
Python Tutorial

by Bernd Klein

bodenseo © 2021 Bernd Klein

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission from the copyright owner.

For more information, contact address: [email protected] www.python-course.eu Python Course Python Tutorial by Bernd Klein

Strings...... 10 Execute a Python ...... 11 Start a Python program...... 12 Loops ...... 136 and Iterables ...... 150 Coffee, Dictionary and a Loop ...... 171 and Arguments...... 226 Global, Local and nonlocal Variables...... 237 Regular Expressions ...... 305 Lambda, filter, reduce and map ...... 340 content of test_foobar.py ...... 428 Deeper into Properties ...... 482 Descriptors...... 487 Multiple Inheritance: Example ...... 535 Polynomials ...... 570 Metaclasses...... 597 Count Method Calls Using a Metaclass ...... 602 Abstract Classes...... 607 2 HISTORY OF PYTHON


What do the alphabet and the Python have in common? Right, both start with ABC. If we are talking about ABC in the Python context, it's clear that the programming language ABC is meant. ABC is a general-purpose programming language and programming environment, which was developed in the Netherlands, Amsterdam, at the CWI (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica). The greatest achievement of ABC was to influence the design of Python.

Python was conceptualized in the late 1980s. worked that time in a project at the CWI, called Amoeba, a distributed . In an interview with Bill Venners1, Guido van Rossum said: "In the early 1980s, I worked as an implementer on a team building a language called ABC at Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI). I don't know how well people know ABC's influence on Python. I try to mention ABC's influence because I'm indebted to everything I learned during that project and to the people who worked on it."

Later on in the same Interview, Guido van Rossum continued: "I remembered all my experience and some of my frustration with ABC. I decided to try to design a simple that possessed some of ABC's better properties, but without its problems. So I started typing. I created a simple virtual machine, a simple parser, and a simple runtime. I made my own version of the various ABC parts that I liked. I created a syntax, used indentation for statement grouping instead of curly braces or begin-end blocks, and developed a small number of powerful data types: a hash table (or dictionary, as we call it), a list, strings, and numbers."


So, what about the name "Python"? Most people think about snakes, and even the logo depicts two snakes, but the origin of the name has its root in British humour. Guido van Rossum, the creator of Python, wrote in 1996 about the origin of the name of his programming language1: "Over six years ago, in December 1989, I was looking for a 'hobby' programming project that would keep me occupied during the week around Christmas. My office ... would be closed, but I had a home computer, and not much else on my hands. I decided to write an interpreter for the new scripting language I had been thinking about lately: a descendant of ABC that would appeal to / hackers. I chose Python as a working title for the project, being in a slightly irreverent mood (and a big fan of Monty Python's Flying Circus)."


Beautiful is better than ugly. Explicit is better than implicit. Simple is better than complex. Complex is better than complicated. Flat is better than nested.

HISTORY OF PYTHON 3 Sparse is better than dense. Readability counts. Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules. Although practicality beats purity. Errors should never pass silently. Unless explicitly silenced. In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess. There should be one -- and preferably only one -- obvious way to o it. Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch. Now is better than never. Although never is often better than *right* now. If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea. If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea. Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!


Guido Van Rossum published the first version of Python code (version 0.9.0) at alt.sources in February 1991. This release included already , functions, and the core data types of list, dict, str and others. It was also object oriented and had a module system.

Python version 1.0 was released in January 1994. The major new features included in this release were the tools lambda, map, filter and reduce, which Guido Van Rossum never liked.

Six and a half years later in October 2000, Python 2.0 was introduced. This release included list comprehensions, a full garbage collector and it was supporting unicode.

Python flourished for another 8 years in the versions 2.x before the next major release as Python 3.0 (also known as "Python 3000" and "Py3K") was released. Python 3 is not backwards compatible with Python 2.x. The emphasis in Python 3 had been on the removal of duplicate programming constructs and modules, thus fulfilling or coming close to fulfilling the 13th law of the Zen of Python: "There should be one -- and preferably only one -- obvious way to do it."


Print is now a Views and iterators instead of lists The rules for ordering comparisons have been simplified. E.g. a het erogeneous list cannot be sorted, because all the elements of a lis t must be comparable to each other. There is only one integer type left, i.e. int. long is int as well. The division of two integers returns a float instead of an intege r. "//" can be used to have the "old" behaviour. Text Vs. Data Instead Of Unicode Vs. 8-bit



The term "interactive" traces back to the Latin expression "inter agere". The verb "agere" means amongst other things "to do something" and "to act", while "inter" denotes the spatial and temporal position to things and events, i.e. "between" or "among" objects, persons, and events. So "inter agere" means "to act between" or "to act among" these.

With this in mind, we can say that the interactive shell is between the user and the operating system (e.g. , Unix, Windows or others). Instead of an operating system an interpreter can be used for a programming language like Python as well. The Python interpreter can be used from an interactive shell.

The interactive shell is also interactive in the way that it stands between the commands or actions and their execution. In other words, the shell waits for commands from the user, which it executes and returns the result of the execution. Afterwards, the shell waits for the next input.

A shell in biology is a calcium carbonate "wall" which protects snails or mussels from its environment or its enemies. Similarly, a shell in operating systems lies between the kernel of the operating system and the user. It's a "protection" in both directions. The user doesn't have to use the complicated basic functions of the OS but is capable of using the interactive shell which is relatively simple and easy to understand. The kernel is protected from unintentional and incorrect usages of system functions.

Python offers a comfortable command line interface with the Python Shell, which is also known as the "Python Interactive Shell". It looks like the term "Interactive Shell" is a tautology, because "shell" is interactive on its own, at least the of shells we have described in the previous paragraphs.


With the Python interactive interpreter it is easy to check Python commands. The Python interpreter can be invoked by typing the command "python" without any followed by the "return" key at the shell prompt:


Python comes back with the following information:

$ python Python 2.7.11 (default, Mar 27 2019, 22:11:17) [GCC 7.3.0] :: Anaconda, Inc. on linux

THE INTERPRETER, AN INTERACTIVE SHELL 5 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more informati on.

A closer look at the output above reveals that we have the wrong Python version. We wanted to use Python 3.x, but what we got is the installed standard of the operating system, i.e. version 2.7.11+.

The easiest way to check if a Python 3.x version is installed: Open a Terminal. Type in python but no return. Instead, type the "Tab" key. You will see possible extensions and other installed versions, if there are some:

bernd@venus:~$ $ python python python3 python3.7-config python-con fig python2 python3.6 python3.7m pythontex python2.7 python3.6-config python3.7m-config pythontex3 python2.7-config python3.6m python3-config python-whi teboard python2-config python3.6m-config python3m python2-pbr python3.7 python3m-config bernd@venus:~$ python

If no other Python version shows up, python3.x has to be installed. Afterwards, we can start the newly installed version by typing python3:

$ python3 Python 3.6.7 (default, Oct 22 2018, 11:32:17) [GCC 8.2.0] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more informati on.

Once the Python interpreter is started, you can issue any command at the command prompt ">>>". Let's see, what happens, if we type in the word "hello":

hello ------NameError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 hello

NameError: name 'hello' is not defined

THE INTERPRETER, AN INTERACTIVE SHELL 6 Of course, "hello" is not a proper Python command, so the interactive shell returns ("raises") an error.

The first real command we will use is the print command. We will create the mandatory "Hello World" statement:

print("Hello World") Hello World

It couldn't have been easier, could it? Oh yes, it can be written in a even simpler way. In the Interactive Python Interpreter - but not in a program - the print is not necessary. We can just type in a string or a number and it will be "echoed"

"Hello World" Output: 'Hello World'

3 Output: 3


So, we have just started, and we are already talking about quitting the shell. We do this, because we know, how annoying it can be, if you don't know how to properly quit a program.

It's easy to end the interactive session: You can either use exit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit. The behind the exit function are crucial. (Warning: Exit without brackets works in Python2.x but doesn't work anymore in Python3.x)


In the following example we use the interpreter as a simple calculator by typing an arithmetic expression:

4.567 * 8.323 * 17 Output: 646.189397

Python follows the usual order of operations in expressions. The standard order of operations is expressed in the following enumeration:

• exponents and roots • multiplication and division • and subtraction

THE INTERPRETER, AN INTERACTIVE SHELL 7 In other words, we don't need parentheses in the expression "3 + (2 * 4)":

3 + 2 * 4 Output: 11

The most recent output value is automatically stored by the interpreter in a special variable with the name "_". So we can print the output from the recent example again by typing an underscore after the prompt:

_ Output: 11

The underscore can be used in other expressions like any other variable:

_ * 3 Output: 33

The underscore variable is only available in the Python shell. It's NOT available in Python scripts or programs.


It's simple to use variables in the Python shell. If you are an absolute beginner and if you don't know anything about variables, please refer to our chapter about variables and data types. Values can be saved in variables. Variable names don't require any special tagging, like they do in , where you have to use dollar signs, percentage signs and at signs to tag variables:

maximal = 124 width = 94 print(maximal - width) 30


We haven't introduced multiline statements so far. So beginners can skip the rest of this chapter and can continue with the following chapters.

We will show how the interactive prompt deals with multiline statements like for loops.

l = ["A", 42, 78, "Just a String"] for character in l: print(character)


After having input "for character in l: " the interpretor expects the input of the next line to be indented. In other words: the interpretor expects an indented , which is the body of the loop. This indented block will be iterated. The interpretor shows this "expectation" by displaying three dots "..." instead of the standard Python interactive prompt ">>>". Another special feature of the interactive shell: when we are done with the indented lines, i.e. the block, we have to enter an empty line to indicate that the block is finished. Attention: the additional empty line is only necessary in the interactive shell! In a Python program, it is enough to return to the indentation level of the "for" line, the one with the colon ":" at the end.


Strings are created by putting a sequence of characters in quotes. Strings can be surrounded by single quotes, double quotes or triple quotes, which are made up of three single or three double quotes. Strings are immutable. In other words, once defined, they cannot be changed. We will cover this topic in detail in another chapter.

"Hello" + " " + "World" Output: 'Hello World'

A string in triple quotes can span several lines without using the escape character:

city = """ ... Toronto is the largest city in Canada ... and the provincial capital of Ontario. ... It is located in Southern Ontario on the ... northwestern shore of Lake Ontario. ... """ print(city) Toronto is the largest city in Canada and the provincial capital of Ontario. It is located in Southern Ontario on the northwestern shore of Lake Ontario.

Multiplication on strings is defined, which is essentially a multiple :

".-." * 4 Output: '.-..-..-..-.'


So far we have played around with Python commands in the Python shell. We want to write now our first serious Python program. You will hardly find any beginner's textbook on programming, which doesn't start with the "almost mandatory" "Hello World" program, i.e. a program which prints the string "Hello World". We start a Python interactive shell in a terminal with the command "python". It might be necessary to use "python3" to get a Python3 shell:

$ python3 (base) bernd@moon:~$ python Python 3.7.1 (default, Dec 14 2018, 19:28:38) [GCC 7.3.0] :: Anaconda, Inc. on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more informati on. >>> print("Hello World!") Hello World! >>>

But, as we said at the beginning, we want to write a "serious" program now, i.e. a program which resides in a file. This way, we can use a program over and over again without having to type it in again. Some may like to call such a little program "script". We will use a slight variation of the "Hello World" theme. We have to include our print function into a file. To save and edit our program in a file we need an editor. There are lots of editors, but you should choose one, which supports and indentation. For Linux you can use , vim, , geany, gedit and umpteen others. The Emacs works for Windows as well, but Notepad++ may be the better choice in many cases. Of course, you can also use an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) like PyCharm or Spyder for this purpose.

So, after you have found the editor or the IDE of your choice, you are ready to develop your mini program, i.e.

print("My first simple Python script!") My first simple Python script! and save it as my_first_simple_program.py. The suffix .py is not really necessary for Linux but it's good to use it since the extension is essential, if you want to write modules.


Let's assume our script is in a subdirectory under the home directory of the user monty:

monty@python:~$ cd python monty@python:~/python$ python my_first_simple_program.py My first simple Python script! monty@python:~/python$

It can be started in a Command Prompt in Windows as well (start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt). You may notice that we called our little program "hello.py" and not my_first_simple_program.py:



Most probably you have read somewhere that the Python language is an interpreted programming or a script language. The truth is: Python is both an interpreted and a compiled language. But calling Python a compiled language would be misleading. (At the end of this chapter, you will find the definitions for and Interpreters, in case you are not already familiar with the concepts!) People would assume that the translates the Python code into machine language. Python code is translated into intermediate code, which has to be executed by a virtual machine, known as the PVM, the Python Virtual Machine. This is a similar approach to the one taken by . There is even a way of translating Python programs into Java byte code for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This can be achieved with Jython.

The question is, do I have to compile my Python scripts to make them faster or how can I compile them? The answer is easy: normally, you don't need to do anything and you shouldn't bother, because "Python" is already doing the thinking for you, i.e. it takes the necessary steps automatically.

For whatever reason you want to compile a python program manually? No problem. It can be done with the module py_compile, either using the interpreter shell

import py_compile py_compile.compile('my_first_simple_program.py') Output: '__pycache__/my_first_simple_program.cpython-37.pyc' or using the following command at the shell prompt

python -m py_compile my_first_simple_program.py

Either way, you may notice two things: first, there will be a new subdirectory " __pycache__ ", if it doesn't already exist. You will find a file "my_first_simple_script.cpython-34.pyc" in this subdirectory. This is the compiled version of our file in byte code.

You can also automatically compile all Python files using the compileall module. You can do it from the shell prompt by running compileall.py and providing the of the directory containing the Python files to compile:

monty@python:~/python$ python -m compileall . Listing . ...

But as we have said, you don't have to and shouldn't bother about compiling Python code. The compilation is hidden from the user for a good reason. Some newbies wonder sometimes where these ominous files with the .pyc suffix might come from. If Python has write-access for the directory where the Python program resides, it will store the compiled byte code in a file that ends with a .pyc suffix. If Python has no write access, the

STARTING A PYTHON SCRIPT UNDER WINDOWS 13 program will work anyway. The byte code will be produced but discarded when the program exits. Whenever a Python program is called, Python will check, if a compiled version with the .pyc suffix exists. This file has to be newer than the file with the .py suffix. If such a file exists, Python will load the byte code, which will speed up the start up time of the script. If there is no byte code version, Python will create the byte code before it starts the execution of the program. Execution of a Python program means execution of the byte code on the Python.



Every time a Python script is executed, a byte code is created. If a Python script is imported as a module, the byte code will be stored in the corresponding .pyc file. So, the following will not create a byte code file:

monty@python:~/python$ python my_first_simple_program.py My first simple Python script! monty@python:~/python$

The import in the following Python2 session will create a byte code file with the name "my_first_simple_program.pyc":

monty@python:~/tmp$ ls my_first_simple_program.py monty@python:~/tmp$ python Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Apr 16 2010, 13:57:41) [GCC 4.4.3] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more informati on. >>> import my_first_simple_script My first simple Python script! >>> exit() monty@python:~/tmp$ ls my_first_simple_program.py my_first_simple_program.pyc monty@python:~/tmp$


This chapter can be skipped by Windows users. Don't worry! It is not essential!

So far, we have started our Python scripts with

python3 my_file.py on the command line. A Python script can also be started like any other script under Linux, e.g. Bash scripts. Two steps are necessary for this purpose: the shebang line #!/usr/bin/ python3 has to be added as the first line of your Python code file. Alternatively, this line can be #!/usr/bin/python3, if this is the location of your Python interpreter. Instead using env as in the first shebang line, the interpreter is searched for and located at the time the script is run. This makes the script more portable. Yet, it also suffers from the same problem: The path to env may also be different on a per-machine basis. The file has to be made executable: The command "chmod +x scriptname" has to be executed on a Linux shell, e.g. bash. "chmod 755 scriptname" can also be used to make your file executable. In our example:

VIRTUAL MACHINE (PVM). 15 $ chmod +x my_first_simple_program.py

We illustrate this in a bash session:

bernd@marvin:~$ more my_first_simple_script.py #!/usr/bin/env python3 print("My first simple Python script!") bernd@marvin:~$ ls -ltr my_first_simple_script.py -rw-r--r-- 1 bernd bernd 63 Nov 4 21:17 my_first_simple_script.py bernd@marvin:~$ chmod +x my_first_simple_script.py bernd@marvin:~$ ls -ltr my_first_simple_script.py -rwxr-xr-x 1 bernd bernd 63 Nov 4 21:17 my_first_simple_script.py bernd@marvin:~$ ./my_first_simple_script.py My first simple Python script!



Definition: a compiler is a computer program that transforms (translates) source code of a programming language (the source language) into another computer language (the target language). In most cases compilers are used to transform source code into executable program, i.e. they translate code from high-level programming languages into low (or lower) level languages, mostly assembly or machine code.


Definition: an interpreter is a computer program that executes instructions written in a programming language. It can either execute the source code directly or translate the source code in a first step into a more efficient representation and execute this code.



A block is a of statements in a program or script. Usually, it consists of at least one statement and declarations for the block, depending on the programming or scripting language. A language which allows grouping with blocks, is called a block structured language. Generally, blocks can contain blocks as well, so we get a nested block structure. A block in a script or program functions as a means to group statements to be treated as if they were one statement. In many cases, it also serves as a way to limit the lexical of variables and functions.

Initially, in simple languages like Basic and , there was no way of explicitly using block structures. Programmers had to rely on "go to" structures, nowadays frowned upon, because "Go to programs" turn easily into spaghetti code, i.e. tangled and inscrutable control structures.

Block structures were first formalized in ALGOL as a compound statement.

Programming languages, such as ALGOL, Pascal, and others, usually use certain methods to group statements into blocks:

• begin ... end

A code snippet in Pascal to show this usage of blocks:

with ptoNode^ do begin x := 42; y := 'X'; end;

• do ... done

• if ... fi e.g. Bourne and Bash shell

• Braces (also called curly brackets): { ... } By far the most common approach, used by C, C++, Perl, Java, and many other programming languages, is the use of braces. The following example shows a conditional statement in C:

if (x==42) { printf("The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Univer

STRUCTURING WITH INDENTATION 18 se, and Everything\n"); } else { printf("Just a number!\n"); }

The indentations in this code fragment are not necessary. So the code could be written - offending common decency - as

if (x==42) {printf("The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything\n");} else {printf("Just a numbe r!\n");}

Please, keep this in mind to understand the advantages of Python!


Python uses a different principle. Python programs get structured through indentation, i.e. code blocks are defined by their indentation. Okay that's what we expect from any program code, isn't it? Yes, but in the case of Python it's a language requirement, not a matter of style. This principle makes it easier to read and understand other people's Python code.

So, how does it work? All statements with the same distance to the right belong to the same block of code, i.e. the statements within a block line up vertically. The block ends at a line indented or the end of the file. If a block has to be more deeply nested, it is simply indented further to the right.

Beginners are not supposed to understand the following example, because we haven't introduced most of the used structures, like conditional statements and loops. Please see the following chapters about loops and conditional statements for explanations. The program implements an algorithm to calculate Pythagorean triples. You will find an explanation of the Pythagorean numbers in our chapter on for loops.

from math import sqrt n = input("Maximum Number? ") n = int(n)+1 for a in range(1,n): for b in range(a,n): c_square = a**2 + b**2 c = int(sqrt(c_square)) if ((c_square - c**2) == 0):

STRUCTURING WITH INDENTATION 19 print(a, b, c) 3 4 5 5 12 13 6 8 10 8 15 17 9 12 15 12 16 20 15 20 25

There is another aspect of structuring in Python, which we haven't mentioned so far, which you can see in the example. Loops and Conditional statements end with a colon ":" - the same is true for functions and other structures introducing blocks. All in all, Python structures by colons and indentation.



Have you programmed low-level languages like C, C++ or other similar programming languages? If so, you might think you know already enough about data types and variables. You know a lot, that's right, but not enough for Python. So it's worth to go on reading this chapter on data types and variables in Python. There are dodgy differences in the way Python and C deal with variables. There are integers, floating point numbers, strings, and many more, but things are not the same as in C or C++.

If you want to use lists or associative arrays in C e.g., you will have to construe the data type list or associative arrays from scratch, i.e., design memory structure and the allocation management. You will have to implement the necessary search and access methods as well. Python provides power data types like lists and associative arrays called "dict", as a genuine part of the language.

So, this chapter is worth reading both for beginners and for advanced programmers in other programming languages.



This subchapter is especially intended for C, C++ and Java programmers, because the way these programming languages treat basic data types is different from the way Python does. Those who start learning Python as their first programming language may skip this and read the next subchapter.

So, what's a variable? As the name implies, a variable is something which can change. A variable is a way of referring to a memory location used by a computer program. In many programming languages a variable is a symbolic name for this physical location. This memory location contains values, like numbers, text or more complicated types. We can use this variable to tell the computer to save some data in this location or to retrieve some data from this location.

DATA TYPES AND VARIABLES 21 A variable can be seen as a container (or some say a pigeonhole) to store certain values. While the program is running, variables are accessed and sometimes changed, i.e., a new value will be assigned to a variable.

What we have said so far about variables best fits the way variables are implemented in C, C++ or Java. Variable names have to be declared in these languages before they can be used.

int x;

int y;

Such declarations make sure that the program reserves memory for two variables with the names x and y. The variable names stand for the memory location. It's like the two empty shoeboxes, which you can see in the picture above. These shoeboxes are labeled with x and y. Like the two shoeboxes, the memory is empty as well.

Putting values into the variables can be realized with assignments. The way you assign values to variables is nearly the same in all programming languages. In most cases, the equal "=" sign is used. The value on the right side will be saved in the variable name on the left side.

We will assign the value 42 to both variables and we can see that two numbers are physically saved in the memory, which correspond to the two shoeboxes in the following picture.


y = 42;

We think that it is easy to understand what happens. If we assign a new value to one of the variables, let's say the value 78 to y:

y = 78;

DATA TYPES AND VARIABLES 23 We have exchanged the content of the memory location of y.

We have seen now that in languages like C, C++ or Java every variable has and must have a unique data type. E.g., if a variable is of type integer, solely integers can be saved in the variable for the duration of the program. In those programming languages every variable has to be declared before it can be used. Declaring a variable means binding it to a data type.


There is no declaration of variables required in Python, which makes it quite easy. It's not even possible to declare the variables. If there is need for a variable, you should think of a name and start using it as a variable.

Another remarkable aspect of Python: Not only the value of a variable may change during program execution, but the type as well. You can assign an integer value to a variable, use it as an integer for a while and then assign a string to the same variable. In the following line of code, we assign the value 42 to a variable:

i = 42

The equal "=" sign in the assignment shouldn't be seen as "is equal to". It should be "read" or interpreted as "is set to", meaning in our example "the variable i is set to 42". Now we will increase the value of this variable by 1:

i = i + 1 print(i) 43

As we have said above, the type of a variable can change during the execution of a script. Or, to be precise, a new object, which can be of any type, will be assigned to it. We illustrate this in our following example:

i = 42 # data type is implicitly set to integer i = 42 + 0.11 # data type is changed to float i = "forty" # and now it will be a string

When Python executes an assignment like "i = 42", it evaluates the right side of the assignment and recognizes that it corresponds to the integer number 42. It creates an object of the integer class to save this data. If you want to have a better understanding of objects and classes, you can but you don't have to start with our chapter on Object-Oriented Programming.

In other words, Python automatically takes care of the physical representation for the different data types.


We want to take a closer look at variables now. Python variables are references to objects, but the actual data is contained in the objects:

As variables are pointing to objects and objects can be of arbitrary data types, variables cannot have types associated with them. This is a huge difference from C, C++ or Java, where a variable is associated with a fixed data type. This association can't be changed as long as the program is running.

Therefore it is possible to write code like the following in Python:

x = 42 print(x) 42

x = "Now x references a string" print(x) Now x references a string

We want to demonstrate something else now. Let's look at the following code:

x = 42 y = x

We created an integer object 42 and assigned it to the variable x. After this we assigned x to the variable y. This means that both variables reference the same object. The following picture illustrates this:

DATA TYPES AND VARIABLES 25 What will happen when we execute

y = 78 after the previous code?

Python will create a new integer object with the content 78 and then the variable y will reference this newly created object, as we can see in the following picture:

Most probably, we will see further changes to the variables in the flow of our program. There might be, for example, a string assignment to the variable x. The previously integer object "42" will be orphaned after this

DATA TYPES AND VARIABLES 26 assignment. It will be removed by Python, because no other variable is referencing it.

You may ask yourself, how can we see or prove that x and y really reference the same object after the assignment y = x of our previous example?

The identity function id() can be used for this purpose. Every instance (object or variable) has an identity, i.e., an integer which is unique within the script or program, i.e., other objects have different identities. So, let's have a look at our previous example and how the identities will change:

x = 42 id(x) Output: 140709828470448

y = x id(x), id(y) Output: (140709828470448, 140709828470448)

y = 78 id(x), id(y) Output: (140709828470448, 140709828471600)


The naming of variables follows the more general concept of an identifier. A Python identifier is a name used to identify a variable, function, class, module or other object.

A variable name and an identifier can consist of the uppercase letters "A" through "Z", the lowercase letters "a" through "z", the underscore _ and, except for the first character, the digits 0 through 9. Python 3.x is based on Unicode. That is, variable names and identifier names can additionally contain Unicode characters as well.

Identifiers are unlimited in length. Case is significant. The fact that identifier names are case-sensitive can cause problems to some Windows users, where file names are case-insensitive, for example.

Exceptions from the rules above are the special Python keywords, as they are described in the following paragraph.

The following variable definitions are all valid:

height = 10 maximum_height = 100

υψος = 10 μεγιστη_υψος = 100

MinimumHeight = 1


No identifier can have the same name as one of the Python keywords, although they are obeying the above naming conventions:

and, as, assert, break, class, continue, def, del, elif, else, except, , finally, for, from, global, if, import, in, is, lambda, None, nonlocal, not, or, pass, raise, return, True, try, while, with, yield

There is no need to learn them by heart. You can get the list of Python keywords in the interactive shell by using help. You type help() in the interactive, but please don't forget the parenthesis:


Welcome to Python 3.4's help utility!

If this is your first time using Python, you should definitely chec k out

DATA TYPES AND VARIABLES 28 the tutorial on the Internet at http://docs.python.org/3.4/tutoria l/.

Enter the name of any module, keyword, or topic to get help on writ ing Python programs and using Python modules. To quit this help utilit y and return to the interpreter, just type "quit".

To get a list of available modules, keywords, symbols, or topics, t ype "modules", "keywords", "symbols", or "topics". Each module also co mes with a one-line summary of what it does; to list the modules whose name or summary contain a given string such as "spam", type "modules spa m".


What you see now is the help prompt, which allows you to query help on lots of things, especially on "keywords" as well:

help> keywords

Here is a list of the Python keywords. Enter any keyword to get mo re help.

False def if raise None del import return True elif in try and else is while as except lambda with assert finally nonlocal yield break for not class from or continue global pass



We saw in our chapter on "Valid Variable Names" that we sometimes need names which consist of more than one word. We used, for example, the name "maximum_height". The underscore functioned as a word separator, because blanks are not allowed in variable names. Some people prefer to write variable names in the

DATA TYPES AND VARIABLES 29 so-called CamelCase notation. We defined the variable MinimumHeight in this naming style.

There is a permanent "war" going on between the camel case followers and the underscore lovers. Personally, I definitely prefer "the_natural_way_of_naming_things" to "TheNaturalWayOfNamingThings". I think that the first one is more readable and looks more natural language like. In other words: CamelCase words are harder to read than their underscore counterparts, EspeciallyIfTheyAreVeryLong. This is my personal opinion shared by many other programmers but definitely not everybody. The Style Guide for Python Code recommends underscore notation for variable names as well as function names.

Certain names should be avoided for variable names: Never use the characters 'l' (lowercase letter "L"), 'O' ("O" like in "Ontario"), or 'I' (like in "Indiana") as single character variable names. They should be avoided, because these characters are indistinguishable from the numerals one and zero in some fonts. When tempted to use 'l', use 'L' instead, if you cannot think of a better name anyway. The Style Guide has to say the following about the naming of identifiers in standard modules: "All identifiers in the Python standard library MUST use ASCII-only identifiers, and SHOULD use English words wherever feasible (in many cases, abbreviations and technical terms are used which aren't English). In addition, string literals and comments must also be in ASCII. The only exceptions are (a) test cases testing the non-ASCII features, and (b) names of authors. Authors whose names are not based on the latin alphabet MUST provide a latin transliteration of their names."

Companies, institutes, organizations or open source projects aiming at an international audience should adopt a similar notation convention!


Programming means data processing. Data in a Python program is represented by objects. These objects can be

•built-in, i.e., objects provided by Python, •objects from extension libraries, •created in the application by the programmer.

So we have different "kinds" of objects for different data types. We will have a look at the different built-in data types in Python.


Python's built-in core data types are in some cases also called object types. There are four built-in data types for numbers:

•Integer ∙Normal integers e.g., 4321 ∙Octal literals (base 8) A number prefixed by 0o (zero and a lowercase "o" or uppercase "O") will be interpreted as an octal number example:


print(a) 8

literals (base 16) Hexadecimal literals have to be prefixed either by "0x" or "0 X". example:

hex_number = 0xA0F

print(hex_number) 2575

∙Binary literals (base 2) Binary literals can easily be written as well. They have to be prefixed by a leading "0", followed by a "b" or "B":

x = 0b101010 x Output: 42

The functions hex, bin, oct can be used to convert an integer number into the corresponding string representation of the integer number:

x = hex(19) x Output: '0x13'

type(x) Output: str

x = bin(65) x Output: '0b1000001'

x = oct(65) x



Output: '0o55'

Integers in Python3 can be of unlimited size

x = 787366098712738903245678234782358292837498729182728 print(x) 787366098712738903245678234782358292837498729182728

x * x * x Output: 4881239700706382159867701621057313155388275860919486179978711 2295022889112396090191830861828631152328223931370827558978712 3005317148968569797875581092352

•Long integers

Python 2 has two integer types: int and long. There is no "long int" in Python3 anymore. There is only one "int" type, which contains both "int" and "long" from Python2. That's why the following code fails in Python 3:

1L File "", line 1 1L ^ File "", line 1 1L ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

x = 43 long(x) ------NameError Traceback (most recent call last) in 1 x = 43 ----> 2 long(x)

NameError: name 'long' is not defined

DATA TYPES AND VARIABLES 32 •Floating-point numbers

For example: 42.11, 3.1415e-10

•Complex numbers

Complex numbers are written as



x = 3 + 4j

y = 2 - 3j

z = x + y

print(z) (5+1j)


There are two kinds of division operators:

•"true division" performed by "/" •"floor division" performed by "//"


True division uses the slash (/) character as the operator sign. Most probably it is what you expect "division" to be. The following examples are hopefully self-explanatory:

10 / 3 Output: 3.3333333333333335

10.0 / 3.0 Output: 3.3333333333333335

10.5 / 3.5



The operator "//" performs floor division, i.e., the dividend is divided by the divisor - like in true division - but the floor of the result will be returned. The floor is the largest integer number smaller than the result of the true division. This number will be turned into a float, if either the dividend or the divisor or both are float values. If both are integers, the result will be an integer as well. In other words, "//" always truncates towards negative infinity.

Connection to the floor function: In mathematics and computer science, the floor function is the function that takes as input a real number x and returns the greatest integer floor ( x ) = ⌊ x ⌋ that is less than or equal to x.

If you are confused now by this rather mathematical and theoretical definition, the following examples will hopefully clarifiy the matter:

9 // 3 Output: 3

10 // 3 Output: 3

11 // 3 Output: 3

12 // 3 Output: 4

10.0 // 3 Output: 3.0

-7 // 3 Output: -3

-7.0 // 3 Output: -3.0


The task of the first-generation computers in the forties and fifties had been - due to technical restraints - focused on number processing. Text processing had been just a dream at that time. Nowadays, one of the main tasks of computers is text processing in all its varieties; the most prominent applications are search engines like Google. To enable text processing programming languages need suitable data types. Strings are used in all modern programming languages to store and process textual information. Logically, a string - like any text - is a sequence of characters. The question remains what a character consists of. In a book, or in a text like the one your are reading now, characters consist of graphical shapes, so-called graphemes, consisting of lines, curves and crossings in certain angles or positions and so on. The ancient Greeks associated the word with the engravings on coins or the stamps on seals.

In computer science or computer technology, a character is a unit of information. These characters correspond to graphemes, the fundamental units of written or printed language. Before Unicode came into usage, there was a one to one relationship between bytes and characters, i.e., every character - of a national variant, i.e. not all the characters of the world - was represented by a single byte. Such a character byte represents the logical concept of this character and the class of graphemes of this character. The image above depicts various representations of the letter "A", i.e., "A" in different fonts. So in printing there are various graphical representations or different "encodings" of the abstract concept of the letter A. (By the way, the letter "A" can be ascribed to an Egyptian hieroglyph with a pictogram of an ox.) All of these graphical representations have certain features in common. In other words, the meaning of a character or a written or printed text doesn't depend on the font or writing style used. On a computer the capital A is encoded in binary form. If we use ASCII it is encoded - like all the other characters - as the byte 65.

ASCII is restricted to 128 characters and "Extended ASCII" is is still limited to 256 bytes or characters. This is good enough for languages like English, German and French, but by far not sufficient for Chinese, Japanese and Korean. That's where Unicode gets into the game. Unicode is a standard designed to represent every character from every language, i.e., it can handle any text of the world's writing systems. These writing systems can also be used simultaneously, i.e., Roman alphabet mixed with Cyrillic or even Chinese characters.

There is a different story about Unicode. A character maps to a code point. A code point is a theoretical concept. That is, for example, that the character "A" is assigned a code point U+0041. The "U+" means "Unicode" and the "0041" is a hexadecimal number, 65 in decimal notation.

DATA TYPES AND VARIABLES 35 You can transform it like this in Python:

hex(65) Output: '0x41'

int(0x41) Output: 65

Up to four bytes are possible per character in Unicode. Theoretically, this means a huge number of 4294967296 possible characters. Due to restrictions from UTF-16 encoding, there are "only" 1,112,064 characters possible. Unicode version 8.0 has assigned 120,737 characters. This means that there are slightly more than 10 % of all possible characters assigned, in other words, we can still add nearly a million characters to Unicode.



It's a one to one encoding, i.e., it takes each Unicode character (a 4-byte number) and stores it in 4 bytes. One advantage of this encoding is that you UTF-32 can find the Nth character of a string in linear time, because the Nth character starts at the 4×Nth byte. A serious disadvantage of this approach is due to the fact that it needs four bytes for every character

UTF-16 (16-bit Unicode Transformation Format) is a character encoding capable of encoding all 1,112,064 valid code points of Unicode. The UTF-16 encoding is variable-length, as code points are encoded with one or two 16-bit code units.

UTF8 is a variable-length encoding system for Unicode, i.e., different characters take up a different number of bytes. ASCII characters use solely one byte per character. This means that the first 128 characters UTF-8 are indistinguishable from ASCII. But the so-called "Extended Latin" characters UTF-8 like the Umlaute ä, ö and so on take up two bytes. Chinese characters need three bytes. Finally, the very seldom used characters of the "astral plane" need four bytes to be encoded in UTF-8. W3Techs (Web Technology Surveys) writes that "UTF-8 is used by 94.3% of all the websites whose character encoding we know


After this lengthy but necessary introduction, we finally come to Python and the way it deals with strings. All strings in Python 3 are sequences of "pure" Unicode characters, no specific encoding like UTF-8.

There are different ways to define strings in Python:

DATA TYPES AND VARIABLES 36 s = 'I am a string enclosed in single quotes.' s2 = "I am another string, but I am enclosed in double quotes."

Both s and s2 of the previous example are variables referencing string objects. We can see that string literals can either be enclosed in matching single (') or in double quotes ("). Single quotes will have to be escaped with a backslash \ , if the string is defined with single quotes:

s3 = 'It doesn\'t matter!'

This is not necessary, if the string is represented by double quotes:

s3 = "It doesn't matter!"

Analogously, we will have to escape a double quote inside a double quoted string:

txt = "He said: \"It doesn't matter, if you enclose a string in si ngle or double quotes!\"" print(txt) He said: "It doesn't matter, if you enclose a string in single or double quotes!"

They can also be enclosed in matching groups of three single or double quotes. In this case they are called triple-quoted strings. The backslash () character is used to escape characters that otherwise have a special meaning, such as , backslash itself, or the quote character.

txt = '''A string in triple quotes can extend over multiple lines like this one, and can contain 'single' and "double" quotes.'''

In triple-quoted strings, unescaped and quotes are allowed (and are retained), except that three unescaped quotes in a row terminate the string. (A "quote" is the character used to open the string, i.e., either ' or ".)

DATA TYPES AND VARIABLES 37 A string in Python consists of a series or sequence of characters - letters, numbers, and special characters. Strings can be subscripted or indexed. Similar to C, the first character of a string has the index 0.

s = "Hello World" s[0] Output: 'H'

s[5] Output: ' '

The last character of a string can be accessed this way:

s[len(s)-1] Output: 'd'

Yet, there is an easier way in Python. The last character can be accessed with -1, the second to last with -2 and so on:

s[-1] Output: 'd'

s[-2] Output: 'l'

Some readers might find it confusing when we use "to subscript" as a synonym for "to index". Usually, a subscript is a number, figure, symbol, or indicator that is smaller than the normal line of type and is set slightly below or above it. When we wrote s[0] or s[3] in the previous examples, this can be seen as an alternative way for the notation s0 or s3. So, both s3 and s[3] describe or denote the 4th character. By the way, there is no character type in Python. A character is simply a string of size one.

It's possible to start counting the indices from the right, as we have mentioned previously. In this case negative numbers are used, starting with -1 for the most right character.



Strings can be glued together (concatenated) with the + operator: "Hello" + "World" will result in "HelloWorld"


String can be repeated or repeatedly concatenated with the asterisk operator "": "-" 3 will result in "---"


"Python"[0] will result in "P"


Substrings can be created with the slice or slicing notation, i.e., two indices in square brackets separated by a colon: "Python"[2:4] will result in "th"

•Size len("Python") will result in 6


Like strings in Java and unlike C or C++, Python strings cannot be changed. Trying to change an indexed position will raise an error:

s = "Some things are immutable!" s[-1] = "." ------TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in 1 s = "Some things are immutable!" ----> 2 s[-1] = "."

TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment

Beginners in Python are often confused, when they see the following codelines:

DATA TYPES AND VARIABLES 39 txt = "He lives in Berlin!" txt = "He lives in Hamburg!"

The variable "txt" is a reference to a string object. We define a completely new string object in the second assignment. So, you shouldn't confuse the variable name with the referenced object!


Strings show a special effect, which we will illustrate in the following example. We will need the "is"- Operator. If both a and b are strings, "a is b" checks if they have the same identity, i.e., share the same memory location. If "a is b" is True, then it trivially follows that "a == b" has to be True as well. Yet, "a == b" True doesn't imply that "a is b" is True as well!

Let's have a look at how strings are stored in Python:

a = "Linux" b = "Linux" a is b Output: True

Okay, but what happens, if the strings are longer? We use the longest village name in the world in the following example. It's a small village with about 3000 inhabitants in the South of the island of Anglesey in the North-West of Wales:

a = "Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch" b = "Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch" a is b Output: True

Nothing has changed in our first "Linux" example. But what works for Wales doesn't work e.g., for Baden- Württemberg in Germany:

a = "Baden-Württemberg" b = "Baden-Württemberg" a is b Output: False

a == b Output: True

DATA TYPES AND VARIABLES 40 You are right, it has nothing to do with geographical places. The special character, i.e., the hyphen, is to "blame".

a = "Baden!" b = "Baden!" a is b Output: False

a = "Baden1" b = "Baden1" a is b Output: True


To end our coverage of strings in this chapter, we will introduce some escape characters and sequences. The backslash () character is used to escape characters, i.e., to "escape" the special meaning, which this character would otherwise have. Examples for such characters are newline, backslash itself, or the quote character. String literals may optionally be prefixed with a letter 'r' or 'R'; these strings are called raw strings. Raw strings use different rules for interpreting backslash escape sequences.

Escape Sequence Meaning

\newline Ignored

\\ Backslash (\)

\' Single quote (')

\" Double quote (")

\a ASCII Bell (BEL)

\b ASCII Backspace(BS)

\f ASCII Formfeed (FF)

\n ASCII Linefeed (LF)

\N{name} Character named name in the Unicode (Unicode only)

DATA TYPES AND VARIABLES 41 Escape Sequence Meaning

\r ASCII Carriage Return (CR)

\t ASCII Horizontal Tab (TAB)

\uxxxx Character with 16-bit hex value xxxx (Unicode only)

\Uxxxxxxxx Character with 32-bit hex value xxxxxxxx (Unicode only)

\v ASCII Vertical Tab (VT)

\ooo Character with octal value ooo

\xhh Character with hex value hh


Python 3.0 uses the concepts of text and (binary) data instead of Unicode strings and 8-bit strings. Every string or text in Python 3 is Unicode, but encoded Unicode is represented as binary data. The type used to hold text is str, the type used to hold data is bytes. It's not possible to mix text and data in Python 3; it will raise TypeError. While a string object holds a sequence of characters (in Unicode), a bytes object holds a sequence of bytes, out of the range 0 to 255, representing the ASCII values. Defining bytes objects and casting them into strings:

x = "Hallo" t = str(x) u = t.encode("UTF-8") print(u) b'Hallo'



This chapter covers the various built-in operators, which Python has to offer.


These operations (operators) can be applied to all numeric types:

Operator Description Example

+, - Addition, Subtraction 10 -3

*, % Multiplication, Modulo 27 % 7 Result: 6

/ Division Python3: This brings about different results for Python 2.x (like floor 10 / 3 division) and Python 3.x 3.3333333333333335 and in Python 2.x:

10 / 3 3

// Truncation Division (also known as floordivision or floor division) 10 // 3 The result of this division is the integral 3 part of the result, i.e. the fractional part is truncated, if there is any. If at least one of the is a float It works both for integers and floating- value, we get a truncated float value as point numbers, but there is a difference the result. between the type of the results: If both the dividend and the divisor are integers, 10.0 // 3 the result will also be an integer. If either 3.0 >>> the divident or the divisor is a float, the result will be the truncated result as a A note about efficiency: float. The results of int(10 / 3) and 10 // 3 are equal. But the "//" division is more than two times as fast! You can see this here:

In [9]: %%timeit

ARITHMETIC AND COMPARISON OPERATORS 43 for x in range(1, 10 0): y = int(100 / x) : 100000 loops, best o f 3: 11.1 μs per loo p

In [10]: %%timeit for x in range(1, 10 0): y = 100 // x : 100000 loops, best o f 3: 4.48 μs per loo p

+x, -x Unary minus and Unary plus (Algebraic -3 signs)

~x Bitwise ~3 - 4 Result: -8

** 10 ** 3 Result: 1000

or, and, not Boolean Or, Boolean And, Boolean Not (a or b) and c

in "Element of" 1 in [3, 2, 1]

<, ≤, >, ≥, !=, == The usual comparison operators 2 ≤ 3

|, &, ^ Bitwise Or, Bitwise And, Bitwise XOR 6 ^ 3

<, > Shift Operators 6 < 3

In [ ]:



Sequences are one of the principal built-in data types besides numerics, mappings, files, instances and exceptions. Python provides for six sequence (or sequential) data types:

strings byte sequences byte arrays lists range objects

Strings, lists, tuples, bytes and range objects may look like utterly different things, but they still have some underlying concepts in common:

The items or elements of strings, lists and tuples are ordered in a defined sequence The elements can be accessed via indices

text = "Lists and Strings can be accessed via indices!" print(text[0], text[10], text[-1]) L S !

Accessing lists:

cities = ["Vienna", "London", "Paris", "Berlin", "Zurich", "Hamburg"] print(cities[0]) print(cities[2]) print(cities[-1]) Vienna Paris Hamburg

Unlike other programming languages Python uses the same syntax and function names to work on sequential data types. For example, the length of a string, a list, and a can be determined with a function called len():

SEQUENTIAL DATA TYPES 45 countries = ["Germany", "Switzerland", "Austria", "France", "Belgium", "Netherlands", "England"] len(countries) # the length of the list, i.e. the number of objec ts Output: 7

fib = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55] len(fib) Output: 10


The byte object is a sequence of small integers. The elements of a byte object are in the range 0 to 255, corresponding to ASCII characters and they are printed as such.

s = "Glückliche Fügung" s_bytes = s.encode('utf-8') s_bytes Output: b'Gl\xc3\xbcckliche F\xc3\xbcgung'


So far we had already used some lists, and here comes a proper introduction. Lists are related to arrays of programming languages like C, C++ or Java, but Python lists are by far more flexible and powerful than "classical" arrays. For example, not all the items in a list need to have the same type. Furthermore, lists can grow in a program run, while in C the size of an array has to be fixed at compile time.

Generally speaking a list is a collection of objects. To be more precise: A list in Python is an ordered group of items or elements. It's important to notice that these list elements don't have to be of the same type. It can be an arbitrary mixture of elements like numbers, strings, other lists and so on. The list type is essential for Python scripts and programs, in other words, you will hardly find any serious Python code without a list.

The main properties of Python lists:

• They are ordered • The contain arbitrary objects • Elements of a list can be accessed by an index • They are arbitrarily nestable, i.e. they can contain other lists as sublists • Variable size • They are mutable, i.e. the elements of a list can be changed


List objects are enclosed by square brackets and separated by commas. The following table contains some examples of lists:

List Description

[] An empty list

[1,1,2,3,5,8] A list of integers

[42, "What's the question?", 3.1415] A list of mixed data types

["Stuttgart", "Freiburg", A list of Strings "München", "Nürnberg", "Würzburg", "Ulm","Friedrichshafen", Zürich", "Wien"]

[["London","England", 7556900], A nested list ["Paris","France",2193031], ["Bern", "Switzerland", 123466]]

["High up", ["further down", ["and A deeply nested list down", ["deep down", "the answer", 42]]]]


Assigning a list to a variable:

In [ ]: languages = ["Python", "C", "C++", "Java", "Perl"]

There are different ways of accessing the elements of a list. Most probably the easiest way for C programmers will be through indices, i.e. the numbers of the lists are enumerated starting with 0:

languages = ["Python", "C", "C++", "Java", "Perl"] print(languages[0] + " and " + languages[1] + " are quite differen t!") print("Accessing the last element of the list: " + languages[-1]) Python and C are quite different! Accessing the last element of the list: Perl

SEQUENTIAL DATA TYPES 47 The previous example of a list has been a list with elements of equal data types. But as we saw before, lists can have various data types, as shown in the following example:

group = ["Bob", 23, "George", 72, "Myriam", 29]


Lists can have sublists as elements. These sublists may contain sublists as well, i.e. lists can be recursively constructed by sublist structures.

person = [["Marc", "Mayer"], ["17, Oxford Str", "12345", "London"], "07876-7876"] name = person[0] print(name) ['Marc', 'Mayer']

first_name = person[0][0] print(first_name) Marc

last_name = person[0][1] print(last_name) Mayer

address = person[1] print(address) ['17, Oxford Str', '12345', 'London']

street = person[1][0] print(street) 17, Oxford Str

We could have used our variable address as well:

street = address[0] print(street) 17, Oxford Str

SEQUENTIAL DATA TYPES 48 The next example shows a more complex list with a deeply structured list:

complex_list = [["a", ["b", ["c", "x"]]]] complex_list = [["a", ["b", ["c", "x"]]], 42] complex_list[0][1] Output: ['b', ['c', 'x']]

complex_list[0][1][1][0] Output: 'c'

CHANGING LIST languages = ["Python", "C", "C++", "Java", "Perl"] languages[4] = "Lisp" languages Output: ['Python', 'C', 'C++', 'Java', 'Lisp']

languages.append("Haskell") languages Output: ['Python', 'C', 'C++', 'Java', 'Lisp', 'Haskell']

languages.insert(1, "Perl") languages Output: ['Python', 'Perl', 'C', 'C++', 'Java', 'Lisp', 'Haskell']

shopping_list = ['milk', 'yoghurt', 'egg', 'butter', 'bread', 'ban anas']

We go to a virtual supermarket. Fetch a cart and start shopping:

shopping_list = ['milk', 'yoghurt', 'egg', 'butter', 'bread', 'ban anas'] cart = [] # "pop()"" removes the last element of the list and returns it article = shopping_list.pop() print(article, shopping_list) cart.append(article) print(cart)

# we go on like this: article = shopping_list.pop()

SEQUENTIAL DATA TYPES 49 print("shopping_list:", shopping_list) cart.append(article) print("cart: ", cart) bananas ['milk', 'yoghurt', 'egg', 'butter', 'bread'] ['bananas'] shopping_list: ['milk', 'yoghurt', 'egg', 'butter'] cart: ['bananas', 'bread']

With a :

shopping_list = ['milk', 'yoghurt', 'egg', 'butter', 'bread', 'ban anas'] cart = [] while shopping_list != []: article = shopping_list.pop() cart.append(article) print(article, shopping_list, cart)

print("shopping_list: ", shopping_list) print("cart: ", cart) bananas ['milk', 'yoghurt', 'egg', 'butter', 'bread'] ['bananas'] bread ['milk', 'yoghurt', 'egg', 'butter'] ['bananas', 'bread'] butter ['milk', 'yoghurt', 'egg'] ['bananas', 'bread', 'butter'] egg ['milk', 'yoghurt'] ['bananas', 'bread', 'butter', 'egg'] yoghurt ['milk'] ['bananas', 'bread', 'butter', 'egg', 'yoghurt'] milk [] ['bananas', 'bread', 'butter', 'egg', 'yoghurt', 'milk'] shopping_list: [] cart: ['bananas', 'bread', 'butter', 'egg', 'yoghurt', 'milk']


A tuple is an immutable list, i.e. a tuple cannot be changed in any way, once it has been created. A tuple is defined analogously to lists, except the set of elements is enclosed in parentheses instead of square brackets. The rules for indices are the same as for lists. Once a tuple has been created, you can't add elements to a tuple or remove elements from a tuple.

Where is the benefit of tuples?

•Tuples are faster than lists. •If you know that some data doesn't have to be changed, you should use tuples instead of lists, because this protects your data agains t accidental changes. •The main advantage of tuples is that tuples can be used as keys i n dictionaries, while lists can't.

SEQUENTIAL DATA TYPES 50 The following example shows how to define a tuple and how to access a tuple. Furthermore, we can see that we raise an error, if we try to assign a new value to an element of a tuple:

t = ("tuples", "are", "immutable") t[0] Output: 'tuples'

t[0] = "assignments to elements are not possible" ------TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 t[0]="assignments to elements are not possible"

TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment


In many programming languages it can be quite tough to slice a part of a string and even harder, if you like to address a "subarray". Python makes it very easy with its slice operator. Slicing is often implemented in other languages as functions with possible names like "substring", "gstr" or "substr".

So every time you want to extract part of a string or a list in Python, you should use the slice operator. The syntax is simple. Actually it looks a little bit like accessing a single element with an index, but instead of just one number, we have more, separated with a colon ":". We have a start and an end index, one or both of them may be missing. It's best to study the mode of operation of slice by having a look at examples:

slogan = "Python is great" first_six = slogan[0:6] first_six Output: 'Python'

starting_at_five = slogan[5:] starting_at_five Output: 'n is great'

a_copy = slogan[:] without_last_five = slogan[0:-5] without_last_five Output: 'Python is '

SEQUENTIAL DATA TYPES 51 Syntactically, there is no difference on lists. We will return to our previous example with European city names:

cities = ["Vienna", "London", "Paris", "Berlin", "Zurich", "Hambur g"] first_three = cities[0:3] # or easier: ... first_three = cities[:3] print(first_three) ['Vienna', 'London', 'Paris']

Now we extract all cities except the last two, i.e. "Zurich" and "Hamburg":

all_but_last_two = cities[:-2] print(all_but_last_two) ['Vienna', 'London', 'Paris', 'Berlin']

Slicing works with three arguments as well. If the third argument is for example 3, only every third element of the list, string or tuple from the range of the first two arguments will be taken.

If s is a sequential data type, it works like this:

s[begin: end: step]

The resulting sequence consists of the following elements:

s[begin], s[begin + 1 * step], ... s[begin + i * step] for all (be gin + i * step) < end.

In the following example we define a string and we print every third character of this string:

slogan = "Python under Linux is great" slogan[::3] Output: 'Ph d n e'

The following string, which looks like a letter salad, contains two sentences. One of them contains covert advertising of my Python courses in Canada:

SEQUENTIAL DATA TYPES 52 "TPoyrtohnotno ciosu rtshees lianr gTeosrto nCtiot yb yi nB oCda ennasdeao"

Try to find out the hidden sentence using Slicing. The solution consists of 2 steps!

s = "TPoyrtohnotno ciosu rtshees lianr gTeosrto nCtiot yb yi nB oCdaennasdeao" print(s) TPoyrtohnotno ciosu rtshees lianr gTeosrto nCtiot yb yi nB oCdae nnasdeao

s[::2] Output: 'Toronto is the largest City in Canada'

s[1::2] Output: 'Python courses in Toronto by Bodenseo'

You may be interested in how we created the string. You have to understand to understand the following:

s = "Toronto is the largest City in Canada" t = "Python courses in Toronto by Bodenseo" s = "".join(["".join(x) for x in zip(s,t)]) s Output: 'TPoyrtohnotno ciosu rtshees lianr gTeosrto nCtiot yb yi n B oCdaennasdeao'


Length of a sequence, i.e. a list, a string or a tuple, can be determined with the function len(). For strings it counts the number of characters, and for lists or tuples the number of elements are counted, whereas a sublist counts as one element.

txt = "Hello World" len(txt) Output: 11

a = ["Swen", 45, 3.54, "Basel"] len(a)



Combining two sequences like strings or lists is as easy as adding two numbers together. Even the operator sign is the same. The following example shows how to concatenate two strings into one:

firstname = "Homer" surname = "Simpson" name = firstname + " " + surname print(name) Homer Simpson

It's as simple for lists:

colours1 = ["red", "green","blue"] colours2 = ["black", "white"] colours = colours1 + colours2 print(colours) ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'black', 'white']

The augmented assignment "+=" which is well known for arithmetic assignments work for sequences as well. s += t is syntactically the same as: s = s + t

But it is only syntactically the same. The implementation is different: In the first case the left side has to be evaluated only once. Augment assignments may be applied for mutable objects as an optimization.


It's easy to check, if an item is contained in a sequence. We can use the "in" or the "not in" operator for this purpose. The following example shows how this operator can be applied:

abc = ["a","b","c","d","e"] "a" in abc Output: True

"a" not in abc


"e" not in abc Output: False

"f" not in abc Output: True

slogan = "Python is easy!" "y" in slogan Output: True

"x" in slogan Output: False


So far we had a " + " operator for sequences. There is a " * " operator available as well. Of course, there is no "multiplication" between two sequences possible. " * " is defined for a sequence and an integer, i.e. "s * n" or "n * s". It's a kind of abbreviation for an n-times concatenation, i.e. str * 4 is the same as str + str + str + str

Further examples:

3 * "xyz-" Output: 'xyz-xyz-xyz-'

"xyz-" * 3 Output: 'xyz-xyz-xyz-'

3 * ["a","b","c"] Output: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c']

The augmented assignment for "" can be used as well: s = n is the same as s = s * n.


In our previous examples we applied the repetition operator on strings and flat lists. We can it to nested lists as well:

x = ["a","b","c"] y = [x] * 4 y Output: [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['a', 'b', 'c'], ['a', 'b', 'c'], ['a', 'b', 'c']]

y[0][0] = "p" y Output: [['p', 'b', 'c'], ['p', 'b', 'c'], ['p', 'b', 'c'], ['p', 'b', 'c']]

This result is quite astonishing for beginners of Python programming. We have assigned a new value to the first element of the first sublist of y, i.e. y[0][0] and we have "automatically" changed the first elements of all the sublists in y, i.e. y[1][0], y[2][0], y[3][0].

The reason is that the repetition operator "* 4" creates 4 references to the list x: and so it's clear that every element of y is changed, if we apply a new value to y[0][0].



This chapter of our tutorial deals with further aspects of lists. You will learn how to append and insert objects to lists and you will also learn how to delete and remove elements by using 'remove' and 'pop'.

A list can be seen as a stack. A stack in computer science is a data structure, which has at least two operations: one which can be used to put or push data on the stack, and another one to take away the most upper element of the stack. The way of working can be imagined with a stack of plates. If you need a plate you will usually take the most upper one. The used plates will be put back on the top of the stack after cleaning. If a programming language supports a stack like data structure, it will also supply at least two operations:

•push This method is used to put a new object on the stack. Depending on the point of view, we say t hat we "push" the object on top or attach it t o the right side. Python doesn't offer - contra ry to other programming languages - no method with the name "pus h", but the method "append" has the same functionality. •pop This method returns the top element of the stack. The object will b e removed from the stack as well. •peek Some programming languages provide another method, which can be use d to view what is on the top of the stack without removing this ele ment. The Python list class doesn't possess such a method, because it is not needed. A peek can be simulated by accessing the element with the index -1:

lst = ["easy", "simple", "cheap", "free"] lst[-1] Output: 'free'



This method appends an element to the end of the list "lst".

lst = [3, 5, 7]

LISTS 57 lst.append(42) lst Output: [3, 5, 7, 42]

It's important to understand that append returns "None". In other words, it usually doesn't make sense to reassign the return value:

lst = [3, 5, 7] lst = lst.append(42) print(lst) None


'pop' returns the (i)th element of a list "lst". The element will be removed from the list as well.

cities = ["Hamburg", "Linz", "Salzburg", "Vienna"] cities.pop(0) Output: 'Hamburg'

cities Output: ['Linz', 'Salzburg', 'Vienna']

cities.pop(1) Output: 'Salzburg'

cities Output: ['Linz', 'Vienna']

The method 'pop' raises an IndexError exception, if the list is empty or the index is out of range.


The method 'pop' can be called without an argument. In this case, the last element will be returned. So s.pop() is equivalent to s.pop(-1).

cities = ["Amsterdam", "The Hague", "Strasbourg"] cities.pop() Output: 'Strasbourg'

LISTS 58 cities Output: ['Amsterdam', 'The Hague']


We saw that it is easy to append an object to a list. What about adding more than one element to a list? Maybe, you want to add all the elements of another list to your list. If you use append, the other list will be appended as a sublist, as we can see in the following example:

lst = [42,98,77] lst2 = [8,69] lst.append(lst2) lst Output: [42, 98, 77, [8, 69]]

For this purpose, Python provides the method 'extend'. It extends a list by appending all the elements of an iterable like a list, a tuple or a string to a list:

lst = [42,98,77] lst2 = [8,69] lst.extend(lst2) lst Output: [42, 98, 77, 8, 69]

As we have mentioned, the argument of 'extend' doesn't have to be a list. It can be any kind of iterable. That is, we can use tuples and strings as well:

lst = ["a", "b", "c"] programming_language = "Python" lst.extend(programming_language) print(lst) ['a', 'b', 'c', 'P', 'y', 't', 'h', 'o', 'n']

Now with a tuple:

lst = ["Java", "C", "PHP"] t = ("C#", "Jython", "Python", "IronPython") lst.extend(t) lst Output: ['Java', 'C', 'PHP', 'C#', 'Jython', 'Python', 'IronPython']


There is an alternative to 'append' and 'extend'. '+' can be used to combine lists.

level = ["beginner", "intermediate", "advanced"] other_words = ["novice", "expert"] level + other_words Output: ['beginner', 'intermediate', 'advanced', 'novice', 'expert']

Be careful. Never ever do the following:

L = [3, 4] L = L + [42] L Output: [3, 4, 42]

Even though we get the same result, it is not an alternative to 'append' and 'extend':

L = [3, 4] L.append(42) L Output: [3, 4, 42]

L = [3, 4] L.extend([42]) L Output: [3, 4, 42]

The augmented assignment (+=) is an alternative:

L = [3, 4] L += [42] L Output: [3, 4, 42]

In the following example, we will compare the different approaches and calculate their run times. To understand the following program, you need to know that time.time() returns a float number, the time in seconds since the so-called ,,The Epoch''1. time.time() - start_time calculates the time in seconds used for the for loops:

LISTS 60 import time

n= 100000

start_time = time.time() l = [] for i in range(n): l = l + [i * 2] print(time.time() - start_time) 29.277812480926514

start_time = time.time() l = [] for i in range(n): l += [i * 2] print(time.time() - start_time) 0.04687356948852539

start_time = time.time() l = [] for i in range(n): l.append(i * 2) print(time.time() - start_time) 0.03689885139465332

This program returns shocking results:

We can see that the "+" operator is about 1268 times slower than the append method. The explanation is easy: If we use the append method, we will simply append a further element to the list in each loop pass. Now we come to the first loop, in which we use l = l + [i * 2]. The list will be copied in every loop pass. The new element will be added to the copy of the list and result will be reassigned to the variable l. After that, the old list will have to be removed by Python, because it is not referenced anymore. We can also see that the version with the augmented assignment ("+="), the loop in the middle, is only slightly slower than the version using "append".


It is possible to remove a certain value from a list without knowing the position with the method "remove" .


LISTS 61 This call will remove the first occurrence of 'x' from the list 's'. If 'x' is not in the list, a ValueError will be raised. We will call the remove method three times in the following example to remove the colour "green". As the colour "green" occurrs only twice in the list, we get a ValueError at the third time:

colours = ["red", "green", "blue", "green", "yellow"] colours.remove("green") colours Output: ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow']

colours.remove("green") colours Output: ['red', 'blue', 'yellow']

colours.remove("green") ------ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 colours.remove("green")

ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list


The method "index" can be used to find the position of an element within a list:

s.index(x[, i[, j]])

It returns the first index of the value x. A ValueError will be raised, if the value is not present. If the optional parameter i is given, the search will start at the index i. If j is also given, the search will stop at position j.

colours = ["red", "green", "blue", "green", "yellow"] colours.index("green") Output: 1

colours.index("green", 2) Output: 3

colours.index("green", 3,4) Output: 3

LISTS 62 colours.index("black") ------ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 colours.index("black")

ValueError: 'black' is not in list


We have learned that we can put an element to the end of a list by using the method "append". To work efficiently with a list, we need also a way to add elements to arbitrary positions inside of a list. This can be done with the method "insert":

s.insert(index, object)

An object "object" will be included in the list "s". "object" will be placed before the element s[index]. s[index] will be "object" and all the other elements will be moved one to the right.

lst = ["German is spoken", "in Germany,", "Austria", "Switzerlan d"] lst.insert(3, "and") lst Output: ['German is spoken', 'in Germany,', 'Austria', 'and', 'Switze rland']

The functionality of the method "append" can be simulated with insert in the following way:

abc = ["a","b","c"] abc.insert(len(abc),"d") abc Output: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']


1 Epoch time (also known as Unix time or POSIX time) is a system for describing instants in time, defined as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), Thursday, 1 January 1970, not counting leap seconds.



In this chapter, we will cover the question of how to copy lists and nested lists. The problems which we will encounter are general problems of mutable data types. Trying to copy lists can be a stumping experience for newbies. But before, we would like to summarize some insights from the previous chapter "Data Types and Variables". Python even shows a strange behaviour for the beginners of the language - in comparison with some other traditional programming languages - when assigning and copying simple data types like integers and strings. The difference between shallow and deep copying is only relevant for compound objects, i.e. objects containing other objects, like lists or class instances.

In the following code snippet, y points to the same memory location as X. We can see this by applying the id() function on x and y. However, unlike "real" pointers like those in C and C++, things change, when we assign a new value to y. In this case y will receive a separate memory location, as we have seen in the chapter "Data Types and Variables" and can see in the following example:

x = 3 y = x print(id(x), id(y)) 94308023129184 94308023129184

y = 4 print(id(x), id(y)) 94308023129184 94308023129216

print(x,y) 3 4

But even if this internal behaviour appears strange compared to programming languages like C, C++, Perl or Java, the observable results of the previous assignments are what we exprected, i.e. if you do not look at the id values. However, it can be problematic, if we copy mutable objects like lists and dictionaries.

Python creates only real copies, if it has to, i.e. if the user, the programmer, explicitly demands it.

We will introduce you to the most crucial problems, which can occur when copying mutable objects such as lists and dictionaries.


You are on this page to learn about copying objects, especially lists. Nevertheless, you need to exercise patience. We want to show something that looks like a copy to many beginners but has nothing to do with copies.

colours1 = ["red", "blue"] colours2 = colours1 print(colours1, colours2) ['red', 'blue'] ['red', 'blue']

Both variables reference the same list object. If we look at the identities of the variables colours1 and colours2 , we can see that both are references to the same object:

print(id(colours1), id(colours2)) 139720054914312 139720054914312

In the example above a simple list is assigned to colours1. This list is a so-called "shallow list", because it doesn't have a nested structure, i.e. no sublists are contained in the list. In the next step we assign colours1 to colours2.

The id() function shows us that both variables point at the same list object, i.e. they share this object.

We have two variable names colours1 and colours2 , which we have depicted as yellow ovals. The blue box symbolizes the list object. A list object consists of references to other objects. In our example the list object, which is referenced by both variables, references two string objects, i.e. "red" and "blue". Now we have to examine, what will happen, if we change just one element of the list of colours2 or colours1 .

Now we want to see, what happens, if we assign a new object to colours2 . As expected, the values of colours1 remain unchanged. Like it was in our example in the chapter "Data Types and Variables", a new memory location had been allocated for colours2 , as we have assigned a completely new list, i.e. a new list object to this variable.

colours1 = ["red", "blue"] colours2 = colours1

SHALLOW AND DEEP COPY 65 print(id(colours1), id(colours2)) 139720055355208 139720055355208

colours2 = "green" print(colours1) ['red', 'blue']

print(colours1) ['red', 'blue']

print(colours2) green

We assigned a new object to the variable 'colours2'. In the following code, we will change the list object internally by assigning a new value to the second element of the list.

colours1 = ["red", "blue"] colours2 = colours1

colours2[1] = "green"

Let's see, what has happened in detail in the previous code. We assigned a new value to the second element of colours2, i.e. the element with the index 1. Lots of beginners will be surprised as the list of colours1 has been "automatically" changed as well. Of course, we don't have two lists: We have only two names for the same list!

The explanation is that we didn't assign a new object to the variable colours2 . We changed the object referenced by colours2 internally or as it is usually called "in-place". Both variables colours1 and colours2 still point to the same list object.


We have finally arrived at the topic of copying lists. The list class offers the method copy for this purpose. Even though the name seems to be clear, this path also has a catch.

The catch can be seen, if we use help on copy :

SHALLOW AND DEEP COPY 66 help(list.copy) Help on method_descriptor:

copy(self, /) Return a shallow copy of the list.

Many beginners overlook the word "shallow" here. help tells us that a new list will be created by the copy method. This new list will be a 'shallow' copy of the original list.

In principle, the word "shallow" is unnecessary or even misleading in this definition.

First you should remember what a list is in Python. A list in Python is an object consisting of an ordered sequence of references to Python objects. The following is a list of strings:

The list which the variable firstnames is referencing is a list of strings. Basically, the list object is solely the blue box with the arrows, i.e. the references to the strings. The strings itself are not part of the list.

firstnames = ['Kevin', 'Jamina', 'Lars', 'Maria']

The previous example the list of first names firstnames is homogeneous, i.e. it consists only of strings, so all elements have the same data type. But you should be aware of the fact that the references of a list can refer to any objects. The following list whatever is such a more general list:

SHALLOW AND DEEP COPY 67 whatever = ["Kevin", "Pythonista", 7.8, [3.54, "rkm"]]

When a list is copied, we copy the references. In our examples, these are the blue boxes referenced by firstnames and by whatever . The implications of this are shown in the following subchapter.


Copying lists can easily be misunderstood, and this misconception can lead to unpleasant errors. We will present this in the form of a slightly different love story.

SHALLOW AND DEEP COPY 68 Imagine a person living in the city of Constance. The city is located in the South of Germany at the banks of Lake Constance (Bodensee in German). The river Rhine, which starts in the Swiss Alps, passes through Lake Constance and leaves it, considerably larger. This person called Swen lives in "Seestrasse", one of the most expensive streets of Constance. His apartment has a direct view of the lake and the city of Constance. We put some information about Swen in the following list structure:

person1 = ["Swen", ["Seestrasse", "Konstanz"]]

One beautiful day, the good-looking Sarah meets Swen, her Prince Charming. To cut the story short: Love at first sight and she moves in with Swen.

Now it is up to us to create a data set for Sarah. We are lazy and we will recycle Swen's data, because she will live now with him in the same apartment.

We will copy Swen's data and change the name to Sarah:

person2 = person1.copy() person2[0] = "Sarah" print(person2) ['Sarah', ['Seestrasse', 'Konstanz']]

They live in perfect harmony and deep love for a long time, let's say a whole weekend. She suddenly realizes that Swen is a monster: He stains the butter with marmelade and honey and even worse, he spreads out his worn socks in the bedroom. It doesn't take long for her to make a crucial decision: She will leave him and the dream apartment.

SHALLOW AND DEEP COPY 69 She moves into a street called Bücklestrasse. A residential area that is nowhere near as nice, but at least she is away from the monster.

How can we arrange this move from the Python point of view?

The street can be accessed with person2[1][0] . So we set this to the new location:

person2[1][0] = "Bücklestraße"

We can see that Sarah successfully moved to the new location:

print(person2) ['Sarah', ['Bücklestraße', 'Konstanz']]

Is this the end of our story? Will she never see Swen again? Let's check Swen's data:

print(person1) ['Swen', ['Bücklestraße', 'Konstanz']]

Swen is clingy. She cannot get rid of him! This might be quite surprising for some. Why is it like this? The list person1 consists of two references: One to a string object ("Swen") and the other one to nested list (the address ['Seestrasse', 'Konstanz'] . When we used copy , we copied only these references. This means that both person1[1] and person2[1] reference the same list object. When we change this nested list, it is visible in both lists.


A solution to the described problem is provided by the module copy . This module provides the method "deepcopy", which allows a complete or deep copy of an arbitrary list, i.e. shallow and other lists.

SHALLOW AND DEEP COPY 70 Let us redo the previous example with the function deepcopy :

from copy import deepcopy person1 = ["Swen", ["Seestrasse", "Konstanz"]]

person2 = deepcopy(person1) person2[0] = "Sarah"

After this the implementation structure looks like this:

We can see that the nested list with the address was copied as well. We are now well prepared for Sarah's escape-like move.

person2[1][0] = "Bücklestrasse"

She successfully moved out and left Swen for good, as we can see in the following:

print(person1, person2) ['Swen', ['Seestrasse', 'Konstanz']] ['Sarah', ['Bücklestrasse', 'Konstanz']]

For the sake of clarity, we also provide a diagram here.

SHALLOW AND DEEP COPY 71 We can see by using the id function that the sublist has been copied, because id(person1[1]) is different from id(person2[1]) . An interesting fact is that the strings are not copied: person1[1] and person2[1] reference the same string.

print(id(person1[1]), id(person2[1])) 139720051192456 139720054073864



We have already become acquainted with lists in the previous chapter. In this chapter of our online Python course we will present the dictionaries, the operators and the methods on dictionaries. Python programs or scripts without lists and dictionaries are nearly inconceivable. Dictionaries and their powerful implementations are part of what makes Python so effective and superior. Like lists, they can be easily changed, can be shrunk and grown ad libitum at run time. They shrink and grow without the necessity of making copies. Dictionaries can be contained in lists and vice versa.

But what's the difference between lists and dictionaries? A list is an ordered sequence of objects, whereas dictionaries are unordered sets. However, the main difference is that items in dictionaries are accessed via keys and not via their position.

More theoretically, we can say that dictionaries are the Python implementation of an abstract data type, known in computer science as an . Associative arrays consist - like dictionaries of (key, value) pairs, such that each possible key appears at most once in the collection. Any key of the dictionary is associated (or mapped) to a value. The values of a dictionary can be any type of Python data. So, dictionaries are unordered key-value-pairs. Dictionaries are implemented as hash tables, and that is the reason why they are known as "Hashes" in the programming language Perl.

Dictionaries don't support the sequence operation of the sequence data types like strings, tuples and lists. Dictionaries belong to the built-in mapping type, but so far, they are the sole representative of this kind!

At the end of this chapter, we will demonstrate how a dictionary can be turned into one list, containing (key,value)-tuples or two lists, i.e. one with the keys and one with the values. This transformation can be done reversely as well.


Our first example is a dictionary with cities located in the US and Canada and their corresponding population. We have taken those numbers out the "List of North American cities by population" from Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_North_American_cities_by_population)

If we want to get the population of one of those cities, all we have to do is to use the name of the city as an index. We can see that dictonaries are enclosed in curly brackets. They contain key value pairs. A key and its corresponding value are separated by a colon:

city_population = {"New York City": 8_550_405, "Los Angeles": 3_971_883, "Toronto": 2_731_571, "Chicago": 2_720_546,

DICTIONARIES 73 "Houston": 2_296_224, "Montreal": 1_704_694, "Calgary": 1_239_220, "Vancouver": 631_486, "Boston": 667_137} Output: 8550405

We can access the value for a specific key by putting this key in brackets following the name of the dictionary:

city_population["New York City"] Output: 8550405

city_population["Toronto"] Output: 2731571

city_population["Boston"] Output: 667137

What happens, if we try to access a key, i.e. a city in our example, which is not contained in the dictionary? We raise a KeyError:

city_population["Detroit"] ------KeyError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 city_population["Detroit"]

KeyError: 'Detroit'

A frequently asked question is if dictionary objects are ordered. The uncertainty arises from the fact that dictionaries were not sorted in versions before Python 3.7. In Python 3.7 and all later versions, dictionaries are sorted by the order of item insertion. In our example this means the dictionary keeps the order in which we defined the dictionary. You can see this by printing the dictionary:


DICTIONARIES 74 Output: {'New York City': 8550405, 'Los Angeles': 3971883, 'Toronto': 2731571, 'Chicago': 2720546, 'Houston': 2296224, 'Montreal': 1704694, 'Calgary': 1239220, 'Vancouver': 631486, 'Boston': 667137}

Yet, ordering doesn't mean that you have a way of directly calling the nth element of a dictionary. So trying to access a dictionary with a number - like we do with lists - will result in an exception:

city_population[0] ------KeyError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 city_population[0]

KeyError: 0

It is very easy to add another entry to an existing dictionary:

city_population["Halifax"] = 390096 city_population Output: {'New York City': 8550405, 'Los Angeles': 3971883, 'Toronto': 2731571, 'Chicago': 2720546, 'Houston': 2296224, 'Montreal': 1704694, 'Calgary': 1239220, 'Vancouver': 631486, 'Boston': 667137, 'Halifax': 390096}

So, it's possible to create a dictionary incrementally by starting with an empty dictionary. We haven't mentioned so far, how to define an empty one. It can be done by using an empty pair of brackets. The following defines an empty dictionary called city:

In [ ]: city_population = {} city_population

DICTIONARIES 75 In [ ]: city_population['New York City'] = 8550405 city_population['Los Angeles'] = 3971883 city_population

Looking at our first examples with the cities and their population, you might have gotten the wrong impression that the values in the dictionaries have to be different. The values can be the same, as you can see in the following example. In honour to the patron saint of Python "Monty Python", we'll have now some special food dictionaries. What's Python without "bacon", "egg" and "spam"?

In [ ]: food = {"bacon": "yes", "egg": "yes", "spam": "no" } food

Keys of a dictionary are unique. In casse a keys is defined multiple times, the value of the last "wins":

In [ ]: food = {"bacon" : "yes", "spam" : "yes", "egg" : "yes", "spam" : "no" } food

Our next example is a simple English-German dictionary:

In [ ]: en_de = {"red" : "rot", "green" : "grün", "blue" : "blau", "yello w":"gelb"} print(en_de) print(en_de["red"])

What about having another language dictionary, let's say German-French?

Now it's even possible to translate from English to French, even though we don't have an English-French- dictionary. de_fr[en_de["red"]] gives us the French word for "red", i.e. "rouge":

In [ ]: de_fr = {"rot": "rouge", "grün": "vert", "blau": "bleu", "gelb": "jaune"} en_de = {"red": "rot", "green": "grün", "blue": "blau", "yellow": "gelb"} print(en_de) In [ ]: print(en_de["red"])

DICTIONARIES 76 In [ ]: de_fr = {"rot" : "rouge", "grün" : "vert", "blau" : "bleu", "gel b":"jaune"} print("The French word for red is: " + de_fr[en_de["red"]])

We can use arbitrary types as values in a dictionary, but there is a restriction for the keys. Only immutable data types can be used as keys, i.e. no lists or dictionaries can be used: If you use a mutable data type as a key, you get an error message:

In [ ]: dic = {[1,2,3]: "abc"}

Tuple as keys are okay, as you can see in the following example:

In [ ]: dic = {(1, 2, 3): "abc", 3.1415: "abc"} dic

Let's improve our examples with the natural language dictionaries a bit. We create a dictionary of dictionaries:

In [ ]: en_de = {"red" : "rot", "green" : "grün", "blue" : "blau", "yello w":"gelb"} de_fr = {"rot" : "rouge", "grün" : "vert", "blau" : "bleu", "gel b":"jaune"} de_tr = {"rot": "kırmızı", "grün": "yeşil", "blau": "mavi", "gel b": "jel"} en_es = {"red" : "rojo", "green" : "verde", "blue" : "azul", "yell ow":"amarillo"}

dictionaries = {"en_de" : en_de, "de_fr" : de_fr, "de_tr": de_tr, "en_es": en_es} dictionaries In [ ]: cn_de = {"红": "rot", "绿" : "grün", "蓝" : "blau", "黄" : "gelb"} de_ro = {'rot': 'roșu', 'gelb': 'galben', 'blau': 'albastru', 'grü n': 'verde'} de_hex = {"rot" : "#FF0000", "grün" : "#00FF00", "blau" : "0000F F", "gelb":"FFFF00"} en_pl = {"red" : "czerwony", "green" : "zielony", "blue" : "niebieski", "yellow" : "żółty"} de_it = {"rot": "rosso", "gelb": "giallo", "blau": "blu", "grün": "verde"}

DICTIONARIES 77 dictionaries["cn_de"] = cn_de dictionaries["de_ro"] = de_ro dictionaries["de_hex"] = de_hex dictionaries["en_pl"] = en_pl dictionaries["de_it"] = de_it dictionaries

A dictionary of dictionaries.

In [ ]: dictionaries["en_de"] # English to German dictionary In [ ]: dictionaries["de_fr"] # German to French In [ ]: print(dictionaries["de_fr"]["blau"]) # equivalent to de_fr['bla u'] In [ ]: de_fr['blau'] In [ ]: lang_pair = input("Which dictionary, e.g. 'de_fr', 'en_de': ") word_to_be_translated = input("Which colour: ")

d = dictionaries[lang_pair] if word_to_be_translated in d: print(word_to_be_translated + " --> " + d[word_to_be_translate d]) In [ ]: dictionaries['de_fr'][dictionaries['en_de']['red']] In [ ]: de_fr In [ ]: for value in de_fr.values(): print(value) In [ ]: for key, value in de_fr.items(): print(key, value) In [ ]:

DICTIONARIES 78 fr_de = {} fr_de['rouge'] = 'rot' fr_de['vert'] = "grün" In [ ]: fr_de = {} for key, value in de_fr.items(): fr_de[value] = key # key and value are swapped

fr_de In [ ]: de_cn = {} for key, value in cn_de.items(): de_cn[value] = key de_cn


Operator Explanation

len(d) returns the number of stored entries, i.e. the number of (key,value) pairs.

del d[k] deletes the key k together with his value

k in d True, if a key k exists in the dictionary d

k not in d True, if a key k doesn't exist in the dictionary d

Examples: The following dictionary contains a mapping from latin characters to morsecode.

In [ ]: morse = { "A" : ".-", "B" : "-...", "C" : "-.-.", "D" : "-..", "E" : ".", "F" : "..-.", "G" : "--.", "H" : "....", "I" : "..", "J" : ".---",

DICTIONARIES 79 "K" : "-.-", "L" : ".-..", "M" : "--", "N" : "-.", "O" : "---", "P" : ".--.", "Q" : "--.-", "R" : ".-.", "S" : "...", "T" : "-", "U" : "..-", "V" : "...-", "W" : ".--", "X" : "-..-", "Y" : "-.--", "Z" : "--..", "0" : "-----", "1" : ".----", "2" : "..---", "3" : "...--", "4" : "....-", "5" : ".....", "6" : "-....", "7" : "--...", "8" : "---..", "9" : "----.", "." : ".-.-.-", "," : "--..--" }

If you save this dictionary as morsecode.py, you can easily follow the following examples. At first you have to import this dictionary:

In [ ]: from morsecode import morse

The numbers of characters contained in this dictionary can be determined by calling the len function:

In [ ]: len(morse) 38

The dictionary contains only upper case characters, so that "a" returns False, for example:

DICTIONARIES 80 In [ ]: "a" in morse In [ ]: "A" in morse In [ ]: "a" not in morse In [ ]: word = input("Your word: ")

for char in word.upper(): print(char, morse[char]) In [ ]: word = input("Your word: ")

morse_word = "" for char in word.upper(): if char == " ": morse_word += " " else: if char not in morse: continue # continue with next char, go back t o for morse_word += morse[char] + " "

print(morse_word) In [ ]: for i in range(15): if i == 13: continue print(i)



Lists can be used as stacks and the operator pop() is used to take an element from the stack. So far, so good for lists, but does it make sense to have a pop() method for dictionaries? After all, a dict is not a sequence data type, i.e. there is no ordering and no indexing. Therefore, pop() is defined differently with dictionaries. Keys and values are implemented in an arbitrary order, which is not random, but depends on the implementation. If D is a dictionary, then D.pop(k) removes the key k with its value from the dictionary D and returns the

DICTIONARIES 81 corresponding value as the return value, i.e. D[k].

In [ ]: en_de = {"Austria":"Vienna", "Switzerland":"Bern", "Germany":"Berl in", "Netherlands":"Amsterdam"} capitals = {"Austria":"Vienna", "Germany":"Berlin", "Netherland s":"Amsterdam"} capital = capitals.pop("Austria") print(capital)

If the key is not found, a KeyError is raised:

In [ ]: print(capitals) {'Netherlands': 'Amsterdam', 'Germany': 'Berlin'} capital = capitals.pop("Switzerland")

If we try to find out the capital of Switzerland in the previous example, we raise a KeyError. To prevent these errors, there is an elegant way. The method pop() has an optional second parameter, which can be used as a default value:

In [ ]: capital = capitals.pop("Switzerland", "Bern") print(capital) In [ ]: capital = capitals.pop("France", "Paris") print(capital) In [ ]: capital = capitals.pop("Germany", "München") print(capital)

POPITEM popitem() is a method of dict, which doesn't take any parameter and removes and returns an arbitrary (key,value) pair as a 2-tuple. If popitem() is applied on an empty dictionary, a KeyError will be raised.

In [ ]: capitals = {"Springfield": "Illinois", "Augusta": "Maine", "Boston": "Massachusetts", "Lansing": "Michigan",

DICTIONARIES 82 "Albany": "New York", "Olympia": "Washington", "Toronto": "Ontario"} (city, state) = capitals.popitem() (city, state) In [ ]: print(capitals.popitem()) In [ ]: print(capitals.popitem()) In [ ]: print(capitals.popitem()) In [ ]: print(capitals.popitem())


If you try to access a key which doesn't exist, you will get an error message:

In [ ]: locations = {"Toronto": "Ontario", "Vancouver": "British Columbi a"} locations["Ottawa"]

You can prevent this by using the "in" operator:

In [ ]: province = "Ottawa"

if province in locations: print(locations[province]) else: print(province + " is not in locations")

Another method to access the values via the key consists in using the get() method. get() is not raising an error, if an index doesn't exist. In this case it will return None. It's also possible to set a default value, which will be returned, if an index doesn't exist:

In [ ]: proj_language = {"proj1":"Python", "proj2":"Perl", "proj3":"Java"} proj_language["proj1"] In [ ]:

DICTIONARIES 83 proj_language.get("proj2") In [ ]: proj_language.get("proj4") print(proj_language.get("proj4")) In [ ]: # setting a default value: proj_language.get("proj4", "Python")


A dictionary can be copied with the method copy():

COPY() In [ ]: words = {'house': 'Haus', 'cat': 'Katze'} w = words.copy() words["cat"]="chat" print(w) In [ ]: print(words)

This copy is a shallow copy, not a deep copy. If a value is a complex data type like a list, for example, in-place changes in this object have effects on the copy as well:

In [ ]: trainings = { "course1":{"title":"Python Training Course for Begin ners", "location":"Frankfurt", "trainer":"Steve G. Snake"}, "course2":{"title":"Intermediate Python Training", "location":"Berlin", "trainer":"Ella M. Charming"}, "course3":{"title":"Python Text Processing Course", "location":"München", "trainer":"Monica A. Snowdon"} }

trainings2 = trainings.copy()

trainings["course2"]["title"] = "Perl Training Course for Beginner s"

DICTIONARIES 84 print(trainings2)

If we check the output, we can see that the title of course2 has been changed not only in the dictionary training but in trainings2 as well.

Everything works the way you expect it, if you assign a new value, i.e. a new object, to a key:

In [ ]: trainings = { "course1": {"title": "Python Training Course for Beg inners", "location": "Frankfurt", "trainer": "Steve G. Snake"}, "course2": {"title": "Intermediate Python Training", "location": "Berlin", "trainer": "Ella M. Charming"}, "course3": {"title": "Python Text Processing Cours e", "location": "München", "trainer": "Monica A. Snowdon"} }

trainings2 = trainings.copy()

trainings["course2"] = {"title": "Perl Seminar for Beginners", "location": "Ulm", "trainer": "James D. Morgan"} print(trainings2["course2"])

If you want to understand the reason for this behaviour, we recommend our chapter "Shallow and Deep Copy".


The content of a dictionary can be cleared with the method clear(). The dictionary is not deleted, but set to an empty dictionary:

In [ ]: w.clear() print(w)


What about concatenating dictionaries, like we did with lists? There is someting similar for dictionaries: the update method update() merges the keys and values of one dictionary into another, overwriting values of the same key:

In [ ]: knowledge = {"Frank": {"Perl"}, "Monica":{"C","C++"}} knowledge2 = {"Guido":{"Python"}, "Frank":{"Perl", "Python"}} knowledge.update(knowledge2) knowledge


No method is needed to iterate over the keys of a dictionary:

In [ ]: d = {"a":123, "b":34, "c":304, "d":99} for key in d: print(key)

However, it's possible to use the method keys(), we will get the same result:

In [ ]: for key in d.keys(): print(key)

The method values() is a convenient way for iterating directly over the values:

In [ ]: for value in d.values(): print(value)

The above loop is logically equivalent to the following one:

In [ ]: for key in d: print(d[key])

We said logically, because the second way is less efficient!

If you are familiar with the timeit possibility of ipython, you can measure the time used for the two alternatives:

DICTIONARIES 86 In [ ]: %%timeit d = {"a":123, "b":34, "c":304, "d":99} for key in d.keys(): x = d[key] In [ ]: %%timeit d = {"a":123, "b":34, "c":304, "d":99} for value in d.values(): x = value


If you have worked for a while with Python, nearly inevitably the moment will come, when you want or have to convert lists into dictionaries or vice versa. It wouldn't be too hard to write a function doing this. But Python wouldn't be Python, if it didn't provide such functionalities.

If we have a dictionary

In [ ]: D = {"list": "Liste", "dictionary": "Wörterbu ch", "function": "Funktion"} we could turn this into a list with two-tuples:

In [ ]: L = [("list", "Liste"), ("dictionary", "Wörterbuch"), ("functio n", "Funktion")]

The list L and the dictionary D contain the same content, i.e. the information content, or to express "The entropy of L and D is the same" sententiously. Of course, the information is harder to retrieve from the list L than from the dictionary D. To find a certain key in L, we would have to browse through the tuples of the list and compare the first components of the tuples with the key we are looking for. The dictionary search is implicitly implemented for maximum efficiency


It's possible to create lists from dictionaries by using the methods items(), keys() and values(). As the name implies the method keys() creates a list, which consists solely of the keys of the dictionary. values() produces a list consisting of the values. items() can be used to create a list consisting of 2-tuples of (key,value)-pairs:

In [ ]: w = {"house": "Haus", "cat": "", "red": "rot"} items_view = w.items() items = list(items_view)

DICTIONARIES 87 items In [ ]: keys_view = w.keys() keys = list(keys_view) keys In [ ]: values_view = w.values() values = list(values_view) values In [ ]: values_view In [ ]: items_view In [ ]: keys_view

If we apply the method items() to a dictionary, we don't get a list back, as it used to be the case in Python 2, but a so-called items view. The items view can be turned into a list by applying the list function. We have no information loss by turning a dictionary into an item view or an items list, i.e. it is possible to recreate the original dictionary from the view created by items(). Even though this list of 2-tuples has the same entropy, i.e. the information content is the same, the efficiency of both approaches is completely different. The dictionary data type provides highly efficient methods to access, delete and change the elements of the dictionary, while in the case of lists these functions have to be implemented by the programmer.


Now we will turn our attention to the art of cooking, but don't be afraid, this remains a python course and not a cooking course. We want to show you, how to turn lists into dictionaries, if these lists satisfy certain conditions. We have two lists, one containing the dishes and the other one the corresponding countries:

Now we will create a dictionary, which assigns a dish, a country-specific dish, to a country; please forgive us for resorting to the common prejudices. For this purpose, we need the function zip(). The name zip was well chosen, because the two lists get combined, functioning like a zipper. The result is a list .1 This means that we have to wrap a list() casting function around the zip call to get a list so that we can see what is going on:

In [ ]: dishes = ["pizza", "sauerkraut", "paella", "hamburger"] countries = ["Italy", "Germany", "Spain", "USA"] country_specialities_iterator = zip(countries, dishes)

DICTIONARIES 88 country_specialities_iterator In [ ]: country_specialities = list(country_specialities_iterator) print(country_specialities)

Alternatively, you could have iteras over the zip object in a . This way we are not creating a list, which is more efficient, if we only want to iterate over the values and don't need a list.

In [ ]: for country, dish in zip(countries, dishes): print(country, dish)

Now our country-specific dishes are in a list form, - i.e. a list of two-tuples, where the first components are seen as keys and the second components as values - which can be automatically turned into a dictionary by casting it with dict().

In [ ]: country_specialities_dict = dict(country_specialities) print(country_specialities_dict)

Yet, this is very inefficient, because we created a list of 2-tuples to turn this list into a dict. This can be done directly by applying dict to zip:

In [ ]: dishes = ["pizza", "sauerkraut", "paella", "hamburger"] countries = ["Italy", "Germany", "Spain", "USA"] dict(zip(countries, dishes))

There is still one question concerning the function zip(). What happens, if one of the two argument lists contains more elements than the other one?

It's easy to answer: The superfluous elements, which cannot be paired, will be ignored:

In [ ]: dishes = ["pizza", "sauerkraut", "paella", "hamburger"] countries = ["Italy", "Germany", "Spain", "USA"," Switzerland"] country_specialities = list(zip(countries, dishes)) country_specialities_dict = dict(country_specialities) print(country_specialities_dict)

So in this course, we will not answer the question about what the national dish of Switzerland is.


Normally, we recommend not implementing too many steps in one programming expression, though it looks more impressive and the code is more compact. Using "talking" variable names in intermediate steps can enhance legibility. Though it might be alluring to create our previous dictionary just in one go:

In [ ]: country_specialities_dict = dict(zip(["pizza", "sauerkraut", "pael la", "hamburger"], ["Italy", "Germany", "Spai n", "USA"," Switzerland"])) print(country_specialities_dict)

Of course, it is more readable like this:

In [ ]: dishes = ["pizza", "sauerkraut", "paella", "hamburger"] countries = ["Italy", "Germany", "Spain", "USA"] country_specialities_zip = zip(dishes,countries) country_specialities_dict = dict(country_specialities_zip) print(country_specialities_dict)

We get the same result, as if we would have called it in one go.


Especialy for those migrating from Python 2.x to Python 3.x: zip() used to return a list, now it's returning an iterator. You have to keep in mind that iterators exhaust themselves, if they are used. You can see this in the following interactive session:

In [ ]: l1 = ["a","b","c"] l2 = [1,2,3] c = zip(l1, l2) for i in c: print(i)

This effect can be seen by calling the list casting operator as well:

In [ ]: l1 = ["a","b","c"] l2 = [1,2,3]

DICTIONARIES 90 c = zip(l1,l2) z1 = list(c) z2 = list(c) print(z1) In [ ]: print(z2)

As an exercise, you may muse about the following script. Why do we get an empty directory by calling dict(country_specialities_zip) ?

In [ ]: dishes = ["pizza", "sauerkraut", "paella", "hamburger"] countries = ["Italy", "Germany", "Spain", "USA"] country_specialities_zip = zip(dishes,countries) print(list(country_specialities_zip))

country_specialities_dict = dict(country_specialities_zip) print(country_specialities_dict)



Write a function dict_merge_sum that takes two dictionaries d1 and d2 as parameters. The values of both dictionaries are numerical. The function should return the merged sum dictionary m of those dictionaries. If a key k is both in d1 and d2 , the corresponding values will be added and included in the dictionary m If k is only contained in one of the dictionaries, the k and the corresponding value will be included in m


Given is the following simplified data of a supermarket:

In [ ]: supermarket = { "milk": {"quantity": 20, "price": 1.19}, "biscuits": {"quantity": 32, "price": 1.45}, "butter": {"quantity": 20, "price": 2.29}, "cheese": {"quantity": 15, "price": 1.90}, "bread": {"quantity": 15, "price": 2.59}, "cookies": {"quantity": 20, "price": 4.99}, "yogurt": {"quantity": 18, "price": 3.65}, "apples": {"quantity": 35, "price": 3.15}, "oranges": {"quantity": 40, "price": 0.99},

DICTIONARIES 91 "bananas": {"quantity": 23, "price": 1.29}}

To be ready for an imminent crisis you decide to buy everything. This isn't particularly social behavior, but for the sake of the task, let's imagine it. The question is how much will you have to pay?


• Create a virtual supermarket. For every article there is a price per article and a quantity, i.e. the stock. (Hint: you can use the one from the previous exercise!) • Create shopping lists for customers. The shopping lists contain articles plus the quantity. • The customers fill their carts, one after the other. Check if enough goods are available! Create a receipt for each customer.


Given is the island of Vannoth


dictionary, where we get for every city of Vannoth the distance to the capital city of Rogeburgh


Create a dictionary where you can get the distance between two arbitrary cities



We offer two solutions to this exercise:

The first one is only using things you will have learned, if you followed our Python course sequentially. The second solution uses techniques which will be covered later in our tutorial.

First solution:

In [ ]: def dict_merge_sum(d1, d2): """ Merging and calculating the sum of two dictionaries: Two dicionaries d1 and d2 with numerical values and possibly disjoint keys are merged and the values are added if the exist in both values, otherwise the missing value is take n to be 0"""

merged_sum = d1.copy() for key, value in d2.items(): if key in d1: d1[key] += value else: d1[key] = value

return merged_sum

d1 = dict(a=4, b=5, d=8) d2 = dict(a=1, d=10, e=9)

dict_merge_sum(d1, d2)

Second solution:

In [ ]: def dict_sum(d1, d2): """ Merging and calculating the sum of two dictionaries: Two dicionaries d1 and d2 with numerical values and possibly disjoint keys are merged and the values are added if the exist in both values, otherwise the missing value is take n to be 0"""

DICTIONARIES 94 return { k: d1.get(k, 0) + d2.get(k, 0) for k in set(d1) | se t(d2) }

d1 = dict(a=4, b=5, d=8) d2 = dict(a=1, d=10, e=9)

dict_merge_sum(d1, d2)

SOLUTION TO EXERCISE 2: In [ ]: total_value = 0 for article in supermarket: quantity = supermarket[article]["quantity"] price = supermarket[article]["price"] total_value += quantity * price

print(f"The total price for buying everything: {total_value:7.2 f}")

SOLUTION TO EXERCISE 3: In [ ]: supermarket = { "milk": {"quantity": 20, "price": 1.19}, "biscuits": {"quantity": 32, "price": 1.45}, "butter": {"quantity": 20, "price": 2.29}, "cheese": {"quantity": 15, "price": 1.90}, "bread": {"quantity": 15, "price": 2.59}, "cookies": {"quantity": 20, "price": 4.99}, "yogurt": {"quantity": 18, "price": 3.65}, "apples": {"quantity": 35, "price": 3.15}, "oranges": {"quantity": 40, "price": 0.99}, "bananas": {"quantity": 23, "price": 1.2 9} }

customers = ["Frank", "Mary", "Paul"] shopping_lists = { "Frank" : [('milk', 5), ('apples', 5), ('butter', 1), ('cookie s', 1)], "Mary": [('apples', 2), ('cheese', 4), ('bread', 2), ('pear s', 3),

DICTIONARIES 95 ('bananas', 4), ('oranges', 1), ('cherries', 4)], "Paul": [('biscuits', 2), ('apples', 3), ('yogurt', 2), ('pear s', 1), ('butter', 3), ('cheese', 1), ('milk', 1), ('cookie s', 4)]}

# filling the carts carts = {} for customer in customers: carts[customer] = [] for article, quantity in shopping_lists[customer]: if article in supermarket: if supermarket[article]["quantity"] < quantity: quantity = supermarket[article]["quantity"] if quantity: supermarket[article]["quantity"] -= quantity carts[customer].append((article, quantity)) for customer in customers: print(carts[customer])

print("checkout") for customer in customers: print("\ncheckout for " + customer + ":") total_sum = 0 for name, quantity in carts[customer]: unit_price = supermarket[name]["price"] item_sum = quantity * unit_price print(f"{quantity:3d} {name:12s} {unit_price:8.2f} {item_s um:8.2f}") total_sum += item_sum print(f"Total sum: {total_sum:11.2f}")

Alternative solution to exercise 3, in which we create the chopping lists randomly:

In [ ]: import random

supermarket = { "milk": {"quantity": 20, "price": 1.19}, "biscuits": {"quantity": 32, "price": 1.45}, "butter": {"quantity": 20, "price": 2.29}, "cheese": {"quantity": 15, "price": 1.90}, "bread": {"quantity": 15, "price": 2.59},

DICTIONARIES 96 "cookies": {"quantity": 20, "price": 4.99}, "yogurt": {"quantity": 18, "price": 3.65}, "apples": {"quantity": 35, "price": 3.15}, "oranges": {"quantity": 40, "price": 0.99}, "bananas": {"quantity": 23, "price": 1.2 9} }

articles4shopping_lists = list(supermarket.keys()) + ["pears", "ch erries"]

max_articles_per_customer = 5 # not like a real supermarket :-) customers = ["Frank", "Mary", "Paul", "Jennifer"] shopping_lists = {} for customer in customers: no_of_items = random.randint(1, len(articles4shopping_lists)) shopping_lists[customer] = [] for article_name in random.sample(articles4shopping_lists, n o_of_items): quantity = random.randint(1, max_articles_per_customer) shopping_lists[customer].append((article_name, quantity))

# let's look at the shopping lists print("Shopping lists:") for customer in customers: print(customer + ": " + str(shopping_lists[customer]))

# filling the carts carts = {} for customer in customers: carts[customer] = [] for article, quantity in shopping_lists[customer]: if article in supermarket: if supermarket[article]["quantity"] < quantity: quantity = supermarket[article]["quantity"] if quantity: supermarket[article]["quantity"] -= quantity carts[customer].append((article, quantity))

print("\nCheckout") for customer in customers: print("\ncheckout for " + customer + ":") total_sum = 0

DICTIONARIES 97 for name, quantity in carts[customer]: unit_price = supermarket[name]["price"] item_sum = quantity * unit_price print(f"{quantity:3d} {name:12s} {unit_price:8.2f} {item_s um:8.2f}") total_sum += item_sum print(f"Total sum: {total_sum:11.2f}")

SOLUTION TO EXERCISE 4: In [ ]: rogerburgh = {'Smithstad': 5.2, 'Scottshire': 12.3, 'Clarkhaven': 14.9, 'Dixonshire': 12.7, 'Port Carol': 3.4}

SOLUTION TO EXERCISE 5: In [ ]: distances = {'Rogerburgh': {'Smithstad': 5.2, 'Scottshire': 12.3, 'Clarkhaven': 14.9, 'Dixonshire': 12.7, 'Port Carol': 3.4}, 'Smithstad': {'Rogerburh': 5.2, 'Scottshire': 11.1, 'Clarkhaven': 19.1, 'Dixonshire': 17.9, 'Port Carol': 8.6}, 'Scottshire': {'Smithstad': 11.1, 'Rogerburgh': 1 2.3, 'Clarkhaven': 18.1, 'Dixonshire': 19.3, 'Port Carol': 15.7}, 'Clarkshaven': {'Smithstad': 19.1, 'Scottshire': 1 8.1, 'Rogerburgh': 14.9, 'Dixonshire': 6.8, 'Port Carol': 17.1}, 'Dixonshire': {'Smithstad': 5.2, 'Scottshire': 12.3, 'Clarkhaven': 14.9, 'Rogerburg': 12.7, 'Port Carol': 16.1}, 'Port Carol': {'Smithstad': 8.6, 'Scottshire': 15.7, 'Clarkhaven': 17.1, 'Dixonshire': 16.1, 'Rogerburgh': 3.4} }


1 If you would like to learn more about how iterators work and how to use them, we recommend that you go through our Iterators and Generators chapter.



ZIP INTRODUCTION 99 In this chapter of our Python tutorial we deal with the wonderful and extremely useful functionality 'zip'. Unfortunately, beginners of Python are quite often unnecessarily confused and frightened by zip. First of all the name is confusing. Lots of people confuse the zip of Python with the well-known archive ZIP, which is used for lossless data compression. Since this data compression not only keeps the required storage space very small, but is also carried out very quickly, the name 'zip' was chosen. In this context, "zip" means "to act quickly or move quickly".

The 'zip' of Python has absolutely nothing to do with it. The functionality 'zip' in Python is based on another meaning of the English word 'zip', "closing something with a zipper".

We will see that zip can be very easy to understand. However, this does not apply if you come up with the idea of using the Python help function. The help text is certainly partly responsible for this and frightens the novices away:

Return a zip object whose .next() me thod returns a tuple where the i-th element comes from the i-th iterabl e argument. The .next() method conti nues until the shortest iterable in the argument sequence is exhausted a nd then it raises StopIteration.

This text is correct but it is hard to understand. Let us start with simple examples before we try to simplify the theory behind zip.

We will start with two lists and apply zip to those two lists:

a_couple_of_letters = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"] some_numbers = [5, 3, 7, 9, 11, 2]

print(zip(a_couple_of_letters, som e_numbers))

ZIP INTRODUCTION 100 The result is a zip object and you are not wiser than before, if you don't know zip. The application of zip returns an iterator, which is capable of producing tuples. It is combining the first items of each iterable (in our example lists) into a tuple, after this it combines the second items and so on. It stops when one of them is exhausted, i.e. there are no more items available.

The best way to see what it creates is to use it in a for loop.

for t in zip(a_couple_of_letters, some_numbers): print(t) ('a', 5) ('b', 3) ('c', 7) ('d', 9) ('e', 11) ('f', 2)

If you look closely at the output above and the following picture, you will hopefully understand why zip has something to do with a zipper and why they had chosen the name. zip can have an arbitrary number of iterable arguments as we can see in the following example:

location = ["Helgoland", "Kie l", "Berlin-Tegel", "K onstanz", "Hohenpeißenberg"] air_pressure = [1021.2, 101 9.9, 1023.7, 1023.1, 1027.7] temperatures = [6.0, 4.3, 2.7, -1.4, -4.4] altitude = [4, 27, 37, 443, 977]

for t in zip(location, air_pressure, temperatures, altitude): print(t) ('Helgoland', 1021.2, 6.0, 4) ('Kiel', 1019.9, 4.3, 27) ('Berlin-Tegel', 1023.7, 2.7, 37) ('Konstanz', 1023.1, -1.4, 443) ('Hohenpeißenberg', 1027.7, -4.4, 977)

The use of zip is not restricted to lists and tuples. It can be applied to all iterable objects like lists, tuples,

ZIP INTRODUCTION 101 strings, dictionaries, sets, range and many more of course.

food = ["ham", "spam", "cheese"]

for item in zip(range(1000, 1003), food): print(item) (1000, 'ham') (1001, 'spam') (1002, 'cheese')


Let us have a look at what happens, if we call zip without any parameter:

for i in zip(): print("This will not be printed")

The body of the loop was not being executed!


What happens if we call zip with just one argument, e.g. a string:

s = "Python" for t in zip(s): print(t) ('P',) ('y',) ('t',) ('h',) ('o',) ('n',)

So this call creates an iterator which produces tuples with one single element, in our case the characters of the string.


As we have seen, zip can be called with an arbitrary number of iterable objects as arguments. So far the number of elements or the length of these iterables had been the same. This is not necessary. If the Lengths are different, zip will stop producing an output as soon as one of the argument sequences is exhausted. "stop

ZIP INTRODUCTION 102 producing an output" actually means it will raise a StopIteration exception like all other iterators do. This exception is caught by the for loop. You will find more about this way of working in the chapter "Iterators and Iterables" of our Python tutorial.

The following example is a zip call with two list with different lenghts:

colors = ["green", "red", "blue"] cars = ["BMW", "Alfa Romeo"]

for car, color in zip(cars, colors): print(car, color) BMW green Alfa Romeo red


We have a list with the six largest cities in Switzerland. It consists of tuples with the pairs, city and population number:

cities_and_population = [("Zurich", 415367), ("Geneva", 201818), ("Basel", 177654), ("Lausanne", 139111), ("Bern", 133883), ("Winterthur", 111851)]

The task consists of creating two lists: One with the city names and one with the population numbers. zip is the solution to this problem, but we also have to use the star operator to unpack the list:

cities, populations = list(zip(*cities_and_population)) print(cities) print(populations) ('Zurich', 'Geneva', 'Basel', 'Lausanne', 'Bern', 'Winterthur') (415367, 201818, 177654, 139111, 133883, 111851)

This is needed e.g., if we want to plot these data. The following example is just used for illustrating purposes. It is not necessary to understand it completely. You have to be familiar with Pandas. In the following program, we assume that only the combined list is available at the beginning:

import pandas as pd

cities_and_population = [("Zurich", 415367),

ZIP INTRODUCTION 103 ("Geneva", 201818), ("Basel", 177654), ("Lausanne", 139111), ("Bern", 133883), ("Winterthur", 111851)]

cities, populations = list(zip(*cities_and_population)) s = pd.Series(populations, index=cities)

s.plot(kind="bar") Output:

CONVERTING TWO ITERABLES INTO A DICTIONARY zip also offers us an excellent opportunity to convert two iterables into a dictionary. Of course, only if these iterables meet certain requirements. The iterable, which should be used as keys, must be unique and can only consist of immutables. We demonstrate this with the following morse code example. The full morse code alphabet can be found in our chapter on dictionaries:

abc = "abcdef" morse_chars = [".-", "-...", "-.-.", "-..", ".", "..-."]

text2morse = dict(zip(abc, morse_chars)) print(text2morse) {'a': '.-', 'b': '-...', 'c': '-.-.', 'd': '-..', 'e': '.', 'f': '..-.'}


1 The data are from the 1st of April 2020, no joke. The locations are chosen arbitrarily. Yet, there is a special reason, why I had chosen Hohenpeißenberg. On the Hohenpeißenberg I was invited to give two unforgettable Python courses for the German weather service: Great people and a fantastic view!



In this chapter of our tutorial, we are dealing with Python's implementation of sets. Though sets are nowadays an integral part of modern mathematics, this has not always been the case. The set theory had been rejected by many, even by some great thinkers. One of them was the philosopher Wittgenstein. He didn't like the set theory and complained mathematics is "ridden through and through with the pernicious idioms of set theory...". He dismissed the set theory as "utter nonsense", as being "laughable" and "wrong". His criticism appeared years after the death of the German mathematician Georg Cantor, the founder of the set theory. David Hilbert defended it from its critics by famously declaring: "No one shall expel us from the Paradise that Cantor has created.

Cantor defined a set at the beginning of his "Beiträge zur Begründung der transfiniten Mengenlehre" as: "A set is a gathering together into a whole of definite, distinct objects of our perception and of our thought - which are called elements of the set." Nowadays, we can say in "plain" English: A set is a well-defined collection of objects.

The elements or members of a set can be anything: numbers, characters, words, names, letters of the alphabet, even other sets, and so on. Sets are usually denoted with capital letters. This is not the exact mathematical definition, but it is good enough for the following.

The data type "set", which is a collection type, has been part of Python since version 2.4. A set contains an unordered collection of unique and immutable objects. The set data type is, as the name implies, a Python implementation of the sets as they are known from mathematics. This explains, why sets unlike lists or tuples can't have multiple occurrences of the same element.


If we want to create a set, we can call the built-in set function with a sequence or another iterable object.

In the following example, a string is singularized into its characters to build the resulting set x:

x = set("A Python Tutorial") x Output: {' ', 'A', 'P', 'T', 'a', 'h', 'i', 'l', 'n', 'o', 'r', 't', 'u', 'y'}



We can pass a list to the built-in set function, as we can see in the following:

x = set(["Perl", "Python", "Java"]) x Output: {'Java', 'Perl', 'Python'}

Now, we want to show what happens, if we pass a tuple with reappearing elements to the set function - in our example the city "Paris":

cities = set(("Paris", "Lyon", "London","Berlin","Paris","Birmingh am")) cities Output: {'Berlin', 'Birmingham', 'London', 'Lyon', 'Paris'}

As we have expected, no doubles occur in the resulting set of cities.


Sets are implemented in a way, which doesn't allow mutable objects. The following example demonstrates that we cannot include, for example, lists as elements:

cities = set((["Python","Perl"], ["Paris", "Berlin", "London"]))

cities ------TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 cities = set((["Python","Perl"], ["Paris", "Berlin", "London"])) 2 3 cities

TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

Tuples on the other hand are fine:

In [ ]: cities = set((("Python","Perl"), ("Paris", "Berlin", "London")))


Though sets can't contain mutable objects, sets are mutable:

cities = set(["Frankfurt", "Basel","Freiburg"]) cities.add("Strasbourg") cities Output: {'Basel', 'Frankfurt', 'Freiburg', 'Strasbourg'}

Frozensets are like sets except that they cannot be changed, i.e. they are immutable:

cities = frozenset(["Frankfurt", "Basel","Freiburg"]) cities.add("Strasbourg") ------AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) in 1 cities = frozenset(["Frankfurt", "Basel","Freiburg"]) ----> 2 cities.add("Strasbourg")

AttributeError: 'frozenset' object has no attribute 'add'


We can define sets (since Python2.6) without using the built-in set function. We can use curly braces instead:

adjectives = {"cheap","expensive","inexpensive","economical"} adjectives Output: {'cheap', 'economical', 'expensive', 'inexpensive'}



A method which adds an element to a set. This element has to be imm utable.

colours = {"red","green"} colours.add("yellow") colours Output: {'green', 'red', 'yellow'}

SETS AND FROZENSETS 108 colours.add(["black","white"]) ------TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 colours.add(["black","white"])

TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

Of course, an element will only be added, if it is not already contained in the set. If it is already contained, the method call has no effect.


All elements will be removed from a set.

cities = {"Stuttgart", "Konstanz", "Freiburg"} cities.clear() cities Output: set()


Creates a shallow copy, which is returned.

more_cities = {"Winterthur","Schaffhausen","St. Gallen"} cities_backup = more_cities.copy() more_cities.clear() cities_backup Output: {'Schaffhausen', 'St. Gallen', 'Winterthur'}

Just in case, you might think, an assignment might be enough:

more_cities = {"Winterthur","Schaffhausen","St. Gallen"} cities_backup = more_cities more_cities.clear() cities_backup Output: set()

The assignment "cities_backup = more_cities" just creates a pointer, i.e. another name, to the same data

SETS AND FROZENSETS 109 structure.


This method returns the difference of two or more sets as a new set, leaving the original set unchanged.

x = {"a","b","c","d","e"} y = {"b","c"} z = {"c","d"} x.difference(y) Output: {'a', 'd', 'e'}

x.difference(y).difference(z) Output: {'a', 'e'}

Instead of using the method difference, we can use the operator "-":

x - y Output: {'a', 'd', 'e'}

x - y - z Output: {'a', 'e'}


The method difference_update removes all elements of another set from this set. x.difference_update(y) is the same as "x = x - y" or even x -= y works.

x = {"a","b","c","d","e"} y = {"b","c"} x.difference_update(y) x = {"a","b","c","d","e"} y = {"b","c"} x = x - y x Output: {'a', 'd', 'e'}


An element el will be removed from the set, if it is contained in the set. If el is not a member of the set, nothing will be done.

x = {"a","b","c","d","e"} x.discard("a") x Output: {'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'}

x.discard("z") x Output: {'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'}


Works like discard(), but if el is not a member of the set, a KeyError will be raised.

x = {"a","b","c","d","e"} x.remove("a") x Output: {'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'}

x.remove("z") ------KeyError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 x.remove("z")

KeyError: 'z'


This method returns the union of two sets as a new set, i.e. all elements that are in either set.

x = {"a","b","c","d","e"} y = {"c","d","e","f","g"} x.union(y) Output: {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'}

SETS AND FROZENSETS 111 This can be abbreviated with the pipe operator "|":

x = {"a","b","c","d","e"} y = {"c","d","e","f","g"} x | y Output: {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'}


Returns the intersection of the instance set and the set s as a new set. In other words, a set with all the elements which are contained in both sets is returned.

x = {"a","b","c","d","e"} y = {"c","d","e","f","g"} x.intersection(y) Output: {'c', 'd', 'e'}

This can be abbreviated with the ampersand operator "&":

x = {"a","b","c","d","e"} y = {"c","d","e","f","g"} x & y Output: {'c', 'd', 'e'}


This method returns True if two sets have a null intersection.

x = {"a","b","c"} y = {"c","d","e"} x.isdisjoint(y) Output: False

x = {"a","b","c"} y = {"d","e","f"} x.isdisjoint(y) Output: True


x.issubset(y) returns True, if x is a subset of y. "<=" is an abbre viation for "Subset of" and ">=" for "superset of" "<" is used to check if a set is a proper subset of a set.

x = {"a","b","c","d","e"} y = {"c","d"} x.issubset(y) Output: False

y.issubset(x) Output: True

x < y Output: False

y < x # y is a proper subset of x Output: True

x < x # a set can never be a proper subset of oneself. Output: False

x <= x Output: True


x.issuperset(y) returns True, if x is a superset of y. ">=" is an a bbreviation for "issuperset of" ">" is used to check if a set is a proper superset of a set.

x = {"a","b","c","d","e"} y = {"c","d"} x.issuperset(y) Output: True

x > y Output: True

SETS AND FROZENSETS 113 x >= y Output: True

x >= x Output: True

x > x Output: False

x.issuperset(x) Output: True


pop() removes and returns an arbitrary set element. The method rais es a KeyError if the set is empty.

x = {"a","b","c","d","e"} x.pop() Output: 'e'

x.pop() Output: 'a'



This chapter deals with natural languages and literature. It will be also an extensive example and use case for Python sets. Novices in Python often think that sets are just a toy for mathematicians and that there is no real use case in programming. The contrary is true. There are multiple use cases for sets. They are used, for example, to get rid of doublets - multiple occurrences of elements - in a list, i.e. to make a list unique.

In the following example we will use sets to determine the different words occurring in a novel. Our use case is build around a novel which has been praised by many, and regarded as the best novel in the English language and also as the hardest to read. We are talking about the novel "Ulysses" by James Joyce. We will not talk about or examine the beauty of the language or the language style. We will study the novel by having a close look at the words used in the novel. Our approach will be purely statitical. The claim is that James Joyce used in his novel more words than any other author. Actually his vocabulary is above and beyond all other authors, maybe even Shakespeare.

Besides Ulysses we will use the novels "Sons and Lovers" by D.H. Lawrence, "The Way of All Flesh" by Samuel Butler, "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe, "To the Lighthouse" by Virginia Woolf, "Moby Dick" by Herman Melville and the Short Story "Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka.

Before you continue with this chapter of our tutorial it might be a good idea to read the chapter Sets and Frozen Sets and the two chapter on regular expressions and advanced regular expressions.


To cut out all the words of the novel "Ulysses" we can use the function findall from the module "re":

import re

# we don't care about case sensitivity and therefore use lower: ulysses_txt = open("books/james_joyce_ulysses.txt").read().lower()

words = re.findall(r"\b[\w-]+\b", ulysses_txt) print("The novel ulysses contains " + str(len(words)))

AN EXTENSIVE EXAMPLE FOR SETS 115 ------UnicodeDecodeError Traceback (most recent call last) in 2 3 # we don't care about case sensitivity and therefore use lower: ----> 4 ulysses_txt = open("books/james_joyce_ulysses.txt").read().lower() 5 6 words = re.findall(r"\b[\w-]+\b", ulysses_txt)

~\Anaconda3\lib\encodings\cp1252.py in decode(self, input, final) 21 class IncrementalDecoder(codecs.IncrementalDecoder): 22 def decode(self, input, final=False): ---> 23 return codecs.charmap_decode(input,self.errors,decoding_tab le)[0] 24 25 class StreamWriter(Codec,codecs.StreamWriter):

UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x9d in position 2706 53: character maps to

This number is the sum of all the words, together with the many words that occur multiple times:

for word in ["the", "while", "good", "bad", "ireland", "irish"]: print("The word '" + word + "' occurs " + \ str(words.count(word)) + " times in the novel!" ) The word 'the' occurs 15112 times in the novel! The word 'while' occurs 123 times in the novel! The word 'good' occurs 321 times in the novel! The word 'bad' occurs 90 times in the novel! The word 'ireland' occurs 90 times in the novel! The word 'irish' occurs 117 times in the novel!

272452 surely is a huge number of words for a novel, but on the other hand there are lots of novels with even more words. More interesting and saying more about the quality of a novel is the number of different words. This is the moment where we will finally need "set". We will turn the list of words "words" into a set. Applying "len" to this set will give us the number of different words:

diff_words = set(words) print("'Ulysses' contains " + str(len(diff_words)) + " different w ords!") 'Ulysses' contains 29422 different words!

AN EXTENSIVE EXAMPLE FOR SETS 116 This is indeed an impressive number. You can see this, if you look at the other novels below:

novels = ['sons_and_lovers_lawrence.txt', 'metamorphosis_kafka.txt', 'the_way_of_all_flash_butler.txt', 'robinson_crusoe_defoe.txt', 'to_the_lighthouse_woolf.txt', 'james_joyce_ulysses.txt', 'moby_dick_melville.txt']

for novel in novels: txt = open("books/" + novel).read().lower() words = re.findall(r"\b[\w-]+\b", txt) diff_words = set(words) n = len(diff_words) print("{name:38s}: {n:5d}".format(name=novel[:-4], n=n)) sons_and_lovers_lawrence : 10822 metamorphosis_kafka : 3027 the_way_of_all_flash_butler : 11434 robinson_crusoe_defoe : 6595 to_the_lighthouse_woolf : 11415 james_joyce_ulysses : 29422 moby_dick_melville : 18922


We will subtract all the words occurring in the other novels from "Ulysses" in the following little Python program. It is amazing how many words are used by James Joyce and by none of the other authors:

words_in_novel = {} for novel in novels: txt = open("books/" + novel).read().lower() words = re.findall(r"\b[\w-]+\b", txt) words_in_novel[novel] = words

words_only_in_ulysses = set(words_in_novel['james_joyce_ulysses.t xt']) novels.remove('james_joyce_ulysses.txt') for novel in novels: words_only_in_ulysses -= set(words_in_novel[novel])

with open("books/words_only_in_ulysses.txt", "w") as fh: txt = " ".join(words_only_in_ulysses)


print(len(words_only_in_ulysses)) 15314

By the way, Dr. Seuss wrote a book with only 50 different words: "Green Eggs and Ham"

The file with the words only occurring in Ulysses contains strange or seldom used words like: huntingcrop tramtrack pappin kithogue pennyweight undergarments scission nagyaságos wheedling begad dogwhip hawthornden turnbull calumet covey repudiated pendennis waistcoatpocket nostrum


It is also possible to find the words which occur in every book. To accomplish this, we need the set intersection:

# we start with the words in ulysses common_words = set(words_in_novel['james_joyce_ulysses.txt']) for novel in novels: common_words &= set(words_in_novel[novel])

print(len(common_words)) 1745


We made a slight mistake in the previous calculations. If you look at the texts, you will notice that they have a header and footer part added by Project Gutenberg, which doesn't belong to the texts. The texts are positioned between the lines:





AN EXTENSIVE EXAMPLE FOR SETS 118 The function read_text takes care of this:

def read_text(fname): beg_e = re.compile(r"\*\*\* ?start of (this|the) project guten berg ebook[^*]*\*\*\*") end_e = re.compile(r"\*\*\* ?end of (this|the) project gutenbe rg ebook[^*]*\*\*\*") txt = open("books/" + fname).read().lower() beg = beg_e.search(txt).end() end = end_e.search(txt).start() return txt[beg:end]

words_in_novel = {} for novel in novels + ['james_joyce_ulysses.txt']: txt = read_text(novel) words = re.findall(r"\b[\w-]+\b", txt) words_in_novel[novel] = words

words_in_ulysses = set(words_in_novel['james_joyce_ulysses.txt']) for novel in novels: words_in_ulysses -= set(words_in_novel[novel])

with open("books/words_in_ulysses.txt", "w") as fh: txt = " ".join(words_in_ulysses) fh.write(txt)


# we start with the words in ulysses common_words = set(words_in_novel['james_joyce_ulysses.txt']) for novel in novels: common_words &= set(words_in_novel[novel])

print(len(common_words)) 15341 1279

The words of the set "common_words" are words belong to the most frequently used words of the English language. Let's have a look at 30 arbitrary words of this set:

counter = 0 for word in common_words:

AN EXTENSIVE EXAMPLE FOR SETS 119 print(word, end=", ") counter += 1 if counter == 30: break send, such, mentioned, writing, found, speak, fond, food, their, m other, household, through, prepared, flew, gently, work, station, naturally, near, empty, filled, move, unknown, left, alarm, listen ing, waited, showed, broke, laugh, ancient, broke, breathing, laugh, divided, forced, wealth, ring, outside, throw, person, spend, better, errand, school, sought, knock, tell, inner, run, packed, another, since, touched, bearing, repeated, bitter, experienced, often, one,



There are hardly any programs without any input. Input can come in various ways, for example, from a database, another computer, mouse clicks and movements or from the internet. Yet, in most cases the input stems from the keyboard. For this purpose, Python provides the function input(). input has an optional parameter, which is the prompt string.

If the input function is called, the program flow will be stopped until the user has given an input and has ended the input with the return key. The text of the optional parameter, i.e. the prompt, will be printed on the screen.

The input of the user will be returned as a string without any changes. If this raw input has to be transformed into another data type needed by the algorithm, we can use either a casting function or the eval function.

Let's have a look at the following example:

name = input("What's your name? ") print("Nice to meet you " + name + "!") What's your name? Melisa Nice to meet you Melisa!

age = input("Your age? ") print("So, you are already " + age + " years old, " + name + "!") Your age? 26 So, you are already 26 years old, Melisa!

We save the program as "input_test.py" and run it:

$ python input_test.py What's your name? "Frank" Nice to meet you Frank! Your age? 42 So, you are already 42 years old, Frank!

We will further experiment with the input function in the following interactive Python session:

INPUT FROM KEYBOARD 121 cities_canada = input("Largest cities in Canada: ") print(cities_canada, type(cities_canada)) Largest cities in Canada: Toronto, Calgary, Montreal, Ottawa Toronto, Calgary, Montreal, Ottawa

cities_canada = eval(input("Largest cities in Canada: ")) print(cities_canada, type(cities_canada)) Largest cities in Canada: Toronto, Calgary, Montreal, Ottawa ------NameError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 cities_canada = eval(input("Largest cities in Canada: ")) 2 print(cities_canada, type(cities_canada))


NameError: name 'Toronto' is not defined

population = input("Population of Toronto? ") print(population, type(population)) Population of Toronto? 2615069 2615069

population = int(input("Population of Toronto? ")) print(population, type(population)) Population of Toronto? 2615069 2615069


The usage of input or better the implicit evaluation of the input has often lead to serious programming mistakes in the earlier Python versions, i.e. 2.x Therefore, in Python 3 the input function behaves like the raw_input function from Python2.

The changes between the versions are illustrated in the following diagram:



Do you belong to those people who find it hard to make decisions? In real life, I mean. In certain circumstances, some decisions in daily life are unavoidable, e.g. people have to go their separate ways from time to time, as our picture shows. We all have to make decisions all the time, ranging from trivial issues like choosing what to wear in the morning, what to have for breakfast, right up to life- changing decisions like taking or changing a job, deciding what to study, and many more. However, there you are, having decided to learn more about the conditional statements in Python.

Conditions - usually in the form of if statements - are one of the key features of a programming language, and Python is no exception. You will hardly find a programming language without an if statement.1 There is hardly a way to program without branches in the code flow, at least if the code needs to solve a useful problem.

A decision must be made when the script or program comes to a point where there is a selection of actions, i.e. different calculations from which to choose.

The decision, in most cases, depends on the value of variables or arithmetic expressions. These expressions are evaluated using the Boolean True or False values. The instructions for decision making are called conditional statements. In a programming language, therefore, the parts of the conditional statements are executed under the given conditions. In many cases there are two code parts: One which will be executed, if the condition is True, and another one, if it is False. In other words, a branch determines which of two (or even more) program parts (alternatives) will be executed depending on one (or more) conditions. Conditional statements and branches belong to the control structures of programming languages, because with their help a program can react to different states that result from inputs and calculations.


The principle of the indentation style is also known in natural languages, as we can deduce from the following text:

If it rains tomorrow, I'll clean up the baseme nt. After that, I will paint the walls. If there i s any time left, I will file my tax return.

Of course, as we all know, there will be no time left to file the tax return. Jokes aside: in the previous text, as you see, we have a sequence of actions that must be performed in chronological order. If you take a closer look at the text, you will find some ambiguity in it: is 'the painting of the walls' also related to the event of the rain? Will the tax declaration be done with or without rain? What will this person do, if it does not rain? Therefore, we extend the text with additional alternatives:

If it rains tomorrow, I'll clean up the basement. After that I will paint the walls. If there is any time left, I will file my tax return. Otherwise, i.e. if it will not rain, I will go swimming. In the evening, I will go to the cinema with my wife!

It is still nor clear. Can his wife hope to be invited to the cinema? Does she have to pray or hope for rain? To make the text clear, we can phrase it to be closer to the programming code and the Python coding style, and hopefully there will be a happy ending for his wife:

If it rains tomorrow, I will do the following: - Clean up the basement - Paint the walls - If there is any time left, I will make my tax declaration Otherwise I will do the following: - Go swimming Going to the movies in the evening with my wife

We can also graphically depict this. Such a workflow is often referred to in the programming environment as a so-called flowchart or program schedule (PAP):

CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS 125 To encode conditional statements in Python, we need to know how to combine statements into a block. So this seems to be the ideal moment to introduce the Python Block Principle in combination with the conditional statements.


In programming, blocks are used to treat sets of statements as if they were a single statement. A block consists of one or more statements. A program can be considered a block consisting of statements and other nested blocks. In programming languages, there exist various approaches to syntactically describing blocks: ALGOL 60 and Pascal, for example, use "begin" and "end", while C and similar languages use curly braces "{" and "}". Bash has another design that uses 'do ... done' and 'if ... fi' or 'case ... esac' constructs. All these languages have in common is that the indentation style is not binding. The problems that may arise from this will be shown in the next subchapter. You can safely skip this, if you are only interested in Python. For inexperienced programmers, this chapter may seem a bit difficult.


For all these approaches, there is a big drawback: The code may be fine for the interpreter or compiler of the language, but it can be written in a way that is poorly structured for humans. We want to illustrate this in the following "pseudo" C-like code snippet:

if (raining_tomorrow) { tidy_up_the_cellar(); paint_the_walls();

CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS 126 if (time_left) do_taxes(); } else enjoy_swimming(); go_cinema();

We will add a couple of spaces in front of calling 'go_cinema'. This puts this call at the same level as 'enjoy_swimming':

if (raining_tomorrow) { tidy_up_the_cellar(); paint_the_walls(); if (time_left) do_taxes(); } else enjoy_swimming(); go_cinema();

The execution of the program will not change: you will go to the cinema, whether it will be raining or not! However, the way the code is written falsely suggests that you will only go to the cinema if it does not rain. This example shows the possible ambiguity in the of C code by humans. In other words, you can inadvertently write the code, which leads to a procedure that does not "behave" as intended. In this example lurks even another danger. What if the programmer had just forgotten to put the last statement out of the curly braces?

Should the code look like this:

if (raining_tomorrow) { tidy_up_the_cellar(); paint_the_walls(); if (time_left) do_taxes(); } else { enjoy_swimming(); go_cinema(); }

In the following program you will only go to the cinema, if it is not a rainy day. That only makes sense if it's an open-air cinema.

The following code is the right code to go to the movies regardless of the weather:

if (raining_tomorrow) { tidy_up_the_cellar(); paint_the_walls(); if (time_left) do_taxes(); } else { enjoy_swimming();

CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS 127 } go_cinema();}

The problem with C is that the way the code is indented has no meaning for the compiler, but it can lead to misunderstanding, if misinterpreted.

This is different in Python. Blocks are created with indentations, in other words, blocks are based on indentation. We can say "What you see is what you get!" The example above might look like this in a Python program:

if raining_tomorrow: tidy_up_the_cellar() paint_the_walls() if time_left: do_taxes() else: enjoy_swimming() go_cinema()

There is no ambiguity in the Python version. The cinema visit of the couple will take place in any case, regardless of the weather. Moving the go_cinema() call to the same indentation level as enjoy_swimming() immediately changes the program . In that case, there will be no cinema if it rains.

We have just seen that it is useful to use indentations in C or C++ programs to increase the readability of a program. For the compilation or execution of a program they are but irrelevant. The compiler relies exclusively on the structuring determined by the brackets. Code in Python, on the other hand, can only be structured with indents. That is, Python forces the programmer to use indentation that should be used anyway to write nice and readable codes. Python does not allow you to obscure the structure of a program by misleading indentations.

Each line of a code block in Python must be indented with the same number of spaces or tabs. We will continue to delve into this in the next subsection on conditional statements in Python.


The if statement is used to control the program flow in a Python program. This makes it possible to decide at runtime whether certain program parts should be executed or not. The simplest form of an if statement in a Python program looks like this:

if condition: statement statement # further statements, if necessary

The indented block is only executed if the condition 'condition' is True. That is, if it is logically true.

CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS 128 The following example asks users for their nationality. The indented block will only be executed if the nationality is "french". If the user enters another nationality, nothing happens.

person = input("Nationality? ") if person == "french": print("Préférez-vous parler français?") Nationality? french Préférez-vous parler français?

Please note that if "French" is entered in the above program, nothing will happen. The check in the condition is case-sensitive and in this case only responds when "french" is entered in lower case. We now extend the condition with an "or"

person = input("Nationality? ") if person == "french" or person == "French": print("Préférez-vous parler français?") Nationality? french Préférez-vous parler français?

The Italian colleagues might now feel disadvantaged because Italian speakers were not considered. We extend the program by another if statement.

person = input("Nationality? ") if person == "french" or person == "French": print("Préférez-vous parler français?") if person == "italian" or person == "Italian": print("Preferisci parlare italiano?") Nationality? italian Preferisci parlare italiano?

This little script has a drawback. Suppose that the user enters "french" as a nationality. In this case, the block of the first "if" will be executed. Afterwards, the program checks if the second "if" can be executed as well. This doesn't make sense, because we know that the input "french" does not match the condition "italian" or "Italian". In other words: if the first 'if' matched, the second one can never match as well. In the end, this is an unnecessary check when entering "french" or "French".

We solve the problem with an "elif" condition. The 'elif' expression is only checked if the expression of a previous "elif" or "if" was false.

person = input("Nationality? ")

CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS 129 if person == "french" or person == "French": print("Préférez-vous parler français?") elif person == "italian" or person == "Italian": print("Preferisci parlare italiano?") else: print("You are neither French nor Italian.") print("So, let us speak English!") Nationality? german You are neither French nor Italian. So, let us speak English!

As in our example, most if statements also have "elif" and "else" branches. This means, there may be more than one "elif" branches, but only one "else" branch. The "else" branch must be at the end of the if statement. Other "elif" branches can not be attached after an 'else'. 'if' statements don't need either 'else' nor 'elif' statements.

The general form of the if statement in Python looks like this:

if condition_1: statement_block_1 elif condition_2: statement_block_2


elif another_condition: another_statement_block else: else_block

If the condition "condition_1" is True, the statements of the block statement"_block_1" will be executed. If not, condition_2 will be evaluated. If "condition_2" evaluates to True, statement"_block_2" will be executed, if condition_2 is False, the other conditions of the following elif conditions will be checked, and finally if none of them has been evaluated to True, the indented block below the else keyword will be executed.


For children and dog lovers it is an interesting and frequently asked question how old their dog would be if it was not a dog, but a human being. To calculate this task, there are various scientific and pseudo-scientific approaches. An easy approach can be:

A one-year-old dog is roughly equivalent to a 14-year-old human be ing A dog that is two years old corresponds in development to a 22 yea r old person. Each additional dog year is equivalent to five human years.

CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS 130 The following example program in Python requires the age of the dog as the input and calculates the age in human years according to the above rule. 'input' is a statement, where the program flow stops and waits for user input printing out the message in brackets:

age = int(input("Age of the dog: ")) print() if age < 0: print("This cannot be true!") elif age == 0: print("This corresponds to 0 human years!") elif age == 1: print("Roughly 14 years!") elif age == 2: print("Approximately 22 years!") else: human = 22 + (age -2) * 5 print("Corresponds to " + str(human) + " human years!") Age of the dog: 1

Roughly 14 years! In [ ]: We will use this example again in our tutorial

Using if statements within programs can easily lead to complex decision trees, i.e. every if statements can be seen like the branches of a tree.

We will read in three float numbers in the following program and will print out the largest value:

x = float(input("1st Number: ")) y = float(input("2nd Number: ")) z = float(input("3rd Number: "))

if x > y and x > z: maximum = x elif y > x and y > z: maximum = y else: maximum = z

print("The maximal value is: " + str(maximum))

CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS 131 1st Number: 1 2nd Number: 2 3rd Number: 3 The maximal value is: 3.0

There are other ways to write the conditions like the following one:

x = float(input("1st Number: ")) y = float(input("2nd Number: ")) z = float(input("3rd Number: "))

if x > y: if x > z: maximum = x else: maximum = z else: if y > z: maximum = y else: maximum = z

print("The maximal value is: " + str(maximum)) 1st Number: 4.4 2nd Number: 1 3rd Number: 8.3 The maximal value is: 8.3

Another way to find the maximum can be seen in the following example. We are using the built-in function max, which calculates the maximum of a list or a tuple of numerical values:

x = float(input("1st Number: ")) y = float(input("2nd Number: ")) z = float(input("3rd Number: "))

maximum = max((x,y,z))

print("The maximal value is: " + str(maximum)) 1st Number: 1 2nd Number: 4 3rd Number: 5.5 The maximal value is: 5.5


Let's look at the following English sentence, which is valid in Germany :

The maximum speed is 50 if we are within the city, otherwise it is 100.

This can be translated into ternary Python statements:

inside_city_limits = True maximum_speed = 50 if inside_city_limits else 100 print(maximum_speed) 50

This code looks like an abbreviation for the following code:

im_ort = True if im_ort: maximale_geschwindigkeit = 50 else: maximale_geschwindigkeit = 100 print(maximale_geschwindigkeit) 50

But it is something fundamentally different. "50 if inside_city_limits else 100" is an expression that we can also use in function calls.



• A leap year is a calendar year containing an additional day added to keep the calendar year synchronized with the astronomical or seasonal year. In the Gregorian calendar, each leap year has 366 days instead of 365, by extending February to 29 days rather than the common 28. These extra days occur in years which are multiples of four (with the exception of centennial years not divisible by 400). Write a Python program, which asks for a year and calculates, if this year is a leap year or not.


• Body mass index (BMI) is a value derived from the mass (weight) and height of a person. The BMI is defined as the body mass divided by the square of the body height, and is universally

CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS 133 m expressed in units of kg/m2, resulting from mass in kilograms and height in metres. BMI = l2 Write a program, which asks for the length and the weight of a person and returns an evaluation string according to the following table:



We will use the modulo operator in the following solution. 'n % m' returns the remainder, if you divide (integer division) n by m. '5 % 3' returns 2 for example.

year = int(input("Which year? "))

if year % 4: # not divisible by 4 print("no leap year") elif year % 100 == 0 and year % 400 != 0: print("no leap year") else: print("leap year")

Which year? 2020 leap year


CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS 134 height = float(input("What is your height? ")) weight = float(input("What is your weight? "))

bmi = weight / height ** 2 print(bmi) if bmi < 15: print("Very severely underweight") elif bmi < 16: print("Severely underweight") elif bmi < 18.5: print("Underweight") elif bmi < 25: print("Normal (healthy weight)") elif bmi < 30: print("Overweight") elif bmi < 35: print("Obese Class I (Moderately obese)") elif bmi < 40: print("Obese Class II (Severely obese)") else: print("Obese Class III (Very severely obese)") What is your height? 180 What is your weight? 74 0.002283950617283951 Very severely underweight


1 LOOP is a programming language without conditionals, but this language is purely pedagogical. It has been designed by the German computer scientist Uwe Schöning. The only operations which are supported by LOOP are assignments, and loopings. But LOOP is of no practical interest and besides this, it is only a proper subset of the computable functions.



Many algorithms make it necessary for a programming language to have a construction which makes it possible to carry out a sequence of statements repeatedly. The code within the loop, i.e. the code carried out repeatedly, is called the body of the loop.

Essentially, there are three different kinds of loops:

• Count-controlled loops A construction for repeating a loop a certain number of times. An example of this kind of loop is the for-loop of the programming language C:

for (i=0; i <= n; i++)

Python doesn't have this kind of loop.

• Condition-controlled loop A loop will be repeated until a given condition changes, i.e. changes from True to False or from False to True, depending on the kind of loop. There are 'while loops' and 'do while' loops with this behaviour.

• Collection-controlled loop This is a special construct which allows looping through the elements of a 'collection', which can be an array, list or other ordered sequence. Like the for loop of the bash shell (e.g. for i in *, do echo $i; done) or the of Perl.

Python supplies two different kinds of loops: the while loop and the for loop, which correspond to the condition-controlled loop and collection-controlled loop.

Most loops contain a counter or more generally, variables, which change their values in the course of calculation. These variables have to be initialized before the loop is started. The counter or other variables,

LOOPS 136 which can be altered in the body of the loop, are contained in the condition. Before the body of the loop is executed, the condition is evaluated. If it evaluates to False, the while loop is finished. In other words, the program flow will continue with the first statement after the while statement, i.e. on the same indentation level as the while loop. If the condition is evaluated to True, the body, - the indented block below the line with "while" - gets executed. After the body is finished, the condition will be evaluated again. The body of the loop will be executed as long as the condition yields True.


It's best to illustrate the operating principle of a loop with a simple Python example. The following small script calculates the sum of the numbers from 1 to 100. We will later introduce a more elegant way to do it.

n = 100

total_sum = 0 counter = 1 while counter <= n: total_sum += counter counter += 1

print("Sum of 1 until " + str(n) + " results in " + str(total_su m)) Sum of 1 until 100 results in 5050


Write a program, which asks for the initial balance K0 and for the interest rate. The program shall calculate the new capital K1 after one year including the interest.

Extend the program with a while-loop, so that the capital Kn after a period of n years can be calculated.

K = float(input("Starting capital? ")) p = float(input("Interest rate? ")) n = int(input("Number of years? "))

i = 0 while i < n: K += K * p / 100.0 # or K *= 1 + p / 100.0 i += 1 print(i, K) print("Capital after " + str(n) + " ys: " + str(K))

LOOPS 137 1 100.6 2 101.2036 3 101.8108216 4 102.4216865296 5 103.0362166487776 6 103.65443394867026 7 104.27636055236228 8 104.90201871567645 9 105.53143082797051 10 106.16461941293834 Capital after 10 ys: 106.16461941293834


Similar to the if statement, the while loop of Python has also an optional else part. This is an unfamiliar construct for many programmers of traditional programming languages. The statements in the else part are executed, when the condition is not fulfilled anymore. Some might ask themselves now, where the possible benefit of this extra branch is. If the statements of the additional else part were placed right after the while loop without an else, they would have been executed anyway, wouldn't they? We need to understand a new language construction, i.e. the break statement, to obtain a benefit from the additional else branch of the while loop. The general syntax of a while loop looks like this:

while condition: statement_1 ... statement_n else: statement_1

LOOPS 138 ... statement_n

while potatoes: peel

cut else: pot pot on oven cook for 40 minutes

wash salad and so on


So far, a while loop only ends, if the condition in the loop head is fulfilled. With the help of a break statement a while loop can be left prematurely, i.e. as soon as the of the program comes to a break inside of a while loop (or other loops) the loop will be immediately left. "break" shouldn't be confused with the continue statement. "continue" stops the current iteration of the loop and starts the next iteration by checking the condition. Here comes the crucial point: If a loop is left by break, the else part is not executed.

This behaviour will be illustrated in the following example, a little guessing number game. A human player has to guess a number between a range of 1 to n. The player inputs his guess. The program informs the player, if this number is larger, smaller or equal to the secret number, i.e. the number which the program has randomly created. If the player wants to gives up, he or she can input a 0 or a negative number. Hint: The program needs to create a random number. Therefore it's necessary to include the module "random".

import random upper_bound = 20 lower_bound = 1 #to_be_guessed = int(n * random.random()) + 1 to_be_guessed = random.randint(lower_bound, upper_bound) guess = 0 while guess != to_be_guessed: guess = int(input("New number: "))

LOOPS 139 if guess > 0: if guess > to_be_guessed: print("Number too large") elif guess < to_be_guessed: print("Number too small") else: # 0 means giving up print("Sorry that you're giving up!") break # break out of a loop, don't execute "else" else: print("Congratulations. You made it!") Number too small Number too large Number too large Number too large Congratulations. You made it!

The previous program doesn't check if the number makes sense, i.e. if the number is between the boundaries upper_bound and over_bound . We can improve our program:

import random upper_bound = 20 lower_bound = 1 to_be_guessed = random.randint(lower_bound, upper_bound) guess = 0 while guess != to_be_guessed: guess = int(input("New number: ")) if guess == 0: # giving up print("Sorry that you're giving up!") break # break out of a loop, don't execute "else" if guess < lower_bound or guess > upper_bound: print("guess not within boundaries!") elif guess > to_be_guessed: print("Number too large") elif guess < to_be_guessed: print("Number too small") else: print("Congratulations. You made it!") Congratulations. You made it!

LOOPS 140 The boundaries should be adapted according to the user input:

import random upper_bound = 20 lower_bound = 1 to_be_guessed = random.randint(lower_bound, upper_bound) guess = 0 while guess != to_be_guessed: guess = int(input("New number: ")) if guess == 0: # giving up print("Sorry that you're giving up!") break # break out of a loop, don't execute "else" if guess < lower_bound or guess > upper_bound: print("guess not within boundaries!") elif guess > to_be_guessed: upper_bound = guess - 1 print("Number too large") elif guess < to_be_guessed: lower_bound = guess + 1 print("Number too small") else: print("Congratulations. You made it!") Number too small Number too small Number too large Number too small Congratulations. You made it!

import random upper_bound = 20 lower_bound = 1 adaptive_upper_bound = upper_bound adaptive_lower_bound = lower_bound #to_be_guessed = int(n * random.random()) + 1 to_be_guessed = random.randint(lower_bound, upper_bound) guess = 0 while guess != to_be_guessed: guess = int(input("New number: ")) if guess == 0: # giving up print("Sorry that you're giving up!") break # break out of a loop, don't execute "else"

LOOPS 141 if guess < lower_bound or guess > upper_bound: print("guess not within boundaries!") elif guess < adaptive_lower_bound or guess > adaptive_upper_bo und: print("Your guess is contradictory to your previous guesse s!") elif guess > to_be_guessed: adaptive_upper_bound = guess - 1 print("Number too large") elif guess < to_be_guessed: adaptive_lower_bound = guess + 1 print("Number too small") else: print("Congratulations. You made it!") Number too small Your guess is contradictory to your previous guesses! Number too small Your guess is contradictory to your previous guesses! guess not within boundaries! Number too small Number too small Number too small Number too small Congratulations. You made it!



Like the while loop the for loop is a programming language statement, i.e. an iteration statement, which allows a code block to be repeated a certain number of times.

There are hardly any programming languages without for loops, but the for loop exists in many different flavours, i.e. both the syntax and the semantics differs from one programming language to another.

Different kinds of for loops:

• Count-controlled for loop (Three-expression for loop)

This is by far the most common type. This statement is the one used by C. The header of this kind of for loop consists of a three-parameter loop control expression. Generally it has the form: for (A; Z; I) A is the initialisation part, Z determines a termination expression and I is the counting expression, where the loop variable is incremented or dcremented. An example of this kind of loop is the for-loop of the programming language C: for (i=0; i <= n; i++) This kind of for loop is not implemented in Python!

• Numeric Ranges

This kind of for loop is a simplification of the previous kind. It's a counting or enumerating loop. Starting with a start value and counting up to an end value, like for i = 1 to 100 Python doesn't use this either.

• Vectorized for loops

They behave as if all iterations are executed in parallel. That is, for example, all expressions on the right side of assignment statements get evaluated before the assignments.

• Iterator-based for loop

Finally, we come to the one used by Python. This kind of for loop iterates over an enumeration of a set of items. It is usually characterized by the use of an implicit or explicit iterator. In each iteration step a loop variable is set to a value in a sequence or other data collection. This kind of for loop is known in most Unix and Linux shells and it is the one which is implemented in Python.


As we mentioned earlier, the Python for loop is an iterator based for loop. It steps through the items of lists,

FOR LOOPS 143 tuples, strings, the keys of dictionaries and other iterables. The Python for loop starts with the keyword "for" followed by an arbitrary variable name, which will hold the values of the following sequence object, which is stepped through. The general syntax looks like this: for in : else:

The items of the sequence object are assigned one after the other to the loop variable; to be precise the variable points to the items. For each item the loop body is executed.

Example of a simple for loop in Python:

languages = ["C", "C++", "Perl", "Python"] for language in languages: print(language) C C++ Perl Python

The else block is special; while Perl programmer are familiar with it, it's an unknown concept to C and C++ programmers. Semantically, it works exactly as the optional else of a while loop. It will be executed only if the loop hasn't been "broken" by a break statement. So it will only be executed, after all the items of the sequence in the header have been used.

If a break statement has to be executed in the program flow of the for loop, the loop will be exited and the program flow will continue with the first statement following the for loop, if there is any at all. Usually break statements are wrapped into conditional statements, e.g.

edibles = ["bacon", "spam", "eggs", "nuts"] for food in edibles: if food == "spam": print("No more spam please!") break print("Great, delicious " + food) else: print("I am so glad: No spam!") print("Finally, I finished stuffing myself") Great, delicious bacon No more spam please! Finally, I finished stuffing myself

FOR LOOPS 144 Removing "spam" from our list of edibles, we will gain the following output:

$ python for.py Great, delicious bacon Great, delicious eggs Great, delicious nuts I am so glad: No spam! Finally, I finished stuffing myself $

Maybe, our disgust with spam is not so high that we want to stop consuming the other food. Now, this calls the continue statement into play . In the following little script, we use the continue statement to go on with our list of edibles, when we have encountered a spam item. So continue prevents us from eating spam!

edibles = ["bacon", "spam", "eggs","nuts"] for food in edibles: if food == "spam": print("No more spam please!") continue print("Great, delicious " + food)

print("Finally, I finished stuffing myself") Great, delicious bacon No more spam please! Great, delicious eggs Great, delicious nuts Finally, I finished stuffing myself


The built-in function range() is the right function to iterate over a sequence of numbers. It generates an iterator of arithmetic progressions: Example:

range(5) Output: range(0, 5)

This result is not self-explanatory. It is an object which is capable of producing the numbers from 0 to 4. We can use it in a for loop and you will see what is meant by this:

for i in range(5): print(i)

FOR LOOPS 145 0 1 2 3 4 range(n) generates an iterator to progress the integer numbers starting with 0 and ending with (n -1). To produce the list with these numbers, we have to cast range() with the list(), as we do in the following example.

list(range(10)) Output: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] range() can also be called with two arguments:

range(begin, end)

The above call produces the list iterator of numbers starting with begin (inclusive) and ending with one less than the number end .


range(4, 10) Output: range(4, 10)

list(range(4, 10)) Output: [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

So far the increment of range() has been 1. We can specify a different increment with a third argument. The increment is called the step . It can be both negative and positive, but not zero:

range(begin,end, step)

Example with step:

list(range(4, 50, 5)) Output: [4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29, 34, 39, 44, 49]

It can be done backwards as well:

FOR LOOPS 146 list(range(42, -12, -7)) Output: [42, 35, 28, 21, 14, 7, 0, -7]

The range() function is especially useful in combination with the for loop, as we can see in the following example. The range() function supplies the numbers from 1 to 100 for the for loop to calculate the sum of these numbers:

n = 100

sum = 0 for counter in range(1, n+1): sum = sum + counter

print("Sum of 1 until %d: %d" % (n, sum)) Sum of 1 until 100: 5050


Generally, it is assumed that the Pythagorean theorem was discovered by Pythagoras that is why it has his name. However, there is a debate whether the Pythagorean theorem might have been discovered earlier or by others independently. For the Pythagoreans, - a mystical movement, based on mathematics, religion and philosophy, - the integer numbers satisfying the theorem were special numbers, which had been sacred to them.

These days Pythagorean numbers are not mystical anymore. Though to some pupils at school or other people, who are not on good terms with mathematics, they may still appear so.

So the definition is very simple: Three integers satisfying a2+b2=c2 are called Pythagorean numbers.

The following program calculates all pythagorean numbers less than a maximal number. Remark: We have to import the math module to be able to calculate the of a number.

In [ ]: from math import sqrt n = int(input("Maximal Number? ")) for a in range(1, n+1): for b in range(a, n): c_square = a**2 + b**2 c = int(sqrt(c_square)) if ((c_square - c**2) == 0): print(a, b, c)


If you have to access the indices of a list, it doesn't seem to be a good idea to use the for loop to iterate over the lists. We can access all the elements, but the index of an element is not available. However, there is a way to access both the index of an element and the element itself. The solution lies in using range() in combination with the length function len():

fibonacci = [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21] for i in range(len(fibonacci)): print(i,fibonacci[i]) print() 0 0 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 5 6 8 7 13 8 21

Remark: If you apply len() to a list or a tuple, you get the number of elements of this sequence.


If you loop over a list, it's best to avoid changing the list in the loop body. Take a look at the following example:

colours = ["red"] for i in colours: if i == "red": colours += ["black"] if i == "black": colours += ["white"] print(colours) ['red', 'black', 'white']

To avoid these side effects, it's best to work on a copy by using the slicing operator, as can be seen in the next example:

colours = ["red"]

FOR LOOPS 148 for i in colours[:]: if i == "red": colours += ["black"] if i == "black": colours += ["white"] print(colours) ['red', 'black']

We still might have done something, we shouldn't have done. We changed the list "colours", but our change didn't have any effect on the loop. The elements to be looped remained the same during the iterations.


The Python forums and other question-and-answer websites like Quora and Stackoverflow are full of questions concerning 'iterators' and 'iterable'. Some want to know how they are defined and others want to know if there is an easy way to check, if an object is an iterator or an iterable. We will provide a function for this purpose.

We have seen that we can loop or iterate over various Python objects like lists, tuples and strings. For example:

for city in ["Berlin", "Vienna", "Zurich"]: print(city) for language in ("Python", "Perl", "Ruby"): print(city) for char in "Iteration is easy": print(char) Berlin Vienna Zurich Python Perl Ruby I t e r a t i o n

i s

e a s y

ITERATORS AND ITERABLES 150 This form of looping can be seen as iteration. Iteration is not restricted to explicit for loops. If you call the function sum, - e.g. on a list of integer values, - you do iteration as well.

So what is the difference between an iterable and an iterator?

On one hand, they are the same: You can iterate with a for loop over iterators and iterables. Every iterator is also an iterable, but not every iterable is an iterator. E.g. a list is iterable but a list is not an iterator! An iterator can be created from an iterable by using the function 'iter'. To make this possible the class of an object needs either a method ' __iter__ ', which returns an iterator, or a ' __getitem__ ' method with sequential indexes starting with 0.

Iterators are objects with a ' __next__ ' method, which will be used when the function 'next()' is called.

So what is going on behind the scenes, when a for loop is executed? The for statement calls iter() on the object ( which should be a so-called container object), over which it is supposed to loop . If this call is successful, the iter call will return an iterator object that defines the method __next__() which accesses elements of the object one at a time. The __next__() method will raise a StopIteration exception, if there are no further elements available. The for loop will terminate as soon as it catches a StopIteration exception. You can call the __next__() method using the next() built-in function. This is how it works:

cities = ["Berlin", "Vienna", "Zurich"] iterator_obj = iter(cities) print(iterator_obj)

print(next(iterator_obj)) print(next(iterator_obj)) print(next(iterator_obj)) Berlin Vienna Zurich

If we called 'next(iterator_obj)' one more time, it would return 'StopIteration'

The following function 'iterable' will return True, if the object 'obj' is an iterable and False otherwise.

def iterable(obj): try: iter(obj) return True except TypeError: return False

for element in [34, [4, 5], (4, 5), {"a":4}, "dfsdf", 4.5]: print(element, "iterable: ", iterable(element))

ITERATORS AND ITERABLES 151 34 iterable: False [4, 5] iterable: True (4, 5) iterable: True {'a': 4} iterable: True dfsdf iterable: True 4.5 iterable: False

We have described how an iterator works. So if you want to add an iterator behavior to your class, you have to add the __iter__ and the __next__ method to your class. The __iter__ method returns an iterator object. If the class contains a __next__ , it is enough for the __iter__ method to return self, i.e. a reference to itself:

class Reverse: """ Creates Iterators for looping over a sequence backwards. """

def __init__(self, data): self.data = data self.index = len(data)

def __iter__(self): return self

def __next__(self): if self.index == 0: raise StopIteration self.index = self.index - 1 return self.data[self.index]

lst = [34, 978, 42] lst_backwards = Reverse(lst) for el in lst_backwards: print(el) 42 978 34



In principle, every computer program has to communicate with the environment or the "outside world". For this purpose nearly every programming language has special I/O functionalities, i.e. input/output. This ensures the interaction or communication with the other components e.g. a database or a user. Input often comes - as we have already seen - from the keyboard and the corresponding Python command, or better, the corresponding Python function for reading from the standard input is input().

We have also seen in previous examples of our tutorial that we can write into the standard output by using print. In this chapter of our tutorial we want to have a detailed look at the print function. As some might have skipped over it, we want to emphasize that we wrote "print function" and not "print statement". You can easily find out how crucial this difference is, if you take an arbitrary Python program written in version 2.x and if you try to let it run with a Python3 interpreter. In most cases you will receive error messages. One of the most frequently occurring errors will be related to print, because most programs contain prints. We can generate the most typical error in the interactive Python shell:

print 42 File "", line 1 print 42 File "", line 1 print 42 ^ SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print(42)?

This is a familiar error message for most of us: We have forgotten the parentheses. "print" is - as we have already mentioned - a function in version 3.x. Like any other function print expects its arguments to be surrounded by parentheses. So parentheses are an easy remedy for this error:

print(42) 42

But this is not the only difference to the old print. The output behaviour has changed as well.


The arguments of the print function are the following ones:

print(value1, ..., sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout, flush=Fals

PRINT 153 e)

The print function can print an arbitrary number of values ("value1, value2, ..."), which are separated by commas. These values are separated by a space in the output. In the following example, we can see two print calls. We are printing two values in both cases, i.e. a string and a float number:

a = 3.564 print("a = ", a) a = 3.564

print("a = \n", a) a = 3.564

We can learn from the second print of the example that a blank between two values, i.e. "a = \textbackslash n" and "3.564", is always printed, even if the output is continued in the following line. This is different from Python 2, as there will be no blank printed, if a new line has been started. It's possible to redefine the seperator between values by assigning an arbitrary string to the keyword parameter "sep", i.e. an or a smiley:

print("a","b") a b

print("a","b",sep="") ab


print("a","b",sep=":-)") a:-)b

A print call is ended by a newline, as we can see in the following usage:

for i in range(4): print(i) 0 1 2 3

PRINT 154 To change this behaviour, we can assign an arbitrary string to the keyword parameter "end". This string will be used for ending the output of the values of a print call:

for i in range(4): print(i, end=" ") 0 1 2 3

for i in range(4): print(i, end=" :-) ") 0 :-) 1 :-) 2 :-) 3 :-)

The output of the print function is send to the standard output stream (sys.stdout) by default. By redefining the keyword parameter "file" we can send the output into a different stream e.g. sys.stderr or a file:

fh = open("data.txt","w") print("42 is the answer, but what is the question?", file=fh) fh.close()

We can see that we don't get any output in the interactive shell. The output is sent to the file "data.txt". It's also possible to redirect the output to the standard error channel this way:

import sys # output into sys.stderr:

print("Error: 42", file=sys.stderr) Error: 42



In this chapter of our Python tutorial we will have a closer look at the various ways of creating nicer output in Python. We present all the different ways, but we recommend that you should use the format method of the string class, which you will find at end of the chapter. "string format" is by far the most flexible and Pythonic approach.

So far we have used the print function in two ways, when we had to print out more than two values:

The easiest way, but not the most elegant one:

We used print with a comma separated list of values to print out the results, as we can see in the following example. All the values are separated by blanks, which is the default behaviour. We can change the default value to an arbitrary string, if we assign this string to the keyword parameter "sep" of the print function:

q = 459 p = 0.098 print(q, p, p * q) 459 0.098 44.982

print(q, p, p * q, sep=",") 459,0.098,44.982

print(q, p, p * q, sep=" :-) ") 459 :-) 0.098 :-) 44.982

Alternatively, we can construe a new string out of the values by using the string concatenation operator:

print(str(q) + " " + str(p) + " " + str(p * q)) 459 0.098 44.982

The second method is inferior to the first one in this example.


Is there a printf in Python? A burning question for Python newbies coming from C, Perl, Bash or other programming languages who have this statement or function. To answer "Python has a print function and no printf function" is only one side of the coin or half of the truth. One can go as far as to say that this answer is not true. So there is a "printf" in Python? No, but the functionality of the "ancient" printf is contained in Python. To this purpose the modulo operator "%" is overloaded by the string class to perform string formatting. Therefore, it is often called string modulo (or somethimes even called modulus) operator, though it has not a lot in common with the actual modulo calculation on numbers. Another term for it is "string interpolation", because it interpolates various class types (like int, float and so on) into a formatted string. In many cases the string created via the string interpolation mechanism is used for outputting values in a special way. But it can also be used, for example, to create the right format to put the data into a database. Since Python 2.6 has been introduced, the string method format should be used instead of this old-style formatting. Unfortunately, string modulo "%" is still available in Python3 and what is even worse, it is still widely used. That's why we cover it in great detail in this tutorial. You should be capable of understanding it, when you encounter it in some Python code. However, it is very likely that one day this old style of formatting will be removed from the language. So you should get used to str.format().

The following diagram depicts how the string modulo operator works:

On the left side of the "string modulo operator" there is the so-called format string and on the right side is a tuple with the content, which is interpolated in the format string. The values can be literals, variables or arbitrary arithmetic expressions.

The format string contains placeholders. There are two of those in our example: "%5d" and "%8.2f".

The general syntax for a format placeholder is


FORMATTED OUTPUT 157 Let's have a look at the placeholders in our example. The second one "%8.2f" is a format description for a float number. Like other placeholders, it is introduced with the "%" character. This is followed by the total number of digits the string should contain. This number includes the decimal point and all the digits, i.e. before and after the decimal point. Our float number 59.058 has to be formatted with 8 characters. The decimal part of the number or the precision is set to 2, i.e. the number following the "." in our placeholder. Finally, the last character "f" of our placeholder stands for "float".

If you look at the output, you will notice that the 3 decimal digits have been rounded. Furthermore, the number has been preceded in the output with 3 leading blanks.

The first placeholder "%5d" is used for the first component of our tuple, i.e. the integer 453. The number will be printed with 5 characters. As 453 consists only of 3 digits, the output is padded with 2 leading blanks. You may have expected a "%5i" instead of "%5d". Where is the difference? It's easy: There is no difference between "d" and "i" both are used for formatting integers. The advantage or beauty of a formatted output can only be seen, if more than one line is printed with the same pattern. In the following picture you can see, how it looks, if five float numbers are printed with the placeholder "%6.2f" in subsequent lines:

FORMATTED OUTPUT 158 Conversion Meaning

d Signed integer decimal.

i Signed integer decimal.

o Unsigned octal.

u Obsolete and equivalent to 'd', i.e. signed integer decimal.

x Unsigned hexadecimal (lowercase).

X Unsigned hexadecimal (uppercase).

e Floating point exponential format (lowercase).

E Floating point exponential format (uppercase).

f Floating point decimal format.

F Floating point decimal format.

g Same as "e" if exponent is greater than -4 or less than precision, "f" otherwise.

G Same as "E" if exponent is greater than -4 or less than precision, "F" otherwise.

c Single character (accepts integer or single character string).

r String (converts any python object using repr()).

s String (converts any python object using str()).

% No argument is converted, results in a "%" character in the result.

The following examples show some example cases of the conversion rules from the table above:

print("%10.3e"% (356.08977)) 3.561e+02

print("%10.3E"% (356.08977))


print("%10o"% (25)) 31

print("%10.3o"% (25)) 031

print("%10.5o"% (25)) 00031

print("%5x"% (47)) 2f

print("%5.4x"% (47)) 002f

print("%5.4X"% (47)) 002F

print("Only one percentage sign: %% " % ()) Only one percentage sign: %











Even though it may look so, the formatting is not part of the print function. If you have a closer look at our examples, you will see that we passed a formatted string to the print function. Or to put it in other words: If the string modulo operator is applied to a string, it returns a string. This string in turn is passed in our examples to the print function. So, we could have used the string modulo functionality of Python in a two layer approach as well, i.e. first create a formatted string, which will be assigned to a variable and this variable is passed to the print function:

Price: $ 356.09


The Python help function is not very helpful concerning the string format method. All it says is this:

| format(...) | S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> str | | Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from a rgs and kwargs. | The substitutions are identified by braces ('{' and '}'). |

Let's dive into this topic a little bit deeper: The format method was added in Python 2.6. The general form of this method looks like this:

template.format(p0, p1, ..., k0=v0, k1=v1, ...)

The template (or format string) is a string which contains one or more format codes (fields to be replaced) embedded in constant text. The "fields to be replaced" are surrounded by curly braces {}. The curly braces and the "code" inside will be substituted with a formatted value from one of the arguments, according to the rules which we will specify soon. Anything else, which is not contained in curly braces will be literally printed, i.e. without any changes. If a brace character has to be printed, it has to be escaped by doubling it: {{ and }}.

There are two kinds of arguments for the .format() method. The list of arguments starts with zero or more positional arguments (p0, p1, ...), it may be followed by zero or more keyword arguments of the form name=value.

A positional parameter of the format method can be accessed by placing the index of the parameter after the opening brace, e.g. {0} accesses the first parameter, {1} the second one and so on. The index inside of the curly braces can be followed by a colon and a format string, which is similar to the notation of the string modulo, which we had discussed in the beginning of the chapter of our tutorial, e.g. {0:5d} If the positional parameters are used in the order in which they are written, the positional argument specifiers inside of the braces can be omitted, so '{} {} {}' corresponds to '{0} {1} {2}'. But they are needed, if you want to access them in different orders: '{2} {1} {0}'.

FORMATTED OUTPUT 161 The following diagram with an example usage depicts how the string method "format" works works for positional parameters:

Examples of positional parameters:

Output: 'First argument: 47, second one: 11' Output: 'Second argument: 11, first one: 47' Output: 'Second argument: 11, first one: 47.42' Output: 'First argument: 47, second one: 11' Output: 'various precisions: 1.41 or 1.415'

In the following example we demonstrate how keyword parameters can be used with the format method:

Output: 'Art: 453, Price: 59.06'

It's possible to "left or right justify" data with the format method. To this end, we can precede the formatting with a "<" (left justify) or ">" (right justify). We demonstrate this with the following examples:

FORMATTED OUTPUT 162 Output: 'Spam & Eggs: 6.99' Output: ' Spam & Eggs: 6.99'

Flag Meaning

# Used with o, x or X specifiers the value is preceded with 0, 0o, 0O, 0x or 0X respectively.

0 The conversion result will be zero padded for numeric values.

- The converted value is left adjusted

If no sign (minus sign e.g.) is going to be written, a blank space is inserted before the value.

+ A sign character ("+" or "-") will precede the conversion (overrides a "space" flag).

Option Meaning

'<' The field will be left-aligned within the available space. This is usually the default for strings.

'>' The will be right-aligned within the available space. This is the default for numbers.

If the width field is preceded by a zero ('0') character, sign-aware zero-padding for numeric types will be enabled.

>>> x = 378 >>> print("The value is {:06d}".format(x)) '0' The value is 000378 >>> x = -378 >>> print("The value is {:06d}".format(x)) The value is -00378

This option signals the use of a comma for a thousands separator.

>>> print("The value is {:,}".format(x)) The value is 78,962,324,245 >>> print("The value is {0:6,d}".format(x)) ',' The value is 5,897,653,423 >>> x = 5897653423.89676 >>> print("The value is {0:12,.3f}".format(x)) The value is 5,897,653,423.897

Forces the padding to be placed after the sign (if any) but before the digits. This is used for printing fields in the '=' form "+000000120". This alignment option is only valid for numeric types.

FORMATTED OUTPUT 163 Option Meaning

'^' Forces the field to be centered within the available space.

Unless a minimum field width is defined, the field width will always be the same size as the data to fill it, so that the alignment option has no meaning in this case.

Additionally, we can modify the formatting with the sign option, which is only valid for number types:

Option Meaning

'+' indicates that a sign should be used for both positive as well as negative numbers.

'-' indicates that a sign should be used only for negative numbers, which is the default behavior.

space indicates that a leading space should be used on positive numbers, and a minus sign on negative numbers.


We have seen in the previous chapters that we have two ways to access the values to be formatted:

Using the position or the index:

print("The capital of {0:s} is {1:s}".format("Ontario","Toronto")) The capital of Ontario is Toronto

Just to mention it once more: We could have used empty curly braces in the previous example! Using keyword parameters:

print("The capital of {province} is {capital}".format(province="On tario",capital="Toronto")) The capital of Ontario is Toronto

The second case can be expressed with a dictionary as well, as we can see in the following code:

data = dict(province="Ontario",capital="Toronto") data Output: {'province': 'Ontario', 'capital': 'Toronto'}

FORMATTED OUTPUT 164 print("The capital of {province} is {capital}".format(**data)) The capital of Ontario is Toronto

The double "*" in front of data turns data automatically into the form 'province="Ontario",capital="Toronto"'. Let's look at the following Python program:

capital_country = {"United States" : "Washington", "US" : "Washington", "Canada" : "Ottawa", "Germany": "Berlin", "France" : "Paris", "England" : "London", "UK" : "London", "Switzerland" : "Bern", "Austria" : "Vienna", "Netherlands" : "Amsterdam"}

print("Countries and their capitals:") for c in capital_country: print("{country}: {capital}".format(country=c, capital=capita l_country[c])) Countries and their capitals: United States: Washington US: Washington Canada: Ottawa Germany: Berlin France: Paris England: London UK: London Switzerland: Bern Austria: Vienna Netherlands: Amsterdam

We can rewrite the previous example by using the dictionary directly. The output will be the same:

capital_country = {"United States" : "Washington", "US" : "Washington", "Canada" : "Ottawa", "Germany": "Berlin", "France" : "Paris", "England" : "London", "UK" : "London", "Switzerland" : "Bern",

FORMATTED OUTPUT 165 "Austria" : "Vienna", "Netherlands" : "Amsterdam"}

print("Countries and their capitals:") for c in capital_country: format_string = c + ": {" + c + "}" print(format_string.format(**capital_country)) Countries and their capitals: United States: Washington US: Washington Canada: Ottawa Germany: Berlin France: Paris England: London UK: London Switzerland: Bern Austria: Vienna Netherlands: Amsterdam


"locals" is a function, which returns a dictionary with the current scope's local variables, i.e- the local variable names are the keys of this dictionary and the corresponding values are the values of these variables:

a = 42 b = 47 def f(): return 42 locals()

The dictionary returned by locals() can be used as a parameter of the string format method. This way we can use all the local variable names inside of a format string.

Continuing with the previous example, we can create the following output, in which we use the local variables a, b and f:

print("a={a}, b={b} and f={f}".format(**locals())) a=42, b=47 and f=


The string class contains further methods, which can be used for formatting purposes as well: ljust, rjust, center and zfill.

FORMATTED OUTPUT 166 Let S be a string, the 4 methods are defined like this:


S.center(width[, fillchar]) -> str

Return S centred in a string of length width. Padding is done using the specified fill character. The default value is a space.


s = "Python" s.center(10) Output: ' Python '

s.center(10,"*") Output: 'Price: $ 356.09'


S.ljust(width[, fillchar]) -> str

Return S left-justified in a string of length "width". Padding is done using the specified fill character. If none is given, a space will be used as default.


s = "Training" s.ljust(12) Output: 'Training '

s.ljust(12,":") Output: 'Training::::'


S.rjust(width[, fillchar]) -> str

Return S right-justified in a string of length width. Padding is done using the specified fill character. The default value is again a space.


s = "Programming" s.rjust(15) Output: ' Programming'

s.rjust(15, "~") Output: '~~~~Programming'


S.zfill(width) -> str

Pad a string S with zeros on the left, to fill a field of the specified width. The string S is never truncated. This method can be easily emulated with rjust.


account_number = "43447879" account_number.zfill(12) # can be emulated with rjust: Output: '000043447879'

account_number.rjust(12,"0") Output: '000043447879'


Python 3.6 introduces formatted string literals. They are prefixed with an 'f'. The formatting syntax is similar to the format strings accepted by str.format(). Like the format string of format method, they contain replacement fields formed with curly braces. The replacement fields are expressions, which are evaluated at run time, and then formatted using the format() protocol. It's easiest to understand by looking at the following examples:

price = 11.23 f"Price in Euro: {price}" Output: 'Price in Euro: 11.23'

f"Price in Swiss Franks: {price * 1.086}" Output: 'Price in Swiss Franks: 12.195780000000001'

FORMATTED OUTPUT 168 f"Price in Swiss Franks: {price * 1.086:5.2f}" Output: 'Price in Swiss Franks: 12.20'

for article in ["bread", "butter", "tea"]: print(f"{article:>10}:") bread: butter: tea:



In this chapter of our Python tutorial we assume that you are familiar with Python dictionaries and while loops, as we have discussed them in our chapters Dictionaries and Loops.

We included this chapter to provide the learners with additional exercises of both dictionaries and while loops. The focus lies on nested dictionaries, in our case dictionaries of dictionaries. From the experiences of my courses, I know that these often cause special difficulties in particular for beginners.

This chapter is also about coffee, tea and other hot drinks, whose consumption we manage using Python Dictionaries.


kaffeeliste = {"Peter": 0, "Eva": 0, "Franka": 0}

while True: name = input("Name: ") if name == "": break kaffeeliste[name] += 1 print(kaffeeliste[name])

print("kaffeeliste: ", kaffeeliste) 1 1 2 1 kaffeeliste: {'Peter': 1, 'Eva': 1, 'Franka': 2}

kaffeeliste = {"Peter": 0, "Eva": 0, "Franka": 0} teeliste = {"Peter": 0, "Eva": 0, "Franka": 0}

while True: name = input("Name: ") if name == "": break getränk = input("Getränk (kaffee/tee): ") if getränk.lower() == "kaffee": kaffeeliste[name] += 1 print(kaffeeliste[name]) elif getränk.lower() == "tee": teeliste[name] += 1 print(teeliste[name])

COFFEE, DICTIONARY AND A LOOP 171 print("Kaffeeliste: ", kaffeeliste) print("Teeliste: ", teeliste) 1 1 1 Kaffeeliste: {'Peter': 1, 'Eva': 1, 'Franka': 0} Teeliste: {'Peter': 0, 'Eva': 0, 'Franka': 1} In [ ]: getränkeliste = {"Peter": {"Tee": 0, "Kaffee": 0}, "Eva": {"Tee": 0, "Kaffee": 0}, "Franka": {"Tee": 0, "Kaffee": 0}}

while True: name = input("Name: ").capitalize() if name == "": break if name not in getränkeliste: # gibt keinen Key "name" antwort = input("Sollen wir " + name + " in Liste aufnehme n? (j/n)") if antwort in ["j", "ja", "Ja", "y"]: getränkeliste[name] = {"Tee": 0, "Kaffee": 0} else: print("Dann gibt's nichts zu trinken für " + name + "!") continue drink = input("Getränk (Kaffee/Tee): ").capitalize() getränkeliste[name][drink] += 1 print(getränkeliste)

getränke = ["Tee", "Kaffee", "Kakao", "Gemüsebrühe"] namen = ["Peter", "Eva", "Sarah", "Eddie", "Swen"]

getränkekonsum = {} for name in namen: getränkekonsum[name] = {} print(getränkekonsum) for getränk in getränke: getränkekonsum[name][getränk] = 0

COFFEE, DICTIONARY AND A LOOP 172 {'Peter': {}} {'Peter': {'Tee': 0, 'Kaffee': 0, 'Kakao': 0, 'Gemüsebrühe': 0}, 'Eva': {}} {'Peter': {'Tee': 0, 'Kaffee': 0, 'Kakao': 0, 'Gemüsebrühe': 0}, 'Eva': {'Tee': 0, 'Kaffee': 0, 'Kakao': 0, 'Gemüsebrühe': 0}, 'Sar ah': {}} {'Peter': {'Tee': 0, 'Kaffee': 0, 'Kakao': 0, 'Gemüsebrühe': 0}, 'Eva': {'Tee': 0, 'Kaffee': 0, 'Kakao': 0, 'Gemüsebrühe': 0}, 'Sar ah': {'Tee': 0, 'Kaffee': 0, 'Kakao': 0, 'Gemüsebrühe': 0}, 'Eddi e': {}} {'Peter': {'Tee': 0, 'Kaffee': 0, 'Kakao': 0, 'Gemüsebrühe': 0}, 'Eva': {'Tee': 0, 'Kaffee': 0, 'Kakao': 0, 'Gemüsebrühe': 0}, 'Sar ah': {'Tee': 0, 'Kaffee': 0, 'Kakao': 0, 'Gemüsebrühe': 0}, 'Eddi e': {'Tee': 0, 'Kaffee': 0, 'Kakao': 0, 'Gemüsebrühe': 0}, 'Swe n': {}}

supermarket = {"milk": {"quantity": 20, "price": 1.19}, "biscuits": {"quantity": 32, "price": 1.45}, "butter": {"quantity": 20, "price": 2.29}, "cheese": {"quantity": 15, "price": 1.90}, "bread": {"quantity": 15, "price": 2.59}, "cookies": {"quantity": 20, "price": 4.99}, "yogurt": {"quantity": 18, "price": 3.65}, "apples": {"quantity": 35, "price": 3.15}, "oranges": {"quantity": 40, "price": 0.99}, "bananas": {"quantity": 23, "price": 1.29}}

total_value = 0 for article, numbers in supermarket.items(): quantity = numbers["quantity"] price = numbers["price"] product_price = quantity * price article = article + ':' print(f"{article:15s} {product_price:08.2f}") total_value += product_price print("="*24) print(f"Gesamtsumme: {total_value:08.2f}")

COFFEE, DICTIONARY AND A LOOP 173 milk: 00023.80 biscuits: 00046.40 butter: 00045.80 cheese: 00028.50 bread: 00038.85 cookies: 00099.80 yogurt: 00065.70 apples: 00110.25 oranges: 00039.60 bananas: 00029.67 ======Gesamtsumme: 00528.37



The concept of a function is one of the most important in mathematics. A common usage of functions in computer languages is to implement mathematical functions. Such a function is computing one or more results, which are entirely determined by the parameters passed to it.

This is mathematics, but we are talking about programming and Python. So what is a function in programming? In the most general sense, a function is a structuring element in programming languages to group a bunch of statements so they can be utilized in a program more than once. The only way to accomplish this without functions would be to reuse code by copying it and adapting it to different contexts, which would be a bad idea. Redundant code - repeating code in this case - should be avoided! Using functions usually enhances the comprehensibility and quality of a program. It also lowers the cost for development and maintenance of the software.

Functions are known under various names in programming languages, e.g. as , routines, procedures, methods, or subprograms.


Let us look at the following code:

print("Program starts")

print("Hi Peter") print("Nice to see you again!") print("Enjoy our video!")

# some lines of codes the_answer = 42

print("Hi Sarah") print("Nice to see you again!") print("Enjoy our video!")

width, length = 3, 4 area = width * length

print("Hi Dominque") print("Nice to see you again!")

FUNCTIONS 175 print("Enjoy our video!") Program starts Hi Peter Nice to see you again! Enjoy our video! Hi Sarah Nice to see you again! Enjoy our video! Hi Dominque Nice to see you again! Enjoy our video!

Let us have a closer look at the code above:

You can see in the code that we are greeting three persons. Every time we use three print calls which are nearly the same. Just the name is different. This is what we call redundant code. We are repeating the code the times. This shouldn't be the case. This is the point where functions can and should be used in Python.

We could use wildcards in the code instead of names. In the following diagram we use a piece of the puzzle. We only write the code once and replace the puzzle piece with the corresponding name:

FUNCTIONS 176 Of course, this was no correct Python code. We show how to do this in Python in the following section.


The following code uses a function with the name greet . The previous puzzle piece is now a parameter with the name "name":

def greet(name): print("Hi " + name) print("Nice to see you again!") print("Enjoy our video!")

print("Program starts")


# some lines of codes the_answer = 42


width, length = 3, 4 area = width * length


FUNCTIONS 177 Program starts Hi Peter Nice to see you again! Enjoy our video! Hi Sarah Nice to see you again! Enjoy our video! Hi Dominque Nice to see you again! Enjoy our video!

We used a function in the previous code. We saw that a function definition starts with the def keyword. The general syntax looks like this:

def function-name(Parameter list): statements, i.e. the function body

The parameter list consists of none or more parameters. Parameters are called arguments, if the function is called. The function body consists of indented statements. The function body gets executed every time the function is called. We demonstrate this in the following picture:

FUNCTIONS 178 The code from the picture can be seen in the following:

def f(x, y): z = 2 * (x + y) return z

print("Program starts!") a = 3 res1 = f(a, 2+a) print("Result of function call:", res1) a = 4 b = 7 res2 = f(a, b) print("Result of function call:", res2) Program starts! Result of function call: 16 Result of function call: 22

We call the function twice in the program. The function has two parameters, which are called x and y . This means that the function f is expecting two values, or I should say "two objects". Firstly, we call this function with f(a, 2+a) . This means that a goes to x and the result of 2+a (5) 'goes to' the variable y . The mechanism for assigning arguments to parameters is called argument passing. When we reach the return statement, the object referenced by z will be return, which means that it will be assigned to the variable res1 . After leaving the function f , the variable z and the parameters x and y will be deleted automatically.

FUNCTIONS 179 The references to the objects can be seen in the next diagram:

The next Python code block contains an example of a function without a return statement. We use the pass statement inside of this function. pass is a null operation. This means that when it is executed, nothing happens. It is useful as a placeholder in situations when a statement is required syntactically, but no code needs to be executed:

def doNothing(): pass

A more useful function:

def fahrenheit(T_in_celsius): """ returns the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit """ return (T_in_celsius * 9 / 5) + 32

for t in (22.6, 25.8, 27.3, 29.8): print(t, ": ", fahrenheit(t))

FUNCTIONS 180 22.6 : 72.68 25.8 : 78.44 27.3 : 81.14 29.8 : 85.64

""" returns the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit """ is the so-called docstring. It is used by the help function:

help(fahrenheit) Help on function fahrenheit in module __main__:

fahrenheit(T_in_celsius) returns the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit

Our next example could be interesting for the calorie-conscious Python learners. We also had an exercise in the chapter Conditional Statements of our Python tutorial. We will create now a function version of the program.

The body mass index (BMI) is a value derived from the mass (w) and height (l) of a person. The BMI is defined as the body mass divided by the square of the body height, and is universally expressed

w BMI = l2

The weight is given in kg and the length in metres.

def BMI(weight, height): """ calculates the BMI where weight is in kg and height in metres""" return weight / height**2

We like to write a function to evaluate the bmi values according to the following table:

FUNCTIONS 181 The following shows code which is directly calculating the bmi and the evaluation of the bmi, but it is not using functions:

height = float(input("What is your height? ")) weight = float(input("What is your weight? "))

bmi = weight / height ** 2 print(bmi) if bmi < 15: print("Very severely underweight") elif bmi < 16: print("Severely underweight") elif bmi < 18.5: print("Underweight") elif bmi < 25: print("Normal (healthy weight)") elif bmi < 30: print("Overweight") elif bmi < 35: print("Obese Class I (Moderately obese)") elif bmi < 40: print("Obese Class II (Severely obese)") else: print("Obese Class III (Very severely obese)") 23.69576446280992 Normal (healthy weight)

FUNCTIONS 182 Turn the previous code into proper functions and function calls.

def BMI(weight, height): """ calculates the BMI where weight is in kg and height in metres""" return weight / height**2

def bmi_evaluate(bmi_value): if bmi_value < 15: result = "Very severely underweight" elif bmi_value < 16: result = "Severely underweight" elif bmi_value < 18.5: result = "Underweight" elif bmi_value < 25: result = "Normal (healthy weight)" elif bmi_value < 30: result = "Overweight" elif bmi_value < 35: result = "Obese Class I (Moderately obese)" elif bmi_value < 40: result = "Obese Class II (Severely obese)" else: result = "Obese Class III (Very severely obese)" return result

Let us check these functions:

height = float(input("What is your height? ")) weight = float(input("What is your weight? "))

res = BMI(weight, height) print(bmi_evaluate(res)) Normal (healthy weight)


When we define a Python function, we can set a default value to a parameter. If the function is called without the argument, this default value will be assigned to the parameter. This makes a parameter optional. To say it in other words: Default parameters are parameters, which don't have to be given, if the function is called. In this case, the default values are used.

We will demonstrate the operating principle of default parameters with a simple example. The following

FUNCTIONS 183 function hello , - which isn't very useful, - greets a person. If no name is given, it will greet everybody:

def hello(name="everybody"): """ Greets a person """ result = "Hello " + name + "!")

hello("Peter") hello() Hello Peter! Hello everybody!


In the previous section we learned about default parameters. Default parameters are quite simple, but quite often programmers new to Python encounter a horrible and completely unexpected surprise. This surprise arises from the way Python treats the default arguments and the effects steming from mutable objects.

Mutable objects are those which can be changed after creation. In Python, dictionaries are examples of mutable objects. Passing mutable lists or dictionaries as default arguments to a function can have unforeseen effects. Programmer who use lists or dictionaries as default arguments to a function, expect the program to create a new list or dictionary every time that the function is called. However, this is not what actually happens. Default values will not be created when a function is called. Default values are created exactly once, when the function is defined, i.e. at compile-time.

Let us look at the following Python function "spammer" which is capable of creating a "bag" full of spam:

def spammer(bag=[]): bag.append("spam") return bag

Calling this function once without an argument, returns the expected result:

spammer() Output: ['spam']

The surprise shows when we call the function again without an argument:

spammer() Output: ['spam', 'spam']

Most programmers will have expected the same result as in the first call, i.e. ['spam']

FUNCTIONS 184 To understand what is going on, you have to know what happens when the function is defined. The compiler creates an attribute __defaults__ :

def spammer(bag=[]): bag.append("spam") return bag

spammer.__defaults__ Output: ([],)

Whenever we will call the function, the parameter bag will be assigned to the list object referenced by spammer.__defaults__[0] :

for i in range(5): print(spammer())

print("spammer.__defaults__", spammer.__defaults__) ['spam'] ['spam', 'spam'] ['spam', 'spam', 'spam'] ['spam', 'spam', 'spam', 'spam'] ['spam', 'spam', 'spam', 'spam', 'spam'] spammer.__defaults__ (['spam', 'spam', 'spam', 'spam', 'spam'],)

Now, you know and understand what is going on, but you may ask yourself how to overcome this problem. The solution consists in using the immutable value None as the default. This way, the function can set bag dynamically (at run-time) to an empty list:

def spammer(bag=None): if bag is None: bag = [] bag.append("spam") return bag

for i in range(5): print(spammer())

print("spammer.__defaults__", spammer.__defaults__)

FUNCTIONS 185 ['spam'] ['spam'] ['spam'] ['spam'] ['spam'] spammer.__defaults__ (None,)


The first statement in the body of a function is usually a string statement called a Docstring, which can be accessed with the function_name.__doc__ . For example:

def hello(name="everybody"): """ Greets a person """ print("Hello " + name + "!")

print("The docstring of the function hello: " + hello.__doc__) The docstring of the function hello: Greets a person


Using keyword parameters is an alternative way to make function calls. The definition of the function doesn't change. An example:

def sumsub(a, b, c=0, d=0): return a - b + c - d

print(sumsub(12, 4)) print(sumsub(42, 15, d=10)) 8 17

Keyword parameters can only be those, which are not used as positional arguments. We can see the benefit in the example. If we hadn't had keyword parameters, the second call to function would have needed all four arguments, even though the c argument needs just the default value:

print(sumsub(42,15,0,10)) 17


In our previous examples, we used a return statement in the function sumsub but not in Hello. So, we can see

FUNCTIONS 186 that it is not mandatory to have a return statement. But what will be returned, if we don't explicitly give a return statement. Let's see:

def no_return(x, y): c = x + y

res = no_return(4, 5) print(res) None

If we start this little script, None will be printed, i.e. the special value None will be returned by a return-less function. None will also be returned, if we have just a return in a function without an expression:

def empty_return(x, y): c = x + y return

res = empty_return(4, 5) print(res) None

Otherwise the value of the expression following return will be returned. In the next example 9 will be printed:

def return_sum(x, y): c = x + y return c

res = return_sum(4, 5) print(res) 9

Let's summarize this behavior: Function bodies can contain one or more return statements. They can be situated anywhere in the function body. A return statement ends the execution of the function call and "returns" the result, i.e. the value of the expression following the return keyword, to the caller. If the return statement is without an expression, the special value None is returned. If there is no return statement in the function code, the function ends, when the control flow reaches the end of the function body and the value None will be returned.


A function can return exactly one value, or we should better say one object. An object can be a numerical value, like an integer or a float. But it can also be e.g. a list or a dictionary. So, if we have to return, for example, 3 integer values, we can return a list or a tuple with these three integer values. That is, we can indirectly return multiple values. The following example, which is calculating the Fibonacci boundary for a positive number, returns a 2-tuple. The first element is the Largest Fibonacci Number smaller than x and the second component is the Smallest Fibonacci Number larger than x. The return value is immediately stored via unpacking into the variables lub and sup:

def fib_interval(x): """ returns the largest fibonacci number smaller than x and the lowest fibonacci number higher than x""" if x < 0: return -1 old, new = 0, 1 while True: if new < x: old, new = new, old+new else: if new == x: new = old + new return (old, new)

while True: x = int(input("Your number: ")) if x <= 0: break lub, sup = fib_interval(x) print("Largest Fibonacci Number smaller than x: " + str(lub)) print("Smallest Fibonacci Number larger than x: " + str(sup)) Largest Fibonacci Number smaller than x: 5 Smallest Fibonacci Number larger than x: 8


Variable names are by default local to the function, in which they get defined.

def f(): print(s) # free occurrence of s in f

s = "Python" f()

FUNCTIONS 188 Python

def f(): s = "Perl" # now s is local in f print(s)

s = "Python" f() print(s) Perl Python

def f(): print(s) # This means a free occurrence, contradiction to bein local s = "Perl" # This makes s local in f print(s)

s = "Python" f() print(s) ------UnboundLocalError Traceback (most recent call last) in 6 7 s = "Python" ----> 8 f() 9 print(s)

in f() 1 def f(): ----> 2 print(s) 3 s = "Perl" 4 print(s) 5

UnboundLocalError: local variable 's' referenced before assignment

If we execute the previous script, we get the error message: UnboundLocalError: local variable 's' referenced before assignment.

The variable s is ambigious in f(), i.e. in the first print in f() the global s could be used with the value "Python". After this we define a local variable s with the assignment s = "Perl".

FUNCTIONS 189 def f(): global s print(s) s = "dog" print(s) s = "cat" f() print(s) cat dog dog

We made the variable s global inside of the script. Therefore anything we do to s inside of the function body of f is done to the s outside of f.

def f(): global s print(s) s = "dog" # globally changed print(s)

def g(): s = "snake" # local s print(s)

s = "cat" f() print(s) g() print(s) cat dog dog snake dog


There are many situations in programming, in which the exact number of necessary parameters cannot be determined a-priori. An arbitrary parameter number can be accomplished in Python with so-called tuple references. An asterisk "*" is used in front of the last parameter name to denote it as a tuple reference. This asterisk shouldn't be mistaken for the , where this notation is connected with pointers. Example:

FUNCTIONS 190 def arithmetic_mean(first, *values): """ This function calculates the arithmetic mean of a non-empt y arbitrary number of numerical values """

return (first + sum(values)) / (1 + len(values))

print(arithmetic_mean(45,32,89,78)) print(arithmetic_mean(8989.8,78787.78,3453,78778.73)) print(arithmetic_mean(45,32)) print(arithmetic_mean(45)) 61.0 42502.3275 38.5 45.0

This is great, but we have still have one problem. You may have a list of numerical values. Like, for example,

x = [3, 5, 9]

You cannot call it with

arithmetic_mean(x) because "arithmetic_mean" can't cope with a list. Calling it with

arithmetic_mean(x[0], x[1], x[2]) Output: 5.666666666666667 is cumbersome and above all impossible inside of a program, because list can be of arbitrary length.

The solution is easy: The star operator. We add a star in front of the x, when we call the function.

arithmetic_mean(*x) Output: 5.666666666666667

This will "unpack" or singularize the list.

A practical example for zip and the star or asterisk operator: We have a list of 4, 2-tuple elements:

FUNCTIONS 191 my_list = [('a', 232), ('b', 343), ('c', 543), ('d', 23)]

We want to turn this list into the following 2 element, 4-tuple list:

[('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'), (232, 343, 543, 23)]

This can be done by using the *-operator and the zip function in the following way:

list(zip(*my_list)) Output: [('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'), (232, 343, 543, 23)]


In the previous chapter we demonstrated how to pass an arbitrary number of positional parameters to a function. It is also possible to pass an arbitrary number of keyword parameters to a function as a dictionary. To this purpose, we have to use the double asterisk "**"

def f(**kwargs): print(kwargs)

f() {}

f(de="German",en="English",fr="French") {'de': 'German', 'en': 'English', 'fr': 'French'}

One use case is the following:

def f(a, b, x, y): print(a, b, x, y) d = {'a':'append', 'b':'block','x':'extract','y':'yes'} f(**d) append block extract yes



Rewrite the "dog age" exercise from chapter Conditional Statements as a function.

The rules are:

• A one-year-old dog is roughly equivalent to a 14-year-old human being • A dog that is two years old corresponds in development to a 22 year old person. • Each additional dog year is equivalent to five human years.


Write a function which takes a text and encrypts it with a Caesar cipher. This is one of the simplest and most commonly known encryption techniques. Each letter in the text is replaced by a letter some fixed number of positions further in the alphabet.

What about decrypting the coded text?

The Caesar cipher is a substitution cipher.


We can create another substitution cipher by permutating the alphet and map the letters to the corresponding permutated alphabet.

Write a function which takes a text and a dictionary to decrypt or encrypt the given text with a permutated alphabet.


Write a function txt2morse, which translates a text to morse code, i.e. the function returns a string with the morse code.

Write another function morse2txt which translates a string in Morse code into a „normal“ string.

FUNCTIONS 193 The Morse character are separated by spaces. Words by three spaces.


Perhaps the first algorithm used for approximating √S is known as the "Babylonian method", named after the Babylonians, or "Hero's method", named after the first-century Greek mathematician Hero of Alexandria who gave the first explicit description of the method.

If a number xn is close to the square root of a then

1 a xn + 1 = (xn + ) 2 xn will be a better approximation.

Write a program to calculate the square root of a number by using the Babylonian method.


Write a function which calculates the position of the n-th occurence of a string sub in another string s. If sub doesn't occur in s, -1 shall be returned.


Write a function fuzzy_time which expects a time string in the form hh: mm (e.g. "12:25", "04:56"). The function rounds up or down to a quarter of an hour. Examples: fuzzy_time("12:58") ---> "13


SOLUTION TO EXERCISE 1 def dog_age2human_age(dog_age): """dog_age2human_age(dog_age)""" if dog_age == 1: human_age = 14 elif dog_age == 2: human_age = 22 else: human_age = 22 + (dog_age-2)*5 return human_age

age = int(input("How old is your dog? ")) print(f"This corresponds to {dog_age2human_age(age)} human year s!") This corresponds to 37 human years!

SOLUTION TO EXERCISE 2 import string abc = string.ascii_uppercase def caesar(txt, n, coded=False): """ returns the coded or decoded text """ result = "" for char in txt.upper(): if char not in abc: result += char

FUNCTIONS 195 elif coded: result += abc[(abc.find(char) + n) % len(abc)] else: result += abc[(abc.find(char) - n) % len(abc)] return result

n = 3 x = caesar("Hello, here I am!", n) print(x) print(caesar(x, n, True)) EBIIL, EBOB F XJ! HELLO, HERE I AM!

In the previous solution we only replace the letters. Every special character is left untouched. The following solution adds some special characters which will be also permutated. Special charcters not in abc will be lost in this solution!

import string abc = string.ascii_uppercase + " .,-?!" def caesar(txt, n, coded=False): """ returns the coded or decoded text """ result = "" for char in txt.upper(): if coded: result += abc[(abc.find(char) + n) % len(abc)] else: result += abc[(abc.find(char) - n) % len(abc)] return result

n = 3 x = caesar("Hello, here I am!", n) print(x) print(caesar(x, n, True))

x = caesar("abcdefghijkl", n) print(x) EBIILZXEBOBXFX-J, HELLO, HERE I AM! -?!ABCDEFGHI

We will present another way to do it in the following implementation. The advantage is that there will be no calculations like in the previous versions. We do only lookups in the decrypted list 'abc_cipher':

FUNCTIONS 196 import string

shift = 3 abc = string.ascii_uppercase + " .,-?!" abc_cipher = abc[-shift:] + abc[:-shift] print(abc_cipher)

def caesar (txt, shift): """Encodes the text "txt" to caesar by shifting it 'shift' pos itions """ new_txt="" for char in txt.upper(): position = abc.find(char) new_txt +=abc_cipher[position] return new_txt

n = 3 x = caesar("Hello, here I am!", n) print(x)

x = caesar("abcdefghijk", n) print(x) -?!ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ., EBIILZXEBOBXFX-J, -?!ABCDEFGH

SOLUTION TO EXERCISE 3 import string from random import sample

alphabet = string.ascii_letters permutated_alphabet = sample(alphabet, len(alphabet))

encrypt_dict = dict(zip(alphabet, permutated_alphabet)) decrypt_dict = dict(zip(permutated_alphabet, alphabet))

def encrypt(text, edict): """ Every character of the text 'text' is mapped to the value of edict. Characters which are not keys of edict will not change""" res = "" for char in text: res = res + edict.get(char, char)

FUNCTIONS 197 return res

# Donald Trump: 5:19 PM, September 9 2014 txt = """Windmills are the greatest threat in the US to both bald and golden eagles. Media claims fictional ‘global warming’ is worse."""

ctext = encrypt(txt, encrypt_dict) print(ctext + "\n") print(encrypt(ctext, decrypt_dict)) OQlerQGGk yDd xVd nDdyxdkx xVDdyx Ql xVd Fz xo hoxV hyGe yle noGedl dynGdk. gdeQy HGyQrk EQHxQolyG ‘nGohyG MyDrQln’ Qk MoDkd.

Windmills are the greatest threat in the US to both bald and golden eagles. Media claims fictional ‘global warming’ is worse.

Alternative solution:

import string alphabet = string.ascii_lowercase + "äöüß .?!\n"

def caesar_code(alphabet, c, text, mode="encoding"): text = text.lower() coded_alphabet = alphabet[-c:] + alphabet[0:-c] if mode == "encoding": encoding_dict = dict(zip(alphabet, coded_alphabet)) elif mode == "decoding": encoding_dict = dict(zip(coded_alphabet, alphabet)) print(encoding_dict) result = "" for char in text: result += encoding_dict.get(char, "") return result

txt2 = caesar_code(alphabet, 5, txt) caesar_code(alphabet, 5, txt2, mode="decoding")

FUNCTIONS 198 {'a': ' ', 'b': '.', 'c': '?', 'd': '!', 'e': '\n', 'f': 'a', 'g': 'b', 'h': 'c', 'i': 'd', 'j': 'e', 'k': 'f', 'l': 'g', 'm': 'h', 'n': 'i', 'o': 'j', 'p': 'k', 'q': 'l', 'r': 'm', 's': 'n', 't': 'o', 'u': 'p', 'v': 'q', 'w': 'r', 'x': 's', 'y': 't', 'z': 'u', 'ä': 'v', 'ö': 'w', 'ü': 'x', 'ß': 'y', ' ': 'z', '.': 'ä', '?': 'ö', '!': 'ü', '\n': 'ß'} {' ': 'a', '.': 'b', '?': 'c', '!': 'd', '\n': 'e', 'a': 'f', 'b': 'g', 'c': 'h', 'd': 'i', 'e': 'j', 'f': 'k', 'g': 'l', 'h': 'm', 'i': 'n', 'j': 'o', 'k': 'p', 'l': 'q', 'm': 'r', 'n': 's', 'o': 't', 'p': 'u', 'q': 'v', 'r': 'w', 's': 'x', 't': 'y', 'u': 'z', 'v': 'ä', 'w': 'ö', 'x': 'ü', 'y': 'ß', 'z': ' ', 'ä': '.', 'ö': '?', 'ü': '!', 'ß': '\n'} Output: 'windmills are the greatest \nthreat in the us to both bald \nand golden eagles. media claims \nfictional global warming is worse.'

SOLUTION TO EXERCISE 4 latin2morse_dict = {'A':'.-', 'B':'-...', 'C':'-.-.', 'D':'-..', 'E':'.', 'F':'..-.', 'G':'--.','H':'....', 'I':'..', 'J':'.---', 'K':'-.-', 'L':'.-..', 'M':'--', 'N':'-.', 'O':'---', 'P':'.--.', 'Q':'--.-', 'R':'.-.', 'S':'...', 'T':'-', 'U':'..-', 'V':'...-', 'W':'.--', 'X':'-..-', 'Y':'-.--', 'Z':'--..', '1':'.----', '2':'...--', '3':'...--', '4':'....-', '5':'.....', '6':'- ....', '7':'--...', '8':'---..', '9':'----.', '0':'-----', ',':'--..--', '.':'.-.-.-', '?':'..--..', ';':'-.-.-', ':':'---...', '/':'-..-.', '-':'-....-', '\'':'.----.', '(':'-.--.-', ')':'-.--.-', '[':'-.--.-', ']':'-.--.-', '{':'-.--.-', '}':'-.--.-', '_':'..--.-'}

# reversing the dictionary: morse2latin_dict = dict(zip(latin2morse_dict.values(), latin2morse_dict.keys()))


FUNCTIONS 199 {'.-': 'A', '-...': 'B', '-.-.': 'C', '-..': 'D', '.': 'E', '..- .': 'F', '--.': 'G', '....': 'H', '..': 'I', '.---': 'J', '-.-': 'K', '.-..': 'L', '--': 'M', '-.': 'N', '---': 'O', '.--.': 'P', '--.-': 'Q', '.-.': 'R', '...': 'S', '-': 'T', '..-': 'U', '...- ': 'V', '.--': 'W', '-..-': 'X', '-.--': 'Y', '--..': 'Z', '.---- ': '1', '...--': '3', '....-': '4', '.....': '5', '-....': '6', '--...': '7', '---..': '8', '----.': '9', '-----': '0', '--..--': ',', '.-.-.-': '.', '..--..': '?', '-.-.-': ';', '---...': ':', '- ..-.': '/', '-....-': '-', '.----.': "'", '-.--.-': '}', '..--.- ': '_'}

def txt2morse(txt, alphabet): morse_code = "" for char in txt.upper(): if char == " ": morse_code += " " else: morse_code += alphabet[char] + " " return morse_code

def morse2txt(txt, alphabet): res = "" mwords = txt.split(" ") for mword in mwords: for mchar in mword.split(): res += alphabet[mchar] res += " " return res

mstring = txt2morse("So what?", latin2morse_dict) print(mstring) print(morse2txt(mstring, morse2latin_dict)) ... --- .-- .... .- - ..--.. SO WHAT?

SOLUTION TO EXERCISE 5 def heron(a, eps=0.000000001): """ Approximate the square root of a""" previous = 0 new = 1 while abs(new - previous) > eps: previous = new new = (previous + a/previous) / 2

FUNCTIONS 200 return new

print(heron(2)) print(heron(2, 0.001)) 1.414213562373095 1.4142135623746899

SOLUTION TO EXERCISE 6 def findnth(s, sub, n): num = 0 start = -1 while num < n: start = s.find(sub, start+1) if start == -1: break num += 1

return start

s = "abc xyz abc jkjkjk abc lkjkjlkj abc jlj" print(findnth(s,"abc", 3)) 19

def vage_uhrzeit(zeit): stunden, minuten = zeit.split(":") minuten = int(minuten) stunden = int(stunden) minuten = minuten / 60 # Wandlung in Dezimalminuten # Werte in 0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75: minuten = round(minuten * 4, 0) / 4 if minuten == 0: print("Ungefähr " + str(stunden) + " Uhr!") elif minuten == 0.25: print("Ungefähr viertel nach " + str(stunden) + "!") else: if stunden == 12: stunden = 1 else: stunden += 1 if minuten == 0.50: print("Es ist ungefähr halb " + str(stunden) + "!") elif minuten == 0.75:

FUNCTIONS 201 print("Ungefähr eine viertel vor " + str(stunden) + "!") elif minuten == 1.00: print("Ungefähr " + str(stunden) + " Uhr!")

stunde = "12" for x in range(0, 60, 3): vage_uhrzeit(stunde +":" + f"{x:02d}") Ungefähr 12 Uhr! Ungefähr 12 Uhr! Ungefähr 12 Uhr! Ungefähr viertel nach 12! Ungefähr viertel nach 12! Ungefähr viertel nach 12! Ungefähr viertel nach 12! Ungefähr viertel nach 12! Es ist ungefähr halb 1! Es ist ungefähr halb 1! Es ist ungefähr halb 1! Es ist ungefähr halb 1! Es ist ungefähr halb 1! Ungefähr eine viertel vor 1! Ungefähr eine viertel vor 1! Ungefähr eine viertel vor 1! Ungefähr eine viertel vor 1! Ungefähr eine viertel vor 1! Ungefähr 1 Uhr! Ungefähr 1 Uhr!



Recursion has something to do with infinity. I know recursion has something to do with infinity. I think I know recursion has something to do with infinity. He is sure I think I know recursion has something to do with infinity. We doubt he is sure I think I know ... We think that, you think , we convinced you now that, we can go on forever with this example of a recursion from natural language. Recursion is not only a fundamental feature of natural language, but of the human cognitive capacity. Our way of thinking is based on a recursive thinking processes. Even with a very simple grammar rule, like "An English sentence contains a subject and a predicate, and a predicate contains a verb, an object and a complement", we can demonstrate the infinite possibilities of the natural language. The cognitive scientist and linguist Stephen Pinker phrases it like this: "With a few thousand nouns that can fill the subject slot and a few thousand verbs that can fill the predicate slot, one already has several million ways to open a sentence. The possible combinations quickly multiply out to unimaginably large numbers. Indeed, the repertoire of sentences is theoretically infinite, because the rules of language use a trick called recursion. A recursive rule allows a phrase to contain an example of itself, as in She thinks that he thinks that they think that he knows and so on, ad infinitum. And if the number of sentences is infinite, the number of possible thoughts and intentions is infinite too, because virtually every sentence expresses a different thought or intention."1

We have to stop our short excursion to the use of recursion in natural language to come back to recursion in computer science and programs and finally to recursion in the programming language Python.

The adjective "recursive" originates from the Latin verb "recurrere", which means "to run back". And this is what a recursive definition or a recursive function does: It is "running back" or returning to itself. Most people who have done some mathematics, computer science or read a book about programming will have encountered the , which is defined in mathematical terms as

n! = n * (n-1)!, if n > 1 and 0! = 1

It's used so often as an example for recursion because of its simplicity and clarity.


Recursion is a method of programming or coding a problem, in which a function calls itself one or more times in its body. Usually, it is returning the return value of this function call. If a function definition satisfies the condition of recursion, we call this function a recursive function.

Termination condition: A recursive function has to fulfil an important condition to be used in a program: it has

RECURSIVE FUNCTIONS 203 to terminate. A recursive function terminates, if with every recursive call the solution of the problem is downsized and moves towards a base case. A base case is a case, where the problem can be solved without further recursion. A recursion can end up in an , if the base case is not met in the calls.


4! = 4 * 3! 3! = 3 * 2! 2! = 2 * 1

Replacing the calculated values gives us the following expression

4! = 4 * 3 * 2 * 1

In other words, recursion in computer science is a method where the solution to a problem is based on solving smaller instances of the same problem.


Now we come to implement the factorial in Python. It's as easy and elegant as the mathematical definition.

def factorial(n): if n == 0: return 1 else: return n * factorial(n-1)

We can track how the function works by adding two print() functions to the previous function definition:

def factorial(n): print("factorial has been called with n = " + str(n)) if n == 1: return 1 else: res = n * factorial(n-1) print("intermediate result for ", n, " * factorial(" ,n-1, "): ",res) return res


RECURSIVE FUNCTIONS 204 factorial has been called with n = 5 factorial has been called with n = 4 factorial has been called with n = 3 factorial has been called with n = 2 factorial has been called with n = 1 intermediate result for 2 * factorial( 1 ): 2 intermediate result for 3 * factorial( 2 ): 6 intermediate result for 4 * factorial( 3 ): 24 intermediate result for 5 * factorial( 4 ): 120 120

Let's have a look at an iterative version of the factorial function.

def iterative_factorial(n): result = 1 for i in range(2,n+1): result *= i return result

for i in range(5): print(i, iterative_factorial(i)) 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 6 4 24

It is common practice to extend the factorial function for 0 as an argument. It makes sense to define 0! to be 1 , because there is exactly one permutation of zero objects, i.e. if nothing is to permute, "everything" is left in place. Another reason is that the number of ways to choose n elements among a set of n is calculated as n! divided by the product of n! and 0!.

All we have to do to implement this is to change the condition of the if statement:

def factorial(n): if n == 0: return 1 else: return n * factorial(n-1)


Our treatise of recursion leads us now to another interesting case of recursion.

What do have sunflowers, the Golden ratio, fir tree cones, The Da Vinci Code, the song "Lateralus" by Tool, and the graphic on the right side in common? Right, the Fibonacci numbers. We are not introducing the Fibonacci numbers, because they are another useful example for recusive function. Trying to write a recursive function for this sequence of numbers, might lead to an inefficient program. In fact, so inefficient that it will not be useful. We introduce the Fibonacci numbers to show you the pitfalls of recursion.

The Fibonacci numbers are the numbers of the following sequence of integer values:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ...

The Fibonacci numbers are defined by:

Fn = Fn − + Fn − 2 with F0 = 0 and F1 = 1

The Fibonacci sequence is named after the mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, who is better known as Fibonacci. In his book "Liber Abaci" (published in 1202) he introduced the sequence as an exercise dealing with bunnies. His sequence of the Fibonacci numbers begins with F1 = 1, while in modern mathematics the sequence starts with F0 = 0. But this has no effect on the other members of the sequence.

The Fibonacci numbers are the result of an artificial rabbit population, satisfying the following conditions:

• a newly born pair of rabbits, one male, one female, build the initial population • these rabbits are able to mate at the age of one month so that at the end of its second month a female can bring forth another pair of rabbits • these rabbits are immortal • a mating pair always produces one new pair (one male, one female) every month from the second month onwards

The Fibonacci numbers are the numbers of rabbit pairs after n months, i.e. after 10 months we will have F10 rabits.

The Fibonacci numbers are easy to write as a Python function. It's more or less a one to one mapping from the mathematical definition:

def fib(n): if n == 0: return 0 elif n == 1: return 1 else: return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

RECURSIVE FUNCTIONS 206 An iterative solution is also easy to write, though the recursive solution looks more like the definition:

def fibi(n): old, new = 0, 1 if n == 0: return 0 for i in range(n-1): old, new = new, old + new return new

We will write a module with the name fibonacci containing both the funciton fib and fibi . To do this you have to copy the following code into a file with the name fibonacci0.py:

""" A module containing both a recursive and an iterative implemen tation of the Fibonacci function. The purpose of this module consists in showing the inefficiency o f a purely recursive implementation of Fibonacci! """

def fib(n): """ recursive version of the Fibonacci function """ if n == 0: return 0 elif n == 1: return 1 else: return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

def fibi(n): """ iterative version of the Fibonacci function """ old, new = 0, 1 if n == 0: return 0 for i in range(n-1): old, new = new, old + new return new Overwriting fibonacci0.py

If you check the functions fib() and fibi(), you will find out that the iterative version fibi() is a lot faster than the recursive version fib(). To get an idea of how much this "a lot faster" can be, we have written a script, which uses the timeit module, to measure the calls. To do this, we save the function definitions for fib and fibi in a file fibonacci.py, which we can import in the program (fibonacci_runit.py) below:

RECURSIVE FUNCTIONS 207 from timeit import Timer

t1 = Timer("fib(10)","from fibonacci import fib")

for i in range(1, 20): cmd = "fib(" + str(i) + ")" t1 = Timer(cmd, "from fibonacci import fib") time1 = t1.timeit(3) cmd = "fibi(" + str(i) + ")" t2 = Timer(cmd, "from fibonacci import fibi") time2 = t2.timeit(3) print(f"n={i:2d}, fib: {time1:8.6f}, fibi: {time2:7.6f}, time 1/time2: {time1/time2:10.2f}") n= 1, fib: 0.000001, fibi: 0.000002, time1/time2: 0.50 n= 2, fib: 0.000002, fibi: 0.000002, time1/time2: 0.85 n= 3, fib: 0.000003, fibi: 0.000002, time1/time2: 1.11 n= 4, fib: 0.000004, fibi: 0.000003, time1/time2: 1.45 n= 5, fib: 0.000011, fibi: 0.000003, time1/time2: 3.35 n= 6, fib: 0.000008, fibi: 0.000003, time1/time2: 2.98 n= 7, fib: 0.000012, fibi: 0.000002, time1/time2: 5.05 n= 8, fib: 0.000018, fibi: 0.000002, time1/time2: 7.98 n= 9, fib: 0.000029, fibi: 0.000002, time1/time2: 12.15 n=10, fib: 0.000046, fibi: 0.000003, time1/time2: 18.18 n=11, fib: 0.000075, fibi: 0.000003, time1/time2: 28.42 n=12, fib: 0.000153, fibi: 0.000003, time1/time2: 51.99 n=13, fib: 0.000194, fibi: 0.000003, time1/time2: 72.11 n=14, fib: 0.000323, fibi: 0.000003, time1/time2: 109.50 n=15, fib: 0.001015, fibi: 0.000008, time1/time2: 134.65 n=16, fib: 0.002165, fibi: 0.000008, time1/time2: 261.11 n=17, fib: 0.003795, fibi: 0.000019, time1/time2: 198.87 n=18, fib: 0.006021, fibi: 0.000010, time1/time2: 574.59 n=19, fib: 0.008807, fibi: 0.000011, time1/time2: 785.54

time1 is the time in seconds it takes for 3 calls to fib(n) and time2 respectively the time for fibi(n) .

What's wrong with our recursive implementation?

Let's have a look at the calculation tree, i.e. the order in which the functions are called. fib() is substituted by f().

RECURSIVE FUNCTIONS 208 We can see that the subtree f(2) appears 3 times and the subtree for the calculation of f(3) two times. If you imagine extending this tree for f(6), you will understand that f(4) will be called two times, f(3) three times and so on. This means, our recursion doesn't remember previously calculated values.

We can implement a "memory" for our recursive version by using a dictionary to save the previously calculated values. We call this version fibm :

memo = {0:0, 1:1} def fibm(n): if not n in memo: memo[n] = fibm(n-1) + fibm(n-2) return memo[n]

Before we can do some timing on the new version, we add it to our fibonacci module:

""" A module containing both a recursive and an iterative implemen tation of the Fibonacci function. The purpose of this module consists in showing the inefficiency o f a purely recursive implementation of Fibonacci! """

def fib(n): """ recursive version of the Fibonacci function """ if n == 0: return 0 elif n == 1: return 1 else: return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

def fibi(n): """ iterative version of the Fibonacci function """ old, new = 0, 1 if n == 0: return 0 for i in range(n-1): old, new = new, old + new


memo = {0:0, 1:1} def fibm(n): """ recursive Fibonacci function which memoizes previously calculated values with the help of a dictionary memo""" if not n in memo: memo[n] = fibm(n-1) + fibm(n-2) return memo[n] Overwriting fibonacci.py

We time it again to compare it with fibi():

from timeit import Timer from fibonacci import fib

t1 = Timer("fib(10)","from fibonacci import fib")

for i in range(1, 20): s = "fibm(" + str(i) + ")" t1 = Timer(s,"from fibonacci import fibm") time1 = t1.timeit(3) s = "fibi(" + str(i) + ")" t2 = Timer(s,"from fibonacci import fibi") time2 = t2.timeit(3) print(f"n={i:2d}, fibm: {time1:8.6f}, fibi: {time2:7.6f}, tim e1/time2: {time1/time2:10.2f}")

RECURSIVE FUNCTIONS 210 n= 1, fibm: 0.000002, fibi: 0.000002, time1/time2: 0.68 n= 2, fibm: 0.000001, fibi: 0.000002, time1/time2: 0.63 n= 3, fibm: 0.000001, fibi: 0.000002, time1/time2: 0.51 n= 4, fibm: 0.000001, fibi: 0.000002, time1/time2: 0.46 n= 5, fibm: 0.000001, fibi: 0.000002, time1/time2: 0.48 n= 6, fibm: 0.000001, fibi: 0.000002, time1/time2: 0.41 n= 7, fibm: 0.000001, fibi: 0.000002, time1/time2: 0.41 n= 8, fibm: 0.000001, fibi: 0.000011, time1/time2: 0.10 n= 9, fibm: 0.000001, fibi: 0.000002, time1/time2: 0.40 n=10, fibm: 0.000001, fibi: 0.000002, time1/time2: 0.36 n=11, fibm: 0.000001, fibi: 0.000003, time1/time2: 0.38 n=12, fibm: 0.000001, fibi: 0.000003, time1/time2: 0.35 n=13, fibm: 0.000001, fibi: 0.000003, time1/time2: 0.44 n=14, fibm: 0.000001, fibi: 0.000003, time1/time2: 0.36 n=15, fibm: 0.000001, fibi: 0.000003, time1/time2: 0.35 n=16, fibm: 0.000001, fibi: 0.000004, time1/time2: 0.34 n=17, fibm: 0.000001, fibi: 0.000003, time1/time2: 0.33 n=18, fibm: 0.000001, fibi: 0.000004, time1/time2: 0.29 n=19, fibm: 0.000001, fibi: 0.000004, time1/time2: 0.27

We can see that it is even faster than the iterative version. Of course, the larger the arguments, the greater the benefit of our memorization:

We can also define a recursive algorithm for our Fibonacci function by using a class with callabe instances, i.e. by using the special method call. This way, we will be able to hide the dictionary in an elegant way. We used a general approach which allows as to define also functions similar to Fibonacci, like the Lucas function. This means that we can create Fibonacci-like number sequences by instantiating instances of this class. Basically, the building principle, i.e. the sum of the previous two numbers, will be the same. They will differ by the two initial values:

class FibonacciLike:

def __init__(self, i1=0, i2=1): self.memo = {0:i1, 1:i2}

def __call__(self, n): if n not in self.memo: self.memo[n] = self.__call__(n-1) + self.__cal l__(n-2) return self.memo[n]

# We create a callable to create the Fibonacci numbers: fib = FibonacciLike()

RECURSIVE FUNCTIONS 211 # This will create a callable to create the Lucas number series: lucas = FibonacciLike(2, 1)

for i in range(1, 16): print(i, fib(i), lucas(i)) 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 2 4 4 3 7 5 5 11 6 8 18 7 13 29 8 21 47 9 34 76 10 55 123 11 89 199 12 144 322 13 233 521 14 377 843 15 610 1364

The Lucas numbers or Lucas series are an integer sequence named after the mathematician François Édouard Anatole Lucas (1842–91), who studied both that sequence and the closely related Fibonacci numbers. The Lucas numbers have the same creation rule as the Fibonacci number, i.e. the sum of the two previous numbers, but the values for 0 and 1 are different.


We will demonstrate now that our approach is also suitable to calculate arbitrary generalized Fibonacci sequences. The Fibonacci sequence depends on the two preceding values. We generalize this concept now by defining a k-Fib sequence in the following way

Given a fixed k and k >= 2 . Also given k initial values i0, i1, …ik − 1 satisfying Fk(0) = i0, …Fk(k − 1) = ik − 1

The function also needs k cofficients c0, c1, …ck − 1

Fk(n) is defined as

Fk(n) = a0 ⋅ Fk(n − 1) + a1 ⋅ Fk(n − 2)…ak − 1 ⋅ Fk(n − k) with k <= n

RECURSIVE FUNCTIONS 212 class kFibonacci:

def __init__(self, k, initials, coefficients): self.memo = dict(zip(range(k), initials)) self.coeffs = coefficients self.k = k

def __call__(self, n): k = self.k if n not in self.memo: result = 0 for coeff, i in zip(self.coeffs, range(1, k+1)): result += coeff * self.__call__(n-i) self.memo[n] = result return self.memo[n]

fib = kFibonacci(2, (0, 1), (1, 1)) lucas = kFibonacci(2, (2, 1), (1, 1))

for i in range(1, 16): print(i, fib(i), lucas(i)) 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 2 4 4 3 7 5 5 11 6 8 18 7 13 29 8 21 47 9 34 76 10 55 123 11 89 199 12 144 322 13 233 521 14 377 843 15 610 1364

The sequence of Pell numbers start with 1, 2, 5, 12, 29, ...

The function is

P(n) = 2 ⋅ P(n − 1) + P(n − 2) with P(0) = 1 and P(1) = 1

It is easy to formulate this sequence with our kFibonacci class:

RECURSIVE FUNCTIONS 213 P = kFibonacci(2, (1, 2), (2, 1)) for i in range(10): print(i, P(i)) 0 1 1 2 2 5 3 12 4 29 5 70 6 169 7 408 8 985 9 2378

We can create another interesting series by adding the sum of previous two Pell numbers between two Pell numbers P(i) and P(i+1). We get:

P(0), P(1), P(0) + P(1), P(2), P(1) + P(2), P(3), P(2) + P(3), … corresponding to: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 12, 17, 29, …

def nP(n): if n < 2: return P(n) else: i = n // 2 + 1 if n % 2: # n is odd return P(i) else: return P(i-1) + P(i-2)

for i in range(20): print(nP(i), end=", ") 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 12, 17, 29, 41, 70, 99, 169, 239, 408, 577, 985, 13 93, 2378, 3363, 5741,

If you have a close look at the numbers, you can see that there is another rule in this sequence. We can define nP as nP(n) = 2 ⋅ nP(n − 2) + nP(n − 4) with n > 3 and the start values 1, 2, 3, 5

This is another easy application for our kFibonacci class:

nP = kFibonacci(4, (1, 2, 3, 5), (0, 2, 0, 1))

RECURSIVE FUNCTIONS 214 for i in range(20): print(nP(i), end=", ") 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 12, 17, 29, 41, 70, 99, 169, 239, 408, 577, 985, 13 93, 2378, 3363, 5741,

An interesting mathematical fact: For every odd n the quotient of P(n) by P(n − 1) is an approximation of √2. 1 If n is even, the quotient is an approximation of 1 + √2

sqrt2 = 2 ** 0.5 print("Square root of 2: ", sqrt2) print("Square root of 3: ", 1 + 1 / sqrt2) for i in range(1, 20): print(nP(i) / nP(i-1), end=", ") Square root of 2: 1.4142135623730951 Square root of 3: 1.7071067811865475 2.0, 1.5, 1.6666666666666667, 1.4, 1.7142857142857142, 1.416666666 6666667, 1.7058823529411764, 1.4137931034482758, 1.707317073170731 7, 1.4142857142857144, 1.707070707070707, 1.4142011834319526, 1.70 7112970711297, 1.4142156862745099, 1.707105719237435, 1.4142131979 695431, 1.7071069633883704, 1.4142136248948696, 1.707106749925661 6,


If you want to learn more on recursion, we suggest that you try to solve the following exercises. Please do not peer at the solutions, before you have given your best. If you have thought about a task for a while and you are still not capable of solving the exercise, you may consult our sample solutions.

In our section "Advanced Topics" of our tutorial we have a comprehensive treatment of the game or puzzle "Towers of Hanoi". Of course, we solve it with a function using a recursive function. The "Hanoi problem" is special, because a recursive solution almost forces itself on the programmer, while the iterative solution of the game is hard to find and to grasp.



Think of a recursive version of the function f(n) = 3 * n, i.e. the multiples



Write a recursive Python function that returns the sum of the first n integers. (Hint: The function will be similiar to the factorial function!)


Write a function which implements the Pascal's triangle:


1 1

1 2 1

1 3 3 1

1 4 6 4 1

1 5 10 10 5 1


The Fibonacci numbers are hidden inside of Pascal's triangle. If you sum up the coloured numbers of the following triangle, you will get the 7th Fibonacci number:

1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1 1 5 10 10 5 1 1 6 15 20 15 6 1

Write a recursive program to calculate the Fibonacci numbers, using Pascal's triangle.


Implement a recursive function in Python for the sieve of Eratosthenes.

RECURSIVE FUNCTIONS 216 The sieve of Eratosthenes is a simple algorithm for finding all prime numbers up to a specified integer. It was created by the ancient Greek mathematician Eratosthenes. The algorithm to find all the prime numbers less than or equal to a given integer n:

1. Create a list of integers from two to n: 2, 3, 4, ..., n 2. Start with a counter i set to 2, i.e. the first prime number 3. Starting from i+i, count up by i and remove those numbers from the list, i.e. 2i, 3i, 4*i, etc.. 4. Find the first number of the list following i. This is the next prime number. 5. Set i to the number found in the previous step 6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until i is greater than n. (As an improvement: It's enough to go to the square root of n) 7. All the numbers, which are still in the list, are prime numbers

You can easily see that we would be inefficient, if we strictly used this algorithm, e.g. we will try to remove the multiples of 4, although they have been already removed by the multiples of 2. So it's enough to produce the multiples of all the prime numbers up to the square root of n. We can recursively create these sets.


Write a recursive function fib_indexfib(), which returns the index of a number in the Fibonacci sequence, if the number is an element of this sequence, and returns -1 if the number is not contained in it, i.e. fib(fib_index(n)) == n


The sum of the squares of two consecutive Fibonacci numbers is also a Fibonacci number, e.g. 2 and 3 are elements of the Fibonacci sequence and 22 + 33 = 13 corresponds to Fib(7).Use the previous function to find the position of the sum of the squares of two consecutive numbers in the Fibonacci sequence.

Mathematical explanation: Let a and b be two successive Fibonacci numbers with a prior to b. The Fibonacci sequence starting with the number "a" looks like this:

0 a 1 b 2 a + b 3 a + 2b 4 2a + 3b 5 3a + 5b 6 5a + 8b

We can see that the Fibonacci numbers appear as factors for a and b. The n-th element in this sequence can be calculated with the following formula:

F(n) = Fib(n − 1) ⋅ a + Fib(n) ⋅ b

RECURSIVE FUNCTIONS 217 From this we can conclude that for a natural number n, n>1, the following holds true:

Fib(2 ⋅ n + 1) = Fib(n)2 + Fib(n + 1)2


The tribonacci numbers are like the Fibonacci numbers, but instead of starting with two predetermined terms, the sequence starts with three predetermined terms and each term afterwards is the sum of the preceding three terms. The first few tribonacci numbers are:

0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 7, 13, 24, 44, 81, 149, 274, 504, 927, 1705, 3136, 5768, 10609, 19513, 35890, 66012, …

The tetranacci numbers start with four predetermined terms, each term afterwards being the sum of the preceding four terms. The first few tetranacci numbers are:

0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 8, 15, 29, 56, 108, 208, 401, 773, 1490, 2872, 5536, 10671, 20569, 39648, …

This continues in the same way for pentanacci, hexanacci, heptanacci, octanacci, and so on.

Write a function for the tribonacci and tetranacci numbers.


What if somebody wants to check the parameters in a recursive function? For example the factorial function. Okay, please write a recursive version of factorial, which checks the parameters. Maybe you did it in a perfect way, but maybe not. Can you improve your version? Get rid of unnecessary tests?



Mathematically, we can write it like this: f(1) = 3, f(n + 1) = f(n) + 3

A Python function can be written like this:

def mult3(n): if n == 1: return 3 else:

RECURSIVE FUNCTIONS 218 return mult3(n-1) + 3

for i in range(1,10): print(mult3(i)) 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27

SOLUTION TO EXERCISE 2 def sum_n(n): if n== 0: return 0 else: return n + sum_n(n-1)

SOLUTION TO EXERCISE 3: GENERATING THE PASCAL TRIANGLE: def pascal(n): if n == 1: return [1] else: line = [1] previous_line = pascal(n-1) for i in range(len(previous_line)-1): line.append(previous_line[i] + previous_line[i+1]) line += [1] return line

print(pascal(6)) [1, 5, 10, 10, 5, 1]

Alternatively, we can write a function using list comprehension:

def pascal(n): if n == 1: return [1]

RECURSIVE FUNCTIONS 219 else: p_line = pascal(n-1) line = [ p_line[i]+p_line[i+1] for i in range(len(p_lin e)-1)] line.insert(0,1) line.append(1) return line

print(pascal(6)) [1, 5, 10, 10, 5, 1]


Producing the Fibonacci numbers out of Pascal's triangle:

def fib_pascal(n,fib_pos): if n == 1: line = [1] fib_sum = 1 if fib_pos == 0 else 0 else: line = [1] (previous_line, fib_sum) = fib_pascal(n-1, fib_pos+1) for i in range(len(previous_line)-1): line.append(previous_line[i] + previous_line[i+1]) line += [1] if fib_pos < len(line): fib_sum += line[fib_pos] return (line, fib_sum)

def fib(n): return fib_pascal(n,0)[1]

# and now printing out the first ten Fibonacci numbers: for i in range(1,10): print(fib(i))

RECURSIVE FUNCTIONS 220 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34


The following program implements the sieve of Eratosthenes according to the rules of the task in an iterative way. It will print out the first 100 prime numbers.

from math import sqrt def sieve(n): # returns all primes between 2 and n primes = list(range(2,n+1)) max = sqrt(n) num = 2 while num < max: i = num while i <= n: i += num if i in primes: primes.remove(i) for j in primes: if j > num: num = j break return primes

print(sieve(100)) [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 6 1, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97]

But this chapter of our tutorial is about recursion and recursive functions, and we have demanded a recursive function to calculate the prime numbers. To understand the following solution, you may confer our chapter about List Comprehension:

from math import sqrt

RECURSIVE FUNCTIONS 221 def primes(n): if n == 0: return [] elif n == 1: return [] else: p = primes(int(sqrt(n))) no_p = [j for i in p for j in range(i*2, n + 1, i)] p = [x for x in range(2, n + 1) if x not in no_p] return p

print(primes(100)) [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 6 1, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97]

SOLUTION TO EXERCISE 6 memo = {0:0, 1:1} def fib(n): if not n in memo: memo[n] = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) return memo[n]

def fib_index(*x): """ finds the natural number i with fib(i) == n """ if len(x) == 1: # started by user # find index starting from 0 return fib_index(x[0], 0) else: n = fib(x[1]) m = x[0] if n > m: return -1 elif n == m: return x[1] else: return fib_index(m, x[1]+1)

# code from the previous example with the functions fib() and fin d_index()

RECURSIVE FUNCTIONS 222 print(" index of a | a | b | sum of squares | index ") print("======") for i in range(15): square = fib(i)**2 + fib(i+1)**2 print(f"{i:12d}|{fib(i):6d}|{fib(i+1):9d}|{square:14d}|{fib_in dex(square):5d}") index of a | a | b | sum of squares | index ======0| 0| 1| 1| 1 1| 1| 1| 2| 3 2| 1| 2| 5| 5 3| 2| 3| 13| 7 4| 3| 5| 34| 9 5| 5| 8| 89| 11 6| 8| 13| 233| 13 7| 13| 21| 610| 15 8| 21| 34| 1597| 17 9| 34| 55| 4181| 19 10| 55| 89| 10946| 21 11| 89| 144| 28657| 23 12| 144| 233| 75025| 25 13| 233| 377| 196418| 27 14| 377| 610| 514229| 29


We will use the class kFibonacci which we have defined in this chapter.

tribonacci = kFibonacci(3, (0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1))

for i in range(20): print(tribonacci(i), end=", ") 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 7, 13, 24, 44, 81, 149, 274, 504, 927, 1705, 313 6, 5768, 10609, 19513,

tetranacci = kFibonacci(4, (0, 0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1))

for i in range(20): print(tetranacci(i), end=", ") 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 8, 15, 29, 56, 108, 208, 401, 773, 1490, 287 2, 5536, 10671, 20569,

RECURSIVE FUNCTIONS 223 We can easily create them like this:

prefixes = ['tribo', 'tetra', 'pentra', 'hexa', 'hepta', 'octa'] for k, prefix in zip(range(len(prefixes)), prefixes): cmd = prefix + "nacci = kFibonacci(" cmd += str(k+3) + ", (" + "0, " * (k+2) + "1), " cmd += "(" + "1, " * (k+2) + "1))" print(cmd) (cmd)

print("\nTesting the octanacci function: ") for i in range(20): print(octanacci(i), end=", ") tribonacci = kFibonacci(3, (0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1)) tetranacci = kFibonacci(4, (0, 0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1)) pentranacci = kFibonacci(5, (0, 0, 0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1)) hexanacci = kFibonacci(6, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)) heptanacci = kFibonacci(7, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)) octanacci = kFibonacci(8, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1))

Testing the octanacci function: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 255, 509, 101 6, 2028,

SOLUTION TO EXERCISE 9 def factorial(n): """ calculates the factorial of n, n should be an integer and n <= 0 """ if type(n) == int and n >=0: if n == 0: return 1 else: return n * factorial(n-1)

else: raise TypeError("n has to be a positive integer or zero")

What do you think about this solution? You call factorial(10) for example. The funciton will check, if 10 is a positive integer. The function will recursively call factorial(9) . In this call the function will check again, if 9 is an integer. What else can it be? The first call had already checked 10 and all we did

RECURSIVE FUNCTIONS 224 was subtracting 1 from 10 .

We can overcome this problem by defining an inner function:

def factorial(n): """ calculates the factorial of n, n should be an integer and n <= 0 """ def inner_factorial(n): if n == 0: return 1 else: return n * inner_factorial(n-1) if type(n) == int and n >=0: return inner_factorial(n) else: raise TypeError("n should be a positve int or 0")

print(factorial(10)) 3628800

The test will only be performed on the first call with 10 !

*Stephen Pinker, The Blank Slate, 2002


A function or procedure usually needs some information about the environment, in which it has been called. The interface between the environment, from which the function has been called, and the function, i.e. the function body, consists of special variables, which are called parameters. By using these parameters, it's possible to use all kind of objects from "outside" inside of a function. The syntax for how parameters are declared and the semantics for how the arguments are passed to the parameters of the function or procedure depends on the programming language.

Very often the terms parameter and argument are used synonymously, but there is a clear difference. Parameters are inside functions or procedures, while arguments are used in procedure calls, i.e. the values passed to the function at run-time.


The for arguments, i.e. how the arguments from a function call are passed to the parameters of the function, differs between programming languages. The most common evaluation strategies are "call by value" and "call by reference":

• Call by Value The most common strategy is the call-by-value evaluation, sometimes also called pass-by-value. This strategy is used in C and C++, for example. In call-by-value, the argument expression is evaluated, and the result of this evaluation is bound to the corresponding variable in the function. So, if the expression is a variable, its value will be assigned (copied) to the corresponding parameter. This ensures that the variable in the caller's scope will stay unchanged when the function returns.

• Call by Reference In call-by-reference evaluation, which is also known as pass-by-reference, a function gets an implicit reference to the argument, rather than a copy of its value. As a consequence, the function can modify the argument, i.e. the value of the variable in the caller's scope can be changed. By using Call by Reference we save both computation time and memory space, because arguments do not need to be copied. On the other hand this harbours the disadvantage that variables can be "accidentally" changed in a function call. So, special care has to be taken to "protect" the values, which shouldn't be changed. Many programming languages support call-by-reference, like C or C++, but Perl uses it as default.

In ALGOL 60 and COBOL there has been a different concept called call-by-name, which isn't used anymore in modern languages.


There are some books which call the strategy of Python call-by-value, and some call it call-by-reference. You may ask yourself, what is right.

Humpty Dumpty supplies the explanation:

--- "When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less."

--- "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."

--- "The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master - that's all."

Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass

To come back to our initial question what evaluation strategy is used in Python: the authors who call the mechanism call-by-value and those who call it call-by-reference are stretching the definitions until they fit.

Correctly speaking, Python uses a mechanism, which is known as "Call-by-Object", sometimes also called "Call by Object Reference" or "Call by Sharing".

If you pass immutable arguments like integers, strings or tuples to a function, the passing acts like call-by-value. The object reference is passed to the function parameters. They can't be changed within the function, because they can't be changed at all, i.e. they are immutable. It's different, if we pass mutable arguments. They are also passed by object reference, but they can be changed in place within the function. If we pass a list to a function, we have to consider two cases: Elements of a list can be changed in place, i.e. the list will be changed even in the caller's scope. If a new list is assigned to the name, the old list will not be affected, i.e. the list in the caller's scope will remain untouched.

First, let's have a look at the integer variables below. The parameter inside the function remains a reference to the argument's variable, as long as the parameter is not changed. As soon as a new value is assigned to it, Python creates a separate local variable. The caller's variable will not be changed this way:

def ref_demo(x): print("x=",x," id=",id(x)) x=42 print("x=",x," id=",id(x))

PARAMETERS AND ARGUMENTS 227 In the example above, we used the id() function, which takes an object as a parameter. id(obj) returns the "identity" of the object "obj". This identity, the return value of the function, is an integer which is unique and constant for this object during its lifetime. Two different objects with non- overlapping lifetimes may have the same id() value.

If you call the function ref_demo() of the previous example - like we do in the green block further below - we can check what happens to x with the id() function: We can see that in the main scope, x has the identity 140709692940944. In the first print statement of the ref_demo() function, the x from the main scope is used, because we can see that we get the same identity. After we assigned the value 42 to x, x gets a new identity 140709692942000, i.e. a separate memory location from the global x. So, when we are back in the main scope x has still the original value 9 and the id 140709692940944.

In other words, Python initially behaves like call-by-reference, but as soon as we change the value of such a variable, i.e. as soon as we assign a new object to it, Python "switches" to call-by-value. That is, a local variable x will be created and the value of the global variable x will be copied into it.

x = 9 id(x) Output: 140709692940944

ref_demo(x) x= 9 id= 140709692940944 x= 42 id= 140709692942000

id(x) Output: 140709692940944


A function is said to have a side effect, if, in addition to producing a return value, it modifies the caller's environment in other ways. For example, a function might modify a global or static variable, modify one of its arguments, raise an exception, write data to a display or file etc.

There are situations, in which these side effects are intended, i.e. they are part of the function's specification. But in other cases, they are not wanted , they are hidden side effects. In this chapter, we are only interested in the side effects that change one or more global variables, which have been passed as arguments to a function. Let's assume, we are passing a list to a function. We expect the function not to change this list. First, let's have a look at a function which has no side effects. As a new list is assigned to the parameter list in func1(), a new memory location is created for list and list becomes a local variable.

def no_side_effects(cities):

PARAMETERS AND ARGUMENTS 228 print(cities) cities = cities + ["Birmingham", "Bradford"] print(cities) locations = ["London", "Leeds", "Glasgow", "Sheffield"] no_side_effects(locations) ['London', 'Leeds', 'Glasgow', 'Sheffield'] ['London', 'Leeds', 'Glasgow', 'Sheffield', 'Birmingham', 'Bradfor d']

print(locations) ['London', 'Leeds', 'Glasgow', 'Sheffield']

This changes drastically, if we increment the list by using augmented assignment operator +=. To show this, we change the previous function rename it as "side_effects" in the following example:

def side_effects(cities): print(cities) cities += ["Birmingham", "Bradford"] print(cities)

locations = ["London", "Leeds", "Glasgow", "Sheffield"] side_effects(locations) ['London', 'Leeds', 'Glasgow', 'Sheffield'] ['London', 'Leeds', 'Glasgow', 'Sheffield', 'Birmingham', 'Bradfor d']

print(locations) ['London', 'Leeds', 'Glasgow', 'Sheffield', 'Birmingham', 'Bradfor d']

We can see that Birmingham and Bradford are included in the global list locations as well, because += acts as an in-place operation.

The user of this function can prevent this side effect by passing a copy to the function. A shallow copy is sufficient, because there are no nested structures in the list. To satisfy our French customers as well, we change the city names in the next example to demonstrate the effect of the slice operator in the function call:

def side_effects(cities): print(cities) cities += ["Paris", "Marseille"] print(cities)

PARAMETERS AND ARGUMENTS 229 locations = ["Lyon", "Toulouse", "Nice", "Nantes", "Strasbourg"] side_effects(locations[:]) print(locations) ['Lyon', 'Toulouse', 'Nice', 'Nantes', 'Strasbourg'] ['Lyon', 'Toulouse', 'Nice', 'Nantes', 'Strasbourg', 'Paris', 'Mar seille'] ['Lyon', 'Toulouse', 'Nice', 'Nantes', 'Strasbourg']

print(locations) ['Lyon', 'Toulouse', 'Nice', 'Nantes', 'Strasbourg']

We can see that the global list locations has not been effected by the execution of the function.


If you use a command line interface, i.e. a text user interface (TUI) , and not a graphical user interface (GUI), command line arguments are very useful. They are arguments which are added after the function call in the same line.

It's easy to write Python scripts using command line arguments. If you call a Python script from a shell, the arguments are placed after the script name. The arguments are separated by spaces. Inside the script these arguments are accessible through the list variable sys.argv. The name of the script is included in this list sys.argv[0]. sys.argv[1] contains the first parameter, sys.argv[2] the second and so on. The following script (arguments.py) prints all arguments:

# Module sys has to be imported: import sys


for eachArg in sys.argv: print(eachArg)

Example call to this script:

python argumente.py python course for beginners

This call creates the following output:

argumente.py python course for



We will introduce now functions, which can take an arbitrary number of arguments. Those who have some programming background in C or C++ know this from the varargs feature of these languages.

Some definitions, which are not really necessary for the following: A function with an arbitrary number of arguments is usually called a in computer science. To use another special term: A variadic function is a function of indefinite . The arity of a function or an operation is the number of arguments or operands that the function or operation takes. The term was derived from words like "unary", "binary", "ternary", all ending in "ary".

The asterisk "*" is used in Python to define a variable number of arguments. The asterisk character has to precede a variable identifier in the parameter list.

def varpafu(*x): print(x) varpafu() ()

varpafu(34,"Do you like Python?", "Of course") (34, 'Do you like Python?', 'Of course')

We learn from the previous example that the arguments passed to the function call of varpafu() are collected in a tuple, which can be accessed as a "normal" variable x within the body of the function. If the function is called without any arguments, the value of x is an empty tuple.

Sometimes, it's necessary to use positional parameters followed by an arbitrary number of parameters in a function definition. This is possible, but the positional parameters always have to precede the arbitrary parameters. In the following example, we have a positional parameter "city", - the main location, - which always have to be given, followed by an arbitrary number of other locations:

def locations(city, *other_cities): print(city, other_cities) locations("Paris") locations("Paris", "Strasbourg", "Lyon", "Dijon", "Bordeaux", "Mar seille") Paris () Paris ('Strasbourg', 'Lyon', 'Dijon', 'Bordeaux', 'Marseille')


A * can appear in function calls as well, as we have just seen in the previous exercise: The semantics is in this case "inverse" to a star in a function definition. An argument will be unpacked and not packed. In other words, the elements of the list or tuple are singularized:

def f(x,y,z): print(x,y,z)

p = (47,11,12) f(*p) 47 11 12

There is hardly any need to mention that this way of calling our function is more comfortable than the following one:

f(p[0],p[1],p[2]) 47 11 12

Additionally, the previous call (f(p[0],p[1],p[2])) doesn't work in the general case, i.e. lists of unknown lengths. "Unknown" means that the length is only known at runtime and not when we are writing the script.


There is also a mechanism for an arbitrary number of keyword parameters. To do this, we use the double asterisk "**" notation:

>>> def f(**args): print(args)

f() {}

f(de="German",en="English",fr="French") {'de': 'German', 'en': 'English', 'fr': 'French'}


The following example demonstrates the usage of ** in a function call:

def f(a,b,x,y):


d = {'a':'append', 'b':'block','x':'extract','y':'yes'} f(**d) append block extract yes and now in combination with *:

t = (47,11) d = {'x':'extract','y':'yes'} f(*t, **d) 47 11 extract yes


Write a function which calculates the arithmetic mean of a variable number of values.

SOLUTION def arithmetic_mean(x, *l): """ The function calculates the arithmetic mean of a non-empty arbitrary number of numbers """ sum = x for i in l: sum += i

return sum / (1.0 + len(l))

You might ask yourself, why we used both a positional parameter "x" and the variable parameter "l" in our function definition. We could have only used l to contain all our numbers. We wanted to enforce that we always have a non-empty list of numbers. This is necessary to prevent a division by zero error, because the average of an empty list of numbers is not defined.

In the following interactive Python session, we can learn how to use this function. We assume that the function arithmetic_mean is saved in a file called statistics.py.

from statistics import arithmetic_mean arithmetic_mean(4,7,9) 6.666666666666667 arithmetic_mean(4,7,9,45,-3.7,99) 26.71666666666667

PARAMETERS AND ARGUMENTS 233 This works fine, but there is a catch. What if somebody wants to call the function with a list, instead of a variable number of numbers, as we have shown above? We can see in the following that we raise an error, as most hopefully, you might expect:

l = [4,7,9,45,-3.7,99] arithmetic_mean(l) ------NameError Traceback (most recent call last) in 1 l = [4,7,9,45,-3.7,99] ----> 2 arithmetic_mean(l)

NameError: name 'arithmetic_mean' is not defined

The rescue is using another asterisk:

arithmetic_mean(*l) 26.71666666666667



Generally speaking, a namespace (sometimes also called a context) is a naming system for making names unique to avoid ambiguity. Everybody knows a namespacing system from daily life, i.e. the naming of people by the first name and family name (surname). Another example is a network: each network device (workstation, server, printer, ...) needs a unique name and address. Yet a further example is the directory structure of filesystems. The same can be used in different directories, the files can be uniquely accessed via the pathnames. Many programming languages use namespaces or contexts for identifiers. An identifier defined in a namespace is associated with that namespace. This way, the same identifier can be independently defined in multiple namespaces (Like the same filename in different directories). Programming languages, which support namespaces, may have different rules that determine to which namespace an identifier belongs to. Namespaces in Python are implemented as Python dictionaries, that is, they are defined by a mapping of names, i.e. the keys of the dictionary, to objects, i.e. the values. The user doesn't have to know this to write a Python program and when using namespaces. Some namespaces in Python:

• global names of a module • local names in a function or method invocation • built-in names: this namespace contains built-in fuctions (e.g. abs(), cmp(), ...) and built-in exception names


Not every namespace, which may be used in a script or program is accessible (or alive) at any moment during the execution of the script. Namespaces have different lifetimes, because they are often created at different points in time. There is one namespace which is present from beginning to end: The namespace containing the built-in names is created when the Python interpreter starts up, and is never deleted. The global namespace of a module is generated when the module is read in. Module namespaces normally last until the script ends, i.e. the interpreter quits. When a function is called, a local namespace is created for this function. This namespace is deleted either if the function ends, i.e. returns, or if the function raises an exception, which is not dealt with within the function.


A scope refers to a region of a program where a namespace can be directly accessed, i.e. without using a

NAMESPACES AND SCOPES 235 namespace prefix. In other words, the scope of a name is the area of a program where this name can be unambiguously used, for example, inside of a function. A name's namespace is identical to it's scope. Scopes are defined statically, but they are used dynamically. During program execution there are the following nested scopes available:

• the innermost scope is searched first and it contains the local names • the scopes of any enclosing functions, which are searched starting with the nearest enclosing scope • the next-to-last scope contains the current module's global names • the outermost scope, which is searched last, is the namespace containing the built-in names


The way Python uses global and local variables is maverick. While in many or most other programming languages variables are treated as global if not declared otherwise, Python deals with variables the other way around. They are local, if not otherwise declared. The driving reason behind this approach is that global variables are generally bad practice and should be avoided. In most cases where you are tempted to use a global variable, it is better to utilize a parameter for getting a value into a function or return a value to get it out. Like in many other program structures, Python also imposes good programming habit by design.

So when you define variables inside a function definition, they are local to this function by default. That is, anything you will do to such a variable in the body of the function will have no effect on other variables outside of the function, even if they have the same name. In other words, the function body is the scope of such a variable, i.e. the enclosing context where this name is associated with its values.

All variables have the scope of the block, where they are declared and defined. They can only be used after the point of their declaration.

Just to make things clear: Variables don't have to be and can't be declared in the way they are declared in programming languages like Java or C. Variables in Python are implicitly declared by defining them, i.e. the first time you assign a value to a variable, this variable is declared and has automatically the data type of the object which has to be assigned to it. If you have problems understanding this, please consult our chapter about data types and variables, see links on the left side.


In the following example, we want to demonstrate, how global values can be used inside the body of a function:

def f(): print(s) s = "I love Paris in the summer!" f() I love Paris in the summer!

GLOBAL, LOCAL AND NONLOCAL VARIABLES 237 The variable s is defined as the string "I love Paris in the summer!", before calling the function f(). The body of f() consists solely of the "print(s)" statement. As there is no local variable s, i.e. no assignment to s, the value from the global variable s will be used. So the output will be the string "I love Paris in the summer!". The question is, what will happen, if we change the value of s inside of the function f()? Will it affect the global variable as well? We test this in the following piece of code:

def f(): s = "I love London!" print(s)

s = "I love Paris!" f() print(s) I love London! I love Paris!

What if we combine the first example with the second one, i.e. we first access s with a print() function, hoping to get the global value, and then assigning a new value to it? Assigning a value to it, means - as we have previously stated - creating a local variable s. So, we would have s both as a global and a local variable in the same scope, i.e. the body of the function. Python fortunately doesn't allow this ambiguity. So, it will raise an error, as we can see in the following example:

def f(): print(s) s = "I love London!" print(s)

s = "I love Paris!" f()

GLOBAL, LOCAL AND NONLOCAL VARIABLES 238 ------UnboundLocalError Traceback (most recent call last) in 5 6 s = "I love Paris!" ----> 7 f()

in f() 1 def f(): ----> 2 print(s) 3 s = "I love London!" 4 print(s) 5

UnboundLocalError: local variable 's' referenced before assignment

A variable can't be both local and global inside a function. So Python decides that we want a local variable due to the assignment to s inside f(), so the first print statement before the definition of s throws the error message above. Any variable which is changed or created inside a function is local, if it hasn't been declared as a global variable. To tell Python, that we want to use the global variable, we have to explicitly state this by using the keyword "global", as can be seen in the following example:

def f(): global s print(s) s = "Only in spring, but London is great as well!" print(s)

s = "I am looking for a course in Paris!" f() print(s) I am looking for a course in Paris! Only in spring, but London is great as well! Only in spring, but London is great as well!

Local variables of functions can't be accessed from outside, when the function call has finished. Here is the continuation of the previous example:

def f(): s = "I am globally not known" print(s)


GLOBAL, LOCAL AND NONLOCAL VARIABLES 239 print(s) I am globally not known Only in spring, but London is great as well!

The following example shows a wild combination of local and global variables and function parameters:

def foo(x, y): global a a = 42 x,y = y,x b = 33 b = 17 c = 100 print(a,b,x,y)

a, b, x, y = 1, 15, 3,4 foo(17, 4) print(a, b, x, y) 42 17 4 17 42 15 3 4


We will examine now what will happen, if we use the global keyword inside nested functions. The following example shows a situation where a variable 'city' is used in various scopes:

def f(): city = "Hamburg" def g(): global city city = "Geneva" print("Before calling g: " + city) print("Calling g now:") g() print("After calling g: " + city)

f() print("Value of city in main: " + city) Before calling g: Hamburg Calling g now: After calling g: Hamburg Value of city in main: Geneva

GLOBAL, LOCAL AND NONLOCAL VARIABLES 240 We can see that the global statement inside the nested function g does not affect the variable 'city' of the function f, i.e. it keeps its value 'Hamburg'. We can also deduce from this example that after calling f() a variable 'city' exists in the module namespace and has the value 'Geneva'. This means that the global keyword in nested functions does not affect the namespace of their enclosing namespace! This is consistent to what we have found out in the previous subchapter: A variable defined inside of a function is local unless it is explicitly marked as global. In other words, we can refer to a variable name in any enclosing scope, but we can only rebind variable names in the local scope by assigning to it or in the module-global scope by using a global declaration. We need a way to access variables of other scopes as well. The way to do this are nonlocal definitions, which we will explain in the next chapter.


Python3 introduced nonlocal variables as a new kind of variables. nonlocal variables have a lot in common with global variables. One difference to global variables lies in the fact that it is not possible to change variables from the module scope, i.e. variables which are not defined inside of a function, by using the nonlocal statement. We show this in the two following examples:

def f(): global city print(city)

city = "Frankfurt" f() Frankfurt

This program is correct and returns 'Frankfurt' as the output. We will change "global" to "nonlocal" in the following program:

def f(): nonlocal city print(city)

city = "Frankfurt" f() File "", line 2 nonlocal city ^ SyntaxError: no binding for nonlocal 'city' found

This shows that nonlocal bindings can only be used inside of nested functions. A nonlocal variable has to be defined in the enclosing function scope. If the variable is not defined in the enclosing function scope, the variable cannot be defined in the nested scope. This is another difference to the "global" semantics.

GLOBAL, LOCAL AND NONLOCAL VARIABLES 241 def f(): city = "Munich" def g(): nonlocal city city = "Zurich" print("Before calling g: " + city) print("Calling g now:") g() print("After calling g: " + city)

city = "Stuttgart" f() print("'city' in main: " + city) Before calling g: Munich Calling g now: After calling g: Zurich 'city' in main: Stuttgart

In the previous example the variable 'city' was defined prior to the call of g. We get an error if it isn't defined:

def f(): #city = "Munich" def g(): nonlocal city city = "Zurich" print("Before calling g: " + city) print("Calling g now:") g() print("After calling g: " + city)

city = "Stuttgart" f() print("'city' in main: " + city) File "", line 4 nonlocal city ^ SyntaxError: no binding for nonlocal 'city' found

The program works fine - with or without the line 'city = "Munich"' inside of f - , if we change "nonlocal" to "global":

def f():

GLOBAL, LOCAL AND NONLOCAL VARIABLES 242 #city = "Munich" def g(): global city city = "Zurich" print("Before calling g: " + city) print("Calling g now:") g() print("After calling g: " + city)

city = "Stuttgart" f() print("'city' in main: " + city) Before calling g: Stuttgart Calling g now: After calling g: Zurich 'city' in main: Zurich

Yet there is a huge difference: The value of the global x is changed now!



Decorators belong most probably to the most beautiful and most powerful design possibilities in Python, but at the same time the concept is considered by many as complicated to get into. To be precise, the usage of decorators is very easy, but writing decorators can be complicated, especially if you are not experienced with decorators and some functional programming concepts.

Even though it is the same underlying concept, we have two different kinds of decorators in Python:

• Function decorators • Class decorators

A decorator in Python is any callable Python object that is used to modify a function or a class. A reference to a function "func" or a class "C" is passed to a decorator and the decorator returns a modified function or class. The modified functions or classes usually contain calls to the original function "func" or class "C".

You may also consult our chapter on memoization with decorators.

If you like the image on the right side of this page and if you are also interested in image processing with Python, Numpy, Scipy and Matplotlib, you will definitely like our chapter on Image Processing Techniques, it explains the whole process of the making-of of our decorator and at sign picture!


We know from our various Python training classes that there are some points in the definitions of decorators, where many beginners get stuck.

Therefore, we will introduce decorators by repeating some important aspects of functions. First you have to know or remember that function names are references to functions and that we can assign multiple names to the same function:

def succ(x): return x + 1 successor = succ successor(10) Output: 11


DECORATORS 244 Output: 11

This means that we have two names, i.e. "succ" and "successor" for the same function. The next important fact is that we can delete either "succ" or "successor" without deleting the function itself.

del succ successor(10) Output: 11


The concept of having or defining functions inside of a function is completely new to C or C++ programmers:

def f():

def g(): print("Hi, it's me 'g'") print("Thanks for calling me")

print("This is the function 'f'") print("I am calling 'g' now:") g()

f() This is the function 'f' I am calling 'g' now: Hi, it's me 'g' Thanks for calling me

Another example using "proper" return statements in the functions:

def temperature(t): def celsius2fahrenheit(x): return 9 * x / 5 + 32

result = "It's " + str(celsius2fahrenheit(t)) + " degrees!" return result

print(temperature(20)) It's 68.0 degrees!

DECORATORS 245 The following example is about the factorial function, which we previously defined as follows:

def factorial(n): """ calculates the factorial of n, n should be an integer and n <= 0 """ if n == 0: return 1 else: return n * factorial(n-1)

What happens if someone passes a negative value or a float number to this function? It will never end. You might get the idea to check that as follows:

def factorial(n): """ calculates the factorial of n, n should be an integer and n <= 0 """ if type(n) == int and n >=0: if n == 0: return 1 else: return n * factorial(n-1)

else: raise TypeError("n has to be a positive integer or zero")

If you call this function with 4 '' for example, i.e. factorial (4) '', the first thing that is checked is whether it is my positive integer. In principle, this makes sense. The "problem" now appears in the recursion step. Now factorial (3) '' is called. This call and all others also check whether it is a positive whole number. But this is unnecessary: If you subtract the value 1 '' from a positive whole number, you get a positive whole number or `` 0 '' again. So both well-defined argument values for our function.

With a nested function (local function) one can solve this problem elegantly:

def factorial(n): """ calculates the factorial of n, n should be an integer and n <= 0 """ def inner_factorial(n): if n == 0: return 1 else: return n * inner_factorial(n-1) if type(n) == int and n >=0: return inner_factorial(n)

DECORATORS 246 else: raise TypeError("n should be a positve int or 0") In [ ]:


If you solely look at the previous examples, this doesn't seem to be very useful. It gets useful in combination with two further powerful possibilities of Python functions. Due to the fact that every parameter of a function is a reference to an object and functions are objects as well, we can pass functions - or better "references to functions" - as parameters to a function. We will demonstrate this in the next simple example:

def g(): print("Hi, it's me 'g'") print("Thanks for calling me")

def f(func): print("Hi, it's me 'f'") print("I will call 'func' now") func()

f(g) Hi, it's me 'f' I will call 'func' now Hi, it's me 'g' Thanks for calling me

You may not be satisfied with the output. 'f' should write that it calls 'g' and not 'func'. Of course, we need to know what the 'real' name of func is. For this purpose, we can use the attribute __name__ , as it contains this name:

def g(): print("Hi, it's me 'g'") print("Thanks for calling me")

def f(func): print("Hi, it's me 'f'") print("I will call 'func' now") func() print("func's real name is " + func.__name__)


DECORATORS 247 Hi, it's me 'f' I will call 'func' now Hi, it's me 'g' Thanks for calling me func's real name is g

The output explains what's going on once more. Another example:

import math

def foo(func): print("The function " + func.__name__ + " was passed to foo") res = 0 for x in [1, 2, 2.5]: res += func(x) return res

print(foo(math.sin)) print(foo(math.cos)) The function sin was passed to foo 2.3492405557375347 The function cos was passed to foo -0.6769881462259364


The output of a function is also a reference to an object. Therefore functions can return references to function objects.

def f(x): def g(y): return y + x + 3 return g

nf1 = f(1) nf2 = f(3)

print(nf1(1)) print(nf2(1)) 5 7

DECORATORS 248 The previous example looks very artificial and absolutely useless. We will present now another language oriented example, which shows a more practical touch. Okay, still not a function which is useful the way it is. We write a function with the nearly self-explanatory name greeting_func_gen . So this function returns (or generates) functions which can be used to create people in different languages, i.e. German, French, Italian, Turkish, and Greek:

def greeting_func_gen(lang): def customized_greeting(name): if lang == "de": # German phrase = "Guten Morgen " elif lang == "fr": # French phrase = "Bonjour " elif lang == "it": # Italian phrase = "Buongiorno " elif lang == "tr": # Turkish phrase = "Günaydın " elif lang == "gr": # Greek phrase = "Καλημερα " else: phrase = "Hi " return phrase + name + "!" return customized_greeting

say_hi = greeting_func_gen("tr") print(say_hi("Gülay")) # this Turkish name means "rose moon" b y the way Günaydın Gülay!

It is getting more useful and at the same time more mathematically oriented in the following example. We will implement a polynomial "factory" function now. We will start with writing a version which can create polynomials of degree 2.

p(x) = ax2 + bx + c

The Python implementation as a polynomial factory function can be written like this:

def polynomial_creator(a, b, c): def polynomial(x): return a * x**2 + b * x + c return polynomial

p1 = polynomial_creator(2, 3, -1) p2 = polynomial_creator(-1, 2, 1)

DECORATORS 249 for x in range(-2, 2, 1): print(x, p1(x), p2(x)) -2 1 -7 -1 -2 -2 0 -1 1 1 4 2

We can generalize our factory function so that it can work for polynomials of arbitrary degree:

n k n n − 1 2 ∑ ak ⋅ x = an ⋅ x + an − 1 ⋅ x + . . . + a2 ⋅ x + a1 ⋅ x + a0 k = 0

def polynomial_creator(*coefficients): """ coefficients are in the form a_n, ... a_1, a_0 """ def polynomial(x): res = 0 for index, coeff in enumerate(coefficients[::-1]): res += coeff * x** index return res return polynomial

p1 = polynomial_creator(4) p2 = polynomial_creator(2, 4) p3 = polynomial_creator(1, 8, -1, 3, 2) p4 = polynomial_creator(-1, 2, 1)

for x in range(-2, 2, 1): print(x, p1(x), p2(x), p3(x), p4(x)) -2 4 0 -56 -7 -1 4 2 -9 -2 0 4 4 2 1 1 4 6 13 2

The function p3 implements, for example, the following polynomial:

4 3 2 p3(x) = x + 8 ⋅ x − x + 3 ⋅ x + 2

The polynomial function inside of our decorator polynomial_creator can be implemented more efficiently. We

DECORATORS 250 can factorize it in a way so that it doesn't need any exponentiation.

Factorized version of a general polynomial without exponentiation:

res = (. . . (an ⋅ x + an − 1) ⋅ x + . . . + a1) ⋅ x + a0

Implementation of our polynomial creator decorator avoiding exponentiation:

def polynomial_creator(*coeffs): """ coefficients are in the form a_n, a_n_1, ... a_1, a_0 """ def polynomial(x): res = coeffs[0] for i in range(1, len(coeffs)): res = res * x + coeffs[i] return res

return polynomial

p1 = polynomial_creator(4) p2 = polynomial_creator(2, 4) p3 = polynomial_creator(1, 8, -1, 3, 2) p4 = polynomial_creator(-1, 2, 1)

for x in range(-2, 2, 1): print(x, p1(x), p2(x), p3(x), p4(x)) -2 4 0 -56 -7 -1 4 2 -9 -2 0 4 4 2 1 1 4 6 13 2

If you want to learn more about polynomials and how to create a polynomial class, you can continue with our chapter on Polynomials.


Now we have everything ready to define our first simple decorator:

def our_decorator(func): def function_wrapper(x): print("Before calling " + func.__name__) func(x)

DECORATORS 251 print("After calling " + func.__name__) return function_wrapper

def foo(x): print("Hi, foo has been called with " + str(x))

print("We call foo before decoration:") foo("Hi")

print("We now decorate foo with f:") foo = our_decorator(foo)

print("We call foo after decoration:") foo(42) We call foo before decoration: Hi, foo has been called with Hi We now decorate foo with f: We call foo after decoration: Before calling foo Hi, foo has been called with 42 After calling foo

If you look at the output of the previous program, you can see what's going on. After the decoration "foo = our_decorator(foo)", foo is a reference to the 'function_wrapper'. 'foo' will be called inside of 'function_wrapper', but before and after the call some additional code will be executed, i.e. in our case two print functions.


The decoration in Python is usually not performed in the way we did it in our previous example, even though the notation foo = our_decorator(foo) is catchy and easy to grasp. This is the reason, why we used it! You can also see a design problem in our previous approach. "foo" existed in the same program in two versions, before decoration and after decoration.

We will do a proper decoration now. The decoration occurrs in the line before the function header. The "@" is followed by the decorator function name.

We will rewrite now our initial example. Instead of writing the statement

foo = our_decorator(foo) we can write


But this line has to be directly positioned in front of the decorated function. The complete example looks like

DECORATORS 252 this now:

def our_decorator(func): def function_wrapper(x): print("Before calling " + func.__name__) func(x) print("After calling " + func.__name__) return function_wrapper

@our_decorator def foo(x): print("Hi, foo has been called with " + str(x))

foo("Hi") Before calling foo Hi, foo has been called with Hi After calling foo

We can decorate every other function which takes one parameter with our decorator 'our_decorator'. We demonstrate this in the following. We have slightly changed our function wrapper, so that we can see the result of the function calls:

def our_decorator(func): def function_wrapper(x): print("Before calling " + func.__name__) res = func(x) print(res) print("After calling " + func.__name__) return function_wrapper

@our_decorator def succ(n): return n + 1

succ(10) Before calling succ 11 After calling succ

It is also possible to decorate third party functions, e.g. functions we import from a module. We can't use the Python syntax with the "at" sign in this case:

from math import sin, cos

DECORATORS 253 def our_decorator(func): def function_wrapper(x): print("Before calling " + func.__name__) res = func(x) print(res) print("After calling " + func.__name__) return function_wrapper

sin = our_decorator(sin) cos = our_decorator(cos)

for f in [sin, cos]: f(3.1415) Before calling sin 9.265358966049026e-05 After calling sin Before calling cos -0.9999999957076562 After calling cos

All in all, we can say that a decorator in Python is a callable Python object that is used to modify a function, method or class definition. The original object, the one which is going to be modified, is passed to a decorator as an argument. The decorator returns a modified object, e.g. a modified function, which is bound to the name used in the definition.

The previous function_wrapper works only for functions with exactly one parameter. We provide a generalized version of the function_wrapper, which accepts functions with arbitrary parameters in the following example:

from random import random, randint, choice

def our_decorator(func): def function_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): print("Before calling " + func.__name__) res = func(*args, **kwargs) print(res) print("After calling " + func.__name__) return function_wrapper

random = our_decorator(random) randint = our_decorator(randint) choice = our_decorator(choice)

DECORATORS 254 random() randint(3, 8) choice([4, 5, 6]) Before calling random 0.3206237466802222 After calling random Before calling randint 6 After calling randint Before calling choice 5 After calling choice



In our chapter about recursive functions we introduced the factorial function. We wanted to keep the function as simple as possible and we didn't want to obscure the underlying idea, so we didn't incorporate any argument checks. So, if somebody called our function with a negative argument or with a float argument, our function would get into an endless loop.

The following program uses a decorator function to ensure that the argument passed to the function factorial is a positive integer:

def argument_test_natural_number(f): def helper(x): if type(x) == int and x > 0: return f(x) else: raise Exception("Argument is not an integer") return helper

@argument_test_natural_number def factorial(n): if n == 1: return 1 else: return n * factorial(n-1)

for i in range(1,10): print(i, factorial(i))


DECORATORS 255 1 1 2 2 3 6 4 24 5 120 6 720 7 5040 8 40320 9 362880 ------Exception Traceback (most recent call last) in 17 print(i, factorial(i)) 18 ---> 19 print(factorial(-1))

in helper(x) 4 return f(x) 5 else: ----> 6 raise Exception("Argument is not an integer") 7 return helper 8

Exception: Argument is not an integer


The following example uses a decorator to count the number of times a function has been called. To be precise, we can use this decorator solely for functions with exactly one parameter:

def call_counter(func): def helper(x): helper.calls += 1 return func(x) helper.calls = 0

return helper

@call_counter def succ(x): return x + 1

print(succ.calls) for i in range(10):

DECORATORS 256 succ(i)

print(succ.calls) 0 10

We pointed out that we can use our previous decorator only for functions, which take exactly one parameter. We will use the *args and **kwargs notation to write decorators which can cope with functions with an arbitrary number of positional and keyword parameters.

def call_counter(func): def helper(*args, **kwargs): helper.calls += 1 return func(*args, **kwargs) helper.calls = 0

return helper

@call_counter def succ(x): return x + 1

@call_counter def mul1(x, y=1): return x*y + 1

print(succ.calls) for i in range(10): succ(i) mul1(3, 4) mul1(4) mul1(y=3, x=2)

print(succ.calls) print(mul1.calls) 0 10 3


We define two decorators in the following code:

DECORATORS 257 def evening_greeting(func): def function_wrapper(x): print("Good evening, " + func.__name__ + " returns:") return func(x) return function_wrapper

def morning_greeting(func): def function_wrapper(x): print("Good morning, " + func.__name__ + " returns:") return func(x) return function_wrapper

@evening_greeting def foo(x): print(42)

foo("Hi") Good evening, foo returns: 42

These two decorators are nearly the same, except for the greeting. We want to add a parameter to the decorator to be capable of customizing the greeting, when we do the decoration. We have to wrap another function around our previous decorator function to accomplish this. We can now easily say "Good Morning" in Greek:

def greeting(expr): def greeting_decorator(func): def function_wrapper(x): print(expr + ", " + func.__name__ + " returns:") func(x) return function_wrapper return greeting_decorator

@greeting("καλημερα") def foo(x): print(42)

foo("Hi") καλημερα, foo returns: 42

If we don't want or cannot use the "at" decorator syntax, we can do it with function calls:

DECORATORS 258 def greeting(expr): def greeting_decorator(func): def function_wrapper(x): print(expr + ", " + func.__name__ + " returns:") return func(x) return function_wrapper return greeting_decorator

def foo(x): print(42)

greeting2 = greeting("καλημερα") foo = greeting2(foo) foo("Hi") καλημερα, foo returns: 42

Of course, we don't need the additional definition of "greeting2". We can directly apply the result of the call "greeting("καλημερα")" on "foo":

foo = greeting("καλημερα")(foo)


The way we have defined decorators so far hasn't taken into account that the attributes

• __name__ (name of the function), • __doc__ (the docstring) and • __module__ (The module in which the function is defined) of the original functions will be lost after the decoration.

The following decorator will be saved in a file greeting_decorator.py:

def greeting(func): def function_wrapper(x): """ function_wrapper of greeting """ print("Hi, " + func.__name__ + " returns:") return func(x) return function_wrapper

DECORATORS 259 We call it in the following program:

from greeting_decorator import greeting

@greeting def f(x): """ just some silly function """ return x + 4

f(10) print("function name: " + f.__name__) print("docstring: " + f.__doc__) print("module name: " + f.__module__) Hi, f returns: function name: function_wrapper docstring: function_wrapper of greeting module name: greeting_decorator

We get the "unwanted" results above.

We can save the original attributes of the function f, if we assign them inside of the decorator. We change our previous decorator accordingly and save it as greeting_decorator_manually.py:

def greeting(func): def function_wrapper(x): """ function_wrapper of greeting """ print("Hi, " + func.__name__ + " returns:") return func(x) function_wrapper.__name__ = func.__name__ function_wrapper.__doc__ = func.__doc__ function_wrapper.__module__ = func.__module__ return function_wrapper

In our main program, all we have to do is change the import statement.

from greeting_decorator_manually import greeting

Fortunately, we don't have to add all this code to our decorators to have these results. We can import the decorator "wraps" from functools instead and decorate our function in the decorator with it:

from functools import wraps

DECORATORS 260 def greeting(func): @wraps(func) def function_wrapper(x): """ function_wrapper of greeting """ print("Hi, " + func.__name__ + " returns:") return func(x) return function_wrapper



So far we used functions as decorators. Before we can define a decorator as a class, we have to introduce the __call__ method of classes. We mentioned already that a decorator is simply a callable object that takes a function as an input parameter. A function is a callable object, but lots of Python programmers don't know that there are other callable objects. A callable object is an object which can be used and behaves like a function but might not be a function. It is possible to define classes in a way that the instances will be callable objects. The __call__ method is called, if the instance is called "like a function", i.e. using brackets.

class A: def __init__(self): print("An instance of A was initialized")

def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): print("Arguments are:", args, kwargs)

x = A() print("now calling the instance:") x(3, 4, x=11, y=10) print("Let's call it again:") x(3, 4, x=11, y=10) An instance of A was initialized now calling the instance: Arguments are: (3, 4) {'x': 11, 'y': 10} Let's call it again: Arguments are: (3, 4) {'x': 11, 'y': 10}

We can write a class for the fibonacci function by using the __call__ method:

class Fibonacci:

def __init__(self):

DECORATORS 261 self.cache = {}

def __call__(self, n): if n not in self.cache: if n == 0: self.cache[0] = 0 elif n == 1: self.cache[1] = 1 else: self.cache[n] = self.__call__(n-1) + self.__cal l__(n-2) return self.cache[n]

fib = Fibonacci()

for i in range(15): print(fib(i), end=", ") 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377,

You can find further information on the __call__ method in the chapter Magic Functions of our tutorial.


We will rewrite the following decorator as a class:

def decorator1(f): def helper(): print("Decorating", f.__name__) f() return helper

@decorator1 def foo(): print("inside foo()")

foo() Decorating foo inside foo()

The following decorator implemented as a class does the same "job":

class decorator2:

DECORATORS 262 def __init__(self, f): self.f = f

def __call__(self): print("Decorating", self.f.__name__) self.f()

@decorator2 def foo(): print("inside foo()")

foo() Decorating foo inside foo()

Both versions return the same output.



The term "memoization" was introduced by Donald Michie in the year 1968. It's based on the Latin word memorandum, meaning "to be remembered". It's not a misspelling of the word memorization, though in a way it has something in common. Memoisation is a technique used in computing to speed up programs. This is accomplished by memorizing the calculation results of processed input such as the results of function calls. If the same input or a function call with the same parameters is used, the previously stored results can be used again and unnecessary calculation are avoided. In many cases a simple array is used for storing the results, but lots of other structures can be used as well, such as associative arrays, called hashes in Perl or dictionaries in Python.

Memoization can be explicitly programmed by the programmer, but some programming languages like Python provide mechanisms to automatically memoize functions.


You may consult our chapter on decorators as well. Especially, if you may have problems in understanding our reasoning.

In our previous chapter about recursive functions, we worked out an iterative and a recursive version to calculate the Fibonacci numbers. We have shown that a direct implementation of the mathematical definition into a recursive function like the following has an exponential runtime behaviour:

def fib(n): if n == 0: return 0 elif n == 1: return 1 else: return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

We also presented a way to improve the runtime behaviour of the recursive version by adding a dictionary to memorize previously calculated values of the function. This is an example of explicitly using the technique of memoization, but we didn't call it like this. The disadvantage of this method is that the clarity and the beauty of the original recursive implementation is lost.

MEMOIZATION WITH DECORATORS 264 The "problem" is that we changed the code of the recursive fib function. The following code doesn't change our fib function, so that its clarity and legibility isn't touched. To this purpose, we define and use a function which we call memoize. memoize() takes a function as an argument. The function memoize uses a dictionary "memo" to store the function results. Though the variable "memo" as well as the function "f" are local to memoize, they are captured by a closure through the helper function which is returned as a reference by memoize(). So, the call memoize(fib) returns a reference to the helper() which is doing what fib() would do on its own plus a wrapper which saves the calculated results. For an integer 'n' fib(n) will only be called, if n is not in the memo dictionary. If it is in it, we can output memo[n] as the result of fib(n).

def memoize(f): memo = {} def helper(x): if x not in memo: memo[x] = f(x) return memo[x] return helper

def fib(n): if n == 0: return 0 elif n == 1: return 1 else: return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

fib = memoize(fib)

print(fib(40)) 102334155

Let's look at the line in our code where we call memoize with fib as the argument:

fib = memoize(fib)

Doing this, we turn memoize into a decorator. One says that the fib function is decorated by the memoize() function. We will illustrate with the following diagrams how the decoration is accomplished. The first diagram illustrates the state before the decoration, i.e. before we call fib = memoize(fib). We can see the function names referencing their bodies:

MEMOIZATION WITH DECORATORS 265 After having executed fib = memoize(fib) fib points to the body of the helper function, which had been returned by memoize. We can also perceive that the code of the original fib function can only be reached via the "f" function of the helper function from now on. There is no other way anymore to call the original fib directly, i.e. there is no other reference to it. The decorated Fibonacci function is called in the return statement return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2), this means the code of the helper function which had been returned by memoize:

Another point in the context of decorators deserves special attention: We don't usually write a decorator for just one use case or function. We rather use it multiple times for different functions. So we could imagine having further functions func1, func2, func3 and so on, which consume also a lot of time. Therefore, it makes sense to decorate each one with our decorator function "memoize":

fib = memoize(fib) func1 = memoize(func1) func2 = memoize(func2) func3 = memoize(func3) # and so on

We haven't used the Pythonic way of writing a decorator. Instead of writing the statement

fib = memoize(fib) we should have "decorated" our fib function with:


But this line has to be directly in front of the decorated function, in our example fib(). The complete example in a Pythonic way looks like this now:

def memoize(f): memo = {} def helper(x): if x not in memo: memo[x] = f(x) return memo[x]


@memoize def fib(n): if n == 0: return 0 elif n == 1: return 1 else: return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

print(fib(40)) 102334155


This subchapter can be skipped without problems by those who don't know about object orientation so far.

We can encapsulate the caching of the results in a class as well, as you can see in the following example:

class Memoize:

def __init__(self, fn): self.fn = fn self.memo = {}

def __call__(self, *args): if args not in self.memo: self.memo[args] = self.fn(*args) return self.memo[args]

@Memoize def fib(n): if n == 0: return 0 elif n == 1: return 1 else: return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) print(fib(40)) 102334155

As we are using a dictionary, we can't use mutable arguments, i.e. the arguments have to be immutable.


• Our exercise is an old riddle, going back to 1612. The French Jesuit Claude-Gaspar Bachet phrased it. We have to weigh quantities (e.g. sugar or flour) from 1 to 40 pounds. What is the least number of weights that can be used on a balance scale to way any of these quantities?

The first idea might be to use weights of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 pounds. This is a minimal number, if we restrict ourself to put weights on one side and the stuff, e.g. the sugar, on the other side. But it is possible to put weights on both pans of the scale. Now, we need only four weights, i.e. 1, 3, 9, 27

Write a Python function weigh(), which calculates the weights needed and their distribution on the pans to weigh any amount from 1 to 40.


We need the function linear_combination() from our chapter Linear Combinations.

def factors_set(): for i in [-1, 0, 1]: for j in [-1,0,1]: for k in [-1,0,1]: for l in [-1,0,1]: yield (i, j, k, l)

def memoize(f): results = {} def helper(n): if n not in results: results[n] = f(n) return results[n] return helper

@memoize def linear_combination(n): """ returns the tuple (i,j,k,l) satisfying n = i*1 + j*3 + k*9 + l*27 """ weighs = (1,3,9,27)

for factors in factors_set(): sum = 0 for i in range(len(factors)):

MEMOIZATION WITH DECORATORS 268 sum += factors[i] * weighs[i] if sum == n: return factors

With this, it is easy to write our function weigh().

def weigh(pounds): weights = (1, 3, 9, 27) scalars = linear_combination(pounds) left = "" right = "" for i in range(len(scalars)): if scalars[i] == -1: left += str(weights[i]) + " " elif scalars[i] == 1: right += str(weights[i]) + " " return (left,right)

for i in [2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 20, 40]: pans = weigh(i) print("Left pan: " + str(i) + " plus " + pans[0]) print("Right pan: " + pans[1] + "\n")

MEMOIZATION WITH DECORATORS 269 Left pan: 2 plus 1 Right pan: 3

Left pan: 3 plus Right pan: 3

Left pan: 4 plus Right pan: 1 3

Left pan: 7 plus 3 Right pan: 1 9

Left pan: 8 plus 1 Right pan: 9

Left pan: 9 plus Right pan: 9

Left pan: 20 plus 1 9 Right pan: 3 27

Left pan: 40 plus Right pan: 1 3 9 27



It's hard to find anyone in the 21st century, who doesn't know what a file is. When we say file, we mean of course, a file on a computer. There may be people who don't know anymore the "container", like a cabinet or a folder, for keeping papers archived in a convenient order. A file on a computer is the modern counterpart of this. It is a collection of information, which can be accessed and used by a computer program. Usually, a file resides on a durable storage. Durable means that the data is persistent, i.e. it can be used by other programs after the program which has created or manipulated it, has terminated.

The term file management in the context of computers refers to the manipulation of data in a file or files and documents on a computer. Though everybody has an understanding of the term file, we present a formal definition anyway:

A file or a computer file is a chunk of logically related data or information which can be used by computer programs. Usually a file is kept on a permanent storage media, e.g. a hard drive disk. A unique name and path is used by human users or in programs or scripts to access a file for reading and modification purposes.

The term "file" - as we have described it in the previous paragraph - appeared in the history of computers very early. Usage can be tracked down to the year 1952, when punch cards where used.

A programming language without the capability to store and retrieve previously stored information would be hardly useful.

The most basic tasks involved in file manipulation are reading data from files and writing or appending data to files.


The syntax for reading and writing files in Python is similar to programming languages like C, C++, Java, Perl, and others but a lot easier to handle.

We will start with writing a file. We have a string which contains part of the definition of a general file from Wikipedia:

definition = """ A computer file is a computer resource for recording data discrete ly in a computer storage device. Just as words can be written to paper, so can information be written to a computer

FILE MANAGEMENT 271 file. Files can be edited and transferred through the internet on that particular computer system."""

We will write this into a file with the name file_definition.txt :

open("file_definition.txt", "w").write(definition) Output: 283

If you check in your file browser, you will see a file with this name. The file will look like this: file_definition.txt

We successfully created and have written to a text file. Now, we want to see how to read this file from Python. We can read the whole text file into one string, as you can see in the following code:

text = open("file_definition.txt").read()

If you call print(text) , you will see the text from above again.

Reading in a text file in one string object is okay, as long as the file is not too large. If a file is large, wwe can read in the file line by line. We demonstrate how this can be achieved in the following example with a small file:

with open("ad_lesbiam.txt", "r") as fh: for line in fh: print(line.strip()) V. ad Lesbiam

VIVAMUS mea Lesbia, atque amemus, rumoresque senum severiorum omnes unius aestimemus assis! soles occidere et redire possunt: nobis cum semel occidit breuis lux, nox est perpetua una dormienda. da mi basia mille, deinde centum, dein mille altera, dein secunda centum, deinde usque altera mille, deinde centum. dein, cum milia multa fecerimus, conturbabimus illa, ne sciamus, aut ne quis malus inuidere possit, cum tantum sciat esse basiorum. (GAIUS VALERIUS CATULLUS)

FILE MANAGEMENT 272 Some people don't use the with statement to read or write files. This is not a good idea. The code above without with looks like this:

fh = open("ad_lesbiam.txt") for line in fh: print(line.strip()) fh.close()

A striking difference between both implementation consists in the usage of close . If we use with , we do not have to explicitly close the file. The file will be closed automatically, when the with blocks ends. Without with , we have to explicitly close the file, like in our second example with fh.close() . There is a more important difference between them: If an exception occurs inside of the ẁith block, the file will be closed. If an exception occurs in the variant without with before the close , the file will not be closed. This means, you should alwawys use the with statement.

We saw already how to write into a file with "write". The following code is an example, in which we show how to read in from one file line by line, change the lines and write the changed content into another file. The file can be downloaded: pythonista_and_python.txt:

with open("pythonista_and_python.txt") as infile: with open("python_newbie_and_the_guru.txt", "w") as outfile: for line in infile: line = line.replace("Pythonista", "Python newbie") line = line.replace("Python snake", "Python guru") print(line.rstrip()) # write the line into the file: outfile.write(line) A blue Python newbie, green behind the ears, went to Pythonia. She wanted to visit the famous wise green Python guru. She wanted to ask her about the white way to avoid the black. The bright path to program in a yellow, green, or blue style. The green Python turned red, when she addressed her. The Python newbie turned yellow in turn. After a long but not endless loop the wise Python uttered: "The rainbow!"

As we have already mentioned: If a file is not to large and if we have to do replacements like we did in the previous example, we wouldn't read in and write out the file line by line. It is much better to use the read method, which returns a string containing the complete content of the file, including the carriage returns and line feeds. We can apply the changes to this string and save it into the new file. Working like this, there is no need for a with construct, because there will be no reference to the file, i.e. it will be immediately deleted afeter reading and writing:

txt = open("pythonista_and_python.txt").read()

FILE MANAGEMENT 273 txt = txt.replace("Pythonista", "Python newbie") txt = txt.replace("Python snake", "Python guru") open("python_newbie_and_the_guru.txt", "w").write(txt) ; Output: ''


It's possible to set - or reset - a file's position to a certain position, also called the offset. To do this, we use the method seek . The parameter of seek determines the offset which we want to set the current position to. To work with seek , we will often need the method tell which "tells" us the current position. When we have just opened a file, it will be zero. Before we demonstrate the way of working of both seek and tell , we create a simple file on which we will perform our commands:

open("small_text.txt", "w").write("brown is her favorite colour") ; Output: ''

The method tell returns the current stream position, i.e. the position where we will continue, when we use a "read", "readline" or so on:

fh = open("small_text.txt") fh.tell() Output: 0

Zero tells us that we are positioned at the first character of the file.

We will read now the next five characters of the file:

fh.read(5) Output: 'brown'

Using tell again, shows that we are located at position 5:

fh.tell() Output: 5

Using read without parameters will read the remainder of the file starting from this position:

FILE MANAGEMENT 274 fh.read() Output: ' is her favorite colour'

Using tell again, tells us about the position after the last character of the file. This number corresponds to the number of characters of the file!

fh.tell() Output: 28

With seek we can move the position to an arbitrary place in the file. The method seek takes two parameters:

fh.seek(offset, startpoint_for_offset) where fh is the file pointer, we are working with. The parameter offset specifies how many positions the pointer will be moved. The question is from which position should the pointer be moved. This position is specified by the second parameter startpoint_for_offset . It can have the follwoing values:

0: reference point is the beginning of the file 1: reference point is the current file position 2: reference point is the end of the file if the startpoint_for_offset parameter is not given, it defaults to 0.

WARNING: The values 1 and 2 for the second parameter work only, if the file has been opened for binary reading. We will cover this later!

The following examples, use the default behaviour:

fh.seek(13) print(fh.tell()) # just to show you, what seek did! fh.read() # reading the remainder of the file 13 Output: 'favorite colour'

It is also possible to move the position relative to the current position. If we want to move k characters to the right, we can just set the argument of seek to fh.tell() + k

k = 6 fh.seek(5) # setting the position to 5 fh.seek(fh.tell() + k) # moving k positions to the right

FILE MANAGEMENT 275 print("We are now at position: ", fh.tell()) We are now at position: 11

seek doesn't like negative arguments for the position. On the other hand it doesn't matter, if the value for the position is larger than the length of the file. We define a function in the following, which will set the position to zero, if a negative value is applied. As there is no efficient way to check the length of a file and because it doesn't matter, if the position is greater than the length of the file, we will keep possible values greater than the length of a file.

def relative_seek(fp, k): """ rel_seek moves the position of the file pointer k characte rs to the left (k<0) or right (k>0) """ position = fp.tell() + k if position < 0: position = 0 fh.seek(position)

with open("small_text.txt") as fh: print(fh.tell()) relative_seek(fh, 7) print(fh.tell()) relative_seek(fh, -5) print(fh.tell()) relative_seek(fh, -10) print(fh.tell()) 0 7 2 0

You might have thought, when we wrote the function relative_seek why do we not use the second parameter of seek . After all the help file says "1 -- current stream position;". What the help file doesn't say is the fact that seek needs a file pointer opened with "br" (binary read), if the second parameter is set to 1 or 2. We show this in the next subchapter.


So far we have only used the first parameter of open , i.e. the filename. The second parameter is optional and is set to "r" (read) by default. "r" means that the file is read in text mode. In text mode, if encoding

FILE MANAGEMENT 276 (another parameter of open) is not specified the encoding used is platform dependent: locale.getpreferredencoding(False) is called to get the current locale encoding.

The second parameter specifies the mode of access to the file or in other words the mode in which the file is opened. Files opened in binary mode (appending 'b' to the mode argument) return contents as bytes objects without any decoding.

We will demonstrate this in the following example. To demonstrate the different effects we need a string which uses characters which are not included in standard ASCII. This is why we use a Turkish text, because it uses many special characters and Umlaute. the English translation means "See you, I'll come tomorrow.".

We will write a file with the Turkish text "Görüşürüz, yarın geleceğim.":

txt = "Görüşürüz, yarın geleceğim." number_of_chars_written = open("see_you_tomorrow.txt", "w").writ e(txt)

We will read in this files in text mode and binary mode to demonstrate the differences:

text = open("see_you_tomorrow.txt", "r").read() print("text mode: ", text) text_binary = open("see_you_tomorrow.txt", "rb").read() print("binary mode: ", text_binary) text mode: Görüşürüz, yarın geleceğim. binary mode: b'G\xc3\xb6r\xc3\xbc\xc5\x9f\xc3\xbcr\xc3\xbcz, yar\ xc4\xb1n gelece\xc4\x9fim.'

In binary mode, the characters which are not plain ASCII like "ö", "ü", "ş", "ğ" and "ı" are represented by more than one byte. In our case by two characters. 14 bytes are needed for "görüşürüz":

text_binary[:14] Output: b'G\xc3\xb6r\xc3\xbc\xc5\x9f\xc3\xbcr\xc3\xbcz'

"ö" for example consists of the two bytes "\xc3" and "\xb6".

text[:9] Output: 'Görüşürüz'

There are two ways to turn a byte string into a string again:

t = text_binary.decode("utf-8")

FILE MANAGEMENT 277 print(t) t2 = str(text_binary, "utf-8") print(t2) Görüşürüz, yarın geleceğim. Görüşürüz, yarın geleceğim.

It is possible to use the values "1" and "2" for the second parameter of seek , if we open a file in binary format:

with open("see_you_tomorrow.txt", "rb") as fh: x = fh.read(14) print(x) # move 5 bytes to the right from the current position: fh.seek(5, 1) x = fh.read(3) print(x) print(str(x, "utf-8")) # let's move to the 8th byte from the right side of the byte s tring: fh.seek(-8, 2) x = fh.read(5) print(x) print(str(x, "utf-8")) b'G\xc3\xb6r\xc3\xbc\xc5\x9f\xc3\xbcr\xc3\xbcz' b'\xc4\xb1n' ın b'ece\xc4\x9f' eceğ


In the following example we will open a file for reading and writing at the same time. If the file doesn't exist, it will be created. If you want to open an existing file for read and write, you should better use "r+", because this will not delete the content of the file.

fh = open('colours.txt', 'w+') fh.write('The colour brown')

#Go to the 12th byte in the file, counting starts with 0 fh.seek(11) print(fh.read(5)) print(fh.tell()) fh.seek(11)

FILE MANAGEMENT 278 fh.write('green') fh.seek(0) content = fh.read() print(content) brown 16 The colour green


We don't really mean what the header says. On the contrary, we want to prevent any nasty situation, like losing the data, which your Python program has calculated. So, we will show you, how you can save your data in an easy way that you or better your program can reread them at a later date again. We are "pickling" the data, so that nothing gets lost.

Python offers a module for this purpose, which is called "pickle". With the algorithms of the pickle module we can serialize and de-serialize Python object structures. "Pickling" denotes the process which converts a Python object hierarchy into a byte stream, and "unpickling" on the other hand is the inverse operation, i.e. the byte stream is converted back into an object hierarchy. What we call pickling (and unpickling) is also known as "serialization" or "flattening" a data structure.

An object can be dumped with the dump method of the pickle module:

pickle.dump(obj, file[,protocol, *, fix_imports=True]) dump() writes a pickled representation of obj to the open file object file. The optional protocol argument tells the pickler to use the given protocol:

• Protocol version 0 is the original (before Python3) human-readable () protocol and is backwards compatible with previous versions of Python. • Protocol version 1 is the old binary format which is also compatible with previous versions of Python. • Protocol version 2 was introduced in Python 2.3. It provides much more efficient pickling of new-style classes. • Protocol version 3 was introduced with Python 3.0. It has explicit support for bytes and cannot be unpickled by Python 2.x pickle modules. It's the recommended protocol of Python 3.x.

The default protocol of Python3 is 3.

If fix_imports is True and protocol is less than 3, pickle will try to map the new Python3 names to the old module names used in Python2, so that the pickle data stream is readable with Python 2.

Objects which have been dumped to a file with pickle.dump can be reread into a program by using the method pickle.load(file). pickle.load recognizes automatically, which format had been used for writing the data. A simple example:

FILE MANAGEMENT 279 import pickle

cities = ["Paris", "Dijon", "Lyon", "Strasbourg"] fh = open("data.pkl", "bw") pickle.dump(cities, fh) fh.close()

The file data.pkl can be read in again by Python in the same or another session or by a different program:

import pickle f = open("data.pkl", "rb") villes = pickle.load(f) print(villes) ['Paris', 'Dijon', 'Lyon', 'Strasbourg']

Only the objects and not their names are saved. That's why we use the assignment to villes in the previous example, i.e. data = pickle.load(f).

In our previous example, we had pickled only one object, i.e. a list of French cities. But what about pickling multiple objects? The solution is easy: We pack the objects into another object, so we will only have to pickle one object again. We will pack two lists "programming_languages" and "python_dialects" into a list pickle_objects in the following example:

import pickle fh = open("data.pkl","bw") programming_languages = ["Python", "Perl", "C++", "Java", "Lisp"] python_dialects = ["Jython", "IronPython", "CPython"] pickle_object = (programming_languages, python_dialects) pickle.dump(pickle_object,fh) fh.close()

The pickled data from the previous example, - i.e. the data which we have written to the file data.pkl, - can be separated into two lists again, when we reread the data:

import pickle f = open("data.pkl","rb") languages, dialects) = pickle.load(f) print(languages, dialects) ['Python', 'Perl', 'C++', 'Java', 'Lisp'] ['Jython', 'IronPython', 'CPython']


One drawback of the pickle module is that it is only capable of pickling one object at the time, which has to be unpickled in one go. Let's imagine this data object is a dictionary. It may be desirable that we don't have to save and load every time the whole dictionary, but save and load just a single value corresponding to just one key. The shelve module is the solution to this request. A "shelf" - as used in the shelve module - is a persistent, dictionary-like object. The difference with dbm is that the values (not the keys!) in a shelf can be essentially arbitrary Python objects -- anything that the "pickle" module can handle. This includes most class instances, recursive data types, and objects containing lots of shared sub-objects. The keys have to be strings.

The shelve module can be easily used. Actually, it is as easy as using a dictionary in Python. Before we can

FILE MANAGEMENT 280 use a shelf object, we have to import the module. After this, we have to open a shelve object with the shelve method open. The open method opens a special shelf file for reading and writing:

import shelve s = shelve.open("MyShelve")

If the file "MyShelve" already exists, the open method will try to open it. If it isn't a shelf file, - i.e. a file which has been created with the shelve module, - we will get an error message. If the file doesn't exist, it will be created.

We can use s like an ordinary dictionary, if we use strings as keys:

s["street"] = "Fleet Str" s["city"] = "London" for key in s: print(key)

A shelf object has to be closed with the close method:


We can use the previously created shelf file in another program or in an interactive Python session:

$ python3 Python 3.2.3 (default, Feb 28 2014, 00:22:33) [GCC 4.7.2] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more informati on. import shelve s = shelve.open("MyShelve") s["street"] 'Fleet Str' s["city"] 'London'

It is also possible to cast a shelf object into an "ordinary" dictionary with the dict function:

s ≤shelve.DbfilenameShelf object at 0xb7133dcc> >>> dict(s) {'city': 'London', 'street': 'Fleet Str'}

The following example uses more complex values for our shelf object:

import shelve tele = shelve.open("MyPhoneBook") tele["Mike"] = {"first":"Mike", "last":"Miller", "phone":"4689"} tele["Steve"] = {"first":"Stephan", "last":"Burns", "phone":"8745"} tele["Eve"] = {"first":"Eve", "last":"Naomi", "phone":"9069"}

FILE MANAGEMENT 281 tele["Eve"]["phone"] '9069'

The data is persistent!

To demonstrate this once more, we reopen our MyPhoneBook:

$ python3 Python 3.2.3 (default, Feb 28 2014, 00:22:33) [GCC 4.7.2] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more informati on. import shelve tele = shelve.open("MyPhoneBook") tele["Steve"]["phone"] '8745'



Write a function which reads in a text from file and returns a list of the paragraphs. You may use one of the following books:

• Virginia Woolf: To the Lighthouse • Samuel Butler: The Way of all Flash • Herman Melville: Moby Dick • David Herbert Lawrence: Sons and Lovers • Daniel Defoe: The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe • James Joyce: Ulysses


Save the following text containing city names and times as "cities_and_times.txt".

Chicago Sun 01:52 Columbus Sun 02:52 Riyadh Sun 10:52 Copenhagen Sun 08:52 Kuwait City Sun 10:52 Rome Sun 08:52 Dallas Sun 01:52 Salt Lake City Sun 01:52

FILE MANAGEMENT 282 San Francisco Sun 00:52 Amsterdam Sun 08:52 Denver Sun 01:52 San Salvador Sun 01:52 Detroit Sun 02:52 Las Vegas Sun 00:52 Santiago Sun 04:52 Anchorage Sat 23:52 Ankara Sun 10:52 Lisbon Sun 07:52 São Paulo Sun 05:52 Dubai Sun 11:52 London Sun 07:52 Seattle Sun 00:52 Dublin Sun 07:52 Los Angeles Sun 00:52 Athens Sun 09:52 Edmonton Sun 01:52 Madrid Sun 08:52 Shanghai Sun 15:52 Atlanta Sun 02:52 Frankfurt Sun 08:52 Singapore Sun 15:52 Auckland Sun 20:52 Halifax Sun 03:52 Melbourne Sun 18:52 Stockholm Sun 08:52 Barcelona Sun 08:52 Miami Sun 02:52 Minneapolis Sun 01:52 Sydney Sun 18:52 Beirut Sun 09:52 Helsinki Sun 09:52 Montreal Sun 02:52 Berlin Sun 08:52 Houston Sun 01:52 Moscow Sun 10:52 Indianapolis Sun 02:52 Boston Sun 02:52 Tokyo Sun 16:52 Brasilia Sun 05:52 Istanbul Sun 10:52 Toronto Sun 02:52 Vancouver Sun 00:52 Brussels Sun 08:52 Jerusalem Sun 09:52 New Orleans Sun 01:52 Vienna Sun 08:52

FILE MANAGEMENT 283 Bucharest Sun 09:52 Johannesburg Sun 09:52 New York Sun 02:52 Warsaw Sun 08:52 Budapest Sun 08:52 Oslo Sun 08:52 Washington DC Sun 02:52 Ottawa Sun 02:52 Winnipeg Sun 01:52 Cairo Sun 09:52 Paris Sun 08:52 Calgary Sun 01:52 Kathmandu Sun 13:37 Philadelphia Sun 02:52 Zurich Sun 08:52 Cape Town Sun 09:52 Phoenix Sun 00:52 Prague Sun 08:52 Casablanca Sun 07:52 Reykjavik Sun 07:52

Each line contains the name of the city, followed by the name of the day ("Sun") and the time in the form hh:mm. Read in the file and create an alphabetically ordered list of the form

[('Amsterdam', 'Sun', (8, 52)), ('Anchorage', 'Sat', (23, 52)), ('A nkara', 'Sun', (10, 52)), ('Athens', 'Sun', (9, 52)), ('Atlanta', 'Sun', (2, 52)), ('Auckland', 'Sun', (20, 52)), ('Barcelona', 'Su n', (8, 52)), ('Beirut', 'Sun', (9, 52)),


('Toronto', 'Sun', (2, 52)), ('Vancouver', 'Sun', (0, 52)), ('Vien na', 'Sun', (8, 52)), ('Warsaw', 'Sun', (8, 52)), ('Washington D C', 'Sun', (2, 52)), ('Winnipeg', 'Sun', (1, 52)), ('Zurich', 'Su n', (8, 52))]

Finally, the list should be dumped for later usage with the pickle module. We will use this list in our chapter on Numpy dtype.


SOLUTION 1 def text2paragraphs(filename, min_size=1):

FILE MANAGEMENT 284 """ A text contained in the file 'filename' will be read and chopped into paragraphs. Paragraphs with a string length less than min_size will be ign ored. A list of paragraph strings will be returned"""

txt = open(filename).read() paragraphs = [para for para in txt.split("\n\n") if len(para) > min_size] return paragraphs

paragraphs = text2paragraphs("books/to_the_lighthouse_woolf.txt", min_size=100)

for i in range(10, 14): print(paragraphs[i])

FILE MANAGEMENT 285 “I should think there would be no one to talk to in Manchester,” s he replied at random. Mr. Fortescue had been observing her for a mome nt or two, as novelists are inclined to observe, and at this remark he s miled, and made it the text for a little further speculation. “In spite of a slight tendency to exaggeration, Katharine decidedl y hits the mark,” he said, and lying back in his chair, with his opa que contemplative eyes fixed on the ceiling, and the tips of his finge rs pressed together, he depicted, first the horrors of the streets of Manchester, and then the bare, immense moors on the outskirts of t he town, and then the scrubby little house in which the girl would li ve, and then the professors and the miserable young students devoted t o the more strenuous works of our younger dramatists, who would visit he r, and how her appearance would change by degrees, and how she would fly to London, and how Katharine would have to lead her about, as one lea ds an eager dog on a chain, past rows of clamorous butchers’ shops, poo r dear creature. “Oh, Mr. Fortescue,” exclaimed Mrs. Hilbery, as he finished, “I ha d just written to say how I envied her! I was thinking of the big garden s and the dear old ladies in mittens, who read nothing but the “Spectato r,” and snuff the candles. Have they ALL disappeared? I told her she would find the nice things of London without the horrid streets that dep ress one so.” “There is the University,” said the thin gentleman, who had previo usly insisted upon the existence of people knowing Persian.


FILE MANAGEMENT 286 import pickle

lines = open("cities_and_times.txt").readlines() lines.sort()

cities = [] for line in lines: *city, day, time = line.split() hours, minutes = time.split(":") cities.append((" ".join(city), day, (int(hours), int(minute s)) ))

fh = open("cities_and_times.pkl", "bw") pickle.dump(cities, fh)

City names can consist of multiple words like "Salt Lake City". That is why we have to use the asterisk in the line, in which we split a line. So city will be a list with the words of the city, e.g. ["Salt", "Lake", "City"]. " ".join(city) turns such a list into a "proper" string with the city name, i.e. in our example "Salt Lake City".



Modular programming is a software design technique, which is based on the general principal of modular design. Modular design is an approach which has been proven as indispensable in engineering even long before the first computers. Modular design means that a complex system is broken down into smaller parts or components, i.e. modules. These components can be independently created and tested. In many cases, they can be even used in other systems as well.

There is hardly any product nowadays, which doesn't heavily rely on modularisation, like cars and mobile phones. Computers belong to those products which are modularised to the utmost. So, what's a must for the hardware is an unavoidable necessity for the software running on the computers.

If you want to develop programs which are readable, reliable and maintainable without too much effort, you have to use some kind of modular software design. Especially if your application has a certain size. There exists a variety of concepts to design software in modular form. Modular programming is a software design technique to split your code into separate parts. These parts are called modules. The focus for this separation should be to have modules with no or just few dependencies upon other modules. In other words: Minimization of dependencies is the goal. When creating a modular system, several modules are built separately and more or less independently. The executable application will be created by putting them together.


So far we haven't explained what a Python module is. In a nutshell: every file, which has the file extension .py and consists of proper Python code, can be seen or is a module! There is no special syntax required to make such a file a module. A module can contain arbitrary objects, for example files, classes or attributes. All those objects can be accessed after an import. There are different ways to import a modules. We demonstrate this with the math module:

In [ ]: import math

The module math provides mathematical constants and functions, e.g. π (math.pi), the sine function (math.sin()) and the cosine function (math.cos()). Every attribute or function can only be accessed by putting "math." in front of the name:

MODULAR PROGRAMMING AND MODULES 288 math.pi Output: 3.141592653589793

math.sin(math.pi/2) Output: 1.0

math.cos(math.pi/2) Output: 6.123233995736766e-17

math.cos(math.pi) Output: -1.0

It's possible to import more than one module in one import statement. In this case the module names are separated by commas:

In [ ]: import math, random import statements can be positioned anywhere in the program, but it's good style to place them directly at the beginning of a program.

If only certain objects of a module are needed, we can import only those:

In [ ]: from math import sin, pi

The other objects, e.g. cos, are not available after this import. We are capable of accessing sin and pi directly, i.e. without prefixing them with "math." Instead of explicitly importing certain objects from a module, it's also possible to import everything in the namespace of the importing module. This can be achieved by using an asterisk in the import:

from math import * sin(3.01) + tan(cos(2.1)) + e Output: 2.2968833711382604

e Output: 2.718281828459045

It's not recommended to use the asterisk notation in an import statement, except when working in the interactive Python shell. One reason is that the origin of a name can be quite obscure, because it can't be seen

MODULAR PROGRAMMING AND MODULES 289 from which module it might have been imported. We will demonstrate another serious complication in the following example:

from numpy import * from math import * print(sin(3)) 0.1411200080598672

sin(3) Output: 0.1411200080598672

Let's modify the previous example slightly by changing the order of the imports:

from math import * from numpy import * print(sin(3)) 0.1411200080598672

sin(3) Output: 0.1411200080598672

People use the asterisk notation, because it is so convenient. It means avoiding a lot of tedious typing. Another way to shrink the typing effort lies in renaming a namespace. A good example for this is the numpy module. You will hardly find an example or a tutorial, in which they will import this module with the statement.

import numpy

It's like an unwritten law to import it with

import numpy as np

Now you can prefix all the objects of numpy with "np." instead of "numpy.":

import numpy as np np.diag([3, 11, 7, 9]) Output: array([[ 3, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 11, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 7, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, 9]])


But how do we create modules in Python? A module in Python is just a file containing Python definitions and statements. The module name is moulded out of the file name by removing the suffix .py. For example, if the file name is fibonacci.py, the module name is fibonacci.

Let's turn our Fibonacci functions into a module. There is hardly anything to be done, we just save the following code in the file fibonacci.py:

def fib(n): if n == 0: return 0 elif n == 1: return 1 else: return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) def ifib(n): a, b = 0, 1 for i in range(n): a, b = b, a + b return a

The newly created module "fibonacci" is ready for use now. We can import this module like any other module in a program or script. We will demonstrate this in the following interactive Python shell:

import fibonacci fibonacci.fib(7) Output: 13

fibonacci.fib(20) Output: 6765

fibonacci.ifib(42) Output: 267914296

fibonacci.ifib(1000) Output: 4346655768693745643568852767504062580256466051737178040248172 9089536555417949051890403879840079255169295922593080322634775 2096896232398733224711616429964409065331879382989696499285160 03704476137795166849228875

Don't try to call the recursive version of the Fibonacci function with large arguments like we did with the iterative version. A value like 42 is already too large. You will have to wait for a long time!

MODULAR PROGRAMMING AND MODULES 291 As you can easily imagine: It's a pain if you have to use those functions often in your program and you always have to type in the fully qualified name, i.e. fibonacci.fib(7). One solution consists in assigning a local name to a module function to get a shorter name:

fib = fibonacci.ifib fib(10) Output: 55

But it's better, if you import the necessary functions directly into your module, as we will demonstrate further down in this chapter.


Usually, modules contain functions or classes, but there can be "plain" statements in them as well. These statements can be used to initialize the module. They are only executed when the module is imported.

Let's look at a module, which only consists of just one statement:

print("The module is imported now!") The module is imported now!

We save with the name "one_time.py" and import it two times in an interactive session:

import one_time The module is imported now!

We can see that it was only imported once. Each module can only be imported once per interpreter session or in a program or script. If you change a module and if you want to reload it, you must restart the interpreter again. In Python 2.x, it was possible to reimport the module by using the built-in reload, i.e.reload(modulename):

$ python Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Apr 16 2010, 13:57:41) [GCC 4.4.3] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more informati on. import one_time The module is imported now! reload(one_time) The module is imported now!

MODULAR PROGRAMMING AND MODULES 292 This is not possible anymore in Python 3.x. You will cause the following error:

import one_time

reload(one_time) ------NameError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 reload(one_time)

NameError: name 'reload' is not defined

Since Python 3.0 the reload built-in function has been moved into the imp standard library module. So it's still possible to reload files as before, but the functionality has to be imported. You have to execute an "import imp" and use imp.reload(my_module). Alternatively, you can use "imp import reload" and use reload(my_module).

Example with reloading the Python3 way:

$ python3 Python 3.1.2 (r312:79147, Sep 27 2010, 09:57:50) [GCC 4.4.3] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more informati on. from imp import reload import one_time The module is imported now! reload(one_time) The module is imported now!

Since version 3.4 you should use the "importlib" module, because imp.reload is marked as deprecated:

from importlib import reload import one_time The module is imported now! reload(one_time) The module is imported now!

A module has a private symbol table, which is used as the global symbol table by all functions defined in the module. This is a way to prevent that a global variable of a module accidentally clashes with a user's global variable with the same name. Global variables of a module can be accessed with the same notation as functions, i.e. modname.name A module can import other modules. It is customary to place all import statements at the beginning of a module or a script.


Names from a module can directly be imported into the importing module's symbol table:

from fibonacci import fib, ifib ifib(500) Output: 1394232245616978801397243828704072839500702565876973072641089 62948325571622863290691557658876222521294125

This does not introduce the module name from which the imports are taken in the local symbol table. It's possible but not recommended to import all names defined in a module, except those beginning with an underscore "_":

In [ ]: from fibonacci import * fib(500)

This shouldn't be done in scripts but it's possible to use it in interactive sessions to save typing.


Essentially a Python module is a script, so it can be run as a script:

python fibo.py

The module which has been started as a script will be executed as if it had been imported, but with one exception: The system variable name is set to "main". So it's possible to program different behaviour into a module for the two cases. With the following conditional statement the file can be used as a module or as a script, but only if it is run as a script the method fib will be started with a command line argument:

if __name__ == "__main__": import sys fib(int(sys.argv[1]))

If it is run as a script, we get the following output:

$ python fibo.py 50 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34

If it is imported, the code in the if block will not be executed:



While importing a module, the name of the namespace can be changed:

import math as mathematics print(mathematics.cos(mathematics.pi)) -1.0

After this import there exists a namespace mathematics but no namespace math. It's possible to import just a few methods from a module:

from math import pi,pow as power, sin as sinus power(2,3) Output: 8.0

sinus(pi) Output: 1.2246467991473532e-16


There are different kind of modules:

• Those written in Python They have the suffix: .py • Dynamically linked C modules Suffixes are: .dll, .pyd, .so, .sl, ... • C-Modules linked with the Interpreter It's possible to get a complete list of these modules:

import sys print(sys.builtin_module_names)

MODULAR PROGRAMMING AND MODULES 295 ('_abc', '_ast', '_bisect', '_blake2', '_codecs', '_codecs_cn', '_codecs_hk', '_codecs_iso2022', '_codecs_jp', '_codecs_kr', '_cod ecs_tw', '_collections', '_contextvars', '_csv', '_datetime', '_fu nctools', '_heapq', '_imp', '_io', '_json', '_locale', '_lsprof', '_md5', '_multibytecodec', '_opcode', '_operator', '_pickle', '_ra ndom', '_sha1', '_sha256', '_sha3', '_sha512', '_signal', '_sre', '_stat', '_string', '_struct', '_symtable', '_thread', '_tracemall oc', '_warnings', '_weakref', '_winapi', 'array', 'atexit', 'audio op', 'binascii', 'builtins', 'cmath', 'errno', 'faulthandler', 'g c', 'itertools', 'marshal', 'math', 'mmap', 'msvcrt', 'nt', 'parse r', 'sys', 'time', 'winreg', 'xxsubtype', 'zipimport', 'zlib')

An error message is returned for Built-in-Modules.


If you import a module, let's say "import xyz", the interpreter searches for this module in the following locations and in the order given:

The directory of the top-level file, i.e. the file being executed. The directories of PYTHONPATH, if this global environment variable of your operating system is set. standard installation path Linux/Unix e.g. in /usr/lib/python3.5.

It's possible to find out where a module is located after it has been imported:

import numpy numpy.file '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/init.py'

import random random.file '/usr/lib/python3.5/random.py'

The file attribute doesn't always exist. This is the case with modu les which are statically linked C libraries.

import math math.__file__

MODULAR PROGRAMMING AND MODULES 296 ------AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) in 1 import math ----> 2 math.__file__

AttributeError: module 'math' has no attribute '__file__'


With the built-in function dir() and the name of the module as an argument, you can list all valid attributes and methods for that module.

import math dir(math)

MODULAR PROGRAMMING AND MODULES 297 Output: ['__doc__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', 'acos', 'acosh', 'asin', 'asinh', 'atan', '', 'atanh', 'ceil', 'copysign', 'cos', 'cosh', 'degrees', 'e', 'erf', 'erfc', 'exp', 'expm1', 'fabs', 'factorial', 'floor', 'fmod', 'frexp', 'fsum', 'gamma', 'gcd', 'hypot', 'inf', 'isclose', 'isfinite', 'isinf', 'isnan', 'ldexp', 'lgamma', 'log', 'log10', 'log1p', 'log2', 'modf', '', 'pi', 'pow',

MODULAR PROGRAMMING AND MODULES 298 'radians', 'remainder', 'sin', 'sinh', 'sqrt', 'tan', 'tanh', 'tau', 'trunc']

Calling dir() without an argument, a list with the names in the current local scope is returned:

import math cities = ["New York", "Toronto", "Berlin", "Washington", "Amsterda m", "Hamburg"] dir() Output: ['In', 'Out', '_', '_1', '__', '___', '__builtin__', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', '_dh', '_i', '_i1', '_i2', '_ih', '_ii', '_iii', '_oh', 'builtins', 'cities', 'exit', 'get_ipython', 'math', 'quit']

MODULAR PROGRAMMING AND MODULES 299 It's possible to get a list of the Built-in functions, exceptions, and other objects by importing the builtins module:

import builtins dir(builtins)

MODULAR PROGRAMMING AND MODULES 300 Output: ['ArithmeticError', 'AssertionError', 'AttributeError', 'BaseException', 'BlockingIOError', 'BrokenPipeError', 'BufferError', 'BytesWarning', 'ChildProcessError', 'ConnectionAbortedError', 'ConnectionError', 'ConnectionRefusedError', 'ConnectionResetError', 'DeprecationWarning', 'EOFError', 'Ellipsis', 'EnvironmentError', 'Exception', 'False', 'FileExistsError', 'FileNotFoundError', 'FloatingPointError', 'FutureWarning', 'GeneratorExit', 'IOError', 'ImportError', 'ImportWarning', 'IndentationError', 'IndexError', 'InterruptedError', 'IsADirectoryError', 'KeyError', 'KeyboardInterrupt', 'LookupError', 'MemoryError', 'ModuleNotFoundError', 'NameError', 'None', 'NotADirectoryError', 'NotImplemented', 'NotImplementedError', 'OSError', 'OverflowError', 'PendingDeprecationWarning', 'PermissionError', 'ProcessLookupError',

MODULAR PROGRAMMING AND MODULES 301 'RecursionError', 'ReferenceError', 'ResourceWarning', 'RuntimeError', 'RuntimeWarning', 'StopAsyncIteration', 'StopIteration', 'SyntaxError', 'SyntaxWarning', 'SystemError', 'SystemExit', 'TabError', 'TimeoutError', 'True', 'TypeError', 'UnboundLocalError', 'UnicodeDecodeError', 'UnicodeEncodeError', 'UnicodeError', 'UnicodeTranslateError', 'UnicodeWarning', 'UserWarning', 'ValueError', 'Warning', 'WindowsError', 'ZeroDivisionError', '__IPYTHON__', '__build_class__', '__debug__', '__doc__', '__import__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', 'abs', 'all', 'any', 'ascii', 'bin', 'bool', 'breakpoint', 'bytearray', 'bytes', 'callable', 'chr',

MODULAR PROGRAMMING AND MODULES 302 'classmethod', 'compile', 'complex', 'copyright', 'credits', 'delattr', 'dict', 'dir', 'display', 'divmod', 'enumerate', 'eval', 'exec', 'filter', 'float', 'format', 'frozenset', 'get_ipython', 'getattr', 'globals', 'hasattr', 'hash', 'help', 'hex', 'id', 'input', 'int', 'isinstance', 'issubclass', 'iter', 'len', 'license', 'list', 'locals', 'map', 'max', 'memoryview', 'min', 'next', 'object', 'oct', 'open', 'ord', 'pow', 'print', 'property',

MODULAR PROGRAMMING AND MODULES 303 'range', 'repr', 'reversed', 'round', 'set', 'setattr', 'slice', 'sorted', 'staticmethod', 'str', 'sum', 'super', 'tuple', 'type', 'vars', 'zip']


If you have created a lot of modules at some point in time, you may loose the overview about them. You may have dozens or hundreds of modules and they can be categorized into different categories. It is similar to the situation in a : Instead of having all files in just one directory, you put them into different ones, being organized according to the topics of the files. We will show in the next chapter of our Python tutorial how to organize modules into packages.


The aim of this chapter of our Python tutorial is to present a detailed and descriptive introduction into regular expressions. This introduction will explain the theoretical aspects of regular expressions and will show you how to use them in Python scripts.

The term "", sometimes also called regex or regexp, has originated in theoretical computer science. In theoretical computer science, they are used to define a language family with certain characteristics, the so-called regular languages. A finite state machine (FSM), which accepts language defined by a regular expression, exists for every regular expression. You can find an implementation of a Finite State Machine in Python on our website.

Regular Expressions are used in programming languages to filter texts or textstrings. It's possible to check, if a text or a string matches a regular expression. A great thing about regular expressions: The syntax of regular expressions is the same for all programming and script languages, e.g. Python, Perl, Java, , AWK and even X#.

The first programs which had incorporated the capability to use regular expressions were the Unix tools (editor), the stream editor sed and the filter grep.

There is another mechanism in operating systems, which shouldn't be mistaken for regular expressions. Wildcards, also known as globbing, look very similar in their syntax to regular expressions. However, the semantics differ considerably. Globbing is known from many command line shells, like the , the Bash shell or even DOS. In Bash e.g. the command "ls .txt" lists all files (or even directories) ending with the suffix .txt; in regular expression notation ".txt" wouldn't make sense, it would have to be written as ".*.txt"


When we introduced the sequential data types, we got to know the "in" operator. We check in the following example, if the string "easily" is a substring of the string "Regular expressions easily explained!":

s = "Regular expressions easily explained!" "easily" in s Output: True

We show step by step with the following diagrams how this matching is performed: We check if the string sub = "abc"

REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 305 is contained in the string s = "xaababcbcd"

By the way, the string sub = "abc" can be seen as a regular expression, just a very simple one.

In the first place, we check, if the first positions of the two string match, i.e. s[0] == sub[0]. This is not satisfied in our example. We mark this fact by the colour red:

Then we check, if s[1:4] == sub. In other words, we have to check at first, if sub[0] is equal to s[1]. This is true and we mark it with the colour green. Then, we have to compare the next positions. s[2] is not equal to sub[1], so we don't have to proceed further with the next position of sub and s:

Now we have to check if s[2:5] and sub are equal. The first two positions are equal but not the third:

The following steps should be clear without any explanations:

Finally, we have a complete match with s[4:7] == sub :


As we have already mentioned in the previous section, we can see the variable "sub" from the introduction as a very simple regular expression. If you want to use regular expressions in Python, you have to import the re module, which provides methods and functions to deal with regular expressions.


From other languages you might be used to representing regular expressions within Slashes "/", e.g. that's the way Perl, SED or AWK deals with them. In Python there is no special notation. Regular expressions are represented as normal strings.

But this convenience brings along a small problem: The backslash is a special character used in regular expressions, but is also used as an escape character in strings. This implies that Python would first evaluate every backslash of a string and after this - without the necessary backslashes - it would be used as a regular expression. One way to prevent this could be writing every backslash as "\" and this way keep it for the evaluation of the regular expression. This can cause extremely clumsy expressions. E.g. a backslash in a regular expression has to be written as a double backslash, because the backslash functions as an escape character in regular expressions. Therefore, it has to be quoted. The same is valid for Python strings. The backslash has to be quoted by a backslash. So, a regular expression to match the Windows path "C:\programs" corresponds to a string in regular expression notation with four backslashes, i.e. "C:\\programs".

The best way to overcome this problem would be marking regular expressions as raw strings. The solution to our Windows path example looks like this as a raw string:


Let's look at another example, which might be quite disturbing for people who are used to wildcards:


The regular expression of our previous example matches all file names (strings) which start with an "a" and end with ".html". We will the structure of the example above in detail explain in the following sections.


r"cat" is a regular expression, though a very simple one without any metacharacters. Our RE

r"cat" matches, for example, the following string: "A cat and a rat can't be friends."

Interestingly, the previous example shows already a "favourite" example for a mistake, frequently made not only by beginners and novices but also by advanced users of regular expressions. The idea of this example is to match strings containing the word "cat". We are successful at this, but unfortunately we are matching a lot of other words as well. If we match "cats" in a string that might be still okay, but what about all those words containing this character sequence "cat"? We match words like "education", "communicate", "falsification", "ramifications", "cattle" and many more. This is a case of "over matching", i.e. we receive positive results, which are wrong according to the problem we want to solve.

We have illustrated this problem in the diagram above. The dark green Circle C corresponds to the set of "objects" we want to recognize. But instead we match all the elements of the set O (blue circle). C is a subset of O. The set U (light green circle) in this diagram is a subset of C. U is a case of "under matching", i.e. if the regular expression is not matching all the intended strings. If we try to fix the previous RE, so that it doesn't create over matching, we might try the expression

r" cat "

. These blanks prevent the matching of the above mentioned words like "education", "falsification" and "ramification", but we fall prey to another mistake. What about the string "The cat, called Oscar, climbed on the roof."? The problem is that we don't expect a comma but only a blank surrounding the word "cat".

Before we go on with the description of the syntax of regular expressions, we want to explain how to use them in Python:

import re x = re.search("cat", "A cat and a rat can't be friends.") print(x)

x = re.search("cow", "A cat and a rat can't be friends.") print(x) None

REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 308 In the previous example we had to import the module re to be able to work with regular expressions. Then we used the method search from the re module. This is most probably the most important and the most often used method of this module. re.search(expr,s) checks a string s for an occurrence of a substring which matches the regular expression expr. The first substring (from left), which satisfies this condition will be returned. If a match has been possible, we get a so-called match object as a result, otherwise the value will be None. This method is already enough to use regular expressions in a basic way in Python programs. We can use it in conditional statements: If a regular expression matches, we get an SRE object returned, which is taken as a True value, and None, which is the return value if it doesn't match, is taken as False:

if re.search("cat", "A cat and a rat can't be friends."): print("Some kind of cat has been found :-)") else: print("No cat has been found :-)") Some kind of cat has been found :-)

if re.search("cow", "A cat and a rat can't be friends."): print("Cats and Rats and a cow.") else: print("No cow around.") No cow around.


Let's assume that we have not been interested in the previous example to recognize the word cat, but all three letter words, which end with "at". The syntax of regular expressions supplies a metacharacter ".", which is used like a placeholder for "any character". The regular expression of our example can be written like this: r" .at " This RE matches three letter words, isolated by blanks, which end in "at". Now we get words like "rat", "cat", "bat", "eat", "sat" and many others.

But what if the text contains "words" like "@at" or "3at"? These words match as well, meaning we have caused over matching again. We will learn a solution in the following section.


Square brackets, "[" and "]", are used to include a character class. [xyz] means e.g. either an "x", an "y" or a "z". Let's look at a more practical example:


This is a regular expression, which matches a surname which is quite common in German. A name with the same pronunciation and four different spellings: Maier, Mayer, Meier, Meyer A finite state automata to recognize this expression can be build like this:

REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 309 The graph of the finite state machine (FSM) is simplified to keep the design easy. There should be an arrow in the start node pointing back on its own, i.e. if a character other than an upper case "M" has been processed, the machine should stay in the start condition. Furthermore, there should be an arrow pointing back from all nodes except the final nodes (the green ones) to the start node, unless the expected letter has been processed. E.g. if the machine is in state Ma, after having processed a "M" and an "a", the machine has to go back to state "Start", if any character except "i" or "y" can be read. Those who have problems with this FSM, shouldn't worry, since it is not a prerequisite for the rest of the chapter.

Instead of a choice between two characters, we often need a choice between larger character classes. We might need e.g. a class of letters between "a" and "e" or between "0" and "5". To manage such character classes, the syntax of regular expressions supplies a metacharacter "-". [a-e] a simplified writing for [abcde] or [0-5] denotes [012345].

The advantage is obvious and even more impressive, if we have to coin expressions like "any uppercase letter" into regular expressions. So instead of [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ] we can write [A-Z]. If this is not convincing: Write an expression for the character class "any lower case or uppercase letter" [A-Za-z]

There is something more about the dash, we used to mark the begin and the end of a character class. The dash has only a special meaning if it is used within square brackets and in this case only if it isn't positioned directly after an opening or immediately in front of a closing . So the expression [-az] is only the choice between the three characters "-", "a" and "z", but no other characters. The same is true for [az-].

Exercise: What character class is described by [-a-z]?

Answer The character "-" and all the characters "a", "b", "c" all the way up to "z".

The only other special character inside square brackets (character class choice) is the caret "^". If it is used directly after an opening sqare bracket, it negates the choice. [^0-9] denotes the choice "any character but a digit". The position of the caret within the square brackets is crucial. If it is not positioned as the first character following the opening square bracket, it has no special meaning. [^abc] means anything but an "a", "b" or "c"

REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 310 [a^bc] means an "a", "b", "c" or a "^"


Before we go on with our introduction into regular expressions, we want to insert a practical exercise with Python. We have a phone list of the Simpsons, yes, the famous Simpsons from the American animated TV series. There are some people with the surname Neu. We are looking for a Neu, but we don't know the first name, we just know that it starts with a J. Let's write a Python script, which finds all the lines of the phone book, which contain a person with the described surname and a first name starting with J. If you don't know how to read and work with files, you should work through our chapter File Management. So here is our example script:

import re

fh = open("simpsons_phone_book.txt") for line in fh: if re.search(r"J.*Neu",line): print(line.rstrip()) fh.close() Jack Neu 555-7666 Jeb Neu 555-5543 Jennifer Neu 555-3652

Instead of downloading simpsons_phone_book.txt, we can also use the file directly from the website by using urlopen from the module urllib.request:

import re

from urllib.request import urlopen with urlopen('https://www.python-course.eu/simpsons_phone_book.tx t') as fh: for line in fh: # line is a byte string so we transform it to utf-8: line = line.decode('utf-8').rstrip() if re.search(r"J.*Neu",line): print(line) Jack Neu 555-7666 Jeb Neu 555-5543 Jennifer Neu 555-3652


You might have realized that it can be quite cumbersome to construe certain character classes. A good example is the character class, which describes a valid word character. These are all lower case and uppercase characters plus all the digits and the underscore, corresponding to the following regular expression: r"[a-zA- Z0-9_]"

The special sequences consist of "\\" and a character from the foll owing list: \d Matches any decimal digit; equivalent to the set [0-9]. \D The complement of \d. It matches any non-digit character; equiv alent to the set [^0-9]. \s Matches any ; equivalent to [ \t\n\r\f\v]. \S The complement of \s. It matches any non-whitespace character; equiv. to [^ \t\n\r\f\v]. \w Matches any alphanumeric character; equivalent to [a-zA-Z 0-9_]. With LOCALE, it will match the set [a-zA-Z0-9_] plus charact ers defined as letters for the current locale. \W Matches the complement of \w. \b Matches the empty string, but only at the start or end of a wor d. \B Matches the empty string, but not at the start or end of a wor d. \\ Matches a literal backslash.


The \b and \B of the previous overview of special sequences, is often not properly understood or even misunderstood especially by novices. While the other sequences match characters, - e.g. \w matches characters like "a", "b", "m", "3" and so on, - \b and \B don't match a character. They match empty strings depending on their neighbourhood, i.e. what kind of a character the predecessor and the successor is. So \b matches any empty string between a \W and a \w character and also between a \w and a \W character. \B is the complement, i.e empty strings between \W and \W or empty strings between \w and \w. We illustrate this in the following example:

word boundaries: \b and \B illustrated

We will get to know further "virtual" matching characters, i.e. the caret (^), which is used to mark the beginning of a string, and the ($), which is used to mark the end of a string, respectively. \A and \Z, which can also be found in our previous diagram, are very seldom used as alternatives to the caret and the dollar sign.


As we have previously carried out in this introduction, the expression r"M[ae][iy]er" is capable of matching various spellings of the name Mayer and the name can be anywhere in the string:

REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 312 import re line = "He is a German called Mayer." if re.search(r"M[ae][iy]er", line): print("I found one!") I found one!

But what if we want to match a regular expression at the beginning of a string and only at the beginning?

The re module of Python provides two functions to match regular expressions. We have met already one of them, i.e. search(). The other has in our opinion a misleading name: match() Misleading, because match(re_str, s) checks for a match of re_str merely at the beginning of the string. But anyway, match() is the solution to our question, as we can see in the following example:

import re s1 = "Mayer is a very common Name" s2 = "He is called Meyer but he isn't German." print(re.search(r"M[ae][iy]er", s1)) print(re.search(r"M[ae][iy]er", s2)) # matches because it starts with Mayer print(re.match(r"M[ae][iy]er", s1)) # doesn't match because it doesn't start with Meyer or Meyer, Meie r and so on: print(re.match(r"M[ae][iy]er", s2)) None

So, this is a way to match the start of a string, but it's a Python specific method, i.e. it can't be used in other languages like Perl, AWK and so on. There is a general solution which is a standard for regular expressions:

The caret '^' matches the start of the string, and in MULTILINE (will be explained further down) mode also matches immediately after each newline, which the Python method match() doesn't do. The caret has to be the first character of a regular expression:

import re s1 = "Mayer is a very common Name" s2 = "He is called Meyer but he isn't German." print(re.search(r"^M[ae][iy]er", s1)) print(re.search(r"^M[ae][iy]er", s2)) None

REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 313 But what happens if we concatenate the two strings s1 and s2 in the following way?

s = s2 + "\n" + s1

Now the string doesn't start with a Maier of any kind, but the name follows a newline character:

s = s2 + "\n" + s1 print(re.search(r"^M[ae][iy]er", s)) None

The name hasn't been found, because only the beginning of the string is checked. It changes, if we use the multiline mode, which can be activated by adding the following parameters to search:

print(re.search(r"^M[ae][iy]er", s, re.MULTILINE)) print(re.search(r"^M[ae][iy]er", s, re.M)) print(re.match(r"^M[ae][iy]er", s, re.M)) None

The previous example also shows that the multiline mode doesn't affect the match method. match() never checks anything but the beginning of the string for a match.

We have learnt how to match the beginning of a string. What about the end? Of course that's possible to. The dollar sign ""isusedasametacharacterforthispurpose.′' matches the end of a string or just before the newline at the end of the string. If in MULTILINE mode, it also matches before a newline. We demonstrate the usage of the "$" character in the following example:

print(re.search(r"Python\.$","I like Python.")) print(re.search(r"Python\.$","I like Python and Perl.")) print(re.search(r"Python\.$","I like Python.\nSome prefer Java or Perl.")) print(re.search(r"Python\.$","I like Python.\nSome prefer Java or Perl.", re.M)) None None


If you thought that our collection of Mayer names was complete, you were wrong. There are other ones all over the world, e.g. London and Paris, who dropped their "e". So we have four more names ["Mayr", "Meyr", "Meir", "Mair"] plus our old set ["Mayer", "Meyer", "Meier", "Maier"].

If we try to figure out a fitting regular expression, we realize that we miss something. A way to tell the computer "this "e" may or may not occur". A question mark is used as a notation for this. A question mark declares that the preceding character or expression is optional.

The final Mayer-Recognizer looks now like this:


A subexpression is grouped by round brackets and a question mark following such a group means that this group may or may not exist. With the following expression we can match dates like "Feb 2011" or February 2011":

r"Feb(ruary)? 2011"


If you just use what we have introduced so far, you will still need a lot of things, above all some way of repeating characters or regular expressions. For this purpose, quantifiers are used. We have encountered one in the previous paragraph, i.e. the question mark.

A quantifier after a token, which can be a single character or group in brackets, specifies how often that preceding element is allowed to occur. The most common quantifiers are

• the question mark ? • the asterisk or star character *, which is derived from the • and the plus sign +, derived from the Kleene cross

We have already previously used one of these quantifiers without explaining it, i.e. the asterisk. A star following a character or a subexpression group means that this expression or character may be repeated arbitrarily, even zero times.


The above expression matches any sequence of digits, even the empty string. r".*" matches any sequence of characters and the empty string.

Exercise: Write a regular expression which matches strings which starts with a sequence of digits - at least one digit - followed by a blank.


r"^[0-9][0-9]* "

REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 315 So, you used the plus character "+". That's fine, but in this case you have either cheated by going ahead in the text or you know already more about regular expressions than we have covered in our course :-)

Now that we mentioned it: The plus operator is very convenient to solve the previous exercise. The plus operator is very similar to the star operator, except that the character or subexpression followed by a "+" sign has to be repeated at least one time. Here follows the solution to our exercise with the plus quantifier:

Solution with the plus quantifier:

r"^[0-9]+ "

If you work with this arsenal of operators for a while, you will inevitably miss the possibility to repeat expressions for an exact number of times at some point. Let's assume you want to recognize the last lines of addresses on envelopes in Switzerland. These lines usually contain a four digits long post code followed by a blank and a city name. Using + or * are too unspecific for our purpose and the following expression seems to be too clumsy:

r"^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] [A-Za-z]+"

Fortunately, there is an alternative available:

r"^[0-9]{4} [A-Za-z]*"

Now we want to improve our regular expression. Let's assume that there is no city name in Switzerland, which consists of less than 3 letters, at least 3 letters. We can denote this by [A-Za-z]{3,}. Now we have to recognize lines with German post code (5 digits) lines as well, i.e. the post code can now consist of either four or five digits:

r"^[0-9]{4,5} [A-Z][a-z]{2,}"

The general syntax is {from, to}, meaning the expression has to appear at least "from" times and not more than "to" times. {, to} is an abbreviated spelling for {0,to} and {from,} is an abbreviation for "at least from times but no upper limit"


We can group a part of a regular expression by surrounding it with parenthesis (round brackets). This way we can apply operators to the complete group instead of a single character.


Parenthesis (round brackets, braces) are not only group subexpressions but they also create back references. The part of the string matched by the grouped part of the regular expression, i.e. the subexpression in parenthesis, is stored in a back reference. With the aid of back references we can reuse parts of regular expressions. These stored values can be both reused inside the expression itself and afterwards, when the regexpr is executed. Before we continue with our treatise about back references, we want to strew in a paragraph about match objects, which is important for our next examples with back references.


So far we have just checked, if an expression matched or not. We used the fact the re.search() returns a match object if it matches and None otherwise. We haven't been interested e.g. in what has been matched. The match object contains a lot of data about what has been matched, positions and so on.

A match object contains the methods group(), span(), start() and end(), as it can be seen in the following application:

import re mo = re.search("[0-9]+", "Customer number: 232454, Date: February 12, 2011") mo.group() Output: '232454'

mo.span() Output: (17, 23)

mo.start() Output: 17

mo.end() Output: 23

mo.span()[0] Output: 17

mo.span()[1] Output: 23

REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 317 These methods are not difficult to understand. span() returns a tuple with the start and end position, i.e. the string index where the regular expression started matching in the string and ended matching. The methods start() and end() are in a way superfluous as the information is contained in span(), i.e. span()[0] is equal to start() and span()[1] is equal to end(). group(), if called without argument, it returns the substring, which had been matched by the complete regular expression. With the help of group() we are also capable of accessing the matched substring by grouping parentheses, to get the matched substring of the n-th group, we call group() with the argument n: group(n). We can also call group with more than integer argument, e.g. group(n,m). group(n,m) - provided there exists a subgoup n and m - returns a tuple with the matched substrings. group(n,m) is equal to (group(n), group(m)):

import re mo = re.search("([0-9]+).*: (.*)", "Customer number: 232454, Dat e: February 12, 2011") mo.group() Output: '232454, Date: February 12, 2011'

mo.group(1) Output: '232454'

mo.group(2) Output: 'February 12, 2011'

mo.group(1,2) Output: ('232454', 'February 12, 2011')

A very intuitive example are XML or HTML tags. E.g. let's assume we have a file (called "tags.txt") with content like this:

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Samuel Beckett London

We want to rewrite this text automatically to

composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart author: Samuel Beckett city: London

The following little Python script does the trick. The core of this script is the regular expression. This regular expression works like this: It tries to match a less than symbol "<". After this it is reading lower case letters

REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 318 until it reaches the greater than symbol. Everything encountered within "<" and ">" has been stored in a back reference which can be accessed within the expression by writing \1. Let's assume \1 contains the value "composer". When the expression has reached the first ">", it continues matching, as the original expression had been "(.*)":

import re fh = open("tags.txt") for i in fh: res = re.search(r"<([a-z]+)>(.*)",i) print(res.group(1) + ": " + res.group(2)) composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart author: Samuel Beckett city: London

If there are more than one pair of parenthesis (round brackets) inside the expression, the backreferences are numbered \1, \2, \3, in the order of the pairs of parenthesis.

Exercise: The next Python example makes use of three back references. We have an imaginary phone list of the Simpsons in a list. Not all entries contain a phone number, but if a phone number exists it is the first part of an entry. Then, separated by a blank, a surname follows, which is followed by first names. Surname and first name are separated by a comma. The task is to rewrite this example in the following way:

Allison Neu 555-8396 C. Montgomery Burns Lionel Putz 555-5299 Homer Jay Simpson 555-73347

Python script solving the rearrangement problem:

import re

l = ["555-8396 Neu, Allison", "Burns, C. Montgomery", "555-5299 Putz, Lionel", "555-7334 Simpson, Homer Jay"]

for i in l: res = re.search(r"([0-9-]*)\s*([A-Za-z]+),\s+(.*)", i) print(res.group(3) + " " + res.group(2) + " " + res.group(1)) Allison Neu 555-8396 C. Montgomery Burns Lionel Putz 555-5299 Homer Jay Simpson 555-7334


In the previous paragraph we introduced "Capturing Groups" and "Back references". More precisely, we could have called them "Numbered Capturing Groups" and "Numbered Backreferences". Using capturing groups instead of "numbered" capturing groups allows you to assign descriptive names instead of automatic numbers to the groups. In the following example, we demonstrate this approach by catching the hours, minutes and seconds from a UNIX date string.

import re s = "Sun Oct 14 13:47:03 CEST 2012" expr = r"\b(?P\d\d):(?P\d\d):(?P\d\d)\b" x = re.search(expr,s) x.group('hours') Output: '13'

x.group('minutes') Output: '47'

x.start('minutes') Output: 14

x.end('minutes') Output: 16

x.span('seconds') Output: (17, 19)


In this comprehensive exercise, we have to bring the information of two files together. In the first file, we have a list of nearly 15000 lines of post codes with the corresponding city names plus additional information. Here are some arbitrary lines of this file:

osm_id ort plz bundesland 1104550 Aach 78267 Baden-Württemberg ... 446465 Freiburg (Elbe) 21729 Niedersachsen 62768 Freiburg im Breisgau 79098 Baden-Württemberg 62768 Freiburg im Breisgau 79100 Baden-Württemberg 62768 Freiburg im Breisgau 79102 Baden-Württemberg ... 454863 Fulda 36037 Hessen

REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 320 454863 Fulda 36039 Hessen 454863 Fulda 36041 Hessen ... 1451600 Gallin 19258 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 449887 Gallin-Kuppentin 19386 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ... 57082 Gärtringen 71116 Baden-Württemberg 1334113 Gartz (Oder) 16307 Brandenburg ... 2791802 Giengen an der Brenz 89522 Baden-Württemberg 2791802 Giengen an der Brenz 89537 Baden-Württemberg ... 1187159 Saarbrücken 66133 Saarland 1256034 Saarburg 54439 Rheinland-Pfalz 1184570 Saarlouis 66740 Saarland 1184566 Saarwellingen 66793 Saarland

The other file contains a list of the 19 largest German cities. Each line consists of the rank, the name of the city, the population, and the state (Bundesland):

1. Berlin 3.382.169 Berlin 2. Hamburg 1.715.392 Hamburg 3. München 1.210.223 Bayern 4. Köln 962.884 Nordrhein-Westfalen 5. Frankfurt am Main 646.550 Hessen 6. Essen 595.243 Nordrhein-Westfalen 7. Dortmund 588.994 Nordrhein-Westfalen 8. Stuttgart 583.874 Baden-Württemberg 9. Düsseldorf 569.364 Nordrhein-Westfalen 10. Bremen 539.403 Bremen 11. Hannover 515.001 Niedersachsen 12. Duisburg 514.915 Nordrhein-Westfalen 13. Leipzig 493.208 Sachsen 14. Nürnberg 488.400 Bayern 15. Dresden 477.807 Sachsen 16. Bochum 391.147 Nordrhein-Westfalen 17. Wuppertal 366.434 Nordrhein-Westfalen 18. Bielefeld 321.758 Nordrhein-Westfalen 19. Mannheim 306.729 Baden-Württemberg

Our task is to create a list with the top 19 cities, with the city names accompanied by the postal code. If you want to test the following program, you have to save the list above in a file called largest_cities_germany.txt and you have to download and save the list of German post codes.

import re

REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 321 with open("zuordnung_plz_ort.txt", encoding="utf-8") as fh_post_co des: codes4city = {} for line in fh_post_codes: res = re.search(r"[\d ]+([^\d]+[a-z])\s(\d+)", line) if res: city, post_code = res.groups() if city in codes4city: codes4city[city].add(post_code) else: codes4city[city] = {post_code}

with open("largest_cities_germany.txt", encoding="utf-8") as fh_la rgest_cities: for line in fh_largest_cities: re_obj = re.search(r"^[0-9]{1,2}\.\s+([\w\s- ]+\w)\s+[0-9]", line) city = re_obj.group(1) print(city, codes4city[city])

REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 322 Berlin {'12685', '12279', '12353', '12681', '13465', '12163', '103 65', '12351', '13156', '12629', '12689', '12053', '13086', '1205 7', '12157', '10823', '12621', '14129', '13359', '13435', '1096 3', '12209', '12683', '10369', '10787', '12277', '14059', '1245 9', '13593', '12687', '10785', '12526', '10717', '12487', '1220 3', '13583', '12347', '12627', '10783', '12559', '14050', '1096 9', '10367', '12207', '13409', '10555', '10623', '10249', '1031 5', '12109', '12055', '13353', '13509', '10407', '12051', '1215 9', '10629', '13503', '13591', '10961', '10777', '13439', '1305 7', '10999', '12309', '12437', '10781', '12305', '10965', '1216 7', '10318', '10409', '12359', '10779', '14169', '10437', '1216 1', '10589', '13581', '12679', '13505', '12555', '10405', '1011 9', '13355', '10179', '12357', '13469', '13351', '14055', '1408 9', '10627', '10829', '12107', '12435', '10319', '13507', '1055 1', '13437', '13347', '13627', '12524', '13599', '13189', '1312 9', '13467', '12589', '12489', '10825', '13585', '10625', '1252 7', '13405', '10439', '13597', '10317', '10553', '12101', '1055 7', '12355', '13587', '13053', '10967', '12439', '13589', '1070 7', '13629', '13088', '10719', '10243', '12045', '12105', '1234 9', '13125', '10117', '14199', '13187', '13357', '13349', '1340 3', '10178', '12047', '13055', '12165', '12249', '13407', '1216 9', '12587', '14053', '14052', '12103', '10245', '14193', '1220 5', '10827', '10585', '10587', '12557', '10435', '12623', '1071 3', '12059', '13059', '14109', '13051', '13127', '12307', '1071 5', '14057', '14195', '12619', '13158', '12043', '13089', '1071 1', '10997', '12099', '10247', '10709', '13595', '14165', '1224 7', '13159', '14167', '10789', '12049', '14197', '10559', '1011 5', '14163'} Hamburg {'22589', '22305', '22587', '22395', '20457', '22391', '22 763', '20359', '22393', '22527', '20249', '22605', '21037', '2749 9', '22547', '20097', '22147', '20255', '22765', '22115', '2230 9', '20259', '22767', '20095', '22399', '22113', '22087', '2112 9', '22299', '22159', '22083', '22455', '20144', '21033', '2211 9', '20354', '22145', '22041', '22049', '21035', '21077', '2009 9', '20459', '20149', '21031', '22453', '20539', '21039', '2229 7', '22149', '20251', '22607', '22529', '22179', '21075', '2233 9', '22397', '22335', '22047', '22175', '22085', '21079', '2230 3', '22111', '22525', '21107', '20537', '22143', '21029', '2208 1', '20253', '22301', '22337', '21109', '22459', '20355', '2255 9', '22549', '22761', '21149', '20357', '22415', '22307', '2217 7', '22045', '20146', '22457', '22089', '22417', '22769', '2241 9', '22117', '22609', '20535', '21073', '20257', '22523', '2235 9', '20148', '22043', '21147'} München {'81241', '81669', '80336', '80796', '80799', '80339', '80 539', '80689', '80939', '81929', '80634', '81249', '81545', '8046 9', '81475', '80803', '81371', '81373', '81476', '80686', '8099

REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 323 9', '81667', '81927', '80804', '81739', '80997', '80687', '8079 8', '80933', '81477', '81541', '81369', '81379', '81549', '8167 5', '80637', '80801', '80992', '80993', '81377', '81543', '8167 7', '81925', '81479', '81247', '80337', '81673', '85540', '8080 2', '80797', '80333', '80638', '81827', '81671', '80809', '8063 9', '81547', '81825', '81245', '81829', '81243', '81375', '8173 7', '80805', '80335', '81679', '80331', '80636', '80935', '8053 8', '80807', '80937', '81539', '80995', '81735'} Köln {'50939', '50827', '50668', '50676', '50999', '51065', '5096 8', '50733', '50937', '50769', '51147', '50670', '51061', '5082 3', '50767', '50829', '50674', '51069', '50735', '50672', '5067 9', '50737', '50931', '50678', '50969', '51103', '50667', '5085 8', '50859', '50933', '51105', '51467', '51063', '51107', '5082 5', '50996', '51109', '51145', '50935', '50765', '51067', '5099 7', '51149', '50739', '50677', '51143'} Frankfurt am Main {'60437', '60311', '60439', '60329', '60549', '6 0320', '60322', '60486', '65934', '60489', '60599', '60438', '6043 1', '60594', '60529', '60488', '60386', '60310', '60306', '6032 5', '60313', '60598', '65931', '60389', '60308', '65936', '6032 7', '60435', '60385', '60316', '60596', '60433', '60318', '6052 8', '65933', '60487', '60314', '60388', '60323', '65929', '60326'} Essen {'45259', '45276', '45327', '45145', '45138', '45355', '4521 9', '45257', '45326', '45141', '45128', '45277', '45130', '4528 9', '45279', '45139', '45307', '45356', '45136', '45144', '4523 9', '45357', '45147', '45131', '45359', '45127', '45329', '4530 9', '45134', '45143', '45133', '45149'} Dortmund {'44139', '44263', '44141', '44267', '44265', '44319', '4 4145', '44289', '44339', '44229', '44309', '44357', '44147', '4437 9', '44143', '44149', '44227', '44328', '44135', '44359', '4413 7', '44329', '44269', '44287', '44369', '44388', '44225'} Stuttgart {'70191', '70186', '70193', '70195', '70176', '70378', '70197', '70327', '70435', '70192', '70376', '70182', '70174', '70 569', '70190', '70188', '70597', '70374', '70567', '70499', '7059 9', '70184', '70329', '70178', '70565', '70563', '70439', '7062 9', '70469', '70619', '70199', '70372', '70173', '70180', '70437'} Düsseldorf {'40227', '40215', '40549', '40225', '40593', '40476', '40625', '40231', '40595', '40221', '40217', '40229', '40470', '40 721', '40489', '40627', '40479', '40212', '40211', '40219', '4023 5', '40547', '40223', '40477', '40629', '40233', '40599', '4058 9', '40597', '40213', '40237', '40472', '40474', '40468', '4059 1', '40210', '40545', '40239'} Bremen {'28195', '28201', '28215', '27568', '28759', '28307', '287 55', '28217', '28279', '28777', '28213', '28719', '28325', '2819 7', '28779', '28757', '28209', '28309', '28207', '28219', '2827 7', '28203', '28199', '28327', '28237', '28205', '28211', '2832 9', '28717', '28357', '28359', '28355', '28239', '28259'}

REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 324 Hannover {'30459', '30519', '30627', '30669', '30539', '30419', '3 0177', '30521', '30629', '30559', '30453', '30655', '30659', '3016 9', '30455', '30449', '30179', '30175', '30625', '30159', '3045 1', '30171', '30457', '30657', '30165', '30173', '30161', '3016 3', '30167'} Duisburg {'47249', '47229', '47055', '47179', '47138', '47139', '4 7198', '47057', '47166', '47199', '47279', '47169', '47259', '4726 9', '47228', '47137', '47226', '47119', '47051', '47167', '4705 8', '47059', '47239', '47178', '47053'} Leipzig {'4155', '4289', '4357', '4205', '4349', '4229', '4288', '4275', '4209', '4179', '4347', '4328', '4177', '4129', '4319', '4 178', '4318', '4277', '4315', '4103', '4105', '4317', '4249', '431 6', '4158', '4329', '4109', '4356', '4279', '4107', '4207', '415 9', '4157', '4299'} Nürnberg {'90480', '90482', '90427', '90475', '90411', '90471', '9 0439', '90403', '90478', '90451', '90443', '90431', '90453', '9047 3', '90459', '90469', '90402', '90408', '90455', '90489', '9044 1', '90449', '90461', '90419', '90491', '90425', '90409', '90429'} Dresden {'1159', '1139', '1326', '1187', '1156', '1069', '1108', '1099', '1465', '1109', '1127', '1169', '1324', '1328', '1259', '1 277', '1239', '1257', '1237', '1217', '1157', '1097', '1219', '130 7', '1309', '1129', '1189', '1279', '1067'} Bochum {'44869', '44809', '44799', '44787', '44803', '44867', '448 01', '44866', '44795', '44894', '44793', '44805', '44807', '4479 1', '44879', '44797', '44892', '44789'} Wuppertal {'42389', '42399', '42327', '42115', '42107', '42279', '42109', '42103', '42369', '42111', '42275', '42117', '42113', '42 283', '42281', '42329', '42105', '42289', '42119', '42277', '4228 7', '42349', '42285'} Bielefeld {'33613', '33699', '33729', '33611', '33602', '33615', '33739', '33605', '33659', '33609', '33689', '33617', '33647', '33 619', '33719', '33607', '33604', '33649'} Mannheim {'68199', '68309', '68239', '68305', '68161', '68167', '6 8165', '68229', '68159', '68307', '68163', '68259', '68169', '6821 9'}


We want to present another real life example in our Python course. A regular expression for UK postcodes.We write an expression, which is capable of recognizing the postal codes or postcodes of the UK.

Postcode units consist of between five and seven characters, which are separated into two parts by a space. The two to four characters before the space represent the so-called outward code or out code intended to directly mail from the sorting office to the delivery office. The part following the space, which consists of a digit followed by two uppercase characters, comprises the so-called inward code, which is needed to sort mail

REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 325 at the final delivery office. The last two uppercase characters do not use the letters CIKMOV, so as not to resemble digits or each other when hand-written.

The outward code can have the following form: One or two uppercase characters, followed by either a digit or the letter R, optionally followed by an uppercase character or a digit. (We do not consider all the detailed rules for postcodes, i.e only certain character sets are valid depending on the position and the context.)A regular expression for matching this superset of UK postcodes looks like this:

r"\b[A-Z]{1,2}[0-9R][0-9A-Z]? [0-9][ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z]{2}\b"

The following Python program uses the regexp above:

import re

example_codes = ["SW1A 0AA", # House of Commons "SW1A 1AA", # Buckingham Palace "SW1A 2AA", # Downing Street "BX3 2BB", # Barclays Bank "DH98 1BT", # British Telecom "N1 9GU", # Guardian Newspaper "E98 1TT", # The Times "TIM E22", # a fake postcode "A B1 A22", # not a valid postcode "EC2N 2DB", # Deutsche Bank "SE9 2UG", # University of Greenwhich "N1 0UY", # Islington, London "EC1V 8DS", # Clerkenwell, London "WC1X 9DT", # WC1X 9DT "B42 1LG", # Birmingham "B28 9AD", # Birmingham "W12 7RJ", # London, BBC News Centre "BBC 007" # a fake postcode ]

pc_re = r"[A-z]{1,2}[0-9R][0-9A-Z]? [0-9][ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z]{2}"

for postcode in example_codes: r = re.search(pc_re, postcode) if r: print(postcode + " matched!") else: print(postcode + " is not a valid postcode!")

REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 326 SW1A 0AA matched! SW1A 1AA matched! SW1A 2AA matched! BX3 2BB matched! DH98 1BT matched! N1 9GU matched! E98 1TT matched! TIM E22 is not a valid postcode! A B1 A22 is not a valid postcode! EC2N 2DB matched! SE9 2UG matched! N1 0UY matched! EC1V 8DS matched! WC1X 9DT matched! B42 1LG matched! B28 9AD matched! W12 7RJ matched! BBC 007 is not a valid postcode!



In our introduction to regular expressions of our tutorial we have covered the basic principles of regular expressions. We have shown, how the simplest regular expression looks like. We have also learnt, how to use regular expressions in Python by using the search() and the match() methods of the re module. The concept of formulating and using character classes should be well known by now, as well as the predefined character classes like \d, \D, \s, \S, and so on. You must have learnt how to match the beginning and the end of a string with a regular expression. You must know the special meaning of the question mark to make items optional. We have also introduced the quantifiers to repeat characters and groups arbitrarily or in certain ranges.

You must also be familiar with the use of grouping and the syntax and usage of back references.

Furthermore, we had explained the match objects of the re module and the information they contain and how to retrieve this information by using the methods span(), start(), end(), and group().

The introduction ended with a comprehensive example in Python.

In this chapter we will continue with our explanations about the syntax of the regular expressions. We will also explain further methods of the Python module re. E.g. how to find all the matched substrings of a regular expression. A task which needs programming in other programming languages like Perl or Java, but can be dealt with the call of one method of the re module of Python. So far, we only know how to define a choice of characters with a character class. We will demonstrate how to formulate alternations of substrings in this chapter of our tutorial,


The Python module re provides another great method, which other languages like Perl and Java don't provide. If you want to find all the substrings in a string, which match a regular expression, you have to use a loop in Perl and other languages, as can be seen in the following Perl snippet:

while ($string =~ m/regex/g) { print "Found '$&'. Next attempt at character " . pos($string)+1 . "\n"; }

It's a lot easier in Python. No need to loop. We can just use the findall method of the re module:

ADVANCED REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 328 re.findall(pattern, string[, flags]) findall returns all non-overlapping matches of pattern in string, as a list of strings. The string is scanned left- to-right, and matches are returned in the order in which they are found.

t="A fat cat doesn't eat oat but a rat eats bats." mo = re.findall("[force]at", t) print(mo) ['fat', 'cat', 'eat', 'oat', 'rat', 'eat']

If one or more groups are present in the pattern, findall returns a list of groups. This will be a list of tuples if the pattern has more than one group. We demonstrate this in our next example. We have a long string with various Python training courses and their dates. With the first call to findall, we don't use any grouping and receive the complete string as a result. In the next call, we use grouping and findall returns a list of 2-tuples, each having the course name as the first component and the dates as the second component:

import re courses = "Python Training Course for Beginners: 15/Aug/2011 - 19/ Aug/2011;Python Training Course Intermediate: 12/Dec/2011 - 16/De c/2011;Python Text Processing Course:31/Oct/2011 - 4/Nov/2011" items = re.findall("[^:]*:[^;]*;?", courses) items Output: ['Python Training Course for Beginners: 15/Aug/2011 - 19/Aug/ 2011;', 'Python Training Course Intermediate: 12/Dec/2011 - 16/Dec/2 011;', 'Python Text Processing Course:31/Oct/2011 - 4/Nov/2011']

items = re.findall("([^:]*):([^;]*;?)", courses) items Output: [('Python Training Course for Beginners', ' 15/Aug/2011 - 19/ Aug/2011;'), ('Python Training Course Intermediate', ' 12/Dec/2011 - 16/D ec/2011;'), ('Python Text Processing Course', '31/Oct/2011 - 4/Nov/201 1')]


In our introduction to regular expressions we had introduced character classes. Character classes offer a choice out of a set of characters. Sometimes we need a choice between several regular expressions. It's a logical "or" and that's why the symbol for this construct is the "|" symbol. In the following example, we check, if one of

ADVANCED REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 329 the cities London, Paris, Zurich, Konstanz Bern or Strasbourg appear in a string preceded by the word "location":

import re str = "Course location is London or Paris!" mo = re.search(r"location.*(London|Paris|Zurich|Strasbourg)",str) if mo: print(mo.group()) location is London or Paris

If you consider the previous example as too artificial, here is another one. Let's assume, you want to filter your email. You want to find all the correspondence (conversations) between you and Guido van Rossum, the creator and designer of Python. The following regular expression is helpful for this purpose:

r"(^To:|^From:) (Guido|van Rossum)"

This expression matches all lines starting with either 'To:' or 'From:', followed by a space and then either by the first name 'Guido' or the surname 'van Rossum'.


If you want to use the same regexp more than once in a script, it might be a good idea to use a regular expression object, i.e. the regex is compiled.

The general syntax:

re.compile(pattern[, flags]) compile returns a regex object, which can be used later for searching and replacing. The expressions behaviour can be modified by specifying a flag value.

Abbreviation Full name Description

re.I re.IGNORECASE Makes the regular expression case-insensitive

The behaviour of some special sequences like \w, \W, \b,\s, \S will be made dependent on re.L re.LOCALE the current locale, i.e. the user's language, country etc.

^ and $ will match at the beginning and at the end of each line and not just at the re.M re.MULTILINE beginning and the end of the string

re.S re.DOTALL The dot "." will match every character plus the newline

re.U re.UNICODE Makes \w, \W, \b, \B, \d, \D, \s, \S dependent on Unicode character properties

ADVANCED REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 330 Allowing "verbose regular expressions", i.e. whitespace are ignored. This means that spaces, tabs, and carriage returns are not matched as such. If you want to match a space in a verbose regular expression, you'll need to escape it by escaping it with a backslash in re.X re.VERBOSE front of it or include it in a character class. # are also ignored, except when in a character class or preceded by an non-escaped backslash. Everything following a "#" will be ignored until the end of the line, so this character can be used to start a comment.

Compiled regular objects usually are not saving much time, because Python internally compiles AND CACHES regexes whenever you use them with re.search() or re.match(). The only extra time a non-compiled regex takes is the time it needs to check the cache, which is a key lookup of a dictionary.

A good reason to use them is to separate the definition of a regex from its use.


We have already introduced a regular expression for matching a superset of UK postcodes in our introductory chapter:

r"[A-z]{1,2}[0-9R][0-9A-Z]? [0-9][ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z]{2}"

We demonstrate with this regular expression, how we can use the compile functionality of the module re in the following interactive session. The regular expression "regex" is compiled with re.compile(regex) and the compiled object is saved in the object compiled_re. Now we call the method search() of the object compiled_re:

import re regex = r"[A-z]{1,2}[0-9R][0-9A-Z]? [0-9][ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z]{2}" address = "BBC News Centre, London, W12 7RJ" compiled_re = re.compile(regex) res = compiled_re.search(address) print(res)


There is a string method split, which can be used to split a string into a list of substrings.

str.split([sep[, maxsplit]])

As you can see, the method split has two optional parameters. If none is given (or is None) , a string will be separated into substring using whitespaces as , i.e. every substring consisting purely of whitespaces is used as a .

ADVANCED REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 331 We demonstrate this behaviour with a famous quotation by Abraham Lincoln:

law_courses = "Let reverence for the laws be breathed by every Ame rican mother to the lisping babe that prattles on her lap. Let it be taught in schools, in seminaries, and in colleges. Let it be wr itten in primers, spelling books, and in almanacs. Let it be preac hed from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislative halls, and enforce d in the courts of justice. And, in short, let it become the polit ical religion of the nation." law_courses.split()

ADVANCED REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 332 Output: ['Let', 'reverence', 'for', 'the', 'laws', 'be', 'breathed', 'by', 'every', 'American', 'mother', 'to', 'the', 'lisping', 'babe', 'that', 'prattles', 'on', 'her', 'lap.', 'Let', 'it', 'be', 'taught', 'in', 'schools,', 'in', 'seminaries,', 'and', 'in', 'colleges.', 'Let', 'it', 'be', 'written', 'in', 'primers,', 'spelling', 'books,', 'and', 'in', 'almanacs.', 'Let', 'it', 'be', 'preached',

ADVANCED REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 333 'from', 'the', 'pulpit,', 'proclaimed', 'in', 'legislative', 'halls,', 'and', 'enforced', 'in', 'the', 'courts', 'of', 'justice.', 'And,', 'in', 'short,', 'let', 'it', 'become', 'the', 'political', 'religion', 'of', 'the', 'nation.']

Now we look at a string, which could stem from an Excel or an OpenOffice calc file. We have seen in our previous example that split takes whitespaces as default separators. We want to split the string in the following little example using semicolons as separators. The only thing we have to do is to use ";" as an argument of split():

line = "James;Miller;teacher;Perl" line.split(";") Output: ['James', 'Miller', 'teacher', 'Perl']

The method split() has another optional parameter: maxsplit. If maxsplit is given, at most maxsplit splits are done. This means that the resulting list will have at most "maxsplit + 1" elements. We will illustrate the mode of operation of maxsplit in the next example:

mammon = "The god of the world's leading religion. The chief templ e is in the holy city of New York." mammon.split(" ",3)

ADVANCED REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 334 Output: ['The', 'god', 'of', "the world's leading religion. The chief temple is in the ho ly city of New York."]

We used a Blank as a delimiter string in the previous example, which can be a problem: If multiple blanks or whitespaces are connected, split() will split the string after every single blank, so that we will get empty strings and strings with only a tab inside ('\t') in our result list:

mammon = "The god \t of the world's leading religion. The chief t emple is in the holy city of New York." mammon.split(" ",5) Output: ['The', 'god', '', '\t', 'of', "the world's leading religion. The chief temple is in the ho ly city of New York."]

We can prevent the separation of empty strings by using None as the first argument. Now split will use the default behaviour, i.e. every substring consisting of connected whitespace characters will be taken as one separator:

mammon.split(None,5) Output: ['The', 'god', 'of', 'the', "world's", 'leading religion. The chief temple is in the holy city of N ew York.']


The string method split() is the right tool in many cases, but what, if you want e.g. to get the bare words of a text, i.e. without any special characters and whitespaces. If we want this, we have to use the split function from the re module. We illustrate this method with a short text from the beginning of Metamorphoses by Ovid:

import re metamorphoses = "OF bodies chang'd to various forms, I sing: Ye Go

ADVANCED REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 335 ds, from whom these miracles did spring, Inspire my numbers with c oelestial heat;" re.split("\W+",metamorphoses) Output: ['OF', 'bodies', 'chang', 'd', 'to', 'various', 'forms', 'I', 'sing', 'Ye', 'Gods', 'from', 'whom', 'these', 'miracles', 'did', 'spring', 'Inspire', 'my', 'numbers', 'with', 'coelestial', 'heat', '']

The following example is a good case, where the regular expression is really superior to the string split. Let's assume that we have data lines with surnames, first names and professions of names. We want to clear the data line of the superfluous and redundant text descriptions, i.e. "surname: ", "prename: " and so on, so that we have solely the surname in the first column, the first name in the second column and the profession in the third column:

import re lines = ["surname: Obama, prename: Barack, profession: presiden t", "surname: Merkel, prename: Angela, profession: chancellor"] for line in lines: print(re.split(",* *\w*: ", line)) ['', 'Obama', 'Barack', 'president'] ['', 'Merkel', 'Angela', 'chancellor']

We can easily improve the script by using a slice operator, so that we don't have the empty string as the first

ADVANCED REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 336 element of our result lists:

import re lines = ["surname: Obama, prename: Barack, profession: presiden t", "surname: Merkel, prename: Angela, profession: chancellor"] for line in lines: print(re.split(",* *\w*: ", line)[1:]) ['Obama', 'Barack', 'president'] ['Merkel', 'Angela', 'chancellor']

And now for something completely different: There is a connection between Barack Obama and Python, or better Monty Python. John Cleese, one of the members of Monty Python told the Western Daily Press in April 2008: "I'm going to offer my services to him as a speech writer because I think he is a brilliant man."

SEARCH AND REPLACE WITH SUB re.sub(regex, replacement, subject)

Every match of the regular expression regex in the string subject will be replaced by the string replacement. Example:

import re str = "yes I said yes I will Yes." res = re.sub("[yY]es","no", str) print(res) no I said no I will no.



Given is a file with the name 'order_journal.txt' in the following format:

%%writefile order_journal.txt customer-id 1289 T83456 customer-id 1289 customer-id 1205 T10032 B77301 customer-id 1205

ADVANCED REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 337 customer-id 1410 K34001 T98987 customer-id 1410 customer-id 1205 T10786 C77502 customer-id 1205 customer-id 1289 Z22334 customer-id 1289 Overwriting order_journal.txt

Write a new file 'order_journal_regrouped.txt', in which the data is regrouped in the following way:

1289,T83456 1289,Z22334 1205,T10032 1205,B77301 1205,T10786 1205,C77502 1410,K34001 1410,T98987



txt = open("order_journal.txt").read()

data = {} # will contain the chustomer-id as keys and the oder s as a value string for x in re.finditer(r"customer-id ([\d\n]{4})(.*?)customer-id \1", txt, re.DOTALL): key, values = x.groups()

if key in data: data[key] += values else: data[key] = values with open("order_journal_regrouped.txt", "w") as fh: for key in data:

ADVANCED REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 338 for art_no in data[key].split(): fh.write(f"{key},{art_no}\n")

We can check the content of the newly created file:

content = open("order_journal_regrouped.txt").read() print(content) 1289,T83456 1289,Z22334 1205,T10032 1205,B77301 1205,T10786 1205,C77502 1410,K34001 1410,T98987


If Guido van Rossum, the author of the programming language Python, had got his will, this chapter would have been missing in our tutorial. In his article from May 2005 "All Things Pythonic: The fate of reduce() in Python 3000", he gives his reasons for dropping lambda, map(), filter() and reduce(). He expected resistance from the Lisp and the scheme "folks". What he didn't anticipate was the rigidity of this opposition. Enough that Guido van Rossum wrote hardly a year later: "After so many attempts to come up with an alternative for lambda, perhaps we should admit defeat. I've not had the time to follow the most recent rounds, but I propose that we keep lambda, so as to stop wasting everybody's talent and time on an impossible quest." We can see the result: lambda, map() and filter() are still part of core Python. Only reduce() had to go; it moved into the module functools.

His reasoning for dropping them is like this:

• There is an equally powerful alternative to lambda, filter, map and reduce, i.e. list comprehension • List comprehension( is more evident and easier to understand • Having both list comprehension and "Filter, map, reduce and lambda" is transgressing the Python motto "There should be one obvious way to solve a problem"

Some like it, others hate it and many are afraid of the lambda operator. The lambda operator or lambda function is a way to create small anonymous functions, i.e. functions without a name. These functions are throw-away functions, i.e. they are just needed where they have been created. Lambda functions are mainly used in combination with the functions filter(), map() and reduce(). The lambda feature was added to Python due to the demand from Lisp programmers.

The general syntax of a lambda function is quite simple: lambda argument_list: expression

The argument list consists of a comma separated list of arguments and the expression is an arithmetic expression using these arguments. You can assign the function to a variable to give it a name.

The following example of a lambda function returns the sum of its two arguments:

sum = lambda x, y : x + y sum(3,4) Output: 7

LAMBDA, FILTER, REDUCE AND MAP 340 The above example might look like a plaything for a mathematician. A formalism which turns an easy to comprehend issue into an abstract harder to grasp formalism. Above all, we could have had the same effect by just using the following conventional function definition:

def sum(x,y): return x + y

sum(3,4) Output: 7

We can assure you that the advantages of this approach will be apparent, when you will have learnt to use the map() function.


As we have mentioned earlier, the advantage of the lambda operator can be seen when it is used in combination with the map() function. map() is a function which takes two arguments: r = map(func, seq)

The first argument func is the name of a function and the second a sequence (e.g. a list) seq. map() applies the function func to all the elements of the sequence seq. Before Python3, map() used to return a list, where each element of the result list was the result of the function func applied on the corresponding element of the list or tuple "seq". With Python 3, map() returns an iterator.

The following example illustrates the way of working of map():

def fahrenheit(T): return ((float(9)/5)*T + 32)

def celsius(T): return (float(5)/9)*(T-32)

temperatures = (36.5, 37, 37.5, 38, 39) F = map(fahrenheit, temperatures) C = map(celsius, F) temperatures_in_Fahrenheit = list(map(fahrenheit, temperatures)) temperatures_in_Celsius = list(map(celsius, temperatures_in_Fahren heit)) print(temperatures_in_Fahrenheit) print(temperatures_in_Celsius) [97.7, 98.60000000000001, 99.5, 100.4, 102.2] [36.5, 37.00000000000001, 37.5, 38.00000000000001, 39.0]

LAMBDA, FILTER, REDUCE AND MAP 341 In the example above we haven't used lambda. By using lambda, we wouldn't have had to define and name the functions fahrenheit() and celsius(). You can see this in the following interactive session:

C = [39.2, 36.5, 37.3, 38, 37.8] F = list(map(lambda x: (float(9)/5)*x + 32, C)) print(F) [102.56, 97.7, 99.14, 100.4, 100.03999999999999]

C = list(map(lambda x: (float(5)/9)*(x-32), F)) print(C) [39.2, 36.5, 37.300000000000004, 38.00000000000001, 37.8] map() can be applied to more than one list. The lists don't have to have the same length. map() will apply its lambda function to the elements of the argument lists, i.e. it first applies to the elements with the 0th index, then to the elements with the 1st index until the n-th index is reached:

a = [1, 2, 3, 4] b = [17, 12, 11, 10] c = [-1, -4, 5, 9]

list(map(lambda x, y, z : x+y+z, a, b, c)) Output: [17, 10, 19, 23]

list(map(lambda x, y : x+y, a, b)) Output: [18, 14, 14, 14]

list(map(lambda x, y, z : 2.5*x + 2*y - z, a, b, c)) Output: [37.5, 33.0, 24.5, 21.0]

If one list has fewer elements than the others, map will stop when the shortest list has been consumed:

a = [1, 2, 3] b = [17, 12, 11, 10] c = [-1, -4, 5, 9]

list(map(lambda x, y, z : 2.5*x + 2*y - z, a, b, c)) Output: [37.5, 33.0, 24.5]

We can see in the example above that the parameter x gets its values from the list a, while y gets its values

LAMBDA, FILTER, REDUCE AND MAP 342 from b, and z from list c.


The map function of the previous chapter was used to apply one function to one or more iterables. We will now write a function which applies a bunch of functions, which may be an iterable such as a list or a tuple, for example, to one Python object.

from math import sin, cos, tan, pi

def map_functions(x, functions): """ map an iterable of functions on the the object x """ res = [] for func in functions: res.append(func(x)) return res

family_of_functions = (sin, cos, tan) print(map_functions(pi, family_of_functions)) [1.2246467991473532e-16, -1.0, -1.2246467991473532e-16]

The previously defined map_functions function can be simplified with the list comprehension technique, which we will cover in the chapter list comprehension:

def map_functions(x, functions): return [ func(x) for func in functions ]


The function filter(function, sequence) offers an elegant way to filter out all the elements of a sequence "sequence", for which the function function returns True. i.e. an item will be produced by the iterator result of filter(function, sequence) if item is included in the sequence "sequence" and if function(item) returns True.

In other words: The function filter(f,l) needs a function f as its first argument. f has to return a Boolean value, i.e. either True or False. This function will be applied to every element of the list l. Only if f returns True will the element be produced by the iterator, which is the return value of filter(function, sequence).

In the following example, we filter out first the odd and then the even elements of the sequence of the first 11 Fibonacci numbers:

LAMBDA, FILTER, REDUCE AND MAP 343 fibonacci = [0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55] odd_numbers = list(filter(lambda x: x % 2, fibonacci)) print(odd_numbers) [1, 1, 3, 5, 13, 21, 55]

even_numbers = list(filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, fibonacci)) print(even_numbers) [0, 2, 8, 34]

even_numbers = list(filter(lambda x: x % 2 -1, fibonacci)) print(even_numbers) [0, 2, 8, 34]


As we mentioned in the introduction of this chapter of our tutorial. reduce() had been dropped from the core of Python when migrating to Python 3. Guido van Rossum hates reduce(), as we can learn from his statement in a posting, March 10, 2005, in artima.com:

"So now reduce(). This is actually the one I've always hated most, because, apart from a few examples involving + or *, almost every t ime I see a reduce() call with a non-trivial function argument, I n eed to grab pen and paper to diagram what's actually being fed int o that function before I understand what the reduce() is supposed t o do. So in my mind, the applicability of reduce() is pretty much l imited to associative operators, and in all other cases it's bette r to write out the accumulation loop explicitly."

The function reduce(func, seq) continually applies the function func() to the sequence seq. It returns a single value.

If seq = [ s1, s2, s3, ... , sn ], calling reduce(func, seq) works like this:

At first the first two elements of seq will be applied to func, i.e. func(s1,s2) The list on which reduce() works looks now like th is: [ func(s1, s2), s3, ... , sn ] In the next step func will be applied on the previous result and th e third element of the list, i.e. func(func(s1, s2),s3) The list looks like this now: [ func(func(s1, s2),s3), ... , sn ] Continues like this until just one element is left and returns thi s element as the result of reduce()

LAMBDA, FILTER, REDUCE AND MAP 344 If n is equal to 4 the previous explanation can be illustrated like this:

We want to illustrate this way of working of reduce() with a simple example. We have to import functools to be capable of using reduce:

import functools functools.reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, [47,11,42,13]) Output: 113

The following diagram shows the intermediate steps of the calculation:


Determining the maximum of a list of numerical values by using reduce:

from functools import reduce f = lambda a,b: a if (a > b) else b reduce(f, [47,11,42,102,13]) Output: 102

Calculating the sum of the numbers from 1 to 100:

from functools import reduce reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, range(1,101)) Output: 5050

It's very simple to change the previous example to calculate the product (the factorial) from 1 to a number, but do not choose 100. We just have to turn the "+" operator into "*":

reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, range(1,49)) Output: 1241391559253607267086228904737337503852148635467776000000000 0

If you are into lottery, here are the chances to win a 6 out of 49 drawing:

reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, range(44,50))/reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, ra nge(1,7)) Output: 13983816.0


1) Imagine an accounting routine used in a book shop. It works on a list with sublists, which look like this:

Order Number Book Title and Author Quantity Pri ce per Item 34587 Learning Python, Mark Lutz 4 4 0.95 98762 Programming Python, Mark Lutz 5 5 6.80 77226 Head First Python, Paul Barry 3 3 2.95 88112 Einführung in Python3, Bernd Klein 3 2


Write a Python program, which returns a list with 2-tuples. Each tu ple consists of a the order number and the product of the price pe r items and the quantity. The product should be increased by 10,- € if the value of the order is smaller than 100,00 €. Write a Python program using lambda and map.

2) The same bookshop, but this time we work on a different list. The sublists of our lists look like this: [ordernumber, (article number, quantity, price per unit), ... (article number, quantity, price per unit) ] Write a program which returns a list of two tuples with (order number, total amount of order).

SOLUTIONS TO THE EXERCISES orders = [ ["34587", "Learning Python, Mark Lutz", 4, 40.95], ["98762", "Programming Python, Mark Lutz", 5, 56.80], ["77226", "Head First Python, Paul Barry", 3,32.95], ["88112", "Einführung in Python3, Bernd Klei n", 3, 24.99]]

min_order = 100 invoice_totals = list(map(lambda x: x if x[1] >= min_order else (x[0], x[1] + 10), map(lambda x: (x[0],x[2] * x[3]), orders)))

print(invoice_totals) [('34587', 163.8), ('98762', 284.0), ('77226', 108.8500000000000 1), ('88112', 84.97)]

from functools import reduce

orders = [ [1, ("5464", 4, 9.99), ("8274",18,12.99), ("9744", 9, 4 4.95)], [2, ("5464", 9, 9.99), ("9744", 9, 44.95)], [3, ("5464", 9, 9.99), ("88112", 11, 24.99)], [4, ("8732", 7, 11.99), ("7733",11,18.99), ("88112", 5, 39.95)] ]

min_order = 100 invoice_totals = list(map(lambda x: [x[0]] + list(map(lambda y: y[1]*y[2], x[1:])), orders)) invoice_totals = list(map(lambda x: [x[0]] + [reduce(lambda a,b:

LAMBDA, FILTER, REDUCE AND MAP 347 a + b, x[1:])], invoice_totals)) invoice_totals = list(map(lambda x: x if x[1] >= min_order else (x[0], x[1] + 10), invoice_totals))

print (invoice_totals) [[1, 678.3299999999999], [2, 494.46000000000004], [3, 364.79999999 999995], [4, 492.57]]



We learned in the previous chapter "Lambda Operator, Filter, Reduce and Map" that Guido van Rossum prefers list comprehensions to constructs using map, filter, reduce and lambda. In this chapter we will cover the essentials about list comprehensions.

List comprehensions were added with Python 2.0. Essentially, it is Python's way of implementing a well-known notation for sets as used by mathematicians. In mathematics the square numbers of the natural numbers are, for example, created by { x2 | x ∈ ℕ } or the set of complex integers { (x,y) | x ∈ ℤ ∧ y ∈ ℤ }.

List comprehension is an elegant way to define and create lists in Python. These lists have often the qualities of sets, but are not necessarily sets.

List comprehension is a complete substitute for the lambda function as well as the functions map(), filter() and reduce(). For most people the syntax of list comprehension is easier to be grasped.


In the chapter on lambda and map() we designed a map() function to convert Celsius values into Fahrenheit and vice versa. It looks like this with list comprehension:

Celsius = [39.2, 36.5, 37.3, 37.8] Fahrenheit = [ ((float(9)/5)*x + 32) for x in Celsius ] print(Fahrenheit) [102.56, 97.7, 99.14, 100.03999999999999]

A Pythagorean triple consists of three positive integers a, b, and c, such that a2 + b2 = c2. Such a triple is commonly written (a, b, c), and the best known example is (3, 4, 5). The following list comprehension creates the Pythagorean triples:

[(x,y,z) for x in range(1,30) for y in range(x,30) for z in rang e(y,30) if x**2 + y**2 == z**2]

LIST COMPREHENSION 349 Output: [(3, 4, 5), (5, 12, 13), (6, 8, 10), (7, 24, 25), (8, 15, 17), (9, 12, 15), (10, 24, 26), (12, 16, 20), (15, 20, 25), (20, 21, 29)]

Another example: Let A and B be two sets, the cross product (or ) of A and B, written A×B, is the set of all pairs wherein the first element is a member of the set A and the second element is a member of the set B.

Mathematical definition: A×B = {(a, b) : a belongs to A, b belongs to B}. It's easy to be accomplished in Python:

colours = [ "red", "green", "yellow", "blue" ] things = [ "house", "car", "tree" ] coloured_things = [ (x,y) for x in colours for y in things ] print(coloured_things) [('red', 'house'), ('red', 'car'), ('red', 'tree'), ('green', 'hou se'), ('green', 'car'), ('green', 'tree'), ('yellow', 'house'), ('yellow', 'car'), ('yellow', 'tree'), ('blue', 'house'), ('blu e', 'car'), ('blue', 'tree')]


Generator comprehensions were introduced with Python 2.6. They are simply like a list comprehension but with parentheses - round brackets - instead of (square) brackets around it. Otherwise, the syntax and the way of working is like list comprehension, but a generator comprehension returns a generator instead of a list.

x = (x **2 for x in range(20)) print(x) x = list(x) print(x) at 0x000002441374D1C8> [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196, 22 5, 256, 289, 324, 361]


Calculation of the prime numbers between 1 and 100 using the sieve of Eratosthenes:

noprimes = [j for i in range(2, 8) for j in range(i*2, 100, i)] primes = [x for x in range(2, 100) if x not in noprimes] print(primes) [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 6 1, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97]

We want to bring the previous example into more general form, so that we can calculate the list of prime numbers up to an arbitrary number n:

from math import sqrt n = 100 sqrt_n = int(sqrt(n)) no_primes = [j for i in range(2, sqrt_n+1) for j in range(i*2, n, i)] no_primes

LIST COMPREHENSION 351 Output: [4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90, 92, 94,

LIST COMPREHENSION 352 96, 98, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60, 63, 66, 69, 72, 75, 78, 81, 84, 87, 90, 93, 96, 99, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52,

LIST COMPREHENSION 353 56, 60, 64, 68, 72, 76, 80, 84, 88, 92, 96, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60, 66, 72, 78, 84, 90, 96, 14, 21,

LIST COMPREHENSION 354 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, 84, 91, 98, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90, 99, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90]

If we have a look at the content of no_primes, we can see that we have a problem. There are lots of double entries contained in this list:

LIST COMPREHENSION 355 Output: [4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90, 92, 94,

LIST COMPREHENSION 356 96, 98, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60, 63, 66, 69, 72, 75, 78, 81, 84, 87, 90, 93, 96, 99, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52,

LIST COMPREHENSION 357 56, 60, 64, 68, 72, 76, 80, 84, 88, 92, 96, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60, 66, 72, 78, 84, 90, 96, 14, 21,

LIST COMPREHENSION 358 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, 84, 91, 98, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90, 99, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90]

The solution to this unbearable problem is easier than you may think. It's just a matter of changing square brackets into braces, or in other words: We will use set comprehension.


A set comprehension is similar to a list comprehension, but returns a set and not a list. Syntactically, we use curly brackets instead of square brackets to create a set. Set comprehension is the right functionality to solve our problem from the previous subsection. We are able to create the set of non primes without doublets:

from math import sqrt n = 100 sqrt_n = int(sqrt(n)) no_primes = {j for i in range(2, sqrt_n+1) for j in range(i*2, n, i)} no_primes

LIST COMPREHENSION 360 Output: {4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65,

LIST COMPREHENSION 361 66, 68, 69, 70, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99}

primes = {i for i in range(2, n) if i not in no_primes} print(primes) {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 6 1, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97}


The following Python script uses a recursive function to calculate the prime numbers. It incorporates the fact that it is enough to examine the multiples of the prime numbers up to the square root of n:

from math import sqrt def primes(n): if n == 0: return [] elif n == 1: return [] else:

LIST COMPREHENSION 362 p = primes(int(sqrt(n))) no_p = {j for i in p for j in range(i*2, n+1, i)} p = {x for x in range(2, n + 1) if x not in no_p} return p

for i in range(1,50): print(i, primes(i))

LIST COMPREHENSION 363 1 [] 2 {2} 3 {2, 3} 4 {2, 3} 5 {2, 3, 5} 6 {2, 3, 5} 7 {2, 3, 5, 7} 8 {2, 3, 5, 7} 9 {2, 3, 5, 7} 10 {2, 3, 5, 7} 11 {2, 3, 5, 7, 11} 12 {2, 3, 5, 7, 11} 13 {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13} 14 {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13} 15 {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13} 16 {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13} 17 {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17} 18 {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17} 19 {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19} 20 {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19} 21 {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19} 22 {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19} 23 {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23} 24 {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23} 25 {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23} 26 {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23} 27 {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23} 28 {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23} 29 {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29} 30 {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29} 31 {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31} 32 {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31} 33 {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31} 34 {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31} 35 {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31} 36 {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31} 37 {2, 3, 5, 37, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31} 38 {2, 3, 5, 37, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31} 39 {2, 3, 5, 37, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31} 40 {2, 3, 5, 37, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31} 41 {2, 3, 5, 37, 7, 41, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31} 42 {2, 3, 5, 37, 7, 41, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31} 43 {2, 3, 5, 37, 7, 41, 11, 43, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31} 44 {2, 3, 5, 37, 7, 41, 11, 43, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31} 45 {2, 3, 5, 37, 7, 41, 11, 43, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31} 46 {2, 3, 5, 37, 7, 41, 11, 43, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31}

LIST COMPREHENSION 364 47 {2, 3, 5, 37, 7, 41, 11, 43, 13, 47, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31} 48 {2, 3, 5, 37, 7, 41, 11, 43, 13, 47, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31} 49 {2, 3, 5, 37, 7, 41, 11, 43, 13, 47, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31}


In Python 2, the loop control variable is not local, i.e. it can change another variable of that name outside of the list comprehension, as we can see in the following example:

x = "This value will be changed in the list comprehension" res = [x for x in range(3)] res [0, 1, 2] x 2 res = [i for i in range(5)] i 4

Guido van Rossum referred to this effect as "one of Python's 'dirty little secrets' for years".1 The reason for doing this was efficiency. "It started out as an intentional compromise to make list comprehensions blindingly fast, and while it was not a common pitfall for beginners, it definitely stung people occasionally."2

This "dirty little secret" is fixed in Python3, as you can see in the following code:

x = "Python 3 fixed the dirty little secret" res = [x for x in range(3)] print(res) [0, 1, 2] x [0, 1, 2] Output: 'Python 3 fixed the dirty little secret'

Footnotes: 1 Guido van Rossum: From List Comprehensions to Generator Expressions

2 dto.



What is an iterator? Iterators are objects that can be iterated over like we do in a for loop. We can also say that an iterator is an object, which returns data, one element at a time. That is, they do not do any work until we explicitly ask for their next item. They work on a principle, which is known in computer science as lazy evaluation. Lazy evaluation is an evaluation strategy which delays the evaluation of an expression until its value is really needed. Due to the laziness of Python iterators, they are a great way to deal with infinity, i.e. iterables which can iterate for ever. You can hardly find Python programs that are not teaming with iterators.

Iterators are a fundamental concept of Python. You already learned in your first Python programs that you can iterate over container objects such as lists and strings. To do this, Python creates an iterator version of the list or string. In this case, an iterator can be seen as a pointer to a container, which enables us to iterate over all the elements of this container. An iterator is an abstraction, which enables the programmer to access all the elements of an iterable object (a set, a string, a list etc.) without any deeper knowledge of the data structure of this object.

Generators are a special kind of function, which enable us to implement or generate iterators.

Mostly, iterators are implicitly used, like in the for-loop of Python. We demonstrate this in the following example. We are iterating over a list, but you shouldn't be mistaken: A list is not an iterator, but it can be used like an iterator:

cities = ["Paris", "Berlin", "Hamburg", "Frankfurt", "London", "Vienna", "Amsterdam", "Den Haag"] for location in cities: print("location: " + location) location: Paris location: Berlin location: Hamburg location: Frankfurt location: London location: Vienna location: Amsterdam location: Den Haag

GENERATORS AND ITERATORS 366 What is really going on when a for loop is executed? The function 'iter' is applied to the object following the 'in' keyword, e.g. for i in o:. Two cases are possible: o is either iterable or not. If o is not iterable, an exception will be raised, saying that the type of the object is not iterable. On the other hand, if o is iterable the call iter(o) will return an iterator, let us call it iterator_obj The for loop uses this iterator to iterate over the object o by using the next method. The for loop stops when next(iterator_obj) is exhausted, which means it returns a StopIteration exception. We demonstrate this behaviour in the following code example:

expertises = ["Python Beginner", "Python Intermediate", "Python Proficient", "Python Advanced"] expertises_iterator = iter(expertises) print("Calling 'next' for the first time: ", next(expertises_itera tor)) print("Calling 'next' for the second time: ", next(expertises_iter ator)) Calling 'next' for the first time: Python Beginner Calling 'next' for the second time: Python Intermediate

We could have called next two more times, but after this we will get a StopIteration Exception.

We can simulate this iteration behavior of the for loop in a while loop: You might have noticed that there is something missing in our program: We have to catch the "Stop Iteration" exception:

other_cities = ["Strasbourg", "Freiburg", "Stuttgart", "Vienna / Wien", "Hannover", "Berlin", "Zurich"]

city_iterator = iter(other_cities) while city_iterator: try: city = next(city_iterator) print(city) except StopIteration: break Strasbourg Freiburg Stuttgart Vienna / Wien Hannover Berlin Zurich

GENERATORS AND ITERATORS 367 The sequential base types as well as the majority of the classes of the standard library of Python support iteration. The dictionary data type dict supports iterators as well. In this case the iteration runs over the keys of the dictionary:

capitals = { "France":"Paris", "Netherlands":"Amsterdam", "Germany":"Berlin", "Switzerland":"Bern", "Austria":"Vienna"}

for country in capitals: print("The capital city of " + country + " is " + capitals[co untry]) The capital city of France is Paris The capital city of Netherlands is Amsterdam The capital city of Germany is Berlin The capital city of Switzerland is Bern The capital city of Austria is Vienna

Off-topic: Some readers may be confused to learn from our example that the capital of the Netherlands is not Den Haag (The Hague) but Amsterdam. Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands according to the constitution, even though the Dutch parliament and the Dutch government are situated in The Hague, as well as the Supreme Court and the Council of State.


One way to create iterators in Python is defining a class which implements the methods __init__ and __next__ . We show this by implementing a class cycle, which can be used to cycle over an iterable object forever. In other words, an instance of this class returns the element of an iterable until it is exhausted. Then it repeats the sequence indefinitely.

class Cycle(object):

def __init__(self, iterable): self.iterable = iterable self.iter_obj = iter(iterable)

def __iter__(self): return self

def __next__(self): while True:

GENERATORS AND ITERATORS 368 try: next_obj = next(self.iter_obj) return next_obj except StopIteration: self.iter_obj = iter(self.iterable)

x = Cycle("abc")

for i in range(10): print(next(x), end=", ") a, b, c, a, b, c, a, b, c, a,

Even though the object-oriented approach to creating an iterator may be very interesting, this is not the pythonic method.

The usual and easiest way to create an iterator in Python consists in using a generator function. You will learn this in the following chapter.


On the surface, generators in Python look like functions, but there is both a syntactic and a semantic difference. One distinguishing characteristic is the yield statements. The yield statement turns a functions into a generator. A generator is a function which returns a generator object. This generator object can be seen like a function which produces a sequence of results instead of a single object. This sequence of values is produced by iterating over it, e.g. with a for loop. The values, on which can be iterated, are created by using the yield statement. The value created by the yield statement is the value following the yield keyword. The execution of the code stops when a yield statement is reached. The value behind the yield will be returned. The execution of the generator is interrupted now. As soon as "next" is called again on the generator object, the generator function will resume execution right after the yield statement in the code, where the last call is made. The execution will continue in the state in which the generator was left after the last yield. In other words, all the local variables still exist, because they are automatically saved between calls. This is a fundamental difference to functions: functions always start their execution at the beginning of the function body, regardless of where they had left in previous calls. They don't have any static or persistent values. There may be more than one yield statement in the code of a generator or the yield statement might be inside the body of a loop. If there is a return statement in the code of a generator, the execution will stop with a StopIteration exception error when this code is executed by the Python interpreter. The word "generator" is sometimes ambiguously used to mean both the generator function itself and the objects which are generated by a generator.

Everything which can be done with a generator can also be implemented with a class based iterator as well. However, the crucial advantage of generators consists in automatically creating the methods __iter__ () and next(). Generators provide a very neat way of producing data which is huge or even infinite.

The following is a simple example of a generator, which is capable of producing various city names.

GENERATORS AND ITERATORS 369 It's possible to create a generator object with this generator, which generates all the city names, one after the other.

def city_generator(): yield("Hamburg") yield("Konstanz") yield("Berlin") yield("Zurich") yield("Schaffhausen") yield("Stuttgart")

We created an iterator by calling city_generator():

city = city_generator()

print(next(city)) Hamburg

print(next(city)) Konstanz

print(next(city)) Berlin

print(next(city)) Zurich

print(next(city)) Schaffhausen

print(next(city)) Stuttgart

print(next(city)) ------StopIteration Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 print(next(city))


GENERATORS AND ITERATORS 370 As we can see, we have generated an iterator city in the interactive shell. Every call of the method next(city) returns another city. After the last city, i.e. Stuttgart, has been created, another call of next(city) raises an exception, saying that the iteration has stopped, i.e. StopIteration . "Can we send a reset to an iterator?" is a frequently asked question, so that it can start the iteration all over again. There is no reset, but it's possible to create another generator. This can be done e.g. by using the statement "city = city_generator()" again. Though at the first sight the yield statement looks like the return statement of a function, we can see in this example that there is a huge difference. If we had a return statement instead of a yield in the previous example, it would be a function. But this function would always return the first city "Hamburg" and never any of the other cities, i.e. "Konstanz", "Berlin", "Zurich", "Schaffhausen", and "Stuttgart"


As we have elaborated in the introduction of this chapter, the generators offer a comfortable method to generate iterators, and that's why they are called generators.

Method of working:

• A generator is called like a function. Its return value is an iterator, i.e. a generator object. The code of the generator will not be executed at this stage. • The iterator can be used by calling the next method. The first time the execution starts like a function, i.e. the first line of code within the body of the iterator. The code is executed until a yield statement is reached. • yield returns the value of the expression, which is following the keyword yield. This is like a function, but Python keeps track of the position of this yield and the state of the local variables is stored for the next call. At the next call, the execution continues with the statement following the yield statement and the variables have the same values as they had in the previous call. • The iterator is finished, if the generator body is completely worked through or if the program flow encounters a return statement without a value.

We will illustrate this behaviour in the following example. The generator count creates an iterator which creates a sequence of values by counting from the start value 'firstval' and using 'step' as the increment for counting:

def count(firstval=0, step=1): x = firstval while True: yield x x += step

counter = count() # count will start with 0 for i in range(10): print(next(counter), end=", ")

start_value = 2.1 stop_value = 0.3

GENERATORS AND ITERATORS 371 print("\nNew counter:") counter = count(start_value, stop_value) for i in range(10): new_value = next(counter) print(f"{new_value:2.2f}", end=", ")

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, New counter: 2.10, 2.40, 2.70, 3.00, 3.30, 3.60, 3.90, 4.20, 4.50, 4.80,

Fibonacci as a Generator:

The Fibonacci sequence is named after Leonardo of Pisa, who was known as Fibonacci (a contraction of filius Bonacci, "son of Bonaccio"). In his textbook Liber Abaci, which appeared in the year 1202) he had an exercise about the rabbits and their breeding: It starts with a newly-born pair of rabbits, i.e. a male and a female. It takes one month until they can mate. At the end of the second month the female gives birth to a new pair of rabbits. Now let's suppose that every female rabbit will bring forth another pair of rabbits every month after the end of the first month. We have to mention that Fibonacci's rabbits never die. They question is how large the population will be after a certain period of time.

This produces a sequence of numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13

This sequence can be defined in mathematical terms like this:

Fn = Fn − 1 + Fn − 2 with the seed values: F0 = 0 and F1 = 1

def fibonacci(n): """ A generator for creating the Fibonacci numbers """ a, b, counter = 0, 1, 0 while True: if (counter > n): return yield a a, b = b, a + b counter += 1 f = fibonacci(5) for x in f: print(x, " ", end="") # print() 0 1 1 2 3 5

The generator above can be used to create the first n Fibonacci numbers separated by blanks, or better (n+1) numbers because the 0th number is also included. In the next example we present a version which is capable of returning an endless iterator. We have to take care when we use this iterator that a termination criterion is


def fibonacci(): """Generates an infinite sequence of Fibonacci numbers on dema nd""" a, b = 0, 1 while True: yield a a, b = b, a + b

f = fibonacci()

counter = 0 for x in f: print(x, " ", end="") counter += 1 if (counter > 10): break print() 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55


Since Python 3.3, generators can also use return statements, but a generator still needs at least one yield statement to be a generator! A return statement inside of a generator is equivalent to raise StopIteration()

Let's have a look at a generator in which we raise StopIteration:

def gen(): yield 1 raise StopIteration(42) yield 2

g = gen()

next(g) Output: 1


GENERATORS AND ITERATORS 373 ------StopIteration Traceback (most recent call last) in gen() 2 yield 1 ----> 3 raise StopIteration(42) 4 yield 2

StopIteration: 42

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 next(g)

RuntimeError: generator raised StopIteration

We demonstrate now that return is "nearly" equivalent to raising the 'StopIteration' exception.

def gen(): yield 1 return 42 yield 2

g = gen() next(g) Output: 1

next(g) ------StopIteration Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 next(g)

StopIteration: 42


Generators can not only send objects but also receive objects. Sending a message, i.e. an object, into the generator can be achieved by applying the send method to the generator object. Be aware of the fact that send both sends a value to the generator and returns the value yielded by the generator. We will demonstrate this behavior in the following simple example of a coroutine:

def simple_coroutine():

GENERATORS AND ITERATORS 374 print("coroutine has been started!") while True: x = yield "foo" print("coroutine received: ", x)

cr = simple_coroutine() cr Output:

next(cr) coroutine has been started! Output: 'foo'

ret_value = cr.send("Hi") print("'send' returned: ", ret_value) coroutine received: Hi 'send' returned: foo

We had to call next on the generator first, because the generator needed to be started. Using send to a generator which hasn't been started leads to an exception.

To use the send method, the generator must wait for a yield statement so that the data sent can be processed or assigned to the variable on the left. What we haven't said so far: A next call also sends and receives. It always sends a None object. The values sent by "next" and "send" are assigned to a variable within the generator: this variable is called new_counter_val in the following example.

The following example modifies the generator 'count' from the previous subchapter by adding a send feature.

In [ ]: def count(firstval=0, step=1): counter = firstval while True: new_counter_val = yield counter if new_counter_val is None: counter += step else: counter = new_counter_val

start_value = 2.1 stop_value = 0.3

GENERATORS AND ITERATORS 375 counter = count(start_value, stop_value) for i in range(10): new_value = next(counter) print(f"{new_value:2.2f}", end=", ")

print("set current count value to another value:") counter.send(100.5) for i in range(10): new_value = next(counter) print(f"{new_value:2.2f}", end=", ")

ANOTHER EXAMPLE FOR SEND from random import choice

def song_generator(song_list): new_song = None while True: if new_song != None: if new_song not in song_list: song_list.append(new_song) new_song = yield new_song else: new_song = yield(choice(song_list))

songs = ["Her Şeyi Yak - Sezen Aksu", "Bluesette - Toots Thielemans", "Six Marimbas - Steve Reich", "Riverside - Agnes Obel", "Not for Radio - Nas", "What's going on - Taste", "On Stream - Nils Petter Molvær", "La' Inta Habibi - Fayrouz", "Ik Leef Niet Meer Voor Jou - Marco Borsato", "Δέκα λεπτά - Αθηνά Ανδρεάδη"]

radio_program = song_generator(songs)

next(radio_program) Output: 'Riverside - Agnes Obel'

for i in range(3): print(next(radio_program))

GENERATORS AND ITERATORS 376 Bluesette - Toots Thielemans Six Marimbas - Steve Reich Six Marimbas - Steve Reich

radio_program.send("Distorted Angels - Archive") Output: 'Distorted Angels - Archive'

songs Output: ['Her Şeyi Yak - Sezen Aksu', 'Bluesette - Toots Thielemans', 'Six Marimbas - Steve Reich', 'Riverside - Agnes Obel', 'Not for Radio - Nas', "What's going on - Taste", 'On Stream - Nils Petter Molvær', "La' Inta Habibi - Fayrouz", 'Ik Leef Niet Meer Voor Jou - Marco Borsato', 'Δέκα λεπτά - Αθηνά Ανδρεάδη', 'Distorted Angels - Archive']

So far, we could change the behavior of the song interator by sending a new song, i.e. a title plus the performer. We will extend the generator now. We make it possible to send a new song list. We have to send a tuple to the new iterator, either a tuple:

(, ) or

("-songlist-", )

from random import choice def song_generator(song_list): new_song = None while True: if new_song != None: if new_song[0] == "-songlist-": song_list = new_song[1] new_song = yield(choice(song_list)) else: title, performer = new_song new_song = title + " - " + performer if new_song not in song_list: song_list.append(new_song) new_song = yield new_song else: new_song = yield(choice(song_list))

GENERATORS AND ITERATORS 377 songs1 = ["Après un Rêve - Gabriel Fauré" "On Stream - Nils Petter Molvær", "Der Wanderer Michael - Michael Wollny", "Les barricades mystérieuses - Barbara Thompson", "Monday - Ludovico Einaudi"]

songs2 = ["Dünyadan Uszak - Pinhani", "Again - Archive", "If I had a Hear - Fever Ray" "Every you, every me - Placebo", "Familiar - Angnes Obel"]

radio_prog = song_generator(songs1)

for i in range(5): print(next(radio_prog)) Les barricades mystérieuses - Barbara Thompson Après un Rêve - Gabriel FauréOn Stream - Nils Petter Molvær Les barricades mystérieuses - Barbara Thompson Les barricades mystérieuses - Barbara Thompson Après un Rêve - Gabriel FauréOn Stream - Nils Petter Molvær

We change the radio program now by exchanging the song list:

radio_prog.send(("-songlist-", songs2)) Output: 'Familiar - Angnes Obel'

for i in range(5): print(next(radio_prog)) Again - Archive If I had a Hear - Fever RayEvery you, every me - Placebo Dünyadan Uszak - Pinhani Dünyadan Uszak - Pinhani If I had a Hear - Fever RayEvery you, every me - Placebo


The throw() method raises an exception at the point where the generator was paused, and returns the next value yielded by the generator. It raises StopIteration if the generator exits without yielding another value. The generator has to catch the passed-in exception, otherwise the exception will be propagated to the caller.

The infinite loop of our count generator from our previous example keeps yielding the elements of the sequential data, but we don't have any information about the index or the state of the variables of "counter".

GENERATORS AND ITERATORS 378 We can get this information, i.e. the state of the variables in count by throwing an exception with the throw method. We catch this exception inside of the generator and print the state of the values of "count":

def count(firstval=0, step=1): counter = firstval while True: try: new_counter_val = yield counter if new_counter_val is None: counter += step else: counter = new_counter_val except Exception: yield (firstval, step, counter)

In the following code block, we will show how to use this generator:

c = count() for i in range(6): print(next(c)) print("Let us see what the state of the iterator is:") state_of_count = c.throw(Exception) print(state_of_count) print("now, we can continue:") for i in range(3): print(next(c)) 0 1 2 3 4 5 Let us see what the state of the iterator is: (0, 1, 5) now, we can continue: 5 6 7

We can improve the previous example by defining our own exception class StateOfGenerator:

class StateOfGenerator(Exception): def __init__(self, message=None):

GENERATORS AND ITERATORS 379 self.message = message

def count(firstval=0, step=1): counter = firstval while True: try: new_counter_val = yield counter if new_counter_val is None: counter += step else: counter = new_counter_val except StateOfGenerator: yield (firstval, step, counter)

We can use the previous generator like this:

c = count() for i in range(3): print(next(c)) print("Let us see what the state of the iterator is:") i = c.throw(StateOfGenerator) print(i) print("now, we can continue:") for i in range(3): print(next(c)) 0 1 2 Let us see what the state of the iterator is: (0, 1, 2) now, we can continue: 2 3 4


"yield from" is available since Python 3.3! The yield from statement can be used inside the body of a generator. has to be an expression evaluating to an iterable, from which an iterator will be extracted. The iterator is run to exhaustion, i.e. until it encounters a StopIteration exception. This iterator yields and receives values to or from the caller of the generator, i.e. the one which contains the yield from statement.

We can learn from the following example by looking at the two generators 'gen1' and 'gen2' that the yield

GENERATORS AND ITERATORS 380 from from gen2 are substituting the for loops of 'gen1':

def gen1(): for char in "Python": yield char for i in range(5): yield i

def gen2(): yield from "Python" yield from range(5)

g1 = gen1() g2 = gen2() print("g1: ", end=", ") for x in g1: print(x, end=", ") print("\ng2: ", end=", ") for x in g2: print(x, end=", ") print() g1: , P, y, t, h, o, n, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, g2: , P, y, t, h, o, n, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,

We can see from the output that both generators are the same.

The benefit of a yield from statement can be seen as a way to split a generator into multiple generators. That's what we have done in our previous example and we will demonstrate this more explicitely in the following example:

def cities(): for city in ["Berlin", "Hamburg", "Munich", "Freiburg"]: yield city

def squares(): for number in range(10): yield number ** 2

def generator_all_in_one(): for city in cities(): yield city for number in squares(): yield number

GENERATORS AND ITERATORS 381 def generator_splitted(): yield from cities() yield from squares()

lst1 = [el for el in generator_all_in_one()] lst2 = [el for el in generator_splitted()] print(lst1 == lst2) True

The previous code returns True because the generators generator_all_in_one and generator_splitted yield the same elements. This means that if the from the yield from is another generator, the effect is the same as if the body of the sub‐generator were inlined at the point of the yield from statement. Furthermore, the subgenerator is allowed to execute a return statement with a value, and that value becomes the value of the yield from expression. We demonstrate this with the following little script:

def subgenerator(): yield 1 return 42

def delegating_generator(): x = yield from subgenerator() print(x)

for x in delegating_generator(): print(x) 1 42

The full semantics of the yield from expression is described in six points in "PEP 380 -- Syntax for Delegating to a Subgenerator" in terms of the generator protocol:

• Any values that the iterator yields are passed directly to the caller. • Any values sent to the delegating generator using send() are passed directly to the iterator. If the sent value is None, the iterator's next() method is called. If the sent value is not None, the iterator's send() method is called. If the call raises StopIteration, the delegating generator is resumed. Any other exception is propagated to the delegating generator. • Exceptions other than GeneratorExit thrown into the delegating generator are passed to the throw() method of the iterator. If the call raises StopIteration, the delegating generator is resumed. Any other exception is propagated to the delegating generator. • If a GeneratorExit exception is thrown into the delegating generator, or the close() method of the delegating generator is called, then the close() method of the iterator is called if it has one. If this

GENERATORS AND ITERATORS 382 call results in an exception, it is propagated to the delegating generator. Otherwise, GeneratorExit is raised in the delegating generator. • The value of the yield from expression is the first argument to the StopIteration exception raised by the iterator when it terminates. • return expr in a generator causes StopIteration(expr) to be raised upon exit from the generator.


The following example is a generator to create all the permutations of a given list of items.

For those who don't know what permutations are, we have a short introduction:

Formal Definition: The term "permutation" stems from the latin verb "permutare" which means A permutation is a rearrangement of the elements of an ordered list. In other words: Every arrangement of n elements is called a permutation.

In the following lines we show you all the permutations of the letter a, b and c: a b c a c b b a c b c a c a b c b a

The number of permutations on a set of n elements is given by n! n! = n(n-1)(n-2) ... 2 * 1 n! is called the factorial of n.

The permutation generator can be called with an arbitrary list of objects. The iterator returned by this generator generates all the possible permutations:

def permutations(items): n = len(items) if n==0: yield [] else: for i in range(len(items)): for cc in permutations(items[:i]+items[i+1:]): yield [items[i]]+cc

for p in permutations(['r','e','d']): print(''.join(p)) for p in permutations(list("game")): print(''.join(p) + ", ", en d="")

GENERATORS AND ITERATORS 383 red rde erd edr dre der game, gaem, gmae, gmea, geam, gema, agme, agem, amge, ameg, aegm, aemg, mgae, mgea, mage, maeg, mega, meag, egam, egma, eagm, eamg, emga, emag,

The previous example can be hard to understand for newbies. Like always, Python offers a convenient solution. We need the module itertools for this purpose. Itertools is a very handy tool to create and operate on iterators.

Creating permutations with itertools:

import itertools perms = itertools.permutations(['r','e','d']) list(perms) Output: [('r', 'e', 'd'), ('r', 'd', 'e'), ('e', 'r', 'd'), ('e', 'd', 'r'), ('d', 'r', 'e'), ('d', 'e', 'r')]

The term "permutations" can sometimes be used in a weaker meaning. Permutations can denote in this weaker meaning a sequence of elements, where each element occurs just once, but without the requirement to contain all the elements of a given set. So in this sense (1,3,5,2) is a permutation of the set of digits {1,2,3,4,5,6}. We can build, for example, all the sequences of a fixed length k of elements taken from a given set of size n with k ≤ n.

These are are all the 3-permutations of the set {"a","b","c","d"}.

These atypical permutations are also known as sequences without repetition. By using this term we can avoid confusion with the term "permutation". The number of such k-permutations of n is denoted by Pn , k and its value is calculated by the product: n · (n − 1) · …(n − k + 1)

By using the factorial notation, the above mentioned expression can be written as:

Pn , k = n!/(n − k)!

GENERATORS AND ITERATORS 384 A generator for the creation of k-permuations of n objects looks very similar to our previous permutations generator:

def k_permutations(items, n): if n==0: yield [] else: for item in items: for kp in k_permutations(items, n-1): if item not in kp: yield [item] + kp

for kp in k_permutations("abcd", 3): print(kp) ['a', 'b', 'c'] ['a', 'b', 'd'] ['a', 'c', 'b'] ['a', 'c', 'd'] ['a', 'd', 'b'] ['a', 'd', 'c'] ['b', 'a', 'c'] ['b', 'a', 'd'] ['b', 'c', 'a'] ['b', 'c', 'd'] ['b', 'd', 'a'] ['b', 'd', 'c'] ['c', 'a', 'b'] ['c', 'a', 'd'] ['c', 'b', 'a'] ['c', 'b', 'd'] ['c', 'd', 'a'] ['c', 'd', 'b'] ['d', 'a', 'b'] ['d', 'a', 'c'] ['d', 'b', 'a'] ['d', 'b', 'c'] ['d', 'c', 'a'] ['d', 'c', 'b']


The second generator of our Fibonacci sequence example generates an iterator, which can theoretically produce all the Fibonacci numbers, i.e. an infinite number. But you shouldn't try to produce all these numbers in a list with the following line.

GENERATORS AND ITERATORS 385 list(fibonacci())

This will show you very fast the limits of your computer. In most practical applications, we only need the first n elements of and other "endless" iterators. We can use another generator, in our example firstn , to create the first n elements of a generator generator :

def firstn(generator, n): g = generator() for i in range(n): yield next(g)

The following script returns the first 10 elements of the Fibonacci sequence:

def fibonacci(): """ A Fibonacci number generator """ a, b = 0, 1 while True: yield a a, b = b, a + b

print(list(firstn(fibonacci, 10))) [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34]



Write a generator which computes the running average.


Write a generator frange , which behaves like range but accepts float values.


3) Write a generator trange , which generates a sequence of time tuples from start to stop incremented by step. A time tuple is a 3-tuple of integers: (hours, minutes, seconds) So a call to trange might look like this:

trange((10, 10, 10), (13, 50, 15), (0, 15, 12) )


Write a version "rtrange" of the previous generator, which can receive messages to reset the start value.


Write a program, using the newly written generator "trange", to create a file "times_and_temperatures.txt". The lines of this file contain a time in the format hh::mm::ss and random temperatures between 10.0 and 25.0 degrees. The times should be ascending in steps of 90 seconds starting with 6:00:00. For example:

06:00:00 20.1 06:01:30 16.1 06:03:00 16.9 06:04:30 13.4 06:06:00 23.7 06:07:30 23.6 06:09:00 17.5 06:10:30 11.0


Write a generator with the name "random_ones_and_zeroes", which returns a bitstream, i.e. a zero or a one in every iteration. The probability p for returning a 1 is defined in a variable p. The generator will initialize this value to 0.5. In other words, zeroes and ones will be returned with the same probability.


We wrote a class Cycle in the beginning of this chapter of our Python tutorial. Write a generator cycle performing the same task.


SOLUTION TO EXERCISE 1 def running_average(): total = 0.0 counter = 0 average = None while True: term = yield average

GENERATORS AND ITERATORS 387 total += term counter += 1 average = total / counter

ra = running_average() # initialize the coroutine next(ra) # we have to start the coroutine for value in [7, 13, 17, 231, 12, 8, 3]: out_str = "sent: {val:3d}, new average: {avg:6.2f}" print(out_str.format(val=value, avg=ra.send(value))) sent: 7, new average: 7.00 sent: 13, new average: 10.00 sent: 17, new average: 12.33 sent: 231, new average: 67.00 sent: 12, new average: 56.00 sent: 8, new average: 48.00 sent: 3, new average: 41.57

SOLUTION TO EXERCISE 2 def frange(*args): """ dfgdg """ startval = 0 stepsize = 1 if len(args) == 1: endval = args[0] elif len(args) == 2: startval, endval = args elif len(args) == 3: startval, endval, stepsize = args else: txt = "range expected at most 3 arguments, got " + len(arg s) raise TypeError(txt)

value = startval factor = -1 if stepsize < 0 else 1 while (value - endval) * (factor) < 0: yield value value += stepsize

Using frange may llok like this:

GENERATORS AND ITERATORS 388 for i in frange(5.6): print(i, end=", ") print() for i in frange(0.3, 5.6): print(i, end=", ") print() for i in frange(0.3, 5.6, 0.8): print(i, end=", ") print() 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0.3, 1.3, 2.3, 3.3, 4.3, 5.3, 0.3, 1.1, 1.9000000000000001, 2.7, 3.5, 4.3, 5.1,

SOLUTION TO EXERCISE 3 def trange(start, stop, step): """ trange(stop) -> time as a 3-tuple (hours, minutes, seconds) trange(start, stop[, step]) -> time tuple

start: time tuple (hours, minutes, seconds) stop: time tuple step: time tuple

returns a sequence of time tuples from start to stop increment ed by step """

current = list(start) while current < list(stop): yield tuple(current) seconds = step[2] + current[2] min_borrow = 0 hours_borrow = 0 if seconds < 60: current[2] = seconds else: current[2] = seconds - 60 min_borrow = 1 minutes = step[1] + current[1] + min_borrow if minutes < 60: current[1] = minutes else: current[1] = minutes - 60

GENERATORS AND ITERATORS 389 hours_borrow = 1 hours = step[0] + current[0] + hours_borrow if hours < 24: current[0] = hours else: current[0] = hours - 24 Overwriting timerange.py

from timerange import trange

for time in trange((10, 10, 10), (19, 53, 15), (1, 24, 12) ): print(time) (10, 10, 10) (11, 34, 22) (12, 58, 34) (14, 22, 46) (15, 46, 58) (17, 11, 10) (18, 35, 22)

SOLUTION TO EXERCISE 4 def rtrange(start, stop, step): """ trange(stop) -> time as a 3-tuple (hours, minutes, second s) trange(start, stop[, step]) -> time tuple

start: time tuple (hours, minutes, seconds) stop: time tuple step: time tuple

returns a sequence of time tuples from start to stop incre mented by step

The generator can be reset by sending a new "start" value. """

current = list(start) while current < list(stop): new_start = yield tuple(current) if new_start != None: current = list(new_start)

GENERATORS AND ITERATORS 390 continue seconds = step[2] + current[2] min_borrow = 0 hours_borrow = 0 if seconds < 60: current[2] = seconds else: current[2] = seconds - 60 min_borrow = 1 minutes = step[1] + current[1] + min_borrow if minutes < 60: current[1] = minutes else: current[1] = minutes - 60 hours_borrow = 1 hours = step[0] + current[0] + hours_borrow if hours < 24: current[0] = hours else: current[0] = hours -24 Overwriting rtimerange.py

from rtimerange import rtrange

ts = rtrange((10, 10, 10), (17, 50, 15), (1, 15, 12) ) for _ in range(3): print(next(ts))

print(ts.send((8, 5, 50))) for _ in range(3): print(next(ts)) (10, 10, 10) (11, 25, 22) (12, 40, 34) (8, 5, 50) (9, 21, 2) (10, 36, 14) (11, 51, 26)

SOLUTION TO EXERCISE 5 from timerange import trange


fh = open("times_and_temperatures.txt", "w")

for time in trange((6, 0, 0), (23, 0, 0), (0, 1, 30) ): random_number = random.randint(100, 250) / 10 lst = time + (random_number,) output = "{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d} {:4.1f}\n".format(*lst) fh.write(output)

You can find further details and the mathematical background about this exercise in our chapter on Weighted Probabilities

SOLUTION TO EXERCISE 6 import random

def random_ones_and_zeros(): p = 0.5 while True: x = random.random() message = yield 1 if x < p else 0 if message != None: p = message

x = random_ones_and_zeros() next(x) # we are not interested in the return value for p in [0.2, 0.8]: print("\nWe change the probability to : " + str(p)) x.send(p) for i in range(20): print(next(x), end=" ") print() We change the probability to : 0.2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 We change the probability to : 0.8 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1


The "cycle" generator is part of the module 'itertools'. The following code is the implementation in itertools:

def cycle(iterable):

GENERATORS AND ITERATORS 392 # cycle('ABCD') --> A B C D A B C D A B C D ... saved = [] for element in iterable: yield element saved.append(element) while saved: for element in saved: yield element

countries = ["Germany", "Switzerland", "Austria"] country_iterator = cycle(countries) for i in range(7): print(next(country_iterator)) Germany Switzerland Austria Germany Switzerland Austria Germany



An exception is an error that happens during the execution of a program. Exceptions are known to non-programmers as instances that do not conform to a general rule. The name "exception" in computer science has this meaning as well: It implies that the problem (the exception) doesn't occur frequently, i.e. the exception is the "exception to the rule". Exception handling is a construct in some programming languages to handle or deal with errors automatically. Many programming languages like C++, Objective-C, PHP, Java, Ruby, Python, and many others have built-in support for exception handling.

Error handling is generally resolved by saving the state of execution at the moment the error occurred and interrupting the normal flow of the program to execute a special function or piece of code, which is known as the exception handler. Depending on the kind of error ("division by zero", "file open error" and so on) which had occurred, the error handler can "fix" the problem and the programm can be continued afterwards with the previously saved data.


Exception handling in Python is very similar to Java. The code, which harbours the risk of an exception, is embedded in a try block. While in Java exceptions are caught by catch clauses, in Python we have statements introduced by an "except" keyword. It's possible to create "custom-made" exceptions: With the raise statement it's possible to force a specified exception to occur.

Let's look at a simple example. Assuming we want to ask the user to enter an integer number. If we use a input(), the input will be a string, which we have to cast into an integer. If the input isn't a valid integer, we will generate (raise) a ValueError. We show this in the following interactive session:

In [ ]: n = int(input("Please enter a number: "))

With the aid of exception handling, we can write robust code for reading an integer from input:

In [ ]: while True: try: n = input("Please enter an integer: ") n = int(n) break except ValueError:

ERRORS AND EXCEPTIONS 394 print("No valid integer! Please try again ...") print("Great, you successfully entered an integer!")

It's a loop, which breaks only if a valid integer has been given. The while loop is entered. The code within the try clause will be executed statement by statement. If no exception occurs during the execution, the execution will reach the break statement and the while loop will be left. If an exception occurs, i.e. in the casting of n, the rest of the try block will be skipped and the except clause will be executed. The raised error, in our case a ValueError, has to match one of the names after except. In our example only one, i.e. "ValueError:". After having printed the text of the print statement, the execution does another loop. It starts with a new input().

We could turn the code above into a function, which can be used to have a foolproof input.

def int_input(prompt): while True: try: age = int(input(prompt)) return age except ValueError as e: print("Not a proper integer! Try it again")

We use this with our dog age example from the chapter Conditional Statements.

def dog2human_age(dog_age): human_age = -1 if dog_age < 0: human_age = -1 elif dog_age == 0: human_age = 0 elif dog_age == 1: human_age = 14 elif dog_age == 2: human_age = 22 else: human_age = 22 + (dog_age -2) * 5 return human_age

age = int_input("Age of your dog? ") print("Age of the dog: ", dog2human_age(age)) Not a proper integer! Try it again Not a proper integer! Try it again Age of the dog: 37


A try statement may have more than one except clause for different exceptions. But at most one except clause will be executed.

Our next example shows a try clause, in which we open a file for reading, read a line from this file and convert this line into an integer. There are at least two possible exceptions:

an IOError ValueError

Just in case we have an additional unnamed except clause for an unexpected error:

import sys

try: f = open('integers.txt') s = f.readline() i = int(s.strip()) except IOError as e: errno, strerror = e.args print("I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno,strerror)) # e can be printed directly without using .args: # print(e) except ValueError: print("No valid integer in line.") except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise I/O error(2): No such file or directory

The handling of the IOError in the previous example is of special interest. The except clause for the IOError specifies a variable "e" after the exception name (IOError). The variable "e" is bound to an exception instance with the arguments stored in instance.args. If we call the above script with a non-existing file, we get the message:

I/O error(2): No such file or directory

And if the file integers.txt is not readable, e.g. if we don't have the permission to read it, we get the following message:

I/O error(13): Permission denied

An except clause may name more than one exception in a tuple of error names, as we see in the following example:

ERRORS AND EXCEPTIONS 396 try: f = open('integers.txt') s = f.readline() i = int(s.strip()) except (IOError, ValueError): print("An I/O error or a ValueError occurred") except: print("An unexpected error occurred") raise An I/O error or a ValueError occurred

We want to demonstrate now, what happens, if we call a function within a try block and if an exception occurs inside the function call:

def f(): x = int("four")

try: f() except ValueError as e: print("got it :-) ", e)

print("Let's get on") got it :-) invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'four' Let's get on the function catches the exception.

We will extend our example now so that the function will catch the exception directly:

def f(): try: x = int("four") except ValueError as e: print("got it in the function :-) ", e)

try: f() except ValueError as e: print("got it :-) ", e)

ERRORS AND EXCEPTIONS 397 print("Let's get on") got it in the function :-) invalid literal for int() with base 1 0: 'four' Let's get on

As we have expected, the exception is caught inside the function and not in the callers exception:

We add now a "raise", which generates the ValueError again, so that the exception will be propagated to the caller:

def f(): try: x = int("four") except ValueError as e: print("got it in the function :-) ", e) raise

try: f() except ValueError as e: print("got it :-) ", e)

print("Let's get on") got it in the function :-) invalid literal for int() with base 1 0: 'four' got it :-) invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'four' Let's get on


It's possible to create Exceptions yourself:

raise SyntaxError("Sorry, my fault!")

ERRORS AND EXCEPTIONS 398 Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:\Users\melis\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\in teractiveshell.py", line 3326, in run_code exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)

File "", line 1, in raise SyntaxError("Sorry, my fault!")

File "", line unknown SyntaxError: Sorry, my fault!

The best or the Pythonic way to do this, consists in defining an exception class which inherits from the Exception class. You will have to go through the chapter on Object Oriented Programming to fully understand the following example:

class MyException(Exception): pass

raise MyException("An exception doesn't always prove the rule!") ------MyException Traceback (most recent call last) in 2 pass 3 ----> 4 raise MyException("An exception doesn't always prove the rule!")

MyException: An exception doesn't always prove the rule!


So far the try statement had always been paired with except clauses. But there is another way to use it as well. The try statement can be followed by a finally clause. Finally clauses are called clean-up or termination clauses, because they must be executed under all circumstances, i.e. a "finally" clause is always executed regardless if an exception occurred in a try block or not. A simple example to demonstrate the finally clause:

try: x = float(input("Your number: ")) inverse = 1.0 / x finally: print("There may or may not have been an exception.") print("The inverse: ", inverse)

ERRORS AND EXCEPTIONS 399 Your number: 34 There may or may not have been an exception. The inverse: 0.029411764705882353


"finally" and "except" can be used together for the same try block, as it can be seen in the following Python example:

try: x = float(input("Your number: ")) inverse = 1.0 / x except ValueError: print("You should have given either an int or a float") except ZeroDivisionError: print("Infinity") finally: print("There may or may not have been an exception.") Your number: 23 There may or may not have been an exception.


The try ... except statement has an optional else clause. An else block has to be positioned after all the except clauses. An else clause will be executed if the try clause doesn't raise an exception.

The following example opens a file and reads in all the lines into a list called "text":

import sys file_name = sys.argv[1] text = [] try: fh = open(file_name, 'r') text = fh.readlines() fh.close() except IOError: print('cannot open', file_name)

if text: print(text[100]) cannot open -f

This example receives the file name via a command line argument. So make sure that you call it properly:

ERRORS AND EXCEPTIONS 400 Let's assume that you saved this program as "exception_test.py". In this case, you have to call it with

python exception_test.py integers.txt

If you don't want this behaviour, just change the line "file_name = sys.argv[1]" to "file_name = 'integers.txt'".

The previous example is nearly the same as:

import sys file_name = sys.argv[1] text = [] try: fh = open(file_name, 'r') except IOError: print('cannot open', file_name) else: text = fh.readlines() fh.close()

if text: print(text[100]) cannot open -f

The main difference is that in the first case, all statements of the try block can lead to the same error message "cannot open ...", which is wrong, if fh.close() or fh.readlines() raise an error.



Usually, programmers and program developers spend a great deal of their time with debugging and testing. It's hard to give exact percentages, because it highly depends on other factors like the individual , the problems to be solved and of course on the qualification of a programmer. Without doubt, the programming language is another important factor.

You don't have to program to get pestered by errors, as even the ancient Romans knew. The philosopher Cicero coined more than 2000 years ago an unforgettable aphorism, which is often quoted: "errare humanum est"* This aphorism is often used as an excuse for failure. Even though it's hardly possible to completely eliminate all errors in a software product, we should always work ambitiously to this end, i.e. to keep the number of errors minimal.


There are various kinds of errors. During program development there are lots of "small errors", mostly typos. Whether a colon is missing - for example, behind an "if" or an "else" - or the keyword "True" is wrongly written with a lower case "t" can make a big difference. These errors are called syntactical errors.** In most cases, syntactical errors can easily be found, but other type of errors are harder to solve. A semantic error is a syntactically correct code, but the program doesn't behave in the intended way. Imagine somebody wants to increment the value of a variable x by one, but instead of "x += 1" he or she writes "x = 1". The following longer code example may harbour another semantic error:

x = int(input("x? ")) y = int(input("y? "))

if x > 10: if y == x: print("Fine") else: print("So what?") So what?

We can see two if statements. One nested inside of the other. The code is definitely syntactically correct. But it can be the case that the writer of the program only wanted to output "So what?", if the value of the variable x is both greater than 10 and x is not equal to y. In this case, the code should look like this:

x = int(input("x? ")) y = int(input("y? "))

PYTHON TESTS 402 if x > 10: if y == x: print("Fine") else: print("So what?")

Both code versions are syntactically correct, but one of them violates the intended semantics. Let's look at another example:

for i in range(7): print(i) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

The statement ran without raising an exception, so we know that it is syntactically correct. Though it is not possible to decide if the statement is semantically correct, as we don't know the problem. It may be that the programmer wanted to output the numbers from 1 to 7, i.e. 1,2,...7 In this case, he or she does not properly understand the range function.

So we can divide semantic errors into two categories.

• Errors caused by lack of understanding of a language construct. • Errors due to logically incorrect code conversion.


This paragraph is about unit tests. As the name implies they are used for testing units or components of the code, typically, classes or functions. The underlying concept is to simplify the testing of large programming systems by testing "small" units. To accomplish this the parts of a program have to be isolated into independent testable "units". One can define "unit testing" as a method whereby individual units of source code are tested to determine if they meet the requirements, i.e. return the expected output for all possible - or defined - input data. A unit can be seen as the smallest testable part of a program, which are often functions or methods from classes. Testing one unit should be independent from the other units as a unit is "quite" small, i.e. manageable to ensure complete correctness. Usually, this is not possible for large scale systems like large software programs or operating systems.


Every module has a name, which is defined in the built-in attribute __name__ . Let's assume that we have written a module "xyz" which we have saved as "xyz.py". If we import this module with "import xyz", the string "xyz" will be assigned to __name__ . If we call the file xyz.py as a standalone program, i.e. in the following way,

$python3 xyz.py the value of __name__ will be the string '__main__' .

The following module can be used for calculating fibonacci numbers. But it is not important what the module is doing. We want to demonstrate, how it is possible to create a simple module test inside of a module file, - in our case the file "xyz.py", - by using an if statement and checking the value of __name__ . We check if the module has been started standalone, in which case the value of __name__ will be __main__ . Please save the following code as "fibonacci1.py":

-Fibonacci Module-

def fib(n): """ Calculates the n-th Fibonacci number iteratively """ a, b = 0, 1 for i in range(n): a, b = b, a + b return a

def fiblist(n): """ creates a list of Fibonacci numbers up to the n-th generat ion """ fib = [0,1] for i in range(1,n): fib += [fib[-1]+fib[-2]] return fib

It's possible to test this module manually in the interactive Python shell:

from fibonacci1 import fib, fiblist fib(0) Test for the fib function was successful! Output: 0


PYTHON TESTS 404 Output: 1

fib(10) Output: 55

fiblist(10) Output: [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]

fiblist(-8) Output: [0, 1]

fib(-1) Output: 0

fib(0.5) ------TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 fib(0.5)

~/Dropbox (Bodenseo)/Bodenseo Team Folder/melisa/notebooks_en/fibonacci1.p y in fib(n) 2 """ Calculates the n-th Fibonacci number iteratively """ 3 a, b = 0, 1 ----> 4 for i in range(n): 5 a, b = b, a + b 6 return a

TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

We can see that the functions make only sense, if the input consists of positive integers. The function fib returns 0 for a negative input and fiblist returns always the list [0,1], if the input is a negative integer. Both functions raise a TypeError exception, because the range function is not defined for floats. We can test our module by checking the return values for some characteristic calls to fib() and fiblist(). So we can add the following if statement

if fib(0) == 0 and fib(10) == 55 and fib(50) == 12586269025: print("Test for the fib function was successful!") else: print("The fib function is returning wrong values!") to our module, but give it a new name fibonacci2.py . We can import this module now in a Python shell or inside of a Python program. If the program with the import gets executed, we receive the following output:

PYTHON TESTS 405 import fibonacci2 Test for the fib function was successful!

This approach has a crucial disadvantage. If we import the module, we will get output, saying the test was okay. This is omething we don't want to see, when we import the module. Apart from being disturbing it is not common practice. Modules should be silent when being imported, i.e. modules should not produce any output. We can prevent this from happening by using the special built-in variable __name__ . We can guard the test code by putting it inside the following if statement:

if __name__ == "__main__": if fib(0) == 0 and fib(10) == 55 and fib(50) == 12586269025: print("Test for the fib function was successful!") else: print("The fib function is returning wrong values!")

The value of the variable __name__ is set automatically by Python. Let us imagine that we import some crazy module with the names foobar.py blubla.py and blimblam.py, the values of the variable __name__ will be foobar , blubla and blimblam correspondingly.

If we change our fibonacci module correspondingly and save it as fibonacci3.py, we get a silent import:

import fibonacci3

We were successful at silencing the output. Yet, our module should perform the test, if it is started standalone.

(base) bernd@moon:~/$ python fibonacci3.py Test for the fib function was successful! (base) bernd@moon:~/$

If you want to start a Python program from inside of another Python program, you can do this by using the exec command, as we do in the following code:

exec(open("fibonacci3.py").read()) Test for the fib function was successful!

We will deliberately add an error into our code now.

We change the following line

a, b = 0, 1 into

a, b = 1, 1

PYTHON TESTS 406 and save as fibonacci4.py.

Principally, the function fib is still calculating the Fibonacci values, but fib(n) is returning the Fibonacci value for the argument "n+1". If we call our changed module, we receive this error message:

exec(open("fibonacci4.py").read()) The fib function is returning wrong values!

Let's rewrite our module:

""" Fibonacci Module """ def fib(n): """ Calculates the n-th Fibonacci number iteratively """ a, b = 0, 1 for i in range(n): a, b = b, a + b return a

def fiblist(n): """ creates a list of Fibonacci numbers up to the n-th generat ion """ fib = [0,1] for i in range(1,n): fib += [fib[-1]+fib[-2]] return fib

if __name__ == "__main__": if fib(0) == 0 and fib(10) == 55 and fib(50) == 12586269025: print("Test for the fib function was successful!") else: print("The fib function is returning wrong values!") Test for the fib function was successful!

import fibonacci5

We have squelched our module now. There will be no messages, if the module is imported. This is the simplest and widest used method for unit tests. But it is definitely not the best one.


The doctest module is often considered easier to use than the unittest, though the latter is more suitable for more complex tests. doctest is a test framework that comes prepackaged with Python. The doctest module

PYTHON TESTS 407 searches for pieces of text that look like interactive Python sessions inside the documentation parts of a module, and then executes (or reexecutes) the commands of those sessions to verify that they work exactly as shown, i.e. that the same results can be achieved. In other words: The help text of the module is parsed, for example, python sessions. These examples are run and the results are compared to the expected value.

Usage of doctest: "doctest" has to be imported. The part of an interactive Python sessions with the examples and the output has to be copied inside the docstring the corresponding function.

We demonstrate this way of proceeding with the following simple example. We have slimmed down the previous module, so that only the function fib is left:

import doctest

def fib(n): """ Calculates the n-th Fibonacci number iteratively """ a, b = 0, 1 for i in range(n): a, b = b, a + b return a

We now call this module in an interactive Python shell and do some calculations:

from fibonacci import fib fib(0) Output: 0

fib(1) Output: 1

fib(10) Output: 55

fib(15) Output: 610

We copy the complete session of the interactive shell into the docstring of our function. To start the module doctest we have to call the method testmod(), but only if the module is called standalone. The complete module looks like this now:

import doctest

def fib(n):

PYTHON TESTS 408 """ Calculates the n-th Fibonacci number iteratively

>>> fib(0) 0 >>> fib(1) 1 >>> fib(10) 55 >>> fib(15) 610 >>>

""" a, b = 0, 1 for i in range(n): a, b = b, a + b return a

if __name__ == "__main__": doctest.testmod()

If we start our module directly like this

import fibonacci_doctest we get no output, because everything is okay.

To see how doctest works, if something is wrong, we place an error in our code: We change again a, b = 0, 1 into a, b = 1, 1 and save the file as fibonacci_doctest1.py


PYTHON TESTS 409 ********************************************************************** File "__main__", line 7, in __main__.fib Failed example: fib(0) Expected: 0 Got: 1 ********************************************************************** File "__main__", line 11, in __main__.fib Failed example: fib(10) Expected: 55 Got: 89 ********************************************************************** File "__main__", line 13, in __main__.fib Failed example: fib(15) Expected: 610 Got: 987 ********************************************************************** 1 items had failures: 3 of 4 in __main__.fib ***Test Failed*** 3 failures.

The output depicts all the calls, which return faulty results. We can see the call with the arguments in the line following "Failed example:". We can see the expected value for the argument in the line following "Expected:". The output shows us the newly calculated value as well. We can find this value behind "Got:"


In the previous chapters, we tested functions, which we had already been finished. What about testing code you haven't yet written? You think that this is not possible? It is not only possible, it is the underlying idea of test-driven development. In the extreme case, you define tests before you start coding the actual source code. The program developer writes an automated test case which defines the desired "behaviour" of a function. This test case will - that's the idea behind the approach - initially fail, because the code has still to be written.

The major problem or difficulty of this approach is the task of writing suitable tests. Naturally, the perfect test would check all possible inputs and validate the output. Of course, this is generally not always feasible.

We have set the return value of the fib function to 0 in the following example:

PYTHON TESTS 410 import doctest

def fib(n): """ Calculates the n-th Fibonacci number iteratively

>>> fib(0) 0 >>> fib(1) 1 >>> fib(10) 55 >>> fib(15) 610 >>>


return 0

if __name__ == "__main__": doctest.testmod()

PYTHON TESTS 411 ********************************************************************** File "__main__", line 9, in __main__.fib Failed example: fib(1) Expected: 1 Got: 0 ********************************************************************** File "__main__", line 11, in __main__.fib Failed example: fib(10) Expected: 55 Got: 0 ********************************************************************** File "__main__", line 13, in __main__.fib Failed example: fib(15) Expected: 610 Got: 0 ********************************************************************** 1 items had failures: 3 of 4 in __main__.fib ***Test Failed*** 3 failures.

It hardly needs mentioning that the function returns only wrong return values except for fib(0).

Now we have to keep on writing and changing the code for the function fib until it passes the test.

This test approach is a method of software development, which is called test-driven development.


The Python module unittest is a unit testing framework, which is based on Erich Gamma's JUnit and Kent Beck's testing framework. The module contains the core framework classes that form the basis of the test cases and suites (TestCase, TestSuite and so on), and also a text-based utility class for running the tests and reporting the results (TextTestRunner). The most obvious difference to the module "doctest" lies in the fact that the test cases of the module "unittest" are not defined inside the module, which has to be tested. The major advantage is clear: program documentation and test descriptions are separate from each other. The price you have to pay on the other hand, is an increase of work to create the test cases.

PYTHON TESTS 412 We will use our module fibonacci once more to create a test case with unittest. To this purpose we create a file fibonacci_unittest.py. In this file we have to import unittest and the module which has to be tested, i.e. fibonacci.

Furthermore, we have to create a class with an arbitrary name - we will call it "FibonacciTest" - which inherits from unittest.TestCase. The test cases are defined in this class by using methods. The name of these methods is arbitrary, but has to start with test. In our method "testCalculation" we use the method assertEqual from the class TestCase. assertEqual(first, second, msg = None) checks, if expression "first" is equal to the expression "second". If the two expressions are not equal, msg will be output, if msg is not None.

import unittest from fibonacci1 import fib

class FibonacciTest(unittest.TestCase):

def testCalculation(self): self.assertEqual(fib(0), 0) self.assertEqual(fib(1), 1) self.assertEqual(fib(5), 5) self.assertEqual(fib(10), 55) self.assertEqual(fib(20), 6765)

if name == "main": unittest.main()

If we call this test case, we get the following output:

$ python3 fibonacci_unittest.py . ------Ran 1 test in 0.000s


This is usually the desired result, but we are now interested what happens in the error case. Therefore we will create our previous error again. We change again the well-known line:

a, b = 0, 1 will be changed to

PYTHON TESTS 413 a, b = 1, 1

import unittest from fibonacci3 import fib

class FibonacciTest(unittest.TestCase):

def testCalculation(self): self.assertEqual(fib(0), 0) self.assertEqual(fib(1), 1) self.assertEqual(fib(5), 5) self.assertEqual(fib(10), 55) self.assertEqual(fib(20), 6765)

if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()

Now the test result looks like this:

$ python3 fibonacci_unittest.py F ======FAIL: testCalculation (__main__.FibonacciTest) ------Traceback (most recent call last): File "fibonacci_unittest.py", line 7, in testCalculation self.assertEqual(fib(0), 0) AssertionError: 1 != 0

------Ran 1 test in 0.000s

FAILED (failures=1)

The first statement in testCalculation has created an exception. The other assertEqual calls had not been executed. We correct our error and create a new one. Now all the values will be correct, except if the input argument is 20:

def fib(n): """ Iterative Fibonacci Function """

PYTHON TESTS 414 a, b = 0, 1 for i in range(n): a, b = b, a + b if n == 20: a = 42 return a

The output of a test run looks now like this:

$ python3 fibonacci_unittest.py blabal



Traceback (most recent call last): File "fibonacci_unittest.py", line 12, in testCalculation self.assertEqual(fib(20), 6765) AssertionError: 42 != 6765

Ran 1 test in 0.000s

FAILED (failures=1)

All the statements of testCalculation have been executed, but we haven't seen any output, because everything was okay:

self.assertEqual(fib(0), 0) self.assertEqual(fib(1), 1) self.assertEqual(fib(5), 5)

Methods of the Class TestCase We now have a closer look at the class TestCase.

Method Meaning

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it. This method is called setUp() before calling the implemented test methods.

tearDown() Hook method for deconstructing the class fixture after running all tests in the class.

assertEqual(self, first, The test fails if the two objects are not equal as determined by the '==' operator. second, msg=None)

The test fails if the two objects are unequal as determined by their difference rounded to the given number of decimal places (default 7) and comparing to zero, or by assertAlmostEqual(self, comparing that the between the two objects is more than the given delta. first, second, places=None, Note that decimal places (from zero) are usually not the same as significant digits msg=None, delta=None) (measured from the most significant digit). If the two objects compare equal then they will automatically compare almost equal.

An unordered sequence comparison asserting that the same elements, regardless of assertCountEqual(self, order. If the same element occurs more than once, it verifies that the elements occur first, second, msg=None) the same number of times.


self.assertEqual(Counter(list(first)), Counter(list(second))) Example: [0, 1, 1] and [1, 0, 1] compare equal, because the number of ones and zeroes are the same. [0, 0, 1] and [0, 1] compare unequal, because zero appears twice in the first list and only once in the second list.

assertDictEqual(self, d1, Both arguments are taken as dictionaries and they are checked if they are equal. d2, msg=None)

assertTrue(self, expr, Checks if the expression "expr" is True. msg=None)

assertGreater(self, a, b, Checks, if a > b is True. msg=None)

assertGreaterEqual(self, a, Checks if a ≥ b b, msg=None)

assertFalse(self, expr, Checks if expression "expr" is False. msg=None)

assertLess(self, a, b, Checks if a < b msg=None)

assertLessEqual(self, a, b, Checks if a ≤ b msg=None)

assertIn(self, member, Checks if a in b container, msg=None)

assertIs(self, expr1, expr2, Checks if "a" is "b" msg=None)

assertIsInstance(self, obj, Checks if isinstance(obj, cls). cls, msg=None)

assertIsNone(self, obj, Checks if "obj is None" msg=None)

assertIsNot(self, expr1, Checks if "a" is not "b" expr2, msg=None)


assertIsNotNone(self, obj, Checks if obj is not equal to None msg=None)

assertListEqual(self, list1, Lists are checked for equality. list2, msg=None)

assertMultiLineEqual(self, Assert that two multi-line strings are equal. first, second, msg=None)

assertNotRegexpMatches(self, text, unexpected_regexp, Fails, if the text Text "text" of the regular expression unexpected_regexp matches. msg=None)

assertTupleEqual(self, Analogous to assertListEqual tuple1, tuple2, msg=None)

We our previous example by a setUp and a tearDown method:

import unittest from fibonacci1 import fib

class FibonacciTest(unittest.TestCase):

def setUp(self): self.fib_elems = ( (0,0), (1,1), (2,1), (3,2), (4,3), (5,5) ) print ("setUp executed!")

def testCalculation(self): for (i,val) in self.fib_elems: self.assertEqual(fib(i), val)

def tearDown(self): self.fib_elems = None print ("tearDown executed!")

if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()

A call returns the following results:

FAIL: TESTCALCULATION (MAIN.FIBONACCITEST) 418 $ python3 fibonacci_unittest2.py setUp executed! tearDown executed! . ------Ran 1 test in 0.000s

Most of the TestCase methods have an optional parameter "msg". It's possible to return an additional description of an error with "msg".


1. Exercise:

Can you find a problem in the following code?

import doctest

def fib(n): """ Calculates the n-th Fibonacci number iteratively

fib(0) 0 fib(1) 1 fib(10) 55 fib(40) 102334155

""" if n == 0: return 0 elif n == 1: return 1 else: return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

if __name__ == "__main__": doctest.testmod()


FAIL: TESTCALCULATION (MAIN.FIBONACCITEST) 419 The doctest is okay. The problem is the implementation of the fibonacci function. This recursive approach is "highly" inefficient. You need a lot of patience to wait for the termination of the test. The number of hours, days or weeks depending on your computer.☺


*The aphorism in full length: "Errare (Errasse) humanum est, sed in errare (errore) perseverare diabolicum." (To err is human, but to persist in it is diabolic")

** In computer science, the syntax of a computer language is the set of rules that defines the combinations of symbols that are considered to be a correctly structured document or fragment in that language. Writing "if" as "iff" is an example for syntax error, both in programming and in the English language.


INTRODUCTION pytest can be used for all types and levels of software testing. Many projects – amongst them Mozilla and Dropbox - switched from unittest or nose to pytest.


Test files which pytest will use for testing have to start with test_ or end with _test.py We will demonstrate the way of working by writing a test file test_fibonacci.py for a file fibonacci.py. Both files are in one directory:

The first file is the file which should be tested. We assume that it is saved as fibonacci_p.py:

def fib(n): old, new = 0, 1 for _ in range(n): old, new = new, old + new return old

Now, we have to provide the code for the file test_fibonacci.py. This file will be used by 'pytest':

from fibonacci_p import fib

def test_fib(): assert fib(0) == 0 assert fib(1) == 1 assert fib(10) == 55

We call pytest in a command shell in the directory where the two file shown above reside:


The result of this code can be seen in the following:

PYTEST 421 ======test session starts ======platform linux -- Python 3.7.1, pytest-4.0.2, py-1.7.0, plugg y-0.8.0 rootdir: /home/bernd/, inifile: plugins: remotedata-0.3.1, openfiles-0.3.1, doctestplus-0.2.0, arra ydiff-0.3 collected 1 ite m

test_fibonacci.py . [100%]

======1 passed in 0.01 seconds ======

We create now an erroneous version of fib. We change the two start values from 0 and 1 to the values 2 and 1. This is the beginning of the Lucas sequence, but as we want to implement the Fibonacci sequence this is wrong. This way, we can study how pytest behaves in this case:

def fib(n): old, new = 2, 1 for _ in range(n): old, new = new, old + new return old

Calling 'pytest' with this erroneous implementation of fibonacci gives us the following results:

$ pytest ======test session starts ======platform linux -- Python 3.7.1, pytest-4.0.2, py-1.7.0, plugg y-0.8.0 rootdir: /home/bernd/, inifile: plugins: remotedata-0.3.1, openfiles-0.3.1, doctestplus-0.2.0, arra ydiff-0.3 collected 1 ite m

test_fibonacci.py F [100%]

======FAILURES ======______test_fib

PYTEST 422 ______

def test_fib(): > assert fib(0) == 0 E assert 2 == 0 E + where 2 = fib(0)

test_fibonacci.py:5: AssertionError ======1 failed in 0.03 seconds ======


We will get closer to 'reality' in our next example. In a real life scenario, we will usually have more than one file and for each file we may have a corresponding test file. Each test file may contain various tests. We have various files in our example folder ex2:

The files to be tested:

• fibonacci.py • foobar_plus.py • foobar.py

The test files:

• test_fibonacci.py • test_foobar_plus.py • test_foobar.py

We start 'pytest' in the directory 'ex2' and get the following results:

$ pytest ======test session starts ======platform linux -- Python 3.7.3, pytest-4.3.1, py-1.8.0, plugg y-0.9.0 rootdir: /home/bernd/ex2, inifile: plugins: remotedata-0.3.1, openfiles-0.3.2, doctestplus-0.3.0, arra ydiff-0.3 collected 4 item s

test_fibonacci.py . [ 25%] test_foobar.py .. [ 75%]

PYTEST 423 test_foobar_plus.py . [100%]

======4 passed in 0.05 seconds ======


It is possible to execute only tests, which contain a given substring in their name. The substring is determined by a Python expression This can be achieved with the call option „-k“

pytest -k

The call

pytest -k foobar will only execute the test files having the substring 'foobar' in their name. In this case, they are test_foobar.py and test_foobar_plus.py:

$ pytest -k foobar ======test session starts ======platform linux -- Python 3.7.1, pytest-4.0.2, py-1.7.0, plugg y-0.8.0 rootdir: /home/bernd/ex2, inifile: plugins: remotedata-0.3.1, openfiles-0.3.1, doctestplus-0.2.0, arra ydiff-0.3 collected 3 items / 1 deselecte d

test_foobar.py . [ 50%] test_foobar_plus.py . [100%]

======2 passed, 1 deselected in 0.01 seconds ======

We will select now only the files containing 'plus' and 'fibo'

pytest -k 'plus or fibo'

$ pytest -k 'plus or fibo' ======test session starts

PYTEST 424 ======platform linux -- Python 3.7.1, pytest-4.0.2, py-1.7.0, plugg y-0.8.0 rootdir: /home/bernd/ex2, inifile: plugins: remotedata-0.3.1, openfiles-0.3.1, doctestplus-0.2.0, arra ydiff-0.3 collected 3 items / 1 deselecte d

test_fibonacci.py . [ 50%] test_foobar_plus.py . [100%]

======2 passed, 1 deselected in 0.01 seconds ======


Test functions can be marked or tagged by decorating them with 'pytest.mark.'.

Such a marker can be used to select or deselect test functions. You can see the markers which exist for your test suite by typing

$ pytest --markers

$ pytest --markers @pytest.mark.openfiles_ignore: Indicate that open files should be i gnored for this test

@pytest.mark.remote_data: Apply to tests that require data from rem ote servers

@pytest.mark.internet_off: Apply to tests that should only run whe n network access is deactivated

@pytest.mark.filterwarnings(warning): add a warning filter to the g iven test. see https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/warnings.html#pyte st-mark-filterwarnings

@pytest.mark.skip(reason=None): skip the given test function with a n optional reason. Example: skip(reason="no way of currently testin g this") skips the test.

@pytest.mark.skipif(condition): skip the given test function if eva l(condition) results in a True value. Evaluation happens within th

PYTEST 425 e module global context. Example: skipif('sys.platform == "win3 2"') skips the test if we are on the win32 platform. see https://do cs.pytest.org/en/latest/skipping.html

@pytest.mark.xfail(condition, reason=None, run=True, raises=None, s trict=False): mark the test function as an expected failure if eva l(condition) has a True value. Optionally specify a reason for bett er reporting and run=False if you don't even want to execute the te st function. If only specific exception(s) are expected, you can li st them in raises, and if the test fails in other ways, it will be reported as a true failure. See https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/s kipping.html

@pytest.mark.parametrize(argnames, argvalues): call a test functio n multiple times passing in different arguments in turn. argvalues generally needs to be a list of values if argnames specifies only o ne name or a list of tuples of values if argnames specifies multipl e names. Example: @parametrize('arg1', [1,2]) would lead to two cal ls of the decorated test function, one with arg1=1 and another wit h arg1=2.see https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/parametrize.html fo r more info and examples.

@pytest.mark.usefixtures(fixturename1, fixturename2, ...): mark tes ts as needing all of the specified fixtures. see https://docs.pytes t.org/en/latest/fixture.html#usefixtures

@pytest.mark.tryfirst: mark a hook implementation function such tha t the plugin machinery will try to call it first/as early as possib le.

@pytest.mark.trylast: mark a hook implementation function such tha t the plugin machinery will try to call it last/as late as possibl e.

This contains also custom defined markers!


Since pytest version 4.5 markers have to be registered.They can be registered in the init file pytest.ini, placed in the test directory. We register the markers 'slow' and 'crazy', which we will use in the following example:

[pytest] markers = slow: mark a test as a 'slow' (slowly) running test crazy: stupid function to test :-)

We add a recursive and inefficient version rfib to our fibonacci module and mark the corresponding test routine with slow, besides this rfib is marked with crazy as well:

PYTEST 426 # content of fibonacci.py

def fib(n): old, new = 0, 1 for i in range(n): old, new = new, old + new return old

def rfib(n): if n == 0: return 0 elif n == 1: return 1 else: return rfib(n-1) + rfib(n-2)

The corresponding test file:

""" content of test_fibonacci.py """

import pytest from fibonacci import fib, rfib

def test_fib(): assert fib(0) == 0 assert fib(1) == 1 assert fib(34) == 5702887

@pytest.mark.crazy @pytest.mark.slow def test_rfib(): assert fib(0) == 0 assert fib(1) == 1 assert rfib(34) == 5702887

Besides this we will add the files foobar.py and test_foobar.py as well. We mark the test functions in test_foobar.py as crazy.

# content of foobar.py

def foo(): return "foo"

PYTEST 427 def bar(): return "bar"

This is the correponding test file:

content of test_fooba r.py

import pytest from foobar import foo, bar

@pytest.mark.crazy def test_foo(): assert foo() == "foo"

@pytest.mark.crazy def test_bar(): assert bar() == "bar"

We will start tests now depending on the markers. Let's start all tests, which are not marked as slow:

$ pytest -svv -k "slow" ======test session starts ======platform linux -- Python 3.7.1, pytest-4.0.2, py-1.7.0, plugg y-0.8.0 -- /home/bernd/python cachedir: .pytest_cache rootdir: /home/bernd/ex_tagging, inifile: plugins: remotedata-0.3.1, openfiles-0.3.1, doctestplus-0.2.0, arra ydiff-0.3 collected 4 items / 3 deselecte d

test_fibonacci.py::test_rfib PASSED

======1 passed, 3 deselected in 7.05 second s ======

PYTEST 428 We will run now only the tests which are not marked as slow or crazy:

$ pytest -svv -k "not slow and not crazy" ======test session starts ======platform linux -- Python 3.7.1, pytest-4.0.2, py-1.7.0, plugg y-0.8.0 -- /home/bernd/ cachedir: .pytest_cache rootdir: /home/bernd//ex_tagging, inifile: plugins: remotedata-0.3.1, openfiles-0.3.1, doctestplus-0.2.0, arra ydiff-0.3 collected 4 items / 3 deselecte d

test_fibonacci.py::test_fib PASSED

======1 passed, 3 deselected in 0.01 seconds ======


If you to skip a function conditionally then you can use skipif. In the following example the function test_foo is marked with a skipif. The function will not be executed, if the Python version is 3.6.x:

import pytest import sys from foobar import foo, bar

@pytest.mark.skipif( sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[1] == 6, reason="Python version has to be higher than 3.5!") def test_foo(): assert foo() == "foo"

@pytest.mark.crazy def test_bar(): assert bar() == "bar"

Instead of a conditional skip we can also use an unconditional skip. This way, we can always skip. We can add a reason. The following example shows how this can be accomplished by marking the function test_bar with a skip marker. The reason we give is that it is "even fooer than foo":

import pytest import sys

PYTEST 429 from foobar import foo, bar

@pytest.mark.skipif( sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[1] == 6, reason="Python version has to be higher than 3.5!") def test_foo(): assert foo() == "foo"

@pytest.mark.skip(reason="Even fooer than foo, so we skip!") def test_bar(): assert bar() == "bar"

If we call pytest on this code, we get the following output:

$ pytest -v ======test session starts ======platform linux -- Python 3.6.9, pytest-5.0.1, py-1.8.0, pluggy-0.1 2.0 -- /home/bernd/python cachedir: .pytest_cache rootdir: /home/bernd/ex_tagging2, inifile: pytest.ini collected 4 item s

test_fibonacci.py::test_fib PASSE D [ 25%] test_fibonacci.py::test_rfib PASSE D [ 50%] test_foobar.py::test_foo SKIPPE D [ 75%] test_foobar.py::test_bar PASSE D [100%]

======3 passed, 1 skipped in 0.01 seconds ======


We will demonstrate parametrization with markers with our Fibonacci function.

PYTEST 430 # content of fibonacci.py

def fib(n): old, new = 0, 1 for _ in range(n): old, new = new, old + new return old

We write a pytest test function which will test against this fibonacci function with various values:

# content of the file test_fibonacci.py

import pytest

from fibonacci import fib

@pytest.mark.parametrize( 'n, res', [(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 2), (4, 3), (5, 5), (6, 8)]) def test_fib(n, res): assert fib(n) == res

When we call pytest, we get the following results:

$ pytest -v ======test session starts ======platform linux -- Python 3.6.9, pytest-5.0.1, py-1.8.0, pluggy-0.1 2.0 -- /home/bernd/python cachedir: .pytest_cache rootdir: /home/bernd/ex_parametrization1 collected 7 item s

test_fibonacci.py::test_fib[0-0] PASSE D [ 14%] test_fibonacci.py::test_fib[1-1] PASSE D [ 28%]

PYTEST 431 test_fibonacci.py::test_fib[2-1] PASSE D [ 42%] test_fibonacci.py::test_fib[3-2] PASSE D [ 57%] test_fibonacci.py::test_fib[4-3] PASSE D [ 71%] test_fibonacci.py::test_fib[5-5] PASSE D [ 85%] test_fibonacci.py::test_fib[6-8] PASSE D [100%]

======7 passed in 0.01 seconds ======

The numbers inside the square brackets on front of the word "PASSED" are the values of 'n' and 'res'.


If there are prints in the functions which we test, we will not see this output in our pytests, unless we call pytest with the option "-s". To demonstrate this we will add a print line to our fibonacci function:

def fib(n): old, new = 0, 1 for _ in range(n): old, new = new, old + new print("result: ", old) return old

Calling "pytest -s -v" will deliver the following output:

======test session starts ======platform linux -- Python 3.6.9, pytest-5.0.1, py-1.8.0, pluggy-0.1 2.0 -- /home/bernd/python cachedir: .pytest_cache rootdir: /home/bernd/ex_parametrization1 collected 7 item s

test_fibonacci.py::test_fib[0-0] result: 0 PASSED test_fibonacci.py::test_fib[1-1] result: 1 PASSED test_fibonacci.py::test_fib[2-1] result: 1

PYTEST 432 PASSED test_fibonacci.py::test_fib[3-2] result: 2 PASSED test_fibonacci.py::test_fib[4-3] result: 3 PASSED test_fibonacci.py::test_fib[5-5] result: 5 PASSED test_fibonacci.py::test_fib[6-8] result: 8 PASSED

======7 passed in 0.01 seconds ======


We will write a test version for our fibonacci function which depends on command line arguments. We can add custom command line options to pytest with the pytest_addoption hook that allows us to manage the command line parser and the setup for each test. At first, we have to write a file conftest.py with the functions cmdopt and pytest_addoption:

import pytest

def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption("--cmdopt", action="store", default="full", help="'num' of tests or full")

@pytest.fixture def cmdopt(request): return request.config.getoption("--cmdopt")

The code for our fibonacci test module looks like. The test_fif function has a parameter 'cmdopt' which gets the parameter option:

from fibonacci import fib

results = [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377]

def test_fib(cmdopt): if cmdopt == "full": num = len(results)

PYTEST 433 else: num = len(results) if int(cmdopt) < len(results): num = int(cmdopt) for i in range(num): assert fib(i) == results[i]

We can call it now with various options, as we can see in the following:

$ pytest -q --cmdopt=full -v -s ======test session starts ======platform linux -- Python 3.6.9, pytest-5.0.1, py-1.8.0, pluggy-0.1 2.0 rootdir: /home/bernd/Dropbox (Bodenseo)/kurse/python_en/examples/py test/ex_cmd_line collected 1 ite m

test_fibonacci.py running 15 tests! .

======1 passed in 0.01 seconds ======

$ pytest -q --cmdopt=6 -v -s ======test session starts ======platform linux -- Python 3.6.9, pytest-5.0.1, py-1.8.0, pluggy-0.1 2.0 rootdir: /home/bernd/Dropbox (Bodenseo)/kurse/python_en/examples/py test/ex_cmd_line collected 1 ite m

test_fibonacci.py running 6 tests! .

======1 passed in 0.01 seconds ======

Let's put an error in our test results: results = [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1001, 8,…] Calling pytest with 'pytest -q -- cmdopt=10 -v -s' gives us the following output:

PYTEST 434 ======test session starts ======platform linux -- Python 3.6.9, pytest-5.0.1, py-1.8.0, pluggy-0.1 2.0 rootdir: /home/bernd/ex_cmd_line collected 1 item test_fibonacc i.py running 10 tests! F ======FAILURES ======______test_fib ______cm dopt = '10' def test_fib(cmdopt): if cmdopt == "full": num = len(re sults) else: num = len(results) if int(cmdopt) < len(results): num = int(cmdopt) print(f"running {num:2d} tests!") for i in range(nu m): > assert fib(i) == results[i] E assert 5 == 1001 E + where 5 = fib(5) test_fibonacci.py:16: AssertionError ======1 fail ed in 0.03 seconds ======



Though Python is an object-oriented language without fuss or quibble, we have so far intentionally avoided the treatment of object-oriented programming (OOP) in the previous chapters of our Python tutorial. We skipped OOP, because we are convinced that it is easier and more fun to start learning Python without having to know about all the details of object-oriented programming.

Even though we have avoided OOP, it has nevertheless always been present in the exercises and examples of our course. We used objects and methods from classes without properly explaining their OOP background. In this chapter, we will catch up on what has been missing so far. We will provide an introduction into the principles of object oriented programming in general and into the specifics of the OOP approach of Python. OOP is one of the most powerful tools of Python, but nevertheless you don't have to use it, i.e. you can write powerful and efficient programs without it as well.

Though many computer scientists and programmers consider OOP to be a modern , the roots go back to 1960s. The first programming language to use objects was 67. As the name implies, Simula 67 was introduced in the year 1967. A major breakthrough for object-oriented programming came with the programming language Smalltalk in the 1970s.

You will learn to know the four major principles of object-orientation and the way Python deals with them in the next section of this tutorial on object-oriented programming:

GENERAL INTRODUCTION 436 • Encapsulation • Data Abstraction • Polymorphism • Inheritance

Before we start the section about the way OOP is used in Python, we want to give you a general idea about object- oriented programming. For this purpose, we would like to draw your attention to a public library. Let's think about a huge one, like the "British Library" in London or the "New York Public Library" in New York. If it helps, you can imagine the libraries in Paris, Berlin, Ottawa or Toronto* as well. Each of these contain an organized collection of books, periodicals, newspapers, audiobooks, films and so on.

Generally, there are two opposed ways of keeping the stock in a library. You can use a "closed access" method that is the stock is not displayed on open shelves. In this system, trained staff brings the books and other publications to the users on demand. Another way of running a library is open-access shelving, also known as "open shelves". "Open" means open to all users of the library not only specially trained staff. In this case the books are openly displayed. Imperative languages like C could be seen as open-access shelving libraries. The user can do everything. It's up to the user to find the books and to put them back at the right shelf. Even though this is great for the user, it might lead to serious problems in the long run. For example some books will be misplaced, so it's hard to find them again. As you may have guessed already, "closed access" can be compared to object oriented programming. The analogy can be seen like this: The books and other publications, which a library offers, are like the data in an object-oriented program. Access to the books is restricted like access to the data is restricted in OOP. Getting or returning a book is only possible via the staff. The staff functions like the methods in OOP, which control the access to the data. So, the data, - often called attributes, - in such a program can be seen as being hidden and protected by a shell, and it can only be accessed by special functions, usually called methods in the OOP context. Putting the data behind a "shell" is called Encapsulation. So a library can be regarded as a class and a book is an instance or an object of this class. Generally speaking, an object is defined by a class. A class is a formal description of how an object is designed, i.e. which attributes and methods it has. These objects are called instances as well. The expressions are in most cases used synonymously. A class should not be confused with an object.


Even though we haven't talked about classes and object orientation in previous chapters, we have worked with classes all the time. In fact, everything is a class in Python. Guido van Rossum has designed the language according to the principle "first-class everything". He wrote: "One of my goals for Python was to make it so that all objects were "first class." By this, I meant that I wanted all objects that could be named in the language (e.g., integers, strings, functions, classes, modules, methods, and so on) to have equal status. That is, they can be assigned to variables, placed in lists, stored in dictionaries, passed as arguments, and so forth." (Blog, The History of Python, February 27, 2009) In other words, "everything" is treated the same way, everything is a class: functions and methods are values just like lists, integers or floats. Each of these are instances of their corresponding classes.

x = 42 type(x) Output: int

y = 4.34 type(y) Output: float

def f(x): return x + 1 type(f) Output: function

import math type(math) Output: module

One of the many integrated classes in Python is the list class, which we have quite often used in our exercises and examples. The list class provides a wealth of methods to build lists, to access and change elements, or to remove elements:

x = [3,6,9] y = [45, "abc"] print(x[1])


x[1] = 99 x.append(42) last = y.pop() print(last) abc

The variables x and y of the previous example denote two instances of the list class. In simplified terms, we have said so far that "x and y are lists". We will use the terms "object" and "instance" synonymously in the following chapters, as it is often done**. pop and append of the previous example are methods of the list class. pop returns the top (or you might think of it as the "rightest") element of the list and removes this element from the list. We will not explain how Python has implemented lists internally. We don't need this information, because the list class provides us with all the necessary methods to access the data indirectly. That is, the encapsulation details are encapsulated. We will learn about encapsulation later.


GENERAL INTRODUCTION 439 We will design and use a robot class in Python as an example to demonstrate the most important terms and ideas of object orientation. We will start with the simplest class in Python.

class Robot: pass

We can realize the fundamental syntactical structure of a class in Python: A class consists of two parts: the header and the body. The header usually consists of just one line of code. It begins with the keyword "class" followed by a blank and an arbitrary name for the class. The class name is "Robot" in our case. The class name is followed by a listing of other class names, which are classes from which the defined class inherits. These classes are called superclasses, base classes or sometimes parent classes. If you look at our example, you will see that this listing of superclasses is not obligatory. You don't have to bother about inheritance and superclasses for now. We will introduce them later.

The body of a class consists of an indented block of statements. In our case a single statement, the "pass" statement.

A class object is created, when the definition is left normally, i.e. via the end. This is basically a wrapper around the contents of the namespace created by the class definition.

It's hard to believe, especially for C++ or Java programmers, but we have already defined a complete class with just three words and two lines of code. We are capable of using this class as well:

class Robot: pass

if __name__ == "__main__": x = Robot() y = Robot() y2 = y print(y == y2) print(y == x) True False

We have created two different robots x and y in our example. Besides this, we have created a reference y2 to y, i.e. y2 is an alias name for y.


Those who have learned already another object-oriented language, must have realized that the terms attributes and properties are usually used synonymously. It may even be used in the definition of an attribute, like Wikipedia does: "In computing, an attribute is a specification that defines a property of an object, element, or file. It may also refer to or set the specific value for a given instance of such."

GENERAL INTRODUCTION 440 Even in normal English usage the words "attribute" and "property" can be used in some cases as synonyms. Both can have the meaning "An attribute, feature, quality, or characteristic of something or someone". Usually an "attribute" is used to denote a specific ability or characteristic which something or someone has, like black hair, no hair, or a quick perception, or "her quickness to grasp new tasks". So, think a while about your outstanding attributes. What about your "outstanding properties"? Great, if one of your strong points is your ability to quickly understand and adapt to new situations! Otherwise, you would not be learning Python!

Let's get back to Python: We will learn later that properties and attributes are essentially different things in Python. This subsection of our tutorial is about attributes in Python. So far our robots have no attributes. Not even a name, like it is customary for ordinary robots, isn't it? So, let's implement a name attribute. "type designation", "build year" etc. are easily conceivable as further attributes as well***.

Attributes are created inside a class definition, as we will soon learn. We can dynamically create arbitrary new attributes for existing instances of a class. We do this by joining an arbitrary name to the instance name, separated by a dot ".". In the following example, we demonstrate this by creating an attribute for the name and the year built:

class Robot: pass

x = Robot() y = Robot()

x.name = "Marvin" x.build_year = "1979"

y.name = "Caliban" y.build_year = "1993"

print(x.name) Marvin

print(y.build_year) 1993

As we have said before: This is not the way to properly create instance attributes. We introduced this example, because we think that it may help to make the following explanations easier to understand.

If you want to know, what's happening internally: The instances possess dictionaries __dict__ , which they use to store their attributes and their corresponding values:

x.__dict__ Output: {'name': 'Marvin', 'build_year': '1979'}

GENERAL INTRODUCTION 441 y.__dict__ Output: {'name': 'Caliban', 'build_year': '1993'}

Attributes can be bound to class names as well. In this case, each instance will possess this name as well. Watch out, what happens, if you assign the same name to an instance:

class Robot(object): pass

x = Robot() Robot.brand = "Kuka" x.brand Output: 'Kuka'

x.brand = "Thales" Robot.brand Output: 'Kuka'

y = Robot() y.brand Output: 'Kuka'

Robot.brand = "Thales"

y.brand Output: 'Thales'

x.brand Output: 'Thales'

If you look at the __dict__ dictionaries, you can see what's happening.

x.__dict__ Output: {'brand': 'Thales'}

y.__dict__ Output: {}


GENERAL INTRODUCTION 442 Output: mappingproxy({'__module__': '__main__', '__dict__': , '__weakref__': , '__doc__': None, 'brand': 'Thales'})

If you try to access y.brand, Python checks first, if "brand" is a key of the y. __dict__ dictionary. If it is not, Python checks, if "brand" is a key of the Robot. __dict__ . If so, the value can be retrieved.

If an attribute name is not in included in either of the dictionary, the attribute name is not defined. If you try to access a non-existing attribute, you will raise an AttributeError:

x.energy ------AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 x.energy

AttributeError: 'Robot' object has no attribute 'energy'

By using the function getattr, you can prevent this exception, if you provide a default value as the third argument:

getattr(x, 'energy', 100) Output: 100

Binding attributes to objects is a general concept in Python. Even function names can be attributed. You can bind an attribute to a function name in the same way, we have done so far to other instances of classes:

def f(x): return 42

f.x = 42 print(f.x) 42

This can be used as a replacement for the static function variables of C and C++, which are not possible in Python. We use a counter attribute in the following example:

GENERAL INTRODUCTION 443 def f(x): f.counter = getattr(f, "counter", 0) + 1 return "Monty Python"

for i in range(10): f(i)

print(f.counter) 10

Some uncertainty may arise at this point. It is possible to assign attributes to most class instances, but this has nothing to do with defining classes. We will see soon how to assign attributes when we define a class.

To properly create instances of classes, we also need methods. You will learn in the following subsection of our Python tutorial, how you can define methods.


Methods in Python are essentially functions in accordance with Guido's saying "first-class everything".

Let's define a function "hi", which takes an object "obj" as an argument and assumes that this object has an attribute "name". We will also define our basic Robot class again:

def hi(obj): print("Hi, I am " + obj.name + "!")

class Robot: pass

x = Robot() x.name = "Marvin" hi(x) Hi, I am Marvin!

We will now bind the function „hi“ to a class attribute „say_hi“!

def hi(obj): print("Hi, I am " + obj.name)

GENERAL INTRODUCTION 444 class Robot: say_hi = hi

x = Robot() x.name = "Marvin" Robot.say_hi(x) Hi, I am Marvin

"say_hi" is called a method. Usually, it will be called like this:


It is possible to define methods like this, but you shouldn't do it.

The proper way to do it:

• Instead of defining a function outside of a class definition and binding it to a class attribute, we define a method directly inside (indented) of a class definition. • A method is "just" a function which is defined inside a class. • The first parameter is used a reference to the calling instance. • This parameter is usually called self. • Self corresponds to the Robot object x.

We have seen that a method differs from a function only in two aspects:

• It belongs to a class, and it is defined within a class • The first parameter in the definition of a method has to be a reference to the instance, which called the method. This parameter is usually called "self".

As a matter of fact, "self" is not a Python keyword. It's just a naming convention! So C++ or Java programmers are free to call it "this", but this way they are risking that others might have greater difficulties in understanding their code!

Most other object-oriented programming languages pass the reference to the object (self) as a hidden parameter to the methods.

You saw before that the calls Robot.say_hi(x)". and "x.say_hi()" are equivalent. "x.say_hi()" can be seen as an "abbreviated" form, i.e. Python automatically binds it to the instance name. Besides this "x.say_hi()" is the usual way to call methods in Python and in other object oriented languages.

For a Class C, an instance x of C and a method m of C the following three method calls are equivalent:

• type(x).m(x, ...) • C.m(x, ...) • x.m(...)

GENERAL INTRODUCTION 445 Before you proceed with the following text, you may mull over the previous example for awhile. Can you figure out, what is wrong in the design?

There is more than one thing about this code, which may disturb you, but the essential problem at the moment is the fact that we create a robot and that after the creation, we shouldn't forget about naming it! If we forget it, say_hi will raise an error.

We need a mechanism to initialize an instance right after its creation. This is the __init__ -method, which we cover in the next section.


We want to define the attributes of an instance right after its creation. __init__ is a method which is immediately and automatically called after an instance has been created. This name is fixed and it is not possible to chose another name. __init__ is one of the so-called magic methods,we will get to know it with some more details later. The __init__ method is used to initialize an instance. There is no explicit constructor or destructor method in Python, as they are known in C++ and Java. The __init__ method can be anywhere in a class definition, but it is usually the first method of a class, i.e. it follows right after the class header.

class A: def __init__(self): print("__init__ has been executed!")

x = A() __init__ has been executed!

We add an __init__ -method to our robot class:

class Robot:

def __init__(self, name=None): self.name = name

def say_hi(self): if self.name: print("Hi, I am " + self.name) else: print("Hi, I am a robot without a name")

x = Robot() x.say_hi() y = Robot("Marvin")

GENERAL INTRODUCTION 446 y.say_hi() Hi, I am a robot without a name Hi, I am Marvin



Data Abstraction, Data Encapsulation and Information Hiding are often synonymously used in books and tutorials on OOP. However, there is a difference. Encapsulation is seen as the bundling of data with the methods that operate on that data. Information hiding on the other hand is the principle that some internal information or data is "hidden", so that it can't be accidentally changed. Data encapsulation via methods doesn't necessarily mean that the data is hidden. You might be capable of accessing and seeing the data anyway, but using the methods is recommended. Finally, data abstraction is present, if both data hiding and data encapsulation is used. In other words, data abstraction is the broader term:

Data Abstraction = Data Encapsulation + Data Hiding

Encapsulation is often accomplished by providing two kinds of methods for attributes: The methods for retrieving or accessing the values of attributes are called getter methods. Getter methods do not change the values of attributes, they just return the values. The methods used for changing the values of attributes are called setter methods.

We will define now a Robot class with a Getter and a Setter for the name attribute. We will call them get_name and set_name accordingly.

class Robot:

def __init__(self, name=None): self.name = name

def say_hi(self): if self.name: print("Hi, I am " + self.name) else: print("Hi, I am a robot without a name")

def set_name(self, name): self.name = name

GENERAL INTRODUCTION 447 def get_name(self): return self.name

x = Robot() x.set_name("Henry") x.say_hi() y = Robot() y.set_name(x.get_name()) print(y.get_name()) Hi, I am Henry Henry

Before you go on, you can do a little exercise. You can add an additional attribute "build_year" with Getters and Setters to the Robot class.

class Robot:

def __init__(self, name=None, build_year=None): self.name = name self.build_year = build_year

def say_hi(self): if self.name: print("Hi, I am " + self.name) else: print("Hi, I am a robot without a name") if self.build_year: print("I was built in " + str(self.build_year)) else: print("It's not known, when I was created!")

def set_name(self, name): self.name = name

def get_name(self): return self.name

def set_build_year(self, by): self.build_year = by

GENERAL INTRODUCTION 448 def get_build_year(self): return self.build_year

x = Robot("Henry", 2008) y = Robot() y.set_name("Marvin") x.say_hi() y.say_hi() Hi, I am Henry I was built in 2008 Hi, I am Marvin It's not known, when I was created!

There is still something wrong with our Robot class. The Zen of Python says: "There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it." Our Robot class provides us with two ways to access or to change the "name" or the "build_year" attribute. This can be prevented by using private attributes, which we will explain later.


We will have a short break in our treatise on data abstraction for a quick side-trip. We want to introduce two important magic methods "__str__" and "__repr__" , which we will need in future examples. In the course of this tutorial, we have already encountered the __str__ method. We had seen that we can depict various data as string by using the str function, which uses "magically" the internal __str__ method of the corresponding data type. __repr__ is similar. It also produces a string representation.

l = ["Python", "Java", "C++", "Perl"] print(l) ['Python', 'Java', 'C++', 'Perl']

str(l) Output: "['Python', 'Java', 'C++', 'Perl']"

repr(l) Output: "['Python', 'Java', 'C++', 'Perl']"

d = {"a":3497, "b":8011, "c":8300} print(d) {'a': 3497, 'b': 8011, 'c': 8300}


GENERAL INTRODUCTION 449 Output: "{'a': 3497, 'b': 8011, 'c': 8300}"

repr(d) Output: "{'a': 3497, 'b': 8011, 'c': 8300}"

x = 587.78 str(x) Output: '587.78'

repr(x) Output: '587.78'

If you apply str or repr to an object, Python is looking for a corresponding method __str__ or __repr__ in the class definition of the object. If the method does exist, it will be called. In the following example, we define a class A, having neither a __str__ nor a __repr__ method. We want to see, what happens, if we use print directly on an instance of this class, or if we apply str or repr to this instance:

class A: pass

a = A() print(a) <__main__.A object at 0x0000016B162A2688>

print(repr(a)) <__main__.A object at 0x0000016B162A2688>

print(str(a)) <__main__.A object at 0x0000016B162A2688>

a Output: <__main__.A at 0x16b162a2688>

As both methods are not available, Python uses the default output for our object "a".

If a class has a __str__ method, the method will be used for an instance x of that class, if either the function str is applied to it or if it is used in a print function. __str__ will not be used, if repr is called, or if we try to output the value directly in an interactive Python shell:

class A:

GENERAL INTRODUCTION 450 def __str__(self): return "42"

a = A()

print(repr(a)) <__main__.A object at 0x0000016B162A4108>

print(str(a)) 42

a Output: <__main__.A at 0x16b162a4108>

Otherwise, if a class has only the __repr__ method and no __str__ method, __repr__ will be applied in the situations, where __str__ would be applied, if it were available:

class A: def __repr__(self): return "42"

a = A() print(repr(a)) print(str(a)) a 42 42 Output: 42

A frequently asked question is when to use __repr__ and when __str__ . __str__ is always the right choice, if the output should be for the end user or in other words, if it should be nicely printed. __repr__ on the other hand is used for the internal representation of an object. The output of __repr__ should be - if feasible - a string which can be parsed by the python interpreter. The result of this parsing is in an equal object. That is, the following should be true for an object "o":

o == eval(repr(o))

This is shown in the following interactive Python session:

l = [3,8,9]

GENERAL INTRODUCTION 451 s = repr(l) s Output: '[3, 8, 9]'

l == eval(s) Output: True

l == eval(str(l)) Output: True

We show in the following example with the datetime module that eval can only be applied on the strings created by repr:

import datetime today = datetime.datetime.now() str_s = str(today) eval(str_s) Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:\Users\melis\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\in teractiveshell.py", line 3326, in run_code exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)

File "", line 4, in eval(str_s)

File "", line 1 2020-06-11 17:48:26.391635 ^ SyntaxError: invalid token

repr_s = repr(today) t = eval(repr_s) type(t) Output: datetime.datetime

We can see that eval(repr_s) returns again a datetime.datetime object. The string created by str can't be turned into a datetime.datetime object by parsing it.

We will extend our robot class with a repr method. We dropped the other methods to keep this example simple:


def __init__(self, name, build_year): self.name = name self.build_year = build_year

def __repr__(self): return "Robot('" + self.name + "', " + str(self.build_yea r) + ")"

if __name__ == "__main__": x = Robot("Marvin", 1979)

x_str = str(x) print(x_str) print("Type of x_str: ", type(x_str)) new = eval(x_str) print(new) print("Type of new:", type(new)) Robot('Marvin', 1979) Type of x_str: Robot('Marvin', 1979) Type of new: x_str has the value Robot('Marvin', 1979). eval(x_str) converts it again into a Robot instance.

Now it's time to extend our class with a user friendly __str__ method:

class Robot:

def __init__(self, name, build_year): self.name = name self.build_year = build_year

def __repr__(self): return "Robot('" + self.name + "', " + str(self.build_yea r) + ")"

def __str__(self): return "Name: " + self.name + ", Build Year: " + str(sel f.build_year)

if __name__ == "__main__":

GENERAL INTRODUCTION 453 x = Robot("Marvin", 1979)

x_str = str(x) print(x_str) print("Type of x_str: ", type(x_str)) new = eval(x_str) print(new) print("Type of new:", type(new)) Name: Marvin, Build Year: 1979 Type of x_str: Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:\Users\melis\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\in teractiveshell.py", line 3326, in run_code exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)

File "", line 19, in new = eval(x_str)

File "", line 1 Name: Marvin, Build Year: 1979 ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

When we start this program, we can see that it is not possible to convert our string x_str, created via str(x), into a Robot object anymore.

We show in the following program that x_repr can still be turned into a Robot object:

class Robot:

def __init__(self, name, build_year): self.name = name self.build_year = build_year

def __repr__(self): return "Robot(\"" + self.name + "\"," + str(self.build_ye ar) + ")"

def __str__(self): return "Name: " + self.name + ", Build Year: " + str(sel f.build_year)

GENERAL INTRODUCTION 454 if __name__ == "__main__": x = Robot("Marvin", 1979)

x_repr = repr(x) print(x_repr, type(x_repr)) new = eval(x_repr) print(new) print("Type of new:", type(new)) Robot("Marvin",1979) Name: Marvin, Build Year: 1979 Type of new:


Who doesn't know those trigger-happy farmers from films. Shooting as soon as somebody enters their property. This "somebody" has of course neglected the "no trespassing" sign, indicating that the land is private property. Maybe he hasn't seen the sign, maybe the sign is hard to be seen? Imagine a jogger, running the same course five times a week for more than a year, but than he receives a $50 fine for trespassing in the Winchester Fells. Trespassing is a criminal offence in Massachusetts. He was innocent anyway, because the signage was inadequate in the area**.

Even though no trespassing signs and strict laws do protect the private property, some surround their property with fences to keep off unwanted "visitors". Should the fence keep the dog in the yard or the burglar on the street? Choose your fence: Wood panel fencing, post-and-rail fencing, chain-link fencing with or without barbed wire and so on.

We have a similar situation in the design of object-oriented programming languages. The first decision to take is how to protect the data which should be private. The second decision is what to do if trespassing, i.e. accessing or changing private data, occurs. Of course, the private data may be protected in a way that it can't be accessed under any circumstances. This is hardly possible in practice, as we know from the old saying "Where there's a will, there's a way"!

Some owners allow a restricted access to their property. Joggers or hikers may find signs like "Enter at your own risk". A third kind of property might be public property like streets or parks, where it is perfectly legal to be.

We have the same classification again in object-oriented programming:

• Private attributes should only be used by the owner, i.e. inside of the class definition itself. • Protected (restricted) Attributes may be used, but at your own risk. Essentially, they should only be used under certain conditions. • Public Attributes can and should be freely used.

GENERAL INTRODUCTION 455 Python uses a special naming scheme for attributes to control the accessibility of the attributes. So far, we have used attribute names, which can be freely used inside or outside of a class definition, as we have seen. This corresponds to public attributes of course. There are two ways to restrict the access to class attributes:

• First, we can prefix an attribute name with a leading underscore "_". This marks the attribute as protected. It tells users of the class not to use this attribute unless, they write a subclass. We will learn about inheritance and subclassing in the next chapter of our tutorial. • Second, we can prefix an attribute name with two leading underscores "__". The attribute is now inaccessible and invisible from outside. It's neither possible to read nor write to those attributes except inside the class definition itself*.

To summarize the attribute types:

Naming Type Meaning

name Public These attributes can be freely used inside or outside a class definition.

_name Protected Protected attributes should not be used outside the class definition, unless inside a subclass definition.

__name Private This kind of attribute is inaccessible and invisible. It's neither possible to read nor write to those attributes, except inside the class definition itself.

We want to demonstrate the behaviour of these attribute types with an example class:

class A():

def __init__(self): self.__priv = "I am private" self._prot = "I am protected" self.pub = "I am public"

We store this class (attribute_tests.py) and test its behaviour in the following interactive Python shell:

from attribute_tests import A x = A() x.pub Output: 'I am public'

x.pub = x.pub + " and my value can be changed" x.pub

GENERAL INTRODUCTION 456 Output: 'I am public and my value can be changed'

x._prot Output: 'I am protected'

x.__priv ------AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 x.__priv

AttributeError: 'A' object has no attribute '__priv'

The error message is very interesting. One might have expected a message like " __priv is private". We get the message "AttributeError: 'A' object has no attribute __priv instead, which looks like a "lie". There is such an attribute, but we are told that there isn't. This is perfect information hiding. Telling a user that an attribute name is private, means that we make some information visible, i.e. the existence or non-existence of a private variable.

Our next task is rewriting our Robot class. Though we have Getter and Setter methods for the name and the build_year, we can access the attributes directly as well, because we have defined them as public attributes. Data Encapsulation means, that we should only be able to access private attributes via getters and setters.

We have to replace each occurrence of self.name and self.build_year by self. __name and self.__build_year .

The listing of our revised class:

class Robot:

def __init__(self, name=None, build_year=2000): self.__name = name self.__build_year = build_year

def say_hi(self): if self.__name: print("Hi, I am " + self.__name) else: print("Hi, I am a robot without a name")

def set_name(self, name): self.__name = name

def get_name(self):

GENERAL INTRODUCTION 457 return self.__name

def set_build_year(self, by): self.__build_year = by

def get_build_year(self): return self.__build_year

def __repr__(self): return "Robot('" + self.__name + "', " + str(self.__buil d_year) + ")"

def __str__(self): return "Name: " + self.__name + ", Build Year: " + str(se lf.__build_year)

if __name__ == "__main__": x = Robot("Marvin", 1979) y = Robot("Caliban", 1943) for rob in [x, y]: rob.say_hi() if rob.get_name() == "Caliban": rob.set_build_year(1993) print("I was built in the year " + str(rob.get_build_yea r()) + "!") Hi, I am Marvin I was built in the year 1979! Hi, I am Caliban I was built in the year 1993!

Every private attribute of our class has a getter and a setter. There are IDEs for object-oriented programming languages, who automatically provide getters and setters for every private attribute as soon as an attribute is created.

This may look like the following class:

class A():

def __init__(self, x, y): self.__x = x self.__y = y

def GetX(self): return self.__x

GENERAL INTRODUCTION 458 def GetY(self): return self.__y

def SetX(self, x): self.__x = x

def SetY(self, y): self.__y = y

There are at least two good reasons against such an approach. First of all not every private attribute needs to be accessed from outside. Second, we will create non-pythonic code this way, as you will learn soon.


What we said about constructors holds true for destructors as well. There is no "real" destructor, but something similar, i.e. the method __del__ . It is called when the instance is about to be destroyed and if there is no other reference to this instance. If a base class has a __del__() method, the derived class's __del__() method, if any, must explicitly call it to ensure proper deletion of the base class part of the instance.

The following script is an example with __init__ and __del__ :

class Robot():

def __init__(self, name): print(name + " has been created!")

def __del__(self): print ("Robot has been destroyed")

if __name__ == "__main__": x = Robot("Tik-Tok") y = Robot("Jenkins") z = x print("Deleting x") del x print("Deleting z") del z del y

GENERAL INTRODUCTION 459 Tik-Tok has been created! Jenkins has been created! Deleting x Deleting z Robot has been destroyed Robot has been destroyed

The usage of the __del__ method is very problematic. If we change the previous code to personalize the deletion of a robot, we create an error:

class Robot():

def __init__(self, name): print(name + " has been created!")

def __del__(self): print (self.name + " says bye-bye!")

if __name__ == "__main__": x = Robot("Tik-Tok") y = Robot("Jenkins") z = x print("Deleting x") del x print("Deleting z") del z del y Tik-Tok has been created! Jenkins has been created! Deleting x Deleting z Exception ignored in: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 7, in __del__ AttributeError: 'Robot' object has no attribute 'name' Exception ignored in: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 7, in __del__ AttributeError: 'Robot' object has no attribute 'name'

GENERAL INTRODUCTION 460 We are accessing an attribute which doesn't exist anymore. We will learn later, why this is the case.

Footnotes: + The picture on the right side is taken in the Library of the Court of Appeal for Ontario, located downtown Toronto in historic Osgoode Hall

++ "Objects are Python's abstraction for data. All data in a Python program is represented by objects or by relations between objects. (In a sense, and in conformance to Von Neumann's model of a "stored program computer", code is also represented by objects.) Every object has an identity, a type and a value." (excerpt from the official Python Language Reference)

+++ "attribute" stems from the Latin verb "attribuere" which means "to associate with"

++++ http://www.wickedlocal.com/x937072506/tJogger-ticketed-for-trespassing-in-the-Winchester-Fells- kicks-back

+++++ There is a way to access a private attribute directly. In our example, we can do it like this: x._Robot__build_year You shouldn't do this under any circumstances!



Instance attributes are owned by the specific instances of a class. That is, for two different instances, the instance attributes are usually different. You should by now be familiar with this concept which we introduced in our previous chapter.

We can also define attributes at the class level. Class attributes are attributes which are owned by the class itself. They will be shared by all the instances of the class. Therefore they have the same value for every instance. We define class attributes outside all the methods, usually they are placed at the top, right below the class header.

In the following interactive Python session, we can see that the class attribute "a" is the same for all instances, in our examples "x" and "y". Besides this, we see that we can access a class attribute via an instance or via the class name:

class A: a = "I am a class attribute!"

x = A() y = A() x.a Output: 'I am a class attribute!'

y.a Output: 'I am a class attribute!'

A.a Output: 'I am a class attribute!'

But be careful, if you want to change a class attribute, you have to do it with the notation ClassName.AttributeName. Otherwise, you will create a new instance variable. We demonstrate this in the following example:

class A:

CLASS AND INSTANCE ATTRIBUTES 462 a = "I am a class attribute!"

x = A() y = A() x.a = "This creates a new instance attribute for x!"

y.a Output: 'I am a class attribute!'

A.a Output: 'I am a class attribute!'

A.a = "This is changing the class attribute 'a'!"

A.a Output: "This is changing the class attribute 'a'!"

y.a Output: "This is changing the class attribute 'a'!"

x.a # but x.a is still the previously created instance variable Output: 'This creates a new instance attribute for x!'

Python's class attributes and object attributes are stored in separate dictionaries, as we can see here:

x.__dict__ Output: {'a': 'This creates a new instance attribute for x!'}

y.__dict__ Output: {}


CLASS AND INSTANCE ATTRIBUTES 463 Output: mappingproxy({'__module__': '__main__', 'a': "This is changing the class attribute 'a'!", '__dict__': , '__weakref__': , '__doc__': None})

x.__class__.__dict__ Output: mappingproxy({'__module__': '__main__', 'a': "This is changing the class attribute 'a'!", '__dict__': , '__weakref__': , '__doc__': None})


Isaac Asimov devised and introduced the so-called "Three Laws of Robotics" in 1942. The appeared in his story "Runaround". His three laws have been picked up by many science fiction writers. As we have started manufacturing robots in Python, it's high time to make sure that they obey Asimovs three laws. As they are the same for every instance, i.e. robot, we will create a class attribute Three_Laws. This attribute is a tuple with the three laws.

class Robot:

Three_Laws = ( """A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allo w a human being to come to harm.""", """A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, excep t where such orders would conflict with the First Law.,""", """A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protecti on does not conflict with the First or Second Law.""" ) def __init__(self, name, build_year): self.name = name self.build_year = build_year

# other methods as usual

As we mentioned before, we can access a class attribute via instance or via the class name. You can see in the

CLASS AND INSTANCE ATTRIBUTES 464 following that we don't need an instance:

from robot_asimov import Robot for number, text in enumerate(Robot.Three_Laws): print(str(number+1) + ":\n" + text) 1: A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2: A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except w here such orders would conflict with the First Law., 3: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

In the following example, we demonstrate, how you can count instance with class attributes. All we have to do is

• to create a class attribute, which we call "counter" in our example • to increment this attribute by 1 every time a new instance is created • to decrement the attribute by 1 every time an instance is destroyed

class C:

counter = 0

def __init__(self): type(self).counter += 1

def __del__(self): type(self).counter -= 1

if __name__ == "__main__": x = C() print("Number of instances: : " + str(C.counter)) y = C() print("Number of instances: : " + str(C.counter)) del x print("Number of instances: : " + str(C.counter)) del y print("Number of instances: : " + str(C.counter))

CLASS AND INSTANCE ATTRIBUTES 465 Number of instances: : 1 Number of instances: : 2 Number of instances: : 1 Number of instances: : 0

Principially, we could have written C.counter instead of type(self).counter, because type(self) will be evaluated to "C" anyway. However we will understand later, that type(self) makes sense, if we use such a class as a superclass.


We used class attributes as public attributes in the previous section. Of course, we can make public attributes private as well. We can do this by adding the double underscore again. If we do so, we need a possibility to access and change these private class attributes. We could use instance methods for this purpose:

class Robot: __counter = 0

def __init__(self): type(self).__counter += 1

def RobotInstances(self): return Robot.__counter

if __name__ == "__main__": x = Robot() print(x.RobotInstances()) y = Robot() print(x.RobotInstances()) 1 2

This is not a good idea for two reasons: First of all, because the number of robots has nothing to do with a single robot instance and secondly because we can't inquire the number of robots before we create an instance. If we try to invoke the method with the class name Robot.RobotInstances(), we get an error message, because it needs an instance as an argument:


CLASS AND INSTANCE ATTRIBUTES 466 ------TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 Robot.RobotInstances()

TypeError: RobotInstances() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self'

The next idea, which still doesn't solve our problem, is omitting the parameter "self":

class Robot: __counter = 0

def __init__(self): type(self).__counter += 1

def RobotInstances(): return Robot.__counter

Now it's possible to access the method via the class name, but we can't call it via an instance:

from static_methods2 import Robot Robot.RobotInstances() Output: 0

x = Robot() x.RobotInstances() ------TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in 1 x = Robot() ----> 2 x.RobotInstances()

TypeError: RobotInstances() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given

The call "x.RobotInstances()" is treated as an instance method call and an instance method needs a reference to the instance as the first parameter.

So, what do we want? We want a method, which we can call via the class name or via the instance name without the necessity of passing a reference to an instance to it.

The solution lies in static methods, which don't need a reference to an instance. It's easy to turn a method into a static method. All we have to do is to add a line with "@staticmethod" directly in front of the method header. It's the decorator syntax.

CLASS AND INSTANCE ATTRIBUTES 467 You can see in the following example that we can now use our method RobotInstances the way we want:

class Robot: __counter = 0

def __init__(self): type(self).__counter += 1

@staticmethod def RobotInstances(): return Robot.__counter

if __name__ == "__main__": print(Robot.RobotInstances()) x = Robot() print(x.RobotInstances()) y = Robot() print(x.RobotInstances()) print(Robot.RobotInstances()) 0 1 2 2


Static methods shouldn't be confused with class methods. Like static methods class methods are not bound to instances, but unlike static methods class methods are bound to a class. The first parameter of a class method is a reference to a class, i.e. a class object. They can be called via an instance or the class name.

class Robot: __counter = 0

def __init__(self): type(self).__counter += 1

@classmethod def RobotInstances(cls): return cls, Robot.__counter

if __name__ == "__main__":

CLASS AND INSTANCE ATTRIBUTES 468 print(Robot.RobotInstances()) x = Robot() print(x.RobotInstances()) y = Robot() print(x.RobotInstances()) print(Robot.RobotInstances()) (, 0) (, 1) (, 2) (, 2)

The use cases of class methods:

• They are used in the definition of the so-called factory methods, which we will not cover here. • They are often used, where we have static methods, which have to call other static methods. To do this, we would have to hard code the class name, if we had to use static methods. This is a problem, if we are in a use case, where we have inherited classes.

The following program contains a fraction class, which is still not complete. If you work with fractions, you need to be capable of reducing fractions, e.g. the fraction 8/24 can be reduced to 1/3. We can reduce a fraction to lowest terms by dividing both the numerator and denominator by the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD).

We have defined a static gcd function to calculate the greatest common divisor of two numbers. the greatest common divisor (gcd) of two or more integers (at least one of which is not zero), is the largest positive integer that divides the numbers without a remainder. For example, the 'GCD of 8 and 24 is 8. The static method "gcd" is called by our class method "reduce" with "cls.gcd(n1, n2)". "CLS" is a reference to "fraction".

class fraction(object):

def __init__(self, n, d): self.numerator, self.denominator = fraction.reduce(n, d)

@staticmethod def gcd(a,b): while b != 0: a, b = b, a%b return a

@classmethod def reduce(cls, n1, n2): g = cls.gcd(n1, n2) return (n1 // g, n2 // g)

def __str__(self):

CLASS AND INSTANCE ATTRIBUTES 469 return str(self.numerator)+'/'+str(self.denominator)

Using this class:

from fraction1 import fraction x = fraction(8,24) print(x) 1/3


Our last example will demonstrate the usefulness of class methods in inheritance. We define a class Pet with a method about . This method should give some general class information. The class Cat will be inherited both in the subclass Dog and Cat . The method about will be inherited as well. We will demonstrate that we will encounter problems, if we define the method about as a normal instance method or as a static method. We will start by defining about as an instance method:

class Pet: _class_info = "pet animals"

def about(self): print("This class is about " + self._class_info + "!")

class Dog(Pet): _class_info = "man's best friends"

class Cat(Pet): _class_info = "all kinds of cats"

p = Pet() p.about() d = Dog() d.about() c = Cat() c.about() This class is about pet animals! This class is about man's best friends! This class is about all kinds of cats!

This may look alright at first at first glance. On second thought we recognize the awful design. We had to create instances of the Pet , Dog and Cat classes to be able to ask what the class is about. It would be a

CLASS AND INSTANCE ATTRIBUTES 470 lot better, if we could just write Pet.about() , Dog.about() and Cat.about() to get the previous result. We cannot do this. We will have to write Pet.about(p) , Dog.about(d) and Cat.about(c) instead.

Now, we will define the method about as a "staticmethod" to show the disadvantage of this approach. As we have learned previously in our tutorial, a staticmethod does not have a first parameter with a reference to an object. So about will have no parameters at all. Due to this, we are now capable of calling "about" without the necessity of passing an instance as a parameter, i.e. Pet.about() , Dog.about() and Cat.about() . Yet, a problem lurks in the definition of about . The only way to access the class info _class_info is putting a class name in front. We arbitrarily put in Pet . We could have put there Cat or Dog as well. No matter what we do, the solution will not be what we want:

class Pet: _class_info = "pet animals"

@staticmethod def about(): print("This class is about " + Pet._class_info + "!")

class Dog(Pet): _class_info = "man's best friends"

class Cat(Pet): _class_info = "all kinds of cats"

Pet.about() Dog.about() Cat.about() This class is about pet animals! This class is about pet animals! This class is about pet animals!

In other words, we have no way of differenciating between the class Pet and its subclasses Dog and Cat . The problem is that the method about does not know that it has been called via the Pet the Dog or the Cat class.

A classmethod is the solution to all our problems. We will decorate about with a classmethod decorator instead of a staticmethod decorator:

class Pet: _class_info = "pet animals"


CLASS AND INSTANCE ATTRIBUTES 471 def about(cls): print("This class is about " + cls._class_info + "!")

class Dog(Pet): _class_info = "man's best friends"

class Cat(Pet): _class_info = "all kinds of cats"

Pet.about() Dog.about() Cat.about() This class is about pet animals! This class is about man's best friends! This class is about all kinds of cats!



Getters(also known as 'accessors') and setters (aka. 'mutators') are used in many object oriented programming languages to ensure the principle of data encapsulation. Data encapsulation - as we have learnt in our introduction on Object Oriented Programming of our tutorial - is seen as the bundling of data with the methods that operate on them. These methods are of course the getter for retrieving the data and the setter for changing the data. According to this principle, the attributes of a class are made private to hide and protect them.

Unfortunately, it is widespread belief that a proper Python class should encapsulate private attributes by using getters and setters. As soon as one of these programmers introduces a new attribute, he or she will make it a private variable and creates "automatically" a getter and a setter for this attribute. Such programmers may even use an editor or an IDE, which automatically creates getters and setters for all private attributes. These tools even warn the programmer if she or he uses a public attribute! Java programmers will wrinkle their brows, screw up their noses, or even scream with horror when they read the following: The Pythonic way to introduce attributes is to make them public.

We will explain this later. First, we demonstrate in the following example, how we can design a class in a Javaesque way with getters and setters to encapsulate the private attribute self.__x :

class P:

def __init__(self, x): self.__x = x

def get_x(self): return self.__x

def set_x(self, x): self.__x = x

We can see in the following demo session how to work with this class and the methods:

PROPERTIES VS. GETTERS AND SETTERS 473 from mutators import P p1 = P(42) p2 = P(4711) p1.get_x() Output: 42

p1.set_x(47) p1.set_x(p1.get_x()+p2.get_x()) p1.get_x() Output: 4758

What do you think about the expression "p1.set_x(p1.get_x()+p2.get_x())"? It's ugly, isn't it? It's a lot easier to write an expression like the following, if we had a public attribute x:

p1.x = p1.x + p2.x

Such an assignment is easier to write and above all easier to read than the Javaesque expression.

Let's rewrite the class P in a Pythonic way. No getter, no setter and instead of the private attribute self.__x we use a public one:

class P:

def __init__(self,x): self.x = x

Beautiful, isn't it? Just three lines of code, if we don't count the blank line!

from p import P p1 = P(42) p2 = P(4711) p1.x Output: 42

p1.x = 47 p1.x = p1.x + p2.x p1.x Output: 4758

"But, but, but, but, but ... ", we can hear them howling and screaming, "But there is NO data ENCAPSULATION!" Yes, in this case there is no data encapsulation. We don't need it in this case. The only thing get_x and set_x in our starting example did was "getting the data through" without doing anything


But what happens if we want to change the implementation in the future? This is a serious argument. Let's assume we want to change the implementation like this: The attribute x can have values between 0 and 1000. If a value larger than 1000 is assigned, x should be set to 1000. Correspondingly, x should be set to 0, if the value is less than 0.

It is easy to change our first P class to cover this problem. We change the set_x method accordingly:

class P:

def __init__(self, x): self.set_x(x)

def get_x(self): return self.__x

def set_x(self, x): if x < 0: self.__x = 0 elif x > 1000: self.__x = 1000 else: self.__x = x

The following Python session shows that it works the way we want it to work:

from mutators1 import P p1 = P(1001) p1.get_x() Output: 1000

p2 = P(15) p2.get_x() Output: 15

p3 = P(-1) p3.get_x() Output: 0

But there is a catch: Let's assume we designed our class with the public attribute and no methods:


def __init__(self, x): self.x = x

People have already used it a lot and they have written code like this:

p1 = P2(42) p1.x = 1001 p1.x Output: 1001

If we would change P2 now in the way of the class P, our new class would break the interface, because the attribute x will not beavailable anymore. That's why in Java e.g. people are recommended to use only private attributes with getters and setters, so that they can change the implementation without having to change the interface.

But Python offers a solution to this problem. The solution is called properties!

The class with a property looks like this:

class P:

def __init__(self, x): self.x = x

@property def x(self): return self.__x

@x.setter def x(self, x): if x < 0: self.__x = 0 elif x > 1000: self.__x = 1000 else: self.__x = x

A method which is used for getting a value is decorated with "@property", i.e. we put this line directly in front of the header. The method which has to function as the setter is decorated with "@x.setter". If the function had been called "f", we would have to decorate it with "@f.setter". Two things are noteworthy: We just put the code line "self.x = x" in the __init__ method and the property method x is used to check the limits of the

PROPERTIES VS. GETTERS AND SETTERS 476 values. The second interesting thing is that we wrote "two" methods with the same name and a different number of parameters "def x(self)" and "def x(self,x)". We have learned in a previous chapter of our course that this is not possible. It works here due to the decorating:

from p2 import P p1 = P(1001) p1.x Output: 1000

p1.x = -12 p1.x Output: 0

Alternatively, we could have used a different syntax without decorators to define the property. As you can see, the code is definitely less elegant and we have to make sure that we use the getter function in the __init__ method again:

class P:

def __init__(self, x): self.set_x(x)

def get_x(self): return self.__x

def set_x(self, x): if x < 0: self.__x = 0 elif x > 1000: self.__x = 1000 else: self.__x = x

x = property(get_x, set_x)

There is still another problem in the most recent version. We have now two ways to access or change the value of x: Either by using "p1.x = 42" or by "p1.set_x(42)". This way we are violating one of the fundamentals of Python: "There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it." (see Zen of Python)

We can easily fix this problem by turning the getter and the setter methods into private methods, which can't be accessed anymore by the users of our class P:

class P:

PROPERTIES VS. GETTERS AND SETTERS 477 def __init__(self, x): self.__set_x(x)

def __get_x(self): return self.__x

def __set_x(self, x): if x < 0: self.__x = 0 elif x > 1000: self.__x = 1000 else: self.__x = x

x = property(__get_x, __set_x)

Even though we fixed this problem by using a private getter and setter, the version with the decorator "@property" is the Pythonic way to do it!

From what we have written so far, and what can be seen in other books and tutorials as well, we could easily get the impression that there is a one-to-one connection between properties (or mutator methods) and the attributes, i.e. that each attribute has or should have its own property (or getter-setter-pair) and the other way around. Even in other object oriented languages than Python, it's usually not a good idea to implement a class like that. The main reason is that many attributes are only internally needed and creating interfaces for the user of the class increases unnecessarily the usability of the class. The possible user of a class shouldn't be "drowned" with umpteen - of mainly unnecessary - methods or properties!

The following example shows a class, which has internal attributes, which can't be accessed from outside. These are the private attributes self.__potential _physical and self.__potential_psychic . Furthermore we show that a property can be deduced from the values of more than one attribute. The property "condition" of our example returns the condition of the robot in a descriptive string. The condition depends on the sum of the values of the psychic and the physical conditions of the robot.

class Robot:

PROPERTIES VS. GETTERS AND SETTERS 478 def __init__(self, name, build_year, lk = 0.5, lp = 0.5 ): self.name = name self.build_year = build_year self.__potential_physical = lk self.__potential_psychic = lp

@property def condition(self): s = self.__potential_physical + self.__potential_psychic if s <= -1: return "I feel miserable!" elif s <= 0: return "I feel bad!" elif s <= 0.5: return "Could be worse!" elif s <= 1: return "Seems to be okay!" else: return "Great!"

if __name__ == "__main__": x = Robot("Marvin", 1979, 0.2, 0.4 ) y = Robot("Caliban", 1993, -0.4, 0.3) print(x.condition) print(y.condition) Seems to be okay! I feel bad!


Let's summarize the usage of private and public attributes, getters and setters, and properties: Let's assume that we are designing a new class and we pondering about an instance or class attribute "OurAtt", which we need for the design of our class. We have to observe the following issues:

• Will the value of "OurAtt" be needed by the possible users of our class? • If not, we can or should make it a private attribute. • If it has to be accessed, we make it accessible as a public attribute • We will define it as a private attribute with the corresponding property, if and only if we have to do some checks or transformation of the data. (As an example, you can have a look again at our class P, where the attribute has to be in the interval between 0 and 1000, which is ensured by the property "x") • Alternatively, you could use a getter and a setter, but using a property is the Pythonic way to deal with it!

Let's assume we defined "OurAtt" as a public attribute. Our class has been successfully used by other users for


class OurClass:

def __init__(self, a): self.OurAtt = a

x = OurClass(10) print(x.OurAtt) 10

Now comes the point which frightens some traditional OOPistas out of their wits: Imagine "OurAtt" has been used as an integer. Now, our class has to ensure that "OurAtt" has to be a value between 0 and 1000? Without property, this is really a horrible scenario! Due to properties it's easy: We create a property version of "OurAtt".

class OurClass:

def __init__(self, a): self.OurAtt = a

@property def OurAtt(self): return self.__OurAtt

@OurAtt.setter def OurAtt(self, val): if val < 0: self.__OurAtt = 0 elif val > 1000: self.__OurAtt = 1000 else: self.__OurAtt = val

x = OurClass(10) print(x.OurAtt) 10

This is great, isn't it? You can start with the simplest implementation imaginable, and you are free to later migrate to a property version without having to change the interface! So properties are not just a replacement

PROPERTIES VS. GETTERS AND SETTERS 480 for getters and setters!

Something else you might have already noticed: For the users of a class, properties are syntactically identical to ordinary attributes.


In the previous chapter of our tutorial, we learned how to create and use properties in a class. The main objective was to understand them as a way to get rid of explicit getters and setters and have a simple class interface. This is usually enough to know for most programmers and for practical use cases and they will not need more.

If you want to know more about how 'property' works, you can go one step further with us. By doing this, you can improve your coding skills and get a deeper insight and understanding of Python. We will have a look at the way the "property" decorator could be implemented in Python code. (It is implemented in C code in reality!) By doing this, the way of working will be clearer. Everything is based on the descriptor protocol, which we will explain later.

We define a class with the name 'our_property' so that it will not be mistaken for the existing 'property' class. This class can be used like the 'real' property class.

class our_property: """ emulation of the property class for educational purposes """

def __init__(self, fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None): """Attributes of 'our_decorator' fget function to be used for getting an attribute value fset function to be used for setting an attribute value fdel function to be used for deleting an attribute doc the docstring """ self.fget = fget self.fset = fset self.fdel = fdel

DEEPER INTO PROPERTIES 482 if doc is None and fget is not None: doc = fget.__doc__ self.__doc__ = doc

def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None): if obj is None: return self if self.fget is None: raise AttributeError("unreadable attribute") return self.fget(obj)

def __set__(self, obj, value): if self.fset is None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute") self.fset(obj, value)

def __delete__(self, obj): if self.fdel is None: raise AttributeError("can't delete attribute") self.fdel(obj)

def getter(self, fget): return type(self)(fget, self.fset, self.fdel, self.__do c__)

def setter(self, fset): return type(self)(self.fget, fset, self.fdel, self.__do c__)

def deleter(self, fdel): return type(self)(self.fget, self.fset, fdel, self.__do c__)

We need another class to use the previously defined class and to demonstrate how the property class decorator works. To continue the tradition of the previous chapters of our Python tutorial we will again write a Robot class. We will define a property in this example class to demonstrate the usage of our previously defined property class or better 'our_decorator' class. When you run the code, you can see __init__ of 'our_property' will be called 'fget' set to a reference to the 'getter' function of 'city'. The attribute 'city' is an instance of the 'our_property' class. The 'our'property' class provides another decorator 'setter' for the setter functionality. We apply this with '@city.setter'

class Robot:

def __init__(self, city): self.city = city

DEEPER INTO PROPERTIES 483 @our_property def city(self): print("The Property 'city' will be returned now:") return self.__city

@city.setter def city(self, city): print("'city' will be set") self.__city = city

'Robot.city' is an instance of the 'our_property' class as we can see in the following:

type(Robot.city) Output: __main__.our_property

If you change the line '@our_property' to '@property' the program will behave totally the same, but it will be using the original Python class 'property' and not our 'our_property' class. We will create instances of the Robot class in the following Python code:

print("Instantiating a Root and setting 'city' to 'Berlin'") robo = Robot("Berlin") print("The value is: ", robo.city) print("Our robot moves now to Frankfurt:") robo.city = "Frankfurt" print("The value is: ", robo.city) Instantiating a Root and setting 'city' to 'Berlin' 'city' will be set The Property 'city' will be returned now: The value is: Berlin Our robot moves now to Frankfurt: 'city' will be set The Property 'city' will be returned now: The value is: Frankfurt

Let's make our property implementation a little bit more talkative with some print functions to see what is going on. We also change the name to 'chatty_property' for obvious reasons:

class chatty_property: """ emulation of the property class for educational purposes """

DEEPER INTO PROPERTIES 484 def __init__(self, fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None):

self.fget = fget self.fset = fset self.fdel = fdel print("\n__init__ called with:)") print(f"fget={fget}, fset={fset}, fdel={fdel}, doc={doc}") if doc is None and fget is not None: print(f"doc set to docstring of {fget.__name__} metho d") doc = fget.__doc__ self.__doc__ = doc

def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None): if obj is None: return self if self.fget is None: raise AttributeError("unreadable attribute") return self.fget(obj)

def __set__(self, obj, value): if self.fset is None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute") self.fset(obj, value)

def __delete__(self, obj): if self.fdel is None: raise AttributeError("can't delete attribute") self.fdel(obj)

def getter(self, fget): return type(self)(fget, self.fset, self.fdel, self.__do c__)

def setter(self, fset): print(type(self)) return type(self)(self.fget, fset, self.fdel, self.__do c__)

def deleter(self, fdel): return type(self)(self.fget, self.fset, fdel, self.__do


class Robot:

def __init__(self, city): self.city = city

@chatty_property def city(self): """ city attribute of Robot """ print("The Property 'city' will be returned now:") return self.__city

@city.setter def city(self, city): print("'city' will be set") self.__city = city __init__ called with:) fget=, fset=None, fde l=None, doc=None doc set to docstring of city method

__init__ called with:) fget=, fset=, fdel=None, doc= city attribute o f Robot

robo = Robot("Berlin") 'city' will be set


In the previous two chapters of our Python tutorial, we learned how to use Python properties and even how to implement a custom-made property class. In this chapter you will learn the details of descriptors.

Descriptors were introduced to Python in version 2.2. That time the "What's New in Python2.2" mentioned: "The one big idea underlying the new class model is that an API for describing the attributes of an object using descriptors has been formalized. Descriptors specify the value of an attribute, stating whether it’s a method or a field. With the descriptor API, static methods and class methods become possible, as well as more exotic constructs."

A descriptor is an object attribute with "binding behavior", one whose attribute access has been overridden by methods in the descriptor protocol. Those methods are __get__() , __set__() , and __delete__() .

If any of those methods are defined for an object, it is said to be a descriptor.

Their purpose consists in providing programmers with the ability to add managed attributes to classes. The descriptors are introduced to get, set or delete attributes from the object's __dict__ dictionary via the above mentioned methods. Accessing a class attribute will start the lookup chain.

Let a closer look at what is happening. Assuming we have an object obj : What happens if we try to access an attribute (or property) ap ? "Accesssing" the attribute means to "get" the value, so the attribute is used for example in a print function or inside of an expression. Both the obj and the class belong to type(obj) contain a dictionary attribute __dict__ . This situation is viuslaized in the following diagram:

DESCRIPTORS 487 obj.ap has a lookup chain starting with obj.__dict__['ap'] , i.e. checks if obj.ap is a key of the dictionary obj.__dict__['ap'] .

If ap is not a key of obj.__dict__ , it will try to lookup type(obj).__dict__['ap'] .

If obj is not contained in this dictionary either, it will continue checking through the base classes of type(ap) excluding metaclasses.

We demonstrate this in an example:

class A:

ca_A = "class attribute of A"

def __init__(self): self.ia_A = "instance attribute of A instance"

DESCRIPTORS 488 class B(A):

ca_B = "class attribute of B"

def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.ia_B = "instance attribute of A instance"

x = B()

print(x.ia_B) print(x.ca_B) print(x.ia_A) print(x.ca_A) instance attribute of A instance class attribute of B instance attribute of A instance class attribute of A

If we call print(x.non_existing) we get the following exception:

------AttributeError Traceback (most recent ca ll last) in ----> 1 print(x.non_existing)

AttributeError: 'B' object has no attribute 'non_existing'

If the looked-up value is an object defining one of the descriptor methods, then Python may override the default behavior and invoke the descriptor method instead. Where this occurs in the precedence chain depends on which descriptor methods were defined.

Descriptors provide a powerful, general purpose protocol, which is the underlying mechanism behind properties, methods, static methods, class methods, and super(). Descriptors were needed to implement the so- called new style classes introduced in version 2.2. The "new style classes" are the default nowadays.


The general descriptor protocol consists of three methods:

descr.__get__(self, obj, type=None) -> value

DESCRIPTORS 489 descr.__set__(self, obj, value) -> None

descr.__delete__(self, obj) -> None

If you define one or more of these methods, you will create a descriptor. We distinguish between data descriptors and non-data descriptors: non-data descriptor If we define only the __get__() method, we create a non-data descriptor, which are mostly used for methods. data descriptor If an object defines __set__() or __delete__(), it is considered a data descriptor. To make a read-only data descriptor, define both __get__() and __set__() with the __set__() raising an AttributeError when called. Defining the __set__() method with an exception raising placeholder is enough to make it a data descriptor.

We finally come now to our simple descriptor example in the following code:

class SimpleDescriptor(object): """ A simple data descriptor that can set and return values """

def __init__(self, initval=None): print("__init__ of SimpleDecorator called with initval: ", initval) self.__set__(self, initval)

def __get__(self, instance, owner): print(instance, owner) print('Getting (Retrieving) self.val: ', self.val) return self.val

def __set__(self, instance, value): print('Setting self.val to ', value) self.val = value

class MyClass(object):

x = SimpleDescriptor("green")

DESCRIPTORS 490 m = MyClass() print(m.x) m.x = "yellow" print(m.x) __init__ of SimpleDecorator called with initval: green Setting self.val to green <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7efe93ff4a20> Getting (Retrieving) self.val: green green Setting self.val to yellow <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7efe93ff4a20> Getting (Retrieving) self.val: yellow yellow

The third parameter owner of __get__ is always the owner class and provides users with an option to do something with the class that was used to call the descriptor. Usually, i.e. if the descriptor is called through an object obj , the object type can be deduced by calling type(obj) . The situation is different, if the descriptor is invoked through a class. In this case it is None and it wouldn't be possible to access the class unless the third argument is given. The second parameter instance is the instance that the attribute was accessed through, or None when the attribute is accessed through the owner.

Let's have a look at the __dict__ dictionaries of both the instances and the class:

'x' is a class attribute in the previous class. You may have asked yourself, if we could also use this mechanism in the __init__ method to define instance attribute. This is not possible. The methods __get__() , __set__() , and __delete__() will only apply if an instance of the class containing the method (a so-called descriptor class) appears in an owner class (the descriptor must be in either the owner’s class dictionary or in the class dictionary for one of its parents). In the examples above, the attribute 'x' is in the owner __dict__ of the owner class MyClass, as we can see below:

print(m.__dict__) print(MyClass.__dict__) print(SimpleDescriptor.__dict__)

DESCRIPTORS 491 {} {'__module__': '__main__', 'x': <__main__.SimpleDescriptor object at 0x7efe93ff49e8>, '__dict__': , '__weakref__': , '__doc__': None} {'__module__': '__main__', '__doc__': '\n A simple data descrip tor that can set and return values\n ', '__init__': , '__get__': , '__set__': , '__dict__': , '__weakref__': }

print(MyClass.__dict__['x']) <__main__.SimpleDescriptor object at 0x7efe93ff49e8>

It is possible to call a descriptor directly by its method name, e.g. d.__get__(obj) .

Alternatively, it is more common for a descriptor to be invoked automatically upon attribute access. For example, obj.d looks up d in the dictionary __dict__ of obj . If d defines the method __get__() , then d.__get__(obj) is invoked according to the precedence rules listed below.

It makes a difference if obj is an object or a class:

• For objects, the method to control the invocation is in object.__getattribute__() which transforms b.x into the call type(b).__dict__['x'].__get__(b, type(b)) . The implementation works through a precedence chain that gives data descriptors priority over instance variables, instance variables priority over non-data descriptors, and assigns lowest priority to __getattr__() if provided.

• For classes, the corresponing method is in the type class, i.e. type.__getattribute__() which transforms B.x into B.__dict__['x'].__get__(None, B) .

__getattribute__ is not implemented in Python but in C. The following Python code is a simulation of the logic in Python. We can see that the descriptors are called by the __getattribute__ implementations.

def __getattribute__(self, key): "Emulate type_getattro() in Objects/typeobject.c" v = type.__getattribute__(self, key) if hasattr(v, '__get__'): return v.__get__(None, self) return v

DESCRIPTORS 492 m.__getattribute__("x") <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7efe93ff4a20> Getting (Retrieving) self.val: yellow Output: 'yellow'

The object returned by super() also has a custom __getattribute__() method for invoking descriptors. The attribute lookup super(B, obj).m searches obj.__class__.__mro__ for the base class A immediately following B and then returns A.__dict__['m'].__get__(obj, B) . If not a descriptor, m is returned unchanged. If not in the dictionary, m reverts to a search using object.__getattribute__() .

The details above show that the mechanism for descriptors is embedded in the __getattribute__() methods for object, type, and super(). Classes inherit this machinery when they derive from object or if they have a meta-class providing similar functionality. This means also that one can turn-off automatic descriptor calls by overriding __getattribute__() .

from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary

class Voter:

required_age = 18 # in Germany

def __init__(self): self.age = WeakKeyDictionary()

def __get__(self, instance_obj, objtype): return self.age.get(instance_obj)

def __set__(self, instance, new_age): if new_age < Voter.required_age: msg = '{name} is not old enough to vote in Germany' raise Exception(msg.format(name=instance.name)) self.age[instance] = new_age print('{name} can vote in Germany'.format( name=instance.name))

def __delete__(self, instance): del self.age[instance]

class Person: voter_age = Voter()

DESCRIPTORS 493 def __init__(self, name, age): self.name = name self.voter_age = age

p1 = Person('Ben', 23) p2 = Person('Emilia', 22)

p2.voter_age Ben can vote in Germany Emilia can vote in Germany Output: 22

A pure sample implementation of a property() class (https://docs.python.org/3/howto/ descriptor.html#properties)

class Property: "Emulate PyProperty_Type() in Objects/descrobject.c"

def __init__(self, fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None): self.fget = fget self.fset = fset self.fdel = fdel if doc is None and fget is not None: doc = fget.__doc__ self.__doc__ = doc

def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None): if obj is None: return self if self.fget is None: raise AttributeError("unreadable attribute") return self.fget(obj)

def __set__(self, obj, value): if self.fset is None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute") self.fset(obj, value)

def __delete__(self, obj): if self.fdel is None: raise AttributeError("can't delete attribute")

DESCRIPTORS 494 self.fdel(obj)

def getter(self, fget): return type(self)(fget, self.fset, self.fdel, self.__do c__)

def setter(self, fset): return type(self)(self.fget, fset, self.fdel, self.__do c__)

def deleter(self, fdel): return type(self)(self.fget, self.fset, fdel, self.__do c__)

A simple class using our Property implementation.

class A:

def __init__(self, prop): self.prop = prop

@Property def prop(self): print("The Property 'prop' will be returned now:") return self.__prop

@prop.setter def prop(self, prop): print("prop will be set") self.__prop = prop

Using our class A:

print("Initializing the Property 'prop' with the value 'Python'") x = A("Python") print("The value is: ", x.prop) print("Reassigning the Property 'prop' to 'Python descriptors'") x.prop = "Python descriptors" print("The value is: ", x.prop)

DESCRIPTORS 495 Initializing the Property 'prop' with the value 'Python' prop will be set The Property 'prop' will be returned now: The value is: Python Reassigning the Property 'prop' to 'Python descriptors' prop will be set The Property 'prop' will be returned now: The value is: Python descriptors

Let's make our Property implementation a little bit more talkative with some print functions to see what is going on:

class Property: "Emulate PyProperty_Type() in Objects/descrobject.c"

def __init__(self, fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None): print("\n__init__ of Property called with:") print("fget=" + str(fget) + " fset=" + str(fset) + \ " fdel=" + str(fdel) + " doc=" + str(doc)) self.fget = fget self.fset = fset self.fdel = fdel if doc is None and fget is not None: doc = fget.__doc__ self.__doc__ = doc

def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None): print("\nProperty.__get__ has been called!") if obj is None: return self if self.fget is None: raise AttributeError("unreadable attribute") return self.fget(obj)

def __set__(self, obj, value): print("\nProperty.__set__ has been called!") if self.fset is None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute") self.fset(obj, value)

def __delete__(self, obj): print("\nProperty.__delete__ has been called!") if self.fdel is None: raise AttributeError("can't delete attribute")

DESCRIPTORS 496 self.fdel(obj)

def getter(self, fget): print("\nProperty.getter has been called!") return type(self)(fget, self.fset, self.fdel, self.__do c__)

def setter(self, fset): print("\nProperty.setter has been called!") return type(self)(self.fget, fset, self.fdel, self.__do c__)

def deleter(self, fdel): print("\nProperty.deleter has been called!") return type(self)(self.fget, self.fset, fdel, self.__do c__)

class A:

def __init__(self, prop): self.prop = prop

@Property def prop(self): """ This will be the doc string of the property """ print("The Property 'prop' will be returned now:") return self.__prop

@prop.setter def prop(self, prop): print("prop will be set") self.__prop = prop

def prop2_getter(self): return self.__prop2

def prop2_setter(self, prop2): self.__prop2 = prop2

prop2 = Property(prop2_getter, prop2_setter)

print("Initializing the Property 'prop' with the value 'Python'") x = A("Python") print("The value is: ", x.prop) print("Reassigning the Property 'prop' to 'Python descriptors'")

DESCRIPTORS 497 x.prop = "Python descriptors" print("The value is: ", x.prop)


def new_prop_setter(self, prop): if prop=="foo": self.__prop = "foobar" else: self.__prop = prop


DESCRIPTORS 498 __init__ of Property called with: fget= fset=None fdel=None doc=N one

Property.setter has been called!

__init__ of Property called with: fget= fset= fdel=None doc= This will be the doc string of the property

__init__ of Property called with: fget= fset= fdel=None doc=None Initializing the Property 'prop' with the value 'Python'

Property.__set__ has been called! prop will be set

Property.__get__ has been called! The Property 'prop' will be returned now: The value is: Python Reassigning the Property 'prop' to 'Python descriptors'

Property.__set__ has been called! prop will be set

Property.__get__ has been called! The Property 'prop' will be returned now: The value is: Python descriptors

Property.__get__ has been called!

Property.getter has been called!

__init__ of Property called with: fget=<__main__.A object at 0x7efe9371b080> fset= fdel=None doc= This will be the doc string of th e property <__main__.Property object at 0x7efe93ff4358>

Property.__get__ has been called! Output: >

DESCRIPTORS 499 class Robot: def __init__(self, name="Marvin", city="Freiburg"): self.name = name self.city = city

@Property def name(self): return self.__name

@name.setter def name(self, name): if name == "hello": self.__name = "hi" else: self.__name = name

x = Robot("Marvin") print(x.name) x.name = "Eddie" print(x.name) __init__ of Property called with: fget= fset=None fdel=None d oc=None

Property.setter has been called!

__init__ of Property called with: fget= fset= fdel=None doc=None

Property.__set__ has been called!

Property.__get__ has been called! Marvin

Property.__set__ has been called!

Property.__get__ has been called! Eddie

class A:

def a(func): def helper(self, x):

DESCRIPTORS 500 return 4 * func(self, x) return helper

@a def b(self, x): return x + 1

a = A() a.b(4) Output: 20

A lot of people ask, if it is possible to automatically create descriptors at runtime. This is possible as we show in the following example. On the other hand, this example is not very useful, because the getters and setters have no real functionality:

class DynPropertyClass(object):

def add_property(self, attribute): """ add a property to the class """

def get_attribute(self): """ The value for attribute 'attribute' will be retrie ved """ return getattr(self, "_" + type(x).__name__ + "__" + a ttribute)

def set_attribute(self, value): """ The value for attribute 'attribute' will be retrie ved """ #setter = lambda self, value: self.setProperty(attribu te, value) setattr(self, "_" + type(x).__name__ + "__" + attribut e, value)

#construct property attribute and add it to the class setattr(type(self), attribute, property(fget=get_attribut e, fset=set_attribut e, doc="Auto‐generate d method"))

DESCRIPTORS 501 x = DynPropertyClass() x.add_property('name') x.add_property('city') x.name = "Henry" x.name x.city = "Hamburg" print(x.name, x.city) print(x.__dict__) Henry Hamburg {'_DynPropertyClass__name': 'Henry', '_DynPropertyClass__city': 'H amburg'}



No object-oriented programming language would be worthy to look at or use, if it didn't support inheritance. Inheritance was invented in 1969 for Simula. Python not only supports inheritance but multiple inheritance as well. Generally speaking, inheritance is the mechanism of deriving new classes from existing ones. By doing this, we get a hierarchy of classes. In most class-based object-oriented languages, an object created through inheritance (a "child object") acquires all, - though there are exceptions in some programming languages, - of the properties and behaviors of the parent object.

Inheritance allows programmers to create classes that are built upon existing classes, and this enables a class created through inheritance to inherit the attributes and methods of the parent class. This means that inheritance supports code reusability. The methods or generally speaking the software inherited by a subclass is considered to be reused in the subclass. The relationships of objects or classes through inheritance give rise to a directed graph.

The class from which a class inherits is called the parent or superclass. A class which inherits from a superclass is called a subclass, also called heir class or child class. Superclasses are sometimes called ancestors as well. There exists a hierarchical relationship between classes. It's similar to relationships or categorizations that we know from real life. Think about vehicles, for example. Bikes, cars, buses and trucks are vehicles. Pick-ups, vans, sports cars, convertibles and estate cars are all cars and by being cars they are vehicles as well. We could implement a vehicle class in Python, which might have methods like accelerate and brake. Cars, Buses and Trucks and Bikes can be implemented as subclasses which will inherit these methods from vehicle.


The syntax for a subclass definition looks like this:

class DerivedClassName(BaseClassName): pass

Instead of the pass statement, there will be methods and attributes like in all other classes. The name BaseClassName must be defined in a scope containing the derived class definition.

Now we are ready for a simple inheritance example with Python code.


We will stick with our beloved robots or better Robot class from the previous chapters of our Python tutorial to show how the principle of inheritance works. We will define a class PhysicianRobot , which inherits from Robot .

class Robot:

def __init__(self, name): self.name = name

def say_hi(self): print("Hi, I am " + self.name)

class PhysicianRobot(Robot): pass

INHERITANCE 504 x = Robot("Marvin") y = PhysicianRobot("James")

print(x, type(x)) print(y, type(y))

y.say_hi() <__main__.Robot object at 0x7fd0080b3ba8> <__main__.PhysicianRobot object at 0x7fd0080b3b70> Hi, I am James

If you look at the code of our PhysicianRobot class, you can see that we haven't defined any attributes or methods in this class. As the class PhysicianRobot is a subclass of Robot , it inherits, in this case, both the method __init__ and say_hi . Inheriting these methods means that we can use them as if they were defined in the PhysicianRobot class. When we create an instance of PhysicianRobot , the __init__ function will also create a name attribute. We can apply the say_hi method to the PhysisicianRobot object y , as we can see in the output from the code above.


You should also pay attention to the following facts, which we pointed out in other sections of our Python tutorial as well. People frequently ask where the difference between checking the type via the type function or the function isinstance is lies. The difference can be seen in the following code. We see that isinstance returns True if we compare an object either with the class it belongs to or with the superclass. Whereas the equality operator only returns True , if we compare an object with its own class.

INHERITANCE 505 x = Robot("Marvin") y = PhysicianRobot("James")

print(isinstance(x, Robot), isinstance(y, Robot)) print(isinstance(x, PhysicianRobot)) print(isinstance(y, PhysicianRobot))

print(type(y) == Robot, type(y) == PhysicianRobot) True True False True False True

This is even true for arbitrary ancestors of the class in the inheritance line:

class A: pass

class B(A): pass

class C(B): pass

x = C() print(isinstance(x, A)) True

Now it should be clear, why PEP 8, the official Style Guide for Python code, says: "Object type comparisons should always use isinstance() instead of comparing types directly."


Let us get back to our new PhysicianRobot class. Imagine now that an instance of a PhysicianRobot should say hi in a different way. In this case, we have to redefine the method say_hi inside of the subclass PhysicianRobot :

class Robot:

def __init__(self, name): self.name = name

INHERITANCE 506 def say_hi(self): print("Hi, I am " + self.name)

class PhysicianRobot(Robot):

def say_hi(self): print("Everything will be okay! ") print(self.name + " takes care of you!")

y = PhysicianRobot("James") y.say_hi() Everything will be okay! James takes care of you!

What we have done in the previous example is called overriding. A method of a parent class gets overridden by simply defining a method with the same name in the child class.

If a method is overridden in a class, the original method can still be accessed, but we have to do it by calling the method directly with the class name, i.e. Robot.say_hi(y) . We demonstrate this in the following code:

y = PhysicianRobot("Doc James") y.say_hi() print("... and now the 'traditional' robot way of saying hi :-)") Robot.say_hi(y) Everything will be okay! Doc James takes care of you! ... and now the 'traditional' robot way of saying hi :-) Hi, I am Doc James

We have seen that an inherited class can inherit and override methods from the superclass. Besides this a subclass often needs additional methods with additional functionalities, which do not exist in the superclass. An instance of the PhysicianRobot class will need for example the method heal so that the physician can do a proper job. We will also add an attribute health_level to the Robot class, which can take a value between 0 and 1 . The robots will 'come to live' with a random value between 0 and 1 . If the health_level of a Robot is below 0.8, it will need a doctor. We write a method needs_a_doctor which returns True if the value is below 0.8 and False otherwise. The 'healing' in the heal method is done by setting the health_level to a random value between the old health_level and 1. This value is calculated by the uniform function of the random module.

import random

class Robot:

INHERITANCE 507 def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.health_level = random.random()

def say_hi(self): print("Hi, I am " + self.name)

def needs_a_doctor(self): if self.health_level < 0.8: return True else: return False

class PhysicianRobot(Robot):

def say_hi(self): print("Everything will be okay! ") print(self.name + " takes care of you!")

def heal(self, robo): robo.health_level = random.uniform(robo.health_level, 1) print(robo.name + " has been healed by " + self.name + "!")

doc = PhysicianRobot("Dr. Frankenstein")

rob_list = [] for i in range(5): x = Robot("Marvin" + str(i)) if x.needs_a_doctor(): print("health_level of " + x.name + " before healing: ", x.health_level) doc.heal(x) print("health_level of " + x.name + " after healing: ", x.health_level) rob_list.append((x.name, x.health_level))


INHERITANCE 508 health_level of Marvin0 before healing: 0.5562005305000016 Marvin0 has been healed by Dr. Frankenstein! health_level of Marvin0 after healing: 0.7807651150204282 health_level of Marvin1 before healing: 0.40571527448692757 Marvin1 has been healed by Dr. Frankenstein! health_level of Marvin1 after healing: 0.4160992532325318 health_level of Marvin2 before healing: 0.3786957462635925 Marvin2 has been healed by Dr. Frankenstein! health_level of Marvin2 after healing: 0.5474124864506639 health_level of Marvin3 before healing: 0.6384666796845331 Marvin3 has been healed by Dr. Frankenstein! health_level of Marvin3 after healing: 0.6986491928780778 health_level of Marvin4 before healing: 0.5983126049766974 Marvin4 has been healed by Dr. Frankenstein! health_level of Marvin4 after healing: 0.6988801787833587 [('Marvin0', 0.7807651150204282), ('Marvin1', 0.416099253232531 8), ('Marvin2', 0.5474124864506639), ('Marvin3', 0.698649192878077 8), ('Marvin4', 0.6988801787833587)]

When we override a method, we sometimes want to reuse the method of the parent class and at some new stuff. To demonstrate this, we will write a new version of the PhysicianRobot. say_hi should return the text from the Robot class version plus the text " and I am a physician!"

class PhysicianRobot(Robot):

def say_hi(self): Robot.say_hi(self) print("and I am a physician!")

doc = PhysicianRobot("Dr. Frankenstein") doc.say_hi() Hi, I am Dr. Frankenstein and I am a physician!

We don't want to write redundant code and therefore we called Robot.say_hi(self) . We could also use the super function:

class PhysicianRobot(Robot):

def say_hi(self): super().say_hi() print("and I am a physician!")

INHERITANCE 509 doc = PhysicianRobot("Dr. Frankenstein") doc.say_hi() Hi, I am Dr. Frankenstein and I am a physician!

super is not realls necessary in this case. One could argue that it makes the code more maintainable, because we could change the name of the parent class, but this is seldom done anyway in existing classes. The real benefit of super shows when we use it with multiple inheritance.



If we overwrite a function, the original function will be gone. The function will be redefined. This process has nothing to do with object orientation or inheritance.

def f(x): return x + 42

print(f(3)) # f will be overwritten (or redefined) in the following:

def f(x): return x + 43 print(f(3)) 45 46


This subchapter will be only interesting for C++ and Java programmers who want to know how overloading can be accomplished in Python. Those who do not know about overloading will not miss it!

In the context of object-oriented programming, you might have heard about "overloading" as well. Even though "overloading" is not directly connected to OOP. Overloading is the ability to define a function with the same name multiple times. The definitions are different concerning the number of parameters and types of the parameters. It's the ability of one function to perform different tasks, depending on the number of parameters or the types of the parameters. We cannot overload functions like this in Python, but it is not necessary either.

INHERITANCE 510 This course is, however, not about C++ and we have so far avoided using any C++ code. We want to make an exception now, so that you can see, how overloading works in C++.

#include #include

using namespace std;

int successor(int number) { return number + 1; }

double successor(double number) { return number + 1; }

int main() {

cout << successor(10) << endl; cout << successor(10.3) << endl;

return 0; }

We defined the successor function twice: One time for int and the other time with float as a Parameter. In Python the function can be defined like this, as you will know for sure:

In [ ]: def successor(x): return x + 1

As x is only a reference to an object, the Python function successor can be called with every object, even though it will create exceptions with many types. But it will work with int and float values!

Having a function with a different number of parameters is another way of function overloading. The following C++ program shows such an example. The function f can be called with either one or two integer arguments:

#include using namespace std;

int f(int n); int f(int n, int m);

int main() {

INHERITANCE 511 cout << "f(3): " << f(3) << endl; cout << "f(3, 4): " << f(3, 4) << endl; return 0; }

int f(int n) { return n + 42; } int f(int n, int m) { return n + m + 42; }

This doesn't work in Python, as we can see in the following example. The second definition of f with two parameters redefines or overrides the first definition with one argument. Overriding means that the first definition is not available anymore.

def f(n): return n + 42

def f(n,m): return n + m + 42

print(f(3, 4)) 49

If you call f with only one parameter, you will raise an exception:


------TypeError Traceback (most recent ca ll last) in ----> 1 f(3)

TypeError: f() missing 1 required positional argument: 'm'

Yet, it is possible to simulate the overloading behaviour of C++ in Python in this case with a default parameter:

INHERITANCE 512 def f(n, m=None): if m: return n + m +42 else: return n + 42

print(f(3), f(1, 3)) 45 46

The * operator can be used as a more general approach for a family of functions with 1, 2, 3, or even more parameters:

def f(*x): if len(x) == 1: return x[0] + 42 elif len(x) == 2: return x[0] - x[1] + 5 else: return 2 * x[0] + x[1] + 42

print(f(3), f(1, 2), f(3, 2, 1)) 45 4 50


Overriding is already explained above!



In the previous chapter of our tutorial, we have covered inheritance, or more specific "single inheritance". As we have seen, a class inherits in this case from one class. Multiple inheritance on the other hand is a feature in which a class can inherit attributes and methods from more than one parent class. The critics point out that multiple inheritance comes along with a high level of complexity and ambiguity in situations such as the diamond problem. We will address this problem later in this chapter.

The widespread prejudice that multiple inheritance is something "dangerous" or "bad" is mostly nourished by programming languages with poorly implemented multiple inheritance mechanisms and above all by improper usage of it. Java doesn't even support multiple inheritance, while C++ supports it. Python has a sophisticated and well-designed approach to multiple inheritance.

A class definition, where a child class SubClassName inherits from the parent classes BaseClass1, BaseClass2, BaseClass3, and so on, looks like this:

class SubclassName(BaseClass1, BaseClass2, BaseClass3, ...): pass

It's clear that all the superclasses BaseClass1, BaseClass2, BaseClass3, ... can inherit from other superclasses as well. What we get is an inheritance tree.


We want to introduce the principles of multiple inheritance with an example. For this purpose, we will implement to independent classes: a "Clock" and a "Calendar" class. After this, we will introduce a class "CalendarClock", which is, as the name implies, a combination of "Clock" and "Calendar". CalendarClock inherits both from "Clock" and "Calendar".

The class Clock simulates the tick-tack of a clock. An instance of this class contains the time, which is stored in the attributes self.hours, self.minutes and self.seconds. Principally, we could have written the __init__ method and the set method like this:

def __init__(self,hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0): self._hours = hours self.__minutes = minutes self.__seconds = seconds

def set(self,hours, minutes, seconds=0): self._hours = hours self.__minutes = minutes self.__seconds = seconds

MULTIPLE INHERITANCE 515 We decided against this implementation, because we added additional code for checking the plausibility of the time data into the set method. We call the set method from the __init__ method as well, because we want to circumvent redundant code. The complete Clock class:

""" The class Clock is used to simulate a clock. """

class Clock(object):

def __init__(self, hours, minutes, seconds): """ The paramaters hours, minutes and seconds have to be integers and must satisfy the following equations: 0 <= h < 24 0 <= m < 60 0 <= s < 60 """

self.set_Clock(hours, minutes, seconds)

def set_Clock(self, hours, minutes, seconds): """ The parameters hours, minutes and seconds have to be integers and must satisfy the following equations: 0 <= h < 24 0 <= m < 60 0 <= s < 60 """

if type(hours) == int and 0 <= hours and hours < 24: self._hours = hours else: raise TypeError("Hours have to be integers between 0 a nd 23!") if type(minutes) == int and 0 <= minutes and minutes < 60: self.__minutes = minutes else: raise TypeError("Minutes have to be integers between 0 and 59!") if type(seconds) == int and 0 <= seconds and seconds < 60: self.__seconds = seconds else: raise TypeError("Seconds have to be integers between


def __str__(self): return "{0:02d}:{1:02d}:{2:02d}".format(self._hours, self.__minutes, self.__seconds)

def tick(self): """ This method lets the clock "tick", this means that the internal time will be advanced by one second.

Examples: >>> x = Clock(12,59,59) >>> print(x) 12:59:59 >>> x.tick() >>> print(x) 13:00:00 >>> x.tick() >>> print(x) 13:00:01 """

if self.__seconds == 59: self.__seconds = 0 if self.__minutes == 59: self.__minutes = 0 if self._hours == 23: self._hours = 0 else: self._hours += 1 else: self.__minutes += 1 else: self.__seconds += 1

if __name__ == "__main__": x = Clock(23,59,59) print(x) x.tick() print(x) y = str(x) print(type(y))

MULTIPLE INHERITANCE 517 23:59:59 00:00:00

Let's check our exception handling by inputting floats and strings as input. We also check, what happens, if we exceed the limits of the expected values:

x = Clock(7.7, 45, 17) ------TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 x = Clock(7.7,45,17)

in __init__(self, hours, minutes, seconds) 14 """ 15 ---> 16 self.set_Clock(hours, minutes, seconds) 17 18 def set_Clock(self, hours, minutes, seconds):

in set_Clock(self, hours, minutes, seconds) 28 self._hours = hours 29 else: ---> 30 raise TypeError("Hours have to be integers between 0 an d 23!") 31 if type(minutes) == int and 0 <= minutes and minutes < 60: 32 self.__minutes = minutes

TypeError: Hours have to be integers between 0 and 23!

x = Clock(24, 45, 17)

MULTIPLE INHERITANCE 518 ------TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 x = Clock(24, 45, 17)

in __init__(self, hours, minutes, seconds) 14 """ 15 ---> 16 self.set_Clock(hours, minutes, seconds) 17 18 def set_Clock(self, hours, minutes, seconds):

in set_Clock(self, hours, minutes, seconds) 28 self._hours = hours 29 else: ---> 30 raise TypeError("Hours have to be integers between 0 an d 23!") 31 if type(minutes) == int and 0 <= minutes and minutes < 60: 32 self.__minutes = minutes

TypeError: Hours have to be integers between 0 and 23!

x = Clock(23, 60, 17) ------TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 x = Clock(23,60,17)

in __init__(self, hours, minutes, seconds) 14 """ 15 ---> 16 self.set_Clock(hours, minutes, seconds) 17 18 def set_Clock(self, hours, minutes, seconds):

in set_Clock(self, hours, minutes, seconds) 32 self.__minutes = minutes 33 else: ---> 34 raise TypeError("Minutes have to be integers between 0 and 59!") 35 if type(seconds) == int and 0 <= seconds and seconds < 60: 36 self.__seconds = seconds

TypeError: Minutes have to be integers between 0 and 59!

MULTIPLE INHERITANCE 519 x = Clock("23", "60", "17") ------TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 x = Clock("23", "60", "17")

in __init__(self, hours, minutes, seconds) 14 """ 15 ---> 16 self.set_Clock(hours, minutes, seconds) 17 18 def set_Clock(self, hours, minutes, seconds):

in set_Clock(self, hours, minutes, seconds) 28 self._hours = hours 29 else: ---> 30 raise TypeError("Hours have to be integers between 0 an d 23!") 31 if type(minutes) == int and 0 <= minutes and minutes < 60: 32 self.__minutes = minutes

TypeError: Hours have to be integers between 0 and 23!

x = Clock(23, 17) ------TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 x = Clock(23, 17)

TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'seconds'

We will now create a class "Calendar", which has lots of similarities to the previously defined Clock class. Instead of "tick" we have an "advance" method, which advances the date by one day, whenever it is called. Adding a day to a date is quite tricky. We have to check, if the date is the last day in a month and the number of days in the months vary. As if this isn't bad enough, we have February and the leap year problem.

The rules for calculating a leap year are the following:

• If a year is divisible by 400, it is a leap year. • If a year is not divisible by 400 but by 100, it is not a leap year. • A year number which is divisible by 4 but not by 100, it is a leap year. • All other year numbers are common years, i.e. no leap years.

As a little useful gimmick, we added a possibility to output a date either in British or in American (Canadian) style.

MULTIPLE INHERITANCE 520 """ The class Calendar implements a calendar. """

class Calendar(object):

months = (31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31) date_style = "British"

@staticmethod def leapyear(year): """ The method leapyear returns True if the parameter year is a leap year, False otherwise """ if not year % 4 == 0: return False elif not year % 100 == 0: return True elif not year % 400 == 0: return False else: return True

def __init__(self, d, m, y): """ d, m, y have to be integer values and year has to be a four digit year number """


def set_Calendar(self, d, m, y): """ d, m, y have to be integer values and year has to be a four digit year number """

if type(d) == int and type(m) == int and type(y) == int: self.__days = d self.__months = m self.__years = y else:

MULTIPLE INHERITANCE 521 raise TypeError("d, m, y have to be integers!")

def __str__(self): if Calendar.date_style == "British": return "{0:02d}/{1:02d}/{2:4d}".format(self.__days, self.__months, self.__years) else: # assuming American style return "{0:02d}/{1:02d}/{2:4d}".format(self.__months, self.__days, self.__years)

def advance(self): """ This method advances to the next date. """

max_days = Calendar.months[self.__months-1] if self.__months == 2 and Calendar.leapyear(self.__years): max_days += 1 if self.__days == max_days: self.__days= 1 if self.__months == 12: self.__months = 1 self.__years += 1 else: self.__months += 1 else: self.__days += 1

if __name__ == "__main__": x = Calendar(31,12,2012) print(x, end=" ") x.advance() print("after applying advance: ", x) print("2012 was a leapyear:") x = Calendar(28,2,2012) print(x, end=" ") x.advance() print("after applying advance: ", x)

MULTIPLE INHERITANCE 522 x = Calendar(28,2,2013) print(x, end=" ") x.advance() print("after applying advance: ", x) print("1900 no leapyear: number divisible by 100 but not by 40 0: ") x = Calendar(28,2,1900) print(x, end=" ") x.advance() print("after applying advance: ", x) print("2000 was a leapyear, because number divisibe by 400: ") x = Calendar(28,2,2000) print(x, end=" ") x.advance() print("after applying advance: ", x) print("Switching to American date style: ") Calendar.date_style = "American" print("after applying advance: ", x) 31/12/2012 after applying advance: 01/01/2013 2012 was a leapyear: 28/02/2012 after applying advance: 29/02/2012 28/02/2013 after applying advance: 01/03/2013 1900 no leapyear: number divisible by 100 but not by 400: 28/02/1900 after applying advance: 01/03/1900 2000 was a leapyear, because number divisibe by 400: 28/02/2000 after applying advance: 29/02/2000 Switching to American date style: after applying advance: 02/29/2000

At last, we will introduce our multiple inheritance example. We are now capable of implementing the originally intended class CalendarClock, which will inherit from both Clock and Calendar. The method "tick" of Clock will have to be overridden. However, the new tick method of CalendarClock has to call the tick method of Clock: Clock.tick(self)

""" Module, which implements the class CalendarClock. """

from clock import Clock from calendar import Calendar

class CalendarClock(Clock, Calendar): """

MULTIPLE INHERITANCE 523 The class CalendarClock implements a clock with integrate d calendar. It's a case of multiple inheritance, as it inher its both from Clock and Calendar """

def __init__(self, day, month, year, hour, minute, second): Clock.__init__(self,hour, minute, second) Calendar.__init__(self, day, month, year)

def tick(self): """ advance the clock by one second """ previous_hour = self._hours Clock.tick(self) if (self._hours < previous_hour): self.advance()

def __str__(self): return Calendar.__str__(self) + ", " + Clock.__str__(self)

if __name__ == "__main__": x = CalendarClock(31, 12, 2013, 23, 59, 59) print("One tick from ",x, end=" ") x.tick() print("to ", x)

x = CalendarClock(28, 2, 1900, 23, 59, 59) print("One tick from ",x, end=" ") x.tick() print("to ", x)

x = CalendarClock(28, 2, 2000, 23, 59, 59) print("One tick from ",x, end=" ") x.tick() print("to ", x)

x = CalendarClock(7, 2, 2013, 13, 55, 40) print("One tick from ",x, end=" ") x.tick() print("to ", x)

MULTIPLE INHERITANCE 524 ------ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last) in 3 """ 4 ----> 5 from clock import Clock 6 from calendar import Calendar 7

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'clock'


The "diamond problem" (sometimes referred as the "deadly diamond of death") is the generally used term for an ambiguity that arises when two classes B and C inherit from a superclass A, and another class D inherits from both B and C. If there is a method "m" in A that B or C (or even both of them) has overridden, and furthermore, if it does not override this method, then the question is which version of the method does D inherit? It could be the one from A, B or C.

Let's look at Python. The first Diamond Problem configuration is like this: Both B and C override the method m of A:

class A: def m(self): print("m of A called")

class B(A): def m(self): print("m of B called")

class C(A): def m(self): print("m of C called")

class D(B,C): pass

If you call the method m on an instance x of D, i.e. x.m(), we will get the output "m of B called". If we transpose the order of the classes in the class header of D in "class D(C,B):", we will get the output "m of C called".

The case in which m will be overridden only in one of the classes B or C, e.g. in C:

MULTIPLE INHERITANCE 525 class A: def m(self): print("m of A called")

class B(A): pass

class C(A): def m(self): print("m of C called")

class D(B,C): pass

x = D() x.m() m of C called

Principially, two possibilities are imaginable: "m of C" or "m of A" could be used

We call this script with Python2.7 (python) and with Python3 (python3) to see what's happening:

$ python diamond1.py m of A called $ python3 diamond1.py m of C called

Only for those who are interested in Python version2: To have the same inheritance behaviour in Python2 as in Python3, every class has to inherit from the class "object". Our class A doesn't inherit from object, so we get a so-called old-style class, if we call the script with python2. Multiple inheritance with old-style classes is governed by two rules: depth-first and then left-to-right. If you change the header line of A into "class A(object):", we will have the same behaviour in both Python versions.


We have seen in our previous implementation of the diamond problem, how Python "solves" the problem, i.e. in which order the base classes are browsed through. The order is defined by the so-called "Method Resolution Order" or in short MRO*.

We will extend our previous example, so that every class defines its own method m:

class A: def m(self): print("m of A called")

MULTIPLE INHERITANCE 526 class B(A): def m(self): print("m of B called")

class C(A): def m(self): print("m of C called")

class D(B,C): def m(self): print("m of D called")

Let's apply the method m on an instance of D. We can see that only the code of the method m of D will be executed. We can also explicitly call the methods m of the other classes via the class name, as we demonstrate in the following interactive Python session:

from super1 import A,B,C,D x = D() B.m(x) m of B called

C.m(x) m of C called

A.m(x) m of A called

Now let's assume that the method m of D should execute the code of m of B, C and A as well, when it is called. We could implement it like this:

class D(B,C): def m(self): print("m of D called") B.m(self) C.m(self) A.m(self)

The output is what we have been looking for:

from mro import D x = D()

MULTIPLE INHERITANCE 527 x.m() m of D called m of B called m of C called m of A called

But it turns out once more that things are more complicated than they seem. How can we cope with the situation, if both m of B and m of C will have to call m of A as well. In this case, we have to take away the call A.m(self) from m in D. The code might look like this, but there is still a bug lurking in it:

class A: def m(self): print("m of A called")

class B(A): def m(self): print("m of B called") A.m(self)

class C(A): def m(self): print("m of C called") A.m(self)

class D(B,C): def m(self): print("m of D called") B.m(self) C.m(self)

The bug is that the method m of A will be called twice:

from super3 import D x = D() x.m() m of D called m of B called m of A called m of C called m of A called

One way to solve this problem - admittedly not a Pythonic one - consists in splitting the methods m of B and C

MULTIPLE INHERITANCE 528 in two methods. The first method, called _m consists of the specific code for B and C and the other method is still called m, but consists now of a call self._m() and a call A.m(self) . The code of the method m of D consists now of the specific code of D 'print("m of D called")', and the calls B._m(self) , C._m(self) and A.m(self) :

class A: def m(self): print("m of A called")

class B(A): def _m(self): print("m of B called") def m(self): self._m() A.m(self)

class C(A): def _m(self): print("m of C called") def m(self): self._m() A.m(self)

class D(B,C): def m(self): print("m of D called") B._m(self) C._m(self) A.m(self)

Our problem is solved, but - as we have already mentioned - not in a pythonic way:

from super4 import D x = D() x.m() m of D called m of B called m of C called m of A called

The optimal way to solve the problem, which is the "super" pythonic way, would be calling the super function:

MULTIPLE INHERITANCE 529 class A: def m(self): print("m of A called")

class B(A): def m(self): print("m of B called") super().m()

class C(A): def m(self): print("m of C called") super().m()

class D(B,C): def m(self): print("m of D called") super().m()

It also solves our problem, but in a beautiful design as well:

x = D() x.m() m of D called m of B called m of C called m of A called

The super function is often used when instances are initialized with the __init__ method:

class A: def __init__(self): print("A.__init__")

class B(A): def __init__(self): print("B.__init__") super().__init__()

class C(A): def __init__(self): print("C.__init__") super().__init__()

MULTIPLE INHERITANCE 530 class D(B,C): def __init__(self): print("D.__init__") super().__init__()

We demonstrate the way of working in the following interactive session:

d = D() D.__init__ B.__init__ C.__init__ A.__init__

c = C() C.__init__ A.__init__

b = B() B.__init__ A.__init__

a = A() A.__init__

The question arises about how the super functions makes decisions. How does it decide which class has to be used? As we have already mentioned, it uses the so-called method resolution order(MRO). It is based on the "C3 superclass linearisation" algorithm. This is called a linearisation, because the tree structure is broken down into a linear order. The mro method can be used to create this list:

D.mro() Output: [__main__.D, __main__.B, __main__.C, __main__.A, object]

B.mro() Output: [__main__.B, __main__.A, object]

A.mro() Output: [__main__.A, object]


Polymorphism is construed from two Greek words. "Poly" stands for "much" or "many" and "morph" means shape or form. Polymorphism is the state or condition of being polymorphous, or if we use the translations of the components "the ability to be in many shapes or forms. Polymorphism is a term used in many scientific areas. In crystallography it defines the state, if something crystallizes into two or more chemically identical but crystallographically distinct forms. Biologists know polymorphism as the existence of an organism in several form or colour varieties. The Romans even had a god, called Morpheus, who is able to take any human form: Morheus appears in Ovid's metamorphoses and is the son of Somnus, the god of sleep. You can admire Morpheus and Iris in the picture on the right side.

So, before we fall asleep, we get back to Python and to what polymorphism means in the context of programming languages. Polymorphism in Computer Science is the ability to present the same interface for differing underlying forms. We can have in some programming languages polymorphic functions or methods, for example. Polymorphic functions or methods can be applied to arguments of different types, and they can behave differently depending on the type of the arguments to which they are applied. We can also define the same function name with a varying number of parameter.

Let's have a look at the following Python function:

def f(x, y): print("values: ", x, y)

f(42, 43) f(42, 43.7) f(42.3, 43) f(42.0, 43.9) values: 42 43 values: 42 43.7 values: 42.3 43 values: 42.0 43.9

We can call this function with various types, as demonstrated in the example. In typed programming languages

MULTIPLE INHERITANCE 532 like Java or C++, we would have to overload f to implement the various type combinations.

Our example could be implemented like this in C++:

#include using namespace std;

void f(int x, int y ) { cout << "values: " << x << ", " << x << endl; }

void f(int x, double y ) { cout << "values: " << x << ", " << x << endl; }

void f(double x, int y ) { cout << "values: " << x << ", " << x << endl; }

void f(double x, double y ) { cout << "values: " << x << ", " << x << endl; }

int main() { f(42, 43); f(42, 43.7); f(42.3,43); f(42.0, 43.9); }

Python is implicitly polymorphic. We can apply our previously defined function f even to lists, strings or other types, which can be printed:

def f(x,y): print("values: ", x, y)

f([3,5,6],(3,5)) values: [3, 5, 6] (3, 5)

f("A String", ("A tuple", "with Strings")) values: A String ('A tuple', 'with Strings')

MULTIPLE INHERITANCE 533 f({2,3,9}, {"a":3.4,"b":7.8, "c":9.04}) values: {9, 2, 3} {'a': 3.4, 'b': 7.8, 'c': 9.04}


* Python has used since 2.3 the ,,C3 superclass linearisation''-algorithm to determine the MRO. -->



This chapter of our tutorial is meant to deepen the understanding of multiple inheritance that the reader has built up in our previous chapter. We will provide a further extentive example for this important object oriented principle of the programming language Python. We will use a variation of our Robot class as the superclass. We will also summarize some other important aspects of object orientation with Python like properties. We will also work out the differences between overwriting, overloading and overriding.

This example has grown during my onsite Python training classes, because I urgently needed simple and easy to understand examples of subclassing and above all one for multiple inheritance.

Starting from the superclass Robot we will derive two classes: A FightingRobot class and a NursingRobot class.

Finally we will define a 'combination' of both the FightingRobot class and the NursingRobot class, i.e. we will implement a class FightingNurseRobot , which will inherit both from FightingRobot and NursingRobot .

Let us start with our Robot class: We use a private class attribute __illegal_names containing a set of names not allowed to be used for naming robots.

By providing an __add__ method we make sure that our robots are capable of propagating. The name of the resulting robot will be automatically created. The name of a 'baby' robot will consist of the concatenation of the names of both parents separated by an hyphen. If a parent name has a name containing a hyphen, we will use only the first part before the hyphen.

The robots will 'come to live' with a random value between 0 and 1 for the attribute health_level . If the health_level of a Robot is below a threshold, which is defined by the class attribute Robot.__crucial_health_level , it will need the nursing powers of a robot from the NursingClass . To determine if a Robots needs healing, we provide a method needs_a_nurse which

MULTIPLE INHERITANCE: EXAMPLE 535 returns True if the value is below Robot.__crucial_health_level and False otherwise.

import random

class Robot():

__illegal_names = {"Henry", "Oscar"} __crucial_health_level = 0.6

def __init__(self, name): self.name = name #---> property setter self.health_level = random.random()

@property def name(self): return self.__name

@name.setter def name(self, name): if name in Robot.__illegal_names: self.__name = "Marvin" else: self.__name = name

def __str__(self): return self.name + ", Robot"

def __add__(self, other): first = self.name.split("-")[0] second = other.name.split("-")[0] return Robot(first + "-" + second)

def needs_a_nurse(self): if self.health_level < Robot.__crucial_health_level: return True else: return False

def say_hi(self): print("Hi, I am " + self.name) print("My health level is: " + str(self.health_level))

We can test the newly designed Robot class now. Watch out how the hyphened names change from

MULTIPLE INHERITANCE: EXAMPLE 536 generation to generation:

first_generation = (Robot("Marvin"), Robot("Enigma-Alan"), Robot("Charles-Henry"))

gen1 = first_generation # used as an abbreviation babies = [gen1[0] + gen1[1], gen1[1] + gen1[2]] babies.append(babies[0] + babies[1]) for baby in babies: baby.say_hi() Hi, I am Marvin-Enigma My health level is: 0.8879034405855623 Hi, I am Enigma-Charles My health level is: 0.46930784534193803 Hi, I am Marvin-Enigma My health level is: 0.2009467867758803


We are ready now for subclassing the Robot class. We will start by creating the NursingRobot class. We extend the __init__ method with a new attribute healing_power . At first we have to understand the concept of 'healing power'. Generally, it makes only sense to heal a Robot , if its health level is below 1. The 'healing' in the heal method is done by setting the health_level to a random value between the old health_level and healing_power of a ǸursingRobot . This value is calculated by the uniform function of the random module.

class NursingRobot(Robot):

def __init__(self, name="Hubert", healing_power=None): super().__init__(name) if healing_power is None: self.healing_power = random.uniform(0.8, 1) else: self.healing_power = healing_power

def say_hi(self): print("Well, well, everything will be fine ... " + self.na me + " takes care of you!")

MULTIPLE INHERITANCE: EXAMPLE 537 def say_hi_to_doc(self): Robot.say_hi(self)

def heal(self, robo): if robo.health_level > self.healing_power: print(self.name + " not strong enough to heal " + rob o.name) else: robo.health_level = random.uniform(robo.health_level, self.healing_power) print(robo.name + " has been healed by " + self.name + "!")

Let's heal the robot class instances which we created so far. If you look at the code, you may wonder about the function chain , which is a generator from the itertools module. Logically, the same thing happens, as if we had used first_generation + babies , but chain is not creating a new list. chain is iterating over both lists, one after the other and this is efficient!

from itertools import chain nurses = [NursingRobot("Hubert"), NursingRobot("Emma", healing_power=1)]

for nurse in nurses: print("Healing power of " + nurse.name, nurse.healing_power)

print("\nLet's start the healing") for robo in chain(first_generation, babies): robo.say_hi() if robo.needs_a_nurse(): # choose randomly a nurse: nurse = random.choice(nurses) nurse.heal(robo) print("New health level: ", robo.health_level) else: print(robo.name + " is healthy enough!") print()

MULTIPLE INHERITANCE: EXAMPLE 538 Healing power of Hubert 0.8730202054681965 Healing power of Emma 1

Let's start the healing Hi, I am Marvin My health level is: 0.3529060178554311 Marvin has been healed by Emma! New health level: 0.9005591116354148

Hi, I am Enigma-Alan My health level is: 0.0004876210374201717 Enigma-Alan has been healed by Emma! New health level: 0.5750360827887102

Hi, I am Charles-Henry My health level is: 0.06446896431387994 Charles-Henry has been healed by Hubert! New health level: 0.09474181073613296

Hi, I am Marvin-Enigma My health level is: 0.8879034405855623 Marvin-Enigma is healthy enough!

Hi, I am Enigma-Charles My health level is: 0.46930784534193803 Enigma-Charles has been healed by Hubert! New health level: 0.6182358513871242

Hi, I am Marvin-Enigma My health level is: 0.2009467867758803 Marvin-Enigma has been healed by Emma! New health level: 0.8204101216553784

An interesting question is, what would happen, if Hubert and Emma get added. The question is, what the resulting type will be:

x = nurses[0] + nurses[1] x.say_hi() print(type(x)) Hi, I am Hubert-Emma My health level is: 0.8844357538670625

MULTIPLE INHERITANCE: EXAMPLE 539 We see that the result of addition of two nursing robots is a plain robot of type Robot . This is not wrong but bad design. We want the resulting robots to be an instance of the NursingRobot class of course. One way to fix this would be to overload the __add__ method inside of the NursingRobot class:

def __add__(self, other): first = self.name.split("-")[0] second = other.name.split("-")[0] return NursingRobot(first + "-" + second)

This is also bad design, because it is mainly a copy the original function with the only exception of creating an instance of NursingRobot instead of a Robot instance. An elegant solution would be having __add__ more generally defined. Instead of creating always a Robot instance, we could have made it dependent on the type of self by using type(self) . For simplicity's sake we repeat the complete example:

import random

class Robot():

__illegal_names = {"Henry", "Oscar"} __crucial_health_level = 0.6

def __init__(self, name): self.name = name #---> property setter self.health_level = random.random()

@property def name(self): return self.__name

@name.setter def name(self, name): if name in Robot.__illegal_names: self.__name = "Marvin" else: self.__name = name

def __str__(self): return self.name + ", Robot"

def __add__(self, other): first = self.name.split("-")[0] second = other.name.split("-")[0] return type(self)(first + "-" + second)

def needs_a_nurse(self):

MULTIPLE INHERITANCE: EXAMPLE 540 if self.health_level < Robot.__crucial_health_level: return True else: return False

def say_hi(self): print("Hi, I am " + self.name) print("My health level is: " + str(self.health_level))

class NursingRobot(Robot):

def __init__(self, name="Hubert", healing_power=None): super().__init__(name) if healing_power: self.healing_power = healing_power else: self.healing_power = random.uniform(0.8, 1)

def say_hi(self): print("Well, well, everything will be fine ... " + self.na me + " takes care of you!")

def say_hi_to_doc(self): Robot.say_hi(self)

def heal(self, robo): if robo.health_level > self.healing_power: print(self.name + " not strong enough to heal " + rob o.name) else: robo.health_level = random.uniform(robo.health_level, self.healing_power) print(robo.name + " has been healed by " + self.name + "!")


Unfortunately, our virtual robot world is not better than their human counterpart. In other words, there will be some fighting going on as well. We subclass Robot once again to create a class with the name FightingRobot .

class FightingRobot(Robot):

MULTIPLE INHERITANCE: EXAMPLE 541 __maximum_damage = 0.2

def __init__(self, name="Hubert", fighting_power=None): super().__init__(name) if fighting_power: self.fighting_power = fighting_power else: max_dam = FightingRobot.__maximum_damage self.fighting_power = random.uniform(max_dam, 1)

def say_hi(self): print("I am the terrible ... " + self.name)

def attack(self, other): other.health_level = \ other.health_level * self.fighting_power if isinstance(other, FightingRobot): # the other robot fights back self.health_level = \ self.health_level * other.fighting_power

Let us see now, how the fighting works:

fighters = (FightingRobot("Rambo", 0.4), FightingRobot("Terminator", 0.2))

for robo in first_generation: print(robo, robo.health_level) fighters[0].attack(robo) print(robo, robo.health_level) Marvin, Robot 0.9005591116354148 Marvin, Robot 0.36022364465416595 Enigma-Alan, Robot 0.5750360827887102 Enigma-Alan, Robot 0.23001443311548408 Charles-Henry, Robot 0.09474181073613296 Charles-Henry, Robot 0.037896724294453184

What about Rambo fighting Terminator? This spectacular fight can be viewed in the following code:

# let us make them healthier first:

MULTIPLE INHERITANCE: EXAMPLE 542 print("Before the battle:") for fighter in fighters: nurses[1].heal(fighter) print(fighter, fighter.health_level, fighter.fighting_power)


print("\nAfter the battle:") for fighter in fighters: print(fighter, fighter.health_level, fighter.fighting_power) Before the battle: Rambo has been healed by Emma! Rambo, Robot 0.8481669878334196 0.4 Terminator has been healed by Emma! Terminator, Robot 0.8458447223409832 0.2

After the battle: Rambo, Robot 0.16963339756668394 0.4 Terminator, Robot 0.33833788893639327 0.2


The underlying idea of the following class FightingNurseRobot consists in having robots who can both heal and fight.

class FightingNurseRobot(NursingRobot, FightingRobot):

def __init__(self, name, mode="nursing"): super().__init__(name) self.mode = mode # alternatively "fighting"

def say_hi(self): if self.mode == "fighting": FightingRobot.say_hi(self) elif self.mode == "nursing": NursingRobot.say_hi(self) else: Robot.say_hi(self)

MULTIPLE INHERITANCE: EXAMPLE 543 We will instantiate two instances of FightingNurseRobot . You can see that after creation they are capable to heal themselves if necessary. They can also attack other robots.

fn1 = FightingNurseRobot("Donald", mode="fighting") fn2 = FightingNurseRobot("Angela")

if fn1.needs_a_nurse(): fn1.heal(fn1) if fn2.needs_a_nurse(): fn2.heal(fn2) print(fn1.health_level, fn2.health_level)

fn1.say_hi() fn2.say_hi() fn1.attack(fn2) print(fn1.health_level, fn2.health_level) Angela has been healed by Angela! 0.8198049162122293 0.21016386954814018 I am the terrible ... Donald Well, well, everything will be fine ... Angela takes care of you! 0.7176570622156614 0.16365553164488025



The so-called magic methods have nothing to do with wizardry. You have already seen them in the previous chapters of our tutorial. They are special methods with fixed names. They are the methods with this clumsy syntax, i.e. the double underscores at the beginning and the end. They are also hard to talk about. How do you pronounce or say a method name like __init__ ? "Underscore underscore init underscore underscore" sounds horrible and is almost a tongue twister. "Double underscore init double underscore" is a lot better, but the ideal way is "dunder init dunder" That's why magic methods methods are sometimes called dunder methods!

So what's magic about the __init__ method? The answer is, you don't have to invoke it directly. The invocation is realized behind the scenes. When you create an instance x of a class A with the statement "x = A()", Python will do the necessary calls to __new__ and __init__ .

Towards the end of this chapter of our tutorial we will introduce the __call__ method. It is overlooked by many beginners and even advanced programmers of Python. It is a functionality which many programming languages do not have, so programmers generally do not look for it. The __call__ method enables Python programmers to write classes where the instances behave like functions. Both functions and the instances of such classes are called callables.

We have encountered the concept of operator overloading many times in the course of this tutorial. We had used the plus sign to add numerical values, to concatenate strings or to combine lists:

4 + 5 Output: 9

3.8 + 9


"Peter" + " " + "Pan" Output: 'Peter Pan'

[3,6,8] + [7,11,13] Output: [3, 6, 8, 7, 11, 13]

It's even possible to overload the "+" operator as well as all the other operators for the purposes of your own class. To do this, you need to understand the underlying mechanism. There is a special (or a "magic") method for every operator sign. The magic method for the "+" sign is the __add__ method. For "-" it is __sub__ and so on. We have a complete listing of all the magic methods a little further down.

The mechanism works like this: If we have an expression "x + y" and x is an instance of class K, then Python will check the class definition of K. If K has a method __add__ it will be called with x.__add__(y) , otherwise we will get an error message:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in TypeError: unsupported type(s) for +: 'K' and 'K'



Operator Method

+ object.__add__(self, other)

- object.__sub__(self, other)

* object.__mul__(self, other)

// object.__floordiv__(self, other)

/ object.__truediv__(self, other)

% object.__mod__(self, other)

MAGIC METHODS AND OPERATOR OVERLOADING 546 ** object.__pow__(self, other[, modulo])

<< object.__lshift__(self, other)

>> object.__rshift__(self, other)

& object.__and__(self, other)

^ object.__xor__(self, other)

| object.__or__(self, other)


Operator Method

+= object.__iadd__(self, other)

-= object.__isub__(self, other)

*= object.__imul__(self, other)

/= object.__idiv__(self, other)

//= object.__ifloordiv__(self, other)

%= object.__imod__(self, other)

**= object.__ipow__(self, other[, modulo])

<<= object.__ilshift__(self, other)

>>= object.__irshift__(self, other)

&= object.__iand__(self, other)

^= object.__ixor__(self, other)

|= object.__ior__(self, other)


Operator Method

- object.__neg__(self)

+ object.__pos__(self)

abs() object.__abs__(self)

~ object.__invert__(self)

complex() object.__complex__(self)

int() object.__int__(self)

long() object.__long__(self)

float() object.__float__(self)

oct() object.__oct__(self)

hex() object.__hex__(self


Operator Method

< object.__lt__(self, other)

<= object.__le__(self, other)

== object.__eq__(self, other)

!= object.__ne__(self, other)

>= object.__ge__(self, other)

> object.__gt__(self, other)


We will demonstrate the Length class and how you can overload the "+" operator for your own class. To do this, we have to overload the __add__ method. Our class contains the __str__ and __repr__ methods as well. The instances of the class Length contain length or distance information. The attributes of an instance are self.value and self.unit.

This class allows us to calculate expressions with mixed units like this one:

2.56 m + 3 yd + 7.8 in + 7.03 cm

The class can be used like this:

from unit_conversions import Length L = Length print(L(2.56,"m") + L(3,"yd") + L(7.8,"in") + L(7.03,"cm")) 5.57162

The listing of the class:

class Length:

__metric = {"mm" : 0.001, "cm" : 0.01, "m" : 1, "km" : 1000, "in" : 0.0254, "ft" : 0.3048, "yd" : 0.9144, "mi" : 1609.344 }

def __init__(self, value, unit = "m" ): self.value = value self.unit = unit

def Converse2Metres(self): return self.value * Length.__metric[self.unit]

def __add__(self, other): l = self.Converse2Metres() + other.Converse2Metres() return Length(l / Length.__metric[self.unit], self.unit )

def __str__(self): return str(self.Converse2Metres())

def __repr__(self): return "Length(" + str(self.value) + ", '" + self.unit + "')"

MAGIC METHODS AND OPERATOR OVERLOADING 549 if __name__ == "__main__": x = Length(4) print(x) y = eval(repr(x))

z = Length(4.5, "yd") + Length(1) print(repr(z)) print(z) 4 Length(5.593613298337708, 'yd') 5.1148

We use the method __iadd__ to implement the extended assignment:

def __iadd__(self, other): l = self.Converse2Metres() + other.Converse2Metres() self.value = l / Length.__metric[self.unit] return self

Now we are capable of writing the following assignments:

x += Length(1) x += Length(4, "yd")

We added 1 metre in the example above by writing "x += Length(1))". Most certainly, you will agree with us that it would be more convenient to simply write "x += 1" instead. We also want to treat expressions like "Length(5,"yd") + 4.8" similarly. So, if somebody uses a type int or float, our class takes it automatically for "metre" and converts it into a Length object. It's easy to adapt our __add__ and __iadd__ method for this task. All we have to do is to check the type of the parameter "other":

def __add__(self, other): if type(other) == int or type(other) == float: l = self.Converse2Metres() + other else: l = self.Converse2Metres() + other.Converse2Metres() return Length(l / Length.__metric[self.unit], self.unit )

def __iadd__(self, other): if type(other) == int or type(other) == float: l = self.Converse2Metres() + other else: l = self.Converse2Metres() + other.Converse2Metres() self.value = l / Length.__metric[self.unit]


It's a safe bet that if somebody works with adding integers and floats from the right side for a while, he or she will want to have the same from the left side! SWhat will happen, if we execute the following code line:

x = 5 + Length(3, "yd")

We will get an exception:

AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'Converse2Metres'

Of course, the left side has to be of type "Length", because otherwise Python tries to apply the __add__ method from int, which can't cope with Length objects as second arguments!

Python provides a solution for this problem as well. It's the __radd__ method. It works like this: Python tries to evaluate the expression "5 + Length(3, 'yd')". First it calls int. __add__ (5,Length(3, 'yd')), which will raise an exception. After this it will try to invoke Length. __radd__ (Length(3, "yd"), 5). It's easy to recognize that the implementation of __radd__ is analogue to __add__ :

def __radd__(self, other): if type(other) == int or type(other) == float: l = self.Converse2Metres() + other else: l = self.Converse2Metres() + other.Converse2Metres() return Length(l / Length.__metric[self.unit], self.unit )

It's advisable to make use of the __add__ method in the __radd__ method:

def __radd__(self, other): return Length.__add__(self,other)

The following diagram illustrates the relationship between __add__ and __radd__ :


It's possible to use standard classes - like int, float, dict or lists - as base classes as well.

MAGIC METHODS AND OPERATOR OVERLOADING 551 We extend the list class by adding a push method:

class Plist(list):

def __init__(self, l): list.__init__(self, l)

def push(self, item): self.append(item)

if __name__ == "__main__": x = Plist([3,4]) x.push(47) print(x) [3, 4, 47]

This means that all the previously introduced binary and extended assignment operators exist in the "reversed" version as well: __radd__ , __rsub__ , __rmul__ etc.



Write a class with the name Ccy, similar to the previously defined Length class.Ccy should contain values in various currencies, e.g. "EUR", "GBP" or "USD". An instance should contain the amount and the currency unit. The class, you are going to design as an exercise, might be best described with the following example session:

from currencies import Ccy v1 = Ccy(23.43, "EUR") v2 = Ccy(19.97, "USD") print(v1 + v2) print(v2 + v1) print(v1 + 3) # an int or a float is considered to be a EUR value print(3 + v1)



The class "Ccy" can be used to define money values in various currencies. A Ccy instance has the string attributes 'unit' (e.g. 'CHF', 'CAD' od 'EUR' and the 'value' as a float. A currency object consists of a value and the corresponding un it. """

class Ccy:

currencies = {'CHF': 1.0821202355817312, 'CAD': 1.488609845538393, 'GBP': 0.8916546282920325, 'JPY': 114.38826536281809, 'EUR': 1.0, 'USD': 1.11123458162018}

def __init__(self, value, unit="EUR"): self.value = value self.unit = unit

def __str__(self): return "{0:5.2f}".format(self.value) + " " + self.unit

def changeTo(self, new_unit): """ An Ccy object is transformed from the unit "self.uni t" to "new_unit" """ self.value = (self.value / Ccy.currencies[self.unit] * Cc y.currencies[new_unit]) self.unit = new_unit

def __add__(self, other): """ Defines the '+' operator. If other is a CCy object the currency values

MAGIC METHODS AND OPERATOR OVERLOADING 553 are added and the result will be the unit of self. If other is an int or a float, other will be treated as a Euro value. """ if type(other) == int or type(other) == float: x = (other * Ccy.currencies[self.unit]) else: x = (other.value / Ccy.currencies[other.unit] * Ccy.cu rrencies[self.unit]) return Ccy(x + self.value, self.unit)

def __iadd__(self, other): """ Similar to __add__ """ if type(other) == int or type(other) == float: x = (other * Ccy.currencies[self.unit]) else: x = (other.value / Ccy.currencies[other.unit] * Ccy.cu rrencies[self.unit]) self.value += x return self

def __radd__(self, other): res = self + other if self.unit != "EUR": res.changeTo("EUR") return res

# __sub__, __isub__ and __rsub__ can be defined analogue Overwriting currencies.py

from currencies import Ccy

x = Ccy(10,"USD") y = Ccy(11) z = Ccy(12.34, "JPY") z = 7.8 + x + y + 255 + z print(z)

lst = [Ccy(10,"USD"), Ccy(11), Ccy(12.34, "JPY"), Ccy(12.34, "CA D")]


print(z) 282.91 EUR 28.40 EUR

Another interesting aspect of this currency converter class in Python can be shown, if we add multiplication. You will easily understand that it makes no sense to allow expressions like "12.4 € * 3.4 USD" (or in prefix notation: "€ 12.4 $ 3.4"), but it makes perfect sense to evaluate "3 4.54 €". You can find the new currency converter class with the newly added methods for __mul__ , __imul__ and __rmul__ in the following listing:

""" The class "Ccy" can be used to define money values in various currencies. A Ccy instance has the string attributes 'unit' (e.g. 'CHF', 'CAD' od 'EUR' and the 'value' as a float. A currency object consists of a value and the corresponding un it. """

class Ccy:

currencies = {'CHF': 1.0821202355817312, 'CAD': 1.488609845538393, 'GBP': 0.8916546282920325, 'JPY': 114.38826536281809, 'EUR': 1.0, 'USD': 1.11123458162018}

def __init__(self, value, unit="EUR"): self.value = value self.unit = unit

def __str__(self): return "{0:5.2f}".format(self.value) + " " + self.unit

def __repr__(self): return 'Ccy(' + str(self.value) + ', "' + self.unit + '")'

def changeTo(self, new_unit): """ An Ccy object is transformed from the unit "self.uni t" to "new_unit" """

MAGIC METHODS AND OPERATOR OVERLOADING 555 self.value = (self.value / Ccy.currencies[self.unit] * Cc y.currencies[new_unit]) self.unit = new_unit

def __add__(self, other): """ Defines the '+' operator. If other is a CCy object the currency values are added and the result will be the unit of self. If other is an int or a float, other will be treated as a Euro value. """ if type(other) == int or type(other) == float: x = (other * Ccy.currencies[self.unit]) else: x = (other.value / Ccy.currencies[other.unit] * Cc y.currencies[self.unit]) return Ccy(x + self.value, self.unit)

def __iadd__(self, other): """ Similar to __add__ """ if type(other) == int or type(other) == float: x = (other * Ccy.currencies[self.unit]) else: x = (other.value / Ccy.currencies[other.unit] * Ccy.cu rrencies[self.unit]) self.value += x return self

def __radd__(self, other): res = self + other if self.unit != "EUR": res.changeTo("EUR") return res

# __sub__, __isub__ and __rsub__ can be defined analogue

def __mul__(self, other): """ Multiplication is only defined as a scalar multiplicat ion,

MAGIC METHODS AND OPERATOR OVERLOADING 556 i.e. a money value can be multiplied by an int or a fl oat. It is not possible to multiply to money values """ if type(other)==int or type(other)==float: return Ccy(self.value * other, self.unit) else: raise TypeError("unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'C cy' and " + type(other).__name__)

def __rmul__(self, other): return self.__mul__(other)

def __imul__(self, other): if type(other)==int or type(other)==float: self.value *= other return self else: raise TypeError("unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'C cy' and " + type(other).__name__) Overwriting currency_converter.py

Assuming that you have saved the class under the name currency_converter, you can use it in the following way in the command shell:

from currency_converter import Ccy x = Ccy(10.00, "EUR") y = Ccy(10.00, "GBP") x + y Output: Ccy(21.215104685942173, "EUR")

print(x + y) 21.22 EUR

print(2*x + y*0.9) 30.09 EUR


• as suggested by Mark Jackson



There will be hardly any Python user who hasn't stumbled upon exceptions like 'dict' object is not callable or 'int' object is not callable . After a while they find out the reason. They used parentheses (round bracket) in situation where they shouldn't have done it. Expressions like f(x) , gcd(x, y) or sin(3.4) are usually used for function calls. The question is, why do we get the message 'dict' object is not callable if we write d('a') , if d is a dictionary? Why doesn't it say 'dict' object is not a function ? First of all, when we invoke a function in Python, we also say we 'call the function'. Secondly, there are objects in Python, which are 'called' like functions but are not functions strictly speaking. There are 'lambda functions', which are defined in a different way. It is also possible to define classes, where the instances are callable like 'regular' functions. This will be achieved by adding another magic method the __call__ method.

Before we will come to the __call__ method, we have to know what a callable is. In general, a "callable" is an object that can be called like a function and behaves like one. All functions are also callables. Python provides a function with the name callable . With the help of this funciton we can determine whether an object is callable or not. The function callable returns a Boolean truth value which indicates whether the object passed as an argument can be called like a function or not. In addition to functions, we have already seen another form of callables : classes

def the_answer(question): return 42

print("the_answer: ", callable(the_answer)) the_answer: True

CALLABLES AND CALLABLE INSTANCES 558 The __call__ method can be used to turn the instances of the class into callables. Functions are callable objects. A callable object is an object which can be used and behaves like a function but might not be a function. By using the __call__ method it is possible to define classes in a way that the instances will be callable objects. The __call__ method is called, if the instance is called "like a function", i.e. using brackets. The following class definition is the simplest possible way to define a class with a __call__ method.

class FoodSupply:

def __call__(self): return "spam"

foo = FoodSupply() bar = FoodSupply()

print(foo(), bar()) spam spam

The previous class example is extremely simple, but useless in practical terms. Whenever we create an instance of the class, we get a callable. These callables are always defining the same constant function. A function without any input and a constant output "spam". We'll now define a class which is slightly more useful. Let us slightly improve this example:

class FoodSupply:

def __init__(self, *incredients): self.incredients = incredients

def __call__(self): result = " ".join(self.incredients) + " plus delicious spa m!" return result

f = FoodSupply("fish", "rice") f() Output: 'fish rice plus delicious spam!'

Let's create another function:

g = FoodSupply("vegetables") g()

CALLABLES AND CALLABLE INSTANCES 559 Output: 'vegetables plus delicious spam!'

Now, we define a class with the name TriangleArea. This class has only one method, which is the __call__ method. The __call__ method calculates the area of an arbitrary triangle, if the length of the three sides are given.

class TriangleArea:

def __call__(self, a, b, c): p = (a + b + c) / 2 result = (p * (p - a) * (p - b) * (p - c)) ** 0.5 return result

area = TriangleArea()

print(area(3, 4, 5)) 6.0

This program returns 6.0. This class is not very exciting, even though we can create an arbitrary number of instances where each instance just executes an unaltered __call__ function of the TrianlgeClass. We cannot pass parameters to the instanciation and the __call__ of each instance returns the value of the area of the triangle. So each instance behaves like the area function.

After the two very didactic and not very practical examples, we want to demonstrate a more practical example with the following. We define a class that can be used to define linear equations:

class StraightLines():

def __init__(self, m, c): self.slope = m self.y_intercept = c

def __call__(self, x): return self.slope * x + self.y_intercept

line = StraightLines(0.4, 3)

for x in range(-5, 6): print(x, line(x))

CALLABLES AND CALLABLE INSTANCES 560 -5 1.0 -4 1.4 -3 1.7999999999999998 -2 2.2 -1 2.6 0 3.0 1 3.4 2 3.8 3 4.2 4 4.6 5 5.0

We will use this class now to create some straight lines and visualize them with matplotlib:

lines = [] lines.append(StraightLines(1, 0)) lines.append(StraightLines(0.5, 3)) lines.append(StraightLines(-1.4, 1.6))

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np X = np.linspace(-5,5,100) for index, line in enumerate(lines): line = np.vectorize(line) plt.plot(X, line(X), label='line' + str(index))

plt.title('Some straight lines') plt.xlabel('x', color='#1C2833') plt.ylabel('y', color='#1C2833') plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.grid() plt.show()

CALLABLES AND CALLABLE INSTANCES 561 Our next example is also exciting. The class FuzzyTriangleArea defines a __call__ method which implements a fuzzy behaviour in the calculations of the area. The result should be correct with a likelihood of p, e.g. 0.8. If the result is not correct the result will be in a range of ± v %. e.g. 0.1.

import random

class FuzzyTriangleArea:

def __init__(self, p=0.8, v=0.1): self.p, self.v = p, v

def __call__(self, a, b, c): p = (a + b + c) / 2 result = (p * (p - a) * (p - b) * (p - c)) ** 0.5 if random.random() <= self.p: return result else: return random.uniform(result-self.v, result+self.v)

area1 = FuzzyTriangleArea() area2 = FuzzyTriangleArea(0.5, 0.2) for i in range(12): print(f"{area1(3, 4, 5):4.3f}, {area2(3, 4, 5):4.2f}")

CALLABLES AND CALLABLE INSTANCES 562 5.993, 5.95 6.000, 6.00 6.000, 6.00 5.984, 5.91 6.000, 6.00 6.000, 6.00 6.000, 6.17 6.000, 6.13 6.000, 6.01 5.951, 6.00 6.000, 5.95 5.963, 6.00

Beware that this output differs with every call! We can see the in most cases we get the right value for the area but sometimes not.

We can create many different instances of the previous class. Each of these behaves like an area function, which returns a value for the area, which may or may not be correct, depending on the instantiation parameters p and v. We can see those instances as experts (expert functions) which return in most cases the correct answer, if we use p values close to 1. If the value v is close to zero, the error will be small, if at all. The next task would be merging such experts, let's call them exp1, exp2, ..., expn to get an improved result. We can perform a vote on the results, i.e. we will return the value which is most often occuring, the correct value. Alternatively, we can calculate the arithmetic mean. We will implement both possibilities in our class FuzzyTriangleArea:

CALLABLES AND CALLABLE INSTANCES 563 from random import uniform, random from collections import Counter

class FuzzyTriangleArea:

def __init__(self, p=0.8, v=0.1): self.p, self.v = p, v

def __call__(self, a, b, c): p = (a + b + c) / 2 result = (p * (p - a) * (p - b) * (p - c)) ** 0.5 if random() <= self.p: return result else: return uniform(result-self.v, result+self.v)

class MergeExperts:

def __init__(self, mode, *experts): self.mode, self.experts = mode, experts

def __call__(self, a, b, c): results= [exp(a, b, c) for exp in self.experts] if self.mode == "vote": c = Counter(results) return c.most_common(1)[0][0] elif self.mode == "mean": return sum(results) / len(results)

rvalues = [(uniform(0.7, 0.9), uniform(0.05, 0.2)) for _ in rang e(20)] experts = [FuzzyTriangleArea(p, v) for p, v in rvalues] merger1 = MergeExperts("vote", *experts) print(merger1(3, 4, 5)) merger2 = MergeExperts("mean", *experts) print(merger2(3, 4, 5)) 6.0 6.0073039634137375

The following example defines a class with which we can create abitrary polynomial functions:


def __init__(self, *coefficients): self.coefficients = coefficients[::-1]

def __call__(self, x): res = 0 for index, coeff in enumerate(self.coefficients): res += coeff * x** index return res

# a constant function p1 = Polynomial(42)

# a straight Line p2 = Polynomial(0.75, 2)

# a third degree Polynomial p3 = Polynomial(1, -0.5, 0.75, 2)

for i in range(1, 10): print(i, p1(i), p2(i), p3(i)) 1 42 2.75 3.25 2 42 3.5 9.5 3 42 4.25 26.75 4 42 5.0 61.0 5 42 5.75 118.25 6 42 6.5 204.5 7 42 7.25 325.75 8 42 8.0 488.0 9 42 8.75 697.25

You will find further interesting examples of the __call__ function in our tutorial in the chapters Decorators and Memoization with Decorators. You may also consult our chapter on Polynomials.



There aren't many good examples on inheritance available on the web. They are either extremely simple and artificial or they are way too complicated. We want to close the gap by providing an example which is on the one hand more realistic - but still not realistic - and on the other hand simple enough to see and understand the basic aspects of inheritance. In our previous chapter, we introduced inheritance formally.

To this purpose we define two base classes: One is an implementation of a clock and the other one of a calendar. Based on these two classes, we define a class CalendarClock, which inherits both from the class Calendar and from the class Clock.

THE CLOCK CLASS class Clock(object):

def __init__(self,hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0): self.__hours = hours self.__minutes = minutes self.__seconds = seconds

def set(self,hours, minutes, seconds=0): self.__hours = hours self.__minutes = minutes self.__seconds = seconds

def tick(self): """ Time will be advanced by one second """ if self.__seconds == 59: self.__seconds = 0 if (self.__minutes == 59): self.__minutes = 0 self.__hours = 0 if self.__hours==23 else sel f.__hours + 1 else: self.__minutes += 1; else:

INHERITANCE EXAMPLE 566 self.__seconds += 1;

def display(self): print("%d:%d:%d" % (self.__hours, self.__minutes, self.__s econds))

def __str__(self): return "%2d:%2d:%2d" % (self.__hours, self.__minutes, sel f.__seconds)

x = Clock() print(x) for i in range(10000): x.tick() print(x) 0: 0: 0 2:46:40

THE CALENDAR CLASS class Calendar(object): months = (31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31)

def __init__(self, day=1, month=1, year=1900): self.__day = day self.__month = month self.__year = year

def leapyear(self,y): if y % 4: # not a leap year return 0; else: if y % 100: return 1; else: if y % 400: return 0 else: return 1;

def set(self, day, month, year): self.__day = day self.__month = month

INHERITANCE EXAMPLE 567 self.__year = year

def get(): return (self, self.__day, self.__month, self.__year) def advance(self): months = Calendar.months max_days = months[self.__month-1] if self.__month == 2: max_days += self.leapyear(self.__year) if self.__day == max_days: self.__day = 1 if (self.__month == 12): self.__month = 1 self.__year += 1 else: self.__month += 1 else: self.__day += 1

def __str__(self): return str(self.__day)+"/"+ str(self.__month)+ "/"+ str(sel f.__year)

if __name__ == "__main__": x = Calendar() print(x) x.advance() print(x) 1/1/1900 2/1/1900

THE CALENDAR-CLOCK CLASS from clock1 import Clock from calendar import Calendar

class CalendarClock(Clock, Calendar):

def __init__(self, day,month,year,hours=0, minutes=0,second s=0): Calendar.__init__(self, day, month, year) Clock.__init__(self, hours, minutes, seconds)

INHERITANCE EXAMPLE 568 def __str__(self): return Calendar.__str__(self) + ", " + Clock.__str__(self)

if __name__ == "__main__": x = CalendarClock(24,12,57) print(x) for i in range(1000): x.tick() for i in range(1000): x.advance() print(x) 0: 0: 0 2:46:40 ------TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in 13 14 if __name__ == "__main__": ---> 15 x = CalendarClock(24,12,57) 16 print(x) 17 for i in range(1000):

in __init__(self, day, month, year, hours, m inutes, seconds) 5 6 def __init__(self, day,month,year,hours=0, minutes=0,seconds=0): ----> 7 Calendar.__init__(self, day, month, year) 8 Clock.__init__(self, hours, minutes, seconds) 9

TypeError: __init__() takes from 1 to 2 positional arguments but 4 were giv en



If you have been to highschool, you will have encountered the terms polynomial and polynomial function. This chapter of our Python tutorial is completely on polynomials, i.e. we will define a class to define polynomials. The following is an example of a polynomial with the degree 4:

p(x) = x4 − 4 ⋅ x2 + 3 ⋅ x

You will find out that there are lots of similarities to integers. We will define various arithmetic operations for polynomials in our class, like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Our polynomial class will also provide means to calculate the derivation and the integral of polynomials. We will not miss out on plotting polynomials.

There is a lot of beaty in polynomials and above all in how they can be implemented as a Python class. We like to say thanks to Drew Shanon who granted us permission to use his great picture, treating math as art!


We will only deal with polynomial in a single indeterminate (also called variable) x. A general form of a polynomial in a single indeterminate looks like this:

n n − 1 2 an ⋅ x + an − 1 ⋅ x + … + a2 ⋅ x + a1 ⋅ x + a0 where a0, a1, . . . an are the constants - non-negative integers - and x is the indeterminate or variable. The term "indeterminate" means that x represents no particular value, but any value may be substituted for it.

This expression is usually written with the summation operator:

POLYNOMIALS 570 n k n n − 1 2 ∑ ak ⋅ x = an ⋅ x + an − 1 ⋅ x + … + a2 ⋅ x + a1 ⋅ x + a0 k = 0

A polynomial function is a function that can be defined by evaluating a polynomial. A function f of one argument can be defined as:

n k f(x) = ∑ ak ⋅ x k = 0


It's easy to implement polynomial functions in Python. As an example we define the polynomial function given in the introduction of this chapter, i.e. p(x) = x4 − 4 ⋅ x2 + 3 ⋅ x

The Python code for this polynomial function looks like this:

def p(x): return x**4 - 4*x**2 + 3*x

We can call this function like any other function:

for x in [-1, 0, 2, 3.4]: print(x, p(x)) -1 -6 0 0 2 6 3.4 97.59359999999998

import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

X = np.linspace(-3, 3, 50, endpoint=True) F = p(X) plt.plot(X,F)



We will define now a class for polynomial functions. We will build on an idea which we have developed in the chapter on decorators of our Python tutorial. We introduced polynomial factories.

A polynomial is uniquely determined by its coefficients. This means, an instance of our polynomial class needs a list or tuple to define the coefficients.

class Polynomial:

def __init__(self, *coefficients): """ input: coefficients are in the form a_n, ...a_1, a_0 """ self.coefficients = list(coefficients) # tuple is turned i nto a list

def __repr__(self): """ method to return the canonical string representation of a polynomial. """ return "Polynomial" + str(tuple(self.coefficients))

We can the instantiate the polynomial of our previous example polynomial function like this:

p = Polynomial(1, 0, -4, 3, 0) print(p)

p2 = eval(repr(p))

POLYNOMIALS 572 print(p2) Polynomial(1, 0, -4, 3, 0) Polynomial(1, 0, -4, 3, 0)

Having defined the canonical string representation of a Polynomial with the repr function, we also want to define an output which could be used to create a version which is more friendly for people. We write a LaTex represention which can be used to print the function in a beatiful way:

class Polynomial:

def __init__(self, *coefficients): """ input: coefficients are in the form a_n, ...a_1, a_0 """ self.coefficients = list(coefficients) # tuple is turned i nto a list

def __repr__(self): """ method to return the canonical string representation of a polynomial. """ return "Polynomial" + str(tuple(self.coefficients))

def __str__(self):

def x_expr(degree): if degree == 0: res = "" elif degree == 1: res = "x" else: res = "x^"+str(degree) return res

degree = len(self.coefficients) - 1 res = ""

for i in range(0, degree+1): coeff = self.coefficients[i] # nothing has to be done if coeff is 0: if abs(coeff) == 1 and i < degree:

POLYNOMIALS 573 # 1 in front of x shouldn't occur, e.g. x instead of 1x # but we need the plus or minus sign: res += f"{'+' if coeff>0 else '-'}{x_expr(degre e-i)}" elif coeff != 0: res += f"{coeff:+g}{x_expr(degree-i)}"

return res.lstrip('+') # removing leading '+'

polys = [Polynomial(1, 0, -4, 3, 0), Polynomial(2, 0), Polynomial(4, 1, -1), Polynomial(3, 0, -5, 2, 7), Polynomial(-42)]

# output suitable for usage in LaTeX: for count, poly in enumerate(polys): print(f"$p_{count} = {str(poly)}$") $p_0 = x^4-4x^2+3x$ $p_1 = 2x$ $p_2 = 4x^2+x-1$ $p_3 = 3x^4-5x^2+2x+7$ $p_4 = -42$

If we use this in LaTeX it will look like this:

4 2 p0 = x − 4x + 3x p1 = 2x

2 p2 = 4x + x − 1

4 2 p3 = 3x − 5x + 2x + 7 p4 = − 42

So far, we have defined polynomials, but what we actually need are polynomial functions. For this purpose, we turn instances of the Polynomial class into callables by defining the call method.

class Polynomial:

def __init__(self, *coefficients):

POLYNOMIALS 574 """ input: coefficients are in the form a_n, ...a_1, a_0 """ self.coefficients = list(coefficients) # tuple is turned i nto a list

# The __repr__ and __str__ method can be included here, # but is not necessary for the immediately following code

def __call__(self, x): res = 0 for index, coeff in enumerate(self.coefficients[::-1]): res += coeff * x** index return res

It is possible now to call an instance of our class like a function. We call it with an argument and the instance, - which is a callable, - behaves like a polynomial function:

p = Polynomial(3, 0, -5, 2, 1) print(p)

for x in range(-3, 3): print(x, p(x)) <__main__.Polynomial object at 0x7fd38cd9d250> -3 193 -2 25 -1 -3 0 1 1 1 2 33

Just for fun, let us plot the previously defined function:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

X = np.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, 50, endpoint=True) F = p(X) plt.plot(X, F)


POLYNOMIALS 575 Before we further refine our class, let us use a numerically more efficient variant for the calculation of polynomials. We will use this algorithm in our __call__ method. We introduced this variant in our chapter on decorators.

Every polynomial f(x) = ∑n a ⋅ xk k = 0 k can be also written in the form f(x) = (anx + xn − 1)x + ⋅ + a1)x + a0

To emperically see that they are equivalent, we rewrite our class definition, but call it Polynomial2 so that we can use both versions:

class Polynomial2:

def __init__(self, *coefficients): """ input: coefficients are in the form a_n, ...a_1, a_0 """ self.coefficients = list(coefficients) # tuple is turned i nto a list

# The __repr__ and __str__ method can be included here, # but is not necessary for the immediately following code

def __call__(self, x): res = 0 for coeff in self.coefficients: res = res * x + coeff

POLYNOMIALS 576 return res

We will test both classes by comparing the results:

p1 = Polynomial(-4, 3, 0) p2 = Polynomial2(-4, 3, 0) res = all((p1(x)==p2(x) for x in range(-10, 10))) print(res) True

It is possible to define addition and subtractions for polynomials. All we have to do is to add or subtract the coefficients with the same exponents from both polynomials.

If we have polynomial functions f(x) = ∑n a ⋅ xk and g(x) = ∑n b ⋅ xk, the addition is defined as k = 0 k k = 0 k

n k (f + g)(x) = ∑ (ak + bk) ⋅ x k = 0 and correspondingly subtraction is defined as

n k (f − g)(x) = ∑ (ak − bk) ⋅ x k = 0

Before we can add the methods __add__ and __sub__, which are necessary for addition and subtraction, we add a generatur zip_longest(). It works similar to zip for two parameters, but it does not stop if one of the iterators is exhausted but uses "fillvalue" instead.

def zip_longest(iter1, iter2, fillvalue=None):

for i in range(max(len(iter1), len(iter2))): if i >= len(iter1): yield (fillvalue, iter2[i]) elif i >= len(iter2): yield (iter1[i], fillvalue) else: yield (iter1[i], iter2[i]) i += 1

p1 = (2,) p2 = (-1, 4, 5) for x in zip_longest(p1, p2, fillvalue=0): print(x)

POLYNOMIALS 577 (2, -1) (0, 4) (0, 5)

We will add this generator to our class as a static method. We are now capable of adding the __add__ and __sub__ methods as well. We will need the generator zip_longest from itertools. zip_longest takes and arbitrary number of iterables and a keyword parameter fillvalue . It creates an iterator that aggregates elements from each of the iterables. If the iterables are of uneven length, missing values are filled- in with fillvalue. Iteration continues until the longest iterable is exhausted.

import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from itertools import zip_longest

class Polynomial:

def __init__(self, *coefficients): """ input: coefficients are in the form a_n, ...a_1, a_0 """ self.coefficients = list(coefficients) # tuple is turned i nto a list

def __repr__(self): """ method to return the canonical string representation of a polynomial.

""" return "Polynomial" + str(self.coefficients)

def __call__(self, x): res = 0 for coeff in self.coefficients: res = res * x + coeff return res

def degree(self): return len(self.coefficients)

def __add__(self, other): c1 = self.coefficients[::-1] c2 = other.coefficients[::-1] res = [sum(t) for t in zip_longest(c1, c2, fillvalue=0)] return Polynomial(*res[::-1])

POLYNOMIALS 578 def __sub__(self, other): c1 = self.coefficients[::-1] c2 = other.coefficients[::-1]

res = [t1-t2 for t1, t2 in zip_longest(c1, c2, fillvalu e=0)] return Polynomial(*res[::-1])

p1 = Polynomial(4, 0, -4, 3, 0) p2 = Polynomial(-0.8, 2.3, 0.5, 1, 0.2)

p_sum = p1 + p2 p_diff = p1 - p2

X = np.linspace(-3, 3, 50, endpoint=True) F1 = p1(X) F2 = p2(X) F_sum = p_sum(X) F_diff = p_diff(X) plt.plot(X, F1, label="F1") plt.plot(X, F2, label="F2") plt.plot(X, F_sum, label="F_sum") plt.plot(X, F_diff, label="F_diff")

plt.legend() plt.show()

POLYNOMIALS 579 It is incredibly easy to add differentiation to our class. Mathematically, it is defined as

n ′ k − 1 f (x) = ∑ k ⋅ ak ⋅ x k = 0 if

n k f(x) = ∑ ak ⋅ x k = 0

This can be easily implemented in our method 'derivative':

import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

class Polynomial:

def __init__(self, *coefficients): """ input: coefficients are in the form a_n, ...a_1, a_0 """ self.coefficients = list(coefficients) # tuple is turned i nto a list

def __repr__(self): """ method to return the canonical string representation of a polynomial.

""" return "Polynomial" + str(self.coefficients)

def __call__(self, x): res = 0 for coeff in self.coefficients: res = res * x + coeff return res

def degree(self):

POLYNOMIALS 580 return len(self.coefficients)

def __add__(self, other): c1 = self.coefficients[::-1] c2 = other.coefficients[::-1] res = [sum(t) for t in zip_longest(c1, c2, fillvalue=0)] return Polynomial(*res)

def __sub__(self, other): c1 = self.coefficients[::-1] c2 = other.coefficients[::-1]

res = [t1-t2 for t1, t2 in zip_longest(c1, c2, fillvalu e=0)] return Polynomial(*res)

def derivative(self): derived_coeffs = [] exponent = len(self.coefficients) - 1 for i in range(len(self.coefficients)-1): derived_coeffs.append(self.coefficients[i] * exponent) exponent -= 1 return Polynomial(*derived_coeffs)

def __str__(self):

def x_expr(degree): if degree == 0: res = "" elif degree == 1: res = "x" else: res = "x^"+str(degree) return res

degree = len(self.coefficients) - 1 res = ""

for i in range(0, degree+1): coeff = self.coefficients[i] # nothing has to be done if coeff is 0:

POLYNOMIALS 581 if abs(coeff) == 1 and i < degree: # 1 in front of x shouldn't occur, e.g. x instead of 1x # but we need the plus or minus sign: res += f"{'+' if coeff>0 else '-'}{x_expr(degre e-i)}" elif coeff != 0: res += f"{coeff:+g}{x_expr(degree-i)}"

return res.lstrip('+') # removing leading '+'

p = Polynomial(-0.8, 2.3, 0.5, 1, 0.2)

p_der = p.derivative()

X = np.linspace(-2, 3, 50, endpoint=True)

F = p(X) F_derivative = p_der(X) plt.plot(X, F, label="F") plt.plot(X, F_derivative, label="F_der")

plt.legend() plt.show()

Playing around a little bit:

p = Polynomial(1, 2, -3, 4, -55)

POLYNOMIALS 582 p2 = Polynomial(1, 2, 3)

p_der = p.derivative()

print(p) print(p_der) print(p2)

p3 = p + p2

print(p3) x^4+2x^3-3x^2+4x-55 4x^3+6x^2-6x+4 x^2+2x+3 -52x^4+6x^3-2x^2+2x+1



The attributes of objects are stored in a dictionary __dict__ . Like any other dictionary, a dictionary used for attribute storage doesn't have a fixed number of elements. In other words, you can add elements to dictionaries after they are defined, as we have seen in our chapter on dictionaries. This is the reason, why you can dynamically add attributes to objects of classes that we have created so far:

class A(object): pass

a = A() a.x = 66 a.y = "dynamically created attribut e"

The dictionary containing the attributes of "a" can be accessed like this:

a.__dict__ Output: {'x': 66, 'y': 'dynamically cr eated attribute'}

You might have wondered that you can dynamically add attributes to the classes, we have defined so far, but that you can't do this with built-in classes like 'int', or 'list':

x = 42 x.a = "not possible to do it" ------AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) in 1 x = 42 ----> 2 x.a = "not possible to do it"

AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'a'

SLOTS 584 lst = [34, 999, 1001] lst.a = "forget it" ------AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) in 1 lst = [34, 999, 1001] ----> 2 lst.a = "forget it"

AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'a'

If we generated a class in which usually only a few instances are needed in a program, - such as the Function class, - the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. The additional storage space for the dictionary brings us significant advantages for the design of our software. However, as soon as a high number of instances of a class must be generated in a program, the cost-benefit ratio can quickly reverse. The additionally required storage space can adversely affect or even prevent the execution of the program.

Python's slots are a nice way to work around this space consumption problem. Instead of having a dynamic dict dictionary that allows adding attributes to objects dynamically, slots provide a static structure which prohibits additions after the creation of an instance.

When we design a class, we can use slots to prevent the dynamic creation of attributes. To define slots, you have to define a list with the name __slots__ . The list has to contain all the attributes, you want to use. Anything not in this list cannot be used as an attribute. We demonstrate this in the following class, in which the __slots__ list contains only the name for an attribute val :

class S(object):

__slots__ = ['val']

def __init__(self, v): self.val = v

x = S(42) print(x.val)

x.new = "not possible"

SLOTS 585 42 ------AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) in 10 print(x.val) 11 ---> 12 x.new = "not possible"

AttributeError: 'S' object has no attribute 'new'

If we start this program, we can see, that it is not possible to create dynamically a new attribute. We fail to create an attribute "new".

We mentioned in the beginning that slots are preventing a waste of space with objects. Since Python 3.3 this advantage is not as impressive any more. With Python 3.3 Key-Sharing Dictionaries are used for the storage of objects. The attributes of the instances are capable of sharing part of their internal storage between each other, i.e. the part which stores the keys and their corresponding hashes. This helps reducing the memory consumption of programs, which create many instances of non-builtin types.



In this chapter of our tutorial, we will provide you with a deeper insight into the magic happening behind the scenes, when we are defining a class or creating an instance of a class. You may ask yourself: "Do I really have to learn theses additional details on object oriented programming in Python?" Most probably not, or you belong to the few people who design classes at a very advanced level.

First, we will concentrate on the relationship between type and class. While defining classes so far, you may have asked yourself, what is happening "behind the lines". We have already seen, that applying "type" to an object returns the class of which the object is an instance of:

x = [4, 5, 9] y = "Hello" print(type(x), type(y))

If you apply type on the name of a class itself, you get the class "type" returned.

print(type(list), type(str))

This is similar to applying type on type(x) and type(y):

x = [4, 5, 9] y = "Hello" print(type(x), type(y)) print(type(type(x)), type(type(y)))


A user-defined class (or the class "object") is an instance of the class "type". So, we can see, that classes are created from type. In Python3 there is no difference between "classes" and "types". They are in most cases used as synonyms.

The fact that classes are instances of a class "type" allows us to program metaclasses. We can create classes, which inherit from the class "type". So, a metaclass is a subclass of the class "type".

Instead of only one argument, type can be called with three parameters: type(classname, superclasses, attributes_dict)

If type is called with three arguments, it will return a new type object. This provides us with a dynamic form of the class statement.

• "classname" is a string defining the class name and becomes the name attribute; • "superclasses" is a list or tuple with the superclasses of our class. This list or tuple will become the bases attribute; • the attributes_dict is a dictionary, functioning as the namespace of our class. It contains the definitions for the class body and it becomes the dict attribute.

Let's have a look at a simple class definition:

class A: pass

x = A() print(type(x))

We can use "type" for the previous class defintion as well:

A = type("A", (), {}) x = A() print(type(x))

Generally speaking, this means, that we can define a class A with

type(classname, superclasses, attributedict)

When we call "type", the call method of type is called. The call method runs two other methods: new and init:

CLASSES AND CLASS CREATION 588 type.__new__(typeclass, classname, superclasses, attributedict)

type.__init__(cls, classname, superclasses, attributedict)

The new method creates and returns the new class object, and after this, the init method initializes the newly created object.

class Robot:

counter = 0

def __init__(self, name): self.name = name

def sayHello(self): return "Hi, I am " + self.name

def Rob_init(self, name): self.name = name

Robot2 = type("Robot2", (), {"counter":0, "__init__": Rob_init, "sayHello": lambda self: "Hi, I am " + self.name})

x = Robot2("Marvin") print(x.name) print(x.sayHello())

y = Robot("Marvin") print(y.name) print(y.sayHello())

print(x.__dict__) print(y.__dict__) Marvin Hi, I am Marvin Marvin Hi, I am Marvin {'name': 'Marvin'} {'name': 'Marvin'}

CLASSES AND CLASS CREATION 589 The class definitions for Robot and Robot2 are syntactically completely different, but they implement logically the same class.

What Python actually does in the first example, i.e. the "usual way" of defining classes, is the following: Python processes the complete class statement from class Robot to collect the methods and attributes of Robot to add them to the attributes_dict of the type call. So, Python will call type in a similar or the same way as we did in Robot2.



In this chapter of our tutorial we want to provide some incentives or motivation for the use of metaclasses. To demonstrate some design problems, which can be solved by metaclasses, we will introduce and design a bunch of philosopher classes. Each philosopher class (Philosopher1, Philosopher2, and so on) need the same "set" of methods (in our example just one, i.e. "the_answer") as the for his or her pondering and brooding. A stupid way to implement the classes would be having the same code in every philospher class:

class Philosopher1(object):

def the_answer(self, *args): return 42

class Philosopher2(object):

def the_answer(self, *args): return 42

class Philosopher3(object):

def the_answer(self, *args): return 42

ON THE ROAD TO METACLASSES 591 plato = Philosopher1() print (plato.the_answer())

kant = Philosopher2() # let's see what Kant has to say :-) print (kant.the_answer()) 42 42

We can see that we have multiple copies of the method "the_answer". This is error prone and tedious to maintain, of course.

From what we know so far, the easiest way to accomplish our goal without creating redundant code would be designing a base, which contains "the_answer" as a method. Now each Philosopher class inherits from this base class:

class Answers(object):

def the_answer(self, *args): return 42

class Philosopher1(Answers): pass

class Philosopher2(Answers): pass

class Philosopher3(Answers): pass

plato = Philosopher1() print plato.the_answer()

kant = Philosopher2() # let's see what Kant has to say :-) print kant.the_answer() 42 42

The way we have designed our classes, each Philosopher class will always have a method "the_answer". Let's assume, we don't know a priori if we want or need this method. Let's assume that the decision, if the classes have to be augmented, can only be made at runtime. This decision might depend on configuration files, user

ON THE ROAD TO METACLASSES 592 input or some calculations.

# the following variable would be set as the result of a runtime c alculation: x = raw_input("Do you need 'the answer'? (y/n): ") if x=="y": required = True else: required = False

def the_answer(self, *args): return 42

class Philosopher1(object): pass if required: Philosopher1.the_answer = the_answer

class Philosopher2(object): pass if required: Philosopher2.the_answer = the_answer

class Philosopher3(object): pass if required: Philosopher3.the_answer = the_answer

plato = Philosopher1() kant = Philosopher2()

# let's see what Plato and Kant have to say :-) if required: print kant.the_answer() print plato.the_answer() else: print "The silence of the philosphers" Do you need 'the answer'? (y/n): y 42 42

Even though this is another solution to our problem, there are still some serious drawbacks. It's error-prone,

ON THE ROAD TO METACLASSES 593 because we have to add the same code to every class and it seems likely that we might forget it. Besides this it's getting hardly manageable and maybe even confusing, if there are many methods we want to add.

We can improve our approach by defining a manager function and avoiding redundant code this way. The manager function will be used to augment the classes conditionally.

# the following variable would be set as the result of a runtime c alculation: x = raw_input("Do you need 'the answer'? (y/n): ") if x=="y": required = True else: required = False

def the_answer(self, *args): return 42

# manager function def augment_answer(cls): if required: cls.the_answer = the_answer

class Philosopher1(object): pass augment_answer(Philosopher1)

class Philosopher2(object): pass augment_answer(Philosopher2)

class Philosopher3(object): pass augment_answer(Philosopher3)

plato = Philosopher1() kant = Philosopher2()

# let's see what Plato and Kant have to say :-) if required: print kant.the_answer() print plato.the_answer()

ON THE ROAD TO METACLASSES 594 else: print "The silence of the philosphers" Do you need 'the answer'? (y/n): y 42 42

This is again useful to solve our problem, but we, i.e. the class designers, must be careful not to forget to call the manager function "augment_answer". The code should be executed automatically. We need a way to make sure that "some" code might be executed automatically after the end of a class definition.

# the following variable would be set as the result of a runtime c alculation: x = raw_input("Do you need 'the answer'? (y/n): ") if x=="y": required = True else: required = False def the_answer(self, *args): return 42

def augment_answer(cls): if required: cls.the_answer = the_answer # we have to return the class now: return cls

@augment_answer class Philosopher1(object): pass

@augment_answer class Philosopher2(object): pass

@augment_answer class Philosopher3(object): pass

plato = Philosopher1() kant = Philosopher2()

# let's see what Plato and Kant have to say :-) if required: print kant.the_answer()

ON THE ROAD TO METACLASSES 595 print plato.the_answer() else: print "The silence of the philosphers" Do you need 'the answer'? (y/n): y 42 42

Metaclasses can also be used for this purpose as we will learn in the next chapter.


A metaclass is a class whose instances are classes. Like an "ordinary" class defines the behavior of the instances of the class, a metaclass defines the behavior of classes and their instances.

Metaclasses are not supported by every object oriented programming language. Those programming language, which support metaclasses, considerably vary in way they implement them. Python is supporting them.

Some programmers see metaclasses in Python as "solutions waiting or looking for a problem".

There are numerous use cases for metaclasses. Just to name a few:

• logging and profiling • interface checking • registering classes at creation time • automatically adding new methods • automatic property creation • proxies • automatic resource locking/synchronization.


Principially, metaclasses are defined like any other Python class, but they are classes that inherit from "type". Another difference is, that a metaclass is called automatically, when the class statement using a metaclass

METACLASSES 597 ends. In other words: If no "metaclass" keyword is passed after the base classes (there may be no base classes either) of the class header, type() (i.e. __call__ of type) will be called. If a metaclass keyword is used, on the other hand, the class assigned to it will be called instead of type.

Now we create a very simple metaclass. It's good for nothing, except that it will print the content of its arguments in the __new__ method and returns the results of the type.__new__ call:

class LittleMeta(type): def __new__(cls, clsname, superclasses, attributedict): print("clsname: ", clsname) print("superclasses: ", superclasses) print("attributedict: ", attributedict) return type.__new__(cls, clsname, superclasses, attributed ict)

We will use the metaclass "LittleMeta" in the following example:

class S: pass

class A(S, metaclass=LittleMeta): pass

a = A() clsname: A superclasses: (,) attributedict: {'__module__': '__main__', '__qualname__': 'A'}

We can see LittleMeta.__new__ has been called and not type.__new__ .

Resuming our thread from the last chapter: We define a metaclass EssentialAnswers which is capable of automatically including our augment_answer method:

x = input("Do you need the answer? (y/n): ") if x.lower() == "y": required = True else: required = False

def the_answer(self, *args):

METACLASSES 598 return 42

class EssentialAnswers(type):

def __init__(cls, clsname, superclasses, attributedict): if required: cls.the_answer = the_answer

class Philosopher1(metaclass=EssentialAnswers): pass

class Philosopher2(metaclass=EssentialAnswers): pass

class Philosopher3(metaclass=EssentialAnswers): pass

plato = Philosopher1() print(plato.the_answer())

kant = Philosopher2() # let's see what Kant has to say :-) print(kant.the_answer()) Do you need the answer? (y/n): y 42 42

We have learned in our chapter "Type and Class Relationship" that after the class definition has been processed, Python calls

type(classname, superclasses, attributes_dict)

This is not the case, if a metaclass has been declared in the header. That is what we have done in our previous example. Our classes Philosopher1, Philosopher2 and Philosopher3 have been hooked to the metaclass EssentialAnswers. That's why EssentialAnswer will be called instead of type:

EssentialAnswer(classname, superclasses, attributes_dict)

To be precise, the arguments of the calls will be set the the following values:

METACLASSES 599 EssentialAnswer('Philopsopher1', (), {'__module__': '__main__', '__qualname__': 'Philoso pher1'})

The other philosopher classes are treated in an analogue way.


The singleton pattern is a design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to one object. It is used in cases where exactly one object is needed. The concept can be generalized to restrict the instantiation to a certain or fixed number of objects. The term stems from mathematics, where a singleton, - also called a unit set -, is used for sets with exactly one element.

class Singleton(type): _instances = {} def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls not in cls._instances: cls._instances[cls] = super(Singleto n, cls).__call__(*args, **kwa rgs) return cls._instances[cls]

class SingletonClass(metaclass=Singleton): pass

class RegularClass(): pass

x = SingletonClass() y = SingletonClass() print(x == y)

x = RegularClass() y = RegularClass() print(x == y) True False


Alternatively, we can create Singleton classes by inheriting from a Singleton class, which can be defined like this:

class Singleton(object): _instance = None def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if not cls._instance: cls._instance = object.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) return cls._instance

class SingletonClass(Singleton): pass

class RegularClass(): pass

x = SingletonClass() y = SingletonClass() print(x == y)

x = RegularClass() y = RegularClass() print(x == y) True False



After you have hopefully gone through our chapter Introduction into Metaclasses you may have asked yourself about the possible use cases for metaclasses. There are some interesting use cases and it's not - like some say - a solution waiting for a problem. We have mentioned already some examples.

In this chapter of our tutorial on Python, we want to elaborate an example metaclass, which will decorate the methods of the subclass. The decorated function returned by the decorator makes it possible to count the number of times each method of the subclass has been called.

This is usually one of the tasks, we expect from a profiler. So we can use this metaclass for simple profiling purposes. Of course, it will be easy to extend our metaclass for further profiling tasks.


Before we actually dive into the problem, we want to remind how we can access the attributes of a class. We will demonstrate this with the list class. We can get the list of all the non private attributes of a class - in our example the random class - with the following construct.

import random cls = "random" # name of the class as a string

COUNT METHOD CALLS USING A METACLASS 602 all_attributes = [x for x in dir(eval(cls)) if not x.startswit h("__") ] print(all_attributes) ['BPF', 'LOG4', 'NV_MAGICCONST', 'RECIP_BPF', 'Random', 'SG_MAGICC ONST', 'SystemRandom', 'TWOPI', '_BuiltinMethodType', '_MethodTyp e', '_Sequence', '_Set', '_acos', '_ceil', '_cos', '_e', '_exp', '_inst', '_log', '_pi', '_random', '_sha512', '_sin', '_sqrt', '_t est', '_test_generator', '_urandom', '_warn', 'betavariate', 'choi ce', 'expovariate', 'gammavariate', 'gauss', 'getrandbits', 'getst ate', 'lognormvariate', 'normalvariate', 'paretovariate', 'randin t', 'random', 'randrange', 'sample', 'seed', 'setstate', 'shuffl e', 'triangular', 'uniform', 'vonmisesvariate', 'weibullvariate']

Now, we are filtering the callable attributes, i.e. the public methods of the class.

methods = [x for x in dir(eval(cls)) if not x.startswith("__") and callable(eval(cls + "." + x))] print(methods) ['Random', 'SystemRandom', '_BuiltinMethodType', '_MethodType', '_Sequence', '_Set', '_acos', '_ceil', '_cos', '_exp', '_log', '_s ha512', '_sin', '_sqrt', '_test', '_test_generator', '_urandom', '_warn', 'betavariate', 'choice', 'expovariate', 'gammavariate', 'gauss', 'getrandbits', 'getstate', 'lognormvariate', 'normalvaria te', 'paretovariate', 'randint', 'random', 'randrange', 'sample', 'seed', 'setstate', 'shuffle', 'triangular', 'uniform', 'vonmisesv ariate', 'weibullvariate']

Getting the non callable attributes of the class can be easily achieved by negating callable, i.e. adding "not":

non_callable_attributes = [x for x in dir(eval(cls)) if not x.star tswith("__") and not callable(eval(cls + "." + x))] print(non_callable_attributes) ['BPF', 'LOG4', 'NV_MAGICCONST', 'RECIP_BPF', 'SG_MAGICCONST', 'TW OPI', '_e', '_inst', '_pi', '_random']

In normal Python programming it is neither recommended nor necessary to apply methods in the following way, but it is possible:

lst = [3,4] list.__dict__["append"](lst, 42)


Please note the remark from the Python documentation:

"Because dir() is supplied primarily as a convenience for use at an interactive prompt, it tries to supply an interesting set of names more than it tries to supply a rigorously or consistently defined set of names, and its detailed behavior may change across releases. For example, metaclass attributes are not in the result list when the argument is a class."


Finally, we will begin designing the metaclass, which we have mentioned as our target in the beginning of this chapter. It will decorate all the methods of its subclass with a decorator, which counts the number of calls. We have defined such a decorator in our chapter Memoization and Decorators:

def call_counter(func): def helper(*args, **kwargs): helper.calls += 1 return func(*args, **kwargs) helper.calls = 0 helper.__name__= func.__name__

return helper

We can use it in the usual way:

@call_counter def f(): pass

print(f.calls) for _ in range(10): f()



It would be better if you add the alternative notation for decorating function. We will need this in our final metaclass:

def f(): pass

f = call_counter(f) print(f.calls) for _ in range(10): f()

print(f.calls) 0 10


Now we have all the necessary "ingredients" together to write our metaclass. We will include our call_counter decorator as a staticmethod:

class FuncCallCounter(type): """ A Metaclass which decorates all the methods of the subclass using call_counter as the decorator """

@staticmethod def call_counter(func): """ Decorator for counting the number of function or method calls to the function or method func """ def helper(*args, **kwargs): helper.calls += 1 return func(*args, **kwargs) helper.calls = 0 helper.__name__= func.__name__

return helper

COUNT METHOD CALLS USING A METACLASS 605 def __new__(cls, clsname, superclasses, attributedict): """ Every method gets decorated with the decorator call_co unter, which will do the actual call counting """ for attr in attributedict: if callable(attributedict[attr]) and not attr.startswi th("__"): attributedict[attr] = cls.call_counter(attributedi ct[attr])

return type.__new__(cls, clsname, superclasses, attributed ict)

class A(metaclass=FuncCallCounter):

def foo(self): pass

def bar(self): pass

if __name__ == "__main__": x = A() print(x.foo.calls, x.bar.calls) x.foo() print(x.foo.calls, x.bar.calls) x.foo() x.bar() print(x.foo.calls, x.bar.calls)

0 0 1 0 2 1


Abstract classes are classes that contain one or more abstract methods. An abstract method is a method that is declared, but contains no implementation. Abstract classes cannot be instantiated, and require subclasses to provide implementations for the abstract methods.

You can see this in the following examples:

class AbstractClass:

def do_something(sel f): pass

class B(AbstractClass): pass

a = AbstractClass() b = B()

If we start this program, we see that this is not an abstract class, because:

• we can instantiate an instance from • we are not required to implement do_something in the class defintition of B

Our example implemented a case of simple inheritance which has nothing to do with an abstract class. In fact, Python on its own doesn't provide abstract classes. Yet, Python comes with a module which provides the infrastructure for defining Abstract Base Classes (ABCs). This module is called - for obvious reasons - abc.

The following Python code uses the abc module and defines an abstract base class:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class AbstractClassExample(ABC):

def __init__(self, value): self.value = value

ABSTRACT CLASSES 607 super().__init__()

@abstractmethod def do_something(self): pass

We will define now a subclass using the previously defined abstract class. You will notice that we haven't implemented the do_something method, even though we are required to implement it, because this method is decorated as an abstract method with the decorator "abstractmethod". We get an exception that DoAdd42 can't be instantiated:

class DoAdd42(AbstractClassExample): pass

x = DoAdd42(4) ------TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in 2 pass 3 ----> 4 x = DoAdd42(4)

TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class DoAdd42 with abstract methods d o_something

We will do it the correct way in the following example, in which we define two classes inheriting from our abstract class:

class DoAdd42(AbstractClassExample):

def do_something(self): return self.value + 42

class DoMul42(AbstractClassExample):

def do_something(self): return self.value * 42

x = DoAdd42(10) y = DoMul42(10)

print(x.do_something()) print(y.do_something())


A class that is derived from an abstract class cannot be instantiated unless all of its abstract methods are overridden.

You may think that abstract methods can't be implemented in the abstract base class. This impression is wrong: An abstract method can have an implementation in the abstract class! Even if they are implemented, designers of subclasses will be forced to override the implementation. Like in other cases of "normal" inheritance, the abstract method can be invoked with super() call mechanism. This enables providing some basic functionality in the abstract method, which can be enriched by the subclass implementation.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class AbstractClassExample(ABC):

@abstractmethod def do_something(self): print("Some implementation!")

class AnotherSubclass(AbstractClassExample):

def do_something(self): super().do_something() print("The enrichment from AnotherSubclass")

x = AnotherSubclass() x.do_something()

Some implementation! The enrichment from AnotherSubclass