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Journaflofthreaftenedtaxa OPEN ACCESS The Journaf of Threafened Taxa fs dedfcafed fo buffdfng evfdence for conservafon gfobaffy by pubffshfng peer-revfewed arfcfes onffne every monfh af a reasonabfy rapfd rafe af . Aff arfcfes pubffshed fn JoTT are regfsfered under Creafve Commons Afrfbufon 4.0 Infernafonaf Lfcense unfess ofherwfse menfoned. JoTT affows unresfrfcfed use of arfcfes fn any medfum, reproducfon, and dfsfrfbufon by provfdfng adequafe credff fo fhe aufhors and fhe source of pubffcafon. Journaf of Threafened Taxa Buffdfng evfdence for conservafon gfobaffy ISSN 0974-7907 (Onffne) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Prfnf) Shorf Communfcaffon Addfffons fo fhe sea snaff fauna (Moffusca: Gasfropoda: Opfsfhobranchfa) of Lakshadweep Isfands, Indfa B.K. Sneha Chandran, R. Ravfnesh & A. Bfju Kumar 26 December 2017 | Vof. 9| No. 12 | Pp. 11045–11053 10.11609/jof. 2342 .9. 12.11045-11053 For Focus, Scope, Afms, Poffcfes and Gufdeffnes vfsff hfp:// For Arfcfe Submfssfon Gufdeffnes vfsff hfp:// For Poffcfes agafnsf Scfenffc Mfsconducf vfsff hfp:// For reprfnfs confacf <[email protected]> Pubffsher/Hosf Parfner Threafened Taxa Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 December 2017 | 9(12): 11045–11053 Additions to the sea snail fauna (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia) of Lakshadweep Islands, India 1 2 3 ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) B.K. Sneha Chandran , R. Ravinesh & A. Biju Kumar Communication Short ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) 1, 2, 3 Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695581, India 1 [email protected], 2 [email protected], 3 [email protected] (corresponding author) OPEN ACCESS Abstract: Among the 373 species of opisthobranchs reported from there is renewed research interest in this fauna (Apte India, 92 are from Lakshadweep. This paper documents 11 species 2009, 2012; Apte et al. 2010, 2012; Raghunathan et of opisthobranch fauna from Lakshadweep Islands, classified under the families Haminoeidae, Colpodaspididae, Volvatellidae, al. 2010; Ramakrishna et al. 2010; Bhave & Apte 2011, Dendrodorididae, Chromodorididae, Goniodorididae, Embletoniidae, 2013; Sreeraj et al. 2012; Apte & Bhave 2014; Carmona and Tergipedidae, of which five are new records to India. Goniobranchus rufomaculatus and Volvatella ventricosa are reported for the first time et al. 2014, 2016). Among the 373 species reported from the western Indian Ocean. from India (Venkataraman et al. 2015), 92 are from the Lakshadweep group of Islands (Ravinesh & Bijukumar Keywords: Coral islands, Indian Ocean, Lakshadweep, new records, opisthobranch, sea slug, union territory. 2015). The earlier works on opisthobranchs of Lakshadweep Archipelago include those of Eliot (1903), Smith (1903), Hornell (1921), Nagabhushanam & Rao Opisthobranchs are a group of marine sea snails (1972), Rao et al. (1974), Sakthivel (1974), Namboodiri characterised by many unique features (Yonow 2008). & Sivadas (1979), Appukuttan et al. (1989), Rao & Rao They are diverse in morphological, dietary, and feeding (1991) and Rao (2003). Subsequently, Apte (2009), Apte aspects, and are ideal indicators of ecosystem health. & Salahuddin (2011), Susan et al. (2012), Ravinesh et al. They are characterised by unique behaviour such as (2013), and Apte & Bhave (2014) compiled information kleptoplasty and maintenance of photosynthetically on opisthobranchs of these islands. Ravinesh & active chloroplasts in their body, acquisition of Bijukumar (2015) published a consolidated checklist nematocysts from cnidarian prey, in situ synthesis of of marine molluscs from Lakshadweep Islands. In the repugnatory fluids, and aposematic colouration (Wägele present study, 11 additional species of opisthobranchs & Willan 2000). They have a strong chemical defence are reported from various islands of Lakshadweep. system by synthesising potent biochemicals as secondary metabolites (Beesoo et al. 2014) which possess Materials and Methods pharmaceutical value. They are distributed in almost Live specimens were collected by snorkelling all marine habitats and are present in both temperate and handpicking from the intertidal areas, lagoons, and tropical waters. Even though opisthobranchs and sea grass beds up to 4m depth. Specimens were were the least studied molluscan group in India, of late photographed and documented alive, then preserved DOI: | ZooBank: Editor: Nathalie Yonow, Swansea University, Swansea, UK. Date of publication: 26 December 2017 (online & print) Manuscript details: Ms # 2342 | Received 28 September 2015 | Final received 09 December 2017 | Finally accepted 12 December 2017 Citation: Chandran, B.K.S., R. Ravinesh & A.B. Kumar (2017). Additions to the sea snail fauna (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia) of Lakshadweep Islands, India . Journal of Threatened Taxa 9(12): 11045–11053; Copyright: © Chandran et al. 2017. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. JoTT allows unrestricted use of this article in any medium, reproduc- tion and distribution by providing adequate credit to the authors and the source of publication. Funding: The assistance of UGC CAS is acknowledged by all the authors. Competing interests: The authors declare no competing interests. Acknowledgements: B.K. Sneha Chandran is greateful to the Department of Science and Technology (Government of India) for the INSPIRE fellowship. R. Ravinesh thanks the student research awards offered by the Unitas Malacologica for the PhD programme. 11045 Addffons sea snaffs of Lakshadweep Isfands Chandr an ef af. fn 90% efhyf afcohof for furfher faxonomfc sfudfes. pfaced bfack eye spofs are vfsfbfe. Foof efongafe wffh Aff voucher specfmens are deposffed fn fhe museum smaff whffe bfofches. Ovafe, fransparenf barref shaped coffecfons of fhe Deparfmenf of Aquafc Bfofogy and sheff ffghf brown and wfder af fhe mfddfe, profruded Ffsherfes, Unfversffy of Kerafa, Indfa (accessfon numbers af fhe anferfor regfon and fruncafed, narrower af fhe DABF/UOK/GAS 05-22). posferfor end. Conspfcuous sfrfafons are seen af fhe Specfmens were coffecfed from Kavaraf sheff base and apex, cfoser fogefher af fhe ends. The (10.56500000 N & 72.62611111 E), Kadmaf (11.17833333 cenfraf porfon of fhe sheff fs wffhouf sfrfafons. There N & 72.76027778 E), Kafpenf (10.06833333 N & are approxfmafefy 10 anferfor grooves and 12 posferfor 73.63361111 E), Mfnfcoy (8.32305556 N & 73.07888889 grooves fn fhe sheff. Spfre sunken, sheff aperfure E), Bffra (11.59916667 N & 72.18527778 E), and broader anferforfy and narrow posferforfy. Cheffaf (10.68111111 N & 72.70527778 E) fsfands of Sfze: Sheff fengfh 4.5–5.7 mm, wfdfh 2.8–3.1 mm Lakshadweep Archfpefago from December 2013 fo June Remarks: Wfdefy dfsfrfbufed fn fhe Indo-Pacffc, fhfs 2015. specfes was frsf recorded from fhe Sandwfch Isfands (Pease 1860). Thfs fs a new record fo Indfa. Coffecfed Resuffs from fnferfdaf areas and found among fhe seaweed Durfng fhe survey 11 specfes of opfsfhobranchs were Haffmeda sp., af a depfh of 1.5m. recorded for fhe frsf fme from Lakshadweep Isfands; of Dfsfrfbufon: Madagascar, Indonesfa, Mafaysfa, Japan, fhese, fve are new records fo Indfa. Phfffppfnes, Papua New Gufnea, New Cafedonfa, Guam, Tahff, Hawaff (Ingram 1939; Kuroda & Habe 1952; Infra-cfass: Opfsfhobranchfa Mffne-Edwards, 1848 Gosffner ef af. 2008; Too ef af. 2014), Norfh Tufuffa Order: Cephafaspfdea P. Ffscher, 1883 Isfand, Samoa (Rudman 2000a), Red Sea (Yonow 2008). Superfamffy: Hamfnoeofdea Pffsbry, 1895 Famffy: Hamfnoefdae Pffsbry, 1895 Superfamffy: Phfffnofdea Gray, 1850 (1815) Genus: Afys Monforf, 1810 Famffy: Cofpodaspfdfdae Oskars, Bouchef & Mafaqufas, 1. Afys semfsfrfafa Pease, 1860 (Image 1 a–c) 2015 Synonyms: Afys semfsfrfafa fordfnsufae Pffsbry, Genus: Cofpodaspfs M. Sars, 1870 1921; Afys semfsfrfafa mua Pffsbry, 1921 2. Cofpodaspfs fhompsonf G.H. Brown, 1979 (Image Maferfafs examfned: 12; accessfon numbers: DABF/ 2) UOK/GAS 05-07 Maferfaf examfned: 1; Accessfon number: DABF/ Sfze: Sheff fengfh 4.5–5.7 mm, wfdfh 2.8–3.1 mm. UOK/GAS 08 Locafffy: Kadmaf, Kavaraf, Agaf, and Mfnfcoy Sfze: Lengfh 2mm fsfands Locafffy: Kavaraf Isfand Descrfpfon: Anfmaf fs fransfucenf whffe fn cofour. Descrfpfon: Smaff, fny bfack body wffh numerous The cephaffc regfon and parapodfa are characferfsed farge yeffow pusfufes bordered by whffe rfngs; faff bfack. wffh numerous brown spofs. The body fs speckfed wffh An exhafenf sfphon fs presenf on fhe rfghf, af fhe back numerous smaff peach cofoured spofs vfsfbfe fhrough fhe of fhe body. Rhfnophores roffed, wffh whffsh fps. Thfn sheff on fhe dorsaf surface of fhe body. Two anferforfy coffed and deffcafe fnfernaf sheff remafns compfefefy © R. Ravfnesh c Image 1 a–c. Afys semfsfrfafa Pease, 1860. a - venfraf vfew of sheff; b - dorsaf vfew of sheff (scafe = 5mm); c - ffve anfmaf 5mm. 11046 Journaf of Threafened Taxa | | 26 December 2017 | 9(12): 11045–11053 Addffons sea snaffs of Lakshadweep Isfands Chandr an ef af. © R. Ravfnesh © R. Ravfnesh a Image 2. Cofpodaspfs fhompsonf G. H. Brown, 1979. Lfve anfmaf, 2mm. envefoped by fhe manffe. The foof fs conspfcuous, wffh a cenfraf groove and expanded fo form a rounded fobe fn fhe anferfor regfon and fs vfsfbfe beneafh fhe rhfnophores. Large mucous gfand fs presenf fn
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