2015-16 Women's Golf
2015-16 Women’s Golf Founded in 1842, Ohio Wesleyan Ohio Wesleyan employs 146 full- is a national university with a major time faculty. Nearly 100 percent of international presence. Accredited by Ohio Wesleyan in Brief the tenure-track faculty hold a Ph.D. the North Central Association of Col- or equivalent or are completing work leges and Schools, OWU is a member of LOCATION >> Delaware, Ohio 43015 toward the degree. The student-faculty the Great Lakes Colleges Association, a ratio is 11:1. consortium of 13 leading independent FOUNDED >> 1842 Ohio Wesleyan currently enrolls institutions in Indiana, Michigan, and about 1750 students, almost equally ENROLLMENT 1675 Ohio. >> men and women, from nearly every Ohio Wesleyan has been named NICKNAME >> Battling Bishops state and more than 40 countries. The to the President’s Higher Education multicultural enrollment total of ap- COLORS Red and Black Community Service Honor Roll — the >> proximately 16 percent includes U.S. highest federal recognition a school can PRESIDENT >> Dr. Rock Jones multicultural students and interna- achieve for service learning and civic tional students. engagement — for 6 consecutive years. HOME COURSES >> Oakhaven Golf Club, Diversity, creativity, leadership, Ohio Wesleyan confers the Bach- Mill Creek Golf Club, and service are emphasized through- Glenross Golf Club, elor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts, and out the co-curriculum. Students are Safari Golf Club Bachelor of Music degrees. The Univer- active in nearly 100 clubs and orga- sity also offers combined-degree (3-2) AFFILIATION >> NCAA Division III nizations, as well as departmental programs in engineering, interdisci- student boards, academic honoraries, plinary and applied science, medical CONFERENCE >> North Coast Athletic music and theatre productions, frater- technology, optometry, and physical WEBSITE >> www.owu.edu nities and sororities, and an extensive therapy.
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