Our detailed engagement with residents, workers and visitors to Camden markets informed us that you want to be able to buy sustainable goods close to home. Visit: www.camden.gov.uk/refill-station-camden Launch our daytime eco-festive pop-ups: 14th December: Swiss Cottage Open Space NW3 3NR 20th December: Chalton Street Market, Somerstown NW1 1JB 21st December: Queen’s Crescent Market, Kentish Town NW5 4ED The circular economy funded eco-festive pop-ups will offer local employment to traders. The community can bring along their own reusable containers, bags or mugs, or buy one. All the carefully sourced products and crafts are safe for the natural environment and us. We are asking for eco-traders to join us, email
[email protected] You can receive up to a 10% discount on unpackaged purchases. To join the discount scheme visit: www.camden.gov.uk/camden-recycling-rewards Together we are cutting down unnecessary or unrecyclable wastes including single use packaging and plastics. On your bike? A pop-up help and fix it repair team will be available for cyclists. Refill Station Camden is a council-owned brand designed for the community by the community Visit: camden.gov.uk/refill-station-camden Refill Station Camden’s first circular economy funded stall design is a trailer made from reclaimed waste materials and offers carefully sourced affordable unpackaged cleaning and cleansing products. Find out more:
[email protected] the stall will offer a local employment opportunity at Queen’s Crescent Market do bring along your own reusable containers,