1932-06-13 [P A-5]
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ROCKEFELLER, JR., IS CENTER OF DISCUSSION BY WOMEN Statement on Prohibition Is Widely U. S. BAR GROUP Acclaimed Convention New York Delegation Sub- by Delegates, Judge of Customs and Patent While mits Two Proposals for Others Express Surprise. Appeals Court Named Vote and Chairman. Repeal. BY LOUISE A. ROGERS. lauding Mr. Rockefeller’s stand was Illinois Special Dispatch to The Star. Mrs. Leslie W. Wheeler. co- CHICAGO. June 13 (N.A.N.A.1One chairman of the Women’s Organization BY DAVID LAWRENCE. who said: ”No Presiding Judge William J. Graham man's influence dominates the attention for Prohibition Reform, one can the integrity of such of the Court of Special Dispatch to The Star. of politically minded women who are question Customs and Patent a statement from Mr. Rockefeller. It CHICAGO, June 13—When Is a wet arriving in Chicago by train loads for Appeals will head the Judiciary Com- has women courage to come out really a dry plank and when does the opening of the Republican National given mittee of the their views in re- Federal Bar Association, Jilankt really mean repeal? Convention tomorrow. and express personal to the failure of the present it was announced William Such a query might well be asked to- That man is John D. Rockefeller, Jr. gard sys- today by R, r. tem day as the first group of platform Wherever groups of committeewomen. openly." Vallance, president of the association. To phrasemakers have completed their in- delegates or alternates are found there Declares Statement Was Awaited. serve with Judge Graham will be Fred itial job The New York delegation, the name of the oil king’s son is heard. K. Nielsen, commissioner on the of us were waiting for that notoriously wet, adopted a plank and Some hail his for resubmission of "Many Claims Commission, and Robert plea said Mrs. Bertha Judges called it ‘'wet." The headlines called the with acclaim. statement,” Baur, E. Mattingly and Issac R. Hitt. prohibition question Illinois committeewoman. "It’s time It repeal. Actually, If the drys are Others, like Mrs. Henry Peabody of Whitney North Seymour, Special As- we beating about the bush and ready for resubmission, as they profess Boston, chairman of the Women’s Na- stopped sistant Attorney General, was named to called a a be, then the plank suggested by the tional Committee on Law Enforcement, spade spade.” chairman of the Committee on Admin- State Mrs. Baur's stand recalls her cam- istrative Empire delegation, of which frankly say that he has “wandered over Law; Guilford S. Jameson, of the paign for Congress and the ’’Bertha commissioner Ogden Mills, Secretary Treasury, to the wrong side of the fence.” of the Court of Claims, was and beer” slogan which appeared on a Mild and Rich and selected to represent New York on Mrs. Peabody, gray-haired and chairman of the Audit Committee; the truck load of empty barrels driven Edward Resolutions Committee, can hardly motherly, who has known Mr. Rocke- C. Adams, Bureau of Internal be north side streets one Revenue Mellow : Fall Bodied objectionable. Here is what the feller since he was a baby, regards him through Sunday. attorney, chairman of ’the y More conservative was the admission plank says: as a “small boy who has heard and Membership Extension Committee; “Resolved, it is the sense of Mrs. John Hillman, committeewoman Charles B. of the New listened to wrong teachings.” Rugg, Assistant Attorney York from that "even a vote on delegation that the eighteenth “You know how it is when your own Colorado, General, chairman of the Jurisprudence amendment to the Federal resubmission might not carry In my Charles W. 5 Constitution son gets into wrong company,” she ex- Flora, General O’Clock Red be where every candidate who has Cird^V resubmitted to the people in the fol- in her suite at the Palmer State, Sommlttee;ccountlng Office attorney, chairman plained been elected has been a of the lowing manner: House. “You can tell from the way he dry. However, Legislative Committee; Franklin such a statement as Mr. "That the Congress of the United talks with whom he's b’en playing ball. Rockefeller's Clyde Baggarly, Federal Trade Commis- Is In Its on this sion lb. States propase the repeal of the said His words sound suspiciously like an Important bearing Issue. attorney, chairman of the Member- lb. 3«» 59c who are not to vote 1350c amendment with the provision that the echo of those of Nicholas Murray But- People ready for ship Qualifications Committee; William 20c 1 several definite substitute for the E. States pass upon said question ler. And when Mr. Butler, as president any eighteenth Reese, attorney in the General Popular blend of Santo* and amendment favor the Finest Santos Coffee bv conventions duly called. And it is of Columbia University, conferred a de- might chance to Accounting Office, chairman of the quality Columbia bean ground fresh in further the sense of the New reconsider.” Publications and A. York gree on Alice in Wonderland, one has Committee, George bean ground fresh in the store the store. that we Warren, Interior delegation further recommend a right to be suspicious of the soundness Department attorney, that the Express Approval chairman delegates to the several State of his judgment. of the Welfare Committee. conventions be chosen at special elec- Democratic women leaders, Mrs. tions and not at general elections.” Sorry for Wet Stand. George Bass and Mrs. Charles W. “I’ve known John D. Rockefeller since Conkey, Illinois both Exquisite Flavor and Extra Many Want Repeal. committeewomen, Strength he was a small boy. His mother was expressed loud approval. LEARN TO SWIM WEEK Aroma From a truly wet viewpoint the one of my most intimate friends. I “This stand of a man like Mr. flaw in the foregoing plank is that it wonder what she would think of her son Rockefeller strengthens the position of merely suggests that Congress submit using the same arguments and being our party in its stand for justice and ORGANIZED BY GROUP Condor the question of repeal to be voted upon, on the same side of a great vital ques- liberty,” said Mrs. Conkey. i Bokar which, of course, means that Congress tion as the cocktail-drinking ladles? Reservations for Mrs. Alice Roosevelt that he had done a could phrase the question so as to in- I've always said Longworth have been made at the Association Flans to Conduct Free \ America's a s* in wealth than highest clude an alternative system of liquor greater thing dignifying Blackstone. She probably will reach \ value K/* ib distribution. It does not attempt to most persons in dignifying poverty. Rut Chicago at about the same time as Mrs. Instruction From July OPENING THURSDAY I package / commit the to a flat I'm sorry for his recent stand.” Albert W. as she Is 31c Republican party Simms, or, Coffee fciVV better Newest Ultra-Modem Food Store lb. repeal, with no substitute or alterna- Citing the great numerical voting known, Ruth Hanna McCormick Simms, 11 to 16. Oar \ Mrs. with \ Bean or Steel Cut Vacuum Packed tive. Many of the Eastern wets want strength of women. Peabody, who. In marrying, espoused the sena- the eighteenth amendment repealed members of her organization from sur- torial aspirations of the former Repre- and in its rounding States, is establishing head- propose nothing place, pre- sentative from New Mexico. Organization of a "Washington ferring that the States recover all of quarters in the New Union Park Hotel, (Copyright. 1P32. by the North American Leam-to-6wim-Week Association," com- 708 15th St. S.L The their and deal with the situa- near the Chicago Stadium. Alliance. Inc.) largest selling high-grade powers Newspaper prised of representatives of swimming tion as see fit. Invited to they and water safety organizations in the You Are Cordially Attend coffees in the world As the New York has delegation Capital and vicinity, was announced to- written the plank, the drvs who favor Is day. Plans are being formulated to Music from 7 to 9 P.M. a referendum could not really quarrel France Only conduct free swimming instruction in a with the language. For, to be sure, majority of the swimming In the it would be the Congress who would pools Candidate District area from 11 to 16. write the to submit and there Having July proposal Ralph W. Foster, director of is in the plank that commits physical nothing education at the Central Y. M. C. A., the Republican party or its Office in repre- Is president of the association, with and sentatives in Congress to submit an Chicago Evaporated (Rich Creamy) Winfrey Johnson of the Public Welfare actual repeal. Department. U. 8. Parks, as secretary. To put it another way. Congress could ^ j At the initial meeting of the by two-thirds vote adopt a resolution Plans but group Wildmere Fresh . 21c WHITE HOUSE MILK . Keeps Secret, held in the Y. M. C. A. Eggs 25c declaring the eighteenth amendment headquarters, 5^ 14 representatives of both white and repealed and could pass the 4o* question Nominee Won’t Delegation to Select District colored and welfare Luscious Golden Slices on to the several States for or Says swimming pools Fresh . 25c approval the Scouts Eggs disapproval. The New York delega- organizations, Including Boy Sunnybrook Be Hoover. of America and the American tion's amendment would, however, not Representatives on Conven- Red Cross, attended. even commit Congress, but would ask Sliced Bacon *ib 10c DEL MONTE The week of 11 been Sunnyfield PINEAPPLE, 2^,29c that a proposal to repeal be voted on July having By the Associated Press.