Wivey and the Hills Magazine

50p July/August 2021 Contents and About the Magazine

Wivey and the Hills magazine is published 10 times a year by the Benefice of the seven parishes of , Brompton Ralph, Clatworthy, Chipstable, Huish Champflower, Raddington and Tolland. Its purpose is to promote the Christian faith in this area and all that is positive in our communities.

Contents Contents and magazine information 2 Rector’s Letter 3 What’s been happening 4-7 Nature, gardening 8-10 Community News 11-13 Looking ahead 14-30 Goma Appeal, Growing in Faith 31-37 Adverts for local businesses 38-53, 56 Useful Contacts 54-55 Editor needed!

Back in the summer of 2018 the future of this magazine was looking insecure. Editor Madeline Hellier was leaving the area, and I (Peter) stood in on a temporary basis to oversee the move to a new platform and into colour printing.

The term ‘acting editorial team’ has always been a touch misleading - Lorna Thorne, as parish secretary, has always been a permanent editor whilst I have been the Will you include an apology to those who failed temporary one. This is now coming up to three years and new work opportunities for to receive a magazine last month (May), about me mean that I do need to stand down by the October edition. 12 recipients....thanks Janet

The role isn’t burdensome, and Lorna is fantastically organised and will keep you on track. The platform used makes collaboration easy and it may be there could be a ‘Community editor’ and a ‘Churches’ one. There is potential to expand the Community coverage which would also expand the appeal of the magazine to new readers.

So please consider - could it be you? (Or - is there anyone you know who might be suitable and needs a gentle nudge?!)

Peter Pearson, Acting editor Lorna Thorne, editor of Wivey and the Hills magazine

Articles and events, comments and feedback: [email protected] Advertising: Lorna Thorne [email protected] 07796 180075 Magazine Distribution: Janet Hughes, 12 Lion d’Angers, 01984 624213

Deadline for September 2021 edition: 8th August 2021

Cover photo: Linseed fields looking towards Wiveliscombe by Diana Farrington 2 Letter from the Rector

This was going to be a letter celebrating the end of lockdown, but I’m writing this with just 2 hours to go before the PM tells us that lockdown will be extended for another 4 weeks until the middle of July, so the bubbly will need to go back on ice. However, that won’t change the monthly themes that we’ll be considering during July and August - generosity and faithfulness. For most of us, both of these qualities have been sorely tested over the lockdown, and this is a good time to reflect on how well they’ve withstood the test. Anyone who’s been furloughed could be forgiven for snorting dismissively at the idea, whereas anyone who has been a regular receiver of freshly-made meals from the Wivey Food Project will realise just how much generosity those meals represent, not only in the donations of the food, but also in the time given by the small army of cooks, drivers and administrators who have turned out faithfully since the beginning of November to ensure that the food gets to those who need it. And notice how instantly the word “faithfully” swings into action in this context - a one-off expression of generosity is valuable, but its value rises exponentially when it is extended into a dependable, long-term commitment.; The same can be said of several Wivey institutions which have come into their own in lockdown - especially Wivey Link and Wivey Cares: they represent the spirit which makes Wivey such a great place to live. One of the challenges of lock-down has been the narrowing of our horizons, focusing so much on our own local problems that we forget the problems faced elsewhere in the world. How many of us even noticed the massive volcanic eruption in the centre of Africa on 22nd May? Well, St Rector Martin

Andrew’s Church did, because we have been supporting the people who live on the slopes of the volcano for the past 10 years, and now, many of them have lost everything, their homes buried under a sea of molten lava. So the church has launched a Wivey Area Goma Appeal (see pp 36-37), and in its first week, £1,700 was generously donated. But the total needed is £19,000, so if you would like make a donation, see the Appeal Page at https://wiveychurches.org.uk/emergency-appeal-on-behalf-of-the-semiliki-tr ust-june-2021/ Best wishes for a hard-earned summer break, Martin 3 Rock: water sports at Wimbleball

Fabulous weather enabled Rock youngsters, plus a couple of younger siblings, to make the most of kayaking and paddling at Wimbleball recently. Thanks to help from Henry Savage-Bailey and Alan Swan, a great time was had by all with the use of boats from Canoe Club, although some preferred to be in the water rather than on it! Anyone wishing to develop their paddle skills further are welcome to join Exmoor Canoe Club on Wednesday evenings up at the lake.

Amber and Asta launching out!

4 Rock: water sports at Wimbleball

Rafting up: much fun to be had swapping boats!

5 Church Family Breakfast

We held our first church breakfast outdoors

on Sunday June 6th.

The aim was to create an informal and

friendly atmosphere for all ages. We met

behind the church.

There were delicious bacon butties and

croissants with table service.

There was a brief puppet sketch to watch while eating.

The children had fun searching for clues in flower-pots, hidden in the churchyard.

These clues fitted together to create a bible verse.

Charlie read out the verse and Luke read a short prayer.

There was a good 20 minutes left for bubble play for all ages!

The next breakfasts will be on Sunday July 4th and Aug 1st at 9.30.

There is no need to book, but it would be useful if you are able to let us know if you plan to come.

6 Thank You’s and From the Registers

St Peter’s June Service Special thanks to Richard Cloete for leading our service and our singing ! The service closed with us joining to sing Happy Birthday to Annick, who was amongst the congregation, to help her celebrate her special day.

The Open Garden at Burges Meadow, Maundown on 31st May was a huge success and we would like to thank everyone who came along to enjoy the garden, to meet their friends and to support SSAFA - the Armed Forces Charity. Sunshine blessed the day and just under 300 visitors enjoyed a garden wander, cream tea and the convivial atmosphere, all managed in a covid safe manner. Plants from White Post Nursery near Langford Budville tempted us all and the chance to relax and chat after so many months of being restricted brought to the afternoon a most heartwarming mood. £2500 was raised for SSAFA - a record - and we would again like to express our grateful thanks to everyone who came. Here's to when we can all meet again. Thank you, Bob and Pauline Homeshaw

From the Registers Baptism at St John the Baptist

6th June Barnaby Franco Sacheverell SITWELL

Baptism at St Andrew’s 23rd May Eliza Florence FARRINGTON

Funeral in St Andrew’s Church followed by Burial 11th June Thomas McLean Robertson AUSTIN (82)

7 Cuttings from the Garden, Summer

What a miserable Spring we had – cold through most of May and far more rain than usual. Plants responded by waiting, like us, for better days. Once Summer arrived we were all, plants included, ready to go, and the upsurge in plant growth has been huge. The result in the garden has been foxgloves popping up everywhere ...... for May flowers, whose including roses ...... ” development was delayed, to open together with June flowers, and the result is astonishing. Rhododendrons and azaleas are still flowering, but now we have the glory of foxgloves, popping up everywhere (because they seed so freely) joining them and other June-flowering shrubs, including roses, to overwhelm our senses.

The wild-flower meadow is as good as we have seen it in twenty years, with May buttercups, yellow rattle and sorrel joining June oxeye daisies and birdsfoot trefoil.

The meadow grasses – bents and fescues – are tall and elegant, and among them the taller scabious and knapweed look as though they will be in flower long before July

and August.

Around the pond, ragged robin, yellow musk and irises coincide with water lilies. 8 Cuttings from the Garden, Summer

Sadly, we note that the insect population is not nearly so rich as in previous years. This could be due to the cold drought of April and the cold wet of May. Unfortunately this seems to be reflected in smaller numbers of swallows, and, incredibly, we have not yet seen a house martin. Wildflower meadow It was, however, a delight to have a kestrel inspecting the meadow for small mammals. We fervently hope that insects will emerge in greater numbers as summer progresses. Another mystery – possibly related to a lack of insects? – was a young bat on the ground, apparently resting, but in full daylight. A gentle helping hand enabled it to flutter rather weakly into cover, but another similar sighting has made us concerned for our local bat numbers. My only advice this Summer is to enjoy what we have, while it is there. Next time I shall show you how our dramatically pruned roses in March turned into stunning fountains of colour in Summer. Orange rose Here is a foretaste: Sue Welch

9 And Puppy Dogs’ Tails

The blood of a slug is green. So what?! So I learned that the iron which we have in our blood is not in slugs’ blood. They use copper instead which gives their blood a bluish-green tint. The copper in slugs does the same job as iron for us – ferrying oxygen around. Fascinating, eh? And what about slug-the-gymnast? If you allow a slug a 4mm gap to get out of a confined space, it will get out. You must set aside a decent amount of time to watch it happen, but the satisfaction is worth it. More gymnastics come with spectacular mating rituals: they date high up on a tough stem of, say, grass, touch, twine around each other, drop off the stem and dangle and twist in mid-air for several hours. They proceed to produce loads of eggs. You will find them when you dig up some earth: little pockets of grey-white eggs the size of individual balls of expanded polystyrene: Tiny sluglets hatch and motor around on a cushion of slime looking for something to eat.

If you have had a slug touch you, or even crawl over you, you will know how persistent the slime is: it is difficult to wash off. Scientists have noticed this. For years surgeons have struggled to join tissue which they have cut to do an operation. Stitches work well on skin. Even superglue works well. But not on tissue which is under the skin where everything is wet. But a product based on the idea of slug slime may soon join incisions inside the body. Nature gives us elegant ways to solve problems.[1] Slugs are snails which have lost their shells. Thrushes are skilled workmen who find snails scrumptious. The shells should be protective coats of armour, but thrushes simply pick up snails in their beaks and smash them down on a stone. Having beaten the living daylights out of the snail they feast on the flesh inside. David Attenborough has it in a nutshell (or perhaps a snailshell): ‘Children start off reading in books about lions and giraffes and so on, but they also – if they are lucky enough and have reasonable privileges of any human being – are able to go into a garden and turn over a stone and see a worm and see a slug and see an ant.’. Christopher Asbury [1] Daily Telegraph 27 July 2017.

10 Youngsters Raising Funds for Wivey Pool

Chloe and Calum Thorne are part of the WiLDCATS relay team, training to attempt to Viney Court, Viney Street, complete the 12km Swim to raise funds for Wivey Pool. If you would like to sponsor , TA1 3FB them please use the link below, please include the names of who you are sponsoring Tel: 01823 331222 Email:[email protected] in the comments box, to help each youngster reach their individual targets. Website: www.ccslovesomerset.org.uk Alternatively please get in contact with me at [email protected] or 07796 180075 or speak to someone at Wivey Pool. Some of the other WiLDCATS include some familiar faces, in Asta from the Rock Group, along with Susie and Ella. Thank you for supporting these youngsters. Lorna

Wivey WiLDCATS Zero to Hero Charity Swim Nine Wiveliscombe and 10 parishes young Children are training to swim 12km from Westbay to Lyme Regis, hoping to raise money to help secure the future of their local community outdoor pool. None swims with swimming clubs, most learning to swim in Wivey pool itself. After 4 months of no swimming, due to Covid 19 lockdown, they started training in April and have been hard at it every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. They will attempt to complete the swim in 4 relays of 2/3 persons. They will swim for approximately 60 Mins each to replicate an English Channel relay crossing and are being coached by Wivey Lifeguards, Hamish and Emma, who are experienced Channel swimmers, as well as qualified open water swimming coaches. The young children, aged 11-14 will brave jellyfish, the cold and tides in Lyme Bay with the weather window being set for the start of August. They attended their first ever sea swim training session on Sunday 13th June.

The open-air swimming pool, a registered charity, is still operating well below its normal levels after being closed because of Lockdown. Consequently, revenues are down because of its adherence to the Covid 19 government guidelines. We don’t qualify for government support so our community are doing their best to help secure its future. Raising monies to help re-tank the pool not only helps keep the water in but will go a long way to ensuring the pool can go on serving the community for another 94 years.

They have set up a Go Fund Me Page https://uk.gofundme.com/f/Wivey-Pool-Fundraiser. Coach Hamish McCarthy 11 Can you Help Wiveliscombe Scout Group?

12 Wivey Foodbank - Community Office and Wivey Link

Wivey Foodbank

Wiveliscombe Foodbank is a satellite distribution point for Taunton Foodbank based at the Silver Street Centre and currently operating via a delivery service.

In the past year like most Foodbanks, we have seen an increase in demand, but this has been met by an increase in donations from the Wivey Community. From 1st April 2020 to March 2021 you have donated a total of 1,833Kg and the Wivey Foodbank have given out 1,132Kg feeding in total 107 people in the local area. We want to thank you for your continued generosity in supporting the Foodbank and the need of local people.

The foodbank operates a voucher referral system and several local agencies can make referrals including Citizens Advice Bureau, The Job Centre, SWAT Council, MIND, social workers, school SENCO/PFSWs, GP, Health Visitors and some pastors. We do not want anyone to be left without food so if you live in the Wiveliscombe area and are finding it difficult to obtain a referral you can contact us on 01984 623991 or email [email protected]

Donation boxes are still open in the Co-Op, Day Lewis Pharmacy and at The Manse in Silver Street. Felicity Parry

13 Looking Ahead - Wivey and the Hills

Our Benefice Churches are open for private prayer in accordance with government and diocesan guidelines. Clatworthy, Tolland, Brompton Ralph, Raddington, Chipstable, Huish Champflower, Wiveliscombe and Langley Marsh are open all day everyday with self-sanitizing and self-tracking procedures in place and on trust. All services will follow government and diosean guidelines, and be safely distanced: some

services will be outdoors; in those that are indoors, face coverings must be worn. Every Sunday, an online service (“The Seven Towers Service”) will be published at 8 a.m. and will remain available for following on the “Online church” web page, (https://wiveychurches.org.uk/online-church) Evening Prayer will be streamed live on the St Andrew’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/standrewswiveliscombe) at 6:30 p.m. every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evening.

St Andrew’s Wiveliscombe Sunday 4th July 10.45am Holy Communion Service 1st Sun, 10.45am Holy Communion Service 9.30am Family Breakfast

2nd Sun, 10.45am Morning Worship Sunday 11th July 10.45am Morning Worship

3rd Sun, 10.45am Holy Communion Service Sunday 18th July 10.45am Holy Communion Service

4th Sun, 10.45am Celebration Service Sunday 25th July 10.45am Celebration Service

5th Sun, 10.45am Benefice Communion Service Sunday 1st Aug 10.45am Holy Communion Service 9.30am Family Breakfast

Sunday 8th Aug 10.45am Morning Worship

Sunday 15th Aug 10.45am Holy Communion Service

Sunday 22nd Aug 10.45am Celebration Service

Sunday 29th Aug Brompton Ralph will host the Benefice Communion at 10.45

(Please bring your own bread and wine to the Holy Communion Services)

St Andrew's Family Breakfasts On the first Sunday of every month from 9.30am, outside at the back of church if the weather is fine (inside if not). No need to book, just turn up. Free, but donations welcome. The next breakfast will There will be a brief, interactive, child-friendly bible story, while we are eating. be on Sunday July 4th There will be a treasure hunt and giant bubbles in the churchyard after eating. at 9.30. We aim to finish by 10.30. For All Ages, Everyone welcome!

There is no need to book, but it would be CORKS? useful if you are able We are collecting corks for the Summer Holiday club. to let us know if you There will be a labelled box on the reception desk in St A’s church. plan to come. 14 Looking Ahead - Wivey

St Andrews presents

Wivey Wildness Holiday Club for 7-14 year olds

Wednesday, 18th, - Friday, 20th August

at Pitt Farm, Ford

Crafts, games, activities plus music, drama and Bible teaching

7-10 year olds 10am - 3pm Younger children welcome with an accompanying adult

11-14 year olds 12 - 5pm

Please contact Sue Pearson, Liz Kilbride, Rachel Adams or the St Andrews church office (07796 180075) to register

15 Looking Ahead - Wivey

Messy Church.

We are now meeting weekly at the play area in the Recreation Ground, on Wednesday afternoons. I plan to be there from 3.30. p.m. weather permitting! There will be kites, stomp rockets and giant bubbles etc. for everyone to enjoy.

ACTIVITY BAGS. I will bring these to the Rec. with me, but also distribute those that have not been collected.

STORY and CRAFT VIDEOS. These will be uploaded weekly to the internet. You can find them here:

Wivey St.Andrew’s Facebook page. or at Lizkilbride youtube channel.

Please feel free to contact me at any time. I would especially value your thoughts on the way forward.

Contact details: Tel 01984 623431

[email protected] and Facebook messenger.

Bods & Tods

Tuesday Mornings (during term time)

10am to 12pm in the Silver Street Centre

Come along and meet other parents and carers and chat over a hot drink whilst your little one plays. Each week there is a craft activity and each session finishes with a song time together.

Current Government Social distancing regulations will apply.

Suggested donation of £2.00 per session.

For further information please contact Felicity Parry on 01984 623991 or email [email protected]


Looking Ahead - Wivey Coffee Pot

plus Memory Café

Every Wednesday 10.30am to 12pm

The Silver Street Centre, Wiveliscombe

(Social distancing rules apply)

Cafe open every Thursday at 10am. There will be the option of outside tables on the south side of church for you to gather and enjoy time with friends. We are not able to restart the baby group in the format we had before just yet, but everyone of any age is welcome to come and enjoy a hot drink and home made cakes. Every Thursday 10-11.30am

17 Looking Ahead - Wivey

Wivey Walkers’ Schedule July - August 2021 Wednesday 7th July 2021 - Meet: 10 am at TOLLAND CHURCH carpark. 7- 8 mile walk along lanes and fields exploring Tarr, Hoccombe, Westleigh. Leader/booking details – Thelma: 01984 629290 or [email protected] Saturday 17th July 2021 - Meet: 10 am in CWCP to drive to Landacre Bridge near Withypool. A lovely walk along the and up over Horsen Hill. About 9 miles. Leaders/booking details-Julie and Gerry: 01984 248673 or [email protected] Wednesday 4th August 2021 - Meet: 10 am in the square. 8.5miles across fields and lanes via Pyncombe, Quarthill lane, Stonehill lane, to Bathealton. Leader/booking details – Penny: 01984 624756 or [email protected] Saturday 21st August 2021 - Meet: 10:30 am in car park. 7 miles. Walk to Bury then along the River Haddeo to . One long climb. Leader/booking details- Paul: 07889451608 or [email protected]

ALL WALKS MUST BE BOOKED IN ADVANCE as numbers are limited as per government guidelines at the time of the walk.

See www.wiveliscombe.com/wiveywalkers for up-to-date details

Wiveliscombe Craft Group

We have decided to wait until September to recommence our meetings when we hope that things will be more normal!

All being well we shall gather at the Community Centre on Thursday 9th September between 2.30 and 4.30pm We look forward to meeting you all again after such a long break and hearing all about your recent projects.

If you would like any further information please contact Audrey on 01984 623736.

Wiveliscombe Garden Club Meets Again The Garden Club Zoom talks have finished so we now have a couple of car trips planned to some stunning gardens.

On July 1st we will visit Burrow Farm Gardens at Dalwood near Axminster. In 1959 John & Mary Benger moved to Burrow Farm to start a dairy herd and by 1975 Mary had created a 4 acre garden which opened for the National Garden Scheme. In 1983 John retired from dairy farming so Mary was able to use more land to create what is now a 13 acre garden. Lovely tea room. £9pp

There will be another trip in September with details later

If you would like more details, or directions, please contact Lyn Barfield on 01984 629331 or [email protected]


Looking Ahead - Wivey

‘Wiveliscombe Library are pleased to confirm that our regular weekly ‘Storytime’ sessions will start back from week beginning 6th September. Times and dates will be confirmed nearer the time. Please check the Library notices for details or ask Librarian if you are interested. Library opening times: Tues/Thurs/ Fri 10:00 – 12:30 & 2:30 -5:00 Sat 10:00 – 12:30 On a personal note, can I please thank everyone involved with the Summer Reading Challenge launch in July, (details below.) Thank you for your support. Karen

We are arranging a launch for the Summer Reading Challenge, and have just received permission to run this in Jubilee Gardens Friday 9th July from 3.15pm so children can come and sign up after school. We are asking that children bring a small wild animal toy with them, if they have one, to add to the theme, and are hopeful to have a few animals for petting on the day. A member of our Library Outreach team, together with volunteers, will be there to assist in the process.

A school assembly via zoom Is being arranged with the Primary school earlier the same week to help promote the event and SRC in general.

19 Looking Ahead - Wivey

A ‘Wivey Grows’ project? Could you, will you, get involved? Find out more/Help make it happen! Out of ‘Lockdown’

Come the Stable Paddock* on Wednesday 21 July from 18:30 to 20:00

Inaugural gathering/Al Fresco meal/Sign Up

(*1st drive on the right as you head down South Street from the traffic lights…Signs will be up.)

In this initial phase, we are looking to provide a safe and supported environment for people to connect with small individual plots or larger group plots to grow flowers or vegetables that appeal to them, on a scale they are comfortable with, with the help and support they may need, be it advice, tools, seeds, or in planting or harvesting.

The purpose of this inaugural meeting is to develop an operating plan for this, our first plot. (We are actively pursuing additional plots suitable to grow more on, once we have recruited a core team of volunteers). We will look at how to provide an environment suitable for working with one another, or individually, gain a sense of achievement, and having some outdoor fun in the process.

If you would like to get involved in this ‘Wivey Grows’ project email us [email protected] or call John on 07535 777809 or Kate on 07540 605746

Calling all fundraisers! This year, we again want to invite people, groups and businesses in and around Wiveliscombe and the 10 Parishes to become involved in the decorating Wivey for Christmas, so if you would like to be part of the Wivey Christmas Lights Group please contact us by e-mail [email protected] . We will be meeting up sometime in July (easing of lockdown restrictions permitting!): the exact date will be confirmed later. Pauline McNichol (Vice-chair of JLF) On behalf of the Wivey Christmas Lights Group 20 Looking Ahead - Langley Marsh - Huish Champflower

St Luke’s, Langley Marsh

Sunday 11th July 8.30am Holy Communion

Sunday 25th July 8.30am Holy Communion

Sunday 8th Aug 8.30am Holy Communion

Sunday 22nd Aug 8.30am Holy Communion

St Peter’s Huish Champflower.

Sunday 4th July 11.15am Family Service with Holy Communion

Sunday 18th July 10.00am Matins Service

Sunday 1st Aug 11.15am Family Service with Holy Communion

Sunday 15th Aug 10.00am Matins Service

The defibrillator is moving to the newly refurbished phone box on the 28th June 2021. The reason for this is that the village hall may be refurbished in the near future, making the site inaccessible, whilst building work is being done. The phone box is also in a more central location, should it be needed. Once building work is completed, it is hoped that a second defibrillator will be installed there as well. The phone box can be found on Scotts Hill just before the entrance to Longmead. Postcode TA4 2EA

21 Looking Ahead - Huish Champflower

22 Looking Ahead - Brompton Ralph

St Mary’s, Brompton Ralph

Sunday 4th July 10.00am Morning Prayer Service

Sunday 18th July 6.00pm Evening Prayer

Sunday 1st Aug 10.00am Holy Communion

Sunday 15th August 6.00pm Evening Prayer

Sunday 29th August 10.45am Benefice Communion

The Services in July will be In the churchyard if weather permits

Coffee Morning:

our coffee mornings have resumed on the fourth Friday of each month the next will be on Friday 23rd July and Firday 27th August at 10.30am in the Village Hall.

Looking forward to getting together again for a good chat!

St Mary’s Church, Brompton Ralph

SUMMER FETE AND DOG SHOW Saturday 17th July 2.30pm Stalls, dog show classes for all (entry on the day) and, of course, tea and cake!

23 Looking Ahead - Brompton Ralph - Raddington - Chipstable

BROMPTON RALPH SHOP & POST OFFICE Contact: 01984 623267 [email protected] Shop Opening Times: Monday to Friday 9.30 – 1.00 p.m. 5.00 – 6.00 p.m. (exc. Wednesday) Saturday 10.00 – 12.00 Sunday Closed Post Office Opening Times: Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 9.30 – 1.00 p.m. A well-stocked shop: - Organic produce to order - Seasonal fruit & vegetables (when available) - Frozen produce - Fresh milk (Mondays & Thursdays) - Regular orders taken & delivered on Tuesdays - Fresh bread, cakes, savouries from Glenmores (Tues/Sat) - Thornes meat orders taken on Tuesdays for Thursday - Queenswood Natural Foods stocked with special orders monthly-

St Michael's, Raddington

Sunday 4th July 6.00pm Evensong (summer months)

Sunday 18th July 9.15am Holy Communion

Sunday 1st Aug 6.00pm Evensong (summer months)

Sunday 15th Aug 9.15am Holy Communion

All Saints’, Chipstable

Sunday 11th July 10.00am Morning Service,

Sunday 8th Aug 10.00am Morning Service,

24 Looking Ahead - Clatworthy - Tolland

St. Mary Magdalene, Clatworthy

Sunday 11th July 10.00am Morning Prayer

Sunday 25th July 6.00pm Holy Communion

Sunday 8th Aug 10.00am Morning Prayer

Sunday 22nd Aug 6.00pm Holy Communion

Sunday 25th July,

Afternoon Tea,

4pm to 6pm, at The Village Hall.

This will be followed by Our

regular Church service at 6pm.

Dates for your Diary at Clatworthy Sunday 26th September, Harvest Service 6pm Tuesday 28th September, Harvest Supper, 7-30pm, at Village Hall. Saturday 4th December, Coffee Morning with Bring & Buy and Raffle, at Village Hall. All these events will depend on Covid-19 restrictions.

St John the Baptist, Tolland

Seasonal Services

Sun. 25th July at 10:30 a.m. Pet Service

Everyone welcome


Growing in Faith LetterLooking to Aheadthe Community - Tolland

26 Looking Ahead - the HIlls

BRENDON HILL (Beulah) METHODIST CHURCH , Somt TA23 OLL (jct B3224 and B3190)

Due to the current situation, there will be no services held at our chapel until further notice.


“The garden at Elworthy Cottage is open for the National Garden Scheme on Tuesday 6th, Sunday 25th & Tuesday 27th July and Sunday 1st & Monday 30th August from 11am to 4pm, admission £4. Tel 01984 656427 or see www.elworthy-cottage.co.uk “

27 Looking Ahead - 10 Parishes Festival

Arts Festival Turns New Leaf for 2021 Planning is well underway for the biennial 10 Parishes Festival which will return to Wiveliscombe and surrounding villages this September. The visual and performing

arts festival stretches over nine days and comprises artist open studios along with performance and community events. Festival Director Pauline Homeshaw commented, “The Festival achieves so many things, not only developing awareness and revenue for participating artists, but bringing the whole community together in a celebration of local talent and our way of life. The theme for this year’s Festival is New Leaf which moves neatly on from the 2019 focus on re-use and re-cycle. The Festival committee feel that for 2021 everyone really is ready for a new beginning and are using their experiences over the last 12 months as a base for looking at life differently.”

Over 45 artists will be participating and they have the option to incorporate the New Leaf theme into their work, should they so choose. Very appropriately the major sponsor for this year is New Leaf Workplace Wellbeing. This enterprise was founded by Becky Wright, an award-winning mental health trainer, psychotherapist and coach who facilitates high-quality, intuitive wellbeing sessions for heart-centred businesses and individuals looking to make meaningful change. Becky has delivered two online talks for participating artists as part of their Festival preparations. Check the Festival website www.10parishesfestival.org.uk for updates and details of performances over the nine days as well as the Festival Guide which is available from early August. 28 Looking Ahead - the hills and Beyond

Milverton Concert Society Saturday 17 July 4.30pm and 7.30pm Milverton Church

Martin James Bartlett Piano

If you were fortunate enough to hear pianist Martin James Bartlett last time he visited Milverton in 2018, you were definitely one of the lucky ones! He is such a popular performer and one not to be missed. Martin has been described as one of ‘’s most acclaimed young pianists’ and he plays with ‘a maturity and elegance far beyond his years’. It will be a delight to hear this accomplished artist once again on July 17, performing works by Rachmaninoff, Ravel, Haydn, Couperin and Rameau. There will be 2 socially distanced performances at 4.30 and 7.30pm. Each concert is approx 1 hour; there will be no interval and masks need to be worn.

Booking via Ticketsource on www.milvertonconcerts.org Box office Tel: 0333 666 3366. No tickets will be available on the door or at The Globe

Tickets also available for; 5 Kanneh Masons on September 17 St Andrew’s Church Wiveliscombe Red Priest on October 16 St Andrew’s Church Wiveliscombe

THE TWO MOORS FESTIVAL – Save the dates! The Two Moors Festival 2021 will be held over two weekends - Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd October on Dartmoor and Friday 8th to Sunday 10th October on Exmoor, under the artistic direction of violinist, Tamsin Waley-Cohen, with the theme of ‘Arcadia Unlocked’. Exmoor highlights will include pianist Pavel Kolesnikov, tenor Nicky Spence and viola player Lawrence Power. Huw Watkins will be the Composer-in-Residence. Dartmoor will hear, among others, soprano Ruby Hughes and lutenist Jonas Nordberg, Stile Antico and the Barbican Quartet. Please check the website in the coming weeks for updates on times, venues, programmes and ticketing: www.twomoorsfestival.co.uk

29 Another way of doing church

What3Words competition

John Osborne is still hoping to receive some of your photos and locations: here’s a new one to get you out and about and puzzling! Please send entries or queries to [email protected]

30 A Message from Trevor Willmott, Assistant Bishop, Diocese of Bath and Wells

God’s gift to humankind The leaves of the trees will be for the healing of the nations. Rev. 22.2 A few days spent recently in the Lakes gave us a much anticipated opportunity to visit the new RHS garden, Bridgewater, near Manchester. Created in the ruins of the much overgrown walled garden of a long gone great house, the garden is the result of co-operation between the RHS and the City Council. While the Paradise Garden with its pools and flowing water reminded me of the river of life in the Revelation, it was the therapeutic garden which captured my imagination. A number of charities working in inner Manchester with people whose lives are deeply affected by issues of mental health and social deprivation had approached the RHS to explore the possibility of creating a working garden to be grown and maintained by the various communities involved. The result is stunning both visually and mentally. To aid the development the partners decided to allocate some of their limited financial resources towards the appointment of a full time occupational therapeutic gardener. Talking with her and reading the display boards around the garden we discovered that for many of those involved not only was this their first experience of gardening but more importantly the physical work and interaction is giving them a hope and purpose in life in ways that nothing else had been able to achieve. The Revelation speaks of a world transformed and made new by God; the very stuff of the earth, trees and water, bringing new life to what was tired and old. The Scriptures remind us that the earth is God’s gift to humankind to be tended and cherished; to be used for the good of all. But let the last word be that of the therapeutic gardener “we can care for others; we can care for the earth. All we need is a vision and the will.” With my blessing, +Trevor 31 Growing in Faith - The Pastor’s Pen - Martyn Parry

Greetings. We hope you are well...When we look at Psalm 89 we see that the Psalm celebrated David’s glorious reign. David’s reign was successful because God sustained him. One of David’s descendants (Jesus Christ) would reign over God’s people forever.

We have recently returned from some time way. Nice break in an hotel in Yorkshire, home of the best tea (so they told me) and Wallace and Gromit cheese In the large and well-maintained grounds of the hotel there were large swings, suitable for us ‘slightly overweight’ adults to use... Felicity and I recalled how much fun being on a swing was... (she went higher than I did) and how much our respective children (and Grandchildren) enjoyed them too. I guess most children love to swing. There’s nothing like it. Thrusting your feet toward the sky, leaning so far backward that everything looks upside down. Spinning trees, a stomach that jumps into your throat. Ah, swinging. I learned a lot about trust on a swing. As a child, I only trusted certain people to push my swing. If I was being pushed by people I trusted (like Dad or Mum), they could do anything they wanted. They could twist me, turn me, stop me. But let a stranger push my swing (which often happened at family reunions and picnics), and it was hang on, baby! Who knew what this newcomer would do? When a stranger pushes your swing, you tense up, ball up, and hang on. In many ways our future is still ambiguous. We live in a stormy world. At the time of writing, wars rage in many areas of our globe... This virus is still threatening humanity. We have uncertainty about the future in employment. Money continues to get tight, with the threat of folks losing their home. Some families are coming apart at the seams. But perhaps we must remember who is pushing the swing.? Can I suggest that we put our trust in God? We can’t grow fearful. He won’t let us tumble out. Perhaps we need to ask: When do you feel safe? When your spouse is with you? When the doors are locked? When the alarm is on? When you have enough money for any situation? All these securities can fail. Perhaps ask God to help you depend on him, for your security and wellbeing. Have a great summer. Blessings. Pastor Martyn. www.wiveyevangelical.org. ..its time to preach the Gospel.. Details of our services on the website. 32 Growing in faith - Baptism - Home groups

Have you been Baptised? Want to know more Study Group starting in a few weeks With a view to being Baptised in the Autumn. Open to all Church folk in the 10 Parishes area

Contact Martyn for more details [email protected] 01984 623991

If you would like to be part of a home group please contact Martin or a Our readership is growing! home group leader.

One Thursday evening group has been discussing the questions based Why not advertise in this on the week’s readings and talk in church. For details contact Tony at space to let the community [email protected] know about your local Another Thursday group, who call themselves ‘The Way’ have been working through Steve Chalke’s discussions on the 95 theses facing the church business? today. Contact Martin Valuks [email protected]

The ‘Tuesday evening group’ has begun to meet in person on Tuesday From £3.00 per issue for Black evenings [email protected] and White The zoom group run by Liz Kilbride will continue in various member’s gardens or during the summer. If you would like to join us, please contact Liz Kilbride, 01984 £4.00 in Colour. 623431 [email protected]

Please email The Julian Meeting, for prayer in silent meditation or contemplation, [email protected] to invites anyone interested to join us on Tuesdays at 10:30 - or whenever you have find out more. time available. Please email [email protected] or phone Adam on 623012 for details.

Friday morning prayers are continuing on Zoom – contact Rector Martin for password details. 33 Wilder ChurchesNews - Prayer Chain

We are hoping to make space for nature in our churchyards and would love you to join in!

PRAYER CHAIN Our group is aimed at the whole readership of this magazine and beyond, for prayer each day at home, for yourself or somebody you are concerned about. We contact each other usually by email, but for those without a computer please be in touch by phone and we will make contact with you. Also, please let me know if you are interested in joining us or would like a prayer - you are very welcome. Rectory phone number 07770 615677 - and the message will be passed on. Email address - [email protected] Co-ordinator - Ann Perry.

34 Anna Chaplain - Hazel Ramsay

Beatitude 6. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.' NIV

It's interesting to note that while Rabbinic tradition puts clean hands first, Jesus emphasises purity of heart. Everyone knows that pure means clean or cleansed, but why the heart? Apparently, in the Hebrew mind, 'heart' included the entire interior life of a person which included feelings, mind and will. (Psalm 24 3:4)

Many years on, I am still trusting in the Lord's transforming power in my own thinking and behaviour. I'm not sure how much positive progress I have made, but I hope that my changing attitudes and behaviour pleases Him. By the way, the Greek word for blessing can be translated 'happy' and refers to a positive or joyful state of being. I like that!

I believe that He enables us to "see" Him when we perceive more clearly His ways and plans for our lives. I "see" God in the kindness and generosity shown to me by others. I "see" Him in the natural world and the seasons. Sometimes I "see" Him in His everyday provision for me and His protection over me, particularly in times of danger and past troubles. Above all, I "see" Him in Jesus. 'Create in me a pure heart, God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.' Psalm 51:10) 35 The Wiveliscombe Area Goma Appeal

The Nyiragongo volcano towers over the city of Goma in the DRC. On 22 May it erupted, making thousands of people homeless. You may not know that Wivey has had informal links with Goma for a number of years. In 2012 a clothes sale raised funds for a project to support vulnerable women. In 2018 Bishop Desire of Goma and his wife Claudaline visited Wivey and spoke at St Andrew’s church.

The DRC is a poor and troubled country and is often overlooked by major aid organisations. Through Semiliki Trust we are able to send resources directly to those who are struggling to cope with 1000s of displaced people, many extremely poor to start with. The situation is changing day by day but already by 24 May it was known that there were ● 23 people dead ● 4 545 houses burned ● 11 schools, 6 churches burned ● 4 water tanks, 2 clinics destroyed ● It is thought that 400 000 people fled their homes

36 The Wiveliscombe Area Goma Appeal - What is needed

The leaders of the anglican churches in Goma and nearby Bukavu, who are hosting many who have fled the volcano, have issued urgent appeals for money to buy maize flour, beans, rice, blankets and other basic essentials. They are identifying the families most in need (those who are better off are sheltering with relatives) and are asking for about £75 per family to buy

● 25kg sack of maize flour £10 ● 10kg of beans £10 ● Sack of rice £15 ● 3L cooking oil £5 ● Pans, plates etc £10 ● Blankets, clothes £20 ● Distribution costs (lorry hire etc) £5

Any donation, however small, goes a long way in the Congo. £7.50 can feed a family of 5 for a week. St Andrew’s has already raised a wonderful £1700!

Is there a sponsored activity you can do, or something you can give up for a month to donate the money you save?

Donations can be made by BACS to the St Andrew’s bank account at sort code. 60-23-05, acc no. 71055797, via the link on the Wivey churches site. Cheques or cash to Wiveliscombe PCC - St Andrews quoting as reference “Semiliki”. You can give to Semiliki Trust at https://www.totalgiving.co.uk/appeal/gomavolcanoappeal [email protected]

Picture credits: 1. Peter Pearson, 2,3, and 4 Moses Sawasawa via The Guardian newspaper and reproduced with thanks.

37 Want to Advertise in this space? From £3.00 per issue for Black and White Or £4.00 in Colour. Please email [email protected] to find out more.

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£4.00 in Colour. Email [email protected] Please email [email protected] to 41 find out more. 42 43 G. J. BRANFIELD HANDYMAN - GARDENER

Fencing and Hedging Contractor Garden Maintenance Posts & Rail. Panel & Stock Fencing Repairs in the home and garden Gates Erected, Hedge Laying Carpentry, fencing walls Banking & Dry Stone Walling Dry Logs for sale - by the load Phone Mike 5, Langley Cross Wiveliscombe Tel: 01984 623435 on 01984 623474 [email protected]

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Useful Contacts

The Benefice of Wiveliscombe and the Hills

Rector: Martin Walker [email protected] 07770 615677 Benefice Secretary: Lorna Thorne: [email protected] 07796 180075 Benefice Admin Consultant: Sherry Rayson [email protected] 01984 568096 Readers: Martin Valuks: 01984 623302 Vigdis Adams: 01984 623869 Adam Green: 01984 623012 Safeguarding Sarah Heard [email protected] 01398 361202

Anna Chaplain Hazel Ramsay [email protected] 01984 248726

St Andrew’s Wiveliscombe Churchwarden: Rachel Adams [email protected] 07800 755630 NB Vacancies for Churchwarden and Assistant Churchwarden PCC Secretary: Sue Pearson [email protected] Treasurer: Gloria Filbee [email protected] 01984 624653 Family ministry: Judith Swan [email protected] 01984 629030 Visiting Team: Julie Newby 01984 623301 Bellringers Andrew Howard [email protected] 01984 624366 Choir Julie Newby [email protected] 01984 623301 Flower Guild Avril Gadd [email protected] 01984 624470

St Mary’s Brompton Ralph Churchwarden: Sue Welch: [email protected] 01984 624716 Secretary: Treasurer Mrs Helen Lock [email protected]

All Saints, Chipstable Churchwarden Thomasin Nares [email protected] 01984 624347 Dep. Churchwarden Joan Lee [email protected] 01984 624821 Secretary: Lisa Morrow [email protected] Treasurer: Sue Webber [email protected] 01984 624808

St Mary Magdalene, Clatworthy Churchwarden: Michael Biggs: [email protected] 01398 371317 Churchwarden Marie Cowling [email protected]. 01984 623484 Secretary: Angela Oakins: 01398 371317 Treasurer: Jennifer Maunder: 01984 623410

St Peter’s Huish Champflower Churchwarden + Secretary: Denise Broom [email protected] 01984 624395 Churchwarden: Julie Powles 01984 623701 Treasurer: Caroline Colvin [email protected] 01984 629049

St Michael’s, Raddington Churchwarden: Simon Coates 01398 361271 Dep. Churchwarden: Rebecca Mills [email protected] 01398 361537 Secretary: Elaine Welch 01398 361269

Treasurer: Colin Snow 01984 624663 54

Useful Contacts

St John the Baptist, Tolland Churchwardens: Maureen Canney [email protected] 01984 656236 Linda Lloyd [email protected] 01984 623155 Secretary: Emma Wrayford [email protected] 07717 314766 Treasurer: Vacant

St Luke’s Langley Marsh Chair (when Rector not present): Sir Christopher Airy Secretary: Alison Brigden: [email protected] 01984 623338

Waterrow Village and Chipstable & Raddington Church Hall Contact : Liz Kilbride [email protected] 01984 623431

Other Churches found within The Benefice Boundaries

Evangelical Congregational Church, Silver Street, Wiveliscombe

Pastor: Rev Martyn Parry [email protected] 01984 623991 Secretary: Felicity Parry [email protected] 01984 623991 Website: www.wiveyevangelical.org (Sunday Services: 10.15am Prayer Meeting 11am with Communion on 1st Sunday of Month)

St Richard of Chichester’s Roman Catholic Church, Church Street, Wiveliscombe Priest: Fr Ikeokwu Nduh [email protected] 01823 662283 (Services: Mass: 9am Sunday 10am Thursdays)

Brendon Hill (Beulah) Methodist Church Minister: Rev Nick Lakin Church Steward Gill Tapp 01643 841280 Services: Every Sunday at 6.30pm At other times on Special Occasions.)

Other Useful Contacts

Magazine Contacts: see page 2

Community Office: 3 The Square, Wiveliscombe, TA4 2JT 01984 624777 Wivey Link c/o [email protected] 01984 624666 Surgery: Lister House, Croft Way, Wiveliscombe, TA4 2BF 01984 623471 Day Lewis Pharmacy 1 The Square, Wiveliscombe, TA4 2JT 01984 623284 Musgrove Park Hospital 01823 333444 Samaritans Free calls 116 123 Local CPSO Louise Fyne [email protected] 07889 659476 Village Agent Cat Sweatman [email protected] 01823 331222

Wiveliscombe Library Tuesday, Thursday, Fridays 10.00 -12.30 & 2.30 - 4.30pm Saturday 10.00 –12.30 To renew your loans: 0300 123 2224 or visit www.librarieswest.org.uk Deadline for next magazine - 8 August 2021 [email protected] To advertise please contact [email protected] 55 Want to Advertise in this space? From £3.00 per issue for Black and White or £4.00 in Colour. Please email [email protected] to find out more.

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