The Cost of Occupation The Burden of the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict 2012 Report Shlomo SwirSki June 2012 POB 36529 Tel Aviv 61364 Phone: 03-5608871 Fax: 03-5602205
[email protected] Board of Directors Professor Yossi Dahan, Chair Ms. Gilberte Finkel (M.A.), Treasurer Professor Ismael Abu-Saad Dr. Nitza Berkovitz Professor Yossi Yona Professor Oren Yiftahel Professor (Emeritus) Hubert Law-Yone Professor Rivka Savaiya Dr. Yitzhak Saporta Professor Dani Filc Professor Rachel Kallush Professor Uri Ram Audit Committee Attorney Ovadia Golestany Ms. Ruti Gur Staff Barbara Swirski, executive director Dr. Shlomo Swirski, academic director Etty Konor-Attias, research coordinator Safa Agbaria, economist Adi Sofer, economist Attorney Noga Dagan-Buzaglo, researcher Yael Hasson, researcher and coordinator, Women’s Budget Forum Valeria Seigelshifer, advocacy director Yaron Dishon, outreach coordinator Mira Oppenheim, media and office manager 2 3 The Cost of Occupation ADVA CENTER 2010 The Cost of Occupation The Burden of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 2012 Report The Burden of the Conflict June 2012 marks the 45th anniversary of the development, possibilities of self-defense, immigration war during which Israel occupied all of the area policy, freedom of movement, and freedom of trade. of Mandatory Eretz-Israel/Palestine. Since then, the Both sides are paying a high price for the absence of fate of this area has been in Israel’s hands and has not a political solution to the conflict for over a hundred been resolved politically. While Israel