Originator: Kate Sibson

Tel: 395 9076

Report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods

North West (Inner) Area Committee

Date: 8 July 2010

Subject: Well-being Fund Monitoring Report

Electoral W ards Affected: Specific Implications For:

ALL Equality and Diversity

Community Cohesion

Ward Members consulted Narrowing the Gap üüü (referred to in report)

Council Delegated Executive üüü Delegated Executive Function Function available Function not available for

for Call In Call In Details set out in the report


This report updates the Area Committee on the Well-being Fund projects approved in February 2010, and the current Well-being Fund budget position. It also includes proposals to decommission two projects that have not progressed for some years.


1.1 The purpose of this report is to update the Area Committee on the progress of Well- being Fund projects approved in February 2010. The report also provides information additional capital Well-being funding made available to the Committee.

1.2 The report updates Members on Well-being Fund small grants and skip requests approved since February 2010.


2.1 This section updates the Area Committee on progress against Well-being Fund revenue projects approved in April 2009.

2.2 Project Name: Community Planning Officer (INW.10.01.L) Lead Organisation: Planning Service Amount: £40,000 Project Description: To employ a planning officer for the Inner North West Area to advise Members and the community on planning applications, chair the inner North West planning sub group and develop planning related projects and assisting with compliance cases. Project Update: This post was vacant from February to May when Ryan Platten was appointed as the new community planning officer in May, and will provide regular updates on his work programme to the Planning Sub Group and at every second Area Committee meeting beginning in Sept 2010.

2.3 Project Name: Environment Action Officer (INW.10.02.L) Lead Organisation: Environmental Action Team Amount: £34,840 Project Description: To employ a senior technical enforcement officer within the West North West Environmental Action Team to work specifically in parts of , Hyde Park and Burley as agreed by the Environment Sub Group. The officer patrols the area and takes action against issues relating to domestic and commercial waste, littering, flytipping, obstructions, illegal flyering, and fly posting. Project Update: Mark Freer is continuing in this post. Since last reported to the Area Committee, Mark has carried out over 2600 domestic inspections and investigated instances of fly tipping and illegal advertising. Regular updates on Mark’s work and that of the Inner North West Environmental Action Team are provided to the Environment Sub Group.

2.4 Project Name: Environment Action Team Changeover Patrols (INW.03.L) Lead Organisation: Environmental Action Team Amount: £2,040 Project Description: To carry out joint patrols with the police during student changeover to catch and deter bag slashing. Project Update: Early morning and late night patrols are scheduled for the week of changeover. The police are supporting the initiative with an operational order which will bring in additional resources to the area.

2.5 Project Name: Mobile Youth Provision (INW.10.04.L) Project Lead: Youth Service Amount: £7,800 Project Description: For the inner North West Youth Service Team to lease a mobile unit to deliver youth service provision in locations without a suitable building. Project Update: The mobile youth van operates 12 sessions a week across the inner North West area, at schools and in neighbourhoods, with an average attendance of 190 per week. There are four evening sessions, including a Friday night in Little London. In addition to the weekly sessions, the youth van will support local Breeze events and community galas and festivals. Young people visiting the van have access to a wide variety of equipment, and youth workers are well trained to offer advice and guidance.

2.6 Project Name: Streetscene Changeover Resources (INW.05.L) Lead Organisation: Environmental Services Amount: £9,825 Project Description: To run an additional refuse vehicle for three weeks over student changeover. Project Update: The additional vehicle will run Monday to Friday from 21 st June to 9 th July.

2.7 Project Name: Green Streets (INW.10.06.L) Project Lead: University Students Union Amount: £15,922 Project Description: To minimise waste and increase recycling over the student changeover period, the scheme employs Leave Leeds Tidy wardens to delivery publicity about how to dispose of household waste, and LLT branded collection bags for clothes and re- useable items. There will be six collections over the changeover period (May – July), and the items collected will be given away at free shops at the universities and local neighbourhoods, or recycled through donations to homeless charities. Project Update: Plans are in place, and the project’s website www.leaveleedstidy.com provides information on how to dispose of waste responsibly and the Green Streets project itself. This year, Leeds Metropolitan University are supporting the scheme by loaning a van and space to store the collected bags.

2.8 Project Name: Woodhouse Moor Enforcement Patrols (INW.10.07.L) Lead Organisation: Parks & Countryside Amount: £25,085 Project Description: To station enforcement officers on Woodhouse Moor over the summer. Project Update: The enforcement officers are patrolling the Moor on fine days from midday to 10pm. Their presence has resulted in positive feedback from park users, and the number of people using barbeques on the Moor has significantly reduced.

2.9 Project Name: Ward Revenue Budget (INW.10.08.L) Lead Organisation: Area Management Team Amount: £10,000 Project Description: To support Member led projects in Kirkstall Ward. Project Update: The Area Management Team is working with Kirkstall Ward Members to identify suitable projects for this funding.

2.10 Project Name: Funding Officer (INW.10.09.L) Project Lead: Voluntary Action Leeds Amount: £4,804 Project Description: In February, the Area Committee did not have sufficient funds to enable the project to continue. Funding was provided to Voluntary Action Leeds to honour a three month notice period. Project Update: The project has now ended and the funding officer has contacted all organisations on the database to inform them of this, and provide information on other sources of fundraising advice. A total of 34 organisations were supported in 2009/10 with £110,000 awarded in successful bids. When the project ended, there were grant applications worth £600,000 awaiting a decision.

2.11 Project Name: Festive Lights (INW.10.10.L) Project Lead: Area Management Amount: £12,014 Project Description: The project will fund festive lights in locations across the area to celebrate religious and cultural festivals between November and January. Project Update: This year, there will be four locations, one in each ward where festive lights will be displayed. These are; Kirksall Gyratory, North Lane, Woodsley Road and Otley Road. The street lights in some of these areas are currently being replaced, and the Area Management Team is ensuring that the new columns will be strengthened and fitted with an electric supply.

2.12 Project Name: Design Statement (INW.10.13.L) Project Lead: Area Management Team Amount: £8,000 Project Description: To complete a Neighbourhood Design Statement or Conservation Area Review for specific areas of inner North West Leeds to help define and protect the character of the area. Project Update: The Conservation Area appraisal and boundary review is complete and has been passed by the Planning Board. The new boundary became operational on 21 st June. The Kirkstall Vision project is also complete, with a final document distributed widely. A steering group of local community members is in the process of being established to drive forward the Vision’s recommendations. Formal consultation on the Headingley Design Statement is underway, and the Little Woodhouse NDS is progressing well with a draft document currently being produced. The Area Committee has also provided funding in past years for the North Hyde Park Conservation Area review. Progress was slow last year as their consultant was engaged with the Kirkstall Vision. Work will start again this year, monitored by the Planning Sub Group.

2.13 Project Name: Capture House (INW.10.14.L) Project Lead: Police Amount: £4,000 Project Description: To rent, furnish and equip a property in a burglary hotspot with surveillance and tracking equipment that if stolen, will lead to the identification and arrest of burglary suspects. Project Update: This project has been asked to report quarterly rather than in line with Area Committee dates. This is to provide the Divisional Community Safety Partnership with comparable information for the off road bike team in all four West North West Committee areas. The quarterly monitoring for April – June 2010 will be presented to the next Inner North West Community Safety sub group.

2.15 Project Name: Capture Car (INW.10.15.L) Project Lead: West Yorkshire Police Amount: £2,500 Project Description: To purchase and equip a car with surveillance equipment that will identify individuals attempting to break into the vehicle. The car will be used on operations across the inner North West Area in car crime hotspots. Project Update: As with other police projects, monitoring information will be collected quarterly.

2.16 Project Name : Trolley Bus assisted shopping (INW.10.16.L) Lead Organisation: Older Active People Amount: £7,500 Project Description: The scheme pays for a minibus and driver to make three trips per week to take OAP members to a local supermarket. Project Update: The service has run every week on either a Thursday or Friday. The average number of people benefiting each day is 18, with 42 individual members using the service since April, supported by 8 volunteers.

2.17 Project Name: Seagulls Repaint (INW.10.17.L) Lead Organisation: Seagulls Re-Paint Amount: £5,000 Project Description: To advertise the paint recycling service at Kirkstall Household Waste Sorting Site and Kirkstall Road paint store and to recruit more volunteers to the scheme . Project Update: Advertising leaflets are being designed and the website is being updated ahead of the planned re-launch on the 9 th July. Paint sales are increasing and the paint bank in Kirkstall HWSS is now running and will be redecorated in June. Two new volunteers have joined the scheme and Seagulls are working with People in Action to recruit volunteers with learning difficulties.

2.18 Project Name: Friday Night project (INW.10.18.L) Project Lead: Inner North West Extended Services Amount: £5,844 Project Description: To provide sports and arts activities for young people at Holt Park Leisure Centre on Friday evenings. Project Update: The project secured match funding and will continue to March 2011. A wide range of activities are on offer including sports and healthy cookery sessions. More publicity and consultation are planned although and numbers attending sessions is already increasing.

2.19 Project Name: Chair Exercise Class (INW.10.19.L) Lead Organisation: OPAL Amount: £1,608 Project Description: To support an extra chair based exercise class for older people in Holt Park, , and Ireland Wood. Project Update: The class is running and well attended. Formal monitoring will be collected quarterly as it is match funded by the Outer North West Area Committee. Further information will be provided in the next monitoring report.

2.20 Project Name: Off Road Police Motorbikes (INW.10.20.L) Project Lead: West Yorkshire Police Amount: £1,500 Project Description: The project will lease three off road police motorbikes for the North West police division to tackle illegal motorbikes that cause a nuisance in local neighbourhoods. Project Update: As with other police projects, monitoring information will be collected quarterly.

2.21 Project Name: Hyde Park Unity Day Project Lead: Hyde Park Unity Day Committee Amount: £5,000 Project Description: Hyde Park Unity Day is an annual festival held on Woodhouse Moor for the local community including live bands, stalls, children’s entertainment and art workshops. It celebrates the cultural diversity of the area and has activities for all ages. The Area Committee funding will be used for public liability insurance, hire of portable toilets, and security. Project Update: The date of Hyde Park Unity Day will be announced in due course, and fundraising for the event is well underway through a variety of local events including car boot sales and concerts.

2.22 Project Name: Kirkstall Festival Project Lead: Kirkstall Festival Committee Amount: £5,000 Project Description: Kirkstall Festival is an annual event bringing together the local community at Kirkstall Abbey with entertainment, competitions, stalls and food. The event regularly attracts over 10,000 people and is organised and run by a group of dedicated volunteers. Area Committee funding was provided to pay for the hire the stage and marquees. Project Update: Kirkstall Festival will be held on Saturday 10 th July, and plans are in place for another successful event.


3.1 This section updates the Area Committee on progress against ongoing Well-being capital projects.

3.2 Project Name : Cragside Recreation Ground Play Area Project Lead: Parks and Countryside Amount: £14,334 Project Description: To refurbish the current children’s play area at Cragside Recreation Ground in Kirkstall ward. Project Update: Planning consent was granted 3 rd June. Tenders have been let and work is expected to start on site in early July, with completion in September.

3.3 Project Name: Butcher Hill Play Area Project Lead: Area Management Team Amount: £10,000 Project Description: To create a band new children’s play area at Butcher Hill in Kirkstall Ward. Project Update: Following consultation, this informal play area will be located on West Park Playing Fields. The Playbuilder team are currently drawing up a design brief to pass that will be developed by Parks and Countryside architects. When these plans are ready, they will be shared with ward members before progressing further.

3.4 Project Name: Headingley Bin Yards Project Lead: Area Management Amount: Phase 1 = £11,000 Project Description: To improve the specified bin yards to deter fly tipping and bring them back into use for householders. Project Update: Three bin yards will be improved in the first phase, by 8 Granby Grove, 8 Granby Place and 4 Harold Street. The work will be carried out by Hyde Park Source, a local social enterprise working with schools to train local young people in construction and landscaping.

3.5 Project Name: Woodhouse Masterplan Projects Project Lead: Area Management Amount: £30,000 Project Description: To fund environmental improvements in Woodhouse to support the mulit-agency Woodhouse Masterplan. Project Update: A number of projects from the Masterplan are currently being progressed. The Area Committee funded improvements at Holborn Grove and Gardens have been completed, as has work at Holborn Walk paid for by West North West Homes. Leeds Federated Housing have held two community days on Ganton Close, where work started on a mural, and all households were given planters. Parks and Countryside will be installing a second goal post on Hartley Crescent Public Open Space over the summer, with further improvements to follow in the autumn.

3.6 Project Name: Sandford Road Play Area Project Lead: Groundwork Leeds Amount: £19,000 Project Description: To bring back into use the former Sandford Road children’s play area with new equipment and surfacing in the Kirkstall Ward. Project Update: Plans have been agreed with some amendments. The Playbuilder element is programmed to start on site in September 2010, however approval from Asset Management Group is required before Landowners consent can be given to the other external grant funders.

3.7 Project Name: Tinshill Garth Play Area Project Lead: Groundwork Leeds Amount: £6,266 Project Description: To develop a communal greenspace that provides an informal place space in the Tinshill area of the Weetwood Ward. Project Update: This project has secured £50K of match funding from Playbuilders and a further £2,000 contribution of Ward Based Initiative. Following a process of consultation with local residents to inform the design, Groundwork have now issued a contract with an external supplier who began work on site in May. Completion of all capital works is due by the end of June 2010.

3.8 Project Name: Raynel Approach Shopping Area Improvements Project Lead: Groundwork Leeds Amount: £10,479 Project Description: To provide landscape improvements to the area in front of the shops at Raynel Approach in the Weetwood Ward. Project Update: A contribution of £7,360 of Ward Based Initiative has now been secured as match funding for the project. Local primary school students attended a design workshop with an artist to design a series of metal panels that have been installed as part of the project. Work was completed on the project in June 2010.

3.9 Project Name: Silk Mill Drive shopping area improvements Project Lead: Groundwork Leeds Amount: £23,775 Project Description: To provide landscape improvements to the area in front of the shops at Silk Mills area of the Weetwood Ward. Project Update: A final contribution of match funding from Ward Based Initiative totalling £1,649 has now been secured. The tender process is complete and work is due to begin on site in August 2010 (subject to the approval of the additional Well-being contribution referenced in this report).


4.1 2010/11 Revenue Allocation: The Area Committee allocated its entire 2010/11 revenue Well-being budget at the February 2010 meeting.

4.2 There are two projects that were allocated Well-being funds in past years that have not progressed, and the Area Committee may wish to re-allocate this funding back to the general budget.

4.3 A scheme to improve the playground at St Chad’s Primary School was awarded £2,500 revenue and £10,000 capital in 2007. The Area Management Team recently contacted the school to find out if the project would go ahead this summer. The Head Teacher has advised that match funding has not been found, and the governing body accept that the grant will be re-allocated.

4.4 In 2008, £5,000 was allocated by the Area Committee towards improvements to Wrangthorn Church Parish Hall. The grant was awarded without an application form, and it is not clear from the file where the request for funding originated. It is understood that work to upgrade the parish centre has been completed, funded through other sources. The church has been advised of the intention to re-allocate this grant.

4.5 In 2009/10, the Area Committee allocated £5,000 capital towards the cost of installing a disabled access ramp at Hyde Park Picture House. Planning permission for the ramp was refused, and the cinema has purchased a folding ramp costing £611. The remaining £4,389 will be de-commissioned and returned the Hyde Park and Woodhouse capital budget.

4.6 Should the Area Committee decide to de-commission the above projects, the revenue funding will be retained in the current year’s budget. The £10,000 capital from the St Chad’s project will be added to the Weetwood ward capital budget, and £4,389 will be added to the Hyde Park and Woodhouse ward capital budget.

4.7 2009-10 Capital Allocation: In March this year, it was announced that the Area Committee would receive an additional capital allocation of £20,000. If the Area Committee wishes to continue to split this by ward, the current capital budget is as follows:

• Kirkstall: £19,832 • Headingley: £10,814 • Hyde Park & Woodhouse: £17,221 • Weetwood: £15,000


5.1 Silk Mill Shopping area improvements - £5,689 In February this year, the Area Committee awarded £18,087 towards a scheme to improve the streetscape at Silk Mill shops in Weetwood Ward, to be matched with Ward Based Initiative funds. Given the new capital allocation, Weetwood Members would like to allocate an additional £5,688 Well-being capital funding to the scheme, bringing the total Wellbeing Allocation to £23,775.


6.1 At its April meeting, the Area Committee approved a small grants budget of £17,992. Six small grants totalling £3,970 have been awarded this year, listed below: £470 - Little London Community Day – Little London Tenants & Residents Association £500 – Local Voices community project – Oblong £500 – St Ann’s Flowers – St Ann’s Tenants & Residents Association £500 – Woodhouse Festival activity costs – Woodhouse Festival Committee £500 – Community Pilates Class – CALLS £500 – Youth film project – Inner NW Extended Services

6.4 The balance of the small grants budget is £15,022.

6.6 The Area Committee approved 8 skip requests from this year’s budget totalling £950, leaving £4,000 remaining to be spent this year.


6.1 The Area Committee’s Well-being fund revenue allocation this year was £219,400, all of which was allocated to projects at the February Area Committee meeting. Good progress has been made on 21 out of 22 projects this year, and these are expected to achieve their targets.

6.2 Two projects allocated Well-being funding in previous years have not progressed, and this funding should be returned to the 2010/11 budget.


7.1 The Area Committee is requested to:

a) Note the content of this report and the progress made by Well-being funded projects this year, and

b) Agree to decommission the following projects and re-allocate the funding to the 20010/11 Area Committee budget: 4.3 St Chad’s Primary School playground improvements £10,000 capital and £2,500 revenue 4.4 Wrangthorne Church parish centre improvements - £5,000 revenue 4.5 Hyde Park Picture House ramp access - £4,389, and

c) Approve an additional £5,689 Well-being capital funding for Silk Mill shopping area improvements.

Background Papers None