


Monday, 10 July 2006, at 15.00 and Tuesday, 11 July 2006, at 9.00

ASP A1G-2 rue Wiertz BRUSSELS


1. Adoption of draft agenda1 PE 376.435 FdR 622944

2. Approval of minutes PE 374.136 - 24 - 25 April 2006 FdR 615199

3. Chairman's announcements

4. Any other business

In the presence of the European Commission

5. Report on the Fact-finding mission to Malta (9 - 12 May 2006) PE 374.415 - adoption FdR DT/619183

A. Petitions for discussion in committee on the basis of the Commission's written reply


6. N° 925/2005 by Francois-Valéry Moneaux (Belgian) concerning the PE 374.220 illegal hunting of birds in Cyprus FdR 615994

7. Report on the Fact-finding mission to (25 - 28 June 2006) PE ______3-07-2006 FINAL / SP OJ\622944EN 1/11 PE 376.435 FdR DT/ N° 504/2004 by Inés Sabanés Nadal (Spanish), on behalf of the Madrid Municipal ‘Izquierda Unida’, on the environmental impact of proposed PE 357.170 work on the M30 motorway in Madrid FdR 561886

N° 788/2005 by Belen Gómez Alfonso (Spanish), on behalf of the 'Afectados Nudo Sur', concerning the environmental impact of the M30 motorway in Madrid

N° 838/2005 by Samuel Martin-Sosa Rodriguez (Spanish), on behalf of 'Ecologists in Action', on the environmental impact of projected work on the M30 motorway in Madrid

8. N° 1079/2003 by Carlo Oldani and five co-signatures, (Italian), on PE 357.724/REV. behalf of the coordinating committee opposing the Ticino Park and FdR 612098 South Milan Agricultural Park bypass on opposing a projected motorway infrastructure infringing European environmental impact and public works transparency legislation

9. N° 546/2005 by Julietta Clancy (Irish), on behalf of Meath PE 362.788 Archaeological and Historical Society, bearing 2 signatures, on FdR 602230 protest against a new M3 motorway in Ireland.

N° 723/2005 by Kim Montia (British) concerning the Tara Valley motorway in Northern Ireland

10. N° 577/2005 by Eva Perez Francisco (Spanish), on behalf of the PE 372.072 ‘Vecinos Mediterrania-Grao’ Association, on a planning change to the FdR 610628 layout of a projected park situated in a protected coastal area and receiving Community funding

11. N° 1277/2003 by Margaret Pryke (British), bearing 4300 signatures on PE 357.164/REV. unauthorised lorry parking FdR 612178

12. N° 437/2001 by Mr José Antonio Muñoz Grau (Spanish), on behalf of PE 313.911/REV. IV the ‘Asociación Comisión Pro-Río’, on of the Segura FdR 609767 river in the Murcia region

N° 1026/2002, by Mr Pedro Marset Campos, (Spanish), on the constant and unremitting pollution of the Segura river and, consequently, the network of irrigation channels connected to it

13. N° 1161/2003 by Bernard Robles Marin (Spanish), on behalf of the PE 365.126/REV. 'Caralluma' Alternative Wildlife Defence Association, on pollution of FdR 615804 the river Alhárabe in Murcia, Spain

PE 2/11 OJ\ 14. N° 873/2004 by Concepción Dominguez Prats (Spanish) on an PE 374.223 environmental threat to the Cambrones river (Segovia) FdR 616044

15. N° 962/2004 by Thanos Kafkalidis (Greek), concerning environmental PE 362.785/REV. II pollution in Corfu. FdR 614491

16. N° 770/2004 by Frantisek Brychta (Czech) concerning a leaking sewer PE 374.227 in Moravské Budějovice in the Czech Republic FdR 616083

17. N° 45/2005 by Roger Abiven (French), on behalf of the association PE 372.034 ‘Agir pour l’Environnement et le Développment durable’ (Action for the FdR 610350 Environment and Sustainable Development), onprotection of waterways in northern Finistère

18. N° 801/2005 by Sergio Mantovani (Italian), on behalf of the 'Insieme PE 374.210 per Borgo Roma-Verona' Committee, bearing 11 signatures, concerning FdR 615971 the deterioration of an urban residential area caused by overbuilding and atmospheric pollution

19. N° 612/2004 by Adam Bedkowski (Polish) on biodiversity protection PE 357.721/REV. II in Poland. FdR 615726

20. N° 779/2005 by Adam Bohdan (Polish), on behalf of 'Pracownia na PE rzecz wszystkich Istot - Oddział Podlaski', bearing 38 signatures, on the FdR projected 'Via Baltica'

N° 845/2005 by Agnieska Morzyk (Polish), and 2 co-signatories, on the projected 'Via Baltica'

N° 190/2006 by Michal Szyszka (Polish) concerning the projected 'Via Baltica'

N° 294/2006 by Joanna Frackiewicz (Polish), on the projected 'Via Baltica'

Freedom of movement

21. N° 288/2005 by Arkadiusz Seliga (Polish), concerning credit transfers PE 372.041 between Germany and Poland FdR 610357 at around 5.30 p.m.

22. Coordinators' meeting

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Tuesday, 11 July 2005, at 9 a.m.

23. Chairman's announcements concerning coordinators' decisions

24. Opinion on the draft general budget of the European Union for the PE 376.335 financial year 2007 - Section VIII (A) European ombudsman FdR 621425 (2006/2018B (BUD)) Rapporteur : DOBOLYI (PSE) - examination

25. Report on the Annual report on the activities of the European PE 374.250 ombudsman for the year 2005 FdR 616573 (2006/2117 (INI)) Rapporteur : SCHWAB (PPE) - examination of a draft report


26. N° L-10/2005 by Suitupe Kiritome (Kiribatian), on Britain's alleged PE failure to implement provisions of Directive 96/29 EURATOM in FdR relation to survivors of the indigenous population of Christmas Island affected by nuclear tests conducted in 1957 and 1958

27. N° 703/2004 by Frank Stumpf (German), on behalf of the municipality PE 364.839 of Naila, concerning damage to health caused by radiation from mobile FdR 586270 telephony base stations

and N° 704/2004 by Roland Kwieder (German) concerning damage to health caused by radiation from mobile telephony base stations

N° 917/2004 by Dieter Frank (German), on behalf of the PE 372.008 municipality of Schwarzenbach am Wald, concerning health hazards FdR 610318 caused by radiation from cellular phone base stations

N° 921/2004 by Klaus Adelt (German), on behalf of the Selbitz

PE 4/11 OJ\ municipal authorities, concerning the health hazards caused by PE 370.035 radiation from cellular phone base stations FdR 602050

N° 9/2005, by Volker Heil (German) on behalf of the town of Homburg, on the harmful effects of radiation from mobile phone PE 372.033 installations FdR 610349

28. N° 1149/2003 by Robert William Henry (British) on behalf of PE 346.830 'AMP'('Against More Pylons/ Alternative Means of Power'), bearing 5 FdR 536479 signatures on planning permission for an electricity line

29. N° 202/2003 by Constanze Krehl, Stephen Hughes and Rolf Linkohr PE 337.339/REV. IV (German, British and German), on behalf of Collectif des Associations FdR 610740 contre la ligne T.H.T 400 000 Volts dans le Parc Naturel Régional du Verdon, on the proposed 400 000 V electricity supply cable

30. (N° 856/2005 by Sagrario Heres Sedeño (Spanish), on behalf of 'Pro PE 374.218 Santamaría de Grado’ citizens action group, on the construction of a FdR 615993 transformer plant over an area of 40 000 m2 and routing of high voltage cables through the municipality of Grado in ) (POSTPONED TO SEPTEMBER ! at petitioner's request)

31. N° 363/2004 by Corrado Gallico (Italian) on construction of large gas PE 355.390/REV. II turbine plants FdR 617706

32. PE 372.138 N° 369/2005 by Gerhard Brenner (German), on the breaching of EU FdR 612043 limit values for dust particles in German cities N° 437/2005 by Axel Napolitano (German), on fine dust in German cities exceeding EU limit vales

33. N° 183/2004 by the Grefacsa Anti-Incinerator Citizens Action Group PE 370.056/REV. (Spanish), on the disposal of animal FdR 615.888

34. N° 722/2004, by Sabine Scharf (German) concerning the disposal of PE 372.030 dead pet animals and the disregard shown by the Germany authorities for FdR 610346 the relevant provisions of Regulation (EC) No. 1774/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down health rules concerning animal by-products not intended for human consumption

35. N° 468/2005 by José Antonio Gómez Sampietro (Spanish), concerning PE 372.089 the danger of epizootic diseases and treatment of animals in abattoirs FdR 610650

Social Affairs ______3-07-2006 FINAL / SP OJ\622944EN 5/11 PE 376.435 36. N° 548/2005 by George Pace-Balzan (Maltese), on discrimination on PE 374.003 grounds of nationality in connection with his disabilitypension from the FdR 613159 British Army

37. N° 826/2001 by Christian Monatte (French), on alleged sex-based PE 317.284/REV. IV discrimination FdR 612757

38. N° 383/2005 by Mrs Marie Kavanagh (Irish), on pension rights in PE 372.048 Ireland FdR 610364

39. N° 655/2005 by Brigitte van Nahuys (German) concerning the PE 372.077 withdrawal of her Dutch survivor’s pension when she reaches the age of FdR 610635 65

40. N° 668/2005 by Justo Artaraz Zuloaga (Spanish), concerning Council PE 374.205 Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 of 14 June 1971 on the application of FdR 615.965 social securityschemes to employed persons and to members of their families moving within the Community

41. N° 930/2002 by Maria Hortatou (Greek) on behalf of the OPAP AE PE 337.307/REV. Guild of Contract Workers, on the non-conversion of fixed-term work FdR 609.869 contracts to open-ended contracts

N° 233/2003, by Christos Polyzogopoulos (Greek) on behalf of the PE 339.418/REV. II General Confederation of Greek Workers (GSEE), and one co-signatory FdR 610742 on non-compliance by Greece with Council Directive 1999/70/EC of 28 June 1999 concerning the framework agreement on fixed-term work concluded by ETUC, UNICE and CEEP

N° 336/2003, by Spyros Provotas (Greek) on Council Directive PE 341.522/REV. II 1999/70/EC concerning the framework agreement on fixed-term work FdR 610743

N° 669/2003 Dimitrios Gousidis (Greek), on behalf of the Journalists PE 346.821/REV. II Union of Macedonia and Thrace Daily Newspapers and one co-signatory FdR 610745 on the conditions of recruitment of ERT (Greek radio and TV) journalists

N° 296/2004 by Irini Savvidou (Greek), on behalf of Veria Municipal PE 355.655/REV. Association of Staff Employed under Local Contracts (‘Somatio FdR 612109 Ergazomenon sta Topika Simfona Apascholisis Dimou Verias’) and one co-signatory, concerning alleged abuse of the system of recruitment under temporary contracts

N° 356/2004 by Dimitrios Papadinas (Greek) on alleged abuse of fixed- PE 355.657/REV. term recruitment contracts FdR 560902

PE 6/11 OJ\ 42. N° 460/2005 by Eleni Dimakopoulou (Greek), bearing 2 signatures, on PE 372.054 non-compliance by Greece with Council Directive 1999/70/EC FdR 610370 concerning the framework agreement on fixed-term work concluded by ETUC, UNICE and CEEP

N° 665/2005 by Anastasia Petala (Greek), concerning the failure of PE 372.079 Greece to implement properly Council Directive 1999/70/EC concerning FdR 610638 the framework agreement on fixed term work concluded by ETUC, UNICE and CEEP

43. N° 280/2005 by Uwe Piepschyk (German), concerning his application PE 372.040 for an occupational pension FdR 610356

44. N° 439/2005 by A. A.-A. (Greek), on her dissatisfaction with an PE 372.053 assessment report from her employer and alleged discrimination FdR 610369


45. N° 517/2005 by Iwailo Schmidt (German), on the devaluation of the PE 372.068 profession of Heilpraktiker (alternative non-medical practitioner) by FdR 610.623 implementation of EU legislation


46. N° 105/2005 by David Brenner (Austrian), on behalf of the Salzburg PE 372.038 SPÖ association, on the cross-border enforcement of penalties for FdR 610354 speeding in Europe

47. N° 281/2005 by Thomas Schwindkowski (German), on an EU driving PE 374.286 licence FdR 617109

48. N° 866/2004, by Maria Isabel Afreixo (Portuguese), on Portugal's PE 367.718/REV. restrictive abortion laws and initiatives by the 'Women on Waves' FdR 612182 organisation

49. N° 506/2005 by Lubomir Polásek (Czech), on the alleged forcible PE 372.065 taking into care and mistreatment of children in the Czech Republic FdR 610618

50. N° 823/2003 by Rosie Kane (British), on behalf of the Scottish Socialist PE 372.025 Party, on respect for human rights in the Dungavel Immigration FdR 610338 Detention Centre (Scotland)

Freedom of movement

______3-07-2006 FINAL / SP OJ\622944EN 7/11 PE 376.435 51. N° 464/2004 by Peter Crevecoeur (Dutch) concerning passports for PE 372.028 horses FdR 610342

52. N° 625/2004 by Håkan Krantz (Swedish) on the Swedish lottery law PE 362.442/REV. and its compliance with the principles of Community law concerning FdR 617707 freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services

53. N° 637/2005 by Sylvie Sobral (French), concerning alleged obstruction PE 374.293 of freedom of movement within the Union arising from the cumbersome FdR 617116 bureaucracy involved in obtaining exemption from Portuguese registration tax on an imported vehicle

54. N° 450/2005 by N. Sarlui (Dutch), on satellite dishes and the free PE 374.290 movement of services FdR 617113

55. N° 658/2005 by Daniel Mahmut Oeser (German) concerning a legal PE 372.078 dispute regarding the installation of a television satellite dish FdR 610637

Consumers' rights

56. N° 725/2004, by Otwin Schneider (German) on procedures for the PE 372.031 revocation of purchase contracts for vehicles withdrawn because of FdR 610347 defects

57. N° 424/2005 by Mrs Béla Antalfalvi (Hungarian), on the misleading PE 372.050 of the “CSÉB-Évgyűrű” family life and accident insurance policy FdR 610366 and on non-compliance with the terms of the insurance policy

B. Petitions which it is proposed to close in the light of the Commission's written reply

58. N° 815/2002, by Dierk Stelzer (German) on European procurement law PE 335.762/REV. IV FdR 609777

59. N° 1260/2002 by Petra Wieczorek (German) on vaccination policy not PE 372.023 based on scientific evidence FdR 610336

60. N° 1332/2002, by Martina and Jürgen Gerlach, (German), on the ill- PE 372.024 treatment and killing of greyhounds in Spain FdR 610337

PE 8/11 OJ\ 61. N° 629/2003 by Bonifacio Martín Hoyos (Spanish) on slaughter of his PE 374.189 sheep and difficulties in obtaining compensation FdR 615945

62. N° 42/2004 by Isabelle Sahagun (French) concerning a border crossing PE 372.026 tax levied by the German customs authorities FdR 610339

63. N° 85/2004 by Alexander Rabitsch (Austrian), on the of PE 372.027 animals FdR 610341

64. N° 400/2004, by Kiriakos Michailidis (Greek), on behalf of the local PE 357.169/REV. II authority in Dimitrios Ipsilanti, on the emission of toxic substances FdR 616829 from the DEI (Greek public-sector power company) power stations in the region of Kozani and,

N° 401/2004, by Kiriakos Tsanktsidis (Greek), on behalf of the local authority of Ellispontos, on the emission of toxic substances from the DEI (Greek public-sector power company) power station in Agios Dimitrios Kozanis

65. N° 569/2004 by Raúl Palacio Portillo (Spanish), on behalf of the PE 362.540/REV. ‘Associación Karrantza Naturala’, on the unfavourable impact ofa wind FdR 615932 energy park in Karrantza in the Basque country

66. N° 648/2004 by Karl Wüpping (German), on behalf of the ‘CF PE 374.190 Cystische Fibrose-Mukoviszidose e.V.’ parents action group, on FdR 615946 assistance for mucovisidosis sufferers and their dependants

67. N° 719/2004 by Josef Demmel (German), on behalf of the ‘Miesbacher PE 372.029 Haberfeldtreiber journal’, concerning trade in milk reference quantities FdR 610345

68. N° 846/2004 by Sam McMahon (British), on the infection of PE 372.032 haemophiliacs through contaminated blood products FdR 610348

69. N° 918/2004 by Hans-Jürgen Schulz (German) on excessive fees for PE 374.192 entry in the Berlin Trade Register of the subsidiary of a limited company FdR 615948 registered in the United Kingdom

70. N° 66/2005 by Eckhard Brünger (German), on failure by the German PE 370.010/REV. family benefit authority (Familienkasse) to recognise a doctor’s FdR 615934 certificate issued by the Finnish health authorities

71. N° 107/2005 by Jörg Hensel (German), on alleged discrimination PE 374.194 because of his personal convictions and infringement in the connection FdR 615950 of Directive 78/2000/EC establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation

______3-07-2006 FINAL / SP OJ\622944EN 9/11 PE 376.435 72. N° 124/2005 by Alexander MacPherson (Scottish), on the increasing PE 372.039 number of cancer cases in his hometown FdR 610355

73. N° 230/2005 by Mariano Chaves Nuñez (Spanish) on the calculation of PE 374.195 his pension entitlements by the Spanish INNS social security authority FdR 615952 and unfair treatment as a migrant worker

74. N° 306/2005 by Andrew Gray (British), on the Food Supplements PE 372.043 Directive FdR 610359

75. N° 373/2005 by Joachim Tjaden (German), on behalf of the Citizens’ PE 372.046 Initiative Against the JadeWeserPort, on a public invitation to tender for FdR 610362 the award of an operating concession for a port terminal

76. N° 432/2005 by Josef Auerbach (German) concerning warnings on PE 372.051 cigarette packs FdR 610367

77. N° 459/2005 by Tereza Afrataiou (Greek), on actions of the Romanian PE 374.200 authorities in halting adoptions FdR 615960

78. N° 518/2005 by Brigitte Höpfner (German), on noise and exhaust PE 374.201 pollution from Polish diesel locomotives in a German railway station FdR 615961

79. N° 611/2005 by Oisin Jones-Dillon (Irish), on banking charges for PE 372.074 credit transfers FdR 610631

80. N° 694/2005 by Graham Allen Green (British), on the Food PE 374.206 Supplements Directive FdR 615966

81. N° 706/2005 by Guido Goffi (Italian) concerning CAP premiums for PE 374.207 2004 FdR 615967

82. N° 795/2005 by Antonio Capuro Carabe (Spanish), on calculation of PE 374.209 pension entitlements in Spain FdR 615969

83. N° 882/2005 by Victor Rafael Mascarell Mascarell (Spanish), on behalf PE 374.213 of the ‘Asociación de Entitades de Caza de la Comunidad Valenciana’, FdR 615978 Valencian Hunting Lobby, seeking an amendment to EU provisions regarding a standard passport for transport within the Community of dogs, cats and ferrets

84. N° 900/2005 by Siegfried Böhm (German), concerning the benefits of PE 374.215 food supplements FdR 615990

85. PE 374.216 N° 914/2005 by Chariklia Bekiri (Greek) concerning pollution FdR 615991 caused by lime kilns

PE 10/11 OJ\ 86. N° 949/2005 by Michail Ionnidis (Cypriot) concerning his problems PE 374.221 with the Cyprus Popular Bank FdR 615995

87. N° 958/2005 by Dimitris Tsipidis (Greek) concerning payment of TV PE 374.222 and radio licence fees incorporated in electricity bills FdR 615996

o O o

88. Date and place of next meeting2

1. In accordance with the committee’s decision of 30 September 1997, on the basis of working document PE 223.544, items in sections B and C of the draft agenda will not be discussed during the current meeting. However any member may ask before the end of the meeting for an item in section B or section C to be moved to section A; it will then be automatically included in section A for discussion at a subsequent meeting.

2. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 13 September 2006 , at 3 p.m. and Thursday, 14 September 2006, at 9 a.m. in Brussels.

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