(Iowa City, Iowa), 1958-04-23
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rieves• , By JEAN DAVIES and ROGER DAHMS StaR Writers SUI'........ d bako..,.11 COKh Frank "Bucky" O'Connor come. home for the last tllM In ...th foci .. )' ... the rewlt of .. tr.. ,ic .. ute ..ccicltnt. The famed oM-year-old O'Connor. ~ who guided Iowa to Big Ten bask elball tiUes two years jn a row. was ·killed outright when the SUI ail owan slarr car he was driving was Serving The State University of Iowa and the Peopl~ of Iowa City crushed under an avalanche of concrete Liles falling from a lruck. It was announcl'd late Tuesday plsbed In 1868 - Five Cents a C;;:op;:-;y;---:~--"""':"'-"M~e m:::t::be::r:-o:1[rA'Sl::soc:::::1l~a::tea::::l:"1p~r:::ess:::::--'TAP'!Mcer::':as=eaT'l'lW:r.I:::re~· -::-an~dJ""l'lP~h:::OI,-::o"se~r,:':l'i'-::ce""""---:I "'ow"'a~~"'it-y-. ""(o-w""'a-, "W""ean"""'e,",Sd"T"a-y,-A"'p-r"'a'"'23""-,1"'9=58 night that a Bucky O'Connor Me morial Foundation will be estab ItA lished Cor the "coach with a smile." Big Ten representative Robert tHIS GOOD lay. proCessor and director of the , Many ,UI In tilute of Public AHairs. said Bu~ky's lDeath Grieves he memorial fund had been MORNING I 'Ieared with the sm Athletics Men who have worked wi loard at the request of the O'Con O'Connor and those wh , NIXON TRANSLATED. been guided by his coachinr lor famity. FOREIGN PROJECT. Clue in Missing Girl Daughter, 13, SUI were shocked by the new Mrs. O'Connor has rcque ted that SPRUNG POETRY. his death Tuesday afternoon. 10 flowers be scnt but that con PAAR OFF COURSE. ributions to the fund may be sent by Takes Bucky La the SUI Scholarship Fund. At 0 loter date it i. expect.d ,___ Don Mltchell~ __ Case Tells 'Pickup' tt.ot Mrs. crConnor will dui,not. Pall, ra.a. Maaa,I... Stlll.r BAchl.r, SUI director c A new lead in the case of missin, Michelle Girard, 14-year-on"ldt""'liV~. Death Well thot the fvnd be u.. d to pn\'ide TOSSES PLAN into the ring City girl, Tuesday was given to Iowa City Police according to 11 :~~:~~:~;t;he":~T;hile~le:newsHis waspublic almost re INoskotbaU acholarahips for SU I to help the rail· Lt. Harland Sprinkle. his conlacts with olhe' .tudents. roads to the tune The informant, who was not Identified by Sprinkle, told of an . aml,euc groups was of high calibe' SUI officials announced tha of $700 million he observed around 3 p.m. L. ___ _ ... ",""J O'Connor chilled and SIl(ICK·.-, ntl tremendous importance tr 'unerat services would be held The best help he weeks ago. The source said the campus Tuesday owa. ,'hursday at 2 p.m. in the First could give would sm thinks it was on a Friday. positive identification "I always regarded Bucky 8 .1elhodist Church. The body is in be to give Mamie Loveless )athout Funeral Home. the Columbine III, Michelle disappeared that day. established. of our finest and most coop He says he saw a girl ve staff members. His suc O'Connor was a member of lhe then name New a coach gave Iowa hig York Central the Ing Michelle's description, faculty and friends in Big '('en and nationa 'irst English Lutheran ~hurch, bU I Tries for MS ne services will be held in the Pre$ident' 5 line. west on Benton St. A slowly ",nv __ ..,n to the O'Connor home while Rail preSidents lcthodist Church because it has say they are go· ing car followed the girt. When Iowan and athlelic office , larger seating capacity, Univer MITCHELL ing broke. Any Regents Talks crossed Capitol St., It pulled lines were jammed with :ty o[ficials said. body who can afford to lose a side and stopped althe corner. question, " Is it true?" Georv' Eu"n, chairmar The accid nL occurred on U.S. Gov. Herschel Loveless has re Board In Control of Alh couple hundred million and live to went over to it and talked Mrs. O'Connor, who was n,pUf\'·.,_.:__ ·It is Inconceivable tha Ilghway 218 just SOUlil of Walerlo quested tile Board of Regents to "ipe Isn't too bad ofL the driver. motioning resting after she had been terrible thing has happenet .t 12 p.m. Tuesday. meet with a delegation of SUI • • • like "No, I won 't ride with you, light sedative lat Tue day h a fine person. 1 have lonl' O'Connor, alone In the car, was PLIGHT OF the railroads is as married students at the next regu and walked on . was told of the ac(:l dE~ntl. aCtmlrea O'Connor not only for h. a address the "Sports oC Sorl fIDIRY at Chrysler Corporation los lar meeting. Just before she got to Ule "',,"w"~a in handling Iowa basket :lub" in Waterloo Tuesday eve iDg all that cash. The 11 greedy St. bridge, tile car pulled teams but for his personalit! ling. wheels of Chrysler split almost $4 Tho ,ov,rnor told I del ....tlo" of thr.e marri.d .tudonts Thurs- side again and stopped. She his fine innuence on youn[ In an attempt to avoid hitting two million rugs whlle the stockholders .\linea hens cross:ng the highway, looked {or the sleeping pills. day ho would try to arran,o a over to it, talked awhile, meeting betw ••n ..... marrl.d.tu- in. The car drove off, the in£"r-nt_IO'C:onlrJor .:Connor's car reportedly skidded • • • ant said. news over the radio and ".uu::u,.; Jt of control into the path of a WIXON WILL TOUR ARGEN· .nta .. net the rov.nts. The sources also said lhe car daughler immediately. Williams, assl tant dl' ruck which carried a 32,000 pound TINA: Jad of concrete tile. Jose : "Senor Neexon weel make The regents turned down an earl- a 1949 , or '50 Ford, with 13-year-o Id K a th y O'C onnor of athletics and formel i The driver of the truck involve a good presidente because he has er request by the executive com· County plates. The driver was n sc hi"00 wLien UII! '"ftnrlounct)n\4~nt l. head baSketball coa\!h : "I !lid much experience." mittee of the Married Student man about 50 years old. made, and was laid years which ] ha ve beer n the accident, Alvin Haaf, 32, 0 ' Juan: "That's seely, amigo. He Housing Group to grant them a Sprinkle gave a picture Ilshled'lfalthE~ r 's death by the Rev. ated with basketball, 1 d . ..aPorte City, was slightly injured md taken to his home. only gets telegrams from angry hearing concerning the current recently in The Dally Iowan pas lor of the First the greatest admiratiol COACH FRANK BUCKY O'Connor i. pictur.d witt. hi. family In a Haaf declined to describe the ac voters, and is never shot at. married housin, dispute. proba~le reason f~r the Church in Iowa ' . J[V __ irA. He did a great job for photo of a few yelil'S ago. With tt.. famous bask.tball coach .. ro • • • 10 I 'd' th I tte 't recalling and reportmg the at the O'Connor ity of Iowa . :ident when telephoned by The dllu,ht.r Kilthy, 13. and wife Jllne.-Dlily Iowan Photo. DRIVE TO get fraternities and ve ess sal m e e r 1 at this time. said that Kathy, leadership and influence or )aily Iowan Tuesday. IOrorities to sponsor foreign stu would be to the board's advantage I Michelle is described as 5-feet 2:11~lldO;~,,~IlUS~' ~!s~ed a bas)celball !larnellvounS! men associated with hirr State HI,hway Patrolman Lt, _Dis has three members: Alpha to show the students it was not act· inches. 110 pounds, with ,I. had assured very strong, and his loss tc John Schn.ldor told Tho Dally Tau Omega fraternity, Delta Gam· Ing In an arbitrary manner and br~wn hair, ~lue-green eyes, that "together we will University cannot be overesti Iowan by tol.phon. that O'Con ma and Alpha Xi Delta sororities. that it was sympathetic to the stu. fait compleXIon . She has a . aU right." .. nor', car wa. hit broad.ldo by JntCrested houses who want to dents' finances. nent scar on her lower leCt lip, Martin O'Connor, a brother Pr.sldent Virgil Hanchor: tho lOuthbound truck. Tho tile follow the leaders and show that scar on her left eye, and spea wife from Grinnell stun ning suddenness o' rolled from the truck and cru.Md In Memoriam L~'I .., ,aid .. I.... meetl", with a French accent. She may O'Connor home O'Connor's death is almosl ,Greeks are good for somethinll the c .. r. AN EDITORIAL other than socializfng should con betw ..n tho Boanf of R.. ..ws pear to be 18 years old her and another brother " Sehneid~r said inat Haaf pol a tac~ Wallace Maner in Student Af· .. nd ..... m .. rrled "-nts would has said. Is expected early "The university has lost a teach to til right shoulder to avoid a Coach 13ucky O'ConJlor was a little short of being six fairs. ,1.,0 ..... board on opportunity to Close friends and neighbors er of character and Integrity an ~ ollision. Both vehicles went into • • • • oxpilin ..... bill. for Its Ippro.,..1 TORNADO afternoon at the O'Connor of uh~ a. ffline (riend.