International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 1 ISSN 2250-3153



Abstract: with $h\neq 0$, where the relation with gauge theory is used to discuss the phenomenon of confinements is firmly established on terra firma. It has been concluded by many Physicists that quantum spin diffusion in one dimensional chains and a presentation of the chiral potts model which illustrates the physical effects that can occur when the Euclidean and Minkowski regions and they are not connected by an analytic continuation. We state that when Euclidian and Minkowski regions are combined together many interesting results that could have wide ranging amplitudinal ramifications with perceptual field and perceiving object could be studied and thrown light upon. Consciousness distinction with unconsciousness and temporal superposition of latent intents and manifest actions(See Robert Merton) is another example that may provide bewildering results ,notwithstanding the fact we have not approached with ―open mind‖.Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics and its concomitant primary order and secondary organization with quantum field has been studied and investigated by takafumi kita where a conception, creation, process oriented and system oriented a concise and self-contained introduction to non equilibrium statistical mechanics with by considering an ensemble of interacting identical bosons or fermions as an example. An analogue can be seen in verbal proliferation, visual representation and expressible sense for they are essentially process oriented and system proclivitisied. Matsubara formalism of equilibrium statistical mechanics such as Feynman diagrams, the proper self-energy, and dyson's equation are widely used in the subject matter in question. The author states that the aim is three pronged: (i) to explain the fundamentals of nonequilibrium quantum field theory as simple as possible on the basis of the knowledge of the equilibrium counterpart; (ii) to elucidate the hierarchy in describing nonequilibrium systems from Dyson's equation on the Keldysh contour to the Navier-stokes equation in fluid mechanics via quantum transport equations and the Boltzmann equation; (iii) to derive an expression of nonequilibrium entropy that evolves with time.‖Energy‖ Nonequilibrium green's function and the self- energy uniquely on the round-trip Keldysh contour, thereby avoiding possible confusions that may arise from defining multiple green's functions at the very beginning. Feynman rules for the perturbation expansion are well presented. Self-consistent perturbation expansion with the Luttinger-ward thermodynamic functional, i.e., Baym‘s phi-derivable approximation, which has a crucial property for nonequilibrium systems of obeying various conservation laws automatically. It is here we have to state in unmistakable terms that system changing, structure transformational, syllogistically disintegrational,configurationally mutative systems in control engineering has not had models and the models presented here serve the destructuration and disorgansitaion in such systems. We make an explicit assumption that disequilibrium of Tamás-Rajas-Sattva is responsible for the manifested actions. In the ―Neuron DNA‖ class we include the ―Latent intents‖ (See Merton) also. It is something like knowing what one is thinking. Two-particle correlations can be calculated within the phi-derivable approximation, i.e., an issue of how to handle the "Bogoliubov-born-green-Kirkwood-Yvons (bbgky) hierarchy‖. in the extant and existential model we converge some of the salient features of the quantum field theory, statistical mechanics, yang Baxter equations, Bose fermion equivalence, rational to present a holistic and consummate scenario of the asymmetric freedom and translations in space time. We intend to extend the model for virtual photons and mass energy momentum tensor. We HAVE Already defined the zero as the one that is analogous to the bank Assets and Liabilities that cancel out. Such a cancellation takes place without the relative displacement of an introduction to secondary variations. With the analogy applied to the Brahman-AntiBrahman combination, the equality

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 2 ISSN 2250-3153 bearing infallible observatory to the fact that Anti Brahman is a part of Brahman and is reducible. Actions take place in the spatio temporal realization attributed to the stimulus –response mechanism and that takes place in the ambit of space and time on matter which is a form of energy. With the disequilibrium created in the tamogunas namely Tamás, Rajas and Sattva, and the individual discretionary power coming to the fore, the free will is manifested. There is nothing complicated in this. Free will is the exercise of discretionary power in in- discretionary way like the fat cats of Wall street did. It is shocking that even in USA the GDP is contributed by 5 to seven percent and rest live with average situation ally generalized goals. So you have indiscreetly exercised your discretionary power and hence you pay for it! This is destiny, the reaction to the injudicious and uncircumspective use of power. Not necessarily with money! It could be position, power, pelf, or a Rajat Gupta type maladroit man oeuvre, financial defalcation, or pecuniary embezzlement ―as a matter of fact‖ couched in subtle languages. With that defined, we write to state ―association‖ is the most important fact that the world and the human beings have learnt to exercise. If you are taught Green is for ―Good -Go ahead‖, ―Red‖ is for ―Danger‖, it stays on your mind and never would you be able to reconcile to the opposites. This is also one of the reasons why very eminent scientists just cannot reconcile to the anti definitions of their theories, be it Einstein, Penrose, or Hawking, there has been a certain amount of ―defensiveness till the end‖ feeling on all fronts. ―Association‖ is the most ―dangerous‖ of ailments of human race. Space and time is one of the phases of waking state, dream state and dreamless state. We do experience in dreams as we experience in everyday life. That we have been taught to ―associate‖ space time with something is what makes us to ―think‖ so without proliferation of expressible sense. Take an example you are shown leprosy stricken man every day. And the time comes that start screaming and screeching after some time. So ―Association‖ is the situation ally generalized goal and in consonance in structural events. When you start associating something with ―something‖ conceptually, then you have fallen in the ―illusory‖ grip of ―Brahman or Anti Brahman‖ .One most respected French philosopher questioned ―Whether schizophrenics suffer from reality‖ .Now there is something called ―coordination‖. If one electron behaves as if it is communicated with one other from the laboratory it is coincidence. If most of them behave then it is ―coordination. It is an opposition to structural events. If somebody spits at you it is coincidence, and if everyone does it, it is ―well planned ―coordination‖;‖Association‖ thus is the most dangerous of human vices or virtues. How emphatically we write the equations and equal to zero with gusto and aplomb? Have we ever thought what does that mean, be it dissipation or accentuation? Addition implies you are adding milk to water and dissipation implies you are removing water from the milk by say distillation or heating. So, finally we have three statements to make in demarcation: (a) Higgs boson is its own anti particle and cancels out (b) Higgs boson gives mass to the particles and so the everyday matter exists (c) Hypothetical neuron DNA is one particle that has in its prodigious narrative phonetic modes all the actions, thinking of every one. It is a Quantum register (Like Bank Ledgers which has both Debits and Credits) of all the actions, thinking, and dreams everything about an individual. With these assumptions we set out to build the Model. This is also what they mean by the statement that something comes out of nothing. “Nothing” is zero the cancellation and obliteration of two opposites like Assets and Liabilities in Banking. For the present we take that Higgs Boson is its own anti particle, albeit intuitively one feels that one which gives matter essentially has to be inert and the lack of spin, angular momentum and charge etc., must be in the Anti Higgs Boson. We will not take this point further .We are sure that the 48 storey model that is extant and existential might not be enough and we may have change the glossary for another 48 storey and we shall do that. In the next part, when we are equipped with ninety six story variables types we shall present the congregation of the two models with the corporate signification, personalized manifestation, organizational individuation, and institutional designation. Neuron DNA it is to be noted that is based on both progressive and retroactive movement of semantemes, morphemes, and relational openness of human beings in general and individual in particular. In between we add a model for Higgs Boson and Gluons (with Higgs Boson taken as its own anti particle grudgingly!) which seem to have similar properties of Brahman-AntiBrahman syndrome. Temptation is irresistible. That makes the total storey‘s 144 storey‘s. These shall be consolidated in to a Final Solution in the next part.

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 3 ISSN 2250-3153


Destiny and Freewill: The opposite of good sense is not the other direction, for this direction is only recreation for the mind,; it becomes amusing initiative. But like in the case of passion we cannot differentiate or separate the two directions mentioned in the foregoing. There cannot be unique sense or consciousness for serious work and another consciousness for recreation; some people say i am retired; i will grow roses; but here also mind goes hammer and tongs about everything even the roses. In the eventuality of the fact that viscosity goes on accelerating itself, it would obliterate and obfuscate the reasons and raison d‘être behind rest in an unpredictable sense. Which way which way? there is no way for consciousness has no direction; one for the ―serious thought‖ the other worldy‖light‖thought. They are in fact one and the same. Corporeal depth and sonorous continuum remains the same for locus and focus of sense, expression and essence. rather we would say that consciousness goes in both the directions at once


What is a paradox? We say it is anomalous expansion of water? Is it a paradox? What holds here and there simultaneously although the law ordains it to fulfill its conservativeness is a paradox? What is paradox in Banking and Finance? Creative accounting! Conservativeness of Assets and Liabilities are fine tuned in so that they remain conservative by the maladroit manipulation of books.

Than having given an explicit explanation of the paradox, would it be in the fitness of things to make a statement that so called good consciousness follows a direction other than the direction of paradox? And where does it go in the propositional subsistence and sustentative corporeality? Taking in to consideration the locus and focus of essence, sense and expression, we can say directional derivative or rather direction itself is from the least to the most differentiated. So does that mean that paradox is a signifier of logical attributes and state of affairs? Yes! In a certain sense of term! To repeat some of the famously stated examples, in the eventuality of the acceleration of viscosity or for that matter temperature accentuation continuously, can we predict? We can say the paradox essence states so! But why not? Are things taking place in the other direction? Then this so-called other directions in which the viscosity and temperature are taking place are also in the state of consciousness, or rather have consciousness. It has identifiable and unique consciousness without extrinsic relations of dysfunctional fissures.

Consciousness is not the finalization or determination of the direction of the paradox. Consciousness determines the principle of cosmic consciousness or its direction in general. Question that arises here is that whether the consciousness can determine the direction of cosmic consciousness and whether individual consciousness and cosmic consciousness have different directions? It appears so for most of the organizational consultants and life style teachers talk of evolutionary hypothesis of human consciousness.

Rather it must be noted (See Mark Lester) that consciousness has its movement churned out in both directions. Direction in fact, is a recreation of mind. For variety! For a change! Nothing else! Physicist Boltzmann explained the arrow of time, moving from past to future, functions in only individual systems and minds, or for those matter worlds. And such a functional representationalitiesof the arrow of time so stated, would be in relation to heterogeneous series and determined identities with respect to the “present” in the individual worlds so defined, with determined identities and efficacious variations.

We have the following systems:

(1) Brahman-AntiBrahman (Brahman is one that provides stimulus for “good “actions and Anti Brahman is one that provides stimulus for “bad “actions, and there shall be corresponding response to it. (2) Gratification-Deprivation (Gratification increases at AP and Deprivation at GP .ASCII character values are used to find the total balance in the individual account. And we assume such an account of individual is maintained. Reference is made to progenitor

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 4 ISSN 2250-3153

Bentham who quantized pleasure and pain. We have modified the definition to suit the IT age). (3) Markov fields and Hilbert Spaces and Quantum Fields (4) Space-Time (5) Mass Energy (6) Rajas-Tamás(Reactionary potential and Inertia ) (7) Rajas-Sattva (Reactionary potential the cataclysmic war, murder, mayhem, plunder, pillage, nemesis, apocalypse are “height” of the reactionary measure and the “silence” is a measure of the “depth “of the reactionary potential. Statistical Mechanics provides a rich repository and receptacle for the calculations of such “reactions” and “stimulus” taking in to consideration that each individual account will be maintained in the “Akasha”, from which it can be down loaded. Please see “Neuron DNA” hypothetical particle. We are here talking of the stimulus and the concomitant response and the positive effects or detrimental ramifications that are caused by such response.) (8) Freewill-Destiny( Freewill is the indiscreet usage of discretionary powers vested be it in giving Credits or allowing mortgages, and Destiny is what follows, be it Governmental intervention or suspension of “fat cats” of wall street!-Please see Abstract) (9) Stimulus-Response (Quantum field theory of evanescent photons is proposed as one and only reliable quantum theory of fundamental macroscopic dynamics realized in the brain. External physical stimuli flowing into the brain are shown to generate macroscopic condensates of evanescent photons which can be interpreted as memory storage of the information carried by the incoming stimuli. Each macroscopic condensate manifests two different types of quantum dynamics; creation-annihilation dynamics of a finite number of evanescent photons requiring microscopic amount of energy, and that of an infinite number of them requiring macroscopic amount of energy. The former is a fundamental process of memory retrieval by which the macroscopic condensate of evanescent photons (memory storage) itself is kept unchanged. It can be induced by even a very small physical stimulus flowing into the brain. The latter is a macroscopic process in which the macroscopic condensate is deformed into another one, thus resulting in the development of memory storage. This can be induced only by large physical stimuli, and superposition of the information carried by such an external stimulus and the information previously stored in the macroscopic condensate is maintained in the new macroscopic condensate. Consciousness (and unconscious if necessary) can be understood as arising from those creation-annihilation dynamics of evanescent photons, thus mind lives in memory and by memory.)) (10) Lesser Brahman-Lesser AntiBrahman (in space and time. Here we have a mountain missionary or a stingray sacrosuchus imperator, purulent ptomaines, crabbed leprechaums, and lucubration cormorants that do not even leave little gold on a corpse. Such incidents are dime a dozen in India like Jack the ripper-essentially damagers of gratification. Today the world is seething, sizzling with ugly thoughts and unkempt emotions and a blatant, flagrant, calumniously clamoring, egregiously invidious, anachronistic groups, and antagonistic dispensionatory groups, who spread hatred and detestation, loathsomeness, abhorrence, abomination, which ever group they belong. Under this head come “Lesser Gods” who make simulations-dissimulations fons et origio for the usurious profits. Institutions, individuals, countries, all fall under this category. In fact, they are essentially managers and damagers of Gratification and deprivation which we have elucidated and enucleated ) (11) Subject-Object (12) Perception-Imperceptions (13) Simulation-Dissimulation (14) Higgs Boson-Matter(Mass) (15) Association-Discreteness (16) Neuron DNA-Prakruti Kshobha (Highly reactionary potential-indoctrination ability)Neuron DNA-Prakruti Siddhi”,st” (the one who never is reactionary and maintains calm)

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 5 ISSN 2250-3153

(17) Consciousness-Unconsciousness(We have defined the consciousness as Information Field capacity including visual representation, recurrences, and replications totaled with ASCII characters, and Unconsciousness is one where these factors do not have a deliberate accentuation role to play. In fact most of the neuroscientists hold that all we do is purely unconscious and there is no free will. Ramana maharishi stated there is neither freewill nor destiny .This is the ultimate truth. For us synthesis of co existentiality of all these and hold good wholly and in full measure and very substantially and the result is Freewill=Destiny, and Consciousness=Unconsciousness (see Jung)) This must provide valid reason to find a String Theory to tie for the cancel out and like Assets and Liabilities they exists only to obliterate each other. (18) Platonic World-Mental World (See Penrose) (19) Mental World-Physical world ( See Penrose)


Partition function (quantum field theory) (We have used Wikipedia and author home pages and Stanford encyclopedia for the preparation of the following introductory remarks).

in quantum field theory, we have a generating functional, z[j] of correlation functions and this value, called the partition function is usually expressed by something like the following functional integral:

Where s is the action functional.

The partition function in quantum field theory is a special case of the mathematical partition function, and is related to the statistical partition function in statistical mechanics. the primary difference is that the countable collection of random variables seen in the definition of such simpler partition functions has been replaced by an uncountable set, thus necessitating the use of integrals over a field . the prototypical use of the partition function is to obtain Feynman amplitudes by differentiating with respect to the auxiliary function(sometimes called the current) j. thus, for example:

is the green's function, propagator or correlation function for the field between points and in space.

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 6 ISSN 2250-3153

Reactionary complex valued function:

Unlike the partition function in statistical mechanics, that in quantum field theory contains an extra factor of i in front of the action, making the integrand complex, not real. It is sometimes mistakenly implied that this has something to do with wick rotations; this is not so. Rather, the i has to do with the fact that the fields are to be interpreted as quantum-mechanical probability amplitudes, taking on values in the complex projective space (complex Hilbert space, but the emphasis is placed on the word projective, because the probability amplitudes are still normalized to one). By contrast, more traditional partition functions involve random variables that are real-valued, and range over a simplex--a simple, being the geometric way of saying that the total of probabilities sum to one. The factor of can be understood to arise as the Jacobian of the natural measure of volume in complex projective space. For the (highly unusual) situation where the complex-valued probability amplitude is to be replaced by some other field taking on values in some other mathematical, the i would be replaced by the appropriate geometric factor (that is, the Jacobian) for that space.


What is a paradox? We say it is anomalous expansion of water? Is it a paradox? What holds here and there simultaneously although the law ordains it to fulfill its conservativeness is a paradox? What is paradox in Banking and Finance? Creative accounting! Conservativeness of Assets and Liabilities are fine tuned in so that they remain conservative by the maladroit manipulation of books.

Than having given an explicit explanation of the paradox, would it be in the fitness of things to make a statement that so called good consciousness follows a direction other than the direction of paradox? And where does it go in the propositional subsistence and sustentative corporeality? Taking in to consideration the locus and focus of essence, sense and expression, we can say directional derivative or rather direction itself is from the least to the most differentiated. So does that mean that paradox is a signifier of logical attributes and state of affairs? Yes! In a certain sense of term! To repeat some of the famously stated examples, in the eventuality of the acceleration of viscosity or for that matter temperature accentuation continuously, can we predict? We can say the paradox essence states so! But why not? Are things taking place in the other direction? Then this so-called other directions in which the viscosity and temperature are taking place are also in the state of consciousness, or rather have consciousness. It has identifiable and unique consciousness without extrinsic relations of dysfunctional fissures.

Consciousness is not the finalization or determination of the direction of the paradox. Consciousness determines the principle of cosmic consciousness or its direction in general. Question that arises here is that whether the consciousness can determine the direction of cosmic consciousness and whether individual consciousness and cosmic consciousness have different directions? It appears so for most of the organizational consultants and life style teachers talk of evolutionary hypothesis of human consciousness.

Rather it must be noted (See Lester) that consciousness has its movement churned out in both directions. Direction in fact, is a recreation of mind. For variety! For a change! Nothing else! Physicist Boltzmann explained the arrow of time, moving from past to future, functions in only individual systems and minds, or for those matter worlds. And such a functional representationalitiesof the arrow of time so stated, would be in relation to heterogeneous series and determined identities with respect to the “present” in the individual worlds so defined, with determined identities and efficacious variations.


Statistical mechanics was born at the beginning of the 20th century to provide a microscopic explanation of thermodynamics and then, for many years, it was used to understand the different aggregation states of matter. Quantum field theory instead was born in the context of sub nuclear as the basic method to describe the fundamental interactions between the ultimate constituents of matter. these two fields evolved independently for many years. Only at the end of the '60s was it realized that statistical

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 7 ISSN 2250-3153 mechanics was able to provide the basic tools for a non-perturbative and rigorous definition of quantum field theory. On the other hand, quantum-field-theory concepts like and scale invariance found their application in statistical mechanics.

a three-arm polymer

Stochastic processes:

Since then the cross-fertilization of the two fields has provided important methods and tools which have been applied not only in physics but also in several different contexts spanning from computer science, chemistry, biology, geology, and social sciences. Since many years some groups are active both in quantum field theory and statistical mechanics, considering several problems which are relevant in elementary , , biology, and mathematics, and which can be addressed by combining statistical-mechanics methods, quantum field theory, and the theory of stochastic processes. in recent years much of our research concerns "random models", a vast class of systems which are the object of intense study in many disciplines — physics, biology, computer science, and mathematics to name a few. They have a complex phenomenology and many of their properties are still not understood. For instance, restricting to physical systems, random systems show a variety of new phenomena — slow relaxation and aging, memory and oblivion, and generalizations of the usual dissipation-fluctuation relations — which have been the object of intense experimental scrutiny. In this field many groups of physicists are extensively studying the critical behavior of several spin models with quenched disorder and phase separation in fluid systems, in particular colloid-polymer mixtures, in porous materials. Beside random systems, they also investigate, both numerically and analytically, the critical behavior of less- common magnetic systems, some properties of high-tc superconductors, and the finite-density behavior of solutions of polymers of different architecture. A parallel could be drawn between Gratification- Deprivation systems and Consciousness-Unconsciousness systems and that between quantum field and statistical mechanics, Markov fields, Hilbert spaces, Lie algebras and translations in space and time. Expansion of quantum field describing electrons or other fermions are also another analogy to the study of Brahman-AntiBrahman, Gratification-Deprivation Complex. Without making tall claims, we have to point that these structures like Markov Chains, Lie Algebras, and Translations in spatiotemporal realization are consistent in the Conscious Actions, How we talk, How the talk is heard, and the Learning mechanism models in Psychology. So called ―Field‖ are the ones created by the ―sphere of influence‖ one talks with so much emphasis in Political Science.‖Learning by Doing‖ model is another example of how Human resources could be ―associated‖ with in ―organizational culture‖ to ―obtain‖, ―necessary‖ results.


International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 8 ISSN 2250-3153

a simple neural network

Other subjects under intensive investigation by our group are spin glasses and neural nets. The methods at the basis of their study combine the physical intuition, accumulated through the use of the replica trick and numerical simulations, with the need for a rigorous mathematical treatment. The essential ingredients are given by powerful interpolation methods, and sum rules. These methods led in the past years to the proof of relevant results, in particular concerning the control of the infinite volume limit, and the mechanism of the spontaneous replica symmetry breaking. For the neural nets of Hopfield type many physicists have developed interpolation method which allows the characterization of the replica symmetric approximation, and the possibility of introducing functional order parameters for the description of the replica symmetry breaking. The variational principle arising in the expression of the free energy in the infinite volume limit is of novel type, in that it involves a mini-max procedure, in contrast with the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model for a spin glass. The theory of self-oscillating mechanical systems has been exploited for the study of speech formation, analysis and synthesis, and musical instrument functioning. It is possible to apply fully nonlinear schemes, by completely avoiding any kind of exploitation of the Fourier analysis. the role of the different peaks of the spectrum in the Fourier analysis is played by the intervention of successive landau instability modes for the self-oscillating system. Finally, in recent times, scientists have developed the possibility of giving simple models for the immunological system, based on stochastic dynamical systems of statistical mechanics far from equilibrium. The models are simple enough to allow practical evaluations, in connection with the known phenomenology, but they are very rich in the possibility of introducing all basic feature of the real system.

In this connection mention can be made of the studies done of the quantum field theory formulation of the relativistic Majorana equations, introduced in 1932 in a famous paper on Nuovo Cimento, and the study of slowing down, scattering and absorption of neutrons, original methods of fermi, wick, both, Heisenberg, with the purpose of a realistic assessment of the validity of the approximations introduced by them, in comparison with the modern methods of numerical simulations in the nuclear reactor theory.


There exist extrinsic relations and dysfunctional fissures when it comes to subject object duality. Both are signifiers of logical attributes and states of affairs, in the spatiotemporal realization of events. Zen prevarications in to the manifest duality have prodigious phonetic modes into the natural world which proceeds from a radically different point of departure than science, and its methods differ correspondingly. Early pioneers of the scientific revolution, including Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo, expressed and enucleated an initial interest in the nature of physical objects most far removed and diversified both in their thematic and discursive forms, from human subjectivity: such issues as the relative motions of the sun and earth, the surface of the moon, and the revolutions of the planets. And a central principle of scientific naturalism is the pure objectification of the natural world, free of any contamination of subjectivity, shorn of shibboleth of sentimentalities and susceptibilities and sensibilities. . This principle of objectivism demands that science deals with empirical facts testable by

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 9 ISSN 2250-3153 empirical methods entailing testability by third-person means; and such facts must, therefore, be public rather than private, which is to say, they must be accessible to more than one observer. Observation /observer is necessary for reality is what Quantum Mechanics, dilates upon. .

Complementarity is an ontological, phenomenological, morphological, epistemological principle derived from the subject—object or observer—system dichotomy, where each side requires a separate mode of description that is formally incompatible with and irreducible to the other, and where one mode of description alone does not provide comprehensive explanatory power for the heterogeneous discursiveness and efficacious variations, systemic in nature.. The classical physics paradigmatic testament, on which biological, social and psychological sciences are modeled, completely suppresses the observer or subject side of this dichotomy in order to claim unity and consistency in theory and objectivity in experimental observations. Quantum mechanical measurements have shown this paradigm to be untenable. Explanation of events and proliferation of senses requires both an objective, causal representation and a subjective, prescriptive representation and a situational goal directed ness Corporation significations, personalized manifestations leads to relative displacements of secondary variations that are complementary. The concepts of description and function, destructuration, disorganization, in biological systems, and goals and policies in social systems, are found to have the same epistemological basis as the concept of measurement in physics, and sometimes look like syllabic and causal elongation with augmented accents. There are no sterile divisions but there certainly is propositional subsistence and sustentative corollary.. The concepts of rate-dependent and rate- independent processes are proposed as a necessary distinction for applying the principle of complementarity to explanations of physical, biological and social systems.

Giddens's duality of structure notion which is at the centre of his structuration theory, has in its diaspora errors of evolutionary analysis and reformative sonorities.. Concept of subject/object dualism, which is not seriously considered by structuration theory sometimes looks like a churlish renegades quibble. is as essential as the concept of duality for an understanding of how actors orient themselves and the predilections and proclivities to rules and resources as a virtual order, as well as to sets of interactions in time and space. All these are statements and theories that lead to progressive advancement towards goals.

On the basis of a fourfold typology referring to different definitions of the social-structure concept, and of a critique of Giddens's and Bourdieu's strategies for transcending the divide between objectivist and subjectivist sociologies, some papers argue that rapprochement rather than transcendence is the way to overcome the existing fragmentation and for bringing closer together structural/structuralism and interpretative paradigms in the social sciences, with singularities and antigeneralities In whatever way you at this problem, one thing becomes clear be it intangible subject is equivalent to object or there exists a relationship of locus and focus of essence, sense and conception, between subject and object. Based on this statement we set out to incorporate these two factors in the model.

HIGGS BOSON IN FICTION(We have used author‘s reference pages, Wikipedia, Stanford Encyclopedia, Cornell Library information NASA AND CERN reports to prepare this abstract)

In the science fantasy series Lexx, it is said that planets which develop on a path similar to Earth are type 13 planets which are sometimes destroyed by all-out nuclear war, but it is much more common for such planets to be obliterated by physicists attempting to determine the precise mass of the Higgs boson particle. The particle colliders used to perform the calculations reach critical mass at the moment the mass of the particle is known, causing an implosion which destroys the planet and then collapses it into a nugget of super-dense matter "roughly the size of a pea." The mass of the particle was a repeating 131313 matching the name "type 13 planet" and this also is in the predicted range of the particles mass

In Robert J. Sawyer's Flash-forward, an experiment at CERN to find the Higgs particle causes the consciousness of the entire human race to be temporarily sent twenty-one years into the future.

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 10 ISSN 2250-3153

Consciousness changes with time. Consciousness today is greater than consciousness after 20 years. Later, the experiment is repeated with the specific intention to view the future – however this time it instead creates the Higgs Boson

Into the Looking Glass

In John Ringo's Into the Looking Glass, the University of Central Florida is destroyed by a 60 kiloton explosion that is first thought to be a nuclear weapon, but turns out to be a mishap from a Higgs boson research experiment. Following the explosion, gateways to other worlds are opened and a war with the aliens on the other side of the gates begins.

The God Particle

In Richard Cox's The God Particle, American business man Steve Keeley is thrown out of a window and falls three stories, then wakes up and begins to see the world in a different way; he is able to accurately predict future events, read others' thoughts, and manipulate his environment

A Hole in Texas

In Herman Wouk's A Hole in Texas, the real science behind the Higgs boson is used as a backdrop for a attire on Washington politics, the chase for funding in scientific communities, and Hollywood blockbusters. In fact, the Hollywood portion of the satire has much to do with the wild flights of fancy in evidence in many of the other entries on this list. Much of the plot is based on the aborted Superconducting Super Collider project!

BALDIE HIGGS BOSON- HIGGS BOSON AT THE ORIGIN -NO MIND CONDITION AND CONDITION OF PURE CONSCIOUSNESS: When we say Origin Higgs, we mean that at the origin when the world started, the Higgs Boson, a particle which has “nothing”, neither symmetry nor mass, and other parameters naturally associated with subatomic particles. Zen verily say that from “nothing”, the world came, and so did the matter.This is also what is called “pure consciousness” in Vedas. Then how did the Higgs Boson came out with a signature of circle in CERN. We shall say that it is the ramification of the “effect” of Higgs Boson on other subatomic particles, namely entrusting the particle with the mass. According to EPR, the truth is one who perceives it, the one who knows it and the one perceived, that is what it is. One feels Higgs Boson is the one which saw that mass less universe, gave mass, and still exists to see what happened henceforth. What that statement means is that the Higgs particle (at least in the simplest predicted form by the standard model of particle physics) does not possess any of the normal things that allow the particle to have different states. Lack of parameters (eb) non occupation of different states. It just has mass. It doesn't have charge, spin, angular momentum, no parity, nor any quantum number associated with it. The only property it has is mass. The "hair" statement in the foregoing bears ample testimony to the fact it is something like ―No mind ―condition (Non anagrammatism). If the Higgs had hair, we'd be able to tell if it was parted/combed to the left or the right. But as it is, the particle is completely bald. Another (more common) word for this is symmetry. Higgs boson particle is thought to add mass to matter, making possible the clustering together of particles to form shapes. We need to have signifier of logical attributes and states of affairs or we must have a particle identity. Similarly, the Higgs should not come in particle and anti-particle varieties. It doesn't distinguish between particle and anti-particle. Or said differently, it is its own anti-particle. Put two Higgs in the Feynmans Diagram below.

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 11 ISSN 2250-3153

Particle reconstruction(Following explanation and matter is reconstructed based on material in Wikipedia, Stanford Encyclopedia and Author‟s Home page and articles thereof. We pay our respectful homage to all the eminent sources)

Figure 1: particles leave characteristic signatures in high energy physics detectors:

 charged hadron in tracker, ECAL and HCAL  photon in the ECAL  muon as straight track everywhere  neutral hadron in ECAL and HCAL  electron contained in the ECAL

Towards the end of comprehension of whatever happens during collision, we would like to extract the energy and momentum of all particles created in this collision. These quantities allow us to extract some fundamental properties of nature. They can be determined from measurements carried out with detectors. High energy physics detectors are disintegrated and divided into several sub detectors that surround each other. The main components, available in every high energy physics collision experiment are a tracking device and a calorimetric system. A sketch of the detector top view with an example of particle signatures is plotted in Fig1.

The tracker is located in the center, surrounding the place where the particles collide (interaction point: IP). It is designed to measure the tracks of all charged particles, e.g. electrons (e) or charged hadrons (h+), passing through. From these tracks, we can determine the particles momenta, and we can also draw conclusions on the particle type, such as electron (e), or proton (h+). The tracker is surrounded by a calorimetric system that is again divided into an electromagnetic and a hadronic part. The calorimeters are capable to measure the energy of charged and neutral particles, whereas the tracker can only detect charged ones. Usually the electromagnetically interacting particles, e.g. photons (g) and electrons (e) are caught in the electromagnetic calorimeter ECAL. Particles that consist out of quarks so called hadrons, e.g. protons (h+) and neutrons (h0) can traverse further into the hadronic calorimeter. Often the calorimetric system is completed by a muon system that can identify muons (mu). The combination of all sub detectors allows a precise reconstruction of the interesting physics during the collision of two high energetic particles.

The particle flow approach

Better resolution of the detectors, produces more precise experimentation and observation. We can assign/ascribe/attribute/attach the detector signal to an individual particle, and there shall be more humungous information about the initial collision. The momentum resolution achieved in the tracker is by far the more precise than the energy measurement in the calorimetric system. Therefore, the particle flow approach is to use the best suited detector to measure the individual particles. This means all charged particles should be reconstructed in the tracker and all neutral particles can be determined in the calorimetric system. The combination of either particle type and energy or particle type and momentum, allows us to draw conclusions on the momentum and energy, respectively. This implies the possibility to separate charged and neutral particles in the calorimetric system.

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 12 ISSN 2250-3153

Figure 2: confusion problem - missing energy

 left: close by neutral and charge particle shower in the calorimeters  right: the energy of the neutral particle was allocated to the charged particle

The problem in this reconstruction method is to disentangle the particles that left their signature close to each other (Fig.2, left). In such a case it is hard to distinguish between the energy deposited by the two nearby particles.

If part of, or all of the neutral particles (h0, g) energy is allocated to the charged particle (h+), as sketched in Fig2, the reconstructed energy is too low. The charged particle is correctly reconstructed by the tracker, and the calorimeter information of this particle is not needed. But the neutral particle is invisible in the tracker, and if its energy is assigned to the neighboring charged track, it‘s reconstructed with too low energy, or not at all. Hence, in the overall event energy is missing.

Figure 3: confusion problem - double counting (balancing error)

 left: showing charged particle  right: the charged particle was reconstructed as one charged plus one neutral particle

On the other hand it can as well happen that the opposite effect occurs. Plotted in Fig3 is a case where the energy deposition of a charged particle (h+) is only partially assigned to its track, the remaining energy can be connected to a neutral particle (h0) that has never been there. In this case the charged particle would again be correctly reconstructed from the tracker information, but an additional particle would be introduced. This results in too much energy in the overall event.

PURE CONSCIOUSNESS (See Venkateshananada at speaking tree TOI. Interpretation is mine and reflects my own views) Schrodinger famously stated on the Quantum Mechanics that ―Consciousness is Maya, an illusion‖ What is an illusion? Thinking is anagrammatic. Subject Object duality does not exist. And the main kink in the armor is attributable to the fact that annihilation of object is not assumed by the Theories of

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 13 ISSN 2250-3153 knowledge. Consciousness falsely imagines irrationally and without basis it is bound by the fabric of space and time. Mind itself is anagrammatic and all reductionism is bound to be give ―spatiotemporal results‖. Whenever anagrammatism is extant and existentialist, there shall be duality. Duality is cause of all misunderstanding. Whenever ―consciousness‖ (here we mean cosmic consciousness‖ in the sense of the knowledge of what is happening. This means for example that in my state Karnataka News paper reported that purportedly stated there were piscatorial piratishness and bubonic bucaneerishness, larceny, money defalcation, and horse trading in the leadership change. For a person without consciousness, everything looks ―usual‖ and ―normal ―without seething of any political belligerencies or caste bellicosities. It just does not register in his mind. It does not leave signature in the mind) Due to the false assumption of ego sense, individual consciousness thinks that the world appearance is indeed real. It is the mind alone that is the root cause of experiencing the world as if it were real; but it cannot be truly considered such a cause since there can be no mind other than pure consciousness. Once you realize that the perceiving mind itself is unreal, virtual,(Note that No Mind Condition stated above refers to origin at which Higgs Boson took place ) it becomes clear that the perceived world is unreal, too. Essentially mind divides, disintegrates; it never allows you to see the underlying unity.

In pure consciousness the diversity of sight, seer and scene, or of doer, act and action of knower, knowledge and known does not exist. Similarly, the distinction between ‗i‘, and ‗you‘ is imaginary (See subject Object duality delineated in the foregoing). The distinction between the one and the many is verbal. All these do not exist at all even as darkness does not exist in the sun. Opposites like substantially and insubstantiality, void and nonvoid are mere concepts. On enquiry, all these disappear and only unmodified pure consciousness remains. This exactly Higgs boson at the origin is.

It is to be understood in unmistakable terms that there exists both individual consciousness and collective consciousness. It understands by ―intuition‖, ―reading between lines‖ that one could fathom all. This infinite consciousness, which is unmodified and non-dual, can be realized by one in the single self- luminous inner light. It is pure and eternal, it is ever present and devoid of mind, it is unmodified and untainted, it is all the objects. In fact, it is witness consciousness which judges the system dispassionately without reacting to it be it analytical, survey wise, institutional, or mathematical, the ―Truth‖ is beholden.

Consciousness, which is devoid of concepts and extremely subtle, knows itself. In self-forgetfulness, this consciousness entertains thoughts and experiences perceptions, though all this is possible because of the very nature of the infinite, consciousness, even as one who is asleep is also inwardly awake.

Pure Consciousness

By identification with its own object, consciousness seems to reduce itself to the state of thinking notion of the universe arises, but this unreality ceases with when you understand the cosmological interpretation that ―you‖ are just a ―vibration‖ in ―space and time‖

When individual consciousness becomes aware of itself within cosmic consciousness, the ego sense arises. With just a little movement though, this ego sense falls down as a rock rolls down the mountainside. However, even then it is consciousness alone that is the reality in all forms and all experiences. The movement of the vital air brings about vision within and an object which is apparently outside. But the experiencing of sight is the pure consciousness. The apparently inert vital air which is the tactile sensation comes into contact with its object and there is the sense of touch. But the awareness of the tactile sensation is again pure consciousness.Higgs Boson has no anti particle(albeit we doubt the statement) they say. This of course is to not unequivocal, although we take the statement that Higgs Boson is the antiparticle of itself. . In the same way, it is the vital air that enables the nose to smell the scents which are modifications of the same energy, while the awareness of the smell is pure consciousness. If the mind is not associated with the sense of hearing, no hearing is possible. Again, it is pure consciousness that is the experience of hearing.

Action springs from thought, thought is the function of the mind, mind is conditioned (anagrammatic) consciousness, but consciousness is unconditioned. The universe is but a reflection in consciousness but evolved consciousness is not conditioned by such reflection. Jiva is the vehicle of consciousness, ego sense is the vehicle of jiva, intelligence of ego sense, mind of intelligence, prana of the mind; the sense of motion is karma. Because prana is the vehicle for the mind, where the prana takes it, the mind goes. But when the mind is merged in the spiritual heart, prana does not move. And if the prana does not move, the mind attains a quiescent state. Where the prana goes, the mind follows, even as the rider goes

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 14 ISSN 2250-3153 where the vehicle goes.


The reflection of consciousness within itself is known as puryastaka in Vedas. Matter production from Higgs Boson, only shows that matter has 12 +1 elementary particles. To this the Higgs Boson, its own antiparticle could be added. The organs of action, the senses, ignorance, desire, and karma or action). Since all these arise in consciousness, exist in consciousness and dissolve in consciousness, that consciousness alone is the reality. What then brought out life? What then brought out mind? For the former we say it is “natural permutation and combination” and to the later we have assumed “neuron DNA” is the product of mind of sentient beings. In this connection reference is invited to author‟s paper entitled “Is Universe a simulated one with a giant Computer”

But for the mind and prana, the body is an inert mass. Just as a piece of iron moves in the presence of a magnet, even so the jiva moves in the very presence of COSMIC consciousness that is infinite and omnipresent. The body is inert and dependant; it is made to function by the consciousness which believes itself to be similar to the prana or vital air. Thus, it is the karmatama, karma-self or the active self (We have assumed that Quantum register is maintained of all the actions and thinking and that it is derived from Neuron DNA, which as at present is a hypothetical particle. Analogy of bank ledgers are again given for obtention of Gratification and deprivation balance based on “Karma” which is in “Neuron DNA” and assumed to be down loaded). That keeps the body in motion. It is, however, the cosmic consciousness (one which has all accounts which depict the actions of everything, sentient and insentient) makes both the mind and the sentience as the promoters of life in the body. It is the consciousness itself, assuming inertia, which rides the mind as the jiva.


The aim is to keep this kind of confusion as low as possible. This challenge can be met by a calorimetric system with very high granularity that allows us to separate close by particles, and well trained particle flow algorithms that are able to do effective clustering. We build and test high granular calorimeter prototypes and develop and test new reconstruction methods on test beam data, as well as on

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 15 ISSN 2250-3153 full detector simulation and particle flow based reconstruction.

String theory suggests that the big bang was not the origin of the universe but simply the Outcome of a preexisting state (See for details Gabriele Veneziano) Was the big bang really the beginning of time? Or did the universe exist before then? Such a question seemed almost blatant, flagrant, calumniously clamoring, temerariously adamant, and blasphemous only a decade ago. Most cosmologists insisted that it simply made no sense--that to contemplate a time before the big bang was like asking for directions to a place north of the North Pole. But developments in theoretical physics, especially the rise of string theory, have changed their perspective. The pre-bang universe has become the latest frontier of cosmology. It is entwined with a grand set of concerns, one famously encapsulated in an 1897 painting by Paul Gauguin: D'ou venons-nous? Que sommes-nous? Ou allons-nous? "Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?" The piece depicts the cycle of birth, life and death--origin, identity and destiny for each individual--and these personal concerns connect directly to cosmic ones. We can trace our lineage back through the generations, back through our animal ancestors, to early forms of life and protolife, to the elements synthesized in the primordial universe, to the amorphous energy deposited in space before that. Does our family tree extend forever backward? Or do its roots terminate? Is the cosmos as impermanent as we are? String Cosmology Greeks debated, deliberated and confabulated the origin of time fiercely. Aristotle, taking the no- beginning side, invoked the principle that out of nothing, nothing comes. Nothing cannot produce something. In the eventuality of the fact that Universe would have been produced from nothingness, then, it must always have existed. Towards the end of consummation and consolidation of this reasoning, time must stretch eternally into the past and future. Theologians had a pen chance, predilection, and proclivity to assume the opposite point of view. Augustine contended that God exists outside of space and time, able to bring these constructs into existence as surely as he could forge other aspects of our world. Time itself being part of God's creation, there was simply no before!" Strings abhor infinity. They cannot collapse to an infinitesimal point, so they avoid the paradoxes that collapse would entail. Einstein‘s general theory of relativity led modern cosmologists to much the same conclusion. The theory holds that space and time are soft, malleable entities. On the largest scales, space is naturally dynamic, expanding or contracting over time, carrying matter like driftwood on the tide. Astronomers confirmed in the 1920s that our universe is currently expanding: distant galaxies move apart from one another. One consequence, of the current expanding universe is that as physicists and Roger Penrose proved in the 1960s, is that time cannot extend back indefinitely. As you play or produce cosmic history backward in time, the galaxies all come together or converge to a single infinitesimal point, known as a singularity--almost as if they were descending into a black hole. In fact this leads to a prognostication that Universe might have started from Blackhole. Each galaxy or its precursor is squeezed down to zero size. Quantities such as density, temperature and spacetime curvature become infinite. The singularity is the ultimate cataclysm, beyond which our cosmic ancestry cannot extend. Beyond singularity cosmic history does not exist. Strange Coincidence The unavoidable singularity poses serious problems for cosmologists. In particular, it sits uneasily with Two Views of the Beginning the high degree of homogeneity and isotropy that the universe exhibits on large scales. For the cosmos to look broadly the same everywhere, some kind of communication (- &+)had to pass among distant regions of space, coordinating their properties. But the idea of such communication contradicts the old cosmological paradigm. To be specific, consider what has happened over the 13.7 billion years since the release of the cosmic microwave background radiation. The distance between galaxies has grown by a factor of about 1,000 (because of the expansion), while the radius of the observable universe has grown by the much larger factor of about 100,000 (because light outpaces the expansion). We see parts of the universe today that we could not have seen 13.7 billion years ago. Indeed, this is the first time in cosmic history that light from the most distant galaxies has reached the Milky Way. Nevertheless, the properties of the Milky Way are basically the same as those of distant galaxies. It is as though you showed up at a party only to find you were wearing exactly the same clothes as a dozen of your closest friends. If just two of you were dressed the same, it might be explained away as coincidence, but a dozen suggests that the partygoers had coordinated their attire in advance. In cosmology, the number is not a dozen but tens of thousands--the number of independent yet statistically

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 16 ISSN 2250-3153 identical patches of sky in the microwave background. One possibility is that all those regions of space were endowed (+)at birth with identical properties--in other words, that the homogeneity is mere coincidence. Physicists, however, have thought about two more natural ways out of the impasse: the early universe was much smaller or much older than in standard cosmology. Either (or both, acting together) would have made intercommunication possible. The most popular choice follows the first alternative. It postulates that the universe went through a period of accelerating expansion, known as inflation, early in its history. Before this phase, galaxies or their precursors were so closely packed that they could easily coordinate their properties. During inflation, they fell out of contact (separated) because light was unable to keep pace with the frenetic expansion. Pace of expansion was more that of the velocity of light. After inflation ended, the expansion began to decelerate, so galaxies gradually came back into one another's view. Physicists ascribe the inflationary spurt to the potential energy stored in a new quantum field, the inflaton, about 10-35 second after the big bang. Potential energy, as opposed (e) to rest mass or kinetic energy, leads to(eb) gravitational repulsion. Rather than slowing down(-) the expansion, as the gravitation of ordinary matter would, the inflaton(-) accelerated(+) it. Proposed in 1981, inflation has explained a wide variety of observations with precision [see "The Inflationary Universe," by Alan H. Guth and Paul J. Steinhardt; Scientific American, May 1984; and "Four Keys to Cosmology," Special report; Scientific American, February]. A number of possible theoretical problems remain, though, beginning with the questions of what exactly the inflaton was and what gave (-&+) it such a huge initial potential energy. A second, less widely known way to solve the puzzle follows the second alternative by getting rid of the singularity. If time did not begin at the bang, if a long era preceded the onset of the present cosmic expansion, matter could have had plenty of time to arrange(isotropicness of the universe) itself smoothly. Therefore, researchers have reexamined the reasoning that led them to infer a singularity. One of the assumptions-- that relativity theory is always valid—is questionable. Close to the putative singularity, quantum effects must have been important, even dominant. Standard relativity takes no account of such effects, so accepting the inevitability of the singularity amounts to trusting the theory beyond reason. That shall be a travesty of truth and harbinger of pithy prognostication. To know what really happened; physicists need to subsume relativity in a quantum theory of gravity. The task has occupied theorists from Einstein onward, but progress was almost zero until the mid-1980s. REVITALISATION AND RESURRECTION OF NEW THEORIES (See for details SAMUEL VELASCO) Pre-Big Bang Scenario One, going by the name of loop quantum gravity, retains Einstein‘s theory essentially intact but changes the procedure for implementing it in quantum mechanics (see ―Atoms of Space and Time," by Lee Smolin; Scientific American, January). Practitioners of loop quantum gravity have taken great strides and achieved deep insights over the past several years. Still, their approach may not be revolutionary enough to resolve the fundamental problems of quantizing gravity. A similar problem faced particle theorists after Enrico Fermi introduced his effective theory of the weak nuclear force in 1934. All efforts to construct a quantum version of Fermi's theory failed miserably. What was needed was not a new technique but the deep modifications brought by the electroweak theory of Sheldon L. Glashow, Steven Wein-berg and in the late 1960s.The second approach, which is more promising, is string theory--a truly revolutionary modification of Einstein's theory. Proponents‘ precursors and primogenitures of loop quantum gravity claim to reach many of the same conclusions. Vestiges of the pre-banging epoch might show up in galactic and intergalactic magnetic fields, is their thinking. Ekpyrotic Scenario-The Beginning of Thunderstorm Thermistor and Verkrampte reactionary: Quarks are confined inside a proton or a neutron, as if they were tied together by elastic strings. In retrospect, the original string theory had captured those stringy aspects of the nuclear world. Only later was it revived, revitalized, rejuvenated, and resurrected as a candidate for combining general relativity and quantum theory. The basic idea is that elementary particles are not point like but rather infinitely thin one-dimensional objects, the strings. Zoo of elementary particles, each with its own characteristic properties, reflects the many possible vibration patterns of a string. How can such a simple-minded theory describe the complicated world of particles and their interactions? The answer can be found in what we may call quantum string magic. Once the rules of quantum mechanics are applied to a vibrating string--just like a miniature violin string, except that the vibrations propagate along it at the speed of light--new properties appear. All have profound implications for particle physics and cosmology. First, quantum strings have a finite size. Were it not for quantum effects, a violin string could be cut in half, cut in half again and so on all the way down, finally becoming a massless point

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 17 ISSN 2250-3153 like particle. But the Heisenberg uncertainty principle eventually intrudes and prevents the lightest strings from being sliced smaller than about 10 -34 meter. This irreducible quantum of length, denoted ls, is a new constant of nature introduced by string theory side by side with the speed of light, c, and Planck's constant, h. It plays a crucial role in almost every aspect of string theory, putting a finite limit on quantities that otherwise could become either zero or infinite. Quantum strings may have angular momentum even if they lack mass. In classical physics, angular momentum is a property of an object that rotates with respect to an axis. The formula for angular momentum (=) multiplies together velocity, mass and distance from the axis; hence, a massless object can have no angular momentum. But quantum fluctuations change the situation. A tiny string can acquire up to two units of h of angular momentum without gaining any mass. This feature is propitious and felicitous welcome because it precisely matches the properties of the carriers of all known fundamental forces, such as the photon (for electromagnetism) and the graviton (for gravity). Historically, angular momentum is what clued in physicists to the quantum-gravitational implications of string theory .Third; quantum strings demand and require the existence of extra dimensions of space, in addition to the usual three. Whereas a classical violin string will vibrate no matter what the properties of space and time are, a quantum string is more finicky, fastidious, fussy and paranoid pernickety. The equations describing the vibration become inconsistent unless spacetime either is highly curved (in contradiction with observations) or contains six extra spatial dimensions. Fourth, physical constants--such as Newton's and Coulomb's constants, which appear in the equations of physics and determine the properties of nature--no longer, have arbitrary, fixed values. They occur in string theory as fields, rather like the electromagnetic field, that can adjust their values dynamically. These fields may have taken different values in different cosmological epochs or in remote regions of space, and even today the physical "constants" may vary by a small amount. Observing any variation would provide an enormous boost to string theory. Assumption of different values in different cosmological epochs is the most important point to be noted and acts as a dissipation coefficient in the model, in addition to the progressive stages of cosmological stages. One such field, called the dilaton, is the master key to string theory; it determines the overall strength of all interactions. The dilaton fascinates string theorists because its value (Dilaton) can be (=) reinterpreted as the size of an extra dimension of space, giving a grand total of 11 spacetime dimensions. Instantaneousness of size may be mentioned. There does not appear to be time lag. CONSUMMATION AND COSOLIDATION OF FRAGMENTS: Finally, quantum strings have introduced physicists to some striking new symmetries of nature known as dualities, which alter our intuition for what happens when objects get extremely small. Already alluded to a form of duality: normally, a short string is lighter than a long one, but if we attempt to squeeze down its size below the fundamental length ls, the string gets heavier again. Strange ménage a trios this! Another form of the symmetry, T-duality, holds that small and large extra dimensions are equivalent. This symmetry arises because strings can move in more complicated ways than point like particles can. Consider a closed string (a loop) located on a cylindrically shaped space, whose circular cross section represents one finite extra dimension. Besides vibrating, the string can either turn as a whole around the cylinder or wind around it,(here unwound string length gets reduced) one or several times, like a rubber band wrapped around a rolled-up the energetic cost of these two states of the string depends on the size of the cylinder. The energy of winding is directly proportional to the cylinder radius: larger cylinders require the string to stretch more as it wraps around, so the windings contain more energy than they would on a smaller cylinder. The energy associated with moving around the circle, on the other hand, is inversely proportional to the radius: larger cylinders allow for longer wavelengths (smaller frequencies), which represent less energy than shorter wavelengths do. If a large cylinder is substituted for a small one, the two states of motion can swap roles. Energies that had been produced by circular motion are instead produced by winding, and vice versa. An outside observer notices only the energy levels, not the origin of those levels. To that observer, the large and small radii are physically equivalent. Although T-duality is usually described in terms of cylindrical spaces, in which one dimension (the circumference) is finite, a variant of it applies to our ordinary three dimensions, which appear to stretch on indefinitely. One must be careful when talking about the expansion of an infinite space. Its overall size cannot change; it remains infinite. But it can still expand in the sense that bodies embedded within it, such as galaxies, move apart from one another. The crucial variable is not the size of the space as a whole but its scale factor--the factor by which the distance between galaxies changes, manifesting itself as the galactic redshift that astronomers observe. According to T-duality, universes with small scale factors are equivalent to ones with large scale factors. No such symmetry is present in Einstein's equations; it emerges from the unification that string theory embodies, with the dilaton playing a central role. For years, string theorists thought that T-duality applied only to closed strings, as opposed to open strings, which have loose ends and thus cannot wind.

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 18 ISSN 2250-3153

In 1995 Joseph Polchinski of the University of California at Santa Barbara realized that T-duality did apply to open strings, provided that the switch between large and small radii was accompanied by a change in the conditions at the end points of the string. Until then, physicists had postulated boundary conditions in which no force acted on the ends of the strings, leaving them free to flap around. Under T- duality, these conditions become so-called Dirichlet boundary conditions, whereby the ends stay put. Any given string can mix both types of boundary conditions. For instance, electrons may be strings whose ends can move around freely in three of the 10 spatial dimensions but are stuck within the other seven. Those three dimensions form a subspace known as a Dirichlet membrane, or D-brane. In 1996 Petr Horava of the University of California at Berkeley and Edward Witten of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., proposed that our universe resides on such a brane. The partial mobility of electrons and other particles produces an explanation why we are unable to perceive the full 10- dimensional glory of space. CHASTENING A BULWARK: All the magic properties of quantum strings point in one direction: strings abhor e(e&eb) =e infinity. They cannot collapse to an infinitesimal point, so they avoid the paradoxes that collapse entails. Their (Quantum strings) nonzero size and novel symmetries set upper bounds to physical quantities that increase without limit in conventional theories, and they set lower bounds to quantities that decrease. String theorists expect that when one plays the history of the universe backward in time, the, such a chronological movement back in time produces curvature of spacetime starts to increase. But instead of going all the way to infinity (at the traditional big bang singularity), it eventually hits a maximum and shrinks once more. Before string theory, physicists were hard-pressed to imagine any mechanism that could so cleanly eliminate the singularity. Conditions near the zero time of the big bang were so extreme that no one yet knows how to solve the equations. Nevertheless, string theorists have hazarded guesses about the pre-bang universe. Two popular models are floating around. The first, known as the pre-big bang scenario, which (Dirichlet-Branes and Ramond-Ramond Charges) Joseph Polchinski began to develop in 1991,combines T-duality with the better-known symmetry of time reversal, whereby the equations of physics work equally well when applied backward and forward in time. The combination gives rise to new possible cosmologies in which the universe, say, five seconds before the big bang expanded at the same pace as it did five seconds after the bang. But the rate of change of the expansion was opposite at the two instants: if it was decelerating after the bang, it was accelerating before. In short, the big bang may not have been the origin of the universe but simply a violent transition from acceleration to deceleration. The beauty of this picture is that it automatically incorporates the great insight of standard inflationary theory--namely, that the universe had to undergo a period of acceleration to become so homogeneous and isotropic. In the standard theory, acceleration occurs after the big bang because of an ad hoc inflaton field. In the pre-big bang scenario, it occurs before the bang as a natural outcome of the novel symmetries of string theory. According to the scenario, the pre-bang universe was almost a perfect mirror image of the post- bang one. If the universe is eternal into the future, its contents thinning to a meager gruel, it is also eternal into the past. Infinitely long ago it was nearly empty, filled only with a tenuous, widely dispersed, chaotic gas of radiation and matter. The forces of nature, controlled by the dilaton field, were so feeble that particles in this gas barely interacted. TIME- A TOPOLOGICAL TROJAN HORSE - FLIES: As time went on, the forces gained in strength and pulled matter together. Randomly, some regions accumulated matter at the expense of their surroundings. Eventually the density in these regions became so high that black holes started to form. Matter inside those regions was then cut off from the outside, breaking up the universe into disconnected pieces. Inside a black hole, space and time swap roles. The center of the black hole is not a point in space but an instant in time. As the infalling matter approached the center, it reached higher and higher densities. But when the density, temperature and curvature reached the maximum values allowed by string theory, these quantities bounced and started decreasing. The moment of that reversal is what we call a big bang. The interior of one of those black holes became our universe. Not surprisingly, such an unconventional scenario has provoked controversy. Andrei Linde of Stanford University has argued that for this scenario to match observations, the black hole that gave rise to our universe would have to have formed with an unusually large size--much larger than the length scale of string theory. An answer to this objection is that the equations predict black holes of all possible sizes. Our universe just happened to form inside a sufficiently large one. A more serious objection raised by

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 19 ISSN 2250-3153

Thibault Damour of the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques in Bures-sur-Yvette, France, and Marc Henneaux of the Free University of Brussels, is that matter and spacetime would have behaved chaotically near the moment of the bang, in possible contradiction with the observed regularity of the early universe. I have recently proposed that a chaotic state would produce a dense gas of miniature "string holes"--strings that were so small and massive that they were on the verge of becoming black holes. The behavior of these holes could solve the problem identified by Damour and Henneaux. A similar proposal has been put forward by Thomas Banks of Rutgers University and Willy Fischler of the University of Texas at Austin. Other critiques also exist, and whether they have uncovered a fatal flaw in the scenario remains to be determined. BLACK AND BLUE JUGGERNAUT AND ARMAGGEDDON::

: The other leading model for the universe before the bang is the ekpyrotic ("conflagration") scenario. Developed three years ago by a team of cosmologists and string theorists--Justin Khoury of Columbia University, Paul J. Steinhardt of Princeton University, Burt A. Ovrut of the University of Pennsylvania, Nathan Seiberg of the Institute for Advanced Study and Neil Turok of the University of Cambridge—the ekpyrotic scenario relies on the idea that our universe is one of many D-branes floating within a higher dimensional space. The branes exert attractive forces on one another and occasionally collide. The big bang could be the impact of another brane into ours. In a variant of this scenario, the collisions occur cyclically. Two branes might hit, bounce off each other, move apart, pull each other together, hit again, and so on. In between collisions, the branes behave like Silly Putty, expanding as they recede and contracting somewhat as they come back together. During the turnaround, the expansion rate accelerates; indeed, the present accelerating expansion of the universe may augur another collision. The pre–big bang and ekpyrotic scenarios share some common features. Both begin with a large, cold, nearly empty universe, and both share the difficult (and unresolved) problem of making the transition between the pre- and the post-bang phase. Mathematically, the main difference between the scenarios is the behavior of the dilaton field. In the pre–big bang, the dilaton begins with a low value--so that the forces of nature are weak--and steadily gains strength. The opposite is true for the ekpyrotic scenario, in which the collision occurs when forces are at their weakest. The developers of the ekpyrotic theory initially hoped that the weakness of the forces would allow the bounce to be analyzed more easily, but they were still confronted with a difficult high-curvature situation, so the jury is out on whether the scenario truly avoids a singularity. Also, the ekpyrotic scenario must entail very special conditions to solve the usual cosmological puzzles. For instance, the about-to-collide branes must have been almost exactly parallel to one another, or else the collision could not have given rise to a sufficiently homogeneous bang. The cyclic version may be able to take care of this problem, because successive collisions would allow the branes to straighten themselves. Leaving aside the difficult task of fully justifying these two scenarios mathematically, physicists must ask whether they have any observable physical consequences. At first sight, both scenarios might seem like an exercise not in physics but in metaphysics--interesting ideas that observers could never prove right or wrong. That attitude is too pessimistic. Like the details of the inflationary phase, those of a possible pre-bangian epoch could have observable consequences, especially for the small variations observed in the cosmic microwave background temperature. First, observations show that the temperature fluctuations were shaped by acoustic waves for several hundred thousand years. The regularity of the fluctuations indicates that the waves were synchronized. Cosmologists have discarded many cosmological models over the years because they failed to account for this synchrony. The inflationary, pre-big bang and ekpyrotic scenarios all pass this first test. In these three models, the waves were triggered by quantum processes amplified during the period of accelerating cosmic expansion. The phases of the waves were aligned. Second, each model predicts a different distribution of the temperature fluctuations with respect to angular size. Observers have found that fluctuations of all sizes have approximately the same amplitude. (Discernible deviations occur only on very small scales, for which the primordial fluctuations have been altered by subsequent processes.) Inflationary models neatly reproduce this distribution. During inflation, the curvature of space changed relatively slowly, so fluctuations of different sizes were generated under much the same conditions. In both the stringy models, the curvature evolved quickly, increasing the amplitude of small-scale fluctuations, but other processes boosted the large-scale ones, leaving all fluctuations with the same strength. For the ekpyrotic scenario, those other processes involved the extra dimension of space, the one that separated the colliding branes. For the pre-big bang scenario, they involved a quantum field, the axion, related to the dilaton. In short, all three models match the data. Third, temperature variations can arise from two distinct processes in the early universe: fluctuations in the density of matter and rippling caused by

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 20 ISSN 2250-3153 gravitational waves. Inflation involves both processes, whereas the pre-big bang and ekpyrotic scenarios predominantly involve density variations. Gravitational waves of certain sizes would leave a distinctive signature in the polarization of the microwave background [see "Echoes from the Big Bang," by Robert R. Caldwell and Marc Kamionkowski; Scientific American, January 2001]. Future observatories, such as European Space Agency's Planck satellite, should be able to see that signature, if it exists--providing a nearly definitive test. fourth test pertains to the statistics of the fluctuations. In inflation the fluctuations follow a bell-shaped curve, known to physicists as a Gaussian. The same may be true in the ekpyrotic case, whereas the pre-big bang scenario allows for sizable deviation from Gaussianity. Analysis of the microwave background is not the only way to verify these theories. The pre-big bang scenario should also produce a random background of gravitational waves in a range of frequencies that, though irrelevant for the microwave background, should be detectable by future gravitational wave observatories. Moreover, because the pre-big bang and ekpyrotic scenarios involve changes in the dilaton field, which is coupled to the electromagnetic field, they would both lead to large-scale magnetic field fluctuations. Vestiges of these fluctuations might show up in galactic and intergalactic magnetic fields. So, when did time begin? Science does not have a conclusive answer yet, but at least two potentially testable theories plausibly hold that the universe--and therefore time--existed well before the big bang. If either scenario is right, the cosmos has always been in existence and, even if it recollapses one day, will never end. ABRIELE VENEZIANO, a theoretical physicist at CERN, was the father of string theory in the late1960s--an accomplishment for which he received this year's Heineman Prize of the American Physica Society and the American Institute of Physics. At the time, the theory was regarded as a failure; it did not achieve its goal of explaining the atomic nucleus, and Veneziano soon shifted his attention to quantum Chromodynamics, to which he made major contributions. After string theory made its comeback as a theory of gravity in the 1980s, Veneziano became one of the first physicists to apply it to black holes and cosmology. DISPUTATIOUS DIABOLIC AND BIVOAC BUCKAROO Towards the end of a gritty narrative, which includes guile and scatological, vitriolic and voyeuristic, many UN conventional questions are raised. Cognitive theories of perception assume there is a poverty of stimulus. This (with reference to perception) is the claim that sensations are, by themselves, unable to provide a unique description of the world. There certainly is an inharmonious note and eneuretic franticness in this statement that is baffling and befuddling. Then what is the terra firma of perception?. Questions were raised whether ―perception‖ itself was a discordant soprano and contralto and a falsetto? Sensations are ―unfinished agenda‖ and ―unfulfilled dreams‖. Sensations require 'enriching‘, a certain degree of verkrampte reactionariness to accentuate, corroborate and augment which is the role of the mental model. A different type of theory is the perceptual ecology approach of James J. Gibson. Gibson rejected the assumption of a poverty of stimulus by rejecting the notion that perception is based in sensations – instead, he investigated what information is actually presented to the perceptual systems. His theory "assumes untrammeled presence of the existence of stable, unbounded, and permanent stimulus-information in the ambient optic array. And it supposes that the visual system can explore and detect this information. So, the corporeal depth and sonorous continuum of Gibson‘s Theory was perception is information-based, not sensation-based." He and the psychologists who work within this paradigm detailed how the world could be specified to a mobile, exploring organism via the lawful projection of information about the world into energy arrays. Specification is a one to one mapping of some aspect of the world into a perceptual array; given such a mapping, no enrichment is required and perception is direct perception. Perception-in-action An ecological understanding of perception derived from Gibson's early work is that of "perception-in- action", the notion that perception is a requisite property of animate action; that without perception action would be unguided, and without action perception would serve no purpose. Animate actions require both perception and motion, and perception and movement can be described as "two sides of the same coin, the coin is action". Gibson works from the assumption that singular entities, which he calls "invariants", already exist in the real world and that all that the perception process does is to home in upon them. A view known as constructivism (held by such philosophers as Ernst von Glasersfeld) regards the continual adjustment of perception and action to the external input as precisely what constitutes the "entity", which is therefore far from being invariant ESSENTIALISTIC AND EXISTENTIAL MORDANT: Glasersfeld considers an "invariant" as a target to be homed in upon, and a pragmatic necessity to allow an initial measure of understanding to be established prior to the updating that a statement aims to

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 21 ISSN 2250-3153 achieve. The invariant does not and need not represent an actuality, and Glasersfeld describes it as extremely unlikely that what is desired or feared by an organism will never suffer change as time goes on. This social constructionist theory thus allows for a needful evolutionary adjustment. A mathematical theory of perception-in-action has been devised and investigated in many forms of controlled movement, and has been described in many different species of organism using the General Tau Theory. According to this theory, tau information, or time-to-goal information is the fundamental 'percept' in perception. Evolutionary psychology and perception Many philosophers, such as Jerry Fodor, write that the purpose of perception is knowledge, but evolutionary psychologists hold that its primary purpose is to guide action For example, they say, depth perception seems to have evolved not to help us know the distances to other objects but rather to help us move around in space.[ Evolutionary psychologists say that animals from fiddler crabs to humans use eyesight for collision avoidance, suggesting that vision is basically for directing action, not providing knowledge Building and maintaining sense organs is metabolically expensive, so these organs evolve only when they improve an organism's fitness. More than half the brain is devoted to processing sensory information, and the brain itself consumes roughly one-fourth of one's metabolic resources, so the senses must provide exceptional benefits to fitness Perception accurately mirrors the world; animals get useful, accurate information through their senses. Scientists who study perception and sensation have long understood the human senses as . Depth perception consists of processing over half a dozen visual cues, each of which is based on a regularity of the physical world. Vision evolved to respond to the narrow range of electromagnetic energy that is plentiful and that does not pass through objects. Sound waves provide useful information about the sources of and distances to objects, with larger animals making and hearing lower-frequency sounds and smaller animals making and hearing higher-frequency sounds. Taste and smell respond to chemicals in the environment that were significant for fitness in the EEA. The sense of touch is actually many senses, including pressure, heat, cold, tickle, and pain. Pain, while unpleasant, is adaptive. An important adaptation for senses is range shifting, by which the organism becomes temporarily more or less sensitive to sensation. For example, one's eyes automatically adjust to dim or bright ambient light. Sensory abilities of different organisms often coevolve, as is the case with the hearing of echo locating bats and that of the moths that have evolved to respond to the sounds that the bats make. Evolutionary psychologists claim that perception demonstrates the principle of modularity, with specialized mechanisms handling particular perception tasks For example; people with damage to a particular part of the brain suffer from the specific defect of not being able to recognize faces (prospagnosia). EP suggests that this indicates a so-called face-reading module.








International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 22 ISSN 2250-3153



















International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 23 ISSN 2250-3153
























International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 24 ISSN 2250-3153





퐺33 : CATEGORY TWO OF RAJAS(DYNAMISM- Principle of spontaneously broken symmetry locates deeply hidden symmetries of nature at fundamental space-time scales and explains the emergence of diverse forces from an initially unified field. Profound symmetry principle called super symmetry is capable of unifying force fields and matter fields in the context of a single field. Superstring theories, includes a discussion of quantum field theory, spontaneous symmetry breaking and the Higgs mechanism, electro-weak unification and grand unification, super symmetry, super gravity and superstring theories, with its quantum mechanical and field theoretic aspects of the systems under investigation. This is to be understood that all theories be they general are applicable to individual systems like the assets and Liabilities conservativeness of the Bank is applicable to conservativeness of individual Debit and Credits, and then the holistic ―General Ledger ―that is constitutive of the ―general theory‖ we are trying to expound here..)


푇32 : CATEGORY ONE OF TAMAS (Inertia in individuals, policy paralysis in nations, we have seen and the pernicious ramifications and conjugatory confatalia thereof. These are instances which lead to measurable loss individually and nationally and internationally. At the subatomic level, inertia as Zero Point Lorentz force has been studied by many scholars notably Puthoff and Alfonso Rueda and Bernhard Haisch under the hypothesis that ordinary matter is ultimately made of sub elementary constitutive primary charged entities or ‗‗partons‘‘ bound in the manner of traditional elementary Planck oscillators (a time-honored classical technique), and is shown that a Lorentz force (specifically, the magnetic component of the Lorentz force) arises in any accelerated reference frame from the interaction of the partons with the vacuum electromagnetic zero-point field (ZPF). Partons, though asymptotically free at the highest frequencies, are endowed with a sufficiently large ‗‗bare mass‘‘ to allow interactions with the ZPF at very high frequencies up to the Planck frequencies. This Lorentz force, though originating at the sub elementary parton level, appears to produce an opposition to the acceleration of material objects at a macroscopic level having the correct characteristics to account for the property of inertia. And hence the proposition that inertia is an electromagnetic resistance arising from the known spectral distortion of the ZPF in accelerated frames. The proposed concept also suggests a physically rigorous version of Mach‘s principle. Moreover, some preliminary independent corroboration is suggested for ideas proposed by Sakharov (Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 177, 70 (1968) [Sov. Phys. Dokl. 12, 1040 (1968)]) and further explored by one of H. E. Puthoff, Phys. Rev. A 39, 2333 (1989)] concerning a ZPF-based model of Newtonian gravity, and for the equivalence of inertial and gravitational mass as dictated by the principle of equivalence.)



International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 25 ISSN 2250-3153

======(7) Rajas-Sattva (Reactionary potential the cataclysmic war, murder, mayhem, plunder, pillage, nemesis, apocalypse are “height” of the reactionary measure and the “silence” is a measure of the “depth “of the reactionary potential. Statistical Mechanics provides a rich repository and receptacle for the calculations of such “reactions” and “stimulus” taking in to consideration that each individual account will be maintained in the “Akasha”, from which it can be down loaded. Please see “Neuron DNA” hypothetical particle. We are here talking of the stimulus and the concomitant response and the positive effects or detrimental ramifications that are caused by such response)




퐺37 : CATEGORY TWO OF RAJAS(Unconditioned Consciousness, Infinite Information, Potential Energy, and Time are all interrelated to each other with ensorcelled frenzy and nonlinear franticness - interested reader is referred to Leon H.Maurer- Potential consciousness, time, mass/energy and infinite holographic information are rooted in original spin momentum of unconditioned pre-cosmic (empty) space – the absolute source of all relative phenomenal existence. One of the major problems in physics is that the origin and nature of time and consciousness, along with the experience of Consciousness, cannot be satisfactorily explained in physical/material terms without running into explanatory gaps and ―hard problems‖ (Chalmers, 1995). How does the brain produce the experience of qualia? What is the nature of a color seen in the mind? Of what does the mind consist? How does the mind bind to the brain? Why and how is the experience of consciousness localized, e.g., feeling pain in a finger, taste on the tongue, smell in the nose, etc.? By what means of calculation does the brain and mind (or our thinking mechanisms) enable us to know (relative to our individual point of view) the exact coordinate position of any point or part of our body relative to any other point on the body, as well as relative to any point in the outer world view –Kind attention is also drawn to authors paper ―God does not put signature Nuncupative or Episcopal, wherein detailed explanation of sattva and Quantum field is investigated)


푇36 : CATEGORY ONE OF SATTVA (Individual here has measured reactionary potential, and that tendencies and predilections of murder mayhem, plunder ,pillage are nonexistent so the disastrous consequences are less .There were no initial conditions, disembodied resemblances, differential relations, contiguous similarities, presupposition antigeneralities, inherent nature, order, purpose, design, or underlying nonphysical existence from which the big bang emerged. Quantized gravity and Higgs fields were subject to invariant laws of nature. (For details see Boyer) Spontaneous symmetry breaking lead to congealed into stars, planets, organic molecules, living cellular organisms possibly with proto- conscious mentality, and later into humans with complex enough nervous systems to generate higher- order conscious behavior. This fragmented, reductive view is associated with a bottom up matter- mind-consciousness ontology. In this view, consciousness is an emergent property of random bits of matter/energy that bind together from lower-order physical processes into higher-order, unitary biological organisms which then develop apparent causal influence on their parts. How the closed chain of cause and effect could unlink itself and insert a conscious observer with causal efficacy in the physical is utterly mysterious. In this view, consciousness must be a powerless epiphenomenon, or be non-existent and thus a fundamental misperception in humans that begs explanation. This view is

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 26 ISSN 2250-3153 characteristic of reasoning and sensory experience in the ordinary waking state of consciousness, in which there is a fundamental fragmentation of experience into the outer objective world and inner subjectivity that the reductive physicalist paradigm cannot reconcile. In contrast, the holistic view in Vedic science is a top down consciousness-mind-matter ontology, in which everything in nature progressively emerges within the perfectly orderly unified field, Pure Being (See Satre). All phenomenal existence remains within the unified field and condenses through sequential symmetry breaking into manifest creation (this is also attributed to disequilibrium in Rajas, Tamas, Sattva, without any exogeneous endomorphism), from higher order holistic processes to lower-order inert parts. That view is systematically unfolded in Rig Veda, and extensively described in Vedic literature such as Vedanta, Sankhya, and Ayurveda. It is consistent with developing unified field theories, spontaneous sequential symmetry breaking, quantum decoherence, the ‗arrow of time,‘ and the 2ndlaw of thermodynamics that imply the universe emerged from the lowest entropy, supersymmetric unified state. From that view, the origin of the universe can be characterized as a ‗Big Condensation‘ rather than ‗Big Bang,‘ because all phenomenal existence remains within the unified field, rather than blasting out from nothing to create everything including space-time. These contrasting reductive and holistic views are reconciled in the natural development of higher states of consciousness beyond the ordinary waking state. The Vedic science of Yoga provides systematic means to validate the consciousness-mind-matter ontology, epistemology, and phenomenology through direct empirical experience of gross and subtle diversified fields of nature )



(8)Freewill-Destiny( Freewill is the indiscreet usage of discretionary powers vested be it in giving Credits or allowing mortgages, and Destiny is what follows, be it Governmental intervention or suspension of “fat cats” of wall street!-Please see Abstract



퐺40: 퐶퐴푇퐸퐺푂푅푌 푂푁퐸 푂퐹 퐹푅퐸퐸 푊퐼퐿퐿

퐺41 : 퐶퐴푇퐸퐺푂푅푌 푇푊푂 푂퐹퐹푅퐸퐸푊퐼퐿퐿(Quantum mechanics and Free will is a -a wheedling in to will o the wisp .On to quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics is thought to restore the possibility of free will (also miracles, but that's another topic) because it is completely random and therefore non- deterministic. But the more accurate description is that quantum mechanics is stochastic, not random. You cannot predict the outcome of a particular measurement, but you can predict the probabilities of different outcomes. In fact, in principle you can predict those probabilities exactly. If there were any way to influence the outcomes of the probabilities, there would, in principle, be an experiment that measures this skewing of probabilities. Such an experiment would contradict the stochastic nature of quantum mechanics)

퐺42 : 퐶퐴푇퐸퐺푂푅푌 푇퐻푅퐸퐸 푂퐹 퐹푅퐸퐸푊퐼퐿퐿

푇40: 퐶퐴푇퐸퐺푂푅푌 푂푁퐸 퐷퐸푆푇퐼푁푌


푇42: 퐶퐴푇퐸퐺푂푅푌 푇퐻푅퐸퐸 푂퐹 퐷퐸푆푇퐼푁푌푅퐸푁푂푅푀퐴퐿퐼푍퐴푇퐼푂푁. =

======International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 27 ISSN 2250-3153






















International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 28 ISSN 2250-3153



















International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 29 ISSN 2250-3153












퐺33 : CATEGORY TWO OF RAJAS(DYNAMISM- Principle of spontaneously broken symmetry locates deeply hidden symmetries of nature at fundamental space-time scales and explains the emergence of diverse forces from an initially unified field. Profound symmetry principle called super symmetry is capable of unifying force fields and matter fields in the context of a single field. Superstring theories, includes a discussion of quantum field theory, spontaneous symmetry breaking and the Higgs mechanism, electro-weak unification and grand unification, super symmetry, super gravity and superstring theories, with its quantum mechanical and field theoretic aspects of the systems under investigation. This is to be understood that all theories be they general are applicable to individual systems like the assets and Liabilities conservativeness of the Bank is applicable to conservativeness of individual Debit and Credits, and then the holistic ―General Ledger ―that is constitutive of the ―general theory‖ we are trying to expound here..)


푇32 : CATEGORY ONE OF TAMAS (Inertia in individuals, policy paralysis in nations, we have seen and the pernicious ramifications and conjugatory confatalia thereof. These are instances which lead to measurable loss individually and nationally and internationally. At the subatomic level, inertia as Zero Point Lorentz force has been studied by many scholars notably Puthoff and Alfonso Rueda and Bernhard Haisch under the hypothesis that ordinary matter is ultimately made of sub elementary constitutive primary charged entities or ‗‗partons‘‘ bound in the manner of traditional elementary Planck oscillators (a time-honored classical technique), and is shown that a Lorentz force (specifically, the magnetic component of the Lorentz force) arises in any accelerated reference frame from the interaction of the

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 30 ISSN 2250-3153 partons with the vacuum electromagnetic zero-point field (ZPF). Partons, though asymptotically free at the highest frequencies, are endowed with a sufficiently large ‗‗bare mass‘‘ to allow interactions with the ZPF at very high frequencies up to the Planck frequencies. This Lorentz force, though originating at the sub elementary parton level, appears to produce an opposition to the acceleration of material objects at a macroscopic level having the correct characteristics to account for the property of inertia. And hence the proposition that inertia is an electromagnetic resistance arising from the known spectral distortion of the ZPF in accelerated frames. The proposed concept also suggests a physically rigorous version of Mach‘s principle. Moreover, some preliminary independent corroboration is suggested for ideas proposed by Sakharov (Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 177, 70 (1968) [Sov. Phys. Dokl. 12, 1040 (1968)]) and further explored by one of H. E. Puthoff, Phys. Rev. A 39, 2333 (1989)] concerning a ZPF-based model of Newtonian gravity, and for the equivalence of inertial and gravitational mass as dictated by the principle of equivalence.)



======(7) Rajas-Sattva (Reactionary potential the cataclysmic war, murder, mayhem, plunder, pillage, nemesis, apocalypse are “height” of the reactionary measure and the “silence” is a measure of the “depth “of the reactionary potential. Statistical Mechanics provides a rich repository and receptacle for the calculations of such “reactions” and “stimulus” taking in to consideration that each individual account will be maintained in the “Akasha”, from which it can be down loaded. Please see “Neuron DNA” hypothetical particle. We are here talking of the stimulus and the concomitant response and the positive effects or detrimental ramifications that are caused by such response)




퐺37 : CATEGORY TWO OF RAJAS(Unconditioned Consciousness, Infinite Information, Potential Energy, and Time are all interrelated to each other with ensorcelled frenzy and nonlinear franticness - interested reader is referred to Leon H.Maurer- Potential consciousness, time, mass/energy and infinite holographic information are rooted in original spin momentum of unconditioned pre-cosmic (empty) space – the absolute source of all relative phenomenal existence. One of the major problems in physics is that the origin and nature of time and consciousness, along with the experience of Consciousness, cannot be satisfactorily explained in physical/material terms without running into explanatory gaps and ―hard problems‖ (Chalmers, 1995). How does the brain produce the experience of qualia? What is the nature of a color seen in the mind? Of what does the mind consist? How does the mind bind to the brain? Why and how is the experience of consciousness localized, e.g., feeling pain in a finger, taste on the tongue, smell in the nose, etc.? By what means of calculation does the brain and mind (or our thinking mechanisms) enable us to know (relative to our individual point of view) the exact coordinate position of any point or part of our body relative to any other point on the body, as well as relative to any point in the outer world view –Kind attention is also drawn to authors paper ―God does not put signature Nuncupative or Episcopal, wherein detailed explanation of sattva and Quantum field is investigated)


International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 31 ISSN 2250-3153


푇36 : CATEGORY ONE OF SATTVA (Individual here has measured reactionary potential, and that tendencies and predilections of murder mayhem, plunder ,pillage are nonexistent so the disastrous consequences are less .There were no initial conditions, disembodied resemblances, differential relations, contiguous similarities, presupposition antigeneralities, inherent nature, order, purpose, design, or underlying nonphysical existence from which the big bang emerged. Quantized gravity and Higgs fields were subject to invariant laws of nature. (For details see Boyer) Spontaneous symmetry breaking lead to congealed into stars, planets, organic molecules, living cellular organisms possibly with proto- conscious mentality, and later into humans with complex enough nervous systems to generate higher- order conscious behavior. This fragmented, reductive view is associated with a bottom up matter- mind-consciousness ontology. In this view, consciousness is an emergent property of random bits of matter/energy that bind together from lower-order physical processes into higher-order, unitary biological organisms which then develop apparent causal influence on their parts. How the closed chain of cause and effect could unlink itself and insert a conscious observer with causal efficacy in the physical is utterly mysterious. In this view, consciousness must be a powerless epiphenomenon, or be non-existent and thus a fundamental misperception in humans that begs explanation. This view is characteristic of reasoning and sensory experience in the ordinary waking state of consciousness, in which there is a fundamental fragmentation of experience into the outer objective world and inner subjectivity that the reductive physicalist paradigm cannot reconcile. In contrast, the holistic view in Vedic science is a top down consciousness-mind-matter ontology, in which everything in nature progressively emerges within the perfectly orderly unified field, Pure Being (See Satre). All phenomenal existence remains within the unified field and condenses through sequential symmetry breaking into manifest creation (this is also attributed to disequilibrium in Rajas, Tamas, Sattva, without any exogeneous endomorphism), from higher order holistic processes to lower-order inert parts. That view is systematically unfolded in Rig Veda, and extensively described in Vedic literature such as Vedanta, Sankhya, and Ayurveda. It is consistent with developing unified field theories, spontaneous sequential symmetry breaking, quantum decoherence, the ‗arrow of time,‘ and the 2ndlaw of thermodynamics that imply the universe emerged from the lowest entropy, supersymmetric unified state. From that view, the origin of the universe can be characterized as a ‗Big Condensation‘ rather than ‗Big Bang,‘ because all phenomenal existence remains within the unified field, rather than blasting out from nothing to create everything including space-time. These contrasting reductive and holistic views are reconciled in the natural development of higher states of consciousness beyond the ordinary waking state. The Vedic science of Yoga provides systematic means to validate the consciousness-mind-matter ontology, epistemology, and phenomenology through direct empirical experience of gross and subtle diversified fields of nature )



(8)Freewill-Destiny( Freewill is the indiscreet usage of discretionary powers vested be it in giving Credits or allowing mortgages, and Destiny is what follows, be it Governmental intervention or suspension of “fat cats” of wall street!-Please see Abstract



퐺40: 퐶퐴푇퐸퐺푂푅푌 푂푁퐸 푂퐹 퐹푅퐸퐸 푊퐼퐿퐿

퐺41 : 퐶퐴푇퐸퐺푂푅푌 푇푊푂 푂퐹퐹푅퐸퐸푊퐼퐿 퐿(Quantum mechanics and Free will is a -a wheedling in to will o the wisp .On to quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics is thought to restore the possibility of free will (also miracles, but that's another topic) because it is completely random and therefore non-

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 32 ISSN 2250-3153 deterministic. But the more accurate description is that quantum mechanics is stochastic, not random. You cannot predict the outcome of a particular measurement, but you can predict the probabilities of different outcomes. In fact, in principle you can predict those probabilities exactly. If there were any way to influence the outcomes of the probabilities, there would, in principle, be an experiment that measures this skewing of probabilities. Such an experiment would contradict the stochastic nature of quantum mechanics)

퐺42 : 퐶퐴푇퐸퐺푂푅푌 푇퐻푅퐸퐸 푂퐹 퐹푅퐸퐸푊퐼퐿퐿

푇40: 퐶퐴푇퐸퐺푂푅푌 푂푁퐸 퐷퐸푆푇퐼푁푌


푇42: 퐶퐴푇퐸퐺푂푅푌 푇퐻푅퐸퐸 푂퐹 퐷퐸푆푇퐼푁푌푅퐸푁푂푅푀퐴퐿퐼푍퐴푇퐼푂푁.



1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 푎13 , 푎14 , 푎15 , 푏13 , 푏14 , 푏15 푎16 , 푎17 , 푎18 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 푏16 , 푏17 , 푏18 : 푎20 , 푎21 , 푎22 , 푏20 , 푏21 , 푏22 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 푎24 , 푎25 , 푎26 , 푏24 , 푏25 , 푏26 , 푏28 , 푏29 , 푏30 , 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 푎28 , 푎29 , 푎30 , 푎32 , 푎33 , 푎34 , 푏32 , 푏33 , 푏34 are Accentuation coefficients

′ 1 ′ 1 ′ 1 ′ 1 ′ 1 ′ 1 ′ 2 ′ 2 ′ 2 푎13 , 푎14 , 푎15 , 푏13 , 푏14 , 푏15 , 푎16 , 푎17 , 푎18 , ′ 2 ′ 2 ′ 2 ′ 3 ′ 3 ′ 3 ′ 3 ′ 3 ′ 3 푏16 , 푏17 , 푏18 , 푎20 , 푎21 , 푎22 , 푏20 , 푏21 , 푏22 ′ 4 ′ 4 ′ 4 ′ 4 ′ 4 ′ 4 ′ 5 ′ 5 ′ 5 푎24 , 푎25 , 푎26 , 푏24 , 푏25 , 푏26 , 푏28 , 푏29 , 푏30 ′ 5 ′ 5 ′ 5 ′ 6 ′ 6 ′ 6 ′ 6 ′ 6 ′ 6 푎28 , 푎29 , 푎30 , 푎32 , 푎33 , 푎34 , 푏32 , 푏33 , 푏34 are Dissipation coefficients


푑퐺 14 = 푎 1 퐺 − 푎′ 1 + 푎′′ 1 푇 , 푡 퐺 3 푑푡 14 13 14 14 14 14

푑퐺 15 = 푎 1 퐺 − 푎′ 1 + 푎′′ 1 푇 , 푡 퐺 4 푑푡 15 14 15 15 14 15

푑푇 13 = 푏 1 푇 − 푏′ 1 − 푏′′ 1 퐺, 푡 푇 5 푑푡 13 14 13 13 13

푑푇 14 = 푏 1 푇 − 푏′ 1 − 푏′′ 1 퐺, 푡 푇 6 푑푡 14 13 14 14 14

푑푇 15 = 푏 1 푇 − 푏′ 1 − 푏′′ 1 퐺, 푡 푇 7 푑푡 15 14 15 15 15

′′ 1 + 푎13 푇14 , 푡 = First augmentation factor 8

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 33 ISSN 2250-3153

′′ 1 − 푏13 퐺, 푡 = First detritions factor

: 9


The differential system of this model is now ( Module numbered two)

푑퐺 16 = 푎 2 퐺 − 푎′ 2 + 푎′′ 2 푇 , 푡 퐺 10 푑푡 16 17 16 16 17 16

푑퐺 17 = 푎 2 퐺 − 푎′ 2 + 푎′′ 2 푇 , 푡 퐺 11 푑푡 17 16 17 17 17 17

푑퐺 18 = 푎 2 퐺 − 푎′ 2 + 푎′′ 2 푇 , 푡 퐺 12 푑푡 18 17 18 18 17 18

푑푇 16 = 푏 2 푇 − 푏′ 2 − 푏′′ 2 퐺 , 푡 푇 13 푑푡 16 17 16 16 19 16

푑푇 17 = 푏 2 푇 − 푏′ 2 − 푏′′ 2 퐺 , 푡 푇 14 푑푡 17 16 17 17 19 17

푑푇 18 = 푏 2 푇 − 푏′ 2 − 푏′′ 2 퐺 , 푡 푇 15 푑푡 18 17 18 18 19 18

′′ 2 + 푎16 푇17 , 푡 = First augmentation factor 16

′′ 2 − 푏16 퐺19 , 푡 = First detritions factor 17


The differential system of this model is now (Module numbered three)

푑퐺 20 = 푎 3 퐺 − 푎′ 3 + 푎′′ 3 푇 , 푡 퐺 19 푑푡 20 21 20 20 21 20

푑퐺 21 = 푎 3 퐺 − 푎′ 3 + 푎′′ 3 푇 , 푡 퐺 20 푑푡 21 20 21 21 21 21

푑퐺 22 = 푎 3 퐺 − 푎′ 3 + 푎′′ 3 푇 , 푡 퐺 21 푑푡 22 21 22 22 21 22

푑푇 20 = 푏 3 푇 − 푏′ 3 − 푏′′ 3 퐺 , 푡 푇 22 푑푡 20 21 20 20 23 20

푑푇 21 = 푏 3 푇 − 푏′ 3 − 푏′′ 3 퐺 , 푡 푇 23 푑푡 21 20 21 21 23 21

푑푇 22 = 푏 3 푇 − 푏′ 3 − 푏′′ 3 퐺 , 푡 푇 24 푑푡 22 21 22 22 23 22

′′ 3 + 푎20 푇21 , 푡 = First augmentation factor

′′ 3 − 푏20 퐺23, 푡 = First detritions factor 25

) 26


The differential system of this model is now (Module numbered Four)

푑퐺 24 = 푎 4 퐺 − 푎′ 4 + 푎′′ 4 푇 , 푡 퐺 27 푑푡 24 25 24 24 25 24

푑퐺 25 = 푎 4 퐺 − 푎′ 4 + 푎′′ 4 푇 , 푡 퐺 28 푑푡 25 24 25 25 25 25

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 34 ISSN 2250-3153

푑퐺 26 = 푎 4 퐺 − 푎′ 4 + 푎′′ 4 푇 , 푡 퐺 29 푑푡 26 25 26 26 25 26

푑푇 24 = 푏 4 푇 − 푏′ 4 − 푏′′ 4 퐺 , 푡 푇 30 푑푡 24 25 24 24 27 24

푑푇 25 = 푏 4 푇 − 푏′ 4 − 푏′′ 4 퐺 , 푡 푇 31 푑푡 25 24 25 25 27 25

푑푇 26 = 푏 4 푇 − 푏′ 4 − 푏′′ 4 퐺 , 푡 푇 32 푑푡 26 25 26 26 27 26

′′ 4 + 푎24 푇25 , 푡 = First augmentation factor 33

′′ 4 − 푏24 퐺27 , 푡 = First detritions factor 34

: 35


The differential system of this model is now (Module number five)

푑퐺 28 = 푎 5 퐺 − 푎′ 5 + 푎′′ 5 푇 , 푡 퐺 36 푑푡 28 29 28 28 29 28

푑퐺 29 = 푎 5 퐺 − 푎′ 5 + 푎′′ 5 푇 , 푡 퐺 37 푑푡 29 28 29 29 29 29

푑퐺 30 = 푎 5 퐺 − 푎′ 5 + 푎′′ 5 푇 , 푡 퐺 38 푑푡 30 29 30 30 29 30

푑푇 28 = 푏 5 푇 − 푏′ 5 − 푏′′ 5 퐺 , 푡 푇 39 푑푡 28 29 28 28 31 28

푑푇 29 = 푏 5 푇 − 푏′ 5 − 푏′′ 5 퐺 , 푡 푇 40 푑푡 29 28 29 29 31 29

푑푇 30 = 푏 5 푇 − 푏′ 5 − 푏′′ 5 퐺 , 푡 푇 41 푑푡 30 29 30 30 31 30

′′ 5 + 푎28 푇29, 푡 = First augmentation factor 42

′′ 5 − 푏28 퐺31 , 푡 = First detritions factor 43


: 45


The differential system of this model is now (Module numbered Six)

푑퐺 32 = 푎 6 퐺 − 푎′ 6 + 푎′′ 6 푇 , 푡 퐺 46 푑푡 32 33 32 32 33 32

푑퐺 33 = 푎 6 퐺 − 푎′ 6 + 푎′′ 6 푇 , 푡 퐺 47 푑푡 33 32 33 33 33 33

푑퐺 34 = 푎 6 퐺 − 푎′ 6 + 푎′′ 6 푇 , 푡 퐺 48 푑푡 34 33 34 34 33 34

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 35 ISSN 2250-3153

푑푇 32 = 푏 6 푇 − 푏′ 6 − 푏′′ 6 퐺 , 푡 푇 49 푑푡 32 33 32 32 35 32

푑푇 33 = 푏 6 푇 − 푏′ 6 − 푏′′ 6 퐺 , 푡 푇 50 푑푡 33 32 33 33 35 33

푑푇 34 = 푏 6 푇 − 푏′ 6 − 푏′′ 6 퐺 , 푡 푇 51 푑푡 34 33 34 34 35 34

′′ 6 + 푎32 푇33 , 푡 = First augmentation factor 52

) 53


The differential system of this model is now (SEVENTH MODULE)

푑퐺 36 = 푎 7 퐺 − 푎′ 7 + 푎′′ 7 푇 , 푡 퐺 54 푑푡 36 37 36 36 37 36

푑퐺 37 = 푎 7 퐺 − 푎′ 7 + 푎′′ 7 푇 , 푡 퐺 55 푑푡 37 36 37 37 37 37

푑퐺 38 = 푎 7 퐺 − 푎′ 7 + 푎′′ 7 푇 , 푡 퐺 56 푑푡 38 37 38 38 37 38

푑푇 36 = 푏 7 푇 − 푏′ 7 − 푏′′ 7 퐺 , 푡 푇 57 푑푡 36 37 36 36 39 36

푑푇 37 = 푏 7 푇 − 푏′ 7 − 푏′′ 7 퐺 , 푡 푇 58 푑푡 37 36 37 37 39 37


푑푇 38 = 푏 7 푇 − 푏′ 7 − 푏′′ 7 퐺 , 푡 푇 60 푑푡 38 37 38 38 39 38

′′ 7 + 푎36 푇37 , 푡 = First augmentation factor 61



The differential system of this model is now

푑퐺 40 = 푎 8 퐺 − 푎′ 8 + 푎′′ 8 푇 , 푡 퐺 63 푑푡 40 41 40 40 41 40

푑퐺 41 = 푎 8 퐺 − 푎′ 8 + 푎′′ 8 푇 , 푡 퐺 64 푑푡 41 40 41 41 41 41

푑퐺 42 = 푎 8 퐺 − 푎′ 8 + 푎′′ 8 푇 , 푡 퐺 65 푑푡 42 41 42 42 41 42

푑푇 40 = 푏 8 푇 − 푏′ 8 − 푏′′ 8 퐺 , 푡 푇 66 푑푡 40 41 40 40 43 40

푑푇 41 = 푏 8 푇 − 푏′ 8 − 푏′′ 8 퐺 , 푡 푇 67 푑푡 41 40 41 41 43 41

푑푇 42 = 푏 8 푇 − 푏′ 8 − 푏′′ 8 퐺 , 푡 푇 68 푑푡 42 41 42 42 43 42

′′ 7 − 푏36 퐺39 , 푡 = First detritions factor 69

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 36 ISSN 2250-3153


′ 1 ′′ 1 ′′ 2,2, ′′ 3,3, 푎13 + 푎13 푇14 , 푡 + 푎16 푇17 , 푡 + 푎20 푇21 , 푡 푑퐺 13 = 푎 1 퐺 − + 푎′′ 4,4,4,4, 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 5,5,5,5, 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 6,6,6,6, 푇 , 푡 퐺 푑푡 13 14 24 25 28 29 32 33 13 ′′ 7 ′′ 8 + 푎36 푇37, 푡 + 푎40 푇41, 푡

′ 1 ′′ 1 ′′ 2,2, ′′ 3,3, 푎14 + 푎14 푇14, 푡 + 푎17 푇17 , 푡 + 푎21 푇21 , 푡 푑퐺 14 = 푎 1 퐺 − + 푎′′ 4,4,4,4, 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 5,5,5,5, 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 6,6,6,6, 푇 , 푡 퐺 70 푑푡 14 13 25 25 29 29 33 33 14 ′′ 7 ′′ 8 + 푎37 푇37 , 푡 + 푎41 푇41 , 푡

′ 1 ′′ 1 ′′ 2,2, ′′ 3,3, 푎15 + 푎15 푇14 , 푡 + 푎18 푇17 , 푡 + 푎22 푇21 , 푡

푑퐺 ′′ 4,4,4,4, ′′ 5,5,5,5, ′′ 6,6,6,6, 15 = 푎 1 퐺 − + 푎26 푇25, 푡 + 푎30 푇29, 푡 + 푎34 푇33 , 푡 퐺 푑푡 15 14 15 ′′ 7 ′′ 8 + 푎38 푇37 , 푡 + 푎42 푇41 , 푡

′′ 1 ′′ 1 ′′ 1 Where 푎13 푇14 , 푡 , 푎14 푇14, 푡 , 푎15 푇14 , 푡 are first augmentation coefficients for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 2,2, ′′ 2,2, ′′ 2,2, + 푎16 푇17 , 푡 , + 푎17 푇17, 푡 , + 푎18 푇17 , 푡 are second augmentation coefficient for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 3,3, ′′ 3,3, ′′ 3,3, + 푎20 푇21 , 푡 , + 푎21 푇21 , 푡 , + 푎22 푇21 , 푡 are third augmentation coefficient for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 4,4,4,4, ′′ 4,4,4,4, ′′ 4,4,4,4, + 푎24 푇25, 푡 , + 푎25 푇25, 푡 , + 푎26 푇25, 푡 are fourth augmentation coefficient for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 5,5,5,5, ′′ 5,5,5,5, ′′ 5,5,5,5, + 푎28 푇29, 푡 , + 푎29 푇29, 푡 , + 푎30 푇29, 푡 are fifth augmentation coefficient for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 6,6,6,6, ′′ 6,6,6,6, ′′ 6,6,6,6, + 푎32 푇33, 푡 , + 푎33 푇33 , 푡 , + 푎34 푇33, 푡 are sixth augmentation coefficient for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 7 ′′ 7 ′′ 7 + 푎36 푇37 , 푡 + 푎37 푇37, 푡 + 푎38 푇37, 푡 ARESEVENTHAUGMENTATION COEFFICIENTS

′′ 8 ′′ 8 ′′ 8 + 푎42 푇40 , 푡 + 푎42 푇41, 푡 + 푎42 푇41, 푡 ARE EIGHTH AUGMENTATION COEFFICIENTS

′ 1 ′′ 1 ′′ 7, ′′ 3,3, 푏13 − 푏16 퐺, 푡 − 푏36 퐺39, 푡 – 푏20 퐺23, 푡

푑푇13 1 − 푏′′ 4,4,4,4, 퐺 , 푡 − 푏′′ 5,5,5,5, 퐺 , 푡 – 푏′′ 6,6,6,6, 퐺 , 푡 = 푏13 푇14 − 24 27 28 31 32 35 푇13 푑푡 ′′ 7, ′′ 8, − 푏36 퐺39, 푡 − 푏40 퐺43 , 푡

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 37 ISSN 2250-3153

′ 1 ′′ 1 ′′ 2,2, ′′ 3,3, 푏14 − 푏14 퐺, 푡 − 푏17 퐺19, 푡 – 푏21 퐺23, 푡

푑푇 14 = 푏 1 푇 − − 푏′′ 4,4,4,4, 퐺 , 푡 – 푏′′ 5,5,5,5, 퐺 , 푡 – 푏′′ 6,6,6,6, 퐺 , 푡 푇 푑푡 14 13 25 27 29 31 33 35 14

′′ 7, ′′ 8, − 푏37 퐺39, 푡 − 푏41 퐺43 , 푡

′ 1 ′′ 1 ′′ 2,2, ′′ 3,3, 푏15 − 푏15 퐺, 푡 − 푏18 퐺19, 푡 – 푏22 퐺23, 푡 푑푇 15 = 푏 1 푇 − ′′ 4,4,4,4, ′′ 5,5,5,5, ′′ 6,6,6,6, 푇 푑푡 15 14 – 푏26 퐺27, 푡 – 푏30 퐺31, 푡 – 푏34 퐺35, 푡 15 ′′ 7, ′′ 8, − 푏38 퐺39, 푡 − 푏42 퐺41, 푡

′′ 1 ′′ 1 ′′ 1 Where − 푏13 퐺, 푡 , − 푏14 퐺, 푡 , − 푏15 퐺, 푡 are first detritions coefficients for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 2,2, ′′ 2,2, ′′ 2,2, − 푏16 퐺19, 푡 , − 푏17 퐺19, 푡 , − 푏18 퐺19, 푡 are second detritions coefficients for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 3,3, ′′ 3,3, ′′ 3,3, − 푏20 퐺23, 푡 , − 푏21 퐺23, 푡 , − 푏22 퐺23, 푡 are third detritions coefficients for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 4,4,4,4, ′′ 4,4,4,4, ′′ 4,4,4,4, − 푏24 퐺27, 푡 , − 푏25 퐺27, 푡 , − 푏26 퐺27, 푡 are fourth detritions coefficients for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 5,5,5,5, ′′ 5,5,5,5, ′′ 5,5,5,5, − 푏28 퐺31, 푡 , − 푏29 퐺31, 푡 , − 푏30 퐺31, 푡 are fifth detritions coefficients for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 6,6,6,6, ′′ 6,6,6,6, ′′ 6,6,6,6, − 푏32 퐺35, 푡 , − 푏33 퐺35, 푡 , − 푏34 퐺35, 푡 are sixth detritions coefficients for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 7, ′′ 7, ′′ 7, − 푏36 퐺39, 푡 − 푏36 퐺39, 푡 − 푏36 퐺39, 푡 ARE SEVENTH DETRITION COEFFICIENTS

′′ 8, ′′ 8, ′′ 8, − 푏40 퐺41 , 푡 − 푏41 퐺41 , 푡 − 푏42 퐺41, 푡 ARE EIGHTH DETRIONCOEFFICIENTS


′ 2 ′′ 2 ′′ 1,1, ′′ 3,3,3 71 푎16 + 푎16 푇17 , 푡 + 푎13 푇14 , 푡 + 푎20 푇21 , 푡 푑퐺16 = 푎 2 퐺 − + 푎′′ 4,4,4,4,4 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 5,5,5,5,5 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 6,6,6,6,6 푇 , 푡 푑푡 16 17 24 25 28 29 32 33 ′′ 7,7, ′′ 8,8 + 푎36 푇37, 푡 + 푎40 푇41, 푡

′′ 1 ′′ 1 ′′ 1 72 Where − 푏13 퐺, 푡 , − 푏14 퐺, 푡 , − 푏15 퐺, 푡 are first detrition coefficients for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 2,2, ′′ 2,2, ′′ 2,2, − 푏16 퐺19, 푡 , − 푏17 퐺19, 푡 , − 푏18 퐺19, 푡 are second detritions coefficients for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 3,3, ′′ 3,3, ′′ 3,3, − 푏20 퐺23, 푡 , − 푏21 퐺23, 푡 , − 푏22 퐺23, 푡 are third detritions coefficients for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 4,4,4,4, ′′ 4,4,4,4, ′′ 4,4,4,4, − 푏24 퐺27, 푡 , − 푏25 퐺27, 푡 , − 푏26 퐺27, 푡 are fourth detritions

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 38 ISSN 2250-3153 coefficients for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 5,5,5,5, ′′ 5,5,5,5, ′′ 5,5,5,5, − 푏28 퐺31, 푡 , − 푏29 퐺31, 푡 , − 푏30 퐺31, 푡 are fifth detritions coefficients for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 6,6,6,6, ′′ 6,6,6,6, ′′ 6,6,6,6, − 푏32 퐺35, 푡 , − 푏33 퐺35, 푡 , − 푏34 퐺35, 푡 are sixth detritions coefficients for category 1, 2 and 3

′ 2 ′′ 2 ′′ 1,1, ′′ 3,3,3 73 푎17 + 푎17 푇17 , 푡 + 푎14 푇14, 푡 + 푎21 푇21, 푡

푑퐺17 2 ′′ 4,4,4,4,4 ′′ 5,5,5,5,5 ′′ 6,6,6,6,6 = 푎 퐺 − + 푎25 푇25 , 푡 + 푎29 푇29, 푡 + 푎33 푇33, 푡 퐺 푑푡 17 16 17

′′ 7,7, ′′ 8,8 + 푎37 푇37 , 푡 + 푎41 푇41, 푡

′ 2 ′′ 2 ′′ 1,1, ′′ 3,3,3 74 푎18 + 푎18 푇17 , 푡 + 푎15 푇14, 푡 + 푎22 푇21, 푡 푑퐺 18 = 푎 2 퐺 − + 푎′′ 4,4,4,4,4 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 5,5,5,5,5 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 6,6,6,6,6 푇 , 푡 퐺 푑푡 18 17 26 25 30 29 34 33 18 ′′ 7,7, ′′ 8,8 + 푎38 푇37 , 푡 + 푎42 푇41, 푡

′′ 2 ′′ 2 ′′ 2 75 Where + 푎16 푇17, 푡 , + 푎17 푇17 , 푡 , + 푎18 푇17 , 푡 are first augmentation coefficients for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 1,1, ′′ 1,1, ′′ 1,1, + 푎13 푇14 , 푡 , + 푎14 푇14 , 푡 , + 푎15 푇14 , 푡 are second augmentation coefficient for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 3,3,3 ′′ 3,3,3 ′′ 3,3,3 + 푎20 푇21 , 푡 , + 푎21 푇21, 푡 , + 푎22 푇21, 푡 are third augmentation coefficient for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 4,4,4,4,4 ′′ 4,4,4,4,4 ′′ 4,4,4,4,4 + 푎24 푇25 , 푡 , + 푎25 푇25 , 푡 , + 푎26 푇25 , 푡 are fourth augmentation coefficient for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 5,5,5,5,5 ′′ 5,5,5,5,5 ′′ 5,5,5,5,5 + 푎28 푇29, 푡 , + 푎29 푇29, 푡 , + 푎30 푇29, 푡 are fifth augmentation coefficient for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 6,6,6,6,6 ′′ 6,6,6,6,6 ′′ 6,6,6,6,6 + 푎32 푇33 , 푡 , + 푎33 푇33 , 푡 , + 푎34 푇33, 푡 are sixth augmentation coefficient for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 7,7, ′′ 7,7, ′′ 7,7, 76 + 푎36 푇37 , 푡 + 푎37 푇37, 푡 + 푎38 푇37, 푡 ARE SEVENTH DETRITION


′′ 8 ′′ 8 ′′ 8 + 푎40 푇41 , 푡 + 푎41 푇41, 푡 + 푎42 푇41, 푡 ARE EIGHT AUGMENTATION COEFFICIENTS

′ 2 ′′ 2 ′′ 1,1, ′′ 3,3,3, 77 푏16 − 푏16 퐺19, 푡 − 푏13 퐺, 푡 – 푏20 퐺23, 푡 푑푇 16 = 푏 2 푇 − ′′ 4,4,4,4,4 ′′ 5,5,5,5,5 ′′ 6,6,6,6,6 푇 푑푡 16 17 − 푏24 퐺27, 푡 – 푏28 퐺31, 푡 – 푏32 퐺35, 푡 16 ′′ 7,7 ′′ 8,8, − 푏36 퐺39, 푡 − 푏40 퐺43, 푡

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 39 ISSN 2250-3153

′ 2 ′′ 2 ′′ 1,1, ′′ 3,3,3, 78 푏17 − 푏17 퐺19, 푡 − 푏14 퐺, 푡 – 푏21 퐺23, 푡 푑푇 17 = 푏 2 푇 − ′′ 4,4,4,4,4 ′′ 5,5,5,5,5 ′′ 6,6,6,6,6 푇 푑푡 17 16 – 푏25 퐺27, 푡 – 푏29 퐺31, 푡 – 푏33 퐺35, 푡 17 ′′ 7,7 ′′ 8,8, − 푏37 퐺39, 푡 − 푏41 퐺43 , 푡

′ 2 ′′ 2 ′′ 1,1, ′′ 3,3,3, 79 푏18 − 푏18 퐺19, 푡 − 푏15 퐺, 푡 – 푏22 퐺23, 푡 푑푇 18 = 푏 2 푇 − ′′ 4,4,4,4,4 ′′ 5,5,5,5,5 ′′ 6,6,6,6,6 푇 푑푡 18 17 − 푏26 퐺27, 푡 – 푏30 퐺31, 푡 – 푏34 퐺35, 푡 18 ′′ 7,7 ′′ 8,8, − 푏38 퐺39, 푡 − 푏42 퐺43 , 푡



푑퐺 20 = 81 푑푡 ′ 3 ′′ 3 ′′ 2,2,2 ′′ 1,1,1, 푎20 + 푎20 푇21, 푡 + 푎16 푇17 , 푡 + 푎13 푇14 , 푡

3 + 푎′′ 4,4,4,4,4,4 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 5,5,5,5,5,5 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 6,6,6,6,6,6 푇 , 푡 푎20 퐺21 − 24 25 28 29 32 33 퐺20

′′ 7.7.7. ′′ 8,8,8 + 푎36 푇37 , 푡 + 푎40 푇41, 푡

′ 3 ′′ 3 ′′ 2,2,2 ′′ 1,1,1, 82 푎21 + 푎21 푇21 , 푡 + 푎17 푇17 , 푡 + 푎14 푇14 , 푡 푑퐺 21 = 푎 3 퐺 − + 푎′′ 4,4,4,4,4,4 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 5,5,5,5,5,5 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 6,6,6,6,6,6 푇 , 푡 퐺 푑푡 21 20 25 25 29 29 33 33 21 ′′ 7.7.7. ′′ 8,8,8 + 푎37 푇37 , 푡 + 푎41 푇41, 푡

′ 3 ′′ 3 ′′ 2,2,2 ′′ 1,1,1, 83 푎22 + 푎22 푇21, 푡 + 푎18 푇17 , 푡 + 푎15 푇14 , 푡 푑퐺 22 = 푎 3 퐺 − + 푎′′ 4,4,4,4,4,4 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 5,5,5,5,5,5 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 6,6,6,6,6,6 푇 , 푡 퐺 푑푡 22 21 26 25 30 29 34 33 22 ′′ 7.7.7. ′′ 8,8,8 + 푎38 푇37, 푡 + 푎42 푇41, 푡


′′ 3 ′′ 3 ′′ 3 + 푎20 푇21 , 푡 , + 푎21 푇21, 푡 , + 푎22 푇21 , 푡 are first augmentation coefficients for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 2,2,2 ′′ 2,2,2 ′′ 2,2,2 + 푎16 푇17 , 푡 , + 푎17 푇17 , 푡 , + 푎18 푇17 , 푡 are second augmentation coefficients for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 1,1,1, ′′ 1,1,1, ′′ 1,1,1, + 푎13 푇14 , 푡 , + 푎14 푇14 , 푡 , + 푎15 푇14 , 푡 are third augmentation coefficients for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 4,4,4,4,4,4 ′′ 4,4,4,4,4,4 ′′ 4,4,4,4,4,4 + 푎24 푇25 , 푡 , + 푎25 푇25, 푡 , + 푎26 푇25, 푡 are fourth augmentation coefficients for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 5,5,5,5,5,5 ′′ 5,5,5,5,5,5 ′′ 5,5,5,5,5,5 + 푎28 푇29, 푡 , + 푎29 푇29, 푡 , + 푎30 푇29, 푡 are fifth augmentation coefficients for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 6,6,6,6,6,6 ′′ 6,6,6,6,6,6 ′′ 6,6,6,6,6,6 + 푎32 푇33 , 푡 , + 푎 33 푇33 , 푡 , + 푎34 푇33 , 푡 are sixth augmentation coefficients for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 7.7.7. ′′ 7.7.7. ′′ 7.7.7. 85 + 푎36 푇37, 푡 + 푎37 푇37 , 푡 + 푎38 푇37, 푡 are seventh augmentation coefficient

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 40 ISSN 2250-3153

′′ 8 ′′ 8 ′′ 8 + 푎40 푇41 , 푡 + 푎41 푇41, 푡 + 푎42 푇41, 푡 ARE EIGHTH AUGMENTATION COEFFICIENT

푑푇 20 = 86 푑푡 ′ 3 ′′ 3 ′′ 7,7,7 ′′ 1,1,1, 푏20 − 푏20 퐺23, 푡 – 푏36 퐺19, 푡 – 푏13 퐺, 푡

3 ′′ 4,4,4,4,4,4 ′′ 5,5,5,5,5,5 ′′ 6,6,6,6,6,6 푏20 푇21 − − 푏24 퐺27, 푡 – 푏28 퐺31, 푡 – 푏32 퐺35, 푡 푇20 ′′ 7,7,7 ′′ 8,8, ′′ 8,8,8, – 푏36 퐺39, 푡 − 푏40 퐺43 , 푡 − 푏40 퐺43 , 푡

푑푇 21 = 87 푑푡 ′ 3 ′′ 3 ′′ 2,2,2 ′′ 1,1,1, 푏21 − 푏21 퐺23, 푡 – 푏17 퐺19, 푡 – 푏14 퐺, 푡

3 ′′ 4,4,4,4,4,4 ′′ 5,5,5,5,5,5 ′′ 6,6,6,6,6,6 푏21 푇20 − − 푏25 퐺27, 푡 – 푏29 퐺31, 푡 – 푏33 퐺35, 푡 푇21 ′′ 7,7,7 ′′ 8,8,8, – 푏37 퐺39, 푡 − 푏40 퐺43 , 푡

푑푇 22 = 88 푑푡 ′ 3 ′′ 3 ′′ 2,2,2 ′′ 1,1,1, 푏22 − 푏22 퐺23, 푡 – 푏18 퐺19, 푡 – 푏15 퐺, 푡

3 ′′ 4,4,4,4,4,4 ′′ 5,5,5,5,5,5 ′′ 6,6,6,6,6,6 푏22 푇21 − − 푏26 퐺27, 푡 – 푏30 퐺31, 푡 – 푏34 퐺35, 푡 푇22 ′′ 7,7,7 ′′ 8,8,8, – 푏38 퐺39, 푡 − 푏40 퐺43, 푡

′′ 3 ′′ 3 ′′ 3 89 − 푏20 퐺23, 푡 , − 푏21 퐺23, 푡 , − 푏22 퐺23, 푡 are first detritions coefficients for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 2,2,2 ′′ 2,2,2 ′′ 2,2,2 − 푏16 퐺19, 푡 , − 푏17 퐺19, 푡 , − 푏18 퐺19, 푡 are second detritions coefficients for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 1,1,1, ′′ 1,1,1, ′′ 1,1,1, − 푏13 퐺, 푡 , − 푏14 퐺, 푡 , − 푏15 퐺, 푡 are third detrition coefficients for category 1,2 and 3

′′ 4,4,4,4,4,4 ′′ 4,4,4,4,4,4 ′′ 4,4,4,4,4,4 − 푏24 퐺27, 푡 , − 푏25 퐺27, 푡 , − 푏26 퐺27, 푡 are fourth detritions coefficients for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 5,5,5,5,5,5 ′′ 5,5,5,5,5,5 ′′ 5,5,5,5,5,5 − 푏28 퐺31, 푡 , − 푏29 퐺31, 푡 , − 푏30 퐺31, 푡 are fifth detritions coefficients for category 1, 2 and 3

′′ 6,6,6,6,6,6 ′′ 6,6,6,6,6,6 ′′ 6,6,6,6,6,6 − 푏32 퐺35, 푡 , − 푏33 퐺35, 푡 , − 푏34 퐺35, 푡 are sixth detritions coefficients for category 1, 2 and 3


′′ 4 ′′ 4 ′′ 4 푊푕푒푟푒 푎24 푇25 , 푡 , 푎25 푇25 , 푡 , 푎26 푇25 , 푡 푎푟푒 푓푖푟푠푡 푎푢푔푚푒푛푡푎푡푖표푛 푐표푒푓푓푖푐푖푒푛푡푠 푓표푟 푐푎푡푒푔표푟푦 1, 2 푎푛푑 3 91 ′′ 5,5, ′′ 5,5, ′′ 5,5, + 푎28 푇29, 푡 , + 푎29 푇29, 푡 , + 푎30 푇29, 푡 푎푟푒 푠푒푐표푛푑 푎푢푔푚푒푛푡푎푡푖표푛 푐표푒푓 푓푖푐푖푒푛푡 푓표푟 푐푎푡푒푔표푟푦 1, 2 푎푛푑 3

′′ 6,6, ′′ 6,6, ′′ 6,6, + 푎32 푇33, 푡 , + 푎33 푇33, 푡 , + 푎34 푇33, 푡 푎푟푒 푡푕푖푟푑 푎푢푔푚푒푛푡푎푡푖표푛 푐표푒푓푓푖푐푖푒푛푡 푓표푟 푐푎푡푒푔표푟푦 1, 2 푎푛푑 3

′′ 1,1,1,1 ′′ 1,1,1,1 ′′ 1,1,1,1 + 푎13 푇14 , 푡 , + 푎14 푇14 , 푡 , + 푎15 푇14, 푡 are fourth augmentation coefficients for category 1, 2,and 3

′′ 2,2,2,2 ′′ 2,2,2,2 ′′ 2,2,2,2 + 푎16 푇17 , 푡 , + 푎17 푇17 , 푡 , + 푎18 푇17 , 푡 are fifth augmentation

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 41 ISSN 2250-3153 coefficients for category 1, 2,and 3

′′ 3,3,3,3 ′′ 3,3,3,3 ′′ 3,3,3,3 + 푎20 푇21, 푡 , + 푎21 푇21 , 푡 , + 푎22 푇21 , 푡 are sixth augmentation coefficients for category 1, 2,and 3

′′ 7,7,7,7, ′′ 7,7,7,7, ′′ 7,7,7,7, + 푎36 푇37, 푡 + 푎36 푇37, 푡 + 푎36 푇37, 푡 ARE SEVENTH augmentation coefficients


′ 4 ′′ 4 ′′ 5,5, ′′ 6,6, 92 푎24 + 푎24 푇25 , 푡 + 푎28 푇29, 푡 + 푎32 푇33, 푡 푑퐺24 = 푎 4 퐺 − + 푎′′ 1,1,1,1 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 2,2,2,2 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 3,3,3,3 푇 , 푡 퐺 푑푡 24 25 13 14 16 17 20 21 24 ′′ 7,7,7,7, ′′ 8,8,8,8, + 푎36 푇37, 푡 + 푎40 푇41 , 푡

′ 4 ′′ 4 ′′ 5,5, ′′ 6,6 93 푎25 + 푎25 푇25 , 푡 + 푎29 푇29, 푡 + 푎33 푇33 , 푡 푑퐺 25 = 푎 4 퐺 − + 푎′′ 1,1,1,1 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 2,2,2,2 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 3,3,3,3 푇 , 푡 퐺 푑푡 25 24 14 14 17 17 21 21 25

′′ 7,7,7,7, ′′ 8,8,8,8 + 푎37 푇37 , 푡 + 푎41 푇41, 푡

′ 4 ′′ 4 ′′ 5,5, ′′ 6,6, 94 푎26 + 푎26 푇25 , 푡 + 푎30 푇29, 푡 + 푎34 푇33, 푡

푑퐺26 ′′ 1,1,1,1 ′′ 2,2,2,2 ′′ 3,3,3,3 = 푎 4 퐺 − + 푎15 푇14 , 푡 + 푎18 푇17 , 푡 + 푎22 푇21, 푡 퐺 푑푡 26 25 26 ′′ 7,7,7,7, ′′ 8.8,8,8 + 푎38 푇37 , 푡 + 푎42 푇41, 푡


′′ 4 ′′ 4 ′′ 4 푊푕푒푟푒 푎24 푇25 , 푡 , 푎25 푇25 , 푡 , 푎26 푇25 , 푡 푎푟푒 푓푖푟푠푡 푎푢푔푚푒푛푡푎푡푖표푛 푐표푒푓푓푖푐푖푒푛푡푠 푓표푟 푐푎푡푒푔표푟푦 1, 2 푎푛푑 3

′′ 5,5, ′′ 5,5, ′′ 5,5, + 푎28 푇29, 푡 , + 푎29 푇29, 푡 , + 푎30 푇29, 푡 푎푟푒 푠푒푐표푛푑 푎푢푔푚푒푛푡푎푡푖표푛 푐표푒푓푓푖푐푖푒푛푡 푓표푟 푐푎푡푒푔 표푟푦 1, 2 푎푛푑 3

′′ 6,6, ′′ 6,6, ′′ 6,6, + 푎32 푇33, 푡 , + 푎33 푇33, 푡 , + 푎34 푇33, 푡 푎푟푒 푡푕푖푟푑 푎푢푔푚푒푛푡푎푡푖표푛 푐표푒푓푓푖푐푖푒푛푡 푓표푟 푐푎푡푒푔표푟푦 1, 2 푎푛푑 3

′′ 1,1,1,1 ′′ 1,1,1,1 ′′ 1,1,1,1 + 푎13 푇14 , 푡 , + 푎14 푇14 , 푡 , + 푎15 푇14, 푡 are fourth augmentation coefficients for category 1, 2,and 3

′′ 2,2,2,2 ′′ 2,2,2,2 ′′ 2,2,2,2 + 푎16 푇17 , 푡 , + 푎17 푇17 , 푡 , + 푎18 푇17 , 푡 are fifth augmentation coefficients for category 1, 2,and 3

′′ 3,3,3,3 ′′ 3,3,3,3 ′′ 3,3,3,3 + 푎20 푇21, 푡 , + 푎21 푇21 , 푡 , + 푎22 푇21 , 푡 are sixth augmentation coefficients for category 1, 2,and 3

′′ 7,7,7,7, ′′ 7,7,7,7, ′′ 7,7,7,7, + 푎36 푇37, 푡 + 푎36 푇37, 푡 + 푎36 푇37, 푡 ARE SEVENTH augmentation coefficients

′′ 8,8,8,8 + 푎41 푇41, 푡

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 42 ISSN 2250-3153

′′ 8,8,8,8, ′′ 8,8,8,8, + 푎41 푇41, 푡 + 푎41 푇41, 푡 ARE EIGHTH AUGMENTATION COEFFICIENTS

′ 4 ′′ 4 ′′ 5,5, ′′ 6,6, 96 푏24 − 푏24 퐺27, 푡 − 푏28 퐺31, 푡 – 푏32 퐺35, 푡 푑푇24 = 푏 4 푇 − − 푏′′ 1,1,1,1 퐺, 푡 − 푏′′ 2,2,2,2 퐺 , 푡 – 푏′′ 3,3,3,3 퐺 , 푡 푇 푑푡 24 25 13 16 19 20 23 24 ′′ 7,7,7,7,,, ′′ 8,,8,8,8, − 푏36 퐺39, 푡 − 푏40 퐺43 , 푡

′ 4 ′′ 4 ′′ 5,5, ′′ 6,6, 97 푏25 − 푏25 퐺27, 푡 − 푏29 퐺31, 푡 – 푏33 퐺35, 푡 푑푇25 = 푏 4 푇 − − 푏′′ 1,1,1,1 퐺, 푡 − 푏′′ 2,2,2,2 퐺 , 푡 – 푏′′ 3,3,3,3 퐺 , 푡 푇 푑푡 25 24 14 17 19 21 23 25 ′′ 7,7,7,77,, ′′ 8,8,8,8, − 푏37 퐺39, 푡 − 푏41 퐺43, 푡


′′ 4 ′′ 4 ′′ 4 99 푊푕푒푟푒 − 푏24 퐺27, 푡 , − 푏25 퐺27, 푡 , − 푏26 퐺27, 푡 푎푟푒 푓푖푟푠푡 푑푒푡푟푖푡푖표푛 푐표푒푓푓푖푐푖푒푛푡푠 푓표푟 푐푎푡푒푔표푟푦 1, 2 푎푛푑 3

′′ 5,5, ′′ 5,5, ′′ 5,5, − 푏28 퐺31, 푡 , − 푏29 퐺31, 푡 , − 푏30 퐺31, 푡 푎푟푒 푠푒푐표푛푑 푑푒푡푟푖푡푖표푛 푐표푒푓푓푖푐푖푒푛푡푠 푓표푟 푐푎푡푒푔표 푟푦 1, 2 푎푛푑 3

′′ 6,6, ′′ 6,6, ′′ 6,6, − 푏32 퐺35, 푡 , − 푏33 퐺35, 푡 , − 푏34 퐺35, 푡 푎푟푒 푡푕푖푟푑 푑푒푡푟푖푡푖표푛 푐표푒푓푓푖푐푖푒푛푡푠 푓표푟 푐푎푡푒푔표푟푦 1, 2 푎푛푑 3

′′ 1,1,1,1 ′′ 1,1,1,1 ′′ 1,1,1,1 − 푏13 퐺, 푡 , − 푏14 퐺, 푡 , − 푏15 퐺, 푡 푎푟푒 푓표푢푟푡푕 푑푒푡푟푖푡푖표푛 푐표푒푓푓푖푐푖푒푛푡푠 푓표푟 푐푎푡푒푔표푟푦 1, 2 푎푛푑 3

′′ 2,2,2,2 ′′ 2,2,2,2 ′′ 2,2,2,2 − 푏16 퐺19, 푡 , − 푏17 퐺19, 푡 , − 푏18 퐺19, 푡 푎푟푒 푓푖푓푡푕 푑푒푡푟푖푡푖표푛 푐표푒푓푓푖푐푖푒푛푡푠 푓표푟 푐푎푡푒푔표푟푦 1, 2 푎푛푑 3

′′ 3,3,3,3 ′′ 3,3,3,3 ′′ 3,3,3,3 – 푏20 퐺23, 푡 , – 푏21 퐺23 , 푡 , – 푏22 퐺23, 푡 푎푟푒 푠푖푥푡푕 푑푒푡푟푖푡푖표푛 푐표푒푓푓푖푐푖푒푛푡푠 푓표푟 푐푎푡푒푔표푟푦 1, 2 푎푛푑 3

′′ 7,7,7,7,7,, ′′ 7,7,7,7,7,, ′′ 7,7,7,7,7,, − 푏36 퐺39, 푡 − 푏37 퐺39, 푡 − 푏38 퐺39, 푡 퐴푅퐸 SEVENTH DETRITION


′′ 8,,88,,8, ′′ 8,,8,8,8, ′′ 8,,8,8,8, − 푏40 퐺43 , 푡 − 푏41 퐺43 , 푡 − 푏42 퐺43 , 푡 ARE EIGHTH DETRITION COEFFICIENTS.


′ 5 ′′ 5 ′′ 4,4, ′′ 6,6,6 101 푎28 + 푎28 푇29, 푡 + 푎24 푇25, 푡 + 푎32 푇33 , 푡 푑퐺 28 = 푎 5 퐺 − + 푎′′ 1,1,1,1,1 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 2,2,2,2,2 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 3,3,3,3,3 푇 , 푡 퐺 푑푡 28 29 13 14 16 17 20 21 28 ′′ 7,7,,7,,7,7 ′′ 8,8,8,8,8 + 푎36 푇37 , 푡 + 푎40 푇41, 푡

′ 5 ′′ 5 ′′ 4,4, ′′ 6,6,6 102 푎29 + 푎29 푇29, 푡 + 푎25 푇25 , 푡 + 푎33 푇33 , 푡 푑퐺29 = 푎 5 퐺 − + 푎′′ 1,1,1,1,1 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 2,2,2,2,2 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 3,3,3,3,3 푇 , 푡 퐺 푑푡 29 28 14 14 17 17 21 21 29 ′′ 7,7,,,7,,7,7 ′′ 8,8,8,8,8 + 푎37 푇37 , 푡 + 푎41 푇41, 푡

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 43 ISSN 2250-3153

′ 5 ′′ 5 ′′ 4,4, ′′ 6,6,6 103 푎30 + 푎30 푇29, 푡 + 푎26 푇25 , 푡 + 푎34 푇33 , 푡 푑퐺 30 5 + 푎′′ 1,1,1,1,1 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 2,2,2,2,2 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 3,3,3,3,3 푇 , 푡 = 푎30 퐺29 − 15 14 18 17 22 21 퐺30 푑푡

′′ 7,7,,7,,7,7 ′′ 8,8,8,8,8 + 푎38 푇37 , 푡 + 푎41 푇41, 푡

′′ 5 ′′ 5 ′′ 5 104 푊푕푒푟푒 + 푎28 푇29, 푡 , + 푎29 푇29, 푡 , + 푎30 푇29, 푡 푎푟푒 푓푖푟푠푡 푎푢푔푚푒푛푡푎푡푖표푛 푐표푒푓푓푖푐푖푒푛푡푠 푓표푟 푐푎푡푒푔표푟푦 1, 2 푎푛푑 3

′′ 4,4, ′′ 4,4, ′′ 4,4, 퐴푛푑 + 푎24 푇25 , 푡 , + 푎25 푇25 , 푡 , + 푎26 푇25 , 푡 푎푟푒 푠푒푐표푛푑 푎푢푔푚푒푛푡푎푡푖표푛 푐표푒푓푓푖푐푖푒푛푡 푓표푟 푐푎푡푒푔표푟푦 1, 2 푎푛푑 3

′′ 6,6,6 ′′ 6,6,6 ′′ 6,6,6 + 푎32 푇33 , 푡 , + 푎33 푇33, 푡 , + 푎34 푇33, 푡 푎푟푒 푡푕푖푟푑 푎푢푔푚푒푛푡푎푡푖표푛 푐표푒푓푓푖푐푖푒푛푡 푓표푟 푐푎푡푒푔표푟푦 1, 2 푎푛푑 3

′′ 1,1,1,1,1 ′′ 1,1,1,1,1 ′′ 1,1,1,1,1 + 푎13 푇14 , 푡 , + 푎14 푇14, 푡 , + 푎15 푇14 , 푡 are fourth augmentation coefficients for category 1,2, and 3

′′ 2,2,2,2,2 ′′ 2,2,2,2,2 ′′ 2,2,2,2,2 + 푎16 푇17 , 푡 , + 푎17 푇17, 푡 , + 푎18 푇17 , 푡 are fifth augmentation coefficients for category 1,2,and 3

′′ 3,3,3,3,3 ′′ 3,3,3,3,3 ′′ 3,3,3,3,3 + 푎20 푇21 , 푡 , + 푎21 푇21 , 푡 , + 푎22 푇21 , 푡 are sixth augmentation coefficients for category 1,2, 3

′′ 8,8,8,8,8 ′′ 8,8,8,8,8 ′′ 8,8,8,8,8 + 푎40 푇41, 푡 + 푎41 푇41, 푡 + 푎42 푇41, 푡 ARE EIGHTH AUMENTATION COEFFICIENTS

′ 5 ′′ 5 ′′ 4,4, ′′ 6,6,6 105 푏28 − 푏28 퐺31, 푡 − 푏24 퐺23, 푡 – 푏32 퐺35, 푡 푑푇28 = 푏 5 푇 − − 푏′′ 1,1,1,1,1 퐺, 푡 − 푏′′ 2,2,2,2,2 퐺 , 푡 – 푏′′ 3,3,3,3,3 퐺 , 푡 푇 푑푡 28 29 13 16 19 20 23 28 ′′ 7,7,,7,7,7, − 푏36 퐺38, 푡

′ 5 ′′ 5 ′′ 4,4, ′′ 6,6,6 106 푏29 − 푏29 퐺31, 푡 − 푏25 퐺27, 푡 – 푏33 퐺35, 푡 푑푇29 = 푏 5 푇 − − 푏′′ 1,1,1,1,1 퐺, 푡 − 푏′′ 2,2,2,2,2 퐺 , 푡 – 푏′′ 3,3,3,3,3 퐺 , 푡 푇 푑푡 29 28 14 17 19 21 23 29 ′′ 7,7,7,7,7, − 푏37 퐺38, 푡

′ 5 ′′ 5 ′′ 4,4, ′′ 6,6,6 107 푏30 − 푏30 퐺31, 푡 − 푏26 퐺27, 푡 – 푏34 퐺35, 푡

푑푇30 = 푏 5 푇 − − 푏′′ 1,1,1,1,1, 퐺, 푡 − 푏′′ 2,2,2,2,2 퐺 , 푡 – 푏′′ 3,3,3,3,3 퐺 , 푡 푇 푑푡 30 29 15 18 19 22 23 30 ′′ 7,7,7,7,7, − 푏38 퐺38, 푡


푑퐺 109 32 = 푎 6 퐺 푑푡 32 33 ′ 6 ′′ 6 ′′ 5,5,5 ′′ 4,4,4, 푎32 + 푎32 푇33, 푡 + 푎28 푇29, 푡 + 푎24 푇25, 푡 ′′ 1,1,1,1,1,1 ′′ 2,2,2,2,2,2 ′′ 3,3,3,3,3,3 − + 푎13 푇14 , 푡 + 푎16 푇17 , 푡 + 푎20 푇21, 푡 퐺32 ′′ 7,7,7,7,7,7, ′′ 8,8,8,8,8,,8 + 푎36 푇37, 푡 + 푎40 푇41, 푡

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 44 ISSN 2250-3153

푑퐺 110 33 = 푎 6 퐺 푑푡 33 32 ′ 6 ′′ 6 ′′ 5,5,5 ′′ 4,4,4, 푎33 + 푎33 푇33, 푡 + 푎29 푇29, 푡 + 푎25 푇25 , 푡 ′′ 1,1,1,1,1,1 ′′ 2,2,2,2,2,2 ′′ 3,3,3,3,3,3 − + 푎14 푇14 , 푡 + 푎17 푇17 , 푡 + 푎21 푇21, 푡 퐺33 ′′ 7,7,7,,7,7,7, ′′ 8,8,8,8,8,,8 + 푎37 푇37 , 푡 + 푎41 푇41, 푡

푑퐺 111 34 = 푎 6 퐺 푑푡 34 33 ′ 6 ′′ 6 ′′ 5,5,5 ′′ 4,4,4, 푎34 + 푎34 푇33, 푡 + 푎30 푇29, 푡 + 푎26 푇25, 푡 ′′ 1,1,1,1,1,1 ′′ 2,2,2,2,2,2 ′′ 3,3,3,3,3,3 − + 푎15 푇14 , 푡 + 푎18 푇17 , 푡 + 푎22 푇21, 푡 퐺34 ′′ 7,7,7,7,7,7, ′′ 8,8,8,8,8,,8 + 푎38 푇37 , 푡 + 푎42 푇41, 푡

′′ 6 ′′ 6 ′′ 6 112 + 푎32 푇33 , 푡 , + 푎33 푇33 , 푡 , + 푎34 푇33, 푡 푎푟푒 푓푖푟푠푡 푎푢푔푚푒푛푡푎푡푖표푛 푐표푒푓푓푖푐푖푒푛푡푠 푓표푟 푐푎푡푒푔표푟푦 1, 2 푎 푛푑 3

′′ 5,5,5 ′′ 5,5,5 ′′ 5,5,5 + 푎28 푇29, 푡 , + 푎29 푇29, 푡 , + 푎30 푇29, 푡 푎푟푒 푠푒푐표푛푑 푎푢푔푚푒푛푡푎푡푖표푛 푐표푒푓푓푖푐푖푒푛푡푠 푓표푟 푐푎푡푒푔표푟푦 1, 2 푎푛푑 3

′′ 4,4,4, ′′ 4,4,4, ′′ 4,4,4, + 푎24 푇25, 푡 , + 푎25 푇25, 푡 , + 푎26 푇25 , 푡 푎푟푒 푡푕푖푟푑 푎푢푔푚푒푛푡푎푡푖표푛 푐표푒푓푓푖푐푖푒푛푡푠 푓표푟 푐푎푡푒푔표푟푦 1, 2 푎푛푑 3

′′ 1,1,1,1,1,1 ′′ 1,1,1,1,1,1 ′′ 1,1,1,1,1,1 + 푎13 푇14 , 푡 , + 푎14 푇14 , 푡 , + 푎15 푇14 , 푡 - are fourth augmentation coefficients

′′ 2,2,2,2,2,2 ′′ 2,2,2,2,2,2 ′′ 2,2,2,2,2,2 + 푎16 푇17 , 푡 , + 푎17 푇17 , 푡 , + 푎18 푇17 , 푡 - fifth augmentation coefficients

′′ 3,3,3,3,3,3 ′′ 3,3,3,3,3,3 ′′ 3,3,3,3,3,3 + 푎20 푇21 , 푡 , + 푎21 푇21 , 푡 , + 푎22 푇21 , 푡 sixth augmentation coefficients

′′ 7,7,7,7,7,7, ′′ 7,7,,77,7,,7, ′′ 7,7,7,,7,7,7, + 푎36 푇37 , 푡 + 푎36 푇37 , 푡 + 푎36 푇37, 푡 ARE SEVENTH AUGMENTATION COEFFICIENTS

′′ 8,8,8,8,8,,8 ′′ 8,8,8,8,8,,8 ′′ 8,8,8,8,8,,8 + 푎40 푇41, 푡 + 푎41 푇41, 푡 + 푎42 푇41, 푡 ARE EIGHT AUGMENTATION COEFFICIENTS


′ 6 ′′ 6 ′′ 5,5,5 ′′ 4,4,4, 114 푏32 − 푏32 퐺35, 푡 – 푏28 퐺31, 푡 – 푏24 퐺27, 푡 푑푇32 = 푏 6 푇 − − 푏′′ 1,1,1,1,1,1 퐺, 푡 − 푏′′ 2,2,2,2,2,2 퐺 , 푡 – 푏′′ 3,3,3,3,3,3 퐺 , 푡 푇 푑푡 32 33 13 16 19 20 23 32 ′′ 7,7,7,,7,7,7 ′′ 8,,8,8,8,8,8, – 푏36 퐺39, 푡 − 푏40 퐺43 , 푡

′ 6 ′′ 6 ′′ 5,5,5 ′′ 4,4,4, 115 푏33 − 푏33 퐺35, 푡 – 푏29 퐺31, 푡 – 푏25 퐺27, 푡 푑푇33 = 푏 6 푇 − − 푏′′ 1,1,1,1,1,1 퐺, 푡 − 푏′′ 2,2,2,2,2,2 퐺 , 푡 – 푏′′ 3,3,3,3,3,3 퐺 , 푡 푇 푑푡 33 32 14 17 19 21 23 33 ′′ 7,7,7,,7,7,7 ′′ 8,,8,8,8,8,8, – 푏37 퐺39, 푡 − 푏41 퐺43 , 푡

′ 6 ′′ 6 ′′ 5,5,5 ′′ 4,4,4, 116 푏34 − 푏34 퐺35, 푡 – 푏30 퐺31, 푡 – 푏26 퐺27, 푡 푑푇34 = 푏 6 푇 − − 푏′′ 1,1,1,1,1,1 퐺, 푡 − 푏′′ 2,2,2,2,2,2 퐺 , 푡 – 푏′′ 3,3,3,3,3,3 퐺 , 푡 푇 푑푡 34 33 15 18 19 22 23 34 ′′ 7,7,7,,7,7,7 ′′ 8,,8,8,8,8,8, – 푏38 퐺39, 푡 − 푏42 퐺43, 푡

′′ 6 ′′ 6 ′′ 6 117 − 푏32 퐺35, 푡 , − 푏33 퐺35, 푡 , − 푏34 퐺35, 푡 푎푟푒 푓푖푟푠푡 푑푒푡푟푖푡푖표푛 푐표푒푓푓푖푐푖푒푛푡푠 푓표푟 푐푎푡푒푔표푟푦 1, 2 푎푛푑 3

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 45 ISSN 2250-3153

′′ 5,5,5 ′′ 5,5,5 ′′ 5,5,5 − 푏28 퐺31, 푡 , − 푏29 퐺31, 푡 , − 푏30 퐺31, 푡 푎푟푒 푠푒푐표푛푑 푑푒푡푟푖푡푖표푛 푐표푒푓푓푖푐푖푒푛푡푠 푓표푟 푐푎푡푒푔표푟푦 1, 2 푎푛푑 3

′′ 4,4,4, ′′ 4,4,4, ′′ 4,4,4, − 푏24 퐺27, 푡 , − 푏25 퐺27, 푡 , − 푏26 퐺27, 푡 푎푟푒 푡푕푖푟푑 푑푒푡푟푖푡푖표푛 푐표푒푓푓푖푐푖푒푛푡푠 푓표푟 푐푎푡푒푔표푟푦 1,2 푎푛푑 3

′′ 1,1,1,1,1,1 ′′ 1,1,1,1,1,1 ′′ 1,1,1,1,1,1 − 푏13 퐺, 푡 , − 푏14 퐺, 푡 , − 푏15 퐺, 푡 are fourth detrition coefficients for category 1, 2, and 3

′′ 2,2,2,2,2,2 ′′ 2,2,2,2,2,2 ′′ 2,2,2,2,2,2 − 푏16 퐺19, 푡 , − 푏17 퐺19, 푡 , − 푏18 퐺19, 푡 are fifth detrition coefficients for category 1, 2, and 3

′′ 3,3,3,3,3,3 ′′ 3,3,3,3,3,3 ′′ 3,3,3,3,3,3 – 푏20 퐺23, 푡 , – 푏21 퐺23, 푡 , – 푏22 퐺23, 푡 are sixth detritions coefficients for category 1, 2, and 3

′′ 7,7,7,7,7,7 ′′ 7,7,7,7,7,7 ′′ 7,7,7,7,7,7 – 푏36 퐺39, 푡 – 푏36 퐺39, 푡 – 푏36 퐺39, 푡 ARE SEVENTH DETRITION COEFFICIENTS

′′ 8,,8,8,8,8,8, ′′ 8,,8,8,8,8,8, ′′ 8,,8,8,8,8,8, − 푏40 퐺43, 푡 − 푏41 퐺43 , 푡 − 푏42 퐺43 , 푡 ARE EIGHTH DETRITION COPEFFICIENTS.



푑퐺 120 36 = 푎 7 퐺 푑푡 36 37

′ 7 ′′ 7 ′′ 7 − 푎36 + 푎36 푇37, 푡 + 푎16 푇17 , 푡

′′ 7 ′′ 7 ′′ 7 + 푎20 푇21 , 푡 + 푎24 푇23, 푡 퐺36 + 푎28 푇29, 푡

+ 푎′′ 7 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 7 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 8,8,8,8,8,,8,8 푇 , 푡 퐺 32 33 13 14 40 41 36


푑퐺 37 = 푎 7 퐺 − 푎′ 7 + 푎′′ 7 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 7 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 7 푇 , 푡 + 122 푑푡 37 36 37 37 37 14 14 21 21 ′′ 7 ′′ 7 ′′ 7 푎17 푇17 , 푡 + 푎25 푇25 , 푡 + 푎33 푇33, 푡 + ′′ 7 ′′ 8,8,8,8,8,,8,8 푎29 푇29, 푡 + 푎41 푇41 , 푡 퐺37

푑퐺 38 = 123 푑푡 7 푎38 퐺37 − 124

′ 7 ′′ 7 ′′ 7 ′′ 7 ′′ 7 푎38 + 푎38 푇37 , 푡 + 푎 15 푇 14 , 푡 + 푎22 푇21, 푡 + + 푎18 푇17, 푡 + 125

′′ 7 ′′ 7 ′′ 7 ′′ 8,8,8,8,8,,8,8 푎26 푇25 , 푡 + 푎34 푇33, 푡 + 푎30 푇29, 푡 + 푎42 푇41, 푡 퐺38

푑푇 36 = 126 푑푡 7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 ′′ 7 ′′ 7 푏36 푇37 − 푏36 − 푏36 퐺39 , 푡 − 푏16 퐺19 , 푡 − 푏13 퐺14 , 푡 −

′′ 7 ′′ 7 ′′ 7 푏20 퐺231 , 푡 − 푏24 퐺27 , 푡 − 푏28 퐺31 , 푡 −

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 46 ISSN 2250-3153

′′ 7 푏32 퐺35 , 푡 푇36

푑푇 37 = 푏 7 푇 − 127 푑푡 37 36 ′ 7 ′′ 7 ′′ 7 ′′ 7 푏36 − 푏37 퐺39 , 푡 − 푏17 퐺19 , 푡 − 푏19 퐺14 , 푡 −

′′ 7 ′′ 7 ′′ 7 푏21 퐺231 , 푡 − 푏25 퐺27 , 푡 − 푏29 퐺31 , 푡 −

′′ 7 푏33 퐺35 , 푡 푇37



′ 8 ′′ 8 ′′ 8 ′′ 8 푎40 + 푎40 푇41, 푡 + 푎13 푇14 , 푡 + 푎16 푇17 , 푡 +

푑퐺 40 8 = 푎40 퐺41 − 푎′′ 7 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 8 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 8 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 8 푇 , 푡 퐺40 푑푡 20 21 24 23 28 29 32 33

′′ 8 + 푎36 푇37 , 푡

푑퐺 41 = 푎 8 퐺 − 푎′ 8 + 푎′′ 8 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 8 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 8 푇 , 푡 + 푑푡 41 40 41 41 41 14 14 17 17 ′′ 8 ′′ 8 ′′ 8 ′′ 8 푎21 푇21, 푡 + 푎25 푇23, 푡 + 푎29 푇29, 푡 + 푎33 푇33 , 푡 +

′′ 8 + 푎37 푇37 , 푡 퐺41

푑퐺 42 = 푎 8 퐺 − 푎′ 8 + 푎′′ 8 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 8 푇 , 푡 + 푎′′ 8 푇 , 푡 + 푑푡 42 41 42 42 41 15 14 18 17 ′′ 8 ′′ 8 ′′ 8 ′′ 8 푎22 푇21 , 푡 + 푎26 푇23 , 푡 + 푎30 푇29, 푡 + 푎34 푇33, 푡 +

′′ 8 + 푎38 푇37 , 푡 퐺42

푑푇 40 = 푏 8 푇 − 푏′ 8 − 푏′′ 8 퐺 , 푡 − 푏′′ 8 퐺 , 푡 − 푏′′ 8 퐺 , 푡 − 푑푡 40 41 40 40 43 13 14 16 19 ′′ 8 ′′ 8 ′′ 8 ′′ 8 푏20 퐺23 , 푡 − 푏24 퐺27 , 푡 − 푏28 퐺31 , 푡 − 푏32 퐺35 , 푡 −

′′ 8 푏36 퐺39 , 푡 푇40

푑푇 41 = 푑푡 8 푏41 푇40 −

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 47 ISSN 2250-3153

′ 8 ′′ 8 ′′ 8 ′′ 8 ′′ 8 푏41 − 푏41 퐺43 , 푡 − 푏14 퐺14 , 푡 − 푏17 퐺19 , 푡 − 푏21 퐺23 , 푡 − − 푇41 ′′ 8 ′′ 8 ′′ 8 ′′ 8 푏25 퐺27 , 푡 − 푏29 퐺31 , 푡 − 푏33 퐺35 , 푡 − 푏37 퐺39 , 푡

푑푇 42 = 푏 8 푇 − 푏′ 8 − 푏′′ 8 퐺 , 푡 − 푏′′ 7 퐺 , 푡 − 푏′′ 8 퐺 , 푡 − 푑푡 42 41 42 42 43 15 14 18 19 ′′ 8 ′′ 8 ′′ 8 ′′ 8 푏22 퐺23 , 푡 − 푏26 퐺27 , 푡 − 푏30 퐺31 , 푡 − 푏34 퐺35 , 푡 −

′′ 8 푏38 퐺39 , 푡 푇42

′′ 8 + 푎40 푇41, 푡 = First augmentation factor

′′ 8 − 푏40 퐺43 , 푡 = First detritions factor

Where we suppose

1 ′ 1 ′′ 1 1 ′ 1 ′′ 1 (A) 푎푖 , 푎푖 , 푎푖 , 푏푖 , 푏푖 , 푏푖 > 0, 푖, 푗 = 13,14,15

′′ 1 ′′ 1 (B) The functions 푎푖 , 푏푖 are positive continuous increasing and bounded. 1 1 Definition of (푝푖 ) , (푟푖 ) :

′′ 1 1 (1) 푎푖 (푇14 , 푡) ≤ (푝푖 ) ≤ ( 퐴13 )

′′ 1 1 ′ 1 (1) 푏푖 (퐺, 푡) ≤ (푟푖 ) ≤ (푏푖 ) ≤ ( 퐵 13 )

′′ 1 1 (C) 푙푖푚푇2→∞ 푎푖 푇14 , 푡 = (푝푖 ) ′′ 1 1 limG→∞ 푏푖 퐺, 푡 = (푟푖 )

(1) (1) Definition of ( 퐴 13 ) , ( 퐵 13 ) :

(1) (1) 1 1 Where ( 퐴 13 ) , ( 퐵 13 ) , (푝푖 ) , (푟푖 ) are positive constants and 푖 = 13,14,15

They satisfy Lipschitz condition: (1) ′′ 1 ′ ′′ 1 (1) ′ −( 푀 13 ) 푡 |(푎푖 ) 푇14 , 푡 − (푎푖 ) 푇14 , 푡 | ≤ ( 푘13 ) |푇14 − 푇14 |푒

(1) ′′ 1 ′ ′′ 1 (1) ′ −( 푀 13 ) 푡 |(푏푖 ) 퐺 , 푡 − (푏푖 ) 퐺, 푇 | < ( 푘13 ) ||퐺 − 퐺 ||푒

′′ 1 ′ ′′ 1 With the Lipschitz condition, we place a restriction on the behavior of functions (푎푖 ) 푇14 , 푡 and(푎푖 ) 푇14 , 푡 ′ (1) (1) ′′ 1 . 푇14 , 푡 and 푇14, 푡 are points belonging to the interval ( 푘13 ) , ( 푀 13 ) . It is to be noted that (푎푖 ) 푇14 , 푡 (1) ′′ 1 is uniformly continuous. In the eventuality of the fact, that if ( 푀 13 ) = 1 then the function (푎푖 ) 푇14 , 푡 , the first augmentation coefficient attributable to terrestrial organisms, would be absolutely continuous.

(1) (1) Definition of ( 푀 13 ) , ( 푘13 ) :

(1) (1) (D) ( 푀 13 ) , ( 푘13 ) , are positive constants

1 1 (푎푖) (푏푖) (1) , (1) < 1 ( 푀 13 ) ( 푀 13 )

(1) (1) Definition of ( 푃 13 ) , ( 푄 13 ) :

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 48 ISSN 2250-3153

(1) (1) (E) There exists two constants ( 푃 13 ) and ( 푄 13 ) which together with (1) (1) (1) (1) ( 푀 13 ) , ( 푘13 ) , (퐴 13) 푎푛푑 ( 퐵 13 ) and the constants 1 ′ 1 1 ′ 1 1 1 (푎푖 ) , (푎푖 ) , (푏푖 ) , (푏푖 ) , (푝푖 ) , (푟푖 ) , 푖 = 13,14,15, satisfy the inequalities

1 [ (푎 ) 1 + (푎′ ) 1 + ( 퐴 )(1) + ( 푃 )(1) ( 푘 )(1)] < 1 (1) 푖 푖 13 13 13 ( 푀 13 )

1 [ (푏 ) 1 + (푏′ ) 1 + ( 퐵 )(1) + ( 푄 )(1) ( 푘 )(1)] < 1 (1) 푖 푖 13 13 13 ( 푀 13 )

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 49 ISSN 2250-3153

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 50 ISSN 2250-3153

푑푇 38 = 128 푑푡 7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 ′′ 7 ′′ 7 푏38 푇37 − 푏38 − 푏38 퐺39 , 푡 − 푏18 퐺19 , 푡 − 푏22 퐺14 , 푡 − 129

′′ 7 ′′ 7 ′′ 7 푏15 퐺23 , 푡 − 푏26 퐺27 , 푡 − 푏30 퐺31 , 푡 − 130

′′ 7 푏34 퐺35 , 푡 − 푇38 131


′′ 7 + 푎36 푇37 , 푡 = First augmentation factor 134

2 ′ 2 ′′ 2 2 ′ 2 ′′ 2 (1) 푎푖 , 푎푖 , 푎푖 , 푏푖 , 푏푖 , 푏푖 > 0, 푖, 푗 = 16,17,18 135

′′ 2 ′′ 2 (F) (2) The functions 푎푖 , 푏푖 are positive continuous increasing and bounded. 136

2 2 Definition of (pi) , (ri) : 137

′′ 2 2 2 138 푎푖 푇17 , 푡 ≤ (푝푖 ) ≤ 퐴16

′′ 2 2 ′ 2 (2) 푏푖 (퐺19, 푡) ≤ (푟푖 ) ≤ (푏푖 ) ≤ ( 퐵 16 ) 139 ′′ 2 2 140 (G) (3) lim푇2→∞ 푎푖 푇17 , 푡 = (푝푖 )

′′ 2 2 lim퐺→∞ 푏푖 퐺19 , 푡 = (푟푖 ) 141

(2) (2) Definition of ( 퐴 16 ) , ( 퐵 16 ) : 142

(2) (2) 2 2 Where ( 퐴 16 ) , ( 퐵 16 ) , (푝푖 ) , (푟푖 ) are positive constants and 푖 = 16,17,18

They satisfy Lipschitz condition: 143

(2) ′′ 2 ′ ′′ 2 (2) ′ −( 푀 16 ) 푡 144 |(푎푖 ) 푇17 , 푡 − (푎푖 ) 푇17, 푡 | ≤ ( 푘16 ) |푇17 − 푇17 |푒

(2) ′′ 2 ′ ′′ 2 (2) ′ −( 푀 16 ) 푡 145 |(푏푖 ) 퐺19 , 푡 − (푏푖 ) 퐺19 , 푡 | < ( 푘16 ) || 퐺19 − 퐺19 ||푒

′′ 2 ′ With the Lipschitz condition, we place a restriction on the behavior of functions (푎푖 ) 푇17 , 푡 146 ′′ 2 ′ (2) (2) and(푎푖 ) 푇17 , 푡 . 푇17 , 푡 And 푇17 , 푡 are points belonging to the interval ( 푘16 ) , ( 푀 16 ) . It is ′′ 2 (2) to be noted that (푎푖 ) 푇17 , 푡 is uniformly continuous. In the eventuality of the fact, that if ( 푀 16 ) = ′′ 2 1 then the function (푎푖 ) 푇17 , 푡 , the SECOND augmentation coefficient would be absolutely continuous.

(2) (2) Definition of ( 푀 16 ) , ( 푘16 ) : 147

(2) (2) (H) (4) ( 푀 16 ) , ( 푘16 ) , are positive constants 148

2 2 (푎푖) (푏푖) (2) , (2) < 1 ( 푀 16 ) ( 푀 16 )

(2) (2) Definition of ( 푃 13 ) , ( 푄 13 ) : 149

(2) (2) There exists two constants ( 푃 16 ) and ( 푄 16 ) which together (2) (2) (2) (2) with ( 푀 16 ) , ( 푘16 ) , (퐴 16) 푎푛푑 ( 퐵 16 ) and the constants 2 ′ 2 2 ′ 2 2 2 (푎푖 ) , (푎푖 ) , (푏푖 ) , (푏푖 ) , (푝푖 ) , (푟푖 ) , 푖 = 16,17,18, satisfy the inequalities

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 51 ISSN 2250-3153

1 2 ′ 2 (2) (2) (2) 150 (2) [ (ai) + (ai) + ( A16 ) + ( P16 ) ( k16 ) ] < 1 ( M 16 )

1 2 ′ 2 (2) (2) (2) 151 (2) [ (푏푖 ) + (푏푖 ) + ( 퐵16 ) + ( 푄16 ) ( 푘16 ) ] < 1 ( 푀 16 )

Where we suppose 152

3 ′ 3 ′′ 3 3 ′ 3 ′′ 3 (I) 푎푖 , 푎푖 , 푎푖 , 푏푖 , 푏푖 , 푏푖 > 0, 푖, 푗 = 20,21,22 153

′′ 3 ′′ 3 The functions 푎푖 , 푏푖 are positive continuous increasing and bounded.

3 3 Definition of (푝푖 ) , (ri) :

′′ 3 3 (3) 푎푖 (푇21 , 푡) ≤ (푝푖 ) ≤ ( 퐴20 )

′′ 3 3 ′ 3 (3) 푏푖 (퐺23, 푡) ≤ (푟푖 ) ≤ (푏푖 ) ≤ ( 퐵 20 )

′′ 3 3 154 푙푖푚푇2→∞ 푎푖 푇21 , 푡 = (푝푖 )

′′ 3 3 155 limG→∞ 푏푖 퐺23, 푡 = (푟푖 )

(3) (3) 156 Definition of ( 퐴 20 ) , ( 퐵 20 ) :

(3) (3) 3 3 Where ( 퐴 20 ) , ( 퐵 20 ) , (푝푖 ) , (푟푖 ) are positive constants and 푖 = 20,21,22

They satisfy Lipschitz condition: 157

(3) ′′ 3 ′ ′′ 3 (3) ′ −( 푀 20 ) 푡 158 |(푎푖 ) 푇21 , 푡 − (푎푖 ) 푇21, 푡 | ≤ ( 푘20 ) |푇21 − 푇21|푒

(3) 159 ′′ 3 ′ ′′ 3 (3) ′ −( 푀 20 ) 푡 |(푏푖 ) 퐺23 , 푡 − (푏푖 ) 퐺23, 푡 | < ( 푘20 ) ||퐺23 − 퐺23 ||푒

′′ 3 ′ With the Lipschitz condition, we place a restriction on the behavior of functions (푎푖 ) 푇21 , 푡 160 ′′ 3 ′ (3) (3) and(푎푖 ) 푇21 , 푡 . 푇21 , 푡 And 푇21 , 푡 are points belonging to the interval ( 푘20 ) , ( 푀 20 ) . It is ′′ 3 (3) to be noted that (푎푖 ) 푇21, 푡 is uniformly continuous. In the eventuality of the fact, that if ( 푀 20 ) = ′′ 3 1 then the function (푎푖 ) 푇21 , 푡 , the THIRD augmentation coefficient, would be absolutely continuous.

(3) (3) Definition of ( 푀 20 ) , ( 푘20 ) : 161

(3) (3) ( 푀 20 ) , ( 푘20 ) , are positive constants

3 3 (푎푖) (푏푖) (3) , (3) < 1 ( 푀 20 ) ( 푀 20 )

(3) (3) There exists two constants There exists two constants ( 푃 20 ) and ( 푄 20 ) which together with 162 (3) (3) (3) (3) ( 푀 20 ) , ( 푘20 ) , (퐴 20) 푎푛푑 ( 퐵 20 ) and the constants 3 ′ 3 3 ′ 3 3 3 163 (푎푖 ) , (푎푖 ) , (푏푖 ) , (푏푖 ) , (푝푖 ) , (푟푖 ) , 푖 = 20,21,22, satisfy the inequalities 164 1 3 ′ 3 (3) (3) (3) (3) [ (푎푖 ) + (푎푖 ) + ( 퐴20 ) + ( 푃20 ) ( 푘20 ) ] < 1 165 ( 푀 20 )

1 3 ′ 3 (3) (3) (3) 166 (3) [ (푏푖 ) + (푏푖 ) + ( 퐵20 ) + ( 푄20 ) ( 푘20 ) ] < 1 ( 푀 20 ) 167

Where we suppose 168

4 ′ 4 ′′ 4 4 ′ 4 ′′ 4 (J) 푎푖 , 푎푖 , 푎푖 , 푏푖 , 푏푖 , 푏푖 > 0, 푖, 푗 = 24,25,26 169

′′ 4 ′′ 4 The functions 푎푖 , 푏푖 are positive continuous increasing and bounded.

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 52 ISSN 2250-3153

4 4 Definition of (푝푖 ) , (푟푖 ) :

′′ 4 4 (4) 푎푖 (푇25 , 푡) ≤ (푝푖 ) ≤ ( 퐴24 )

′′ 4 4 ′ 4 (4) 푏푖 퐺27 , 푡 ≤ (푟푖 ) ≤ (푏푖 ) ≤ ( 퐵 24 )


′′ 4 4 푙푖푚푇2→∞ 푎푖 푇25, 푡 = (푝푖 ) ′′ 4 4 limG→∞ 푏푖 퐺27 , 푡 = (푟푖 )

(4) (4) Definition of ( 퐴 24 ) , ( 퐵 24 ) :

(4) (4) 4 4 Where ( 퐴 24 ) , ( 퐵 24 ) , (푝푖 ) , (푟푖 ) are positive constants and 푖 = 24,25,26

They satisfy Lipschitz condition: 171

(4) ′′ 4 ′ ′′ 4 (4) ′ −( 푀 24 ) 푡 |(푎푖 ) 푇25 , 푡 − (푎푖 ) 푇25, 푡 | ≤ ( 푘24 ) |푇25 − 푇25|푒

(4) ′′ 4 ′ ′′ 4 (4) ′ −( 푀 24 ) 푡 |(푏푖 ) 퐺27 , 푡 − (푏푖 ) 퐺27 , 푡 | < ( 푘24 ) || 퐺27 − 퐺27 ||푒

′′ 4 ′ With the Lipschitz condition, we place a restriction on the behavior of functions (푎푖 ) 푇25 , 푡 172 and(푎′′ ) 4 푇 , 푡 . 푇′ , 푡 And 푇 , 푡 are points belonging to the interval ( 푘 )(4), ( 푀 )(4) . It is 푖 25 25 25 24 24 ′′ 4 (4) to be noted that (푎푖 ) 푇25, 푡 is uniformly continuous. In the eventuality of the fact, that if ( 푀 24 ) = ′′ 4 4 then the function (푎푖 ) 푇25 , 푡 , the FOURTH augmentation coefficient WOULD be absolutely continuous. 173

(4) (4) Definition of ( 푀 24 ) , ( 푘24 ) : 174

175(4) (4) ( 푀 24 )176 , ( 푘24 ) , are positive constants (K) 4 4 (푎푖) (푏푖) (4) , (4) < 1 ( 푀 24 ) ( 푀 24 )

(4) (4) Definition of ( 푃 24 ) , ( 푄 24 ) : 175

(4) (4) There exists two constants ( 푃 24 ) and ( 푄 24 ) which together with (4) (4) (4) (4) ( 푀 24 ) , ( 푘24 ) , (퐴 24) 푎푛푑 ( 퐵 24 ) and the constants 4 ′ 4 4 ′ 4 4 4 (푎푖 ) , (푎푖 ) , (푏푖 ) , (푏푖 ) , (푝푖 ) , (푟푖 ) , 푖 = 24,25,26, satisfy the inequalities

1 4 ′ 4 (4) (4) (4) (4) [ (푎푖 ) + (푎푖 ) + ( 퐴24 ) + ( 푃24 ) ( 푘24 ) ] < 1 ( 푀 24 )

1 4 ′ 4 (4) (4) (4) (4) [ (푏푖 ) + (푏푖 ) + ( 퐵24 ) + ( 푄24 ) ( 푘24 ) ] < 1 ( 푀 24 )

Where we suppose 176

5 ′ 5 ′′ 5 5 ′ 5 ′′ 5 (L) 푎푖 , 푎푖 , 푎푖 , 푏푖 , 푏푖 , 푏푖 > 0, 푖, 푗 = 28,29,30 177 ′′ 5 ′′ 5 The functions 푎푖 , 푏푖 are positive continuous increasing and bounded. 5 5 Definition of (푝푖 ) , (푟푖 ) :

′′ 5 5 (5) 푎푖 (푇29, 푡) ≤ (푝푖 ) ≤ ( 퐴28 )

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 53 ISSN 2250-3153

′′ 5 5 ′ 5 (5) 푏푖 퐺31 , 푡 ≤ (푟푖 ) ≤ (푏푖 ) ≤ ( 퐵 28 )


′′ 5 5 푙푖푚푇2→∞ 푎푖 푇29, 푡 = (푝푖 ) ′′ 5 5 limG→∞ 푏푖 퐺31, 푡 = (푟푖 )

(5) (5) Definition of ( 퐴 28 ) , ( 퐵 28 ) :

(5) (5) 5 5 Where ( 퐴 28 ) , ( 퐵 28 ) , (푝푖 ) , (푟푖 ) are positive constants and 푖 = 28,29,30

They satisfy Lipschitz condition: 179

(5) ′′ 5 ′ ′′ 5 (5) ′ −( 푀 28 ) 푡 |(푎푖 ) 푇29, 푡 − (푎푖 ) 푇29, 푡 | ≤ ( 푘28 ) |푇29 − 푇29|푒

(5) ′′ 5 ′ ′′ 5 (5) ′ −( 푀 28 ) 푡 |(푏푖 ) 퐺31 , 푡 − (푏푖 ) 퐺31 , 푡 | < ( 푘28 ) || 퐺31 − 퐺31 ||푒

′′ 5 ′ With the Lipschitz condition, we place a restriction on the behavior of functions (푎푖 ) 푇29, 푡 180 ′′ 5 ′ (5) (5) and(푎푖 ) 푇29, 푡 . 푇29, 푡 and 푇29, 푡 are points belonging to the interval ( 푘28 ) , ( 푀 28 ) . It is ′′ 5 (5) to be noted that (푎푖 ) 푇29, 푡 is uniformly continuous. In the eventuality of the fact, that if ( 푀 28 ) = ′′ 5 5 then the function (푎푖 ) 푇29, 푡 , theFIFTH augmentation coefficient attributable would be absolutely continuous.

(5) (5) Definition of ( 푀 28 ) , ( 푘28 ) : 181

(5) (5) (M) ( 푀 28 ) , ( 푘28 ) , are positive constants 5 5 (푎푖) (푏푖) (5) , (5) < 1 ( 푀 28 ) ( 푀 28 )

(5) (5) Definition of ( 푃 28 ) , ( 푄 28 ) : 182

(5) (5) (N) There exists two constants ( 푃 28 ) and ( 푄 28 ) which together with (5) (5) (5) (5) ( 푀 28 ) , ( 푘28 ) , (퐴 28) 푎푛푑 ( 퐵 28 ) and the constants 5 ′ 5 5 ′ 5 5 5 (푎푖 ) , (푎푖 ) , (푏푖 ) , (푏푖 ) , (푝푖 ) , (푟푖 ) , 푖 = 28,29,30, satisfy the inequalities

1 5 ′ 5 (5) (5) (5) (5) [ (푎푖 ) + (푎푖 ) + ( 퐴28 ) + ( 푃28 ) ( 푘28 ) ] < 1 ( 푀 28 )

1 5 ′ 5 (5) (5) (5) (5) [ (푏푖 ) + (푏푖 ) + ( 퐵28 ) + ( 푄28 ) ( 푘28 ) ] < 1 ( 푀 28 )

Where we suppose 183

6 ′ 6 ′′ 6 6 ′ 6 ′′ 6 푎푖 , 푎푖 , 푎푖 , 푏푖 , 푏푖 , 푏푖 > 0, 푖, 푗 = 32,33,34 184 ′′ 6 ′′ 6 The functions 푎푖 , 푏푖 are positive continuous increasing and bounded. 6 6 Definition of (푝푖 ) , (푟푖 ) :

′′ 6 6 (6) 푎푖 (푇33 , 푡) ≤ (푝푖 ) ≤ ( 퐴32 )

′′ 6 6 ′ 6 (6) 푏푖 ( 퐺35 , 푡) ≤ (푟푖 ) ≤ (푏푖 ) ≤ ( 퐵 32 )


′′ 6 6 푙푖푚푇2→∞ 푎푖 푇33 , 푡 = (푝푖 ) ′′ 6 6 limG→∞ 푏푖 퐺35 , 푡 = (푟푖 )

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 54 ISSN 2250-3153

(6) (6) Definition of ( 퐴 32 ) , ( 퐵 32 ) :

(6) (6) 6 6 Where ( 퐴 32 ) , ( 퐵 32 ) , (푝푖 ) , (푟푖 ) are positive constants and 푖 = 32,33,34

They satisfy Lipschitz condition: 186

(6) ′′ 6 ′ ′′ 6 (6) ′ −( 푀 32 ) 푡 |(푎푖 ) 푇33 , 푡 − (푎푖 ) 푇33, 푡 | ≤ ( 푘32 ) |푇33 − 푇33|푒

(6) ′′ 6 ′ ′′ 6 (6) ′ −( 푀 32 ) 푡 |(푏푖 ) 퐺35 , 푡 − (푏푖 ) 퐺35 , 푡 | < ( 푘32 ) || 퐺35 − 퐺35 ||푒

′′ 6 ′ With the Lipschitz condition, we place a restriction on the behavior of functions (푎푖 ) 푇33 , 푡 187 ′′ 6 ′ (6) (6) and(푎푖 ) 푇33 , 푡 . 푇33 , 푡 and 푇33 , 푡 are points belonging to the interval ( 푘32 ) , ( 푀 32 ) . It is ′′ 6 (6) to be noted that (푎푖 ) 푇33, 푡 is uniformly continuous. In the eventuality of the fact, that if ( 푀 32 ) = ′′ 6 6 then the function (푎푖 ) 푇33 , 푡 , the SIXTH augmentation coefficient would be absolutely continuous.

(6) (6) Definition of ( 푀 32 ) , ( 푘32 ) : 188

(6) (6) ( 푀 32 ) , ( 푘32 ) , are positive constants 6 6 (푎푖) (푏푖) (6) , (6) < 1 ( 푀 32 ) ( 푀 32 )

(6) (6) Definition of ( 푃 32 ) , ( 푄 32 ) : 189

(6) (6) There exists two constants ( 푃 32 ) and ( 푄 32 ) which together with (6) (6) (6) (6) ( 푀 32 ) , ( 푘32 ) , (퐴 32) 푎푛푑 ( 퐵 32 ) and the constants 6 ′ 6 6 ′ 6 6 6 (푎푖 ) , (푎푖 ) , (푏푖 ) , (푏푖 ) , (푝푖 ) , (푟푖 ) , 푖 = 32,33,34, satisfy the inequalities

1 6 ′ 6 (6) (6) (6) (6) [ (푎푖 ) + (푎푖 ) + ( 퐴32 ) + ( 푃32 ) ( 푘32 ) ] < 1 ( 푀 32 )

1 6 ′ 6 (6) (6) (6) (6) [ (푏푖 ) + (푏푖 ) + ( 퐵32 ) + ( 푄32 ) ( 푘32 ) ] < 1 ( 푀 32 )

Where we suppose 190

7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 푎푖 , 푎푖 , 푎푖 , 푏푖 , 푏푖 , 푏푖 > 0, 191 푖, 푗 = 36,37,38

′′ 7 ′′ 7 The functions 푎푖 , 푏푖 are positive continuous increasing and bounded. 7 7 Definition of (푝푖 ) , (푟푖 ) :

′′ 7 7 (7) 푎푖 (푇37 , 푡) ≤ (푝푖 ) ≤ ( 퐴36 )

′′ 7 7 ′ 7 (7) 푏푖 (퐺, 푡) ≤ (푟푖 ) ≤ (푏푖 ) ≤ ( 퐵 36 )


International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 55 ISSN 2250-3153

′′ 7 7 lim 푎푖 푇37, 푡 = (푝푖 ) 푇2→∞ ′′ 7 7 limG→∞ 푏푖 퐺39 , 푡 = (푟푖 )

(7) (7) Definition of ( 퐴 36 ) , ( 퐵 36 ) :

(7) (7) 7 7 Where ( 퐴 36 ) , ( 퐵 36 ) , (푝푖 ) , (푟푖 ) are positive constants and 푖 = 36,37,38

They satisfy Lipschitz condition: 193

(7) ′′ 7 ′ ′′ 7 (7) ′ −( 푀 36 ) 푡 |(푎푖 ) 푇37, 푡 − (푎푖 ) 푇37 , 푡 | ≤ ( 푘36 ) |푇37 − 푇37 |푒

(7) ′′ 7 ′ ′′ 7 (7) ′ −( 푀 36 ) 푡 |(푏푖 ) 퐺39 , 푡 − (푏푖 ) 퐺39 , 푇39 | < ( 푘36 ) || 퐺39 − 퐺39 ||푒

′′ 7 ′ With the Lipschitz condition, we place a restriction on the behavior of functions (푎푖 ) 푇37 , 푡 194 ′′ 7 ′ (7) (7) and(푎푖 ) 푇37 , 푡 . 푇37 , 푡 and 푇37 , 푡 are points belonging to the interval ( 푘36 ) , ( 푀 36 ) . ′′ 7 It is to be noted that (푎푖 ) 푇37 , 푡 is uniformly continuous. In the eventuality of the fact, that if (7) ′′ 7 ( 푀 36 ) = 7 then the function (푎푖 ) 푇37 , 푡 , the first augmentation coefficient attributable to terrestrial organisms, would be absolutely continuous.

(7) (7) Definition of ( 푀 36 ) , ( 푘36 ) : 195

(7) (7) (O) ( 푀 36 ) , ( 푘36 ) , are positive constants

7 7 (푎푖) (푏푖) (7) , (7) < 1 ( 푀 36 ) ( 푀 36 )

(7) (7) Definition of ( 푃 36 ) , ( 푄 36 ) : 196

(7) (7) There exists two constants ( 푃 36 ) and ( 푄 36 ) which together with (7) (7) (7) (7) ( 푀 36 ) , ( 푘36 ) , (퐴 36) 푎푛푑 ( 퐵 36 ) and the constants 7 ′ 7 7 ′ 7 7 7 (푎푖 ) , (푎푖 ) , (푏푖 ) , (푏푖 ) , (푝푖 ) , (푟푖 ) , 푖 = 36,37,38, satisfy the inequalities

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 56 ISSN 2250-3153

1 [ (푎 ) 7 + (푎′ ) 7 + ( 퐴 )(7) + ( 푃 )(7) ( 푘 )(7)] < 1 (7) 푖 푖 36 36 36 ( 푀 36 )

1 [ (푏 ) 7 + (푏′ ) 7 + ( 퐵 )(7) + ( 푄 )(7) ( 푘 )(7)] < 1 (7) 푖 푖 36 36 36 ( 푀 36 )


Definition of 퐺푖 0 , 푇푖 0 :

5 5 푀 28 푡 0 퐺푖 푡 ≤ 푃28 푒 , 퐺푖 0 = 퐺푖 > 0

(5) (5) ( 푀 28 ) 푡 0 푇푖 (푡) ≤ ( 푄28 ) 푒 , 푇푖 0 = 푇푖 > 0


Where we suppose 199

8 ′ 8 ′′ 8 8 ′ 8 ′′ 8 (P) 푎푖 , 푎푖 , 푎푖 , 푏푖 , 푏푖 , 푏푖 > 0, 200 푖, 푗 = 40,41,42

′′ 8 ′′ 8 (Q) The functions 푎푖 , 푏푖 are positive continuous increasing and bounded. 8 8 Definition of (푝푖 ) , (푟푖 ) :

′′ 8 8 (8) 푎푖 (푇41, 푡) ≤ (푝푖 ) ≤ ( 퐴40 )

′′ 8 8 ′ 8 (8) 푏푖 ( 퐺43 , 푡) ≤ (푟푖 ) ≤ (푏푖 ) ≤ ( 퐵 40 )


′′ 8 8 (R) lim푇2→∞ 푎푖 푇41, 푡 = (푝푖 ) ′′ 8 8 lim퐺→∞ 푏푖 퐺43 , 푡 = (푟푖 )

(8) (8) Definition of ( 퐴 40 ) , ( 퐵 40 ) :

(8) (8) 8 8 Where ( 퐴 40 ) , ( 퐵 40 ) , (푝푖 ) , (푟푖 ) are positive constants and 푖 = 40,41,42

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 57 ISSN 2250-3153

They satisfy Lipschitz condition: 202

(8) ′′ 8 ′ ′′ 8 (8) ′ −( 푀 40 ) 푡 |(푎푖 ) 푇41, 푡 − (푎푖 ) 푇41, 푡 | ≤ ( 푘40 ) |푇41 − 푇41|푒

(8) ′′ 8 ′ ′′ 8 (8) ′ −( 푀 40 ) 푡 |(푏푖 ) 퐺43 , 푡 − (푏푖 ) 퐺43 , 푇43 | < ( 푘40 ) || 퐺43 − 퐺43 ||푒

′′ 8 ′ With the Lipschitz condition, we place a restriction on the behavior of functions (푎푖 ) 푇41, 푡 203 ′′ 8 ′ (8) (8) and(푎푖 ) 푇41, 푡 . 푇41, 푡 and 푇41, 푡 are points belonging to the interval ( 푘40 ) , ( 푀 40 ) . ′′ 8 It is to be noted that (푎푖 ) 푇41, 푡 is uniformly continuous. In the eventuality of the fact, that if (8) ′′ 8 ( 푀 40 ) = 8 then the function (푎푖 ) 푇41, 푡 , the EIGHT augmentation coefficient would be absolutely continuous.

(8) (8) Definition of ( 푀 40 ) , ( 푘40 ) : 204

(8) (8) (S) ( 푀 40 ) , ( 푘40 ) , are positive constants 204A

8 8 (푎푖) (푏푖) (8) , (8) < 1 ( 푀 40 ) ( 푀 40 )


0 204B 퐺15 푡 = 퐺15 + 푡 1 ′ 1 ′′ 1 0 (푎15 ) 퐺14 푠 13 − (푎15 ) + (푎15 ) 푇14 푠 13 , 푠 13 퐺15 푠 13 푑푠 13

By 205

0 푡 1 ′ 1 ′′ 1 퐺13 푡 = 퐺13 + 0 (푎13) 퐺14 푠 13 − (푎13 ) + 푎13 ) 푇14 푠 13 , 푠 13 퐺13 푠 13 푑푠 13

0 푡 1 ′ 1 ′′ 1 206 퐺14 푡 = 퐺14 + 0 (푎14 ) 퐺13 푠 13 − (푎14) + (푎14 ) 푇14 푠 13 , 푠 13 퐺14 푠 13 푑푠 13

0 푡 1 ′ 1 ′′ 1 207 푇13 푡 = 푇13 + 0 (푏13 ) 푇14 푠 13 − (푏13) − (푏13) 퐺 푠 13 , 푠 13 푇13 푠 13 푑푠 13

0 푡 1 ′ 1 ′′ 1 208 푇14 푡 = 푇14 + 0 (푏14 ) 푇13 푠 13 − (푏14) − (푏14) 퐺 푠 13 , 푠 13 푇14 푠 13 푑푠 13

0 푡 1 ′ 1 ′′ 1 209 T15 t = T15 + 0 (푏15) 푇14 푠 13 − (푏15) − (푏15) 퐺 푠 13 , 푠 13 푇15 푠 13 푑푠 13

Where 푠 13 is the integrand that is integrated over an interval 0, 푡


if the conditions IN THE FOREGOING above are fulfilled, there exists a solution satisfying the conditions

Definition of 퐺푖 0 , 푇푖 0 :

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 58 ISSN 2250-3153

7 7 푀 36 푡 0 퐺푖 푡 ≤ 푃36 푒 , 퐺푖 0 = 퐺푖 > 0 (7) (7) ( 푀 36 ) 푡 0 푇푖 (푡) ≤ ( 푄36 ) 푒 , 푇푖 0 = 푇푖 > 0 (7) Consider operator 풜 defined on the space of sextuples of continuous functions 퐺푖 , 푇푖 : ℝ+ → ℝ+ which satisfy

0 0 0 (7) 0 (7) 퐺푖 0 = 퐺푖 , 푇푖 0 = 푇푖 , 퐺푖 ≤ ( 푃36 ) , 푇푖 ≤ ( 푄36 ) ,

(7) 0 (7) ( 푀 36 ) 푡 0 ≤ 퐺푖 푡 − 퐺푖 ≤ ( 푃36 ) 푒

(7) 0 (7) ( 푀 36 ) 푡 0 ≤ 푇푖 푡 − 푇푖 ≤ ( 푄36 ) 푒


0 푡 7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 퐺36 푡 = 퐺36 + 0 (푎36 ) 퐺37 푠 36 − (푎36) + 푎36) 푇37 푠 36 , 푠 36 퐺36 푠 36 푑푠 36

0 퐺37 푡 = 퐺37 + 푡 7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 0 (푎37) 퐺36 푠 36 − (푎37 ) + (푎37) 푇37 푠 36 , 푠 36 퐺37 푠 36 푑푠 36

0 퐺38 푡 = 퐺38 + 푡 7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 0 (푎38) 퐺37 푠 36 − (푎38 ) + (푎38) 푇37 푠 36 , 푠 36 퐺38 푠 36 푑푠 36

0 푡 7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 푇36 푡 = 푇36 + 0 (푏36) 푇37 푠 36 − (푏36) − (푏36) 퐺 푠 36 , 푠 36 푇36 푠 36 푑푠 36

0 푡 7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 푇37 푡 = 푇37 + 0 (푏37) 푇36 푠 36 − (푏37) − (푏37) 퐺 푠 36 , 푠 36 푇37 푠 36 푑푠 36

0 T 38 t = T38 + 푡 7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 0 (푏38) 푇37 푠 36 − (푏38) − (푏38) 퐺 푠 36 , 푠 36 푇38 푠 36 푑푠 36

Where 푠 36 is the integrand that is integrated over an interval 0, 푡

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 59 ISSN 2250-3153

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(2) Consider operator 풜 defined on the space of sextuples of continuous functions 퐺푖 , 푇푖 : ℝ+ → ℝ+ which satisfy

0 0 0 (2) 0 (2) 퐺푖 0 = 퐺푖 , 푇푖 0 = 푇푖 , 퐺푖 ≤ ( 푃16 ) , 푇푖 ≤ ( 푄16 ) , 212

(2) 0 (2) ( 푀 16 ) 푡 213 0 ≤ 퐺푖 푡 − 퐺푖 ≤ ( 푃16 ) 푒

(2) 0 (2) ( 푀 16 ) 푡 214 0 ≤ 푇푖 푡 − 푇푖 ≤ ( 푄16 ) 푒

By 215

0 푡 2 ′ 2 ′′ 2 퐺16 푡 = 퐺16 + 0 (푎16) 퐺17 푠 16 − (푎16 ) + 푎16 ) 푇17 푠 16 , 푠 16 퐺16 푠 16 푑푠 16

0 푡 2 ′ 2 ′′ 2 216 퐺17 푡 = 퐺17 + 0 (푎17 ) 퐺16 푠 16 − (푎17) + (푎17 ) 푇17 푠 16 , 푠 17 퐺17 푠 16 푑푠 16

0 푡 2 ′ 2 ′′ 2 217 퐺18 푡 = 퐺18 + 0 (푎18 ) 퐺17 푠 16 − (푎18) + (푎18 ) 푇17 푠 16 , 푠 16 퐺18 푠 16 푑푠 16

0 푡 2 ′ 2 ′′ 2 218 푇16 푡 = 푇16 + 0 (푏16 ) 푇17 푠 16 − (푏16) − (푏16) 퐺 푠 16 , 푠 16 푇16 푠 16 푑푠 16

0 푡 2 ′ 2 ′′ 2 219 푇17 푡 = 푇17 + 0 (푏17 ) 푇16 푠 16 − (푏17) − (푏17) 퐺 푠 16 , 푠 16 푇17 푠 16 푑푠 16

0 푡 2 ′ 2 ′′ 2 220 푇18 푡 = 푇18 + 0 (푏18 ) 푇17 푠 16 − (푏18) − (푏18) 퐺 푠 16 , 푠 16 푇18 푠 16 푑푠 16

Where 푠 16 is the integrand that is integrated over an interval 0, 푡


(3) Consider operator 풜 defined on the space of sextuples of continuous functions 퐺푖 , 푇푖 : ℝ+ → ℝ+ which satisfy

0 0 0 (3) 0 (3) 퐺푖 0 = 퐺푖 , 푇푖 0 = 푇푖 , 퐺푖 ≤ ( 푃20 ) , 푇푖 ≤ ( 푄20 ) , 222

(3) 0 (3) ( 푀 20 ) 푡 223 0 ≤ 퐺푖 푡 − 퐺푖 ≤ ( 푃20 ) 푒

(3) 0 (3) ( 푀 20 ) 푡 224 0 ≤ 푇푖 푡 − 푇푖 ≤ ( 푄20 ) 푒

By 225

0 푡 3 ′ 3 ′′ 3 퐺20 푡 = 퐺20 + 0 (푎20 ) 퐺21 푠 20 − (푎20) + 푎20) 푇21 푠 20 , 푠 20 퐺20 푠 20 푑푠 20

0 푡 3 ′ 3 ′′ 3 226 퐺21 푡 = 퐺21 + 0 (푎21) 퐺20 푠 20 − (푎21) + (푎21 ) 푇21 푠 20 , 푠 20 퐺21 푠 20 푑푠 20

0 푡 3 ′ 3 ′′ 3 227 퐺22 푡 = 퐺22 + 0 (푎22 ) 퐺21 푠 20 − (푎22 ) + (푎22) 푇21 푠 20 , 푠 20 퐺22 푠 20 푑푠 20

0 푡 3 ′ 3 ′′ 3 228 푇20 푡 = 푇20 + 0 (푏20) 푇21 푠 20 − (푏20) − (푏20) 퐺 푠 20 , 푠 20 푇20 푠 20 푑푠 20

0 푡 3 ′ 3 ′′ 3 229 푇21 푡 = 푇21 + 0 (푏21) 푇20 푠 20 − (푏21) − (푏21) 퐺 푠 20 , 푠 20 푇21 푠 20 푑푠 20

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 61 ISSN 2250-3153

0 푡 3 ′ 3 ′′ 3 230 T22 t = T22 + 0 (푏22) 푇21 푠 20 − (푏22) − (푏22 ) 퐺 푠 20 , 푠 20 푇22 푠 20 푑푠 20

Where 푠 20 is the integrand that is integrated over an interval 0, 푡

(4) Consider operator 풜 defined on the space of sextuples of continuous functions 퐺푖 , 푇푖 : ℝ+ → ℝ+ 231 which satisfy

0 0 0 (4) 0 (4) 퐺푖 0 = 퐺푖 , 푇푖 0 = 푇푖 , 퐺푖 ≤ ( 푃24 ) , 푇푖 ≤ ( 푄24 ) , 232

(4) 0 (4) ( 푀 24 ) 푡 233 0 ≤ 퐺푖 푡 − 퐺푖 ≤ ( 푃24 ) 푒

(4) 0 (4) ( 푀 24 ) 푡 234 0 ≤ 푇푖 푡 − 푇푖 ≤ ( 푄24 ) 푒

By 235

0 푡 4 ′ 4 ′′ 4 퐺24 푡 = 퐺24 + 0 (푎24 ) 퐺25 푠 24 − (푎24) + 푎24) 푇25 푠 24 , 푠 24 퐺24 푠 24 푑푠 24

0 푡 4 ′ 4 ′′ 4 236 퐺25 푡 = 퐺25 + 0 (푎25) 퐺24 푠 24 − (푎25) + (푎25 ) 푇25 푠 24 , 푠 24 퐺25 푠 24 푑푠 24

0 푡 4 ′ 4 ′′ 4 237 퐺26 푡 = 퐺26 + 0 (푎26) 퐺25 푠 24 − (푎26) + (푎26) 푇25 푠 24 , 푠 24 퐺26 푠 24 푑푠 24

0 푡 4 ′ 4 ′′ 4 238 푇24 푡 = 푇24 + 0 (푏24) 푇25 푠 24 − (푏24) − (푏24) 퐺 푠 24 , 푠 24 푇24 푠 24 푑푠 24

0 푡 4 ′ 4 ′′ 4 239 푇25 푡 = 푇25 + 0 (푏25) 푇24 푠 24 − (푏25) − (푏25) 퐺 푠 24 , 푠 24 푇25 푠 24 푑푠 24

0 푡 4 ′ 4 ′′ 4 240 T26 t = T26 + 0 (푏26 ) 푇25 푠 24 − (푏26) − (푏26) 퐺 푠 24 , 푠 24 푇26 푠 24 푑푠 24

Where 푠 24 is the integrand that is integrated over an interval 0, 푡

(5) Consider operator 풜 defined on the space of sextuples of continuous functions 퐺푖 , 푇푖 : ℝ+ → ℝ+ 241 which satisfy 242

0 0 0 (5) 0 (5) 퐺푖 0 = 퐺푖 , 푇푖 0 = 푇푖 , 퐺푖 ≤ ( 푃28 ) , 푇푖 ≤ ( 푄28 ) , 243

(5) 0 (5) ( 푀 28 ) 푡 244 0 ≤ 퐺푖 푡 − 퐺푖 ≤ ( 푃28 ) 푒

(5) 0 (5) ( 푀 28 ) 푡 245 0 ≤ 푇푖 푡 − 푇푖 ≤ ( 푄28 ) 푒

By 246

0 푡 5 ′ 5 ′′ 5 퐺28 푡 = 퐺28 + 0 (푎28 ) 퐺29 푠 28 − (푎28 ) + 푎28) 푇29 푠 28 , 푠 28 퐺28 푠 28 푑푠 28

0 푡 5 ′ 5 ′′ 5 247 퐺29 푡 = 퐺29 + 0 (푎29) 퐺28 푠 28 − (푎29) + (푎29) 푇29 푠 28 , 푠 28 퐺29 푠 28 푑푠 28

0 푡 5 ′ 5 ′′ 5 248 퐺30 푡 = 퐺30 + 0 (푎30) 퐺29 푠 28 − (푎30) + (푎30) 푇29 푠 28 , 푠 28 퐺30 푠 28 푑푠 28

0 푡 5 ′ 5 ′′ 5 249 푇28 푡 = 푇28 + 0 (푏28) 푇29 푠 28 − (푏28) − (푏28) 퐺 푠 28 , 푠 28 푇28 푠 28 푑푠 28

0 푡 5 ′ 5 ′′ 5 250 푇29 푡 = 푇29 + 0 (푏29) 푇28 푠 28 − (푏29) − (푏29) 퐺 푠 28 , 푠 28 푇29 푠 28 푑푠 28

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 62 ISSN 2250-3153

0 푡 5 ′ 5 ′′ 5 251 T30 t = T30 + 0 (푏30) 푇29 푠 28 − (푏30) − (푏30) 퐺 푠 28 , 푠 28 푇30 푠 28 푑푠 28

Where 푠 28 is the integrand that is integrated over an interval 0, 푡


(6) Consider operator 풜 defined on the space of sextuples of continuous functions 퐺푖 , 푇푖 : ℝ+ → ℝ+ which satisfy

0 0 0 (6) 0 (6) 퐺푖 0 = 퐺푖 , 푇푖 0 = 푇푖 , 퐺푖 ≤ ( 푃32 ) , 푇푖 ≤ ( 푄32 ) , 253

(6) 0 (6) ( 푀 32 ) 푡 254 0 ≤ 퐺푖 푡 − 퐺푖 ≤ ( 푃32 ) 푒

(6) 0 (6) ( 푀 32 ) 푡 255 0 ≤ 푇푖 푡 − 푇푖 ≤ ( 푄32 ) 푒

By 256

0 푡 6 ′ 6 ′′ 6 퐺32 푡 = 퐺32 + 0 (푎32 ) 퐺33 푠 32 − (푎32) + 푎32) 푇33 푠 32 , 푠 32 퐺32 푠 32 푑푠 32

0 푡 6 ′ 6 ′′ 6 257 퐺33 푡 = 퐺33 + 0 (푎33) 퐺32 푠 32 − (푎33) + (푎33 ) 푇33 푠 32 , 푠 32 퐺33 푠 32 푑푠 32

0 푡 6 ′ 6 ′′ 6 258 퐺34 푡 = 퐺34 + 0 (푎34) 퐺33 푠 32 − (푎34) + (푎34) 푇33 푠 32 , 푠 32 퐺34 푠 32 푑푠 32

0 푡 6 ′ 6 ′′ 6 259 푇32 푡 = 푇32 + 0 (푏32) 푇33 푠 32 − (푏32) − (푏32) 퐺 푠 32 , 푠 32 푇32 푠 32 푑푠 32

0 푡 6 ′ 6 ′′ 6 260 푇33 푡 = 푇33 + 0 (푏33) 푇32 푠 32 − (푏33) − (푏33) 퐺 푠 32 , 푠 32 푇33 푠 32 푑푠 32

0 푡 6 ′ 6 ′′ 6 261 T34 t = T34 + 0 (푏34) 푇33 푠 32 − (푏34) − (푏34 ) 퐺 푠 32 , 푠 32 푇34 푠 32 푑푠 32

Where 푠 32 is the integrand that is integrated over an interval 0, 푡

: if the conditions IN THE FOREGOING are fulfilled, there exists a solution satisfying the conditions 262

Definition of 퐺푖 0 , 푇푖 0 :

7 7 푀 36 푡 0 퐺푖 푡 ≤ 푃36 푒 , 퐺푖 0 = 퐺푖 > 0

(7) (7) ( 푀 36 ) 푡 0 푇푖 (푡) ≤ ( 푄36 ) 푒 , 푇푖 0 = 푇푖 > 0


(7) Consider operator 풜 defined on the space of sextuples of continuous functions 퐺푖 , 푇푖 : ℝ+ → ℝ+ which satisfy

0 0 0 (7) 0 (7) 퐺푖 0 = 퐺푖 , 푇푖 0 = 푇푖 , 퐺푖 ≤ ( 푃36 ) , 푇푖 ≤ ( 푄36 ) , 263

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 63 ISSN 2250-3153

(7) 0 (7) ( 푀 36 ) 푡 264 0 ≤ 퐺푖 푡 − 퐺푖 ≤ ( 푃36 ) 푒

(7) 0 (7) ( 푀 36 ) 푡 265 0 ≤ 푇푖 푡 − 푇푖 ≤ ( 푄36 ) 푒

By 266

0 퐺36 푡 = 퐺36 + 푡 7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 0 (푎36 ) 퐺37 푠 36 − (푎36) + 푎36) 푇37 푠 36 , 푠 36 퐺36 푠 36 푑푠 36


0 퐺37 푡 = 퐺37 +

푡 7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 0 (푎37) 퐺36 푠 36 − (푎37 ) + (푎37) 푇37 푠 36 , 푠 36 퐺37 푠 36 푑푠 36

0 퐺38 푡 = 퐺38 + 268

푡 7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 0 (푎38) 퐺37 푠 36 − (푎38 ) + (푎38) 푇37 푠 36 , 푠 36 퐺38 푠 36 푑푠 36


0 푇 36 푡 = 푇36 + 푡 7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 0 (푏36) 푇37 푠 36 − (푏36) − (푏36) 퐺 푠 36 , 푠 36 푇36 푠 36 푑푠 36

0 푇 37 푡 = 푇37 + 270 푡 7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 0 (푏37) 푇36 푠 36 − (푏37) − (푏37) 퐺 푠 36 , 푠 36 푇37 푠 36 푑푠 36

0 T 38 t = T38 + 271

푡 7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 0 (푏38) 푇37 푠 36 − (푏38) − (푏38) 퐺 푠 36 , 푠 36 푇38 푠 36 푑푠 36

Where 푠 36 is the integrand that is integrated over an interval 0, 푡

if the conditions above are fulfilled, there exists a solution satisfying the conditions 272

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 64 ISSN 2250-3153

Definition of 퐺푖 0 , 푇푖 0 :

8 8 푀 40 푡 0 퐺푖 푡 ≤ 푃40 푒 , 퐺푖 0 = 퐺푖 > 0

(8) (8) ( 푀 40 ) 푡 0 푇푖 (푡) ≤ ( 푄40 ) 푒 , 푇푖 0 = 푇푖 > 0


(8) Consider operator 풜 defined on the space of sextuples of continuous functions 퐺푖 , 푇푖 : ℝ+ → ℝ+ which satisfy

0 0 0 (8) 0 (8) 퐺푖 0 = 퐺푖 , 푇푖 0 = 푇푖 , 퐺푖 ≤ ( 푃40 ) , 푇푖 ≤ ( 푄40 ) , 273

(8) 0 (8) ( 푀 40 ) 푡 274 0 ≤ 퐺푖 푡 − 퐺푖 ≤ ( 푃40 ) 푒

(8) 0 (8) ( 푀 40 ) 푡 275 0 ≤ 푇푖 푡 − 푇푖 ≤ ( 푄40 ) 푒

By 276

0 퐺40 푡 = 퐺40 + 푡 8 ′ 8 ′′ 8 0 (푎40 ) 퐺41 푠 40 − (푎40 ) + 푎40 ) 푇41 푠 40 , 푠 40 퐺40 푠 40 푑푠 40


0 퐺41 푡 = 퐺41 +

푡 8 ′ 8 ′′ 8 0 (푎41) 퐺40 푠 40 − (푎41) + (푎41 ) 푇41 푠 40 , 푠 40 퐺41 푠 40 푑푠 40

0 퐺42 푡 = 퐺42 + 278

푡 8 ′ 8 ′′ 8 0 (푎42) 퐺41 푠 40 − (푎42) + (푎42 ) 푇41 푠 40 , 푠 40 퐺42 푠 40 푑푠 40


0 푇 40 푡 = 푇40 + 푡 8 ′ 8 ′′ 8 0 (푏40) 푇41 푠 40 − (푏40) − (푏40) 퐺 푠 40 , 푠 40 푇40 푠 40 푑푠 40

0 푇 41 푡 = 푇41 + 280

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 65 ISSN 2250-3153

푡 8 ′ 8 ′′ 8 0 (푏41) 푇40 푠 40 − (푏41) − (푏41) 퐺 푠 40 , 푠 40 푇41 푠 40 푑푠 40

0 T 42 t = T42 + 281

푡 8 ′ 8 ′′ 8 0 (푏42) 푇41 푠 40 − (푏42) − (푏42) 퐺 푠 40 , 푠 40 푇42 푠 40 푑푠 40 282

Where 푠 40 is the integrand that is integrated over an interval 0, 푡

The operator 풜(8) maps the space of functions satisfying global equations into itself .Indeed it is 283 obvious that

푡 (8) 0 8 0 (8) ( 푀40 ) 푠 40 퐺40 푡 ≤ 퐺40 + 0 (푎40) 퐺41 +( 푃40 ) 푒 푑푠 40 =

(푎 ) 8 ( 푃 )(8) (8) 8 0 40 40 ( 푀 40 ) 푡 1 + (푎40 ) 푡 퐺41 + (8) 푒 − 1 ( 푀 40 )


From which it follows that

( 푃 )(8)+퐺0 8 − 40 41 (8) (푎40 ) 0 0 −( 푀40 ) 푡 (8) 0 퐺41 (8) 퐺40 푡 − 퐺40 푒 ≤ (8) ( 푃40 ) + 퐺41 푒 + ( 푃40 ) ( 푀 40 )

0 퐺푖 is as defined in the statement of theorem 1

(1) In order that the operator 풜 transforms the space of sextuples of functions 퐺푖 , 푇푖 satisfying 285 GLOBAL EQUATIONS into itself

The operator 풜(1) is a contraction with respect to the metric 286

푑 퐺 1 , 푇 1 , 퐺 2 , 푇 2 =

1 1 1 2 −(푀 13) 푡 1 2 −(푀 13) 푡 푠푢푝{푚푎푥 퐺푖 푡 − 퐺푖 푡 푒 , 푚푎푥 푇푖 푡 − 푇푖 푡 푒 } 푖 푡∈ℝ+ 푡∈ℝ+

Indeed if we denote 287

Definition of 퐺 , 푇 :

퐺 , 푇 = 풜(1)(퐺, 푇)

It results

푡 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 −( 푀13) 푠 13 ( 푀13) 푠 13 퐺13 − 퐺푖 ≤ 0 (푎13) 퐺14 − 퐺14 푒 푒 푑푠 13 +

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 66 ISSN 2250-3153

푡 1 1 ′ 1 1 2 −( 푀13) 푠 13 −( 푀13) 푠 13 0 {(푎13 ) 퐺13 − 퐺13 푒 푒 +

1 1 ′′ 1 1 1 2 −( 푀13) 푠 13 ( 푀13) 푠 13 (푎13) 푇14 , 푠 13 퐺13 − 퐺13 푒 푒 +

1 1 2 ′′ 1 1 ′′ 1 2 −( 푀13) 푠 13 ( 푀13) 푠 13 퐺13 |(푎13 ) 푇14 , 푠 13 − (푎13 ) 푇14 , 푠 13 | 푒 푒 }푑푠 13

Where 푠 13 represents integrand that is integrated over the interval 0, t

From the hypotheses it follows

1 퐺 1 − 퐺 2 푒−( 푀13) 푡 ≤ 288 1 1 ′ 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 (푎13) + (푎13) + ( 퐴13) + ( 푃13) ( 푘13) 푑 퐺 , 푇 ; 퐺 , 푇 ( 푀13)

And analogous inequalities for 퐺푖 푎푛푑 푇푖 . Taking into account the hypothesis the result follows

′′ 1 ′′ 1 Remark 1: The fact that we supposed (푎13 ) and (푏13) depending also on t can be considered as 289 not conformal with the reality, however we have put this hypothesis ,in order that we can postulate condition necessary to prove the uniqueness of the solution bounded by 1 1 1 ( 푀13) 푡 1 ( 푀13) 푡 ( 푃13) 푒 푎푛푑 ( 푄13) 푒 respectively of ℝ+.

If instead of proving the existence of the solution on ℝ+, we have to prove it only on a compact then ′′ 1 ′′ 1 it suffices to consider that (푎푖 ) and (푏푖 ) , 푖 = 13,14,15 depend only on T14 and respectively on 퐺(푎푛푑 푛표푡 표푛 푡) and hypothesis can replaced by a usual Lipschitz condition.

Remark 2: There does not exist any 푡 where 퐺푖 푡 = 0 푎푛푑 푇푖 푡 = 0 290

From 19 to 24 it results

푡 ′ 1 ′′ 1 0 − 0 (푎푖 ) −(푎푖 ) 푇14 푠 13 ,푠 13 푑푠 13 291 퐺푖 푡 ≥ 퐺푖 푒 ≥ 0

′ 1 0 −(푏푖 ) 푡 푇푖 푡 ≥ 푇푖 푒 > 0 for t > 0

Definition of ( 푀 ) 1 , 푎푛푑 ( 푀 ) 1 : 292 13 1 13 3

Remark 3: if 퐺13 is bounded, the same property have also 퐺14 푎푛푑 퐺15 . indeed if

푑퐺 퐺 < ( 푀 ) 1 it follows 14 ≤ ( 푀 ) 1 − (푎′ ) 1 퐺 and by integrating 13 13 푑푡 13 1 14 14

퐺 ≤ ( 푀 ) 1 = 퐺0 + 2(푎 ) 1 ( 푀 ) 1 /(푎′ ) 1 14 13 2 14 14 13 1 14 In the same way , one can obtain

퐺 ≤ ( 푀 ) 1 = 퐺0 + 2(푎 ) 1 ( 푀 ) 1 /(푎′ ) 1 15 13 3 15 15 13 2 15

If 퐺14 표푟 퐺15 is bounded, the same property follows for 퐺13 , 퐺15 and 퐺13 , 퐺14 respectively.

Remark 4: If 퐺13 푖푠 bounded, from below, the same property holds for 퐺14 푎푛푑 퐺15 . The proof is 293 analogous with the preceding one. An analogous property is true if 퐺14 is bounded from below.

′′ 1 ′ 1 Remark 5: If T13 is bounded from below and lim푡→∞ ((푏푖 ) (퐺 푡 , 푡)) = (푏14) then 푇14 → ∞. 294

1 Definition of 푚 and 휀1 :

Indeed let 푡1 be so that for 푡 > 푡1

1 ′′ 1 1 (푏14) − (푏푖 ) (퐺 푡 , 푡) < 휀1, 푇13 (푡) > 푚

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 67 ISSN 2250-3153

푑푇 Then 14 ≥ (푎 ) 1 푚 1 − 휀 푇 which leads to 295 푑푡 14 1 14

(푎 ) 1 푚 1 1 14 −휀1푡 0 −휀1푡 −휀1푡 푇14 ≥ 1 − 푒 + 푇14 푒 If we take t such that 푒 = it results 휀1 2

1 1 (푎14 ) 푚 2 푇14 ≥ , 푡 = 푙표푔 By taking now 휀1 sufficiently small one sees that T14 is 2 휀1 ′′ 1 ′ 1 unbounded. The same property holds for 푇15 if lim푡→∞ (푏15 ) 퐺 푡 , 푡 = (푏15 )

We now state a more precise theorem about the behaviors at infinity of the solutions


2 2 (푎푖) (푏푖) 297 It is now sufficient to take (2) , (2) < 1 and to choose ( 푀 16 ) ( 푀 16 )

(2) (2) ( 푃 16 ) 푎푛푑 ( 푄 16 ) large to have

(2) 0 ( 푃16 ) +퐺푗 298 − (푎 ) 2 0 푖 2 (2) 0 퐺푗 (2) 2 ( 푃16) + ( 푃16 ) + 퐺푗 푒 ≤ ( 푃16 ) (푀 16)


(2) 0 ( 푄16 ) +푇푗 − (푏 ) 2 0 푖 (2) 0 푇푗 (2) (2) 2 ( 푄16 ) + 푇푗 푒 + ( 푄16 ) ≤ ( 푄16 ) (푀 16)

(2) In order that the operator 풜 transforms the space of sextuples of functions 퐺푖 , 푇푖 satisfying 300

The operator 풜(2) is a contraction with respect to the metric 301

1 1 2 2 푑 퐺19 , 푇19 , 퐺19 , 푇19 =

2 2 1 2 −(푀 16) 푡 1 2 −(푀 16) 푡 푠푢푝{푚푎푥 퐺푖 푡 − 퐺푖 푡 푒 , 푚푎푥 푇푖 푡 − 푇푖 푡 푒 } 푖 푡∈ℝ+ 푡∈ℝ+

Indeed if we denote 302

(2) Definition of 퐺 19, 푇 19 : 퐺 19, 푇 19 = 풜 (퐺19, 푇19)

It results 303

푡 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 −( 푀16) 푠 16 ( 푀16) 푠 16 퐺16 − 퐺푖 ≤ 0 (푎16) 퐺17 − 퐺17 푒 푒 푑푠 16 +

푡 2 2 ′ 2 1 2 −( 푀16) 푠 16 −( 푀16) 푠 16 0 {(푎16 ) 퐺16 − 퐺16 푒 푒 +

2 2 ′′ 2 1 1 2 −( 푀16) 푠 16 ( 푀16) 푠 16 (푎16) 푇17 , 푠 16 퐺16 − 퐺16 푒 푒 +

2 2 2 ′′ 2 1 ′′ 2 2 −( 푀16) 푠 16 ( 푀16) 푠 16 퐺16 |(푎16 ) 푇17 , 푠 16 − (푎16 ) 푇17 , 푠 16 | 푒 푒 }푑푠 16

Where 푠 16 represents integrand that is integrated over the interval 0, 푡 304

From the hypotheses it follows

2 1 2 −( M16) t 305 퐺19 − 퐺19 e ≤ 1 2 ′ 2 2 2 (푎16 ) + (푎16 ) + ( A16) + ( M16)

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 68 ISSN 2250-3153

2 2 1 1 2 2 ( P16) ( 푘16) d 퐺19 , 푇19 ; 퐺19 , 푇19

And analogous inequalities for G푖 and T푖 . Taking into account the hypothesis the result follows 306

′′ 2 ′′ 2 Remark 1: The fact that we supposed (푎16 ) and (푏16) depending also on t can be considered as 307 not conformal with the reality, however we have put this hypothesis ,in order that we can postulate condition necessary to prove the uniqueness of the solution bounded by 2 2 2 ( M16) t 2 ( M16) t ( P16) e and ( Q16) e respectively of ℝ+.

If instead of proving the existence of the solution on ℝ+, we have to prove it only on a compact then ′′ 2 ′′ 2 it suffices to consider that (푎푖 ) and (푏푖 ) , 푖 = 16,17,18 depend only on T17 and respectively on 퐺19 (and not on t) and hypothesis can replaced by a usual Lipschitz condition.

Remark 2: There does not exist any t where G푖 t = 0 and T푖 t = 0 308

From 19 to 24 it results

t ′ 2 ′′ 2 0 − 0 (푎푖 ) −(푎푖 ) T17 푠 16 ,푠 16 d푠 16 G푖 t ≥ G푖 e ≥ 0

′ 2 0 −(푏푖 ) t T푖 t ≥ T푖 e > 0 for t > 0

Definition of ( M ) 2 , ( M ) 2 and ( M ) 2 : 309 16 1 16 2 16 3

Remark 3: if G16 is bounded, the same property have also G17 and G18 . indeed if

dG G < ( M ) 2 it follows 17 ≤ ( M ) 2 − (푎′ ) 2 G and by integrating 16 16 dt 16 1 17 17

2 0 2 2 ′ 2 G17 ≤ ( M16) = G17 + 2(푎17) ( M16) /(푎17 ) 2 1 In the same way , one can obtain

G ≤ ( M ) 2 = G0 + 2(푎 ) 2 ( M ) 2 /(푎′ ) 2 18 16 3 18 18 16 2 18 310

If G17 or G18 is bounded, the same property follows for G16 , G18 and G16 , G17 respectively.

Remark 4: If G16 is bounded, from below, the same property holds for G17 and G18 . The proof is 311 analogous with the preceding one. An analogous property is true if G17 is bounded from below.

′′ 2 ′ 2 Remark 5: If T16 is bounded from below and limt→∞ ((푏푖 ) ( 퐺19 t , t)) = (푏17 ) then 312 T17 → ∞.

2 Definition of 푚 and ε2 :

Indeed let t2 be so that for t > t2

2 ′′ 2 2 (푏17) − (푏푖 ) ( 퐺19 t , t) < ε2, T16 (t) > 푚

dT Then 17 ≥ (푎 ) 2 푚 2 − ε T which leads to 313 dt 17 2 17

(푎 ) 2 푚 2 1 17 −ε2t 0 −ε2t −ε2t T17 ≥ 1 − e + T17e If we take t such that e = it results ε2 2

2 2 (푎17 ) 푚 2 314 T17 ≥ , 푡 = log By taking now ε2 sufficiently small one sees that T17 is 2 ε2 ′′ 2 ′ 2 unbounded. The same property holds for T18 if lim푡→∞ (푏18 ) 퐺19 t , t = (푏18)

We now state a more precise theorem about the behaviors at infinity of the solutions

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 69 ISSN 2250-3153


3 3 (푎푖) (푏푖) 316 It is now sufficient to take (3) , (3) < 1 and to choose ( 푀 20 ) ( 푀 20 )

(3) (3) ( P 20 ) and ( Q 20 ) large to have

(3) 0 ( 푃20 ) +퐺푗 317 − (푎 ) 3 0 푖 3 (3) 0 퐺푗 (3) 3 ( 푃20) + ( 푃20 ) + 퐺푗 푒 ≤ ( 푃20 ) (푀 20)

(3) 0 ( 푄20 ) +푇푗 318 − (푏 ) 3 0 푖 (3) 0 푇푗 (3) (3) 3 ( 푄20 ) + 푇푗 푒 + ( 푄20 ) ≤ ( 푄20 ) (푀 20)

(3) In order that the operator 풜 transforms the space of sextuples of functions 퐺푖 , 푇푖 into itself 319

The operator 풜(3) is a contraction with respect to the metric 320

1 1 2 2 푑 퐺23 , 푇23 , 퐺23 , 푇23 =

3 3 1 2 −(푀 20) 푡 1 2 −(푀 20) 푡 푠푢푝{푚푎푥 퐺푖 푡 − 퐺푖 푡 푒 , 푚푎푥 푇푖 푡 − 푇푖 푡 푒 } 푖 푡∈ℝ+ 푡∈ℝ+

Indeed if we denote 321

(3) Definition of 퐺 23, 푇 23 : 퐺23 , 푇23 = 풜 퐺23 , 푇23

It results 322

푡 3 3 1 2 3 1 2 −( 푀20) 푠 20 ( 푀20) 푠 20 퐺20 − 퐺푖 ≤ 0 (푎20) 퐺21 − 퐺21 푒 푒 푑푠 20 +

푡 3 3 ′ 3 1 2 −( 푀20) 푠 20 −( 푀20) 푠 20 0 {(푎20) 퐺20 − 퐺20 푒 푒 + 323 3 3 ′′ 3 1 1 2 −( 푀20) 푠 20 ( 푀20) 푠 20 (푎20) 푇21 , 푠 20 퐺20 − 퐺20 푒 푒 +

3 3 2 ′′ 3 1 ′′ 3 2 −( 푀20) 푠 20 ( 푀20) 푠 20 퐺20 |(푎20 ) 푇21 , 푠 20 − (푎20) 푇21 , 푠 20 | 푒 푒 }푑푠 20

Where 푠 20 represents integrand that is integrated over the interval 0, t

From the hypotheses it follows

3 퐺 1 − 퐺 2 푒−( 푀20) 푡 ≤ 324 1 3 ′ 3 3 3 (푎20) + (푎20) + ( 퐴20) + ( 푀20) 3 3 1 1 2 2 ( 푃20) ( 푘20) 푑 퐺23 , 푇23 ; 퐺23 , 푇23

And analogous inequalities for 퐺푖 푎푛푑 푇푖 . Taking into account the hypothesis the result follows

′′ 3 ′′ 3 Remark 1: The fact that we supposed (푎20 ) and (푏20 ) depending also on t can be considered as 325 not conformal with the reality, however we have put this hypothesis ,in order that we can postulate condition necessary to prove the uniqueness of the solution bounded by 3 3 3 ( 푀20) 푡 3 ( 푀20) 푡 ( 푃20) 푒 푎푛푑 ( 푄20) 푒 respectively of ℝ+.

If instead of proving the existence of the solution on ℝ+, we have to prove it only on a compact then ′′ 3 ′′ 3 it suffices to consider that (푎푖 ) and (푏푖 ) , 푖 = 20,21,22 depend only on T21 and respectively on 퐺23 (푎푛푑 푛표푡 표푛 푡) and hypothesis can replaced by a usual Lipschitz condition.

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 70 ISSN 2250-3153

Remark 2: There does not exist any 푡 where 퐺푖 푡 = 0 푎푛푑 푇푖 푡 = 0 326

From 19 to 24 it results

푡 ′ 3 ′′ 3 0 − 0 (푎푖 ) −(푎푖 ) 푇21 푠 20 ,푠 20 푑푠 20 퐺푖 푡 ≥ 퐺푖 푒 ≥ 0

′ 3 0 −(푏푖 ) 푡 푇푖 푡 ≥ 푇푖 푒 > 0 for t > 0

Definition of ( 푀 ) 3 , ( 푀 ) 3 푎푛푑 ( 푀 ) 3 : 327 20 1 20 2 20 3

Remark 3: if 퐺20 is bounded, the same property have also 퐺21 푎푛푑 퐺22 . indeed if

푑퐺 퐺 < ( 푀 ) 3 it follows 21 ≤ ( 푀 ) 3 − (푎′ ) 3 퐺 and by integrating 20 20 푑푡 20 1 21 21

퐺 ≤ ( 푀 ) 3 = 퐺0 + 2(푎 ) 3 ( 푀 ) 3 /(푎′ ) 3 21 20 2 21 21 20 1 21

In the same way , one can obtain

퐺 ≤ ( 푀 ) 3 = 퐺0 + 2(푎 ) 3 ( 푀 ) 3 /(푎′ ) 3 22 20 3 22 22 20 2 22

If 퐺21 표푟 퐺22 is bounded, the same property follows for 퐺20 , 퐺22 and 퐺20 , 퐺21 respectively.

Remark 4: If 퐺20 푖푠 bounded, from below, the same property holds for 퐺21 푎푛푑 퐺22 . The proof is 328 analogous with the preceding one. An analogous property is true if 퐺21 is bounded from below.

′′ 3 ′ 3 Remark 5: If T20 is bounded from below and lim푡→∞ ((푏푖 ) 퐺23 푡 , 푡) = (푏21 ) then 329 푇 → ∞. 21 Definition of 푚 3 and 휀 : 3 330

Indeed let 푡3 be so that for 푡 > 푡3

3 ′′ 3 3 (푏21) − (푏푖 ) 퐺23 푡 , 푡 < 휀3, 푇20 (푡) > 푚

푑푇 Then 21 ≥ (푎 ) 3 푚 3 − 휀 푇 which leads to 331 푑푡 21 3 21

(푎 ) 3 푚 3 1 21 −휀3푡 0 −휀3푡 −휀3푡 푇21 ≥ 1 − 푒 + 푇21 푒 If we take t such that 푒 = it results 휀3 2

3 3 (푎21 ) 푚 2 푇21 ≥ , 푡 = 푙표푔 By taking now 휀3 sufficiently small one sees that T21 is 2 휀3 ′′ 3 ′ 3 unbounded. The same property holds for 푇22 if lim푡→∞ (푏22) 퐺23 푡 , 푡 = (푏22)

We now state a more precise theorem about the behaviors at infinity of the solutions


4 4 (푎푖) (푏푖) 333 It is now sufficient to take (4) , (4) < 1 and to choose ( 푀 24 ) ( 푀 24 )

(4) (4) ( P 24 ) and ( Q 24 ) large to have

(4) 0 ( 푃24 ) +퐺푗 334 − (푎 ) 4 0 푖 4 (4) 0 퐺푗 (4) 4 ( 푃24) + ( 푃24 ) + 퐺푗 푒 ≤ ( 푃24 ) (푀 24)

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 71 ISSN 2250-3153

(4) 0 ( 푄24 ) +푇푗 335 − (푏 ) 4 0 푖 (4) 0 푇푗 (4) (4) 4 ( 푄24 ) + 푇푗 푒 + ( 푄24 ) ≤ ( 푄24 ) (푀 24)

(4) In order that the operator 풜 transforms the space of sextuples of functions 퐺푖 , 푇푖 satisfying IN to 336 itself

The operator 풜(4) is a contraction with respect to the metric 337

1 1 2 2 푑 퐺27 , 푇27 , 퐺27 , 푇27 =

4 4 1 2 −(푀 24) 푡 1 2 −(푀 24) 푡 푠푢푝{푚푎푥 퐺푖 푡 − 퐺푖 푡 푒 , 푚푎푥 푇푖 푡 − 푇푖 푡 푒 } 푖 푡∈ℝ+ 푡∈ℝ+

Indeed if we denote

(4) Definition of 퐺27 , 푇27 : 퐺27 , 푇27 = 풜 ( 퐺27 , 푇27 )

It results

푡 4 4 퐺 1 − 퐺 2 ≤ (푎 ) 4 퐺 1 − 퐺 2 푒−( 푀24) 푠 24 푒( 푀24) 푠 24 푑푠 + 24 푖 0 24 25 25 24

푡 4 4 ′ 4 1 2 −( 푀24) 푠 24 −( 푀24) 푠 24 0 {(푎24) 퐺24 − 퐺24 푒 푒 +

4 4 ′′ 4 1 1 2 −( 푀24) 푠 24 ( 푀24) 푠 24 (푎24) 푇25 , 푠 24 퐺24 − 퐺24 푒 푒 +

4 4 퐺 2 |(푎′′ ) 4 푇 1 , 푠 − (푎′′ ) 4 푇 2 , 푠 | 푒−( 푀24) 푠 24 푒( 푀24) 푠 24 }푑푠 24 24 25 24 24 25 24 24

Where 푠 24 represents integrand that is integrated over the interval 0, t

From the hypotheses it follows


4 1 2 −( 푀24) 푡 339 퐺27 − 퐺27 푒 ≤ 1 4 ′ 4 4 4 (푎24) + (푎24) + ( 퐴24) + ( 푀24) 4 4 1 1 2 2 ( 푃24) ( 푘24) 푑 퐺27 , 푇27 ; 퐺27 , 푇27

And analogous inequalities for 퐺푖 푎푛푑 푇푖 . Taking into account the hypothesis the result follows

′′ 4 ′′ 4 Remark 1: The fact that we supposed (푎24 ) and (푏24 ) depending also on t can be considered as 340 not conformal with the reality, however we have put this hypothesis ,in order that we can postulate condition necessary to prove the uniqueness of the solution bounded by 4 4 4 ( 푀24) 푡 4 ( 푀24) 푡 ( 푃24) 푒 푎푛푑 ( 푄24) 푒 respectively of ℝ+.

If instead of proving the existence of the solution on ℝ+, we have to prove it only on a compact then ′′ 4 ′′ 4 it suffices to consider that (푎푖 ) and (푏푖 ) , 푖 = 24,25,26 depend only on T25 and respectively on 퐺27 (푎푛푑 푛표푡 표푛 푡) and hypothesis can replaced by a usual Lipschitz condition.

Remark 2: There does not exist any 푡 where 퐺푖 푡 = 0 푎푛푑 푇푖 푡 = 0 341

From GLOBAL EQUATIONS it results

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 72 ISSN 2250-3153

푡 ′ 4 ′′ 4 0 − 0 (푎푖 ) −(푎푖 ) 푇25 푠 24 ,푠 24 푑푠 24 퐺푖 푡 ≥ 퐺푖 푒 ≥ 0

′ 4 0 −(푏푖 ) 푡 푇푖 푡 ≥ 푇푖 푒 > 0 for t > 0

Definition of ( 푀 ) 4 , ( 푀 ) 4 푎푛푑 ( 푀 ) 4 : 342 24 1 24 2 24 3

Remark 3: if 퐺24 is bounded, the same property have also 퐺25 푎푛푑 퐺26 . indeed if

푑퐺 퐺 < ( 푀 ) 4 it follows 25 ≤ ( 푀 ) 4 − (푎′ ) 4 퐺 and by integrating 24 24 푑푡 24 1 25 25

퐺 ≤ ( 푀 ) 4 = 퐺0 + 2(푎 ) 4 ( 푀 ) 4 /(푎′ ) 4 25 24 2 25 25 24 1 25

In the same way , one can obtain

퐺 ≤ ( 푀 ) 4 = 퐺0 + 2(푎 ) 4 ( 푀 ) 4 /(푎′ ) 4 26 24 3 26 26 24 2 26

If 퐺25 표푟 퐺26 is bounded, the same property follows for 퐺24 , 퐺26 and 퐺24 , 퐺25 respectively.

Remark 4: If 퐺24 푖푠 bounded, from below, the same property holds for 퐺25 푎푛푑 퐺26 . The proof is 343 analogous with the preceding one. An analogous property is true if 퐺25 is bounded from below.

′′ 4 ′ 4 Remark 5: If T24 is bounded from below and lim푡→∞ ((푏푖 ) ( 퐺27 푡 , 푡)) = (푏25) then 344 푇25 → ∞.

4 Definition of 푚 and 휀4 :

Indeed let 푡4 be so that for 푡 > 푡4

4 ′′ 4 4 (푏25) − (푏푖 ) ( 퐺27 푡 , 푡) < 휀4, 푇24 (푡) > 푚

푑푇 Then 25 ≥ (푎 ) 4 푚 4 − 휀 푇 which leads to 345 푑푡 25 4 25

(푎 ) 4 푚 4 1 25 −휀4푡 0 −휀4푡 −휀4푡 푇25 ≥ 1 − 푒 + 푇25 푒 If we take t such that 푒 = it results 휀4 2

4 4 (푎25 ) 푚 2 푇25 ≥ , 푡 = 푙표푔 By taking now 휀4 sufficiently small one sees that T25 is 2 휀4 ′′ 4 ′ 4 unbounded. The same property holds for 푇26 if lim푡→∞ (푏26) 퐺27 푡 , 푡 = (푏26)

We now state a more precise theorem about the behaviors at infinity of the solutions ANALOGOUS inequalities hold also for 퐺29 , 퐺30, 푇28, 푇29, 푇30


5 5 (푎푖) (푏푖) 347 It is now sufficient to take (5) , (5) < 1 and to choose ( 푀 28 ) ( 푀 28 )

(5) (5) ( P 28 ) and ( Q 28 ) large to have

(5) 0 ( 푃28 ) +퐺푗 348 − (푎 ) 5 0 푖 5 (5) 0 퐺푗 (5) 5 ( 푃28) + ( 푃28 ) + 퐺푗 푒 ≤ ( 푃28 ) (푀 28)

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(5) 0 ( 푄28 ) +푇푗 349 − (푏 ) 5 0 푖 (5) 0 푇푗 (5) (5) 5 ( 푄28 ) + 푇푗 푒 + ( 푄28 ) ≤ ( 푄28 ) (푀 28)

(5) In order that the operator 풜 transforms the space of sextuples of functions 퐺푖 , 푇푖 into itself 350

The operator 풜(5) is a contraction with respect to the metric 351

1 1 2 2 푑 퐺31 , 푇31 , 퐺31 , 푇31 =

5 5 1 2 −(푀 28) 푡 1 2 −(푀 28) 푡 푠푢푝{푚푎푥 퐺푖 푡 − 퐺푖 푡 푒 , 푚푎푥 푇푖 푡 − 푇푖 푡 푒 } 푖 푡∈ℝ+ 푡∈ℝ+

Indeed if we denote

(5) Definition of 퐺31 , 푇31 : 퐺31 , 푇31 = 풜 퐺31 , 푇31

It results

푡 5 5 퐺 1 − 퐺 2 ≤ (푎 ) 5 퐺 1 − 퐺 2 푒−( 푀28) 푠 28 푒( 푀28) 푠 28 푑푠 + 28 푖 0 28 29 29 28

푡 5 5 ′ 5 1 2 −( 푀28) 푠 28 −( 푀28) 푠 28 0 {(푎28) 퐺28 − 퐺28 푒 푒 +

5 5 ′′ 5 1 1 2 −( 푀28) 푠 28 ( 푀28) 푠 28 (푎28) 푇29 , 푠 28 퐺28 − 퐺28 푒 푒 +

5 5 퐺 2 |(푎′′ ) 5 푇 1 , 푠 − (푎′′ ) 5 푇 2 , 푠 | 푒−( 푀28) 푠 28 푒( 푀28) 푠 28 }푑푠 28 28 29 28 28 29 28 28

Where 푠 28 represents integrand that is integrated over the interval 0, t

From the hypotheses it follows


5 1 2 −( 푀28) 푡 353 퐺31 − 퐺31 푒 ≤ 1 5 ′ 5 5 5 (푎28) + (푎28) + ( 퐴28) + ( 푀28) 5 5 1 1 2 2 ( 푃28) ( 푘28) 푑 퐺31 , 푇31 ; 퐺31 , 푇31

And analogous inequalities for 퐺푖 푎푛푑 푇푖 . Taking into account the hypothesis (35,35,36) the result follows

′′ 5 ′′ 5 Remark 1: The fact that we supposed (푎28 ) and (푏28 ) depending also on t can be considered as 354 not conformal with the reality, however we have put this hypothesis ,in order that we can postulate condition necessary to prove the uniqueness of the solution bounded by 5 5 5 ( 푀28) 푡 5 ( 푀28) 푡 ( 푃28) 푒 푎푛푑 ( 푄28) 푒 respectively of ℝ+.

If instead of proving the existence of the solution on ℝ+, we have to prove it only on a compact then ′′ 5 ′′ 5 it suffices to consider that (푎푖 ) and (푏푖 ) , 푖 = 28,29,30 depend only on T29 and respectively on 퐺31 (푎푛푑 푛표푡 표푛 푡) and hypothesis can replaced by a usual Lipschitz condition.

Remark 2: There does not exist any 푡 where 퐺푖 푡 = 0 푎푛푑 푇푖 푡 = 0 355

From GLOBAL EQUATIONS it results

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 74 ISSN 2250-3153

푡 ′ 5 ′′ 5 0 − 0 (푎푖 ) −(푎푖 ) 푇29 푠 28 ,푠 28 푑푠 28 퐺푖 푡 ≥ 퐺푖 푒 ≥ 0

′ 5 0 −(푏푖 ) 푡 푇푖 푡 ≥ 푇푖 푒 > 0 for t > 0

Definition of ( 푀 ) 5 , ( 푀 ) 5 푎푛푑 ( 푀 ) 5 : 356 28 1 28 2 28 3

Remark 3: if 퐺28 is bounded, the same property have also 퐺29 푎푛푑 퐺30 . indeed if

푑퐺 퐺 < ( 푀 ) 5 it follows 29 ≤ ( 푀 ) 5 − (푎′ ) 5 퐺 and by integrating 28 28 푑푡 28 1 29 29

퐺 ≤ ( 푀 ) 5 = 퐺0 + 2(푎 ) 5 ( 푀 ) 5 /(푎′ ) 5 29 28 2 29 29 28 1 29

In the same way , one can obtain

퐺 ≤ ( 푀 ) 5 = 퐺0 + 2(푎 ) 5 ( 푀 ) 5 /(푎′ ) 5 30 28 3 30 30 28 2 30

If 퐺29 표푟 퐺30 is bounded, the same property follows for 퐺28 , 퐺30 and 퐺28 , 퐺29 respectively.

Remark 4: If 퐺28 푖푠 bounded, from below, the same property holds for 퐺29 푎푛푑 퐺30 . The proof is 357 analogous with the preceding one. An analogous property is true if 퐺29 is bounded from below.

′′ 5 ′ 5 Remark 5: If T28 is bounded from below and lim푡→∞ ((푏푖 ) ( 퐺31 푡 , 푡)) = (푏29) then 358 푇 → ∞. 29 5 Definition of 푚 and 휀5 :

Indeed let 푡5 be so that for 푡 > 푡5

5 ′′ 5 5 359 (푏29) − (푏푖 ) ( 퐺31 푡 , 푡) < 휀5, 푇28 (푡) > 푚

푑푇 Then 29 ≥ (푎 ) 5 푚 5 − 휀 푇 which leads to 360 푑푡 29 5 29

(푎 ) 5 푚 5 1 29 −휀5푡 0 −휀5푡 −휀5푡 푇29 ≥ 1 − 푒 + 푇29푒 If we take t such that 푒 = it results 휀5 2

5 5 (푎29) 푚 2 푇29 ≥ , 푡 = 푙표푔 By taking now 휀5 sufficiently small one sees that T29 is 2 휀5 ′′ 5 ′ 5 unbounded. The same property holds for 푇30 if lim푡→∞ (푏30) 퐺31 푡 , 푡 = (푏30)

We now state a more precise theorem about the behaviors at infinity of the solutions

Analogous inequalities hold also for 퐺33 , 퐺34, 푇32 , 푇33, 푇34


6 6 (푎푖) (푏푖) 362 It is now sufficient to take (6) , (6) < 1 and to choose ( 푀 32 ) ( 푀 32 )

(6) (6) ( P 32 ) and ( Q 32 ) large to have

(6) 0 ( 푃32 ) +퐺푗 363 − (푎 ) 6 0 푖 6 (6) 0 퐺푗 (6) 6 ( 푃32) + ( 푃32 ) + 퐺푗 푒 ≤ ( 푃32 ) (푀 32)

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 75 ISSN 2250-3153

(6) 0 ( 푄32 ) +푇푗 364 − (푏 ) 6 0 푖 (6) 0 푇푗 (6) (6) 6 ( 푄32 ) + 푇푗 푒 + ( 푄32 ) ≤ ( 푄32 ) (푀 32)

(6) In order that the operator 풜 transforms the space of sextuples of functions 퐺푖 , 푇푖 into itself 365

The operator 풜(6) is a contraction with respect to the metric 366

1 1 2 2 푑 퐺35 , 푇35 , 퐺35 , 푇35 =

6 6 1 2 −(푀 32) 푡 1 2 −(푀 32) 푡 푠푢푝{푚푎푥 퐺푖 푡 − 퐺푖 푡 푒 , 푚푎푥 푇푖 푡 − 푇푖 푡 푒 } 푖 푡∈ℝ+ 푡∈ℝ+

Indeed if we denote

(6) Definition of 퐺35 , 푇35 : 퐺35 , 푇35 = 풜 퐺35 , 푇35

It results

푡 6 6 퐺 1 − 퐺 2 ≤ (푎 ) 6 퐺 1 − 퐺 2 푒−( 푀32) 푠 32 푒( 푀32) 푠 32 푑푠 + 32 푖 0 32 33 33 32

푡 6 6 ′ 6 1 2 −( 푀32) 푠 32 −( 푀32) 푠 32 0 {(푎32) 퐺32 − 퐺32 푒 푒 +

6 6 ′′ 6 1 1 2 −( 푀32) 푠 32 ( 푀32) 푠 32 (푎32) 푇33 , 푠 32 퐺32 − 퐺32 푒 푒 +

6 6 퐺 2 |(푎′′ ) 6 푇 1 , 푠 − (푎′′ ) 6 푇 2 , 푠 | 푒−( 푀32) 푠 32 푒( 푀32) 푠 32 }푑푠 32 32 33 32 32 33 32 32

Where 푠 32 represents integrand that is integrated over the interval 0, t 367

From the hypotheses it follows

′ 1 ′′ 1 1 ′ 1 ′′ 1 (1) 푎푖 , 푎푖 , 푏푖 , 푏푖 , 푏푖 > 0, 푖, 푗 = 13,14,15

′′ 1 ′′ 1 (2)The functions 푎푖 , 푏푖 are positive continuous increasing and bounded. 1 1 Definition of (푝푖 ) , (푟푖 ) :

′′ 1 1 (1) 푎푖 (푇14 , 푡) ≤ (푝푖 ) ≤ ( 퐴13 )

′′ 1 1 ′ 1 (1) 푏푖 (퐺, 푡) ≤ (푟푖 ) ≤ (푏푖 ) ≤ ( 퐵 13 )

′′ 1 1 (3) 푙푖푚푇2→∞ 푎푖 푇14 , 푡 = (푝푖 ) ′′ 1 1 limG→∞ 푏푖 퐺, 푡 = (푟푖 )

(1) (1) Definition of ( 퐴 13 ) , ( 퐵 13 ) :

(1) (1) 1 1 Where ( 퐴 13 ) , ( 퐵 13 ) , (푝푖 ) , (푟푖 ) are positive constants and 푖 = 13,14,15

They satisfy Lipschitz condition: (1) ′′ 1 ′ ′′ 1 (1) ′ −( 푀 13 ) 푡 |(푎푖 ) 푇14 , 푡 − (푎푖 ) 푇14 , 푡 | ≤ ( 푘13 ) |푇14 − 푇14 |푒

(1) ′′ 1 ′ ′′ 1 (1) ′ −( 푀 13 ) 푡 |(푏푖 ) 퐺 , 푡 − (푏푖 ) 퐺, 푇 | < ( 푘13 ) ||퐺 − 퐺 ||푒

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 76 ISSN 2250-3153

′′ 1 ′ ′′ 1 With the Lipschitz condition, we place a restriction on the behavior of functions (푎푖 ) 푇14 , 푡 and(푎푖 ) 푇14 , 푡 ′ (1) (1) ′′ 1 . 푇14 , 푡 and 푇14, 푡 are points belonging to the interval ( 푘13 ) , ( 푀 13 ) . It is to be noted that (푎푖 ) 푇14 , 푡 is (1) ′′ 1 uniformly continuous. In the eventuality of the fact, that if ( 푀 13 ) = 1 then the function (푎푖 ) 푇14 , 푡 , the first augmentation coefficient attributable to terrestrial organisms, would be absolutely continuous.

(1) (1) Definition of ( 푀 13 ) , ( 푘13 ) :

(1) (1) ( 푀 13 ) , ( 푘13 ) , are positive constants

1 1 (푎푖) (푏푖) (1) , (1) < 1 ( 푀 13 ) ( 푀 13 )

(1) (1) Definition of ( 푃 13 ) , ( 푄 13 ) :

(1) (1) There exists two constants ( 푃 13 ) and ( 푄 13 ) which together with (1) (1) (1) (1) ( 푀 13 ) , ( 푘13 ) , (퐴 13) 푎푛푑 ( 퐵 13 ) and the constants 1 ′ 1 1 ′ 1 1 1 (푎푖 ) , (푎푖 ) , (푏푖 ) , (푏푖 ) , (푝푖 ) , (푟푖 ) , 푖 = 13,14,15, satisfy the inequalities

1 [ (푎 ) 1 + (푎′ ) 1 + ( 퐴 )(1) + ( 푃 )(1) ( 푘 )(1)] < 1 (1) 푖 푖 13 13 13 ( 푀 13 )

1 [ (푏 ) 1 + (푏′ ) 1 + ( 퐵 )(1) + ( 푄 )(1) ( 푘 )(1)] < 1 (1) 푖 푖 13 13 13 ( 푀 13 )

Analogous inequalities hold also for 퐺37 , 퐺38, 푇36 , 푇37, 푇38 368

7 7 (푎푖) (푏푖) It is now sufficient to take (7) , (7) < 7 and to choose ( 푀 36 ) ( 푀 36 )

(7) (7) ( P 36 ) and ( Q 36 ) large to have

(7) 0 ( 푃36 ) +퐺푗 369 − (푎 ) 7 0 푖 7 (7) 0 퐺푗 (7) 7 ( 푃36) + ( 푃36 ) + 퐺푗 푒 ≤ ( 푃36 ) (푀 36)


(7) 0 ( 푄36 ) +푇푗 − (푏 ) 7 0 푖 (7) 0 푇푗 (7) (7) 7 ( 푄36 ) + 푇푗 푒 + ( 푄36 ) ≤ ( 푄36 ) (푀 36)

(7) In order that the operator 풜 transforms the space of sextuples of functions 퐺푖 , 푇푖 satisfying into 371 itself

Analogous inequalities hold also for 퐺41 , 퐺42, 푇40, 푇41 , 푇42 372

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 77 ISSN 2250-3153

8 8 (푎푖) (푏푖) It is now sufficient to take (8) , (8) < 1 and to choose ( 푀 40 ) ( 푀 40 )

(8) (8) ( P 40 ) and ( Q 40 ) large to have

(8) 0 ( 푃40 ) +퐺푗 373 − (푎 ) 8 0 푖 8 (8) 0 퐺푗 (8) 8 ( 푃40) + ( 푃40 ) + 퐺푗 푒 ≤ ( 푃40 ) (푀 40)



(8) 0 ( 푄40 ) +푇푗 − (푏 ) 8 0 푖 (8) 0 푇푗 (8) (8) 8 ( 푄40 ) + 푇푗 푒 + ( 푄40 ) ≤ ( 푄40 ) (푀 40)

(8) In order that the operator 풜 transforms the space of sextuples of functions 퐺푖 , 푇푖 satisfying 376 GLOBAL EQUATIONS into itself

The operator 풜(8) is a contraction with respect to the metric 377

1 1 2 2 푑 퐺43 , 푇43 , 퐺43 , 푇43 =

8 8 1 2 −(푀 40) 푡 1 2 −(푀 40) 푡 푠푢푝{푚푎푥 퐺푖 푡 − 퐺푖 푡 푒 , 푚푎푥 푇푖 푡 − 푇푖 푡 푒 } 푖 푡∈ℝ+ 푡∈ℝ+

Indeed if we denote

Definition of 퐺43 , 푇43 :

(8) 퐺43 , 푇43 = 풜 ( 퐺43 , 푇43 )

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 78 ISSN 2250-3153

It results

푡 8 8 1 2 8 1 2 −( 푀40) 푠 40 ( 푀40) 푠 40 퐺40 − 퐺푖 ≤ 0 (푎40) 퐺41 − 퐺41 푒 푒 푑푠 40 +

푡 8 8 ′ 8 1 2 −( 푀40) 푠 40 −( 푀40) 푠 40 0 {(푎40) 퐺40 − 퐺40 푒 푒 +

8 8 ′′ 8 1 1 2 −( 푀40) 푠 40 ( 푀40) 푠 40 (푎40) 푇41 , 푠 40 퐺40 − 퐺40 푒 푒 +

8 8 2 ′′ 8 1 ′′ 8 2 −( 푀40) 푠 40 ( 푀40) 푠 40 퐺40 |(푎40) 푇41 , 푠 40 − (푎40) 푇41 , 푠 40 | 푒 푒 }푑푠 40

Where 푠 40 represents integrand that is integrated over the interval 0, t

From the hypotheses IT follows

8 1 2 −( 푀40) 푡 378 퐺43 − 퐺43 푒 ≤ 1 8 ′ 8 8 8 (푎40) + (푎40) + ( 퐴40) + ( 푀40) 8 8 1 1 2 2 ( 푃40) ( 푘40) 푑 퐺43 , 푇43 ; 퐺43 , 푇43

And analogous inequalities for 퐺푖 푎푛푑 푇푖 . Taking into account the hypothesis (38,35,36) the result follows

′′ 8 ′′ 8 Remark 1: The fact that we supposed (푎40 ) and (푏40 ) depending also on t can be considered as 379 not conformal with the reality, however we have put this hypothesis ,in order that we can postulate condition necessary to prove the uniqueness of the solution bounded by 8 8 8 ( 푀40) 푡 8 ( 푀40) 푡 ( 푃40) 푒 푎푛푑 ( 푄40) 푒 respectively of ℝ+.

If instead of proving the existence of the solution on ℝ+, we have to prove it only on a compact then ′′ 8 ′′ 8 it suffices to consider that (푎푖 ) and (푏푖 ) , 푖 = 40,41,42 depend only on T41 and respectively on 퐺43 (푎푛푑 푛표푡 표푛 푡) and hypothesis can replaced by a usual Lipschitz condition.


Remark 2: There does not exist any 푡 where 퐺푖 푡 = 0 푎푛푑 푇푖 푡 = 0

From global equations it results

푡 ′ 8 ′′ 8 0 − 0 (푎푖 ) −(푎푖 ) 푇41 푠 40 ,푠 40 푑푠 40 퐺푖 푡 ≥ 퐺푖 푒 ≥ 0

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 79 ISSN 2250-3153

′ 8 0 −(푏푖 ) 푡 푇푖 푡 ≥ 푇푖 푒 > 0 for t > 0

Definition of ( 푀 ) 8 , ( 푀 ) 8 푎푛푑 ( 푀 ) 8 : 381 40 1 40 2 40 3

Remark 3: if 퐺40 is bounded, the same property have also 퐺41 푎푛푑 퐺42 . indeed if

푑퐺 퐺 < ( 푀 ) 8 it follows 41 ≤ ( 푀 ) 8 − (푎′ ) 8 퐺 and by integrating 40 40 푑푡 40 1 41 41 382

퐺 ≤ ( 푀 ) 8 = 퐺0 + 2(푎 ) 8 ( 푀 ) 8 /(푎′ ) 8 41 40 2 41 41 40 1 41

In the same way , one can obtain

퐺 ≤ ( 푀 ) 8 = 퐺0 + 2(푎 ) 8 ( 푀 ) 8 /(푎′ ) 8 42 40 3 42 42 40 2 42

If 퐺41 표푟 퐺42 is bounded, the same property follows for 퐺40 , 퐺42 and 퐺40 , 퐺41 respectively.

Remark 1: If 퐺40 푖푠 bounded, from below, the same property holds for 퐺41 푎푛푑 퐺42 . The proof is 383 analogous with the preceding one. An analogous property is true if 퐺41 is bounded from below.

′′ 8 ′ 8 Remark 5: If T40 is bounded from below and lim푡→∞ ((푏푖 ) ( 퐺43 푡 , 푡)) = (푏41 ) then 384 푇41 → ∞.

8 Definition of 푚 and 휀8 :

Indeed let 푡8 be so that for 푡 > 푡8

8 ′′ 8 8 (푏41 ) − (푏푖 ) 퐺43 푡 , 푡 < 휀8, 푇40 (푡) > 푚

푑푇 Then 41 ≥ (푎 ) 8 푚 8 − 휀 푇 which leads to 385 푑푡 41 8 41

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 80 ISSN 2250-3153

(푎 ) 8 푚 8 1 41 −휀8푡 0 −휀8푡 −휀8푡 푇41 ≥ 1 − 푒 + 푇41푒 If we take t such that 푒 = it results 휀8 2

8 8 (푎41) 푚 2 푇41 ≥ , 푡 = 푙표푔 By taking now 휀8 sufficiently small one sees that T41 is 2 휀8 ′′ 8 ′ 8 unbounded. The same property holds for 푇42 if lim푡→∞ (푏42) 퐺43 푡 , 푡 푡 , 푡 = (푏42)

We now state a more precise theorem about the behaviors at infinity of the solutions of equations 37 to 82

Remark 2: There does not exist any 푡 where 퐺푖 푡 = 0 푎푛푑 푇푖 푡 = 0 386


푡 ′ 7 ′′ 7 0 − 0 (푎푖 ) −(푎푖 ) 푇37 푠 36 ,푠 36 푑푠 36 퐺푖 푡 ≥ 퐺푖 푒 ≥ 0

′ 7 0 −(푏푖 ) 푡 푇푖 푡 ≥ 푇푖 푒 > 0 for t > 0

Definition of ( 푀 ) 7 , ( 푀 ) 7 푎푛푑 ( 푀 ) 7 : 387 36 1 36 2 36 3

Remark 3: if 퐺36 is bounded, the same property have also 퐺37 푎푛푑 퐺38 . indeed if

푑퐺 퐺 < ( 푀 ) 7 it follows 37 ≤ ( 푀 ) 7 − (푎′ ) 7 퐺 and by integrating 36 36 푑푡 36 1 37 37

퐺 ≤ ( 푀 ) 7 = 퐺0 + 2(푎 ) 7 ( 푀 ) 7 /(푎′ ) 7 37 36 2 37 37 36 1 37

In the same way , one can obtain

퐺 ≤ ( 푀 ) 7 = 퐺0 + 2(푎 ) 7 ( 푀 ) 7 /(푎′ ) 7 38 36 3 38 38 36 2 38

If 퐺37 표푟 퐺38 is bounded, the same property follows for 퐺36 , 퐺38 and 퐺36 , 퐺37 respectively.

Remark 7: If 퐺36 푖푠 bounded, from below, the same property holds for 퐺37 푎푛푑 퐺38 . The proof is 388 analogous with the preceding one. An analogous property is true if 퐺37 is bounded from below.

′′ 7 ′ 7 Remark 5: If T36 is bounded from below and lim푡→∞ ((푏푖 ) ( 퐺39 푡 , 푡)) = (푏37) then 389 푇37 → ∞.

7 Definition of 푚 and 휀7 :

Indeed let 푡7 be so that for 푡 > 푡7

7 ′′ 7 7 (푏37) − (푏푖 ) ( 퐺39 푡 , 푡) < 휀7, 푇36 (푡) > 푚

푑푇 Then 37 ≥ (푎 ) 7 푚 7 − 휀 푇 which leads to 390 푑푡 37 7 37

(푎 ) 7 푚 7 1 37 −휀7푡 0 −휀7푡 −휀7푡 푇37 ≥ 1 − 푒 + 푇37 푒 If we take t such that 푒 = it results 휀7 2

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 81 ISSN 2250-3153

7 7 (푎37 ) 푚 2 푇37 ≥ , 푡 = 푙표푔 By taking now 휀7 sufficiently small one sees that T37 is 2 휀7 ′′ 7 ′ 7 unbounded. The same property holds for 푇38 if lim푡→∞ (푏38) 퐺39 푡 , 푡 = (푏38)

We now state a more precise theorem about the behaviors at infinity of the solutions

2 ′ 2 ′ 2 ′′ 2 ′′ 2 2 −(σ2) ≤ −(푎16 ) + (푎17 ) − (푎16) T17 , 푡 + (푎17 ) T17 , 푡 ≤ −(σ1) 391

2 ′ 2 ′ 2 ′′ 2 ′′ 2 2 −(τ2) ≤ −(푏16) + (푏17 ) − (푏16) 퐺19 , 푡 − (푏17) 퐺19 , 푡 ≤ −(τ1) 392

2 2 2 2 Definition of (휈1) , (ν2) , (푢1) , (푢2) : 393

2 2 2 2 By (휈1) > 0 , (ν2) < 0 and respectively (푢1) > 0 , (푢2) < 0 the roots 394

2 2 2 2 2 2 395 (a) of the equations (푎17 ) 휈 + (σ1) 휈 − (푎16 ) = 0

2 2 2 2 2 2 396 and (푏14) 푢 + (τ1) 푢 − (푏16) = 0 and

2 2 2 2 Definition of (휈1 ) , , (휈2 ) , (푢 1) , (푢 2) : 397

2 2 2 2 By (휈1 ) > 0 , (ν 2) < 0 and respectively (푢 1) > 0 , (푢 2) < 0 the 398

2 2 2 2 2 2 399 roots of the equations (푎17 ) 휈 + (σ2) 휈 − (푎16 ) = 0

2 2 2 2 2 2 400 and (푏17) 푢 + (τ2) 푢 − (푏16 ) = 0

2 2 2 2 Definition of (푚1) , (푚2) , (휇1) , (휇2) :- 401

2 2 2 2 (b) If we define (푚1) , (푚2) , (휇1) , (휇2) by 402

2 2 2 2 2 2 (푚2) = (휈0) , (푚1) = (휈1) , 풊풇 (휈0) < (휈1) 403

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 (푚2) = (휈1) , (푚1) = (휈1 ) , 풊풇 (휈1) < (휈0) < (휈1 ) , 404

0 2 G16 and (휈0) = 0 G17

2 2 2 2 2 2 ( 푚2) = (휈1) , (푚1) = (휈0) , 풊풇 (휈1 ) < (휈0) 405 and analogously 406

2 2 2 2 2 2 (휇2) = (푢0) , (휇1) = (푢1) , 풊풇 (푢0) < (푢1)

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 (휇2) = (푢1) , (휇1) = (푢 1) , 풊풇 (푢1) < (푢0) < (푢 1) ,

0 2 T16 and (푢0) = 0 T17

2 2 2 2 2 2 ( 휇2) = (푢1) , (휇1) = (푢0) , 풊풇 (푢 1) < (푢0) 407

Then the solution satisfies the inequalities 408

2 2 2 0 (S1) −(푝16) t 0 (S1) t G16e ≤ 퐺16 푡 ≤ G16e

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 82 ISSN 2250-3153

2 (푝푖 ) is defined 409

1 2 2 1 2 0 (S1) −(푝16) t 0 (S1) t 410 2 G16e ≤ 퐺17(푡) ≤ 2 G16e (푚1) (푚2)

(푎 ) 2 G0 2 2 2 2 18 16 (S1) −(푝16) t −(S2) t 0 −(S2) t 411 ( 2 2 2 2 e − e + G18e ≤ G18(푡) ≤ (푚1) (S1) −(푝16) −(S2) (푎 ) 2 G0 2 ′ 2 ′ 2 18 16 (S1) t −(푎18 ) t 0 −(푎18) t 2 2 ′ 2 [e − e ] + G18e ) (푚2) (S1) −(푎18)

2 2 2 0 (R1) 푡 0 (R1) +(푟16) 푡 412 T16 e ≤ 푇16(푡) ≤ T16 e

1 2 1 2 2 0 (R1) 푡 0 (R1) +(푟16) 푡 413 2 T16 e ≤ 푇16 (푡) ≤ 2 T16 e (휇1) (휇2)

(푏 ) 2 T0 2 ′ 2 ′ 2 18 16 (R1) 푡 −(푏18) 푡 0 −(푏18) 푡 414 2 2 ′ 2 e − e + T18 e ≤ 푇18 (푡) ≤ (휇1) (R1) −(푏18)

(푎 ) 2 T0 2 2 2 2 18 16 (R1) +(푟16) 푡 −(R2) 푡 0 −(R2) 푡 2 2 2 2 e − e + T18e (휇2) (R1) +(푟16) +(R2)

2 2 2 2 Definition of (S1) , (S2) , (R1) , (R2) :- 415

2 2 2 ′ 2 Where (S1) = (푎16) (푚2) − (푎16 ) 416

2 2 2 (S2) = (푎18) − (푝18 )

2 2 1 ′ 2 (푅1) = (푏16) (휇2) − (푏16 ) 417

2 ′ 2 2 (R2) = (푏18) − (푟18 )


If we denote and define 419

3 3 3 3 Definition of (휎1) , (휎2) , (휏1) , (휏2) :

3 3 3 3 (a) 휎1) , (휎2) , (휏1) , (휏2) four constants satisfying

3 ′ 3 ′ 3 ′′ 3 ′′ 3 3 −(휎2) ≤ −(푎20) + (푎21 ) − (푎20) 푇21 , 푡 + (푎21) 푇21 , 푡 ≤ −(휎1)

3 ′ 3 ′ 3 ′′ 3 ′′ 3 3 −(휏2) ≤ −(푏20 ) + (푏21) − (푏20) 퐺, 푡 − (푏21) 퐺23 , 푡 ≤ −(휏1)

3 3 3 3 Definition of (휈1) , (휈2) , (푢1) , (푢2) : 420

3 3 3 3 (b) By (휈1) > 0 , (휈2) < 0 and respectively (푢1) > 0 , (푢2) < 0 the roots of the 3 3 2 3 3 3 equations (푎21) 휈 + (휎1) 휈 − (푎20) = 0

3 3 2 3 3 3 and (푏21) 푢 + (휏1) 푢 − (푏20) = 0 and

3 3 3 3 By (휈1 ) > 0 , (휈2 ) < 0 and respectively (푢 1) > 0 , (푢 2) < 0 the

3 3 2 3 3 3 roots of the equations (푎21 ) 휈 + (휎2) 휈 − (푎20 ) = 0

3 3 2 3 3 3 and (푏21) 푢 + (휏2) 푢 − (푏20) = 0

3 3 3 3 Definition of (푚1) , (푚2) , (휇1) , (휇2) :- 421

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 83 ISSN 2250-3153

3 3 3 3 (c) If we define (푚1) , (푚2) , (휇1) , (휇2) by

3 3 3 3 3 3 (푚2) = (휈0) , (푚1) = (휈1) , 풊풇 (휈0) < (휈1)

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (푚2) = (휈1) , (푚1) = (휈1 ) , 풊풇 (휈1) < (휈0) < (휈1 ) ,

0 3 퐺20 and (휈0) = 0 퐺21

3 3 3 3 3 3 ( 푚2) = (휈1) , (푚1) = (휈0) , 풊풇 (휈1 ) < (휈0) and analogously 422

3 3 3 3 3 3 (휇2) = (푢0) , (휇1) = (푢1) , 풊풇 (푢0) < (푢1)

0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 푇20 (휇2) = (푢1) , (휇1) = (푢 1) , 풊풇 (푢1) < (푢0) < (푢 1) , and (푢0) = 0 푇21

( 휇 ) 3 = (푢 ) 3 , (휇 ) 3 = (푢 ) 3 , 풊풇 (푢 ) 3 < (푢 ) 3 2 1 1 0 1 0 Then the solution satisfies the inequalities

3 3 3 0 (푆1) −(푝20) 푡 0 (푆1) 푡 퐺20푒 ≤ 퐺20(푡) ≤ 퐺20푒

3 (푝푖 ) is defined 423

1 3 3 1 3 0 (푆1) −(푝20) 푡 0 (푆1) 푡 424 3 퐺20푒 ≤ 퐺21(푡) ≤ 3 퐺20푒 (푚1) (푚2)

(푎 ) 3 퐺0 3 3 3 3 22 20 (푆1) −(푝20) 푡 −(푆2) 푡 0 −(푆2) 푡 425 ( 3 3 3 3 푒 − 푒 + 퐺22푒 ≤ 퐺22(푡) ≤ (푚1) (푆1) −(푝20) −(푆2) (푎 ) 3 퐺0 3 ′ 3 ′ 3 22 20 (푆1) 푡 −(푎22 ) 푡 0 −(푎22 ) 푡 3 3 ′ 3 [푒 − 푒 ] + 퐺22푒 ) (푚2) (푆1) −(푎22)

3 3 3 0 (푅1) 푡 0 (푅1) +(푟20) 푡 426 푇20 푒 ≤ 푇20 (푡) ≤ 푇20푒

1 3 1 3 3 0 (푅1) 푡 0 (푅1) +(푟20) 푡 427 3 푇20푒 ≤ 푇20 (푡) ≤ 3 푇20 푒 (휇1) (휇2)

(푏 ) 3 푇0 3 ′ 3 ′ 3 22 20 (푅1) 푡 −(푏22) 푡 0 −(푏22) 푡 428 3 3 ′ 3 푒 − 푒 + 푇22푒 ≤ 푇22 (푡) ≤ (휇1) (푅1) −(푏22)

(푎 ) 3 푇0 3 3 3 3 22 20 (푅1) +(푟20) 푡 −(푅2) 푡 0 −(푅2) 푡 3 3 3 3 푒 − 푒 + 푇22 푒 (휇2) (푅1) +(푟20) +(푅2)

3 3 3 3 Definition of (푆1) , (푆2) , (푅1) , (푅2) :- 429

3 3 3 ′ 3 Where (푆1) = (푎20) (푚2) − (푎20)

3 3 3 (푆2) = (푎22) − (푝22 )

3 3 3 ′ 3 (푅1) = (푏20) (휇2) − (푏20)

3 ′ 3 3 (푅2) = (푏22) − (푟22)



432 If we denote and define

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 84 ISSN 2250-3153

4 4 4 4 Definition of (휎1) , (휎2) , (휏1) , (휏2) :

4 4 4 4 (d) (휎1) , (휎2) , (휏1) , (휏2) four constants satisfying

4 ′ 4 ′ 4 ′′ 4 ′′ 4 4 −(휎2) ≤ −(푎24) + (푎25 ) − (푎24) 푇25 , 푡 + (푎25) 푇25 , 푡 ≤ −(휎1)

4 ′ 4 ′ 4 ′′ 4 ′′ 4 4 −(휏2) ≤ −(푏24 ) + (푏25) − (푏24) 퐺27 , 푡 − (푏25 ) 퐺27 , 푡 ≤ −(휏1)

4 4 4 4 4 4 Definition of (휈1) , (휈2) , (푢1) , (푢2) , 휈 , 푢 : 433

4 4 4 4 (e) By (휈1) > 0 , (휈2) < 0 and respectively (푢1) > 0 , (푢2) < 0 the roots of the 4 4 2 4 4 4 equations (푎25) 휈 + (휎1) 휈 − (푎24) = 0 4 4 2 4 4 4 and (푏25) 푢 + (휏1) 푢 − (푏24) = 0 and

4 4 4 4 Definition of (휈1 ) , , (휈2 ) , (푢 1) , (푢 2) : 434 435 4 4 4 4 By (휈1 ) > 0 , (휈2 ) < 0 and respectively (푢 1) > 0 , (푢 2) < 0 the 2 roots of the equations (푎 ) 4 휈 4 + (휎 ) 4 휈 4 − (푎 ) 4 = 0 25 2 24 4 4 2 4 4 4 and (푏25) 푢 + (휏2) 푢 − (푏24) = 0 436 4 4 4 4 4 Definition of (푚1) , (푚2) , (휇1) , (휇2) , (휈0) :-

4 4 4 4 (f) If we define (푚1) , (푚2) , (휇1) , (휇2) by

4 4 4 4 4 4 (푚2) = (휈0) , (푚1) = (휈1) , 풊풇 (휈0) < (휈1)

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 (푚2) = (휈1) , (푚1) = (휈1 ) , 풊풇 (휈4) < (휈0) < (휈1 ) , 0 4 퐺24 and (휈0) = 0 퐺25

4 4 4 4 4 4 ( 푚2) = (휈4) , (푚1) = (휈0) , 풊풇 (휈4 ) < (휈0) and analogously 437 438 4 4 4 4 4 4 (휇2) = (푢0) , (휇1) = (푢1) , 풊풇 (푢0) < (푢1)

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 (휇2) = (푢1) , (휇1) = (푢 1) , 풊풇 (푢1) < (푢0) < (푢 1) , 0 4 푇24 and (푢0) = 0 푇25

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ( 휇2) = (푢1) , (휇1) = (푢0) , 풊풇 (푢 1) < (푢0) where (푢1) , (푢 1) are defined respectively

Then the solution satisfies the inequalities 439 440 4 4 4 0 (푆1) −(푝24) 푡 0 (푆1) 푡 441 퐺24푒 ≤ 퐺24 푡 ≤ 퐺24푒 442 where (푝 ) 4 is defined 443 푖 444 445

1 4 4 1 4 0 (푆1) −(푝24) 푡 0 (푆1) 푡 446 4 퐺24푒 ≤ 퐺25 푡 ≤ 4 퐺24푒 (푚1) (푚2) 447

(푎 ) 4 퐺0 4 4 4 4 26 24 (푆1) −(푝24) 푡 −(푆2) 푡 0 −(푆2) 푡 448 4 4 4 4 푒 − 푒 + 퐺26푒 ≤ 퐺26 푡 ≤ (푚1) (푆1) −(푝24) −(푆2) (푎 ) 4 퐺0 4 ′ 4 ′ 4 26 24 (푆1) 푡 −(푎26 ) 푡 0 −(푎26) 푡 4 4 ′ 4 푒 − 푒 + 퐺26 푒 (푚2) (푆1) −(푎26)

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 85 ISSN 2250-3153

4 4 4 0 (푅1) 푡 0 (푅1) +(푟24) 푡 449 푇24 푒 ≤ 푇24 푡 ≤ 푇24 푒

1 4 1 4 4 0 (푅1) 푡 0 (푅1) +(푟24) 푡 450 4 푇24푒 ≤ 푇24 (푡) ≤ 4 푇24 푒 (휇1) (휇2)

(푏 ) 4 푇0 4 ′ 4 ′ 4 26 24 (푅1) 푡 −(푏26) 푡 0 −(푏26) 푡 451 4 4 ′ 4 푒 − 푒 + 푇26푒 ≤ 푇26 (푡) ≤ (휇1) (푅1) −(푏26)

(푎 ) 4 푇0 4 4 4 4 26 24 (푅1) +(푟24) 푡 −(푅2) 푡 0 −(푅2) 푡 4 4 4 4 푒 − 푒 + 푇26 푒 (휇2) (푅1) +(푟24) +(푅2)

4 4 4 4 Definition of (푆1) , (푆2) , (푅1) , (푅2) :- 452

4 4 4 ′ 4 Where (푆1) = (푎24) (푚2) − (푎24)

4 4 4 (푆2) = (푎26) − (푝26 )

4 4 4 ′ 4 (푅1) = (푏24) (휇2) − (푏24)

4 ′ 4 4 453 (푅2) = (푏26) − (푟26)

Behavior of the solutions 454 If we denote and define

5 5 5 5 Definition of (휎1) , (휎2) , (휏1) , (휏2) :

5 5 5 5 (g) (휎1) , (휎2) , (휏1) , (휏2) four constants satisfying

5 ′ 5 ′ 5 ′′ 5 ′′ 5 5 −(휎2) ≤ −(푎28) + (푎29) − (푎28 ) 푇29 , 푡 + (푎29) 푇29 , 푡 ≤ −(휎1)

5 ′ 5 ′ 5 ′′ 5 ′′ 5 5 −(휏2) ≤ −(푏28 ) + (푏29) − (푏28 ) 퐺31 , 푡 − (푏29) 퐺31 , 푡 ≤ −(휏1)

5 5 5 5 5 5 Definition of (휈1) , (휈2) , (푢1) , (푢2) , 휈 , 푢 : 455

5 5 5 5 (h) By (휈1) > 0 , (휈2) < 0 and respectively (푢1) > 0 , (푢2) < 0 the roots of the 5 5 2 5 5 5 equations (푎29) 휈 + (휎1) 휈 − (푎28 ) = 0 5 5 2 5 5 5 and (푏29) 푢 + (휏1) 푢 − (푏28) = 0 and

5 5 5 5 Definition of (휈1 ) , , (휈2 ) , (푢 1) , (푢 2) : 456

5 5 5 5 By (휈1 ) > 0 , (휈2 ) < 0 and respectively (푢 1) > 0 , (푢 2) < 0 the 5 5 2 5 5 5 roots of the equations (푎29) 휈 + (휎2) 휈 − (푎28) = 0 5 5 2 5 5 5 and (푏29) 푢 + (휏2) 푢 − (푏28) = 0 5 5 5 5 5 Definition of (푚1) , (푚2) , (휇1) , (휇2) , (휈0) :-

5 5 5 5 (i) If we define (푚1) , (푚2) , (휇1) , (휇2) by

5 5 5 5 5 5 (푚2) = (휈0) , (푚1) = (휈1) , 풊풇 (휈0) < (휈1)

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 (푚2) = (휈1) , (푚1) = (휈1 ) , 풊풇 (휈1) < (휈0) < (휈1 ) , 0 5 퐺28 and (휈0) = 0 퐺29

5 5 5 5 5 5 ( 푚2) = (휈1) , (푚1) = (휈0) , 풊풇 (휈1 ) < (휈0) and analogously 457

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 86 ISSN 2250-3153

5 5 5 5 5 5 (휇2) = (푢0) , (휇1) = (푢1) , 풊풇 (푢0) < (푢1)

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 (휇2) = (푢1) , (휇1) = (푢 1) , 풊풇 (푢1) < (푢0) < (푢 1) , 0 5 푇28 and (푢0) = 0 푇29

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ( 휇2) = (푢1) , (휇1) = (푢0) , 풊풇 (푢 1) < (푢0) where (푢1) , (푢 1) are defined respectively

Then the solution satisfies the inequalities 458

5 5 5 0 (푆1) −(푝28) 푡 0 (푆1) 푡 퐺28푒 ≤ 퐺28(푡) ≤ 퐺28푒

5 where (푝푖 ) is defined 1 5 5 1 5 0 (푆1) −(푝28) 푡 0 (푆1) 푡 459 5 퐺28푒 ≤ 퐺29(푡) ≤ 5 퐺28푒 (푚5) (푚2) 460 (푎 ) 5 퐺0 5 5 5 5 30 28 (푆1) −(푝28) 푡 −(푆2) 푡 0 −(푆2) 푡 461 5 5 5 5 푒 − 푒 + 퐺30푒 ≤ 퐺30 푡 ≤ (푚1) (푆1) −(푝28) −(푆2) (푎 ) 5 퐺0 5 ′ 5 ′ 5 30 28 (푆1) 푡 −(푎30 ) 푡 0 −(푎30) 푡 5 5 ′ 5 푒 − 푒 + 퐺30 푒 (푚2) (푆1) −(푎30)

5 5 5 0 (푅1) 푡 0 (푅1) +(푟28) 푡 462 푇28 푒 ≤ 푇28(푡) ≤ 푇28 푒

1 5 1 5 5 0 (푅1) 푡 0 (푅1) +(푟28) 푡 463 5 푇28푒 ≤ 푇28 (푡) ≤ 5 푇28 푒 (휇1) (휇2)

(푏 ) 5 푇0 5 ′ 5 ′ 5 30 28 (푅1) 푡 −(푏30) 푡 0 −(푏30) 푡 464 5 5 ′ 5 푒 − 푒 + 푇30푒 ≤ 푇30 (푡) ≤ (휇1) (푅1) −(푏30)

(푎 ) 5 푇0 5 5 5 5 30 28 (푅1) +(푟28) 푡 −(푅2) 푡 0 −(푅2) 푡 5 5 5 5 푒 − 푒 + 푇30 푒 (휇2) (푅1) +(푟28) +(푅2)

5 5 5 5 Definition of (푆1) , (푆2) , (푅1) , (푅2) :- 465

5 5 5 ′ 5 Where (푆1) = (푎28) (푚2) − (푎28)

5 5 5 (푆2) = (푎30) − (푝30 )

5 5 5 ′ 5 (푅1) = (푏28) (휇2) − (푏28)

5 ′ 5 5 (푅2) = (푏30) − (푟30)

Behavior of the solutions 466 If we denote and define

6 6 6 6 Definition of (휎1) , (휎2) , (휏1) , (휏2) :

6 6 6 6 (j) (휎1) , (휎2) , (휏1) , (휏2) four constants satisfying

6 ′ 6 ′ 6 ′′ 6 ′′ 6 6 −(휎2) ≤ −(푎32) + (푎33 ) − (푎32) 푇33 , 푡 + (푎33) 푇33 , 푡 ≤ −(휎1)

6 ′ 6 ′ 6 ′′ 6 ′′ 6 6 −(휏2) ≤ −(푏32 ) + (푏33) − (푏32) 퐺35 , 푡 − (푏33 ) 퐺35 , 푡 ≤ −(휏1)

6 6 6 6 6 6 Definition of (휈1) , (휈2) , (푢1) , (푢2) , 휈 , 푢 : 467

6 6 6 6 (k) By (휈1) > 0 , (휈2) < 0 and respectively (푢1) > 0 , (푢2) < 0 the roots of the

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 87 ISSN 2250-3153

6 6 2 6 6 6 equations (푎33) 휈 + (휎1) 휈 − (푎32) = 0 6 6 2 6 6 6 and (푏33) 푢 + (휏1) 푢 − (푏32) = 0 and

6 6 6 6 Definition of (휈1 ) , , (휈2 ) , (푢 1) , (푢 2) : 468

6 6 6 6 By (휈1 ) > 0 , (휈2 ) < 0 and respectively (푢 1) > 0 , (푢 2) < 0 the 2 roots of the equations (푎 ) 6 휈 6 + (휎 ) 6 휈 6 − (푎 ) 6 = 0 33 2 32 6 6 2 6 6 6 and (푏33) 푢 + (휏2) 푢 − (푏32) = 0 6 6 6 6 6 Definition of (푚1) , (푚2) , (휇1) , (휇2) , (휈0) :-

6 6 6 6 (l) If we define (푚1) , (푚2) , (휇1) , (휇2) by

6 6 6 6 6 6 (푚2) = (휈0) , (푚1) = (휈1) , 풊풇 (휈0) < (휈1) 470 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 (푚2) = (휈1) , (푚1) = (휈6 ) , 풊풇 (휈1) < (휈0) < (휈1 ) , 0 6 퐺32 and (휈0) = 0 퐺33

6 6 6 6 6 6 ( 푚2) = (휈1) , (푚1) = (휈0) , 풊풇 (휈1 ) < (휈0) and analogously 471

6 6 6 6 6 6 (휇2) = (푢0) , (휇1) = (푢1) , 풊풇 (푢0) < (푢1)

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 (휇2) = (푢1) , (휇1) = (푢 1) , 풊풇 (푢1) < (푢0) < (푢 1) , 0 6 푇32 and (푢0) = 0 푇33

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ( 휇2) = (푢1) , (휇1) = (푢0) , 풊풇 (푢 1) < (푢0) where (푢1) , (푢 1) are defined respectively

Then the solution satisfies the inequalities 472

6 6 6 0 (푆1) −(푝32) 푡 0 (푆1) 푡 퐺32푒 ≤ 퐺32(푡) ≤ 퐺32푒

6 where (푝푖 ) is defined 1 6 6 1 6 0 (푆1) −(푝32) 푡 0 (푆1) 푡 473 6 퐺32푒 ≤ 퐺33(푡) ≤ 6 퐺32푒 (푚1) (푚2)

(푎 ) 6 퐺0 6 6 6 6 34 32 (푆1) −(푝32) 푡 −(푆2) 푡 0 −(푆2) 푡 474 6 6 6 6 푒 − 푒 + 퐺34푒 ≤ 퐺34 푡 ≤ (푚1) (푆1) −(푝32) −(푆2) (푎 ) 6 퐺0 6 ′ 6 ′ 6 34 32 (푆1) 푡 −(푎34 ) 푡 0 −(푎34) 푡 6 6 ′ 6 푒 − 푒 + 퐺34 푒 (푚2) (푆1) −(푎34)

6 6 6 0 (푅1) 푡 0 (푅1) +(푟32) 푡 475 푇32 푒 ≤ 푇32(푡) ≤ 푇32 푒

1 6 1 6 6 0 (푅1) 푡 0 (푅1) +(푟32) 푡 476 6 푇32푒 ≤ 푇32 (푡) ≤ 6 푇32 푒 (휇1) (휇2)

(푏 ) 6 푇0 6 ′ 6 ′ 6 34 32 (푅1) 푡 −(푏34) 푡 0 −(푏34) 푡 477 6 6 ′ 6 푒 − 푒 + 푇34푒 ≤ 푇34 (푡) ≤ (휇1) (푅1) −(푏34)

(푎 ) 6 푇0 6 6 6 6 34 32 (푅1) +(푟32) 푡 −(푅2) 푡 0 −(푅2) 푡 6 6 6 6 푒 − 푒 + 푇34 푒 (휇2) (푅1) +(푟32) +(푅2)

6 6 6 6 Definition of (푆1) , (푆2) , (푅1) , (푅2) :- 478

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 88 ISSN 2250-3153

6 6 6 ′ 6 Where (푆1) = (푎32) (푚2) − (푎32)

6 6 6 (푆2) = (푎34) − (푝34 )

6 6 6 ′ 6 (푅1) = (푏32) (휇2) − (푏32)

6 ′ 6 6 (푅2) = (푏34) − (푟34) 479

If we denote and define

7 7 7 7 Definition of (휎1) , (휎2) , (휏1) , (휏2) :

7 7 7 7 (m) (휎1) , (휎2) , (휏1) , (휏2) four constants satisfying 7 ′ 7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 ′′ 7 7 −(휎2) ≤ −(푎36) + (푎37 ) − (푎36) 푇37 , 푡 + (푎37) 푇37 , 푡 ≤ −(휎1)

7 ′ 7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 ′′ 7 7 −(휏2) ≤ −(푏36 ) + (푏37) − (푏36) 퐺39 , 푡 − (푏37) 퐺39 , 푡 ≤ −(휏1)

7 7 7 7 7 7 Definition of (휈1) , (휈2) , (푢1) , (푢2) , 휈 , 푢 : 480

7 7 7 7 (n) By (휈1) > 0 , (휈2) < 0 and respectively (푢1) > 0 , (푢2) < 0 the roots of the 7 7 2 7 7 7 equations (푎37) 휈 + (휎1) 휈 − (푎36) = 0 481 7 7 2 7 7 7 and (푏37) 푢 + (휏1) 푢 − (푏36) = 0 and

7 7 7 7 Definition of (휈1 ) , , (휈2 ) , (푢 1) , (푢 2) : 482

7 7 7 7 By (휈1 ) > 0 , (휈2 ) < 0 and respectively (푢 1) > 0 , (푢 2) < 0 the

7 7 2 7 7 7 roots of the equations (푎37 ) 휈 + (휎2) 휈 − (푎36 ) = 0

7 7 2 7 7 7 and (푏37) 푢 + (휏2) 푢 − (푏36) = 0

7 7 7 7 7 Definition of (푚1) , (푚2) , (휇1) , (휇2) , (휈0) :-

7 7 7 7 (o) If we define (푚1) , (푚2) , (휇1) , (휇2) by

7 7 7 7 7 7 (푚2) = (휈0) , (푚1) = (휈1) , 풊풇 (휈0) < (휈1)

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 (푚2) = (휈1) , (푚1) = (휈1 ) , 풊풇 (휈1) < (휈0) < (휈1 ) ,

0 7 퐺36 and (휈0) = 0 퐺37

7 7 7 7 7 7 ( 푚2) = (휈1) , (푚1) = (휈0) , 풊풇 (휈1 ) < (휈0) and analogously 483

7 7 7 7 7 7 (휇2) = (푢0) , (휇1) = (푢1) , 풊풇 (푢0) < (푢1)

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 89 ISSN 2250-3153

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 (휇2) = (푢1) , (휇1) = (푢 1) , 풊풇 (푢1) < (푢0) < (푢 1) ,

0 7 푇36 and (푢0) = 0 푇37

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ( 휇2) = (푢1) , (휇1) = (푢0) , 풊풇 (푢 1) < (푢0) where (푢1) , (푢 1) are defined respectively

Then the solution satisfies the inequalities 484

7 7 7 0 (푆1) −(푝36) 푡 0 (푆1) 푡 퐺36푒 ≤ 퐺36(푡) ≤ 퐺36푒

7 where (푝푖 ) is defined


1 7 7 1 7 0 (푆1) −(푝36) 푡 0 (푆1) 푡 486 7 퐺36푒 ≤ 퐺37(푡) ≤ 7 퐺36푒 (푚7) (푚2)

(푎 ) 7 퐺0 7 7 7 7 38 36 (푆1) −(푝36) 푡 −(푆2) 푡 0 −(푆2) 푡 487 ( 7 7 7 7 푒 − 푒 + 퐺38푒 ≤ 퐺38(푡) ≤ (푚1) (푆1) −(푝36) −(푆2) (푎 ) 7 퐺0 7 ′ 7 ′ 7 38 36 (푆1) 푡 −(푎38 ) 푡 0 −(푎38 ) 푡 7 7 ′ 7 [푒 − 푒 ] + 퐺38푒 ) (푚2) (푆1) −(푎38)

7 7 7 0 (푅1) 푡 0 (푅1) +(푟36) 푡 488 푇36 푒 ≤ 푇36(푡) ≤ 푇36 푒

1 7 1 7 7 0 (푅1) 푡 0 (푅1) +(푟36) 푡 489 7 푇36푒 ≤ 푇36 (푡) ≤ 7 푇36 푒 (휇1) (휇2)

(푏 ) 7 푇0 7 ′ 7 ′ 7 38 36 (푅1) 푡 −(푏38) 푡 0 −(푏38) 푡 490 7 7 ′ 7 푒 − 푒 + 푇38푒 ≤ 푇38 (푡) ≤ (휇1) (푅1) −(푏38)

(푎 ) 7 푇0 7 7 7 7 38 36 (푅1) +(푟36) 푡 −(푅2) 푡 0 −(푅2) 푡 7 7 7 7 푒 − 푒 + 푇38 푒 (휇2) (푅1) +(푟36) +(푅2)

7 7 7 7 Definition of (푆1) , (푆2) , (푅1) , (푅2) :- 491

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 90 ISSN 2250-3153

7 7 7 ′ 7 Where (푆1) = (푎36) (푚2) − (푎36)

7 7 7 (푆2) = (푎38) − (푝38 )

7 7 7 ′ 7 (푅1) = (푏36) (휇2) − (푏36)

7 ′ 7 7 (푅2) = (푏38) − (푟38)

Behavior of the solutions 492

Theorem 2: If we denote and define

8 8 8 8 Definition of (휎1) , (휎2) , (휏1) , (휏2) :

8 8 8 8 (p) (휎1) , (휎2) , (휏1) , (휏2) four constants satisfying

8 ′ 8 ′ 8 ′′ 8 ′′ 8 8 −(휎2) ≤ −(푎40) + (푎41 ) − (푎40) 푇41 , 푡 + (푎41 ) 푇41 , 푡 ≤ −(휎1)

8 ′ 8 ′ 8 ′′ 8 ′′ 8 8 −(휏2) ≤ −(푏40 ) + (푏41) − (푏40) 퐺43 , 푡 − (푏41) 퐺43 , 푡 ≤ −(휏1)

8 8 8 8 8 8 Definition of (휈1) , (휈2) , (푢1) , (푢2) , 휈 , 푢 : 493

8 8 8 8 (q) By (휈1) > 0 , (휈2) < 0 and respectively (푢1) > 0 , (푢2) < 0 the roots of the 8 8 2 8 8 8 equations (푎41) 휈 + (휎1) 휈 − (푎40) = 0 8 8 2 8 8 8 and (푏41) 푢 + (휏1) 푢 − (푏40) = 0 and

8 8 8 8 Definition of (휈1 ) , , (휈2 ) , (푢 1) , (푢 2) : 494

8 8 8 8 By (휈1 ) > 0 , (휈2 ) < 0 and respectively (푢 1) > 0 , (푢 2) < 0 the

8 8 2 8 8 8 roots of the equations (푎41 ) 휈 + (휎2) 휈 − (푎40 ) = 0

8 8 2 8 8 8 and (푏41) 푢 + (휏2) 푢 − (푏40) = 0

8 8 8 8 8 Definition of (푚1) , (푚2) , (휇1) , (휇2) , (휈0) :-

8 8 8 8 (r) If we define (푚1) , (푚2) , (휇1) , (휇2) by

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 91 ISSN 2250-3153

8 8 8 8 8 8 (푚2) = (휈0) , (푚1) = (휈1) , 풊풇 (휈0) < (휈1)

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 (푚2) = (휈1) , (푚1) = (휈1 ) , 풊풇 (휈1) < (휈0) < (휈1 ) ,

0 8 퐺40 and (휈0) = 0 퐺41

8 8 8 8 8 8 ( 푚2) = (휈1) , (푚1) = (휈0) , 풊풇 (휈1 ) < (휈0)

and analogously 495

8 8 8 8 8 8 (휇2) = (푢0) , (휇1) = (푢1) , 풊풇 (푢0) < (푢1)

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 (휇2) = (푢1) , (휇1) = (푢 1) , 풊풇 (푢1) < (푢0) < (푢 1) ,

0 8 푇40 and (푢0) = 0 푇41

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ( 휇2) = (푢1) , (휇1) = (푢0) , 풊풇 (푢 1) < (푢0) where (푢1) , (푢 1) are defined respectively

Then the solution of GLOBAL EQUATIONS satisfies the inequalities 496


8 8 8 496B 0 (푆1) −(푝40) 푡 0 (푆1) 푡 퐺40 푒 ≤ 퐺40(푡) ≤ 퐺40 푒 496C

497C 8 where (푝푖 ) is defined 497D




1 8 8 1 8 0 (푆1) −(푝40) 푡 0 (푆1) 푡 497 8 퐺40푒 ≤ 퐺41 (푡) ≤ 8 퐺40 푒 (푚1) (푚2)

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 92 ISSN 2250-3153

(푎 ) 8 퐺0 8 8 8 8 42 40 (푆1) −(푝40) 푡 −(푆2) 푡 0 −(푆2) 푡 498 ( 8 8 8 8 푒 − 푒 + 퐺42 푒 ≤ 퐺42(푡) ≤ (푚1) (푆1) −(푝40) −(푆2) (푎 ) 8 퐺0 8 ′ 8 ′ 8 42 40 (푆1) 푡 −(푎42 ) 푡 0 −(푎42) 푡 8 8 ′ 8 [푒 − 푒 ] + 퐺42 푒 ) (푚2) (푆1) −(푎42)

8 8 8 0 (푅1) 푡 0 (푅1) +(푟40) 푡 499 푇40 푒 ≤ 푇40(푡) ≤ 푇40푒

1 8 1 8 8 0 (푅1) 푡 0 (푅1) +(푟40) 푡 500 8 푇40푒 ≤ 푇40(푡) ≤ 8 푇40푒 (휇1) (휇2)

(푏 ) 8 푇0 8 ′ 8 ′ 8 42 40 (푅1) 푡 −(푏42) 푡 0 −(푏42) 푡 501 8 8 ′ 8 푒 − 푒 + 푇42푒 ≤ 푇42(푡) ≤ (휇1) (푅1) −(푏42)

(푎 ) 8 푇0 8 8 8 8 42 40 (푅1) +(푟40) 푡 −(푅2) 푡 0 −(푅2) 푡 8 8 8 8 푒 − 푒 + 푇42푒 (휇2) (푅1) +(푟40) +(푅2)

8 8 8 8 Definition of (푆1) , (푆2) , (푅1) , (푅2) :- 502

8 8 8 ′ 8 Where (푆1) = (푎40) (푚2) − (푎40)

8 8 8 (푆2) = (푎42) − (푝42 )

8 8 8 ′ 8 (푅1) = (푏40) (휇2) − (푏40)

8 ′ 8 8 (푅2) = (푏42) − (푟42)

From GLOBAL EQUATIONS we obtain 503

푑휈 8 = (푎 ) 8 − (푎′ ) 8 − (푎′ ) 8 + (푎′′ ) 8 푇 , 푡 − 푑푡 40 40 41 40 41

′′ 8 8 8 8 (푎41) 푇41, 푡 휈 − (푎41) 휈

퐺 Definition of 휈 8 :- 휈 8 = 40 퐺41

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 93 ISSN 2250-3153

It follows

2 푑휈 8 − (푎 ) 8 휈 8 + (휎 ) 8 휈 8 − (푎 ) 8 ≤ ≤ 41 2 40 푑푡

8 8 2 8 8 8 − (푎41) 휈 + (휎1) 휈 − (푎40 )

From which one obtains

8 8 Definition of (휈1 ) , (휈0) :-

0 8 퐺40 8 8 (a) For 0 < (휈0) = 0 < (휈1) < (휈1 ) 퐺41

− 푎 8 (휈 ) 8 −(휈 ) 8 푡 (휈 ) 8 +(퐶) 8 (휈 ) 8 푒 41 1 0 (휈 ) 8 −(휈 ) 8 휈 8 (푡) ≥ 1 2 , (퐶) 8 = 1 0 − 푎 8 (휈 ) 8 −(휈 ) 8 푡 (휈 ) 8 −(휈 ) 8 1+(퐶) 8 푒 41 1 0 0 2

8 8 8 it follows (휈0) ≤ 휈 (푡) ≤ (휈1)

In the same manner , we get 504

− 푎 8 (휈 ) 8 −(휈 ) 8 푡 (휈 ) 8 +(퐶 ) 8 (휈 ) 8 푒 41 1 2 (휈 ) 8 −(휈 ) 8 휈 8 (푡) ≤ 1 2 , (퐶 ) 8 = 1 0 − 푎 8 (휈 ) 8 −(휈 ) 8 푡 (휈 ) 8 −(휈 ) 8 1+(퐶 ) 8 푒 41 1 2 0 2

8 8 8 From which we deduce (휈0) ≤ 휈 (푡) ≤ (휈8 )

0 8 8 퐺40 8 505 (b) If 0 < (휈1) < (휈0) = 0 < (휈1 ) we find like in the previous case, 퐺41

− 푎 8 (휈 ) 8 −(휈 ) 8 푡 (휈 ) 8 + 퐶 8 (휈 ) 8 푒 41 1 2 (휈 ) 8 ≤ 1 2 ≤ 휈 8 푡 ≤ 1 − 푎 8 (휈 ) 8 −(휈 ) 8 푡 1+ 퐶 8 푒 41 1 2

− 푎 8 (휈 ) 8 −(휈 ) 8 푡 (휈 ) 8 + 퐶 8 (휈 ) 8 푒 41 1 2 1 2 ≤ (휈 ) 8 − 푎 8 (휈 ) 8 −(휈 ) 8 푡 1 1+ 퐶 8 푒 41 1 2

0 8 8 8 퐺40 506 (c) If 0 < (휈1) ≤ (휈1 ) ≤ (휈0) = 0 , we obtain 퐺41

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 94 ISSN 2250-3153

− 푎 8 (휈 ) 8 −(휈 ) 8 푡 (휈 ) 8 + 퐶 8 (휈 ) 8 푒 41 1 2 (휈 ) 8 ≤ 휈 8 푡 ≤ 1 2 ≤ (휈 ) 8 1 − 푎 8 (휈 ) 8 −(휈 ) 8 푡 0 1+ 퐶 8 푒 41 1 2

And so with the notation of the first part of condition (c) , we have

Definition of 휈 8 푡 :-

8 8 8 8 퐺40 푡 (푚2) ≤ 휈 푡 ≤ (푚1) , 휈 푡 = 퐺41 푡

In a completely analogous way, we obtain

Definition of 푢 8 푡 :-

8 8 8 8 푇40 푡 (휇2) ≤ 푢 푡 ≤ (휇1) , 푢 푡 = 푇41 푡

Now, using this result and replacing it in CONCATENATED GLOBAL EQUATIONS we get easily the result stated in the theorem.

Particular case :

′′ 8 ′′ 8 8 8 8 8 If (푎40) = (푎41) , 푡푕푒푛 (휎1) = (휎2) and in this case (휈1) = (휈1 ) if in addition 8 8 8 8 8 (휈0) = (휈1) then 휈 푡 = (휈0) and as a consequence 퐺40(푡) = (휈0) 퐺41(푡) this also 8 defines (휈0) for the special case.

′′ 8 ′′ 8 8 8 Analogously if (푏40) = (푏41 ) , 푡푕푒푛 (휏1) = (휏2) and then

8 8 8 8 8 (푢1) = (푢 1) if in addition (푢0) = (푢1) then 푇40(푡) = (푢0) 푇41 (푡) This is an important 8 8 8 consequence of the relation between (휈1) and (휈1 ) , and definition of (푢0) .

: From GLOBAL EQUATIONS we obtain 507

푑휈 4 = (푎 ) 4 − (푎′ ) 4 − (푎′ ) 4 + (푎′′ ) 4 푇 , 푡 − (푎′′ ) 4 푇 , 푡 휈 4 − (푎 ) 4 휈 4 푑푡 24 24 25 24 25 25 25 25

퐺 Definition of 휈 4 :- 휈 4 = 24 508 퐺25

It follows 2 푑휈 4 2 − (푎 ) 4 휈 4 + (휎 ) 4 휈 4 − (푎 ) 4 ≤ ≤ − (푎 ) 4 휈 4 + (휎 ) 4 휈 4 − 25 2 24 푑푡 25 4 4 (푎24)

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 95 ISSN 2250-3153

From which one obtains

4 4 Definition of (휈1 ) , (휈0) :-

0 4 퐺24 4 4 (d) For 0 < (휈0) = 0 < (휈1) < (휈1 ) 퐺25

− 푎 4 (휈 ) 4 −(휈 ) 4 푡 (휈 ) 4 + 퐶 4 (휈 ) 4 푒 25 1 0 (휈 ) 4 −(휈 ) 4 휈 4 푡 ≥ 1 2 , 퐶 4 = 1 0 − 푎 4 (휈 ) 4 −(휈 ) 4 푡 (휈 ) 4 −(휈 ) 4 4+ 퐶 4 푒 25 1 0 0 2

4 4 4 it follows (휈0) ≤ 휈 (푡) ≤ (휈1)

In the same manner , we get 509

− 푎 4 (휈 ) 4 −(휈 ) 4 푡 (휈 ) 4 + 퐶 4 (휈 ) 4 푒 25 1 2 (휈 ) 4 −(휈 ) 4 휈 4 푡 ≤ 1 2 , (퐶 ) 4 = 1 0 − 푎 4 (휈 ) 4 −(휈 ) 4 푡 (휈 ) 4 −(휈 ) 4 4+ 퐶 4 푒 25 1 2 0 2

4 4 4 From which we deduce (휈0) ≤ 휈 (푡) ≤ (휈1 )

0 4 4 퐺24 4 510 (e) If 0 < (휈1) < (휈0) = 0 < (휈1 ) we find like in the previous case, 퐺25

− 푎 4 (휈 ) 4 −(휈 ) 4 푡 (휈 ) 4 + 퐶 4 (휈 ) 4 푒 25 1 2 (휈 ) 4 ≤ 1 2 ≤ 휈 4 푡 ≤ 1 − 푎 4 (휈 ) 4 −(휈 ) 4 푡 1+ 퐶 4 푒 25 1 2

− 푎 4 (휈 ) 4 −(휈 ) 4 푡 (휈 ) 4 + 퐶 4 (휈 ) 4 푒 25 1 2 1 2 ≤ (휈 ) 4 − 푎 4 (휈 ) 4 −(휈 ) 4 푡 1 1+ 퐶 4 푒 25 1 2 511 0 4 4 4 퐺24 512 (f) If 0 < (휈1) ≤ (휈1 ) ≤ (휈0) = 0 , we obtain 퐺25

− 푎 4 (휈 ) 4 −(휈 ) 4 푡 (휈 ) 4 + 퐶 4 (휈 ) 4 푒 25 1 2 (휈 ) 4 ≤ 휈 4 푡 ≤ 1 2 ≤ (휈 ) 4 1 − 푎 4 (휈 ) 4 −(휈 ) 4 푡 0 1+ 퐶 4 푒 25 1 2

And so with the notation of the first part of condition (c) , we have 4 Definition of 휈 푡 :-

4 4 4 4 퐺24 푡 (푚2) ≤ 휈 푡 ≤ (푚1) , 휈 푡 = 퐺25 푡 In a completely analogous way, we obtain Definition of 푢 4 푡 :-

4 4 4 4 푇24 푡 (휇2) ≤ 푢 푡 ≤ (휇1) , 푢 푡 = 푇25 푡

Now, using this result and replacing it in GLOBAL EQUATIONS we get easily the result stated in the theorem.

Particular case :

′′ 4 ′′ 4 4 4 4 4 If (푎24) = (푎25) , 푡푕푒푛 (휎1) = (휎2) and in this case (휈1) = (휈1 ) if in addition 513 4 4 4 4 4 (휈0) = (휈1) then 휈 푡 = (휈0) and as a consequence 퐺24(푡) = (휈0) 퐺25(푡) this also 4 defines (휈0) for the special case .

′′ 4 ′′ 4 4 4 Analogously if (푏24) = (푏25 ) , 푡푕푒푛 (휏1) = (휏2) and then 4 4 4 4 4 (푢1) = (푢 4) if in addition (푢0) = (푢1) then 푇24(푡) = (푢0) 푇25(푡) This is an important

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4 4 4 consequence of the relation between (휈1) and (휈1 ) , and definition of (푢0) . 514 From GLOBAL EQUATIONS we obtain 515

푑휈 5 = (푎 ) 5 − (푎′ ) 5 − (푎′ ) 5 + (푎′′ ) 5 푇 , 푡 − (푎′′ ) 5 푇 , 푡 휈 5 − (푎 ) 5 휈 5 푑푡 28 28 29 28 29 29 29 29

퐺 Definition of 휈 5 :- 휈 5 = 28 퐺29

It follows 2 푑휈 5 2 − (푎 ) 5 휈 5 + (휎 ) 5 휈 5 − (푎 ) 5 ≤ ≤ − (푎 ) 5 휈 5 + (휎 ) 5 휈 5 − 29 2 28 푑푡 29 1 5 (푎28)

From which one obtains

5 5 Definition of (휈1 ) , (휈0) :-

0 5 퐺28 5 5 (g) For 0 < (휈0) = 0 < (휈1) < (휈1 ) 퐺29

− 푎 5 (휈 ) 5 −(휈 ) 5 푡 (휈 ) 5 +(퐶) 5 (휈 ) 5 푒 29 1 0 (휈 ) 5 −(휈 ) 5 휈 5 (푡) ≥ 1 2 , (퐶) 5 = 1 0 − 푎 5 (휈 ) 5 −(휈 ) 5 푡 (휈 ) 5 −(휈 ) 5 5+(퐶) 5 푒 29 1 0 0 2

5 5 5 it follows (휈0) ≤ 휈 (푡) ≤ (휈1)

In the same manner , we get 516

− 푎 5 (휈 ) 5 −(휈 ) 5 푡 (휈 ) 5 +(퐶 ) 5 (휈 ) 5 푒 29 1 2 (휈 ) 5 −(휈 ) 5 휈 5 (푡) ≤ 1 2 , (퐶 ) 5 = 1 0 − 푎 5 (휈 ) 5 −(휈 ) 5 푡 (휈 ) 5 −(휈 ) 5 5+(퐶 ) 5 푒 29 1 2 0 2

5 5 5 From which we deduce (휈0) ≤ 휈 (푡) ≤ (휈5 )

0 5 5 퐺28 5 517 (h) If 0 < (휈1) < (휈0) = 0 < (휈1 ) we find like in the previous case, 퐺29

− 푎 5 (휈 ) 5 −(휈 ) 5 푡 (휈 ) 5 + 퐶 5 (휈 ) 5 푒 29 1 2 (휈 ) 5 ≤ 1 2 ≤ 휈 5 푡 ≤ 1 − 푎 5 (휈 ) 5 −(휈 ) 5 푡 1+ 퐶 5 푒 29 1 2

− 푎 5 (휈 ) 5 −(휈 ) 5 푡 (휈 ) 5 + 퐶 5 (휈 ) 5 푒 29 1 2 1 2 ≤ (휈 ) 5 − 푎 5 (휈 ) 5 −(휈 ) 5 푡 1 1+ 퐶 5 푒 29 1 2 0 5 5 5 퐺28 518 (i) If 0 < (휈1) ≤ (휈1 ) ≤ (휈0) = 0 , we obtain 퐺29

− 푎 5 (휈 ) 5 −(휈 ) 5 푡 (휈 ) 5 + 퐶 5 (휈 ) 5 푒 29 1 2 (휈 ) 5 ≤ 휈 5 푡 ≤ 1 2 ≤ (휈 ) 5 1 − 푎 5 (휈 ) 5 −(휈 ) 5 푡 0 1+ 퐶 5 푒 29 1 2 519

And so with the notation of the first part of condition (c) , we have Definition of 휈 5 푡 :-

5 5 5 5 퐺28 푡 (푚2) ≤ 휈 푡 ≤ (푚1) , 휈 푡 = 퐺29 푡 In a completely analogous way, we obtain Definition of 푢 5 푡 :-

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 97 ISSN 2250-3153

5 5 5 5 푇28 푡 (휇2) ≤ 푢 푡 ≤ (휇1) , 푢 푡 = 푇29 푡

Now, using this result and replacing it in GLOBAL EQUATIONS we get easily the result stated in the theorem.

Particular case :

′′ 5 ′′ 5 5 5 5 5 If (푎28) = (푎29) , 푡푕푒푛 (휎1) = (휎2) and in this case (휈1) = (휈1 ) if in addition 5 5 5 5 5 (휈0) = (휈5) then 휈 푡 = (휈0) and as a consequence 퐺28(푡) = (휈0) 퐺29(푡) this also 5 defines (휈0) for the special case .

′′ 5 ′′ 5 5 5 Analogously if (푏28) = (푏29) , 푡푕푒푛 (휏1) = (휏2) and then 5 5 5 5 5 (푢1) = (푢 1) if in addition (푢0) = (푢1) then 푇28(푡) = (푢0) 푇29(푡) This is an important 5 5 5 consequence of the relation between (휈1) and (휈1 ) , and definition of (푢0) .

520 we obtain 521

푑휈 6 = (푎 ) 6 − (푎′ ) 6 − (푎′ ) 6 + (푎′′ ) 6 푇 , 푡 − (푎′′ ) 6 푇 , 푡 휈 6 − (푎 ) 6 휈 6 푑푡 32 32 33 32 33 33 33 33

퐺 Definition of 휈 6 :- 휈 6 = 32 퐺33

It follows 2 푑휈 6 2 − (푎 ) 6 휈 6 + (휎 ) 6 휈 6 − (푎 ) 6 ≤ ≤ − (푎 ) 6 휈 6 + (휎 ) 6 휈 6 − 33 2 32 푑푡 33 1 6 (푎32)

From which one obtains

6 6 Definition of (휈1 ) , (휈0) :-

0 6 퐺32 6 6 (j) For 0 < (휈0) = 0 < (휈1) < (휈1 ) 퐺33

− 푎 6 (휈 ) 6 −(휈 ) 6 푡 (휈 ) 6 +(퐶) 6 (휈 ) 6 푒 33 1 0 (휈 ) 6 −(휈 ) 6 휈 6 (푡) ≥ 1 2 , (퐶) 6 = 1 0 − 푎 6 (휈 ) 6 −(휈 ) 6 푡 (휈 ) 6 −(휈 ) 6 1+(퐶) 6 푒 33 1 0 0 2

6 6 6 it follows (휈0) ≤ 휈 (푡) ≤ (휈1)

In the same manner , we get 522

− 푎 6 (휈 ) 6 −(휈 ) 6 푡 (휈 ) 6 +(퐶 ) 6 (휈 ) 6 푒 33 1 2 (휈 ) 6 −(휈 ) 6 523 휈 6 (푡) ≤ 1 2 , (퐶 ) 6 = 1 0 − 푎 6 (휈 ) 6 −(휈 ) 6 푡 (휈 ) 6 −(휈 ) 6 1+(퐶 ) 6 푒 33 1 2 0 2

6 6 6 From which we deduce (휈0) ≤ 휈 (푡) ≤ (휈1 )

0 6 6 퐺32 6 524 (k) If 0 < (휈1) < (휈0) = 0 < (휈1 ) we find like in the previous case, 퐺33

− 푎 6 (휈 ) 6 −(휈 ) 6 푡 (휈 ) 6 + 퐶 6 (휈 ) 6 푒 33 1 2 (휈 ) 6 ≤ 1 2 ≤ 휈 6 푡 ≤ 1 − 푎 6 (휈 ) 6 −(휈 ) 6 푡 1+ 퐶 6 푒 33 1 2

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 98 ISSN 2250-3153

− 푎 6 (휈 ) 6 −(휈 ) 6 푡 (휈 ) 6 + 퐶 6 (휈 ) 6 푒 33 1 2 1 2 ≤ (휈 ) 6 − 푎 6 (휈 ) 6 −(휈 ) 6 푡 1 1+ 퐶 6 푒 33 1 2 0 6 6 6 퐺32 525 (l) If 0 < (휈1) ≤ (휈1 ) ≤ (휈0) = 0 , we obtain 퐺33

− 푎 6 (휈 ) 6 −(휈 ) 6 푡 (휈 ) 6 + 퐶 6 (휈 ) 6 푒 33 1 2 (휈 ) 6 ≤ 휈 6 푡 ≤ 1 2 ≤ (휈 ) 6 1 − 푎 6 (휈 ) 6 −(휈 ) 6 푡 0 1+ 퐶 6 푒 33 1 2

And so with the notation of the first part of condition (c) , we have Definition of 휈 6 푡 :-

6 6 6 6 퐺32 푡 (푚2) ≤ 휈 푡 ≤ (푚1) , 휈 푡 = 퐺33 푡 In a completely analogous way, we obtain Definition of 푢 6 푡 :-

6 6 6 6 푇32 푡 (휇2) ≤ 푢 푡 ≤ (휇1) , 푢 푡 = 푇33 푡

Now, using this result and replacing it in GLOBAL EQUATIONS we get easily the result stated in the theorem.

Particular case :

′′ 6 ′′ 6 6 6 6 6 If (푎32) = (푎33) , 푡푕푒푛 (휎1) = (휎2) and in this case (휈1) = (휈1 ) if in addition 6 6 6 6 6 (휈0) = (휈1) then 휈 푡 = (휈0) and as a consequence 퐺32(푡) = (휈0) 퐺33(푡) this also 6 defines (휈0) for the special case . ′′ 6 ′′ 6 6 6 Analogously if (푏32) = (푏33 ) , 푡푕푒푛 (휏1) = (휏2) and then 6 6 6 6 6 (푢1) = (푢 1) if in addition (푢0) = (푢1) then 푇32(푡) = (푢0) 푇33(푡) This is an important 6 6 6 consequence of the relation between (휈1) and (휈1 ) , and definition of (푢0) . 526 Behavior of the solutions 527

If we denote and define

7 7 7 7 Definition of (휎1) , (휎2) , (휏1) , (휏2) :

7 7 7 7 (s) (휎1) , (휎2) , (휏1) , (휏2) four constants satisfying

7 ′ 7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 ′′ 7 7 −(휎2) ≤ −(푎36) + (푎37 ) − (푎36) 푇37 , 푡 + (푎37) 푇37 , 푡 ≤ −(휎1)

7 ′ 7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 ′′ 7 7 −(휏2) ≤ −(푏36 ) + (푏37) − (푏36) 퐺39 , 푡 − (푏37) 퐺39 , 푡 ≤ −(휏1)

7 7 7 7 7 7 Definition of (휈1) , (휈2) , (푢1) , (푢2) , 휈 , 푢 : 528

7 7 7 7 (t) By (휈1) > 0 , (휈2) < 0 and respectively (푢1) > 0 , (푢2) < 0 the roots of the 7 7 2 7 7 7 equations (푎37) 휈 + (휎1) 휈 − (푎36) = 0 7 7 2 7 7 7 and (푏37) 푢 + (휏1) 푢 − (푏36) = 0 and

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 99 ISSN 2250-3153


7 7 7 7 Definition of (휈1 ) , , (휈2 ) , (푢 1) , (푢 2) : 530.

7 7 7 7 By (휈1 ) > 0 , (휈2 ) < 0 and respectively (푢 1) > 0 , (푢 2) < 0 the

7 7 2 7 7 7 roots of the equations (푎37 ) 휈 + (휎2) 휈 − (푎36 ) = 0

7 7 2 7 7 7 and (푏37) 푢 + (휏2) 푢 − (푏36) = 0

7 7 7 7 7 Definition of (푚1) , (푚2) , (휇1) , (휇2) , (휈0) :-

7 7 7 7 (u) If we define (푚1) , (푚2) , (휇1) , (휇2) by

7 7 7 7 7 7 (푚2) = (휈0) , (푚1) = (휈1) , 풊풇 (휈0) < (휈1)

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 (푚2) = (휈1) , (푚1) = (휈1 ) , 풊풇 (휈1) < (휈0) < (휈1 ) ,

0 7 퐺36 and (휈0) = 0 퐺37

7 7 7 7 7 7 ( 푚2) = (휈1) , (푚1) = (휈0) , 풊풇 (휈1 ) < (휈0)

and analogously 531

7 7 7 7 7 7 (휇2) = (푢0) , (휇1) = (푢1) , 풊풇 (푢0) < (푢1)

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 (휇2) = (푢1) , (휇1) = (푢 1) , 풊풇 (푢1) < (푢0) < (푢 1) ,

0 7 푇36 and (푢0) = 0 푇37

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ( 휇2) = (푢1) , (휇1) = (푢0) , 풊풇 (푢 1) < (푢0) where (푢1) , (푢 1) are defined respectively

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 100 ISSN 2250-3153

Then the solution of GLOBAL EQUATIONS satisfies the inequalities 532

7 7 7 0 (푆1) −(푝36) 푡 0 (푆1) 푡 퐺36푒 ≤ 퐺36(푡) ≤ 퐺36푒

7 where (푝푖 ) is defined

1 7 7 1 7 0 (푆1) −(푝36) 푡 0 (푆1) 푡 533 7 퐺36푒 ≤ 퐺37(푡) ≤ 7 퐺36푒 (푚7) (푚2)

(푎 ) 7 퐺0 7 7 7 7 38 36 (푆1) −(푝36) 푡 −(푆2) 푡 0 −(푆2) 푡 534 ( 7 7 7 7 푒 − 푒 + 퐺38푒 ≤ 퐺38(푡) ≤ (푚1) (푆1) −(푝36) −(푆2) (푎 ) 7 퐺0 7 ′ 7 ′ 7 38 36 (푆1) 푡 −(푎38 ) 푡 0 −(푎38 ) 푡 7 7 ′ 7 [푒 − 푒 ] + 퐺38푒 ) (푚2) (푆1) −(푎38)

7 7 7 0 (푅1) 푡 0 (푅1) +(푟36) 푡 535 푇36 푒 ≤ 푇36(푡) ≤ 푇36 푒

1 7 1 7 7 0 (푅1) 푡 0 (푅1) +(푟36) 푡 536 7 푇36푒 ≤ 푇36 (푡) ≤ 7 푇36 푒 (휇1) (휇2)

(푏 ) 7 푇0 7 ′ 7 ′ 7 38 36 (푅1) 푡 −(푏38) 푡 0 −(푏38) 푡 537 7 7 ′ 7 푒 − 푒 + 푇38푒 ≤ 푇38 (푡) ≤ (휇1) (푅1) −(푏38)

(푎 ) 7 푇0 7 7 7 7 38 36 (푅1) +(푟36) 푡 −(푅2) 푡 0 −(푅2) 푡 7 7 7 7 푒 − 푒 + 푇38 푒 (휇2) (푅1) +(푟36) +(푅2)

7 7 7 7 Definition of (푆1) , (푆2) , (푅1) , (푅2) :- 538

7 7 7 ′ 7 Where (푆1) = (푎36) (푚2) − (푎36)

7 7 7 (푆2) = (푎38) − (푝38 ) 539 7 7 7 ′ 7 (푅1) = (푏36) (휇2) − (푏36)

7 ′ 7 7 (푅2) = (푏38) − (푟38)


푑휈 7 = (푎 ) 7 − (푎′ ) 7 − (푎′ ) 7 + (푎′′ ) 7 푇 , 푡 − 푑푡 36 36 37 36 37

′′ 7 7 7 7 (푎37) 푇37 , 푡 휈 − (푎37) 휈

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 101 ISSN 2250-3153

퐺 Definition of 휈 7 :- 휈 7 = 36 퐺37

It follows

2 푑휈 7 − (푎 ) 7 휈 7 + (휎 ) 7 휈 7 − (푎 ) 7 ≤ ≤ 37 2 36 푑푡

7 7 2 7 7 7 − (푎37) 휈 + (휎1) 휈 − (푎36 )

From which one obtains

7 7 Definition of (휈1 ) , (휈0) :-

0 7 퐺36 7 7 (m) For 0 < (휈0) = 0 < (휈1) < (휈1 ) 퐺37

− 푎 7 (휈 ) 7 −(휈 ) 7 푡 (휈 ) 7 +(퐶) 7 (휈 ) 7 푒 37 1 0 (휈 ) 7 −(휈 ) 7 휈 7 (푡) ≥ 1 2 , (퐶) 7 = 1 0 − 푎 7 (휈 ) 7 −(휈 ) 7 푡 (휈 ) 7 −(휈 ) 7 1+(퐶) 7 푒 37 1 0 0 2

7 7 7 it follows (휈0) ≤ 휈 (푡) ≤ (휈1)

In the same manner , we get 541

− 푎 7 (휈 ) 7 −(휈 ) 7 푡 (휈 ) 7 +(퐶 ) 7 (휈 ) 7 푒 37 1 2 (휈 ) 7 −(휈 ) 7 휈 7 (푡) ≤ 1 2 , (퐶 ) 7 = 1 0 − 푎 7 (휈 ) 7 −(휈 ) 7 푡 (휈 ) 7 −(휈 ) 7 1+(퐶 ) 7 푒 37 1 2 0 2

7 7 7 From which we deduce (휈0) ≤ 휈 (푡) ≤ (휈1 )

0 7 7 퐺36 7 542 (n) If 0 < (휈1) < (휈0) = 0 < (휈1 ) we find like in the previous case, 퐺37

− 푎 7 (휈 ) 7 −(휈 ) 7 푡 (휈 ) 7 + 퐶 7 (휈 ) 7 푒 37 1 2 (휈 ) 7 ≤ 1 2 ≤ 휈 7 푡 ≤ 1 − 푎 7 (휈 ) 7 −(휈 ) 7 푡 1+ 퐶 7 푒 37 1 2

− 푎 7 (휈 ) 7 −(휈 ) 7 푡 (휈 ) 7 + 퐶 7 (휈 ) 7 푒 37 1 2 1 2 ≤ (휈 ) 7 − 푎 7 (휈 ) 7 −(휈 ) 7 푡 1 1+ 퐶 7 푒 37 1 2

′′ 8 ′′ 8 Theorem 3: If (푎푖 ) 푎푛푑 (푏푖 ) are independent on 푡 , and the conditions 543

′ 8 ′ 8 8 8 (푎44) (푎45) − 푎44 푎45 < 0

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 102 ISSN 2250-3153

′ 8 ′ 8 8 8 8 8 ′ 8 8 8 8 (푎44) (푎45) − 푎44 푎45 + 푎44 푝44 + (푎45 ) 푝45 + 푝44 푝45 > 0

′ 8 ′ 8 8 8 (푏40) (푏41) − 푏42 푏43 > 0 ,

′ 8 ′ 8 8 8 ′ 8 8 ′ 9 9 9 9 (푏40) (푏41) − 푏42 푏43 − (푏40 ) 푟41 − (푏41) 푟41 + 푟43 푟41 < 0

8 8 푤푖푡푕 푝40 , 푟41 as defined are satisfied , then the system

8 ′ 8 ′′ 8 푎40 퐺41 − (푎40 ) + (푎40) 푇41 퐺40 = 0 544

8 ′ 8 ′′ 8 푎41 퐺40 − (푎41 ) + (푎41) 푇41 퐺41 = 0 545

8 ′ 8 ′′ 8 푎42 퐺41 − (푎42 ) + (푎42) 푇41 퐺42 = 0 546

8 ′ 8 ′′ 8 푏40 푇41 − [(푏40 ) − (푏40) 퐺43 ]푇40 = 0 547

8 ′ 8 ′′ 8 푏41 푇40 − [(푏41 ) − (푏41) 퐺43 ]푇41 = 0 548

8 ′ 8 ′′ 8 푏42 푇41 − [(푏42 ) − (푏42) 퐺43 ]푇42 = 0 549

has a unique positive solution , which is an equilibrium solution for the system 550


(a) Indeed the first two equations have a nontrivial solution 퐺40, 퐺41 if

′ 8 ′ 8 8 8 ′ 8 ′′ 8 ′ 8 ′′ 8 퐹 푇43 = (푎40) (푎41) − 푎40 푎41 + (푎40) (푎41 ) 푇41 + (푎41) (푎40 ) 푇41 + ′′ 8 ′′ 8 (푎40) 푇41 (푎41 ) 푇41 = 0

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 103 ISSN 2250-3153

∗ Definition and uniqueness of T41 :- 551

′′ 8 After hypothesis 푓 0 < 0, 푓 ∞ > 0 and the functions (푎푖 ) 푇41 being increasing, it follows ∗ ∗ that there exists a unique 푇41 for which 푓 푇41 = 0. With this value , we obtain from the three first equations

8 8 푎41 퐺41 푎42 퐺41 퐺44 = ′ 8 ′′ 9 ∗ , 퐺46 = ′ 9 ′′ 9 ∗ (푎41 ) +(푎41 ) 푇41 (푎42 ) +(푎42 ) 푇41

(a) By the same argument, the equations(GLOBAL) admit solutions 퐺40, 퐺41 if

′ 8 ′ 8 8 8 휑 퐺43 = (푏40) (푏41) − 푏40 푏45 −

′ 8 ′′ 8 ′ 8 ′′ 8 ′′ 8 ′′ 8 (푏40) (푏41 ) 퐺43 + (푏41 ) (푏40 ) 퐺43 +(푏40) 퐺43 (푏41) 퐺43 = 0

Where in 퐺43 퐺40, 퐺41 , 퐺42 , 퐺40 , 퐺42 must be replaced by their values . It is easy to see that φ is a 552 decreasing function in 퐺45 taking into account the hypothesis 휑 0 > 0 , 휑 ∞ < 0 it follows that ∗ ∗ there exists a unique 퐺41 such that 휑 퐺43 = 0

Finally we obtain the unique solution

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 퐺41 given by 휑 퐺43 = 0 , 푇41 given by 푓 푇41 = 0 and

8 ∗ 8 ∗ ∗ 푎40 퐺41 ∗ 푎42 퐺41 퐺40 = ′ 8 ′′ 8 ∗ , 퐺42 = ′ 8 ′′ 8 ∗ (푎40) +(푎40) 푇41 (푎42) +(푎42 ) 푇41

8 ∗ 8 ∗ ∗ 푏40 푇41 ∗ 푏42 푇41 553 푇44 = ′ 8 ′′ 8 ∗ , 푇42 = ′ 8 ′′ 8 ∗ (푏40) −(푏40) 퐺43 (푏42) −(푏42) 퐺43

1 ′ 1 ′′ 1 푏14 푇13 − [(푏14) − (푏14 ) 퐺 ]푇14 = 0 554

1 ′ 1 ′′ 1 푏15 푇14 − [(푏15) − (푏15 ) 퐺 ]푇15 = 0 555 has a unique positive solution , which is an equilibrium solution for the system 556

2 ′ 2 ′′ 2 푎16 퐺17 − (푎16 ) + (푎16) 푇17 퐺16 = 0 557

2 ′ 2 ′′ 2 푎17 퐺16 − (푎17 ) + (푎17) 푇17 퐺17 = 0 558

2 ′ 2 ′′ 2 푎18 퐺17 − (푎18 ) + (푎18) 푇17 퐺18 = 0 559

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2 ′ 2 ′′ 2 푏16 푇17 − [(푏16) − (푏16 ) 퐺19 ]푇16 = 0 560

2 ′ 2 ′′ 2 푏17 푇16 − [(푏17) − (푏17 ) 퐺19 ]푇17 = 0

2 ′ 2 ′′ 2 푏18 푇17 − [(푏18) − (푏18 ) 퐺19 ]푇18 = 0

4 ′ 4 ′′ 4 푎24 퐺25 − (푎24) + (푎24 ) 푇25 퐺24 = 0 561

4 ′ 4 ′′ 4 푎25 퐺24 − (푎25) + (푎25 ) 푇25 퐺25 = 0 563 4 ′ 4 ′′ 4 푎26 퐺25 − (푎26) + (푎26 ) 푇25 퐺26 = 0 564

4 ′ 4 ′′ 4 푏24 푇25 − [(푏24) − (푏24) 퐺27 ]푇24 = 0 565

4 ′ 4 ′′ 4 푏25 푇24 − [(푏25) − (푏25) 퐺27 ]푇25 = 0 566

4 ′ 4 ′′ 4 푏26 푇25 − [(푏26) − (푏26) 퐺27 ]푇26 = 0 567 has a unique positive solution , which is an equilibrium solution for the system 568

5 ′ 5 ′′ 5 푎28 퐺29 − (푎28 ) + (푎28) 푇29 퐺28 = 0 569

5 ′ 5 ′′ 5 푎29 퐺28 − (푎29) + (푎29) 푇29 퐺29 = 0 570

5 ′ 5 ′′ 5 푎30 퐺29 − (푎30 ) + (푎30) 푇29 퐺30 = 0 571

5 ′ 5 ′′ 5 푏28 푇29 − [(푏28) − (푏28 ) 퐺31 ]푇28 = 0 572

5 ′ 5 ′′ 5 푏29 푇28 − [(푏29) − (푏29) 퐺31 ]푇29 = 0 573

5 ′ 5 ′′ 5 푏30 푇29 − [(푏30) − (푏30 ) 퐺31 ]푇30 = 0 574 has a unique positive solution , which is an equilibrium solution for the system 575

6 ′ 6 ′′ 6 푎32 퐺33 − (푎32) + (푎32 ) 푇33 퐺32 = 0 576

6 ′ 6 ′′ 6 푎33 퐺32 − (푎33) + (푎33 ) 푇33 퐺33 = 0 577

6 ′ 6 ′′ 6 푎34 퐺33 − (푎34) + (푎34 ) 푇33 퐺34 = 0 578

6 ′ 6 ′′ 6 푏32 푇33 − [(푏32) − (푏32) 퐺35 ]푇32 = 0 579

6 ′ 6 ′′ 6 푏33 푇32 − [(푏33) − (푏33) 퐺35 ]푇33 = 0 580

6 ′ 6 ′′ 6 푏34 푇33 − [(푏34) − (푏34) 퐺35 ]푇34 = 0 584 has a unique positive solution , which is an equilibrium solution for the system 582

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 105 ISSN 2250-3153

7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 푎36 퐺37 − (푎36) + (푎36 ) 푇37 퐺36 = 0 583

7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 푎37 퐺36 − (푎37) + (푎37 ) 푇37 퐺37 = 0 584

7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 푎38 퐺37 − (푎38) + (푎38 ) 푇37 퐺38 = 0 585


7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 푏36 푇37 − [(푏36) − (푏36) 퐺39 ]푇36 = 0 587

7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 푏37 푇36 − [(푏37) − (푏37) 퐺39 ]푇37 = 0 588

7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 푏38 푇37 − [(푏38) − (푏38) 퐺39 ]푇38 = 0 589

has a unique positive solution , which is an equilibrium solution for the system 560

(a) Indeed the first two equations have a nontrivial solution 퐺36, 퐺37 if

′ 7 ′ 7 7 7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 퐹 푇39 = (푎36 ) (푎37) − 푎36 푎37 + (푎36) (푎37) 푇37 + (푎37 ) (푎36) 푇37 + ′′ 7 ′′ 7 (푎36) 푇37 (푎37) 푇37 = 0

∗ Definition and uniqueness of T37 :- 561

′′ 7 After hypothesis 푓 0 < 0, 푓 ∞ > 0 and the functions (푎푖 ) 푇37 being increasing, it follows ∗ ∗ that there exists a unique 푇37 for which 푓 푇37 = 0. With this value , we obtain from the three first equations

7 7 푎36 퐺37 푎38 퐺37 퐺36 = ′ 7 ′′ 7 ∗ , 퐺38 = ′ 7 ′′ 7 ∗ (푎36) +(푎36) 푇37 (푎38 ) +(푎38) 푇37

(b) By the same argument, the equations( SOLUTIONAL) admit solutions 퐺36, 퐺37 if

′ 7 ′ 7 7 7 휑 퐺39 = (푏36) (푏37) − 푏36 푏37 −

′ 7 ′′ 7 ′ 7 ′′ 7 ′′ 7 ′′ 7 (푏36) (푏37 ) 퐺39 + (푏37) (푏36 ) 퐺39 +(푏36) 퐺39 (푏37 ) 퐺39 = 0

Where in 퐺39 퐺36, 퐺37, 퐺38 , 퐺36, 퐺38 must be replaced by their values from 96. It is easy to see that 562 φ is a decreasing function in 퐺37 taking into account the hypothesis 휑 0 > 0 , 휑 ∞ < 0 it follows ∗ ∗ that there exists a unique 퐺37 such that 휑 퐺 = 0

Finally we obtain the unique solution OF THE SYSTEM

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 퐺37 given by 휑 퐺39 = 0 , 푇37 given by 푓 푇37 = 0 and

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 106 ISSN 2250-3153

7 ∗ 7 ∗ ∗ 푎36 퐺37 ∗ 푎38 퐺37 퐺36 = ′ 7 ′′ 7 ∗ , 퐺38 = ′ 7 ′′ 7 ∗ (푎36) +(푎36 ) 푇37 (푎38 ) +(푎38 ) 푇37

7 ∗ 7 ∗ ∗ 푏36 푇37 ∗ 푏38 푇37 563 푇36 = ′ 7 ′′ 7 ∗ , 푇38 = ′ 7 ′′ 7 ∗ (푏36) −(푏36) 퐺39 (푏38) −(푏38) 퐺39

∗ Definition and uniqueness of T21 :- 564

′′ 1 After hypothesis 푓 0 < 0, 푓 ∞ > 0 and the functions (푎푖 ) 푇21 being increasing, it follows ∗ ∗ that there exists a unique 푇21 for which 푓 푇21 = 0. With this value , we obtain from the three first equations

3 3 푎20 퐺21 푎22 퐺21 퐺20 = ′ 3 ′′ 3 ∗ , 퐺22 = ′ 3 ′′ 3 ∗ (푎20) +(푎20) 푇21 (푎22 ) +(푎22) 푇21


∗ Definition and uniqueness of T25 :- 566

′′ 4 After hypothesis 푓 0 < 0, 푓 ∞ > 0 and the functions (푎푖 ) 푇25 being increasing, it follows ∗ ∗ that there exists a unique 푇25 for which 푓 푇25 = 0. With this value , we obtain from the three first equations

4 4 푎24 퐺25 푎26 퐺25 퐺24 = ′ 4 ′′ 4 ∗ , 퐺26 = ′ 4 ′′ 4 ∗ (푎24) +(푎24) 푇25 (푎26 ) +(푎26) 푇25

∗ Definition and uniqueness of T29 :- 567

′′ 5 After hypothesis 푓 0 < 0, 푓 ∞ > 0 and the functions (푎푖 ) 푇29 being increasing, it follows ∗ ∗ that there exists a unique 푇29 for which 푓 푇29 = 0. With this value , we obtain from the three first equations

5 5 푎28 퐺29 푎30 퐺29 퐺28 = ′ 5 ′′ 5 ∗ , 퐺30 = ′ 5 ′′ 5 ∗ (푎28) +(푎28) 푇29 (푎30 ) +(푎30) 푇29

∗ Definition and uniqueness of T33 :- 568

′′ 6 After hypothesis 푓 0 < 0, 푓 ∞ > 0 and the functions (푎푖 ) 푇33 are increasing, it follows that ∗ ∗ there exists a unique 푇33 for which 푓 푇33 = 0. With this value , we obtain from the three first equations

6 6 푎32 퐺33 푎34 퐺33 퐺32 = ′ 6 ′′ 6 ∗ , 퐺34 = ′ 6 ′′ 6 ∗ (푎32) +(푎32) 푇33 (푎34 ) +(푎34) 푇33

(c) By the same argument, the equationsGLOBAL admit solutions 퐺13, 퐺14 if 569

′ 1 ′ 1 1 1 휑 퐺 = (푏13) (푏14) − 푏13 푏14 −

′ 1 ′′ 1 ′ 1 ′′ 1 ′′ 1 ′′ 1 (푏13 ) (푏14 ) 퐺 + (푏14 ) (푏13 ) 퐺 +(푏13) 퐺 (푏14 ) 퐺 = 0

Where in 퐺 퐺13, 퐺14, 퐺15 , 퐺13, 퐺15 must be replaced by their values from 96. It is easy to see that φ is a decreasing function in 퐺14 taking into account the hypothesis 휑 0 > 0 , 휑 ∞ < 0 it follows ∗ ∗ that there exists a unique 퐺14 such that 휑 퐺 = 0

(d) By the same argument, the equations 92,93 admit solutions 퐺16, 퐺17 if 570

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 107 ISSN 2250-3153

′ 2 ′ 2 2 2 φ 퐺19 = (푏16 ) (푏17 ) − 푏16 푏17 −

′ 2 ′′ 2 ′ 2 ′′ 2 ′′ 2 ′′ 2 (푏16 ) (푏17 ) 퐺19 + (푏17) (푏16) 퐺19 +(푏16) 퐺19 (푏17) 퐺19 = 0

Where in 퐺19 퐺16, 퐺17, 퐺18 , 퐺16, 퐺18 must be replaced by their values from 96. It is easy to see that 571 φ is a decreasing function in 퐺17 taking into account the hypothesis φ 0 > 0 , 휑 ∞ < 0 it follows ∗ ∗ that there exists a unique G14 such that φ 퐺19 = 0

(a) By the same argument, the concatenated equations admit solutions 퐺20, 퐺21 if 572

′ 3 ′ 3 3 3 휑 퐺23 = (푏20) (푏21) − 푏20 푏21 −

′ 3 ′′ 3 ′ 3 ′′ 3 ′′ 3 ′′ 3 (푏20) (푏21 ) 퐺23 + (푏21) (푏20) 퐺23 +(푏20) 퐺23 (푏21) 퐺23 = 0

Where in 퐺23 퐺20, 퐺21, 퐺22 , 퐺20, 퐺22 must be replaced by their values from 96. It is easy to see that φ is a decreasing function in 퐺21 taking into account the hypothesis 휑 0 > 0 , 휑 ∞ < 0 it follows that there exists a unique 퐺∗ such that 휑 퐺 ∗ = 0 21 23 573

(b) By the same argument, the equations of modules admit solutions 퐺24, 퐺25 if 574

′ 4 ′ 4 4 4 휑 퐺27 = (푏24) (푏25) − 푏24 푏25 −

′ 4 ′′ 4 ′ 4 ′′ 4 ′′ 4 ′′ 4 (푏24) (푏25 ) 퐺27 + (푏25) (푏24) 퐺27 +(푏24) 퐺27 (푏25) 퐺27 = 0

Where in 퐺27 퐺24, 퐺25, 퐺26 , 퐺24, 퐺26 must be replaced by their values from 96. It is easy to see that φ is a decreasing function in 퐺25 taking into account the hypothesis 휑 0 > 0 , 휑 ∞ < 0 it follows ∗ ∗ that there exists a unique 퐺25 such that 휑 퐺27 = 0

(c) By the same argument, the equations (modules) admit solutions 퐺28, 퐺29 if 575

′ 5 ′ 5 5 5 휑 퐺31 = (푏28) (푏29) − 푏28 푏29 −

′ 5 ′′ 5 ′ 5 ′′ 5 ′′ 5 ′′ 5 (푏28) (푏29) 퐺31 + (푏29) (푏28) 퐺31 +(푏28) 퐺31 (푏29) 퐺31 = 0

Where in 퐺31 퐺28, 퐺29, 퐺30 , 퐺28, 퐺30 must be replaced by their values from 96. It is easy to see that φ is a decreasing function in 퐺29 taking into account the hypothesis 휑 0 > 0 , 휑 ∞ < 0 it follows ∗ ∗ that there exists a unique 퐺29 such that 휑 퐺31 = 0

(d) By the same argument, the equations (modules) admit solutions 퐺32, 퐺33 if 578

579 ′ 6 ′ 6 6 6 휑 퐺35 = (푏32) (푏33) − 푏32 푏33 − 580 ′ 6 ′′ 6 ′ 6 ′′ 6 ′′ 6 ′′ 6 (푏32) (푏33 ) 퐺35 + (푏33) (푏32) 퐺35 +(푏32) 퐺35 (푏33) 퐺35 = 0 581

Where in 퐺35 퐺32, 퐺33, 퐺34 , 퐺32, 퐺34 must be replaced by their values It is easy to see that φ is a decreasing function in 퐺33 taking into account the hypothesis 휑 0 > 0 , 휑 ∞ < 0 it follows that ∗ ∗ there exists a unique 퐺33 such that 휑 퐺 = 0

Finally we obtain the unique solution 582

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 퐺14 given by 휑 퐺 = 0 , 푇14 given by 푓 푇14 = 0 and

1 ∗ 1 ∗ ∗ 푎13 퐺14 ∗ 푎15 퐺14 퐺13 = ′ 1 ′′ 1 ∗ , 퐺15 = ′ 1 ′′ 1 ∗ (푎13) +(푎13) 푇14 (푎15) +(푎15) 푇14

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 108 ISSN 2250-3153

1 ∗ 1 ∗ ∗ 푏13 푇14 ∗ 푏15 푇14 푇13 = ′ 1 ′′ 1 ∗ , 푇15 = ′ 1 ′′ 1 ∗ (푏13) −(푏13) 퐺 (푏15) −(푏15) 퐺

Obviously, these values represent an equilibrium solution

Finally we obtain the unique solution 583

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ G17 given by φ 퐺19 = 0 , T17 given by 푓 T17 = 0 and 584

2 ∗ 2 ∗ ∗ a16 G17 ∗ a18 G17 585 G16 = ′ 2 ′′ 2 ∗ , G18 = ′ 2 ′′ 2 ∗ (a16) +(a16) T17 (a18) +(a18) T17

2 ∗ 2 ∗ ∗ b16 T17 ∗ b18 T17 586 T16 = ′ 2 ′′ 2 ∗ , T18 = ′ 2 ′′ 2 ∗ (b16) −(b16) 퐺19 (b18) −(b18) 퐺19

Obviously, these values represent an equilibrium solution 587

Finally we obtain the unique solution 588

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 퐺21 given by 휑 퐺23 = 0 , 푇21 given by 푓 푇21 = 0 and

3 ∗ 3 ∗ ∗ 푎20 퐺21 ∗ 푎22 퐺21 퐺20 = ′ 3 ′′ 3 ∗ , 퐺22 = ′ 3 ′′ 3 ∗ (푎20) +(푎20 ) 푇21 (푎22 ) +(푎22 ) 푇21

3 ∗ 3 ∗ ∗ 푏20 푇21 ∗ 푏22 푇21 푇20 = ′ 3 ′′ 3 ∗ , 푇22 = ′ 3 ′′ 3 ∗ (푏20) −(푏20) 퐺23 (푏22) −(푏22) 퐺23

Obviously, these values represent an equilibrium solution

Finally we obtain the unique solution 589

∗ ∗ ∗ 퐺25 given by 휑 퐺27 = 0 , 푇25 given by 푓 푇25 = 0 and

4 ∗ 4 ∗ ∗ 푎24 퐺25 ∗ 푎26 퐺25 퐺24 = ′ 4 ′′ 4 ∗ , 퐺26 = ′ 4 ′′ 4 ∗ (푎24) +(푎24 ) 푇25 (푎26 ) +(푎26 ) 푇25

4 ∗ 4 ∗ ∗ 푏24 푇25 ∗ 푏26 푇25 590 푇24 = ′ 4 ′′ 4 ∗ , 푇26 = ′ 4 ′′ 4 ∗ (푏24) −(푏24) 퐺27 (푏26) −(푏26) 퐺27

Obviously, these values represent an equilibrium solution

Finally we obtain the unique solution 591

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 퐺29 given by 휑 퐺31 = 0 , 푇29 given by 푓 푇29 = 0 and

5 ∗ 5 ∗ ∗ 푎28 퐺29 ∗ 푎30 퐺29 퐺28 = ′ 5 ′′ 5 ∗ , 퐺30 = ′ 5 ′′ 5 ∗ (푎28) +(푎28 ) 푇29 (푎30 ) +(푎30 ) 푇29

5 ∗ 5 ∗ ∗ 푏28 푇29 ∗ 푏30 푇29 592 푇28 = ′ 5 ′′ 5 ∗ , 푇30 = ′ 5 ′′ 5 ∗ (푏28) −(푏28) 퐺31 (푏30) −(푏30) 퐺31

Obviously, these values represent an equilibrium solution

Finally we obtain the unique solution 593

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 퐺33 given by 휑 퐺35 = 0 , 푇33 given by 푓 푇33 = 0 and

6 ∗ 6 ∗ ∗ 푎32 퐺33 ∗ 푎34 퐺33 퐺32 = ′ 6 ′′ 6 ∗ , 퐺34 = ′ 6 ′′ 6 ∗ (푎32) +(푎32 ) 푇33 (푎34 ) +(푎34 ) 푇33

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 109 ISSN 2250-3153

6 ∗ 6 ∗ ∗ 푏32 푇33 ∗ 푏34 푇33 594 푇32 = ′ 6 ′′ 6 ∗ , 푇34 = ′ 6 ′′ 6 ∗ (푏32) −(푏32) 퐺35 (푏34) −(푏34) 퐺35

Obviously, these values represent an equilibrium solution


Theorem 4: If the conditions of the previous theorem are satisfied and if the functions ′′ 1 ′′ 1 1 (푎푖 ) 푎푛푑 (푏푖 ) Belong to 퐶 ( ℝ+) then the above equilibrium point is asymptotically stable.

Proof: Denote

Definition of 픾푖, 핋푖 :-

∗ ∗ 퐺푖 = 퐺푖 + 픾푖 , 푇푖 = 푇푖 + 핋푖 596 ′′ 1 ′′ 1 휕(푎14) ∗ 1 휕(푏푖 ) ∗ 푇14 = 푞14 , 퐺 = 푠푖푗 휕푇14 휕퐺푗

Then taking into account equations (global) and neglecting the terms of power 2, we obtain 597

푑픾 13 = − (푎′ ) 1 + 푝 1 픾 + 푎 1 픾 − 푞 1 퐺∗ 핋 598 푑푡 13 13 13 13 14 13 13 14

푑픾 14 = − (푎′ ) 1 + 푝 1 픾 + 푎 1 픾 − 푞 1 퐺∗ 핋 599 푑푡 14 14 14 14 13 14 14 14

푑픾 15 = − (푎′ ) 1 + 푝 1 픾 + 푎 1 픾 − 푞 1 퐺∗ 핋 600 푑푡 15 15 15 15 14 15 15 14

푑핋 13 = − (푏′ ) 1 − 푟 1 핋 + 푏 1 핋 + 15 푠 푇∗ 픾 601 푑푡 13 13 13 13 14 푗 =13 13 푗 13 푗

푑핋 14 = − (푏′ ) 1 − 푟 1 핋 + 푏 1 핋 + 15 푠 푇∗ 픾 602 푑푡 14 14 14 14 13 푗 =13 14 (푗 ) 14 푗

푑핋 15 = − (푏′ ) 1 − 푟 1 핋 + 푏 1 핋 + 15 푠 푇∗ 픾 603 푑푡 15 15 15 15 14 푗 =13 15 (푗 ) 15 푗

′′ 2 ′′ 2 If the conditions of the previous theorem are satisfied and if the functions (a푖 ) and (b푖 ) 604 2 Belong to C ( ℝ+) then the above equilibrium point is asymptotically stable

Denote 605

Definition of 픾푖, 핋푖 :-

∗ ∗ G푖 = G푖 + 픾푖 , T푖 = T푖 + 핋푖 606

′′ 2 ′′ 2 ∂(푎17) ∗ 2 ∂(푏푖 ) ∗ 607 T17 = 푞17 , 퐺19 = 푠푖푗 ∂T17 ∂G푗 taking into account equations (global)and neglecting the terms of power 2, we obtain 608 d픾 16 = − (푎′ ) 2 + 푝 2 픾 + 푎 2 픾 − 푞 2 G∗ 핋 609 dt 16 16 16 16 17 16 16 17 d픾 17 = − (푎′ ) 2 + 푝 2 픾 + 푎 2 픾 − 푞 2 G∗ 핋 610 dt 17 17 17 17 16 17 17 17 d픾 18 = − (푎′ ) 2 + 푝 2 픾 + 푎 2 픾 − 푞 2 G∗ 핋 611 dt 18 18 18 18 17 18 18 17 d핋 16 = − (푏′ ) 2 − 푟 2 핋 + 푏 2 핋 + 18 푠 T∗ 픾 612 dt 16 16 16 16 17 푗 =16 16 푗 16 푗

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 110 ISSN 2250-3153 d핋 17 = − (푏′ ) 2 − 푟 2 핋 + 푏 2 핋 + 18 푠 T∗ 픾 613 dt 17 17 17 17 16 푗 =16 17 (푗 ) 17 푗 d핋 18 = − (푏′ ) 2 − 푟 2 핋 + 푏 2 핋 + 18 푠 T∗ 픾 614 dt 18 18 18 18 17 푗 =16 18 (푗 ) 18 푗

′′ 3 ′′ 3 If the conditions of the previous theorem are satisfied and if the functions (푎푖 ) 푎푛푑 (푏푖 ) 615 Belong to 퐶 3 ( ℝ ) then the above equilibrium point is asymptotically stabl +


Definition of 픾푖, 핋푖 :-

∗ ∗ 퐺푖 = 퐺푖 + 픾푖 , 푇푖 = 푇푖 + 핋푖

′′ 3 ′′ 3 휕(푎21) ∗ 3 휕(푏푖 ) ∗ 푇21 = 푞21 , 퐺23 = 푠푖푗 휕푇21 휕퐺푗


Then taking into account equations (global) and neglecting the terms of power 2, we obtain 617

푑픾 20 = − (푎′ ) 3 + 푝 3 픾 + 푎 3 픾 − 푞 3 퐺∗ 핋 618 푑푡 20 20 20 20 21 20 20 21

푑픾 21 = − (푎′ ) 3 + 푝 3 픾 + 푎 3 픾 − 푞 3 퐺∗ 핋 619 푑푡 21 21 21 21 20 21 21 21

푑픾 22 = − (푎′ ) 3 + 푝 3 픾 + 푎 3 픾 − 푞 3 퐺∗ 핋 6120 푑푡 22 22 22 22 21 22 22 21

푑핋 20 = − (푏′ ) 3 − 푟 3 핋 + 푏 3 핋 + 22 푠 푇∗ 픾 621 푑푡 20 20 20 20 21 푗 =20 20 푗 20 푗

푑핋 21 = − (푏′ ) 3 − 푟 3 핋 + 푏 3 핋 + 22 푠 푇∗ 픾 622 푑푡 21 21 21 21 20 푗 =20 21 (푗 ) 21 푗

푑핋 22 = − (푏′ ) 3 − 푟 3 핋 + 푏 3 핋 + 22 푠 푇∗ 픾 623 푑푡 22 22 22 22 21 푗 =20 22 (푗 ) 22 푗

′′ 4 ′′ 4 If the conditions of the previous theorem are satisfied and if the functions (푎푖 ) 푎푛푑 (푏푖 ) 624 4 Belong to 퐶 ( ℝ+) then the above equilibrium point is asymptotically stabl


Definition of 픾푖, 핋푖 :- 625

∗ ∗ 퐺푖 = 퐺푖 + 픾푖 , 푇푖 = 푇푖 + 핋푖

′′ 4 ′′ 4 휕(푎25) ∗ 4 휕(푏푖 ) ∗ 푇25 = 푞25 , 퐺27 = 푠푖푗 휕푇25 휕퐺푗

Then taking into account equations (global) and neglecting the terms of power 2, we obtain 626

푑픾 24 = − (푎′ ) 4 + 푝 4 픾 + 푎 4 픾 − 푞 4 퐺∗ 핋 627 푑푡 24 24 24 24 25 24 24 25

푑픾 25 = − (푎′ ) 4 + 푝 4 픾 + 푎 4 픾 − 푞 4 퐺∗ 핋 628 푑푡 25 25 25 25 24 25 25 25

푑픾 26 = − (푎′ ) 4 + 푝 4 픾 + 푎 4 픾 − 푞 4 퐺∗ 핋 629 푑푡 26 26 26 26 25 26 26 25

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 111 ISSN 2250-3153

푑핋 24 = − (푏′ ) 4 − 푟 4 핋 + 푏 4 핋 + 26 푠 푇∗ 픾 630 푑푡 24 24 24 24 25 푗 =24 24 푗 24 푗

푑핋 25 = − (푏′ ) 4 − 푟 4 핋 + 푏 4 핋 + 26 푠 푇∗ 픾 631 푑푡 25 25 25 25 24 푗 =24 25 푗 25 푗

푑핋 26 = − (푏′ ) 4 − 푟 4 핋 + 푏 4 핋 + 26 푠 푇∗ 픾 632 푑푡 26 26 26 26 25 푗 =24 26 (푗 ) 26 푗


′′ 5 ′′ 5 If the conditions of the previous theorem are satisfied and if the functions (푎푖 ) 푎푛푑 (푏푖 ) 5 Belong to 퐶 ( ℝ+) then the above equilibrium point is asymptotically stable


Definition of 픾푖, 핋푖 :- 634

∗ ∗ 퐺푖 = 퐺푖 + 픾푖 , 푇푖 = 푇푖 + 핋푖

′′ 5 ′′ 5 휕(푎29) ∗ 5 휕(푏푖 ) ∗ 푇29 = 푞29 , 퐺31 = 푠푖푗 휕푇29 휕퐺푗

Then taking into account equations (global) and neglecting the terms of power 2, we obtain 635

푑픾 28 = − (푎′ ) 5 + 푝 5 픾 + 푎 5 픾 − 푞 5 퐺∗ 핋 636 푑푡 28 28 28 28 29 28 28 29

푑픾 29 = − (푎′ ) 5 + 푝 5 픾 + 푎 5 픾 − 푞 5 퐺∗ 핋 637 푑푡 29 29 29 29 28 29 29 29

푑픾 30 = − (푎′ ) 5 + 푝 5 픾 + 푎 5 픾 − 푞 5 퐺∗ 핋 638 푑푡 30 30 30 30 29 30 30 29

푑핋 28 = − (푏′ ) 5 − 푟 5 핋 + 푏 5 핋 + 30 푠 푇∗ 픾 639 푑푡 28 28 28 28 29 푗 =28 28 푗 28 푗

푑핋 29 = − (푏′ ) 5 − 푟 5 핋 + 푏 5 핋 + 30 푠 푇∗ 픾 640 푑푡 29 29 29 29 28 푗 =28 29 푗 29 푗

푑핋 30 = − (푏′ ) 5 − 푟 5 핋 + 푏 5 핋 + 30 푠 푇∗ 픾 641 푑푡 30 30 30 30 29 푗 =28 30 (푗 ) 30 푗

′′ 6 ′′ 6 If the conditions of the previous theorem are satisfied and if the functions (푎푖 ) 푎푛푑 (푏푖 ) 642 6 Belong to 퐶 ( ℝ+) then the above equilibrium point is asymptotically stable


Definition of 픾푖, 핋푖 :- 643

∗ ∗ 퐺푖 = 퐺푖 + 픾푖 , 푇푖 = 푇푖 + 핋푖

′′ 6 ′′ 6 휕(푎33) ∗ 6 휕(푏푖 ) ∗ 푇33 = 푞33 , 퐺35 = 푠푖푗 휕푇33 휕퐺푗

Then taking into account equations(global) and neglecting the terms of power 2, we obtain 644

푑픾 32 = − (푎′ ) 6 + 푝 6 픾 + 푎 6 픾 − 푞 6 퐺∗ 핋 645 푑푡 32 32 32 32 33 32 32 33

푑픾 33 = − (푎′ ) 6 + 푝 6 픾 + 푎 6 픾 − 푞 6 퐺∗ 핋 646 푑푡 33 33 33 33 32 33 33 33

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 112 ISSN 2250-3153

푑픾 34 = − (푎′ ) 6 + 푝 6 픾 + 푎 6 픾 − 푞 6 퐺∗ 핋 647 푑푡 34 34 34 34 33 34 34 33

푑핋 32 = − (푏′ ) 6 − 푟 6 핋 + 푏 6 핋 + 34 푠 푇∗ 픾 648 푑푡 32 32 32 32 33 푗 =32 32 푗 32 푗

푑핋 33 = − (푏′ ) 6 − 푟 6 핋 + 푏 6 핋 + 34 푠 푇∗ 픾 649 푑푡 33 33 33 33 32 푗 =32 33 푗 33 푗

푑핋 34 = − (푏′ ) 6 − 푟 6 핋 + 푏 6 핋 + 34 푠 푇∗ 픾 650 푑푡 34 34 34 34 33 푗 =32 34 (푗 ) 34 푗

Obviously, these values represent an equilibrium solution of 79,20,36,22,23, 651

′′ 7 ′′ 7 If the conditions of the previous theorem are satisfied and if the functions (푎푖 ) 푎푛푑 (푏푖 ) 7 Belong to 퐶 ( ℝ+) then the above equilibrium point is asymptotically stable.

Proof: Denote

Definition of 픾푖, 핋푖 :- 652

∗ ∗ 퐺푖 = 퐺푖 + 픾푖 , 푇푖 = 푇푖 + 핋푖 653

′′ 7 ′′ 7 휕(푎37) ∗ 7 휕(푏푖 ) ∗∗ 푇37 = 푞37 , 퐺39 = 푠푖푗 휕푇37 휕퐺푗

Then taking into account equations(SOLUTIONAL) and neglecting the terms of power 2, we obtain 654


푑픾 36 = − (푎′ ) 7 + 푝 7 픾 + 푎 7 픾 − 푞 7 퐺∗ 핋 656 푑푡 36 36 36 36 37 36 36 37

푑픾 37 = − (푎′ ) 7 + 푝 7 픾 + 푎 7 픾 − 푞 7 퐺∗ 핋 657 푑푡 37 37 37 37 36 37 37 37

푑픾 38 = − (푎′ ) 7 + 푝 7 픾 + 푎 7 픾 − 푞 7 퐺∗ 핋 658 푑푡 38 38 38 38 37 38 38 37

푑핋 36 = − (푏′ ) 7 − 푟 7 핋 + 푏 7 핋 + 38 푠 푇∗ 픾 659 푑푡 36 36 36 36 37 푗 =36 36 푗 36 푗

푑핋 37 = − (푏′ ) 7 − 푟 7 핋 + 푏 7 핋 + 38 푠 푇∗ 픾 660 푑푡 37 37 37 37 36 푗 =36 37 푗 37 푗

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 113 ISSN 2250-3153

푑핋 38 = − (푏′ ) 7 − 푟 7 핋 + 푏 7 핋 + 38 푠 푇∗ 픾 661 푑푡 38 38 38 38 37 푗 =36 38 (푗 ) 38 푗

′′ 8 ′′ 8 If the conditions of the previous theorem are satisfied and if the functions (푎푖 ) 푎푛푑 (푏푖 ) 662 8 Belong to 퐶 ( ℝ+) then the above equilibrium point is asymptotically stable.


Definition of 픾푖, 핋푖 :- 663

∗ ∗ 퐺푖 = 퐺푖 + 픾푖 , 푇푖 = 푇푖 + 핋푖

′′ 8 ′′ 8 휕(푎41) ∗ 8 휕(푏푖 ) ∗ 푇41 = 푞41 , 퐺43 = 푠푖푗 휕푇41 휕퐺푗

Then taking into account equations CONCATENATED EQUATIONS and neglecting the terms of 664 power 2, we obtain

푑픾 40 = − (푎′ ) 8 + 푝 8 픾 + 푎 8 픾 − 푞 8 퐺∗ 핋 665 푑푡 40 40 40 40 41 40 40 41

푑픾 41 = − (푎′ ) 8 + 푝 8 픾 + 푎 8 픾 − 푞 8 퐺∗ 핋 666 푑푡 41 41 41 41 40 41 41 41

푑픾 42 = − (푎′ ) 8 + 푝 8 픾 + 푎 8 픾 − 푞 8 퐺∗ 핋 667 푑푡 42 42 42 42 41 42 42 41

푑핋 40 = − (푏′ ) 8 − 푟 8 핋 + 푏 8 핋 + 42 푠 푇∗ 픾 668 푑푡 40 40 40 40 41 푗 =40 40 푗 40 푗

푑핋 41 = − (푏′ ) 8 − 푟 8 핋 + 푏 8 핋 + 42 푠 푇∗ 픾 669 푑푡 41 41 41 41 40 푗 =40 41 푗 41 푗

푑핋 42 = − (푏′ ) 8 − 푟 8 핋 + 푏 8 핋 + 42 푠 푇∗ 픾 670 푑푡 42 42 42 42 41 푗 =40 42 (푗 ) 42 푗

2. 671

The characteristic equation of this system is

1 ′ 1 1 1 ′ 1 1 휆 + (푏15) − 푟15 { 휆 + (푎15 ) + 푝15

1 ′ 1 1 1 ∗ 1 1 ∗ 휆 + (푎13 ) + 푝13 푞14 퐺14 + 푎14 푞13 퐺13

1 ′ 1 1 ∗ 1 ∗ 휆 + (푏13) − 푟13 푠 14 , 14 푇14 + 푏14 푠 13 , 14 푇14

1 ′ 1 1 1 ∗ 1 1 ∗ + 휆 + (푎14) + 푝14 푞13 퐺13 + 푎13 푞14 퐺14

1 ′ 1 1 ∗ 1 ∗ 휆 + (푏13) − 푟13 푠 14 , 13 푇14 + 푏14 푠 13 , 13 푇13

1 2 ′ 1 ′ 1 1 1 1 휆 + (푎13) + (푎14) + 푝13 + 푝14 휆

1 2 ′ 1 ′ 1 1 1 1 휆 + (푏13) + (푏14 ) − 푟13 + 푟14 휆

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 114 ISSN 2250-3153

1 2 ′ 1 ′ 1 1 1 1 1 + 휆 + (푎13 ) + (푎14) + 푝13 + 푝14 휆 푞15 퐺15

1 ′ 1 1 1 1 ∗ 1 1 1 ∗ + 휆 + (푎13) + 푝13 푎15 푞14 퐺14 + 푎14 푎15 푞13 퐺13

1 ′ 1 1 ∗ 1 ∗ 휆 + (푏13) − 푟13 푠 14 , 15 푇14 + 푏14 푠 13 , 15 푇13 } = 0


2 ′ 2 2 2 ′ 2 2 휆 + (푏18) − 푟18 { 휆 + (푎18 ) + 푝18

2 ′ 2 2 2 ∗ 2 2 ∗ 휆 + (푎16 ) + 푝16 푞17 G17 + 푎17 푞16 G16

2 ′ 2 2 ∗ 2 ∗ 휆 + (푏16) − 푟16 푠 17 , 17 T17 + 푏17 푠 16 , 17 T17

2 ′ 2 2 2 ∗ 2 2 ∗ + 휆 + (푎17) + 푝17 푞16 G16 + 푎16 푞17 G17

2 ′ 2 2 ∗ 2 ∗ 휆 + (푏16) − 푟16 푠 17 , 16 T17 + 푏17 푠 16 , 16 T16

2 2 ′ 2 ′ 2 2 2 2 휆 + (푎16) + (푎17) + 푝16 + 푝17 휆

2 2 ′ 2 ′ 2 2 2 2 휆 + (푏16 ) + (푏17) − 푟16 + 푟17 휆

2 2 ′ 2 ′ 2 2 2 2 2 + 휆 + (푎16 ) + (푎17) + 푝16 + 푝17 휆 푞18 G18

2 ′ 2 2 2 2 ∗ 2 2 2 ∗ + 휆 + (푎16) + 푝16 푎18 푞17 G17 + 푎17 푎18 푞16 G16

2 ′ 2 2 ∗ 2 ∗ 휆 + (푏16) − 푟16 푠 17 , 18 T17 + 푏17 푠 16 , 18 T16 } = 0


3 ′ 3 3 3 ′ 3 3 휆 + (푏22) − 푟22 { 휆 + (푎22) + 푝22

3 ′ 3 3 3 ∗ 3 3 ∗ 휆 + (푎20) + 푝20 푞21 퐺21 + 푎21 푞20 퐺20

3 ′ 3 3 ∗ 3 ∗ 휆 + (푏20) − 푟20 푠 21 , 21 푇21 + 푏21 푠 20 , 21 푇21

3 ′ 3 3 3 ∗ 3 1 ∗ + 휆 + (푎21) + 푝21 푞20 퐺20 + 푎20 푞21 퐺21

3 ′ 3 3 ∗ 3 ∗ 휆 + (푏20 ) − 푟20 푠 21 , 20 푇21 + 푏21 푠 20 , 20 푇20

3 2 ′ 3 ′ 3 3 3 3 휆 + (푎20) + (푎21 ) + 푝20 + 푝21 휆

3 2 ′ 3 ′ 3 3 3 3 휆 + (푏20) + (푏21 ) − 푟20 + 푟21 휆

3 2 ′ 3 ′ 3 3 3 3 3 + 휆 + (푎20) + (푎21) + 푝20 + 푝21 휆 푞22 퐺22

3 ′ 3 3 3 3 ∗ 3 3 3 ∗ + 휆 + (푎20) + 푝20 푎22 푞21 퐺21 + 푎21 푎22 푞20 퐺20

3 ′ 3 3 ∗ 3 ∗ 휆 + (푏20) − 푟20 푠 21 , 22 푇21 + 푏21 푠 20 , 22 푇20 } = 0

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 115 ISSN 2250-3153


4 ′ 4 4 4 ′ 4 4 휆 + (푏26) − 푟26 { 휆 + (푎26) + 푝26

4 ′ 4 4 4 ∗ 4 4 ∗ 휆 + (푎24) + 푝24 푞25 퐺25 + 푎25 푞24 퐺24

4 ′ 4 4 ∗ 4 ∗ 휆 + (푏24) − 푟24 푠 25 , 25 푇25 + 푏25 푠 24 , 25 푇25

4 ′ 4 4 4 ∗ 4 4 ∗ + 휆 + (푎25) + 푝25 푞24 퐺24 + 푎24 푞25 퐺25

4 ′ 4 4 ∗ 4 ∗ 휆 + (푏24) − 푟24 푠 25 , 24 푇25 + 푏25 푠 24 , 24 푇24

4 2 ′ 4 ′ 4 4 4 4 휆 + (푎24) + (푎25 ) + 푝24 + 푝25 휆

4 2 ′ 4 ′ 4 4 4 4 휆 + (푏24 ) + (푏25) − 푟24 + 푟25 휆

4 2 ′ 4 ′ 4 4 4 4 4 + 휆 + (푎24) + (푎25) + 푝24 + 푝25 휆 푞26 퐺26

4 ′ 4 4 4 4 ∗ 4 4 4 ∗ + 휆 + (푎24) + 푝24 푎26 푞25 퐺25 + 푎25 푎26 푞24 퐺24

4 ′ 4 4 ∗ 4 ∗ 휆 + (푏24) − 푟24 푠 25 , 26 푇25 + 푏25 푠 24 , 26 푇24 } = 0


5 ′ 5 5 5 ′ 5 5 휆 + (푏30) − 푟30 { 휆 + (푎30) + 푝30

5 ′ 5 5 5 ∗ 5 5 ∗ 휆 + (푎28) + 푝28 푞29 퐺29 + 푎29 푞28 퐺28

5 ′ 5 5 ∗ 5 ∗ 휆 + (푏28) − 푟28 푠 29 , 29 푇29 + 푏29 푠 28 , 29 푇29

5 ′ 5 5 5 ∗ 5 5 ∗ + 휆 + (푎29) + 푝29 푞28 퐺28 + 푎28 푞29 퐺29

5 ′ 5 5 ∗ 5 ∗ 휆 + (푏28) − 푟28 푠 29 , 28 푇29 + 푏29 푠 28 , 28 푇28

5 2 ′ 5 ′ 5 5 5 5 휆 + (푎28) + (푎29) + 푝28 + 푝29 휆

5 2 ′ 5 ′ 5 5 5 5 휆 + (푏28 ) + (푏29) − 푟28 + 푟29 휆

5 2 ′ 5 ′ 5 5 5 5 5 + 휆 + (푎28) + (푎29) + 푝28 + 푝29 휆 푞30 퐺30

5 ′ 5 5 5 5 ∗ 5 5 5 ∗ + 휆 + (푎28) + 푝28 푎30 푞29 퐺29 + 푎29 푎30 푞28 퐺28

5 ′ 5 5 ∗ 5 ∗ 휆 + (푏28) − 푟28 푠 29 , 30 푇29 + 푏29 푠 28 , 30 푇28 } = 0


6 ′ 6 6 6 ′ 6 6 휆 + (푏34) − 푟34 { 휆 + (푎34) + 푝34

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 116 ISSN 2250-3153

6 ′ 6 6 6 ∗ 6 6 ∗ 휆 + (푎32) + 푝32 푞33 퐺33 + 푎33 푞32 퐺32

6 ′ 6 6 ∗ 6 ∗ 휆 + (푏32) − 푟32 푠 33 , 33 푇33 + 푏33 푠 32 , 33 푇33

6 ′ 6 6 6 ∗ 6 6 ∗ + 휆 + (푎33) + 푝33 푞32 퐺32 + 푎32 푞33 퐺33

6 ′ 6 6 ∗ 6 ∗ 휆 + (푏32) − 푟32 푠 33 , 32 푇33 + 푏33 푠 32 , 32 푇32

6 2 ′ 6 ′ 6 6 6 6 휆 + (푎32) + (푎33 ) + 푝32 + 푝33 휆

6 2 ′ 6 ′ 6 6 6 6 휆 + (푏32 ) + (푏33) − 푟32 + 푟33 휆

6 2 ′ 6 ′ 6 6 6 6 6 + 휆 + (푎32) + (푎33) + 푝32 + 푝33 휆 푞34 퐺34

6 ′ 6 6 6 6 ∗ 6 6 6 ∗ + 휆 + (푎32) + 푝32 푎34 푞33 퐺33 + 푎33 푎34 푞32 퐺32

6 ′ 6 6 ∗ 6 ∗ 휆 + (푏32) − 푟32 푠 33 , 34 푇33 + 푏33 푠 32 , 34 푇32 } = 0


7 ′ 7 7 7 ′ 7 7 휆 + (푏38) − 푟38 { 휆 + (푎38) + 푝38

7 ′ 7 7 7 ∗ 7 7 ∗ 휆 + (푎36) + 푝36 푞37 퐺37 + 푎37 푞36 퐺36

7 ′ 7 7 ∗ 7 ∗ 휆 + (푏36) − 푟36 푠 37 , 37 푇37 + 푏37 푠 36 , 37 푇37

7 ′ 7 7 7 ∗ 7 7 ∗ + 휆 + (푎37) + 푝37 푞36 퐺36 + 푎36 푞37 퐺37

7 ′ 7 7 ∗ 7 ∗ 휆 + (푏36) − 푟36 푠 37 , 36 푇37 + 푏37 푠 36 , 36 푇36

7 2 ′ 7 ′ 7 7 7 7 휆 + (푎36) + (푎37 ) + 푝36 + 푝37 휆

7 2 ′ 7 ′ 7 7 7 7 휆 + (푏36 ) + (푏37) − 푟36 + 푟37 휆

7 2 ′ 7 ′ 7 7 7 7 7 + 휆 + (푎36) + (푎37) + 푝36 + 푝37 휆 푞38 퐺38

7 ′ 7 7 7 7 ∗ 7 7 7 ∗ + 휆 + (푎36) + 푝36 푎38 푞37 퐺37 + 푎37 푎38 푞36 퐺36

7 ′ 7 7 ∗ 7 ∗ 휆 + (푏36) − 푟36 푠 37 , 38 푇37 + 푏37 푠 36 , 38 푇36 } = 0



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(8A)STEVENS, B, G. Feingold, W.R. Cotton and R.L. Walko, ―Elements of the microphysical structure of numerically simulated nonprecipitating stratocumulus‖ J. Atmos. Sci., 53, 980-1006

(8B)FEINGOLD, G, Koren, I; Wang, HL; Xue, HW; Brewer, WA (2010), ―Precipitation- generated oscillations in open cellular cloud fields‖ Nature, 466 (7308) 849-852, doi: 10.1038/nature09314, Published 12-Aug 2010

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(9)^ a b c Einstein, A. (1905), "Ist die Trägheit eines Körpers von seinem Energieinhalt abhängig?", Annalen der Physik 18: 639 Bibcode 1905AnP...323..639E,DOI:10.1002/andp.19053231314. See also the English translation.

(10)^ a b Paul Allen Tipler, Ralph A. Llewellyn (2003-01), Modern Physics, W. H. Freeman and Company, pp. 87–88, ISBN 0-7167-4345-0

(11)^ a b Rainville, S. et al. World Year of Physics: A direct test of E=mc2. Nature 438, 1096-1097 (22 December 2005) | doi: 10.1038/4381096a; Published online 21 December 2005.

(12)^ In F. Fernflores. The Equivalence of Mass and Energy. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

(13)^ Note that the relativistic mass, in contrast to the rest mass m0, is not a relativistic invariant, and that the velocity is not a Minkowski four-vector, in contrast to the quantity , where is the differential of the proper time. However, the energy-momentum four-vector is a genuine Minkowski four-vector, and the intrinsic origin of the square-root in the definition of the relativistic mass is the distinction between dτ and dt.

(14)^ Relativity DeMystified, D. McMahon, Mc Graw Hill (USA), 2006, ISBN 0-07-145545-0

(15)^ Dynamics and Relativity, J.R. Forshaw, A.G. Smith, Wiley, 2009, ISBN 978-0-470-01460-8

(16)^ Hans, H. S.; Puri, S. P. (2003). Mechanics (2 ed.). Tata McGraw-Hill. p. 433. ISBN 0-07- 047360-9., Chapter 12 page 433

(17)^ E. F. Taylor and J. A. Wheeler, Spacetime Physics, W.H. Freeman and Co., NY. 1992.ISBN 0-7167-2327-1, see pp. 248-9 for discussion of mass remaining constant after detonation of nuclear bombs, until heat is allowed to escape.

(18)^ Mould, Richard A. (2002). Basic relativity (2 ed.). Springer. p. 126. ISBN 0-387-95210- 1., Chapter 5 page 126

(19)^ Chow, Tail L. (2006). Introduction to electromagnetic theory: a modern perspective. Jones & Bartlett Learning. p. 392. ISBN 0-7637-3827-1., Chapter 10 page 392

(20)^ [2] Cockcroft-Walton experiment

(21)^ a b c Conversions used: 1956 International (Steam) Table (IT) values where one calorie ≡ 4.1868 J and one BTU ≡ 1055.05585262 J. Weapons designers' conversion value of one gram TNT

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012 119 ISSN 2250-3153

≡ 1000 calories used.

(22)^ Assuming the dam is generating at its peak capacity of 6,809 MW.

(23)^ Assuming a 90/10 alloy of Pt/Ir by weight, a Cp of 25.9 for Pt and 25.1 for Ir, a Pt-dominated -1 average Cp of 25.8, 5.134 moles of metal, and 132 J.K for the prototype. A variation of ±1.5 picograms is of course, much smaller than the actual uncertainty in the mass of the international prototype, which are ±2 micrograms.

(24)^ [3] Article on Earth rotation energy. Divided by c^2.

(25)^ a b Earth's gravitational self-energy is 4.6 × 10-10 that of Earth's total mass, or 2.7 trillion metric tons. Citation: The Apache Point Observatory Lunar Laser-Ranging Operation (APOLLO), T. W. Murphy, Jr. et al. University of Washington, Dept. of Physics (132 kB PDF, here.).

(26)^ There is usually more than one possible way to define a field energy, because any field can be made to couple to gravity in many different ways. By general scaling arguments, the correct answer at everyday distances, which are long compared to the quantum gravity scale, should be minimal coupling, which means that no powers of the curvature tensor appear. Any non-minimal couplings, along with other higher order terms, are presumably only determined by a theory of quantum gravity, and within string theory, they only start to contribute to experiments at the string scale.

(27)^ G. 't Hooft, "Computation of the quantum effects due to a four-dimensional pseudoparticle", Physical Review D14:3432–3450 (1976).

(28)^ A. Belavin, A. M. Polyakov, A. Schwarz, Yu. Tyupkin, "Pseudoparticle Solutions to Yang Mills Equations", Physics Letters 59B:85 (1975).

(29)^ F. Klinkhammer, N. Manton, "A Saddle Point Solution in the Weinberg Salam Theory", Physical Review D 30:2212.

(30)^ Rubakov V. A. "Monopole Catalysis of Proton Decay", Reports on Progress in Physics 51:189–241 (1988).

(31)^ S.W. Hawking "Black Holes Explosions?" Nature 248:30 (1974).

(32)^ Einstein, A. (1905), "Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Körper." (PDF), Annalen der Physik 17: 891–921, Bibcode 1905AnP...322...891E,DOI:10.1002/andp.19053221004. English translation.

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(33)^ See e.g. Lev B.Okun, The concept of Mass, Physics Today 42 (6), June 1969, p. 31– 36,

(34)^ Max Jammer (1999), Concepts of mass in contemporary physics and philosophy, Princeton University Press, p. 51, ISBN 0-691-01017-X

(35)^ Eriksen, Erik; Vøyenli, Kjell (1976), "The classical and relativistic concepts of mass",Foundations of Physics (Springer) 6: 115– 124, Bibcode 1976FoPh....6..115E,DOI:10.1007/BF00708670

(36)^ a b Jannsen, M., Mecklenburg, M. (2007), From classical to relativistic mechanics: Electromagnetic models of the electron., in V. F. Hendricks, et al., , Interactions: Mathematics, Physics and Philosophy (Dordrecht: Springer): 65–134

(37)^ a b Whittaker, E.T. (1951–1953), 2. Edition: A History of the theories of aether and electricity, vol. 1: The classical theories / vol. 2: The modern theories 1900–1926, London: Nelson

(38)^ Miller, Arthur I. (1981), Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity. Emergence (1905) and early interpretation (1905–1911), Reading: Addison–Wesley, ISBN 0-201-04679-2

(39)^ a b Darrigol, O. (2005), "The Genesis of the theory of relativity." (PDF), Séminaire Poincaré 1: 1–22

(40)^ Philip Ball (Aug 23, 2011). "Did Einstein discover E = mc2?‖ Physics World.

(41)^ Ives, Herbert E. (1952), "Derivation of the mass-energy relation", Journal of the Optical Society of America 42 (8): 540–543, DOI:10.1364/JOSA.42.000540

(42)^ Jammer, Max (1961/1997). Concepts of Mass in Classical and Modern Physics. New York: Dover. ISBN 0-486-29998-8.

(43)^ Stachel, John; Torretti, Roberto (1982), "Einstein's first derivation of mass-energy equivalence", American Journal of Physics 50 (8): 760– 763, Bibcode1982AmJPh..50..760S, DOI:10.1119/1.12764

(44)^ Ohanian, Hans (2008), "Did Einstein prove E=mc2?", Studies In History and Philosophy of Science Part B 40 (2): 167–173, arXiv:0805.1400,DOI:10.1016/j.shpsb.2009.03.002

(45)^ Hecht, Eugene (2011), "How Einstein confirmed E0=mc2", American Journal of Physics 79 (6): 591–600, Bibcode 2011AmJPh..79..591H, DOI:10.1119/1.3549223

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(46)^ Rohrlich, Fritz (1990), "An elementary derivation of E=mc2", American Journal of Physics 58 (4): 348–349, Bibcode 1990AmJPh..58..348R, DOI:10.1119/1.16168

(47) (1996). Lise Meitner: A Life in Physics. California Studies in the History of Science. 13. Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. 236–237. ISBN 0-520-20860-


(49)^ J. J. L. Morton; et al. (2008). "Solid-state quantum memory using the 31P nuclear spin". Nature 455 (7216): 1085–1088. Bibcode 2008Natur.455.1085M.DOI:10.1038/nature07295.

(50)^ S. Weisner (1983). "Conjugate coding". Association of Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group in Algorithms and Computation Theory 15: 78–88.

(51)^ A. Zelinger, Dance of the Photons: From Einstein to Quantum Teleportation, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, New York, 2010, pp. 189, 192, ISBN 0374239665

(52)^ B. Schumacher (1995). "Quantum coding". Physical Review A 51 (4): 2738– 2747. Bibcode 1995PhRvA..51.2738S. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevA.51.2738.

(53)Delamotte, Bertrand; A hint of renormalization, American Journal of Physics 72 (2004) pp. 170– 184. Beautiful elementary introduction to the ideas, no prior knowledge of field theory being necessary. Full text available at: hep-th/0212049

(54)Baez, John; Renormalization Made Easy, (2005). A qualitative introduction to the subject.

(55)Blechman, Andrew E. ; Renormalization: Our Greatly Misunderstood Friend, (2002). Summary of a lecture; has more information about specific regularization and divergence-subtraction schemes.

(56)Cao, Tian Yu & Schweber, Silvian S. ; The Conceptual Foundations and the Philosophical Aspects of Renormalization Theory, Synthese, 97(1) (1993), 33–108.

(57)Shirkov, Dmitry; Fifty Years of the Renormalization Group, C.E.R.N. Courrier 41(7) (2001). Full text available at: I.O.P Magazines.

(58)E. Elizalde; Zeta regularization techniques with Applications.

(59)N. N. Bogoliubov, D. V. Shirkov (1959): The Theory of Quantized Fields. New York, Interscience. The first text-book on the renormalization group theory.

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(60)Ryder, Lewis H. ; Quantum Field Theory (Cambridge University Press, 1985), ISBN 0-521- 33859-X Highly readable textbook, certainly the best introduction to relativistic Q.F.T. for particle physics.

(61)Zee, Anthony; Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell, Princeton University Press (2003) ISBN 0- 691-01019-6. Another excellent textbook on Q.F.T.

(62)Weinberg, Steven; The Quantum Theory of Fields (3 volumes) Cambridge University Press (1995). A monumental treatise on Q.F.T. written by a leading expert, Nobel laureate 1979.

(63)Pokorski, Stefan; Gauge Field Theories, Cambridge University Press (1987) ISBN 0-521-47816- 2.

(64)'t Hooft, Gerard; The Glorious Days of Physics – Renormalization of Gauge theories, lecture given at Erice (August/September 1998) by the Nobel laureate 1999 . Full text available at: hep- th/9812203.

(65)Rivasseau, Vincent; An introduction to renormalization, Poincaré Seminar (Paris, Oct. 12, 2002), published in: Duplantier, Bertrand; Rivasseau, Vincent (Eds.) ; Poincaré Seminar 2002, Progress in Mathematical Physics 30, Birkhäuser (2003) ISBN 3-7643-0579-7. Full text available in PostScript.

(66) Rivasseau, Vincent; From perturbative to constructive renormalization, Princeton University Press (1991) ISBN 0-691-08530-7. Full text available in PostScript.

(67) Iagolnitzer, Daniel & Magnen, J. ; Renormalization group analysis, Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Kluwer Academic Publisher (1996). Full text available in PostScript and pdfhere.

(68) Scharf, Günter; Finite quantum electrodynamics: The casual approach, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York (1995) ISBN 3-540-60142-2.

(69)A. S. Švarc (Albert Schwarz), Математические основы квантовой теории поля, (Mathematical aspects of quantum field theory), Atomizdat, Moscow, 1975. 368 pp.

(70) A. N. Vasil'ev The Field Theoretic Renormalization Group in Critical Behavior Theory and Stochastic Dynamics (Routledge Chapman & Hall 2004); ISBN 978-0-415-31002-4

(71) Nigel Goldenfeld; Lectures on Phase Transitions and the Renormalization Group, Frontiers in Physics 85, West view Press (June, 1992) ISBN 0-201-55409-7. Covering the elementary aspects of the physics of phase‘s transitions and the renormalization group, this popular book emphasizes understanding and clarity rather than technical manipulations.

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(72) Zinn-Justin, Jean; Quantum Field Theory and Critical Phenomena, Oxford University Press (4th edition – 2002) ISBN 0-19-850923-5. A masterpiece on applications of renormalization methods to the calculation of critical exponents in statistical mechanics, following Wilson's ideas (Kenneth Wilson was Nobel laureate 1982).

(73)Zinn-Justin, Jean; Phase Transitions & Renormalization Group: from Theory to Numbers, Poincaré Seminar (Paris, Oct. 12, 2002), published in: Duplantier, Bertrand; Rivasseau, Vincent (Eds.); Poincaré Seminar 2002, Progress in Mathematical Physics 30, Birkhäuser (2003) ISBN 3- 7643-0579-7. Full text available in PostScript.

(74 )Domb, Cyril; The Critical Point: A Historical Introduction to the Modern Theory of Critical Phenomena, CRC Press (March, 1996) ISBN 0-7484-0435-X.

(75)Brown, Laurie M. (Ed.) ; Renormalization: From Lorentz to Landau (and Beyond), Springer- Verlag (New York-1993) ISBN 0-387-97933-6.

(76) Cardy, John; Scaling and Renormalization in Statistical Physics, Cambridge University Press (1996) ISBN 0-521-49959-3.

(77)Shirkov, Dmitry; The Bogoliubov Renormalization Group, JINR Communication E2-96-15 (1996). Full text available at: hep-th/9602024

(78)Zinn Justin, Jean; Renormalization and renormalization group: From the discovery of UV divergences to the concept of effective field theories, in: de Witt-Morette C., Zuber J.-B. (eds), Proceedings of the NATO ASI on Quantum Field Theory: Perspective and Prospective, June 15–26, 1998, Les Houches, France, Kluwer Academic Publishers, NATO ASI Series C 530, 375–388 (1999). Full text available in PostScript.

(79) Connes, Alain; Symmetries Galoisiennes & Renormalisation, Poincaré Seminar (Paris, Oct. 12, 2002), published in: Duplantier, Bertrand; Rivasseau, Vincent (Eds.) ; Poincaré Seminar 2002, Progress in Mathematical Physics 30, Birkhäuser (2003) ISBN 3-7643-0579-7. French mathematician Alain Connes (Fields medallist 1982) describes the mathematical underlying structure (the Hopf algebra) of renormalization, and its link to the Riemann-Hilbert problem. Full text (in French) available at math/0211199v1.


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Acknowledgments: The introduction is a collection of information from various articles, Books, News Paper reports, Home Pages Of authors, Journal Reviews, Nature „s L:etters,Article Abstracts, Research papers, Abstracts Of Research Papers, Stanford Encyclopedia, Web Pages, Ask a Physicist Column, Deliberations with Professors, the internet including Wikipedia. We acknowledge all authors who have contributed to the same. In the eventuality of the fact that there has been any act of omission on the part of the authors, we regret with great deal of compunction, contrition, regret, trepidation and remorse. As Newton said, it is only because erudite and eminent people allowed one to piggy ride on their backs; probably an attempt has been made to look slightly further. Once again, it is stated that the references are only illustrative and not comprehensive

First Author: 1Mr. K. N.Prasanna Kumar has three doctorates one each in Mathematics, Economics, Political Science. Thesis was based on Mathematical Modeling. He was recently awarded D.litt. for his work on ‗Mathematical Models in Political Science‘--- Department of studies in Mathematics, Kuvempu University, Shimoga, Karnataka, India Corresponding Author:[email protected]

Second Author: 2Prof. B.S Kiranagi is the Former Chairman of the Department of Studies in Mathematics, Manasa Gangotri and present Professor Emeritus of UGC in the Department. Professor Kiranagi has guided over 25 students and he has received many encomiums and laurels for his contribution to Co homology Groups and Mathematical Sciences. Known for his prolific writing, and one of the senior most Professors of the country, he has over 150 publications to his credit. A prolific writer and a prodigious thinker, he has to his credit several books on Lie Groups, Co Homology Groups, and other mathematical application topics, and excellent publication history.-- UGC Emeritus Professor (Department of studies in Mathematics), Manasagangotri, University of Mysore, Karnataka, India

Third Author: 3Prof. C.S. Bagewadi is the present Chairman of Department of Mathematics and Department of Studies in Computer Science and has guided over 25 students. He has published articles in both national and international journals. Professor Bagewadi specializes in Differential Geometry and its wide-ranging ramifications. He has to his credit more than 159 research papers. Several Books on Differential Geometry, Differential Equations are coauthored by him--- Chairman, Department of studies in Mathematics and Computer science, Jnanasahyadri Kuvempu University, Shankarghatta, Shimoga district, Karnataka, India
