-.7 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER S, I960 PAGE TWENTY-POUE ' t ':^ Avcraxe Daily Net Prcee Ron lEwpntng Ijgralb For Use Week Ended Tbe 'Waotlipr' * Oct. 1, ISM < ForMu^ef'0. Wmom Wmmm; A 13 23 /-shefwers Mdlna Senigit, ctmr"' , i tag, eooler. l.ew la SSe. IfiHnj Bfember ef the Andlt bdr. eeder. Htgi dS tn tf. Bnrena e< dnalnttea. M anche$ter^4 City of VUlage Charm VOL. LXXX NO. 5 (TWENTY PAGES) ■ MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1960 (Claaeltled AdTerttotaf <»> Page 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS State News Roundup Build 3-1 After Four Judge Blocks PittsbUrifh, Oct. 6 (/F)—^Thefend Rlchardeon. Rlcherdeon teeied Death Injury New York Yankees scored two out Nelson. No runs, one hit, no errc^i, one Bridgeport, Oct. 6 (JP)— runs in the third innins and left. U. S.^ Soviet Peace another in the fourth and held NEW YCNRK SBOOND Judge Thomas E. Troland in a S to 1 lead over the Pitts Berra rolled out. Nelson to Superior Court -today denied a burgh Pirates after four in Friend, covering first. Skowron motion for the appointment of struck out on a fast ball. Howard a one-man grand jury and a nings of the second game of looked at a third strike. ' thfc World Series. The Pirates No runs, no hits, no errors, none special states’ attorrtey to re Summit Talks 'I scored their run in the fourth. left. open an investigation into the Red Bloc NEW YORK FIRST PirrSBtTROH SECOND death of 4-year-old Albert Kubek, on a 2-1 count looped a Cimoli walked on a full count.
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