Inverness County Directory for 1887[-1920.]
» rr-i,' *_ - »_ »_ ^ ««>»» ^^^<> _ ^ ^_ _ »^ _ 4^ ^ ^ _ «L __,, t^ _ _ «L , INVERNESS OUNTY DIRECT FOR >,-^ ..** -• 1 8 8 9 -^ ::i (FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION) PUBLISHED BY JOHN A, FRASER, INVERNESS, li '»tj PRICE ONE SHILLIHG, , <i s? I'i: INVgRiSESS : ; PRINTED BY ROBiiRT CiSjRRUTHERS AND SONS. : THE LancasMre Insurance Sompany CAPITAL—THREE MILLIONS. CHIEF OFFICES : Exchang-e Street, Manchester. HEAD OFFICE FOR SCOTLAND: 133 West George Street, G-lasgow. EDINBURG-H OFFICE: 12 York Buildings, Queen Street. BBANCH OFFICE IW INVFUI^ESS: Highland Railway Buildings, 24a Academy Street DIRECTORS IN INVERNESS ANDREW DOUG ALL, Esq. of Strawberry Hill. ALEXANDER ERASER, Esq.. Banker. Sir KENNETH J. MATHESON, of Lochalsh, Bart. ALEXANDER ROSS, Esq. of Riverfield. Jlnnual gncome 1887. Fire Premiums (Net) £586,557 Life Premiums (Net) - 111,441 Interest on Investments - 52,864 GENERAL FUNDS, 31st DECEMBER 1887. Capital Paid Up £272,986 Life Assurance Reserve Fund - - - - - - 759,271 Fire Insuraoce and Reserve Funds 348,639 Balance Carried Forward - - - - - - - 8,351 £j, 389,247 FIB.I: defahtment. Almost every description of Property Insured at Rates as low as those of any other first-class Office. No charge made for Transfers from other Companies, or for removal or alteration by Endorsement. LIFE DEFAKTMENT. Life Assurance undertaken at Rates more moderate than those of many other first-class Companies, Prospectuses and every information may be obtained from the Agents, or from CHARLES C. BALLINGALL, Resident Secretary at Inverness. LONDON & CANADIAN LIMITED. COLIN J. MACKENZIE, Esq. of Portmore. A. D. M. BLACK, W.S., Edinburgh. ROBERT HUTCHISON, Esq.
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