Perl Reference Card 1.3 Hashes 4 System Interaction This is version 2 of the perl reference card. %h=(k1 => “val1”,k2 => 3); hash initialization system(“cat $f|sort -u>$f.s”); system call (cl) 2008 Michael Goerz <
[email protected]>. $val = $map{k1}; recall value @a = readpipe(“lsmod”); catch output @a = %h; array of keys and values Information taken liberally from the perl documentation and various other sources. $today = “Today: “.`date`; catch output You may freely distribute this document. %h = @a; create hash from array chroot(“/home/user/”); change root foreach $k (keys(%h)){..} iterate over list of keys while (<*.c>) {} operate on all c-files foreach $v (vals(%h)){..} iterate over list of values unlink(“/tmp/file”); delete file while (($k,$v)=each %h){..} iterate over key-value-pairs if (-f “file.txt”){...} file test 1 Variable Types delete $h{k1}; delete key File Tests: exists $h{k1} does key exist? -r, -w readable, writeable 1.1 Scalars and Strings defined $h{k1} is key defined? -x executable chomp($str); discard trailing \n -e exists $v = chop($str); $v becomes trailing char -f, -d, -l is file, directory, symlink eq, ne, lt, gt, le, ge, cmp string comparison -T, -B text file, binary file $str = “0” x 4; $str is now “0000” 2 Basic Syntax -M, -A mod/access age in days $v = index($str, $x); find index of $x in $str, ($a, $b) = shift(@ARGV); read command line params @stats = stat(“filename”); 13-element list with status $v = rindex($str, $x); starting from left or right sub p{my $var