Classic Trains 2004-2005 Index
INDEX TO VOLUMES 5 and 6 ® All contents of publications indexed © 2003, 2004, and 2005 by Kalmbach Publishing Co., Waukesha, Wis. CLASSIC TRAINS Spring 2004 through Winter 2005 (8 issues) STEAM GLORY (1 issue) • STREAMLINER PIONEERS (1 issue) 1048 pages HOW TO USE THIS INDEX: Feature material has been indexed three or more times—once by the title under which it was published, again under the author’s last name, and finally under one or more of the subject categories or railroads. Photographs standing alone are indexed (usually by railroad), but photographs within a feature article are not separately indexed. Brief items are indexed under the appropriate railroad and/or category. Most references to people are indexed under the company with which they are easily identified; if there is no easy identification, they may be indexed under the person’s last name. Items from countries from other than the U.S. and Canada are indexed under the appropriate country. ABBREVIATIONS: Sp = Spring CLASSIC TRAINS, Su = Summer CLASSIC TRAINS, Fa = Fall CLASSIC TRAINS, Wi = Winter CLASSIC TRAINS, SG = STEAM GLORY, StrP = STREAMLINER PIONEERS, 02 = 2002, 03 = 2003. A Wilmington, N.C., Three Depots of the South, Bird’s Eye- Hansen, Peter A., StrP 7 Aerial photos (See also Bird’s-Eye View): View, Su05 40 Hartley, Scott A., Wi04 7, Fa05 6 Washington Union Terminal, Su04 26 Augmenting on SP’s Coast Division, Fa05 60 Harwood, Herbert H. Jr., Sp05 6 After Chicago’s Big Storm, Wi05 32 Hirsimaki, Eric, Fa04 7 Albuquerque, N.Mex., Santa Fe in Three States, Fa05 74 B Hofsommer, Don L., Sp04 6 Alco: Bailey, Ralph, article by, On the B&O, “First Class” Meant Holland, Kevin J., StrP 7, Sp05 6 C415, C636 diesels introduced (photo), Classic Year 1968, Just That, Fa05 88 Ingles, J.
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