The London Gazette, Issue 25613, Page 3734
3734 THE LONDON GAZETTE, AUGUST 3, 1886. or belonging to such machinery, or of any Civil Service Commission, August 3, 1686. steam engine or other engine for sinking, IN pursuance of the provisions of Her Majesty's draining, or working any mine or quarry, or Order in Council of the 12th February, 1876, the of any staith or erection used in conducting Civil Service Commissioners hereby announce that the business of any mine or quarry, or of any the undermentioned Appointments and Transfers bridge, waggon, way, or truck for conveying in the Civil Service were notified to them in the minerals or other product from any mine or month of July, 1886:— quarry. Hugh C. JE. Childers. APPOINTMENTS. Whitehall, 28th July, 1886. British Museum, Randolph Kirkpatrick to be Eyre and Spottiswoode, East Harding-street, Assistant. Fetter-lane, E.C. ; Knight and Co., 90, Fleet- street ; Stevens and Sons, 119, Chancery-lane ; Commons, House o/j"Henry Augustus Ferguson E. Stanford, 55, Charing Cross ; Ford and Tilt, Davie to be Clerk. 52, Long Acre ; Shaw and Sons, Fetter-lane ; Education Department, Wallace Bond to be Inspec- Evison and Bridge, 22, Chancery-lane ; Water- tor's Assistant. low and Sons Limited, 25 to 27, Great Winchester- Fishery Board (Scotland), James Donaldson to be street, E.C.; Waterlow Brothers and Layton, 24 • Fishery Officer. and 25, Birchin-lane, E.C.; and Butterworths, 7, High Court of Justice (England), George Hannen Fleet-street. to be Third Class Clerk in the Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty Division. Joseph Johnstone to be Third Class Clerk in the Supreme Court.
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