
Palaeontology of the Middle limestones of the Nysa Kłodzka Graben...

Geologos 18, 2 (2012): 83–109 doi: 10.2478/v10118-012-0007-z

Palaeontology of the Middle Turonian limestones of the Nysa Kłodzka Graben (, SW ): biostratigraphical and palaeogeographical implications

Alina Chrząstek

Institute of the Geological Sciences, Wrocław University, Maksa Borna 9, PL 50-204 Wrocław, Poland; e-mail: [email protected]


The ammonites Lewesiceras peramplum Mantell and ?Lewesiceras sp. are reported from the Upper in the Nysa Kłodzka Graben; they date from the Middle Turonian and ?, respectively. The Middle Turonian lime- stones of the Stara Bystrzyca quarry contain an abundant assemblage of inoceramids ( cuvieri Sowerby and I. lamarcki Parkinson) and other bivalves, including oysters, as well as brachiopods and trace fossils. Micropalaeonto- logical data show the presence of foraminifers and siliceous sponge spiculae, bryozoans, ostracods and fragments of bivalves and gastropods. The Middle Turonian calcareous deposits belongs to the upper part of the Inoceramus lamarcki Zone (late Middle Turonian) and were deposited on a shallow, subtidal offshore shelf. They overlie the Middle Turo- nian Bystrzyca and Długopole Sandstones, which represent foreshore-shoreface delta deposits. The fossil assemblage suggests a moderate- to low-energy, normal-salinity environment with occasionally an oxygen deficit.

Keywords: Middle Turonian, Sudetes, Nysa Kłodzka Graben, ammonites, inoceramids,

1. Introduction Stara Bystrzyca quarry. It is, with its diameter of approx. 45 cm, probably the biggest ammo- Representatives of the ammonite genus nite ever found in Nysa Kłodzka Graben and Lewesiceras are most typical of the Middle-Late probably also in the Sudety Mountains (Fig. Turonian and are known from the North and 6 A-E). The second specimen has been identi- Transitional European Province and from the fied as Lewesiceras? sp. – and has a diameter 33 North Pacific Province; they are rare in the cm; it forms part of the collection of the Polish Tethys Province. Geological Institute – Polish Research Insti- Two specimens of this genus are now de- tute, Wrocław (Fig. 6 H-L). The specimen was scribed from the Middle Turonian and ?Co- found by Z. Radwańska, who investigated the niacian deposits in the Nysa Kłodzka Graben Nysa Kłodzka Graben in (the author means: (Figs 1–3). One of the specimens, identified as the fifties and sixties) of the 20th century (e.g., Lewesiceras peramplum Mantell has been found Radwańska, 1962, 1964) in the vicinity of Wil- for the first time in the Middle Turonian of the kanów (S. Cwojdziński, PGI-PRI Wrocław, 84 Alina Chrząstek pers. comm. 2011) and had not yet a taxonomi- peramplum Mantell and ?Lewesiceras sp.) repre������- cal assignment (Fig. 1). The ammonite was sent the biggest ammonites found so far in the probably encountered in the Coniacian. Nysa Kłodzka Graben. There is little information about large/me- In addition to the Lewesiceras peramplum dium ammonites (for the size categories of am- specimen, numerous moulds and shells of the monites, see: Stevens, 1988; Matsumoto et al., inoceramids Sowerby and I. 1990; Tibuleac, 2008) from the Nysa Kłodzka lamarcki Parkinson were found in the Middle Graben. Only Wroński & Cwojdziński (1984) Turonian of the Stara Bystrzyca quarry (Fig. 6 reported some ammonites (Peroniceras tricari- M; Fig. 8 A-I). Fragments of Inoceramus cuvieri natum d’Orbigny), 40 cm in diameter, from the reach up to 20 cm, while I. lamarcki is up to 10 Upper Turonian. It is likely that the two am- cm and this may indicate that the dimensions monite specimens described here (Lewesiceras of complete inoceramid shells may have diam- eters of 0.3–0.4 m. One of the biggest pieces of inoceramid shell from this quarry measures 40 cm (J. Wojewoda, Wrocław University, pers. comm. 2011). The present contribution provides a de- tailed description of Lewesiceras peramplum and ?Lewesiceras sp., found by the author and by Z. Radwańska. The inoceramids Inoceramus cuvieri and I. lamarcki are also described, and other fossils are depicted in this first detailed documentation of the Stara Bystrzyca quarry. Until now, only minor references concerning the lithology and fauna were made, mainly in conference materials and explanations to geo- logical maps (Fistek & Gierwielaniec, 1964; Radwański, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1975; Wroński & Cwojdziński, 1984). The fauna, especially the inoceramids, am- monites and foraminifers, were used to estab- lish the age of the Stara Bystrzyca sandy and marly limestones, and to reconstruct the pa- laeogeography and palaeoenvironment.

2. Previous research on Polish Cretaceous ammonites

Ammonites of the genus Lewesiceras are rare in the Upper Cretaceous of the Sudety Moun- tains. An ammonite assigned to peramplum Mantell was found by Andert (1934) in the Middle Turonian of the North Sudetic Synclinorium and in the Intra-Sudetic Syn- clinorium. Pachucki (1959) mentioned Pachy- discus aff. peramplum Mantell from Emscherian sediments of the Nysa Kłodzka Graben, but Fig. 1. Tectonic sketch of the Nysa Kłodzka Graben (after without any information about size and col- Żelaźniewicz & Aleksandrowski, 2008). lector. Flegel (1904) reported Pachydiscus per- Palaeontology of the Middle Turonian limestones of the Nysa Kłodzka Graben... 85

Fig. 2. Geology of the Nysa Kłodzka Graben. A: -?Santonian section (slightly modified after Wojewoda, 1997, and Don & Gotowała, 2008);B: Chrono­ stratigraphy with inoceramid and ammonite zones (after Kędzierski, 2008, and Wiese et al., 2004). amplum Mantell from the Upper Turonian of discus (P.) perfidus de Grossouvre, Pachydiscus the Stołowe Mountains (Karłów village). In the (P.) armenicus Atabekian and Akopian (Ma���- Geological Museum in Wrocław, a specimen is chalski, 2012), Nowakites talavignesii d’Orbigny, present of the ammonite Pachydiscus peramplum Nowakites savini de Grossouvre, Nowakites pail- Mantell (diameter: 16 cm) from the German letteanus d’Orbigny, Nowakites aff. pailletteanus collection (no MGUWr. – 1800s; Fig. 6 F-G), d’Orbigny and isculensis Redten- with an inscription ’Carlsberg’ (Karłów). There bacher (Remin 2010). Jagt-Yazykova (2011; in is, however, no information about the collec- press) analysed the evolution of mid- and Late tor. This might be the specimen mentioned by Cretaceous ammonites (e.g. ) Flegel (1904). from along the Russian Pacific coast. Recently, some researchers reported the oc- Large Lewesiceras peramplum (diameter 48 currence of the Pachydiscidae Pachydis- cm) have been described from the Middle Tu- cus (Pachydiscus) neubergicus von Hauer, Pachy- ronian of the Trough (Tarkowski, 1991). 86 Alina Chrząstek

Fig. 3. Geological setting of the Stara Bystrzyca quarry (after Fistek & Gierwielaniec, 1957). Biostratigra- phy after Walaszczyk (1992).

Kin (2007) described 26 large ammonites (di- 3. Geological setting ameter > 50 cm) assigned to Lewesiceras per- amplum and L. mantelli (Opole Trough, Mid- The Stara Bystrzyca quarry is situated in dle Turonian). This author suggested that all the Nysa Kłodzka Graben (Fig. 1), which is ammonites found by him might belong to one one of the youngest tectonics units in the Su- species, because the differences in morphology detes (Don & Gotowała, 2008). The graben could be caused by different environmental started developing during the Turonian/Co- conditions, for example the presence of preda- niacian (Pachucki, 1959; Don & Don, 1960; Ko- tors (see also Trussell & Smith, 2000). The col- muda & Don, 1964; Jerzykiewicz, 1970, 1971; lection of the Society of Friends of the Earth Radwański, 1975; Don, 1996; Wojewoda, 1997; Sciences “Phacops“ contains specimens of Don & Wojewoda, 2004, 2005; Kędzierski, Lewesiceras peramplum (diameters 73 cm, 50 cm) 2005) and it is filled with clastic deposits of from the Middle Turonian of the NE Mesozoic Cenomanian–Santonian age, that overlay met- margin of the Holy Cross Mountains (www. amorphic rocks of the Orlica-Śnieżnik Dome dinozaury.mania.pl/wp/materialy/nau-bio. (Żelaźniewicz & Aleksandrowski, 2008) (Fig. pdf). Kin & Niedźwiedzki (2012) reported 2). The thickness of the Cretaceous succession, some large to gigantic ammonites, including which consists of marls, siliceous-clayey mud- Lewesiceras peramplum (diameter 60 cm) and L. stones and limestones separated by the Middle ex. gr. peramplum (diameter 114 cm), from the and Late Turonian Quader Sandstone – (Fig. 2 uppermost Middle and lower Upper Turonian A), exceeds 1200 m in the Nysa Kłodzka Gra- of the Opole Trough. Uličný et al. (1997) found ben (Wojewoda, 1997). Lewesiceras sp. (diameter 70 cm) in the Upper Fistek & Gierwielaniec (1964), Radwański Turonian of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (1966) and Wroński & Cwojdziński (1984) re- (). ported the presence of two units of marls in the Middle Turonian: the first unit is 10 m thick and the second 50 m. The thickness of the in- Palaeontology of the Middle Turonian limestones of the Nysa Kłodzka Graben... 87 tercalated Quader Sandstone (Bystrzyca and Długopole Sandstone) in the vicinity of Stara Bystrzyca ranges from 45 to 60 m (Don & Don, 1960; Komuda & Don, 1964; Radwański, 1965, 1975; Wroński & Cwojdziński, 1984). The youngest deposits in the Nysa Kłodzka Graben (sandstones and conglomerates of the Upper Idzików Member) are currently consid- ered as being of Coniacian and Santonian age (Don & Wojewoda, 2004; Wojewoda, 2004).

4. The Middle Turonian of the Stara Bystrzyca quarry

Calcareous-siliceous deposits outcrop in the Stara Bystrzyca quarry, located in the centre of the village; the quarry occurs near a fault that separates sediments from Pro- terozoic rocks of the Bystrzyca-Orlica Dome (Figs 1, 3). The Middle Turonian sediments of the Stara Bystrzyca quarry are represented by sandy and marly limestones with interca- lations of siliceous-clayey beds (Figs 3, 4, 5). The ammonite Lewesiceras peramplum Mantell Fig. 4. The Stara Bystrzyca quarry. was found in the western wall (Fig. 4 B), while A: The north-eastern wall which contains abundant abundant inoceramids Inoceramus cuvieri Sow- inoceramids; B: The western wall where the specimen of Lewesiceras peramplum Mantell was found. erby and I. lamarcki Parkinson occur mainly on the eastern wall (Fig. 4 A). Other bivalves (Lima 5. Systematic descriptions canalifera Goldfuss, Lima elongata Geinitz, Lima of the fossils granulata Nilsson, Pecten membranaceus Nils- son, Pecten virgatus Nilsson) and sponges pre- vail in the western and northern walls of the The literature used to determine the fossils quarry. Oysters (Exogyra cornuarietis Nilsson- included works by Scupin (1912–1913), An- Griepenkerl, Exogyra sp.) are abundant in all dert (1934), Moore (1968), Kennedy & Wright walls of the quarry. (1981), Malinowska (1984), Walaszczyk (1988, Analysis of thin sections shows that the most 1992), Tarkowski (1991) and Kaesler (1996). common matrix is calcareous and not clay- Foraminifers observed in thin sections were ey as was suggested earlier (Pachucki, 1959; determined on the basis of works by Witwicka Radwański, 1975). The deposits in the Stara (1958), Moore (1964), Jerzykiewicz & Teisseyre Bystrzyca quarry thus are sandy limestones, (1974), Teisseyre (1975, 1992), Gawor-Biedowa although marly limestones occur as well (Lor- (1980), Walaszczyk et al. (2004a) and Kędzierski enc, 1978; Manecki & Muszyński, 2008). Apart et al. (2012). from that, 0.05-mm grains occur (at the bound- All specimens are stored in the collection of ary between sand and silt); they consist mostly the Geological Museum, University of Wrocław of quartz and rare feldspars, muscovite and (catalogue numbers from MGUWr–5453s to opaque minerals (Fe-oxides or coalified organ- MGUWr–5484s and MGUWr–5487s). ic matter). Bioclasts (siliceous sponge spiculae, fragments of bivalve and gastropod shells, os- tracods and bryozoans) are quite common. 88 Alina Chrząstek

5.1. the phragmocone is complete and if the body chamber is present. The suture line has been Order Ammonoidea Zittel, 1884 presented by, among others, Kennedy et al. Suborder Hyatt, 1889 (1983) and Kennedy & Wright (1981). Superfamily Zittel, 1895 The specimen has ornamentation in the Family Pachydiscidae Spath, 1922 form of tubercles that stretch into primary ribs. Genus Lewesiceras Spath, 1939 The umbilicus is covered with a rock fragment Synonyms but it seems to be narrow, because the tuber- Ammonites peramplus Mantell, 1822 cles are party visible. On the side of the whorl, Lewesiceras peramplus Young, 1979 at the umbilical margin, eight tubercles of vari- Lewesiceras peramplum Wright and Kennedy, ous sizes and eight primary ribs are visible. 1984 The largest tubercle is 3 cm wide; the follow- ing ones are less distinct. The tubercles pass 5.1.1. Lewesiceras peramplum Mantell, 1822 forwards into lengthwise, straight or slightly (Fig. 6 A-E) curved primary ribs that are poorly marked. 1840. Ammonites lewesiensis Mantell; H.B. Gei- Every primary rib is followed by a depression. nitz, p. 39 Smaller secondaries (intercalaries) are not vis- 1842. Ammonites peramplus Mantell; H.B. Gein- ible. The ventral side is rounded, narrower and itz, p. 67, pl. 12, fig. 2; pl. 13, fig. 4 smooth. The whorls’ height (19.0 cm) is always 1904. Pachydiscus peramplus Mantell; K. Flegel, larger than the whorls’ width (13 cm) (see the p. 21 morphological features of the ammonite shell 1934. Pachydiscus peramplus Mantell; H. An- in Fig. 7). The ornamentation of the early and dert, pp. 397–398 median portions of the phragmocone (inner 1972. Lewesiceras peramplum Mantell; R. Marci- whorls) is more expressed than on the external nowski and M. Szulczewski, pp. 532–535, pl. whorls. 4, figs 1–2 In general, the ornamentation gradually dis- 1981. Lewesiceras preramplum Mantell; W.J. appears, which is a characteristic feature of this Kennedy and C.W. Wright, pp. 495–500, pl. species. Adult specimens of Lewesiceras peram- 74, figs 1–2; 75, figs 1–7; text-figs 1, 2A-B plum have a sculpture consisting of wide, flat 1988. Lewesiceras peramplum Mantell; I. ribs that are developed close to the umbilicus Walaszczyk, pl. 4, fig. 3 only; occasionally the last whorl is completely 1991. Lewesiceras peramplum Mantell: R. devoid of sculptures. Tarkowski, pp. 125–126, pl. 21, fig. 3; pl. 22, Discussion fig. 4 Lewesiceras belongs to Pachydiscidae. Eopachy­ For a comprehensive synonymy, see Ken- discus Wright 1955 was confirmed as the earli- nedy & Wright (1981), Kennedy et al. (1983), est (Upper Albian) representative of the Pachy­ Walaszczyk (1988), and Tarkowski (1991). discidae. Matsumoto (2003) described a new Material ammonite species, Lewesiceras shimanukii from A single specimen, stored at Geological Mu- the Lower Coniacian of and regarded it seum, University of Wrocław, No MGUWr– as transitional between Eopachydiscus and the 5453s, preserved as an internal mould. common species of the genus Lewesiceras well Specimen’s description known for their enormous size. The specimen from the Stara Bystrzyca Occurrence quarry is an internal mould with a diameter The genus Lewesiceras is known from the of approx. 45 cm. As some part of a whorl is North European Province of the Boreal Realm missing on the ventral side, the initial diam- and from the Northern Transitional Subprov- eter of this ammonite might have been larger ince (Poland, the Czech Republic, , (?49 cm). The large diameter of the ammonite , Great Britain, , Romania, Bul- is typical of the genus Lewesiceras. Because the garia, S Sweden), but it has also been reported suture line is invisible, it is difficult to state if from other regions such as the Pacific Province Palaeontology of the Middle Turonian limestones of the Nysa Kłodzka Graben... 89

Fig. 5. Section of the Middle Turonian in the Stara Bystrzyca quarry. or Tethys Province (Japan, Montana (USA), Bücher, 2007); it was found also in the Czech Madagascar, North Africa, S , ) and Republic (Tarkowski, 1991; Uličný et al., 1997; Asia (Crimea, Causasus, Kazakhstan) (Moore, Trbušek, 1999), Great Britain, France and Spain 1968; Kennedy & Wright, 1979; Matsumoto, (Kennedy & Wright, 1981, Lamolda et al., 1989, 1979; Kennedy & Wright, 1981, Čech, 1989; Tarkowski, 1991, Woods, 2007), Germany (An- Lamolda et al., 1989, Tarkowski, 1991; Kaesler, dert, 1934) and (Tarkowski, 1991). 1996; Marcinowski et al., 1996; Wiese & Kap- From the Middle Turonian, the species was lan, 2001; Ion et al., 2004; Košt’ák et al., 2004; reported from the Opole region (SW Poland) Wiese et al., 2004; Ekrt et al., 2008). The genus (Walaszczyk, 1988, Tarkowski, 1991, Kin, 2007), Lewesiceras is known from SE France and this the Sudety Mountains (North Sudetic Basin confirms migration of this boreal ammonite, and Intra-Sudetic Basin) (Andert, 1934) and the during a cooling phase in the late Middle Tu- Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (Czech Republic), ronian, in a southern direction (Wiese & Voigt, Germany, France and England. Seibertz (1978) 2002; Košt’ák & Wiese, 2011). It is found from and Diedrich & Hirayama (2003) reported L. the Upper Cenomanian to the Coniacian in Eu- peramplum from Germany. It also was found in rope, especially in deposits from the Early to France and England (Kennedy & Wright, 1979; the end of the Middle Turonian (Kennedy & Tarkowski, 1991; Diedrich & Hirayama, 2003; Wright, 1981). According to Kaesler (1996), the Woods, 2007). Kennedy & Wright (1981) stated genus Lewesiceras occurs from the Early Ceno- that Lewesiceras peramplum is one of the most manian to the ?Coniacian of Europe. common ammonites in the Turonian of France, From the Lower Turonian, Lewesiceras per- ranging from the Early Turonian to the top amplum is known from NW Europe (Monnet & of the Middle Turonian (Mammites nodosoides 90 Alina Chrząstek

– Collignoniceras woollgari Zones). Tarkowski flat-sided. The ornamentation changes on the (1991) mentioned Bulgaria and the Czech Re- outer whorls. It consists of about 20 main ribs public, whereas Kaplan and Kennedy (1996) (sinusoidal) and tubercles-bullae (0.5–1.5 cm). reported its Middle Turonian occurrence from The distance between the ribs ranges from 3.0 Germany. to 5.0 cm. The whorl’s breadth is 8.0 cm and From the Upper Turonian, the genus was its height is 13 cm (see the morphological fea- reported by Flegel (1904) from the Intra-Su- tures of the ammonite shell in Fig. 7). All ribs detic Basin (Stołowe Mountains). Marcinowski end in marginal tubercles at the ventral side & Szulczewski (1972) described L. peramplum of the shell. On the inner and middle flank, from the Mesozoic margin of the Holy Cross the tubercles are straight and strong, but then Mountains, the Kraków Upland, the Polish bend forwards to become concave on the outer Jura Chain-Miechów Synclinorium, the Opole flanks. With regard to the density and shape Trough, the northern Caucasus and the Cri- of the ribbing, the shallow umbilicus and the mea. Tarkowski (1991), Walaszczyk (1988) and evolute coiling, the specimen corresponds best Kin (2007) reported this taxon from the Upper to the diagnosis of ?Lewesiceras sp. The speci- Turonian of Poland (Opole Trough, Miechów men differs slightly in ornamentation from L. Synclinorium). peramplum and L. mantelli. Marcinowski & Szulczewski (1972), Gale According to W.J. Kennedy (Oxford Univer- (1996), Lomerzheim (1976) and Kennedy et al. sity, pers. comm. 2012), this specimen cannot (2005b) mentioned this genus from the whole be ascribed to Lewesiceras mantelli or L. peram- Turonian of Great Britain, France, Germany, plum because these species have 13–14 primary the Czech Republic and USA (Colorado). ribs per whorl. The specimen described has 50% more ribs. The study material is some- 5.1.2. ?Lewesiceras sp. what similar to Puzosia (Mesopuzosia) sp., but (Fig. 6 H-L) it differs in density and character of the ribs Material (Moore, 1968; Kaesler, 1996). Mesopuzosia has A single specimen, housed at the collection numerous dense and fine ribs, most of which of the Polish Geological Institute – Polish Re- are long, with some shorter ones in between search Institute, Wrocław, preserved as an evo- (see Matsumoto et al., 1990). According to W.J. lute, internal mould. Kennedy (Oxford University, pers. comm. Specimen’s description 2012), the specimen does, however, not resem- An ammonite with a large, evolute shell (an ble P. (Mesopuzosia) sp. either, because the ribs internal mould). The maximum diameter of are too strong. The material corresponds well the complete shell is about 33 cm. The coiling to the genus Lewesiceras sp., but due to the lack is evolute with an umbilical diameter of about of species-level distinguishing features, identi- 12 cm. It seems that the phragmocone is rather fication at species level is impossible, and even complete, and probably the body chamber is the genus is questionable. partially or complete preserved, but this can- Occurrence not be ascertained because the suture line is The genus Lewesiceras is known from the invisible. The ornamentation consists of dense, Lower Cenomanian to the ?Coniacian (Kaesler more or less regular ribs on the phragmocone, 1996). According to Kennedy & Wright (1981), starting from the umbilicus. Strong, primary it ranges from the Upper Cenomanian to the ribs arise from well developed elongated um- Coniacian, and is especially common in the bilical bullae, and are more or less regular. Lower and Middle Turonian. Ammonites de- The ornamentation is more developed on scribed as Lewesiceras sp. have been reported the inner whorls than on the external ones. The from Poland (Niedźwiedzki & Kalina, 2003) last whorl is rather smooth. The umbilicus is and from Czech Republic (Wiese et al., 2004). shallow with low, narrow, rounded umbili- The genus Lewesiceras was also described from cal shoulders. The ventral side is narrow. The the Turonian of Poland (Marcinowski & Szul- whorl section tends to be compressed and czewski, 1972; Walaszczyk, 1988; Tarkowski, Palaeontology of the Middle Turonian limestones of the Nysa Kłodzka Graben... 91

Fig. 6. Late Cretaceous ammonites and inoceramids from the Nysa Kłodzka Graben. A-E: Lewesiceras peramplum Mantell (MGU.Wr – 5453s), Middle Turonian, Stara Bystrzyca quarry; F-G: Pachydiscus peramplum Mantell from the German collection (?Flegel 1904; no MGUWr.–1800s); H-L: ?Lewesiceras sp. from the col- lection of the Polish Geological Institute – Polish Research Institute, Wrocław (specimens found by Radwańska in the middle of the 20th century), taxonomic assignment by the present author. ?Coniacian, Wilkanów (S. Cwojdziński, PGI-PRI Wrocław, pers. comm. 2011); M: Inoceramus cuvieri Sowerby, Middle Turonian, Stara Bystrzyca quarry (MGUWR–5454s); a) gastropods prints. 92 Alina Chrząstek

Fig. 7. Morphological features of an ammonite shell according to Ya- cobucci (2004), slightly changed. The table shows the values of these features for the specimens of Lewesiceras peramplum and ?Lewesiceras sp. under investiga- tion.

1991; Kin, 2007; Kin & Niedźwiedzki, 2012) and 1999. Inoceramus cuvieri Sowerby; H. Summes- is also known from the Czech Republic (Čech berger et al., p. 47, pl. 4, figs 1–2 1989; Uličný et al., 1997; Trbušek 1999, Wiese et For a comprehensive synonymy, see Mitura al., 2004; Ekrt et al., 2008) and Germany (Seib- (1957) and Tarkowski (1991). ertz, 1978; Wiedman, 1989; Kaplan & Kennedy, Material 1996; Lommerzheim, 1976; Diedrich & Hiraya- 9 specimens, No MGUWr–5454s to MGU- ma, 2003). From elsewhere in Europe it was re- Wr–5457s, stored at the Geological Museum ported from France, England, Spain, Sweden, of Wrocław University. The fragments of large Bulgaria and Romania (Sornay, 1964; Kennedy and medium-sized specimens are preserved in & Wright, 1979, 1981; Mortimore & Pommerol, the form of internal moulds, in places contain- 1991; Tarkowski 1991; Gale, 1996; Ion et al., ing shell fragments. 2004; Košt’ák et al., 2004; Woods, 2007). Out- Specimens’ descriptions side Europe, the genus has been reported from The specimens have flat, slightly convex, Japan, Montana (USA), Madagascar, northern thick shells. The biggest specimens are only Africa, S India, Russia, the Crimea, the Causa- slightly convex. The outlines of the shells are sus and Kazakhstan (Ivannikov, 1967; Colli- subtriangular to subquadrate. The fragments gnion, 1971–1972; Matsumoto, 1979; Kaesler, are up to 15–18 cm long (Fig. 8 A). The length 1996; Marcinowski et al., 1996; Kennedy et al., of the best preserved mould (Fig. 6 M) is 6.0 2005a; Ayyasami, 2006; Feldman et al., 2007). cm, its height is 6.5 cm, its axial length is 6.0 cm and its secondary axis is 7.0 cm (see the morphological features of the inoceramid shell 5.2. in Fig. 9). The surfaces of the internal moulds are smooth or slightly undulated with dense, Family Inoceramidae Zittel, 1881 regular, “jagged“ growth lines that are typical Genus Inoceramus Sowerby, 1814 of this species (Mitura, 1957). These lines are more or less regularly distributed (from 1.0 to 5.2.1. Inoceramus cuvieri Sowerby, 1822 4.0 mm, in most cases approx. 2.0–2.5 mm). The (Fig. 6 M; Fig. 8 A-C) growth rings (rugae) are wide (from 0.6 to over 1901. Inoceramus cuvieri Sowerby; F. Stürm, p. 1.0 cm, max. 2.0–2.5 cm), flat and bear concen- 92, pl. 10, fig. 1 tric arcs. Traces of the growth lines are visible 1957. Inoceramus cuvieri Sowerby; F. Mitura, p. only partly; they are parallel to the rugae. 275, pl. 27, figs 4,9,10 The specimens do not differ from the 1984. Inoceramus cuvieri Sowerby: L. ��������Malinow- specimens described by Mitura (1957) and ska, pp. 362–363, pl. 156, fig. 2 Tarkowski (1991). The shape, appearance and 1991. Inoceramus cuvieri Sowerby; R. �������Tarkow- ornamentation – which forms a pattern of deli- ski, p. 106, pl. 9 fig. 13; pl. 10, fig. 5 cate “jagged“ dense growth lines (Fig. 6 M; Fig. 1992. Inoceramus cuvieri Sowerby; I. �������Walasz- 8 C) – suggest that these specimens belong to czyk, p. 31, pl. 11, figs 2–3 the species I. cuvieri. Palaeontology of the Middle Turonian limestones of the Nysa Kłodzka Graben... 93

Fig. 8. Inoceramids and other bivalves from the Middle Turonian of the Stara Bystrzyca quarry. A-C: Inoceramus cuvieri Sowerby (MGU.Wr–5455s through MGUWr–5457s); a) gastropods prints; D-H: Inoceramus lamarcki Parkinson (MGUWr–5458 through 5462s); I: Inoceramus lamarcki Parkinson, from the collection of the Geo- logical Museum of Wrocław University (collection: Rafał Janek, MGUWR–5487s); J: Exogyra cornuarietis Nilsson- Griepenkerl (MGUWr–5465s); K: Exogyra sp. (MGUWr–5467s); L: Lima canalifera Goldfuss (MGUWr–5473s). 94 Alina Chrząstek

Fig. 9. Morphological features of an inoc- eramid shell according to Walaszczyk & Wood (1998) and Walaszczyk et al. (2004a), slightly changed. The table shows the values of these features for the specimens of Inoceramus cuvieri and I. lamarcki under investigation.

Numerous imprints of gastropods are pre- al. (2005) described Inoceramus cuvieri from the served on the internal moulds; their diameters Middle Turonian of the Paris Basin (France). range from 1.5 mm to 3.5 mm and in some cases Summesberger et al. (1999) reported I. cuvieri even reach 1 cm (Fig. 6 M; Fig. 8 C). Fragments from the Upper Turonian of . of shells, preserved on the internal moulds or in the rock, are 3–5.5 mm thick (on some speci- 5.2.2. Inoceramus lamarcki Parkinson, 1819 mens they are thinner: 1.5–2 mm). (Fig. 8 D-I) Occurrence 1974. Inoceramus lamarcki Parkinson; R. Marci������- Inoceramus cuvieri Sowerby is known from the nowski, pl. 25, figs 2 a, b Middle Turonian and the lower Upper Turoni- 1984. Inoceramus lamarcki Parkin�������������son; L. Mali�����- an of the Opole Trough (Poland), the Turonian nowska, p. 362, pl. 156, fig. 1 of England, the Middle and Upper Turonian of 1988. Inoceramus lamarcki lamarcki Parkinson; I. the Carpathians, Germany, the Czech Republic, Walaszczyk, pl. 3, figs 1,6 Canada and the USA (Tarkowski 1991). It is also 1991. Inoceramus lamarcki lamarcki Parkinson; known from the Upper Turonian of Russia and R. Tarkowski, pp. 111–112, pl. 7, figs1,3; pl. 8, Ukraine (Donbas, Crimea, Caucasus), Kazakh- figs 2–4 stan (Mangyshlak) and Kamchatka. According 1992. Inoceramus lamarcki Parkinson; I. to Mitura (1957), I. cuvieri occurs in the Mid- Walaszczyk, pp. 30–31, pl. 9, figs 4–7; pl. 10, dle Turonian (Inoceramus lamarcki Zone) in the figs 1–3; pl. 11, figs 1,4 Łódź Synclinorium (Poland) and in the Upper For a comprehensive synonymy, see ���Wa- Turonian of England and Germany. Herman laszczyk (1988) and Tarkowski (1991). & Spicer (1997) mentioned I. cuvieri from the Upper Turonian of NE Russia. Robaszyński et Palaeontology of the Middle Turonian limestones of the Nysa Kłodzka Graben... 95

Material been described from the Middle Turonian of 6 specimens, No MGUWr- 5458 to MGU- England, France, Germany, India and Mada- Wr–5462; MGUWr–5487s), stored at the Geo- gascar. It occurs in the Middle and Upper Tu- logical Museum of Wrocław University. Three ronian of Germany, in the Middle Turonian to almost complete shells, two entirely preserved the Coniacian in England, and in the Upper Tu- moulds and some pieces of shells. ronian of the East European Platform and Asia Specimens’ descriptions (Donbas, Crimea, Caucasus, Mangyshlak and The medium-sized specimens have trian- Kamchatka). Walaszczyk (1992) described this gular outlines and rounded edges. The shells species from the Middle to lower Upper Turo- are moderately convex; sometimes they are in- nian deposits of the Central Polish Uplands. flated. The specimens are 3.5–7.0 cm long and 5.0–8.5 cm high; their axial lengths range from 5.0 cm to 10.0 cm and their secondary axes from 5.3. Other fossils 4.0 to 8.0 cm (see the morphological features of the inoceramid shell in Fig. 9). The beak is In addition to the ammonite Lewesiceras per- pointed, slightly projecting above the hinge line amplum Mantell and the inoceramids Inocera- (beak height: 0.8 cm). The apical angle (anterior mus cuvieri Sowerby and I. lamarcki Parkinson, hinge angle) varies from 85° to 110°. The most the Middle Turonian sandy and marly lime- characteristic feature is the occurrence of dis- stones with intercalations of siliceous-clayey tinct (weak to strong) concentric, subrounded beds of Stara Bystrzyca contain also other bi- ribs, regularly increasing in size with relatively valves: Exogyra cornuarietis Nilson-Griepenkerl wide, flat interspaces. In the juvenile part, they (Fig. 8 J), Exogyra sp. (Fig. 8 K), Lima canalifera are more or less regularly spaced, while their Goldfuss (Fig. 8 L), Lima elongata Geinitz (Fig. interspaces gradually increase (from 0.5 cm to 10 A-B, E), Lima granulata Nilsson (Fig. 10 C-D), 1.5 cm) towards the ventral side of the shell in Pecten membranaceus Nilsson (Fig. 10 G), Pecten the adult part. virgatus Nilsson (Fig. 10 F). Further, the brachi- The rugae are the strongest developed in opod Terebratula semiglobosa Sowerby (Fig. 10 the anterio-ventral, ventral and ventro-pos- H) is present. The assemblage of trace fossils terior part of the shell (Fig. 8 D, G-I). They comprises ?Chondrites isp. (Fig. 10 I), Planolites become gradually weaker developed when beverleyensis (Fig. 10 J) and Pl. montanus (Fig. passing onto the dorsal part of the valve. The 10 K-L). growth rings (rugae) and spaces between them The majority of these taxa were already de- are covered with poorly visible growth lines, scribed by Scupin (1912–1913), Geinitz (1843), which are more or less symmetrically distribu­ Andert (1934) from other outcrops of the Mid- ted. The distance between the growth lines dle Turonian in the Nysa Kłodzka Graben, increases towards the ventral side and ranges the Intra-Sudetic Synclinorium and the North from 1.0 to 4.0 mm. The growth lines are well Sudetic Synclinorium. Inoceramids were de- preserved, and rather straight (not ’jagged’ as scribed from Poland (and other countries) by in specimens described as I. cuvieri). They are Walaszczyk (1988, 1992), Walaszczyk & Wood parallel to the rugae. (1998), Walaszczyk et al. (2004a,b) and Zonova These specimens (Fig. 8 D-I) differ in the & Yazykowa (1998). general outline and pattern of their surface or- The Stara Bystrzyca quarry yielded also nament, especially with regard to the growth fragments of sponges, gastropods and an as- lines, from specimens recognized as I. cuvieri. semblage of mostly benthic calcareous and They show a close similarity to I. lamarcki. agglutinated foraminifers (Table 1; Fig. 11). Occurrence A similar assemblage of foraminiferal benthos Inoceramus lamarcki Parkinson is known and plankton has been described from the Up- from the Middle Turonian of Poland (Opole per Turonian of the Bohemian Cretaceous Ba- Synclinorium: Opole, Krzanowice; Miechów sin (Vodrážka et al., 2009). Synclinorium; Tarkowski, 1991). It has also 96 Alina Chrząstek

Fig. 10. Bivalves and trace fossils from the Middle Turonian of the Stara Bystrzyca quarry. A-B: Lima elongata Geinitz (MGU.Wr – 5475s through MGUWr–5476s); C-D: Lima granulata Nilsson (MGUwr–5477s through MGUWr–5478s); E: Lima elongata Geinitz (MGUWr–5479s); F: Pecten virgatus Nilsson (MGUWr–5480s); G: Pecten membranaceus Nilsson (MGUWr–5481s); H: Terebratula semiglobosa Sowerby (MGUWr–5482s); I: ?Chondrites isp. (MGUWr–5483s); J: Planolites beverleyensis (MGUWr–5484s); K-L: Planolites montanus. Palaeontology of the Middle Turonian limestones of the Nysa Kłodzka Graben... 97

Table 1. Stratigraphic ranges of the foraminifer assemblage in the Middle Turonian deposits of the Stara Bystrzyca quarry.

6. Stratigraphy of the Stara Bystrzyca was the most widespread during the middle limestones and upper Middle Turonian (see Walaszczyk, 1992). The second inoceramid, I. lamarcki, that also abounds in the Stara Bystrzyca quarry, is The Nowa Bystrzyca limestones belong typical of the upper part of the Middle Turo- to the second level of marls (the siliceous- nian (Walaszczyk, 1992). The joint occurrence calcareous marls, Inoceramus lamarcki Zone) of both I. cuvieri and I. lamarcki indicates a posi- that overlie the Quader Sandstone (Fistek & tion in the upper part of the Inoceramus lamarcki Gierwielaniec, 1957, 1964). The first level of Zone (uppermost Middle Turonian). Because marls (the sandy marls, Inoceramus lamarcki of the common presence of I. cuvieri Sowerby Zone) is present below the sandstone. Wroński and I. lamarcki Parkinson, one may assign the & Cwojdziński (1984), in their explanation to Stara Bystrzyca limestones to the upper Mid- sheet Bystrzyca Kłodzka of the Polish geologi- dle Turonian (upper part of the Inoceramus cal map (Wroński, 1981), also mentioned a first lamarcki Zone). marl level of 10 m thick and a second one of 50 Thin-section analysis of the foraminifers al- m thick; these two levels are separated by the lows only an approximate dating of the sandy Quader Sandstone (50–60 m). and marly limestones because most taxa have The most relevant for the biostratigraphy long stratigraphic ranges; some foraminifers of the Stara Bystrzyca limestone are the ino­ (Stensioeina granulata Olbertz, Heteroxelix striata ceramids (Inoceramus cuvieri, I. lamarcki); the Ehrenberg, Spiroplectammina praelonga Reuss), foraminifers are less important. The inocera- however, are known from middle Middle Tu- mids Inoceramus cuvieri Sowerby and I. lamarcki ronian of the Nysa Kłodzka Graben (Table 1), Parkinson are common in the Stara Bystrzyca thus suggesting a middle Middle Turonian age quarry and have enormous sizes (Fig. 8 A-C). or younger for the sandy, marly limestones and According to numerous authors, I. cuvieri siliceous-clayey beds. Teisseyre (1992) defined 98 Alina Chrząstek

Fig. 11. Assemblage of foraminifers from the Middle Turonian, Stara Bystrzyca quarry. A: Frondicularia verneuiliniana d’Orbigny; B-C: Gaudryina laevigata Franke; D: Gavelinella moniliformis Reuss; E-F: Gavelinella ammonoides Reuss; G-H: Gavelinella moniliformis Reuss; I: ?Globorotalites subconicus Morrow; J-K: Hetero­ xelix striata Ehrenberg; L: Nodosaria cf. monile Hagenow; M: Quadrimorphina allomorphinoides Reuss; N: Reopax sp.; O: Spiroplectammina praelonga Reuss; P: Stensioina granulata Olbertz; Q: Textularia foeda Reuss. Palaeontology of the Middle Turonian limestones of the Nysa Kłodzka Graben... 99 the Gavelinella moniliformis – Gaudryina Zone in monite specimens in both shallow- and deep- the North Sudetic Synclinorium; it comprises marine facies is almost the same. According the latest Lower Turonian to Lower Coniacian. to Matsukawa et al. (2012), Early Cretaceous The Bystrzyca limestone could belong to a cor- ammonites inhabited near-shore, intermediate relatable zone in the Nysa Kłodzka Graben. and distal-shelf to upper-slope environments. The Gavelinella moniliformis Zone was also dis- Stevens (1988) correlated the presence of tinguished by Walaszczyk et al. (2004a) in the large ammonites with eustatic sea-level fluc- Middle Turonian of central European Russia. tuations (e.g. Cenomanian-Turonian). He re- The Inoceramus lamarcki Zone and the same ported that large ammonites lived in the deep- age (the upper part of the Inoceramus lamarcki sea and migrated into more shallower settings Zone) is also indicated by studies carried out during rising sea levels. On the other hand, by Radwański (1964), who mentioned the pres- Klug (2002), who examined Emsian and Eife- ence of large forms of I. cuvieri in the upper lian ammonites, reported that 70% of the giant Middle Turonian. On the other hand, German ammonites were found in layers which were and Polish geologists found I. cuvieri in the up- deposited in shallow environments. permost Turonian and assigned it to the Ino­ In the Stara Bystrzyca quarry, the abundant ceramus schloenbachi Zone (Flegel, 1904; Scupin, inoceramids, represented mainly by Inocera- 1907, 1912–1913, 1935, 1936). Kędzierski (2005) mus cuvieri Sowerby (Fig. 6 M, Fig. 8 A-C) and noticed that the Turonian, as understood by I. lamarcki Parkinson (Fig. 8 D-I) consist mainly the authors, comprised also a part of the Conia- of fragments that reached lengths of 20 cm, cian. A similar situation occurred in the North indicating that these forms must have been Sudetic Synclinorium (Chrząstek, 2008a). This quite large. The largest piece of an inoceramid may have resulted in erroneous datings of sedi- shell found in this quarry measures 40 cm (J. ments that contain I. cuvieri. Moreover, accord- Wojewoda, Wrocław University, pers. comm. ing to current views, I. schloenbachi Bohm (the 2011). According to Hilbrecht & Harries (1996), present crassus crassus) denotes Ozanne & Harries (2002) and Walaszczyk et the Coniacian. al. (2004a), inoceramids have a large ecologi- cal tolerance: they are cosmopolitan and may live in various environments. Inoceramids are 7. Reconstruction known from well-oxygenated, shallow-marine of the palaeoenvironment to poorly oxygenated, deep-marine settings and palaeoecology (Harries & Ozanne 1998; Ozanne & Harries, 2002; Olivero, 2012). According to these au- thors, inoceramids prefer oxygen-depleted The fauna assemblage in the Middle Turo- shelf environments, but can also thrive in well- nian sandy and marly limestone is indicative oxygenated settings, including shallow-marine of a shallow-marine basin. The bivalves includ- facies. ing inoceramids, and most of all oysters, gas- Ozanne & Harries (2002) and Kumagae et tropods, sponges, the predominance of benthic al. (2011) reported a cosmopolitan distribu- foraminifers, as well as the trace fossils, also tion of inoceramids in Mesozoic marine envi- point to a shallow basin. ronments. According to Zonova & Yazykova The ammonites were probably stenotopic (1998), the maximum diversity of inoceramids organisms, very sensitive to environmental and ammonites was in the Late Turonian. Ino­ changes (e.g. oxygenation level, salinity) (Tsu- ceramids abounded and exhibited a great taxo- jita & Westermann, 1998; Landman et al., 2012; nomical diversity during the Middle Turonian, Olivero, 2012). According to Zakharov et al. at the beginning of a regressive cycle. On the (2012), remains of ammonites shells are com- other hand, the occurrence of ammonites cor- mon in Mesozoic epicontinental seas, but rare relates with transgressive peaks. During the re- in oceanic successions. On the other hand, Oli- gressive cycles they started to loose their taxo- vero (2012) reported that the number of am- nomical diversity, due to the reduction of the 100 Alina Chrząstek extent of the shelf areas (Zonova & Yazykova, Carmona et al., 2009; Knaust, 2009; Giannetti, 1998; Olivero, 2012). 2010; Wetzel et al., 2011; Monaco et al., 2012). Radwański (1964) reported that gigantic The Chondrites producers tolerate and perhaps forms occurred in the upper part of the Middle even prefer oxygen-deficient conditions, even Turonian, particularly Inoceramus cuvieri Sow- anoxia, as well as changes in salinity (Bromley erby, which are the most common representa- & Ekdale, 1984; Savrda & Bottjer 1986; Alling- tives of the inoceramid fauna in the Bystrzyca ton-Jones et al., 2010; Cummings & Hodg- beds and which can reach a size of 1 m. Maybe son, 2011). According to Allington-Jones et al. these specimens correlate with Inoceramus her- (2010), the occurrence of Chondrites commonly cules (Heinz) (see Summesberger et al., 1999). coincides with an abundance of pyrite. This According to Radwański (1964), the dominance holds also true for the Stara Bystrzyca quarry, of giant inoceramids could be a sign of an ap- where pyrite mineralizations in marly lime- proaching change of environmental conditions stone occur. that resulted in the stoppage of the inflow of According to Malpas et al. (2005), Wetzel & larval forms. The absence of competition for Reisdorf (2007) and Carmona et al. (2009), the food with others marine enabled the ichnoassemblage comprising Chondrites and already existing individuals to reach large siz- Planolites suggests low-energy settings, a low es. According to Radwański (1964), the upper- sedimentation rate and deposition in the deep- most beds of the Middle Turonian (Terebratula est part of the basin, in an environment with semiglobosa Zone) were deposited under much a low oxygen content (offshore shelf). worse living conditions for the inoceramids, as However, Planolites is a facies-crossing ich- large inoceramid specimens are rarely encoun- notaxon which has been documented from al- tered in these beds. most all marine and continental environments Kauffman et al. (2007) described Middle (Hofmann et al., 2011). Planolites can appear in Coniacian-Lower Campanian platyceramids, fully marine environments but the tracemak- which commonly reach sizes of over 1 or even er can live under oxygen-deficient conditions 2 m. These giant (chemosymbiotic) types are (Martin, 2004; Chen et al., 2011). The tracemak- especially common in calcareous, dysoxic fa- ers of Planolites and Palaeophycus need a fairly cies with abundant pyrite (Olivero, 2012). Ac- low oxygen level in the bottom water (Savr- cording to this author, they have smaller sizes da & Bottjer, 1986; Savrda, 2007; Szulc, 1990, in oxygenated environments. The giant platyc- 2000; Chrząstek, 2008b,c; Rodríguez-Tovar et eramids prefer settings with a low sedimenta- al., 2009; Boyer & Droser, 2011). According to tion rate and slow bottom currents. Szulc (1990), the Planolites-Palaeophycus assem- Trace fossils are not common in limestone blage is characteristic of poorly-oxygenated deposits. Their assemblage in the Stara Bystrzy- conditions during transgressive maxima. On ca quarry (Planolites montanus, Planolites bever- the other hand, Planolites can appear also in leyensis, and ?Chondrites) (Fig. 10 I-L) belongs well-oxygenated environments (Savrda, 1995; to the Cruziana ichnofacies sensu Seilacher (Sei- Giannetti & McCann, 2010; Gingras et al., 2011; lacher, 1967; MacEachern et al., 2007). Ichno­ Hofmann et al., 2011; Phillips et al., 2011). assemblages comprising Chondrites are usually The sequential appearance of Chondrites – referred to as representing oxygen-deficient Planolites – Thalassinoides indicates increasing conditions (Twitchett & Wignall, 1996; Uličný oxygenation (Bromley, 1996; Etter, 1996; Savr- et al., 1997; Wetzel & Uchman, 2001; Giannetti da, 2007; Monaco et al., 2012). The tracemak- & McCann, 2010; Rodríguez-Tovar & Uchman, ers of Chondrites prefer stenohalic conditions 2010; Zonneveld et al., 2010; Gingras et al., (MacEachern & Gingras, 2007), while the pro- 2011). ducers of Planolites are common in fully ma- Chondrites itself is commonly known as an rine and brackish settings. On the other hand, indicator of poor oxygenation (dysaerobic-ex- the producers of Chondrites can also be able to aerobic conditions) (McCann, 1990; Bromley, survive when the salinity decreases (Allington- 1996; Savary et al., 2004; Uchman et al., 2008; Jones et al., 2010). Palaeontology of the Middle Turonian limestones of the Nysa Kłodzka Graben... 101

In summary, the Chondrites-Planolites asso- and northern parts of the Bohemian Cretaceous ciation is environmentally tolerant and occurs Basin, silts and clays were deposited during in different settings (McCann, 1990). It is par- the Early Turonian (Jerzykiewicz, 1975). In the ticularly dominant in the deeper part of the ba- Middle Turonian, a regression started, but it sin (offshore shelf) and indicates low-oxygen was interrupted by several phases of increased conditions and a normal marine salinity. subsidence (Wojewoda, 1997; Rotnicka, 2005, In the Middle Turonian Bystrzyca and 2007). A sandy facies developed first in the Długopole Sandstones appears an ichnoassem- Middle Turonian (Bystrzyca and Długopole blage comprising mainly Ophiomorpha nodosa, Sandstones). The clastic material of which the Thalassinoides suevicus, Thalassinoides paradoxi- sandstones are built, was derived from the mas- cus, Curvolithus and ?Macaronichnus sp., typical sifs that were being uplifted: the East Sudetic of well-oxygenated, high-energy, shallow-ma- Island (Jerzykiewicz, 1975; Wojewoda, 1997). rine environments. These trace fossils appear Don and Don (1960) and Radwański (1964, in the intertidal to shallow subtidal (fore- 1968) mention also Orlica Island as a possible shore-shoreface) part of the Skolithos ichnofa- source, but Chrząstek & Wojewoda (2011) sug- cies (MacEachern et al., 2007; D’Alessandro & gest an Orlica uplift instead of an Orlica Island. Uchman, 2007) and are considered to represent The sandstones thin from the NE towards the a deltaic environment. In the Middle Turonian SW and finally pinch out within calcareous de- sandy and marly limestones, the assemblage posits that accumulated in a deeper part of the of trace fossils comprising only ?Chondrites, basin. The transport was directed from North Planolites beverleyensis and Planolites montanus to South and from North-West to South-East. (Cruziana ichnofacies) suggests sedimentation The Bystrzyca and Długopole Sandstones are in a slightly deeper basin. These trace fossils interpreted as delta deposits (Uličný, 2001; J. are characteristic of environments with a low Wojewoda, Wrocław University, pers. comm. rate of sedimentation, and probably less oxy- 2011). genated conditions. Chondrites-Planolites as- During the Middle Turonian the – until then semblages are typical of offshore shelf settings – single marine basin was divided into a north- (Kędzierski & Uchman, 2001; MacEachern et ern basin (with a connection to the North Sea al., 2007; McIlroy, 2007). and Atlantic) and a southern basin (with a con- On the basis of the fossil assemblage in the nection to the Bohemian Basin and the Tethys) Middle Turonian, especially the inoceramids, (Gawor-Biedowa, 1980; Chrząstek & Wojewo- oysters and trace fossils, one can deduce that da, 2011). At the Turonian/Coniacian transi- the sandy limestones and marls were deposit- tion, another transgression started. The Creta- ed in a deeper part of the basin (offshore shelf) ceous marine sediments of the Nysa Kłodzka than the Bystrzyca and Długople Sandstones Graben record two transgression maxima, one of the same age. The sedimentation probably in the Early Turonian and another one during took place in a moderate- to low-energy envi- the late Turonian-Early Coniacian (Gawor- ronment with normal marine salinity and oc- Biedowa, 1980; Schoeneichowa-Jaskowiak & casionally oxygen-deficient conditions. Krassowska, 1988; Teisseyre, 1992, Wojewoda, 1997). The second transgressive maximum is better recorded, because it was due to the 7.1. Palaeogeographic setting maximum subsidence in the area of the Nysa Kłodzka Graben (Jerzykiewicz, 1971, 1975; Wo- During the Cenomanian, the sea trans- jewoda, 1997; Niedźwiedzki & Salamon, 2005). gressed to the Nysa Kłodzka Graben from the The transgressive cycles of the Cretaceous SW (Bohemian Basin) and from the E (Opole Nysa Kłodzka Graben sea fit the European Basin) and land masses became almost entirely bathymetrical curves of Hancock & Kauffman flooded during the Early Turonian (Wojewoda, (1979), Haq et al. (1987), Hancock (1990) and 1997; Biernacka & Józefiak, 2008, 2009). In the Hancock & Walaszczyk (2004). Intra-Sudetic Basin, the Nysa Kłodzka Graben 102 Alina Chrząstek

8. Conclusions conclusion is based on the fossil assemblage, but it should be kept in mind that the trace Investigation of sandy and marly limestones fossils, representing the Cruziana ichnofacies, with intercalations of siliceous-clayey beds in point to a slightly deeper environment. Both the Stara Bystrzyca quarry yielded a specimen the macro- and trace fossils suggests a moder- of Lewesiceras peramplum Mantell with a diam- ate- to low-energy environment with normal eter 45 cm (because a part of a whorl is missing marine salinity and occasionally poorly oxy- the complete specimen must have measured genated water. some 49 cm). This species has not been de- Two distinct transgressive maxima (Early scribed earlier from the Middle Turonian sedi- Turonian and Early Coniacian) took place in ments of the Nysa Kłodzka Graben area. the Nysa Kłodzka Graben and adjacent area, A second ammonite, assigned ?Lewesiceras whereas a regression culminated during the sp. (diameter: 33 cm), has been found by Middle and Upper Turonian. The transgres- Radwańska in the middle of the 20th century sive cycle of the Late Cretaceous in the Nysa in ?Coniacian deposits of the graben, at Wil- Kłodzka Graben is consistent with the global kanów (S. Cwojdziński, PGI-PRI Wrocław, sea-level fluctuations indicated by Haq et al. pers. comm. 2011). Pachucki (1959) mentioned (1987). Pachydiscus aff. peramplus Mantell from the Em- scherian of the graben. Large specimens (up to 20 cm) of the inoc- Acknowledgements eramids I. cuvieri Sowerby and I. lamarcki Par- I am very greatful to E. Jagt-Yazykova and M. kinson also occur. The largest inoceramid shell Machalski for valuable insights that helped to cor- ever found in the Stara Bystrzyca quarry has rectly assign the ammonite found by Z. Radwańska. a diameter of 40 cm (J. Wojewoda, Wrocław William Jim Kennedy (Oxford University) is University, pers. comm. 2011). thanked for taxonomical revision of the ammonite Other bivalves (including oysters) occur as ?Lewesiceras sp. I thank very much P. Aleksan- well: Exogyra cornuarietis Nilsson-Griepenkerl, drowski (Polish Geological Institute – Polish Re- search Institute, Wrocław) for agreeing to use the Exogyra sp., Lima canalifera Goldfuss, Lima elon- PGl-PRI ammonite specimens for my research, and gata Geinitz, Lima granulata Nilsson, Pecten mem- S. Cwojdziński (PGI-PRI, Wrocław) and J. Wojewo- branaceus Nilsson, and Pecten virgatus Nilsson. da (Wrocław University) for information concern- In addition, fragments of sponges, gastropods ing fossils. The author would like also to thank R. and brachiopods (Terebratula semiglobosa Sow- Niedźwiedzki (Wrocław University) for fruitful dis- erby) are present, as well as an assemblage of cussions and M. Awdankiewicz (Wrocław Univer- trace fossils (?Chondrites isp., Planolites beverley- sity) for petrographic consultation. M. Niedźwiecki, ensis, Planolites montanus). Thin sections show supervised by the present author, gathered part of abundant foraminifers, sponge spiculae, bryo- the fossil collection during his M.Sc. field work. The zoans, ostracods and gastropods (Table 1). investigations were supported by grants 2374/W/ ING/10 and 1017/S/ING/10-IV/ach. The fauna, particularly the inoceramids and to a lesser degree the foraminifers, makes it possible to date the sediments as upper Middle References Turonian (upper part of the Inoceramus lamarcki Zone) (Fig. 2 B). Allington-Jones, L., Braddy, S.J. & Trueman, C.N., 2010. The sandy and marly limestones with inter- Palaeoenvironmental implications of the ichnology calations of siliceous-clayey beds in the Stara and geochemistry of the Westbury Formation (Rha- etian), Westbury-on-Severn, South-West England. Pa- Bystrzyca quarry were deposited in a shallow- laeontology 53, 491–506. marine basin (offshore shelf) but in deeper Andert, H., 1934. Die Kreideablagerungen zwischen parts than the Middle Turonian Bystrzyca and und Jeschken. Teil III: Die Fauna der obersten Kreide Długopole Sandstones, which are interpreted in Sachsen, Böhmen und Schlesien. Abhandlungen der Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt 159, 477 pp. as delta deposits (foreshore-shoreface). This Palaeontology of the Middle Turonian limestones of the Nysa Kłodzka Graben... 103

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