Boletín de Geología ISSN: 0120-0283
[email protected] Universidad Industrial de Santander Colombia Patarroyo, Pedro SUCESIÓN DE AMONITAS DEL CRETÁCICO SUPERIOR (CENOMANIANO – CONIACIANO) DE LA PARTE MÁS ALTA DE LA FORMACIÓN HONDITA Y DE LA FORMACIÓN LOMA GORDA EN LA QUEBRADA BAMBUCÁ, AIPE - HUILA (COLOMBIA, S. A.) Boletín de Geología, vol. 33, núm. 1, enero-junio, 2011, pp. 69-92 Universidad Industrial de Santander Bucaramanga, Colombia Available in: Abstract The Bambucá creek section (Aipe - Huila) shows a very good exposition of the Upper Magdalena Valley Cretaceous deposits. To the upper part of the Hondita Formation were recollected Acanthoceras sp. and Rhynchostreon sp. of the upper Cenomanian. Related to the lower segment of the Loma Gorda Formation were found Choffaticeras ( C .) cf. segne , Fagesia cf. catinus , Neoptychites cf. andinus , Mitonia gracilis , Morrowites sp., Nannovascoceras ? sp., Quitmaniceras ? sp., Benueites ? sp., Paramammites ? sp. togheter with Mytiloides kossmati , M . goppelnensis and Anomia sp. of the lower Turonian. Following by Hoplitoides sp. H . ingens , H . cf. lagiraldae , Codazziceras ospinae , Allocrioceras sp. that can be representing between the lower and middle Turonian. To the upper part of this segment were collected Prionocycloceras sp. P . guayabanum , Reesidites subtuberculatum , Subprionotropis colombianus , Mytiloides scupini , Dydimotis sp., Gauthiericeras sp., Anagaudryceras ? sp., Eulophoceras jacobi , Paralenticeras sieversi , Hauericeras