460 . . [KELLY's chapel. The area is 962A. 2R. SP. ; rateable value, £r,383; delivered by letter carrier ; they arrive via , at the population in 1881 was 79· which office they remain till called for Parochial School (mixed), erected in 1870 by the late Hon. PosT OFFICE.-Mrs. Harriet Day, receiver. Letters through C. H. Cust; it will hold 6o children; average attendance, Lincoln arrive at 7-45 a. m. ; dispatched at 4·55 p.m. 41; & is supported by E. B. C. Cust esq. ; Frank Mills, Marton is the nearest money order office & Newton-in- master Trent the telegraph. Letters for Hardwick are not Railway Station, Richard Ellis, clerk in charge Makins Thomas, farmer Wells Robert (Mrs.), farmer Torksey. Turnbull Robert, grocer & draper Wells William, farmer Abraham Rev. Thomas [incumbent], Wallace Charles, farmer Parsonage Wildsmith John Henry, boat builder, Hardwick. Bingham Joseph, Hume Arms P.H coal dealer & rope maker Amory J oseph, farmer Denman Joseph, Castle inn, & farmer Gilbv• Edwin, farmer Dunston John, manufacturer of the Brampton. Gourley Harrict (Mrs.), farmer Improved Repellant Bladon Wm. Septimus, farmer,Cob hall Sempers John, farmer Hunt Thomas, farmer, Heighwood Makins Thomas, farmer Toule David, farmer Lister William, farmer Sykes George William, farmer EAST TORRINGTON is a parish, 4 miles north-east·. joint tithe-rent charge £251 ; net yearly value £27o,includ­ from ,5 north-east from Snedland.station, on the Hull 1 ing 41 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Edmund and Lincoln branch of the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincoln- Turnor esq. and held since 1885 by the Rev. Henry Fuller shire railway, and 5 south-south-west from of St. Aidans, who resides at . The princi­ and 3 north-west of station, on the Louth , pal landowners are Edmund Turnor esq. D.L., J.P. of Panton and Lincoln branch of the Great ~orthern railway, in the 1 Hall, who is lord of the manor, and the Right Hon. Edward division of the county, parts of Liudsey, west- Heneage P.C., M.P., D.L., J.P. of Hall. The soil is ern division of the wapentake of Wraggoe, "\\'ragby petty various; subsoil, clay and sandy gravel. The chief crops are sessional division, union, county court district of wheat, barley, oats and turnips. The area is 1,504 acres; Market Rasen, rural deanery of Wraggoe, archdeaconry of rateable value, £1,291; the population in 1881 was 125. Stow, a~d diocese of L~ncoln. The _church of ~t. Mich_a~l, Letters by foot post from Wragby, which is the nearest erected 1~ 1850 on the site of an earlier ch~r~h, IS an edifice money order office, arrive at 10 a. m. The nearest tele- of stone m the late Decorated styl~, ~ons1stmg of chancel, graph is at South Willingham Railway station nave, south porch and a turret contammg one bell : there are So sittings. The register dates from the year 1594. The The children of this parish attend the schools at West Tor· living is a rectory, with West Torrington vicarage annexed, rington, & Hainton Cook Thomas, farmer, Hainton Beck Park George, farmer Rands Edward, farmer & rate collector Fanthorp Henry, carrier, Portergill David, shopkeeper Trafford Joseph, farmer Odling William, farmer, Ivy house WEST TORRINGTON is a parish, 3 miles north-by- year 1638. The living is a vicarage, with East Torrington east from Wragby, 4 north-east from station, on the annexed, tithe rent-charge £251 ; joint net yearly value Hull & Lincoln branch of the Manchester, Sheffield and £270, including 41 acres of glebe with residence, in the gift Lincolnshire railway, and 13 north-west from , in of Edmund Turnor esq. and held since 1885 by the Rev. the East Lindsey division of the county, , Henry Fuller, of St. Aidans. There are Wesleyan and western division of the wapentake of Wraggoe, petty sessional Reform Methodist chapels. The only charity consists of a. division of Wragby, Horn castle union, county court district J yearly rent-charge of 26s. which is distributed weekly in a. of Market Rasen, rural deanery of Wraggoe, arch deaconry of ' dole loaf to the oldest widow. Edmund Turnor esq. D.L., Stow and . The church of St. Mary, J.P. of Panton Hall, is lord of the manor. The principal rebuilt by subscription in 1862, from the designs of Mr. landowners are Messrs. William Gurnell and Lieut. Lilling­ "\\'ithers, is a small edifice of stone in the Early Decorated stone. The soil is various; subsoil, clay and sandy gravel. style, consisting of chancel, nave, vestry, south porch and a The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and turnips. The. turret containing one bell : during the restoration of the area is 1,126 acres; rateable value, £1,246; the population church, the battered remains of an effigy of a Knight in 1881 was 160. Templar were found outside the church, confirming a tradi- Sexton, Thomas Humphrey. tion, of long standing, that three crusaders had been LETTER Box cleared at 4 p.m. week days only. Letters respectively buried at Panton, Buslingthorpe and West through Wragby, the nearest money order & tele5f3ph Torrington : the other effigies still exist in the two former office arrive at a.m churches ; the fragments discovered have been placed near 9 the font, which is a fine and unusually large structure of the Church !School (mixed), built in 1859• for 70 children; Norman period: the stained east window is a memorial t{) average attendance, 35; Miss Emily Jane Midgley, mist William George Ernest Windham Gerald B.A. of St. John's CARRIERs-George Frederick & Thomas l!'rederick Rowson, College, Oxford: there are 110 sittings: the churchyard to Louth, wed. & sat. returning same day; & Charles cross was restored in 188o. The register dates from the Fredcrick Rowson, to Louth wed. & sat. & Lincoln, fri Fuller Rev. Henry [vicar], Vicarage Harrison Alfred, farmer, The Grange Rowson George Frederick & Thomas Butler Geo. M. wheelwright & farmer Pickering Thomas, farmer, Manor frm Fredk. market gardeners & carriers Chitlings Kate (Mrs.), shopkeeper Pickwell 'fhos.agricultural machine ma Todd William, shopkeeper Gurnell John, farmer, lngs farm Rowson Charles Frederick, carrier is a small parish, 6 miles north-west from Willoughby de Broke and held since 1851 by the Rev. Alford, 2 north-east from the station, on the East William Grice B.A. of Queens' College, Cambridge. In the Lincolnshire branch of the Great Northern railway, in the parish is an old military earthwork, consisting of a wide and South Lindsey division of the county, parts of Lindsey, deep ditch, upwards of 20 feet in length, near a lofty round Marsh rEvision of the Calceworth hundred, Alford petty mound, commonly called "TooT HILL." Lord Willoughby sessional division, Louth union and county court district, de Broke is lord of the manor and chief landowner. The soil rural deanery of Calcewaith No. 1, and archdeaconry and is clayey; subsoil, clay and sand. The chief crops are diocese of Lincoln. The church of St. Mary, built out of the wheat, beans, barley and oats. The area is 854 acres; materials of an earlier church, is a small and plain edifice, rateable value, £899; the population in 1881 was 47. principally of chalk and brick, and consists of chancel, nave, Letters through Alford are due at 9.30 a. m. LErrER Box north aisle and a western turret containing one bell: the cleared at 3.30 p.m. in the winter & 4.30 p.m. in the sum- church is at present in a dilapitated state;· .there are 6o mer. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at sittings. The register dates from the year 1608. The Alford living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge £137, yearly value The children of this place attend the school at Gayton-le- £18o, including 68 acres of glebe, in the gift of Lord Marsh Grice Rev. William B.A. Rectory i Cockin Thomas, farmer, Manor farm 1 Cook David & Robert, farmers is a parish and scattered church of All Saints is an ancient edifice of brick, in the village, pleasantly situated on an acclivity, on the road from Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave and a low to Boston, one mile and a half south from Spilsby western tower containing 3 bells : there are 220 sittings. station, on the East Lincolnshire branch of the Great North- The register dates from the year 1716. The living is a ern railway, and 125 miles from , in the South vicarage, annexed to the rectory of Toynton St. Peter, joint Lindsey division of the county, parts of Lindsey, eastern net yearly value £400, including 342 acres of glebe, with division of the soke of Bolingbroke, Spilsby petty sessional residence, in the gift of Lord Willoughby de Eresby, and held division, union and county court district, rural deanery of since 1886 by the Rev. William John Margetts. There is & Bolingbroke, and archdeaconry and dioce.se of Lincoln. The small Wesleyan chapel. Lord Willoughby de Eresby P.c.,