Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1944-10-24

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1944-10-24 UTJOlf CALWlfDAil 1ftAn... .1iiW I'AT8, ....... ...U •• 01& r; ....1J1ocnu ". '''''F.'' fOODIza ..., AIDI ••I. ....." AI i. el .......,.. &II' A .... ::ta....... H' E I StlOAil ... T Fair ..... tal....... .,. _MIII~ .... r., fl,....... ...u{1 OAIO • . ,I "A" ....... H •• lJ nUl ...... ..... t •••••b i¥ u, 1't1&&. OIL _n, ... I., ..tW t ... I .t .... IOWA: OeDenllJ fair, cooler• f.'~'".t .........I • DAILY IOWAN ...... ...... ....... ..U' .. ,W .......•••• A... ' 11.0'1 e... .,.. 1 ... .1 ...........•• -'-,..... ,. Iowa '- By'. M't) r n in 9 New spa per ~~~I ;;~~~====================~:;:;:;~============~~============~==============~==:=, =,=. ~~=:~~.-=~======~========~==~============:;====================================~======~~~~~~~~======1==~~ tJY&cmrra \'U.uIOaADD..... IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24.. 194.4. ftU oUIOCIAnD..... VOLUME XLV NUMBER 26 tuks liberate Tbree NIPS HAVE lOST IMMENSE EXPANSE OF PACIFIC ISles I Flanking ,Leyte, I . Revolt Against Franco ~pel CounferaHack , ; Ifree Dinagat, • i Suluan, Homonhan, Rages Northern Spain 11 Other Comm~nities G ENE R A L MacARTHUR'S HEADQUA,RTERS, Leyte. PhJlip­ Citizen I of Aachen R.turn- plnell, Tuesday (AP)-Llberation I of three flank islands to Leyte Brilish Pound Guerrillas War ~1JIl 11 communities on this mai n racHic Oceon iSIaIId was lInnounced today in a Fixes Curfew ]ate communiqUe. u. s. The' illands of Dlnagat. Suluan .MAIC\IS Rail (enler AI Navarra aiid Homonhon, where American By WlLUAM SMITH WHlTE forte&- landed three days before AACHEN. Germany (AP)-The.a much greater number than was the 'main invasion. were declared En.my Def.nses citizcns of this corpse of a city here Saturday. Sixteen orders of the United BaH Ie Regular 1Ilirated, At 'S-H.rtogenbosch were tryiIli to return to it in large States army have been posted. Spanilh Army ' The communique l'eported that numbers yesterday. and American They set up a curfew extending on terti! the Japanese coun tera t­ About to Buckle milltary government o!tlcers set from 6 p, m, to 6 a, m,. prohibit On Fr.nch Fronti.r tacked the 24th divison west of LONDON (AP)-The Brit· PlIo" but were thrown back with out immediately to tind and ap- public or pl'ivate gatherJngs of illl! Seeoncl UI'my eurly today polnt a burgomaster who is anti- more than five people, bar Nazl LONDON, Tuesday (AP)­ bl~y losses, Northern Spain i seething,with -PIIIo/ which the Americans have hamlMI'ed at '~ · H e l'togenbosc h. Hitler and who held a civic o(flce music and the Nul salute. and In proior to 1933, general make it clear that the armed conflict, the Spanish na­ ~led, lies about 10Ul' miles tli(' Germall shield for all of ~ ' of the liberatcd capital of \\'('. t I'n Holland, and the enemy Citizens are slipping back in Amel'lcan forces are here os con­ tional radio disclosed early yes· Tkiob8n, defenses seemed about to buckle, straggllng groups and guards have quetors. terday, as Spanish Republican The 24th divison, dl'lving inland but Cauadillll force' to the been placed at the city's entrances The first job of the milltary forces wage persistant guerrilla to make certain th;e cl vilian re­ government is too find out how tn.m tile Dulag area, pushed to , outhwe t were reported with· warfare with Gen. Francisco SIn Pablo, advancing toward the iurn does not become a stampede, much or the clty's water system Franco's regular Spanish army. chawn fr01l1 Breskens on the The population now is about 200 can be repaired, then to turn the i JIIIIln road of IAyte valley. The sOHth shore of the , cheldc river The national radio said the advance was, made alter tanks had -compared with the normal pop­ pick and shovel work over to the fI' NfW C'StU81'Y in It ('coufusccl" situa· fighting was centered in Navar. Japanese pOSitions in the _tfhIIOU ulatlon ot about 160,OOO- but stili Germans themselves, :tSSed tion, ra on the Spanish·French fron· ljs. tier and other advices told of San Pablo, about seven miles WHITE ARROWS .how Japan's vital overseas me·llne threatened by planes and ships as her naval The Canadian First al'my had inland" is approximately two Idomination of the Pacllic reeecles to her own home waters. ll.lkel1 Breskcns, ufcn'Y port Oil ~ kirmishes at various points in thirds of the way to the important ------------------ - -- the long waterways leading to Allies Return France the Pyrenees, rOad junction at Burauen. where I Antwerp, Sunday and had pushed Willkie Letter The cxtcnt of th uprising tJj~ .nort11-south Jilgh~ay tbrough ' Reds Overrun 1400 At a Glance- beyond, Late dispatches from su­ To 'Sovereign Stalus was not en tlrely clear. Leyte vaUey joins With the east- ' , preme a III e d headquarters at Headquarters ot the Spanish i Decides PariS, however, said the Canadi­ Ba~1 Republicans in London said the ground forces Jast ans had retired from the town D. Gaull.'1 Regim. I States GOP ;i!n:~~~h East Prussian Towns guerrilla warfare to overthrow ni4ht , held the ',maln coastal ap­ last night and that there was see­ ,To Control Paris, ptpa'cill!S , to Leyte valley ilier Today's 'To Sup~porl saw fighUng In the area, Franco was mounting rapldly. wlQi11~g dominating hill positions Moscow Announc.s In their advance on 'S-Herto­ Non-Combat Areal Franco's radio claimed tha t the al\d 'fIgb\lng throul!h swamps that 19-Mil. Plunge ' gen bosch , Ole British wiped out a Sympathies "infiltration of Spanish Reds into ~d Imp,eded the w~~teward thrust wbole battalion of the 712th Ger- WASHINGTON CAP) - Under Navarra can be considered over." bf their .ibyaslon front Qn Lerte ' Into Gere:nany lo .wari ·~ INDIANAPOLIS (AP)-The Roosevelt man ' infantry division and took he leadership of aggressive Gen- Indianpolis Star will publish in A dispatch from Lerida, Spain, ISIv\d -In tlle central PhUJppines. * * * 500 prisoners, including one regl- eral Charles de GauUe, the repub­ its Tuesday edition a facsimile said earlier that Spanilh troops "SjlearheadCd by . tank;s, ' the LONDON. Tues day (AP)- Revolt see thes in northern ----- mental and one battalion eom- lic of Fl'artce emerged yesterday of a leiter purportedly written were gathered tor a cleanup of dOUcl1bo~s drove stubl;>orn, Japan. Po\verful Russian armies In a two- S . ' 11 WASHlNGTON (AP)-Renub- ese,. from the 11111s blockmg. the , . pain. as guen'l as wage war .. mandel', from four dark yean; of defeat, oc- by the Jate Wendell L , WiIlkie guerrllia forces which had inm­ The bard-dl'iving Tom m Ie s, In which he said "I am and trated into the Aran vaUey in the no;lhern ' entl'llOce to iIle valley { way plunge mto pre-war Germany against Franco's regular army. tican Scnator Joseph n, Ball of smashlng In on 'S-Hertb&enbosch cupation and the ravages of war wblie other forces threllded the have,overrun 1,400 towns and vil- Minnesota jumped the party fenct:' have been dedicated to the re­ eastern Pyrenees west of Andorra from three directions, rocked the to take cohtrol once more of its aWB.ll\Jlli at the southern -anchor of lages, stabbing 19 miles into East British hammel· 'S-Hertogen- yesterday to campaign fOi' Presl- moval of the present adminis­ during the week. \hi l' ' bosch, gate city 01 western Hol- dent Roosevelt. onnouncini he Nazis ' back approxJmately six own destlnles as a sovereign na­ tration trom oUlce," The dispatch said that during , 111e. ' . Prussia from the east on an 87- land, made his choice on the basis of miles 10 liberating the ' important tion already promised a pwition The letter. on WiUkie's per.! operations yes tel' day Spanish :z'hese a~vanccs threatened to mile front conquering nearly all (orelgn poliCy cOlnmilments whie" towns of Schinjndel. Middelrod , of power in the councils of peace, sonal stationary. was dated May enc~cle . l'(lPpone~e de!endlng the . ~ . - - - " troops reestabllshad commu.nlca­ I\IIIilhern . ~nd ,of tlle ironto who of MePlel , terntory on the. north, Ya.nks lIbera te three islands he asseded wlll assure the fourth Ollalld and Bl'uggen. They re- Two actions by its allies marked 2, 1944, tions with Yiella, the largest town ~dy w.~r,e. in reb'cat north- I and tra~plng the axis garrtson in flanking lJeytc, free 11 other t~rm candidate tbe bulk of tht celved tumllituous welcomes trom the renaissance of the rcpublic: The letter was addresSed to in the valley, almOlt cut off ~rom _~ard l , poughboYJI ot tlJe Sev- the Baltic port of ).femel, Moscow communities. "Independent vote," th Dutc? PQPul~ce, . 1, The United ' States, Britain Earl L, Jolly, general ageht for the rest of Spain by a spur ot the entII division were in' hot pursuit announced last night, --r- Outlining .his position in a fot· Fresh momentum was "Iven and Rllgsla at I\oon EWT, simul­ an l n sur a n c e company at Pyrenees, and with BenalqUe, ther overran the eqemy's hedge~ I In a huge offensive supported by Letter written by'Willlde before mal statment and elabotatin the BritISh oClensive against the taneously recognized the regime of Evansvllle. wes( ot Viella. row c'iMenses in an etlolt to catch thousands of gUllS, tanks and death states wish to see Demo- loter In a news conference, tht well tcrn Ihmk or thc Holland , whIch General de Gaulle is presl­ The text of the letter follow.3: Republican sources in Loodon ~ Ulelng JapaneS!). ' planes t!lC Russians crossed i~to cratic admInistration removed 39-Year-old senator said: bridgehe{ld by a new atlack I dent as a "provlsionlll govern­ "My Dear Mr, Jolly: asserted the revolt against Franco Yanks of the 24th divlson, eom- \ t!le NaZI h?meland f~r the first from oI!ice, "My guess is Mr.
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    ,.i r.ni'1' ''"' 1|U SS CITY CHRONICLE ••>"-'" )lL, Ml CASS CITV, MICHIGAN-THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1975 ;ipri-""» ' Twenty Cents SECTION A TWENTY-TWO PAGES PLUS SUPPLEMENT Could begin in 1977 Tri-county Dial-A-Ride plans studied by commissioners Tri-cpunty commissioners Buses would be furnished ment. a combination of the two. This time to study the proposal, began studying the possibility by the state and operated Huron County Commission seemed to find most favor of establishing a Dial-A-Ride but were told a decision was during the initial year of the Chairman Calvin Reibling, among commissioners who required that day. service during an informal program. Elkton, said he could see pointed out the size of the The county is on a stand-by meeting with state authorities After the first year, local merit in the idea, but that service area and its scattered Thursday at Wildwood voters would have the oppor- each county board should list, Eberlein explained, and population. if another county should drop Farms. tunity of approving operating have a chance to study the Earlier this year, the Tug- Commissioners seemed in- millage for the program. proposal thoroughly. out of the program, its state cola County Board of Com- allocation would be available. terested in the project, but Eberlein estimated that ap- Tuscola Commissioner missioners turned down par- weren't ready to come out in It's expected each county proximately one-third of Dial- Maynard McConkey, Cass ticipation in Dial-A-Ride, board will discuss the idea complete support of the A-Ride's costs would be City, remained skeptical.
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