~Good to change? Urranae she ought to be settled ami remained till lot© iu the nighl. when of every ftwr The ywauffSM bwty. 4u^©d, her love. A* the t apiain regained strength wen t of Admau|airativaaro«wdre4lftm, this Right Rev John Johns, Bishop of |4 FfoMi Mediwm Grndaa. ft rtf 4 40: he fluiahed hl« work hy m'«mlighl. Ills a bright, beautiful girl, looked sdmirtnr they set out slowly far some settlement. may be true If the afarrwrtd " honest srtchiag, threw up ihe mouse, and strange are' Mock. iXM?D4.«a* Ntoek lt«MATI UNHMI BUl.ut N ia I>X. u ,| • •Tkltii: SJlLft.. - ligfpau hat it g HIII.. g a <»*«•!) «it CltaUu, au. A1 > ••»«ioa •( 1 hawn made to th* a ogdumao gl m.'**" « ' •" t !«•••*• Iaiu it Ivr ik« C**■«<> af I'liuiAib, b«ad«a ■ lodaoiarr o4 Jguiigage h«aiia* dai* r4-• I J M FEOEWA at lfc« 1‘iu Imm UAo, ia VllUg* at Ma Jukaa. ItMh dgy ol Aqm, MTA, Bah and Uas bt< d l.t 9kt fttdrynuUnt W 4 I > t A j-- c, 1* .< j • The CarMiu I lly our fa*t«»it 1* -lal|»- ua AA<*a»d«f, tk«T7i k 4a| al Han k, la IN j r*r ua« liatXia Fur and Nary Fit*, hi vih, d tha> Lot. AlltatUH rilMtra t l fllk.Hl and I'utiNrlU »i i.nn . nnd Sul' .tiouaM atihl IM4/H aad *r«< a.) ads. atiip aif Victor, f'Nn*ow roaigff, lllahigal, to t IIIDH 1‘lil »*•* I Ml HI rt HI ping »«ir- to Kraii«T. kaiUr in Ckaiufri, Ahw. Ancui t Pumk •»«•' It fra**#*-JadgH ut Crukui* III (Ictotirr last I'lrlnrU k Watt*, A iKeUilWoa A grootsa. to MURIU ike pa > Mo It ol TBUMSDA Y, AT ML U, lS?c. ,. ri otfuM ia Cn*rt l«ii< hm 'I, 1 utIN r«Ui, w| U m J. UUia, the mom ut three handr* d sad thirty dotiois (fkig. U 4* I In* < Itl *JT. J.J411I * Hj«»., Iron fuuiMlm of (’■Grit NtaUH t'oAiiniMloii^r of .\gti~ f.Nia VIIMi, L tl all* aad Ki»t» ia J UuU, - • si ten pog cool p*>-' r au*. ' 111 ■ - ln»t. I'h«*y lo§4a igM.Irt an «ii»lgmu«tii 1**1 * . Ri'*u«*. Oa x tdaa aNRling IN |uUitub, duty and oklra gnittgage vu rgroifi* d la th* bl..r ol niHurr, Uaitnl ^rirniUt lrli**r to tlo* asodm. uI 1‘kaW A. IttlU. tiuardlaa u| aatd •I NM NITK NATIHN4L € 4»N- lu k«*#|»jMr H J riTTERSON, tke lirgntn ol pus Aa of C'Hmioo -ognty, M>*h. ffieff hi # now Hit fTung«H In thl< Miaaap. ft»kii,g l«M trM»M (Nina hi Itoik.thal gaa. la I iher M of Mortga«> • on pag* ygg «i Ike Kuif tfcx;iRRiinftimr» flh l iUhi ikii ( Cnblie, VtRTItK. j ll«|(tOli \ M fawN* oi«» »ia*>Mtf*M (Uv* to in e N !u A.aaaal im aril rm»1 rtikr u» U*i«ataa ia |at h day wf AM*Ms4, 1*0, Odd whirl* Ml* graottiage .nm it* with a lut-Hib^-bip oi aald M In ura IN NaUautJ L>r« .«t»n. Cmiwi___Im,______la wWorn __ l(» |i»|MU___ieihi jfftlii* Iti i «*mi- pnrti. ipalr In tlir Mp|aro«<*liii»jc Intrrna- debt*. Ac. tn-u wll, Mi«b. 4-W Wm» duly aaotgoOd hy awid tKeions**n A He.,Mten Tketrapaia II I* * lrd«-r.-d, Tkal M •>(.a, N lie. naber A. >. lt?4. aid whirk said aasigi. lit Nwaa lb# N iMu MI llrtiwwut*' h wniaaiiwK. m. a. arnt.aaiiMB »» * ;bda> oM ua'i ACTS!! ‘ * . T/ \'llWumtu. 1' !*?!/.!' 'a*!**'V,!i.»»r i» i» m- m H" ' •*' 1 1»"' ••nit Mf t t i < > tllii-r r ,.t* t li«*t • • i ...... pRt#l| . TO A H*alaned u al Mid Ward* and ail elkrr |«*i- ua the S|at day of Hr.iwUl, A 1» , IFI4, li H. A H. E. WALBRIDGE, •ua* iair«Ni*4 1 a Mid nun, art •• utnird la my utoM bi loiain «ld Ooa«»aU*a. Kach Wii* «lll ale, to 3 |{* pti Mltaii-, • gait! «»l four $1 ,tlMtt,Ul^.94. |»*M»*.iblrt tbr A grim It lira* of Ilia I iiitrd Ltled •• of Morigggyos, go pane 4*4. and upon pr«l al a NaN« ul Ml4 E'Mtt, iNh to N N i4m U nntMtaj As» rrnftm—tmMUmegf** —?***« |over I a at year : ami l&B l»r mot-rat*. t« Ja. ol* Morria, a cbrfhing turrebant of TTtMt.NK 1 rt at Laa and ia t ban > nkirh ntof f l&'l^tmL w h*a* a,1„u" I Hi K«*|tUbiloaii« AHil J IndlBINilUU, ill oary. I ulltdik4(lliuNi aNug asl N ifamel Awd It ta •iim in Jti7M«#ui« »*M *«*• t> i n>u m tN tit** lim rr Jlmin* . • i[Hu ul l> tT^r l»*t reals ifSM F).lrri4r«in atWitnry ter of Iki I* ot la«t a«N*k. po«.a Kxpirn* agrnt* tltroiigliAAt tli*» aitk. #.| furtket (IfiWnd, Thai nulka nr gtrru tu liu )ir live dollars at Ipalated In Mid •‘■■■•4g—a- to he paid Mil eiM^fMcoDegCji* also Invited le send del# >#ar | |,U #1fre A lMl***AtI( lltajor- aobi lul.'t.sir.t fa mI4 rulala, at ike ytru4mu*y of Tilt* Mlfa* of His KoMnaon, tlia* »*«'« j llry ** rr^ ra* Mua-la**| to n-.-ritr anal sk«*ald any prucerdlaga N iak* n 1i*K>rr. I.«r said * (VnocrtU,fuMmitlTN ia4 *tb«r citltana ef !•)' Of t<7 Oil joint IwlliK. I liKtrittll, Mid prUliou. aad < k» krailli) linrul, it • aasii.g ao r gsg. or any part thereof, and no auat at law OR. GEO. E. BLISS, Tboa* bnrtnv a r<>py atf ikli order to be pat»t.aked la the i'tlntaa mrnUUf in laraaa* Mlv^r Valley 44^.1 al j f||rw >rij „|H „rnlM. Mini fare*I- a* human Of la equity hat lug keen Instituted to reoetei any IN t'allN auMa,In mwtUM al low |wukkal , IN umn 'MIU' a V f Oggol-ATMIC fit Y : on I oa |»u . adeoi a a*»*| u^wai* will ilia D*m<> J » _ i,.«Lirilv of 7 M4 oVFf tlie RgOtlh- li M*th H»aani.y#wtf .MNIl All piufe^tounl port of tk< drM set ur*d by Mid mortgage Mow Alla, (HI TlMMlajr of lanl Ha*ek. , wrre n er4r«|, ia *ald I’ of CIlaltHi, tor tour rnrirtiio therefore by virtu* of the pager of ante lo mi*I oraila party tails aMoria aad ub>ocia, arvonrJially | *• * I Vila.. /Iu ./IJk l. raJU paowpaty itirNi.1»«, nl«bt or day. AM i-.vti*dtei..ia la MOdlng delegates lo the National licill I'lnilMat*, • (fill* of At Olff hi* Tlie loula StomAmrJ nay* iba Krpubli-1 ^|n l4M1It, « atilmtantlal ren|H»iiN- to • ••••ka, (iravlutaa t«* Mid day of h>-ori nu loof’gnge eowtaibrd, and of iko gigtwf• •■ an* i >)olo In sending delegatee______rweo a •p«-« In.ljr ; an — of Jm inn clnHdma iokL II.CkANMJMIN, Judy* of Pit/bate • sac made and pfggidad , Rater la LmitmUm. Ca>«|MraUo* la Nairnl lra« ail m , hujorlt V of ll*l V»**r. Thrrr Hfff * • pvrdtly ruird t an rainllilat* for Mayor W Ureentrlllr tM> n| ^fM.a| |(M. lMa,|r| tlie mlleo- CASH TO PAY ( A Irne ropy ) beroma aad remain , , , _ .___ t t,t • iumi wa* a Mr. Ilelknap. Xo wo»4er |,u*,i U mill tert in««.inpl**te, anal the >MOH« l i: aiMUl.H InlirW lo thal•( taaa(aT««4 aailoM, kaaptmll- «l»t« H iio |*olle*f #ICu)KNlt l.tUQ t(4f , mate ail Mieki- at ihr want front d**oe of ibe Ceorl 11 w us > |« HI A. T CROSS, fob , *ai>, Uoaaty of Cilatou. •• AI a aeoaloa art got ilefaattd. IU.I name flint for »L ^^Unliaoei again mJMU a!4 In tlie T*rmiNkY AT Law .\„t«r> pabiw. 1 Johns, In said Clinton county , i hat hetng the pia. > tail aonairni to ba tala* a*ay by h*a»i»a powers no tliat oit«* offkH tlm other, whit It ike l*rul»at# < »urltar tkeeoaaly of C'llaluii .bol- eirri the Cirenlf Conn tn and for raid man*) is kuaUflN irNt by unjust, unequal, audpernicious leave* the regular Ib-uitM-rallt- Ifain an A A II comrctlwtM promptly nlUi«4rdlo. oatec •l« a at tke Probate Ogee, la Ike tillage of **t. linitialU»n . baa Hazard lauiiM an.I «*anUc mooe* rnc Manaif and drd fore they *ee till*; but ea|*a-rleiiee reddem oftlierlty of...... ia. *hot bint- j lliirl#,y f ,allS IMitU<.f ol .a.rn, L A. LAWRASON, M. . I'reaenl doeltl Cranaon .f M.tgeof l*rot*aie . 0 la liu mailer of tke ICalate af JAtNlH Tke aoul b east quarter of Ihe south • aai quart* i anil* , and shaiu.fully need tor u* jw^^^777^» r that should | proven that the A»*Oflata*114 HII IAN A N 1 • *1 K«a II,\ i MU. - on • wlnly punish crime la protect It Fur thee* and , . . , •ell at Ht. I otiU, Mo., but a lew da\ - t||l| •tlpnlalea lh:al tliere -iaouhl be one UUlKOM'', Iboarnl tin reading aad Kllng of auction thirty (JU), In town aaa (•> north ad Kaln *tr-H. Powi^r, Al • »a: iy (.Km range one < |) west, tn the county of Clint*.n, aa > other rsneena the Rational DemeeraMr party deem |rt»rl*in aiart- I r**q l|i*lit IV Uia It I )»ti lat**»l III 1 Ike peim«»a. duly reritwd.of filer («. Y u N kumr I. •inie. Hi* reuiain* were brought to M,iar| of eatlt -ainple, or two eHr* of Hiaie of Mu higaa, leiog l*»rt y a* tea. nsoto or lese, Ibaynbllrdancaalnanalaanl, nnd brine aainnallf |()|e RejiKepnbliriUI inta- ’reat ; *ll J HCtiflT kN k ...m. .mi...... h. I >HYH|l IAN - l..l.n. u • i. / calla • rot ratale to auld de«*eoeed. latllr iN ro opanilM of ikau Ml#» rlUaraa In | prf«'l«f f*d«. a**kgtied lo, the ra*li aa-f. , fpom dirt anil true to name. Tl»e*e 1 prompUy »U«atdcd to, mgbl awl d*>. | Uf) I Thoreopoa tl ia Order, d. Thai Metolay ,tke |7tk Ufa. giUTB, AlA’f t*ir Assignee Assignee an rfott ta obtain Ihia obi art. Croclaarif, •iny ut A|»nl, A |)., |ATd, al aiaa- o'cloek One linnieallate ran lilt of tlie l»a*iiio- Xew npapar uieu tlu not run well l°r iaUip|(>a mu-t lie aeauirely placed in ids A till *TL ’b HI IIKLI., C’bairntan DRS WIGGINS A HOWES, lull**- forenooa , l»e assigned for the hearing of OMTt.ihl: *%!.»:. UrUU.l l.a * KaiaiaiciO Pnincn, Hrr rriarj uf tbr Nation eratic gain* In f'amiiaettcHt h III Im* it> office till* *pring. J. We*iey tariftith. aald petition, and thal Ihr heir# al law of raid tie ua'paiate, with laltrh aUaehetl IMM. SI A M al iNworrallc CannlUrr. lni*rea*e the rhanoea of Hen.itor f oak­ IAN- Hi.f.1SH A. 1 ul . II C.‘*n < rraard and all other pt-raoua lnt«i*-at<«l in aald tooitgafe, dated Frtuuary, the XAtb, A. It , l»'.i, of Ihr ...... J.I. I.h .I I It*- SprirUir- ht*-M«c. of W. lat'll and »li-l r|n u|..| by l,R tv. lilt*. ling for the Hepiihlietii nomltiation P •■alate,are required lo appear at a aeealonof • aid Naranry. >»aWt i all* pr..mptltr aUandwi r.AO- f'«iurt.tken to he holden al the fruNtr i iffire, la Hates to 8ylr« mu * Yoiiug, aad recorded Midi . for (he l*reniiieney . lie In* two ele­ for . Ity . I^rl « ». .l.-fr.^l, Itioiigk >11 hr. lowo, r.H.1.1, .i„|suk. M, l*r«- •ullatiuiiilloora : • to II A. M. . I |.,1 and 7 to n the tillageof Hi Johor, and show eauae. If any MIi, A. ii., 1H7 ‘J. In the Register's < »Si< e fui Ibr r. a OXcrJ. car hutin A t'pio,/* I Iiruiacraat ir Mint* t ainrnhoH. ment* art Mreiigfh. lie U “In ” with the re-t of hi* ticket mo elected, Ba*- there he. oh) liulifaiur of tke pel It loiter should rauitly ot ( Union, tu tbe Hltto of MteblgsO' dtu'er. 4th, honor. .’»th, Remark*, ta* \ > • itaa* Libel 2C uf R-.ita.-urs, at |>»*r |U, Slid A Urmormnr l onvrntlon wlltbn brbl*l Mrprr ,|lt. (Jran | Ring, ami he I* mi pin »mmI to UT BA Mi ll vs { not he grant ed A nd it la Ku rt her Ordered, that A, V IMlIN, a i. a. M4iB ah . a. it by Hylvrnu* |. Yuan) to Dr. tleorge Ailen, l-y •ruUllr* H*n, Lnumug. oai WrdoMdnjr, Mn> yltb, , k,r,„ir.|, t,, v>„ u V.irL, • m,| uirni...... r II..' Muir /lrr..M, j ylrW „.r,. imt!<*e )>e given to tlo persons Inlereattd to said »t Uo'rittck. H..I.K IN •( tlrrtlny d»lr lUtr ){rrai *t rtfU gill 111 Jb W l rb,.tlll relate,of the prndrin-y of said petition, and Ike deed uf KSelgument dated Noarmbrf IftMh A D , ihouC hW tl. k. l lixl « |-h. ut^ lmru Clgags be- star far lk» rirrtloa of a (Male I>Ma«era*ft* Coanmtltr*, . . .. . ______. ____ a . . , J^teatiuaglveu to Ike rAataiaaUui.aad Mttle a ur» sj* ij.rr printed and nreulatedln aa I d coun ­ »ad r*v ib* trnnancitvn »f n«cb oibrt baaa.'n. u win. We may egBocf, t bereft re. to A.Urri.~.. Ml on tl.r tl. Ut fort.oor- i |>y ,x,,rr.. ..Mrr.-r.l lo til. 1 . t*. Im- operatUe. aod no eult or proroe.liug* nt lew «>r In •aiutut diapu !• 41 it Ia a t <> U. a I Melatr. Cotivey- I ty of I Minton far four atireeaatvr Week* ptvriour equity having been ln*litule«i lo ier«>arr Ibr d< tui Vftir* for «* h*.l ■ nujoil- ,, , ttl(h lh. »or.l* -t . nl.m.lal Couit Uoaaa Hqaare, Ml Jokaa.Mlek. 3:4 I < A Irne ropy. > .•it »ppor 'lonm«nl| It ia aalltlrd m Ibr loan J iNHul ll(g eleCtiotl. li Will llOt »IO for HURD’S, uie buiulred'ba dullaia bring Row riluaed l«> !-•• -In* ibneoo, be*klre analt. . .»l|M*tl.m for Alu—*11111 ' marktol .'.»n* >M4DM% I't ailllll M . IfUU* ul Michigan* DENTISTRY County of t'llutoa, a* At a seaalon of tke •lot I at a atlpulated in Mid m.Htgage ta be pal.t i.«-ll. ivuk -uit«>i a.itanil l^>.^••iit.aa rnittlad lontlmatloai i.-aat tnolaa diJ.I l.raitt w iel«l- thro’ vioim: ealitors shoaihl »llrk totlieir |»en- *|,| t*»i4Miily fP»K HINT IH I Ilk € lil ifi vi f 8T. JOHNS. Probate1 Cun rt tor t hr county of Clinton, hidden • le.uld any |*r«M .rdii y hr taken to fotrcloet Ihr , •ar« AllAil aaouiian,ruuulta*. ra»i. *|>lnpl tboftrilu »r ».fut Ibrlb. t pprrp|«-. . ,, . M'Or. NuW, ibrerbHr, by alrtar of Ibr p. ».l III I'MiMitla. »r* rt^u.rud lo «rtglre, In ihe village of Ht Juhna, •holl Id May be pro. urrd ut pk U k 1 OKI.I.S fut aa i on krola), the |«nh day of March, in the Mir la •aid tnuriaagr M.otalnrd and uf tbr » n bo rmlda la tba couatlaa abrtlay ibrut other Kt*tleral |utli«»nage in the Male. Ifl ««rh rur nnlr and provided, ia«*tlee le herrby Iieiu flt to tlo in If they gel it. also lw put am the |.a. Wage in pl.t ill, httfeoiouey a# al ait)< t in Mlrkiaaa. Ilurd'a yea lone IhouMiid eight hundred aad a evenly eta Onaiaiv rnatwlittwa, la raiimc tbnr rrapc-Uvr I A% )»;st«*\ a* r 11131 In* lieeennary to eanin- Halldlag.Mi Joti•>» 3-4 |y I'rr sent , Joel H.C ran non, .la dee of Cru hat e . gn<-h tl*at on tlu- bl I* day ml July • %. «• Ur (Ja ■mia, ('unarnrnl.ara and nil olbrra.wlih teract till* pOW ei llltinl Ih * tlone. I liere The HI. Louis //e/whl aif last wick. »H,t smaller letter*. ' In the inaMeroflheeataleofXAVlPK OIL D. I *>741, at oii«- o'« U«rk tu tl,r sftrrru-oa, at lb* I KS .Ir . In -eased. O r reading and filing ike west front d(M>r of tbr Court lluoee, for the coun ­ out taga d l« yrniona party tflllaUwn*, « bo nr I* a \ery generally* expreaaeil opinion, *ay-: “ \ young mat rleal man aif thi» | All express , bargee w 111 In* p»hl l»> A.STOUT ty of i baton. Mirbiguu. in tbr village of Ht. Ju I-d *. oppnan.. lo tbr anirarngnurr and ronuptiona of petition, duty terUh-d. of Frederick An.stuti, anioug leading lH*uioerata here, that viliagi*, lulling lately drnpjted upou | tit*- I k-jiur tiiu-ut, which ha- arranged |rri>K.HKV AT I.A W. HI Hi. hi... Adiolulatralor of saol kstale, praying f«>r r*-aaoi«a ia said county, liter* will b* auld at nubltr vendur tbe Arpt blima party, to till# antb ua In tb.- pn- , OA.-e la Han A Hluri, auuli ilnor, tt|oil of New York Mate, <««•/ thut uar.ri ut land lying, aod being ia tb* lownrhip »-t Marb 7vk, 1A7* Itv, last Monaiay night resad\e«i tu«*om- tu carrx «Q«di s|«*H-iuiei»« from thl- BAYLIS A COOK, MUIR, milCH., Thereupon 11 is th dered . I hat M onday . t he 1 ?ih »r» iMHtt armtHj* umr pf.iaa /tar thr roei. „ ninrteen. ta Tum-abip number Hv*. n«Hih of range Ibn^rtu.LiNrali, t'oaaar. ally aa and ail olb«r rnr HHMuiHiiMiir i.vvinimritMi -AUiiethlng w r«uig, ga\e him a do-« of [ hiMliaui. I C a» ia |g la iaaaa I 1 >i*a-a*aga-at and all other persona interested In *ald rotate are required to appear at a session of Mid (our weal, in Miehigan, ei. rpl ou* anr of land In candid rlwb^anfl'llaton eounly, oppoaad to tbr ha* introlveil another of f»raiit * *pe« ial i|MH*aa* for -Ir \ chnlne. I he lining ------^• w------— L. W. FASQUELLE, M , Vtai Cal 1 'air * til be met- - (iiratt|aart and loatbarua* < ondn. t of ibr Kr 0 A-onrt.tkento he hoidrnattho 1‘lobnle Ogire, m frienuc, Simon Molf, a prominent I*- Him 11 wi*lit home, -wallowed tlie sii|»- Rat •* * »M» < llTKMUt.—ll U- : |»-> ...... the a tllage of Ht Johns a odahtiw cause ,| f«n> there )*et to the payntriit ef (be remainder of Mid moat pnbltran early, now la power, aa way b*d»Otg«i W I “O w alfci r alreel, • a«l uf i liatun A\* uue. HI gage, wot yvt due 1 »at*«l April Mb, 1H7S. •d by Ihr aaicral lonaabtpa, arc rr.tu rated to iitrrl , raelite of (III* i’ll)', Who *a*rureil I rani mi he, whv the prater of tlie |>««UUoner should not be | ^ poi-on, -aid goaal bye to the false i»g ^i^1 »* Rhibad. Iphha. to nidke I • I. M •• Iti/.ii 1 . • 1 t >«I j.' «t * Inted grante.i Anil it I* Further Ordered, that nolle* DK. UKMKaJK ALLKN A*e*gme. in l o»rniton al IN 1‘onrt lluuac. In Hi .lahm, tleuliaJ fat or bv liaillllig * i‘hiId “I’lt a- J 11 Fsntoi. Att'y fur Aasignre. • aa ArlAny, Hay IIMh, im«, alow' “ and uol abortIv one, wa ul to lied and aw ailed result*. *" ”f rella * found III Michigan, j LUMBER! he gtten to lk< peiaooaiateieaieidn aatdestate, SPAULDING A CRANSON i*f Ihe prn.teney of Mid petition aod the hearing o‘tlock,p. an., for lb. porpoa* of »*i»rtiag d«dr * r.n 3* l* ,u4l»»i gm tuioriiy It MM.n arrivr*l-hll that he eaten pertaining pre-lilmawir times and j Ilaara. ■raloa lo attend Ibr Hint* C'oaTrnllou, lo ba b«-td al after, the of Ke«ottler of IkeanU TTaiHN kTMand C««iia.iU.»t Ut,aNHullr *aak . tlier**«>f hy causing a ropy of I hi a or dr r to be pub­ 1114 14. 44, l: IALB. I»*fault bating . tura la Ckau. ei) ,rtt Jokou, ('IIM.,a Oo. Midi Ml tat ala, lished In the Clinton Iodependrtit , a newspaper iuu-n iMaf a certain>ala«. on Valaaa.U>, May *.4ib |i:n, and to of the I »»#*tri«*t of t ohm.Ida. W hit ll i« in the previoup twenty fm.r laour*- ] •- arrow hernl*. * MtnoMgafre. datnl August the |Vtt, AD, 1V*,2, ai.J make aucb arraafaratraia ba randortiuf Iba prva 1 ...ti«r. ta, 1^. \, fnllv IIS IMHI ia>r Ao.i- irmaiau l j « cuis .i •UMldltlgk, print* d «nd rlri*ulate«1lfiaaid countt of t'ltolon, •atcawpaitfala ihtarounfy aa way L. dr#,„.d ••'“n.iltil to lie W UTIM ttlll.V » •,»» per and he now fecla lietter. But Ire draws hatchet*, pipe*, jittery, au«l other ir- Miat Aria, f.»t four iu 'r*-sal «r weeks prettoue to said day eireataui hy VVtlner 4 . Hea*Ydrn l* fmelas 11 Bal. a idTlaaMr U tba 1'unrtMb.a Ka< I. i..« nabtp | t ■ • l • n Olf ll Well kltoW II in W^AM^ «D 4. Moll-. I of hearing and recorded Augoal *J4tb, A D . lATg.ln lb* K- , liltla? Coli-Atbilioii final tfie kuowletlge tit la** ad adtl Inal i*ll Miami fact ura*. Ilia hi in isi.ta Oh, for tbe munifut i I Intern, in tb* will ba an'ithrd loto dalrntMdala^ataa aa followfollowa a illgttilliugtoii a*a- one of the few men on term- •■pio: rt-:\T»:u vidtai, JflKI. II. i It AN. , Jadgeof Prohate Hath| 5 iMta-a. .. 4 riling . f A irne rapy.y ______Htatgof Michisan, n* l.ll-er 2d of Mortgagta. at 4, of intimacy with Grant, from w hotn that hftp inroiiPfaiit other half sheaU l*etro*l leu 116a Aaauclalion are aUnit l>ag>' 2B, und amigimd t-v La.daa tl Hatra tu I abanou ...... S Uroaltuih ... f loor* ng A r ■ >•< < i It % I I a» *4 I* I *4 m enigna Bingham ,. ______1 Victor...... !!t lie ha* secured uuuicrou* mark* of fa- tears because he haiM* of ap|H>ititinenU for The contract fair con-tno ling the In*-irons aif a«bliug to it, * **' Probata Court for theeounty of Clinton, ho Idea at < rttwe, In l.ll.rr IU nf M<»rtg*g*s. al fug* gl, by Wane p bat la ...... t inia ! ...... MEAT MARKET the I'rohat*- tilhcr in the village of Ht Johns,oe |wA ut ... 4 Batwal Ida friend*. Ilia I utlneu« e waa >nlh- which default tbe pewet of mI* rant ained la Mi l Marquette ami Mackinaw railroad ha* « omwIUee of It* Association, eou«i«t- la at ill r»n Ike upward track. and people cantl.rie i vt.inday . Ike ggth dav of Mar»d- M A I kKIAL FI. KM*iikl» i"H Prase nt , Joel II Crane.,n .Judge <» f Prot*gt r. reeorer tbe detd secured by Mid nortfigi-w ant ...... »-•'•>* *• •* «»• »ht« «>*- Ill the matter uf Ihe iketate nf HA Ml FI. tally rap, italist*, consisting aif 1. It stone, of Holmea. and B. I. Bu-I». have issued a ^ part thereof, and the rum of this* bandrt-d an l Frrhh. Urivd mid Sail Mmi*, i II AKKIM AW, l-eiras* I r\T (rkaNTtud Maggie Mil, h- ! tire, *('• theraln set forth that hi* or. uni •bouid aay pCN-erding* br takeo to bre-iuar tl,r geW. whops Will please accept my warmest thawka for u.hy l,a riaiutucd aoj allowed. mn>* Now, therefore, t.y rlrtue nf tbe power ol ell are mockhidder* in the lumg Brant^h ,l “°V »l»Pear*. Loualon.Conu.; J. K. Re<|«e|a|, a valuable in Illustrating the Arcliae«.U>- Thereupon H *# Oi dewed. That Tueaday, the lath Iketr kind aod liberal patronage In t ke past, and I -ni^in Mid OMWlgsge containrd and of tHe Watut* „ ...... M olf w an connected with tba vale of a tleinan of large uiean* In K scx.t o/in.; 1,1 Michigan, to-end them to Benj. tay uf April, |t:n, at * o'clock ta the forenoon, •a au< b case ma.le ami prutdel, do I ice U beret>> B.nMng IV«.r >ln K..! ' r,.l«.hi,., a..d rmlnd trwstky keeping good manta and dealing aMr.mio he assigned for the hewrlng »f Mtd petition .and i hat •llnikhi merit» eoatlnaaaceoftheaame given tbat on tba glli day nf July, A . Ik., Hiram B. t’roshv ami W. U . an«n f . Moffat t Bloa k, lietroit, w *,o Round and Square Tubs. the liadra at law of said deceased, aad ail 1174, at on* a'rlofl In ‘ be sfir»i**.»n, at I be v.e h 1 'I .... t^.kv Inv^' .,^ mit- 0»f..r ».l*ln«|u»"c* *10. 0.^ I r^l- of Xew York, anal other-. The length I *f lve «••'•**»***! attention. \ll j VA M Haul.a \ • tker persona i at created I nsald eatate, are reqatv- front d«*c-r of lb* Ci nrt ttouae f.-r Choton eoonty \\ ■ , F * ,, dent and Sec retarv Belknap. Holfde- ■ . ed to appear ai a a.-aaioa of Mtd Court, then to he Michigan, in the tillage uf Ht. Jubne, In uW conn !ff‘ * l Wa-hington are pu«tiing n led ihi* at firm ; but whAn recalled to of the proposed road \t 117 mile* The expenae* to ami from Pliila,»elphla w III dt.Jobaa M*r. k»d.|NT& 174 it ' A olden at the Piobate ogru,l n the village of Ht. ty, tbere will he •-»< I at nattw- undue, to (be high W e are making a spa » ne mgggfartore I John#, and show cause, i f any there he, why reielve tlie foil grant of *** rut bidder, the pieml«ee in Mid morlgsge 4e— ilhrd tiling-.” And they are getting nearer the nand, on Tuesday, he made * more coui|iany I* tn and the article- returned fie# of round and square tuba for holding water. Any ‘be prayer of the petitioner ahould not he granted via All‘bnt err tain pieoe or parem <>f land lying to thee. Mr. <»i ant. nearer to th**a*. feeble denial, aavlug that he did not l,.kP>.UUU acres of iaiiil exempt from of charge. They -tumid be -ea urely . •• . • ,i rela * n'rarta wl • • -i.ade And It »• F lered 1 hat notice he gla ett to and being in tba township of Kagle. county of r»meiulier that he nail received ti.Vi First National Bank for tf.etr left very at any railroad •WIar In the , the persona interested I n Mid relate, of the pegd Chnton, Mlalc uf Micbigsu ai-d lUarnWt mo tut taxation, a- authorized hv the law.— 1 packed and bde/erf, aas*ompatileil w itli |Ng>g.______I 1 den, y of aald pet I‘too and the hearing there. »f, hy lows, vlr ' Tb* n-«tli bnlf id the aoul b see' qua. - Thd Vermont R«'publican coi»\en- from any |>er*fh * *nd rleacriptloii, g»linglnll inf»»r- Clinton Independent, a newapa)*er printed and tier Si*, urlkal Baig* f«-ur Wivl. la Mlcbigsn, tinn demand* that only “trleal” men w ill lie put on the *tand to revive Mr. euali* of the fwi,l this spring, and to u»atii»n of place, condition, Ac., tinaier j CAi»nv ircnlated In said eognty of Ctlnton for threraue. coatatuing ecvmt i fire and 4| Ian b# a< res of lai d lie put up for office. That party liaa a •Aai.oim OUR DOORS * .si v « we. k • prrviona to said day r f hearing et' rfd on* acre of land ft the north east corner uf Woir* memory, after which If l* Mr. tinisb it the Whole di«l ance hv the list which each w a- found. The time for Nurpliis, Vja».«MM» JOKL H . C It AN H< IN. I udgr of Probate. •aid ‘and. Aald aai* trill be made ruhbet to tb* f'lymer ’* intention to have him Indict ­ Ate rn.vhufa* tuied from the Iim* kiln dr1*d lumber A true rotifl 4M 3 p*> inert of tbe resaaaader uf Mid motlgagr iu-< very large aupply of fried men ju*t of December 1*77 the reception of article* al Philadelphia ed ’for perjtirr. Ortalnly, when the t II A til.kH KIPP. President, sod wa will wnrrwnl them In every resp«et yvl due 1Sted Aenl Mb. |f't. now. Baiicock wrouhl lie a goral name You wilt And it a great anting hy procutlng our >M«DM4Ti atlMIt It H'ale of Miehigan lightning *trike« so near “the old man ” The Wyandotte (w/er -ay*: “A l* litnlteal to A pi II K*th. -m prompt *<- .It i H S 111# K H. V Ire Prralden l . count g of Clinton,aa. At a •» uiuu of the UKDKOK D. ALLKN, Amp, - to mart with. ■* H W AlAkk price list iof ice yoo hay . I J II. Faoawa, AiCy He Assign e. — — ■ — a ashler Probate Court for the county of Cllatog, h«>>dea —when It carom* on hi* warmest laliorer iu thi* city who hud lie**n bile *ion will lie required. at the Probate •»t1»e. talks village of Pi Johns. I.aBoKixo men ahould remetniier that friend*, and even on bt* ow n brother all 111 !.K% H.% I I . In i-urauanvv, si for a long time got a few day- work iu Gaxaaal. Sahenck* wa« before the HI, B.4I.W* HII IX ' on Sstarday, the luth dav of March, la the >ear / by virlus of a decree uf the Ctrcatt Cout l U>r ltd r er t • r a : >n» IhousaoJeigh t hotnlred and seventy all fhelr wage* have been very greatly re­ the public Im Jnmified in lielievlng it Caant r K ire, Aivaa Cin* County uf Cunion, in Chancery, mada and the mill last week, and aroac anal went 1 ||oii«e Committee on Foreign Adair « Muir, Muh., Pel. |4ih. !•;«. Present .Joel ll. Craoson ,J adgeof Probate qnite po-i%ih)e that the |iendlng tmea- Jim IIi aa. Jaaiaa In the matter of the estate of J A COB UI I»KN- entered ua tbr t7lh day af February, in ‘be >rs duced l»v the financial difficultie* into Ka am It. Wti I ia ne tbwuaand atebt handled ate I seventy ID*, la « tigation* w 111 utthnatelv Inculpate even to work the first moruing without hi- rea-ently. lie e-timme- tliat hr loaf Ul It, dsesnse.1 Oa rending and filing the m tltloa. duly verified, of Htepben J. Wright, Ad certain mu therein pending, wbcretu 1‘leU A which the country ha* lieen plunged * u,* t hief Kxecnttve, hlmaelf. If It t>r.akfwt, I her* Mm iw.i . ■HmU.ftil i W0-0** "r ♦**• “"' u* '•*' Isreal < fstral Koutr. Vary is complainant, aad * uiun "I'aylor, and ... apei-nUUou. Ill* says thal hr thougfit ; lirreivedrp.*alta,huy sad »eli eichangr on all loiatslratoc of smI«1 eotate, pray log for rwasuna them* by the mUmanagement and fraud of does not, the world will purely cea-e to j la set forth that his ftnai ge««*wat may he etamia Burton A. Vary, ests-utor, and Harab A Vary, ' credit the a«*ertion that “a man i« to eat iu th*- hoiiae. ||e worked along -urwart waa excoodiiigly anxloii- thal potale, deal ia Hold. Hilvrt, Canada Money, «Nf and allow* d. and be be discharged from the egeeulrli, of tb. lost will and tMtsmant ot Wtills..- the Republican ndniinimrution. Vary, dceeosedjarv defemlanta* Notice la hereby ■ know n by the company he k<*ep*.** through the morning, went w itlioiit Id* he ahoulai have au a>p|M»rtuuity lo (irof- ' United Hdntee tt..«d#.Ae , Ac Meeeiye dep* sfta limit Western Railway farther core of said asuvle There upon it Is Ordered. INl Thursday, Cm (Itvh that 1 Kb bard llaylis, one of tbe Or. ui( lathe OF € ’ V N A I ) V . Court Con.mtasW.aer* ot the County uf ©lint- n Cuxurkamma N hi hand from tliie Utli, a hum i.\ iua : urn biji an oamk , din nor, and struggled bravely am until I ll In the hualneaa, anal hit -tatameni |ilh day «f April, 1-7*. al • o cl**ckla the form.* a and of aald Court, will sell al public *u< non ut 4 ..Vlm-k It, th. .ft.rno.rn "•»» Um m».....r 1.. si,1.1. tl.. PIWI.V4.IH 1HIIVV lest a UK 1 hr assigned h.r tk« hearing of aald petition, a ol I Mat rict. wa* called to preside over the in both lioit*eP. &• to provoke, hy t , prop4»«itioJi w a* made to him to iu«e»t iknl t he heira at Isw of *aul dc-cased, an.1 all othvg rendu* t > tb* higfirat bidder, nt the s-al Iron' Sarinns Departioenl 4TtUftT I»AILY, for,bridge. Buf door of the Court Mouse, in the village of Hi llouee In committee of the Whole on the taunts and jeer*, the member* who forced to give it up. lie got -mue i«p- eiloll|th ,iU| him on hi* guard. fnW, Ktatea Government, raprclally those and show eauae, if any there N, why l he prayer of ninth Any- wf April* ear thunannA ment to an able and a'flicient member. the work he hail done. Of con no- he the Aral day a of J ane and Ifecemher, oa ail aunte AllWMftr litpreaa 14A a tn. (HaDdaga eight haairrJ and •rte«iy*«it , who served fit the Soutimru army. Into lDeludedl, from 1* hh of Third street, arriving al tkepaUttoamrahogld not be granted And It la Far could lia\e ot»tain«*«l relief front the COMMERCIAL. that Ordered, that notice be given to tkeperaons the hour uf one o'clock In tbe afternoon of lhai Mr. Iniraud, l>y Id* manly, mraight- ungiiartlaM utterance*. In the senate, ondepualt <*ne inonlh previous to them- dale*, tke t* «i ape nolo r. Bridge | ti p. m . New York 7 mi a m. •aid da\ , all tbat Mere of land, com men. mg tort \ Ij interested ta mId estate, of Ibe pendegry of Mid their target, for * time, ha« bea*n IKrector of the Poor, but lie w ax too iimi as In the Hsilngs HanAa of tbs Caatevg Bk #~ Pullman Pain, e t ar» lhi< ugh lo New V^rk on* and tbrvr-ftfiba rot* north Of tbe suuib real forw ard eourae in Congress, is taking ST. JOHNS MARKET. on this train. petition and the bearing thereof, by raasitig a I Governor Gordon, of Georgia, than Htnlea aad till* • j.y of thisorderto be puUahed in the Clinto# oomer of the north east quatter of gedlon m v*t.- a high piMUtion ami making a tine proud to a«k for it. And *till (lie run- Prirga for FaraarrD'PradarlD. IU) I » press IW, m fo. t Third atree! trm, tn towuabip seven aortb ef rang* tw* wevt, ! w horn a more courteou- gentleman In h sil I *.at r W I • In i hi. . a I; H.ibfC BO daily Hondsya sgeepted) - %i a. m foot Me ul. ! * ndeprndent. a o« ws paper printed and cireulated in Michigan, and running t hence west meaty n«< record. fin at uni organ* dri> el ami drh el about M spied ugat •irawt, arriving at Hasp- ns*-,.. Bridge T.^a, New ( »• «*"«*»»y »f (‘llnlon, for threw successive deliate «loea not occupy a neat In the tia^desiring lo proeare go«ts are draWe«| to eom muni cate Maalfala* I k press ll 30 »m. f at of , JOKL II C K \ rtrtOJf, Jadgeof Prolate A ,>j., j 447 Jw place ef beamnlng. contatning on# nnd »-oe bait 1 ally know n, laid down hi* ariu* with when men are starving to death! what Mr**«ai|»«r ta...... n e «* with ua. Third atreet daily . Humta) s »icepied I Igm* n.*on * •cr* a of land, more or Irau iNslrdSt .lubna Mu It to tiave Ini 11 more rotten than hitherto foot fteuab street. Has a'.ha* bed Pullman a l>i»W Ian *, at \p|Mitnattox, and haa never vi ­ lying twadillr! linden ihi *iiiii|*I i«*n ia i uTrir/p*r imika...... I m l aa Hslloaruwa If rafts <>a all places la Kngisad ylttiH til OHIUH, Hta* of Michigan, Iran. March Mb, HfT#. K la 11A h l> bA T Ll H tng Koom Can fhxu Iir’roit to Roflalo. Buns via County of Clinton, aa Al a *smIvr of the Cirrmt Court toommo nr. . supposed. The Secretary of War rea- oiatetlolated Li* parole.|iaroie. And yet, Mort hi Franco and tfermsa>. and transact a tfenera what ail* the country.” Mackwk**i po laa iu* ’!!!...! tw •*« Air 1.1 ne through Ht. Thomas and over I (items IPiobate Court for :ke t «,unty of C tl nt on , hol«tea I5£?V rl.Himon.U a Fletcher,S»J'* l«»r Compl't omniend* a criminal «uif again-t llul- and hi* brother radical* have |hurled * _ __ Clu»ar»*td j.rr liu 1 V W • ** Hsnfct .g Hustoesa Itl iiimmI Hrl-lge. amtlRf at Muftai*, at V p n* at the Piobate t tffii's, in Ike Village of Ht Johns, luck f«*r ewheailewent, which i- the their envenomed abaft* at him rrpa-at- CoiaparDa ...... Ml g M* ^r * 1 •rh‘ “t.Aprrv* d **ji m f«vi t ihird“M l• „M Tkaravlay, tke 0d dsy ol Mirh, in the year >KI»M%II liMIII M. Slat -M . Till: UNfilXD IIIAIHTIM. THE Cldaraargal...... I* ^ It , •* rM* jHwod ay a *-a< rt>x*>4). • B p. w food Brush , wM t hnn«a'>d eight hagdrt-4 sod m» eatyr six. county of Clinton, as At n aeeelun wf il». ii*. • ... e______»i__ 1 i i*dlv, hoping to provoka* 1dm into an TIIBAir O A, A AAI c I ^2™L'^rr1* * * l i*tp**Hsa^ Hfl4|r 4A0 a. m J Pysoegt, J*. I'raUlr1 t uurt lor the county ef Clinton, bold, n eaiainiVT LartoWferb* ...... at ib<- I'rutalc In the village of Hi. Jehu*. 1 7 align and unguardeal repiv. “I he raillVMT. pfraaad !...«•...... Iua <0 * la C■UffiMfcrf * , BFI ■■■*•'• - tfiig taala uim (n>un OMilurniTlir uiif MCaaiMUt»ir r*i*if afto Swsaawhrixunuaii li I auditor ha* idil. r two -ink-, M the wltt| Dm The investigation* thl Hot “pull out” Orraaad «fcteaa-*a *V through lo K.-Chester and II .rucMaville. t ll»dfu«, l»*trsa*->* On rvadlng an.) ftitng tl*r |>e- «o Tn»el»y, the 21th day of March, in tbe year Trains arrive al Ikrirali fr* ,n ’**" llUou, dnli lurlrtol, •( li*w|* C, Admin one thoumnd eight ban.lrwd and aermty els 1 briatian *tate«iuau anal -uiaHer. f *et». I'iatt aty lea the aenioi Senator from 111- ' 1 »r»**«-dtart*)•!**•! Ik Crromt, Jam! It. i'ranauu, Jndge of Pmtmi* plea-autly for the \ew 1 urlt 7 *«m. kggt per dor K m# * aa a. «.,*N a . «.,ie p rn., a ka |» m, 1 istrai.** <»t Mid r-aiair, prayliqt f«»r iraa«>oa (krrsln O. «>. Howard, that he h.val belter fork diana, rea-ently calleal Gordon “a living 1hrau|k Tlrkrlt to all po.uta Nut »■> art furth that k.a fianl *r< uunt may U uiunibud In Ibe matter uf tbe ratale of DAY ID , _ _.. .___ . mutiiimeiit of the imignanimltv of flie In fact, that journal it rather al*r kovlu aod *|M|ufe( Cot arrousio—fs sod aihisrd. IfOl'O I1TA Ll Nli, •(*- .-need On rsading nud a - • fore a «mt i* c**?n 1 ., , _____ .. ^ 7. lions «r< RfrJ kv Uiqrarh by lyiililiij lo Tliurru|M>R It is llidord. Tt*at Tursday tbr .Ath iling the y^titlwn, duly venHrd nf Henry M THOWlA HNim.l f. •tay of Aprtt, 1*7*. at V «Vt««k in ibe forrnooti N I’errli*. odmlnlatroloi f esl.l eotate, praying, tor Agsnt HAM K K , HI J..k*.s aoliRud Pm tbs bearing <»( mu ! petition, and that reasuit* tl.riein set forth, that bis Anal grrewtil j. id . itivriN, Ibr heirs at ton of as*«l deceased, and ail uthrr mat be I'uainrl and atb.Wod . Wualrffl PasuofM As* t t (inuuh* Intrreeted In mM relate, are required to «t»er*a|.W* it I# urdered. That Friday, lb* sparer at » *raa*«m ut aai.I t'oHrt, tbrn l<» U bold- Mill .toy wf April, ISIS, at nine o’clock to the b-re KTItl HT X I rt* at Ibr Lrohaie arfBre, ia tbr Vlllagr nf Ht. noon, be assigned fur t tae bearing of aald pet iAW.n , • ad that tb* belie al law of said deceased, and sii *sa.«wg«w HMV4 , - | . a a , IZlINper T* • . g a a a • a a 1) lohna nfid abow ranee, If any tbrrr br, objr tbr li Ki­ lt | prayer of tbr petitioner •l>*.uld not br (nulled • tb*i p.-rson* int*rested In anide*1*te,arereqalrrd nnrr*« am*triu L**l. Thf (iro rvla Sciia - i "'K ‘,,r w lowest | ^fr b| to appear at a acaaton of aaldconrt, tbenfo b M liat I* to !h * llama* w itli the outca«t i t llortiia’Al^P^!! Ii>*l l»eeii rfiilieil of the «!!«*- I'sit# ...... | A nd it is further alrdet*d. Tbat not*.-# I** airrn to t».r wav wise enough «** treat Mortal* IMG* the |»r*«a* mtrrroted In Mid ratal#, of the pen- buldenat *bs Frubaie utter, la tbe village -»f Hi B.atia'oa k it tlir* query rainttl liy tlrtrc* i! (fllit* a- it ileserve«| to k treate«l—with Ifrai-^ftil sjr-teui of jobbery in pwt- ...... L atilfurtkvr autirs. train* Mill tears Saint * a.»i i be heart na I hereof, hy Johns, nod sHow eauae, If another* tw, why tb* -* eueinu a ruay of thia order to ho poMUhed in tbr p raver of tbe petitioner ahould not he granted five Bell ’a testimony lieforc tl»«* IliYf*- ili^liiriiMl *nena*C. traaler-hiii*. J. F.. Barrow, formerly Twralpspor bg.,’.. J d L aa as tvirr : And it ta Fwrtner Ordered. That notice he given sutler at Fort I'nlon, New Mexit o, it w’ainatspst t*a ...... IOIINN, 001X0 WKrtT - t'lloturt lu-Arpen d a »*ewapa|>er printed and tigatiiiK committee. Gen. IlsUan k Ial itox. a. a . wii.lid , Tfarough Frsigbt at J am a. ai : nr. nlnted in mi t Ovsuh of t'ltnt«>ri, f.*r threraue to the persons Inter eeled In said estate, aft be p.-n mil exactly the kim! of a imm w h.M' Wusd.ltioJAiRffcuu ysiu««d Mitsd al »o<*. a. to. f..r taraa.l Kapt.I* only. I . *-•»!»e wreka, i.rta Drtte to Mid day u4 brorlfip. dency of said petition, and tfie bearing thereof aecuaed ami the area hat ion I* «tt Uaineil t,f Ken York, w lio intraalua eil the coni- Ws bates npleufflU MW MtAMsi, •ItiKI. it I'RANiMiIl, Jodga •EFrobntr. byeaaaing n ropy of thisorderto he published In testimony i-arrlev with it any iutrin«ii -Vgtragei ba ...... ao4 a rr •<•• propound to attond fonorals rti b*t in Night kvproM. «ub ilrrgiti 4 Wa u* for • A true .-opy. y theCUnlwa Independent, a newspaper prtufrd hy rira iiiuntantial evialeuce uml the jiar- |iro»i»i)*e linancial tilil which ha* at- weight, lint it I* too liri'iimatautlal *• No. I pop ka iNfilUfrnrutHiair) Wr koop a rood a«s>M tiraod Kap*«la and Wmn l Barra. and circulated In said county of Clinton,fail three ■ratal Mail at 1 > p n. fur firaa«i Ilaara. gaccesalve week* prey tons lo aald day of bnarlha list Imlonsatsnt of dl«rM ...... ro.or.l *D*«.«W m>, I- <•»- and too well fortified hy referem^** t«» { “ * ** Nt Johs* and rt«fiM* Kiprr*a, 1" «a< d o. lHUMITi: 1DM IDA.Id . Htaleof Ml. b»«*n> JOKL H CRANHON, .Indgrof Pn.hat* ; uf tlie must euereetk* ami effia-ient aa tua) mm•puiitli-ui r, to be judg« d Rend}-Nude C'd A r* on Iiani I. UUlMi KANT— l i’uuitty of Chntua. *s At a mmmmUn. of Ibe •trial! Tricon. It'ruUatr Court l»r ibe Count i «.f Clinton, bobtm|?A true copy ) ______Bgts liver, ut l»si »i»f em|ik»yetl Bell to rifle |Mpp|tw*r-of the IIomm *. Fen menaiic- solely <»«i the |ienumal cliaraa ter of the , euiipst m*i Ht JoAas aod Itagiasw ki|irrM a. mi. Mail l.tMat p at. for lirtruit. at‘be rrohnle t Ufim, In tb* vltlsge of Ht Joba*. liyer'd oINat* of the ilnruinentary evi- ceeal, alurinx their lirM term in <’on- v \l*Hai.l'TMfi.-TM Ca.pnrtnersbln bet* witueva. K M) if |*artiAlly true, it • Floarj»sr bhl.... All calls p mm pi 11 allrndrtl is M itrd at XNt p.ui.for Ovoaao. . > the Xbtb day <>f M ar* b. I a tb* \ SST J lehr* etieaiag under the uom * nnd inn uf tlence In Im- uveal at the St. Ixmi* uia). P»*. *»i attaining ao iirauninent a imsi- gaN- far to de, »M Ihe imprevshm that ; ellliep dux asr ntibi. >a& >i«hl K vpros* at U.'Ju a- ta for lltimil with .me ibmMnd *a«tit bandmt «ud arrent jr an K.pp A Fowler is hereby dieeolvoJ by mulosl tlrepma ear attaehsj. l*r*aent, Jo-I If t'ransoa, Jodeeol Fruhat*. eoooeni Alt ansrttlwd sreotmte will be artlled by I• hi*it Ii * hutt . one. .anti i the. ilat***tn, o ..I.-*..,.*aTiarire tioii. aau Mr., . Willis_ has._ Malreatlr achlev-, the President liA* perutilleal Ij—r liol Wktarlla* yurbbl In tb# matter of tb* ent a*e of llngh Aberneabj, m. •**!. N hatever inav 1»e the final action Thnaib Kmatit t*aaa m. either poitaer, and all haring unsettled sec unis very reputable faiuil) relation* to air Bio*Nrik^u*i Nf,s* ...... ST. JOHNS I Uosmto On rrsdiag and III lag the petition, da with tn* ahov# Arm are requested to nettle It* train** the former private we ret ary of U|mll hi* Mil, whhh la tihe of the moat DAY KXPRKvS J j iy TettH*d. of l.idia A Dast*. pray Ing for r*»a.-u* hi* k «hm I uam«‘ iu the mire, amt ha«; F* 1*" ...... 1! id ta 7 sam> by payment or note Hwmedintoly the pre-iilent nhirlihl* a.*|uittnl in iuiportant liefore 1 oiiKrewa, there ran •lull* so with au amount of km»w Irdge, « Hk.wildei. J|^^Tkc.»aht tickets lo all points k**t and tbera-ln set fonn tbat abe may be appointed ad- Ht Johns. March I4U*. |IN a u Itv •olnlatrafHi of Mid *a*nt*. CHARLKH RIFF taiurt ll* w hicli -haatlld long ) IlrNd B*-rf ...... um cm ll Tb*t enpoa It la Ordered , Tbat Monday, th* 17tb CUaKI.RH FUWLhK ago have a*Mil|R'ileal him lo dl-i anl (trr1 huff FaWmWWWB Hon J !• Krfrssaiurnta at l»str*..l. tlr.^a aod o,.nd •lay of April. |* fn'elor* la ‘be forenoon, he ...... hts.1. hi. tegararcxiii srx^i aaaigned forth* bean ne of aald peUiion.and that them. Freaiaieut Grant ha* sufla-real a ay aaa nikilWifir i ei Marsn. aad apuo CompAny ’D Farr> Slutwur md loriHIAl.KhRIP XaTITE. Ihr leu man. now iie i* ao low In the :fompronil««uu the mime/ question, bv Riser, (.'ouforlable botrl abate hp.1 lbs b*tn nt ton of said J**~ eaa.-I. aod all other / uod. .signed Lave tb.s day harmed a Cupar u., d .".« CANADA SUUTncRN at (.rand Haven. peroona lalertsled la enld eetate, are requited to Carrablp uisler tbe name and firm of C. Kipp h Co depfha of ili*Krai*e. But it it a fact, both partle*, a* Mr. Willla expect*, It tion* «>f he l»r<4l*er anal hn*lh# ra-in- | t'aaarrBsaa ItiMnil, with (treat West- appear at a -ronton «*f Mid Contt, th*a lo b* huld- for tbv Ml* of Itocdware, iron, Nana, Htrr U!aa> en al Ibe t'robat* Oli-r, In tb* Yillag* of Ht not to lie evaaleal, that Itl* ca*e ahotila) will confer an liouorable fame upon IU law . but if we can aci*e|»t the genuine-, NAII.weW LIHFH. *td and Oraad Trunk ,)Uilna> • for ail pwint* Agrl. nftaral 1 mpU-wirnta,Wagons, Flows, Threat author. kaet and Mirb t'eairal and Mirh,H..athrra H*r Jobss, and abunr cans*. If any Ibrre ba.sby tb* log Maebtnrs aad everything nurtn.ntng to tbe lie made a precealeut for «ub«equent iifiw of a letter read hy Barrow , lie ai- j - —— Faseetnreta for (iris* Wreturn Kailear, i n pray sr of tb* prttoner abuiild oot Ua granted A nd trade ; »bi, ManaUctarvr* ut Tin. Copper and the (%Hnpnnr ’a Fervv rtlsunr at II. A ii K. K. ll Is farther ilrdarnl, That aoiu-e b* alreu to tbs **h*rt Iron Ware, al tbe old t'aod. cornet CHM-m me# of the kind, though we earnestly ”m*V #rAU. Afi TN t LX A V K* FsIX.” pet eons Inter eeled In Mid relate, <•! the pendency army,,omr|i hi** TJ'hriKher-in-law‘/‘J /T “ '"Vi!,/* tirother-in- V'* - TN Only• Aaurloanf*ns**A* BonU thrott^h il-irk It / .Wa»d llWl.M. Rodd.Np Mi. Avenue and Wnlker at rust, Ht Johns, Micbig* - there will never be another. The telegraph will liare informed Canada. H n.CALLAWAl* of Mid petition . and tbe I.Mrtnf tl.rrrof by caas- Having Increased AacilUiua, we propose to be in t Hi Ol law to get an ap|tnintment for the Osasml Napsriai'ndsnt. inf a *ep>' «»f Ibis order to be published la tbe the market with a fnU and nnaplatr Mark ol ou of the Imlictiaeut, ami arreal, of t’linlo* (nde|H>n.l*.»t, a nctsepoper printed and Babcock has. It la true, been kicked !. H. ^Seuator 8. B. ('omvrr, of Florl- purpose of making money by improp­ Short and Quick Line to the D A M Utrs |87* everything in o. - I. k - I . JOKL H hup* by clou* attention to hn*tw*M to merit a will need a*areful dfling.and inayamly •-ootmuaiM'. of tbe same nod »o tboM that poy letter w Iticb be liad no bualneag to med ­ ThU I* truly a hard rear for Republi­ Niagara Falln. «A true *epy.) can office holder*. Npenoer l« expect­ be good till tha other tide ia heart!. There Will be a Iryslar t oarUae of ft Johns pmmpUy or pay sab. w* only ask you to mil nnd dle w ith, and aofar at public acorn ami Aa it stand*. It will leave a very dUa- Commnnd*ry No. B4, R T., oltbeir Aarlam, on se« ua before purr ba stag ing a <-out of whitewash, ami he will VO O A A It MM, MO Ll kf KM. tbe followmp dates >MOMAT>. 4* M 1*1. M Ht ate of MteblgAn Ht, Johns. March 14#h. Il't deprivation of an important position ia reeable impre**Ion on ail w ho have C’oaatyof Ctlnton, m. At a senates of tb# probably get It, aa much of the most aim it%r. MTKKL MAII.M ruday . Nor 1*. !•;• Friday , Jan »*:« 1 CM A HI KM KIFF, ctmeerned be ha* been pretty mverely Celd to the l*el|ef that the President ol ia | c., • m as ta Frubate Court for th* county of ('Baton, bolden COOLEY R BALL. Important evidence against him ha* .« m j|# •« •* Feb atlbe I'rubntstlAee, in tbs rlHage of Ht. Johns, CHAKI KM FOW1.RR punished. At a civilian we moan, but been excluded by the < ommittee. He the United State* was, at least, free iMrwi rnnnrrtMM** sad# at PCTAetT *nd LOTT A WISE, irOtrnor nr k ©. on fia'aiday, tbe 1st day of April, tn tbe year will commence to offer evidence for from the charge of deliberately con ­ TeLKOe wiab all Its* I way Lins* Run ibr K a KM MON H. IU *rd*r . onet b loaoiad lit hundred and eerenty-M* / HtXXiaiiatlRBr N«TMT. hi* statu* In the army remain* yet to bo niving at petty jobbery.” W#ol sd 4 at BnClolo and Aaiaentisn Ir IN alloy bnsarly n«»«yir.l by tl. M«l Art Preaeat .Joel H t’raneon , Judge of Prnbnl * ' ‘b* undersigned, baaing Wen ape -te*ed by the defence to-day. Whatever may be Bridge with las \ ««rk Csntml sod LW IUII am prrpamd In fnroiab »a «bnt< ndka, In the matter of tbe Rutste of IIKNRY I ibe Judge of Probate of Chntua musty , V.«hlfR*. determined. Our reg*lent recall the the report of the ( ommittee. the peo­ entra HI. JehB* ihapifr, Na. IS, K. A. H. UlHHaiNra, d ereaard Oa rending and •ling Ibe Commie*toner*, to rrtalvr, egamlne and nd)aA ail fact that a military court of inquiry ple are not to be dear I veal. Two other NKhftcaa Tltul Mailuiri, Tba l’*M» ant Of lbs Canada Huaib pe*MItton, duly t ended, of Mary K Uibbona, piny claim* and demand# against Jean Radeonur de *m te nnaory Munlry There mill be a r*aw!ar UaRTurallaa uf Pt Johns lug»fthat t an in*tr*n>*r • 'fated Vebaaatry 17th. lata. ♦n»ed, noiw-o is hereby given t bat we w iirm**t Ita* been con reived at (%k*|{D coinci ­ radical .Senator* are understood to be Dr. If. B. Baker, of !.an«ing. I* tlu* Chapter, No. AA. M. A M , on lb* l»lk>alRy date* « •nay be pro rad and admt'ted to probate a* the last at the atca of A Hlout, Ken . In th* vtlinreof H‘ on "the ragged edge/* awaitingtliaclo- oiif and tesukia. at of #a»d 4e*eased • filial, lie 7 IK Aa i nf April- dent! v with thedvil eourt at St. Iahi Ii, writer uf au article in the /l*r*M of Ear t'aataaatal Bscsrdss loins Toeaday, Feb. e. |*7A, Tuesday, Ana. 1. It.* *urea of fraud* In which they are Im­ •• M*r. 7, •* “ •• », *• Thereupon It Is Ordered. That Monday . t b# llH. and on Wednesday .the nd day of Aug oa« and that the former adjournment to H+aliA, In which a very intema ting an ­ Apr A. •• •• **rpi f* •• let day of May . 1*7*. at • m lock la ihe fore l*'t, at • nV to. k A . M , on each of mtd day * f«>. plicated. Political graves are being Tb* Canada RvulNau n pofivsbiroly aiiaaiad noon he aaatgoed for th* bearing ->f mI4 petPlon, I be parpoee of rwrtevtng and eWamIMng rtntma al yal* I* made from the statistics uf the so as tn bo a Ms tn atar a bryur list nf s»mm tu and •• May t, •• •• t»rl Al, •• await the reanlt of the latter. This dug for a large number of gentlemen •* *••*»•* •* Nov. 28, •• •ad that the b*tr* at law and legatee* of aald ■gal net east dec earned And Ml months Ron th. devalh rate of Michigan. InlHhMltwaa artroa frosa t boa any of tut b th * r John# Lodge. No loA, F A A M . on the Mine this order to be piiMtohed In the ClinWn fade DSkirting between Asher TenehwnK LgtMRKBonn, IIrat a fair pretext for avoiding farther they Imply on amount of human *«f- (ay Anise pendent, a newspaper printed and r!restated in and ('bsrleelTchngdn,e| Bl.Johns, ander ihr Thi Inxocsmt Ikw, a Fable .—A Monday . January W.l*7* Monday, July 1,1*7* firm gf A Tmekast A (V was dta aafrwd an tb* fering and an amount of Iona, or pre­ J^T. JOIINH Repairui aid Horse sHein •aid 'oauty of CHatou, for throe sneesewre weeks investigation • Blit now that he ha* Pi has ary 7, - “U. pm I'm* to Mid day of hearing tatkdar •»( frhrnarv. M7*. by mntnni eanmen* Shepherd once Indicted hi* dog for vention of Inna . nf monei which I- Mamb •, “ Aeg », •• J<»KL H CKANHaiR AU debts uwing to the Mid pUftaer«kin nr* lo be uuated hia funner sea-rotary In nateti*!- rwrit*4 by A. Tswehent nnd ('kne ff.Thnptn conspiring with a pack of vile ear* that werthy of serious conahlerallon hy the In a manner Ibat Mill enssm antisfaetlnn. •* April A, •• M l»*t. f, •' < A true ropy y .1 edge #f Frohat* Ft* hie diagraae. he ha* no excoao for de ­ NtAte.” If the death rare he#I been the •• May *. •• * %>, - and all demands on th# Ip nee tu had worried hi* aheep, w hereupon /*♦ ‘FOUNDRY ♦* Jane i, " •• Roy f7, •• IDA K MAN'S HA IK — R ottce tab#** by given bn paid hy thew. lay. Gen. Grant «honld agaemble the um In 10TO that It waa In I MB. the AMO - I>er tb, •• J| ‘Ae* hy virtue and la pnvewnwee uf itcenaw faithful animal thu* ad*lri*eaed him;—* ( I.T7BAI !' military tribunal at once to Inquire Aentlt* w«»nbl have n tint be real 1.1.4WB. Rr tDabea nr raa W M and authority granted tn me on the Tth day nf * Mr, though, appearance* may he ImPal of 11,!*!, as returned. 1W Acrlcultural Works. D.r W ll klt.ltee y. Feh ’rt. tVTd, by Joel It Cm a non. Jndge #♦ PmUn whether Babcock ba* not committed Art Ihelr *ierh of Cli'lintan annuly. Mnbtgnn, in sHI real a*aa»a 4 ita-r AMTKfi.WnitlP The nmlersigna t qr*H»«t me. ret I am armed ao atretig taring ef human live* waa tha* I.S17 la Wiiuaa Hviiy md Mita Iwiif- V did. ua the-lot# ef this n«4»cs enter inb> acta unworthy a gentlemen and an of- witl *ei| *t puhfte anefton tn th* highest partD*r*bip fsg tbs prrpuM es, naming, Ions of tlmo. MU2TASL1 raUST C0KPA2T7 •»•!«n *hi «>» mag* two himh . «r tmmwk wsy/fwji, todl«lodge him thence, hut vainly, and etc., ln each cose of alckaom and of $90 ft. Jubna, A asset IStb. 1174 Adi eanwty M - »-,•••- l»aied Marvh fid. 1*7* Mm f There I* hut one an*wer. The MARY FmWKRT OF RBW 1/tfDOH •cope of the Inquiry would Include a at last, In despair, desisted am) brought fbr funeral expense* lo each cam of iloardlan of Mid Winers In a rerdlad of acquittal. The Innocent dooth. the saving In money amotiatod ITkMt A Nlfltl X . question aa to the right of detailing 4. BdintAWB, FraFr. W Are prepared tn make loans mm Unproved Farm Babcock an army nffiaer , to a civil no*t brute thereupon emerged, and «uch of to ft1.M.V3,000 fbr expenses In aickne** Pro perty.In thta and ndkaintng rwnnttes. lot terms i #100,000-* 77 l.,,, rr joNNM. m 11 h F. Saundera A Co. at the white House and allowing him hit former companion* a* had race pad and 4*,04f> for funeral expenses, mak­ •»f 4’ »)'«>. *• redured ial. . . *( ,- Wears prepared to fnmleb money eo ■•Hern ing a total of $1 (JMJ*,h40 saved In one roomanl at*' targe onpptv* other Raotem 1 MHHk he red Imprwv ed farm aeeneHrtn sum# wf tee boa lo still rototn hi* military standing. — hanging tendered him a aerenade, is senArnWat rally loeoleo is OINTtSVS. teed 4eHnrsand upwards en lee ywnrw time Fra lit In waa a gross piece of tllegglltyand whereat mutton-broth bowed like year bees nee of a death rale reduced •f th* rtlbfs,lHugo, and huebam tn runner •uptr Intend* nts • salt and hr time ne f aad red party meet he ewtb thews ttme* the amewat nf Grant la afraid to have H looked Into wafer. from 1.14 to .N per cent. Them Ag­ RpAelU■out M the am* of trrr B*s m a I pten ‘4 atwve* the lens reqatrsd> ___ _ i,« free On* wht*h snrrtes Babcock ta the mllMtone about Grant ’s Morel—Let !fo Guilty Pup Kacape.— ere* shew the hmiiu pecuniary t and X Mel van gulMtng. ( enter Ht turner .ami r a co., NAY CITY. Mtm» ruling a aparWRy 14VH rr. jorwa. 4t9l? L«na1»f .1lt«b*fnn neck. If. r. World. ealee of public health. •« Job**, Jane Mb. IfTl. at TEAS from first hands just received, and selling low, at GRISWOLD’S.

WVILLC. > WBBTBfl MILBV. . —The Rapid* U li<>« MHWK. Hr»»n Pranirn* Tlie «A»m«i,»Uee upon N otice .—The memhvs of Rescue MEW ADTEftTlICMEMTI drawn hr four lt(*rtni. .fwed premiums, agptinMd by the Board of | ||<<>k |^M,.r ...... v arc reip.esl- ike —Hi** !(•**. Mr. Neaalou* Ii4» purr ha* A Mill, .hi.—Mr. I*. K. Freeman and D. P. W ilcox, of this place, Intends Ibrvctors of the Agricultural No. iely L| to meet at Firemens ’ ||gll, on Sat- r«kll»k«4 M*r| Tkn»«4»» j llti* rlcVflainl property (HI Wight Two Attempt* and the Laet wife celebrated llielr cotton wedding visiting th# Oiitenulal Kxhibitlon du ­ —1r< >— repori a iia of speed pretoiunis to be urday evening, April lhtli# *f 71* * OOUBIT * KMTKM • 1 street. tuooaaaful. March J2d. We have not lewiued the ring the Niuiiturr. .'.anpeted Cor at our neit county fair, met *( o'clock. I .el t here tie a full att.Uidaiuw • ••••it ______J4W i. »»t»» — The Neff liDtWnof Muir have number o# guest* lnvite*l, or prearuta A Mr. I*help* of l.enawee county, the Court Huu*« ou Saturday last aud adop- as Hie re will be iui|iort ant faisli WM to 4 MIMNtft AN* TM»: Ml il.iT received, but have under*t«»od that it Mich., has l>een engaged by the -stock­ e*i lb« foliowiug preuiiuui list and pr»> 1 ERM8.I1 .W A TEAR III ADVAEBB.|?K,ff‘ h +" '•‘"'"I lewBiNKe. transact. Hv Omau or Fomem AX. w as a very pleasant gathering. When holders to o|n*rate Forest llill cheese grsiunie for mating, vis; — Htrl|rt*«l iiiMliiiK* have* ju-i made ; the aunouiiccinent of war, civil war, factory during the coining season. < iTtXEr.s* n asc- |'a», •• oil v r il»r M Alt HIKD. HOME MATTERS their a|)|M*arau«'tr flic of * ■t»*|*rria4 € marts luirat like a volcano upon thla pro»|>er- On Monday evening, 3d Inst., Mr*. 1, Heel two in threw Fur 3-years old ... . L V % ic 11 M* • cults owned in the county. KNIIUM n:lNK U^ TeaMeaeu of1 w e*t|dialla. ou» nation, Mr. Freeman * aa one of John P:irk», of Olive, delivered* high­ Niaur M. Krtbk, la Hun^i, ua *«*. t% ClMlBf •« Nall*. 1st Money ...... I 'iu » •—-Mr. B. M. Slie|»ard, off Hl»e|»artl*- N **•*•! lUv.J a llsnler. Mr. II B KaeeUi.U. an* Mir* Matte l—*»»* *K Jafcaa, ***' and W#s«, Ill tlie tlrsi men eager to enroll Ida name ly interesting lecture before a large . IS US Amelia Prink, both of Brrbga! ville, la no* shipping ro»* t*i tin* Mr. Alva I*, I'row uer, a * ell-to-do N amay...... iu m IlMMttlollOM _ M .. . u. . . __ aa the defender of Ida country. lie aiid!em*e at Forest llill Hall. The lec­ 4i* (sor .),...... » wu liUYKK~CATTEKMOi.Jt.-Iu at Juhna. AurU UaiM tUM 11 M »a4 Ml f M-i 1 » ami imudi respected cltlam of Olive lu«h, 1ST*, at Ik# reslduaee of the UlAe'e father. and - m P M Simla of Nam York. wa* taken prisoner ami for nine ture comprehended a variety of topic* ( Iti/kms rnut-fMi office aoew-iiiA a »«M»r a. Towti*hlp, in tlii* county, through Ueary Oattarmole, E* s . by ihe Mev. 'I II — A petition lima Item present ad to mouths endured all of the horrors of a interesting to Granger* In general. 2. ileal two iu threw—For h ibal Carv. Mr Juba K Ouyer.of Ruflalo, N Y .aal late ill health and religions eVcHement have never trotted for money. Mtea Charlotte V. Catlrrmala. tormrrl) of Wll- 1 Vi,i* ,i‘SVoti bare CASH to pay for WliU. »• M the Village Bomrtl unking for mu order •amthern prison, and, like hundreds of The latest new thing under the *iin lUrusetlle, NY. lirrame partially deranged ami tired 1st asaae y ...... 4'A# uo A UgM and Hear y, Nng.# 01 Double iaiffTiaa. to litvr F.ari Walker street graded and others, acceded * itli resignation any In tld* section, I* a promising little 81 ■••<...... IS uu (rtvrkwl. of the |M*rplrxiug things of till* life; ...... la uu —Y«m can t»NJT 5 I ha of 11 1**» *• fate which tlieir cruelty suggested. 5-pound ‘'limit of the law"—a centen ­ ...... 6 uu CAHO OP' TIIAMiH. — Mr. H. B. Kiiimon*, m jeweler In aud having lie art I uf the easy and suc­ lirhivld's f«*r fff.BB. Oh! how brave these men were. nial gift to K. H.iylK Raq., of this ■TALUOM ri'ttl -Fd). Ms. the und*r»i«n« day, (Saturday), took It Into Ida -toui- in which they had nobly fmigltt and 4th nwf) ...... s uo a cwatmaaace «.f tba *ame. Our storks shall WHIPS, atill celling groceries at hi* prlif*. der good satisfaction, a* we have heard consist of tba beat and must desirable goods in UktVB SluHE*. —Read the following acli, which caused voiiiitlug and severe bled, could reconcile them to such suf­ rawc to su.-ITo. lorn prlcaa no* offered by Mr. I.. M. and may lie found, until lib new build ­ fering and humiliation. But lie wa* none of our convalescent young friend* 4. Best three iu five —F*»r Imne* oauwl tbe market, and through oar long aiperianee. «e sickness, but from wldcli effectshe vM in the county. areeoaftdeat that we eaa make It pleaaaut and Sherman, of the old and reliable mar­ ing la completed, in the Hank Block. |M»«*r**ed of an indomitable ami |»et-ii- grumble about being '‘sold." ble work*: Slone* 3»* feel high, f«»r likely to recover. 4 >•• Wednesday in ...... |w uu profitable for tboae who will favor vs with their TRUNKS, — The Ne* t burch S«H*iety * III hold Mr. Andrew Horne*, of this plate, M ...... jo on patronage. Butter aad Kggs n •penalty. grown people, lettered and net in l>A*e, inorniug. 5tli Inst., while three j»er*«>n* liar courage aud daring, wldcli served SSawaev, ...... is uu tlieir next regular meeting at the resi­ I(e# peel fully. ♦ la. Stone* 2 feel high, for children, Itiiia well In time of danger, and lie re­ whose life was de«|kalred of a week or Ok aos»jf,...... 10 ow were w Etching over Idui he, unnoticed TKACHOCT a CHAPIN. lettered and «el in na<*e, dence of Mr. II. II. Harris, on Sunday turned to ns broken In health hut not two since, Is, we are happy to say, Fairies ten |«r cent, of premium* <*» mile by llniu, gained possession of a Raided heats. Nt Johns, Keb. 1 *. 1*74. Traveling Bags, price* are less than * hat the rougli next , commencing at 5 o'clock, p. m. in spirit. W hen be started for the ' "low ly recovering. rifle, stepped out of the house, and All horses competing in the race* must material would cost most dealer*. —\ hand**nne line of ( a)*, I'eraiu- South, Mrs. Freeman's reply to his re- While trapping for muskrats some MEW ▲pyERTISEaffEMTS.__ placing (lie muzzle against Id* left have heeu owned iu the county thirty day a — Yon can box (iroierk* at b*tbnn bulator*, and Toy Cart* with canopy »|iirst that she remain with her broth-1lime since, Mr. O. W , Burnei, of thi* previous to the first day of the fair. U®TB4TE •■•EE, - Biate of Mlebtgau, price* at Griswold ’* new store. hrea*t, discharged Its contents, the l>r anvthing in this line, will find It to their lops, fur ehlldren, at the St. Johns Kuth of place, diM-overe*!, aud unearthed a In all races, four are to enter, and three I At a sea-ion of ibe lntere«t *.il-4» a large circle ..f *orrow ing friends. in the mind# of a Urge number of the farm- and testament of esld ie«eaaed work done at reasonable rate* and sat- __ will part the** and me.” Mr*. Free- of the stately elk was found near a Tbemiuon It is Ordered, Ttrnl Monday, the Rib era of this county against what are termed day of lfay, |S7fi, at S o’clock in the forenoon Isfactioti guaranteed. lhU 'vill l*« '•* ' '' " * " j w %V %l. I 4l>t-1*llir< man accompanied her husband and, 1 *P r®*'g i«»uing from the low grounds of he assigned for the bearing of said petition and , In I .11 ,.1«,.h. I.<- ..f Mr . . It.; SutUvU# %mn .rom|..,i,|v..i. Ilhr nubl. «|.„ > WO..I b« b.lou*!,., |» D. I*. «IU>. "agricultural horse trots," atill, a little re­ that tb« belr* at law and legators uf said decked and nil oi her persons Interested In said will, are ...... ••"‘J'f* l-pr.Tri.H'nl. wMi .i. | Mrl_.rU..,...... »f "|.rl..K ...... flir < 4...... Sor„, ...... ,lirV |Thr rlk, ...... I..MU..I of flection will convince all «iK*h that there required to appear at s aemtoa of aaid Court, thro STEPHENSON'S. ^• fur W. Kinney, Su|»ervi*or «if W atertow n, ; 11let iu flic Natal Ai^tlrsiy, will l»c fii«>urt* of flic eoltlicra. tbvr Ordered. Thai notice he» firmgiren voto it»rtbr prrauosm-raoii, comb candy ? It I* delicious. Some­ roOien a l*en»tit to maiikind Ttiat ltCrr«w(ed In Mid wuu, of tk# tendency uf th# pring at 9 Ira llalsaufi 4 wpa 111r^Ist In^t lo-ld nt the 4 ourt• llottee,...... in do* city...... *>f Mr. Vougtit li.ot *ohl hi* re-ldeiu .- to )* ,!,rh 14" ‘ pmiiiii'' to »iy, not J nat inretv *4. thing new. wa* «lc«troyed by fire one who trained Harublrlonian nnd other ani ­ hearing thereof by causing a copy of this order S heen *'l ,nt. «•« the *rtth .lay of April. 1876, j ||r> j# Tearlw. for fff.TiO, and pwrehns- | jff0***® itwaoiis , that the «|iecl- te tie published in the Ciiutoii Independent « — Fresh stone l.lme f«ir sale by J. week. Th« partlciiUrs wc hate mals like him did a real service to the coun ­ newspaper printed and rirrulaled In Mxl count > j at 10 o'clock, a. K. Applicant* iuti*l a * llt| 1,4 0f Mr. Emery, troth me,‘ hl was deposited w hare of Clinton for three su. reeeire weeks previous ti At Stephen»on’8 . Hicks. |9l,nK unable to leant. try al lance, will be appreciated by every he l>et w een fourteen and eighteen yewr» ti|rowi Walker street It wra* found not less than eighty, or Mid day of bearing JOE1. H. CKA JTHON \ good, six-ve:*r-ol«l mare for sale, —The regular Annual spring 0|ren- ( A true oopy.) Judge of Probate iiiire at thi* office, oi of S. i . man who reflects tbaf all buvitie** men who rtw si ) Ira el 1 elleaafies Kutf of age. They uiu«t t»e actual resident* ,o|||| |* ow#rtf |K|n g one mile north P*rl»apE, one hundred year* since. J lli-avv good* aad nice pot ter ne, ) net received I’line given. 4Bl-tf ing of Spring End Htumner Millinery • re constrained to drive about in trade sre pROMSTR OHUI M.-SUte of kildbiT N F rencli. *»f the DUtrlct; of g«*o»l moral churac* of this dty t mm gained his place to Mr. Your oorr«i|*ondeut, in conijuttiy E gnn. county of Clinton, m. At a »#Mion of vi . 11 v •» < ■ r 1 ■ 1 > i- alwav- take* place at the new room- - I < ole , . ,, l*e«ter nerved by tlieir lioraew now than tliev Probate Court lor tbe eouaty of Clinton — MAX lleavenrnlt, WHO • aiwav / , . ter: of *tildioli* KaMt*; healtlir; We||jk,_,t hm ,ui evanslniuw the rn-onls w itli Mfml dlM Suitti UllJ u#-*, was mev al » lv«. . d a Ms At Stephenaon ’ft. loiind no with the time*, ha* ju*t re- A lltdcomh, in Monger * new block. , . . Mmpp, nut on xaunnihg ?ne room* coaid (iQwnibl r ho. Iwii SU mn a,., Th. S^V^a T^y^JS^Ji.v '.u', Vf'T.n/ 4 -el red I.U Spring and Summer *t«*kk nl (||| KrUlwv of thi* week. Issn't fail fo I l‘*rmed ; of r*d*u*t .‘oit-t Ituti...... und tolj, wa* eneumlered and Ihe title found through *he*^r go**! look- and a certain imrpone of thee trainer wa*, douUleM, md by tb* y**r one thouMnd eight hundred and i sent*' and > out I..thing, einhrar. tie *itc«ea-ful titu-t |saas an examination |0 Ih » defe«*tlve ; «*on»eipientl) , the sfllr <|tiiet demeanor, J»ermitted to rrosa the .... , , . J / eerenty-*li ^*lkk* yard* I.Aging* a tt«l i.usbrwl* Pree#nt, Joel II A 'raueun. Judge of Pro • ff Aurle*. .f.t «t ah usm«Ni< «* ha I |e. ■ Ju*t received. rd#r#d. That Monday, the . tsl I «»•sss Mint lird VfiMalliaa, breauae it __ba* i|oalilien« to make timory for I in day of May, lw:s. at 1.10# oVioek in thafor# 1 him ou the race rtMirm-, l»ut in nur*ing and MME^,.r____* r1rkkw uf aawijald p#tlIt ion. At Stephenson's. and that th* heira al law of------aa.d dr« taa#di- andan all pru|mgatmg theae rpiaiitie* he i« «piite tin oth#r wrun* interest. 1 to **id #*tat#. an- r»- dollars u,ar • s« t.itayg, tonatiuoaly, |>erlsap#, laboring for the im qairad to app#a# at *amaton of aaid Ourt. th*n i|ehte«l to the late firm of A. I'eacbont w hen a \eva«la snow-slide ucrurretl, over one humlriHl and twenty to b# boidro at the Probat* Office, in the viltag* w A lea* nsid t.eis I lente sa*a I a4rr> jroung Granger- were to \+ put through -|*« [>( *be e,,uine Ij m e u r, at a dlaroMssl at ft per »1 Co., St. Johns, are re«itte*te.l to call ami the avalanche |*miiI over him. fill HIC«> i v riHrimi % T 1 I tied March Hub, of inflammation of . It* builil, hrtl.r thai. h« koovm U pSZJ,'K.’STS.'S re si t. an Rilt aiicetl cour*#* of *prouts. The ii|mui the new firm ami asljn*! the *ante, Since then yon can ’t flml a Nevada Tilt < IMTFMVm.. the lung*, at Ida residence, north «• would 1«* hard U» name a *ingle grest «ra>>ud And M la further Ord*r*d, That not 1** a- the oht iKMtk* Must t»e -ettle*l, «»lhrr- At Stephenson's. Chinaman who won ’t double up like a Kl#. I\D» PKNDAN1 :—W Idle on a vi*il this city, .Mr. Ku**ell. lie n a* Dr Grange w a* ojtened in line form, and, advance in the material pc****?« ".Il—l" (A trvi- copy.) 1 .. . , , * , . . • 1 »►* more gambler than philanthropist, hi# -New I'rittts,1Lotton )°tB*, • j g Burch Hk'hook-hoaae on Salurdav, a hawdsoose piece of furniture about to and genen»*lty ; espocialh 1 ohdim fine a-v.rtmrnt of I adle- i ollar-.< . __ . . ^_ .. . - ^ 3 1 ||o tie oi- It a* lieen given to the deroietl flve, tbe * hievement i* really a matter of public ini- yKOHtri: -t iraivr-graais aud Btavara at a 01 M iclngaa V> dlsiftiuil ol faprrtrul. Rouclies, etc., at 1 Special examliation^ Will be u- -iiip|H-d. Git making uonte Inquiry J phan and friendless. Ills remain* Harve»t Fea*C w as announced. Then portanre. The point i# that while the gallop E eouaty of Clinton, m. At a m•*a#lon of th# Mis* F. F.. Tick reman ’*. made at Ibe expense of tbe candidates. I | Ivarunl w bat it meant, ami w a* di- were ....taken .. vOhio..w >vfor. interruieiit...... ru*be the well-know n ewtaldifihmecit "Why , how do yow do? How ’«all tbe «|«,w n the creaking dair-w av Into ; **Wff '# not, Init must l#e the rwanlt °f train-I g* Kriday, tba 7th day of April \n nT* At Stephenson's. s< .l ..... 1 . g'x ... 1 ______.. v , %# .. *. .... , j t ^ ...... »** • 3 ing, or inheritance from trained animal*., yearoaa tbou*anf Nel*on. Matter A <0. Ibl- firm folk*? Where have you kept your«elf ? *|igcioua dining hall below, where s«v- Hence we think the oflering of numeral* Pr-*ut.Jo#i«ouo.Jud*JIf ProbiiV ^ yr rioata almost given >t*»rai —•Work ba* lieen re*timed on ibe p»raoti* hate been re**ently added to| aonie time duct fhii*beIHi RBewJS^MySrtoli'wlH lid I TjOW T^T*1 P ft StOPft M a* . M. I s*» en for prayer*, while quite a number j complete *et to go w Ills it. Ibe lire**- have the interest of tbe j*art> at heart, the < baplai n pronounced grace when cultural Society aa well. ' * * j af aaid 4##m^ | A jO W OtOTG. —Tbe inquiry for dwelling ho»i«e* in tlii* village I* common now-allays. give evidence of conversion. Meetiug* ing Caae I* Jw*t flniaheil. I regret my etc." This and tomethlng similar ha* the half-faml*h«. I NDEIO M»»'NT. — I See 1»V VOlir I ••'•wiel I I4 ...... 4 pruvcj .... , —For rich millinery and all tbe 21 «t instant, under the atMpIces of the , ror Tix-IO incite#. It contain* twelve party. the matter of it:'' exclaimed a Water- tratlon of chloroform hy l»r. A. J. Further o».l#r#d, that nolle# b# fives to the p#iaoaa titWreated la eald eatate, of tka pea- tieautie« of the *ea«ou, call <»n Mi-* II. St. John* Comet Band. A * o*tuliter column* *urmount* ‘«l t»y gothic capitals Mr*. J. I'arks, ujsou l edar *treet, ha* town lady a* *he hastily reversed the 1Viggiu*t that the true f^#-t are not >i#nc>' of th# beannf thereof, bjr caueln# from Ikftroit will lie here, and a gen. w ith four niche* —two of w hlch «np- a copy of thla order to b« publlahed la I.. Hick*. given «ev eral lecture* during the past swallowing process and itegan to In-f M‘l t0rt^ al,d 1 w i«h to have them cur- th# Citaton Indfprndmt, a newapap«r prlatatl w »• .»1 «• pi e|..t»e«l i*> 11111.1 -b b.» nd eral good tiiiu i* i ii AlMffff flofl t b**-e G* • j.. 11 r},. Etntuea Pomona and Cere*, and I few week*. Subject: The Grange. ajMMt a huge section of recteal In thto l*aue. The fact* are a* and eirraiated in Mid c.mnty of Clinton, for three aar. eMivr weeka. orevtoa* toaald datr of heanna •4.mely exes'uted bt#r-»e ebrotno* on itUh to deceive their wive*, bu-bwiid* the other twro for faucy brunxea at tbe ^ • *a w -du*t cake. Another young 4 # ran- follow a: On tbe .Hat day of March. Mr, /OEL II CuA NHON ,.l uJfeolProhat#. -bort not ce>. ... , or lover*. We wotihl aim) mention that j ta*l«* of the ow I’be ca*c « a*e con- i | A true ropy.) — I»io hew I* i* now advi*mg pe«.ple ■ j gcr from Olive stove up a valuable 1110- 1 ^*Bner I>rake and w ife went in tbe lllgan ftnanl* will ap|«er in full tain* five drawer*: tbe ln«idr work Aran. Htb—Considerable excitement j^r |n ^ fruitle** attempt to ma»ticate a r*04»a of A. J. Wlgglti* for the I >HOf| 4T». OMDI h T HtateorUn-hifan, not to eat potato j#*« ltng* ju*t before ■ IT tktalf of Clinton, a*. At a •• **i»n<ult. I*re. *Hi M.mi.I.v .v.nh., Mr.|rttrI< Tn.i ... l*e ctmulrtn led thh reason. varied rlutk of Wall Paper, which will Manufacturing Co., ttic overbear and ( Blory M*rmnl to Is* in u*tial g»H«l *pir- j -qj,,, jok® applamlcd nml laugh went Hr*. Cha*e and Gillam, of KUir, day uf May, I*:#, at • o'clock la tbe forenoon —Nothing U *0 promotive to industry lie closed out at extra low figure* with principal worker in thi* Iwtautlful ar- It* aud In belter health than be bad round. ’’ Let It Iw aaid in conclusion and another at Ovid, bad fiddlier that b#aaa.f n.-d for tbe hMnuf ot aaid petition, aud u* to have to raise—and It al*#> a view of going out of the trade. that tbe heira at lav aud Irfatee* of Mid >W#aaei cbitecturai piece of work. It wa* de- l*cen for aeveral week*. lie playc^l |,,lHrur that aalde from the "crooked ••Mid niff take cblorofurin, the aud all other perar.n* inl«re«ted In aaid will are hurtle- up collections amazingly. —4>ne day la«t week while Mr. I. N. required to appear at a aeasion of aa.d Coart .then — Hereafter in California w ife-beat- Vat-ear am! wife ..f *v,.itb Ovid w ere! 1 U- K Ul*' *""»”** * W*H- Am-kera w Ith mem I mm of t la- family 1 di*hea,"there were an abundance „f having bad tw o or three attack* of In- to ba holden at t he ProbateOlfire, In the villafeof Ht lohnaandabow < aaae, If any t bere be, why the er* are to receive public flogging*thetn- t fr, ... uu,,...... hil.lren ••hI thecon*tructioi. ha*l#eei», •»* Cowv»r*e*l Ireely upon varioti* t.»p- fhr r#lll,|llf.# , ..mmos -i sfru flammatkm of the lung*, but the Dor- will ahovil.t not he approved And It la further 1<. OOF/ITK. srlvf*. Good' Callfortda will now »«*lelv under the *ii|#erinleiidetH V of i«-■ \>n*ut 2 o’clock in the morning tor -aid be bad vi -•-*! it fm tweutv-tive Ordered, Thai notice heeivanto t he peraotislu- applietl fir*— to “* --"’•'------“w --*ta« — k H ^ j ouf oW fyirml Jlu», w lio I* *ent with he a rou -e. I Mr*. < nip, and *ald "give inimi iiiuiim . tereated Iriaaid^atale.of the pendency of tbe hear M.LI1 IS have more women. year* w ithout any *eriott* re*nlt« and inf thereof hy ranetng a ropy of t hia order to h# publlahed la th# (.'Union Independent a newspa ­ — W e don! hear much about ar«eulcal *tmu 1 *' * ****!. VV^ i" LI" r the furniture to Philadelphia, |o «et R me *4»*ne medicine, quick ’ I Iwdleve I _ he «‘Oii«idered if ja*rfe<*tly *afe, and per printed aud circulated la aaid canty of Clin ­ wall paper tld* spring. t'erhap« man ­ uJ[rtV"»%dhl^ ■,,-*• work fmttrtMf ] H# «...... |...... U, h.„ Mlkl hi* |irr*uA*iou. Immediately after Ibe JUKI. W. I HANHo N , Judfeof Probate. i A true <-«pr » AND PLATED WARE ould have !«#.„ for "'rr “K «» ■*. »'»** h*' hl* ,atM'r aM'1 Industry had aocumu- harne** *hop here w ith fair proape. 1* admiui«tratlon the l>r. *aw there w a* 1 «*at* and *traw hat#. of the wind, ‘ ' alamt two more week’* work to do on . Iale*l a large property. The funeral f,,r u,^ future Mi . Wilm<»t *iuce — ClnckM, — ** Ren'* Barker I* now In -can t* ot ui «i#mI. •oiuefhlng tinttetinl in the ap|M-araiur the necessary material with w hid. to — Mi*a Alice Teeter w h« ha* galwrd , her Mother nor Ibe IMk *- G »be M«ei hMauhn wort of thekiD.lin ib# wvrid. not likely w ill ever route l»ack tot#rami he buried tie-ide hi* wife hi the State * * • i . , . , , . . Il rosulw n#sr1f |M |«fM, ksndrtdt edit# illu# ou W ednebday evening next. B*|>l f ! moat approv ed ut#leU for rutting, tit• tmm-nme a re*bleni of tbi* village. lor* w l»o have attende .1 her heretofore trations, sn4 fuar ebro«M> plates of Flov#r« Flue W alchea Rapid* again after leaving It. It I* con- ! of New York. The will w a* not read UfUlly drawn and colored from nature. Prtaa b *ngar will be among the good thing*. 1 ting ami man uflictu ring d reuaeb, cloak*, Not long since a meeting wa* held knew nothing of tbe kind. Hattie wa* c#aia la paper corera . U eeni# Sound la eUyraat And thepurrbaatnc of tbr anas#. — It baa recently been decided in the ! an< J i|§ ^ ail>-thing properly ••onilng anl*n 7 inik worldrf»mrtlM*»ne^rM of ml l,K* r,,n#* ral Hierefore we are in the j ||#,rr to ^ w hat could l»e done toward I th^ daughter of a w idow smith, of elaSb. I ntend State* court* that where a life ^ j,^ of dre**-maker. Satl*- 1^ "/ worY I* due to It* archl- * Ur^ a* regard* tbe riiapoaltlon of Id* a t atholic < liurcb, and linnu Dnplaln, and generally well except a Marina bad many > earaeiper iene# inlbe asl Vick's Floral Guide. ina and repairing of Walrbr*. Clocks and Jte- ranee policy U mortgaged and for- fartlon guaranteed. .feet Mr king, the untiring energy property. Mr. Story w a* kind to the *** an karri bed for that mi r pone ' weakticws of the lung* cau«ed hy an In #lry .*tr#» maae advantage# over tb<*e «bo and mechanicalinechani^aj skill-kill of Mr. dame*Janie* P.I . j |ioorian*r and lenient to all. IteathIieatli marmay u I lam Sa LIm.* ^ ft I ff... d a in inatlou t Ik nu u i.rifniih Hoe m »r, Tbia te a beautiful quarterlj Journal, fiaeiy iliua- h»*#Kuts very limited knowledge of aaeb t blnga Ml Midf. «h* .norioitur b»* Ihe rixl.i | In I Tipton, anti il.r mUrprimaf liiA-n.: I Win. Cole In taking up a well for flainmatlou of those organ*. Her age (rated, and maUUHai aa rl#|sal colored Frontie- 1 ask tors ahare of Ibe pabllrpatroaage, to surrender i( tw the < g°0il* und low |»rlce*, vnat provhle«l they declare their Inten- hi.,. Ah, in .! hr l». goit h htrf Ilf.’t;jrnrt, a. the nun that ting friend* and the whole community . Wratfuaija , April 10th, 1S7 G.—At will do well to call mi Mi*a II. J*. surge* can trouble no more.” Slie was married to Mr. Fliuer Drake j th*n to citizen* six month* 4w- tlie election III Wmtplialia oil the .Id the well would not commence stoning Hh ks, over McFarlau'* hardware, »*•-j fpr, |U#. Ac tion, Mr. Bedell and wife have returned up a well until the bo** came down on the Ifftb day of January lari, at the We Study to Please. Th« time fisr thla lu«taut, the vote on S«i|iervl*or waa fore they clowe a bargain for their | to thi* city, w bere they expect to re- Exchange Hotel, of St. John*, by J. j will expire early lu May, so there la very dose, and at a partial canvaM on U|tjn |k ^r> with a pint of whisky, and undoubt ­ ^prlng Millinery. Bedell ha* purcbe«ed X. Me Far lan, K»q. i little time left. The matter should lie the night of the election it wa« sup­ edly he drank the liottle empty and — Tlie Ithaca Jtmrmat of l**t Hw feek'^ | H| tended tn at once. Many vote* may proj»erty and gone Into ho*!ne««. pi a# mm I it m here it wa* found by the 1 hereby certify that tbe above are posed that Peter Petsch had one hun ­ *ay«: “ Elba township deserve* the Mr. Ira Kna|*p ha* nearly completed rei*ent excavator, Mr. f oie. the fact* In the case. l>e secured w itli a little care. dred and twenty-eight vote* aud Mom #* « reo* wf electing the flmt colored man a neat little resilience upon «»ne of the Ft mi h VI. Pra EK. — Tire follow lug named person* have Bartow one hundred ami t wentv-«even RxroETi E. i« oflk v in Gratiot couuty, havingchow- lot* purchased of S. Knapp. Grkk KBITH, April 11th, 187G. been chosen to represent Bingham In and the vote* for the different caudi- eii a gentleman of that iTMuplexlou to Mr. Tucker ha* p«irrha*ed the httild- iiasl >.sui« TraasanlM*. the Democratic County C onvention to Hr. Johns (Ertac'orsX.) ( hi kih .— thessflh-e of ronSskh on Monday la*f * ’ dat» - Were put in diflerent |»«ckag<‘«. known a* the Simmon** tenant Tlte following sre fit# transaction* In | he held at the Court House, In this vil ­ Service* will l« held In thi* 1 hurch’as — We have tk#^u informeit that but at the adjourned meeting the next |IOnac, and last Wednesday, by the aid real eriate a* ap|iear ii(»on the record* ' lage. on Friday, Mar lath, 1*7ro.*R te UllWft J- U >odko«, | w by a number of tlm t’lergy, will i’onae- in ■jwrltjr re*-elve«l npon thla ptditlcal ver Harford and Jtsitn R. Hale. We k of a • %, ■•# 14, aa* • % of % % «faak,aa# ----- “■ ahn a ‘I. .. utk tekluH exliraslsildlo# ftlsO I iH'catfu n. large majority. There la talk of con ­ over M. V. Brown's More, on Thurs­ 1*. I)sFtaia.|lAm crate the t'hurch, alao adminirier the trust every tow nahlp In tbe county w ill Jofcn IIsuer# to B#roard Uaaaea, ril a< a is of a —1Thoueetiterprtelngtoufiorlal artist*, testing the election for Supervisor, but day evening, April Jfttlt inat., al w hich M *f mo. », eirept 24 \ seres MM eons##, Ws* Holy Rite* of conArmatioii. It was he fully repreuented In thi* Conven ­ pfisMa, 91 .am hoped the BDhop would he prevent In Sam A Sweeney, In the Bank Block, upon w hat grounds the contestant muri time warm maple *ugar will be served CbrWiM Ester te Krs4»rtf| ItlraHi, # % of • tion. and make It w hat U should hr NEW have, through their efforf* to plea*#, best know, |>erhap* for disappointed at 10 cent* a dl*h. A general Invita ­ fiotiv t,M« I.U sUm.IMb tfatr#e«l« the evening, a* previously announce*!, —enthusiast it. *lrtfcar N laetesolt te Orvllla B. lagoraoU, w % introduced into thi* market a powdered ambition. An outside party seetn* tion la extended, and as the entertain ­ hut owing toother appointment*, he —There are probably a few pe«*ple •f • • a. aa4 a H ri • Ir of a • *, m. I, Water And* It Impoaslble for him to do so.— I •having *oap which render* thi* ad more iuterestad than the contestant. — ment la given for the purpose of rais­ t autage over the old hard cake* : Every In this worlsl who are not disposed to The Towufihlp la a* thoroughly Demo- Artkur N. Iafsraoll te O B sad M. g. taparaoU On Monday evening, at half-past seven ! ing a *mall fund with which to pur­ w * of • « *, e#r IB, aad a gsfaa * ri •• R FURNITURE EMPORIUM! lie, but we have yet to And a man who < ratic a* ever. It la a domestic trouble o’clock, the annual Parish meeting for! l«erwwi, hy It* u*e, procure* fre*h «oap, chase some necessary furniture for the •ac St, Watetteera, ft«a, vttt rertete Hartagraweredoarataek af Fansltare to t4e Pl«Mtewd#araar, wa set t be attest ten *>f (hep sk| la i»m ready at any time to assart w haj . .nit of w hlch those not belonging to •ad Mipft te mi the election of the Veatry, will occur. and In r«»n*aquence, a clean, tweet hall, It la hoped a Ulieral patronage I. «• r. W nrtaas.s alee* ef *s4 to aar tarfeearVrijr af be *loe* not know. It only showr* haw dssertWd by aM#U •bare. All « nriamer*. alike, enjoy H* th** family ran be heneflUed. will lie received. teu4«, os as! t* ** M, careletudy nn*-t people have Ho 117. rlttef# of Ortd, «Wa Eubction or Officers.—A t the an ­ n*e. < oaRiearoxtiEirr. IHsrld Bory Vo fitanw Inkfi a w k of a e k, —A. Joint* Society for tbe PrntNo- brought np. If we alway* insisted up ts4 it»»* | «G» tJ,Or#es»aO, »«■ nual election of triBcer* of Ht. Johns —The old dry good* store of Mr. •attain naarmlaaa, MK|> li#*:» of Truth, will hold It* next meet ou our children's telling only wlut Finbi .— Bet ween a and * o'clock last John liirka Is now f«ehly • treplug Csrsb M Tteayss* *•* hte##» Baoai, mil It t’ommandery, No. 24. K. T., on Friday areas sts* k of a • %, aoe »*. Ur-wlsA, fam evening. April 7th Inat., the following A log at the residence of G. W. Stephen ­ they know, avoiding all exaggeration Tnemlay night our cltlsen* were start­ down the street to give place to a mag- Until s#4 ■ nous Fsaj |a 14 son ow Sunday, April Iflth, at 7 oVI«*ck an#l statements founded in imaglna- le*! by the cry of Are. It appear* that a k of • « |af a w E.aoe. t. named persona were electe*l <4B*era for t idfl«wut brick block. Thla little old Tt«s C otaM te Lem r. m. A Mconil lecture, entitled "War­ tion only, we would have a ra#*eof |#eo- a Are had kindled between the celling wooden structure has umlotibtedly K of MatMt A Hot T.ftwk Baadah A fftel th# ensuing year : fare of Science," hy Andrew L. White, ple after a while whose trnthfnlness and the roof through which the pipe of a J. Wtmta*. K#at##a« tte«aasaa4»< OF KVKHY 1)ICHf'llI PTION . been the scene of more real solid cash Bo M B(fsma u ysissi Bril, a V. B •rlaaaa, Vlas#ran —mm I#. I.. D., Proaldev! of Cornell t’nlver- wonhl surprise the world. But aa the cook riove in tba house of Eugome of e H ef a w La*. I Joan W lasts, Osataia 0#**»i To vttrt wa ar# rsariaat! j addtav business transaction* than any other ■MBA# Bheoeo a aloe# of Itmna Padley. Prelate «Ry, will he reo«l and critic!n od . Such long aa children sre allowad to dual In Brva pe**e*l ; but It was discovered be- establishment of the kind in Ht. Johns. teM-.1 .*terrvb#4 »» o aed taaads, no •##.*, f B CwHar. Bmii r Vari** W. w. hasa. J taw tea Warden l**r«oft« •« are Inf created In llrienlng to hyperbole ami faDIAcatlou, aa they are fore It had gained much headway, and It Is now going to the corner of High- W/Z£rs*£±lo lorool a e % af ae O k manWRag. Trims 1st. New Styles of Chamber and Parlor Suites. « once»tr*ted historical fact* concern ­ it la no wonder at all that grown-up extinguished hy a few palls of water, t. ser 4, tf roeankeaSSB MM■v lia* Bmm*’KaMi^matw, *•* ewt^w* am aud Bru«h streets, and to be covi- »*••#• B Mosea Vo Vo IN Moore, a * * of a J H flfitli, BVaadar* Bassrer ing the aarly rtrwggt** of science, age people should take natnrally to lying The Fire (department responded verted into a b!ack«mith «hop by A. « 4, •# # l»si.««in p»w*' a uvatos u Ml A. mmB, Bused Bearer eiCTUSK FRAMINC A SeCCIALTV. Wofit^i n d Wtiey |o Iter \4Id Brou « l» Bendeeaea, Warder especially Invittid to he present. and slander promptly . Rand*ll A Hnn. of a fr . aor * D»Vlll. |M» qril C sirti Ii , iBpi'IMAMM. ST. JOHNS MANUFACTURING CO. IH0U8T11U. oak. the maple and tb* familiar forest * supported bv her busline and was < nlhe rows of fine ideals, or else band alter band fiRl A!ll» MOtkEHOLI. A TosU. iroe# oi America- Tke walla •( the build «ve ol faiBUng. U waa * k*anpi e» nf tgnid Is w^fid lnogikwise uprn It, snd Two lanoUst 1h»*wwrWst Th# ils- Carden < «diab b Itbi-roved bf ckanflng rovoff ef iisrflts by rqftutethua, and Dr. W*ni« art \<>wm ie Xw England tbe a ing aiv |*«iuu4 hru*!, amt the ornnu>o*- W» lhr• parent*parents aaas u>to what Adnht be Aunt reek baud Is iukhe iwith a hktlbi Qn Tts#r «#■ 44otBen Medhral cor« rf. ttee wne la ike W«»u UWoa i» in gold tHil Uif ill « olwra. Tke Rev. W. Whitby puegeeted that the IWuii 1s tfimnied vritii odd!' once fti a while, Wk and forth, from Frfu ,mm to* < op*IpOHUj wing up !•• inaukiitd a n- w eontinrnt, lit* lower JUKE# Tnr «k ira ninety On ibue factories in The arena covered by the mail) building bdj should be taken tn tbr general ceme­ grot grnin rd»l**n. or else wi a jabiH of garret iii the cellar. foliage, with flow ulk-r a fwuataiu ot UlmUIi, skull U luUis- arc aa follows. f ______tery at HUrtlaid, Uni Uie Belief wwnki Ima — ^how f krtre —Owe enp of bolter pcnsa ’Mc to tbe fuff enjoyment nf fife and rhiladt ’lpiiifi. \N U«u in lull upuraUuu . kixu 6 SAVAOb, fV Mel* thesr nn make to A week TV0.000 pair* #f#vr*jte*/. Jeni'rm. ’ lk>( hear of this, and finally elected, amid Jabot of sugar, whites of eight eggs, one cup of an i hem urns, ralla-lilies orange and lem­ (te blessings la to the shot# Ht- UnNii4 a: i. sat an* many tears, that her boy thwuld br interred Ike silk mantles have ?ong square swec*t milk, one leaa|Mtonfbi of wida, and on blossoms, occasionally a rose, s*i»e of tiftorst route the utieoliritcd sii*-«tstioaa of Kim Mii iaoa furl ol lumber has burn t i»p*r luar*. la pnpauii if .Ml J in the eburchvard. ’rt»e Kev. W. Whitby tke jasmine family, amf many others. A ima of tbouasiida of gr»U-ful pstleaU, who t |>|hm luon, la u»se*a * W.M4 inajitilla fronts, or else they are the round two of cream only uat balf aa much aa lial yrtr'iyirbl irutoo. ilirough IU Inatnunentslity. Those veU-ea iMCWilii tr im tmrl-fy Total ...... XI 47 . conduct of tl>e Kev. K H C’hslmer and side, and are supplied with broad half —Mush liUcuit— One quart of milk young people*4 tka lamdy, will give far are liuitled lo uo one locality, bat from ■, er iSmW TWIIW ul pot* Thb Samuirolo« 1/ to twwt sugar f nr lory The general arrangement of lb ; retired. The corpse was now carried into sleeves cot In with the back, and covering more real satisfaction than the ordinary e»t-ry city, village, and bvinUt, In our hroed umm U s ls* ‘»!t i«m*ws- rnmi out in 1877) J.OfiMWi inxidi U i>! mgrouad , (water will do), piece of lard site of an jer ^Meneeiv »•* •« nf turned out in I8u) door shows a central avenue, or neve, 190 i tbr church aud the clergyman read the the arms from the elbow iloen. Tire Imck ex {tensive hot house, managed by a hired doiusln. aa st-ll u from other cllutes, aud In | Miwuu.!) . ceteteev-a »»b fail white sugar irotu beet* that yiiauad i$s ' egg; tablespoon fbl of salt; put > >n the fire; feet in wUflh, end extending l.HStt feel In burial service, making no comment what has the long side forms that begin in the when boiling, add sufficient corn-meal ki florist; besides, it wHI afiurd them a mor­ the strange utterance* (4 foreign tongues, ui' ■* *'i • »• 111 • a pef cent. leugtte. It is lim largtwl avenue cf that ever on the proceedings outside A num slc>ulder i*eain. Among the novelties are j make a rather stiff mush. When this is al and intellectual culture not to be ob­ like the rwitluit-ii uiuriuor of lusuy ssUra. REED’S TEMPLE OP MUSIC, Tu«t W*Ui auiouni of iron uroduced in her of persons wailed aiound the grave mantles ot these shapes made entirely of ^ tained from the nwre n reaeace of cut flow* come unfeigned and lo arty eoniuieiidsU4*i>S, mm via aifsivirai sr. « mm **« width ever iutroduccu into an exhibition milk warm, add out cup of yeast and It ia, ln < ou...... ll l isaut llnr tgarew Item (M*i SMI mirfHsa It la jvsr MUtr ] K. thf Coital States In DMO waa M.tlUO t«ei-; bmldiog. On « ihcr si lu of this nave until the body was brought out ol the wool braids that are sewed together in ‘ “uflicieiTt era. Flowers do not dispense their bless flofir to make Into dough. ing* upou those who merely btok at them gative Pellrti, th* great depurate* of the in l #79 tke amount |>roiluoril reached therr Is an avenue 100 by 1,832 feel long, i ekuirh. but they soon dispersed, in a* checks and plaided figures. There are j Work well; tu the morning make up into age. L’utiei 1U tieuigu u-Uou eruption* dla- Be UsaailUr 1.1% S. K%erf Pswllv MI a.HNI.oT© tans there was nothing further to see, even grav braid wraps tn which real and exclaim. ** lively !’• “ MagllifleentP, ■ Im rt a I 0„,| Bet «wo the nave end side avenues are aisltw touch as cakes; lot it rise about fifteen or twenty n|q>«ar. exirsilve ante Is checked, the BUSS’ Patent Fire fimdliaf PELLETS. Tut rollon receipts at Selma, Ala . for fbrty-eight feet wide, and on the other i the lirv. K. H ( banner concluding the camel>r»’s hair braid Is sewed on a hla* k net miuutes, and then bake. • but upon those who nudy Uteir needs and n<-rve« are strengthened . and health, h»ng foundation They are l rimmed with answer them with loving hands. haiiisheil f©>ia the «>»tein, re*uutes hec 4m recetr* *4 (W Dollar I slMwaS reter* tke season to March, H, are bl,4t£l lain, side of the building smaller aisles twenty* •ervice in the ordinary way. It U, we —Chi* ken Budding. —Take two chirk* m*i! « f>reao wits full iMMCHcttena lot meolae underalaud. the intenLion of the local fringe or cashmere lace, and cost from |40 For those who cannot afford even the reign and ra-ealabli»h« s h-r roseate throne u.» (*• !!»!•, »«»4 a P.*uitl» folral Hi. hi w against HW.V42 for the same period iast lour tert in width. In order In iireek the < cm*, slew them in a hulc water, season Kir* Mtrtter*. primitive Methodist body to forward the to $>S simple conservatory here described a Itay- upon the check AH who iiave thoroughly Stole |i 4 trr I Up** uie, ut ,(1r| CMS M ok« tl,<•».. ( .el Str rrui* fo* kt»4- A asikk it Wing made at the Heaver avenues, or transepu, have been intro For Is recornmended unite in orououiu lug It the morning shopping, traveling, driving ? 7wellr,< beaten, one laa*t,w up^ ,wnf ailt«*«l d«»ur. six l with a double sash for winter, and fur lli g (IM h'UtdrrS Sr greet Mcdlnl iMevirr© <>f the sge. rrely luf u-wocmI |n>^l frc*- t u reeriyi w Tsrolf tenuial. It will be nine feet long, and relative positions to each other as the ' the clergy concerned. —NV^Icfd [Kng.) Dialled with a wide shell, side'brarkcts Dewfo. be«*r 6yke«' Hurr Cure cheeked and plaid cloth Barques in lit* prom well,^ and, _____indeed. Is„ an v.v...v..excellent prepara for ('starrh.** or send Ten CenU io l»r. C. K John C. IIaidxn , of Hinghsmpion. N naiui ly, a i eoUal Uaueepi, 190 feel in > Fulsnelng In the Keign of l.mils XIT. w,v... . FyBf the bnlXr tntn h . 410 f»xt in length, with one on 8! lish blue gray and seal brow*n colors, fi)kes, 1©U E. Madison fit., Chicago, 111 AT DERRICKS Y , claims to have invented a method of arc made with straight French 1 * «***• '»*> the cenler of such a window a large, wire — —— «• • w ■ - manufacturing U h >u and shoe* in about either t(d« of 100 fist by 410 feet, and the ballrr, bake quickly, and aerve m |lK ; baagiBg-toiflkM, lined with moss aud AT CARRIERS aisles between of (4»rty*«igkt feet The 1 Tost O K off bankruptcy, jn*ur It barks that do not spring overtlie hjurnure, —Tha Kearney (Neb.) Fret* argues in an hoar, tea difte.ent mackinua l*lng ilraw n hullrr. , i^idi,,^ several plants, upright and droop i»t'I BIT rm« Ur. intersection ol U mwc avenues and Irausepts dffictl, Kings and Ministers had recourse an«i with double-breasted fronts that fwvor ot domestical:ng the buffalu, and ua4 to siruige ex|*edieuU Kvcu Louis XIV. button close to the throat. There — iioibxl Mutton.- Takea leg of mutton i„g [» a most beautiful object. F*»r the ►ays: ** Th# animt.1 can tw» ciuily tamrsl H A i.bvt .iwk manufhrtnrrr at Salem. in the central portion «4 the building re- > salts in dividiug the floor ink* nine o|iea i • as Tsdly pinched for want of money; is a nsgtige air aN>ut these comfortable and put it into enough boiling water U» r<.Mi«r of such a basket there is perha|w anrw> sent them to the Hast lie to work under nogat n.akcH such aaoftw with live long | a *urs if it weight* t* u j-oun U, , folinge there are many lovely grasa —size, sirenv rtb, fiH up *anreserves the straight vastly an (►error to the domesticated ox.’* A mono new food products may be no ­ Is done lhr*w in ••mall carrots and fwrs-I tno n, hardy Keaiiw(»rth ivy, German central »|»are, or pavdu>u, 190 feet square. : lowed as much sulphur, antimouy, arten- French effect. When made of blue gray New Englanders a! the West. ticed the coudca»«xl cottage cheese now n . and au) thing else as they wanted, and cheek and trimmed with black silk, thev D1I* cul ,n halves, ami turnipN m slices. » |Vy, iwrri alys-uui, etc. For small hang r b is oflered uiH>n a oon tnercial Irak- in the Ha* iiitirsecliuo* of lbs lorty^igkt fe«4 When the latter are under, akin then , lag oatkeu there is mtihiug m**re qusiut —The Homestead law off ftemth (Caro­ S llt«-»%rj w. rkly, |»ah‘i-te4sf Foftissd. aisles produce four interior courts forty- I they were exported to give gold in return. are very handsome fo wear with black lina doea not protest Uie homestead from >i ^ ,• v i oiitosa Si • out aud lin'd) with butter, milk and a and pretfy than c*tC4Nuiut-ahella. Th ■ vim Suu is 4 Um i.»■o<»4 (f ••* •> '►( New Yoik market. It has been received eight fiwt square, <*u« at each corner of.,Hence, # one of the ru^st notable. discover„ dress**. A biasltand of ailk three inches r«*tty than cocoanov sneus. i n**-<- with favor by the cliwis trade. lime salt and pepper. Serve the carmts , *houl*i be saw»d *tfT at the end sale under a m4*rig««f, nor can tbe homo- lh7f r 1,. mr«. m soil *« ak. »<**•«. the x-uirul (imcp. TU. uulii prommxln °i u* “ ,l.'T . ^ CT* PT. t!**L **°* ,r» wide trims the h* ttorn. The Byr^»ocollar should be snwiri «»ff at the end opposite ate ml lie reserved ©Ut of the proceeds, bos«eSrii ih. n..«. .n.l <«nix»l trww. pl we I “*> «S4. Uut they (wh.t they is **f black silk, alw> the cuffs The the ** monkey's face,'* the meal dug out, holds the mutton when it is dished. tiorh ia tbe re«-ent decision of Ihe Bouth ! I» Olil) *. a ) v+r to Sfl.aoeC j** »A IM " IUIX each eighty Cm roll mi Supreme Court on this mooted j sr ■ nslr mt spelter cbrM»<aout-»he!fs, Iryli. Hasis for iroetutss ropy. A44r«^ degrees centigrade (185 degrees to 212 de ­ ..Ik. .re ten feet vide .n« Imm u ..« )>r* mutation of many small dose**. wa» inca ! Other similar Barques have merely n ws aU»ut an in* li thick and l»ake on tin (»ie ' r,in 1*6 HI leal with Uie niusk-|«lant;an* iVcrKR as strong and flexible as that over the central nave and each of the ave ­ TI'»PEDS .-a Oir • .rff» ll • t->* • ~>t Oh .f ; (»able of detection in lh«M*e days, when of machine vtttchuig ou the hern, with platntquickly w l.ii• it it Mkiii, tM« | olkir with ity.w. nm °| the prettv ivy abasa. Osly made tiyiu rags is said to lie maiiula* tj nues, and Hkyligtils are in the r*s4 of Lite nil.VICK TIP# o utral aiales. Small balconies or galleries post-sn * trie ms were unknown ; and thus silk collars and ruffs; price from sixteeu j m«ol tltla. Try ibsai. blev b*sl. pure in color, and of a jherfei lc ol «:»~crv»tn»n hav« lieenj*rovided with jxmdrg ds »wtt<*4um became a favorite dollars up.—//arper’i JhiMr. water ami put on the stove; then take half even (airfare This material i*.a foil!»• tour centra) t*>wrer«, at ditlercnt heights, i way of gelling rid of anyone who stood! a cup <4 milk and tlxe same of butter, i shells, and make a long trailing curtain made silb ' between a man or woman and the estate 1 mixed willi a tabU-spoouful (4 flour, and a all around it two feet or more in length STANDARD abundance in the tailed Stat*-*» mi C'an and they will form attractivs points <>f ob- Inflation. ■da. M*rvati«»n. I or the human living whom they coveted ! little salt and (tepper; add all together, ll is better to choose hardy plants at find ■SCREW a dairy Tin- interior decoration of the building W* have all beard of the Bruivilliera. and l*oil up once. When the cake* art* and th*ise that flourish with little care; A t Point Keyes. Cal., there i 1 Yoiain was a pleblsn imitator of hers, f Kit< V aitcrward there w ill be more chance of Guarrn mcM. farm of 45.UUU acres, on which nere aro * n excellent taste, l’be walla and r*M>f iisujsuiis A. WIIU*. uf tofk.J done, split them opeu and spread the ONLT ABSM.UTE''— j doing for the common people what the • oyster* betw»*eu th* tn. some on Ihe top success with the more fender sons. 3.UUU cows. Tbe farm, together with the are paiuted a very pale blue, with a Many believe that inflation of the cur­ ©A f XT HA FINK MIXKD CAIti’N •'** Rams, variegated U»rder encircling Uietn, the other did for the nvUttst, to which she < rency would re*t**re ptt»*|vritjr. Thin Ful the oysters that are left in a gravy With regard to the cultivation of house m V Ulcte., pwat panl. L iutuIUi^ Suml NT. costs , is rented ui jmrt to several tenanta. herself belouged The humbler artist did j plants, it must be confessed that mauy They make from fl kti to f? nui per an prevailing *x>|or of which la a bright car silly lielief is refuted by this pnqsisition : dish, and replenish when ocedtd. I DU. < / UAhF T ...... to ihs muafv'lira of Hollar snA Oiarw In tbe fate mine. A row of circular windows ex- , h**r work in just as artistic style a- did ! people are exceedingly stupid alsiut ham C»J1f > J ) ' (»A 4 CO.. mL Ltmt*. Me te-1 rtet.-a. The H«st Cheese an ' H t. r Mitkuag Ajk duiu clear t»f all expenses The yield 1 here can lie no inflation of the currency . | —Kvqp on the farm it will pay to have i ing the few simple, necessary rules which poraiuilimsdaby LL If. H4IK A CO., «• ud* around below tbs ventilators and the Marchioness A butcher in Ht. An ­ UM 4.11 T Plsnofu 4I»tr1haU-s />«rrlrrnTamt from the cows is reported to be excellent; Fas* a law to morrow (waiving the con- » small hotI* bed to start plants for the florists and outers are continually repeat­ tetri forOrmlir. Msdimra Labe Co., fhr «ky lights *4 each avenue and aisle. Them* ' toine '‘administer* correction'* to his ‘ stitutional question) increasing the garden AIJ mm C. a. K. as ai#H»>«• some of the butter ranches show sn aver* gad about wife; she goes off straight to Tomatoes, certainly, should be ing. The following are the most ini F sge of$8o per oow through a whole hen! are filled with what sp{*e*rs to hs richly amount of currency twenty, five per cent. ; | out very early to insure a good season of stained glass in variogatwi d*«igns The Voisin and quietly buys packet* of pow- i there would not la another real dollar in I*.riant : I. livery plant must have a sea> 1XM Arenws, Chlcagu, UL of tOO. dar, which make her * in a fev we* ks a U>* ui. The materials are at hand on son of rest, and during this period it Thb well-known plant, spartunthu* efleet is very Iwight and pleasing, but tlie existence. A dollar issued would not la every' farm, and, for a small bed, the fol- NHkuprn rrlUM. AOkNTS Mki money vu* *' stained glav**' wtdeh. if it w»m real, frolicsome widow. A earr«nter, dying. given away He who obtained a dollar i should be watered very sparingqy (more •ui Isas aruciau Cm*ill te O l. Cbaabira.CS. Junceus, has bran lately utilized, in Icavss s little money, mother and son lowing (dan U a simple ©Be: Takes house plant* |>erish by excess of water H flmCftGO | EDSER Southern Kurope, in the manufacture of H*»u)d Lave cost hundreds o^tluMtsands of would have to pay value tercived for It drv-goodn box the size of a window sash, j. - ; a>,ii 11 asy at son.*. r**r»y.m worip fl » nt dollars, is nothin* more nor 1ms than | can't agree ab*>ui it. the mother goes to i fturli a law would simply increase the { than by any oilier cause). 2. (five plenty Cl) t- E^wvtrsr. kvisaua A Ul 1‘srtULtl. Ve. textile fabricsra. ll* fiber D -aid b> i» “.T » w*. , Jr T * “*■ V«|Yoiain sad g«*ts a |»owder, but Itrfore she w hich you have on hand, fill it nearly <4 sun an 1 water to plants in flower or capable ot twMtaMi ubdlTt.loo, anu f cU,*»’ “u* 11? "gblljr palatal m>4 ,«.!«! oumlrr of nominal dollars, but each do). fall ol manure that ia heating well ami j|>ln lilt »UI ' ► U nUVNM WHI IS* come lor the next the son ha* been Ur would l*e worth leon : bai :■th in hand. * and light sod water must fie kept in pro- U nrSar • —) ba Matted Vu taka tula ^landing in Uie gallery over the north would have less pun basing j*ow* r than ! viously nailed Mime piece* <*n the sides of lain* hewt, and may, therefore, supply the determined that whoever |*aya her highest vortian, the lea* there is of one t (these the SfA c P par «Uy S»r4 tor CXrmro* Caulo#** fml bury mmI Family Sroiapw *a hata tetamiirt }x»r'ai <4 the mam building, juai in trout before. the box to keep the snsh in (dar e. In a huSord'a MM. Hoau.a. Mms. te u4laPw UU Jul . 1ST:, for •! ». x»m\\**A It la tbs place of wool; it is a good alisorlient, and shall win; the mother gams the day. lie- , (ea*> Of the others will he reotiired (plants takes the most delicate dyes with thesauir of the mammoth organ, the visitor can \N hat is wanted is rather an inflat ion of day or two pul in a lew inches of piod 1 V IMTIV41 ClKlK sl»k r*«*e V cte. W# h«*a LARCEST. HANDSOMEST, BEST, command s view of the w hole magnificent sides poisoning. Voisin wa-* ready fori credit. Money is simply used as oil to will perish in a warm cellar for want of > I. • fat illty as do ar.ituaf textile materials; it earth, and sow your seeds. By a little 4 mW mmmi vuWy rircuUbad X»*«iar> Ui Ua di-play. He will see in separate and dta every (»Uier kind of villainv The num- ' lubricate the machinery of exchai-ge, It j light, where they would live and recu­ A S ll>iiM«ii A 0» . F rrn.kforL It* rkUuer Ul K. V. sutxessfullv res iso* the action t»f acids her of new lM*rn rhihlrm burned by her care iu keeping the temperature uniform, perate in a cool one). 4. W hen a plant Saud aMW) tddiaaa«1 ______and tf salt water, without undergoing tiiirt grrwi|w the goods of every nation is strangely I* rgotten that bank notes, which is regulated by letting in or taking IHOXTII,-A*riilr errry- THB iniK.Kn. CviriUQ 114. grou|K-d together in (lit following ingeni ­ , io her magical rites is estimated at 2.-700 * bills of ex* teange an«l certificatrw of de iiecomes infested with the red spider, vb»-* bsurwl hoi»vrsl»eboSi sud r-ai any change or listing its tenacity, a* has The whole sUtry is so horrible that, were off the air, a oke bed of plants may he throw it aw ay or learn at ouce how* io deal ■. Partteulars anut (V h ». S4<'r. been satisfactorily proved by its immer­ ous manner: On the right, occupying |Mwii serve efficiently the pwrpt>»eparate dis ­ the worst of the foul dreams of witches I on*- half its present amount The d*>ly vent *mut in w heat is to make a solution can be killed, or kept well in check, by Age ••la U anlitl. W a»uip:.% ar»t fur &EWINC to lie one third greater man that of hemp, The c«Mit«s*ion*> *»t Voisin and her accom­ b> using one pound of blue vitriol —sul- washing them with a brush dipped in •tsuip. A. H Kutter S Cu . hrm kt.-n, Maaa and it is thirteen per cent, lighter— «•» play i, then Australia, then other BriUsh rxchang*** In New Y**rk for 1^75exctw«lcd |MKMvi( n* Fa* ing the observer, cover plices were made long before thev w ere for- $77/00.001. The real amount ot money pliste of noppar —to every two gall.vns of weak carltolic soapauil*. The mi »pider KACHITES. that, with fifteen per cent, lea* of raw m quMvr.'iin- imH'ihi J""1*^°°* ",M,ld * “• b"}“'u,il r>mr ** water. Make a sufficient quantity so it tng the u«el in effecting ihese exch*ng»M was hut is the worst enemy of house plants. It I beral Terns t*f Ix- material a rope msv be obtained, the ..J t*cfcv,*ic net., io lit. '*>• UtlMl. .cn- ,lar may stand above liie wheat. Stir tha cannot be detiutted by naked eve* unless 406} relative strength of which, *e*inpared Teutonic $2,491,440 per day I he amount *4 m**nev *T.f r>)*r ijHctSeernd har.d order *1 G«*rmaiiyt Ausiria, Hungary, imagination. ... To dra|w a room actually used ia effecting ext haoires ain< > tetklt *.t for (AUlaM. The Centennial Ituildlng*. extern quarter ot the building, will tie flated, vou must h«ve something behind j 1*4 Ilk It till ll. found the Latin races, begtnuin* with found to lend lhciuseiv«*» to the work) ft that i* Axed and immovable, soinethinr with chamlier lye as lo leave the lime in the leaves and under * hoots brush thor ‘■•HirinliiL* ML TlALBoOk OO.. ( >..<••*. IIL idi«ti 3ri:r:T:: trS'^z iiizzzz zx wrul through a vile travesty of the mass, which will n<4 fluctuate. The amount *4 powder. So continue until you have all oughly with strong carbolic soapsuds, Auu- Ti W.Mu. * » X .M.\X luUk. Tn New York Ifmtid't Philadelphia France and her colonies, then . follow ing Ph!H WFFK OT XRAWTCXn TO with Switrerland. Belgium, Brazil, the w as oue ot Lite least horrible of the cere currency depends not up**n the the wheat Healed. In tills state It may tie leave them about an hour, and then hold A if "Jit* ' Mates au4 frnair, in their «*sn !<► it ass r vi r<* rorrespoodenl gives some interesting fig. monies; Mime are too bad even to hint at heaped aud remain several day* before under a faucet and wa*h off the aud*v. lb* eaUtf. tVr*.» am!(n rnr Fvra \i».ir«-m WHY Wil l. I. J. L«|te*7 SlJrae Netherlands and Mexico The whole of actually is-m-d, hut u(«on the rapitlily of | »-.| l. l*. a«r» , ► hr ikr*. • ■ mh art)* ures relating to the Centennial Kxhihition It ts a little r • i n n ’llti an Im The main ftvxhitolioa bitkhny^ is k> trr if* taken up by the l nited biau- Tina |oo»y orlgirml. aethroue. snS rom tl'VlT of f«*l» »rtl Fi Ia a* at on ’* ••% a 4ol* ing France under a Islse nam< , was always i»re*Msde# a colla;**e of credit In I must be »tsll further drird before sowing, and put back ln the aun •* Ku*rnsl vigil­ • awriws Ipuia r*rur4 «l Utaaa mmm u4 rated immediately east of the inte rsection elassiflcatioQ of nations se*'tus to meet Ur % ill X*» »m J IX If )vS slfl <-n ‘y te caught, tried, aud at laM burned (Febru- I fla’ton of currency has never v<4 been a if it is lo be drilled, so it will |ums eaniiy ance ’’ ia the price of fine house-plants. — AUfiff TB^l'krtr aerki Ar-.« m nf tr* uu.w* tome thil »c »»r -----^ y.r,*I m ■■ m »-.« r-B hiy of Bel muni and hlui avenues. Kim general approval, ami this settlement of a OmuJtvtcirculars America! KaW( UL rhr.rv-** -.TV* rV -eat *»-«r a*m ar* *»--*a ■: f r fl. tint* h vexed que»tton api«ears to be con ­ an, 1*^)0>. Hhe snp|«d gaily the uigh’. | means of recovering from a crisis. front the drill .—Kinn JvunuU. — J/n»' Journal I*nr smt Far»r» i.rurrr^*. cj>i Ar . If , a avenue is tke southern boundary b* lore, and aang parudie'* ou liie church j The am-*uut of currency in cirt'tilstion A->lf ’he \*m*f price*. Tkrre laao -tta-krC- trickery, line of this portion of the Fair- sidered a very happy one Of course Uie REVOLVERS!! £££?■£ $3.00 r., w»«ury. su #«.*>•. A4 or-|.-r» tUM erom|*ciy. plan cannot is- foliowed out strktly, aa it litmus; “ gave her soui to the Devil m is greater to day than ever before In the 1 Dwarf Fruit Tree* for Garden*. fi nod Ashes. !■•»*«* Su ki r>. -» w. OwMbaesfi © © V*<« cas roe Umns t-e 40re imein*. mount Park and of the Kxhibition 1 govstod style.” (onsfiM/af), aa Mad a uie de • uru« %c« S> tm: ie tl* sh ! mil T of t<* *1»e ua a trial Ls- w a<» necessary to eeonomize apace by put­ history *4 this country, excepting the two Sina * jb4 ■ l t-ra ran r« ch>b8 f r o« »ih1 mwi* ln»ee grounds, and all tke pnnctixd approaches hevi I,,. tv. i11 rM %.t> fii*r*oylr -a |kr— . i- * i.ln at ting s*»u>r nation in a place where it did igm* h.i!* It. But all Voisin a clienta last pmc ling year*. !*TA\TMRlf flrult tree* f rith their lower ' It is a good plan for every farmer to •n4»n4 Vmnk «••n« HaiMfMaf»tf aiaa.iutclr»iaa.:utelr and from the city are at this point. The were no! butchers' and carpenters' wiv«*s | Mr Chairman, another erroneous im- j •laadilvrurts. iNialiw >® nwbllrt fl . • m III i—li ml • 1 • • • % ' ' * • main building runs parallel with this av- not exactly belong a* in separating Italy most brwix hes s|»ringtng ln»m the stem* 1 save all the w«*sl ashes he can (»©>duce ■mngHMf Iw partmiw. H all aerore v<-or r.«t»lfMSe.t Wh ►>«*• tell «%• land jootif women of the baaer sort , prvwsion la* possessed the mmds *4 many 'IL •/!». . ' S a»i..Mrt..a al i 8> <■**•> • rnue, ard is the first of the Exhibit!*) fr*»m the *Mber l^itn races and aasigning ,, , - ... several feet from the ground, may be on the farm and to use them wisely. Th**y OPIUM Tat « tf,.l *it c»i.n..e l»err viva ..«r Itot tt it to a *«pace beside N*»rway; but this was _ J *>unteas ol Nusaons, was (4 our people, to the effect that inflation referable in an orchard, but we still prr are worth at least thirty cents a bushel or • atfl l»y > •» fore the sight a.** you approach the grounds Uie syst* m adopte*l in general. fer the dwarfs, or at !ea*t low tieadetl more, nud we would n<4 sell them fn>m Mlr*«t Mlroua U.ugk* of ua ** I* ' ln the l nited Mates section thwre are U» get rid of Ijx \aiiiare, her suoceu.du! (inn is <-»jievtally unfriendly to that class tree*, lor the garden In fact, the older the firm for Jo** than forty cents. A nootLmsTiS'Ht^™^: it. • f -r i-sr s-eat rlmi »r» AAdr»«a It from the n»t by Ibe horse-car lines The j R-knrleatuwa, Maea. A i o . V k. I* >LLAh cALK. Kl hruuifield M.. Item- 5 fKki American exhibitors, and every foot rival in Ixmis XIV/* affections. There . —an error in every respect, as 1 cm we grow the less imiioel are we to climb bushel of good ht©1 w<*h 1 ashes c< ntains main building stands 170 feet back from i s(H-c«fi)y demons rate If tb**re wrere to U». Mrs______of spare has been applied for two and a was no douU aiiout it; the proofs are ! or risk our neck on ladder* in galhenug i*mr (^mnJsof (>otaah. in addition to some the north side of Kim avenue, the area lie- j on record. The order was <*«ued to I lr more money to-morrow, it would n 8 PRAIRIE LANDS. !r, . . .. tween the building and the avenue lieing half limes over. Bequest* for space come fruit. It i* quite likely that in time* past Msla and a considerable amount of soluble in every day. altbo igh the time fixed for arrest the Couutras, but Louis told lb*- { Ua ianiied to the po«>r man. U» the det*tor when dwarf pear* wen* af! thv rage, that Mlicia and (»ho»)»hab* of lime. The real for special pruduc ts w hich may be ex­ l>uke of Bouillon to give Ik r a hint, and j class, but rather to the hanker and the rioting has long mice expired. The al- tbe mania for these trees led to some ex- money value of these constituents is ful!y ERSKssstsa-K® Smith Organ to., hibited la the often air. There is also a capitalist. Nobody would lend to the ! iotmeuts of spat'e in the main building she esraped Nor was she the only «»ne iravaidant notions in regard to their pro- lorty cents a t»u»h« I. It is a good plan to Hit I'arW At lloma. space JUO feet wide between the main who escaped; for there was sock an e(d- debuir. be* suae Uie pr*»»|w < i ahes*l would pa hi USty. Tlmeikort. Terme I uildmg and the art gallery on the north haw-all kern read*-, but occasionally some (JuctiveDesw and value, *till we are uot in- mix asfie* w nn gn>un«J is>ne io a sort of •ojrrtle |JMM4lmSll« i MI BOSTON^ MASS. body dors not com * to time, and tbr space demic of piosnutog that Uie Magiskrale de iadi sfe Uiat when he ruturned the )«*an It cline<1 t«» give them up, nor to think that year <>r aaMiSi)*.rt*wrreaa Im side, where the < on© actor was obliged to com(KMt, letting it lie till the whole lie- ASdrasa Ite f. iltarel. ggacf. Mlcb. Tlia*e kumUttl Inatrwnienta is forfeited lo s*uu- oilier applicant wwhose la Kryn ie hesitated to go on with his in ­ would lie worth leas than when lie b»r- | all kind* of dwarf tn-e* are a “ bumbng come* a homogeneous ma*s. In mixing build an annex thirty feet wide by 500 feel quiries; he found thev were likely to r*.we«! it f)itftru*t would n**t on y con ­ long as an additional gallery for the main rwiueat has U*en on tile for want af mom. and delusion," as some horticultural writ­ sslie* with bone you get all the esseutials All exhibitors are * bilged to •iilxnit draw ­ compromise very exalted )*ersonagi-s in ­ tinue, but locreas-. M<*rtgAges ov»w»lne, j ers have as*umt*l U* believe ' “ Sold by Music Dealers Everywhere building, owing to tin* great deni arc! for n«*.-s mature*1. would far liroseruted to of plant food. 7 on gel the gelatine in tbe WAWmiMr M | W I Eillnsm " booaa‘ U»- U.ttaa fWi ______* ings of their case* to U»r bureau of instal ­ deed. lu a very short time he had 147 t »ur best s(m-( iuieu* ol p» ar* *4 various bone, together with nitrogen, (aiiash and WV AAAa A AMMJ * imiua • » exhibition ^pnee under cover. The build ­ prisoner* on hi* hands, and he questions j judgment, because the creditor p«rt«k*-s fwiiara paid Mo«it<'iM**‘r'iC«.,(liuiMil OhJi AGES TS WAlfTED IN EVTBT TOWN. ing is in tbt form of a parallelogram, lation, showing th * arrangement of their <4that weakness of human nature known sorts ar** nnuually gather**! fr**tu (-ear Mala, what molt* can you have* Wehavc giHils, and theiM plans nave to be ap­ ** wlieth* r it it for God's glory an*I ibt , ti»* * wrorke«l on «;uince »tr* k*. or what kir nvt^ra! year* recoiuinendv-d that mix­ AVV I ACf NT# WANTED 'oS^a moyo Tiioioaorr thb ciitid »rm» o* ran extending east and west 1.WN0 feet in King's interest, i. r , the interest of the ' a* sclrtshm a*, and would take thH nn-arw * » Aim |Book ‘r flrleham Towng’a length, and north and tooth 464 feet in proved k».fore lhe> sit- accepted. are terme«i dw*rt» But if we were alsiut ture. and some have told u* that it did TTT7A Iwifwairt. 19. is.cooa te,. .1 1BHT4L.UBKXT PI.4B « 8*ate, or < ven (4 justice, to publish abroad t • pr* vent the le%*uuing of Uied drop the BOOK I* ink TWAIB*snaw Bmi raw i tUlufues kul fk!l parterulRra ua t|iyi)ralk«. in 1681, lie says; “ Hut for the confessions care and att< ntiou, and are perhaps lent seed u(*on the fertilizer aiid in that way |o«l»e! • eeerythiRg I* w*X merry The larger (tuition of I tee building it : of the cf itninals, I should scarcely be able fa*»e values. Tns rich would rvjoi* e in 0 I • - t .* U rm ► UkS l-«i one story in height, and shows the msin j A raxn ri i. mcm Uok place o.i Tues­ gvrahr wealth, the (4*>f would sorrow >a liable to dMreae. We think, Icwrever, dewtroy the g^nninai principle A cno- fi,|« *■' Ur ir» tell to credit the existence «.< mi -h a tr a flic in that the failures experienced by many sidcrabis quaulity of eaith should b*- put A< K *• r - rial1 «.l, I hirtfo.Mq lit cornice upon the outside at fdirty-flve feet day at in connection with the in poisons. I**naouiog is the common retne grrwfer p*»verfy m r$700 above the ground, the interior height liv­ u-rintnl *4 an infant, and the following When confidence is re-t^rwl the debt who went into the dwarf pear an 1 aj»ple U[H)n the coui(*wt !ef»re the weil is ToarVim* Flafittlv Prlat- dy f<»r family troubles. Human life j* put [•I* ing seventv feet at iba finuterua in the narrative of the occurrence is from the or * |irm|Mei hrightens at once What ir*f ‘ culture, a few years since, with ex- dnipped. Half a bandful in a hill brings H a* II 1 I.Mitltll \lMT)l* , up to the sale dailj/ ’ (One pc»iaoner , tr wagant idea* in regard to profits, have __ Hr S LwS karb «W MM> 'rBJfBussJSom roof. At the center of the longer sides, pen *4 our reporter, who wss present : 1 among the p**or actually undertc»ok the he has boruous aval laid*; b« can cet > the corn up quickly, and make* a mag wWte SWU saW m«aMa tka U0W. g««km« led our (ximolcigists gvtHTaily todiscour- - r - •H'* sb ’ I ■ AtriT » l( v V> Nr 4 itmH4 a« vrv* th- M or fronts of itee building, are prnjcctimi A momr the inhabitant* of the village is ij*oh for the trifling sum of tbiny son** ) ‘ credit for it; liie dernaud for hi* UU>r oificcut growth, ll is a very profitable SufiUT Piiiti** *»•«. Ittesl Mam 416 fret across, and in the center of the age the prfquxgatioo and cultivation <4’ii *r. »ff« »>ut eft nil one Milliam Handersoa. a farm laborer. >'f here was such a panic that Uu people I or hi* prolucU continually enhto e« . fertilizer Ui u*r. Tbe more ashes we can ll.. lirr-s t/uA'i. r* fr. -m aides are similar projections 216 feet whose infant son was baptized mtbelK>re dwarf trie* of all kind* Tliere ia, wiihlmH* the latter. We would appi} I Al ll* 1IL'\ ** »o irsrs TategraHiy. lb af KI 111 ikd Al I'll X - , . . , gave up using mclalmetal dnnkmrdrinkingcups cups and Honest currency ia the only safety f<»r «ui I III \|. nf 1 furr>i»hf.! r»te-«fy pntRVteA. Pr'cr <* -Rrh fi par IK j arrows In these projection*. in the con* j I rmit'ivr »hout • , u»,k u> nii(rll , lw ^ hou>»t iu *n- out dou!4. some choke In thn kind* of' least twenty five busnels of dry ashes I Ul Ul Ilia 1 My»r!) all o*er*u.r% kirral k) Mnneo luut u4 I meet* CIMTENNIAL PRISIUMI. ter of the four sides, ate the main cn I ago. fin Friday the boy died from coo There ia no rewl difference i*;twe* n any shaks to be employed in I^'ffH^ating to the acre, ami If we could get • 1.V0 ie i-* a»«r4-4 f rth,lm* as U» (smsosi the drink poured into it At dwart tr«»w, ami only the beat filly we would (>n-fer U> use that rm I •'.•• Met T«te«ra|Ui Cun.. 4 hieawa. Mg f *r (Iff* itorltrm. .«• hril -»«h ol i»r.a- irs^ea, which are provided with arcades vulsion*. and Uie father, having ot named a dinner every guest had his own sliver two classes in tkiscoueirv. iWasago/ism . Isr N S . Tai •«.!**■ Inttirt ra. Jsaaivuie. M te. o)»oo the ground thaw and central facade*. should be uaetl; but let us not ( am' .uut, and that would perhaps to*** nilr.l%rHI l.y ua tens© ■ • ’ t » - • a m give up the h»w hr**led dwarf trees, at be atiout the limit U> which it would { audl.n*. rAim.1 rh>» j**f fr--m eiUBding to M * height of nin«»y bet [ arrangements for the funeral, but when a confidential servant. The linen sn . snnot tear down. The creditor class is ALL ABOUT CAKDKNINC. They sfi ornate an>; ia pmiBg The oast | he had completed them ihe Kev. H T F least tor garden culture. We want he wise io go. As to leached ashes, F-r Hon* la art lor Market, la HOOT*! fl * R- |Prl«(|r« II « Uriel M-d Pumtu washed at home, and “ gut up” under the mo r than twice as numerous a* the debt ­ UBI SfABV AL rsaw hkf a mark m IN •ItoHrS. |'%r krla.fijb X u rt a . eniraoce is also *he rastei n iMiUBdary of Aldred, the vicar, informed him that be 1 trow with i(ranches starting near the though manv farmers think as highly of BsuXaeaUe sAgri Seal peya.4 tor lo r,«u. Jj"». • mIIm-u w for ehw-h th« u-4 housewife’s own eyea, f*w fear the master's or r lass. iVople constantly changi from- | i . < ‘ fh>f 3* ara ifrr.d1 vil*v I* *• r 11 • i ground, so lhal old folks and child© n can U»em as unleacbed, they are far Irs* valu- J. H. ROUT, baa# (irawri.■UrhtMN, 111. the ground* line will be Uit carnage i could not inter the boy, inasmuch as be whirls should be made shins of Nessos. oue to the otbrr. *1 he creditor today it IS# f 'mmtmmntmi Eituhrlron. te I'bdad-bAM. ndrx M i oocourse and Um principal apprtiach to galher f*uit with**ut havingUiclimh forty- j able f«»r ni*st purpowrs, and their money and pram mm* will ba aw anted try I be ir cnnnulie.. had n<8 baptized him. The reverend gen- letters were disinfected as if it the d» tdor lo morrowr. There will n**ver 4 ••HanUI KiaaaHtes *i K«e a*Mhlwaa end fall ear< •• aler* *md fur oow fuiilo the KxhibiUon fo* visitors in carnages. fool ladders , If it is. necessary p©»tt tbr thrmmr a mi k uh. r><.tid«n o».f side of the structure, will be the priori much ea»o r to d«> *o than with lofty s(ieci afigL || , ...... ^ PW Pa «r. j m- urr tr » V •(*.«•: determined to bury the body yeaterdav, because people ‘had kiown n^v'ri m I urr °r measure is opened U> the in ­ out everything that Is ■ ■ *»■IbiiM { m ,XM W MrtUoa-M .CM tains • be* uf MOO tartottes <4 4>«nVn. Fuld pal entrance from the street cars, the and rouimuaicaiad with the Kev W. men*. 1 he same is true in regard to de* j soluble in but water, and of cmirsa he re- •■d Hu* * r with rrpbeit dtrrclrwu f«r m)iur<-. 1 rocover aher smelhngatsin a poisonevl flower, j terestsT. ... of1 the dei8<»r<. lasfl The man who SPp*«r* •• rural bkkdrad »fr>»uif% ami a lo«*iifttlty ticket offices, as alal) tke gates, bt tng Whitby, KuparirilKndcnt of the Bheflleid Even Kacino. the good and truly plona, I ^***** »n a *troying...... noxious*''*■ insects, pruning and 1 va ­ moves a very largeT* .(wirtioq of the soluble {* U ICACO Ossr*Rtert*»SoAsat»tefka vorb Wmd l)lb er*)di S-nt f*n 3S nn! under covered ways, within the arcade or rious other operations, which arc some T . _ _ _ of wmsoi ar rafter* TVaWitM W*rde*rr'» . "..Ir'i '*> ...Frimitive Methodist.. firat circuit. In the . the best char*-trr. perhaps. <4* all the , tie blistered to death in potash and soluble aula, and those are SCffi A PFfi W* taAr lk»m oq trial M •«! ' 1 rtmmmt k«A. ilk MS#'-- ' • ’ veatibulw. The main portal, on the op- ^ U‘,e ,Sr,Cf for I who adorned that brdlisnt Court. • U,e hboric arid, aa a a a Ikici lag. free. AS4reaa ( * e*s Hlu.'UMaHraled Fstaial alalMcur was at oue time suspected of being a It is well known that dwarf trees gen DITCHENsCcrRi-rr £ Ulicker • •. 4 klcogy. a A % nW<» >•*< ef a# the nee r«r>-ira n-.-en«», tatre- the paeeagv-Way to the art gallery ami die ine-ut «iw fixed for three o'clock, ami It poiaoocr. These archives slmw that in ­ (icare of society Capital and lalmr are he leaves a certain amount ot soluble dirm.a ilh wMfvLhrr drenhk teU tha h >w< h tot main porta! on the weet fbmt, at Itelmont was intruded ihat. as tbr vicar bad re mutually dependent and indispensable to ' crallv come into hearing much Mioncr *i!ica —that ia. it ia soluble to plant* —and VEGETABLE IkfurawlMS «|aa »h».r mkinMna. Q par-*, He#aU quiries were secretly act on foot about , than itandard, and this saving of time is B K. BLISS A SONS. avenue, fronts machinery hall, the second fused to Inter the cor]**e. it should \*e him. and that his innocence was India each other. he leave* the lime; sod. upon the wtade, find Flower largest exhibition building. V pou the p)am*d io the* grave by tr tends, tb« Kev quite an iiu|M>rtant matter when a family he leaves a considerable amount ot fertil­ UliUgma Free. 1140VKJ A 4 O.. r4k >a«Ri.DI’i. 34 BirrlayM..' T. r-J outably proved. Indeed, among the mot Indication* of a Revival. has to wait for fruit until Uie trees grow I«1 “ I. Cbiraga. 111. corner of the main building are tour k>w JLWb!ib) "“‘•I ,L« rnttitiv* M«b..* IMrycr,. ley crew «boes Now, as regards the vmlua of leached Tiinnn are still those wiUi their Lsn la , trainetl low will usually come Into bear DONr NfP.I ect your Teeth | a apt Pa at mkh angle sf<4 the tesweca, aad| turnpike road adjoining the tbe chnrch- pretension* te> fame Yoi*in ashes, we regard them as worth from loor- lie tween the Unrsn and the central projer was burned and their nmey in their pockets waiting . ing earlier than O msk * trimmed up, even FRINK l/KM,IK'S .S'vviU j yar-l. i hr dissenting minister arrived alive la February. 1H80 Madame de teen to seventeen cents per bushel, but oreeki. a> coNVSMlnx tor It. 1*0 nwres k# tllaatrw tmn*, or entrances, a iow« r roof, twenty in the village al three o'elurk to officiate for * ’better time*." or fearing that the in- the same kind of tUvk, and the cannot state the precise value, because Items, f LXt yssriy. with eirgwai Cbroom H»4 40 VfiNBUSKIBK’S pqASRANT four fret lo the cornice, breaks the uni ­ L'nrada, wife of a ” master *4 woods ami flat iontM* may rauae ffirther fiuctnstiona only real advantage of using a dwarf kind 4M <«e cupF «4 terms u» Fim New Tor* at tbe iutrrinmt, but the grave was n<* forests,” bad her hand cutoff a year after. some soap makers will rob them more formity. i finished until nearly aa hour after­ and a fresh unsettling of values. But the of plant for a itori, la to save the trouble than others. You cannot find two«|it* I- Between these two a g**! many'uirt their gr« at mass of the poy t!.e d c! nc in v» n - as pruningjir'iiiutr mdnn#A%'VC VmitT. aroM aa^ 'Twe^ am! lewre to 1 90 feet in height, with spires thirty that to go further would bring a scandal ** ihall lv no further inflation .” They nurseries, and fo©w the branches to push ' therefore, and every housekeeper le t are X s*si- 4 the **akort-cats* la fra»rii»*aM atek: me­ tbe grave was ready, sad tbe little pro­ on the whole nation. Other grand conrt in* md - Hin*» to* the Oetenui*! * Prorfrei ••!*- feet higher, bare been introduced at U m* have gone to work again, and we alrealv oul low down on the main stem, *u i from fUj |n nave the wood a*hr* and apply th - * n were r'lnprouiiml Besides the villain ua< im nxMi of bustne#* trai»-s< Iknis Ihia It kow te help motere mlmmm my mall 0)rente Ore* able flag staffs, with small flags and pen instead annually shorten all leading or use them af home than to sell them to the ter free. kIVHAl.L 4 C© . lo« l«>94, Vrw OrWs from w ,!krd the Rnv. W. Whitby, hut onl out priests who were executed there were is shown by tbe reconl of the amount <4 non* of ail nations, surmount the roof <4 reaching the galea of tbe churchyard, not terminal shoot* In many htcalities it Is *« ap maker at any price that he witlbr these towers and along the eaves, and the many other clergymen involved more or freirtitHL JH tran-jH>rtcd Bi over onr railroad line^. difficult to obtain large (icar* and ap(dea only he but all the mourners were sur- less deeply in the same i^npieties. . . .1 ami the rerefpu of rr likely to give. — Fklougkmtun. effect is gay and brilliant, while the *auy prised to are the Kev. E. B Chaimer com- ipu of grain and flour at lake from standard or tall trees, as they are £. J.MANX n windows with which the walls of the Tbr guilty werr allowed to escape into and riror porta. AM political combtna- likely to tie blown off by the wind l>efurr Ing up Die pathway, reading the service, f*»relgn parts, or fo hide themarlve* i LNCHAVt R o.. WOOU building are pierced make ft appear light as ia the custom of the clergy ef burials lions and schemes tending to roll those they "mature, but with low headed or dwarf luonaatenaa. 1* 0Nic opinion, tie, went people <4 their earnings by tampering Tas itamhMl asika far sfi Sts— is sf ttes 4<70 LASA'.L > Cctl^-AoC* . and graceful. Next came a very paiuful scene. It had trees this loss ia avohled. — Huml Nett laag# ut mium Prusosicf rsre. ncassca't Tbe foundations nf the bnikllogs are round in a moment. From being " the with the currency —all local or ter Yorker Wen *o distinctly umleratood by the be­ fashion," poisooing became ” drradlul" , tbmal r inles v or* to raise Into •si W ibb Tome sod Pcsisci i M*sna*aa piers of masoorr, and the superstructure reaved that a clergyman would not Pills. is4. IT takes Wfovw th* Issgs am kwlroysd i# composed of wrought iron « in everybody ’! opinion, and there was power on the lalloa <4 inflation, In-Door Flower Cultnrc. • *j«srdj car* |c «gKte1 '*•» tear at the interment that there waa really no need of further penaeeuUons. will lie summarily put down when ­ To th*** th-** m«d1ctn«s Dr J H firhserk. of which support wp>iight-lron ro«4 jQSl <-auM* for the surprise of the Kev, W. Philadelphia. ISM hi* numM Nr IIIlaafrairt Pfer«*l Cataterai fer 1RTI for society al **nce ostracized all toe ever the issue U aquarcly presented to tr**lmrsl of pitlmos«rj ftoaM*. 1% ROW frroA, hr|e« lOceate. Wi thee kuf th* e«t lengthwise <4 the bpIMIng the col VVhitky. who (irocestni most emphatically guilty, and A raw veirsj ago conservatories wrere TiUlitf K. Ik'wnrrrs.toS Warree tk. haWos. Man. aro twenty four f»^4 apart There even the suspected. —Frmert' the (teople at large. It ft Uie arntiment The hilssaU Brrsp rlpsae the w* OU matter again* the reading of the Church of En. ne. and wish <4 all those who have anything conside.-ed a luxury beyond the reach <4 ts the l»sg». srtars throw* It ed hf aa asey «a 679 rodumn* in *IL the shortest gfaod atrvke. saparialiv as be had al- all but the wealthy; hut. since the mtro- prtorillN fsr whea tha phlegm er matter te 1 •UUUAffff i«*rtSfiRTTW ml WlfTKO.ft > see am. *r §40#|«»* to|M f-w twenty three feet sod the kongvnt 195 fewt at stake that there shall be tn thi* matter a *li|bi ewd will Uruw It eg. the paflisi teas *•»• 5 rundv g»*nc thfouck a portion of the,r own •prlng Wraps. no sign harkwsrd. Tbe aggregate amount ductnm <4 turne r healer* and bate born- toito-e an (hr »*w arf from present apnea ranees, continue to in ­ become almost a so easily with people of W«rd T'nie mo*t ha beefy seed te clesaee the HARDENS THE GUMS I he taken down loc re ereettow eleewherr mjPptns blw k silk ia almo*t »* larr** quantities a* cultare. and they are tiecotwiwg common atemsck sad liwr. artwsck'i Hesdrmk* Ptlte aca crease. The decline In pri es wen a •a th* Itvar. msevtag all ohetrsrtloaa relax itee ll inrvarli fi delightfully retreating The sides of the building, for the height man ard (he MMBk ’be latter u*ey did ten vears ago. when a silk aseque necessary (•recurs, r to the revival of even in families of small incomes. A gait bladdar. tha Mte (tart* N*tf ead Uw Mew te HEALTHFUL AND ELIGIBLE H0ME8 of arvra feet from the ground, nrefint*h«d 1 ticularly anxious to state there ought tn fociaed (iart i4 rrenr ladv's outfit. TIh *m trade (hie swallow does not make a small conservatory is not an expensive •eea reUeead. tam and f#cliag lo tha mouth, nueov- with brink work, with iwnels between the Br beach a Sea W«ae Teste to a resile vrtmaiaat In a Pleasant Climate. Hf nn InqBBBt. Until the elm gym an wrap* are made of fteav'h rep(wd silk, or s'lmmer, hut evarytixing points to the fact luxury, or need MK he, hy anv means 1 asul r«rd, glazed mil** with Ike fvmd sad prv^*»i* eoartag- * l •* eVtmtod Ve Nrm W . Tweal-wme. A • elmme, lb# l#eth, completely amwtinf th# prs- [cnlm as that tpdhe tn enrh othnr. (mt thev usually in aacqne shape, tKvigh Uiero an* I work creaffng weahh on Tbclr fbrms. rail hold 900plants without any crowding, in ­ at*t* the dtr**U«s by aestnr ay the tawiwfe le a • i.l acre r* • poanektot ed rsdiobie lad, rial I .a, tie*. the budding.upon Mac an% eelof,nrecowfeu [••mad it sreerelr prisaiMe, m Ucv cfm W«iiki ortiltot. m UW tbe fo»d sad the Pal from of decay, and whiteninf aooh ♦arkma manOr*. romr of which are called < road*, lakes and rivers in their manu ­ cluding two or three tree* —as an <»lean- ir .m v - p will make fund btnod . tbes tbe I (rated by small galvanised iron octagonal versed in this wine: half IVffmans The moai -’rlish sarqnes • factories. stores, smelting) urn area and der. an abut lion and an orange—and yet best, asd Uw petiest will eofrty get weU if a* 2C part# a# have bec<*ne black by decay. turrets, whicn extend above the roof and The HivTw. Whitby—hop. air. If yoo are fitie'l behind and looee fn fr uit aud mince iHvrtng the month of January the have room enough to move a Hoot, though taken te prowl fresh ro d WAGON. are surmounted by flagstaff*, or, at other t>b a#*.. We do net want any service road possibly a<4 very freely, without hitting All vbe stab te eosestt 0 IMPURE BREATH ' some of them are so long 0i*t a few dr* demand lor twwtnge • tamps, postal car*is aeaslly ar by )«Uef. ess de eo at prlbdpel at- places, by the Kntto waf angle, ranrte of We have bad a service in our chapel, and pleats are laid in ihe sides and tie nod Mmi|ied eaveloprs rawkel tbe ua- the head upon hanging ban kata It should (tea. rnraav rt litis h, .d eanaari by Dad Teeth, Tobncco, SptrUa, galvanized iron, gilded The Nadoual not wiA any service of yotr GZ. Variety is given them »y shaping prervdaatad amount of $8 .**»/**> worth. opnn wide f©mi th* dining or silling every Header . Uh V| or Catorrh. ia neutralised by lb# daily *'** 1y d - ►? trrnput* «»bi« four The IK E B. (ktlmo Ymi cannot around, with a cluster of pln«ta in the postal cards time the ‘ttMi of Jess Wll. itantly . the end facing southward and act the side eeftTBMfmtlflr be a Irwph; slowing tmrh tljof 'TUX’rT- with oouble aaahea In winter One wide m While of the bar k. or else pointer* on the whereas the ante during the ewiire fl*ral Ptaannaa. Aha W VV Whiffiy- I •ides or ia front . a de.*p Continental v»-*t which ended on if at date was only in the ©k 4 ia «uliriwt for " top. National rrohrt Bhd the cOdw-tHM ||i|ldCiapa» - Pr„ Trse ATee lilffi-“1 have beea using ia also adrfe*i to many. For a tear part 000.09i Thane figure* are sara iadi- ftfbh” Tbe inahle walla should br fin- M’JMOyr Livy R REOUL A rob. and It tea* S0Z0D0NT the roantry occupying that part if the The Ucv. E. B Chslmer —But yon •uch garments have beea most stylish 4 a gradual revival of business talked In wood ami varnished or painted, proved la ha the teal medicine la my rase It la a* hormlass u wmtor. building VarlaffBMFWMw wad tllfwg 1 not have the body interred her* unices the whea m<*t simply trimmed, bar the new ffirnwfhouf the country —AT. T. Wmrtl. and then. If the floor la of southern nr that 1 eve* saw. Wa believa It to be one of afi arc introduced ia the vestibules of the four i service hi reed. feature is tn trim them elaborately with “ fat" pine, and waxed or rdled. the best tnedkiaea la the aa I versa.** SH *j IVnftrt. wi Dull U ra. mala entrances, and the ornamentation The Kev. W Whitby—It shall be cord, passementerie, silk gaBorm. wool Fxsnton is as aid as the hills, and «U» the plant* can ha watered freely over the jcnnirtaa Is eotd by Htdioa A Hildreth, On# hoc tie trill I set Wx of the entrance-ways jg j buried like a dog, then, withoat braid ribbon loops, sad fringe, fare, or er, perhaps. By gaudy trappings have without injury to anything. Alter r"^drrZ?to ^ iWrT “ rather The iwpvuia, the wreettm I mv Miw 995 and 997 fitate fit , Chicago, loser thsaaay Bleating. These trimmings serve aa bof women alwwr* striven lo win the heart of spfiakllag, and when the planta and I i la th* Weed Gcoda are flrai rlass (VtoKatk* a i wnrh over the arrh«e of the! Tb#The parents of the dead boy alond by ia ders. ami pass straight up the hark Col Even the (mean of Sheba, whew hanging baskets have done dripping, •a AatkofeiJa «L of the ioevee of the Mm. th* \) the ffrsdMfPUr mi the uMMi, peme.1 lars are Bvroe shape serf large, aad even at ♦•• .Jerusalem to ewptDeSe 8*>lo the water on the floor can he quickly and Tn« largeei Tiaattr Work* la tha world or mo-.inuin laurel, the !J beyond compare by the dispute, had to he the collar is trimmed by being made of oo. want * Whh a very groat truth." easily removed by a large spongs fastened. ar* ta Chicago. E !. Framing A Co., Ptw#V