No. , 2002-2003
ISPARTACI ,<:-:',-~"', . ',: No. 135 Winter 2002/2003 '. ,_ •• ~ J rorr-~ Class SIr':' "~Ii£.bb~'/v ,O'(J'~~ Agah~~t Imperi~list w Ii~" " W Class SIJ U,S./Canad' tuggle Against Ian Ca 't ,. L PI a 1St Rulers' I I' . I • I Down Wit'" " \', . _ I \\ U" ~\at~at\on Trotskyists posed revolutionary alternative to nationalist reformism on November 16 Toronto antiwar march. On Nllvernher I () and 17, in cities aeross the country, want to struggk .Igaill-;t lill' ril\'j'l ,tlin, uf 1\ortil Allierica: if thOU'idllds or IK'ople 111~\rl'hed to regislL'r their opposition to YOU ~1l0\1' til:11 Pll'\\IIIW:,' i!'l' ,il,l'::':,',,1 "ill'h i .. ;1 dl.';ld cnd; if the threat or U,S,-Ied imperialist war on Iraq, Impelled into you arc disgu,t,:d ilt til,' pili ',i::il::.,i!\1 "~J)I' ",Il ;,,1 dl'lllonats the ,Ircl'ts hy gilt Il'vl'l h~\tr('d or ~Iaughtl'l-ror-profit, high and tlll'il wainIHl), Wlil, ,,'I,'llil I" h,,' \1.11 \ i'oi, Ilkl' iill' Illler- Scillllli stUeklitS ,ii)inL'd leftists and traik unionists, church 1l~ltiillLd Soclall:;", ,1')111 ill,' i,;,," ,>llIIIIJlidl\ IlliCl'II,lti,ll1:i1ist gnlllJ)'; :lIld allti-pml'!'tv activists, l'aiL'stilli~ln rl'l'ugccs and Contilli'l'lll I" J /LIIHiri'd, "tl ,\11'1'.1 t" ! I,,!,'!I ;!'Id dl ,l'lI,S, and to other l\r~tI) Illllnigrant-; to S:I;: "no to war," But just sayin t: huy uur l'iJll1llll1lli,t lIi'\' 'l'lq'l'l \: II!ld \ "lill, "[(lill pl~ICl'S as "IIU tu \\ar" 11(ln't hl' l'lIui',dl to stop it: as Russi~111 revnlu, dl'otal1t ilS .I"P~III.
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