Grand Lodge

A.F. & A.M. of

147th Annual Communication Held in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho September 18th, 19th, 20th, A.D. 2014 – A.L. 2014

Daniel B. Heberling MW Grand Master A.F. & A.M of Idaho 2013-2014

Daniel B. Heberling MW Grand Master Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M of Idaho 2013-2014

My great grandfather homesteaded near Cottonwood, ID in the 1880's and my grandfather was born on that farm. He graduated from Washington State University in 1907 as a civil engineer and worked that profession throughout his life. I was born in California and earned a degree in police science. I worked in law enforcement most of my life. After retiring once, I returned to Idaho and spent four years as a deputy sheriff in Grangeville, Idaho County, where the original farm was located. During my career I was employed in every position in a police department from dispatcher to chief.

While in Grangeville I fulfilled a longtime intent and joined the Lodge, Mt. Idaho #9 in 1996. After living in Grangeville long enough to earn a Warden's certificate, I moved to Kootenai County and joined St. Maries #63 and Kootenai #24 in Coeur d'Alene.

I served as District Deputy Grand Master under MWGM John Sharp and as Grand Orator under MWGM Harry Black. During that time I served as WM of St. Maries #63 seven times. MWGM Mike Sutton appointed me to the Grand Lodge line in 2006.

I have since moved to Hayden and have been employed by the State of Washington as an investigator for 13 years.


MW Grand Lodge

Ancient Free and Accepted Masons

of Idaho


A.D. 2014 -- A.L. 6014



ADDRESS OF GRAND SECRETARY: Monte B. Bollar 219 North Seventeenth Street Boise, Idaho 83702-5145 ______




MW Grand Lodge Ancient Free & Accepted Masons Of Idaho




The One Hundred Forty Seventh Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Idaho was convened at the Best Western Coeur d’Alene Inn, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, at 8:00 a.m. on the 18th day of September, 2014.

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 (Public Opening)

7:45 a.m. – Thursday Morning, September 18, 2014

The Registration / Credentials committee opened the Registration table in the Registration Desk, next to the Convention Lobby area, for all to register and pick up their credentials.

Prelude for the Public Opening was played by W Grand Organist J. Sherwin Wilson; the musical selections started the morning.

8:00 a.m. – Ed Bonham, Jr, Worshipful Master, Kooskia Lodge #87, and Deputy Grand Master of the 10th Masonic District.

“Ladies and Gentlemen it is my pleasure to welcome you to the Thursday Morning Public Opening of the 147th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Idaho. Please give your attention to the procession of the Grand Lodge Officers.”

The Grand Lodge Officers marched into the Lodge Room and took their positions/stations in the Grand Lodge.

“Brother Grand Marshal, you will present the Most Worshipful Grand Master.”

“Brothers, it is my pleasure to introduce the MW Grand Master of Idaho, Daniel B. Heberling.”


Most Worshipful Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “It is my pleasure to introduce Ed Bonham, Jr, Worshipful Master, Kooskia Lodge #87 and District Deputy Grand Master of the 10th Masonic District.

Most Worshipful Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “Brother Grand Marshal, will you take charge and conduct the Flag Tribute?”

“Brother Roy Jackson, Secretary of Lemhi Lodge #11, in Salmon Idaho made me a hat to wear as Most Worshipful Grand Master of Idaho so I told him that I would open Grand Lodge wearing that hat. It is the best that I have ever warn.

Most Worshipful Grand Master asked if there were any public Officials from Coeur D’Alene present or any representative of the Hotel present. None were present so proceed on.

Presentation of the Flags

Tribute to the Flags given by W Grand Marshal, Steven L. Hall. Flags were presented by: American W Senior Grand Steward, Robert C. Troxel Jr Canada W Junior Grand Steward, Russ W. Smith State of Idaho WGrand Sword Bearer, H. Sherman Burger III

Tribute to the Flag of the United States of America

"The Flag of the United States of America, Old Glory, the Star Spangled Banner, the Stars & Stripes. Evolved from many flags into this one to represent our Nation. For more the 9 score years it has been the banner of hope and freedom for generation after generation of Americans. Born amid the first flames of America's fight for freedom, it is the symbol of a country that has grown from a little group of 13 colonies to a united nation of 50 sovereign states. Planted firmly on the high pinnacle of American Faith, the gently fluttering folds have proved an inspiration to untold mill ions. Men have followed her into battle with unwavering courage. They have looked upon it as a symbol of national unity. They have hope that they and their fellow citizens might continue to enjoy the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, which have been granted to every American as the heritage of free men. So long as men love liberty more than life itself so long as they treasure the priceless privileges bought with the blood of our forefathers; so long as the principles of Faith, Hope and Charity for all remain deeply rooted in human hearts, she shall continue to be the enduring banner of the United States of America.

Please join me in singing the “Star Spangled Banner”.

Tribute to the Flag of Canada.

“The Maple Leaf, The Canadian Flag proudly flying over the land to the north. A people who have shared so much of our heritage, our dreams and our adversities, fighting side by side with us when necessary. Never to be doubted for their friendship and integrity. Far more than neighbors, true Brothers. May the Maple Leaf wave proudly alongside the Star Spangled Banner, Forever.

Please join me in singing “O-Canada”


Tribute to the Flag of Idaho

“The Gem of the Mountains, the Sun coming down the mountains. The Flag of the great State of Idaho, reminding us of our proud heritage of standing with the other 49 states to protect and defend our Great Nation. Reminding us of the beauty of our state and the great riches that abound. Populated by a people well known for their ability and desire to work, from our Rancher/farmers to those at the Idaho National laboratory.

Please join me in singing “Idaho”.

Color Guard Post the Colors.

Pledge of Allegiance led by Daniel B. Heberling, M WGrand Master “Will all citizens of the United States join me in the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag.”

Masons are taught that before entering into any great or important undertake we should invoke the blessing of God. Opening prayer will be given by Dwain D. Valez, WGrand Chaplain.”

Supreme Grand Master ruler of all heaven and earth we humbly enter your presents and ask for your blessing on this 147th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Idaho and begin our proceedings in love, proceed in the assurance of your will and conclude our work in the spirit of unity and love. This we ask in your name. Amen.


Most Worshipful Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “Would all heads of the Concordant and Appendant Bodies and Youth Leaders please retire to be lined up for introductions.”

Heads of Concordant & Appendant Bodies

Introductions of the Heads of the Concordant Appendant Bodies was led by Robert C. Troxel Jr, W Sr. Grand Steward

Organization Title Name El Korah Shrine Representative Dave Thomas / Blake Titus

Calam Shrine Representative George Blickenstaff

Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Idaho Right Eminent Grand Commander Jay A. Leonard

Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of Idaho Most Illustrious Grand Master Ronald G. Burto

Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Idaho Most Excellent Grand High Priest Merle S. Hill

Grand Chapter of Idaho, Order of Eastern Star Worthy Grand Matron Jan Brown Grand Court of Idaho, Order of Amaranth


Grand Associate Matron Stefanie Kazyaka Grand Associated Patron Richard C. Broemeling

Iras Temple No. 40, Daughters of the Nile Representing Queen Mary Royce Ann Triplett, PQ

“You will join with me and giving our distinguished guest a hearty welcome.”

“Do any of you want to say a few words?”

Addresses by Heads of Concordant & Appendant Bodies

David Thomas from El Korah Temple, a brother loaned me his fez because I have left mine on the table at home. I like to welcome everyone to this session it is good to see a good turnout to Grand Lodge. Potentate of El Korah, Mike Masterpaolo wishes you a successful Grand Lodge.

George Blickenstaff, Asst. Rabban of Calam Shrine “It is a pleasure to be with you this morning and on Behalf of all the Shrine Masons of Calam Shrine we wish you a warm fraternal greeting and wish you successful 147th Annual Communication and pledge you our support.”

Jay A. Leonard, Most Illustrious Grand Master, Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of Idaho “I bring you greetings from the Knights Templar of Idaho and their best wishes for your session. I want to take a minute and live up to my reputation and talk about the Knights Templar they are a unique group because we are Christian, and every Christian Mason should be a Knights Templar.

Ronald G. Burto, Most Illustrious Grand Master. Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of Idaho “I might add to be a Knights Templar you must first be a Cryptic Mason. I wish you the best for this session”

Merle S. Hill, Most Excellent Grand High Priest, Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Idaho. “From the Royal Arch Masons we wish you the best in this 147th Annual Communication.”

Jan Brown, Worthy Grand Matron, Grand Chapter of Idaho, Order of Eastern Star. ”Thank you for inviting us to the public opening, It is great to look around and see all the Masons & Eastern Star members from around the state. To be in Eastern Star you must be a Master Mason in Good Standing or have a Masonic relationship. If you are not a member of Eastern I invite you to join and bring your significant other we enjoy traveling around and meeting our Masonic Family. We have Family everywhere. We wish you a very productive and successful Grand Lodge. And Brother Art we are looking forward to you while we are on the road. I would like to introduce you to my Worthy Grand Patron Dwain Valze your Grand Chaplin.

Stefanie Kazyaka, Grand Associate Matron, Grand Court of Idaho, Order of Amaranth on behalf of the Grand Royal Matron Valery Cooper extend you Fraternal Greeting and wish you a harmonious and successful 147th Annual Communication.

Richard C. Broemeling, Grand Associated Patron, I would also like to extend Fraternal Greeting from the Grand Royal Patron Ron Lowe he would like you to have a good session and so would I.

Ann Triplett, PQ, Iras Temple No. 40, Daughters of the Nile. Our Queen Mary Royce could not be here today because she is running her own session today in Boise. We are so happy to know that number are safe on the Masonic Heritage side. We have 500 members of Iras Temple in Boise, we work for the hospitals, I have a bracelet to give to Eve that came from a 8 year old girl Erie Pennsylvania.


This girl has been making these and selling them and has given 33,000 dollars back to the hospital from the sales. Please tell Eva this story and have her wear this bracelet from Erie Pennsylvania.

Most Worshipful Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling “I would like to thank the heads of the for being here and addressing us here and taking time from your busy schedules. Thank you very much.”

Adult Leaders of the Youth Groups

Introductions of the Adult Leaders of Youth Groups was led by John J. Schultz, W Grand Orator

Organization Title Name Job’s Daughters International, Grand Council of Idaho Grand Guardian Kimra Balginy Associate Grand Guardian Bill Skerjanc

International Order of Rainbow for Girls, Washington/Idaho Grand Deputy in Idaho Jennie Davis

International Order of DeMolay Executive Officer James C. Herndon Grand Senior Councilor Steven Crane

Introduction of Youth Leaders

Grand Bethel of Idaho, Job’s Daughters International Miss Idaho Job’s Daughter Emma Miller Grand Bethel Honored Queen Morgan Hansen

International Order of Rainbow for Girls, Washington/Idaho Grand Worthy Advisor Susannah Maher Grand Faith Alexandra Koper Grand Charity Devony Kornish Grand Hope Leah Weinbeg Grand Worthy Associate Advisor Danielle Brunson

International Order of DeMolay Idaho State Senior Councilor (T) Will Votaw Jr.

Most Worshipful Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling “Let’s give them a hearty welcome. And if you would be seated, we will call you up one at a time so you don’t have to stand though all the speeches.”


Addresses by Heads of Youth Groups

Emma Miller, Miss Idaho Job’s Daughter, Grand Bethel of Idaho

September 17th, 2014 Good Morning Most Worshipful Grand Master Dan Heberling, distinguished guests, and Masons of Idaho. I am Emma Miller, the Miss Idaho Job’s Daughter 2014-2015. It is with great pleasure that I am here representing the Job’s Daughters of Idaho. Thank you for inviting Kimra, Bill, Morgan and me to Grand Lodge. I hope you have a successful week in all your activities. You all may know Don Nelson, a fellow brother to you. He told me that you all like short speeches. His advice for me was to KISS: keep it simple silly. So that’s exactly what I will do. My first point that I want to make is that I am greatly thankful for each Mason. You may have heard this but you are our heritage in Job’s Daughters. When Mrs. Ethel T. Wead Mick, founder of Job’s Daughters International, was creating our organization, she had help in 1920 from the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Nebraska. Another reason I am thankful for Masons, is that each bethel in Job’s Daughters has an Associate Bethel Guardian that has to be a Master Mason. Your time to help the daughters of this order is priceless. We all thank you so much for your service and dedication to our order. I encourage every Mason to be a part of a Bethel Council because it will be an experience that you will never forget. My second point is promotion. As the Miss Idaho Job’s Daughters, my goal is to promote Job’s Daughters to the public. What I see is that the Masons are the best source for Job’s Daughters because there is already a Masonic relationship there. If you have a daughter, granddaughter, or niece who is between the ages of 10 and 20, then I would recommend that you to talk to them about Job’s Daughters. This organization has numerous benefits that include learning leadership skills, communication skills, respect to family and adults, loyalty, and you make life long sisters. I know Masons cannot directly promote to the public, that is why I think we should work together to promote. Job’s Daughters can directly promote and if we can get girls whose fathers find out about Masons, you have another member there. This instance happened in my bethel and Lodge 47 in Meridian gained another member. I am not encouraging just Job’s Daughters and Masons to work together. I want all Masonic Organization to work together to promote us as a whole family. Being an individual can make a difference but working as a team can make an imprint. I believe if all the Masonic Organizations come together, bond, and promote, all of our memberships will increase, we will make everlasting friends and memories, and the future of our organizations will be bright. I encourage my fellow Job’s Daughters to lend a hand and I hope you will take it.

Respectfully Submitted,

Emma Miller Miss Idaho Job’s Daughter 2014-2015 PHQ Bethel #6


Morgan Hansen, Grand Bethel Honored Queen, Grand Bethel of Idaho

September 18, 20 14 Coeur d'Alene, Idaho -- Coeur d'Alene Inn

Most Worshipful Grand Master Mr. Daniel Heberling, distinguished guests, and last but not least the men who strive to make good men better, the Masons of Idaho. Good morning, my name is Morgan Hansen and I am the Grand Bethel Honored Queen of Idaho of Job's Daughters International. I would like to start off by thanking you for asking me to speak, extending your warm welcome, and giving me my masonic heritage. Without the gift of my masonic heritage I would not be who I am today. Eight years ago, when I joined Job's Daughters I was a shy little girl, not knowing I would be gaining a whole new family. I was scared to talk in front of a large group of people or make friends, needless to say a lot has changed! The masonic family that I have gained has been a tremendous part of my life. The Associate Bethel Guardians that have served in my Bethel and across the state have always made our meetings and activities fun and are constantly striving to teach us how to become better women. They welcome each of us at the meetings and they are always a good sport with any activity we may have for them to participate in. Be it dressing up for Halloween, showing us how to dress Jobie appropriate, or wearing a tiara and filling in as Junior Princess for us in a meeting when we did not have one. Our Associate Bethel guardian had no idea that lesson would teach us the balance of chairs of Junior Princess and Junior Warden. The masons in attendance at our activities join in our fun, they will dress up for St. Patrick's Day, join us in a prospect party, help with the decorating of the Lodge at Christmas and provide tours of the Masonic Hall during fundraisers. The support that is given by our Lodges in Pocatello to our Bethel cannot be measured. It is not measured in dollars donated, smiles as passing in the hall or hugs just because. It can however be measured by the gift of our Masonic Heritage and where that heritage can take us, such as becoming a Job's Daughter. I am a very lucky young lady to personally know my Masonic Heritage. Our Associate Grand Guardian is my step• father and also the Worshipful Master of Portneuf #18. Many Daughters are not so lucky as to personally know their heritage. I encourage each of the Masons in this room to look to your family members and encourage the young ladies in your families to become Job's Daughters and allow them to gain the pride of Masonic Heritage and become a Job's Daughter. I encourage each of the Masons in this room to seek out a Bethel and become involved. I encourage each of the Masons in this room to speak to another Mason that is involved and learn from him how Job's Daughters has changed and touched his life. These values we learn from each other are measured as priceless. Just as the Masons teach good men to become better, your Masonic Heritage gift to Job's Daughters teaches good young ladies to become better women. Have a wonderful Grand Lodge and thank you again for allowing me to speak this morning.

Morgan Hansen Grand Bethel Honored Queen 2014-2015 Past Honored Queen Bethel #1

Most Worshipful Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling “ Kimra would you like to add something to what the girls have to say?

Kimra Balginy, “No the girls have said it all”


Most Worshipful Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling “Jenny Davis are you prepared to speak” Jenny Davis “No the girls will speak for the Rainbow”

Most Worshipful Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling “Grand Worthy Advisor would you like to bring your girls with you?” “By the way I went to the Grand Assembly in Yakima Washington a couple a years ago and if we could bottle the energy those girls showed, we could run a lodge for 5 years. It was fantastic.

Rachel Askew, Grand Worthy Advisor, International Order of Rainbow for Girls, Washington/Idaho

Most Worshipful Grand Master, Distinguished guest and members thank you for having us here this week. Thursday we have had such a very special and wonderful time at the Grand Masters Banquet meeting all the masons. I am truly blessed to have the family that I have. I am well aware that you do not get to choose the family you have, so I think of mine as pretty awesome. I am so lucky as not to have only one family but two. When I was eleven I joined a family where I was welcomed whole heartily for who I was. I learned in this family the importance of community service and the value of each other’s opinions. When I joined Rainbow I was a quite girl didn’t know understand how to talk to people. I didn’t know how to be a leader, I never thought I could stand in front of a group of people as a leader of an organization that teaches girls poise, leadership skills and self-confidence. When I was eleven I joined Rainbow for Girls and I was welcomed in to the Masonic Family for being just who I was, this is a privilege that I will always cherish. And it is because of all of you in this room that Idaho Washington Rainbow for Girls can give a girl a chance to grow all over Idaho, Thank you for all your support and I encourage you to visit a local Assembly and see what you can do, become a board member or even a Rainbow Dad. Because as I said if I had to choose over again I would make the same choice over and over again.

Thank you

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “We have two distinguished men who represent the DeMolay, Brother James Herndon and Steven Crane would one of you like to represent DeMolay?”

Steven Crane “William Votaw Jr. will talk now and I would like to address the body while in session latter this week”

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling. “Idaho State Master Councilor William Votaw II would you address us at this time?”


William Votaw Jr., Idaho State Master Councilor, International Order of DeMolay

Most Worshipful Grand Master Daniel Heberling, Grand Lodge Officers, Distinguished Guest and Friends, Good Morning, On behalf of Idaho DeMolay I bring you greeting from all the young men in our organization. It is a true honor to be here this morning. I want to thank you for the opportunity to speak. It is with great pride to be here, My Father, Grand Father and Great Grand Father were all Masons and I just recently took my Entered Apprentice Degree in Meridian Lodge No. 47, in Meridian Idaho. Idaho DeMolay has had a busy year, we have sent an aggressive goal on membership each chapter is working had to meet those goals. And we are also recruiting DeMolay Advisors, to re-open chapters in Twin Falls, Caldwell, Moscow and Coeur D’Alene. We need more young men to help in these endeavors, as well as the support of our Masonic Family. We have a big task ahead and we cannot do it alone, as you well know our youth groups are dependent on Masonic Support. Some of you know that are not as strong as Jobs Daughter but we are working with our advisors to change that, with the support of our brothers Masons. There are young men without father figures in there life’s, someone to guide them it could be any of the Masons in this room. Any great men in this room can be a role model for these young men who faces many challenges in this society. You all can be that support and be an advisor to a young man. As DeMolay members grow older they may join you as Masons. If you are a supporters of the DeMolay then both DeMolay and Masonry will grow stronger for the betterment of our communities. If you invest in us we will invest in Idaho Masonry. DeMolay love to see the support of the Idaho Masons in our chapters. I challenge all in the room who are not serving in the role of advisors to do so. If you have never worked with DeMolay, find your local chapter and get involved. If there is not a chapter in your city than get one started. Find a few fellow Masons and find some young men and start a chapter, everybody wins. That is how we need your help! We need more Masons to come to our meetings, we need to support of the great organization, if you come to our meetings these men will impress you, I promise that will not be disappointed. I would also like to invite you to a huge event, the Grand Master of DeMolay Darrick Sprague is from Idaho Falls, this is a major accomplishment to have a Grand Master of DeMolay from Idaho, we are having a Grand Masters Homecoming in Boise the 10th and 11th of October of Friday there will be an dinner event, on Sat. there will be degrees for new members and a honor event in the afternoon. There will be sleep overs at the Meridian Lodge in Meridian and rooms available for the adults. I invite all to come to this great event. I want to again thank you for inviting me to this event, it has been a true pleasure to speak to you

Submitted Will Votaw, Idaho State Master Councilor of Idaho

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “I would like to thank all the youth for taking time from their schools and missing classes to be with us today. I would like to thank the adult leaders for bringing them.”


Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference Social Media Guidelines

Deputy Grand Master G. Arthur Shoemaker Most Worshipful Grand Master, Grand Lodge Officers, Distinguished Guest and Friends, What is am going to talk to you about a little bit is Social Media in and it is topic that has been going on for at least a two years that I am aware. It was a topic at the Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference, which are comprised of the 7 states along the continental divide. And this past February at the Conference of Grand Masters of North America. Out of a program of two and a half day entire half day was dedicated to civility which is really, how we talk to one another and communicate with one another. Tied in with Social Media and is essentially an issue and all grand jurisdictions are faced with at this time and we thought we would bring this up while all the leaders of the Appendant and concordant bodies are present to let you know what the Grand Lodge is doing. If you are interested in any of the information that is presented, and what we are doing it will be on our website. It may be appropriate to you individual organizations. A couple of key points, I am not going to read them, if you look on the printed reports the guide lines are there and we are going to bring to the floor to see if the brother want to adopt the guidelines.

Please review the Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference Social Media Guideline attached next.

(Read 3rd &4th paragraphs of the Guidelines)


Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference Social Media Guidelines

Social Media Guidelines was adopted as guidelines for the Rocky Mountain Conference and ask that each Jurisdiction adopt them in each of the Conferences. The Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference Social Media and Freemasonry

During the 2013 Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference the Secretaries of the member jurisdictions were unanimously tasked to develop a Statement on Social Media for the Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference. The member jurisdictions could adopt the statement for use. The conference consists of the following Grand Lodges: AF&AM of Colorado; AF&AM of Montana; F&AM of Utah; AF&AM of Wyoming AF&AM of Idaho; F&AM of Nevada; and the AF&AM of New Mexico. Within the Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference we recognize the presence of Freemasons on various social networking sites is growing and it is drawing attention to the fraternity. When participating on sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, (and others), including blogs and on-line Forums, Freemasons should strive to make that attention as positive as possible. When we represent ourselves as members of the fraternity, we become someone’s impression of Freemasonry. As such, it is important that we act accordingly and subscribe to the lessons we were all taught as Freemasons in terms of how we communicate and interact with Masons and non-Masons. Masonic Communication, oral, written or electronic should display dignity, courtesy, fraternal respect, consideration of privacy rights, tolerance and respect for religious, political and other views. Grand Jurisdictions can apply penalties as described within their various Constitutions relating to trial, suspension, and or expulsion for un-Masonic behavior. Remember that the public and members of the Fraternity are reading on-line posts. Social Media Code of Conduct for Freemasons within the Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference • Freemasons should conduct Social Media activities in a way that reflects membership in the Craft, acting in a way that presents a positive image of the fraternity; avoiding private piques and quarrels; being cautious in behavior; courteous to our brethren and promote the general good and to preserve the reputation of the fraternity.

• Postings should not bring discredit to Freemasonry nor should they fit within the definition of Un-Masonic Conduct as defined by the member jurisdiction. Conduct contrary to the accepted and customary rule of right and duty between Freemason’s, or to society in general is improper.

• Freemasons need to be aware that postings are a permanent record; and therefore an individual’s conduct may influence the world with a positive or negative image about the individual and also about Freemasonry. Postings and actions on the various Social Media outlets should reflect the highest standards of morality and integrity that Freemasons practice within the Lodge.

• Lodge notices, and information contained within Lodge notices beyond the time and place of meetings, should not be discussed. There should never be discussion related to petitions, applications, background checks or investigation of an applicant. There should never be a discussion regarding balloting on an applicant.

• It is improper to identify any Freemason as a member of the Craft unless he has provided his consent or has already identified himself as such. It is improper to post of images, video, recordings, etc. of other Masons without their consent. Posts must comply with the Grand Constitutions, rules, regulations, and edicts of the Jurisdiction.


• Postings that are anonymous or posted by fictitious names should be avoided rather than encouraged. Participation in discussions with those who most often are looking for discussions outside of what is Masonically acceptable should also be avoided.

• To ensure our fraternity represents itself to the high standards we believe in we must regulate our actions by individual restraint and through Brother-to-Brother intervention. As a Freemason, advise a Brother if what he has posted is improper within the framework of our Grand Constitutions, laws, rules, regulations, edicts and the general regulations of Freemasonry.

• Contact and communication with other Grand Lodges or their subordinate or concordant Lodges must be conducted through the Office of the Grand Secretary.

• Freemasonry in North America is governed by independent legislative bodies known as Grand Lodges who exercise absolute Masonic authority within a State or Province. Only Grand Lodges can make authoritative statements, and these apply only to their members.

Think Freemasonry in our minds; Feel Freemasonry in our hearts; Live Freemasonry in our daily lives! The Social Media Code of Conduct for Freemasons within the Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference was a cooperative work and has been approved by the Grand Secretaries of the member jurisdictions of the Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference, February 12, 2014:

Ernie Pyle, R.W. Grand Secretary Lawrence K. Fielden, R.W. Grand Secretary Grand Lodge, AF&AM of Colorado Grand Lodge, F&AM of Utah

Reid Gardiner, R.W. Grand Secretary Grand Lodge, AF&AM of Montana Monte Bollar, R.W. Grand Secretary Grand Lodge, AF&AM of Idaho

Beynon St. John, R.W. Grand Secretary Grand Lodge, AF&AM of Wyoming Hans J. Scheurer, PhD, M.W.P.G.M, R.W. Grand Secretary Grand Lodge, F&AM of Nevada

Daniel H. Sutcliffe, R.W. Grand Secretary Grand Lodge, AF&AM of New Mexico


MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling “Thank you Brother Art”

“Did I see James Herndon come in the back door? Would you like to say something about DeMolay at this time?”

James Herndon, Executive Officer of DeMolay of Idaho, “ I will stand on what the State Master Councilor put out, But I would like to address the Brothers in session.”

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “Is Brother Gary LaBruyere here? You asked to address the body about a drawing during this session of Grand Lodge, Are you prepared to proceed with that?” “If you folks are not aware of it, the DeMolay is raffling off a shot gun retail value $1,800 dollars. That is one fine bird gun. Come and see me I have some tickets and money for the raffle. If you have $10.00 in your wallet go see Gary and buy a ticket.”

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling asked RW DGM G. Arthur Shoemaker to take the gavel to while he presented the MWGrand Master’s Report (Part 1).

Grand Masters Report, Part 1

To the Officers and Members of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge AF & AM of Idaho, Distinguished Guests and Brethren: Welcome to the 147th Grand Lodge of Masons in Idaho. I hope you will enjoy you visit to beautiful Coeur d’Alene and this Grand Lodge. I live only 4 miles from here and I never tire of the beauty of this region. In the past year I have met hundreds of new friends in Lodges throughout the jurisdiction, as well as the ladies and the boys and girls of our appendant bodies, adding them to the friends I already had in Masonry. I realize how blessed I have been to know such outstanding people. Speaking of outstanding people, there a few men who have been very special in my Masonic travels and I would like to thank them. Worshipful Brother Denis Long is a Past Master of Mt. Idaho #9 and the Lodge of Research and was a good friend long before I became a Mason. One day he said that he had noticed that I lived my life as a Mason and he wondered if I had ever considered joining the Lodge. Notice that he asked if I had considered joining and did not ask me to join. When I said that I had thought about it, he pulled a petition from his pocket and the rest is history. Bro. Denis also coached me through the degrees and a Warden’s certificate. I would also like to thank M.W.P.G.M. Dr. John Sharp for asking me to serve as District Deputy Grand Master and M.W.P.G.M. Harry Black for asking me to serve as Grand Orator. Both positions broadened my view of Masonry. Last but certainly not least, I would like to thank M.W.P.G.M. Mike Sutton, for naming me to the Grand Lodge line. That questionable judgment on his part changed my life. I had never considered being named to the G.L. line and it was an incredible shock when he asked; it was also such an honor that I could not refuse. As we spoke on the telephone, Bro. Mike did not see the tears running down my cheeks as we discussed the appointment—I was that overwhelmed. As the year draws to a close, I can only hope to have justified his faith in me. Thanks must also be offered to the Brethren and Grand Lodge officers past and present for the assistance they have provided whenever asked. Whether being asked to serve on a committee, to assist with an event or perform the unpleasant duty of serving on a trial commission, everyone has cheerfully done their duty and for that I am grateful. Another small group that deserves special recognition is the Past Grand Masters. I have called on most of them at one time or another and they were always ready with sound advice in solving serious problems. 14

During the past year I attended meetings of the , , Eastern Star, DeMolay, Job’s Daughters and the Shrine. I was not able to be with the Rainbow Girls, but I was there last year. Since I am still working full time, it has been difficult to attend every function I wished to attend. The Brethren in the Grand Lodge line have been outstanding in acting in my stead on those occasions when I could not be there. Thank you, Brethren. We do have a growing problem in Masonry nationwide I would like to address and that is civility. Electronic communication has depersonalized communication to the point that people are forgetting that they are communicating with real people, not some nebulous cloud of electrons. Every Grand jurisdiction, including this one, has had trials in the past year over electronic messages. Whether they be e-mails, Facebook, texting, or one of the other sites out there you must remember that something said there is just as public, just as permanent and just as hurtful as if you stood on a street corner and shouted it at the top of your lungs. It appears that some brethren have difficulty in recalling their obligations regarding the treatment of others, particularly other Masons. It might be well to recall that the Bible says it would be better that you had never been born than that you break an oath sworn to the great Architect of the Universe as we do in each of our obligations. Our Brother the Grand Secretary will have more to say on this subject, and I strongly urge that his recommendations be adopted. The problems we are now encountering with social media are a symptom of the generally deteriorating civility in our society. We have had trials in the past year where two brothers could not get along and their poor relationship let to charges being filed. Brethren, I thought we left that kind of conduct behind in the third grade. Apparently not, however, as it is still present in our Lodges. Who can best work and best agree is being replaced by, “ME, ME, ME. Let me stand in front. Let me be important.” You all know the men described by that line; don’t let that line describe you. As other Grand Masters have said, leave your personality at the door of the Lodge and enter as a Mason. Lastly, let me say that with the quality of people we have in the Masonic family, the future is in good hands. We just need to think before we send a message or speak aloud. Remember that being a good man and true is not an automatic process, it requires work. I move that this report be accepted and referred to Accounts and Finances and Jurisprudence.

Most Worshipful Grand Master, Daniel B. Heberling.

MW Grand Master, Daniel B. Heberling, “Brother Senior Grand Warden do you have any announcements?

WSenior Grand Warden, John E. Warner “Yes, I do. There are pictures that are being taken, this is your notification that they will be used for publication, you may show up in Facebook or other Social media, if you have a concern please see the Grand Secretary know.” “For those ladies that are going on the tour, this afternoon, they will be meeting out here in the lobby about noon, there will be box lunches to take with you. I hope you all enjoy the boat cruise, I know you will probably have a better time then we will have here.”

MW Grand Master, Daniel B. Heberling, “From the Registration Desk, Not all the Grand Lodge Officers have picked up you ballots, even thou you have registered you may not have your ballots, please pick them up.”


MW Grand Master, Daniel B. Heberling, “Brother Jesse Laduke you wanted to present an award, please proceed.”

Brother Jesse Laduke, “Would the following people come up to the podium? William “Bill” Curtis, Stanley E. Barker, Levi Billman and James Duffy. And will Brother Bill Skerjanc please escort the Miss Idaho Jobs. Jesse presented Emily Miller, Miss Idaho Jobs Daughter a Bell Tower ringing tee shirt which she left before picking up.” Note: There are still more tee shirts available for purchase.

James Herndon, PGM asked that the Jurisprudence Committee meet during the break in the Committee Room, down the hall on the right.

9:50 a.m. Dismissal of all Non-Master Masons

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling then dismissed all Non-Master Mason from the room and reminded all Master Masons to be in place 10:00 am The Grand Lodge Officers will start in the stations for the formal opening of the 147th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Idaho.


THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 (Formal Opening)

10:00 a.m. The Grand Lodge Officers started in their stations in the Lodge Room

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “Does everyone have a registration nametag on?”

10:05 a.m. MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling then proceeded to open Grand Lodge in Ample Form.

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling called for the Grand Chaplain to offer a prayer.

“Great Architect of the Universe, the creation being us the reality of your person, as we open the formal session of the 147th Grand Lodge Assembly in Idaho, Strengthen us to do your work, give us wisdom to make good decisions and my love may prevail and we ask this in your name, Amen.”

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “Brother Grand Marshal, you will make the Proclamation.”

Steven L. Hall, WGrand Marshal, made the following Proclamation:

“By order of the Most Worshipful Grand Master I now proclaim this Formal Session of the 147th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Idaho open in ample form”

Grand Lodge was opened in ample form at 10:15 a. m.

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “Brother Grand Treasure will you go see if you can get the heat turned down in here, I’ve been sweating all morning. Thank you”

Brother Junior Deacon, “We have bothers without the door who desire admission.”

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling,” Admit them is the have a registration name tag and give the pass of a Master Mason.”


ROLL CALL MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling directed the RW Grand Secretary, Monte B. Bollar, to proceed with the Roll Call of Officers.


Office Name MWGrand Master Daniel B. Heberling (62-63-24) present RWDeputy Grand Master G. Arthur Shoemaker (60) present RWSr. Grand Warden John E. Warner (18) present RWJr. Grand Warden James A. Hensley (45) present RWGrand Treasurer (Acting) N. Randal “Randy” King (60,13) present RWGrand Secretary Monte B. Bollar (13, 60) present RWGrand Lecturer Thomas W. Gough (18) present


Office Name W Sr. Grand Deacon William K. “Bill” Curtis, Jr. (1) present W Jr. Grand Deacon Kent R. McCandless (19) present W Grand Marshal Steven L. Hall (30) present W Sr. Grand Steward Robert C. Troxel Jr (13) present W Jr. Grand Steward Russ W. Smith (48, 64) present W Grand Sword Bearer H. Sherman Burger III (39) present W Grand Pursuivant Jon C. Rich (42) present W Grand Chaplain Dwain Valez (97) present W Grand Orator John J. Schultz (24, 63) present W Grand Historian Jerry D. Parsons (2) present W Grand Organist J. Sherwin Wilson (28) present W Grand Tyler James D. Kemp (42) present


Office Name First Masonic District Douglas J. Hammond (92) present Second Masonic District Robert A. Farrow (19) present Third Masonic District John C. Williams (95, 58) present Fourth Masonic District Donald S. Charbonneau (45) present Fifth Masonic District Michel Keas (16, 30) present Sixth Masonic District Richard C. Clendenning (30) absent Seventh Masonic District Jesse L. Laduke (1) present Eighth Masonic District Steven O. Zimmerman (39) present Ninth Masonic District Bobby H. McDaniel (28) absent Tenth Masonic District Ed L. Bonham Sr. (9, 87) present Eleventh Masonic District Russ L. Graves (17, 32) present Twelfth Masonic District John B. Johnson (63) absent Thirteenth Masonic District Clifford R. Kramer (42) present



Lodge Name Lodge Number ______Idaho Lodge ...... 1 present Boise Lodge ...... 2 present Placer Lodge ...... 3 present Mt. Idaho Lodge ...... 9 present Nez Perce Lodge ...... 10 absent Lemhi Lodge ...... 11 present Silver City Lodge ...... 13 present Hailey Lodge ...... 16 present Paradise Lodge ...... 17 present Portneuf Lodge ...... 18 present Eagle Rock Lodge ...... 19 present Coeur D'Alene Lodge ...... 20 present Richfield Lodge ...... 21 present Weiser Lodge ...... 23 present Kootenai Lodge ...... 24 present Shoshone Lodge ...... 25 present Washoe Lodge ...... 28 present Ashlar Lodge ...... 29 present Elmore Lodge ...... 30 present Salubria Lodge ...... 31 present Unity Lodge ...... 32 present Grove City Lodge ...... 33 present Cataldo Lodge ...... 34 present Butte Lodge ...... 37 present Mt. Moriah Lodge ...... 39 present Rathdrum Lodge ...... 41 absent Lakeside Lodge ...... 42 present Bonners Ferry Lodge ...... 43 present Twin Falls Lodge ...... 45 present Meridian Lodge ...... 47 present Arco Lodge ...... 48 present Malad Lodge ...... 51 present Buhl Lodge ...... 53 absent Kamiah Lodge ...... 56 present Spirit Lake Lodge ...... 57 present American Falls Lodge ...... 58 present Lincoln Lodge ...... 59 present Oriental Lodge ...... 60 present Jerome Lodge ...... 61 absent St. Maries Lodge ...... 63 present Mt. McCaleb Lodge ...... 64 present Burley Lodge ...... 68 present Paul Lodge ...... 77 absent Hagerman Lodge ...... 78 present Fidelity Lodge ...... 80 present Ionic Lodge ...... 82 present Caribou Lodge ...... 84 present 19

Kooskia Lodge ...... 87 present Challis Lodge ...... 92 present Capital City Lodge ...... 93 present Mount Kinport Lodge ...... 95 present Kaniksu Lodge ...... 97 present

Roll Call found19 Grand Lodge Officers, 10 District Deputy Grand Masters and 47 Lodges present at Roll Call. A quorum is present to conduct the business of Grand Lodge.

Code & Digest Section 104 states “The representatives of fifteen chartered Lodges shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business of the Grand Lodge.”

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “Brother Senior Grand Deacon, will you present the Past Grand Masters for Introduction.”

William “Bill” Curtis Jr., W Senior Grand Deacon asked the Past Grand Masters to line up for Introductions.

Reception of Past Grand Masters

Name Year Wiley F. Smith (64) ...... 1983-1984 Gerald L. Riggs (20, 24) ...... 1989-1990 Gregory L. Winther (29) ...... 1995-1996 Gregory E. Johnson (17, 56) ...... 1999-2000 Richard C. Broemeling (30) ...... 2003-2004 Harry C. Black (13, 60) ...... 2004-2005 Richard E. Kaiser (19-33) ...... 2008-2009 David C. Triplett (93) ...... 2009-2010 Jay A. Leonard (30, 80) ...... 2011-2012 Keith C. Brooks ...... 2012-2013

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “Please join me and extending the Public Grand Honors and a Hearty Welcome. There is a lot of Masonry in the lineup and I thank you for being here.”

Brother Wiley F. Smith, PGM gave the response for the Past Grand Masters. “Most Worshipful Grand Master, please excuse me for not being in my apron, due to a numerous amount interruptions phone calls, when I was young I was multifunctional and graduated to Functional then I graduated to dysfunctional and I am at graduated to multi dysfunctional, and I got here with everything but my apron. But can I get one brownie point, I brought the hat.

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, went and greeted each of the Past Grand Masters.

Keith C. Brooks, PGM “MWGM we thank you for the honors and thank you for allowing us to serve this term and thankful to set in the back and watch you mess thing up so we don’t have to.”

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling,” I sincerely thank all of you for coming and there is a wealth of knowledge and each one you have taught me something along the way.”


MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “Brother Junior Grand Warden, will you present the Grand Representatives for Introduction.”

James A. Hensley, RW Junior Grand Warden asked the Grand Representatives to line up for introductions.

Grand Representatives

Name Jurisdiction R.W. Stanley Eugene Barker ...... US Colorado M.W. Wiley F. Smith ...... US - Nebraska M.W. Gerald L. Riggs ...... Ontario - Canada M.W. Harry C. Black ...... US - Montana M.W. James V. Voyles ...... Iceland M.W. Richard Broemeling ...... Japan M.W. Jay A. Leonard ...... US - Washington Wor. Johnny R. Lynch ...... US Georgia R.W John E. Warner ...... US Tennessee Wor. Kent R. McCandless ...... US - Wyoming Wor. Russ W. Smith ...... Hungary M.W. Greg E. Johnson ...... British Columbia M.W. David C. Triplett ...... Wales M.W. Gregory L. Winther ...... US- New York Wor. Steven E. Crane ...... Australia - Tasmania R.W. Daniel B. Heberling ...... Australia - Queensland Wor. James A. Hensley ...... US - West Virginia

RW Deputy Grand Master G. Arthur Shoemaker, “It is a distinct honor and pleasure to welcome to your Grand Lodge, visiting your jurisdictions. Reminds us that Freemasonry Masonry is worldwide. When I listen to the various jurisdictions and the sharing information around the world.”

“Does anyone want to give us some feedback from your jurisdiction?”

M.W. Greg Winther, “Brother Jack Dym is waiting to say some remarks at this Annual Communication.”

Wor. Johnny R. Lynch, Talked about the trip to Georgia and the oldest lodge in Georgia.

W.M. Wiley F. Smith, “On the darker side, Wiley counterpart passed away this last year.”

RW Deputy Grand Master G. Arthur Shoemaker, “Please join me in extending hearty welcome to these Grand Representatives”

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “Brother Senior Grand Warden, will you present the 50 year Members for Introduction.”

John E. Warner, RWSenior Grand Warden asked the fifty year members to line up for introductions.


Fifty-Year Masons

Name Years of Service Donald J. Bohan (77) ...... 56 Kenneth D. Virden Sr. (2, 3) ...... 62 Harry C. Black (60, 13) ...... 50 Jerry Riggs (20, 24) ...... 52 Ronald F. McCormick (42) ...... 59 Paul S. Ousley (42) ...... 55

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “Please join with me in giving these Fifty Year Masons the Public Grand Honors and a hearty welcome”

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “Brother Grand Secretary, will you present the Lodge Secretaries for Introduction.”

Monte B. Bollar, RWGrand Secretary, asked the Lodge Secretaries to line up for introductions.

“Brothers, here are the recorders of the history of the lodges; without them there would not be a written history of the lodges.”

Lodge Secretaries

Name Lodge # Ed Bonham Sr...... Mt. Idaho Lodge 9 Jerry Parsons ...... Boise Lodge 2 Steven O. Zimmerman ...... Mt. Moriah Lodge 39 Robert C. Troxel Jr...... Silver City Lodge 13 John Warner ...... Portneuf 18 Russ W. Smith ...... Arco Lodge 48 John Blake ...... Weiser 23 Mark Smith ...... Meridian 47 Paul Ousley ...... Lakeside 42 Roy Jackson ...... Lemhi 11 John F. Lawicki ...... Elmore 30 David A. Smith ...... Oriental 60 Wiley F. Smith ...... Mt. McCaleb 64 Scott Auvil ...... Eagle Rock 19 James S. Logan ...... Paradise 17 Stanley E. Barker ...... Idaho 1

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “Please join with me in giving these Secretaries a hearty welcome.” “Thank you for all the work you do from those of us who do know what you do. You do most of it behind the scene and no one is aware of it. You are approached.”

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “Brother Deputy Grand Master, will you present the Lodge Masters for Introduction.”


G. Arthur Shoemaker, RWDeputy Grand Master, asked the Worshipful Masters to line up for introductions. Worshipful Masters

Name Lodge # Aaron B. Hansen ...... Boise Lodge 2 John J Schultz ...... St. Maries Lodge 63 James E. Grant ...... Placer Lodge 3 John C. Williams ...... Mount Kinport Lodge 95 Edward L. Bonham Sr...... Mt. Idaho Lodge 9 Russ L. Graves ...... Paradise Lodge 17 Brian K. Becker ...... Coeur D'Alene Lodge 20 Barry E. Newell ...... Oriental Lodge 60 Michael J. Keeton ...... Eagle Rock Lodge 19 Johnny A. Willis ...... Richfield Lodge 21 Keith C. Brooks ...... Burley Lodge 68 Michael E. Keas ...... Elmore Lodge 30 Gregory E. Johnson ...... Kamiah Lodge 56 William J. Skerjanc ...... Portneuf Lodge 18 Bruce A. Wethered ...... Ashlar Lodge 29 David E. Thomas ...... Salubria Lodge 31 Thomas P. Conger ...... Butte Lodge 37 George J. White Jr...... Twin Falls Lodge 45 Shawn V. Gibbons ...... Meridian Lodge 47 Leroy Austin ...... Lincoln Lodge 59 Russ W. Smith ...... Mt. McCaleb Lodge 64 Max L. Hemmert ...... Caribou Lodge 84 Edward L. Bonham Jr...... Kooskia Lodge 87 William “Bill” Curtis Jr...... Idaho Historic Lodge 1863

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “Please join with me in giving these Worshipful Masters the Public Grand Honors and a hearty welcome.

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “Brother Deputy Grand Master, Please take the East while I introduce the District Deputy Grand Masters. District Deputy Grand Masters, will you please line up for Introductions. These are the eyes and ears of the Grand Master doing the visits, and helping around the state.”


District Deputy Grand Masters

District Name First Masonic District ...... Douglas J. Hammond (92) Second Masonic District ...... Robert A. Farrow (19) Third Masonic District ...... John C. Williams (95, 58) Forth Masonic District ...... Donald S. Charbonneau (45) Fifth Masonic District ...... Michael E. Keas (16, 30) Sixth Masonic District ...... Richard C. Clendenning (30) Absent Seventh Masonic District ...... Jesse L. Laduke (1) Eighth Masonic District ...... Steven O. Zimmerman (39) Ninth Masonic District ...... Bobby H. McDaniel (28) Absent Tenth Masonic District ...... Ed L. Bonham Jr. (9, 87) Twelfth Masonic District ...... John B. Johnson (63) Absent Thirteenth Masonic District ...... Jon C. Rich (42)

“Please join with me in giving these District Deputy Grand Masters the Public Grand Honors and a hearty welcome. Thank for what you have done, you don’t know how big the state is until you try to cover it, Thank you, Brothers.”

Grand Masters Report Part 2

Brethren, again I wish to thank all those who were involved in according me the highest honor in Masonry, that of election to the Oriental Chair. The past year has been a time of almost overwhelming duty and work with Masonic fun thrown in for good measure. District Communications following Grand Lodge, Silver City Lodge #13 Annual Homecoming Meeting in Silver City, Idaho Lodge #1 Bell Tower Dedication in Idaho, City and the third degree exemplification in Portneuf Lodge #18, Pocatello, Idaho all stand out in my memory, but all events I attended were first class events. The honor and courtesy accorded me in my travels at times was almost embarrassing. By far, the most memorable event was the visit to New York as a guest of James Husted- Fiat Lux Lodge. I will go into that visit in detail in a moment.

I approved the following dispensations: Nez Perce #10: to hold an annual joint communication with Paradise #17. St. Maries #63: to change September 2014 stated communication to avoid conflict with Grand Lodge. Eagle Rock #19: To hold a called communication on May 31, 2014, in Bannock, MT. Capital City #93: To hold a stated communication at a site other than the Lodge building.

I approved the following by-law changes: Butte #37: Permanently change the September and December stated communications to avoid conflict with Grand Lodge and to allow more flexibility in installing officers. Ionic #82: Change August 2014 stated communication to August 16 for the Lodge at the Lake. Eagle Rock #19: Change Lodge relief amount from $250.00 to $1,000.00 for a worthy brother in need. Mt. Moriah #39: To allow Lodge to pro rate dues for new Master Masons. Ashler #29: To allow Lodge to go dark during July and August each year. Ashler #29: To require petitions to be presented at a stated communication (previously done, but not required in by-laws.) Ashler #29: Clarify wording for payment for degrees. Ashler #29: Finance committee to examine accounts annually. Ashler #29: Dues to be paid by January 1 each year.


Ashler #29: “Order of business” changed to “Suggested order of business.” Ashler #29: Wording change to read that by-law change must be approved by Grand Master of Masons in Idaho. (Wording added.)

I also accepted with great pleasure the appointment of Worshipful Brother Joe McNeal as Special Deputy to the Grand Lodge of Masons in Idaho from Most Worshipful Patrick L. Hughes, Sr., Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Washington and Jurisdiction.

The following were formal visitations: DDGM Training, New Grand Lodge Officer Lunch The Fall District Communications: Sept. 21- Oct. 2 The Grand Master’s Conference of North America, in Baltimore, MD DeMolay Convocation in Twin Falls, Idaho Calam Temple, Shrine, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Concordia Lodge, Washington Grand York Rite, Hayden, Idaho International Night, Bonners Ferry/Creston, B.C. Idaho #1 Bell Tower Dedication, Idaho City, Idaho Silver City #13 Annual Homecoming and 3rd Degree, Silver City, Idaho 148th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Montana Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference, Reno, NV D.L. Evans Bank Dedication, Burley, Idaho

At the dedication in Burley, John Evans said that the bank had acquired another bank and was in the process of building several more branches. He said there would be a number of dedications in the near future. We have all received letters requesting donations to the endowment fund. As of the time of writing this report, Grand Lodge had received over $3,500.00 from the brethren as a result of this fundraiser. A second combination fundraiser and advertisement for Masonry, our Freemason Masonic license plates, has raised in total: $32,906.86, as of July 31, 2014. We have been receiving anywhere from $500.00 to $600.00 per month from the sales of the license plates. Think of what we could be receiving if we had a 1000 license plates on the road. Remember we receive $15.00 for every new plate and $10.00 for every renewal. We now have a paltry 381 Masonic plates out there and we need 1,000 by the end of the year or we lose them for lack of interest. Idaho was selected by the George Washington Memorial in Washington D.C. to erect a display of Masonry in Idaho for the Month of August, 2014. We provided documents, photographs and flags that had flown over the capital building. Pictures of the display have been sent out by the Grand Secretary in his newsletter. As you have probably heard by now, our Right Worshipful Brother Stan Barker has resigned after 25 years as Grand Treasurer. Due to his personal reasons for that action, I regretfully accepted his resignation effective September 1, 2014. Grand Lodge advised the Brethren throughout the jurisdiction of Brother Stan’s action and requesting those qualified according to the Code and Digest and willing to serve to apply. Grand Lodge received three applications, one of which did not meet the requirements and one of which was withdrawn. The remaining application was that of Worshipful Brother Randy King. As Bro. King was qualified, I appointed him to file the vacancy until this Grand Lodge next convened to elect a permanent Grand Treasurer. Bro. King had served as an assistant to R.W. Bro. Stan Barker during the past year.


On the subject of Treasurers, we have a problem in Masonry. It is not confined to Idaho, but appears to be nationwide. That is the problem of embezzlement. I have personally been involved in the trials of two Masons who were trusted with funds but could not withstand the temptation. As a result, thousands of dollars were lost. The Lodge in Vancouver, Washington lost almost two million dollars to its Treasurer. The Grand Master of New York told me that he had had 15 trials for the same crime in the past year. This kind of crime is easy to perpetrate on Masons, because we are nice guys and we trust each other. If Ol’ Joe the Treasurer says everything is fine, then everything is fine and we do not need to look at the books. Those days are gone, Brethren. The Code and Digest requires an annual review of the books and that requires more than being sure the checkbook balances. There will be training coming from Grand Lodge in the near future on what is required and how to do it. I do not need to tell you that this kind of thing can kill a Lodge because it is very rare that any of the money can be recovered. Therefore, the District Deputy Grand Masters must make sure that each Lodge is requiring a full examination of its books annually, and that each financial transaction requires two authorized signatures. That should not be necessary, but those are the times in which we live. Brethren, there are three major events during each Grand Master’s year in the East. They are the Conference of Grand Masters of North America, the Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference and Idaho Night in New York. The Grand Masters’ Conference of North America in Baltimore was outstanding. There were 62 member Grand Masters present as well as many more from all over the world who were not members, but wished to attend because it is the largest meeting of Grand Masters in the world. I had dinner one night with Grand Masters from Brazil and Russia. That was typical of the informal meetings that went on every day. There was also a discussion from the floor of the problems between the Grand Lodge of Arkansas and the Shrine, presented by the people who were involved. This is not the time or place for that discussion, but I will speak of it later if the Brethren wish. I strongly recommend that any line officer who can attend the Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference and the Conference of Grand Masters of North America do so. One gives a regional view of Masonry, the other a world view and both are very enlightening. The third important meeting for the Grand Master is Idaho Night in New York. Several years ago I asked someone what it was about and was told that in the late 1930’s the then Grand Master of Idaho wrote a letter critical of Hitler’s treatment of the Jews and that a Jewish Lodge in New York has hosted our Grand Master for a social event ever since. I then tried to find that letter and when I could not, Worshipful Bro. Jerry Parsons, Grand Historian, helped. He found in the 1939 Grand Lodge Transactions that the Grand Secretary Curtis Pike addressed that issue in his report to Grand Lodge. During talks in New York with the Officers of the and Officers of James W. Husted-Fiat Lux #1068, I suggested that perhaps it would be appropriate to also include the Grand Secretary of Idaho in the invitation to Idaho Night as it was the Grand Secretary who had written the original piece that began our friendship. They were all very enthusiastic and said that the invitation would henceforth include the Grand Secretary of Idaho. I very strongly recommend that funds be set aside for that purpose. Brethren, this is a formal report written about a month ago. Normally, I do not prepare speeches and read from a text, I prefer to speak from the heart. What I found while talking to the Masons and their families in New York was that Idaho night was not a social event of the type I had expected. It was a very sincere and heartfelt “thank you” to Idaho for seeing what was happening in Europe in the 1930’s and objecting to it. In the hours leading up to the meeting where I was to speak, I realized that nearly everyone present had lost family members in the holocaust and that what had happened was not an historical event but was very personal to each of them. Platitudes about brotherly love and Masonic friendship were not called for in that context.


Instead, I pointed out that Pope Frances had visited the Holy Land the prior week, but had gone first to the Muslims. He embraced the P.L.O., Hamas, Fatah and other terrorist groups and stayed with them for two days before going to meet with Israelis. Also, our own State Department will object when Israel returns fire from the terrorists at its borders. In the past 10 years terrorists have fired some 12,000 rockets into Israel, not counting the other attacks they have made. I told them that I could not understand our own government’s attitude, much less that of the Catholic Church, but that I would try to find out. When I returned home, I wrote a respectful letter to Most Reverend Blasé J. Cupich, Bishop of Spokane, outlining the above information and stating that I could not understand the Pope’s action since the entire world would interpret it as an endorsement of the evil the Israelis face every day. I also told him that 73 % of Israeli school children suffer from Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder due to the terrorism. I chose the Bishop of Spokane because his home and office is about 6 blocks from my office. His reply said that he had forwarded my letter to Michael Driscoll, Bishop in Boise. He would not answer my questions nor did I receive any communication from Bishop Driscoll. Our Brethren were concerned about this issue 76 years ago and we should all be concerned about it now. Governments murder Jews and the world says it is the fault of the Jews. Anti-Semitism is rising daily throughout Europe and no one cares. There were recently riots in Paris during which the rioters chanted “Kill the Jews”. Does no one notice? As I told the audience in New York, a time may come again when the government will order Jews to wear a yellow star on their chests to identify them. When that happens, I will say, “Give me a star, for I am a Jew.” That is not just rhetoric. That is what the King of Denmark told the Gestapo when they took over Denmark in World War II. By the next day, every man in the country wore a yellow star and the Gestapo abandoned the program. Brethren, as Grand Secretary Pike said, this is not political discussion. It is a plea for humanity, that someone will hear and join the fight against evil. If Masons cannot speak out against evil, we are all lost.

The following are the appointments for the 2013-2014 Masonic year. Appointed Grand Lodge Officers Senior Grand Deacon William K. Curtis (1) Junior Grand Deacon Kent R. McCandless (19) Grand Marshall Steven L. Hall (30) Senior Grand Steward Robert C. Troxel Jr. (13) Junior Grand Steward Russ W. Smith (48-64) Grand Sword Bearer H. Sherman Burger III (39) Grand Pursuivant Jon C. Rich (42-43) Grand Organist J. Sherwin Wilson (28) Grand Chaplain Dwain D. Valez (97) Grand Orator John J. Schultz (24-63) Grand Historian Jerry D. Parsons (2) Grand Tyler James D. Kemp (43-97) District Deputy Grand Masters 2013-2014 District 1 Douglas J. Hammond (92) District 2 Robert A. Farrow (19) District 3 John Calvin Williams (51, 58, 95) District 4 Donald S. Charbonneau (45) District 5 Michael Keas (16-30) District 6 Richard C. Clendenning (30-80) 27

District 7 Brian P. Reczek (1) District 8 Steven O. Zimmerman (39) District 9 Bobby H. McDaniel (28) District 10 Edward L. Bonham Jr. (9-87) District 11 Russ Graves (17-32) District 12 John B. Johnson (63) District 13 Clifford R. Kramer (43) Committee Appointments Board of Custodians of the Work Michael A, Sutton (18-42) One Year Term (2014) James V. Voyles (60) Two Year Tem (2015) Richard E. Kaiser (19-33) Three Year Term (2016) David Triplett (93) Four Year Term (2017) Skip Owen (21-30-80 Five Year Term (2018) Jay Leonard (30-80) Six Year Term (2019) Keith C. Brooks (68-45) Seven Year Term (2020)

Standing Committees (By-Laws, Part One, Article IV, Section 401) Jurisprudence James C. Herndon, PGM (11-33) Chairman, One Year James V. Voyles PGM, (60) Two year term Michael A. Sutton, PGM (18-42) Three year term John E. Warner (10-18) Senior Grand Warden William K. Curtis Jr. (1) Senior Grand Deacon Robert C. Troxel Jr.(13) Senior Grand Steward John B. Johnson (63) One year term Appeals and Grievances C. William Eimers Jr.(63) Chairman Kent R. McCandless (19) Junior Grand Deacon Russ W. Smith (48-64) Junior Grand Steward Accounts and Finances George A. Blickenstaff (20-34-12) Chairman, One Year Michael Pearson (30-93) Two year term Richard E. Kaiser (33) Three year term James A. Hensley (45-78) Junior Grand Warden Steven L. Hall (30) Grand Marshal Fraternal Relations H. Sherman Burger III (39) Chairman, Grand Sword Bearer Brian Becker Master Idaho Lodge of Research 1965 Jerry D. Parson 92) Grand Historian Steven L. Hall (30) Grand Marshall Jon C. Rich (42-43) Grand Pursuivant Advisor Masonic Research and Education David C. Triplett, PGM (93) Chairman John E. Warner (10-18) Senior Grand Warden William K. Curtis (1) Senior Grand Deacon


Kent R. McCandless (19) Junior Grand Deacon Russ W. Smith (48-64) Junior Grand Steward Preservation H. Sherman Burger III (39) Chairman, Grand Sword Bearer James E. Grant (3) Member John J. Schultz (24-63) Grand Orator

Conditions and Returns of Lodges John F. Hughes (63) Chairman Jon C. Rich (42-43) Grand Pursuivant Thomas W. Gough (18-21-78) Grand Lecture

Session Committees (By-Laws, Part One, Article IV, Section 402)

Credentials N. Randall “Randy” King (13-60) Chairman Distribution Jerry D. Parsons (2) Grand Historian Lodges Under Dispensation

Necrology Dwain D. Valez (97) Chairman, Grand Chaplain Examination of Visitors

Courtesy Chairman G. Arthur Shoemaker (60) Deputy Grand Master Time and Place Daniel B. Heberling, (9-24-63) 2014 Paul Telabar G. Arthur Shoemaker (60) 2015 John E. Warner John E. Warner (10-18) 2016 N. Randall “Randy” King James A. Hensley (45-78) 2017 Boise or Lewiston ?

Special Committees (By-Laws, Part One, Article IV, Section 403) Trustees of the Grand Lodge Relief Fund Gregory L. Winther, PGM (13-29-90) One Year Term, Chairman Mark Graybill (45) Two Year Term N Randall “Randy” King (13-60) Three Year Term John E. Warner (10-18) Sr. Grand Warden Stanley E. Barker (1) Ex-Officio, Grand Treasurer Monte B, Bollar (13-60) Ex-Officio, Grand Secretary Daniel B. Heberling (9-24-63) Ex-Officio, Grand Master Board of Relief Ralph K. Nichol (93) One Year Term David Thomas (23) Two Year Term 29

Ronald Scott (60) Three Year Term Stanley E. Barker (1) Ex-Officio, Grand Treasurer Monte B, Bollar (13-60) Ex-Officio, Grand Secretary Daniel B. Heberling (9-24-63) Ex-Officio, Grand Master

Executive Council (Pre-Paid Life) Mark Smith (47) Elected From Floor Ronald Berto (60) Elected From Floor J. Sherwin Wilson (28) Elected From Floor Stanley E. Barker (1) Grand Treasurer, Chairman Monte B. Bollar (13-60) Grand Secretary

Low Twelve Fund Trustees Kent McCandless (19) President, Junior Grand Deacon Steven L. Hall (30) Grand Marshall Robert C. Troxel Jr. (13) Senior Grand Steward Russ W. Smith (48-64) Junior Grand Steward H. Sherman Burger III Grand Sword Bearer David A. Smith (13-60) Secretary/Treasurer Monte B, Bollar (13-60) Ex-Officio, Grand Secretary Dwain D. Valez Ex-Officio, Grand Chaplain

Other Special Committees not in Code & Digest Convention Arrangements 2014 Paul Telebar (24) Chairman Information and Technology George Decker (13) Chairman Monte Bollar (13-60) Grand Secretary Masonic Fellowship Banquet Chairman John E. Warner (10-18) Senior Grand Warden Youth Committee Jeremy Vaughn (84-45) Chairman, One Year Gary A. Labruyere (19) Two Year, DeMolay Three Year George Butters (3) Jobs Daughters Kent R. McCandless (19) Junior Grand Deacon Robert C. Troxel Jr. (13) Senior Grand Steward Masonic Child Identification G. Arthur Shoemaker (60) Chairman Robert W. Barnett (47) Member Ray J. Sackett Member Sesquicentennial History Committee John E. Warner (18) Co-Chairman James A. Hensley (45-78) Co-Charman Jerry Parsons (2) Grand Historian


Grand Representative Oversight Committee William K. Curtis (1) Chairman, Senior Grand Deacon Kent McCandless (19) Junior Grand Deacon Steven L. Hall (30) Grand Marshall Robert C. Troxel Jr. (13) Junior Grand Steward Russ W. Smith (48-64) Junior Grand Steward

I wish to extend my sincere thanks for all those who accepted appointments this year. The appointed officers and committee members are the real ground work of this jurisdiction. They perform a vast amount of work and without them it would be impossible for the masons of Idaho to function.

And Brethren, I have one last thing to add on a very personal note. We all have seen how the secretary makes a Lodge work, but you have no idea how that is true a thousand times over in Grand Lodge until you see it. Our Right Worshipful Brother Monte Bollar makes this Grand Lodge work. I could not have done 10% of what I accomplished without his help every day. Thank you Bro. Monte.

I respectfully request that this report be accepted and forwarded to Accounts and Finances and Jurisprudence.

Most Worshipful Grand Master, Daniel B. Heberling.

I Move that the Grand Masters report part 2 be accepted and referred to Accounts & Finances and Jurisprudence.” DGM G. Arthur Shoemaker, “It has been moved and seconded that the Grand Masters Report Part 2 be accepted and referred to Accounts & Finances and Jurisprudence. All in favor vote by the usual sign of a Mason. Motion Passed.”

MWGM Daniel B. Heberling asked for Brother James Grant to give an update on the Placer Lodge #3 in Placerville..


Placerville Lodge Repair-Renovation Summary

Placerville Lodge Repair-renovation summary----September 15, 2014 To the MWGM and Brethren of this Grand Lodge. I have been asked to provide a summary of the work performed to date on the Historic Placer Lodge in Placerville, ID. May 5, 2012 Placerville Lodge Preservation Committee established. July 7, 2012 Members voted to authorize the expenditure of $7500.00 to begin foundation and building repairs. It was agreed to submit a proposal to Grand Lodge for matching funds to help with repairs of Placerville building. July 2012 developed repair plan to present to Grand Lodge Temple Preservation Committee for submittal at the upcoming September GL communication in Twin Falls. September 2012 Grand Lodges attendees voted to authorize the use of $7500.00 of the GL Temple Preservation money for repairs to the Placer Lodge #3 building in Placerville, ID. June 15, 2013 removed the concrete slab at the front of the building. Road mix was put in place of removed concrete and a temporary front step build to provide easier access. July 7, 2012 the west end of the building was raised by 1 Yi inches which brought it back to level. Brother Oscar Baumhoff donated several logs from his property to provide material for the repairs on the building. Labor Day weekend of 2013, Brother Bruce Reay and his family milled the timber that Oscar had provided. This was done so that the boards could be cut and planed to meet the dimensions of the original lumber used on the building. September 7, 2013 a work party consisting of 7 lodge members and 3 volunteers raised the building to replace the deteriorated 3x12 foundation base plate under the west end and 8' of the north & south sides and releveled the building. When the building was lowered upon the new base plates, it was "shot" with a laser level and found to be 1/8th of an inch out of level from west to east-an amazing feat for a building 110 years old. The crew also planed the boards, cut them to proper dimensions. Flashing and new lx12 with 4" drip rail installed on the west end of the building. During September several brothers assisted Fred Baumhoff with the installation of the 1 x 12 siding and 4" drip rails around the bottom of the building on the south and north sides. The east end was done in July of 2014. Also in September several members did work to re-grade the ground around the lodge to improve proper drainage during rain storms and spring snow melt. The trees on the lodge property were trimmed and some trees were removed. The property to the south and east was cleaned up, then graded to provide additional RV or tent camping areas in the future. May 1, 2014 forms were set and the concrete poured on May 2nd for the footings for the board walk at the front of the building. Fred Baumhoff and a small crew of members installed the new board walk the next week. June 7, 2014 the lodge voted to accept the bid from Brother Bert Miller to pressure wash, prep, prime and paint the building for $6588.00 plus the cost of rental for the lift needed for access. July 5th the lodge voted to accept the bid from Ted Davis of Weather-tite Roofing to remove the existing metal roof, the original shingles and install new metal roofing on the lodge and out building for $15,632.00. On Sept. 2nd work began on the roof replacement and was completed September 1ot11. At the September 6th l stated meeting the lodge approved the expenditure of $799.04 for the lift rental and an additional $440.00 to Bert Miller for additional work performed during painting. The members also approved the purchase 11 new interior window shades and an additional $2500.00 of lodge savings to proceed with interior work as needed.

Project expenditures to date: 32

Flashing & misc supplies $831.76 Concrete $ 339.70 Painting $ 6,588.00 Add work $ 440.00 Lift rental $ 799.04 Re-roof $15,632.00

Total Cash expenditure $24,630.50 Less Grand Lodge Grant $ 7,500.00 Placer lodge expenditure $17,130.50

Donated labor & equipment to date: 510 hrs labor @ $15/hr $ 7,650.00 Redwood decking/screws $ 1,100.00 Backhoe 16 hrs @ $60/hr $ 960.00 Dump truck 4hrs @ $75/hr $ 300.00 Tractor w/blade 15 hrs @ $45/hr $ 675.00 Total donation labor & equipment $10,685.00 Total project cost to date 9-15-2014 $35,315.50

The members of Placer Lodge wish to thank the members of this Grand Lodge for their support during the 2012 Grand Lodge Communication whereby they voted for the expenditure of $7,500.00 to support this important project. The members of Placer Lodge are looking forward to the 150th anniversary celebration July 4, 2015 of the chartering of our Lodge, June 20, 1865. We hope to see many of you there. Respectfully submitted, Jim Grant, WM Placer Lodge #3 AF & AM

MWGM Daniel B. Heberling asked for Brother James Herndon to give the DeMolay report.


ORDER OF DEMOLAY Report to IDAHO GRAND LODGE, A.F. & A.M. September 18, 2014

To the Most Worshipful Daniel B. Heberling, Grand Master of Masons in Idaho and the brothers of the Grand Lodge of Idaho, A.F. & A.M.:

Greetings! DeMolay in Idaho is alive and well and slowly growing, even though we are financially strapped. When I think of Grand Lodge and our special relationship to the Order of DeMolay I am reminded of the poem, The Bridge Builder, by Will Allen Dromgoole.

The Poem begins: An old man going a lone highway,


Came, at the evening cold and gray, To a chasm vast and deep and wide. Through which was flowing a sullen tide The old man crossed in the twilight dim, The sullen stream had no fear for him; But he turned when safe on the other side And built a bridge to span the tide.

We are the bridge builders for the youth of today. We have the man power and the finances to support our DeMolay youth, Job's Daughters, and Rainbow for Girls, for that matter. Where we apply our resources is up to us. The allocation of our monies and time is a matter of priority. Grand Lodge budget for DeMolay is approximately $5,000.00 (much less than Eastern or California jurisdictions). Don't take me wrong, we are certainly appreciative of the monies we receive and we thank you. But additional funding is needed if we are to grow. We have 140-145 young men and a number more ready for initiation. We are also in serious need of adult advisors to assist our _DeMolays in their education, programs, and future endeavors. We invite you to sign up; We have advisor forms with us. The chasm described in the poem is a metaphor for the ups and downs and pitfalls our youth will leave to deal with in life. The bridge represents the connection between youth and adulthood which we, as advisors, help construct with our leadership, teaching, and mentoring.

The poet continues:

"Old man, 11 said a fellow pilgrim near, "You are wasting your strength with building here; Your journey will end with the ending day, You never again will pass this way; You've crossed the chasm, deep and wide, Why build a bridge at evening tide?" We need advisors and funding now to support the chapters and programs we now have and the new chapters being developed and, we need help now! Our four active chapters (Bonneville at Idaho Falls; Charles F. Kerchner at Pocatello; Snake River at Jerome; and Treasure Valley at Meridian) are initiating new members. We are in the process of activating E-dah-ho chapter at Moscow. It is now active with Will Everly as Master Councilor, Lisa Heithe serving as Chapter Dad, and Dave Savage as chairman of the advisory committee. Greg Kimberling is Secretary-Treasurer and James Logan and Sean Taylor, members of the advisory committee. In additionwe are starting other new chapters or clubs in Coeur d'Alene, Nampa-Caldwell, and Twin Falls. Issues challenging our young people differ and are more difficult than when DeMolay was formed. Our youth must face issues of sexuality, hazing, bulling, and a change in lifestyle. We also need adult assistance to help with our major programs: We are preparing for Grand Master Derek Sprague's homecoming in Idaho Falls and Boise in October 9-11, and we expect a large turnout. You are all invited. Jack Hart, an early member of founder Dad Lamb's staff, has given his collection of early DeMolay memorabilia to Idaho DeMolay. We have taken on as a project the organization and display of Dad Hart's collection. In addition, the DeMolay chapters must resolve financial matters dealing with insurance, per capita charges, and travel costs to adjoining jurisdictions, DeMolay International and regional events.

The poet concludes:


The builder lifted his old gray head; "Good friend, in the path I have come," he said, "There followed after me to-day A youth whose feet must pass this way. This chasm that has been naught to me To that fair-haired youth may a pitfall be; He, too, must cross in the twilight dim; Good friend, I am building this bridge for him!"

The challenge to each one of us is to construct a bridge to support our youth. Our purpose, of course, is to help young men be better men and leaders who will establish a better world tomorrow

James C. Herndon EO, DeMolay of Idaho

Brother James C. Herndon moved that the report of the Executive Officer of DeMolay be received and referred to Accounts and Finances; motion was seconded and passed.

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, called upon Brother Mark Smith to give an update on what Meridian Lodge No. 47 has been doing to their building.

Meridian Lodge No. 47 - Building Report

The Meridian Lodge is near and dear to my heart, My father was the Master of Meridian Lodge in 1954 and I was born in 1954. My father was Master when the brothers decided to build a lodge of their own, because they tired of meeting the VFW Building. They decided to build a building of their own. The building is a two story building with two main rooms, one lodge room upstairs and a dining room below it. The building was completed in 1956. Over the years the building has been use extensively. Currently we have the Meridian Lodge No. 47, Meridian Chapter No. 66, Order of the Eastern Star, Bethel 6, Jobs Daughters International, Treasure Valley DeMolay and most recently Meridian Gems Assembly No. 23 Order of Rainbow for Girls. As you can tell the building is very busy.

What I was asked to talk about was what we have been doing recently with money that we have had for quite some time. To upgrade and do long need repairs. But let me back up and explain. Brother Turner had some property in Nampa, in his Will the property was to be sold and given to his Church and his Lodge. The Lodge received the money and replaced the roof and invested what was left.

About 5 years ago, the brothers decided to spend the money on the Lodge. It started with some ideas the Treasure had and the first thing that was replaced was the old carpet. But, when the carpet was installed it was installed in a checkerboard format. The next item was a Lecture Prop or diorama for the 2nd degree. It contains the stairway, columns and other items in the lecture. The next thing was to put up pillars or columns in the east with the working tools and lights, Brother Love Relief and Truth. The lodge looks far different than it did in 1956.


Brother Jim Duffy has a lot of skills and there are things that need to be fixed. We need a new boiler so the Lodge purchased a new boiler and Jim put it in. One of the things what needed was to fix the plumbing, so we can put in a garbage disposal. We were told for years that you could not. After some research, if was found that it could be done. And that was done. Jim looked at the electrical outlets and found out the whole building was not grounded. Jim upgrade the electoral system so it was grounded. The lodge put in a sound system so you can hear people talk. The lodge installed a projector system so display movies, slides, presentations etc. on the North Wall. The most recently the Lodge is looking at putting in a handy cap lift. Jim gave them a plan, and if a few things were changed it could be done. We are careful not to call it an elevator, it is a Lift. It is now installed and working. The next project is to replace the tiles in the basement, they are coming up anyway. That is accomplished.

Everyone needs to come and see the improvements, especially Nov. 9th were we are going to replenish some of the funds, by have a dinner and dedicating the lift. I have tickets, Jim has tickets please come and support our fund raiser.

The lodge is investing in to the building to make it better and thanks to Brother Turner for his donation.

That’s my report on Meridian Lodge No. 47 improvements.

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, Thanked Mark Smith for his report and made the following comments, Grand Lodge will be resuming at 01:00 pm, sharp, it is lunch time by my watch and lunch is next door. When we come back in the Offices will be starting in place, Also when coming in the Tyler and/or Stewards will be collecting the password of a Master Mason and checking to see if you have your registration name tag with you.

Announcements: MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, Brother Senior Grand Warden Do you have any Announcements?

RWSenior Grand Warden, John E. Warner, Yes, I do. The education committee and the Accounts and Finance Committee please meet in the Syringa room after lunch.


Call to from Labor to Refreshment for Lunch

Grand Lodge is called from Labor to Refreshment through the south to resume at 01:00

“Brother W Grand Marshal would you make the Proclamation.”

W Grand Marshal Steven L. Hall gave the following proclamation:

“By order of the Most Worshipful Grand Master I proclaim this 147th Annual Communications of the Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, of Idaho to be called from Labor to Refreshment for the period of one hour or until the sound of the gavel in the east at 01:00 pm”

Thursday, September 19, 2014 (Afternoon Session)

1:00pm The Grand Lodge Officers started their positions/stations in the Grand Lodge.

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling then called the brethren from refreshment to labor again through the south.

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “Brother Grand Marshal you will make the Proclamation.”

Steven L. Hall, WGrand Marshal made the following Proclamation.

“By order of the Most Worshipful Grand Master I now proclaim this Thursday Afternoon Session of the 147th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, called from Refreshment to Labor.”

Reading of the Resolutions

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “Brother Grand Secretary, you will read the resolutions to be brought before this Grand Lodge.”

RW Grand Secretary Monte B. Bollar, “I move that the Resolution be accepted as printed and distributed to the lodges and printed and handed out to all members at this 147th Annual Communication of this Grand Lodge.”

Motion was seconded and carried. See (Proposed Resolutions, Back of Proceedings)

Approval of the Printed Committee Reports

RW Deputy G. Arthur Shoemaker, “I move that the committee reports be accepted as printed and distributed in the advance proceedings.”

Motion was second, and carried. See (Reports Approved in Advance Proceeding, Back of Proceedings)


Approval of the Grand Lodge Officers Reports

RW Deputy Grand G. Arthur Shoemaker, “I move that the Grand Lodge Officers’ Reports, except MWGM, GS, and GT, be accepted as printed and distributed in the advance proceedings.”

Motion was seconded and carried. See (Grand Lodge Officers Reports)

Approval of the 146th Annual Communication Proceedings

MW Grand Master, Daniel B. Heberling, “Brother Grand Secretary, please read the proceedings from our last communication.”

RW Grand Secretary Monte B. Bollar, “I move that the 146th Annual Communication Proceedings be accepted as printed and distributed.”

Motion was seconded and carried.

Honorary Memberships:

RW Senior Grand Warden “I move that we give all our visiting distinguished guests Honorary Memberships. Motion was seconded and passed.

W Senior Grand Deacon, please pass these Honorary Membership cards to the Visiting Distinguished Guests present.”

MWGrand Master Daniel B. Heberling asked RW Grand Secretary Monte Bollar to give the Grand Secretary’s Report.

Grand Secretary Report

(Referred to the Committees for Accounts and Finances) To the Most Worshipful Grand Master and Members of the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Idaho

The Grand Secretary duties and responsibilities are outlined in Section 306 of Idaho Masonic Code and Digest. While completing these tasks I have worked with the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Grand Lodge Officers, (Elected, Appointed and District Deputy Grand Masters), all the Lodge Secretaries, Past Grand Masters and served on all the committees assigned to me as well as the following;

Finances All bills against the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Idaho have been submitted to the Grand Treasurer and checks drawn on payment of the same.

Current Budget vs. Actual, as of July 31, 2014, spending spreadsheet is located in the Grand Treasurer report.

Monthly financial reports have been prepared and sent to Accounts and Finance Committee and the Elected Grand Lodge Officers were. Budget Vs. Actual (Actual Spending compared to Budget) 38

Profit & Loss (Income Vs. Expenses) Transaction Detail (Report of all Deposits, Bills, Invoices and Check) Investment Summary (Summary of Investments at the end of every Month) Check Book Balances (Summary of the check book at the end of every Month) Wells Fargo Investment (Wells Fargo Detail Monthly Report)

Monthly investment reports have been received from Wells Fargo Advisors and summary reports have been prepared and sent to the Investment Committee. Wells Fargo Investments (Wells Fargo Investment Summary) Investment Summary (Summary of Investments at the end of every Month)

The financial records for the Fiscal Year 2013 have been closed and a Financial Review has been performed by Tarter & Associates, PA. (See Grand Treasurer Report for Audit results)

The 2013 Taxes have been prepared by Tarter & Associates, PA and filed with the IRS.

Correspondence of the Grand Lodge. All correspondences of the Grand Lodge has been reviewed and forwarded to all the appropriate destinations. Any that requires action has been acted upon. (Correspondences include United States Postal mail, E-mail, Texting, Facebook and by Phone)

Proceedings In accordance with Regulation No. 52 of the Idaho Masonic Code and Digest, the 2013 Proceedings for the 146th Annual Communication have been printed and distributed. Hard copies have been sent to each Lodge, each Grand Lodge Officer, each District Deputy Grand Master, all Past Grand Masters, Chairman of Fraternal Relations and 10 copies have been stored in the fireproof safe in the Grand Lodge Office. A copy is also on the Grand Lodge Website.

Abstract of the 146th Annual Communication In accordance with Regulation No. 53 of the Idaho Masonic Code and Digest, the Abstract of the 146th Annual Communication has been sent to all the Lodges in both hard copy and electronic formats. An Abstract was published on the Grand Lodge Website and submitted as an article in the Grand Lodge Newsletter.

George Washington Masonic National Association In accordance with Regulation No. 61 of our Idaho Masonic Code and Digest, the Grand Jurisdiction of Idaho contributes one dollar ($1.00) for each dues paying member of this jurisdiction to the George Washington Masonic National Association. The funding shall come from the Interest Relief Fund. The 2014 budget amount for the George Washington Masonic Memorial was set at $2,856.00. A check was presented to the George Washington Masonic Memorial for $2,856.00 by MWGrand Master Daniel B. Heberling at the Conference of Grand Masters of North America in February of 2014. Various Lodges have raised money and sent it directly to the George Washington Masonic National Memorial and are not included in this report.

Masonic Service Association The Grand Lodge of Idaho made a contribution to the Masonic Service Association according to the budget of $250.00. It was presented to the Masonic Service Association at the Conference of Grand Masters of North America in February of 2014


Masonic Information Center The Grand Lodge of Idaho made a contribution to the Masonic Information Center according to the budget of $250.00. It was presented to the Masonic Information Center at the Conference of Grand Masters of North America in February of 2014 Lodges that may have raised money and sent it directly to the Masonic Service Association or the Masonic Information Center are not included in this report.

Maintain Membership Records In Accordance with Section 306 paragraph 9 the Grand Lodge is maintaining the Membership records/database. Those records are entered into a database called Records On Line for Lodge Secretaries (ROLLS). The ROLLS software is to be used by the Lodge Secretaries and the Grand Lodge Office to track the members of this Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge Office enters data only for those lodges who do not have internet capabilities or as corrections are required. This software has been adopted by the Grand Lodge of Idaho and is being maintained by the Grand Lodge Office.

ROLLS We currently have 52 active Lodges, 2 Historical Lodges and the Idaho Lodge of Research that have their membership in ROLLS. We have two (2) Lodges that DO NOT have a login access to ROLLS, Malad Lodge #51 and Buhl Lodge #53. Their records are being updated by the Grand Lodge Office, from the paper Monthly reports that have been submitted to Grand Lodge. (We encourage all the Lodges to get access to the ROLLS program and use it on a Monthly basis. The Grand Lodge Office is willing to do training or refresher training at the request of the lodge.)

ROLLS – Training performed. A ROLLS Training Classes were given on a one on one bases as requested and are available on request. Just call and the Grand Lodge Office staff and we will make ourselves available to do ROLLS training upon your request; just call the Grand Lodge Office to schedule a time and location.

Monthly Reports Section 1104.Paragraph 1 covers Monthly Reports. The Monthly Reports are to be sent in to the Grand Secretary on a “MONTHLY BASIS” and filed or postmarked between the 1st and 10th day of the month, whether you are using ROLLS and sending the report electronically (preferred method) or sending in a hard copy form in the mail..

Not all the Lodges are making the Monthly Reports on a regular basis; please be timely and report on a monthly basis, even if you do not meet that month.

Annual Returns Section 1104 Paragraph 2 applies to the Annual Report and states it shall be filed in the Grand Lodge Office between the 1st and 15th day of January of each year. This year most of the Lodges had their report in by the 15th of January. Thank you! We had several late Annual Reports due to various reasons and lacking various portions of the Annual Report Package.

Note: The “Annual Report” is a report that can be executed in ROLLS. It still requires that a hard copy be sent in to the Grand Lodge Office under the seal and signature of the Lodge Secretary and the signature of Lodge Master. Please file a copy with the lodge for historical records.

It is the responsibility of the Master of the Lodge to see that the Annual Report is sent in on time and accompanied by the Per capita check to the Grand Lodge Office.


Annual Returns for 2013 (January 1st, 2013 to December 31st 2013) Members as of 12/31/2012 ...... 3,674 Initiated ...... 84 Passed ...... 71 Raised ...... 69 Affiliated ...... 36 Reinstated ...... 44 Restored ...... 0 Omitted in Past ...... 1 Expelled ...... 1 Suspended Dropped ...... 49 Died ...... 123 Demitted Withdrawn ...... 45 Erroneously Reported ...... 20 Members as of 12/31/2011 ...... 3,586 Minus 50-Year Members ...... 775 TNM ...... 2,809

* TNM = Total Per Capita paying members

Interesting Facts from Annual Reports:

Degrees Initiated ...... 84 Passed ...... 71 Raised ...... 69 Total ...... 224

Lodges Growth Positive growth ...... 9 Negative growth ...... 40 Neutral ...... 4

Dues Highest Dues ...... $157.00 Lowest Dues ...... $12.00

Degree Fees Highest ...... $300.00 Lowest ...... $60.00

Profile of Membership as of 8/19/2014 To get a feel of what our Fraternity looks like, the following is a breakdown of Masons between the age of 18 and 103 years old. (Based on the birthdates entered in ROLLS) This year I am presenting previous year’s numbers alongside this year’s numbers for your information.

Age Breakdown for Grand Lodge 41

Age ...... Qty ...... Qty ...... Qty ...... 2012 ...... 2013 ...... 2014 18 - 22 ...... 8 ...... 10 ...... 13 23 - 27 ...... 39 ...... 40 ...... 33 28 - 32 ...... 81 ...... 79 ...... 77 33 - 37 ...... 110 ...... 107 ...... 114 38 - 42 ...... 124 ...... 139 ...... 121 43 - 47 ...... 124 ...... 132 ...... 144 48 - 52 ...... 180 ...... 174 ...... 156 53 - 57 ...... 204 ...... 194 ...... 179 58 - 62 ...... 282 ...... 265 ...... 250 63 - 67 ...... 353 ...... 368 ...... 366 68 - 72 ...... 385 ...... 371 ...... 352 73 - 77 ...... 386 ...... 386 ...... 363 78 - 82 ...... 368 ...... 355 ...... 327 83 - 87 ...... 398 ...... 365 ...... 338 88 - 92 ...... 242 ...... 236 ...... 226 93 - 97 ...... 78 ...... 86 ...... 91 98+ ...... 19 ...... 9 ...... 10 Total Members ...... 3,381 ...... 3316 ...... 3160 50 year Members ...... 847 ...... 802 ...... 775

Average Age ...... 67 ...... 67 ...... 67

Certificates Issued this year:

WORSHIPFUL MASTER’S FULL CERTIFICATE August 1, 2013 – August 15, 2014 Total of 4 Glenn Lovell Worshipful Master Certificate 08/08/2013 Abraham J. Warner Worshipful Master Certificate 08/28/2013 Clifford R. Kramer Worshipful Master Certificate 09/06/2013 Sean B. Brady Worshipful Master Certificate 10/28/2014

WORSHIPFUL MASTER’S LIMITED CERTIFICATE August 1, 2013 – August 15, 2014 Total of 4 William J. Skerjanc Limited Worshipful Master Certificate 08/02/2013 Richard L. Hollenbeck Limited Worshipful Master Certificate 10/10/2013 Michael J. Keeton Limited Worshipful Master Certificate 10/23/2013 Daniel W. Jennings Limited Worshipful Master Certificate 11/01/2013

WARDEN’S CERTIFICATE OF PROFICIENCY August 1, 2013 – August 15, 2014 Total of 25

William F. Cook Warden Certificate 08/01/2013 Dalton G. Rice Warden Certificate 08/14/2013 Gary E. Anton Sr. Warden Certificate 08/16/2013


Bryan W. Pemberton Warden Certificate 08/16/2013 Christopher J. Williams Warden Certificate 08/28/2013 R. Gregory Miller Warden Certificate 09/11/2013 Jed R. Gist Warden Certificate 09/24/2013 Vernon J. Haley Warden Certificate 10/03/2013 Matthew D. White Warden Certificate 10/03/2013 Carl R. Alexander Warden Certificate 10/10/2013 Taylor V. Marlow Warden Certificate 10/18/2013 Lee Haynes Warden Certificate 12/03/2013 Jeremiah J. Jacobson Warden Certificate 12/03/2013 Joshua M. Kinnick Warden Certificate 12/03/2013 Steven J. Wood Warden Certificate 12/03/2013 Joel L. Heward Warden Certificate 12/05/2013 Robert M. Hughes Warden Certificate 02/14/2014 Sean P. Fuller Warden Certificate 02/22/2014 William S. Young Warden Certificate 02/22/2014 James T. Thomas Warden Certificate 03/14/2014 David D. Barton Warden Certificate 05/14/2014 Tyler Baldini Warden Certificate 05/19/2014 Marc E. Essary Warden Certificate 06/13/2014 James T. Hansen Warden Certificate 06/27/2014 Wayne E. Ross Warden Certificate 08/06/2014

(New) FIFTY YEAR CERTIFICATES August 1, 2013 – August 15, 2014 Total of 48 Chester M. Echelbarger Fifty Year Member Coeur D'Alene Lodge 09/09/2013 Wallace C. Reynalds Fifty Year Member Coeur D'Alene Lodge 09/09/2013 Burton R. Greenwell Fifty Year Member Paul Lodge 11/07/2013 Jack F. McCleary Fifty Year Member Paul Lodge 11/07/2013 Leland C. Carrick Fifty Year Member Lakeside Lodge 12/02/2013 Joseph W. Guthrie Fifty Year Member Lakeside Lodge 12/02/2013 Ernest M. Billiard Fifty Year Member Fidelity Lodge 12/03/2013 Elmer E. Salo Fifty Year Member Shoshone Lodge 12/03/2013 Walter D. McAlister Fifty Year Member Ashlar Lodge 12/04/2013 Louis A. McNeil Fifty Year Member Ashlar Lodge 12/04/2013 Ronald R. Denison Fifty Year Member Mt. Idaho Lodge 12/10/2013 Merle L. Herr Fifty Year Member Mt. Idaho Lodge 12/10/2013 Iver J. Longeteig III Fifty Year Member Mt. Idaho Lodge 12/10/2013 Donald N. McLeod Fifty Year Member Mt. Idaho Lodge 12/10/2013 Richard L. Stauber Fifty Year Member Hailey Lodge 12/10/2013 Wiley E. Wagner Fifty Year Member Mt. Idaho Lodge 12/10/2013 James S. Day Fifty Year Member Mt. Moriah Lodge 01/07/2014 Grant M. Havemann Fifty Year Member Lemhi Lodge 01/08/2014 James C. Herndon Fifty Year Member Lemhi Lodge 01/08/2014 William E. Julian Fifty Year Member Bonners Ferry Lodge 01/08/2014 Harry C. Black Fifty Year Member Oriental Lodge 01/10/2014 Gale L. Dayton Fifty Year Member Oriental Lodge 01/10/2014 John H. Krommenhoek Fifty Year Member Oriental Lodge 01/10/2014 Charles R. Madden Fifty Year Member Oriental Lodge 01/10/2014 Harry C. Black Fifty Year Member Silver City Lodge 01/11/2014 43

Rondal L. Barber Fifty Year Member Kaniksu Lodge 02/04/2014 Noble C. Brewer Fifty Year Member Kootenai Lodge 02/04/2014 Ronald J. Morrow Fifty Year Member Kaniksu Lodge 02/04/2014 Dale L. Parsons Fifty Year Member Kootenai Lodge 02/04/2014 Frank A. York Fifty Year Member Kootenai Lodge 02/04/2014 John H. Davidson Fifty Year Member Eagle Rock Lodge 02/05/2014 Terry G. Downing Fifty Year Member Eagle Rock Lodge 02/05/2014 Robert C. Girton Fifty Year Member Eagle Rock Lodge 02/05/2014 Wallace S. Johnson Fifty Year Member Eagle Rock Lodge 02/05/2014 Raymond A. Ketterling Fifty Year Member Eagle Rock Lodge 02/05/2014 Fred L. Nelson Fifty Year Member Eagle Rock Lodge 02/05/2014 Norval B. Wease Fifty Year Member Eagle Rock Lodge 02/05/2014 Charles L. Wright Fifty Year Member Eagle Rock Lodge 02/05/2014 Leroy Beasley Fifty Year Member Fidelity Lodge 02/18/2014 John M. Clark Fifty Year Member Fidelity Lodge 02/18/2014 Joe C. Rose Fifty Year Member Jerome Lodge 02/19/2014 Thomas N. Jewell Fifty Year Member Eagle Rock Lodge 03/05/2014 Bernard E. Scott Fifty Year Member Portneuf Lodge 03/09/2014 Gordon J. Robinson Fifty Year Member Hagerman Lodge 03/11/2014 William D. Cutbirth Fifty Year Member Butte Lodge 03/14/2014 Justin R. Lowder Fifty Year Member Portneuf Lodge 03/29/2014 James T. Bunce Fifty Year Member Ionic Lodge 05/13/2014 Robert E. Heuer Fifty Year Member Jerome Lodge 05/21/2014

CONFERENCES AND VISITATIONS During this past year I have been privileged to attend the following conferences and special meetings: Attended: Grand Secretary Conference, Baltimore, MD 3rd Degree Exemplification, Pocatello, Idaho The Spring District Communications, with the Right Worshipful Grand Lecturer International Night, Bonners Ferry, Idaho & Creston, B.C. Idaho Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, Boise, Idaho Idaho Grand Session, Idaho Jobs Daughters, Boise, Idaho Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference, Reno Nevada Lodge on the Lake, Cascade, Idaho Silver City Annual Homecoming, Silver City, Idaho Dedications: Bell Tower, Idaho City D.L. Evans Bank, Burley, Idaho Grand Lodge Planning Meetings: Pocatello, Idaho Boise, Idaho As many different Lodge meeting and special events as I could.


Grand Lodge Newsletter The Grand Lodge continues to publish the Grand Lodge Newsletter on a weekly basis. I would like Cyndie Bollar for all here work in putting the newsletter together and to thank all the Lodges that have sent articles, emails and Lodge Trestle boards to the Grand Lodge Office to be published in this newsletter. As of 08/15/2014 we have 732 Subscribers to the newsletter. Again anyone wanting to place an article or wanting to be a sponsor of the newsletter, please give the Grand Lodge office a call or send an email to [email protected]. Inquiries on how to Join the Masons The Grand Lodge continues to get inquiries on how to join Masonry from the website. I have replied to each of them as time allows. I give those prospective Masons inquiring, the names and contacts for the Lodge or Lodges closest to them. It is the responsibility of the Lodge receiving those emails to follow up with these prospective Masons. I know that several of the Lodges contact these prospective members as soon as they get the email and offer to take them to coffee or meet with them to answer their questions. They have been very successful in bringing in new members. Conclusion: I would like to thank the members of the Grand Lodge of Idaho for the trust shown to me by electing me to the office of Grand Secretary. I would also like to thank Cyndie Bollar for her work in the Grand Lodge Office. There is a lot of thing that need to be accomplished in the Office and without Cyndie help it just would not get done. It has been a pleasure to serve the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M of Idaho, the MWGrand Master Daniel B. Heberling and all of the Grand Lodge Officers. I appreciate the friendship and hospitality all of you have shown me this past year. I have tried to visit as many Lodges as I could. I would also like to thank all the Lodge Secretaries for their hard work and understanding, during this past year. Thank you for getting your reports in on time and keeping me informed on the important events happening in your Lodge and/or District. Thank you for allowing me to serve you as “Your” Grand Secretary.

Fraternally Submitted

Monte B. Bollar

I move that this report be received and referred to Jurisprudence and Accounts & Finances. It has been Moved and Seconded that the Grand Secretaries Report Be accepted and referred to Accounts & Finances and Jurisprudence, All in favor vote by the usual sign of a Mason.

Motion Carried.


Grand Treasurer Report

Grand Treasure Resignation Letter

From Most Worshipful Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling,

As you have probably heard by now, our Right Worshipful Brother Stan Barker has resigned after 25 years as Grand Treasurer. Due to his personal reasons for that action, I regretfully accepted his resignation effective September 1, 2014.

Grand Lodge advised the Brethren throughout the jurisdiction of Brother Stan’s action and requesting those qualified according to the Code and Digest and willing to serve to apply. Grand Lodge received three applications, one of which did not meet the requirements and one of which was withdrawn.

The remaining application was that of Worshipful Brother Randy King. As Bro. King was qualified, I appointed him to file the vacancy until this Grand Lodge next convened to elect a permanent Grand Treasurer. Bro. King has served as an assistant to R.W. Bro. Stan Barker during the past year.


Budget Vs. Actual as of the July 31, 2014



2013 Financial Audit

Section 604. Audit and Financial Review. The funds, securities and all business transactions of the Grand Lodge shall have a financial review annually and an audit, by a certified public accountant, every four (4) years or when a new Grand Secretary or Grand Treasurer is elected to serve the Grand Lodge. This review or audit shall be under the direction of the Grand Master, and the report of said financial review or audit shall be laid before the Annual Communications. (Revised 2009)

Hard Copies have been provided to Accounts & Finance and Investment Committees

















Information and Technology



To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Idaho: The Information Technology Committee (ITC) has been active this year. The ITC continues to maintain and update the Idaho Grand Lodge Website and the Idaho Masonic Family Alliance (IMFA) webpage at . The email address for the Grand Lodge Offices have changed from to The new look of the website has met with good results. It has given greater flexibility in updating and maintaining web content and keeping the Brothers of this state informed. The IT Committee is looking to upgrade the tools to maintain the website and give the website more web pages. There should be no cost to this upgrade and will also give more flexibility to what can be done with the website if the need arises. At the last Grand Lodge, The IT Committee and the Grand Secretary, was given a task to looking in to putting the written work on to the website. First the IT Committee and the Grand Secretary looked up what is in the Code & Digest about the Written Work and the Monitor and consulted with the Chairman of the Jurisprudence Committee. The committee the feels that until the Code & Digest is changed by the Resolution process and Funding by the Grand Lodge Accounts and Finances committee that nothing should be done at this time. Before proceeding with a project to move the Monitor on to a website or make the "Written work" electronic, the following questions need to be answered: 1. Who do you want to view the "Written work" (members only or can the public view it?) 2. If electronic, what file format do we share the "Written work in? (PDF or E-book format) 3. If PDF can it be down loaded to a smart phone or IPad? (With or without charge) 4. If E-book format who would do the conversion and what would it cost. 5. Who and how to distribute the work and what would it cost? 6. Who would keep the master copy? 7. Who would make changes master copy and redistribute with changes? 8. After distribution how do you keep the electronic file from being change or modified? 9. What security needs to be in place to keep it from being changed or modified, after distribution? 10. Would you even want to control the file from being changed or modified after distribution? 11. Who would see that the Master and the distributed copies are in synch? 12. What provision need to be in place to recall the electronic copies as in Regulation 39 paragraph 4

Fraternally, Submitted

George Decker, Chairman Monte Bollar, Grand Secretary

I move that this report be accepted, seconded and carried.

There was some discussion about putting the monitor on the website. Pro and Con. What pass in the 146th Annual Communication was to look into putting it on the web.


Introduction of Visiting Distinguished Guests

(Visiting Grand Masters / Representatives) (Guests will be requested to address the Grand Lodge as time permits)

Introduction of Grand Officers Representing their Grand Masters:

Douglas C. Teninty, R W Deputy Grand Master, Representing, David Worel, MWGrand Master of Alaska

George A. Ingles, Jr. M W Past Grand Master, Representing Grand Lodge F.& A.M. of Indiana

Donald Cerovski, M W Grand Master Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Montana

John Buffington, M W Grand Master Grand Lodge F.& A.M. of Nevada

D. Arthur Bush, PGM, Representing, R. Michel Wick M W Grand Master of Oregon

Drew C. Sanders, MWGrand Master Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Utah

Sam Roberts, M W Grand Master Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Washington

Beynon St. John, RWGrand Secretary, Representing Richard N. Lewis M W Grand Master of Wyoming

John Leyshon, M W Grand Master Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M of Saskatchewan

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, Went on the floor to welcome the distinguished guests. “Please join me in giving them the Public Grand Honors and a hearty welcome.”

Guest Speakers

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling asked Drew C. Sanders, MWGrand Master of Utah, to come to the microphone and address the Grand Lodge.

Drew C. Sanders, MWGrand Master, discussed what the Grand Lodge of Utah what they are doing to toward membership in a different way, they are looking at getting people involved and let the public know that the Masonic family is out there. They have formed a Public Education Committee to show the public Masonry.


Section 605 Grand Lodge Charitable Trust

Annual Report of the Idaho Freemason Foundation

September 18, 2014

To: The Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Idaho Most Worshipf6ul Grand Master Daniel Heberling


Most of you will have received information regarding the Freemason license plate program this past week. If you have received the packet, you are aware of the deadline that is approaching to have 1,000 license plates on the road by December 31, 2014 or the program is lost. Enclosed in the packet is a flyer for you to share with any appendant or concordant bodies that you are a member of. The license plates are available for all members of the family of Freemasonry, including Eastern Star, Daughters of the Nile, Jobs Daughters, DeMolay, White Shrine, the Shrine, the Rites or any other body. If we all pull together the license plate program can be saved.

Why are the license plates so important to our Fraternity? In the beginning, it was to make our communities aware of Freemasonry and our contribution to society. As more plates are on the road, we can accomplish that goal. There is another benefit to our Fraternity and our communities. The State of Idaho donates a large portion of the plate fees back to the Idaho Freemason Foundation. It is the Foundation’s primary source of funding at this time.

You may already know that this money goes back into your community, through your Lodge, for your Lodge’s community service projects that align with the mission of supporting the education, safety and well-being of children. The Foundation, as funding permits, can give your lodge matching funds to help with these programs. To apply for these matching funds, use the website at or contact the Grand Secretary. The Idaho Freemason Foundation will consider each application and contribute as funds allow.

Since our last report to the Grand Lodge, the foundation continues to be a hive of activity. Our accomplishments this year include:

A brand new website that is up and running under the easy to remember domain name of The website is designed to provide information about Foundation programs and applications for matching funds. Donations can also be made directly from the website.

The Foundation participated in the Idaho Gives fund raising program, which is a state wide online fund raising campaign for Idaho Charities.

The Foundation wrote the appeal for help you received this last week for the Freemason license plate program.

In preparation to apply for grants from corporations and other foundations, PGM Greg Winther attended a 2-day grant writing workshop at the College of Idaho. Our goal is to diversify the Foundation’s fund raising efforts to better serve the Lodges in Idaho. Our fund raising includes the Annual Memorial donations, the Freemason license plate program, Idaho Gives, bequests from fellow Freemasons and grant writing.


Thanks to each of you for your support and encouragement as the Idaho Freemason Foundation continues to grow. We have an amazing opportunity to help the children of Idaho through this exciting program that highlights the efforts of your local lodge to make your community a better place to live.

We also thank each volunteer that has spent hours of their time this year working on the Foundation, particularly George Decker and James Voyles.

Submitted by Calvin Barrett, Chairman Art Shoemaker, Director Stan Barker, Director Randy King, Director Monte Bollar, Director Greg Winther, Director

Calvin Barrett moved that the report of the Charitable Trust Fund be received, motion was seconded and passed.

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling asked R W Senior Grand Warden to present the Sesquicentennial Committee Report.

Sesquicentennial History Committee

Sesquicentennial Committee Report The Sesquicentennial Committee has been very busy this year. We have held several planning meetings establishing a pathway to follow. Last year’s ties and pin sales went well. We were able to sell what we purchased and have some working capital from those sales. Brother Art’s ties and Pins are here and now ready for sale. If you take a look at the pin you should be able to see a theme relating to Idaho’s past. Big thanks go out to our Grand Historian Brother Jerry Parsons. Through his efforts we have the makings of a book. A short prototype is for sale to help us fund the project. This portion is the history of Lodges and we request that each lodge send us additional information to improve on it. We would also request each Lodge send us two pictures of the inside of your Lodges to be added to the next session. As we get closer towards the 2017 celebration it is hoped that we will have a completed professional book about the history of Masonry in Idaho that we can be proud of. The committee met and voted to have a banner program. This will start next year at Grand Lodge in 2015. The banner must be on a six foot staff. Be 3 feet wide and 4 feet tall, it must contain the Lodge Name, number and town. How and what it is made of is strictly up to the Lodge. It may be professionally made, made by hand whatever. It can be made out of cloth, wood, cardboard or whatever your lodge desires. It can be arranged anyway the lodge wants and it will be your unique banner. The plan is to have the banners marched into the Grand Lodge at the Public Opening and placed in the Lodge room during Grand Lodge so each lodge will be recognized. The exact details on how it will be displayed are still under consideration. The idea is to get everyone involved. Remember this is our celebration and we need to make it memorable and fun.


We are still looking for other things to do during our celebration year. We have a lot of young talent that wants a job and has great skills, let’s put them to work. Also please send any idea’s you may have to help this celebration become a success. At least three separate celebrations, which will be held during 2017 around the state, are in the planning stage. We could use some help/ideas from the membership regarding these events. Remember brothers we are only a committee of 6. We have been tasked to help plan the celebration but we can’t do it alone. We need help from all areas of the state to make this event memorable for all while at the same time showing respect for those who started this Grand Jurisdiction in Idaho. Our financial report for the year is as follows: Sesquicentennial Income $8,095.24 Sesquicentennial Expenses $3,194.36 Net operating Income $4,900.88

This does not include the $5000 received by Grand Lodge

John E. Warner /s/ James Hensley /s/ Arthur Shoemaker /s/ R.W. Senior Grand Warden R.W. Junior Grand Warden Deputy Grand Master Monte Bollar /s/ Jerry Parsons /s/ N. Randy King /s/ R.W. Grand Secretary W. Grand Historian W. Assistant Treasurer

I move the report of the Sesquicentennial Committee report be received, seconded and passed.

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling asked Deputy Grand Master G. Arthur Shoemaker to follow up on the RMMC Social Media Guidelines.

Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference Social Media Guidelines

Deputy Grand Master G. Arthur Shoemaker move that the RMMC Social Media Guidelines be accepted and approved by this Grand Lodge. Seconded.

Discussion: There was a problem with the printing of the Guidelines so this motion was tabled until printed copies are available.

Youth Committee

To the Most Worshipful Grand Master and Brethren of the Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Idaho: Thank you for the opportunity to serve this jurisdiction for the past year on this committee. As many will tell you, this is both a fun committee to be a part of, as well as being a very challenging one. This year was no different. The principal project of the committee this past term was to administer the Grand Lodge scholarship program. The committee decided to keep the criteria the same this year as last year; the scholarship was open to any graduating senior from an Idaho high school, with emphasis on need, scholastic achievement, and community involvement. We tried to “go green” this year and the primary method of distributing application was electronic. Nonetheless, applications were distributed through


the Grand Lodge office, the Grand Lodge newsletter, via the website, emailed to lodge secretaries, to the Grand Secretaries of other Masonic family organizations, and so forth. We distributed applications earlier this year than last. Despite this, applications were down overall. While there were thirteen applications last year, this year we only received eight applications on time. Each was a quality applicant, and they were spread across the state. There were two Grand Bethel Honored Queens, a State Master Councilor, and a host of other accolades. These young adults are invested in their communities and their academics. We were budgeted $1,500.00 from the Grand Lodge for scholarship awards. Eagle Rock Lodge #19 raised the bar by contributing another $1,035.00 to be used for the program giving a total of $2,535.00 to work with. After much deliberation and ranking the candidates, the consensus was to award scholarships as follows: Two awards of $500.00 to William Votaw II from Meridian and BreAnna Olson from Salmon. Six awards of $250.00 to Hailey Dishaw of Twin Falls, Samantha Smith of Emmett, Taryn Corbridge from Pocatello, Catherine Undesser from Boise, Stephanie Zehntner of Blackfoot, and Morgan Hansen of Pocatello. This was truly a difficult decision and each person had a legitimate need and was a worthy applicant to the program. For that reason, it was decided to award some assistance to each of them. We will work with the Grand Secretary to make sure the awards are sent out. This would not have been possible without the generous help of the brethren of Eagle Rock Lodge. This program is a vital bridge to not only our young people, but touches the very communities we live and work in. If every lodge contributed just $50.00 from their fundraising efforts to add to the scholarship program, we would be able to award over $3,700.00 or more each year. The committee challenges each lodge to contribute at least $50.00 each year to add to this fund. Let’s make this scholarship program truly spectacular! The other program of the committee is to coordinate and promote interactivity and involvement between the Masonic fraternity and our youth groups. Admittedly, this was not a focused or coordinated effort this year. Despite that, our members were out encouraging brothers to be active with their youth groups, and were out promoting our fraternity to our youth. And members of the committee were present at most every major youth function held this year, and were out thanking our youth workers in the trenches. But we still need more help. Each DeMolay Chapter, Rainbow Assembly, and Job’s Daughter Bethel needs more adults to help them. Each needs advisers and associate guardians, but also chaperones, drivers, volunteers, and council members. We know it can be a challenge, and that we are all busy. But we stand behind our commitment to our youth. The members of our Masonic youth organizations are the fastest and easiest source of new Masons for our lodges. DeMolay will grow up into young men; Jobies and Rainbow will grow up to have husbands and boyfriends – don’t we want them to want those men in their lives to be Masons? But how can they if there is no Mason there to be a role model? Job’s Daughters bethels around the state need an associate guardian. The very group who prays for our protection and wellbeing at every meeting, yet there are bethels who cannot find one interested Mason to help. Rainbow and DeMolay fare similarly. We can fix this. We encourage every member to do what they can to be a part of the youth experience. Not every job is large time commitment; many are brief. All are rewarding. Reach out to a member of this committee, and they will help you find a place that can use your talents.


The committee would like to commend the Grand Master and his officers for their commitment to our Masonic youth. Your team was well represented at every major function throughout the state, and your investment in the youth is noticed. And the committee commends the brethren of the Grand Lodge for their investment in our youth, both in the checks distributed to each bethel, chapter, and assembly, but also in the use of your lodge halls and facilities, and the support that our members show our youth through the investment of time and funds to assist them. Thank you again for allowing us to serve. Fraternally Submitted, Jeremy C. Vaughn (84-45) Chair George T. Butters (3) Gary A.S. LaBruyere (19) John E. Warner (18) Kent R. McCandless (19) Robert C. Troxel (13)

Robert C. Troxel moved to receive the report of the Youth Committee, motion was seconded and passed.

Guest Speakers

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling asked Douglas C. Teninty, R W Deputy Grand Master of Alaska, to come to the microphone and address the Grand Lodge.

Douglas C. Teninty, R W Deputy Grand Master of Alaska, explained why his Grand Master could not make it. The theme this year is toward the Youth, be proud to be a Mason, clean up our lodge and keep it in good shape. Public Relation or better said Public Recognition is the other thing we are working on. The public does not know who we are. We need to make them aware that we are still here. What do you say when someone asks you “Who are the Masons” what are go going to say. You need to give them something quickly and accurately so they can be interested.


Section 802 Board of Custodians of the Work


To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Idaho

Brethren, During the past year, no formal requests were received by this Board that needed to be addressed. However at this Annual Communication, some topics were brought to the table. Dividing the Lectures into Segments for Proficiency The Board was asked to review the customary practice of requiring proficiencies for Worshipful Master’s Certificates of Proficiency to include one or more lectures to be given, in their entirety, at one time. The question was whether we might be allowed to deliver our lectures in segments, over some longer period of time. What is the best for the individual and what is best for the fraternity? There are as many arguments for making this change as there are arguments against it. After a great deal of discussion, it was the general agreement of the Board of Custodians that under some conditions, this should be allowed. It is the unanimous feeling of the Board that the ability to deliver each lecture in its entirety is our goal, and that is what we should strive for. The Board has ruled that it shall be acceptable to deliver any of the three degree lectures in two segments, as opposed to being done at one time, as we have in the past. It is the ruling of the Board that each of the lectures may be broken into up to two parts. In the EA degree, the second section and the third section of the Entered Apprentice degree may be delivered separately. In the Fellowcraft degree, the break shall be between the description of the pillars and the beginning of the flight of winding stairs. In the Master Mason degree, the break shall be between the history of the degree and third section of the lecture. The Board further rules that a time limit of one year be imposed to complete the lecture. The time of one year should begin when the brother delivers the first part of the lecture, for proficiency.

Preparing the candidate for the Fellowcraft and Master Mason degrees The question was asked whether the candidate had to be divested according to our ritual, as in the first degree. It is the decision of the Board that yes, the candidate must be divested for all three of the degrees. The traditional form of the candidate proficiency reiterates this fact, and we feel that it does not need to be altered.

Adherance to the Idaho Work In many of our lodges, variations have been made and non-Idaho ritual has been added to the point where the ritual across the jurisdiction is becoming quite non-standard. Some lodges have add prayers, soliloquies, additional charges, presentations and other additions and modifications to the work, and the Board is seriously concerned about the integrity of our work. The approved Idaho work is contained, in its entirety, in the Idaho Monitor, and that is what our lodges need to follow. In the event that a lodge desires to deviate from the approved Idaho work, it is necessary that they obtain a dispensation for such deviation, or they are required to adhere to the Idaho work. 73

If a lodge desires to add to the Idaho work, it may be appropriate, but it should not be done as a part of, or appearing to be a part of the conferral of the degrees on the candidate. Also, bits and pieces of ritual observed in other jurisdictions should not be imported to Idaho, simply because we feel that it looks impressive. Our Idaho work is beautiful and it is complete, and it does not lend itself to innovation.

Summary This committee appreciates the opportunity to serve this Grand Jurisdiction, this past year. Fraternally submitted, ______James V Voyles (60), Acting Chairman ______Michael A. Sutton (18, 42) Jay A. Leonard (30, 80) ______Keith C. Brooks (45, 68) David C. Triplett (93) ______Richard E. Kaiser (19, 33) David E. Owen, Jr. (21, 30, 80)

Brother James V. Voyles moved that the report of the Board of Custodians of the work be received. Seconded and passed.


Grand Masters Appeal Report

Grand Masters Appeal Report September 15, 2014

To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Idaho Brethren, I am here to report on the Grand Masters Appeal made during the past Masonic year. This appeal was undertaken with the approval of the Grand Lodge Officers and the Assistance of Affinity Marketing. The appeal was undertaken to raise funds for the Endowment Fund in conjunction with the challenge made to the Brethren and Ladies at the 146th Annual Communication. The initial mailing to 3,500 Idaho Lodge members was sent out on May16, 2014 and the subsequent mailing was sent out on August 4, 2014. Included with the mailing were auto decals. The following are the results: Total donations were 437 or 12.49% of the mailings. Total donations received were $19,695.00. The average donation was $45.07. There were 273 donations of $40.00 or more qualifying for the pocket knife. Total program cost was $6,824.48 or $1.95 per member. Total pocket knife cost was $3,409.77 or $12.49/each. Total net revenue raised $9,460.75. The program was a success! The revenues received are more than was anticipated. We have a list of all the contributors. The average donation was more than anticipated and 62% of the contributors gave over $50.00. My recommendation to this Grand Jurisdiction is to have the Grand Lodge Officers consider another Grand Masters Appeal during the coming year, hopefully starting earlier in the year next time.

Fraternally Submitted, Randy King (13, 60) Investment Committee Chairman Brother Randy King moved that the report of the Grand Master Appeal be accepted. Seconded and passed.

Brother Harry Black, PGM made comments about the Ruling of the Board of Custodians report. There was no discussion on the report. Brother Harry made his feelings known. The proficiency of the work does not need to be changed. That’s

Low Twelve fund Trustees

Brother David A. Smith gave a report of the Low Twelve Fund

David A. Smith made a motion to receive the report of the Low Twelve Fund, motion was seconded and passed.


Announcements: Daughter of the Nile are raffling a quilt ticks can be picked up outside at the table. Proceeds to go the Shriners Hospital.

Helen Hensley is raffling off a quilt she made and the proceeds are going to the Endowment Fund.

If you are going to the Jobs Daughters meeting the time has changed to 6:30 pm and will be at the Scottish Rite Temple.

If you have not picked up your Credentials, pleased pick them up. Credentials closed tomorrow at 9:30 am.

If you do not have a complete copy of the RMMC Social Media Guidelines please stop by the Registration desk they will have copies for you.

Break MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, Called the Grand Lodge Free from Restraint for a period of 15minutes or the sound of the Gavel in the East. Please be back in the Lodge Room at 03:15 pm after the hour.

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, Called the Grand Lodge back to Labor by the Sound of the Gavel in the East at 3:17 pm.

Guest Speakers

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling asked Brother George A. Ingles, Past Grand Master of Indiana, to come to the microphone and address the Grand Lodge.

George A. Ingles, Jr. Past Grand Master of Indiana, From the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Indiana and the Master Masons of Indiana we wish you a successful Grand Lodge Communication. Talked about some of his travels and his travels in Idaho on this trip.

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling asked Brother Donald Cerovski, Grand Master of Montana, to come to the microphone and address the Grand Lodge.

Donald Cerovski, Grand Master of Montana, It is great to be in the Western Jurisdiction of Montana. I heard the Eastern Jurisdiction already I just wanted to let you hear for us as well. We have only one Masonic Family regardless if it is Jobies, Eastern Star or whatever we only have one family. We should not fret over how we do things, we only have to pull the rope and go in one directions we all need to be going. I am glad you are supporting your youth groups. Left will a story of two boys going to a wise man’s house. With this question. “Is the bird behind me alive or dead” If he answers dead, I will bring in around and let it fly away. If he answers alive, I will ring it neck and show him the dead bird. When they asked him. The wise man said. “The fate of that bird lies in your hands.” My brother the fate of this fraternity lies in your hands.


Deputy Grand Master G. Arthur Shoemaker, we see that Brother Stanley E. Barker is not in the room at this time. You have heard earlier today that Stan has retired as Grand Treasure after 25 years of service to the Grand Lodge.

I move that we grant the title of Grand Treasure Emeritus to brother Stanley E. Barker. Motion was seconded and passed.

A Certificate has been made and will be presented at the General Membership Banquet tonight.

Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference Social Media Guidelines

Deputy Grand Master G. Arthur Shoemaker, has every one had a chance to review the Guidelines. Discussion: Brothers these guidelines are not to be codified. This is just trying to put clarification to what your conduct on social media. This is only to be Guidelines not law.

Bother Jim Herndon, it is only a recommendation and not law. If the Grand Master makes it an edit then it would be law. If you want to make it Law you must make it a resolution for approval of Brethren.

There was a discussion of the intent and why the guidelines were proposed. Clarification was given in the meaning of receiving a report or of adopting report.

No further action was taken on this topic.

Guest Speakers

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling asked Brother John Leyshon, MWGrand Master of Saskatchewan, to come to the microphone and address the Grand Lodge.

Bother John has stepped out of the room so Brother Art Bush of Oregon are you ready.

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling asked Brother D. Arthur Bush, Past Grand Master of Oregon, to come to the microphone and address the Grand Lodge.

D. Arthur Bush, Past Grand Master of Oregon, I give you greetings from the Grand Master of Oregon, Most Worshipful R. Michel Wick. He chose me to representing him because I now live in Star, Idaho. Were all on a Masonic path and we do not know where that path leads us. Sometime it is overwhelming at times. There is nothing in this Fraternity that needs a knee jerk reaction because of all the good men that have come before us. One lodge ask if he could come to their lodge. He said he would, but first please submit it in writing so he could check his calendar. So nothing is confirmed until it is submitted in writing. The other thing is: that when someone comes up to you and ask if you have a minute, it never is a minute, and it is never good. We should always reflect on the jewels we pick up along our travels on our journey down the path. The journey will be over way to soon.

Brother Art gave gifts from the Grand Master of Oregon. Wallet & Plaque.


MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling asked Brother John Buffington, MWGrand Master on Nevada, to come to the microphone and address the Grand Lodge.

John Buffington, MWGrand Master on Nevada, We have a great time at the Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference and the Idaho contingent was strong. Brother we have to ask ourselves why we are here and attend Masonic meetings. We make a choice to attend the meetings. We need to know why we attend these meetings, what is that experience that is unique to us. How do we express that to others? Gave the example of two lodges. The lodge that is dying just doing degree work and going home and the lodge that is doing great, Good ritual, involved in the community and other masonic groups, have dinner before and great fellowship. What story are your visitors and members going to telling their family and friends? Their experience will be influence others to either join or not.

John Buffington, MWGM presented to the MWGM Daniel Heberling so Masonic Pins.

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling called upon Brian Becker to give the Grand Lodge a preview of what is going to happen at the Idaho Lodge of Research to night.

Brian Becker, we are going to have a lively discussion of what has gone on this year, what is planned for next year, Election of Officers. Meeting is at 7:00 pm Casual Dress. Please come.

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling announced that dinner is on your own tonight, and gave several suggestions of restaurants in town.

Please remember the memorial service will start at 8:30 am, Officers will start in position. There is an envelope in your registration packet, please remember your donations to. Endowment Fund, Prepaid Life Accounts or the Idaho Freemason Foundation.


If you are going to the Jobs Daughters meeting the time has changed to 6:30 pm and will be at the Scottish Rite Temple.

Brothers Secretaries, please remember the Secretary Breakfast at 7:00 am in Syringa Room.

Thursday September 19th 2013 Afternoon Session Called from Labor to Refreshment

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, proceeded to call the Grand Lodge from Labor to Refreshment through the south. Labor will resume at the sound of the Gavel in the east Friday Morning. Immediately after the Public Memorial service.

Brother Grand Marshal you will make the proclamation.

WGrand Marshal Steven L. Hall, made the following Proclamation:

“By order of the Most Worshipful Grand Master I proclaim the 147th Annual Communications of the Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, of Idaho, called from Labor to Refreshment until the sound of the Gavel in the East Friday morning immediately after the Public Memorial service, Which starts at 8:30am. “ Thursday Night “Dinner is on your own”


Thursday September 19th, 2013 (Lodge of Research #1965 Annual Communication)

7:00 pm Idaho Lodge of Research No. 1965 Annual Communication was held. (See report of the Idaho lodge of research.

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2013 (Morning)

7:00 am. Secretaries Breakfast was held in the Peregrine Room, Boise Hotel Conference Center

7:45 a.m. Credentials & Registration opened in the Teton Room, Boise Hotel, Conference Center

8:15 a.m. Prelude J. Sherwin Wilson, W Grand Organist

147th Grand Lodge Masonic Memorial Service

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, Rapped the Gavel bring the Grand Lodge to Order and then turned the gavel over to Duane Valez, Grand Chaplain.

Grand Chaplain, Duane Valez gave a service and read several passages out of the bible.

We have set this time aside to honor the brothers that have passed away this past year. 46 Lodge had losses this last year, which total ~140 departed brother, they served the Masonic Family is a verity of ways/

Duane Valez, lead the Grand Lodge in Prayer.

What I ask as I read the names, is that each lodge member of that lodge stand and assume the reverent position while I read their names of those who have fallen and the Junior and Senior Deacon will put out the candle for that Lodge.


402-5. Necrology

Necrology Report Deaths reported from 8/01/2103 to 08/31/2014

Idaho Lodge No. 1 Franklin R. Graham 5/31/2014 Charles A. Daw 5/1/2014 Frank F. Joyal 12/27/2013 Ronald D. Nisbett 11/7/2013 John C. Tucker 10/3/2013 Boise Lodge No. 2 Robert J. Zweifel 7/5/2014 Karl M. Christie 7/2/2014 Clark F. Barlow Jr. 6/21/2014 Lowell M. Smith 12/4/2013 Paul L. Jolley 11/8/2013 Robert M. Turner 9/9/2013 Placer Lodge No. 3 Kenneth D. Rowe 7/25/2014 Wayne B. Kirby 4/19/2014 Archie W. Nelson 10/3/2013 Mt. Idaho Lodge No. 9 Wiley E. Wagner 6/27/2014 Fred R. Snyder 5/20/2014 Warren M. Smith 5/19/2014 J. Harold Bell 3/10/2014 Daniel R. Orcutt 11/13/2013 Archie W. Nelson 10/3/2013 Nez Perce Lodge No. 10 Willard S. Teel 8/11/2014 Kenneth W. Wolff 7/27/2014 James H. McCall 7/26/2014 Cecil M. Phillips 6/11/2014 Bruce M. Smith 4/9/2014 Wayne Olin 3/19/2014 Douglas A. MacKelvie 12/19/2013 Marshall R. Harwick 10/5/2013 Lester L. Rawls 9/12/2013 Silver City Lodge No.13 Kenneth D. Rowe 7/25/2014 Robert E. Troyer 6/5/2014 George M. Dilley 5/4/2014 Leland M. Sabin 3/5/2014 Virgil C. Story 11/30/2013 Tom S. Arima 11/6/2013

Paradise Lodge No. 17 Ciro Molina 10/3/2013 Bernard E. Scott 8/2/2014


Herbert F. Petersen 5/14/2014 Walter B. Allen 5/13/2014 Owen H. Stanley 2/26/2014 Eagle Rock Lodge No. 19 Henry D. Ruppel 8/14/2014 Bruce Noller 7/31/2014 Edwin C. Andersen 5/10/2014 Edward R. Vokoun 3/3/2014 Daniel J. Forkenbrock 10/10/2013 Rulon D. Pickett 9/9/2013 Coeur D 'Alene Lodge No. 20 Gordon E. Vails 12/11/2013 Weiser Lodge No.23 Anthony M. Hall 2/18/2014 Kootenai Lodge No.24 Stanton E. Miller 7/8/2014 Shoshone Lodge No.25 William E. Hayes 9/27/2013 Washoe Lodge No. 28 Edwin K. Thurston 11/4/2013 Ashlar Lodge No. 29 August H. Schade 5/3/2014 Elmore Lodge No. 30 Chester A. Walborn 1/16/2014 Daniel L. Dayton 1/12/2014 Ronald E. Hiddleston 11/14/2013 Charles DeLoach 11/12/2013 Unity Lodge No. 32 William J. Mervyn 5/18/2014 Marshall R. Harwick 10/5/2013 Grove City Lodge No. 33 Joseph K. Marantette 12/22/2013 Cataldo Lodge No. 34 Douglas D. Schiebler 12/31/2013 Charles E. Tawney 11/10/2013 Lewis E. Hagman 9/17/2013 Butte Lodge No. 37 Walter L. Luhr 8/10/2014 Walter M. Nichols 6/27/2014 Harold E. Ritter 4/26/2014 Kenneth E. Pratt 9/15/2013 Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 39 John H. Hartwig 6/28/2014 Calvin D. Colter 3/10/2014 Vernon G. Cochrane 12/12/2013 Warren H. Roberts 10/12/2013

Rathdrum Lodge No. 41 James T. Parmentier 4/17/2014 Charles H. Streeter 9/16/2013 Lakeside Lodge No. 42 James H. McCall 7/26/2014 81

Harlie D. Hanson 3/3/2014 Forest B. Merica 1/18/2014 Arthur L. Oliver 11/16/2013 Bonners Ferry Lodge No. 43 Robert E. Geer 4/7/2014 Twin Falls Lodge No.45 Richard C. Kevan 7/26/2014 Lester V. Bryan 6/22/2014 Donald R. Parrott 5/6/2014 Harold E. Ritter 4/26/2014 William A. Garrison 4/18/2014 Lyle M. Williamson 1/28/2014 David M. Wheeler 12/31/2013 Meridian Lodge No. 47 James F. Hoyle 7/25/2014 Peter H. Furno Jr. 4/22/2014 Richard L. Crisp 1/19/2014 Marvin D. Crosser 12/29/2013 Glenn A. Gearhard 12/29/2013 Harold J. Pitkin 11/21/2013 Charles L. Locuson 9/25/2013 Arco Lodge No. 48 Hoyt N. Havis 4/26/2014 Malad Lodge No. 51 John V. Evans Sr. 7/8/2014 Herbert F. Petersen 5/14/2014 Buhl Lodge No. 53 Jim E. Harding 6/1/2014 Kamiah Lodge No. 56 John H. Timperley 4/20/2014 Howard W. Daugherty 12/28/2013 J. C. Wallis 11/30/2013 Lincoln Lodge No. 59 Jack C. Packer 12/24/2013 Oriental Lodge No. 60 Jack G. Crawford 7/28/2014 Arthur L. Royce 7/19/2014 Mathias F. Rice 7/18/2014 Cleo C. Rowland 5/30/2014 Arthur L. Mattson 4/11/2014 Stanford M. Jetter 3/29/2014 Robert D. Moody 3/26/2014 George F. Claycomb Jr. 3/10/2014 Albert J. Rahn 1/28/2014 Steve T. Collins Jr. 1/14/2014 John L. MacInnis 1/9/2014 Clifford M. Crawford 12/21/2013 William M. Smith 12/5/2013 W. Henry Hall 11/9/2013 Charles W. Fine 9/16/2013


Jerome Lodge No. 61 James L. Walkington 8/6/2014 Burley Lodge No. 68 James L. Walkington 8/6/2014 Albert T. Klink Jr. 6/30/2014 James J. Lynch 6/30/2014 Paul Lodge No. 77 Wesley Stoller 8/3/2014 Bernard E. Scott 8/2/2014 Robert A. Timmons 6/24/2014 Virgil M. Fenton 4/29/2014 Steve Antone 4/19/2014 Leland M. Sabin 3/5/2014 Hagerman Lodge No. 78 Burrell G. Lirgg 8/21/2014 Jimmie D. Hicks 9/11/2013 Fidelity Lodge No. 80 Vaughn O. Durfee 1/21/2014 Keystone Lodge No. 81 Kenas Akers 7/10/2014 Bruce K. Bowman 2/11/2014 Ionic Lodge No. 82 W. Henry Hall 11/9/2013 Rodney C. Miller 11/8/2013 Kooskia Lodge No. 87 Leroy H. Barden 7/9/2014 Leo O. Robinett 12/7/2013 Challis Lodge No. 92 Robert C. Hammond 11/28/2013 John R. Weaver 9/23/2013 Capital City Lodge No. 93 Burrell G. Lirgg 8/21/2014 Fred Jordan 5/13/2014 Peter H. Furno Jr. 4/22/2014 Frank J. Dagres 12/21/2013 Mount Kinport Lodge 95 Robert E. Briggs 12/29/2013

Dwain D. Valez, ask all to sing “God Bless America” As we conclude and leave the room please leave your donation in the donation box. Thank you!

This conclude the Memorial Service Dwain D. Valez, Worshipful Grand Chaplain MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling then dismissed all Non-Master Mason and all Master Masons were to be in place 09:30 am to open Grand Lodge.



John Schultz, Worshipful Master of St. Maries Lodge No. 63

“Gentlemen it is my pleasure to welcome you to the Friday Morning Session of the 147th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, of Idaho

Please give your attention to the procession of the Grand Lodge Officers.

Brother Grand Marshal you present the Most Worshipful Grand Master”

The Grand Lodge Officers Marched in to the Lodge Room and took their positions/stations in the Grand Lodge

“It is my pleasure to introduce Brother Daniel B. Heberling, Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Idaho.”

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “It is my pleasure to introduce John Schultz, Worshipful Master of St. Maries Lodge No. 63 Help me thank him for his welcome.”

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, Brother Grand Treasure would you take charge of the donations from the Memorial Service and take suitable assistance to make an appropriate accounting for the funds. MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling then proceed to call Grand Lodge form Refreshment to Labor thru the South.

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, called for the Grand Chaplain to offer a prayer.

“Great Architect of the Universes we continue the work of the Grand Lodge, we are grateful for both sleep and refreshment. We ask you for continued guidance in the deliberation of this Communication. May our actions be acceptable in thy sight. Amen.”

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, Brother Grand Marshal you will make the Proclamation.

Steven L. Hall, WGrand Marshal made the following Proclamation.

“By order of the Most Worshipful Grand Master I now proclaim the 147th Annual Communication called from Refreshment to Labor.”

Grand Lodge was opened in ample form at 9:30 a. m.


402-1. Credentials

Deputy Grand Master, G. Arthur Shoemaker, This report was compiled by Randy King and you sent him out to count Money I will present you the report for him.

Most Worshipful Grand Master and Brethren..

Persons Registered 120 Members 105 Difference w/o vote 15 JW 48 SW 45 WM 47

PM 83 PGM 12 DDGM 10 GLO 19

Grand Rep. 0 Chartered Lodges 52 Lodges Represented 49

Votes 222 1 69 69 2 16 32 3 15 45 4 19 76 Check Total 222

Simple Majority 112 2/3 majority 148

Fraternally Submitted,

Randy King, PM (13, 60), Chairman

Deputy Grand Master, G. Arthur Shoemaker, moved that the report of the Credential Committee be accepted; motion was seconded and passed.


401-3 Accounts and Finances

Report of the Committee on Accounts and Finances 147th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Idaho (As a mended on the floor on motion to accept)

Most Worshipful Grand Master, Grand Lodge Officers, Past Masters, Worshipful Masters, Brethren:

Since the publishing of the proposed 2015 budget to the Lodges in April of this year, the committee on Accounts and Finance has met and reviewed the budget again and has received no further requests for funding, allocations, clarification or information. We would remind everyone that all requests for budgetary consideration should be submitted to the Accounts and Finance Committee as close to the beginning of the Masonic year as possible.

We recommend passage of the Grand Lodge Budget as currently proposed with the following amendment and correction:

#1745 Grand Treasurer Expense - $3000.00, is deleted.


#1745 Grand Treasurer Expense- $3000 is reinstated into the budget per amended motion to accept this report.

#3586 State Youth Leaders -(100*4) - $800 is corrected to: #3586 State Youth Leaders -(200*4) - $800

Overall, the 2015 Grand Lodge Budget saw increases in following areas:

Conferences Budget - $400 for Mason of the Year Awards;

Grand Lodge Office Budget- $3000 for Professional Fees (Auditing of the General Fund), $385 for Insurance and Bonds, $800 for Postage and, $600 for Telephone.

Charitable Giving Budget - $400 for State Youth Leaders (per request of the Dep. Grand Master)

Overall it increased $5985, less $3000 in adjustments for a total increase of $2985 over 2014.

AMENDED- After reinstatement of the $3000 for Gr. Treasurer Expense the overall increase in the Budget from 2014 is now $5985.

There is no need for an increase in per capita.

The Committee also makes the following recommendations for the future:


We recommend that future Accounts and Finance Committees maintain the practice of drawing no more than 5% from the Interest Relief Fund.

We strongly recommend, for good continuity, maintaining the practice of the Jr. Grand Warden making a 3-year appointment to the Accounts and Finance Committee. Further, that great consideration be given, either through directive or legislation, that the specific roles of the elected Grand Lodge Officers and the members of the Accounts and Finance Committee be clearly defined and direction given as to who has what responsibilities and authority when drafting the Grand Lodge Budget.

Next, as advocated by your previous Accounts and Finance Committee, we recommend continuing to pursue income generating activities. The costs of doing business continue to rise and it is only a matter of time before we may again have to consider increasing per capita or cutting operations to the point that we might only resemble the shell of a Grand Lodge.

Lastly, keeping in mind the previous recommendation, the travel budget for Grand Lodge Officers has been cut severely over the last few years. When we consider the expectations we have of our Grand Lodge Officers and the amount of travel their duties require, what is currently budgeted hardly begins to reimburse them for their costs out of pocket. We recognize that our Officers expected to incur some personal sacrifice when they accepted their positions. However, if we do not budget enough to reimburse them at a reasonable level, there is a disincentive to serve in these very important positions. We strongly suggest that in the future, the elected Grand Lodge Officers to the extent possible, submit budget requests at the outset of the Masonic year and that those requests be given serious consideration by the Accounts and Finance Committee.

Your Committee on Accounts and Finance sincerely thanks the Grand Master and Brethren for this opportunity in service to you.

Respectfully submitted, George A. Blickenstaff, PM Chairman, Accounts and Finances

Committee members:

Michael Pearson, PM Richard E. Kaiser, PGM James A. Hensley, Jr. Gr. Warden Steven L. Hall, Gr. Marshal


Budget for 2015 Budget Income 1350 Per Capita Tax $ 123,332.00 3100 Income from Investments (Funds need withdrawn from $ 50,977.00 Investments) Total Income $ 174,309.00

Expenses 10001 Grand Master Budget 1650 Grand Master Travel Expense $ 10,000.00 1700 Grand Master Conference dues $ 250.00 1701 Grand Master Registration Fees $ 300.00 1750 Grand Master's Conference Travel $ 1,400.00 1810 Grand Lodge Registration $ - 1990 Paid by Order of Grand Master $ 300.00 Total 10001 $ 12,250.00

10002 Deputy Grand Masters Budget 1651 Deputy Grand Master Expense $ 2,000.00 1660 Deputy Grand Masters (Grand Master Apron and Case) $ 1,000.00 1670 Deputy Grand Masters (Grand Masters Picture) $ 400.00 1751 Deputy Grand Master Conference Travel $ 1,000.00 Total 10002 $ 4,400.00

10003 Elected Grand Lodge Officers Budget 1652 Senior Grand Warden Expense $ 1,000.00 1653 Junior Grand Warden Expense $ 1,000.00 1654 Senior Grand Deacon Expense $ 1,000.00 1710 District Deputy Grand Master (Travel/Expense) $ - 1740 Grand Lecture Expense $ 1,500.00 1745 Grand Treasurer Expense $ 3,000.00 1770 Grand Secretary Travel/Expense $ 1,500.00 3561 Board of Relief Secretary Expense - Interest Relief $ 200.00 Total 10003 $ 9,200.00

10004 Committee Chairman Expense Budget 1570 Fraternal Relation Committee (postage) $ 50.00 3530 Grand Lodge Sesquentenial Committee $ - 1655 Chairman Fraternal Relations Expenses $ - 1920 Public Relations Committee Expense (postage) $ 50.00 1922 Research and Education Committee Expense $ - 1940 Information Technology Committee Expense $ 300.00 3520 Youth Committee $ - Total 10004 $ 400.00


10005 Conferences Budgets 1720 Grand Secretary Conference Dues $ 100.00 1760 Grand Secretary Conference Travel/Expense $ 2,000.00 1780 Rocky Mountain Conference $ 1,800.00 1790 New Officers Meeting (at Grand Lodge) $ 600.00 1800 Host Lodge Reimbursement for Grand Lodge Session $ 1,000.00 1811 Grand Lodge/Distinguished Visitors Costs $ 1,000.00 1814 Mason of the Year/Awards/Lodge of Excellence $ 500.00 Total 10005 $ 7,000.00

10006 Printing Budget 1501 Printing Proceedings $ 1,500.00 1520 Printing Masonic Directory $ 150.00 1530 Purchase Pantograph (List of Lodges) $ 1,000.00 1540 Printing Miscellaneous $ 1,700.00 1541 Printing Monitors $ - 1542 Printer Equip Lease $ 6,200.00 1543 Print Repair & Maint Agreement $ 3,000.00 Total 10006 $ 13,550.00

10008 Salaries/Retirement/Taxes Budget 1550 Grand Secretary - Salary $ 38,853.00 1590 Salary - Grand Lodge Clerk $ 13,000.00 1600 Payroll Tax Expense $ 7,800.00 1610 Retirement $ 15,000.00 1911 Grand Secretary Medical Supplemental Ins. Offset $ 600.00 Total 10008 $ 75,253.00

10009 Grand Lodge Office Budget 1190 Furniture & Fixture Expense $ 250.00 1191 Paraphernalia - Expense $ 500.00 1192 Computer Software, Licenses, Maint, Web Fees $ 4,000.00 1193 ROLLS Annual Cost $ 1,000.00 1620 Sales Tax $ - 1630 Professional Fees(Audit Gen. Fund) $ 10,000.00 1900 Funeral and Floral $ 200.00 1910 Insurance and Bonds $ 8,500.00 1930 Postage $ 4,000.00 1950 Telephone $ 2,800.00 1951 Building Occupancy Expense $ 5,000.00 1952 Building Maintenance & Repairs $ 500.00 1980 Misc. Office Expenses (MOE) $ 2,000.00 Total 10009 $ 38,750.00


10010 Charitable Giving Budget 1730 Masonic Library Expense $ 200.00 1731 Masonic Renewal $ - 1860 Masonic Service Association Membership Dues $ 350.00 1870 Masonic Relief Association Dues $ 100.00 3220 Masonic Service Association Contributions $ 250.00 3580 Masonic Service Association - Disaster Fund $ 1,000.00 3230 George Washington Masonic Memorial $ 2,856.00 3240 Masonic Information Center $ 250.00 3500 DeMolay Leadership $ 3,600.00 3525 Youth Scholarship $ 1,500.00 3584 Masonic Youth Donation For Each Bethel, Chapter and Assembly $ 2,600.00 3586 State Youth Leaders - (200*4) $ 800.00 Total 10010 $ 13,506.00

10011 Misc. 1400 Masonic Temple Preservation (Proposals need to be submitted) $ - 1782 Hosting Rocky Mountain Conference Expenses $ - 1813 Grand Master Banquets/Guest Registration $ - 3585 Relief Payments (from Investment Pool) $ - Total 10011 $ - Total Expenses $ 174,309.00

Additional Spending outside of Budget 1711 Building Capital Improvements $ 10,000.00



Most Worshipful Grand Master Grand Lodge Officers Distinguished Guests And Brethren

The Grand Historian's Report is printed in the Advanced Proceedings that you received with your registration packet and I hope you read and enjoy it. I want to thank all the Lodges that submitted their histories and stories for the booklet that was produced and available for a small donation. Without the help of Lodge Historians, this project could not have been done. The pictures sent to Grand Lodge are priceless and will forever remain in the Archives. I thank the Grand Secretary and Cindy for their assistance in compiling this information and getting it printed. An updated Booklet will be made each year until 2017. The printed history of any Lodge or organization is crucial to the education of its members and a great tool in securing new members. Having a copy of your Lodge's history is also instrumental in showing the history of your town and it should be shared with everyone. Without knowing our history, how can we plan for our future? I have found in my research that mining was the factor that brought Masons to Idaho. Along with it came the builders and the timber industry was formed. Irrigation was established and agriculture began to feed the masses. This was the start of our great state and Masons were a big part of it. As towns sprung up, Masonic Lodges were formed. From these Lodges, many of the early Masonic leaders of the became Governors, Legislatures, Mayors and Postmasters. Having their names recorded in your Lodge's history is important and a great source for new members to enjoy. In late July, the George Washington Masonic National Memorial honored our Grand Lodge by featuring it during the month of August. I assisted the Grand Lodge Secretary in designing a display that was showcased to the Memorial visitors, complete with the Grand Lodge history in a brochure handout. We look forward to the 150th Anniversary of our great Grand Lodge in 2017 and hope all Idaho Masons and Lodges will find time to celebrate not only their anniversaries but help in the statewide celebrations planned by our Sesquicentennial Committee. Most Worshipful Grand Master: I thank you for appointing me as Historian and move that this supplemental Grand Historian's Report be received and printed in the Proceedings.

Jerry D. Parsons, Grand Historian


Guest Speakers

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling asked Brother John Leyshon, MWGrand Master of Saskatchewan, to come to the microphone and address the Grand Lodge.

John Leyshon, MWGrand Master of Saskatchewan, I bring you greetings from the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan and it members. I wish you a successful 147th Annual Communication. I also congratulate Most Worshipful Grand Master on a successful year. I hope your successor will have an equally successful year. Thank you for the courtesies you have extend me and my country. We have differences an similarities and that is what makes Masonry interesting. My theme for this year is Educate, Engage and Inspire. Reminds me of a story. There was a man in a hot air balloon and see a man on the desert floor. He ask the man on the Ground “Where am I” the man on the ground says “You’re in a hot air balloon about 500 feet above ground and you’re lost.” The man in the balloon says you must be the secretary of the lodge. Everything you said is absolutely correct, but doesn’t help me at all” The man in the ground said. “You must be master of the lodge You are in a balloon, you don’t know where you’re going, and you don’t know where your are and all of a sudden you think it is my fault.” Thank you again.

Jack “The Hack” Dym I must keep this short, I am about to have a birthday and you are all invited to the birthday party. Jack told about his experiences in New York with the Grand Masters from Idaho and presented a presented the Grand Master, Gorilla balls. Thank you for inviting me to Idaho and thank you for the courtesies you have extended to me.

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling asked Brother Sam Roberts, M W Grand Master of Washington, to come to the microphone and address the Grand Lodge and if he could keep his comments to under (5) five minutes. It is about time for Election of Officers.

Sam Roberts, M W Grand Master of Washington, MWGM I will do my best. The Grand Lodge of Washington has adopted a program on civility, recognize the use of Social Media. We recognize the way to get people motivated is 2 things. 1 Money, the other is someone with a personal agenda. We need to be careful of what we do and say. We as a nation become Social Acceptable, Politically Correct. The nation needs what Masonry provides. “Power, Patience and Honor” Everything you post on Social Media is permanent and public. “If we are going to be permanent and public in everything we do let us stand for Freemasonry and all it recognizes.” Thank you!


401-1 Jurisprudence (Final Report)

JURISPRUDENCE COMMITTEE (Adopted) To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. of Idaho We the committee on Jurisprudence respectfully offer the following report for your consideration. Grand Master’s Report: We concur with the appointments of all appointive Grand Lodge Officers, District Deputy Grand Masters and Committees. Dispensations: We concur with all of the dispensations issued by the Grand Master. Amendments to By-Laws: We concur with all of the rulings of the Grand Master on By-Laws changes. Official Acts: We concur with all of the official acts of our Most Worshipful Grand Master. Trial Commissions: We concur with all of the trial commission appointments. Rulings: We concur with all of the rulings of our Most Worshipful Grand Master. Recommendations: We concur with all of the recommendations of the Most Worshipful Grand Master. Resolutions: We find Resolutions #1 and #2 to be in proper form and do not conflict with existing law. Resolution #3 – Proposed resolution #3 to change Section 2005 is in conflict with Section 2013, which states, “Balloting on petitions affecting Masonic standing shall not be postponed. The ballot shall be taken on each petition immediately after the report of the investigating committee is read, and when commenced must be completed and the result declared.” Rocky Mountain Conference Recommendation on Social Media – At the 2014 session of the Rocky Mountain Conference, a guideline was developed and adopted by the conference regarding the use of public media. This guideline was promulgated to the various jurisdictions in the conference for their consideration. Our Grand Master distributed these guidelines to the lodges and asked that they be followed in Idaho. We need to point out that this action falls under the category of a recommendation, and is not considered to be law. Such recommendations expire at the end of the term of the Grand Master who issues them. Remarks: We concur with the appointment of Bro. Randy King to fulfill the remaining part of RW Bro. Stan Barkers term as RW Grand Treasurer. We commend Right Worshipful Bro. Stan for his unselfish and caring dedication to this Grand Lodge, and Freemasonry throughout his service as our Grand Treasurer. He truly gave his all to our fraternity! Most Worshipful Grand Master I move this report of the Jurisprudence Committee be adopted. Respectfully submitted, James C. Herndon (11, 33), Chairman James V. Voyles (60) David C. Triplett (93) John B. Johnson (63) John E. Warner (18) William K. Curtis, Jr. (1) Robert C. Troxel Jr.(13) Seconded and Passed.


401-1 Jurisprudence (Vote on Resolutions)

James C. Herndon (11, 33), Chairman, brought the resolutions on the floor for vote. There were no amendments to resolutions 1, 2 or 3. The Grand Lodge waived the reading of Resolutions 1 & 2, Jurisprudence moves to adopt resolutions 1 & 2. John Warner, JGW brought it to the attention of Jurisprudence that we cannot vote on 2 resolutions at the same time. So noted and Resolutions will be voted on individually. There was discussion on resolution on moving the Grand Lodge to 2017 to Boise. Resolution #1 – Adopted Resolution #2 – Adopted Resolution #3 – Proposed resolution #3 to change Section 2005 is in conflict with Section 2013 and Bother Randy King withdrew Resolution until next year. Richard Broemeling, PGM brought it to the attention of Jurisprudence that the report of Jurisprudence was adopted thus Resolution #3 died. If there are no further question, this concludes the business of Jurisprudence Committee. Election of Officers for ensuing Masonic Year

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “Brother Grand Pursuivant you will close the doors. Brothers, it is now time for the Election of Officers.”

Balloting was explained by the MW Grand Master. It was noted that the DGM G. Arthur Shoemaker is already the Grand Master-Elect and that we will need to elect the following: Deputy Grand Master, Grand Senior Grand Warden, Grand Junior Grand Warden, Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary, and Grand Lecturer on the ballots that were issued to you by the Credential Committee. Rules for Balloting Ballots are on a single sheet for all elected positions; to be deposited in a secure ballot box attended by the W Grand Sword Bearer. Separate ballots will be available for those positions contested.

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling declared the Ballot Open. “Elections open at 11:00 am. Please deposit your ballot in the ballot box by the W Grand Sword Bearer. The ballet will be open for 10 minutes only.”

11:10 am MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “The ballot is now closed. The Tellers Committee will take charge of the ballot box. Please take them and count them as quickly as possible and report.”

Announcements: All PGM’s will meet right after the completing of business today.

Greg Winther, PGM there is a Quilt Raffle outside and the money raised will go to the Idaho Freemason Foundation. The Quilt was made by Helen Hensley and raffled last year and Dave and Ann Triplet won it, They have donated it back to be raffled again this year. Let us thank Helen, Dave and Ann.


Election of Executive Council (Masonic Prepaid Life)

M.W:. Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, Opened the nomination from the floor for Members of the Executive Council (Masonic Prepaid Life).

Requirements: Three Master Masons who hold a Prepaid Life Membership in a Lodge in this Grand Jurisdiction shall be nominated and elected by the delegates at each Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge.

Nominations were: Mark Smith, WM Meridian Lodge #47 Ron Berto, PM Oriental Lodge #60 Blake Titus, Silver City Lodge #13

The following were elected to serve on the Executive Council Board. 1. Mark Smith WM, Meridian Lodge #47 2. Ron Berto PM, Oriental Lodge #60 3. Blake Titus, Silver City Lodge #13

Guest Speakers

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling asked Brother Beynon St. John, RWGrand Secretary, Representing Richard N. Lewis, M W Grand Master of Wyoming to come to the microphone and address the Grand Lodge.

Beynon St. John, RWGrand Secretary of Wyoming,. Thank you for inviting us to your annual communication. I bring you greeting from Richard N. Lewis, M W Grand Master of Wyoming. Wyoming is the squarest state in the union and I am proud to say most of our brothers act accordingly, we act on the square of virtue. Our program is similar to most of the Grand Masters Thank you very much.

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling asked Brother Douglas L. Hoston to come to the microphone and address the Grand Lodge.

Douglas L. Hoston, Sr. Past Master, Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oregon, Idaho & Montana, Inc. I would like to thank you for inviting you to the session and I see lots of friendly faces and I take pleasure in shaking your hands and it is good the brothers come together in unity especially at this Grand Lodge. I would like to thank you for allowing me to represent Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oregon, Idaho and Montana, Inc. and Saber Lodge. Thank you.


Memorial Service Donation Report

Grand Treasurer, N. Randall “Randy” King gave the following report.

Pre-paid Life ------$365.00 Charitable Fund ------$139.00 Endowment Fund ------$274.00 Unspecified ------$145.00 Total ------$3,723.00

Brothers what do you want to do with the Unspecified donations?

Motion was made to deposit the unspecified donations into the Endowment Fund, motion was seconded and passed.

Masonic Service Association Award

RWDeputy Grand Master, Presented M W Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling the Masonic Service Association Distinguished Service Award. For the work in the MSA Hospital visitation program. \ 402-2. Distribution

September 19, 2014 REPORT OF THE DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE The Committee on Distribution reports that all committee reports have been received and distributed to the Grand Secretary for publication in the Advanced Proceedings and to the Jurisprudence and Accounts and Finance Committees for their rulings.

The Following committee reports need signatures  RWDGM Report Signed  RWSGW- Signed  RWJGW Report Signed  RWG Lecturer Report Signed  Foreign Relations Committee Signed  Temple Preservation Committee Signed  Child Identification Program Committee Signed  Grand Lodge Improvement Committee Signed

Fraternally, Jerry D. Parsons Chairman Moved to accept this report. Second and approved.


401-7. Conditions & Returns of the Lodges

No report was turned in or given.

Unity/Fellowship Banquet

Motion was made by Monte Bollar R.W. Grand Secretary that this report be a “No Report” because there was not a Masonic Fellowship Banquet. Motion was seconded and passed.

402-3. Unfinished Business

Motion was made by Monte Bollar R.W. Grand Secretary that this report be a “No Report” because there was not a outstanding business that carried forward from the 146th Annual Communication. Motion was seconded and passed.

Public Relations & Information

No report was turned in or given.

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling asked Brother Steve Crane, DeMolay International to come to the microphone and address the Grand Lodge.

Steve Crane, Gave a update of DeMolay in Idaho, and DeMolay around the world. There will be 2 DeMolay Grand Masters International, Current Grand Master Doug Sprague, and the next will be Steve Crane. Idaho will have 3 Grand Master when Steve has been installed. Also, Idaho is in the top ten of chapters in trouble, if you can please help with DeMolay chapters in your area or help start a new chapter.

Grand Lodge was called from Labor to Refreshment through the south.

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling called the brethren from labor to refreshment through the south. For one hour or until the sound of the gavel in the east.

When we resume the Grand Lodge Officers will started in their respective positions/stations in the Grand Lodge

Proclamation by Steven L. Hall, WGrand Marshal

“By the order of the Most Worshipful Grand Master, I now declare the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge A.F. & A. M. of Idaho from Labor to Refreshment until the sound of the gavel in the east or until 1:00 pm”


Friday, September 19, 2014 (Afternoon Session)

The Grand Lodge Officers started in their positions/stations in the Grand Lodge

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling called the brethren from refreshment to labor through the south.

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “Brother Grand Marshal, you will make the Proclamation.”

Steven L. Hall, WGrand Marshal, made the following Proclamation.

“By order of the Most Worshipful Grand Master I now proclaim this Friday Afternoon Session of the 147th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, called from Refreshment to Labor.”

Idaho Lodge of Research 1965

Brian Becker, gave a brief update on the meeting held Thursday, September 18, 2014 at 7:00 pm in the Grand Lodge meeting room.

The Idaho Lodge of Research is asking all members to put together a story on how and why you became a mason. This will be used in a publication to pass on to others. In the last year only 3 people have submitted a story. If only 10 percent of the men here, it would help. If I found out this year is we like to talk about our journey but we do not like to write about it. If we do it will last forever and future generations will learn from us. Without doing that the stories will die with us.

There was election of Officers: WM Shawn V. Gibbons SW Terry L. Adsitt JW James T. Hansen Trea. Ronal G. Berto Sec. Barry E. Newell

Brain Becker moved to receive the report of the Idaho Lodge of Research 1965, motions was seconded and passed.


Election Results for the 2014-2015 Grand Lodge Officers.

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, called for tellers committee report.

Brother Mike Keas reported the following. Simple Majority 112

RWDeputy Grand Master John W. Warner RW Senior Grand Warden James A. Hensley RW Junior Grand Warden William K. “Bill” Curtis Jr. RW Grand Treasurer N. Randall “Randy” King RW Grand Secretary Monte B. Bollar RW Grand Lecturer Thomas W. Gough

Each were asked if they would accept the position they were elected for, each said “YES”

The Committee is dismissed as soon as the ballots are delivered to the Grand Secretary for destruction.


401-2 Appeals and Grievances

C. William Eimers, Jr, made a motion that Appeals and Grievance report be received; the motion was seconded and passed.


402-7. Courtesy

Brother Tom Melborn said everyone was taken care of.

401-5. Masonic Research & Education

Brother Dave Triplett had to leave this morning, and did not leave his report.

Convention Arrangements

Most Worshipful Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, asked Brother Paul Telebar to come and address the brothers. Daniel also, Thanked Brother Paul for his hard work in setting up and working to make this a successful Annual Communication.

Announcements: James Herndon, invited all who wish to work the DeMolay to come to Dad Training Sat. September 20, 2014 at the end of Grand Lodge in the committee room.

Most Worshipful Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, Thanked Jay Sherman Wilson for his service as Grand Organist. He has been Grand Organist for 18 Years, everyone please give him a round of applause.

Steve Zimmerman: The Grand Lodge aprons will be ready tomorrow before installation. Please see me to pick them up.

Ronald Berto: Upcoming North West York Rite Conference w/Leadership Training – come see me.

Brother John Warner came to the microphone and gave the Time and Place report.

James Voyles, PGM made a appeal to all of Grand Lodge if you don’t have a Freemason license plate please consider getting one. We still need more on the road or we will loose them.

James Duffy talked about his passion for Masonry and his work on the Idaho City Lodge.

402-8. Time and Place.

402-8 Time & Place Committee

The time and place committee have met and are pleased to report the location and Chairman of the following communications now that the resolutions have been finalized.

2015 148th Annual Communication will be held in Pocatello, General Chairmen John Warner and Mike Sutton 2016 149th Annual Communication will be held in Boise, Idaho, General Chairman Randy King, Host lodge Silver City Lodge #13. 2017 150th Annual Communication will be held in Boise, Idaho 2018 151st Annual Communication will be held in Lewiston, Idaho

Submitted by John Warner, Chairman

I moved that this report be accepted. Motion was seconded and passed. 101

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling called for more committee reports.

No Committee Report outstanding, proceeded to call from Labor to Refreshment.

Call from Labor to Refreshment (Ritual through the south)

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling called the brethren from Labor to Refreshment through the south, to reconvene at 10:00 Saturday Morning for installation of the 2014-2015 Grand Lodge Officers or until the sound of the gavel in the east.

“Brother W Grand Marshal you will make the Proclamation”

Steven L. Hall, WGrand Marshal

“By order of the Most Worshipful Grand Master I proclamation the 147th Annual Communications of the Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, of Idaho from Labor to Refreshment for the period of one Hour or until the sound of the Gavel in the East or (10:00 am Saturday Morning)”

Friday, September 19, 2014 (General Membership Banquet)


6:00 PM No Host Social Hour Hayden / Garnet Rooms 7:00 PM Grand Lodge Banquet Hayden / Garnet Rooms

All Brethren and their Ladies Welcome with a ticket. Head Table Grand Master Daniel & Evelyn Heberling Deputy Grand Master G. Arthur Shoemaker Grand Orator John & Tina Marie Schultz Grand Secretary Monte & Cyndie Bollar

Meal was served and after the meal the following took place.

Grand Orator Oration (See below) John J. Schultz, W Grand Orator Awards (After Oration) James A. Hensley, RW


Grand Orator Report

Upon The Shoulders Of Giants

Most Worshipful Grand Master and Brethren: “The occasion which has brought us together is one of deep and imposing interest. We are here the representatives of an Institution about the temples of which have whistled the winds of more than thirty centuries; assembled, as was the wont of the Brotherhood of old, to repolish the jewels of our faith, and brighten the links of the Mystic Chain that unites in the sympathy of friendship, in the practice of charity, and the cultivation of virtue, the scattered members of our Order throughout the world.” These words were spoken by Bro. J.A. McDougall when he addressed the Grand Lodge of Illinois in 1841. I chose to use them in addressing this august assembly of our own Grand Lodge of Idaho today in 2014 as this opening statement makes several references which are of interest to us as Masons today, and are as valid now as they were 173 years ago. Bro. McDougall speaks to us of long tradition, the beginnings of which are lost in the mists of time… One can almost physically feel the centuries that have passed by, the civilizations that have risen and fallen, the Kings that have positioned themselves on high only to be laid low by death or revolution, the devastation of wars that have swept through the world destroying many magnificent works of man. Freemasonry, notwithstanding, has yet survived. It was founded on principles more durable than the metal wrought into the statues of long-forgotten Kings. These principles are timeless, and of universal truth. There is much discussion these days regarding the pressures upon our Brotherhood, particularly membership issues. This discussion often leads to a contemplation of change, designed to attract more members. Freemasonry has never sought out members throughout its long, long history; good men, of good character, seek us out of their own free will and accord. They are seeking something more from their lives, something they can give and not take from society. This has always been so, and unless the basic nature of Man changes, it will always be so. There is a strong danger in seeking to increase membership without regard for a candidate’s personal desire to dedicate themselves to a personal quest for Light, Truth, maximizing their potential, and seeking a fuller understanding of the Supreme Architect. William Preston wrote 242 years ago in 1772: “Were the privileges of Freemasonry to be common, or indiscriminately bestowed, the design of the Institution would be subverted; for being familiar, like many other important matters, they would soon lose their value, and sink into disregard.” Freemasonry has survived through the ages, through the trials and tribulations of time, by remaining true to the principles and techniques upon which it was founded. Many think that our situation at this particular point in time is perhaps more dire than in


times past, but I believe that if one studies history one will see that we are no better or worse off than the Brethren who have gone before; it is all a matter of perspective. We sit here gathered together this evening as the Stewards of the Craft! It rests upon our shoulders to pass down, unsullied, the symbolic methods of teaching and the lessons that they teach. The Craft, true to its name, is a method of instruction. The Old English Constitutions characterized Freemasonry as “A system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols”, and our Idaho Monitor states that the official definition of Freemasonry consists of a course of ancient hieroglyphical moral instruction, and is taught agreeably to ancient usage by types, emblems, and allegorical figures. As I look around the room, I see men worthy of such a trust. One danger I see to our Fraternal Order is a dilution and degradation of the original and ancient teachings, and those methods of teaching, due to long ages passing. 140 years ago in 1875, wrote the following: “The superiority of Freemasonry to every other order and association consists in its symbols, mainly…. The principal symbols of Freemasonry, all that are really ancient, concur to teach the fundamental principles of a great and wide-spread religious philosophy, and hieroglyphically express certain profound ideas, as to the existence, manifestations, and action of the Deity, the harmony of the Universe, the Creative Word and Divine Wisdom, and the unity of the divine and human, the spiritual, intellectual and material, in man and nature; that have re-appeared in all religions, and have been expounded by great schools of philosophy in all the ages…. In what Lodges are our ceremonies explained and elucidated; corrupted as they are by time, until their true features can scarcely be distinguished; and where are those great primitive truths of revelation taught, which Masonry has preserved to the world?”. Back in 1950, WM Mike Sutton of the Grand Lodge of Iowa wrote what I think is a very profound statement on the Function of a : “It is not the primary function of Freemasonry to initiate candidates, or to enlarge its membership. Were it so, there would be no basis for our laws against proselytizing. The primary function of a Masonic Lodge- indeed, the primary function of our Craft, is to train its members to an understanding of the truths which its rituals and its ceremonies are calculated to inculcate, to develop its members as benevolent men, to cultivate the social virtues among men, and to propagate the knowledge of the art. The chief concern of the Lodge is with its welfare, the happiness, the Masonic development of its members; not with the admission of those who seek entrance to its doors. The success as a Masonic Lodge cannot be gauged by the length of its membership roll or by the size of its accumulated funds. The beauty of our ritual, and the good fellowship among the members of our Lodges, cannot be conserved when the chief aim is to make Freemasons and money… “For a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth”…. And a Lodge’s life does not consist of its acquisitions, but in the contribution which it makes to civilization and society through the influence of those whom it has helped to train to what we call Masonic Character. Therefore, it should be the duty of every Masonic 104

Lodge to put in action a plan for the education of its members in Masonic history, symbolism, and philosophy, devoting more of its meetings to this much-neglected function”. These comments speak volumes to us regarding the state and welfare of our Craft. They speak to the drifting away from the purpose of our Fraternal Order. Before Universities were available to men at large, even before the development of what we call a “middle class”, our Lodges were a place of education for the common man. They taught men to resist the enslavement of thought and opinion, to combat ignorance and superstition with truth and reason. Radical concepts such as human freedom, personal liberty, and God-given rights were taught, ideas that would have been a death sentence to those then expressing them, but ideas that we now take for granted. Freemasonry even today challenges the “doublespeak” of Orwellian misinformation being portrayed as “truth” through the media. There are many avenues to seek Truth; our concern is Freemasonry and how we preserve it, our methods having been successful for so many eons. Freemasonry is the torchlight that illuminates the way for civilization through the dark passageways of the ages. By what means has Freemasonry survived through all these ages? Our Fraternal Order has survived through the high regard placed upon TEACHING OUR TRADITIONS. Bro. Adlai Stevenson proclaimed 118 years ago, in 1896: “This we know, as a great fact, the institution of Freemasonry descended to us, and so may it descend to the generations to follow. As we have received it so may we impart it to those upon who will be cast the responsibility of maintaining its autonomy, its integrity, its lofty spirit, and thus preserving the ancient landmarks…” Receiving instruction, and enlightenment, in accordance with ancient usage, has attracted men throughout the centuries who yearn for truth and ancient knowledge. I have spoken with many new Masons, and read many commentaries by new and not so new members, indicating that they are disappointed with the lack of education in Lodge, given in the time-honoured style. There are many Lodge meetings where the evening consists of a reading of the minutes, some discussion of upcoming fundraisers, the reading of the Treasurer’s report, perhaps a few communications, and then the meeting is closed. Not a single minute devoted to Masonic education, no discussions of Philosophy, no explanations of the Degrees, or the Symbols, or the Rituals; nothing but a very dry business meeting. It is my belief that we are not going to retain members in this manner, and that we are not going to recruit members in this manner. New members will be attracted by the enthusiasm and obvious enjoyment of Masonic culture by a current member. New members will be attracted by observing the outstanding character of an associate, and the commentary from him that Freemasonry has helped make him the man he is today. Each Mason must be a beacon, through personal example, for those potential members seeking Light in the darkness. We need to ensure that new candidates have an active desire to learn, to improve themselves, and want a life-changing experience. The rest of the Brethren are all under obligation to this new Brother, and they want him to be a man of character and a man who is seeking to improve himself, the world around him, and gain enlightenment. It 105

should not necessarily be easy to join a Lodge, but rather the admission process should be one of careful selection of the right men. Freemasonry is not, and has never been, for everyone. It is not a social club, like many other fraternal organizations. I am not denigrating these groups; I am merely stating that they are completely unlike us in purpose. We do not want to lose sight of the mission that has been entrusted to us by all the Brethren that have preceded us throughout all the long centuries. Let us not choose the path of least resistance, like water flowing down a hill, as the majority of mankind is wont to do. Let us not forget what Masonry truly is, and abandon the treasure that has been placed in our Stewardship. There is no one else to preserve the Craft, it is in our care. We are the Guardians, and stand in an endless line of Guardians that fades into the mists of time both in front and in back of us….. like standing between a pair of mirrors… As the line passes into the dim shadows of ancient history, we see Jacques de Molay and the Knights Templar, the Hermetic Philosophers, the Hebrew Kabalists, Pythagoras, the Magi of Media, Solomon, the Indian Brahmins, Zarathustra, the Greek Hierophants, and the Egyptian Sages. I have little doubt that the group of men I see here tonight recognizes that they have already taken their own place in that line, and will continue the proud tradition known as Freemasonry, passing that heritage to the men of character that continue to seek us out, as all those have done who have passed this way before…. Heed well the past, Brethren, and be of good hope for the future, for we stand- upon the shoulders of giants.

Oration for the 147th Annual Communication Grand Lodge AF&AM of Idaho September 19, 2014 Bro. John J. Schultz 32°, Grand Orator


Awards 2014

R W. Junior Grand Warden, James A. Hensley made the following announcement before handing out the Awards. Those attending please come up with the District Deputy Grand Master and receive your Award. If the winner is not present the District Deputy Grand Master for that district please come up and get the Award and present it during the Fall District Communications.

District Masons of the Year 2014

District 1 David D. Barton District 2 Scott D. Auvil District 3 Abraham J. Warner District 4 Donald S. Charbonneau District 5 Ernie W. Wortman Jr. District 6 Richard H. Neal District 7 Mark A. Scott District 8 James R. Duffy District 9 David E. Jennings District 10 Vernon W. Agee District 11 Dennis R. Smith District 12 John J. Schultz District 13 Douglas R. Yergens

9-10-2014 JH

Lodge of Excellence 2013 - 2014

submitted qualify points

Arco 48 yes yes 3300 Ashlar 29 yes yes 4450 Boise 2 yes yes 4700 Butte 37 yes no 1150 Cap. City 93 yes yes 3600 Challis 92 yes yes 4550 Hagerman 78 yes yes 3900 Hailey 16 yes yes 2950 Kootenai24 yes yes 5300 Lakeside 42 yes yes 3100 Lemhi 11 yes yes 3650 Meridian 47 yes yes 3900 Mt. Moriah 39 yes yes 5200 Oriental 60 yes yes 4950 Paradise 17 yes yes 3800 Portneuf 18 yes yes 3600 Silver City 13 yes yes 3600 St. Maries 63 yes yes 2850


Twin Falls 45 yes yes 5600

*Mt. Kinport 95 yes *Malad 51 yes

* wrong form submitted--called this am, should have correct form tomorrow morning

Brother Terry Adsitt and James Hansen wanted to show a video that was made by several members of Oriental Lodge No. 60. The video was showed to those attending.

The video has been posted on the web at the following url

Saturday, September 20, 2014 (Installation of Officers) \

8:30 am Open Installation of Officers for 2014-2015, September 21, 2014, Boise, Idaho

Most Worshipful Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling

The following installing officers proceed to conduct the Open Installation of the Grand Lodge Officers;

Installing Officers Richard E. Kaiser, PGM Installing Grand Master James V. Voyles, PGM Installing Marshal Harry C. Black PGM Asst. Installing Marshal Stanley E. Barker, HPGM Installing Secretary Harry C. Black PGM Installing Chaplain Wiley F. Smith PGM Installing Musician

Grand Lodge Officers for 2014-2015

G. Arthur Shoemaker Grand Master John E. Warner Deputy Grand Master James A. Hensley Senior Grand Warden William K. Curtis Jr. Junior Grand Warden N. Randall “Randy” King Grand Treasurer Monte B. Bollar Grand Secretary Thomas Gough Grand Lecturer Kent R. McCandless Senior Grand Deacon Steven L. Hall Junior Grand Deacon Robert C. Troxel Grand Marshall Russ W. Smith Senior Grand Steward H. Sherman Burger III Junior Grand Steward Jon C. Rich Grand Sword Bearer John B. Johnson Grand Pursuivant Rev. Edgar R. Simmons Grand Organist Steven O. Zimmerman Grand Chaplain Barry E. Newell Grand Orator Jerry D. Parsons Grand Historian B. Dale Winch Grand Tyler 108

Introductions The MW Grand Master G. Arthur Shoemaker introduced his family then called on the Grand Lodge Officers to introduce their families. Presentations Presentation given Masters Ring by Past Grand Daniel B. Heberling Masters Hat by Lemhi Lodge #11 Remarks Remarks were given by MWGrand Master G. Arthur Shoemaker Proclamation of Installation by Installing Grand Marshal James V. Voyles, PGM

Installation of 2014-2015 District Deputy Grand Masters

MWGrand Master G. Arthur Shoemaker first order of business was to install the new District Deputy Grand Masters for 2014-2015

District Deputy Grand Masters 2014-2015 Doug Hammond First District Scott D. Auvil Second District John Calvin Williams Third District George J. White Jr. Fourth District Le Roy Austin Fifth District John F. Lawicki Sixth District Steve S. Bate Seventh District Glenn S. Lovell Eighth District John H. Blake Ninth District Edward L. Bonham Jr. Tenth District Russ Graves Eleventh District John J. Schultz Twelfth District Clifford R. Kramer Thirteenth District

MWGrand Master G. Arthur Shoemaker, Announced the 2014-2015 Committees


Grand Lodge Committees 2014-2015

STANDING COMMITTEES (By-Laws, Part One, Article IV, Section 401) Section 401 Standing Committees The Grand Master shall appoint the following standing committees consisting of not less than three or more than five members to serve during his term: (Revised Sept. 1999) 1. Jurisprudence. 2. Appeals and Grievances. 3. Accounts and Finances. 4. Fraternal Relations. 5. Masonic Research and Education. 6. Masonic Temple Preservation. (See Section 405) 7. Returns of Lodges (1) JURISPRUDENCE 1 year Chairman DGM input James V. Voyles 2 year – SGW input Michael A. Sutton 3 year – JGW input Richard C. Broemeling Senior Grand Warden James A. Hensley Senior Grand Deacon Kent R. McCandless. Senior Grand Steward Russ W. Smith (2) APPEALS AND GRIEVANCES Chairman James C. Herndon Junior Grand Deacon Steven L. Hall Junior Grand Steward H. Sherman Burger III

(3) ACCOUNTS AND FINANCES 1 year Chairman DGM input Michael Pearson 2 year – SGW input Richard E. Kaiser 3 year – JGW input Jeremy C. Vaughn Junior Grand Warden Williams K. Curtis Grand Marshal Robert C. Troxel

(4) FRATERNAL RELATIONS Chairman Jon C. Rich Master Idaho Lodge of Shawn V. Gibbons Research 1965 Member Robert L. Bouy Grand Historian Jerry D. Parsons Grand Marshal Robert C. Troxel Grand Sword Bearer Jon C. Rich Grand Pursuivant John B. Johnson Advisor

(5) MASONIC RESEARCH AND EDUCATION (MENTORING, MEMBERSHIP & MASONIC RENEWAL) Chairman David C. Triplett Senior Grand Warden James A. Hensley 110

Senior Grand Deacon Kent R. McCandless Junior Grand Deacon Steven L. Hall Junior Grand Steward H. Sherman Burger III

(6) MASONIC TEMPLE PRESERVATION Chairman, Grand Sword Jon C. Rich Bearer George J. White Jr. Grand Orator Barry E. Newell

(7) CONDITIONS OF LODGES Chairman John F. Lawicki All DDGM’s Grand Pursuivant John B. Johnson Advisor (Grand Lecturer) Thomas W. Gough

SESSION COMMITTEES (By-Laws, Part One, Article IV, Section 402) Section 402. Session Committees. Prior to each Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, the Grand Master shall appoint the following session committees, consisting of not less than three nor more than five members, to serve until the close of that Communication: (Revised Sept. 1999) 1. Credentials. 2. Distribution. 3. Unfinished Business. 4. Lodges under Dispensation. 5. Necrology. 6. Examination of Visitors. 7. Courtesy. 8. Time and Place

Session Committees will be announced closer to the 148th Annual Communication.

SPECIAL COMMITTEES (By-Laws, Part One, Article IV, Section 403)

Section 403. Special Committees. The Grand Master may appoint special committees whenever deemed necessary

Section 504 TRUSTEES OF GRAND LODGE RELIEF FUND (Investment Committee) (Annually thereafter the Grand Master shall appoint one Trustee for a term of three years) The Grand Master, Grand Treasurer, and Grand Secretary shall be ex-officio members, with equal vote, and the Trustees shall select a Chairman from among the appointed members to serve as the presiding officer. (See Sec. 509 for selection of Secretary.) (Revised Sept. 2001)

Mark V. Graybill 1 Year Term Keith C. Brooks 2 Year Term Gregory L. Winther 3 Year Term James A. Hensley Sr. Grand Warden Randy King Ex-Officio, Grand Treasurer


Monte B. Bollar Ex-Officio, Grand Secretary G. Arthur Shoemaker Ex-Officio, Grand Master

Section 508 BOARD OF RELIEF (The Grand Master shall appoint one Board member to serve for a term of three years.)

The Grand Master, Grand Treasurer, and Grand Secretary shall be ex-officio members, without vote, on the Board of Relief; and the Board members shall select a Chairman from among the appointed members to serve as the presiding officer. (For duties, see Section 510.) (See Section 509 for selection of Secretary.)

David Thomas 1 Year Term Ronald Scott 2 Year Term Ralph K. Nichol 3 Year Term Randy King Ex-Officio, Grand Treasurer Monte B. Bollar Ex-Officio, Grand Secretary G. Arthur Shoemaker Ex-Officio, Grand Master

Section 605 Charitable Trust Management Board (The Idaho Freemason Foundation)

By Resolution # 2 145th Annual Communication 2012 The Charitable Trust shall be managed by a separate Charitable Trust Management Board named: Grand Lodge AF &AM of Idaho Charitable fund, Inc. and governed by the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. Incorporated as a 501(c) (3) Nonprofit Corporation pursuant to the Idaho Nonprofit Corporation Act, Chapter 3, Title 30 Idaho Code.

Purpose statement of: “To support the education, safety and well-being of children.”

Section 802 BOARD OF CUSTODIANS OF THE WORK There shall be a Board of Custodians of the Work consisting of seven members, who shall be authority on the Idaho Work.

Jim V. Voyles, PGM 1 Year Term Richard E. Kaiser, PGM 2 Year Term David C. Triplett, PGM 3 Year Term David “Skip” Owen, PGM 4 Year Term Jay A. Leonard, PGM 5 Year Term Keith C. Brooks, PGM 6 Year Term Daniel B. Heberling, PGM 7 Year Term

Section 1417 (1) Executive Council (PREPAID LIFE) Three Master Masons who hold a Prepaid Life Membership in a Lodge in this Grand Jurisdiction shall be nominated and elected by the delegates at each Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge. They shall serve without compensation for a term of one year or until their successors are elected, and if reelected they may succeed themselves in office. The three so elected shall select from within their own number a Chairman and a Secretary who shall preside over and record the actions of the Executive Council. The Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary shall be the other two members of the Executive Council.


Chairman (TBD) Mark Smith (47) Ronald Berto, (60) Blake Titus (13)) Randy King Grand Treasure Monte B. Bollar Grand Secretary

Low Twelve Fund Trustees (As per Low Twelve by-laws)

Kent McCandless Junior Grand Deacon – President of the Board Steven Hall Grand Marshal Robert C. Troxel Jr Senior Grand Steward Russ W. Smith Junior Grand Steward H. Sherman Burger III Grand Sword Bearer David A. Smith Secretary/Treasurer Monte B. Bollar Ex-Officio, Grand Secretary Steven O. Zimmerman Ex-Officio Grand Chaplin

CONVENTION ARRANGEMENTS, 2014-2015 John E. Warner) Chairman Pocatello Lodges As Assigned by John E. Warner


Monte B. Bollar Grand Secretary


MASONIC FELLOWSHIP BANQUET George J. White Jr. Chairman James A. Hensley Senior Grand Warden Jesse Laduke Advisor

YOUTH COMMITTEE Gary A. Labruyere DGM Appoints, Chairman Bill Sperjank SGW Appoints Donald Nelson JGW Appoints Steven L. Hall Jr. Grand Deacon Russ W. Smith Sr. Grand Steward George Butters? Job's Daughters Will Votaw Sr. DeMolay Max Newcomer RainBow



G. Arthur Shoemaker Chairman Robert W. Barnett Ray J. Sackett

SESQUICENTENNIAL HISTORY COMMITTEE John E. Warner Co-Chairman James A. Hensley Co-Chairman Jerry D. Parsons Grand Historian N. Randall King William K. Curtis Jr.

GRAND REPRESENTATIVE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Kent McCandless Senior Grand Deacon Steven Hall Junior Grand Deacon Robert C. Troxel Jr Grand Marshal Russ W. Smith Senior Grand Steward H. Sherman Burger III Junior Grand Steward

Closing Remarks by MWGrand Master G. Arthur Shoemaker

11:55 am dismissed all Non-Master Masons

Closing Business of Grand Lodge.

Motion was made to receive the Grand Orators report, motion was seconded and passed.

Closing of Grand Lodge MWGrand Master G. Arthur Shoemaker called for any other report to be given; if none we will proceed to close.

MWGrand Master G. Arthur Shoemaker then proceeded to close Grand Lodge in Ample form.

MWGrand Master G. Arthur Shoemaker, “Brother Grand Marshal you will make the Proclamation.”

WGrand Marshal, Robert C. Troxel, made the Proclamation.

“By order of the Most Worshipful Grand Master, I proclaim the 147th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, of Idaho to be closed, to be reconvene Sept. 17th, 2015, in Pocatello, Idaho.”

The 147th Annual communication was closed in ample form.


Reports not given on the Floor in Grand Lodge.

401-6. Masonic Temple Preservation (See Section 405)

To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Idaho:

Most Worshipful Grand Master, Grand Lodge Officers, Members and Brethren:

The following is the report of the Masonic Temple Preservation Committee:

Article IV, Section 405 of the Idaho Masonic Code provides that an appropriation of not more than 50 cents per member in any one year may be recommended to the Committee on Accounts and Finances for the purposes of maintaining structures designated by the Grand Lodge as "Masonic Memorials". To date, only the Lodge buildings in Idaho City, Idaho and Placerville, Idaho have been designated as "Masonic Memorials".

At the 145th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge in Twin Falls a sum of $7,500 in matching funds was approved for the repairs of the Lodge Building in Placerville, Idaho. This sum was to aid in the repairs of the Lodge Building, and was to match the amount of $7,500 pledged by the members of Placer Lodge #3 at their July 7, 2012 meeting.

At the 146th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge in Boise, the Committee on Temple Preservation reported that $2,500 of the $7,500 had been advanced to Placer Lodge #3 to reimburse for repairs already performed.

On July 14, 2014, Brother Jim Grant, Worshipful Master of Placer Lodge #3 requested the disbursement of the final $5,000 of the amount appropriated in 2012. In his request he reported that the Brethren of Placer Lodge #3 voted to accept bids to re-roof the building in the amount of $15,632 and to repaint the building at a cost of $6,588. This is in addition to approximately $2,700 already expended to replace the front deck and other items at the building. He noted that significant work had already been performed and was aided by the donation of labor and materials to the Lodge by its members. Placer Lodge #3 has more than met their obligation of spending $7,500 to receive $7,500 from the Grand Lodge.

The appropriation made in 2012 has now been fully expended. No other requests for assistance to aid Masonic Memorials was received this year.

Although Article IV, Section 405 provides that an appropriation not to exceed 50 cents per member for these purposes may be recommended, no dedicated fund for this purpose appears in the financial records of the Grand Lodge. Keeping track of these appropriations and disbursements is performed outside the accounting system of the Grand Lodge. A review of the report issued last year by this committee, a reference is made to it taking approximately five years to pay off the $7,500 amount appropriated in 2012.

Receipts for the Temple Preservation Fund from the per capita remitted by the Lodges totaled $1,451.00 in 2012 and $1,404.50 in 2013. Expenditures were $2,500 in 2012 and $5,000 in 2014.

In approving the $7,500 in 2012 the Committee on Accounts and Finances did not specify from which fund the appropriation of $7,500 was to be made. Article VII, Section 706 provides that all


appropriations unless otherwise specified shall be drawn on the General Fund. Subject to confirmation from the other appropriate Committees of the Grand Lodge, this Committee is not of the opinion that the $7,500 was an advance spending of the appropriation referred to in Article IV, Section 405.

As can be seen by the costs associated with the repair of the Placerville building, a single year appropriation in the $1,400 range will not go far and it may be in the best interests of the Grand Lodge to "save up" for these expenses.

The Masonic Temple Preservation Committee recommends to the Committee on Accounts and Finances that a 50 cent per member appropriation be made. It is beyond our authority, but it is our hope, that the appropriation and future appropriations will be held in a restricted fund for future requests from Lodges owning Masonic Memorials.

Fraternally Submitted,

Sherman Burger, W. Grand Sword Bearer, Chairman John J. Schultz, W. Grand Orator Jim Grant Don Nelson

I move the report of the Masonic Temple Preservation Committee report be received, seconded and passed.

Brother G. Arthur Shoemaker came up to the microphone and gave the following report.

Masonic Child Identification Report


To the Most Worshipful Grand Master, AF&AM of Idaho Brethren

In March of 2013 the Grand Lodge initiated an Idaho Masonic Child Identification Program using ID kits for parent/guardian use.

The Child ID kit packets consist of the basic form for recording a Child’s personal information (name age, birthdate, eye and hair color, sex, height, weight, dental information, distinguishing markings, fingerprints and a place to attach a photograph), a fact sheet on DNA collection, a word/maze fun sheet for the child to complete, an ink strip for completing the finger printing and a sealable plastic bag for the storage of the completed Child ID kit forms and any collected DNA items. The kits are provided at a nominal cost to participating Lodges for distribution to parents/guardians.

The Grand Lodge Office purchases the ink strips and sealable plastic bags in bulk and prints the data form and the DNA fact and fun sheets. Volunteers are donating their time and labor to assemble the Child ID kits. A special thank you to Brother Robert Burnett, Meridian Lodge #47; Cyndie Bollar, Grand Lodge Clerk; Brother Monte Bollar for their assistance in ordering supplies, copying forms and assembling the Child ID packets. Since March 2103, approximately 9000 child ID kit packets have been assembled and 8200 have been distributed to the Lodges and Concordant and/or Appendant bodies.


In September 2013, ten Child ID (height charts) Banners were purchased for distribution to Lodges. Six banners have been purchased by individual Lodges or Districts. The remaining banners can be purchased through the Grand Lodge office for $50 each.

Nineteen Lodges have purchased Child ID kits for a variety of community events and Rob Morris Chapter #63 (Kuna) Order of the Eastern Star purchased 450 for distribution at 3 events.

I encourage the Lodges that participated in an event and provided Child ID kits in their communities to continue with such events in the coming year. When participating in an event please take pictures for displays and publicity for your Lodge. Please send copies of any pictures to the Grand Lodge Office. For those Lodges that have not participated in this program, I encourage you to consider the Child ID Program as a way providing a valuable community service.

The Idaho Masonic Child ID kit packets should be ordered through the Grand Lodge Office. Please allow a couple of weeks to process orders. A Banner is also available for use at an event by scheduling through the Grand Lodge Office or me.

Fraternally Submitted G Arthur Shoemaker Idaho Masonic Child ID Kit Chairman Robert Barnett Ray Sackett

I move that this report be accepted, motions seconded and passed.

Grand Lodge Capital Improvement Committee Report Grand Lodge Capital Improvements Committee 2013-2014

To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, A.F & A. M. of Idaho

Brethren At the 2013 Grand Lodge Annual Communication the Brethren approved a 2014 budget item of $10,000 for the Phase I Grand Lodge building improvement project. Subsequently the Grand Lodge Capital Improvements Committee prioritized the following items for construction.  Replace single pane windows in the south end of the building and Grand Secretary office with double pane windows. Eleven windows replaced. Installed Cost $5,258.25  Put a filter in the main waterline. Brother Ken Beaudreau has purchased the equipment and installing at no cost to Grand Lodge. Installation is pending.  Replace 4 District Deputy Grand Master/Grand Officer aprons cases. Cost $220.95  New blinds for the 10 windows on the south end of the building. Installed cost $1,015.31  Seal basement walls and paint all walls and refinish window frames in South end of building. This work is underway as an Eagle Scout project of Aron Ruddick. Grand Lodge furnishing materials and scouts/leaders providing labor. Estimated cost $400  Replace 3 faucets and install one cold water filter on the sink faucet. Cost paid from Grand Lodge furniture and fixture budgeted item.  Curtains for small windows along east side of the building. Curtains provide by Sandi Shoemaker, curtain rods provided by Grand Lodge. Installed cost $70


 Replacement of air conditioning unit for south end of the building. Bid received for $3,200 installed price. The cost for the above items is $10,163.51. Therefore the replacement of the air conditioner is on hold until additional money is budgeted. The priority items for 2015 include:  Replacement of single pane windows in north part of the building. Estimated cost $5,000  Upgrade of rain gutter system on East side of building. Estimated cost $1,000  Replacement of old fluorescent lighting in building. Estimated cost $3,200 The cost to complete all of the capital improvements is estimated at $40,000 to $45,000. A 2015 Budget request for $10,000 for Phase II work was presented to the 2013-2014 Accounts and Finance Committee.

Fraternally Committee Members G Arthur Shoemaker, RW Deputy Grand Master Jerry Parsons, W Grand Historian Steve Zimmerman, DDGM Eighth Masonic District Monte B. Bollar, RW Grand Secretary

G. Arthur Shoemaker moved that this report be received and referred to Accounts & Finances. Motion was seconded and passed.

Grand Historians Report

GRAND HISTORIAN REPORT 147th Annual Communication


By Jerry D. Parsons Worshipful Grand Historian

Much has been written concerning Masonry in Idaho and after viewing and reading some of the material stored in the archives of the Grand Lodge; some new information of historical interest has surfaced about our great Grand Lodge of Idaho. The Grand Secretary allowed me to sort through a barrel of old charters, dispensations and information on the Lodges that make up our Grand Lodge. These artifacts were from Lodges that had returned their charters. However, some charters were current and original and were being stored at Grand Lodge for safety reasons. As secretary of Boise Lodge #2, I never have seen the original charter from our Grand Lodge let alone the one issued from the Grand Lodge of Oregon in 1865. The archives contained both. Also, it was discovered that the original charter for Idaho Lodge #35 from Oregon dated June 24, 1863 was there. The Oregon charters for Idaho #35 and Boise #37 were framed and under glass. The Oregon charter for Idaho #35 is now on display at the historic Idaho City Masonic Hall building. In the many cupboards and shelves of the Grand Lodge were record books from lodges that no longer exist. These are still being researched for information that may reflect on the history that led us to where we are now as an Idaho Masonic Fraternity.


Now let us reflect on how Masonry began in Idaho. In the late 1850’s, the Grand Lodges of Oregon and Washington were in a territorial dispute concerning the new Idaho Territory. Gold was discovered in the Boise Basin, Lewiston area and soon after in the Owyhee Mountains in 1862 and many men located to Idaho to claim fortune and fame. Idaho became a territory in 1863 with President Abraham Lincoln signing it into law. That same year, Boise became an official city and Bannock City was thriving to its north. Among the many that came to Idaho were Masons from various jurisdictions including California where the gold discovery of 1849 petered out. The Masons in 1863 at Bannock City joined together and petitioned the Grand Lodge of Oregon for a dispensation to create a Lodge in the new mining town. By an act of the 1864 Idaho Territorial Legislature, Bannock City’s name was changed to Idaho City.

That was not the first lodge in Idaho. In 1862 the Masons in the mining town of Lewiston petitioned the Grand Lodge of Washington for a dispensation and it was granted. The MWGM of the Grand Lodge of Washington was familiar with the Lewiston area and despite his prominence, the newly chartered Lewiston Lodge #10 lost members when the mineral deposits were depleted and they returned their charter in 1864 thus making the Idaho City Lodge the first Idaho Lodge still in existence.

It has been reported that the Masons in the early 1860’s in Florence had erected a building known as the Masons Hall. There was never any record of them applying for a dispensation to open a Lodge there. Also recorded was that the Masons of Oro Fino applied for a dispensation but did not follow up on the requirements to receive one.

In April of 1865, the Masons in Boise petitioned the Grand Lodge of Oregon for a dispensation and it was granted on April 26, 1865. In June of that year, the Masons in Placerville sent a committee to the Grand Lodge session of Oregon in Portland to secure a charter to open a Lodge. If they did not receive one, they were to continue to Washington and get one from them. (Placer Lodge never worked under a dispensation.) Oregon issued Charters to Boise Lodge #37 and Placer Lodge #38 at that 1865 Grand Session.

In their first meeting, Placer #38 resolved to notify the Lodges in the Idaho Territory that they should meet in Idaho City to explore the possibility of establishing a Grand Lodge of Idaho Territory. The Masons of Boise turned this request down probably due to the small number of Lodges and members to sustain a Grand Lodge.

In 1866, the Masons of Pioneerville petitioned the Grand Lodge of Washington for a dispensation and received a charter later that year for Pioneer Lodge #12. Also, in 1866 Owyhee Lodge UD was formed at Silver City in the Owyhee Mountains. The Brethren in Placer #38 in July of 1867 again corresponded with the Lodges to meet in Idaho City in October to consider establishing a Grand Lodge of Idaho Territory. With more lodges and masons, they all decided to meet on December 23, 1867 in Idaho City. That date was changed to December 16, 1867 due to Christmas Day being so close.

They met on December 16, 1867 and agreed to form a Grand Lodge of Idaho Territory. Credentials committee was assigned and the next day reported that all were proper representatives and to give Owyhee Lodge UD one vote. On December 17, 1867 the Grand Lodge of Idaho Territory was established with Brother George Coe becoming the first Most Worshipful Grand Master. They adopted the revised By Laws of the Grand Lodge of Oregon. In early 1868 War Eagle Lodge UD was organized in Fairview near Silver City. On June 23, 1868, the Grand Lodge of Idaho Territory met in Idaho City and charters were granted to the Lodges. They were: Idaho Lodge #1, Boise Lodge #2, Placer Lodge #3, Pioneer Lodge #4, Owyhee Lodge #5 and War Eagle #6. They soon adopted the revised Constitution and By Laws of Oregon F. & A.M. All Lodges started meeting and doing many degrees for new members under a mix of different rituals. The Grand Lodge quickly adopted the California


Ritual work as the proper guide to the Degrees since many of the Past Masters were from that jurisdiction.

In 1881 Owyhee Lodge #5 and War Eagle #6 resolved to merge but could not agree on a name and number. The MWGM at that time settled the dispute by naming them Silver City #13. They now meet in Homedale and still meet once a year in the historic Masonic Hall in Silver City, Idaho.

During my year as Grand Historian, I was asked by the Grand Master to explore the history of the Grand Masters Jewel. It was decided in 1869 to have a jewel made to present to our first MWGM George Coe. At the 1870 Grand Session of Idaho it was reported that a jewel was made in Idaho City for $80 by Mr. D. B. Kimmel. This jewel is now in the safe deposit box of the Grand Lodge of Idaho and an exact duplicate was made to be worn by the current Grand Masters of Idaho. You can view this fine artifact on MWGM Heberling’s Grand Masters collar.

Also discovered was the first minute book of Idaho Lodge #35 after the May 18, 1865 disastrous fire that occurred in Idaho City. That fire consumed most of the town’s buildings and the Masonic Lodge Hall along with all of its records. The Idaho City Masonic Lodge Hall was rebuilt and occupied in September of 1865 and still stands as the only historic Lodge building still in existence west of the Mississippi River where a Grand Lodge was formed.

I was also asked to report on the history of the connection between the Grand Lodge of Idaho and the James W. Husted Fiat Lux Lodge #1068 in New York City on their ‘Idaho Night’ in June of each year where they host and honor our Grand Master. This year they hosted MWGM Heberling at the 77th annual Idaho Night in New York’s Manhatten district. This all began in 1937 when Idaho’s Grand Master was at a meeting in Washington D.C. and was asked by the Grand Representative to Idaho near New York to visit his Lodge, Fiat Lux #1068 in NYC. Reported in the 1937 Idaho GL Proceedings was that he did visit that Lodge and their Worshipful Master declared that meeting to be ‘Idaho Night’. In 1938 some of the Brethren from Fiat Lux Lodge were reading the 1938 Idaho Proceedings and our Grand Masters Report contained a rhetorical condemnation for the atrocities to the people committed in Germany by the Nazi Regime. This highly moral report deeply touched the predominantly Jewish Fiat Lux Lodge members and they have since that time invited the Grand Master of Idaho to visit in June of every year and be honored for the companionate report of 1938.

I was asked to research the history of the bell tower shown in many pictures of the Masonic Hall in Idaho City. It is unknown as to when or why this tower originated but we can assume that it was erected by the Masons after the original Lodge Hall and many of the cities buildings burned down in that May 1865 devastating fire, to alert the community of any other fires or disasters. It blew down during a violent wind storm in 1954 due to its rotting timbers. The bell was salvaged and stored and in 1986 was loaned to the Idaho City museum for display. A replica tower was erected by the new Idaho City Historic Lodge #1863 and dedicated by the Grand Lodge of Idaho on July 4, 2014, and contains the original bell. The original bell was from the Methodist Church that was destroyed in the 1865 fire.

There are other discoveries to be made concerning the Lodges of Idaho and the Grand Lodge. These are contained in the minutes and histories of individual Lodges that make up the Grand Lodge and which it is hoped that they will be recorded and sent to the Grand Historian and the Grand Lodge for future generations of Idaho Masons to enjoy.

Respectfully Submitted: Jerry D. Parsons /s/ Grand Historian


Grand Lecturer Report


Brethren, as always I am truly honored and deeply humbled by your support, encouragement and friendship afforded the position of Right Worshipful Grand Lecturer!

Often my travels have been over a rough and rugged road beset with ruffians. My regrets are few. The opportunity to server as the Grand Lecturer for this Grand Jurisdiction is and has been a fantastic learning opportunity for me!

As a young mason I remember being intimidated by the Grand Lecturer and for that matter any of the Grand Lodge Officers. Remembering the trepidation of that long ago time I have strived to let the Brethren know that I, THE GRAND LECTURER, am no different than the Youngest Entered Apprentice in the northeast corner on the lodge.

That I too am on a masonic journey. We all struggle in the quarries and do what we can in seeking more Masonic Light. I learn from each and every one of you.

This Masonic year, 2013/14. Was filled with fantastic opportunities for me. Attended several other Grand Jurisdictions Grand Lodge functions as the representative of our Most Worshipful Grand Master Dan Heberling. Thanks Grand Master for that honor. Participating in approximately 75 degrees found me in the quarries with my Brethren on many occasions. Thanks too to my Brothers, Right Worshipful Grand Secretary Monte Bollar and Assistant Grand Treasurer Randy King for their support in conducting the Spring Communication sessions. While traveling, I attended several Lodges in Texas, Nebraska, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Nevada. With two trips to Taiwan I also had the opportunity to visit and work in another “Foreign Country” Twice!

The individual Lodges in this Grand Jurisdiction all have a personality that reflects their very being. Some are strong robust and growing, others are a “heart beat” away from surrendering their charter. It is with a profound sadness that I contemplate the later. To feel the pain of loss and sadness when a charter is surrendered! I ask myself, “What could I have done to help my Brethren?”

In the strong, growing lodges I see innovation, education, Brotherly Love and a tremendous energy that is focused on their combined Masonic Journey. In our obligation we pledge our individual support toward all masons whether so ever dispersed. One way to experience that support is by TRAVELING. The successful Lodges TRAVEL. Traveling supports, educates, and we walk the talk of Brotherly Love!

So Mote IT BE!

Thomas W Gough, Right Worshipful Grand Lecturer Idaho Grand Lodge, AF & AM

I move the Grand Lecturer report be received; motion was seconded and motion passed.

MW Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling called for a report on the donations from the Memorial Service.


401-1 Jurisprudence (Preliminary Report)

I believe that Bro. Monte sent the preliminary reports to us, for our consideration prior to arriving at the session and seeing it for the first time. I took a trip through what he sent us, and I have at least my thoughts to share, as they relate to what I perceive to the be the responsibility of our committee. My thoughts and comments are as follows:

The following contains he remarks from James Voyles, on the printed preliminary reports packet that was sent by the Grand Secretary.

Grand Master’s Report Dispensations - I don’t have any problems with his four dispensations, in principle. At this point, I don’t have the text of the dispensations as he issued them so don’t have any way to see how he required them to do what they wanted to do. Three of the four appear to have related to changing the date or place of the stated communication, and that can be troublesome. The place and time of stated communications is in the lodge bylaws, and allowing change amounts to setting aside the bylaws. Many have a problem with that. Personally, I feel that if the Grand Master has reason to believe that setting aside a portion of the bylaws on a case by case basis, would be beneficial to the craft, he has that power. But he also would want to consider any problems that might cause and hopefully mitigate any such problems that might be caused by his doing so. However, I feel that if the lodge or lodges involved take adequate measures to notify all of the brethren reasonably expected to consider attending to be properly notified of the change, such a change could be a true benefit for the lodge, and appropriate to allow. I the case of the St. Maries #63 change, while agreeing with his decision as just discussed, their bylaws must have a permanent conflict. According to the Idaho Masonic Directory, their stated communications are set on the 3rd Thursday of every month, except July and August, and the 3rd Thursday in September is the date set in the code and digest for Grand Lodge to commence. It would seem to be appropriate for them to consider a change to their bylaws to eliminate the need for a dispensation, every year. I see where Butte #37 made just such a change to their bylaws for the same reason. Bylaws changes - I don’t have a problem with his bylaws changes approved, but have a couple of questions. The Ionic #82 change appears to have set their August stated communication to be August 16 for Lodge at the Lake. I wonder of they changed it to August 16, specifically, or to be the 3rd Saturday in August? Hopefully it was to the latter, otherwise it will rotate through all of the days of the week over the years, including Sundays. Ashlar #29 changed their bylaws to require petitions to be presented at a stated communication. By “presented”, do they mean “received”? That is already required by Article XX, Section 2001 of the Idaho Masonic Code and Digest. Appointed Grand Lodge Officers - I have not checked the certificate status of the seven appointments that currently require full WM certificates to see if those brethren have those certificates. I don’t have that information at my disposal. Believing that proper credentials were verified, and knowing nearly all of these brothers fairly well, I would concur with his appointments. District Deputy Grand Masters - The same is true for this group of appointments. I will state my belief that they are required to have WM certificates of proficiency, per our code and digest, but that the code does not specifically require that it be a FULL WM certificate of proficiency. Again, I do not have that information available to me for either level of certificate for these 13 brethren. Believing that proper credentials were verified, either way, I would concur with his appointments. Committee appointments - I concur with all of his committee appointments.


Grand Treasurer I concur with the appointment of Bro. Randy King to fulfill the remaining part of RW Bro. Stan Barkers term as RW Grand Treasurer. I feel that we should commend Bro. Stan for his unselfish and caring service to this Grand Lodge, throughout his service as our Grand Treasurer. He truly gave his all to our fraternity! Fraternal Relations Report The conclusion (in bold) of the section relating to the Prince Hall Grand Lodge F&AM of Maryland and its Jurisdictions was troublesome for me, for a bit. I wasn’t sure which grand lodge they were referring to, until it reread it a couple of times. Maybe I’m just slow, but I stumbled a bit on their wording. And, I’m not sure that it is anything that we need to comment on, anyway. Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference Social Media Guidelines There has been considerable confusion among the craft as a result of the promulgation of this set of guidelines. They have been assumed by many to have been approved by Grand Lodge. They have been believed by many to have come by way of an edict. They have been assumed by most to be the law. The brethren are quite uninformed about whence this came and what it means. We might consider reminding them of Article XXIII, Section 3304 of the code and digest which lists the rank in authority of masonic law. This document was very appropriately and thoughtfully prepared by the Grand Secretaries of the member jurisdictions. They did an awesome job. However, until their content is either adopted by the Grand Lodge to become a part of either the bylaws or the regulations, or their content is promulgated by edict of the Grand Master, they are merely recommendations, or guidelines that we are being encouraged or requested to follow. If they are allowed to be so used for a sufficient time, their content could one day begin to fall under the last category of customs and usages, but there is no timetable or guideline for how that might come to pass, if ever. I believe that it is good to take steps to address the technical age that we are in, up to our eyebrows, as the Internet and social options are way outrunning our headlights as we deal with todays society and our potential new masons. It is urgent that we begin to get our arms around how we are going to deal with this technology going forward. Hopefully we will be able to properly communicate the intent and the importance of this document, and other similar efforts that will no doubt follow, to our brethren. They believe that if it comes from the Grand Lodge office, it is the law. Maybe that’s not all bad, but at the same time, it is not always the case. Proposed Resolutions Proposed resolutions #1 and #2 appear to be in proper order, and do not appear to result in conflict in any other part of our code. Proposed resolution #3, however, raises a question when looking also at Section 2013, which states that the ballot shall be taken on each petition immediately after the report of the investigating committee is read, etc. The wording of proposed resolution #3, as written, would conflict with that wording in Section 2013, in my opinion. It would not be difficult to add some wording to Section 2103 to resolve the conflict, however. Please do not look at the signatories to proposed resolution #3. Thank you all, and I look forward to seeing you in Coeur d’Alene in just a little over three short weeks. Take care, and safe travels!



Deputy Grand Master’s Report

Deputy Grand Masters Report 2013-2014 To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, A.F & A. M. of Idaho Brethren During the 2013-2014 Masonic year, I had the pleasure of visiting 30 of the Idaho Masonic Lodges which included four of the Fall District Communications and four of the Spring District Communications , Boise Lodge #2 Table Lodge on December 17th on the 146th Anniversary of the formation of the Grand Lodge of Idaho, Portneuf Lodge #18 third degree exemplification in Pocatello, Idaho Lodge #1 annual meeting in Idaho City and the Lodge Bell Tower rededication in Idaho City, Burley Lodge #68 cornerstone dedication of DL Evans Bank Corporate Office in Burley and the 8th District All Masonic Picnic in Caldwell. As I write this I look forward to attending lodge on Cascade Lake with Ionic Lodge #82, Hailey Lodge #16 meeting on Mt Baldy and the all Masonic picnic in Challis with Challis Lodge #92. I had the pleasure of representing Idaho at the Annual Communications of the Grand Lodge of Utah in February and the Grand Lodge of Washington in June. I attended the Grand Masters Conference in Baltimore in February and the Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference in Nevada in July. I also attended the public openings representing MWGM, Daniel B. Heberling at the Grand Court of the Amaranth Grand Session in Boise, Order of the Eastern Star Grand Chapter in Boise, Jobs Daughters of Idaho Grand Bethel Session in Boise, Grand Assembly of Idaho-Washington Rainbow for Girls in Yakima, WA and the Installation of Iris Court Daughters of the Nile in Boise. I attended the DeMolay State Conclave in Twin Falls, the Supreme Guardian Visit for JDI in Meridian, Rainbow Grand Worthy Advisor visit to Idaho in Mt Home and the Grand York Body meetings in Post Falls. I had the pleasure of participating at various Lodge installations, degree work, stated, table lodge and family events. In all of my visits it is interesting to see the uniqueness of each Lodge and get a brief glimpse of their history and many varying Lodge activities. The Lodges with community, educational and family programs are active, doing degrees and in many cases growing in membership. I encourage all of the Lodges to make use of the Lodge of Excellence program. I thank the Brethren for their warm welcome and hospitality at all of my visits. G Arthur Shoemaker RW Deputy Grand Master

Senior Grand Warden Report

Senior Warden Report As another year comes to an end I want to thank the brethren for allowing me to again serve them in Grand Lodge. In my travel this year I have met so many brothers who have a real concern for this fraternity. In some cases our ideas, methods and direction were different it was amazing to see that we all had the same concerns and goals. What I have discovered is that it doesn’t really matter how we do something as long as we do something. I visited many Idaho Lodges this year, Installed Officers, prepared candidates to be raised. I attended all the Grand Lodge Planning Meetings and held several sesquicentennial committee meetings. I


represented our Grand Master at the Grand Lodge of Oregon and attended the Grand Lodge of Washington and the Grand Lodge of Utah annual communications. I attended the Rocky Mountain Conference in Reno and was elected Vice President. The knowledge and idea’s I learned at these meetings has provided me with a sense of self direction that will allow me to progress in my masonic travels as well as providing insight in handling conditions in our own state. Brothers I urge you if you can to attend this conference the knowledge you will receive and friendships you will make are memorable. In closing I would like to stress two things for the next few years. 1. Education – We stress ritual, memorization of the work but fail to teach masonry. We must mentor our new masons and assist them in getting more light. We can only accomplish by providing education in lodges, at dinners and by mentoring them. 2. Following our obligations. When we take our obligations it is in the presence of God and we should keep that obligation. For example if we accept a position on a committee or take a task or project, we must follow through and fulfill all the requirements just a select few. If we choose to accept an elected position we must insure we are able to perform all the requirements of that position. For example at his installation he promises to represent his Lodge at Grand Lodge. 3. We must take care of our shut in brothers and widows. I can tell you from experience that visiting a shut in brother is one of the best experiences I have ever had in Masonry and upon the death of a brother the appreciation by the widow is unexplainable. Again I thank you for the opportunity to serve you as your Senior Warden. I hope I have accomplished what you voted me in to do and I also promise to continue to do what little I can to make masonry better in Idaho

John Warner RW Senior Grand Warden

Junior Grand Warden’s Report

RW JUNIOR GRAND WARDEN’S REPORT 2013-14 Brethren, as my year as Junior Grand Warden comes to a close, I thank the Brethren of this jurisdiction for their support in my travels around and out of our state. It has been a pleasure to serve our Grand Lodge in whatever capacity I have been asked to do. I have represented the Grand Master in several visitations that he could not attend and I thank our MWGM Daniel B. Heberling for that opportunity. Serving with Brother John Warner RWSGW on the Sesquicentennial Committee has been a pleasure, along with Brothers, WGH Jerry Parsons, WSD Bill Curtis Jr., RWGS Monte Bollar, Randy King PM, RWDGM Art Shoemaker and all those that sat in at our meetings. The Sesquicentennial is fast approaching and we need everyone’s help in planning for the events around the state to celebrate this auspicious occasion in our history. Please consider purchasing the articles we are offering, which will be the source under which these events are funded. Listed below are most of the events, Lodges and District meetings I have attended in 20913-14: 2013 September 18, 19, 20, 21 Grand Lodge of Idaho Boise September 24 District Meeting 4, 5 & 6 Paul September 25 District Meeting 2 & 3 Pocatello October 5 Homecoming Luncheon PGM Burley (Keith & Mitzi) October 8 Daughters of the Nile (100th) Boise - rep. MWGM 125

October 26 Bratwurst Dinner Twin Falls November 11, 12 Grand Lodge of Nevada Las Vegas-rep MWGM December 5 Installing Chaplain Paul December 14 Installing Master Twin Falls Lodge December 19 Installing Marshal Burley December 21 York Rite Christmas Program Twin Falls 2014 January 17 Sesquicentennial Comm. Boise February 20 Washington B-Day Glenns Ferry February 28 GL planning Session Pocatello March 1 75th Exemplification Pocatello March 8 Chili Feed & Auction Twin Falls April 13 Widow’s Brunch Twin Falls April 15 Degree Glenns Ferry April 26 International Day Creston, BC & Bonners Ferry May 1 Ashlar Lodge, PM Night Nampa July 4 Idaho Bell Tower Dedication Idaho City July 12 Silver City Homecoming Silver City July 13 Grand Lodge Planning Session Boise July 18, 19 RMMC Reno, NV July 26 Building dedication-DL Evans Burley August 11 & 12 Grand Lodge of Wyoming Sheridan, WY-rep MWGM September 16 Building Dedication Priest River

Spring District Meetings 2014; District 10: Mt. Idaho No. 9, Kamiah No. 56, Kooskia No. 87, District 11: Nez Perce No. 10, Paradise No. 17, Unity No 32, District 13: Rathdrum No. 41, Lakeside No. 42, Bonners Ferry No. 43, Spirit Lake No. 57, Kaniksu No. 97, with RWGS Monte and RWGL Tom Gough. Spoke at each meeting.

Stated Meetings 2013-14; Twin Falls, Paul, Burley, Glenns Ferry, Elmore, Ashlar, Placer, Idaho Historic 1863, Gooding, Richfield, Hagerman, Caldwell, Pocatello, Hailey, Buhl, Bonners Ferry, Kooskia, Nez Perce, Cataldo & Priest River.

Brother James A. Hensley, Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden

Grand Chaplain Report

No report was turned in or given.


Section 401 Standing Committees

401-4 Fraternal Relations

To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Idaho:

Most Worshipful Grand Master Heberling, Grand Lodge Officers, Guests and Brethren:

The report of the Fraternal Relations Committee for 2013 - 2014 contains several recommendations for adoption by the Grand Lodge and two appendices listing interesting items from the review of the proceedings of other Grand Lodges and correspondence received by the Grand Lodge referred to the committee. The reading of the proceedings gives wonderful insight in the differences in the operations of the several Grand Lodges.

One item of particular note found during the reading of the communications is a result of Masonry entering the digital age. A brother in one jurisdiction took exception to a decision of a Grand Master in another jurisdiction (which did not border Idaho). This decision was that a particular system of faith practiced in the jurisdiction did not meet the qualifications for a belief in God, and practitioners of that faith were not eligible for membership in Lodges in that jurisdiction. This decision was later rejected by that Grand Lodge. The member took it on himself to send e-mails to several Grand Lodges giving his position on the issue and taking issue with the Grand Master's decision.

At the present time, it is very easy to find the e-mail addresses of Grand Lodge Officers in other jurisdictions. The Committee would like to remind the brethren, that all communication between Grand Lodges must go through the Grand Secretary. For Masonic issues, please do not directly contact Grand Lodge Officers in other jurisdictions directly, but route your correspondence through the Grand Secretary.

The following are the Recommendations of the Committee on Fraternal Relations:

The Grand Lodge Nationale Francais (GLNF).

At the 2012 communication of the Grand Lodge of Idaho, recognition of the GLNF was suspended. At the 2013 communication, the suspension of recognition was continued. On January 31, 2014 the GLNF issued a communication stating that they have elected a new Grand Master, Jean-Pierre Servel; regained full legal independence; and established simplified procedures to allow brothers who have left the GLNF to rejoin.

The Committee on Information for Recognition in their February 2014 report advised that the problems surrounding the GLNF appear to have been resolved. The Committee has advised that member Grand Lodges may wish to reconsider any suspension of relations. Several Grand Lodges, including the


Grand Lodge of the Dominican Republic, Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, and the Grand Lodges of England, Scotland and Ireland have restored fraternal relations with the GLNF. In their report, the committee thanked the five central European Grand Lodges (Germany, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Belgium) for their efforts to help resolve the issues in France.

On July 23, 2014 the five central European Grand Lodges issued a joint communication advising of a Confederation of Masonic Lodges in France (CMF) which has arisen out of the controversy of the GLNF. These Grand Lodges now consider France as "shared territory" between these two competing Grand Lodge systems. They urge that if recognition is restored with the GLNF, that the CNF be recognized as well. The CNF has not requested any recognition from the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Idaho.

Your committee is now concerned that the situation with the GLNF is not as settled as it appeared when the Committee on Information for Recognition issued its February 2014 report. The Grand Lodge has also heard that the Committee may issue further recommendations regarding the GLNF in their 2015 report.

Your committee recommends that the suspension of recognition of the GLNF continue another year to allow for time to allow this situation to settle further.

Requests for Recognition:

12/20/2013 received a request for recognition from the M. W. Masonic Grand Lodge of the State of Espirito Santo. This request was repeated on January 30, 2014.

Espirito Santo is a state in Brazil.

The M. W. Grand Lodge of the State of Espirito Santo was chartered in 1970 and is a regular member in the Symbolic Masonry's Confederation in Brazil. They state that they are recognized by all of the Regular Grand Lodges in Brazil, 48 Grand Lodges in the USA (including 4 Prince Hall Grand Lodges). They also state that they are recognized by Grand Lodges in Canada, Europe, South America, Central America, Asia and Africa.

The Commission on Information for Recognition has not made a specific ruling on this Grand Lodge. The Commission has stated (in their 2014 report) that historically there have been two recognized systems of Freemasonry in Brazil; The Grand Orient of Brazil and The Grand Lodges of the individual States in Brazil. Recently a third system has appeared consisting of individual state Grand Orients. The Commission has not received any evidence that the independent state Grand Orients meet the standard of recognition.

From the information received it appears that the M.W. Masonic Grand Lodge of the State of Espirito Santo is a part of the State Grand Lodges that meet the standards for recognition. The Grand Lodge is also listed in 2014 List of Lodges Masonic published by the Pantagraph Printing & Stationary Supply however the Grand Lodge is listed on the Grand Lodge of Idaho page as not 128

being recognized. The Committee on Recognition advises that only Lodges meeting the requirements for recognition are listed in this publication. Many other Grand Lodges in the United States and elsewhere throughout the world recognize this Grand Lodge.

Based on this information your committee recommends that their request for recognition be granted.

On February 22, 2014 The of Guinea requested appointment of Friendship Guarantor. The Republic of Guinea is a country in western Africa.

The Commission on Information for Recognition has not made a ruling on this Grand Lodge. The National Grand Lodge of Guinea is recognized by the Unified Grand Lodge of England.

Your committee is unsure exactly what a "Friendship Guarantor" is, but believes it is some sort of representative. We believe that appointments of this nature are the purview of the Grand Master. Your committee recommends that the position of the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Idaho is that it has no objections to responding to the request of the National Grand Lodge of Guinea and to establishing a dialogue between the two Grand Lodges.

On February 27, 2014 The Prince Hall Grand Lodge F. &A.M. State of Maryland and its Jurisdictions, Inc. extended mutual Masonic recognition with the Grand Lodge of Idaho and requested recognition from the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Idaho. A request for representatives was also made.

The Commission on Information for Recognition has found that Prince Hall Masonry is regular, but leaves the recognition of the Prince Hall Grand Lodges up to the respective Grand Lodges.

The Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Maryland was contacted to determine if they had any objections to the Grand Lodge of Idaho A.F. & A.M. extending recognition to the Prince Hall Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of the State of Maryland and its Jurisdictions. No response to this request was received by the time the report was written, however a review of the List of Lodges Masonic shows that the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland is recognized by the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Maryland. The book also shows that the Prince Hall Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of the State of Maryland is also recognized by the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Idaho.

Your committee recommends that we reaffirm the recognition of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Maryland and its Jurisdictions.

On May 26, 2014 we received a request for fraternal recognition from the Grand Lodge of Montenegro. Montenegro is a country in Southeastern Europe.

The Grand Lodge of Montenegro was formed in July 12, 2007 by three Lodges working under the authority of the Grand Lodge of Yugoslavia. The Grand Lodge of Montenegro was consecrated 129

and chartered by the United Grand Lodges of Germany, the "mother Lodge" to the Regular Grand Lodge of Yugoslavia. After the consecration of the Grand Lodge of Montenegro, the Regular Grand Lodge of Yugoslavia changed its name to the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia, with the previous territory of the Regular Grand Lodge of Yugoslavia divided between the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia and the Grand Lodge of Montenegro.

In 2008 the Conference of Grand Masters of North America Commission on Information for Recognition determined that the Grand Lodge of Montenegro meets the standards for recognition.

Your committee recommends that the request for recognition from the Grand Lodge of Montenegro be granted.

It has been a pleasure to serve the Most Worshipful Grand Master and the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. on this committee, and we thank him for our appointments to this committee.

Fraternally Submitted:

______Sherman Burger, Chairman Steven Hall, W. Grand Marshall W. Gr. Sword Bearer

______John C. Rich, W Gr. Pursuivant Jerry Parsons W. Gr. Historian

______Dennis Emerson Brian Becker


Appendix A - summary of interesting items from other jurisdictions' proceedings:

United States Grand Lodges:

Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Arizona - 2013 session . An interloper interrupted the session at its opening declaring himself the Grand Master of Arizona. The brethren were directed to watch him until an appropriate time for him to address the Grand Lodge. The disposition of this individual was not mentioned further in the proceedings. . Considered 30 pieces of legislation, ten of which were revisions to the Trial Code. . The Grand Master arrested the charter of a Lodge (which appeared to be a traditional observance Lodge) due to an internal rift which had divided the Lodge and recommended to the Grand Lodge that the Lodge be dissolved. This occurred after a Lodge meeting to discuss surrendering the charter was not be held due to lack of a quorum. The WM then requested the Grand Master to arrest the charter and a majority of the remaining members attending a special meeting with the Grand Master voted for the Grand Master to arrest the charter. The Grand Master ordered the property of the Lodge to be held in trust for a period of two years should a dispensation be issued to a new Lodge to be formed by the former Lodge's members. . Did not receive any requests for recognition . Raised from $15.00 to $25.00 the portion of the fees from each petitioner to be forwarded to the George Washington National Memorial Association. . Removed a requirement that petitions for degrees and affiliation be handwritten. . For the elections, Kentucky Fried Chicken provided the teller baskets. There appeared to be some jocularity during some of the ballots after the Deputy Grand Master was elected. Ernest Hemmingway received a vote for Sr. Grand Warden, Gomer Pyle received a vote for Grand Secretary, Hairy Armpit received a vote for Treasurer and there was a $1.00 bill put in the Kentucky Fried Chicken bucket during the ballot for Jr. Grand Warden.

Grand Lodge of California F. & A.M. - 2012 Session:  Passed legislation requiring Entered Apprentices and Fellowcrafts to pay Lodge Dues.  Passed legislation allowing for the electronic storage of Lodge records.  Rejected legislation requiring the Master-Elect to kneel and pray aloud in the Installation Ceremony.  In June 2012 the Lodge building at Crescent City California was destroyed in an arson caused fire. All records were lost. The Lodge in Brookings Oregon (20 miles away), with permission of the Grand Lodges of Oregon and California provided temporary facilities for Crescent #45. This event was also recounted in the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Oregon.  Recognized the Grand Lodge of Albania, the Grand Lodge of Moldova and the Grand Lodge of Tahiti.  Restored recognition of the Grand Lodge of Valley of Mexico. Recognition had been withdrawn in 2003 due to an invasion of the territory of the Grand Lodge of Baja California. The issue having been resolved, the recognition is restored.  Issued Charters to two Lodges previously operating under dispensation. They are Oasis Lodge No. 854 and Veritas Lodge No. 855.  Approved the Grand Master's recommendation to change the California Masonic Code to require all business to be done in a Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons (previous requirement was in a Lodge of Master Masons) except examination and degree work of the other degrees. Allows Entered Apprentices and Fellowcrafts to speak on a subject but not vote.  Approved the Grand Master's recommendation to change the California Masonic Code to allow for Historic Lodges.


The Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Connecticut sent a mailing with their 2006 through 2010 proceedings. Due to their age, they were not reviewed for this report.

Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Delaware - semi annual proceedings March 23, 2013, annual proceedings October 7, 2103 . Removed the EA and MM lectures as a requirement for JW and WM proficiency by Grand Master's Edict. Lodges may still require the lectures, but the Grand Lodge will not require them to qualify for office. The Edict was adopted as an official decision during the October session. . Recognized the Grand Lodge of Macedonia . Updated their compact with the Prince Hall Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Delaware to allow for visitations and correspondence between the subordinate Lodges. Previously all visitation and correspondence was at the Grand Lodge level only. . Adopted as a standing resolution a social media code of conduct.

Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Florida, 2013 session . MWGM Aladro was born in Havana Cuba and emigrated to the United States on July 6, 1967 at the age of 12. . Conferred a Master Mason Degree outdoors at Fort Clinch State Park in which Civil War Era apparel was worn. . Issued two 75-year certificates and one 85-year certificate to members. . Adopted a resolution allowing the consumption of alcohol under certain circumstances on property owned or leased by the Grand Lodge or subordinate Lodges. The circumstances include leasing property for non-Masonic events, and for hospitality rooms at the hotel hosting the Grand Lodge Session. . Suspended recognition of the United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria until the conflict with the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Bulgaria is resolved. . Will continue to monitor the situation with the GLNF and consider resuming full recognition when they feel confident that peace and harmony has been totally restored. . Recognized the Gran Logia de Nicaragua.

Grand Lodge of Georgia F. & A.M. - 2012 Session  Noted that two Masonic Trials resulting in expulsion were for the offense of Adultery. One was with the wife of another Mason, the other did not specify if the woman was the wife of a Mason or not.  Suspended Masonic Relations with the GLNF  Recognized the Regular Grand Lodge of Tahiti  The Grand Lodge of Georgia operates a Masonic Home for youth in need.  Define by code the characteristics of aprons and collars worn by Masons, Lodge Officers, Grand Lodge Officers, and permanent committee members.  Rejected a code amendment prohibiting a Lodge from giving special recognition to a living member by naming an event, endeavor, action, program or area within the Lodge in his honor.  Repealed the payment of $10 per day and 6 cents per mile expense reimbursement to Grand Lodge officers and representatives of Lodges, and the $10 per day paid to Past Masters effective with the current Grand Lodge session.  Appear to have two rituals, as Section 42-111 refers to "Lodges authorized to confer the Ancient Work" and "Lodges operating under the Uniform Work".

Grand Lodge of Iowa A.F. & A.M. - 2013 proceedings . took no action on the GLNF issue . did not receive any requests for recognition


. Passed legislation removing the dues exemption (both at the Lodge and Grand Lodge level) for 50 year Masons raised after 1/1/64.

Grand Lodge of Kentucky - F. & A.M. - 2012 Session  398 of the 666 pages of this proceeding are a listing of the officers, members, deaths and suspensions of the Lodge for the year.  Ten pages of the proceedings were a recap of special dispensations issued during the year for purposes such as :  Allowing Kentucky Masons to travel to nearby states and perform degree work on their own candidates using Kentucky work provided the host Lodge obtains a similar dispensation from their Grand Master.  Allowing a Lodge to temporarily move its Charter to an address in Ohio for restoration work on the physical charter.  Allowing them to move their meeting to a Masonic Home for the purposes of holding stated or called communications.  Allowing them to move their meeting to hold outdoor degrees.  The proceedings list every disbursement made by the Grand Lodge.  Suspended relations with the GLNF July 24, 2012.

Grand Lodge of Louisiana F. & A.M. - 2013 Session  Issued an Edict on April 23, 2012 prohibiting all Louisiana Masons from becoming a member in the Grand Priory of the Reformed and Rectified Rite of the United States of America (the Priory). This was a result of a holding by the GLNF relating to the Grand Priory of the Scottish Rectified and Reformed Rite of Occitania which granted charter to the Priory.  Accepted a resolution (2013-1) moving the date of Grand Lodge from beginning on the first Saturday in February (or the following Monday) to the Saturday or following Monday nearest St. John the Baptists day (June 24) beginning in 2017. This was due to conflicts caused by weather, important holidays and national sporting events. It appeared that the Super Bowl and Mardi Gras was interfering with Grand Lodge. This resolution was accepted and is to be voted on during the 2014 session.  Considered but did not accept a resolution (2013-8) to establish Masonic correspondence with the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Louisiana and determine its regularity with the end goal of mutual recognition.  Recognized the Grand Lodge of Tahiti  Severed relations with the GLNF

Grand Lodge of Maine A.F. & A.M. - 2013 proceedings . Moved Grand Lodge Office from Portland to Holden Maine (approximately 130 miles). . Recognized the Grand Lodge of Croatia . Recognized the Grand Lodge of Mauritius . Made mention of the GLNF situation, and jurisdictional disputes in Baja California, Bolivia, Bulgaria and Paraguay but did not recommend any action. . Rejected legislation which would have approved a presentation of a "Lewis Jewel" to a newly raised Master Mason whose Father or Grandfather is an active Mason in good standing at the time. . Passed legislation (which also needs to be passed at the next session to be effective) increasing the fine on Lodges not represented at Grand Lodge from $10 to $100.

Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Missouri - 2013 session 133

. Elections for office are by written ballot, with an option to "check a single box" to advance the Grand Lodge Line and re-elect the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer. They have also determined that this method is appropriate for the subordinate Lodges. . The Grand Master issued a decision limiting the times the Scottish Rite Rose Croix apron could be worn in lieu of a traditional Masonic Apron. . Restored Recognition of the GLNF . Suspended Recognition of the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Bulgaria, and the United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria

Grand Lodge of Montana A.F. & A.M. - 2014 Summary . Passed legislation to determine an exit strategy and close the Masonic Home . Passed a resolution to form a study committee to study possible methods and procedures for vetting candidates for Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer. . Rejected legislation giving all Master Masons who have passed proficiency membership in Grand Lodge. . Recognized the Prince Hall Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Maryland . Recognized the Grand Lodge of Montenegro . Re-established recognition of the GLNF

Grand Lodge of Nebraska, A.F. & A.M. 2013 Session . Allows balloting on Grand Lodge Officers to be done by a single checked box to indicate the regular advancement of officers and reelection of the Grand Secretary. If a brother wishes not to check the box, then they write a name for each office. . Recognized the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Alaska . Recognized the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Delaware . Did not recognize 13 other Grand Lodges as they were not approved by the Committee on Recognition of the Conference of Grand Masters of North America. . A Grand Master's recommendation to increase the Per Capita Tax $1.50 per member with the proceeds split equally between Jobs Daughters, Rainbow and DeMolay was defeated.

Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of New York - 2012 proceedings . Used an electronic balloting system . Each Lodge gets three votes, plus a vote for every 50 year Mason after the first fifty (thus a Lodge with Seventy 50 year Masons received and additional 20 votes) - but each Lodge only gets 1 voting device - so the Master or Lodge representative has all the votes. Any Lodge delinquent in their responsibilities to Grand Lodge loses their votes. Obligations include payment for supplies, dues, and filing required reports. . The Grand Lodge of New York has a District Grand Lodge in Syria-Lebanon. Masons are not well tolerated in that area of the world, and it takes great courage just to be one of the 509 Masons there. Masonry is seen as an "Oasis of Freedom" in Syria and Lebanon. They cannot advertise or display Masonic Emblems, but candidates still find the Lodges and request membership. . Recognized the Grand Lodge of Moldova . Reported that the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Alaska accepted the Grand Lodge of New York's offer of mutual recognition in August 2011.

Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of the State of New York 2012 communication: . Lever style voting machines are used for electing officers. There were multiple candidates for the office of Grand Junior Warden. They adopted rules that only the two candidates receiving the most votes would advance to the second and final round of voting. The candidate that got the second most votes in the primary round was elected Grand Junior Warden.


. The Committee on Compassionate (composed of members of the Prince Hall Orders who are funeral directors) reported that a plan had been created whereby members of the M.W.P.H.G.L. of New York and Prince Hall Affiliated O.E.S. can be buried for $2,900. Discussion followed regarding indigent members of the craft and the need for proper burial. . The Grand Master's address to the craft included urging them to work with their youth and make sure they have the education and support they need to be successful in the world. He also urged a boycott of Koch Industries products as a response to their contribution of the defense of George Zimmerman in the Travon Martin shooting. . Opened a chapter of Knights of Pythagoras to help guide their youth. The Code of Ethics of the Knights of Pythagoras include: Serving God, Honoring Womanhood, Love and Honor of Parents, Honesty, Loyal to ideals and friends, practicing honest toil, having a word a good as his bond, courtesy, being a gentleman at all times, being a patriot in times of peace and war, being clean in mind and body, unswerving support for the public schools and being a law abiding citizen.

Grand Lodge of Ohio F. & A.M. - 2013 Session . Held two one day classes where 2,000 new Master Masons were raised. . Two expelled Masons were Worshipful Masters of their Lodge. One was expelled due to actions within the Lodge, the other for actions without the Lodge. . Declared the three degrees conferred by an Ohio Lodge as "null and void" because the candidate was an expelled West Virginia Mason who had not gone through the proper process to be reinstated in West Virginia prior to petitioning the Ohio Lodge. . The Grand Orator is an appointed position and the one historically that is elected Junior Warden. . Adopted legislation allowing a Civil War Reenactment Lodge. The Lodge is to meet in the evenings during Civil War Reenactments within the state of Ohio in recognition of the role played by Freemasonry in the Civil War. . Recognized the Grand Lodge of Tahiti and the Archipelagos. . Tabled a request from the GLNF to restore recognition until after the Grand Masters Conference in 2014.

Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Oregon - 2013 proceedings . Continued an edict prohibiting the use of an open ritual by the WM and Wardens during opening and closing the Lodge. The edict in the past had helped to improve the ritual work in opening and closing . Recognized the Grand Lodge of Macedonia . Denied Recognized the Grand Lodge of Tahiti and the Archipelagos due to an objection from the GLNF who claims exclusive jurisdiction of the area since January 17, 1987.

Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania F. & A.M. - 2012 sessions . Holds Quarterly communications of Grand Lodge . Elects Officers for a two year term at the December quarterly meeting, the first year by written ballot, then the second year elections are re-affirmed by a voice vote. . While all of the 428 Lodges in existence at 12/27/12 have a number, there are nine Lodges without a name, and have a number only. Some names are used by more than one Lodge, the most popular being Union with six Lodges using that name. . At the Quarterly Meeting Held June 16, 2012 . Recognized Albania . Recognized Tahiti. This was over objections of the GLNF. The decision appeared to be based on the fact that Tahiti is a sovereign country and due to the instability of the GLNF. . Suspended recognition of the GLNF with the possibility of Withdrawing recognition in December. 135

. Introduced legislation to Repeal Life and Honorary Memberships fixing annual dues for those members at $25.50 due to the inability of the earnings from the endowment to pay the per-capita owed to Grand Lodge. The per-capita for those members was set at the same amount.

. At the Quarterly Meeting Held December 8, 2012 . Recognized the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Alaska . Recognized the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Delaware . Continued the suspension of recognition of the GLNF to allow the new Grand Master of the GLNF a chance to repair the problems. . Noted the Consecration of the Grand Lodge of Nigeria by the United Grand Lodge of England and the . Approved the amendments to the code introduced at the June Quarterly Meeting

Grand Lodge F. & A.M. for the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations - 2012 annual communication . A book was received with the minutes of their annual meeting held May 21, 2012. It contained many reports and addresses, however no indication of ballots on any measures were found. . A CD was provided which was an audio file in mp3 format of the semiannual session held on November 29, 2011. The file was over three hours long, and was not reviewed.

Grand Lodge of Utah F. & A.M. - 2013 Session  The CD provided contained the Proceedings for 2003 through 2013. Only the 2013 proceedings were reviewed for this report.  Passed legislation allowing the Grand Master, with written concurrence from two of the following: Deputy Grand Master, Sr. Grand Warden and Jr. Grand Warden; to suspend a Mason until such time the: 1) Grand Master rescinds the suspension; 2) the reasons for the suspension initiate the filing of Masonic Charges or 3) the Convening of the next Grand Lodge Session when the suspension will be rescinded or re-affirmed by action of the Grand Lodge. This was to allow suspension of a member prior to Masonic trial when charges are delayed to allow a criminal court proceeding to conclude.  Suspended relations with the GLNF

Grand Lodge A. F &A.M. of the Commonwealth of Virginia - 2012 proceedings . Has a "show cause" provision whereupon the Grand Master issues a show cause letter giving a Mason convicted of a felony 40 days to show cause why he shouldn't be expelled from Masonry. At the end of the 40 days, if no good cause is shown, the member is Expelled. . Recognized the Grand Lodge of Tahiti and the Archipelagos, being approved in the 2012 report from the Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America . Recognized the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Alaska as it was approved in the 2006 report from the Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America and recognized by the Grand Lodge of Alaska. . Recognized the Grand Lodge of Albania as it was approved in the 2012 report from the Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America . The Grand Deacons are elected Grand Lodge Officers

Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Washington - 2013 Proceedings . Restored the charter of Hiram Lodge #21 which was suspended at the previous Grand Lodge for not being represented in two consecutive Grand Lodge Sessions. . Purchased a Grand Lodge Building


. Rejected a Constitutional Amendment (which needed 90% to pass) to provide a plain English written version of the esoteric work to each Lodge. Presently only elected Grand Lodge officers, Deputy Grand Masters and the Grand Lecturer possess written esoteric works. . Passed two companion pieces of legislation (requiring a 3/4 majority) dealing with the right of objection to a visitor to a Lodge meeting. Previously a single Lodge member could object and the visitor would not be admitted. Now three members must object and the Worshipful Master must concur. This appears to have been the result of Grand Lodge officers being advised that they would be objected to if they visited certain Lodges. . Passed legislation making it the duty of the Treasurer to file the IRS form 990. . Recognized the Grand Lodge of Tahiti and the Archipelagos . Received a request from the Grand Lodge of Macedonia for recognition, which had already been granted in 2006. . Recognized the Grand Lodge of Maranháo in Brazil. . Continued the suspension of the GLNF

Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Wyoming - 2013 session: . The Jurisprudence committee disapproved of a Grand Master's recommendation of allowing Lodge business to be conducted on any degree. . The Grand Lodge rejected a resolution allowing business to be conducted in the EA or FC degrees. . The Deputy Grand Master announced the Grand Lodge uniform for the following year. The current jacket, slacks and shoes or boots are retained, a new shirt and tie replaces the current shirt and tie. Underwear is left to the discretion of each officer. The Grand Master remarked that the last part of the uniform may have been "too much information". . Recognized the Grand Lodge of Macedonia

Foreign Grand Lodges:

United Grand Lodge of England, 2014 . The United Grand Lodge of England oversees several Provincial and District Grand Lodges in many parts of the world. . The Grand Lodge has quarterly communications on the 2nd Wednesday of March, June, September and December. Investiture of officers for the coming year is on the last Wednesday in April. Admission to the investiture is by ticket only. Those being invested for the first time are entitled to invite three qualified brethren, those being promoted are entitled to invite two qualified brethren. . The Grand Master for the past 47 years has been HRH The Duke of Kent. There is an office of Pro Grand Master that is the presiding officer during meetings and other events of the Grand Lodge. The Pro Grand Master is appointed by the Grand Master. The Grand Master was born as 7th in line to the throne, was 10th in line when first elected to office, and is currently 33rd in line. The significance of the number 33 was not missed by the brethren. The Grand Master attended the annual investiture and gave an address but did not attend the quarterly communications. . Their annual Masonic Year Book lists significant dates in the history of the United Grand Lodge of England. The Royal Family is quite prominent in these pages. The Grand Lodge is proud of its long association with the Royal Family. Listed in the events of 1942 is the death of HRH 1st Duke of Kent, KG, Grand Master who was killed in service on August 25. . Published a directive to members regarding overseas Masonic visits. Due to the number of unrecognized Lodges, brethren were encouraged to check (preferably in writing) with the Grand Secretary prior to visiting overseas Lodges. . Dues are subject to the United Kingdom's Value Added Tax (VAT).


. The purchasing of available Masonic Jewelry replicating the Hall Stone Jewel was declared to be in "the worst possible taste and deeply disrespectful to the memory of the many members of the Craft who fell in that War". The Board of General Purposes recommended that the Brethren neither purchase nor wear such jewelry.

The wearing of the Hall Stone Jewel is limited to a very few and relates to the funding of the Freemasons' Hall which was built as a Peace Memorial to those Freemasons who gave their lives during the Great War of 1914 to 1918. The wearing of the jewel is limited to those still living who gave who donated 10 guineas to the Masonic Million Memorial Fund, Provincial or District Grand master of the Hall Stone Province (which is Buckinghamshire) and to Worshipful Masters of Lodges whose donation averaged 10 guineas per member. . HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, was recognized as having been a subscribing member of the Craft for 60 years. He replied to a letter of congratulations from the Grand Master asking that his "thanks and best wishes" to be expressed to all members. . Recognized the Grand Lodge of Albania. . Cautioned the Brethren regarding a website called "The Grand Masonic Directory". The Committee on General Purposes stated that the website enjoys no support from the United Grand Lodge of England and that the Brethren should carefully consider what is proper and improper use of Freemasonry. . A strict dress code is set for attending Grand Lodge. Brethren must wear either the Craft Tie, plain black tie and appropriate Aprons and Collars. The tie cannot contain any design either on the tie or within its weaving. The Royal Arch Tie and Provincial ties are not to be worn. White Gloves are worn in Grand Lodge. . Restored relations with the GLNF at the June 2014 Quarterly Communication. . Responding to concerns among professional accountants and their governing bodies have changed the interpretation of the word "Audit". The change is that in the case of professionally qualified accountants or auditors serving on Lodge audit committees the by-laws requiring an audit will be deemed complied with as long as the brother certifies that he has carried out an "examination" of the accounts.

Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Ireland - 2013 annual report . The Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Ireland is also organized using a system of Provincial Grand Lodges in many parts of the world that are overseen by the Grand Lodge of Ireland. . Holds quarterly communications in March, June, October and December each year. . Each quarterly meeting during the 2012 and 2013 years contained appointments to fill vacancies in various representatives to other jurisdictions.

Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Ireland - 2012 annual report . Recognized the Prince Hall at its October 4, 2012 quarterly communication.

Grand Lodge of New Brunswick F. & A.M. - 2013 session  A recommendation of suspending relations with the GLNF made well prior to Grand Lodge was rejected by the Foreign Relations Committee due to the progress being made in resolving the issues. The Grand Lodge took no action regarding the GLNF.  Recognized the Grand Lodge of Albania; Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Alaska  Delayed action regarding the Grand Lodge of Tahiti and Archipelagoes due to a claim by the GLNF that the Lodges forming the Grand Lodge were never chartered by the GLNF. More time to gather information was needed.  Will also be celebrating their Sesquicentennial in 2017


Grand Lodge of Scotland - . 2014 - 2015 Proceedings (partial) . Abolished life membership on February 26, 2014, but "grandfathered" existing Life Members. This was due to the hardship put upon Lodges to pay Per Capita assessments on Life Members and that the earnings from the Life Membership funds were less than the Grand Lodge Per Capita amount. . On April 24, 2014 Agreed to restore recognition of the GLNF at an opportune time . The Grand Master's address published in the 2014 yearbook included commentary regarding continual proposals in Scotland to require members of the Masons (and other "secret societies") that are governmental office holders or employees to publically disclose their membership. Although these proposals are routinely rejected, they continue to be proposed.

Appendix B - summary of communications received:

The Grand Lodge received numerous communications from other jurisdictions announcing annual sessions, installations, elections, etc which are not summarized below. Other communications of interest included:

8/29/2013 - received a letter from the Grand Orient of Brazil expressing concern over the Grand Lodge in Washington D.C. recognizing three or four independent Grand Lodges in Brazil.

10/23/2013 - received a letter from the Grand Lodge of Cuba informing us that at their last session they recognized the Grand Lodge of Mauricios and the Grand Lodge of Tahiti and the Archipelagos. They requested that the Grand Lodge of Idaho suggest a brother to be the representative of the Grand Lodge of Cuba near Idaho and suggested that W. Bro. Emilio Martinez Arias be appointed as the representative of the Grand Lodge of Idaho near Cuba. The Grand Lodge of Idaho has ceased appointing Grand Representatives.

11/3/2013 - received a letter from the Grand Lodge of the State of Israel A.F. & A.M. (GLSI) advising that some brothers have left the GLSI and formed an irregular Grand Lodge of Jerusalem. They advise that the GLSI does not recognize the Grand Lodge of Jerusalem as being Masonic and wish that we know this information should we be contacted regarding fraternal relations.

11/5/2013 - received a message from three Past Grand Masters of the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia informing us that they no longer consider themselves members of the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia. They also inform us that they no longer believe the actions of the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia reflect the basic Masonic Principles.

11/10/2013 - received a transcript of an interview with M. W. Grand Master Evaristo Reuben Guiterrez Torres to the Masonic Press Agency. This interview discusses the interactions of the Grand Lodge of Cuba, the Grand Lodge of Cuba in Exile and the Grand Lodge of Florida.

11/15/2013 - received a letter from the that on October 25, 2013 they suspended relations with the Grand Lodge of Djibouti. The Grand Orient will consider withdrawal of relations during their Annual Communication April 4 - April 6 2014.

12/20/2013 received a request for recognition from the M. W. Masonic Grand Lodge of the State of Espirito Santo. This request was repeated on January 30, 2014.

1/9/2014 - received a copy of a letter from the Grand Lodge of the Dominican Republic to the GLNF advising that fraternal relations had been restored. 139

2/2/2014 - The National Grand Lodge of Guinea requested appointment of Friendship Guarantor and recognition.

2/27/2014 - The Prince Hall Grand Lodge F &A.M. State of Maryland and its Jurisdictions, Inc. extended mutual Masonic recognition with the Grand Lodge of Idaho and requested recognition from the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Idaho. A request for representatives was also made. Their Jurisdiction includes 70 Lodges in Maryland, 22 in Germany, 6 in England, 3 in Italy, 1 in Belgium and 3 in the Middle East.

3/12/2014 - Notification from the Grand Lodge of Florida that they have withdrawn fraternal relations with the Grand Lodge of Cuba. This due to the chartering and recognition of Cuban Lodges within Florida.

3/25/2014 - Notification from the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania that fraternal relations had been restored with the GLNF provided that the GLNF continues to provide full control of the Grand Lodge and a commitment to regularity in practice.

3/25/2014 - A Letter from the Grand Lodge of Cuba expressing differences with the explanation of facts in the 3/12/2014 letter from the Grand Lodge of Florida notifying other Grand Lodges of the withdrawal of recognition of the Grand Lodge of Cuba.

3/26/2014 - Notification from the Grand Lodge of Maryland that they have suspended relations with the Grand Lodge of Cuba. This is a result of the issue of the Grand Lodge of Cuba chartering Lodges in Florida consisting of Cubans who practice the Cuban Masonic Work. The Grand Lodge of Florida had also withdrawn recognition of the Grand Lodge of Cuba. Suspension is effective until relations have healed between the Grand Lodge of Florida and the Grand Lodge of Cuba.

5/26/2014 - Request for fraternal recognition from the Grand Lodge of Montenegro.

6/18/2014 - received a letter from the Grand Lodges of England, Scotland and Ireland that they considered the GLNF matter solved, and have each restored recognition of the GLNF.

Section 402 Session Committees

Prior to each Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, the Grand Master shall appoint the following session committees, consisting of not less than three nor more than five members, to serve until the close of that Communication: (Revised Sept. 1999)

Section 403 Special Committees

The Grand Master may appoint special committees whenever deemed necessary.


Section 504 Trustees of the Grand Lodge Relief Fund (Investment Committee)

Investment Committee Annual Report, 2013-2014 Pre-paid Life Fund Report Endowment Fund Report Relief Fund Report

To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Idaho


On behalf of the Investment Committee, I am pleased to submit the following Annual Report for the 2013-14 calendar years.

This was again a trying year for the investments as returns are not increasing very quickly. Our investment advisor, Scott Johnson, continues to do an excellent job of providing your investment committee with information to make decisions to maximize the returns available on the funds.

Fund Balance as of Balance as of Annual Return Balance as of Jan 1, 2013 Dec 31, 2013 June 30, 2014 Relief Fund-fixed $259,673 $260,614 5.03% $342,809 inc. Relief Fund-equity $772,000 $871,495 2.67% $826,196 Endowment Fund $260,877 $294,660 5.09% $310,636 Pre-paid Life-equity $707,991 $843,659 2.62% $771,870 Pre-paid Life-fixed $284,689 $260,996 3.89% $321,024 inc. Total All Funds $2,285,230 $2,531,424 $2,572,535

It is noted the fund balances increased overall by 10.77% from January 1 to December 31, 2013. This created the necessity to make changes in the fund balances from December 31, 2013 to June 30, 2014 to rebalance the accounts to comply with the code requirements for the mix between fixed income and equity investments. The code specifies the percentage of the investment funds the investment committee is to maintain in both fixed income and equities. As one classification of investments outperforms another we sometimes have to make adjustments to the account balances to maintain compliance with the code requirements.

There were no recommendations of the investment committee that were included in the 146th annual communication report but the investment committee has continued with the following:

1. The Endowment Fund principal cannot be used and only the interest from the Endowment Fund can be used once that fund reaches a $250,000 balance at which time ½ the interest can be used for GL Budgeted expenses. We continue to monitor that account and support any additional increases in funding thereto.

2. Committee discussions with the investment advisor lead to the recommendation that a withdrawal rate for budgeting of no more than 5% be done in order for the funds to continue to grow.


As you can see from the above table above we now have a simpler, more understandable chart of accounts to work with than in previous years.

In consulting with the investment advisor our funds have had outstanding performance since inception as noted: Fund Performance Inception Date Rate of Return since inception thru 6-30- 2014 Relief Fund – fixed inc. Oct. 28, 2008 8.56% Relief Fund-equity Dec. 31, 2004 8.92% Endowment Fund Oct. 31, 2008 9.65% Pre-paid Life-equity Nov. 3, 2006 6.91% Prepaid-life-fixed inc. Oct. 31, 2008 5.73%

Our investment totals have continued to grow above and beyond what is withdrawn annually to fund Grand Lodge operations; from $1,963,839 in July 2009 to the present level of $2,572,535 as of July 2014.

We have made a good investment return in the past year given the continuing economic downturn, even though the market continues to have some volatility the fund balances continue to increase. Our ownership interest in the various investments continues to be the same and the changes in the fund balances are due to market fluctuations.

The Investment Committee has again been asked if there is an opportunity to fund some much needed capital improvements. We have responded there is room and have provided them with a target number. As a committee it is our intent to monitor the investments and to not withdraw more than we are earning annually.

The investment committee has reviewed the 2015 budget as proposed. We concur with the recommendation of a $45 per capita for the next budget year. As our investments continue to increase in value due to market conditions the return on the investments remains steady. We continue our recommendation to the Membership to “Build the Pathway” and support the efforts of the Sesquicentennial Committee to raise funds in addition to the annual per capita. The committees’ efforts will not only raise funds for the sesquicentennial celebration but also raise funds for the endowment and charitable relief funds.

Do you know that this jurisdictions total membership is approximately 3,500 strong! If we can raise just $1,000 per member over the next 4 years we could increase our fund balances by $3,500,000. This can be accomplished by gifts, bequests, pledges and your support of the sesquicentennial committee efforts. If we all work towards this common goal our investment incomes will increase and when they do the per capita can possibly be decreased.

The Investment Committee continues to have confidence in the investment strategy undertaken and in the advice of the investment advisor. It is our decision to continue with and maintain the investment strategy undertaken thus far.

I would again like to take this opportunity to thank Bro. Scott Johnson for the excellent job done this past year and the committee members for their attendance and input at our quarterly meetings.

We are happy to answer any questions at any time from the Brethren.

Respectfully submitted,


Randy King (13, 60), Chairman /s/ Greg Winther, PGM (13, 29) /s/ Mark Graybill, (45), /s/ Stanley E Barker, GT (Ex-Officio/voting) /s/ Monte Bollar, GS (Ex-Officio/voting) /s/ G. Arthur Shoemaker, RWDGM (60)(Ex-Officio), Daniel Heberling, GM (Ex-Officio), Scott Johnson (Ex-Officio), Dean Buffington (Ex-Officio)(93)

Section 508 Board of Relief


To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Idaho

We, your Board of Relief, in compliance with Section 501, of the Idaho Masonic Code and Digest submit the following report on the transactions of the Grand Lodge Relief Fund during the fiscal period August 1 2013 through July 31, 2014. During this period we approved the application we received from Lemhi Lodge No. 11. We sent a check in the amount of $523.45 to Lemhi Lodge No. 11, Salmon, Idaho.

The purpose of our Grand Lodge Relief Fund is stated in Section 501 of the Idaho Code and Digest, and we quote.

Section 501. Purpose. The funds set aside by the Grand Lodge for relief are for the purpose of assisting the Lodges in the support and care of indigent members and their dependents. It is not intended to relieve the Lodges of their responsibility in taking care of their members if they are able to do so.

We would like to point out that Section 501 only authorizes the Board of Relief to assist the Lodges with their obligation to care for any deserving indigent brother and family. Lodges should be mindful of the needs of their older members and the widows of their members who have passed on.

Section 310 states that all applications for relief shall be made by the Master and Secretary of the Lodge of which the member is in good standing or was in good standing at the time of his death. When a Lodge seeks assistance for one of its Brothers, the Lodge should be prepared to share in a portion of the expense. Section 311 states that allocations approved by the Board of Relief shall be paid to the Master of the Lodge which applied for the assistance, and he shall have it delivered to, or used for the benefit of the applicant in such sums as may be required from time to time.

Fraternally submitted, Stanley Eugene Barker, Secretary/s/

Ralph K. Nichol (93) Chairman /s/ David E. Thomas (23) /s/ Ronald L. Scott (60) /s/ Monte B. Bollar Ex-Officio (60, 13) /s/


Section 1417 (1) Executive Council (Pre-Paid Life)

Pre-Paid Life Notification letter to the Lodges

Letter from Stanley Barker, Grand Treasurer

March 21, 2014

To All Idaho Lodge Secretaries

Dear Brother Secretary:

At the 139th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Idaho, Resolution 10 was adopted. This change pertained to Section 1416 of our Code and Digest. ‘Voluntary Prepaid Life Membership’.

2. (Price) The single-payment purchase price for a Pre-Paid Life Membership shall be at twenty-one (21) Years annual dues that are in effect on the date of purchase, but not less than $700. This amount to be Adjusted annually in the spring based on the preceding year’s inflation.

The cost of living for 2013 was an increase of 1.5%. (For our purpose the amount of increase is rounded to the nearest dollar.)

Therefore effective January 1, 2014, the minimum cost of a Pre-Paid Life Membership = $822.

History: Year: Amount: 2008 $722.00 2009 $750.00 2010 $777.00 2011 $774.00 2012 $786.00 2013 $810.00 2014 $822.00

Stanley Eugene Barker /s/ R.W. Grand Treasurer


Pre-Paid Life Payouts Spreadsheet

Dollars Lodge Dollars Payout in Jan. Lodge Collected As of Dec 31 2013 Invested for % of Total 2014 for Total Dollars No. From Lodge Full year 2013 year for 2013 Prepaid Equity (1776) $ 843,408.09 54 $ 1,143,939.50 100.000000% $ 53,068.99 $ 13,646.00 $ 1,157,585.50 Prepaid Fixed (6838) $ 260,870.90 1 $ 36,207.00 3.165115% $ 1,679.69 $ 305.00 $ 36,512.00 Total: $ 1,104,278.99 2 $ 58,173.00 5.085321% $ 2,698.73 $ 165.00 $ 58,338.00 3 $ 15,225.00 1.330927% $ 706.31 $ 20.00 $ 15,245.00 Net earnings From Investments 9 $ 17,835.00 1.559086% $ 827.39 $ - $ 17,835.00 Percent Payout 5.00% 10 $ 30,408.00 2.658183% $ 1,410.67 $ - $ 30,408.00 Payout value: $ 55,213.95 11 $ 12,180.00 1.064742% $ 565.05 $ - $ 12,180.00 13 $ 51,430.00 4.495867% $ 2,385.91 $ 2,015.00 $ 53,445.00 Expenses for year: $ 2,145.00 16 $ 4,284.00 0.374495% $ 198.74 $ - $ 4,284.00 Net Earnings for Payout $ 53,068.95 17 $ 25,002.00 2.185605% $ 1,159.88 $ 250.00 $ 25,252.00 18 $ 7,455.00 0.651695% $ 345.85 $ 5.00 $ 7,460.00 19 $ 66,409.00 5.805290% $ 3,080.81 $ 5.00 $ 66,414.00 20 $ 1,499.00 0.131038% $ 69.54 $ - $ 1,499.00 21 $ 10,946.00 0.956869% $ 507.80 $ 550.00 $ 11,496.00 Committee Member: 23 $ 10,934.00 0.955820% $ 507.24 $ - $ 10,934.00 Stan Barker - GT Chairman 24 $ 33,210.00 2.903126% $ 1,540.66 $ 5.00 $ 33,215.00 Mark Smith (47) 25 $ 13,860.00 1.211603% $ 642.98 $ 1,155.00 $ 15,015.00 Ronald Berto (60) 28 $ 15,924.00 1.392032% $ 738.74 $ - $ 15,924.00 J Sherman Wilson (28) 29 $ 20,375.00 1.781126% $ 945.22 $ 130.00 $ 20,505.00 Monte Bollar - GS 30 $ 27,622.00 2.414638% $ 1,281.42 $ 4,335.00 $ 31,957.00 31 $ 5,082.00 0.444254% $ 235.76 $ - $ 5,082.00 32 $ 14,410.00 1.259682% $ 668.50 $ 20.00 $ 14,430.00 33 $ 45,577.00 3.984214% $ 2,114.38 $ - $ 45,577.00 34 $ 12,416.00 1.085372% $ 576.00 $ 100.00 $ 12,516.00 37 $ 14,856.00 1.298670% $ 689.19 $ - $ 14,856.00 39 $ 17,775.00 1.553841% $ 824.61 $ - $ 17,775.00 41 $ 9,492.00 0.829764% $ 440.35 $ - $ 9,492.00 42 $ 10,768.00 0.941309% $ 499.54 $ - $ 10,768.00 43 $ 24,570.00 2.147841% $ 1,139.84 $ - $ 24,570.00 45 $ 41,014.00 3.585329% $ 1,902.70 $ 55.00 $ 41,069.00 47 $ 18,483.00 1.615732% $ 857.45 $ 41.00 $ 18,524.00 48 $ 5,646.00 0.493558% $ 261.93 $ 20.00 $ 5,666.00 51 $ 2,730.00 0.238649% $ 126.65 $ - $ 2,730.00 53 $ 10,038.00 0.877494% $ 465.68 $ - $ 10,038.00 56 $ 3,465.00 0.302901% $ 160.75 $ - $ 3,465.00 57 $ 4,620.00 0.403868% $ 214.33 $ - $ 4,620.00


58 $ 6,636.00 0.580101% $ 307.85 $ - $ 6,636.00 59 $ 9,098.00 0.795322% $ 422.07 $ - $ 9,098.00 60 $ 130,511.00 11.408908% $ 6,054.59 $ 1,695.00 $ 132,206.00 61 $ 3,360.00 0.293722% $ 155.88 $ - $ 3,360.00 63 $ 9,686.00 0.846723% $ 449.35 $ 1,510.00 $ 11,196.00 64 $ 5,880.00 0.514013% $ 272.78 $ - $ 5,880.00 68 $ 7,560.00 0.660874% $ 350.72 $ - $ 7,560.00 77 $ 16,204.00 1.416508% $ 751.73 $ - $ 16,204.00 78 $ 12,147.50 1.061901% $ 563.54 $ 600.00 $ 12,747.50 80 $ 12,905.00 1.128119% $ 598.68 $ 560.00 $ 13,465.00 82 $ 90,242.00 7.888704% $ 4,186.45 $ 25.00 $ 90,267.00 84 $ 18,778.00 1.641520% $ 871.14 $ - $ 18,778.00 87 $ 13,250.00 1.158278% $ 614.69 $ - $ 13,250.00 92 $ 22,525.00 1.969073% $ 1,044.97 $ 50.00 $ 22,575.00 93 $ 28,674.00 2.506601% $ 1,330.23 $ 30.00 $ 28,704.00 95 $ 28,187.00 2.464029% $ 1,307.63 $ - $ 28,187.00 97 $ 4,074.00 0.356138% $ 189.00 $ - $ 4,074.00 1965 $ 5,885.00 0.514450% $ 273.01 $ - $ 5,885.00 GL $ 2,772.00 0.242321% $ 128.60 $ - $ 2,772.00 Charter surrendered 11-2013 81 $ 15,645.00 1.367642% $ 725.79 $ - $ 15,645.00 10 living = $5,775; 18 memorial = $9,870 Annual Report of the Pre-Paid Life Membership For the year 2013 we are please to report that our account earned 15.53%. Therefore we are paying to the lodges 5% of the principal as of December 31, 2013 or $55,213.95 less annual expenses of $2,145.00 for a net of $53,068.95 per Code and Digest Section 1417 -6 page 75. (September 2007) All members of the Pre-Paid Life Membership Committee have approved this report.

Stanley Eugene Barker Chairman


Grand Representative Oversight Committee 2013

No report was turned in or given.

402-4. Lodges under Dispensation

There are no Lodges under Dispensation, NO REPORT will be given this year.

402-6. Examination of Visitors

There were no Visitors that need Examined, NO REPORT was given.


2014 Proposed Resolutions









2015 Proposed Budget


Proposed Budget


Budget for 2015 From

Accounts & Finance Committee for consideration at the




Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M.

of Idaho

Sept. 2014


Proposed Budget for 2014

Received from Accounts & Finance Committee of the Grand Lodge A.F. & A. M of Idaho for Adoption or Rejection at the 147th Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge A.F.& A.M. of Idaho at Coeur d’Alene, Idaho on September 18, 19, 20, 2014 ______

Tentative Schedule for the 147th Annual Communication

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 3PM – 4PM Budget Mtg for anyone interested in Reviewing/Discussing the 2015 budget Room to be announced at the Registration desk.

Each Lodge is urged to study the Proposed Budget carefully.

Office of the Grand Secretary

Copies mailed to: Each Lodge Secretary Each Grand Lodge Officer Each District Deputy Grand Master Each Past Grand Master



Budget proposal for 2015 Budget Income Total Membership from Annual Report 3,576 Minus 50 Year Members 773 Total Membership 2,803 Caculation of Per Capita Per Capita $ 45.00 Total Membership X Per Capita $ 126,135.00 Minus Contribution to Temple Relief Fund ($0.50 per Dues Paying Member) $ 1,401.50 Minus Contribution to Relief Fund ($0.50 per Dues Paying Member) $ 1,401.50 Total Percapita for Budget $ 123,332.00 Budget Income 1350 Per Capita Tax $ 123,332.00 3100 Income from Investments (Funds need withdrawn from Investments) $ 50,977.00 Total Income $ 174,309.00 Total Dollars as of (Dec. 31, 2014) (Relief & Endowment) $ 1,426,256.51 3100 Income from Investments percent of Total Dollars 3.57% Expenses 10001 Grand Master Budget 1650 Grand Master Travel Expense $ 10,000.00 1700 Grand Master Conference dues $ 250.00 1701 Grand Master Registration Fees $ 300.00 1750 Grand Master's Conference Travel $ 1,400.00 1810 Grand Lodge Registration $ - 1990 Paid by Order of Grand Master $ 300.00 Total 10001 $ 12,250.00 10002 Deputy Grand Masters Budget 1651 Deputy Grand Master Expense $ 2,000.00 1660 Deputy Grand Masters (Grand Master Apron and Case) $ 1,000.00 1670 Deputy Grand Masters (Grand Masters Picture) $ 400.00 1751 Deputy Grand Master Conference Travel $ 1,000.00 Total 10002 $ 4,400.00 10003 Elected Grand Lodge Officers Budget 1652 Senior Grand Warden Expense $ 1,000.00 1653 Junior Grand Warden Expense $ 1,000.00 1654 Senior Grand Deacon Expense $ 1,000.00 1710 District Deputy Grand Master (Travel/Expense) $ - 1740 Grand Lecture Expense $ 1,500.00 1745 Grand Treasurer Expense $ 3,000.00

1770 Grand Secretary Travel/Expense $ 1,500.00


3561 Board of Relief Secretary Expense - Interest Relief $ 200.00 Total 10003 $ 9,200.00 10004 Committee Chairman Expense Budget 1570 Fraternal Relation Committee (postage) $ 50.00 3530 Grand Lodge Sesquentenial Committee $ - 1655 Chairman Fraternal Relations Expenses $ - 1920 Public Relations Committee Expense (postage) $ 50.00 1922 Research and Education Committee Expense $ - 1940 Information Technology Committee Expense $ 300.00 3520 Youth Committee $ - Total 10004 $ 400.00 10005 Conferences Budgets 1720 Grand Secretary Conference Dues $ 100.00 1760 Grand Secretary Conference Travel/Expense $ 2,000.00 1780 Rocky Mountain Conference $ 1,800.00 1790 New Officers Meeting (at Grand Lodge) $ 600.00 1800 Host Lodge Reimbursement for Grand Lodge Session $ 1,000.00 1811 Grand Lodge/Distinguished Visitors Costs $ 1,000.00 1814 Mason of the Year/Awards/Lodge of Excellence $ 500.00 Total 10005 $ 7,000.00 10006 Printing Budget 1501 Printing Proceedings $ 1,500.00 1520 Printing Masonic Directory $ 150.00 1530 Purchase Pantograph (List of Lodges) $ 1,000.00 1540 Printing Miscellaneous $ 1,700.00 1541 Printing Monitors $ - 1542 Printer Equip Lease $ 6,200.00 1543 Print Repair & Maint Agreement $ 3,000.00 Total 10006 $ 13,550.00 10008 Salaries/Retirement/Taxes Budget 1550 Grand Secretary - Salary $ 38,853.00 1590 Salary - Grand Lodge Clerk $ 13,000.00 1600 Payroll Tax Expense $ 7,800.00 1610 Retirement $ 15,000.00 1911 Grand Secretary Medical Supplemental Ins. Offset $ 600.00 Total 10008 $ 75,253.00 10009 Grand Lodge Office Budget 1190 Furniture & Fixture Expense $ 250.00 1191 Paraphernalia - Expense $ 500.00 161

1192 Computer Software, Licenses, Maint, Web Fees $ 4,000.00 1193 ROLLS Annual Cost $ 1,000.00 1620 Sales Tax $ - 1630 Professional Fees(Audit Gen. Fund) $ 10,000.00 1900 Funeral and Floral $ 200.00 1910 Insurance and Bonds $ 8,500.00 1930 Postage $ 4,000.00 1950 Telephone $ 2,800.00 1951 Building Occupancy Expense $ 5,000.00 1952 Building Maintenance & Repairs $ 500.00 1980 Misc. Office Expenses (MOE) $ 2,000.00 Total 10009 $ 38,750.00 10010 Charitable Giving Budget 1730 Masonic Library Expense $ 200.00 1731 Masonic Renewal $ - 1860 Masonic Service Association Membership Dues $ 350.00 1870 Masonic Relief Association Dues $ 100.00 3220 Masonic Service Association Contributions $ 250.00 3580 Masonic Service Association - Disaster Fund $ 1,000.00 3230 George Washington Masonic Memorial $ 2,856.00 3240 Masonic Information Center $ 250.00 3500 DeMolay Leadership $ 3,600.00 3525 Youth Scholarship $ 1,500.00 3584 Masonic Youth Donation For Each Bethel, Chapter and Assembly $ 2,600.00 3586 State Youth Leaders - (100*4) $ 800.00 Total 10010 $ 13,506.00 10011 Misc. 1400 Masonic Temple Preservation (Proposals need to be submitted) $ - 1782 Hosting Rocky Mountain Conference Expenses $ - 1813 Grand Master Banquets/Guest Registration $ - 3585 Relief Payments (from Investment Pool) $ - Total 10011 $ - Total Expenses $ 174,309.00

Additional Spending outside of Budget 1711 Building Capital Improvements $ 10,000.00




“Those who have passed before us Have only slipped away into the next room. They are they and we are we. Whatever we were to each other, We still are. All is well.”



TO THE MEMORY OF THE ONE HUNDRED THIRTY ONE MASONS OF IDAHO WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE DURING THE PAST YEAR * * * * “We do not lose the Brothers we love, They only go before Where there is everlasting life, Where sorrow is no more. And there the soul will always live And Peace is everywhere. We do not lose the Brothers we love, God takes them in his care.”


Appendix Grand Lodge Officers of Idaho (Elective from 1867 to Present)

Grand Lodge Officers (Elective) of Idaho 1867 to Present * = Died, †= Demitted, ‡ = Expelled, § = Suspended Year GRAND MASTER DEPUTY SENIOR GRAND JUNIOR GRAND TREASURER SECRETARY LECTURER GRANDMASTER WARDEN WARDEN 1867 * George H. Coe (1) *George W. Paul * Augustine Haas * George T. Young * S.B. Connelly ‡ P.E. Edmondson 1868 * George H. Coe (1) * George W. Paul * Jonas W. Brown * George T. Young * S.B. Connelly ‡ P.E. Edmondson 1869 * Jonas W. Brown (2) * Sam P. Connelly * L.P. Mikkelson * Augustine Haas * G.A. Hamlin ‡ P.E. Edmondson 1870 * Sam P. Connelly (3) † Charles Hilton * Salathiel Ridge * Stephen M. Sisk *James W. Griffin * H.E. Prickett 1871 * Jonas W. Brown (2) * Richard T. Miller * G.W. Richards * James H. Bush *James W. Griffin * Lafayette Cartee 1872 * John Kennaly (1) * Alexander Rossi * E.A. Stevenson * L.P. Mikkelson *James W. Griffin * Lafayette Cartee 1873 * John Kennaly (1) * L.P. Mikkelson * Benjamin M. Davis * Alexander Rossi *James W. Griffin * Joseph Pinkham 1874 * Lars P. Mikkelson (5-1) * E.A. Stevenson * Charles Himrod * Thomas E. Logan *James W. Griffin * Oliver H. Purdy 1875 * James W. Griffin (2) § L.J. Hall * Joseph Pinkham * Frank R. Coffin *ThomasE. Logan * Charles Himrod 1876 *EdwardA. Stevenson (2) * George W. Paul * Oliver H. Purdy * A.L. Richardson *ThomasE. Logan * Charles Himrod 1877 *EdwardA. Stevenson (2) * Joseph Pinkham * Thomas C. Maupin * Wm. W. Gidden *ThomasE. Logan * Charles Himrod 1878 *EdwardA. Stevenson (2) * Sylvanus C. Hall * H.E. Prickett * George W. Paul *ThomasE. Logan * Charles Himrod 1879 *Charles Himrod (2) * H.E. Prickett *George M. Parsons * Alex Orchard *ThomasE. Logan * Lafayette Cartee 1880 * Henry E. Prickett (2-7) * John Hallanbeck * F. Campbell * Richard S. Haws *ThomasE. Logan * Lafayette Cartee 1881 * Francis E. Ensign (2-7) * Lafayette Cartee * Theo W. Randall * Joseph C. Gross *ThomasE. Logan * J.H. Wickersham 1882 * Lafayette Cartee (2) * C.P. Coburn * F. Campbell * Wol. S. Anderson * John Huntoon * J.H. Wickersham 1883 * Chester P. Coburn (10) * John A. Post * A.G. Redway * Benjamin F. Morris * John Huntoon * Jonas Brown 1884 * John A. Post (2-6) *Benjamin F. Morris * Peter Sonna * G.W. Richards * John Huntoon * Jonas Brown 1885 * George H. Davis (2) * G.W. Richards * Hazen Squier * Alex Orchard * John Huntoon * J.H. Wickersham 1886 * George H. Davis (2) * Hazen Squier * John H. Myer * Charles W. Case * John Huntoon * J.H. Wickersham 1887 *Edward A.Stevenson (2) * I.C. Hattabaugh * John Hunter * Stephen Dempsey * John Huntoon * J.H. Wickersham 1888 * John Hunter (18) * Charles W. Case * Stephen Dempsey * Richard S. Haws * John Huntoon * J.H. Wickersham 1889 * George L. Shoup (11) * George Ainslie * Isidore S. Weiler * Edwin A. Jordan * Charles Himrod * J.H. Wickersham 1890 * George Ainslie (1) * John H. Myer * Edwin A. Jordan *George D. Golden * Charles Himrod * J.H. Wickersham 1891 * John H. Myer (3) * A.O. Ingalls * George D. Golden * James A. Pinney * Charles Himrod * J.H. Wickersham 1892 *Issac A.Hattabaugh (17) * James A. Pinney * Isidor S. Weiler * G.M. Waterhouse * Charles Himrod * J.H. Wickersham


1893 * James A. Pinney (2) § Jess Coulter * A.B. Clark * Alfred Moyes * Charles Himrod * J.H. Wickersham 1894 * Adelbert B. Clark (30) * Isidor S. Weiler * G.M. Waterhouse * Charles S. Doan * Charles Himrod * Jonas W. Brown 1895 * Isidor S. Weiler (2) * G.M. Waterhouse * A.W. Talkington * L.P. Anderson * Charles Himrod * C.C. Stevenson 1896 * Fred G. Mock (29) * John C. Muerman † James Criswell † George H. Storer * Charles Himrod * C.C. Stevenson 1897 *Geo. M. Waterhouse (23) * George Garbutt † George H. Storer * A.J. McNab * Charles Himrod * C.C. Stevenson 1898 † George H. Storer * John C. Muerman † James Criswell † Finis C. Gordon * Charles Himrod * Theo. W. Randall * Frank E. Beal 1899 * John C. Muerman (17) † James Criswell † Finis C. Gordon * George F. Wall * Charles Himrod * Theo. W. Randall * Jere W. Robinson 1900 George D. Golden (12) * A.W. Talkington * David C. Chase * W.B. Goodheart * Charles Himrod * Theo. W. Randall * Frank T. Wyman 1901 * David C. Chase (28) * David F. Mason * Joshua M. Cowan * W.B. Goodheart * Charles Himrod * Theo. W. Randall * Frank T. Wyman 1902 * David F. Mason (24) * Joshua M. Cowan * Albert W. Gordon * Jere W. Robinson * Charles Himrod * Theo. W. Randall * Wm. B. Goodheart 1903 * Joshua M. Cowan (30) * Albert W. Gordon * Jere W. Robinson § Theron S. Ward * Charles Himrod * Theo. W. Randall * Wm. B. Goodheart 1904 * Albert W. Gordon (36) * Jere W. Robinson * William F. Smith *Wm. C. Whitwell * Charles Himrod * Theo. W. Randall * Wm. B. Goodheart 1905 * Jere W. Robinson (2) * William F. Smith *Wm. C. Whitwell *Wm. R. Hamilton * Charles Himrod * Theo. W. Randall * Wm. B. Goodheart 1906 * William F. Smith (30) *Wm. C. Whitwell § J.C. White * George F. Gagon * Charles Himrod * Theo. W. Randall * Wm. B. Goodheart 1907 *Wm. C. Whitwell (11) *Wm. R. Hamilton § J.C. White * George F. Gagon * Charles Himrod * Theo. W. Randall * Wm. B. Goodheart 1908 *Wm. R. Hamilton (13) * George F. Gagon *Byron F. Defenbach ‡ F.C. Bowman * Charles Himrod * Theo. W. Randall * Wm. B. Goodheart 1909 * George F. Gagon 33) *Byron F. Defenbach ‡ F.C. Bowman § Oliver E. Barr * Charles Himrod * Theo. W. Randall § D.T.A. McIntosh 1910 * Byron F. Defenbach (10) ‡ F.C. Bowman * Ezrea A. Burrell * N.D. Brookhart * Charles Himrod * Theo. W. Randall * Wm. B. Goodheart 1911 ‡ Frank C. Bowman (19) * Ezrea A. Burrell *Curtis F. Pike * A. Christenson * Charles Himrod * Theo. W. Randall * Wm. B. Goodheart 1912 * Ezrea A. Burrell (27) *Curtis F. Pike * A. Christenson * Francis Jenkins * Charles Himrod * Theo. W. Randall * George E. Knepper 1913 *Curtis F. Pike (2) * A. Christenson * Francis Jenkins * J. D. Bloomfield * Charles Himrod * Theo. W. Randall * Wm. B. Goodheart 1914 * Andrew. Christenson (42) * Francis Jenkins * J. D. Bloomfield * William C. Smith * Charles Himrod * Theo. W. Randall * Wm. B. Goodheart 1915 * Francis Jenkins (17) * J. D. Bloomfield * Sherman M. Coffin * Fletcher A. Jeter * Charles Himrod * George E. Knepper * Wm. B. Goodheart 1916 * J. D. Bloomfield (29) * Sherman M. Coffin * A. Lounsbury * Fletcher A. Jeter * Charles Himrod * George E. Knepper * Wm. B. Goodheart 1917 * Sherman M. Coffin (39) * A. Lounsbury * Fletcher A. Jeter * Arch Cunningham * Curtis F. Pike * George E. Knepper * Albert White 1918 * Andrew. Lounsbury (14) * Arch Cunningham * I. Edgar Meek † Gary C. Burke * Curtis F. Pike * George E. Knepper ‡ John A. Brown 1919 * Arch Cunningham (2) * I. Edgar Meek * Fletcher A. Jeter * George M. Scott * Curtis F. Pike * George E. Knepper § Wilbert H. Tyler 1920 * I. Edgar Meek (29) * Fletcher A. Jeter * George M. Scott * Victor Peterson * Curtis F. Pike * George E. Knepper § Wilbert H. Tyler 1921 * Fletcher A. Jeter (24) * George M. Scott * Victor Peterson * Frank Knox * Curtis F. Pike * George E. Knepper § Wilbert H. Tyler 1922 * George M. Scott (19) * Victor Peterson * Frank Knox * Will H. Gibson * Arch Cunningham * Curtis F. Pike * George E. Knepper 1923 * Victor Peterson (9) * Frank Knox * Will H. Gibson * Jay R. Mason * C.S. Crawford * Curtis F. Pike * George E. Knepper 1924 * Frank Knox (37) * Will H. Gibson * H.P. Glindeman * Richard F. Curtis * Arch Cunningham * Curtis F. Pike * George E. Knepper


1925 *Will H. Gibson * H.P. Glindeman * Richard F. Curtis * Roy N. Gilbert * Arch Cunningham * Curtis F. Pike * George E. Knepper 1926 * Henry P. Glindeman (24) * Richard F. Curtis * Roy N. Gilbert * Frank Mumford * Arch Cunningham * Curtis F. Pike * George E. Knepper 1927 * Richard F. Curtis (42) * Roy N. Gilbert * Frank Mumford * Jay G. Eldridge * Arch Cunningham * Curtis F. Pike * George E. Knepper 1928 * Roy N. Gilbert (29) * Frank Mumford * Jay G. Eldridge * Percy Jones * Arch Cunningham * Curtis F. Pike * John T. Wood 1929 * Frank Mumford (39) * Jay G. Eldridge * Percy Jones ‡ Albert R. Manock * Arch Cunningham * Curtis F. Pike * Frank Knox 1930 * Jay Glover Eldridge (17) * Percy Jones ‡ Albert R. Manock * S. Irven Roberson * Arch Cunningham * Curtis F. Pike * Frank Knox 1931 * Percy Jones (33) ‡ Albert R. Manock * S. Irven Roberson * John T. Wood * Arch Cunningham * Curtis F. Pike * Frank Knox 1932 ‡ Albert R. Manock (62) * S. Irven Roberson * John T. Wood * Louis R. Scott * Roy N. Gilbert * Curtis F. Pike * Frank Knox 1933 * S. Irven Roberson (61) * John T. Wood * Louis R. Scott * Wm. H. Thompson * Roy N. Gilbert * Curtis F. Pike * Frank Knox 1934 * John T. Wood (24) * Louis R. Scott * Wm. H. Thompson * Everett W. Rising * Roy N. Gilbert * Curtis F. Pike * Frank Knox 1935 * Louis R. Scott(17) * Wm. H. Thompson * Everett W. Rising * Clyde I. Rush * Roy N. Gilbert * Curtis F. Pike * Frank Knox 1936 * Wm. H. Thompson * Everett W. Rising * Clyde I. Rush * W. Wade Wilson * Roy N. Gilbert * Curtis F. Pike * Frank Knox 1937 * Everett W. Rising * Clyde I. Rush * W. Wade Wilson * Asa A. Vealey * Roy N. Gilbert * Curtis F. Pike * Frank Knox 1938 * Clyde I. Rush (31) * W. Wade Wilson * Asa A. Vealey * Wm. D. Farnham * Roy N. Gilbert * Curtis F. Pike * Frank Knox 1939 * W. Wade Wilson (56) * Asa A. Vealey * Wm. D. Farnham * Lee Carlock * Roy N. Gilbert * Curtis F. Pike * Frank Knox 1940 * Asa A. Vealey (27) * Wm. D. Farnham * Lee Carlock * Albert W. Stone * Roy N. Gilbert * Clyde I. Rush * Frank Knox 1941 * Wm. D. Farnham * Lee Carlock * George E Bacheller * Gilford H. Mayes * Roy N. Gilbert * Clyde I. Rush * Frank Knox 1942 * Lee Carlock (63) * George E Bacheller * Gilford H. Mayes * Marcus J. Ware * Roy N. Gilbert * Clyde I. Rush * Frank Knox 1943 * George E Bacheller (60) * Gilford H. Mayes * Marcus J. Ware * Ray K.D. Sluyter * Roy N. Gilbert * Clyde I. Rush * Frank Knox 1944 * Gilford H. Mayes ((34) * Marcus J. Ware * Ray K.D. Sluyter * Howard I. Monks * Roy N. Gilbert * Clyde I. Rush * Frank Knox 1945 * Marcus J. Ware (10-96) * Ray K.D. Sluyter * Howard I. Monks * A. Edward Prince * Roy N. Gilbert * Clyde I. Rush * Frank Knox 1946 * Ray K.D. Sluyter (45) * Howard I. Monks * A. Edward Prince * Jay A. Redfield * Roy N. Gilbert * Clyde I. Rush * Frank Knox 1947 * Howard I. Monks (54) * A. Edward Prince * Jay A. Redfield * Summer G. Davis * Roy N. Gilbert * Clyde I. Rush * Wm. D. Farnham 1948 * A. Edward Prince (1) * Jay A. Redfield * Summer G. Davis * Ray F. Brookhart * Roy N. Gilbert * Clyde I. Rush * Wm. D. Farnham 1949 * Jay A. Redfield (9) * Summer G. Davis * Ray F. Brookhart * Noel M. Leavitt * Roy N. Gilbert * Clyde I. Rush * A. Edward Prince 1950 * Summer G. Davis (61) * Ray F. Brookhart * Noel M. Leavitt * Angus Y. Bethune * Gayle L. McAtee * Clyde I. Rush * A. Edward Prince 1951 * Ray F. Brookhart (95) * Noel M. Leavitt * Angus Y. Bethune * Larry W. Brainard * Gayle L. McAtee * Clyde I. Rush * A. Edward Prince 1952 * Noel M. Leavitt (32) * Angus Y. Bethune * Larry W. Brainard * Claude M. Gorden * Gayle L. McAtee * Clyde I. Rush * A. Edward Prince 1953 * Angus Y. Bethune (34) * Larry W. Brainard * Claude M. Gorden * Elbert S. Rawls * Gayle L. McAtee * Clyde I. Rush * A. Edward Prince 1954 * Larry W. Brainard (28- * Claude M. Gorden * Elbert S. Rawls * Herbert H. Eberle * Gayle L. McAtee * Clyde I. Rush * A. Edward Prince 18) 1955 * Claude M. Gorden (45) * Elbert S. Rawls * Herbert H. Eberle * R. Gail Train * Gayle L. McAtee * Clyde I. Rush * Ray K.D. Sluyter


1956 * Elbert S. Rawls * Herbert H. Eberle *Glen W. Royse * Elmer E. Nelson * Gayle L. McAtee * Clyde I. Rush * Claude M. Gorden 1957 * Herbert H. Eberle (60-93) *Glen W. Royse * Elmer E. Nelson * Charles Herndon * Gayle L. McAtee * Clyde I. Rush * Claude M. Gorden 1958 *Glen W. Royse (19) * Elmer E. Nelson * Charles Herndon * Charles W. Simmons * Gayle L. McAtee * Herbert H. Eberle * Claude M. Gorden 1959 * Elmer E. Nelson (17) * Charles Herndon * Charles W. Simmons *Charles F. Gill * Gayle L. McAtee * Herbert H. Eberle * Claude M. Gorden 1960 * Charles Herndon (11) * Charles W. Simmons *Charles F. Gill * Iver J. Longeteig * Gayle L. McAtee * Herbert H. Eberle * Claude M. Gorden 1961 * Charles W. Simmons (34) *Charles F. Gill * Iver J. Longeteig * John P. Halliwell, Jr. * Gayle L. McAtee * Herbert H. Eberle * Claude M. Gorden 1962 * Charles F. Gill (23) * Iver J. Longeteig * John P. Halliwell, Jr. A. Warren Cate * Gayle L. McAtee * Herbert H. Eberle * Claude M. Gorden 1963 * Iver J. Longeteig (62) * John P. Halliwell, Jr. A. Warren Cate * Arthur Dingler * Gayle L. McAtee * Herbert H. Eberle * Elbert S. Rawls 1964 * John P. Halliwell, Jr. (18) A. Warren Cate * Arthur Dingler Gifford R. Shaffer * Gayle L. McAtee * Herbert H. Eberle * Alton T. Kauffman 1965 * A. Warren Cate (1) * Arthur Dingler Gifford R. Shaffer *Adrian W. Bomert * Gayle L. McAtee * Herbert H. Eberle * Alton T. Kauffman 1966 * Arthur Dingler (24) Gifford R. Shaffer *Adrian W. Bomert * Russell C. Walker * Gayle L. McAtee * Herbert H. Eberle * Alton T. Kauffman 1967 * Gifford R. Shaffer (28) *Adrian W. Bomert * Russell C. Walker * Harold E. McBeth * Gayle L. McAtee * Herbert H. Eberle * Alton T. Kauffman 1968 * Adrian W. Bomert (93) * Russell C. Walker * Harold E. McBeth * Walter G. Pyrah, Jr. * Gayle L. McAtee * Gifford R. Shaffer * Alton T. Kauffman 1969 * Russell C. Walker (48) * Bowman Vertrees * George W. Knoff Stephen A. Mahaffey * Gayle L. McAtee * Gifford R. Shaffer * Alton T. Kauffman 1970 * Bowman Vertrees (39) * George W. Knoff Stephen A. Mahaffey * Lowell C. Jensen * Adrian W. Bomert * Gifford R. Shaffer * Alton T. Kauffman 1971 * George W. Knoff (18) Stephen A. * Lowell C. Jensen *Wayne S. Miller * Adrian W. Bomert * Gifford R. Shaffer * Alton T. Kauffman Mahaffey 1972 Stephen A. Mahaffey (11) * Lowell C. Jensen *Wayne S. Miller * Wayne W. Woodward * Adrian W. Bomert * Gifford R. Shaffer * Alton T. Kauffman 1973 * Lowell C. Jensen (52) *Wayne S. Miller *Wayne W. Woodward * Eugene D. Pippitt * Adrian W. Bomert * Gifford R. Shaffer *Charles M. Rogers 1974 * Wayne S. Miller (24) * Wayne W. * Eugene D. Pippitt O’Deen K. Redman * Adrian W. Bomert * Gifford R. Shaffer * Charles M. Rogers Woodward 1975 * Wayne W. Woodward * Eugene D. Pippitt * Alton T. Kauffman Robert E. Vaughan * Adrian W. Bomert * Gifford R. Shaffer * Charles M. Rogers (37) 1976 * Eugene D. Pippitt (45) * Alton T. Kauffman Robert E. Vaughan * Wayne K. Feely * Adrian W. Bomert * Gifford R. Shaffer * Charles M. Rogers 1977 * Alton T. Kauffman (10- Robert E. Vaughan * Wayne K. Feely Larry R. Turner * Adrian W. Bomert * Gifford R. Shaffer * Eugene D. Pippitt 60) 1978 Robert E. Vaughan (2) * Wayne K. Feely Larry R. Turner Lynn E. Cannon * Adrian W. Bomert * Gifford R. Shaffer * Eugene D. Pippitt 1979 * Wayne K. Feely (24) Larry R. Turner Lynn E. Cannon * Theodore Fujiki * Adrian W. Bomert * Gifford R. Shaffer * Eugene D. Pippitt 1980 * Larry R. Turner (47-60) Lynn E. Cannon * Theodore Fujiki Wiley F. Smith * Adrian W. Bomert * Gifford R. Shaffer * Eugene D. Pippitt 1981 Lynn E. Cannon (10) * Theodore Fujiki Wiley F. Smith * Gordon L. Buck * Robert E. Gaddis * Gifford R. Shaffer * Eugene D. Pippitt 1982 * Theodore Fujiki (77) Wiley F. Smith * Gordon L. Buck Wallace S. Johnson * Robert E. Gaddis * Gifford R. Shaffer * Eugene D. Pippitt 1983 Wiley F. Smith (64) * Gordon L. Buck Wallace S. Johnson Burrell G. Lirgg * Robert E. Gaddis * Larry R. Turner * Eugene D. Pippitt 1984 * Gordon L. Buck (39) Wallace S. Johnson Burrell G. Lirgg Fred D. Decker * Robert E. Gaddis * Larry R. Turner * Eugene D. Pippitt 1985 Wallace S. Johnson (73 Burrell G. Lirgg Fred D. Decker Raymond S. Burstedt * Robert E. Gaddis * Larry R. Turner * Eugene D. Pippitt


1986 Burrell G. Lirgg (93) Fred D. Decker Raymond S. Burstedt Gerald L. Riggs * Robert E. Gaddis * Larry R. Turner * Eugene D. Pippitt 1987 Fred D. Decker (55) Raymond S. Burstedt Gerald L. Riggs C. Philip Drew * Robert E. Gaddis * Larry R. Turner * Eugene D. Pippitt 1988 Raymond S. Burstedt (92) Gerald L. Riggs C. Philip Drew * Harry L. Fry Donald H. Miller * Larry R. Turner * Eugene D. Pippitt 1989 Gerald L. Riggs (20-24) C. Philip Drew * Harry L. Fry Robert E. Gaddis * Frank K. Ilett * Larry R. Turner Wallace S. Johnson 1990 C. Philip Drew (13-29) * Harry L. Fry Robert E. Gaddis James A. Davidson Stanley E. Barker * Larry R. Turner Wallace S. Johnson 1991 * Harry L. Fry (10) R. Dix Hoffman James A. Davidson John P. Hurst Stanley E. Barker * Larry R. Turner Wallace S. Johnson 1992 R. Dix Hoffman (19) James A. Davidson John P. Hurst Gregory L. Winther Stanley E. Barker * Larry R. Turner Wallace S. Johnson 1993 James A. Davidson (28) John P. Hurst Gregory L. Winther * David A. Olehy Stanley E. Barker Joseph F. Hanig Wallace S. Johnson 1994 * John P. Hurst (51-95) Gregory L. Winther * David A. Olehy James V. Voyles Stanley E. Barker Joseph F. Hanig Merle S. Hill 1995 Gregory L. Winther (29) * David A. Olehy James V. Voyles John M. Kucera Stanley E. Barker Joseph F. Hanig Merle S. Hill 1996 * David A. Olehy (52) James V. Voyles John M. Kucera Gregory E. Johnson Stanley E. Barker Joseph F. Hanig Merle S. Hill 1997 James V. Voyles (60) John M. Kucera Gregory E. Johnson John W. Sharp Stanley E. Barker Joseph F. Hanig Harold W. Holm 1998 John M. Kucera (20-24) Gregory E. Johnson John W. Sharp Bradley A. Cannon Stanley E. Barker Joseph F. Hanig Harold W. Holm 1999 Gregory E. Johnson (56) John W. Sharp Bradley A. Cannon Joseph E. Alexander Stanley E. Barker Joseph F. Hanig Harold W. Holm 2000 John W. Sharp (52) Bradley A. Cannon Joseph E. Alexander Richard C. Broemeling Stanley E. Barker Joseph F. Hanig Harold W. Holm 2001 Bradley A. Cannon (10) Joseph E. Alexander Richard C. Broemeling Harry C. Black Stanley E. Barker Joseph F. Hanig R. Dix Hoffman 2002 Joseph E. Alexander (19) Richard C. Harry C. Black H. Kingsley Andrae Stanley E. Barker Joseph F. Hanig James V. Voyles Broemeling 2003 Richard C Broemeling(30) Harry C. Black James C. Herndon Michael A. Sutton Stanley E. Barker Vernon E. Patrick James V. Voyles 2004 Harry C. Black (13-60) James C. Herndon Michael A. Sutton * Robert B. Cargill Stanley E. Barker Vernon E. Patrick James V. Voyles 2005 James C. Herndon (11-33) Michael A. Sutton * Robert B. Cargill Richard E. Kaiser Stanley E. Barker Vernon E. Patrick Paul E. Alexander 2006 * Robert B. Cargill Richard E. Kaiser David C. Tripplett Stanley E. Barker Vernon E. Patrick Paul E. Alexander Michael A. Sutton (18, 42) 2007 * Robert B. Cargill (10) David C. Tripplett David E. “Skip” Owen, Stanley E. Barker Vernon E. Patrick Paul E. Alexander Richard E. Kaiser Jr 2008 David C. Tripplett David E. “Skip” Owen, Stanley E. Barker Monte B. Bollar Paul E. Alexander Richard E. Kaiser (19, 33) Jr Jay A. Leonard 2009 David C. Triplett (93) David E. “Skip” Jay A. Leonard Stanley E. Barker Monte B. Bollar D. Douglas Lindley Owen, Jr Keith C. Brooks 2010 David E. “Skip” Owen, Jr Jay A. Leonard Daniel B. Heberling Stanley E. Barker Monte B. Bollar Thomas Gough (21,30,80) Keith C. Brooks 2011 Jay A. Leonard (30-80) Keith Brooks G. Arthur Shoemaker Stanley E. Barker Monte B. Bollar Thomas Gough Daniel B. Heberling 2012 Keith Brooks (68) Daniel B. Heberling G. Arthur Shoemaker John E. Warner Stanley E. Barker Monte B. Bollar Thomas Gough 2013 Daniel B. Heberling (62- G. Arthur Shoemaker John E. Warner James A. Hensley Stanley E. Barker Monte B. Bollar Thomas Gough 63-24) 2014 G. Arthur Shoemaker (60) John E. Warner James A. Hensley William “Bill” Curtis Jr. N. Randall King Monte B. Bollar Thomas Gough



List of Grand Representatives

Name Jurisdiction Wor. Owen H. Stanley US - Alabama US - Alaska Wor. Ronald C. Wilson US - Arizona US - California R.W. Stanley Eugene Barker US - Colorado Wor. James M. Birdwell US - Florida Wor. Johnny R. Lynch US - Georgia R.W. Vernon E. Patrick US - Hawaii Wor. Anthony G. Such US - Illinois Wor. Robert A. Farrow US - Kansas Wor. Richard H. Neal US - Kentucky R.W. G. Arthur Shoemaker US - Maine M.W. Fred D. Decker US - Massachusetts US - Minnesota Bro. Trenton T. Merical US - Missouri M.W. Harry C. Black US - Montana M.W. Wiley F. Smith US - Nebraska Wor. Ronald L. Scott US - Nevada M.W. David E. Owen Jr. US - New Mexico M.W. Gregory L. Winther US - New York M.W. C. Philip Drew US - North Carolina R.W. Daniel B. Heberling US - Ohio Wor. Gerald K. Ikard US - Oklahoma R.W. Merle S. Hill US - Oregon Wor. Bobby H. McDaniel US - Oregon PH Wor. Merlyn H. Mews US - South Dakota R.W. John E. Warner US - Tennessee M.W. Joseph E. Alexander US - Utah Wor. Gilbert L. Gross US - Virginia M.W. Jay A. Leonard US - Washington Wor. James A. Hensley US - West Virginia Wor. Richard L. Roblee US - Wisconsin Wor. Kent R. McCandless US - Wyoming M.W. James C. Herndon Canada - Alberta M.W. Gregory E. Johnson Canada - British Columbia & Yukon Wor. Thomas W. Kerr Canada - Nova Scotia M.W. Gerald L. Riggs Canada - Ontario Wor. Ben T. Montaney Canada - Quebec M.W. Bradley A. Cannon Canada - Saskatchewan M.W. Raymond S. Burstedt Argentina Wor. Steven E. Crane Austraila - Tasmania M.W. Gregory L. Winther Australia - New South Wales R.W. Daniel B. Heberling Australia - Queensland Bro. Arlin S. Shigihara Bolivia Wor. Vicente Esparza Jr. Brazil - Ceara Wor. Merle V. Roberts Brazil - Piaui Brazil - São Paulo


M.W. Bradley A. Cannon Costa Rica Denmark Wor. Glenn R. Kunau Ecuador M.W. John W. Sharp England Finland Wor. Kurt E. Reuter Germany Wor. Russ W. Smith Hungary M.W. James V. Voyles Iceland Wor. Joe J. Nelson India Bro. C. William Eimers Jr. Israel M.W. Richard C. Broemeling Japan Wor. Theodore E. Angle New Zealand Wor. Thomas E. Hipple Peru Wor. David G. Smith Phillipines M.W. James A. Davidson Scotland Wor. Wesley L. Henderson Spain Wor. Ted J. Bahr Sweden R.W. Joseph F. Hanig Switzerland Wor. Graeme C. Galbraith Turkey



STATE WEB SITE Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia 173

Wisconsin Wyoming


STATE WEB SITE Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland & Labrador - Nova Scotia Canada (Ontario) - Prince Edward Island - Quebec Saskatchewan

For a complete list please refer to the List of Lodges Masonic 2013 edition


List of Regular Lodges in Idaho


DATE OF NO. NAME TOWN COUNTY DATE OF MEETING District CHARTER 1 Idaho Boise Ada June 23, 1868 First Monday 7:30 p.m. 7 2 Boise Boise Ada June 23, 1868 First Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. 7 3 Placer Placerville Boise June 23, 1868 First Saturday, 6:00p.m. 7 4 * Pioneer Pioneerville Boise June 23, 1868 Arrested 1878

5 * Owyhee Silver City Owyhee June 23, 1868 Consolidated in 1881 to form Silver City No. 13

6 * War Eagle Silver City Owyhee June 23, 1868 Consolidated in 1881 to form Silver City No. 13

7 * Shoshone Boise Ada October, 1869 Consolidated w/Boise Lodge No. 2, Nov. 1889

8 * Coe Centerville Boise October, 1869 Surrendered January, 1874

9 Mt. Idaho Grangeville Idaho December 1873 Second Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. 10 10 Nez Perce Lewiston Nez Perce December 1874 Second Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. 11 11 Lemhi Salmon Lemhi December, 1874 Second Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. 1 12 * Alturas Rocky Bar Elmore December, 1875 Surrendered June, 1905

13 Silver City Homedale Owyhee September, 1881 Second Saturday, 1:00 p.m. 8 14 * Cassia Albion Cassia September, 1883 Arrested August, 1999

15 * St. Johns Bellevue Blaine September, 1883 Arrested December, 1904

16 Hailey Hailey Blaine September 1885 Second Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. 5 17 Paradise Moscow Latah September 1885 Second Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. 11 18 Portneuf Pocatello Bannock September, 1886 First Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. 3 19 Eagle Rock Idaho Falls Bonneville September, 1886 First and Third Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m. 2 20 Coeur d’Alene Murray Shoshone September, 1886 Second Monday, 7:30 p.m. 12 21 * Bethany Shoshone Lincoln September, 1887 Consolidated in 2006 to form Richfield 21

(renumbered when consolidated) First Thursday 8:00 21 Richfield Richfield Lincoln September, 1887 5 p.m. 22 * Essene Caldwell Canyon September, 1888 Surrendered 1900

23 Weiser Weiser Washington September, 1888 First Tuesday, 8:00 p.m. 9 24 Kootenai Coeur d’Alene Kootenai September, 1891 First Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. 12 25 Shoshone Wallace Shoshone September, 1891 Second Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. 12 26 * Kendrick Kendrick Latah September, 1892 Merged with Deary No. 72, Feb. 1987

27 * King Solomon Montpelier Bear Lake September, 1892 Merged with Caribou No.84 Dec. 2001

28 Washoe Payette Payette September, 1892 Second Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. 9 29 Ashlar Nampa Canyon December, 1988 First Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. 8 29 * Nampa Nampa Canyon September, 1892 Consolidated with Ashlar 90 - Dec. 1988

30 Elmore Mountain Home Elmore September 1892 First Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. 6 31 Salubria Cambridge Washington September, 1893 First Monday 8:00 p.m. 9 32 Unity Genesee Latah September, 1893 Second Thursday, 7:30 p.m. 11 33 Grove City Blackfoot Bingham September, 1869 Second and Fourth Wednesdays, 8:00 p.m. 2 34 Cataldo Kellogg Shoshone September, 1896 First Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. 12 35 * Harrison Harrison Kootenai September, 1900 Charter Revoked Sept. 19, 1986

36 * Hiram Nez Perce Lewis September, 1902 Merged with Prairie No. 62 - Mar. 1990

37 Butte Emmett Gem September, 1902 Third Thursday, 7:30 p.m. 9 38 * Benevolent St. Anthony Fremont September, 1902 Merged with Ashton No. 73 October 1996

39 Mt. Moriah Caldwell Canyon September 1902 First Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. 8 40 * Pend o”Oreille Laclede Kootenai September, 1903 Surrendered December, 1908

41 Rathdrum Rathdrum Kootenai September, 1904 First Saturday, 10:00a.m. 13 42 Lakeside Sandpoint Bonner September, 1904 First Monday, 7:00 p.m. 13 43 Bonners Ferry Bonners Ferry Boundary September, 1904 Second Wednesday, 7:00 p..m. 13 44 * Crown Point Pearl Boise September, 1905 Recalled September, 1913


45 Twin Falls Twin Falls Twin Falls September, 1906 First Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. 4 46 * Heyburn Heyburn Minidoka September, 1906 Merged with Paul No. 77 - March 1992

47 Meridian Meridian Ada September, 1906 Second Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. 8 48 Arco Arco Butte September, 1906 First Thursday, 8:00 p.m. 1 49 * Parma Parma Canyon September, 1907 Consolidated with Silver City No. 13, Dec. 1998

50 * Mullan Mullan Shoshone September, 1908 Merged with Shoshone No.25 2004

51 Malad Malad Oneida September, 1908 Second Wednesday 7:30 p.m. 3 52 * St. Johns Shelley Bingham September, 1909 Merge with Eagle Rock No. 19 Oct. 30th 2012

53 Buhl Buhl Twin Falls September, 1910 Second Thursday, 8:00 p.m. 6 54 * Wendell Wendell Gooding September, 1910 Merged with Lincoln #59, 2009

55 * Filer/Hollister Filer Twin Falls September, 1910 Merged with Twin Falls #45 January 2007

56 Kamiah Kamiah Lewis September, 1910 First Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. 10 57 Spirit Lake Spirit Lake Kootenai September, 1910 Second and Fourth Tuesdays, 8:00 p.m. 13 58 American Falls American Falls Power September, 1910 Second Tuesday, 8:00 p.m. 3 59 Lincoln Gooding Gooding September, 1910 Second Thursday, 7:30 p.m. 5 60 Oriental Boise Ada September, 1910 Second Friday, 7:30 p.m. 7 61 Jerome Jerome Jerome September, 1910 Third Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.. 5 62 Prairie Craigmont Lewis June, 1943 Merged with Mt. Idaho #9 2013

62 * Acacia Gifford Nez Perce September, 1911 Cons. With Prairie No. 75, June, 1943

63 St. Maries St. Maries Benewah September, 1911 First Thursday, 7:30 p.m. 12 64 Mt. McCaleb Mackay Custer September, 1911 Second Saturday 10:30 a.m. 1 65 * Rupert Rupert Minidoka September, 1911 Merged with Paul No.77 March 2004

66 * Potlatch Potlatch Latah September, 1911 Merged with Paradise #17 June 2008

67 * Winchester Winchester Lewis September, 1912 Merged with Mt. Idaho No.9 Aug. 2003

68 Burley Burley Cassia September, 1912 Second Thursday, 7:30 p.m. 4 69 * Orofino Orofino Clearwater September, 1913 Merged with Kamiah No. 56 - Feb. 1992

70 * Richfield Richfield Lincoln September, 1913 Consolidated w/Bethany 21 May 4, 2006

71 * Hollister Filer Twin Falls September, 1914 Consolidated with Filer No. 55, May 1998

72 * Deary Deary Latah February, 1948 Merged with Unity No. 32, Dec. 2001

73 * Ashton Ashton Freemont September, 1914 Merged with St. Johns No. 52, July 2002

74 * Eden Eden Jerome September, 1918 Merged with Jerome No. 61 - Nov. 1987

75 * Prairie Craigmont Lewis September, 1918 Cons. with Acacia No. 62, June, 1943

76 * Fortitude Dubois Clark September, 1920 Merged with St. Johns No. 52 - Dec. 1993

77 Paul Paul Minidoka September, 1920 First Thursday, 8:00 p.m. 4 78 Hagerman Hagerman Gooding September, 1921 Second Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. 6 79 * Kuna Kuna Ada September, 1921 Cons. with Meridian No. 47, Dec., 1969

80 Fidelity Glenns Ferry Elmore September, 1921 Third Tuesday (First in Dec.), 7:00 p.m. 6 81 Keystone Pocatello Bannock September, 1921 Surrendered their Charter December 2013

82 Ionic Cascade Valley September, 1922 Second Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. 7 83 * Wilder Wilder Canyon September, 1922 Cons. with Silver City No. 13, Mar., 1985

84 Caribou Soda Springs Caribou September, 1922 Second Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. 3 85 * Kaniksu Priest River Bonner September, 1922 Merged with Lakeside No. 42, Jan., 1987

86 * Worley Worley Kootenai September, 1924 Merged with Rathdrum No. 41, Feb 1998

87 Kooskia Kooskia Idaho September, 1924 Second Thursday, 7:30 p.m. 10 88 * Elk River Elk River Clearwater September, 1926 Cons. with Bovill No. 72, Feb., 1948

89 * Rose Lake Cataldo Kootenai September, 1927 Cons. With Wardner No. 34 , April 2005

90 * Ashlar Nampa Canyon September, 1928 Cons. with Nampa No. 29, Dec., 1988

91 * Payette Lake McCall Valley September, 1931 Merged with Ionic No. 82, June 2005

92 Challis Challis Custer September, 1949 Second Thursday, 7:00 p.m. 1 93 Capital City Boise Ada September, 1950 First Monday, 7:00 p.m. 7


94 * Kayler Twin Falls Twin Falls September, 1950 Merged with Twin Falls No. 45, Nov. 1999

95 Mount Kinport Pocatello Bannock September, 1952 First Thursday, 7:30 p.m. 3 96 * Robert Newell Lewiston Nez Perce September, 1956 Merged with Nez Perce No. 10 - Jan., 1992

97 Kaniksu Priest River Bonner September, 1995 First Tuesday 7:00 p.m. 13 1965 Lodge of Research Boise Ada September, 1965 At Annual Communication in Sept.

Idaho Historical 1883 Idaho City Boise September, 2010 Lodge 1886 Murray Historical Murray September, 2012


Synopsis of Constituent Lodges as of December 31, 2013

Increases Decreases

Year - Died TNM Fund Fund Name Raised Passed Initiated 50 Fees for Degrees Affiliated Expelled Dropped Demitted Restored Members Lodge No. 12/31/2012 Withdrawn 12/31/2013 Reinstated 12/31/2010 Check sum Gain / Loss Suspended Gain / Loss

Lodge Dues Grand Lodge Number of Degrees Number of Members as of Members as of Members as of

Omitted in Past Dues 12/31/2013 Erroneously Reported Total Minus Relief Contribution to ($0.50 Per Dues Paying Member)($0.50 Per Dues Paying Member)($0.50 Per Dues Paying

Minus Temple Relief Contribution to

Idaho 1 160 -17 143 4 3 5 1 1 0 0 0 4 7 1 1 137 -6 137 26 111 $4,995.00 $55.50 $55.50 $145.00 $200.00 12

Boise 2 186 -11 175 8 5 5 1 0 0 0 0 1 7 0 1 172 -3 172 32 140 $6,300.00 $0.00 $70.00 $150.00 $200.00 18

Placer 3 52 0 52 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 51 -1 51 8 43 $1,935.00 $21.50 $21.50 $65.00 $150.00 1

Mt. Idaho 9 43 -6 37 2 0 0 1 28 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 64 27 64 25 39 $1,755.00 $19.50 $19.50 $50.00 $120.00 2

Nez Perce 10 163 -8 155 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 1 0 147 -8 147 46 101 $4,545.00 $50.50 $50.50 $50.00 $125.00 4

Lemhi 11 48 2 50 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 50 4 46 $2,070.00 $23.00 $23.00 $90.00 $270.00 2

Silver City 13 86 -5 81 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 78 -3 78 17 61 $2,745.00 $30.50 $30.50 $95.00 $150.00 1

Hailey 16 39 -1 38 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 37 -1 37 15 22 $990.00 $11.00 $11.00 $115.00 $125.00 1

Paradise 17 104 -2 102 4 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 99 -3 99 15 84 $3,780.00 $42.00 $42.00 $50.00 $150.00 11

Portneuf 18 85 -8 77 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 76 -1 76 17 59 $2,655.00 $29.50 $29.50 $100.00 $150.00 5

Eagle Rock 19 141 67 208 3 5 6 2 1 0 0 0 6 3 3 0 205 -3 205 34 171 $7,695.00 $85.50 $85.50 $157.00 $250.00 14

Coeur d’Alene 20 32 0 32 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 31 -1 31 4 27 $1,215.00 $13.50 $13.50 $50.00 $60.00 -

Richfield 21 29 10 39 3 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 40 1 40 6 34 $1,530.00 $17.00 $17.00 $12.00 $100.00 5

Weiser 23 36 -2 34 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 1 35 9 26 $1,170.00 $13.00 $13.00 $95.00 $150.00 4

Kootenai 24 187 -26 161 4 6 6 7 1 0 0 1 1 5 3 0 165 4 165 26 139 $6,255.00 $69.50 $69.50 $485.00 $150.00 16

Shoshone 25 59 -9 50 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 45 -5 45 14 31 $1,395.00 $15.50 $15.50 $55.00 $150.00 -

Washoe 28 66 -6 60 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 8 0 2 51 -9 51 18 33 $1,485.00 $16.50 $16.50 $60.00 $250.00 -

Ashlar 29 62 1 63 2 4 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 62 -1 62 10 52 $2,340.00 $26.00 $26.00 $75.00 $150.00 10

Elmore 30 141 -10 131 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 129 -2 129 17 112 $5,040.00 $56.00 $56.00 $90.00 $155.00 8

Salubria 31 23 1 24 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 25 1 25 8 17 $765.00 $8.50 $8.50 $75.00 $300.00 -

Unity 32 64 -7 57 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 54 -3 54 18 36 $1,620.00 $18.00 $18.00 $65.00 $135.00 1

Grove City 33 59 -4 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 52 -3 52 10 42 $1,890.00 $21.00 $21.00 $50.00 $150.00 -

Cataldo 34 56 -5 51 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 48 -3 48 9 39 $1,755.00 $19.50 $19.50 $60.00 $120.00 6


Butte 37 79 -7 72 0 25 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 70 -2 70 15 55 $2,475.00 $27.50 $27.50 $75.00 $250.00 2

Mt. Moriah 39 78 3 81 1 4 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 82 1 82 30 52 $2,340.00 $26.00 $26.00 $85.00 $175.00 7

Rathdrum 41 57 -10 47 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 0 2 43 -4 43 4 39 $1,755.00 $19.50 $19.50 $60.00 $200.00 1

Lakeside 42 80 -6 74 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 72 -2 72 18 54 $2,430.00 $27.00 $27.00 $75.00 $150.00 2

Bonners Ferry 43 46 -2 44 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 45 1 45 6 39 $1,755.00 $19.50 $19.50 $85.00 $100.00 5

Twin Falls 45 180 -15 165 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 5 5 0 155 -10 155 38 117 $5,265.00 $58.50 $58.50 $120.00 $250.00 4

Meridian 47 104 3 107 4 4 3 2 3 0 0 0 0 5 4 0 106 -1 106 21 85 $3,825.00 $42.50 $42.50 $140.00 $200.00 11

Arco 48 40 -3 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 32 -5 32 7 25 $1,125.00 $12.50 $12.50 $70.00 $75.00 -

Malad 51 17 1 18 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 17 -1 17 2 15 $675.00 $7.50 $7.50 $50.00 $100.00 3

Buhl 53 45 -7 38 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 36 -2 36 16 20 $900.00 $10.00 $10.00 $90.00 $75.00 2

Kamiah 56 45 1 46 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 1 2 38 -8 38 13 25 $1,125.00 $12.50 $12.50 $50.00 $150.00 1

Spirit Lake 57 30 -2 28 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 24 -4 24 8 16 $720.00 $8.00 $8.00 $75.00 $150.00 6

American Falls 58 34 1 35 1 1 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 37 2 34 3 31 $1,395.00 $15.50 $15.50 $75.00 $150.00 5

Lincoln 59 38 -6 32 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 31 -1 31 15 16 $720.00 $8.00 $8.00 $60.00 $180.00 3

Oriental 60 263 -37 226 4 6 4 2 1 0 0 0 2 7 4 0 220 -6 220 44 176 $7,920.00 $88.00 $88.00 $125.00 $300.00 14

Jerome 61 50 -6 44 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 43 -1 43 14 29 $1,305.00 $14.50 $14.50 $105.00 $105.00 3

St. Maries 63 46 0 46 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 46 0 46 6 40 $1,800.00 $20.00 $20.00 $75.00 $150.00 3

Mt. McCaleb 64 22 -2 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 20 3 17 $765.00 $8.50 $8.50 $20.00 $60.00 -

Burley 68 36 -7 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 28 -1 28 12 16 $720.00 $8.00 $8.00 $145.00 $100.00 $-

Paul 77 70 -7 63 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 60 -3 60 14 46 $2,070.00 $23.00 $23.00 $50.00 $75.00 1

Hagerman 78 35 2 37 1 1 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 37 0 37 1 36 $1,620.00 $18.00 $18.00 $112.00 $125.00 2

Fidelity 80 40 1 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 37 -4 37 5 32 $1,440.00 $16.00 $16.00 $112.50 $200.00 -

Ionic 82 106 -9 97 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 95 -2 95 23 72 $3,240.00 $36.00 $36.00 $50.00 $110.00 2

Caribou 84 53 -6 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 44 -3 44 3 41 $1,845.00 $20.50 $20.50 $25.00 $150.00

Kooskia 87 34 -4 30 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 29 -1 29 5 24 $1,080.00 $12.00 $12.00 $50.00 $120.00 1

Challis 92 56 -3 53 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 51 -2 51 13 38 $1,710.00 $19.00 $19.00 $30.00 $100.00 2

Capital City 93 101 10 111 9 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 10 1 0 0 105 -6 105 15 90 $4,050.00 $45.00 $45.00 $105.00 $260.00 19

Mount Kinport 95 54 -1 53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 52 -1 53 11 42 $1,890.00 $21.00 $21.00 $100.00 $150.00

Kaniksu 97 33 -5 28 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 27 -1 27 3 24 $1,080.00 $12.00 $12.00 $85.00 $180.00 1

TOTALS 52 3,793 -169 3,624 83 70 68 36 44 0 1 1 49 123 45 20 3,535 -89 3,533 756 2,777 $124,965.00 $1,388.5 $1,388.5 221



Appendix ...... 165 Canadian Masonic Grand Lodges & Web Pages ...... 174 District & Lodges ...... 186 Grand Lodge Officers (Elective from 1867 to Present) ...... 165 List of Grand Representatives ...... 171 List of Regular Lodges in Idaho ...... 175 Synopsis of Constituent Lodges...... 178 United States Masonic Grand Lodges & Web Pages...... 173 Approval Printed Committee Reports ...... 37 Printed Grand Lodge Officers Reports ...... 38 Awards 2014 ...... 107 District Masons of the Year 2014 ...... 107 Lodge of Excellence 2013 - 2014 ...... 107 Masonic Service Association Award Presentation ...... 96 Closing of Grand Lodge ...... 114 Elections Election of Executive Council (Masonic Prepaid Life) ...... 95 Elections of Officers ...... 94 Election results for 2014-2015 Grand Lodge Officers ...... 99 Formal Opening ...... 17 Introductions District Deputy Grand Masters ...... 24 Fifty Year Masons...... 22 Grand Representatives ...... 21 Lodge Masters ...... 23 Lodge Secretaries ...... 22 Past Grand Masters ...... 20 Visiting Distinguished Guests...... 67 Roll Call Grand Lodge Officers 2013-2014 Appointed Grand Lodge Officers ...... 18 District Deputy Grand Masters ...... 18 Elected Grand Lodge Officers ...... 18 Lodges ...... 19 Grand Lodge Committees for 2014-2015 ...... 110 Guest Speaker Beynon St. John, RWGrand Secretary of Wyoming ...... 95 D. Arthur Bush, Past Grand Master of Oregon ...... 77 Donald Cerovski, Grand Master of Montana ...... 76 Douglas C. Teninty, R W Deputy Grand Master of Alaska ...... 72 Douglas L. Hoston, Sr. Past Master, Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oregon, Idaho & Montana, Inc ..... 95 George A. Ingles, Past Grand Master of Indiana ...... 76 John Buffington, MWGrand Master on Nevada ...... 77 John Leyshon, MWGrand Master of Saskatchewan ...... 77, 92 MWGM of Utah Drew C. Sanders ...... 67 Sam Roberts, M W Grand Master of Washington ...... 92 Guest Speaker Jack - The Hack - Dym ...... 92 Honorary Memberships: ...... 38

Installation of 2014-2015 Officers District Deputy Grand Masters for 2014-2015 ...... 109 Grand Lodge Officers for 2014-2015 ...... 108 Proposed Budget 2015 ...... 157 Proposed Resolutions 2014 ...... 148 Public Opening...... 2 Addresses Heads of Concordant & Appendant Bodies ...... 5 Heads of the Youth Groups...... 7 Heads of the Youth Groups, Grand Bethel Honored Queen Morgan Hansen Speech ...... 8 Heads of the Youth Groups, Grand Worthy Advisor Susannah Maher Speech ...... 9 Heads of the Youth Groups, Idaho State Master Councilor William Votaw II Speech ...... 10 Heads of the Youth Groups, Miss Idaho Jobs Daughter Emma Miller Speech ...... 7 Introductions ...... 4 Adult Leaders of the Youth Groups ...... 6 Heads of Concordant & Appendant Bodies ...... 4 Youth Leaders ...... 6 Presentation of the Flags ...... 3 Tribute to the Flag of Canada ...... 3 Tribute to the Flag of Idaho ...... 4 Tribute to the Flag of the United States of America ...... 3 Reading of the 146th Annual Communications Proceedings ...... 38 Reports Grand Lodge Officers Reports Deputy Grand Master’s Report ...... 124 Grand Chaplain Report (NR) ...... 126 Grand Historians Report Supplemental Oral Report...... 91 Grand Historians Report ...... 118 Grand Lecturer Report ...... 121 Grand Masters Report Part 1...... 14 Grand Masters Report Part 2...... 24 Grand Orator Report ...... 103 Grand Secretary Report...... 38 Grand Treasurer Report Financial Audit...... 49 Grand Masters Appeal Report ...... 75 Memorial Service Donations ...... 96 Resignation Letter ...... 46 Junior Grand Warden Report ...... 125 Senior Grand Warden Report...... 124 Section 401 Standing Committee Reports ...... 127 401-1 Jurisprudence (Final Report) ...... 93 401-1 Jurisprudence (Preliminary Report) ...... 122 401-1 Jurisprudence (Vote on Resolutions) ...... 94 401-2 Appeals and Grievances ...... 100 401-3 Accounts and Finances ...... 86 Budget 2015 ...... 88 401-4 Fraternal Relations ...... 127 401-5 Masonic Research & Education ...... 101 401-6 Masonic Temple Preservation ...... 115 Meridian Lodge No. 47 Building Report ...... 35

Placerville Lodge Repair-Renovation Summary ...... 32 401-7 Conditions & Returns of the Lodges (NR) ...... 97 Section 402 Session Committee Reports ...... 140 402-1 Credentials Final Report ...... 85 402-2 Distribution ...... 96 402-3 Unfinished Business ...... 97 402-4 Lodges under Dispensation ...... 147 402-5 Necrology ...... 80 402-6 Examination of Visitors ...... 147 402-7 Courtesy ...... 101 402-8 Time and Place ...... 101 Section 403 Special Committee Reports...... 140 Convention Arrangements ...... 101 Grand Lodge Capital Improvement Committee ...... 117 Grand Representative Oversight Committee (NR) ...... 147 Idaho DeMolay ...... 33 Idaho Lodge of Research 1965 ...... 98 Information and Technology...... 65 Low Twelve Fund Trustees ...... 75 Masonic Child Identification Report ...... 116 Public Relations & Information (NR) ...... 97 Section 1417 1 Executive Council (Pre-Paid Life) ...... 144 Letter to the Lodges ...... 144 Payout Spreadsheet ...... 145 Section 504 Trustees of the Grand Lodge Relief Fund (Investment Committee) ...... 141 Section 508 Board of Relief ...... 143 Section 605 Grand Lodge Charitable Trust ...... 68 Section 802 Board of Custodians of the Work ...... 73 Sesquicentennial History Committee ...... 69 Unity/Fellowship Banquet ...... 97 Youth Committee ...... 70 Resolutions ...... 37 Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference Social Media Guidelines ...... 11 Discussion: ...... 77 motion to accept (tabled) ...... 70 Sessions (1) Thursday Sept 18, 2014 (Public Opening) ...... 2 (2) Thursday Sept 18, 2014 (Formal Opening) ...... 17 (3) Thursday, Sept 19, 2014 (Afternoon Session) ...... 37 (4) Friday Sept 19, 2014 (Masonic Memorial Service) ...... 79 (5) Friday Sept 19, 2014 (Morning Session) ...... 84 (6) Friday, Sept 19, 2014 (Afternoon Session) ...... 98 (7) Friday, Sept 19, 2014 (General Membership Banquet) ...... 102 (8) Saturday, Sept 20, 2014 (Installation of Officers) ...... 108


For the purpose of district organization, the State of Idaho is divided into thirteen districts as follows:

FIRST DISTRICT SIXTH DISTRICT ELEVENTH DISTRICT Four Lodges Four Lodges Three Lodges Lemhi No. 11 Elmore No. 30 Nez Perce No. 10 Arco No. 48 Buhl No. 53 Paradise No. 17 Mt McCaleb No. 64 Hagerman No. 78 Unity No. 32 Challis No. 92 Fidelity No. 80 SEVENTH DISTRICT TWELFTH DISTRICT Six Lodges Five Lodges SECOND DISTRICT Idaho No. 1 Coeur d’Alene No. 20 Two Lodges Boise No. 2 Kootenai No. 24 Eagle Rock No. 19 Placer No. 3 Shoshone No. 25 Grove City No. 33 Oriental No. 60 Cataldo No. 34 Ionic No. 82 St. Maries No. 63 Capital City No. 93 THIRD DISTRICT THIRTEENTH DISTRICT EIGHTH DISTRICT Five Lodges Five Lodges Four Lodges Portneuf No. 18 Rathdrum No. 41 Silver City No. 13 Malad No. 51 Lakeside No. 42 Ashlar No. 29 American Falls No. 58 Bonners Ferry No. 43 Mt. Moriah No. 39 Caribou No. 84 Spirit Lake No. 57 Meridian No. 47. Mount Kinport No. 95 Kaniksu No. 97 NINTH DISTRICT FOURTH DISTRICT Four Lodges Three Lodges Weiser No. 23 Twin Falls No. 45 Washoe No. 28 Burley No. 68 Salubria No. 31 Paul No. 77 Butte No. 37 FIFTH DISTRICT TENTH DISTRICT Four Lodges Three Lodges Hailey No. 16 Mount Idaho No.9 Richfield No. 21 Kamiah No. 56 Lincoln No. 59 Kooskia No. 87 Jerome No. 61




G. Arthur Shoemaker MW Grand Master 5724 E. Oak St., Nampa, Idaho, 83687

Monte B. Bollar RW Grand Secretary 219 N. 17th Street, Boise, Idaho 83702-5154

Jon C. Rich Fraternal Relations 815 Cedar St., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864

Place of Meeting 2015 The 148th Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Idaho Will be held at Pocatello, Idaho September 17th, 18th, and 19th, 2015