CENTRE COLLEGE INTERNATIONAL STUDENT HANDBOOK Stephen Swan Assistant Director, Center for Global Citizenship International Student Services Contact: Old Carnegie -- Davidson Room
[email protected] Office Phone: 859-238-6106 Cell Phone: 270-317-7927 (call or text) WeChat: Stephen_Swan 1 WELCOME! Welcome to Centre College! We are excited to have you on campus and hope you will soon become an active member of this vibrant, challenging, stimulating community. You have chosen a college of great reputation and history, and a place where we know how to work hard, enjoy the non-academic life on campus, and make the most of the beauty and knowledge surrounding us. Life here may seem strange at irst, but we hope that in a very short time, Centre College will feel like your home away from home! The following pages include information that may be helpful as you learn about the college, the town of Danville, and the United States. Let this handbook guide you as you get settled and become familiar with how things work here. We have anticipated a few questions you may have as you establish yourself at Centre, but you will probably have many more questions during your irst year here. Please do not hesitate to ask me for help if you are having dificulty. In fact, you have many people here to help you (professors, the Registrar, your Resident Assistant and Orientation Leaders, Mentors, friends, and staff members), so feel free to ask for help or support at any time. As Dr. John Roush, president of Centre College, says, “You will ind the Centre faculty, staff, facilities, organizations, and activities at Centre have a common purpose—to provide you with a challenging and rich experience of intellectual and personal growth.” Congratulations on being a Centre student! We expect that your time at Centre will be a transformative experience for you, and we are honored and excited to be a part of it.