Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Idaho 147th Annual Communication Held in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho September 18th, 19th, 20th, A.D. 2014 – A.L. 2014 Daniel B. Heberling MW Grand Master Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M of Idaho 2013-2014 Daniel B. Heberling MW Grand Master Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M of Idaho 2013-2014 My great grandfather homesteaded near Cottonwood, ID in the 1880's and my grandfather was born on that farm. He graduated from Washington State University in 1907 as a civil engineer and worked that profession throughout his life. I was born in California and earned a degree in police science. I worked in law enforcement most of my life. After retiring once, I returned to Idaho and spent four years as a deputy sheriff in Grangeville, Idaho County, where the original farm was located. During my career I was employed in every position in a police department from dispatcher to chief. While in Grangeville I fulfilled a longtime intent and joined the Lodge, Mt. Idaho #9 in 1996. After living in Grangeville long enough to earn a Warden's certificate, I moved to Kootenai County and joined St. Maries #63 and Kootenai #24 in Coeur d'Alene. I served as District Deputy Grand Master under MWGM John Sharp and as Grand Orator under MWGM Harry Black. During that time I served as WM of St. Maries #63 seven times. MWGM Mike Sutton appointed me to the Grand Lodge line in 2006. I have since moved to Hayden and have been employed by the State of Washington as an investigator for 13 years. (OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS) ONE HUNDRED FORTY SEVENTH ANNUAL COMMUNICATION OF THE MW Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Idaho HELD AT COUR D’ALENE, IDAHO, SEPTEMBER 18, 19, 20 2014 A.D. 2014 -- A.L. 6014 ___________________ WORSHIPFUL MASTERS ARE REQUIRED TO READ THE ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE GRAND LODGE, OR CAUSE THE SAME TO BE READ, IN THEIR RESPECTIVE LODGES AT THE FIRST STATED COMMUNICATION AFTER RECEIPT THEREOF. EACH MASTER SHALL READ, OR CAUSE TO BE READ, THOSE PORTIONS OF THE PRINTED PROCEEDINGS WHICH HE DEEMS OF INTEREST OR BENEFIT TO THE MEMBERS, AND SHALL CAUSE A COPY OF THE PRINTED PROCEEDINGS TO BE FILED IN THE LODGE FOR FURTHER REFERENCE. (See Reg. 53 as Adopted 1971) ___________________ ADDRESS OF GRAND SECRETARY: Monte B. Bollar 219 North Seventeenth Street Boise, Idaho 83702-5145 ___________________ 1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE MW Grand Lodge Ancient Free & Accepted Masons Of Idaho ONE HUNDERED FORTY SEVENTH ANNUAL COMMUNICATIONS DANIEL B. HEBERLING, MW GRAND MASTER MONTE B. BOLLAR, RW GRAND SECRETARY The One Hundred Forty Seventh Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Idaho was convened at the Best Western Coeur d’Alene Inn, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, at 8:00 a.m. on the 18th day of September, 2014. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 (Public Opening) 7:45 a.m. – Thursday Morning, September 18, 2014 The Registration / Credentials committee opened the Registration table in the Registration Desk, next to the Convention Lobby area, for all to register and pick up their credentials. Prelude for the Public Opening was played by W Grand Organist J. Sherwin Wilson; the musical selections started the morning. 8:00 a.m. – Ed Bonham, Jr, Worshipful Master, Kooskia Lodge #87, and Deputy Grand Master of the 10th Masonic District. “Ladies and Gentlemen it is my pleasure to welcome you to the Thursday Morning Public Opening of the 147th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Idaho. Please give your attention to the procession of the Grand Lodge Officers.” The Grand Lodge Officers marched into the Lodge Room and took their positions/stations in the Grand Lodge. “Brother Grand Marshal, you will present the Most Worshipful Grand Master.” “Brothers, it is my pleasure to introduce the MW Grand Master of Idaho, Daniel B. Heberling.” 2 Most Worshipful Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “It is my pleasure to introduce Ed Bonham, Jr, Worshipful Master, Kooskia Lodge #87 and District Deputy Grand Master of the 10th Masonic District. Most Worshipful Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “Brother Grand Marshal, will you take charge and conduct the Flag Tribute?” “Brother Roy Jackson, Secretary of Lemhi Lodge #11, in Salmon Idaho made me a hat to wear as Most Worshipful Grand Master of Idaho so I told him that I would open Grand Lodge wearing that hat. It is the best that I have ever warn. Most Worshipful Grand Master asked if there were any public Officials from Coeur D’Alene present or any representative of the Hotel present. None were present so proceed on. Presentation of the Flags Tribute to the Flags given by W Grand Marshal, Steven L. Hall. Flags were presented by: American W Senior Grand Steward, Robert C. Troxel Jr Canada W Junior Grand Steward, Russ W. Smith State of Idaho WGrand Sword Bearer, H. Sherman Burger III Tribute to the Flag of the United States of America "The Flag of the United States of America, Old Glory, the Star Spangled Banner, the Stars & Stripes. Evolved from many flags into this one to represent our Nation. For more the 9 score years it has been the banner of hope and freedom for generation after generation of Americans. Born amid the first flames of America's fight for freedom, it is the symbol of a country that has grown from a little group of 13 colonies to a united nation of 50 sovereign states. Planted firmly on the high pinnacle of American Faith, the gently fluttering folds have proved an inspiration to untold mill ions. Men have followed her into battle with unwavering courage. They have looked upon it as a symbol of national unity. They have hope that they and their fellow citizens might continue to enjoy the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, which have been granted to every American as the heritage of free men. So long as men love liberty more than life itself so long as they treasure the priceless privileges bought with the blood of our forefathers; so long as the principles of Faith, Hope and Charity for all remain deeply rooted in human hearts, she shall continue to be the enduring banner of the United States of America. Please join me in singing the “Star Spangled Banner”. Tribute to the Flag of Canada. “The Maple Leaf, The Canadian Flag proudly flying over the land to the north. A people who have shared so much of our heritage, our dreams and our adversities, fighting side by side with us when necessary. Never to be doubted for their friendship and integrity. Far more than neighbors, true Brothers. May the Maple Leaf wave proudly alongside the Star Spangled Banner, Forever. Please join me in singing “O-Canada” 3 Tribute to the Flag of Idaho “The Gem of the Mountains, the Sun coming down the mountains. The Flag of the great State of Idaho, reminding us of our proud heritage of standing with the other 49 states to protect and defend our Great Nation. Reminding us of the beauty of our state and the great riches that abound. Populated by a people well known for their ability and desire to work, from our Rancher/farmers to those at the Idaho National laboratory. Please join me in singing “Idaho”. Color Guard Post the Colors. Pledge of Allegiance led by Daniel B. Heberling, M WGrand Master “Will all citizens of the United States join me in the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag.” Masons are taught that before entering into any great or important undertake we should invoke the blessing of God. Opening prayer will be given by Dwain D. Valez, WGrand Chaplain.” Supreme Grand Master ruler of all heaven and earth we humbly enter your presents and ask for your blessing on this 147th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Idaho and begin our proceedings in love, proceed in the assurance of your will and conclude our work in the spirit of unity and love. This we ask in your name. Amen. Introductions Most Worshipful Grand Master Daniel B. Heberling, “Would all heads of the Concordant and Appendant Bodies and Youth Leaders please retire to be lined up for introductions.” Heads of Concordant & Appendant Bodies Introductions of the Heads of the Concordant Appendant Bodies was led by Robert C. Troxel Jr, W Sr. Grand Steward Organization Title Name El Korah Shrine Representative Dave Thomas / Blake Titus Calam Shrine Representative George Blickenstaff Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Idaho Right Eminent Grand Commander Jay A. Leonard Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of Idaho Most Illustrious Grand Master Ronald G. Burto Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Idaho Most Excellent Grand High Priest Merle S. Hill Grand Chapter of Idaho, Order of Eastern Star Worthy Grand Matron Jan Brown Grand Court of Idaho, Order of Amaranth 4 Grand Associate Matron Stefanie Kazyaka Grand Associated Patron Richard C. Broemeling Iras Temple No. 40, Daughters of the Nile Representing Queen Mary Royce Ann Triplett, PQ “You will join with me and giving our distinguished guest a hearty welcome.” “Do any of you want to say a few words?” Addresses by Heads of Concordant & Appendant Bodies David Thomas from El Korah Temple, a brother loaned me his fez because I have left mine on the table at home. I like to welcome everyone to this session it is good to see a good turnout to Grand Lodge. Potentate of El Korah, Mike Masterpaolo wishes you a successful Grand Lodge. George Blickenstaff, Asst.
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