Philippine Journal of Crop Science (PJCS) August 2005, 30(2): 47-54 Copyright 2005, Crop Science Society of the Released 19 June 2005


MG GASPAR1, RS AGBAYANI, EL DUPITAS, RP ESCOBAR, JM FERNANDEZ, FM MALABANAN & ED REDOÑA2 PhilRice Hybrid Rice Center Researchers, 1 Program Leader, Technology Promotion Department, and 2 Program Leader Hybrid Rice. Paper presented at the 31st CSSP Annual Scientific Conference on 2-7 May 2000 at Batac, Ilocos Norte

Hybrid rice promotion is being conducted within the four provinces of Region 2 (, , & ) and three provinces of Cordillera Autonomous Region (, & ) starting 1997. The aim is to promote hybrid rice in at least 25% of the 480,000 ha of irrigated rice lands in Northeast Luzon within 5 years. This is done through training, linkages or collaboration, on-farm and media demonstration of the results of research and development undertaken by collaborating agencies. Based on past technology demonstrations (techno-demos) of F1 hybrid rice, the highest yield was experienced in , Cagayan during the dry season (DS) of 1999 with 12.40 tons/ha, while the best inbred attained a much lower yield of 8 tons/ha. In a 10-ha hybrid compact techno-demo in San Mateo, Isabela, the average yields were 6.85 tons/ha for hybrid rice and 4.00 tons/ha for inbred rice. This potential of hybrid rice to yield much higher than inbred rice has been expected to facilitate the full take-off of the hybrid rice program in Northeast Luzon. However, it is still moving at a snail pace. This is due to the inadequate seed support system which is brought about by several political, social and technological issues. To break through these issues and constraints, PhilRice Hybrid Rice Center (PHC) together with Department of Agriculture-Regional Field Unit 2/Cordillera Autonomous Region Field Unit (DA-RFU 2/CARFU), state colleges and universities (SCUs), local government units (LGUs), non-government organizations (NGOs), Agricultural Training Institutes (ATI), Cagayan Valley Agricultural Resources and Research Development (CVARRD) and farmer-partners in the area, tried to evolve a model/s for specific areas/culture that could lead to the development of a strong seed program on hybrid rice. With the unified efforts of the collaborators, the area planted for F1 hybrid seed production increased four times from 15 ha to 71 ha. Likewise, from a meager 16 ha area cultivated for hybrid rice commercial production during the 1999 dry season, the area was increased to 80 ha in 2000 DS. The yield potential of hybrid rice, its economic viability and other advantages over inbred rice were showcased using the multimedia approach for faster dissemination of hybrid technology. Based on observations, the usual 3-5 day training program was not enough for farmers to internalize the mechanism of hybrid seed production. This was manifested by the frequent calls for PHC staff to provide technical assistance in almost all aspects of hybrid seed production. In response, a season-long training on hybrid rice seed production was developed and conducted/organized in all provinces covered by the PHC. Some 300 farmers and LGU technicians have participated in this program. hybrid rice, inbred rice, multi-media approach, season-long training, seed program, technical assistance, techno-demo, technology advance, technology demonstration

INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUNDER the Philippines. The agency has considered the technology of paramount importance so much so that it converted the As the population of the country increases at 2.5% a year PhilRice San Mateo branch station into the Philippine Hybrid and the rice farm area decreases at 12.8% a year, the battle for Rice Center in 1998. food goes on. Rice, being the staple food in the country, must While other regions of the country are experiencing rice be always available in a stable manner to feed the ever-growing deficits, Northeast Luzon (NEL) has a sufficiency level of population and increase the real income of most farmers. 185.71%. The hybrid area in NEL is composed of four Improving rice productivity should be sped up since the country provinces (Cagayan, Isabela, Quirino, Nueva Vizcaya) of is also experiencing a 10,000-ha decline in its prime agricultural Region 2 and three provinces (Kalinga, Apayao and Ifugao) of lands every year due to excessive land conversion brought Cordillera Autonomous Region (CAR). It has a total irrigated about by urbanization and industrialization, as the data gathered area of 480,000 ha. It is clear that a rice surplus is being by Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) shows. experienced in NEL; however, the average rice production in PhilRice is tasked with promoting the hybrid rice technology in farmers’ fields is still 3.55 tons/ha, which is considered low compared to experimental yields that reach up to 12 tons/ha. rice industry in the country. These technologies are promoted With hybrid rice, the aim is to increase the average rice through training, field and media demonstrations. These have yield by at least 15%. That translates into at least P6,000 more resulted in wider adoption of the hybrid rice technology. than inbred rice when it comes to grain production, or P40,000 more than inbred rice when it comes to seed production. CURRENT STATUS AND ACTIVITIES OF So far, hybrid rice technology in the Philippines has PHILRICE HYBRID RICE CENTER produced two cultivars: Magat (PSB Rc26H) and Mestizo (PSB Rc72H). Both have been bred by the International Rice At the PhilRice Hybrid Rice Center (PHC) at present, 44.17 Research Institute (IRRI). Magat is early maturing at 110 days ha are devoted to hybrid rice commercial production and 37.86 while Mestizo is medium-maturing at 123 days. Magat was ha to seed production. This achievement has been realized with released in 1994, Mestizo in 1997; the national hybrid rice the existence in the national setup of an efficient extension program was launched in 1998. system, of which training, field and media demonstrations are Promotion started in selected provinces that had already major components. To sustain the efforts, the collaborating attained high yields in rice, had large irrigated or potentially agencies try to perform competently their technical tasks and at irrigable areas, and possessed favorable growing environment: the same time adapt the promotion of the technology to the Cagayan, Isabela, , Camarines Sur, Bohol, Davao social and cultural contexts by knowing first of all the needs and del Sur, Davao Oriental, Davao del Norte, Maguindanao, problems of rice farmers. Technology must meet the needs of Lanao del Norte, and Iloilo. Regions 2 and 11 were the first to the farmers. Keeping this principle in mind can expedite the accept hybrid rice. adoption of hybrid rice technology and result in higher This was done to offer a viable option in increasing rice production and income of farmers. yields of farmers beyond the level of inbred varieties. A total of The package of technology for hybrid rice in Northeast 8 farmer-cooperators from different municipalities of Isabela Luzon is being promoted through training, media and on-farm devoted 1000 m2 of their rice area for the initial F1 hybrid rice demonstration supported with working linkages or technology demonstration (techno-demo) in NEL. This first collaboration established with government, non-government attempt of PhilRice Hybrid Rice Center (formerly PhilRice agencies and private entities. At the same time, the concepts Cagayan Valley Experiment Station) attained an average yield behind hybrid rice technology are communicated nationwide of 7.70 tons/ha while the best inbred recorded a yield of only 5 and locally to farmers, policy-makers, LGUs, SCUs and other tons/ha. Eventually, farmers were convinced that they too could stakeholders of the rice industry for them to gain awareness and attain the higher yield potential of hybrid rice. Thus the area for be encouraged to eventually engage themselves in the business hybrid rice for the second techno-demo increased to 15 ha. of hybrid rice. The techno-demo yield for Magat was 5.8 tons/ha, or 15% higher than the best inbred rice. Subsequently, Magat was A. Research and development introduced at Mambabanga, Luna, Isabela during the dry PhilRice began to conduct and supervise small-scale on- season of 1998. The first planting was participated by 28 farm seed production activities in NEL in 1993. cooperators with their belief that they would attain a higher In hybrid rice seed production, a seed yield of 1 ton/ha is yield than their conventional variety. However, this belief was considered the profitability threshold. Mestizo A/R seed changed to sighs as they were disappointed with the yield of production plots yielded 1.7 tons/ha in the 1997 dry season and Magat at 4.1 tons/ha and Mestizo at 6.4/ha while the best inbred 2.3 tons/ha in the 1998 dry season. yielded 5.8 tons/ha. Theory did not translate into practice. This The PHC with its partners are continuously generating incident for Magat hybrid was attributed to the temperature and practical approaches in increasing rice productivity levels by growing conditions. Magat’s pollen fertility was only 70%. conducting and continuing research activities. Twenty-six (26) Under weather stress like the cold weather during the dry studies on different aspects of hybrid rice are presently being season, as experienced in Isabela at that time, pollen fertility conducted on-farm and on-station. These include 3 studies in dropped to 30-40%, which adversely affected the seed-setting the field of Social Science and Policy Research, 4 studies on of Magat. hybrid rice varietal improvement, 5 studies on arthropod The problem encountered was addressed for the management, 6 studies on seed production, 5 studies on nutrient succeeding hybrid demonstrations by not using Magat. Since management and 3 studies on water management. While the then, the area devoted to hybrid rice gradually increased though hybrid rice package of technology is advanced in China, where some issues and constraints on political, social and it originated, the specific technologies need to be adapted to technological aspects still remain. Currently, the PhilRice local conditions in the Philippines. Hybrid Rice Center (PHC), Department of Agriculture-Regional Field Unit 2/CAR Field Unit, local government units (LGUs), B. Training state colleges and universities (SCUs), non-government Since hybrid rice production is highly technical, only the organizations (NGOs) and farmer-partners have joined forces to educationally prepared and interested hybrid rice users are surmount the obstacles in promoting the growth of the hybrid trained on AxR seed production technology. Through this, they

48 Promotion Of Hybrid Rice: Policy Issues are provided with the necessary technical and hands-on training. side by side with the AxR seed production areas. In effect, the Theory is translated into practice. The training is actual, on- techno-demos and on-farm production plots are showcases of field, and season-long. Thus, the hands-on training is an hybrid rice. We know farmers are known for one thing, which excellent avenue for gaining experience as well as medium for is: To see is to believe. disseminating the hybrid rice package of technology. It is important to note here that the whole package must be adopted; A. F1 Technology Demonstration otherwise, the venture of hybrid rice production fails. The attained yield from the demonstrations of (F1) hybrid At present, the farmers involved in on-farm AxR seed rice from 1997-1999 had encouraged the farmers to plant production, on-farm hybrid rice technology demonstration, and hybrid rice. Based on the results, Camalaniugan, Cagayan some technical personnel of LGUs and SCUs of Region 2 and obtained the highest yield during the dry season of 1999 with CAR are all products of the training at the PHC. 12.40 tons/ha. In all locations hybrid rice had a better yield than As reflected in Table 1, 5 SCU technicians, 8 rice the best inbred, except in adverse conditions. The F1 hybrid rice specialists, 52 LGU technicians and 135 farmers from different technology demonstration started from 0.80 ha, but with its provinces of Region 2 and CAR have already trained on hybrid high yield potential and the palatability of Mestizo grains, an rice seed production. As expected, they spearheaded the increase per year to the areas planted has been observed (Figure establishment of on-farm AxR seed production. 1). At present, 22 hybrid rice technology demonstrations with Currently, the PHC is expanding horizons by campaigning an aggregate area of 44.17 ha has been established at strategic for seed production along with identifying the site/s where we places within Region 2 and Region 11. An increasing number could confidently expand seed production to higher levels. of farmers are asking for seeds; however, there is limited supply

Table 1. Number of farmers, LGU and SCU technicians trained on hybrid rice seed production from different provinces of Region 2 and CAR

Number Trained Provinces Farmers Rice Specialists LGU Technicians SCU Technicians

Isabela 75 5 18 4 Cagayan 42 3 9 1 Quirino 13 0 10 0 Nueva Vizcaya 2 0 6 0 Kalinga 0 0 3 0 Apayao 0 0 2 0 Ifugao 3 0 4 0 Total 135 8 52 5

Meanwhile, batches of season-long training are being as of the moment. This is the major constraint that the program conducted/organized in all provinces in the area of is addressing at present. It is also an indication that the responsibility of the PHC. As of this writing, a total of 340 promotion is succeeding. participants are attending the batches of training who will make In addition, the obtained yield levels from the F1 their fields available as training grounds in the succeeding demonstration plots are not stable, as they are affected by the season. Aside from the PHC and the farmer-partners, other unpredictable weather conditions and disease infestation sponsors are being tapped to complement the needs of especially during the wet season. The average yield last wet conducting such training (Table 2). season dramatically decreased due to typhoons. However, the attained average yield of hybrid rice was still higher than that of C. On-farm demonstrations inbred rice, which was only 3.55 tons/ha. Consequent to the training, technology demonstrations and on-farm AxR seed production areas have been set up in B. On-station/on-farm AxR seed production different provinces/municipalities of Northeast Luzon. The Seed production for hybrid rice requires more sensitive and techno-demos and on-farm seed production efforts are meant to very difficult cultural management techniques than those for highlight the comparative advantage of hybrid rice with its inbred rice. With this, the PHC has focused its seed production potential to yield much higher than the best inbred rice growing activities on-station to know more about and really master the

MG Gaspar et al 49 technology before full dissemination to farmers. • Promotional headgear or caps The attained yields on AxR at the PHC are on an increasing b) Broadcast trend despite the technological constraints encountered (Figure Featuring the hybrid technology on-the-air is another 2). Though the focus is on-station seed production, on-farm approach to reach many of the rice farmers in Northeast Luzon research has been also established such as to gather information all at the same time wherever they are. Thus, radio and TV on the differing flowering behaviors of hybrid parentals to learn interviews, coverages, programs for hybrid rice are how they can be synchronized. This is seen as part of the accommodated, encouraged, or set up, to wit: solution to the problem of the low outcrossing rate of the A and b.1 Radio R lines that results in low seed yields of the A line. At present, ¾ Radio Tambuli in Gonzaga, Cagayan discusses most there is established a 37.86-ha on-farm AxR seed production of the time hybrid rice technology. project at different locations in NEL. A total of 84 farmer- ¾ Radio station DZNC in Cauayan, Isabela circulates cooperators, 8 agricultural schools and SCUs and 4 DA-RFU 92 hybrid rice technology through newscasts. Research Outreach Stations (ROS) are participating in this b.2 Television Network endeavor. ¾ ABS-CBN Cagayan Valley Network, along with its collaborators, namely the LGU of Santiago City and C. Media demonstrations Green Corps Foundation Inc, covers the on-going To further disseminate the technology of hybrid rice, print activities of PhilRice Hybrid Rice Center of Santiago and broadcast materials are also utilized. City regarding hybrid rice.

Table 2. On-going season-long PhilRice training on hybrid rice seed production in Northeast Luzon (DS, 2000)

Learning Field Number of Participants Duration Sponsoring Agencies/Entities San Isidro, Santiago City 35 Dec 11 – Apr 7 LGU, GCF1 Balintocatoc, Santiago City (Batch 1) 45 Feb – May LGU Balintocatoc, Santiago City (Batch 2) 40 Feb – May LGU Alfonso Lista, Ifugao 10 Jan 31 – Apr 10 LGU, E Mabalo, B Corea , Nueva Vizcaya 20 Feb 3 – May 2 LGU Uddiawan, NuevaVizcaya 20 Feb 16 – May 31 LGU San Mateo, Isabela 30 Jan 18 – Apr 14 LGU, Rotary Club, R. Vasquez , Isabela 20 Feb 4 – Apr 14 LGU, J Uy Roxas, Isabela 50 Feb 3 – Apr 14 LGU, farmer-cooperators , Quirino 15 Feb 2 – Apr 26 LGU. R Tacadena Santa Ana, Cagayan 30 Jan 22 – Apr 26 LGU, UPLB-PAHINUNGOD Santo Niño, Cagayan 15 Mar 7 – May 7 LGU, MAFC Alcala, Cagayan 20 Feb 7 – May 2 LGU, M. Javier Total 340

a) Print Materials ¾ The information/communication office of Santiago During techno-demo briefings, planning, training, field City airs a segment on the seed production aspects of days and other important related occasions, leaflets, brochures, hybrid rice in its TV program ‘Kumusta Ka Na, newsletters and the like are distributed to farmers. Among these Santiago City.’ are: c) Interpersonal approach • The Hybrid Rice Questions and Answers Booklet Dissemination of hybrid rice technology from the technical (Ilocano & English versions) staff/extension workers of collaborating agencies to groups of • Tips and Procedures for Successful Germination of rice farmers has also been found effective as an avenue for F1 Seeds (Mestizo and A Line Seeds (IR 58025 A) hybrid rice promotion, such as: • Features on hybrid rice in PhilRice Newsletter • Calendar featuring the technology

50 Promotion Of Hybrid Rice: Policy Issues ¾ Establishment of Farmer’s Information Technology lack of financial and policy support, as well as the strategies that Services (FITS) in different areas of Northeast Luzon may be adopted to address these. as spearheaded by ISU-CVARDD and DA-RFU 2 Table 5 presents the social issues and constraints such as ¾ Regular ‘advertisement’ of hybrid rice by the DA- the wait-and-see attitude of farmers and lack of interest of RFU 2 management led by its Regional Director, farmers to venture on a labor-intensive and financially extensive technical staff/extension workers and higher enterprise. The table also presents the strategies that may be management of PhilRice and partners, through adopted to address such concerns. statements made during conventions, meetings, Table 6 presents the technological issues and constraints conferences and seminars involving the agricultural such as lack of location-specific technologies on commercial sector and seed production, as well as the strategies that may be ¾ Dialogues/interactions with Mayors and other adopted for the promotion of hybrid rice to succeed. political leaders in the area Table 7 lists the target hectarages for hybrid rice seed E. Linkages/collaboration production up to 2005. Note that this is only for Northeastern In support of hybrid rice, linkages and collaborations with Luzon, not the whole Philippines. government and private organizations and institutions have been and are being established. These are expected to further OUTLOOK, CONCLUSION & enhance the promotion of hybrid rice technology (Table 3). RECOMMENDATION

The separate and unified efforts of the local government

Table 3. Partners of PhilRice Hybrid Rice Center in conducting its designated undertaking

Agency Responsibilities Department of Agriculture-Regional Field Unit Co-implement/sponsor hybrid rice projects/trainings and other related 2/Cordillera Administrative Region Field Unit activities. Likewise, extend assistance on the procurement of the growers’ (DA-RFU 2/CARFU) hybrid seed produce State Colleges and Universities (SCUs) Encourage on-station apprenticeship of students and faculties so that they can have hands-on training and become agents of hybrid rice promotion Local Government Units (LGUs ) Sponsor and/or facilitate the conduct of season-long training for farmers and technicians. Serve as partners in the establishment of F1 techno-demo plots. Likewise, extend assistance in the procurement of the growers’ hybrid seed produce Non-Government Organizations Sponsor and/or facilitate the conduct of season-long training for farmers and technicians Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Facilitate the conduct of trainings/field days for agricultural technologists and Training Institute (DA-ATI) farmers Cagayan Valley Agricultural Resources Conduct technology forum and set up fits that feature hybrid rice Research and Development (CVARRD) BMD Hyrice Conduct researches and seed production trials on hybrid rice Farmer-Partners Conduct researches on flower synchronization of parentals and establish learning fields and F1 demonstration farms

officials, farmer-partners and agricultural institutes/agencies in ISSUES & CONSTRAINTS Northeast Luzon are vital for hybrid rice technology to gain a strong foothold in the area. Along this line the greater yield The promotion of hybrid rice in Northeast Luzon has potential offered by hybrid rice technology will result in wider encountered different issues and problems. Some of the issues areas adopting this technology. Relevant to this, it is envisioned and constraints, along with strategies undertaken or for the succeeding season/year that the target hectarages (Table recommended by the collaborators are listed in Table 4 6) for hybrid rice will be attained. (political), Table 5 (social) and Table 6 (technological). With the conduct of an intensive promotion of hybrid rice, Table 4 presents the political issues and constraints such as the ‘fear’ of farmers/private entrepreneurs and other

MG Gaspar et al 51 stakeholders of the rice industry to venture on this technology expected that at least 25% of NEL’s irrigated rice will be has gradually changed to ‘interest.’ Their interest will be hybridized and will eventually give an additional 43,265 MT of encouraged more with a strong government policy on the milled rice in 5 years. This volume of rice can be more than promotion of hybrid rice in place. Once this happens, it is enough to feed 432,650 persons or more for one year.

52 Promotion Of Hybrid Rice: Policy Issues Table 4. Political aspects and strategies that will break through the issues and constraints encountered in hybrid rice promotion

Political Issues and Constraints Strategies Lack of financial and policy support for hybrid Dialogue & interact with political leaders and LGU legislators to convince users and interested rice farmers such as: them on the merits of hybrid rice are continuously being undertaken. Crop insurance A loan hybrid seed production with QUEDANCOR was negotiated by an NGO Loan scheme and was granted. Uncertainty of market (seed procurement DA-RFU 2 and the City government of Santiago had allotted funds for the program) purchase of F1 seed produce of Region 2. DA-RFU 2 will establish facilities of nucleus seed production through the request from PHC. Untimely supply of government support in Look for local sponsors that could complement the funds allotted for such relation to its need activity

Inadequate seed production, seed processing and PhilRice management had constructed another storage facility. cold storage facilities

Table 5. Social aspects and strategies that will break through the issues and constraints encountered in hybrid rice promotion

Social Issues And Constraints Strategies

Wait-and-see attitude of farmers Engage in value formation to convince farmers by relating experiences of other farmers who are already engaged in hybrid rice Lack of interest of farmers to venture on a labor- Share economics of the hybrid rice technology and the advantages over intensive and financially extensive investment inbred with farmers to open their eyes to reality

Lack of commitment from government sector and Dialogue continuously with them especially those influential ones trained farmers on hybrid rice seed production

Lack of motivation among private seed companies & Dialogue & interact with HyRice and other private institutions and individuals to venture on seed production individuals who own vast tracts of lands

Lack of effective and efficient communication Conduct comparative study on effective communication approaches in approaches in disseminating hybrid rice technology disseminating rice technology by the government and private organization with Isabela as the pilot

Lack of sustainable model for sustainable hybrid seed Conduct comparative study on effective communication approaches in production disseminating rice technology by the government and private organization with Isabela as the pilot province

Lack of model for sustainable hybrid seed production Develop model for sustainable hybrid seed production for implementation this wet season of 2000 Inadequate knowledge of rice farmers to produce F1 Conduct hands-on season-long training on hybrid rice seed production hybrid seeds in strategic sites/learning fields Limited human resources trained on hybrid rice seed Conduct season-long training on hybrid rice seed production for LGU production technicians, SCU faculties and students

Lack of capital especially for the marginalized farmers Help negotiate for credit with lending institutions/LGUs

MG Gaspar et al 53 Table 6. Technological aspects and strategies that will break through the issues and constraints encountered in hybrid rice promotion

Technological Issues And Constraints Strategies

Lack of appropriate location-specific technologies Conduct on-station trials and techno-demonstrations on hybrid commercial and seed production Inadequate information on flowering behavior at Conduct a study on the effect of site and season on the flowering behavior specific site and season of hybrid rice parentals

Limited knowledge on true to type A, B, and R lines Conduct season-long training on hybrid seed production.

Susceptibility of parentals to pest and diseases Identify sites that are geographically isolated to synchronize planting with the majority of rice areas Inadequate technologies to preserve the viability of PhilRice management would provide the necessary facilities to preserve parentals and F1 seeds the viability of parentals and F1 seeds for this year. Researches on this are being undertaken Lack of information on the true performance and Conduct a study on the true performance and pollen fertility under certain pollen fertility under certain temperature and temperature and growing conditions growing conditions Isolation problem Identify sites that are geographically isolated to synchronize planting with the majority of rice areas. Convince and organize farmers of irrigators associations for them to engage in hybrid seed production as a group Purity of parentals and hybrid seeds Establish nucleus seed production nursery at PhilRice Hybrid Center and DA-RFU 2

54 Promotion Of Hybrid Rice: Policy Issues Table 7. Projected areas for hybrid rice seed production in Northeastern Luzon

Target Site Target Area (ha) Per Year of Implementation 2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 Isabela 75 600 1200 2000 2800 Cagayan 55 200 500 1000 1500 Quirino 20 50 75 100 150 Nueva Vizcaya 20 75 100 200 250 Kalinga 10 25 30 50 100 Apayao 10 25 30 50 100 Ifugao 10 25 40 100 200 Total 200 1000 1975 3500 5100

MG Gaspar et al 55