Tri-County Dial-A-Ride Plans Studied by Commissioners Reading Program Helps Cass City Kids Get Ahead
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,.i'1' ''"' 1|U SS CITY CHRONICLE ••>"-'" )lL, Ml CASS CITV, MICHIGAN-THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1975 ;ipri-""» ' Twenty Cents SECTION A TWENTY-TWO PAGES PLUS SUPPLEMENT Could begin in 1977 Tri-county Dial-A-Ride plans studied by commissioners Tri-cpunty commissioners Buses would be furnished ment. a combination of the two. This time to study the proposal, began studying the possibility by the state and operated Huron County Commission seemed to find most favor of establishing a Dial-A-Ride but were told a decision was during the initial year of the Chairman Calvin Reibling, among commissioners who required that day. service during an informal program. Elkton, said he could see pointed out the size of the The county is on a stand-by meeting with state authorities After the first year, local merit in the idea, but that service area and its scattered Thursday at Wildwood voters would have the oppor- each county board should list, Eberlein explained, and population. if another county should drop Farms. tunity of approving operating have a chance to study the Earlier this year, the Tug- Commissioners seemed in- millage for the program. proposal thoroughly. out of the program, its state cola County Board of Com- allocation would be available. terested in the project, but Eberlein estimated that ap- Tuscola Commissioner missioners turned down par- weren't ready to come out in It's expected each county proximately one-third of Dial- Maynard McConkey, Cass ticipation in Dial-A-Ride, board will discuss the idea complete support of the A-Ride's costs would be City, remained skeptical. largely due to the suddenness project without backing from and detail their thoughts at picked up by the state in "It's hard to conceive a of the proposal. Commis- subsequent meetings on Dial- their respective boards. subsequent years, with an- system that could be feasible sioners felt they needed more A-Ride. Thursday's planning could other third coming through on such a wide basis," lead to a three-county, state customer fares and the final McConkey said. sponsored mini-bus service third from the local sponsor- He was also wary of beginning by July, 1977. How ing governmental unit. beginning another program much such a system would In the tri-county case, it's initially sponsored wholly by cost or how many vehicles not certain which unit would the state and then phased into would be needed are still take the lead or how a the county's already strained unknown. A study of the transportation authority budget. People get used to area's transportation needs would be set up. having these services and still must be completed. For example, if Dial-A-Ride they don't want to give them Mike Eberlein, assistant is set up in the three counties up, he said. THIS PHOTO is for our Florida subscribers who are wondering manager of the bus develop- and after one year a millage Eberlein replied that the ment section of the State vote is held in which Tuscola people would have an option how many feet of snow have fallen back home. Surprise. Highway Department, made and Huron counties approve on keeping it through millage Temperatures in the high 60's have been the rule so far this week. the pitch for the system, the levy but Sanilac does not, votes. Here, Herb Ludlow attempts to sink a putt at Rolling Hills as his explaining that if the three the authority would have to be What's needed now, he counties go in on the plan structured to allow Sanilac to added, is a letter of intent, wife (directly behind) watches. Also shown are Mr. and Mrs. Jim together, the total investment drop out. either from the three counties Sageman of Bad Axe. the first year would be $1,000. The push for a tri-county as a group or from one transportation system came county, stating that the other through the Thumb Area two are interested in explor- Regional Interagency Coordi- ing the possibilities of a Coal: make reading easier nating Council. Ted Hull, system. Caro Area Services for the Eberlein said once that's Handicapped director, said done, the Highway Depart- the 25 agencies in the three ment can assist in developing counties spend close to a cost analysis and help $100,000 a year on transpor- determine how many buses Reading program helps tation alone and that Dial-A- would be needed. He empha- Ride could be the answer. sized that the state would not Dial-A-Ride has been spon- be telling the counties what sored through the one-half kind of Dial-A-Ride program cent per gallon gasoline tax to operate but only what it earmarked for mass transit would take to offer a given projects, amounting to some level of service. $22 million annually, Eberlein He said the bus service Cass City kids get ahead said. would be available to all Most of these monies went persons once it's established, to metropolitan areas, he but that a large percentage of said, while Dial-A-Ride sys- riders would probably be By Jim Ketchum the 500 students tested could a combination of techniques, fully interesting stories, not read within two years of along with patience and an "That's part of the trick," tems have been aimed at elderly .or handicapped pe.r- When Johnny can't read at their grade level. understanding of the indi- Mrs. Bauer said, "we have to areas with populations of sons who could not drive. his grade level, something is She works with approxi- vidual student. give the kids something from 9,000 to 35,000. Fares could be expected to being done to help him at Cass mately 70 students four days "These kids aren't dumb," interesting to read that will So far, Eberlein said, every average about 50 cents, City Public Schools. a week at Cass City Inter- Mrs. Bauer said. "If it hold their attention." Dial-A-Ride system in the according to a recent High- Known officially as a Read- mediate, in a program fi- weren't for their reading Another tool is a bi-monthly state has at least broken way Department news re- ing Support Services pro- nanced with state and federal problems, they would be magazine which provides even. Currently, the system lease detailing election re- gram, the idea simply takes funds. top-flight students. But if you students with stories as well operates in 17 communities. sults on Dial-A-Ride refer- small groups of students with Total salaries for both can't read then you're lost at as puzzles and word games to He said if the three counties endums around the state. TED LAURIA poses proudly with this giant sub-par reading skills and remedial reading teachers everything else." advance reading skills. go for the idea, it will be the Route could either be estab- 11-pointer that weighed 220 pounds. It was places them in an environ- total $27,917.50, according to One of the methods used to Comprehension is also first time more than one lished or the system could operate strictly on a request shot Saturday morning seven miles east of ment that turns reading from figures supplied by the dis- improve reading skills is a stressed. Mrs. Bauer says county has agreed to give a chore into something more trict. Of that total, Mrs. basic workbook. In it, stu- that just since classes began Dial-A-Ride a try. basis. A third option would be Cass City. enjoyable. Peters' entire salary is paid dents learn to sound out this fall, most of her students It's unknown how many The main problem is get- through the Title I aid words as well as read simple have improved their ability to mini-buses would be needed ting these students interested program, with a portion of sentences in what are hope- retain what they've read. in each county, but Hull .in reading, according to Mrs. Mrs. Bauer's salary funded estimated that Tuscola Nannette Bauer, reading in- Periodic tests involve giv- through state and local aid. ing the student three or four county alone would need at structor at Cass City Inter- Total state aid in the least four. Each bus would mediate School. sentences to read, followed by Valuation fight reading support program We goofed! hold from 15 to 20 passengers. "With most of these stu- a quiz on what they read and through June, 1975, totaled what it meant. dents, reading has always $3,573.24, according to figures So far, Dial-A-Ride's track been a problem," she says, She says she also encour- record has been good, Eber- supplied by the Tuscola ages her students to read "and often we aren't sure Intermediate School District. lein explained. In each com- why. Maybe a child missed an Deer season newspapers and magazines, munity where local millage important part of learning to She expressed concern that with an eye toward eventually votes have been held on the the program may suffer tackling whole books. with state looming? read. Maybe what he's read- system, the system has met ing simply doesn't mean under proposed state budget "Another goal we have is to with approval. Two weeks anything. There could also be cuts in education. Presently, opened at dawn eventually get these kids ago, Dial-A-Ride millages emotional problems or physi- however, nothing is certain. involved in writing," she were approved in Alpena, Don't look for passive have made moves to protest his reason for withdrawing.