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PRIMEPRIME MINISTERMINISTERTHE NEWSLETTER FROM THE OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER www.zimbabweprimeminister.org 19 August 2010 SADC sets roadmap to elections

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) has acknowledged the impasse in the implementation of the Global 3ROLWLFDO$JUHHPHQW  *3$  LQ =LPEDEZH DQG HQGRUVHG DQ H[LW strategy by the Facilitator, South African President Jacob Zuma, to the Organ Troika on Politics, Defence and Security, which outlines a roadmap to a free, fair and credible election.

In his report, which was adopted by the Troika and by the SADC Summit, President Zuma said Zimbabwe’s political parties should ¿QG³DQXQLQWHUUXSWHGSDWKWRZDUGVIUHHDQGIDLUHOHFWLRQVDQGWKH removal of impediments as and when they arise”.

“The Troika should persuade SADC to help Zimbabwe to draw up guidelines for a free and fair election, where intimidation and violence would not play any part and where the result of such elections would be credible,” said President Zuma.

Key to the election roadmap is the direction to the signatories of the GPA to resolve all outstanding issues within 30 days. The SADC Organ Troika on Politics, Defence and Security committed itself to assisting the political parties to meet this goal within the set timeframe.

The SADC Troika, which is chaired by President Armando Guebuza of Mozambique, met in Windhoek ahead of the 30th SADC summit that began in the Namibian capital on Monday and received a report from President Jacob Zuma.

The meeting was also attended by the Principals to the GPA, Prime Minister , his Deputy and President Robert Mugabe. The negotiators from Zimbabwe’s three political parties also attended the meeting.

President Zuma encouraged the Troika to work with the parties to ensure that the outstanding issues are resolved in order to facilitate progress towards rebuilding the country. He also committed himself to return to Harare to ensure that the deadline is met.

Addressing a press conference yesterday, MDC secretary general , who is also Finance Minister, said: “The Facilitator (President Zuma)’s report and recommendations were adopted E\ WKH 6XPPLW :H QRZ ORRN IRUZDUG WR WKH H[HFXWLRQ RI WKLV roadmap by SADC, by the Organ Troika and indeed by the parties in Zimbabwe. This is important to ensure that legitimacy is restored in Zimbabwe and that the people’s quest for real change is Tendai Biti, MDC secretary general achieved,” said Biti. ,WZDVQRWHGWKDWWKHWHUPRIWKH3URYLQFLDO*RYHUQRUVH[SLUHGRQ President Mugabe, who has in the past year refused to implement Issues outstanding from the GPA include the unilateral 31st July and therefore, according to the country’s Constitution, new the agreed positions and condoned violations of the GPA, was appointments of the Attorney General Johannes Tomana, Reserve appointments can only be made after consultation and agreement JLYHQRQHPRQWKWRIXO¿OOWKH$JUHHPHQW Bank of Zimbabwe Governor Gideon Gono and Roy Bennett as between Prime Minister Tsvangirai and President Mugabe. Deputy Minister of Agriculture. Mugabe has refused to swear in Senator Bennett, saying that he must be cleared of terrorism charges by the courts. Although Bennett was acquitted in May, Mugabe has since refused to swear him in.

SADC, the guarantors of the GPA, offered to provide guidance and Tribunal still under probe material support to ensure the country holds free and fair elections. In addition to resolving the outstanding issues, the other key The SADC summit which ended in Windhoek on Tuesday government is in contempt. But still Chinamasa and President elements to the election roadmap include the completion of the failed to bring about a clear resolution on the legitimacy Mugabe have publicly declared that the resolutions of the constitution-making process, the holding of the referendum and Tribunal are “null and void”. of the body´s Tribunal, which is also situated in the ensuring that concrete steps are taken to create conditions for Namibian capital. The failure of the summit to address the issue could threaten elections that are free, fair, credible, legitimate and violence free. the credibility of the block, said Kallie Kriel from the South A respective report by the Justice Ministers of all the member African rights group AfriForum. “The rule of law in the The SADC position on elections was at variance with the stance states has not been completed in time. Instead of being SADC countries depends on this,” he said. adopted by Deputy Prime Minister Mutambara and his party who presented at the summit which ended yesterday, the issue of H[SUHVVHG WKDW WKH FRXQWU\ VKRXOG PRYH WRZDUGV HOHFWLRQV ODWHU the Tribunal might now only be addressed at the following “If the rulings of SADC institutions are not adhered to, the rather earlier. full summit in 2011. credibility of SADC itself is at risk.” In South Africa, the rulings of the Tribunal have already been registered in the Past elections have been marred by violence with the Movement for This means that Zimbabwe, to the disappointment of many courts and are therefore binding. Democratic Change (MDC) saying more than 200 of its members stakeholders, cannot be forced to comply with the rulings of $MXGJHRIWKH6$'&7ULEXQDOVWDWHGEHIRUHWKDW&KLQDPDVDV were killed in the run up to the June 2008 event. the Tribunal, which has on several occasions ruled against argument is misleading. Whereas the Justice Minister claims the Government. Justice Minister has WKDWRQO\¿YHRIWKHPHPEHUVWDWHVKDYHUDWL¿HGDSURWRFRO Minister Biti said violence is a “disenfranchising instrument and repeatedly claimed that Zimbabwe is not bound by the for the implementation of the Tribunal, the Malawian Judge is unacceptable”. 7ULEXQDOVUXOLQJVDVLWKDVQRWUDWL¿HGWKHMXGLFLDOERG\ Charles Mkandawire, also registrar of the Tribunal, stated WKDW WKLV ZDV QRW QHFHVVDU\ DW DOO DV WKH UDWL¿FDWLRQ RI WKH “We are happy to note that the Facilitator talks to the issue of In 2008, the Tribunal, in a landmark decision, ordered the 6$'&7UHDW\ZDVVXI¿FLHQW violence in his report. We also hope that mechanisms will be put Zimbabwean government to compensate owners for the in place to deal with the issue of violence before and after the farms that were seized and to protect the farmers’ rights to 7KH6$'&7UHDW\ZDVUDWL¿HGLQLQDQQH[XUHV elections,” said Biti. to the Treaty have been agreed on, and a year later the their land. It furthermore said the land reform programme SADC Tribunal was made an integral part of the Treaty. was discriminating as only Whites have been targeted. According to Mkandawire, this did not require for another SADC also established a regional re-engagement committee made IRUPDO UDWL¿FDWLRQ 6XUSULVLQJO\ =LPEDEZH KDV DOWKRXJK up of the Chairperson of SADC, Chairperson of the Troika and All these orders have all been ignored in Zimbabwe, leading it disregards the Tribunal, initially sent an own Judge to the Facilitator to assist Zimbabwe in its re-engagement with the to the Tribunal consequently ruling three times that the the panel. international community for normalisation of relations.

See President Zuma’s full report on Page 4 Women should drive own destiny – Khupe

Deputy Prime Minister Thokozani Khupe has urged women to be honest, assertive and to have respect for each other for them to take charge of their destiny, as well as make an impact in business and politics.

Despite being the biggest contributors to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Zimbabwe, women still lag behind in terms of business and political leadership.

Addressing a 20-member women’s delegation from Namibia, the Forum For the Future group, DPM Khupe said the time had come for women to position themselves for economic empowerment.

“My passion is to help women, I want women to take charge of their destiny. Here in Zimbabwe, ZRPHQFRQVWLWXWHSHUFHQWRIWKHSRSXODWLRQ they work ten times harder than men and they contribute more than 80 percent of the Gross Domestic Product of our country,” said Khupe.

“But at the end of the day we (women) do not have anything, we do not own anything. :H DUH MXVW KDUG ZRUNHUV $V ZRPHQ ZH DUH saying enough is enough. It is high time we '307KRNR]DQL.KXSHÀDQNHGE\PHPEHUVRID1DPLELDQwomen’s delegation take charge, by making sure that women are deliver real change and make the country prosper come to Zimbabwe because we have so much in Tusnelda Simpson, one of the participants empowered economically.” again,” she said. common with your country. The purpose of the praised DPM’s words, saying they had been YLVLWLVWROHDUQDQGWRJHWH[SHULHQFHIURPRXU inspired by the DPM. While it is easy for men to enter and establish The leader of the Namibian group, Kambanda counterparts, and we will also tell you something themselves in the business world, Khupe Veii, said the purpose of their visit was to learn “I am going back to Namibia with a new mind. said breaking into business was a huge hassle about the situation of women in Zimbabwe. about our country,” she said. ,Q 1DPLELD LW LV GLI¿FXOW WR WDON WR D PLQLVWHU for women. because they do not have time for us. I am “Our group is from different lives, we are very The Forum For the Future group consists of civic inspired by you, Ms Khupe, because you are “We organised a women’s summit last year, passionate about women issues and we have societies, political activists, and teachers. there for the people,” said Simpson. where we invited women from different sectors such as mining, agriculture, manufacturing and ¿QDQFH:HXUJHGHDFKRWKHUWRLGHQWLI\VHFWRUV where we can do business, as we want women to be miners and farmers in their own right,” she said. Gold production up Realising the challenges women face in Zimbabwe is on course to double last year’s =LPEDEZHSURGXFHGWRQQHVRIJROGLQ Robert Mugabe last year, some mines accessing capital for setting up business, Khupe gold output after producing 4.03 tonnes in the and the Chamber of Mines says gold output have re-opened while some have said she came up with an idea of a women’s bank ¿UVWKDOIRIWKLV\HDU for 2010 could be higher than the initially increased production. that would lend money to women who want to SURMHFWHGWRQQHV start their own businesses. The Chamber of Mines said in a statement The mining chamber has set a production RQ 7XHVGD\ WKDW WKH FRXQWU\ LV H[SHFWHG WR Gold production plummeted in the last decade in WDUJHWRIWRQQHVRYHUWKHQH[W¿YH\HDUV “Right now we are working on a women’s bank OLJKWRIK\SHULQÀDWLRQWKDWUHDFKHGELOOLRQ but fears of frequent power cuts could cut produce 8.047 tonnes of gold this year, almost percent in 2008 while some mines closed shop back the production forecast. which is going to be owned by women. The GRXEOHODVW\HDU¶VWRQQHV loans offered by the bank will be collateral free,” citing an unfriendly business environment. she added. The chamber says that empowerment ³%DVHG RQ VL[ PRQWKV¶ SURGXFWLRQ FXUUHQW But since Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai laws which seek to transfer control of SURMHFWLRQIRU WKH \HDU LV  WRQQHV´ WKH ³:RPHQDUHXQDEOHWRJRWR¿QDQFLDOLQVWLWXWLRQV formed the transitional Government with IRUHLJQRZQHG ¿UPV WR ORFDOV FRXOG DOVR Chamber of Mines said in a statement. his deputy Arthur Mutambara and President hamper production. and ask for money because they want collateral which the women do not have. Statistics have shown that if you lend money to women they will work and produce. Two years ago, when things were tight in Zimbabwe, women crossed borders to bring food, we want to make sure that those women are able to grow their ventures.” Press still under pressure

DPM Khupe said women participation in politics =LPEDEZH KDV PDQDJHG WR FOLPE XS ¿YH more than a year ago. Up until today, was pathetic because they did not have money to positions in the 2010 Press Freedom rankings. elements in the administration lobby a ¿QDQFHWKHULJRURXVFDPSDLJQV However, press freedom in Zimbabwe is State-controlled media, and have done still the lowest in the SADC region, despite little to reprimand the State media for “The reason why women are unable to participate attempts by Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai there often defamatory reporting. Latest politically is because we are not economically to foster the crucial human right since the incident was the move of State broadcaster empowered, our situation politically is bad. formation of the transitional Government. =%& WR SOD\ =$18 3) SDUWLVDQ MLQJOHV LQ At the moment we have a constitution making their programme. SURFHVV DQG ZH GHPDQG  SHUFHQW ZRPHQ +ROGLQJ SRVLWLRQ  RXW RI  LQ WKH representation at all levels,” she added. 2010 Press Freedom ranking by watchdog However, slight efforts have been made. Freedom House, Zimbabwe only hardly made Journalists can obtain accreditation by now; “Where laws are made women must be it out of the bottom ten. Sadly, the country however, they still see themselves confronted represented because if we remain in the is still ranked lower than nations such as with outrageous fees. Some independent outskirts nothing will happen to us, it is high Afghanistan, Sudan and Syria, and shares the newspapers now have licences, but time we occupy those positions and make sure 181st position with Somalia. the broadcast space remains closed to we utilize that chance for the future of our independent radio. children because if you invest in one woman Deputy Minister of Information, Murisi you have invested in the entire nation,” added =ZL]ZDLFDOOHGWKH¿JXUHV³HPEDUUDVVLQJ´ Loughty Dube, Media Institute of Southern DPM Khupe. Africa Zimbabwe Chapter chairman, ³,W LV HPEDUUDVVLQJ WR ¿QG RXUVHOYHV EDGO\ critisised that the same repressive laws that She said it was not good to have “a situation rated considering that we are ranked high in have governed and restricted the media in the where women are always asking for resources Africa in terms of literacy rate. The signing past are still in place. He therefore demanded because once you have money you can RIWKH*3$DQGIXO¿OOPHQWVRIDJUHHGLVVXHV for the Public Order and Security Act (POSA) participate politically, socially and economically, Deputy Minister of Information, Murisi Zwizwai is a window that we need to take advantage and the Access to Information and Protection without any problems that is why we want a of to remedy ourselves as a sovereign State. SURYLVLRQV IRU IUHHGRP RI H[SUHVVLRQ of Privacy Act (AIPPA) to be fully repealed. women bank”. It is disheartening that there is unnecessary RI¿FLDOV GLVSOD\ DQ RSHQO\ KRVWLOH DWWLWXGH Otherwise, so Dube, there will be no free To ensure that women improve their mastery in chameleonic caution around the opening towards media freedom, and a draconian media in Zimbabwe. business issues, DPM Khupe said she had also RI DLUZDYHV IUHHGRP RI H[SUHVVLRQ DQG legislative framework continues to effectively VSHDUKHDGHG WKH GHYHORSPHQW RI D ¿QDQFLDO repealing of AIPPA. A lot still needs to be LQKLELW WKH DFWLYLWLHV RI MRXUQDOLVWV DQG The Freedom House survey does furthermore interest module “where women will have to done,” said Zwizwai. media outlets.” not paint a great picture of Southern Africa at undergo training so they understand more DOO )RU WKH ¿UVW WLPH VLQFH  WKH PHGLD about business”. The module, she said, will be 7KH LQGH[ UDWHV WKH OHYHO RI SUHVV IUHHGRP 7KH RI¿FLDO UDQNLQJ LV D FOHDU LQGLFDWRU RI in none of the states in the SADC region is launched in two weeks time. from “free” to “partly free” to “not WKH GLI¿FXOWLHV WKH WUDQVLWLRQDO *RYHUQPHQW ranked as “free”. Even usually higher ranking free”. Freedom House comments on H[SHULHQFHV ZLWK UHJDUG WR VWLFNLQJ WR WKHLU countries as South Africa and Namibia “Zimbabwe is coming from severe turbulences Zimbabwe´s results: “Despite constitutional vows for a better media environment, made dropped tom “partly free”. and as leaders we are trying to work together to

2 COPAC goes online

The Constitutional Parliamentary Select “We sat down as Co-chairs of COPAC and agreed Committee (COPAC) has launched a website in that Sibanda must leave the constitution making D PRYH WKDW LV H[SHFWHG WR JLYH =LPEDEZHDQV process alone, we also agreed that he must leave in the Diaspora a chance to participate in the Masvingo province. It was clear to us that he was ongoing constitution making process. looking for relevance but everyone knows that he pathologically survives on lawlessness.” The website www.copac.org.zw, was launched on Tuesday by the Minister of Constitutional Mangwana also blasted Sibanda’s actions, and Parliamentary Affairs, , and saying they were against inclusivity. COPAC co-chairpersons Douglas Mwonzora and . “Whatever he is doing is not right, he should not interfere in our process, and for him to go around Speaking at the launch, Matinenga said the rubbishing Prime Minister Tsvangirai destroys website would go a long way in enhancing the spirit of inclusiveness,” said Mangwana. the participation of Zimbabweans both at home and in the Diaspora in the constitution Mangwana said he had not received violence making process. reports and intimidation in Manicaland province, EXW 0ZRQ]RUD FRQ¿UPHG UHSRUWV LQ &KLSLQJH “The website is an important tool that will enable and Nyanga. Zimbabweans in the Diaspora to contribute to the FRQVWLWXWLRQPDNLQJH[HUFLVH´VDLG0DQJZDQD “We have received reports of violence in “It will also keep local Zimbabweans informed Chipinge where some people were assaulted about the process while giving the background before the COPAC team arrived. We have taken on why the nation is embarking on this this to the political leaders of MDC and ZANU 0LQLVWHURI&RQVWLWXWLRQDODQG3DUOLDPHQWDU\$IIDLUV(ULF0DWLQHQJDÀDQNHGE\&23$&FRFKDLUSHUVRQV3DXO0DQJZDQD OHIW  LPSRUWDQWH[HUFLVH´ and Douglas Mwonzora PF with the view of solving the problems,” said Mwonzora. Among other things, Mangwana said the website the website. This site will be an interactive one In particular, Mwonzora blasted war veterans’ will have “all the information relating to the and stakeholders in the Diaspora will be able leader Jabulani Sibanda, who has been accused of “Just over the weekend seven youths under constitution, such as the talking points, thematic WRWDNHSDUWLQWKLVLPSRUWDQWQDWLRQDOH[HUFLVH intimidating and harassing people in Manicaland the leadership of Deputy Minister of Energy briefs, statistics and the GPA is available on Their contributions via the website will and Masvingo provinces. and Power Development, Hubert Nyanhongo, be considered together with those of other threatened villagers in Nyadowa, Nyanga with the site”. “Sibanda has been leading a crusade against a Zimbabweans who are locally based,” he said. SHDFHIXOSURFHVVIRUH[DPSOHKHPRYHGDURXQG D[HV )RUWXQDWHO\ WKH YLOODJHUV¶ UHSRUWHG WKH ³2Q D OLJKWHU QRWH HYHQ WKH &23$& MLQJOHV Manicaland and Masvingo intimidating villagers matter and the culprits were arrested,” he said. have been uploaded on the website to provide 7KHWZRFRFKDLUVKRZHYHUH[SUHVVHGFRQFHUQ to tour the ZANU PF line. He has also threatened listening and viewing pleasure,” he said. about reports of violence and intimidation in violence against villagers who did not tour his “The stance that COPAC has taken is that some areas. preferred line.” violence and lawlessness must never be 7KH ZHEVLWH LV DOVR H[SHFWHG WR HQKDQFH WKH condoned in this program and Zimbabweans organisation’s engagement with its stakeholders “As COPAC we want to maintain the spirit of Mwonzora said following Sibanda’s threats must give their contributions in full freedom. against Prime Minister Tsvangirai, a decision since they will have a platform for giving inclusiveness with which we have carried our had been made for him to leave Masvingo. We have since referred the cases to JOMIC and and getting feedback on the constitution programme. I am grateful to the co-chairs for the police and we urge the police to act swiftly making process. fostering the spirit of togetherness, however, we “Sibanda has also been spreading hate against lawlessness. The current impression have noticed that there are elements who want to language against principals of the GPA, in that some people are above the law must now “People will also be able to give their responses destroy the process by introducing violence and particular, against Prime Minister Tsvangirai,” be corrected by action on the part of the police,” in the questionnaires that are accessible through intimidation,” Mwonzora said. said Mwonzora. he said.

Constitution Making – learning from other countries The constitution making process in Zimbabwe After the gazetting of the draft constitution, its UWIANO, which means cohesion in Kiswahili, To enable as many Kenyans as possible to continues to face challenges but nonetheless supporters as well as its opponents waged nation- aimed to take proactive steps to prevent violence report incidents of violence or tension build- progress is being made. However, no matter wide campaigns to mobilise supporters. As the RYHU WKH UHIHUHQGXP $V D MRLQW LQLWLDWLYH up, a media campaign with messages on how problematic and slow the discussions date for the referendum drew closer there seemed 8:,$12 HQMR\HG WKH VXSSRUW RI JRYHUQPHQW national cohesion, how to report incidents, progress, the course of action is necessary good reason to fear that the violence after the 2007 local civil society and churches as well as foreign and best practices was rolled out in the print for the country’s way forward towards a elections might be repeated. donors and similar stakeholders. and electronic media. stable democracy, for which a constitution drafted based on the will of the people is In mid-June there was a bomb-blast at a rally Its basic strategy was to try and maintain UWIANO Platform for Peace held a 3-hour indispensable. held by opponents of the new constitution and peace by organising a system to get up-to-date Peace Vigil in Nairobi on the eve of the information on tensions, hate speech, incitement, WKH HQVXLQJ VWDPSHGH OHIW VL[ GHDG DQG GR]HQV constitution referendum day, as a culmination Other countries on the continent had to threats and violence throughout the country and wounded. There were also reports of hate- to relay this information to organisations in the of the peace campaigns and interventions they undergo the same process. One of the most speech and threats. Various political leaders with had been running across the country. The vigil UHFHQWH[DPSOHVLV.HQ\DZKHUHWKHVHTXHQFH best position to undertake a rapid response. followings from different ethnic groups were theme was a peaceful referendum. It brought RIHYHQWVDVZHOODVWKHH[WHQWRIYLROHQFHDQG politically polarisation turned out to be very taking different positions. 8:,$12 EXLOW RQ ([LVWLQJ 3HDFH &DPSDLJQV WRJHWKHU'LVWULFW3HDFH&RPPLWWHHVIURPWKH similar to Zimbabwe. What are the lessons and Interventions. Because of a long history of districts of Nairobi, civil society organizations, RXUFRXQWU\FDQOHDUQIURPWKHLUH[SHULHQFHV" :HHNVEHIRUHWKHDFWXDOUHIHUHQGXPOHDÀHWVZDUQHG sporadic violence in Kenya – over land settlement, community based organizations and government ethnic and political “outsiders” to leave their areas between agriculturists and pastoralists, regional agencies involved in promoting peace. National The constitution making process in Kenya before the vote or threatened communities with FRQÀLFWEDVHGRQXQIDLUGLVWULEXWLRQRIUHVRXUFHV Broadcasters supported the vigil, and besides was started over eight years ago, at the time war should the “Yes” team win. Local vigilante SROLWLFDO FRQÀLFWV H[DFHUEDWHG E\ DQG LQ WXUQ a nation-wide screened minute of silence, of transition from a virtually one party state groups, some of who were believed to have carried H[DFHUEDWLQJ HWKQLF DQG UHJLRQDO WHQVLRQV ± attendants ended the vigil with singing the to a multiparty democracy. A proposed draft out the atrocities in the post-election violence, a number of organisations had set up peace National Anthem as well as Bob Marley’s ZDVSXWWRDUHIHUHQGXPLQ$VPDQ\ were thought to be operating again. building initiatives in Kenya. “One People”. of the reform provisions of the draft had been watered down by politicians, it was The chairman of Kenya’s National Cohesion and UWIANO engaged all Kenyan peace building The efforts that were made in Kenya have UHMHFWHGIROORZLQJZLGHVSUHDGRSSRVLWLRQDQG ,QWHJUDWLRQ &RPPLVVLRQ H[SUHVVHG FRQFHUQ WKDW structures to monitor potential violence and been huge. However, although the ground share early warning information so as to civil unrest. growing tension in some parts of the country was laid, there was still no guarantee that the facilitate early intervention. Media clips – voice would undermine the upcoming referendum and and video recordings, photographs, including cohesion idea would really work. But it did. To end the crisis caused by political that there was documentary evidence of a threat of RIKDWHOHDÀHWV±DQGLQSDUWLFXODU606¶VZHUH The referendum passed off peacefully despite polarisation after the controversial results of violence as campaigns continued. the main sources of information. Through close all threats of violence. More than 72% of WKH  HOHFWLRQV DQG WKH KRUUL¿F YLROHQFH working ties with civil society organizations the population went to the ballots, election which ensued, leaving well over a thousand The potential for serious outbreaks of violence and district and community peace committees, observers declared the undertaking free dead and hundreds of thousands displaced as was real. It was obvious that action was UWIANO came up with focal point persons in and fair. internal refugees, a Government of National necessary to prevent that potential turning into every locality who would verify early warning Unity – similar to the one in Zimbabwe – was ugly reality. alerts. The peace committees, civil society and The Interim Independent Electoral set up in 2008. members of provincial administrations lined up a &RPPLVVLRQDQQRXQFHGWKH¿QDOUHIHUHQGXP This necessary action was taken in July this year. VHULHVRIPHHWLQJVLQVSHFL¿F³KRWVSRWV´ WDOO\ DV  ³


Windhoek, Namibia The leaders also brought in JOMIC to monitor some of the $XJXVW tasks indicated above.

This report covers the negotiations process and the responses 2. “That on the appointment of Provincial Governors, by the Political Principals. while agreeing on the appointment formula recommended to us by the GPA Negotiators, we have The Facilitator´s mandate was to assist the three main resolved that this matter be addressed simultaneously SROLWLFDOSDUWLHVLQ=LPEDEZHWR¿QGDODVWLQJVROXWLRQWRWKH and concurrently with the sanctions removal strategy.” SROLWLFDOFRQÀLFWLQWKDWFRXQWU\ These matters have generated some measure of controversy. ,WZDVEDVHGRQGHFLVLRQVWDNHQE\WKH6$'&([WUDRUGLQDU\ Summit in Pretoria on the 27thRI-DQXDU\DQGE\WKH The appointment of Provincial Governors has come to the fore 7URLND6XPPLWLQ0DSXWRRQWKHthRI1RYHPEHU EHFDXVHWKHWHUPRIRI¿FHRIWKHFXUUHQW*RYHUQRUVFDPHWRDQ end on the 31st July 2010. SADC Decisions: 7KH ([WUDRUGLQDU\ 6XPPLW REVHUYLQJ WKDW ³WKH SHRSOH RI We note that, in their statement of 4 August, the Principals =LPEDEZHDUHIDFHGZLWKGLI¿FXOWFKDOOHQJHVDQGVXIIHULQJ 6RXWK$IULFDQ3UHVLGHQW-DFRE=XPD reiterated their commitment of “working within all the that can only be addressed once the Inclusive Government is provisions of the GPA and to abide by the country´s laws in place”, decided as follows: The Principals met again on the 4th of August 2010 and produced LQ SDUWLFXODU WKRVH SURYLVLRQV UHÀHFWHG LQ &RQVWLWXWLRQ 1. The parties shall endeavour to cause to DQ LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ PDWUL[ UHJDUGLQJ WKRVH PDWWHUV WKH\ KDG $PHQGPHQW1XPEHU´ SDVV WKH &RQVWLWXWLRQDO $PHQGPHQW  E\ agreed upon. )HEUXDU\ ,QYLHZRIWKLVLWVKRXOGEHSRVVLEOHWR¿QGDZD\IRUZDUGRQ 2. The Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Ministers Thery have also agreed to a statement setting out items agreed those matters, with some sense of urgency, in a spirit of give VKDOOEHVZRUQLQRQ)HEUXDU\ upon and items not resolved. and take. 3. The Ministers and Deputy Ministers shall be VZRUQ LQ RQ  )HEUXDU\  ZKLFK ZLOO The negotiations process enabled the Inclusive Government Road ahead include the process of the formation of the to take steps to establish a variety of Commissions, which It is clear that substantial progress has been made in Zimbabwe Inclusive Government; ZRXOGSOD\DVLJQL¿FDQWUROHLQUHGXFLQJWKHSROLWLFDOWHQVLRQLQ to normalise the social, economical and political situation, albeit 4. The Joint Monitoring Committee (JOMIC), the country. with delays that seemed to prolong the process unnecessarily. provided for in the Global Political Agreement, shall be activated immediately. The following commissions were formally inaugurated and their If the agreement in the 24 items is implemented on schedule it The frist meeting of JOMIC shall be convened by chairpersons sworn in on 31 March 2010: would lay the basis for the conviction to grow that Zimbabwe WKHIDFLOLWDWRURQ-DQXDU\DQGVKDOODPRQJ % The Human Rights Commission can reach her goal of holding free and fair elections, which other things, elect the chairpersons; % The Electoral Commission, and results would be acceptable to all. 5. The allocation of ministerial portfolios % The Media Commission. HQGRUVHG E\ WKH 6$'& ([WUDRUGLQDU\ 6XPPLW The critical issue is to ensure a sustained focus in developments KHOG RQ  1RYHPEHU  VKDOO EH UHYLHZHG The law that is necessary to provide the instrument for the Human in Zimbabwe towards the election; the monitoring of the VL[ PRQWKV DIWHU WKH LQDXJXUDWLRQ RI WKH Rights Commission needs has not been passed. situation and timely interventions to deal with problems as and Inclusive Government; when they arise. 6. The appointments of the Reserve Bank Governor 7KH 3ULQFLSDOV GHFLGHG WKHUHIRUH WR H[SHGLWH WKH PDWWHU E\ and the Attorney General will be dealt with by the instructing the Minister of Justice immediately to start the Leading to the elections, the Inclusive Government should Inclusive Government after its formation; process leading to the submission and adoption of the relevant be united in its efforts to ensure everything is in place for 7. The negotiators of the parties shall meet act in Parliament and to establish immediately the Anti- the elections. immediately to consider the National Security Bill Corruption Commission. submitted by the MDC-T as well as the formula 7KHFRQVWLWXWLRQPDNLQJH[HUFLVHDVZHOODVWKHUHIHUHQGXPRQ for the distribution of the Provincial Governors. The Minister of Economic Planning and Investment was WKDWFRQVWLWXWLRQVKRXOGEHDMRLQWWDVNRIDOOWKHSDUWLHVWRWKH instructed to start processes for the establishment, within a Inclusive Government. The summit concluded its decisions on Zimbabwe as follows: month, of the National Economic Council. “SADC shall remain seized with the Zimbabwe situation This united action will ensure a peaceful election. in keeping with its obligations as guarantor of the Global The Minister of Lands and Rural resettlement was ordered to do Political Agreement.” the same in respect of the Land Audit Commission, which must Should a situation arise where one of the State organs seeks be “inclusive and balanced”. to misuse its power in ways that could impact negatively on Troika decisions the effort to bring lasting peace to Zimbabwe, the leaders of The Troika summit, commending the Inclusive Government +HDOVRZDVJLYHQDPRQWKWR¿QDOLVHWKHHVWDEOLVKPHQWRIWKH =LPEDEZHZRXOGEHH[SHFWHGWRXVHWKHLUFROOHFWLYHZLVGRPWR for bringing peace and stability to Zimbabwe and noting commission, working together with the Cabinet Committee on resolve such matters to the satisfaction of all. the positive progress on economic recovery, took the Resettlement and Development. following decisions: The guarantors of the peace process, namely SADC and its 1. The parties should fully comply with the spirit and The Principals agreed to a time frame of two months for the relevant structures, including the Troika and the Facilitator, letter of the GPA and SADC Summit decisions of GH¿QLWLRQRIDODQGWHQXUHV\VWHPWKDWZRXOGSODFHHPSKDVLVRQ should play an active role in taking forward Zimbabwe to -DQXDU\ lease-hold, guaranteeing “security of tenure and collateral value her ultimate goals of the formation of a government whose 2. The parties should not allow the situation to of land, without reversing the Land Reform Programme.” credentials would be beyond question. deteriorate further 3. 7KHSDUWLHVWRHQJDJHLQDGLDORJXHLQRUGHUWR¿QG 7KH3ULQFLSDOVKDYHEHJXQWRLPSOHPHQWZKDWLVGH¿QHGDVWKH Recommendations a lasting solution to the outstanding issues towards 6DQFWLRQV 5HPRYDO 6WUDWHJ\ ZKLFK UHOLHV RQ WKH MRLQW DFWLRQV In conclusion, we wish to make the following recommendations: the full implementation of the GPA RIWKHYDULRXVSDUW\OHDGHUVWKHH[HFXWLYHSDUW\RUJDQVDQGWKH 1. The parties, assisted by the Troika, should discuss the 4. The Facilitator (the Republic of South Africa) on lower levels of the three political parties, as well as the Cabinet outstanding matters in keeping with the decisions of behalf of the Troika should remain seized with the Re-Engagement Committee. the Maputo troika Summit and resolve them within developments in the implementation of the GPA; RQHPRQWKDVSDUWRIDFRQ¿GHQFHEXLOGLQJPHDVXUH 5. The MCO Troika should continue monitoring the They agreed that the Minister of Justice should start processes based on appropriate consultation in keeping progress closely and report to the Chairperson of LPPHGLDWHO\WRJHW&RQVWLWXWLRQDO$PHQGPHQW³DVDSSURYHG with Zimbabwe´s law and any other relevant the SADC Organs Troika on Politics, Defence, by Parliament” to be gazetted and signed. legal instrument; Security and Security Cooperation; and, 2. The Inclusive Government and the Zimbabwe 6. The international community to lift all forms of The Minister was also instructed immediately to pilot the SROLWLFDO SDUWLHV VKRXOG ¿QG DQ XQLQWHUUXSWHG SDWK sanctions on Zimbabwe. completion of legislation to amend the Electoral Act. towards free and fair election and the removal of impediments as and when they arise; and Summit also decided as follows: Meanwhile, the Principals agreed that if and when electoral 3. The Troika should persuade SADC to help Zimbabwe 1. The political parties signatory to the GPA should vacancies occurred, the parties would not stand against each to draw up guidelines for a free and fair election, where HQJDJHLQGLDORJXHZLWKLPPHGLDWHHIIHFWZLWKLQ other in the resultant by-elections for the duration of the lifespan intimidation and violence would not play any part and days (and) not beyond 30 days; RI WKH ,QFOXVLYH *RYHUQPHQW WR DYRLG FRQÀLFW DULVLQJ IURP where the result of such elections would be credible. 2. The dialogue should include all the outstanding the contestation. issues emanating from the implementation of the Finally, it is important to acknowledge the progress that has *3$DQG6$'&&RPPXQLTXpRI-DQXDU\ As part of the strategy to deal with problems revolving around been made in Zimbabwe. 3. The Facilitator should evaluate progress and report the media and communications, the Principals decided that, back to the Chairperson of the Organ Troika on within a month and under the authority of the minister of Media, , ZLVK WR H[SUHVV P\ JUDWLWXGH WR WKH OHDGHUV RI WKH SDUWLHV Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation. Information and Publicity, the Parliamentary Standing Rules in Zimbabwe for their cooperation and assistance, and and Orders Committee and the Principals themselves, the BAZ for the manner in which they have worked to resolve the Negotiations Board would be regularised, the new ZBC Board appointed and outstanding issues. The negotiators, as already indicated, submitted their report the Media Trust constituted. RQWKHth of April 2010 to the Political principals, who met on ,DPFRQ¿GHQWWKDWWKHUHLVVXI¿FLHQWSROLWLFDOZLOOWRVHHWKLV the 8th of June to consider it. The Principals discussed the right to freedom and association and process through to a conclusion that addresses the needs of all DVVHPEO\ DQG UHDI¿UPHG WKH ULJKW WR ³IUHHO\ RUJDQLVH SROLWLFDO the people of Zimbabwe. The Principals agreed on 24 of the 27 items and submitted activities” and called on the Commissioner-General of the ZRP their initial response to the Facilitator. and the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs to regularize the matter. I thank you!