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Newport Paper 38 NAVAL WAR COLLEGE NEWPORT PAPERS 38 NAVAL WAR COLLEGE WAR NAVAL High Seas Buffer The Taiwan Patrol Force, 1950–1979 NEWPORT PAPERS NEWPORT N ES AV T A A L T W S A D R E C T I O L N L U E E G H E T I VIRIBU OR A S CT MARI VI 38 Bruce A. Elleman Color profile: Generic CMYK printer profile Composite Default screen U.S. GOVERNMENT Cover OFFICIAL EDITION NOTICE This perspective aerial view of Newport, Rhode Island, drawn and published by Galt & Hoy of New York, circa 1878, is found in the American Memory Online Map Collections: 1500–2003, of the Library of Congress Geography and Map Division, Washington, D.C. The map may be viewed at loc.gmd/g3774n.pm008790. Use of ISBN Prefix This is the Official U.S. Government edition of this publication and is herein identified to certify its authenticity. ISBN 978-1-884733-95-6 is for this U.S. Government Printing Office Official Edition only. The Superintendent of Documents of the U.S. Government Printing Office requests that any reprinted edition clearly be labeled as a copy of the authentic work with a new ISBN. Legal Status and Use of Seals and Logos The logo of the U.S. Naval War College (NWC), Newport, Rhode Island, authenticates High Seas Buffer: The Taiwan Patrol Force, 1950–1979, by Bruce A. Elleman, as an official publication of the College. It is prohibited to use NWC’s logo on any republication of this book without the express, written permission of the Editor, Naval War College Press, or the editor’s designee. For Sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Internet: Phone: toll free (866) 512-1800; DC area (202) 512-1800 Fax: (202) 512-2104 Mail: Stop IDCC, Washington, DC 20402-00001 ISBN: 978-1-884733-95-6 I:\__WIP from C 032812\_Newport Papers\_NP_38_Tawian Patrol_Elleman\NP_38 InsideCovers spread.vp Wednesday, April 04, 2012 9:05:39 AM High Seas Buffer The Taiwan Patrol Force, 1950–1979 Bruce A. Elleman NAVAL WAR COLLEGE PRESS Newport, Rhode Island I:\__WIPfrom C 032812\_Newport Papers\_NP_38_Tawian Patrol_Elleman\InDesign\01 NP_38 FrontMatter.indd April 3, 2012 12:01 PM Naval War College The Newport Papers are extended research projects that Newport, Rhode Island the Director, the Dean of Naval Warfare Studies, and the Center for Naval Warfare Studies President of the Naval War College consider of particular Newport Paper Thirty-Eight interest to policy makers, scholars, and analysts. April 2012 The views expressed in the Newport Papers are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of President, Naval War College the Naval War College or the Department of the Navy. Rear Adm. John N. Christenson, USN Correspondence concerning the Newport Papers may be Provost addressed to the Director of the Naval War College Press. Amb. Mary Ann Peters To request additional copies, back copies, or subscriptions Dean of Naval Warfare Studies to the series, please either write the President (Code 32S), Robert C. Rubel Naval War College, 686 Cushing Road, Newport, RI 02841-1207, or contact the Press staff at the telephone, fax, Naval War College Press or e-mail addresses given. Director: Dr. Carnes Lord Reproduction and printing are subject to the Copyright Managing Editor: Pelham G. Boyer Act of 1976 and applicable treaties of the United States. This document may be freely reproduced for academic or Telephone: 401.841.2236 other noncommercial use; however, it is requested that Fax: 401.841.1071 reproductions credit the author and Newport Papers series DSN exchange: 841 and that the Press editorial office be informed. To obtain E-mail: permission to reproduce this publication for commercial Web: purposes, contact the Press editorial office. Twitter: ISSN 1544-6824 Printed in the United States of America ISBN 978-1-884733-95-6 I:\__WIPfrom C 032812\_Newport Papers\_NP_38_Tawian Patrol_Elleman\InDesign\01 NP_38 FrontMatter.indd April 3, 2012 12:01 PM Contents Lists of Maps, Figures, and Photographs v List of Acronyms and Abbreviations vii Acknowledgments xi Foreword, by John B. Hattendorf xiii Introduction 1 CHAPTER ONE The Two Chinas, the Offshore Islands, and the Korean War 3 CHAPTER TWO The U.S. Seventh Fleet and the Creation of the Taiwan Patrol Force 17 CHAPTER THREE Special Strategic Concerns in the Taiwan Strait 31 CHAPTER FOUR U.S. and British Disputes over Trade with China 45 CHAPTER FIVE The First Taiwan Strait Crisis, 1954– 1955 59 CHAPTER SIX Funding and Training the Nationalist Navy 75 CHAPTER SEVEN Morale Building and Rest-and- Recreation Visits 87 CHAPTER EIGHT The Second Taiwan Strait Crisis, 1958 99 CHAPTER NINE The Third Taiwan Strait Crisis and the End of the Taiwan Patrol Force 111 I:\__WIPfrom C 032812\_Newport Papers\_NP_38_Tawian Patrol_Elleman\InDesign\01 NP_38 FrontMatter.indd April 3, 2012 12:01 PM iv the newport papers CHAPTER TEN The U.S. Navy’s Continuing Strategic Impact in the Taiwan Strait 123 CONCLUSION The Taiwan Patrol Force as a Continuing Maritime Buffer Operation 133 APPENDIX A U.S. Taiwan Defense Command Commanders 145 APPENDIX B Commanders of the Taiwan Patrol Force, 1950–1979 147 Bibliography 149 Index 155 About the Author 167 The Newport Papers 169 I:\__WIPfrom C 032812\_Newport Papers\_NP_38_Tawian Patrol_Elleman\InDesign\01 NP_38 FrontMatter.indd April 3, 2012 12:01 PM Lists of Maps, Figures, and Photographs Maps 1. Nationalist Blockade of the Yangtze River 8 2. Taiwan’s “Critical Sea Areas” 12 3. Nationalist-Controlled Offshore Islands 13 4. Typical Air Reconnaissance Mission over the Taiwan Strait 19 5. PLA January 1955 Yijiangshan Landing Campaign 64 6. Flight Path Similar to the “Instant Hero” 96 7. U.S. Navy’s Jinmen Convoy Operations 104 8. Missile Testing Zones North of Taiwan 114 9. Location of PRC Missile Tests during 1995–1996 126 Figures 1. Taiwan Patrol Force Organizational Matrix 22 Photographs 1. Crew of Hissem assisting a damaged Chinese fishing boat 25 2. PBMs at the seaplane ramp at Naval Station Sangley Point, Philippines 34 3. Lt. Cdr. “Big John” Vukic 35 4. The CNO, Adm. Arleigh A. Burke, greeted by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek during a 1955 visit to Taiwan 69 5. U.S. Navy equipment and training involved in Nationalist resupply of Jinmen Island 80 6. U.S. embassy in Taipei looted by rioters on 24 May 1957 93 I:\__WIPfrom C 032812\_Newport Papers\_NP_38_Tawian Patrol_Elleman\InDesign\01 NP_38 FrontMatter.indd April 3, 2012 12:01 PM I:\__WIPfrom C 032812\_Newport Papers\_NP_38_Tawian Patrol_Elleman\InDesign\01 NP_38 FrontMatter.indd April 3, 2012 12:01 PM List of Acronyms and Abbreviations A AA antiaircraft ARIES Airborne Reconnaissance Integrated Electronic System ASW antisubmarine warfare C CA heavy cruiser CCK Ching Chuan Kang (Air Base, Taiwan) CHINCOM China Committee CIA Central Intelligence Agency CIC combat information center CinCPac Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Command CinCPacFlt Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet CL light cruiser CNO Chief of Naval Operations CO commanding officer COCOM Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls CommOff communications officer ComNavFE Commander, Naval Forces, Far East ComSeventhFlt Commander, Seventh Fleet CTF Commander, Task Force CTG Commander, Task Group CVA attack aircraft carrier CVS antisubmarine aircraft carrier I:\__WIPfrom C 032812\_Newport Papers\_NP_38_Tawian Patrol_Elleman\InDesign\01 NP_38 FrontMatter.indd April 3, 2012 12:01 PM viii the newport papers D DCNO Deputy Chief of Naval Operations DD destroyer DE destroyer escort DER radar picket destroyer escort E ECM electronic countermeasures ELINT electronic intelligence EMCON emission control ESM electronic support measures F FAW fleet air wing FRUS Foreign Relations of the United States FY fiscal year G GCA ground-controlled approach GNP gross national product GPO Government Printing Office H HUK hunter-killer J JATO jet-assisted takeoff JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff L LSD landing ship, dock LSM landing ship, medium LST landing ship, tank M MAAG Military Assistance Advisory Group MiG (Mikoyan-Gurevich; various Soviet fighter aircraft) MTB motor torpedo boat I:\__WIP from C 032812\_Newport Papers\_NP_38_Tawian Patrol_Elleman\InDesign\01 NP_38 FrontMatter.indd April 3, 2012 12:01 PM high seas buffer ix N NHHC Naval History and Heritage Command NSC National Security Council O ONI Office of Naval Intelligence OpOrder operations order OpPlan operations plan P PBM Mariner patrol bomber [seaplane, several variants] PLA People’s Liberation Army PLAAF People’s Liberation Army Air Force PLAN People’s Liberation Army Navy PRC People’s Republic of China R R&D research and development R&R rest and recreation RCN Republic of China Navy ROC Republic of China ROE rules of engagement S SAR search and rescue SIGINT signals intelligence SLOC sea line of communication SRBM short-range ballistic missile T TF task force TG task group TNA/UK The National Archives–United Kingdom U UN United Nations USN U.S. Navy I:\__WIPfrom C 032812\_Newport Papers\_NP_38_Tawian Patrol_Elleman\InDesign\01 NP_38 FrontMatter.indd April 3, 2012 12:01 PM x the newport papers USNS United States Naval Ship USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics V VFW Veterans of Foreign Wars VP patrol squadron/maritime patrol aviation W WEI Western Enterprises, Incorporated X XO executive officer I:\__WIP from C 032812\_Newport Papers\_NP_38_Tawian Patrol_Elleman\InDesign\01 NP_38 FrontMatter.indd April 3, 2012 12:01 PM Acknowledgments The author would like to thank those who shared their insights and expertise, includ- ing James Barber, Lyle Bien, Bob Chamberlin, Doug Hatfield, Jay Pryor, Paul Romanski, Michael Westmoreland, and James P.
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