EWELL NEWS The monthly newspaper of St Mary the Virgin Ewell No. 533 June 2017 60p

Sharing the Love of Christ, the Light of the World, with the people of Ewell

GOD’S The Vicar writes ...... 2 ,& 3 PROMISE Arthur Mathews obituary...... 4

Suggested prayers...... 5 Fun Day Wednesday...... 5 Now to him who by his Facts and figures...... 6 Persevering on the Pennine power within us is able to Way...... 6 Financial summary...... 6 do far more than we ever From the Parish Registers...6 Ewell Village Fair...... 7 dare to ask or imagine — to PCC...... 8 him be glory in the Church through Christ Jesus for ever and ever, Amen. New churchwarden...... 8 Churchwardens’ visitation....8 Children’s pages...... 9 & 10 Ephesians 3 20-21 Easyfundraising...... 11 Calendar for June...... 12 Coffee Mornings...... 12 Grand Draw tickets...... 12 STOP PRESS...... 12

COPY FOR THE NEXT EDITION: Please email EPN copy to: [email protected]. Handwritten or typed copy can only be accepted with the prior agreement of the Editor. Please do not embed photos in WORD files, but send the images separately. Copy date for the July edition is noon on Monday 12 June. Page 2 June 2017 Ewell Parish News

The Vicar writes

I tried my best to speak some Italian while in Rome for a few days. In a way that many people will I'm sure recognize, Website: www.stmarysewell.com as soon as my English accent was detected most people switched into English realising- correctly- that the conversa- tion was going to go far more smoothly that way. But I CLERGY persevered. I managed to ask directions and buy a toy car Vicar: The Reverend Russell Dewhurst MPhys BTh LLM successfully, but on the other hand I was completely unable 020 8393 1297; Email: [email protected] to get my desired flavour of ice cream in a gelateria! Even Assistant Priest: The Reverend Sue Ayling learning just a few words of another tongue is a good experi- 020 8337 6347; Email: [email protected] ence. I think that trying to speak in someone else's language, Honorary Assistant Priest: The Reverend Dr Patrick Miller even if one stumbles and fails more often than not, is a MA PhD; Email: [email protected] wonderful way of connecting with people from other coun- READER tries and cultures. Mrs Wendy Varney 020 8393 5212 CHURCHWARDENS Mrs Valerie Wood 020 8393 5991 Mr Nicholas Allsopp 07899 818400 Pastoral Assistant Mrs Wendy Paxman 020 8224 2851

SUNDAY AT ST MARY'S 0800 HOLY COMMUNION 0930 SUNG EUCHARIST The Sunday School meets in conjunction with this service. There is coffee in the church hall between the 9.30 and 11 o’clock services on Sunday mornings, to which all are welcome, and especially newcomers and visitors. LATE MORNING SERVICE varies by Sunday in the month The usual pattern is our all-age Praise@11 on the first Sunday at 11am; 11.15am Choral Mattins on the second Sunday; 11am Toddle Up, a short and very informal service for toddlers and their families on the third Sunday; and 11.15am Morning Prayer with Holy Baptism on the fourth Sunday. The pattern changes on special occasions: see the calendar on the back page for details of this month. And so it doesn't seem to me arbitrary that in the story of 1700 Second Sunday of the month ALL-IN An inclusive all-age service Pentecost in the Bible we see the apostles being able to speak with something for everyone. Followed at 6pm-6:45pm by Club Sand- in other languages. That one day, that occasion on which the wich, a youth group for 7-11s. Holy Spirit first came and kickstarted the church, we read 1730 Once a month CHORAL EVENSONG Just like a cathedral Even- song in our own parish church. Usually the third Sunday but see the that everyone heard the apostles speaking in their own lan- calendar on the back page for details. guage. The barriers of language were, for a moment, over- come: a sign that these barriers of language and tribe and Occasionally there are variations from this pattern; details are given in this paper, on the Notice Board or in the Weekly Notes available on Sundays. nation are as nothing compared to the unity that the Spirit brings. The apostles were to carry on what Jesus had begun: ON WEEKDAYS preaching the good news of God's love and forgiveness, Morning prayer is usually said at 9 am Mondays-Thursdays, in church. making his presence known. But they were to do this, not in See the Weekly Notes or phone ahead to make sure. The Eucharist is celebrated on Tuesdays at 10 am, at the Side Chapel. a small geographical area, as Jesus had done. The church was to spread across the whole world, into every culture and THE PARISH OFFICE language. Administrator: The miracle we read about happening on that one Pente- Mrs Lynne Yuille 020 8393 2643 (Office) cost is repeated in our own day every time the love of God is Office email: [email protected] communicated in thousands of languages across the globe, St Mary’s Church is in Road, Ewell, and the Parish Office is in every time the Bible is read in a new language, and people the Sacristy on the south side of the church. come to see that God is speaking not only to others, but also The Office hours are normally 9.30-12.00 Mon, Tues, Wed and Fri, but to them. please check before visiting as appointments are usually needed. The Holy Spirit is as present now as he was at Pentecost. The postal address is: When we are at a loss for words, perhaps trying to comfort St Mary’s Ewell Parish Church, London Rd, Ewell, , KT17 2AY. Ewell Parish News June 2017 Page 3 someone in need or facing a challenging situation, we can ask the Holy Spirit for aid. When we have a decision to make, or when we are about to cast our vote at this month's General Election, we can call upon the Holy Spirit for guidance. All Frames - made in Our Studio Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful people, and kindle in them the fire of your Free local collection love. Amen. & Delivery IN CHURCH THIS JUNE Pentecost is the birthday of the church! This year Pentecost, or Whitsun, falls on Sunday 4 June. It is one of the three great festivals along with Christmas and Easter, in which we recall the coming of the Holy Spirit upon Jesus's disciples after he had ascended to heaven. Moved by the Spirit they resolved to carry on Jesus' work- and we try to do the same two thousand years on. Services are a quiet and contemplative 8am Holy Communion, then a celebratory 9:30am Sung Eucharist with choral music and children's hour. It's followed by refreshments www.handmadepictureframes. jigsy.com in church, and we hope that some will stay after the 9:30, and others will arrive early for Praise@11 to share some fellowship together. Soon after 11am we will start our all-age service, Praise@11, continuing with the theme of Pentecost. All are most welcome! Saturday 10 June is our annual piano concert. Several pianos will be in church for duets, St Mary’s trios, and more. This is always a popular recital and will start at 7:30pm. Tickets are £7 on the door, £1 for under 16s, or £6 if you buy online in advance: link via our website or Facebook Toddler to the Eventbrite site. Groups Trinity Sunday is on Sunday 11 June. A good number of candidates from St Mary's will be confirmed this morning by the Bishop of Guildford at Christ Church, Common. Monday afternoon and Meanwhile, back at St Mary's, after our usual 8am and 9:30am services there will be Choral Thursday mornings Mattins at 11:15am. This service lasts forty minutes or so, with bible readings and Anglican during term time in the choral music sung by the parish choir. Then in the evening, our inclusive all-age service for church hall. everyone, All-in, begins at 5pm. It's followed at 6pm by Club Sandwich, our youth group for For more information: 7-11s which begins with sandwiches and ends after games at 6.45pm. On Sunday 18 June, after 8am and 9:30am our monthly service especially for toddlers and Tel. 020 8393 4804 their families, Toddle Up!, is at 11am. Then at 5:30pm, Choral Evensong observes Corpus Christi Sunday. Traditional Evensong will end with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, a chance for us to reflect on the gift of the Eucharist outside of a communion service. There will again be refreshments served in church after Evensong to make this festival. CAFE On Tuesday 20 June, our monthly bereavement café meets in the church hall (just opposite church), 2:45pm-3:45pm. No need to book, just turn up. It is open to everyone, not just NESCOT widows or widowers, but anyone who would like to talk about their experiences around bereavement in a relaxed cafe atmosphere. On Tuesdays in There is a lot going on over Midsummer weekend! On Saturday 24 June, you are invited term time, students to a garden party in the Vicarage garden, 2:30pm-4:30pm. Tickets (£5) are available after from NESCOT are services or from the parish office. Then on Sunday 25 June services are 8am Holy Commun- serving simple lunch- ion, 9:30am Sung Eucharist, and 11:15am Morning Prayer with Holy Baptism. In the es in our church hall afternoon, Churches Together in Ewell is putting on a free family event in Bourne Hall (London Rd, opposite gardens called HOPE (2-5pm). There will be all kinds of activities, music, and stalls, all free. the church) between St Mary's is going to put on a garden games stall, e.g. skittles, giant Connect 4, that kind of 12 and 2pm. thing. It should be great fun. Please get in touch with me if you might be able to spare a little Soup, sandwiches, time that afternoon to take a shift running one of the games (very very easy games, full tuition salad, and cakes, would be given). It would be something a whole family could do together with tea, coffee, and Your friend and Parish Priest soft drinks. Russell Dewhurst Everyone welcome!

To hire the Church Hall please contact Reliable friendly service 020 8614 0714 for all exterior and interior household maintenance or visit and improvements Free estimates given www.stmarysewell.com Page 4 June 2017 Ewell Parish News ARTHUR MATHEWS 14 June 1937 – 24 March 2017 Arthur Mathews was born and brought up in Folke- organ repairs and maintenance over the last 10 years. stone. On the whole he had a happy childhood, but as he In his address at the service in celebration of Arthur's grew older he found school life rather boring as it did not life, the Revd. Russell Dewhurst said "to those looking present him with enough of the right kind of challenges. for a monument to Arthur, I would say, si monumen- He left as soon as he could to tum quaeritis, audite! If you make his own way in the seek a monument, listen!". world. At the time, his father Arthur soon became chair worked in the ticket office at of Pro Musica, the committee Folkestone station, so he de- which oversees music at St cided to apply for a job with Mary's. When the idea was British Rail. He wrote around raised of a volunteer choir to thirty letters of application sing at baptisms, Arthur ran before they finally offered with the idea, soon had the him a job in the parcel office. stalls filled with singers At the age of 18 he was dressed in new robes, their called up for National Service music folders arranged and and spent 2 years in Cyprus. filled and Director of Music On his return he went back to Jonathan Holmes booked for work for British Rail. From twice monthly rehearsals. It then on he never looked back, seemed like it happened over- steadily progressing upwards night. to become an Area Manager, For many years Arthur was with 77 stations, two and half thousand employees and a a well-respected toastmaster, presiding over weddings, large budget. On the way up he made headlines, when at ladies' nights and other social events. He also ran all the age of 21 he became the youngest Station Master in kinds of events himself, raising large sums of money British Rail. He retired when British Rail was privatised for the organ and the many other causes he was pas- in the 1990s sionate about. Every year, he held a "Garden Party" in Arthur had two very happy marriages. In 1973, he his own house and garden - seventy plus people for a married Jo, who sadly died after a long illness in 2002. BBQ or alfresco dining. Many of those who came They had a daughter Kelly, who was "The Apple of his along to enjoy the afternoon used to say that it was the Eye", and later on, she gave him his only beloved grand- event of the year. Arthur's cooking was legendary. At child Keira. concerts the canapés and delicacies that he provided to In 2005 he married Julia, giving her a new lease of life audiences were just as eagerly anticipated as the music. after the loss of her first husband in 2002. Arthur proved Arthur was a Freemason for more than 50 years and to be the most loving and caring of husbands, and they held senior rank. He was awarded Grand Rank in had a wonderful life together for close on twelve years. 1996, and he was promoted in 2012 to Past Junior Arthur loved life and he was determined to make the Grand Deacon, a reflection on his continuing contribu- most of every minute. He enjoyed being with people, tion to Freemasonry. Arthur also achieved London doing things with them and for them. He once said to a Grand Rank and the Certificate for Distinguished Ser- medical consultant "I haven't got time to die - I have got vice within the Province of Surrey. Over the years he too much to do". He was always someone who wanted enhanced the meetings of a considerable number of to get on and get things done. One of his many skills and lodges with his organ playing. Another of his many interests was playing the organ. When he became a talents was the supply, alteration and repair of masonic member of St Mary's and learnt of our Father Willis regalia. A quick telephone call was all that was neces- organ, he took this great machine under his wing, work- sary, he never forgot what was needed, or when it was ing with our Director of Music to oversee its mainte- needed. nance, repair and improvement. He did much of the There is no doubt that Arthur loved people and organization of our organ recitals, and did a great deal of people loved Arthur. His sense of humour and love of fundraising on his own behalf. Just in the past year, life will be sadly missed. He most certainly lived despite everything else he had to deal with, he raised respected and died very much regretted. over £3000 - and similar, if not greater, feats were An article about Arthur and the Father Willis organ achieved every year of his organ curatorship. It is esti- is planned for July EPN. mated that Arthur saved St Mary's more than £70,000 for Ewell Parish News June 2017 Page 5

Father, forgive the cold love of the years, As here in the silence we bow. Perish our cowardice, perish our fears! Kindle us, kindle us now. Lord, we accept, we believe, we adore, Less than the least though we be. Fire of love, burn in us, burn evermore, Till we burn out for Thee. O for a passionate passion for souls, O for a pity that yearns, O for a love that loves unto death, O for a fire that burns. O for the pure prayer-power that prevails, That pours itself out for the lost, Victorious prayer in the Conqueror's name The Lord of Pentecost.

A GENERAL THANKSGIVING Almighty God, Father of all mercies, we Thine un- worthy servants do give Thee most humble and TOM O’SULLIVAN DECORATING hearty thanks for all Thy goodness and loving-kind- ness to us, and to all men. We bless Thee for our Family business, quality decorating creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life; but above all, for Thine inestimable love in the Checkatrade member since 1999 redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ; Quality interior and exterior decoration for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory. Reliable, qualified, insured and CRB checked And, we beseech Thee, give us that due sense of all Full work history at: Thy mercies, that our hearts may be unfeignedly www.checkatrade.com/tomosullivan thankful, and that we show forth Thy praise, not only with our lips, but in our lives, by giving up Tel: Home - 0208 337 3942(evenings) ourselves to Thy service, and by walking before Thee Mobile - 07790 459784 in holiness and righteousness all our days; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with Thee and the Holy Spirit be all honour and glory, world without end, Amen.

GEORGE WASHINGTON'S PRAYER Almighty God: we make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy holy protec- tion: that Thou wilt incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to government; and entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow citizens of the United States at large; and finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without a humble imita- tion of Whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. Page 6 June 2017 Ewell Parish News FACTS AND FIGURES Statesmen deal in facts and the future. Politicians deal in feelings and the past. Lincoln and Churchill stand out. Both came into history after Jesus Christ. Their aim was freedom for their people. Christ's aim is freedom for Saturday, 24 June everybody, freedom to do good or evil. Christ offers the peace which follows good action and salvation from the Vicarage Garden consequences of evil action. 2:30-4:30 pm Politicians present facts to suit feelings. Family mem- bers do it in the home. Business people do it much of the time. Gardeners can't. Weather forecasters daren't. Tickets £5 What about you and me? How do we present after services & things? from the Parish Office Whatever way we do it God loves us.

PERSEVERING ALONG THE PENNINE WAY FROM THE PARISH The Pennines run like a spine through the length of Great Britain from Derbyshire to Scotland. Not noted REGISTERS for benign weather, the 268 mile long Pennine Way presents many challenges in the form of steep hills, HOLY BAPTISM 432 stiles, bogs, and desolate moors as well as lots of We welcome you into the Lord's family rain, mist, cold and wind. One of the first long dis- 30 April Jack Matthew Cowlard tance paths in the UK, the tales of those who have Elsie Anne Hammond tackled it verge on the scary. A friend of ours came Woodrow Arthur Martin upon a girl all alone stuck up to her waist in a bog. Avery Christian Edward Tonna She had been there several hours. They pulled her out –minus her boots. We did not experience anything quite as bizarre but we did have a few adventures. FUNERALS Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord Come to the Coffee Morning on 14 June to find out how two old age pensioners coped with this long 25 April Reginald Percival Frederick Saunders, aged 92 distance footpath. Jenny Dance


The deficit for the first quarter is £2,028 less than the at this stage. Expenditure is £637 higher than last year budget and £3,178 less than the previous year which is an with £594 due to an increase in the amount payable to the encouraging start to the year. diocese, known as the parish share. Income is £1,146 higher than budgeted and £3,815 The above figures exclude any monies spent on capital higher than last year. Both due to increases in voluntary projects which are being funded from gifts (large one-off income. This shows the results from the 2016 "Giving to donation and legacies) received in 2016. £968 has been support St Mary's campaign" now coming through. spent in the first quarter on capital projects. Expenditure is £882 less than budget. There are a The Vicar and the PCC again extend their thanks to you number of ups and downs but nothing material to report all, for your ongoing support to St Mary’s.

Actual 3 months Budget 3 months Variance 3 Actual 3 months Effect on Reserves 2017 2017 months 2017 2016 3 months 2017

Incoming Resources £27,156 £26,010 £1,146 £23,341 £3,815

Resources Expended £35,004 £35,886 £882 £34,367 -£637

Net Incoming/Outgoing -£7,848 -£9,876 £2,028 -£11,026 £3,178 Resources Page 7 June 2017 Ewell Parish News

baking competition. Bake, decorate and enter your cake for just £1. Further details and forms can be found on the website and forms can also be collected from the Church office. The day will commence with the Ewell St. Mary's Morris Men, and several guest sides, dancing outside The Famous Green Man before leading the Mayor to the eighteenth century Saturday 15 July 10.30 - 4 pm Watch House to 'refresh the wastrel' before moving on to the fair at 's Glyn House Grounds Glyn House site. Ewell Castle School As with any large event, offers of help and donations for the stalls are always welcome. If Admission £2.50 on the gate you feel you may be able to help in any way, Children under 16 free please contact the Church office on 0208 393 2643 or [email protected]. Donations for An annual highlight of St. Mary's and indeed the stalls can be left in church from Sunday 3 July. Ewell Village residents is the Ewell Village Fair. Plans for this event are well under way. There will Arena Events: Emily & John Larkin 07738 175657 be a variety of arena events including the ever popular Southern Golden Retrievers. Paladin of Books and Music: Malcolm Lawther Chivalry, Ready Steady Go Kids, Claro Zumba Dis- 020 8224 6693 play, Aerial Tumbling Display Gymnastics Squad, Bottle Tombola: Derek & Fiona Dowle Epsom Players Cabaret, Phillomena’s Dance c/o Gill Bird 01372 School Display, The Divas Choir and Starlet Tenors 277436 and Junior Choir. All the fun of a traditional fair includes a coconut shy, Punch & Judy, pony rides, Bric-a-Brac: Diana Palser 01737 831195 bouncy castle and ball pit plus a wide variety of side shows to entertain both young and old. Cakes & Groceries: Mavis Macaskill Pimms, beer, tea, coffee and soft drinks will be 020 3185 1089 available throughout the day, The ever popular Plants: Hazel McNeil barbeque will be serving burgers and hot dogs but 07956 566091 if you fancy something different why not try some Toys: Angela Kelly-Burns Afro Caribbean or some Sri Lankan food? Hot 020 8337 6734 food, provided by The NESCOT Team, will be avail- able in the Church Hall - opposite the Church - Jewellery: Susanne Miller and, of course, plenty of ice cream! Once again 020 8394 0970 pre-packed children's lunchboxes will be avail- Gates: Humphrey Reynolds able. 020 8393 3752 As usual a wide range of stalls including the Grand Draw: Lyn Gadd ever popular cake stall, bottle tombola, plants, 020 8393 3885 bric-a-brac, toys, jewellery and, of course, a chance to win a prize on the Grand Draw. Maybe Refreshments: Ruth Stockwell 020 8393 0650 you could sell some Grand Draw tickets prior to the day? They are available in church or via the Sideshows: Jeff Cousins organiser. 020 8394 0572 There will be an adult's and a children's cake Ewell Parish News June 2017 Page 8 PCC MEMBERSHIP VISITATION OF Our PCC members for 2017-18 are: THE CHURCHWARDENS BY THE Ex officio: ARCHDEACON OF Revd Russell Dewhurst - Vicar, Chairman Nicholas and Janet Allsopp, Valerie Wood and Kathie Revd Sue Ayling - Assistant Priest Wendy Varney - Reader Burgess attended St. Mary and St. Nicholas church in Valerie Wood - Churchwarden, Vice-Chairman on Thursday 11 May during which Nicholas Nicholas Allsopp - Churchwarden and Valerie were admitted as Churchwardens for St. Humphrey Reynolds - Deanery Synod member Mary’s for the next year. Kathie, our retiring church- Wendy Paxman - Deanery Synod member warden, is now supporting Valerie and Nicholas as Dep- Andrew Sykes - Deanery Synod member uty Churchwarden. Elected: Gill Bird Ian Burgess Kathie Burgess Noel Burns Helen Crossley David Dance Angela Kelly-Burns Miriam Massey Godfrey Morrell Emma Saville Linda Staff Anthony Tucker Secretary: Liz Divall St Mary’s thanks all PCC members for taking on these important roles and sends them good wishes for their periods of office. NICHOLAS ALLSOPP OUR NEW CHURCH WARDEN

The church was full of new and existing Churchward- ens together with their families and friends from the Epsom Deanery and beyond, who together enjoyed a service led by the Vicar of Leatherhead and the Archdea- con of Dorking. The admission was presided over by Ian Blaney, the Deputy Diocesan Registrar, who is also the church solic- itor for St Mary’s and it was really enjoyable to be able to meet and speak with him in person for the first time. Later in the service followed the Commission and Nicholas, Janet and Jonny Allsopp used to attend church at Blessing, which was as follows: St Mary's Stoke D'Abernon, but after Jonny developed a pas- sion for organ playing he applied for a scholarship at St Mary's As part of God’s Church in the Diocese of Guild- Ewell. However, as the family had no intentions of going ford I call upon you to live out what you pro- separate ways on Sundays they all started coming to St Mary's claim. Ewell for a Sunday morning service. They immediately felt Empowered by the Holy Spirit, will you dare to very much at home and have now been at St. Mary’s for six walk in God’s future, trusting Him to be your years, even after Jonny moved on to Hereford Cathedral after guide? two years and then on to Durham University and Cathedral. Nicholas and Janet assist as sidesmen, Janet helps with the Will you dare to embrace each other and grow Toddlers group on Thursdays and Nicholas acts as MC, acolyte together in love? and reader as and when required, as well as being on the PCC Will you dare to share your riches in common for most of his time at St Mary's, which now looks likely not and minister to each other in need? to end any time soon. He also was responsible for events at Ewell Village Fair for two years and assists at the various Will you dare to pray for each other until your recitals we have over the course of the year. hearts beat with the longings of God? Nicholas and Janet live with their dog Alfie in Givons Grove Will you dare to carry the light of Christ into the and Nicholas works full time for a property development world’s dark places? company based on the edge of Richmond Park. They also have another son Nick, who lives in Barnes and attends church at St To all of the above the answer was “We will”. Michael's Chester Square. Page 9 June 2017 Ewell Parish News Page 9 can be cut out if needed Page 10 June 2017 Ewell Parish News Ewell Parish News June 2017 Page 11

RAISE FUNDS WHEN YOU SHOP ON LINE! Have you heard about easyfundraising? It's an easy way to help raise mon- ey for St Mary's! If you already shop online with retailers such as Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, Com- et, iTunes, eBay, Expedia or HMV, then please sign up for free to raise money while you shop! There are links on the church website to help you

So far 35 people have signed up and have raised £842 for St Mary’s

“Bespoke Marketing & An Excellent Service That you & your Home Deserve” All roofing and guttering repairs 30 years experience covering Please contact us for a free consultation and valuation of your property and close by Valleys, Bays etc. 0208 393 7275 [email protected] All new work guaranteed 28 High Street Ewell Village KT17 1RW Free estimates Special rates to O.A.P.s J L Hellings & Son Tel: 020 8788 1459 100 Kingsmead Avenue

ALFRED & EWART LONGHURST FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND MONUMENTAL MASONS m A complete, caring professional service m Estimates and advice freely given for funerals and memorials m Flexible pre-paid funeral plan - details on request 21-23, KINGSTON ROAD, EWELL 020 8393 1077 Page 12 June 2017 Ewell Parish News


S 4 PENTECOST 14 June Persevering on the Pennine Way 0800 Holy Communion David Dance 0930 Sung Eucharist 1100 Praise@11 M 5 2000 Meeting of Fair Committee T 6 1000 Holy Communion (said) in the Side Easy Buy Appliances Chapel Now Open in Ewell Village (Near Free Car Park) S 10 1930 'Many Hands on Multi Pianos' concert Washing Machines, Dishwashers, Tumble Dryers S 11 TRINITY SUNDAY Fridges & Freezers, Gas & Electric Cookers 0800 Holy Communion Vacuum Cleaners, Built in Appliances 0930 Sung Eucharist All Types of small appliances 1115 Choral Mattins 1700 All Age All-in service Open 9am - 5.30 (Mon-Fri) Quality products at low prices 1800 Club Sandwich for 7-11 year olds 9am - 5.00 (Sat) Free local delivery M 12 2000 Meeting of Parochial Church Council 5 Road, Ewell Village, Surrey KT17 1SP T 13 1000 Holy Communion (said) in the Side 020 8224 0916 Chapel S 18 TRINITY 1 0800 Holy Communion Improving homes inside and out 0930 Sung Eucharist 1100 Toddle Up! 1730 Choral Evensong Oakdene Home Services M 19 0930 Holy Communion to the Housebound and to 'The Elders' Home Maintenance Painting & Decorating, Gardening & General DIY T 20 1000 Holy Communion (said) in the Side Chapel Roger Phillips 1445-1545 Bereavement Café in the Church Hall TELEPHONE: 07831 663 323 EMAIL: [email protected] T 22 1000 Holy Communion to The Old House S 24 1430-1630 Garden party at the Vicarage S 25 TRINITY 2 GRAND DRAW TICKETS 0800 Holy Communion 0930 Sung Eucharist Preparations for the annual Ewell Village Fair are well 1115 Morning Prayer and Holy Baptism under way and you will have received two books of Grand Draw tickets with your May edition of the Ewell Parish 1400-1700 HOPE at Bourne Hall News in the hope that it will be possible for you to sell T 27 1000 Holy Communion (said) in the Side some on our behalf. Chapel The draw will take place at the Village Fair on Saturday STOP PRESS 15 July and, if possible, cash and counterfoils should be At the time of reporting income from the Spring Market returned by the 8 July to either your EPN distributor, was £741 with more expected from sale of plants. Many direct to the promoter (name and address are on the tick- thanks to all who helped raise this sum and to all who ets) or placed in the ‘blue box’ at the back of the Church. attended. We understand that not everyone will feel able to buy or Income from this important fund-raising event is used sell tickets but we will be most grateful if you can help by St Mary’s to defray the expenses for the Ewell Village with this fund raising project. Fair .

All advertising enquiries to 020 8393 3507