Center, 1515 West 6Th Avenue, Stiliwatr, Oklahoma 74074 ($15.00)
DOCUMENT BESDNE ED 140 030 CB 011 311 AUTHOR Nelson, Frank W. TITLE Distributive Education II. Course o. Study. INSTITUTION Oklahoma State Dept. of Vocational and Technical Education, Stillwater. Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center. PUB DATE 76 NOTE 826p. AVAILABLE FRCM Oklahoma State Department of Vocational-Technical Education, Curriculum and Instractional Materials Center, 1515 West 6th Avenue, Stiliwatr, Oklahoma 74074 ($15.00) EDRS PRICE MF-$1.50 Pius Postage. MC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS *Distributive Education; Economics; Exhibits; *High School Curriculum; Human Relations; Job_Skills; Learning Activities; Merchandising; Publicize; Salesmanship; Senior High Schools; Skin DeVelopment; State Curriculum Guides; Units of Study IDENTIFIERS Cklahoma ABSTRACT This curriculum guide for teacher-coordinators is designed to provide a course of study in distributiveeducation (Distributive Education II) in Oklahoma. Content is in ninesections with each section consisting of one or more instructionalunits: (1) Orientation (Introduction to Distributive Occupations, DECA), (2) Survival Skills (Job Application and Interview, Handling Money,Cash Register, Shoplifting Prevention, and Communications),(3) Human Relations,(4) Selling (Pre-Approach, Approach, andDetermining Needs; Presentation; Overcoming Objections, Close,Suggestion Selling, and Reassurance) , (5) Display,(6) Advertising (Advertising Media; Advertising Layout), (7) Merchandising,(8) Store Organization, and(9) Economics (Economics of Free Enterprise; Government and
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