76 bus time schedule & line map

76 Tanyard Bus Stance, / - View In Website Mode Bus Station,

The 76 bus line (Tanyard Bus Stance, Cumnock / New Cumnock - Bus Station, Kilmarnock) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Cumnock: 7:15 AM - 6:50 PM (2) Kilmarnock: 5:40 AM - 6:15 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 76 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 76 bus arriving.

Direction: Cumnock 76 bus Time Schedule 55 stops Cumnock Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 11:10 AM - 5:10 PM

Monday 7:15 AM - 6:50 PM Bus Station, Kilmarnock James Shaw Lane, Kilmarnock Tuesday 7:15 AM - 6:50 PM

De Walden Terrace, Kilmarnock Wednesday 7:15 AM - 6:50 PM

Melville Street, Kilmarnock Thursday 7:15 AM - 6:50 PM Friday 7:15 AM - 6:50 PM Alloway Avenue, Kilmarnock Saturday 7:45 AM - 6:45 PM Dunure Drive, Kilmarnock

London Road, Kilmarnock

Wellpark Avenue, Kilmarnock 76 bus Info Finch Place, Direction: Cumnock Stops: 55 Grougar Road, Crookedholm Trip Duration: 44 min Line Summary: Bus Station, Kilmarnock, De Walden Reid Court, Crookedholm Terrace, Kilmarnock, Melville Street, Kilmarnock, Alloway Avenue, Kilmarnock, Dunure Drive, Kilmarnock, Road, Kilmarnock, Wellpark Union Street, Avenue, Kilmarnock, Grougar Road, Crookedholm, Reid Court, Crookedholm, Union Street, Hurlford, Maxwell Gardens, Hurlford Maxwell Gardens, Hurlford, Barnweil Drive, Hurlford, Wallace Court, Scotland Blair Crescent, Hurlford, Road, Hurlford, Blair Avenue, Hurlford, Craigie Road, Hurlford, Barnweil Drive, Hurlford Richardson Avenue, Hurlford, Knowehead Road, Hurlford, Cessnock Avenue, Hurlford, Drumleyhill Blair Crescent, Hurlford Drive, Hurlford, Kerrmuir Avenue, Hurlford, Barleith, Hurlford, Kilmarnock Prison, Crossroads, Crossroads Mauchline Road, Hurlford Primary School, Crossroads, Bargower Riding School, Kilmarnock, Fircoombe Hall, Crosshands, Blair Avenue, Hurlford Burns Memorial, Mauchline, Jean Armour Drive, Mauchline Road, Hurlford Mauchline, Manseeld Road, Mauchline, Hamilton Avenue, Mauchline, Ballochmyle Way, Mauchline, Craigie Road, Hurlford Shellies Bridge, , Ballochmyle View, Catrine, Chapel Brae, Catrine, Mill Square, Catrine, Richardson Avenue, Hurlford Cooperative Avenue, Catrine, Street, Catrine, Kerrmuir Avenue, Hurlford Old Avenue, , Heatheld Road, Auchinleck, Barbieston Road, Auchinleck, Quarryknow, Knowehead Road, Hurlford Auchinleck, Berry Hill Drive, Auchinleck, Talbot Drive, Auchinleck, Crescent, Auchinleck, Cessnock Avenue, Hurlford Back Rogerton Crescent, Auchinleck, Mcturk Avenue, Drumleyhill Drive, Hurlford Auchinleck, School Road, Auchinleck, Well Road, Auchinleck, Park Road, Auchinleck, Main Street, Drumleyhill Drive, Hurlford Auchinleck, Coal Road, Auchinleck, Hoyle Crescent, Cumnock, Holmhead Road, Holmhead, Holm, Kerrmuir Avenue, Hurlford Cumnock, Bus Stance, Cumnock

Barleith, Hurlford

Kilmarnock Prison, Crossroads

Crossroads Primary School, Crossroads

Bargower Riding School, Kilmarnock

Fircoombe Hall, Crosshands

Burns Memorial, Mauchline Carrick View, Scotland

Jean Armour Drive, Mauchline

Manseeld Road, Mauchline Earl Grey Street, Mauchline

Hamilton Avenue, Mauchline

Ballochmyle Way, Mauchline

Shellies Bridge, Catrine

Ballochmyle View, Catrine Mauchline Road, Scotland

Chapel Brae, Catrine Ballochmyle Street, Scotland

Mill Square, Catrine Chapel Street, Catrine

Cooperative Avenue, Catrine Townhead, Catrine

Sorn Street, Catrine Blackwood Avenue, Catrine

Old Avenue, Auchinleck Sorn Road, Scotland

Heatheld Road, Auchinleck

Barbieston Road, Auchinleck Church Street, Scotland

Quarryknow, Auchinleck

Berry Hill Drive, Auchinleck Talbot Drive, Auchinleck

Back Rogerton Crescent, Auchinleck

Back Rogerton Crescent, Auchinleck Barbieston Road, Scotland

Mcturk Avenue, Auchinleck Mcturk Avenue, Scotland

School Road, Auchinleck Market Road, Scotland

Well Road, Auchinleck

Park Road, Auchinleck

Main Street, Auchinleck

Coal Road, Auchinleck

Hoyle Crescent, Cumnock

Holmhead Road, Holmhead Terringzean View, Scotland

Holm, Cumnock

Bus Stance, Cumnock Bank Lane, Scotland Direction: Kilmarnock 76 bus Time Schedule 58 stops Kilmarnock Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 10:05 AM - 6:05 PM

Monday 5:40 AM - 6:15 PM Bus Stance, Cumnock Bank Lane, Scotland Tuesday 5:40 AM - 6:15 PM

Holm, Cumnock Wednesday 5:40 AM - 6:15 PM

Holmhead Road, Holmhead Thursday 5:40 AM - 6:15 PM Terringzean View, Scotland Friday 5:40 AM - 6:15 PM

Hoyle Crescent, Cumnock Saturday 7:15 AM - 6:15 PM

Main Street, Auchinleck

Barony Road, Auchinleck 76 bus Info Main Street, Auchinleck Direction: Kilmarnock Stops: 58 Park Road, Auchinleck Trip Duration: 45 min Line Summary: Bus Stance, Cumnock, Holm, Well Road, Auchinleck Cumnock, Holmhead Road, Holmhead, Hoyle Crescent, Cumnock, Main Street, Auchinleck, Barony School Road, Auchinleck Road, Auchinleck, Main Street, Auchinleck, Park Road, Auchinleck, Well Road, Auchinleck, School Market Road, Scotland Road, Auchinleck, Heatheld Road, Auchinleck, Heatheld Road, Auchinleck Barbieston Road, Auchinleck, Quarryknow, Auchinleck, Berry Hill Drive, Auchinleck, Talbot Drive, Auchinleck, Back Rogerton Crescent, Auchinleck, Barbieston Road, Auchinleck Back Rogerton Crescent, Auchinleck, Mcturk Avenue, Church Street, Scotland Auchinleck, Old Avenue, Auchinleck, Sorn Street, Catrine, Cooperative Avenue, Catrine, Newton Street, Quarryknow, Auchinleck Catrine, Mill Square, Catrine, Chapel Brae, Catrine, Ballochmyle View, Catrine, Shellies Bridge, Catrine, Berry Hill Drive, Auchinleck Ballochmyle Way, Mauchline, Hamilton Avenue, Mauchline, Catrine Road, Mauchline, Cowgate, Talbot Drive, Auchinleck Mauchline, Tarbolton Road, Mauchline, Fircoombe Hall, Crosshands, Bargower Riding School, Back Rogerton Crescent, Auchinleck Kilmarnock, Crossroads Primary School, Crossroads, Kilmarnock Prison, Crossroads, Barleith, Hurlford, Back Rogerton Crescent, Auchinleck Craigie Road, Hurlford, Richardson Avenue, Hurlford, Barbieston Road, Scotland Knowehead Road, Hurlford, Cessnock Avenue, Hurlford, Drumleyhill Drive, Hurlford, Kerrmuir Mcturk Avenue, Auchinleck Avenue, Hurlford, Blair Avenue, Hurlford, Mauchline Mcturk Avenue, Scotland Road, Hurlford, Morris Crescent, Hurlford, Barnweil Drive, Hurlford, Walden Road, Hurlford, Union Street, Old Avenue, Auchinleck Hurlford, Reid Court, Crookedholm, Grougar Road, Crookedholm, Wellpark Avenue, Kilmarnock, Green Sorn Street, Catrine Street, Kilmarnock, Dunure Drive, Kilmarnock, Blackwood Avenue, Catrine Alloway Avenue, Kilmarnock, Melville Street, Kilmarnock, Wilson Avenue, Kilmarnock, Shaw's Cooperative Avenue, Catrine Monument, Kilmarnock, Bus Station, Kilmarnock Townhead, Catrine

Newton Street, Catrine

Mill Square, Catrine Chapel Street, Catrine

Chapel Brae, Catrine Ballochmyle Street, Scotland

Ballochmyle View, Catrine Mauchline Road, Scotland

Shellies Bridge, Catrine

Ballochmyle Way, Mauchline Ballochmyle Way, Scotland

Hamilton Avenue, Mauchline

Catrine Road, Mauchline Cumnock Road, Mauchline

Cowgate, Mauchline Grove Park, Mauchline

Tarbolton Road, Mauchline

Fircoombe Hall, Crosshands

Bargower Riding School, Kilmarnock

Crossroads Primary School, Crossroads

Kilmarnock Prison, Crossroads A76, Scotland

Barleith, Hurlford

Craigie Road, Hurlford

Richardson Avenue, Hurlford Kerrmuir Avenue, Hurlford

Knowehead Road, Hurlford

Cessnock Avenue, Hurlford Drumleyhill Drive, Hurlford

Drumleyhill Drive, Hurlford

Kerrmuir Avenue, Hurlford

Blair Avenue, Hurlford Mauchline Road, Hurlford

Mauchline Road, Hurlford

Morris Crescent, Hurlford

Barnweil Drive, Hurlford

Walden Road, Hurlford Riccarton Road, Hurlford

Union Street, Hurlford Reid Court, Crookedholm

Grougar Road, Crookedholm

Wellpark Avenue, Kilmarnock Wellpark Court, Scotland

Green Street, Kilmarnock Greenan Road, Scotland

Dunure Drive, Kilmarnock

Alloway Avenue, Kilmarnock

Melville Street, Kilmarnock

Wilson Avenue, Kilmarnock Holehouse Road, Kilmarnock

Shaw's Monument, Kilmarnock 45 London Road, Kilmarnock

Bus Station, Kilmarnock James Shaw Lane, Kilmarnock 76 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in Scotland. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved