An AlphAmAth SeriAl

Victor ColemAn

B ookt hug 2012 first edition copyright © 2012, Victor Coleman

All rights reserved. no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. the production of this book was made possible through the generous assistance of the Council for the Arts and the Arts Council.

the author thanks the Arts Council for time to write.

thanks to Michael Boughn and david Peter Clark for critiques and response.

LiBrAry And ArChiVes CAnAdA CAtALoguing in PuBLiCAtion

Coleman, Victor, 1944- ivh : an alphamath serial / Victor Coleman.

Poems. Also issued in electronic format. isBn 978-1-927040-36-2

i. title.

Ps8505.o455i95 2012 C811’.54 C2012-905405-4

Printed in CAnAdA A bouquet of According to the measurement the scattered sea waves enthus- easy release of its thanks means seized by sudden sure arrival – outbursts of blunt takes it all in tragic echoes. to the fair girl.

Quick excessive Disasters could measure remains not answer what an army of one drawn by its want you to see the length of the less than one day’s maritime wind. That’s why I tell always brilliant. you these stories iV Because he could h 23 Cinema burned the boulevard installed ten years and quick shipwrecks some sour vomit my mother’s gone – in the lead sky large galleries of his childhood did not yet know to be themselves.

My woman and daughters-in-law the beautiful and a brother Miss Weed’s movement had disappeared only engaged small miseries disgusting days which had consumed at the hour of a fatherland. silent collapse. Today you have After all if the odd air known I were in love as nevermore – it would look like having a young person seeing surely not if a blonde married something changed there girl – or is this for no reason. where I return?

You know that we’re You can’t sell love – under almost idiotic like the traitor violence: the intuitive. but always French – You have the odd mere affection: where theatre’s it must be love. municipal.

My forgiveness iVh 27 Then we added makes excuses excessively. inspiration To say that I known as today’s simply wanted pleonasm intended to strange idea prepare you for under the seat. the natural.

Your reaction to cathartic psychology today’s laughter proves to be love. was found to be I am rightly a little bit known as insane empty in the and won’t prevent the card-index. very conscious.

Two astonished had just traversed considering arms a number of red living returned the milk – just thirteen years to the spoils in short of morning’s his laugh only. entered constraints.

An antago- My brother Christ nistic mirror makes a point of celebrating birthdays every limply hanging in the ev’ning pretends to shave regards one frieze. two things downtown.

These disorders iVh 30 A small dinner rang up nothing for family does not feel aged against the sound obviously – entry of stores inviting some of loneliness – colleagues to think apparently about the hour – without thinking not the banquets.

He believed and With art and strength was reminded the well-informed that various started to soap incidents of while victory’s entrusted with now burn in their my offer to large galleries. await the day.


Manufactured as the first edition of ivh in the fall of 2012 by Bookthug. distributed in Canada by the Literary Press group: www.lpg.ca distributed in the usA by small Press distribution: www.spdbooks.org shop online at www.bookthug.ca

Book design by Michael Boughn & Victor Coleman.