646 Subpart C—Private Aircraft
§ 122.15 19 CFR Ch. I (4–1–08 Edition) § 122.15 User fee airports. Location Name (a) Permission to land. The procedures Trenton, New Jer- Trenton Mercer Airport. for obtaining permission to land at a sey. user fee airport are the same proce- Victorville, California Southern California Logistics Airport. Waterford, Michigan Oakland County International Airport. dures as those set forth in § 122.14 for Waukegan, Illinois .. Waukegan Regional Airport. landing rights airports. West Chicago, Illi- Dupage County Airport. (b) List of user fee airports. The fol- nois. Wheeling, Illinois .... Chicago Executive Airport. lowing is a list of user fee airports des- Wilmington, Ohio .... Airborne Air Park Airport. ignated by the Commissioner of Cus- Yoder, Indiana ........ Fort Wayne International Airport. toms in accordance with 19 U.S.C. 58b. Ypsilanti, Michigan Willow Run Airport. The list is subject to change without notice. Information concerning service (c) Withdrawal of designation. The des- at any user fee airport can be obtained ignation as a user fee airport shall be by calling the airport or its authority withdrawn under either of the fol- directly. lowing circumstances: (1) If either Customs or the airport Location Name authority gives 120 days written notice of termination to the other party; or Addison, Texas ...... Addison Airport. Ardmore, Oklahoma Ardmore Industrial Airpark. (2) If any amounts due to be paid to Bakersfield, Cali- Meadows Field Airport. Customs are not paid on a timely basis. fornia. Bedford, Massachu- L.G. Hanscom Field. [T.D. 92–90, 57 FR 43397, Sept. 21, 1992, as setts. amended by T.D. 93–32, 58 FR 25933, Apr.
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