Formation of Coalition Structures As a Non-Cooperative Game
Formation of coalition structures as a non-cooperative game Dmitry Levando, ∗ Abstract We study coalition structure formation with intra and inter-coalition externalities in the introduced family of nested non-cooperative si- multaneous finite games. A non-cooperative game embeds a coalition structure formation mechanism, and has two outcomes: an alloca- tion of players over coalitions and a payoff for every player. Coalition structures of a game are described by Young diagrams. They serve to enumerate coalition structures and allocations of players over them. For every coalition structure a player has a set of finite strategies. A player chooses a coalition structure and a strategy. A (social) mechanism eliminates conflicts in individual choices and produces final coalition structures. Every final coalition structure is a non-cooperative game. Mixed equilibrium always exists and consists arXiv:2107.00711v1 [cs.GT] 1 Jul 2021 of a mixed strategy profile, payoffs and equilibrium coalition struc- tures. We use a maximum coalition size to parametrize the family ∗Moscow, Russian Federation, independent. No funds, grants, or other support was received. Acknowledge: Nick Baigent, Phillip Bich, Giulio Codognato, Ludovic Julien, Izhak Gilboa, Olga Gorelkina, Mark Kelbert, Anton Komarov, Roger Myerson, Ariel Rubinstein, Shmuel Zamir. Many thanks for advices and for discussion to participants of SIGE-2015, 2016 (an earlier version of the title was “A generalized Nash equilibrium”), CORE 50 Conference, Workshop of the Central European Program in Economic Theory, Udine (2016), Games 2016 Congress, Games and Applications, (2016) Lisbon, Games and Optimization at St Etienne (2016). All possible mistakes are only mine. E-mail for correspondence: dlevando (at)
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