Glass Vessels from the Reign of Thutmose III and a Hitherto Unknown Glass Chalice

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Glass Vessels from the Reign of Thutmose III and a Hitherto Unknown Glass Chalice REPRINTED FROM JOURNAL OF GLASS STUDIES VOLUME 48 • 2006 Paul T. Nicholson Glass Vessels from the Reign of Thutmose III and a Hitherto Unknown Glass Chalice Copyright © 2006 by The Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, NY 14830-2253 Glass Vessels from the Reign of Thutmose III and a Hitherto Unknown Glass Chalice Paul T. Nicholson ver the years, there have been is believed to date from the seventh year of the many reports of glass in Egypt that is queen’s reign.6 Odated earlier than about 1500 B.C.1 Since raw glass of that period was naturally Several of these objects—including the famous greenish or brownish because of impurities such “Bull Mosaic” of Princess Khnumet2 and the as iron, it had to be decolorized in order to pro- lion’s head amulet inscribed for Nubkheperre3— duce colorless objects such as the name beads. are now known to have been made of materials Decolorization was a sophisticated process, and other than glass. The remaining pieces that are virtually all of the glass known from ancient known to us do not appear to represent any de- Egypt was strongly colored, usually in shades liberate and regular production of glass. Instead, of light or dark blue. The notion that colorless they may be the result of accidents that occurred glass could have been manufactured so early, in during the making of faience or frit. Egypt or elsewhere, suggests a remarkable so- There are two pieces of glass that may be rele- phistication in this early glass industry. vant to this discussion, but for the moment, their Chemical analysis of the beads has shown status remains unclear. They are name beads4 that they are “compositionally similar to analy- that bear inscriptions mentioning Queen Hat- ses of glasses from Tell el Amarna”7 when com- shepsut (1473–1458 B.C.) and her steward, Se- pared with earlier analyses performed by Cow- nenmut.5 These beads were originally thought to ell and Werner.8 This does not necessarily mean have been made of rock crystal. However, they that the glass was made in Egypt. It may simply are colorless glass objects that may originally have been inscribed there. Another piece of col- have come from the foundation deposits of the orless glass dated to the Amarna period came Hathor shrine of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahri, from an inscription on a Canopic jar for a although they were not found in situ. The shrine queen.9 Although it is similar to other glasses Acknowledgments. I am grateful to Dr. Caroline Jackson for 4. The British Museum EA 26289 (fragment) and EA 26290 reading an early draft of this article, and to Cerian Whitehurst (intact). for her comments. 5. C. Nicholas Reeves, “Two Name-Beads of Hatshepsut and 1. Alfred Lucas, Ancient Egyptian Materials and Industries, Senenmut from the Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut at London: Longman Green and Co., 1926; H. C. Beck, “Glass Deir el-Bahri,” Antiquaries Journal, v. 66, 1986, pp. 387–388. before 1500 B.C.,” Ancient Egypt and the East, June 1935, pp. 6. Ibid., p. 388. 7–21; A. Shortland, “Social Influences on the Development and 7. M. Bimson and I. C. Freestone, “Some Egyptian Glasses Spread of Glass Technology,” in The Social Context of Techno- Dated by Royal Inscriptions,” Journal of Glass Studies, v. 30, logical Change: Egypt and the Near East, 1650–1550 B.C., ed. 1988, p. 11. A. J. Shortland, Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2001, pp. 211–222. 8. M. R. Cowell and A. E. Werner, “Analysis of Some Egyp- 2. The Egyptian Museum, Cairo CG 52975, JdE 31126. tian Glass,” Annales de l’Association Internationale pour l’His­ 3. The British Museum EA 59619. toire du Verre, v. 6, Cologne, 1973 (Liège, 1974), pp. 295–298. 9. The British Museum EA 9558. 11 from Amarna,10 there are some compositional indeed made in Egypt, the industry would have differences.11 In particular, the colorless glass been established much earlier than is now be- from the jar has twice the amount of lime that lieved. However, the authors do not cite the X- is found in the name beads. ray analyses to which they refer, and the fact It may be that we are seeing here an early that the piece corresponds to other 18th-Dynas- stage in which glass was imported into Egypt ty glasses does not necessarily mean that it was and a later stage of local production, with the made in Egypt. change having occurred during the Amarna pe- The question of the establishment of glass- riod. Alternatively, this may represent an Egyp- making or regular glassworking is a vexed one, tian industry that was already established by and it will be examined in more detail else- the time of Hatshepsut, an industry that later where.16 There is, however, a general consensus changed its recipes in order to make better use that glass came to Egypt as a developed craft, of local raw materials.12 perhaps a century old,17 so that “with dramatic Whatever the case may be regarding the pro- suddenness, glass makes its appearance also in duction of these glasses, it is interesting that Egypt.”18 The idea that the craft was imported both the beads and the Canopic jar, which was from beyond Egypt seems to have come from intended for a royal wife, have royal connec- Petrie, who stated that “as soon as Egypt over- tions. The same is true of a light blue glass bead ran Syria, artificers were brought in, about 1500 of unknown provenance13 that bears the name B.C., and glass making became a flourishing and of Ahmose (1550–1525 B.C.) on one side and varied industry.”19 This view was accepted by that of Amenhotep I (1525–1504 B.C.) on the Harden,20 who specifically mentioned the bor- other side.14 This object has been regarded by ders of Mesopotamia, a region that is usually re- Brovarski, Doll, and Freed as possible evidence ferred to as the kingdom of Mitanni. for a co-regency by these two rulers, the first of The idea that glass was imported from this the New Kingdom, and they claim that “X-ray region was strengthened, on linguistic grounds, spectrometry yielded findings consistent with by Oppenheim,21 who emphasized that two Ak- the analysis of known 18th Dynasty parallels.”15 kadian words previously identified as “precious That the piece is seen as evidence for a co-re- stone” (mekku and ehlipakku) may refer to glass. gency implies that it is of early date and may be In the Amarna letters, ehlipakku was sent from contemporaneous with the rulers whose names Mitanni to Egypt. The Egyptian king was always it bears. This would suggest that, from the very the one who required mekku or ehlipakku, and beginning of the Egyptian New Kingdom, glass it is clear from one of the letters22 that the two and royalty were interlinked. If the object was words refer to the same thing. Indeed, Petrie 10. Based on comparison with analyses by Cowell and Wer- 17. Veronica Tatton-Brown and Carol Andrews, “Before the ner [note 8]. Invention of Glassblowing,” in Five Thousand Years of Glass, 11. Bimson and Freestone [note 7], p. 12. ed. H. Tait, London: British Museum, 1991, p. 26. 12. Cf. T. Rehren, “Rationales in Old World Base Glass 18. A. Leo Oppenheim, “Towards a History of Glass in the Composition,” Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 27, 2000, Ancient Near East,” Journal of the American Oriental Society, pp. 1225–1234. v. 93, 1973, p. 262. 13. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 1978.691. 19. W. M. Flinders Petrie, “Glass Found in Egypt,” Transac- 14. Edward Brovarski, Susan K. Doll, and Rita E. Freed, tions of the British Newcomen Society, v. 5, 1925, p. 72. Egypt’s Golden Age: The Art of Living in the New Kingdom, 20. Donald B. Harden, “Ancient Glass, 1: Pre-Roman,” The 1558–1085 B.C., Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1982, p. 169. Archaeological Journal, v. 125, 1968, p. 48. 15. Ibid. 21. Oppenheim [note 18]. 16. Paul T. Nicholson, Report on the Excavations at Amar- 22. The British Museum EA 148. For a translation, see Wil- na 045.1 and the Place of Glass in Egypt’s New Kingdom, Lon- liam L. Moran, The Amarna Letters, Baltimore and London: don: Egypt Exploration Society, forthcoming. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992, p. 235. 12 states that there “was little difficulty in attrib- estimated at 83.72 kilograms.29 The authors uting to the Syrians the glasswares which were note that this distinction is interesting, since imported into Egypt prior to 1500 B.C.”23 most of the vessels from the time of Thutmose Such early glass products are illustrated at a III (1479–1425 B.C.) are light blue rather than number of sites. The most famous of these is the dark blue, and thus the finds may be unrepre- illustration in the Annals of Thutmose III at Kar- sentative.30 nak. Here, the king lists glass after gold and sil- Shortland uses the evidence from the Annals ver, suggesting its importance.24 Some of the of Thutmose III to argue that most of the early glass is seen as circular pieces of fairly consis- glass was light blue rather than dark blue31 and tent size, perhaps ingots, while other pieces are to obtain a figure of 10,913.8 dbn or 993 kilo- shown as irregular lumps. The apparent raw grams for the light blue glass. This is an astonish- glass is described as “Menkheperre lapis lazu- ing amount, and it suggests that glass was being li”25 to distinguish it from genuine lapis lazuli.
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    Journal of Egyptian History �0 (�0�7) �09–��3 Integration of Foreigners in Egypt The Relief of Amenhotep II Shooting Arrows at a Copper Ingot and Related Scenes Javier Giménez Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Barcelona-Tech) [email protected] Abstract The relief of Amenhotep II shooting arrows at a copper ingot target has often been considered as propaganda of the king’s extraordinary strength and vigour. However, this work proposes that the scene took on additional layers of significance and had different ritual functions such as regenerating the health of the king, and ensuring the eternal victory of Egypt over foreign enemies and the victory of order over chaos. Amenhotep II was shooting arrows at an “Asiatic” ox-hide ingot because the ingot would symbolize the northern enemies of Egypt. The scene belonged to a group of representations carved during the New Kingdom on temples that showed the general image of the king defeating enemies. Moreover, it was linked to scenes painted in pri- vate tombs where goods were brought to the deceased, and to offering scenes carved on the walls of Theban temples. The full sequence of scenes would describe, and ritual- ly promote, the process of integration of the foreign element into the Egyptian sphere. Keywords Amenhotep II stela – ox-hide ingot – offering scenes – scenes of goods brought to the deceased * I would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments which led me to consider an additional meaning of the scene in Min’s tomb (TT109) and the possibility that the Egyptians regarded the ox-hide ingot as a marvel from a land beyond Egypt’s sphere of control.
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