
In-depth review of imagery / observation in official statistics Prepared by and Mexico

Julio A. Santaella Conference of European Statisticians 67th plenary session Paris, June 28, 2019 Earth observation (EO)

EO is the gathering of information about Earth’s physical, chemical and biological systems. It involves monitoring and assessing the status of, and changes in, the natural and man-made environment

Measurements taken by a thermometer, gauge, buoy, or seismograph Photographs and Radar and sonar images Analyses of water or soil samples EO examples EO Processed information such as maps or forecasts Source: Group on Earth Observations (GEO)

In-depth review of satellite imagery / earth observation technology in official statistics 2 Introduction

Satellite imagery uses have expanded over time

Satellite imagery provide generalized data for large areas at relatively low cost:

Aligned with NSOs needs to produce more information at lower costs

NSOs are starting to consider EO technology as a data collection instrument for purposes beyond agricultural statistics

In-depth review of satellite imagery / earth observation technology in official statistics 3 Scope and definition of the review

To survey how various types of satellite data and the techniques used to process or analyze them support the GSBPM

To improve coordination of statistical activities in the UNECE region, identify gaps or duplication of work, and address emerging issues

In-depth review of satellite imagery / earth observation technology in official statistics 4 Overview of recent activities

• EO technology has developed progressively, encouraging the identification of new applications of this infrastructure data.

• Three groups are prominent fostering the use of EO data for official statistics:

The Committee on UN Committee of Experts Earth Observation on Global Geospatial Information Management

Encourages international Highlights the importance of aligning Seeks to make EO data more broadly collaboration on space-borne EO the functions of official statistics with available as a public good missions. geo-spatial and EO expertise

In-depth review of satellite imagery / earth observation technology in official statistics 5 Overview of recent activities

• Three significant documents produced in recent years provide an overview of the state of the art EO and suggest some promising directions for its use by NSOs

Handbook on earth observation for official statistics Guide for NSOs with limited experience producing official statistics from EO data 1 . (2017). Satellite Imagery and Geospatial Data Task Team report. Earth Observations for Official Statistics

Earth observation in support of Sustainable Development Goals Informs all sectors of society on the contribution of geospatial information, EO data and other data sources to the 2030 Agenda 2 CEOS (2018b). Satellite Earth Observations in Support of the Sustainable Development Goals. (EO4SDG)

Handbook on for agricultural statistics Provides guidelines to assess the utility of remote sensing for agricultural statistics, and how EO 3 can be integrated into GSBPM Global Strategy to improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARS). 2017. Handbook on Remote Sensing for Agricultural Statistics. GSARS Handbook: Rome

In-depth review of satellite imagery / earth observation technology in official statistics 6 Overview of recent activities in selected countries & agencies • Each overview is structured to differentiate between statistical programs currently using EO inputs and research initiatives that seek to further uses:

EO has not yet found its INEGI has produced StatCan does not Statistik Austria benefits way into major maps of Mexico for conduct the collection, from access to high Eurostat’s statistical several decades; initially pre-processing, and quality administrative programs in paper format and now processing of EO data. data sources of all in geospatial datasets It uses data that is sorts, so the use of EO The exception is the already prepared by data has not yet found Land Use and Land The current process of other federal partner its way into official Cover Survey (LUCAS) extracting information statistics every three years, from satellite imagery is Research: where EO input is operator-assisted and • Crop and Research: essential labor intensive. Greenhouse area • Using airborne laser estimation data to improve the Research (sensor data): Research: • Mapping built-up area building register • Use of Automatic • Big data & • Wetland detection AUSTRIA • Valuation of real Identification learning as an • Construction property Systems (AIS) enabler of EO use starts/completions • Machine learning • SDGs • Agricultural statistics using EO as input • & • Geospatial Data Aquaculture Cube • Greenhouses & Solar panels

In-depth review of satellite imagery / earth observation technology in official statistics 7 Main findings, emerging issues & new opportunities for NSOs Current uses of EO by National Statistical Offices

Agricultural statistics programs 01 Such as crop type, area, condition and forecasting

Environmental accounts modules 02 Related to stock of land by class, forest, water, land-use change

SDGs 03 Such as land-use, change, water stress,

Macro-level statistics 04 Related to sustainable development indicators

In-depth review of satellite imagery / earth observation technology in official statistics 8 Main findings, emerging issues & new opportunities for NSOs National Statistical Offices-EO research

Geospatial Data Cubes & Mexico Break new ground on two fronts: a) Ways to process vast amounts of EO data to bring new value b) Business case that will reduce costs for its storage and use Real-estate property valuation and updating building register SDG reporting Austria & Canada Countries and some international organizations are involved in refining EO methods for use in this area

In-depth review of satellite imagery / earth observation technology in official statistics 9 Main findings, emerging issues & new opportunities for NSOs Issues

Issues include:

• NSOs lack expertise handling EO NSOs enter EO waters • EO data are voluminous at their own risk! • EO data alone cannot produce statistics • Institutional Commitment to EO Integration

In-depth review of satellite imagery / earth observation technology in official statistics 10 Main findings, emerging issues & new opportunities for NSOs Opportunities

If approached shrewdly, there are opportunities in EO data

1 2 3 4 5

SDGs Work on a Collaborate on Availability of EO strength is reporting is a consolidated a generalized Analysis macro-level good approach to approach to Ready Dataset reporting application of EO data EO data use (ARD) EO technology processing

In-depth review of satellite imagery / earth observation technology in official statistics 11 Conclusions Recommendations

• EO data has a long history for the production of official statistics, mainly for agricultural and rural data 1. NSOs should use SDG reporting as a context for our • NSOs are increasingly using them according to agency- priority EO-based research specific interests and capacity 2. NSOs should collaborate on a generalized approach to • There are many significant issues and implications of EO-data use trying to better exploit EO inputs 3. NSOs should collaborate with EO organizations to • Despite the cautions about EO use, there are real consolidate input requirements opportunities for the NSO community

In-depth review of satellite imagery / earth observation technology in official statistics 12