ASSESMENT OF THE SOCIAL SUMMIT FOR CLIMATE POSSIBLE LEARNINGS FOR FUTURE EVENTS Report: Javier de la Casa & Samuel Sosa-Martínez Traduction: Camino Villanueva & Javier Gonzalez (Traductores en Acción) ECOLOGISTAS EN ACCIÓN C/ Marques de Leganés 12, 28004 Madrid TEL. 915312739 FAX. 915312611 www.ecologistasenacció Contact us:
[email protected] April 2020 CONTENT PROLOGUE 4 CONTEXT OF THE COP25 (CHILE-MADRID) 5 CALL FOR THE SOCIAL SUMMIT FOR CLIMATE 6 ORGANISATION 8 TASK FORCES AND DECISION MAKING 8 INTERNATIONAL COORDINATION 10 FUNDING 11 ACTIVITIES OF THE SOCIAL SUMMIT FOR CLIMATE 12 SPACES AND ACTIVITIES 12 PROTEST 13 PARALLEL ACTIONS 14 SURVEY ON THE SOCIAL SUMMIT FOR CLIMATE 14 INTRODUCTION AND METHODOLOGY 14 RESULTS OF THE INDIVIDUAL EVALUATION 15 RESULTS OF THE GROUPS’ EVALUATION 22 LESSONS LEARNED 26 FINAL CONSIDERATIONS 27 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 28 ADDITIONAL RESOURCES 28 ANNEXES 31 3 PROLOGUE We have brought our message of environmental protection and social justice to this process for years. We have shown our solutions and we now wonder: are they really listening to us? Taily Terena, Continental Network of Indigenous Women of the Americas (ECMIA) and the Terena nation of Brazil The purpose of this document is to evaluate the Social Summit for Climate (hereinafter know as the SSC), an event created by the civil society in the form of internationally-coordi- nated social movements in response to the COP25 Chile-Madrid. The goal of this evaluation is to provide strategic support for the formation of similar movements. For this reason, it includes a description of the activities that took place under the SSC and its organisational model.