Spring 2015



page 2 #CMUPsych In the News research/brain/. on bridgingneuroscience Formore andlearning. onBrainHub, visitwww.cmu.edu/ Earlier thisyear, Professor JohnR.Anderson attendedaWhiteHouseworkshop Department HeadMichaelJ. Tarr andInterimProvost NathanUrbanattheevent. approaches. Pictured aboveare PsychologyProfessor MarleneBehrmann, and functiontobehaviorviaapplicationofcomputationalengineering CMU’s investmentsinitsnewBrainHubinitiative,aneffort tolinkbrainstructure CMU inDC learning techniquestofMRIdata. learning concrete objectstofeelingsbyapplying machine to extendhisneural-decodingresearch from Professors KarimKassamandGeorgeLoewenstein collaborated withSocialandDecisionSciences is experiencingbasedonbrainactivity. Just research thatidentifiedwhichemotionaperson other newsoutletscovered Professor Marcel Just’s CBS News,NBCUSAToday Identifying Emotions >

Last fall,theWhiteHouseOfficeof Technology Policy recognized HAPPY SAD


Discover and many magazine


heavily decoratedclassroomscan Associate ProfessorAnnaFisher’s disrupt attentionandlearning The NewYork Times featured research thatshowedhow

in youngchildren. Popular Science Washington Post,PBSNewsHour 200 newspublications,includingthe infection —appeared inmore than that hugsprotect againststress and Cohen’s mostrecent discovery— and socialsupportaffect health. decades-long workabouthowstress profiled Professor SheldonCohen’s Salon Recent articlesin Hug-a-day keepsstress away andthe Pittsburgh Post-Gazette . Scientific American,



THE FROM HEAD DEPT Head, DepartmentofPsychology J. TarrMichael Sincerely, information. Iamverymuchlookingforwardtomeetingmanyof you overthecomingyear. learning moreaboutotherplannedevents,pleasevisitwww.psy.cmu.edu/100years formore planning atwo-daycelebrationinthespringof2016.Ifyouareinterested inattendingor themed speakerseriesfeaturingformerstudentsandfriendsofthe department.We arealso the 2015-2016academicyearweareplanningavarietyofevents,including ananniversary- Finally, thedepartmentisgearinguptocelebrateits100th(!)anniversary. Throughout Fastball taken ourfirststepstowardHollywoodstardom,appearinginthedocumentaryfilm colleagues receivingmajornewawardsorhonors.AndProfessorTim Verstynen andIhave to receivetangibleacknowledgementoftheirhigh-qualityscience,withmanyour I amalsopleasedtonotethat,asreviewedattheendofthisissue,ourfacultycontinue together withourworld-classcomputation,artificialintelligenceandengineeringfaculty. work to is creatingopportunitiesforourpsychologists,cognitivescientistsandneuroscientists ing theever-increasing challengeofbrainandbehavioraldisorders.WithinCMU,BrainHub research intheneuralandpsychologicalsciencestohavereal-worldimpactaddress on bringingtogetherfacultyfromacrosstheuniversityandworldtoadvance inspired bytheworkoflateHerbertA.Simon.Second, based oncoreprinciplesoflearningadvancedbymanyourfaculty, aswellbeing primary researchinterests.First,the strategic initiativesincludeparticipationofmanyourfacultyandreflectthedepartment’s in university-wideinitiatives.UndertheleadershipofPresidentSubraSuresh,twonew We arealsoworkingtoextendourimpactbypartneringwithmanyotherunitsoncampus the laboratory. to seehowmanyofourstudentsreceivehands-onexperiencesbothintheclassroomand committed toconveyingtheircutting-edgescienceeachnewgeneration,anditisgratifying discoveries emergingfromourresearchistrulybreathtaking.Moreover, ourfacultyare continuing thedepartment’s longtraditionofintellectualleadership.Thenumbernew I havebeenstruckbyhowmuchallofourmembersareconstantlyupdatingthemselves­ In theslightly-more-thanoneyearIhavebeenhonoredtoserveasheadofdepartment, 1972 andwhosethoughtsinspiredthecoverimage. distinguished alumnus,PatrickCavanagh,whoreceivedaPh.D.incognitivepsychology to someofourcurrentcropstellarstudents,teachersandresearchers.We alsohearfrom these pageswearepleasedtointroduceyou thinking outlookforthecomingcentury. In history overthepastcenturyandourforward- reflects boththedepartment’s richintellectual (read as“HashtagCMUPsych”)—anamethat Welcome totheinauguralissueof#CMUPsych , whichrecentlypremieredattheTribeca FilmFestival.

Simon Initiative isfocusedoneducationalinnovation 2015/april/scientists-in-fastball.html Fastball -www.cmu.edu/news/stories/archives/ Simon Initiative-www.cmu.edu/simon/ BrainHub -www.cmu.edu/research/brain/ FOR MORE INFORMATION: BrainHub SM Initiative is focused isfocused

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more >pg. 6 purposes, thought.” visual brain, fortheirown discovering howtofoilthe “become neuroscientists, works toartists, sayingthey compares howthevisualbrain Alumnus Patrick Cavanagh ON THE COVER THE ON

page 3 #CMUPsych page 4 #CMUPsych simultaneously. cannotrecall Iactually take on two year-long thesisprojects “It isextremely rare for astudent to is afeat initself. senior theses, which thecombination of well asthrough her notone, but two required for her psychology major as has pursued thisthrough theclasses major to reachogy thisobjective. She strived inher education asapsychol Disorder, Vande Veldecontinually has with Autism diagnosed been Spectrum children andwork with havegist who toAspiring become aclinical psycholo the world.” how to disseminate that knowledge to care isthebest what for children and really inspired meto knowledge gain of age thatwasallowed. My experiences babysitting course at11, theyoungest dren,” Vande Velde reflected. “I the took “I’ve always loved chil working with manner or another since ayoung age. opment. isanaimshe’s This inone had order child devel to work inthefield of in psychologyprogram highly-rated Mellonto Carnegie University for its only 600people,farm-town of shecame lady. Hailing from Cassadaga, N.Y., a Anna Vande Velde isone driven young Aspiring andAmbitious BY CARILLON SKRZYNSKI - - - - (ADHD). To validate help thetool, she disorderattention deficit hyperactivity tool for assess anew diagnostic toproject develop isdesigned and Thiessen.Anna Fisher andErik This sonia, Pa. andPsychology Professors from theBeing Well Center in Gib Craig Liden collaborations with of Senior Honors Program —istheresult College’s— through theDietrich In contrast, Vande Velde’s second thesis way thathuman are. learners displays invisual structure inthe same tolearn sensitive be to thehierarchical network neural to ciples inanartificial count prin thatuses general learning developing amore parsimonious ac as itprocesses inputs. Vande Velde is ahierarchyand forms thesechunks of storesthe brain inchunks information plores the “chunking hypothesis” that andcomputerchology science. It ex under David Plaut, psy professor of thePsychology is within Department firstThe of Vande Velde’s two projects Sciences.Social Humanities College of and Dietrich Joseph E. the Devine, associate dean of challenge before,”on thiskindof said —asenior hastaken —orwhen if


- - - - or how difficult thetask, she’s always 100 and nomatter how complicated therequest energetic students I’ve ever worked with, “Anna themostdedicated and isone of career her lofty meet goals.will but her passion for psychologysuggests she Mellon, her atCarnegie time increased with Vande Velde’s ambitiouspursuits have only ness in ADHD diagnosis. to assessthetest’snecessary direct useful the groups —however, is evaluation further does reveal differences significant between resultsPreliminary indicate thatthetest havewho an ADHD diagnosis. compared results them from with people ADHD. Shethen analyzed theresults and ates have who with diagnosed notbeen first it used to assess40CMUundergradu department’s program. undergraduate the psychology anddirector of fessor of perseveres,” saidThiessen, associate pro percent committed to it, andshealways processing visualinput. two halvesthebrain cooperatein recognition tounderstand howthe to testbrainareasinvolvedinfacial with ProfessorMarleneBehrmann diagnostic tool.Dickterisworking Thiessen ondevelopinganewADHD Professors AnnaFisherandEric her seniorhonorthesiswith Vande Velde’s awardwillsupport support theirwork. Dickter willeachreceive$1,500to research projects.Vande Velde and support high-qualityundergraduate Ireland family, wereestablishedto ment fromtheGeorgeandElizabeth The awards,fundedbyanendow Awards. the IrelandUndergraduateResearch Department’s inauguralrecipientsof been selectedasthePsychology Sophomore Senior Awards Undergrad Research Inaugural Ireland Anna Vande Velde Adam Dickter and have

- - - - Graduate Student Spotlight:Emily Lindsay stress themost.” awareness andacceptance to reduce thatteachesthe program both piece,is thecritical sowe’re expecting explains Lindsay. “We thinkacceptance how andwhyderstanding of itworks,” components, we abetter canget un mindfulnessinto“By separating its their stress. effective older athelping adults manage and awareness, or acontrol —ismost which —acceptance only, acceptance For her dissertation, test Lindsay will acceptance andawareness components. thatseparate mindfulness’programs Shinzen Young, to create three training world-renowned mindfulnessinstructor, Over thepastyear, sheworked with determine how. health. Now, Lindsay isattempting to can improve mental both andphysical repeatedly thatmindfulness shown Psychologyof J. David Creswell, have ing her advisor Associate Professor experiences. Many researchers, includ acceptance their present moment of cultivatepeople awareness both and ness meditation, thathelps apractice Lindsay iscurrently mindful studying improve their health. to andfeelings manage their thoughts University investigating how can people Mellon heratCarnegie time much of mind-body connection andhasspent classes. fascinated Shebecame by the ing better andmore productive inher a few weeks, shewaslessstressed, sleep it completely changed her life. After just yogaLindsay incollege, practicing began When year Ph.D. fourth student Emily BY LAURA PACILIO


- - - up wellfor thefuture,” shesaid. atCMUthatIthinkareties me setting and I’ve opportuni given been alotof isahealthpsychology hub,“Pittsburgh career.kind of that CMUispreparing her wellfor this preventative of form andsays medicine inthehealthcareperhaps system asa mind-body interventions,tinue studying After graduation, Lindsay wantsto con moremindfulness training accessible.” to make widely distributed it canbe iseffectiveprogram for reducing stress, themindfulness is exciting if because ered app, through asmartphone which that,She added are programs deliv “The - - -

page 5 #CMUPsych Student Focus page 6 #CMUPsych Artists becomeneuroscientists,Artists discovering howto foil the visual brain, for theirown purposes, thought. Alumni However, deviate many aspectsof art actual object. light we would seeifwe looked atthe on of thepaintingmimicspattern ofpigments thepattern because simply objects inpaintingsanddrawings, light, things thatofcoursearen’t there: really discovered howArtists tomakeus “see” neuroscientists.” Couldyouelaborate? saying thatthey“actasresearch an artist’s workreflectshowwesee, how thevisualbrainworksto In a2005Naturepaper, youcompared on hiscareer, thefuture ofbrainresearch andhistimeatCMU. colleagues andstudents.”Herecently answered questionsfor#CMUPsych surprises andchallenges,withtheever-pleasant companyofhardy, ingenious University andUniversitéParisDescartes. three-dimensional world.Heiscurrently onthefacultyatHarvard and nowfocusesonhowthevisualperception systemconstructsour cognitive psychology from CMU, Cavanagh worked on aspects of memory where hecouldstudy“thereally bigcomputer.” Sincereceiving hisPh.D.in but aninterest MellonUniversity inartificialintelligenceledhimtoCarnegie Patrick Cavanagh(DC’72)startedoutasacomputerandelectricalengineer, with Patrick Cavanagh Alumni Q no linesaround objectsinthereal world. innature: toevolve boundaries There are way thismeaningoftakinglines as for ofobjects.interposition Butthere isno capture thesenseofasceneand can fromcave walls, ofart of thefirststyles tists. For example, linedrawings, one are neuroscien inadvertent They only brain, theirown for purposes, thought. tists, how thevisual tofoil discovering That’s become where neuroscien artists from work. thissimplecopying andstill BY REA SHILO Cavanagh calls vision research “an adventure of discovery, full of

of thismagicoccurs ment andline. Some inpig with variation plished on flatsurfaces accom this isusually shadow, space. of All & A

- - - - This style theedgeworks detec because This style the scenesaround us. to by inresponding ourbrains rapidly cuts used paintings touncover theshort tists, andwe tolook have attheir only penalty, act they asresearch neuroscien can break without rules they find the in areflection. There isn’t time.artists As coming from be orwhatshouldactually aboutwhere thelightis possibleclues all ofphysics, rules all check cannot brain are ignored by thebrain. all, After the visualperceptioncount for andwhich ofphysics actually rules uswhich tell these undetectederrors are theones that godeviations unnoticedby — viewers effective. Importantly, many ofthese tions, tomakethecomposition all more impossible shadows, shapesorreflec ofphysics inpaintingsbyrules including Similarly, bendthe often painterswill ofvisualneuroscience.tant property revealed to us, much lateron, animpor sense ofobjectshapeandindoingso couldcapture the that theirlinesketches occurnaturally.never discovered Artists so give thatcould meaning todrawings chance, alsorespond they tolinesand ofobjects. boundaries the normal By uplight/dark edgesto pick thatmark aretors ofthevisualsystem designed Q -

- - -


A Alumni Q & land on themoon. byare the$100Bittook dwarfed to just one drug, Lipitor, $4B. And these $3.3B,satellite anddevelopment for fusion reactor, $7B, theCassini-Huygens Hadron Collider, $9B, theITER projects thatget real money:theLarge look attheindividualscience Let’s much 10%increase). to that(maybe programs notadd will brain-oriented (so about$0.3Meach). These new budget, dividedamong 16,000projects $5.5B,only about 15%oftheNIH year ofU.S. all received far. putitintoperspective. Let’s Last But infact, notget thisamountwill us applications. neuroscience areas into new of andextending oflife improving quality overcomingfield thatis pathologies, advancing arapidly for much deserved sciences. initiatives areThese new among other neuroscience is a priority steps butare notyet asignalthat $1.6B over 10years are encouraging European Project Human Brain at over 12years andthenow controversial The U.S. BRAIN Initiative at$4.5B realistically possibleoutcomes? do youthinkarethemostneededand ing brainresearchasapriority, what With boththeU.S.andEuropedeclar A SHADOW BORDERINFORMATION. CARRYINSUFFICIENT TO LINES ARE OUT SHOWS WHY WEBSITE THAT DEMONSTRATION ONCAVANAGH’S A SCREENCAPTUREFROM A


students develop theirownstudents develop passion for down.followed upandtracked Seeing ideas where suggestions off-the-wall are colleagues, on new studentsandfaculty stood. towork with thrilled Iamalways beaccessed andsome under can even brain. themthatthesewonders Showing students’ eyes tothewonders ofthe The mostexciting thingisopening researcher? your jobasafacultymemberand What isthemostexcitingthingabout funding. withtop-level priority player insciencefunding. real Itdeserves neuroscience is still, inexplicably, asmall initiatives arenew encouraging, but say it, landscienceon thebrain. these So offundingto,this level how shouldwe For themoment, there isnowhere near Swank, Affairsatthe deanofStudent Well, first, I would have tothank Dean shape yourcareer? mentor orclassatCMUthathelped Did youhaveafavoriteprofessor, asmine.fulfilling isasadventuroustheir journey and groups andscientific goals and hope theirown form themasthey I watch thenmove onthey towork elsewhere. realcourse theonly downside isthat rewardscience isanenormous andof -

- time, guidingalotofusthrough for PATRICK CAVANAGH I have beenmore never inspired. bigsmilesandcelebration. for was cause and thefinal result when we got it asignthatwemerely were getting closer, inreach,was always was obstacle every problem.experimental The real outcome bravado intheface ofany and endless laugh remember hisgruff himfor always around butIwill theCMU campus young. Heis remembered inmany ways Ileft, after very andwhilehewasstill years afew diedonly unfortunately Bill toanswer questions.using experiments ence andgave me asenseofpure joy in changedmyunderstandingofsci really career, itwasmyadvisor Chasewho Bill But thatjustallowed me tohave a misdemeanors wasepic. and in dealingwithourhighcrimes troubled butexciting times. Hispatience


page 7 #CMUPsych page 8 #CMUPsych With Vicki Helgeson In &Out ofthe Classroom BY LAURA PACILIO because Ilove ithere.” that CarnegieMellon itwillbemy last job “I always tell people is my first job, and Faculty Spotlight Carnegie MellonCarnegie ismy first job,be will Ilovebecause my lastjob andit ithere.” hard-working inmy undergraduates research,” shesaid. “I always tellthat people health psychology research, andIenjoy isfantastic involving thestaff bright, working atCMU. “It’s agreat place to teach, it’s environment theperfect to conduct Teaching themany thesecourses thatHelgeson isjust things one of enjoys about semester how exploring men andwomen’s psychology isconnected to health. from similarclasses atother universities the her students third because afull spend of edge research on men both andwomen’s psychology. Shesays thatthecourse isunique For Psychology Gender, of Helgeson wrote her textbook own thatcombines cutting- influences their thoughts,behavior.” and feelings bankers, business or them people help biologists, to know itwill how thesituation like“I feel Icanreally make adifference intheir lives,” shesaid. “Whether become they for many her because students inthecourse are notpsychology majors. She says shethoroughly enjoys both, but Psychology thatSocial exciting isespecially Psychology year andPsychology Gender since —almostevery shearrived atCMU. of In to addition conducting research, Helgeson two courses hastaught —Social to more be burdensome.” thecouplewhen engagesin “communal coping,” choose to meaningthatthey view stages, but Helgeson plansto investigate diabetes ishealthier with thepartner whether couples inwhich one person hasType 1diabetes. project This isinitsbeginning She alsorecently received funding from theNational Health Institutes to of study and health. that shecancompare each group on factors like life satisfaction, school achievement volves Type children following andwithout with 1diabetes for more than10years so breast cancer,with prostate cancer, diseaseanddiabetes. heart A current project in Helgeson explores how adjust people to chronic illnesses. individuals Shehasstudied healthpsychologyresearch.of psychology, here hasbeen ever since, teaching andbuilding animpressive program MellonPsychology atCarnegie University. Department Helgeson, now aprofessor of In 1990, Vicki Helgeson applied forposition inthe her first job —a junior faculty

influencing howpeople take themselves, care of is theirgoing illness intervene,” Helgeson explained. “But, we don’t if figurewhat’s out their health, sohealthpsychologists to have opportunities alotof diabetes cando thatreally are with “There people affect things illnesses. studies isto both better people help manage their A major of goal the diabetes asashared problem.


Faculty Spotlight boys —quickly snakes to learn associate and pictures of His —but work not that11-month-old hasalsoshown girls intheocean.”time less direct. And, throughout evolution, humans little spent immediate threat lethal to infants, is rats thethreat while of “Snakes andspiders are, andalways have been, apotentially were consistent throughout evolution,” Rakison explained. “It reflects infants’evolved mechanism to threatsdetect that orso for sharks. rats —but thosethings didnotdo version than scrambled of snakes schematicandspiders imagesprototypical —rather of Rakison found that5-month-old babies prefer to at look themind,” of function hesaid. involved into and thestructure providesinsight uswith “Understanding how knowledge emerges andthemechanisms world around them. psychology,professor of studies how about the infantslearn threatening recurrent threats. evolutionary Rakison, associate work together to you help develop fear for potentially David Rakison believes andthatnature itisboth andnurture fear inherent or learned? you a snake see If or spider, chances scare are you. it will Is your Nature +Nurture BY: REA SHILO

combine aboutthe current andpastexperiences learn asthey my current research suggests thatinfantsare clever to enough experience thatthey directly,”associations hesaid. “However, “It hasalways assumed thatinfantscanonly been learn have they things andcome seen previously to associate them. that two together belong things —thatis, canremember they to toneed atthesametime information shown be understand do deductive-like reasoning. He isfindingthatinfants do not Science to Foundation babies research andwhen can grant if On theother side, Rakison iscurrently usingaNational weremen who fearful. women were who more sensitive to potential danger andfrom history,out ourevolutionary selective advantages arose for faces. fearful spiders with He believes thisisbecause, through development. development, atypical typical andfor identification theearly of for understanding iscrucial learning both nurture affect how nature of and Rakison believes to thatgetting theheart world.” of themind.” into thestructure andfunction involved provides uswithinsight emerges andthemechanisms “Understanding howknowledge INFANT COGNITIONLAB. SPIDER-LIKE TOYS HEUSESINHIS DAVID RAKISONPOSES WITH


page 9 #CMUPsych 10 page #CMUPsych In the Lab The Lab CoAx projects and are guided in a mix of reprojects andare guided inamixof for methods their thenecessary learn Through one-on-one meetings, they are mentored by asenior lab member. lab” inwhich undergraduates setting scholar.post-doctoral It’s a “familial the University andone Pittsburgh) of three students (two graduate from dinator, three students, undergraduate one labcooring question consist of labmembersThe pursuing thisinterest smoothly bind them into asonata?” action, but how to learn does thebrain piano. Each key press isanindividual chology, explained, “It’s like playing the Verstynen, psy assistantprofessor of to acomplex form grated skill. andhowactions are theseactions inte systems involved motor inselecting Specifically, thelabinvestigates the brain isrelatedhow to cognition. thiswiring why theway iswired thebrain itisand — thebrain of aspects and functional his labmembers study thestructural lab” for short, Timothy Verstynen and In the Cognitive Axon Lab, or “CoAx BY CARILLON SKRZYNSKI - - - - - underlie intelligent behavior. mechanisms aboutthebrain that learn Resonancetional Magnetic to Imaging toolsstudents such work with asfunc class,this hands-on laboratory Science.Mellon College of Through Humanitiesof Sciences andSocial and endeavor College between theDietrich science major, undergraduate ajoint ment intherecently launched neuro designed. course The a fulfills require research class that methods Verstynen thelabisnotunlikewithin anew research mixof The andeducation Jarbo, asecond year student. graduate questions we share,” all saidKevin provide new solutions to theresearch where unique perspectives converge to invigorating atmosphere intellectual science andpsychology. It creates an course,ing, andof cognitive neuro neuroimaging, computational model among ourmembers in expertise of ence intheCoAx Labisthediversity “What Ilove mostabout my experi betweendialogue labmembers. search andeducation creating anopen ------STUDENT,JARBO KEVIN TIMOTHY VERSTYNENAND THE NEURALBASIS OFCOGNITIONGRADUATE FROM L-R: PATRICK BEUKEMA, A CENTERFOR kid inacandy store working here.” mented, “and like Ifeel theproverbial this would possible,” be Verstynen com “CMU istheonly that place Iknow of clusters.and galactic networks brain of structures statistical from to cosmology explore thesimilar from faculty and machine learning with recently submitted aresearch proposal and hisresearch. For example, hehas something heloves abouttheuniversity computationaltion with colleagues is tional imaging. Verstynen’s collabora andfunc structural collect usingboth — to better understand thedatathey Mellon’son Carnegie unique strengths uses computational —building models Beyond neuroimaging, theCoAx labalso

- - - Awards TRIB TOTAL MEDIA Awards The legendary Faculty Honors SocietyforMagneticResonanceinMedicine. International Fang-Cheng “Frank”Yeh AWARD Timothy Verstynen AWARD FOR TEXTANDDISCOURSEDISTINGUISHEDSCIENTIFICCONTRIBUTION problem-solving emergesfrom brainprocesses —received the Marcel Just faculty whohavewontheprestigious award. Holt joinsDavidPlautandMichaelJ.Tarr asthree PsychologyDepartment NATIONAL SCIENCEFOUNDATION TROLANDRESEARCHAWARD that are fundamentaltotheperception ofspeech, For advancingtheunderstandingofsensoryandcognitiveprocesses cognitive development. to INITIATIVE INUNDERSTANDING HUMANCOGNITIONSCHOLARAWARD The JamesS.McDonnellFoundationgavethe AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICALASSOCIATION EARLY CAREERAWARD For hisworkinhealthpsychology, factors inimmunityandphysicaldisease. Medicine, NationalAcademyofSciences,investigatestheeffects ofbehavioral Mellon.Cohen,amemberoftheInstitute can achieveatCarnegie UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR Health Psychologist from theAssociationforPsychologicalScience. FRANKLIN INSTITUTELAUREATE cognition research hasrevolutionized wasnameda howwelearn, Anna Fisher — weare extremely fortunate tohaveheronourfaculty.” has changedourviewofthedisease. ThisisawelldeservedhonorforMarlene Her pioneeringworkonhowthe brainsofnormalandautisticsubjectsdiffer and vividconnectionbetweenthe brainandthemind.Marleneisoneofthem. Social SciencesDeanRichard Scheinessaid,“Very fewresearchers makeaclear ofvisual perception. DietrichCollege ofHumanitiesand Behrmann iswidelyconsidered tobeoneoftheforemost expertsinthe SCIENCES Marlene Behrmann to study how the brain learns complexsequenceskills. tostudyhowthebrainlearns . Just alsobecameaUniversityProfessor. >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> —whofocusesonhowlanguagecomprehension and , John R.Anderson becoming thefirstfemalescientistfrom CMUto receive thishonor. to providetheoretical analternative accountforadvanced Sheldon Cohen earned a earned waselectedtothe , the highestacademicaccoladeafacultymember hasbeenchosenasa NATIONAL SCIENCEFOUNDATION CAREER , whosehumanthoughtand and earned thehighesthonor andearned J. DavidCreswell received theelitedistinctionof NATIONAL ACADEMYOF


JUNIOR FELLOW Lori Holt received the wonthe SOCIETY

in the .


page 11 #CMUPsych Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 5000 Forbes Avenue Permit 251 Pittsburgh, PA 15213


PUBLISHER: Michael J. Tarr EDITOR: Shilo Rea WRITERS: Laura Pacilio, Shilo Rea and Carillon Skrzynski DESIGN & PHOTOGRAPHY: Carnegie Mellon Univeristy, Digital and Creative Services

Carnegie Mellon University does not discriminate in admission, employment, or administration of its programs or activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, handicap or disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, creed, ancestry, belief, veteran status, or genetic information. Furthermore, Carnegie Mellon University does not discriminate and is required not to discriminate in violation of federal, state, or local laws or executive orders. Inquiries concerning the application of and compliance with this statement should be directed to the vice president for campus affairs, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, telephone 412-268-2056. Carnegie Mellon University publishes an annual campus security and fire safety report describing the university’s security, alcohol and drug, sexual assault, and fire safety policies and containing statistics about the number and type of crimes committed on the campus and the number and cause of fires in campus residence facilities during the preceding three years. You can obtain a copy by contacting the Carnegie Mellon Police Department at 412-268-2323. The annual security and fire safety report is also available online at www.cmu.edu/police/annualreports. Produced by Marketing & Communications, April 2015, 15-289 Save the Dates

1915-2015 PSYCHOLOGY The Psychology Department was founded in 1915 with a focus on applied psychology. Over the past century, it has become a major force in cognitive science, cognitive neuroscience, computational modeling, developmental psychology, social/health psychology, and the science of learning.

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