THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1959 tlrtiw rY AveraKe Daily Net Preas Run The Weather iiaurlTpatpr lEBPtting ifpralb Par the Week Ending rogM iat of D. 8. Weather BnreM January 24tH, 1989 said the device* "have been devel­ Once again the average weekly ; league says, Is "the most persistent Mrs. Alvin Baldt. ticket chair* oped in cities and commiinitiea Clearing, windy, eotder tonight. loss of the M ATES was on# pound, and unyielding expression of preju­ man for the musical farce. "Turn Report Cites thousand* of mile* apart to « t - 12,875 Ix>w 29 to 25. Fnir and colder ss reported st their meeting last; dice faplng American Jews today, About Town Back the ao ck ." which I* being clude those of the Jewish faith Member of the Audit evening. Another new member was j and probably the moat damaging." Ratiirdny. High 80 to 85. . I ■ - ' presented Feb. A by the lAdice of from desirable middle and higher CRESTFIELD Country Home Bnreau of C3te«latloB welcomed into membership of the j The league's nndings will be pre­ Tlia weekly eatback party of i St. Jame.^. report* a complete *ell- M anchester sented to the Federal Civil Rights income housing.” Manchenter— A City of I'iUnge Cbnrm club. The meeting adjourned st ' Ihe S l p w Chib will be held In th e' out. No ticket* will be availsble at Commission, which will hold hear-1 The league said the survey "re­ 8 o'clock and the men left for a I elubrooma Saturday at 8:30 p.m .' the door. Inga here next Monday and Tues­ veals that such housing discrimina­ and Convalescent Hospital bowling party at Bowling Green. ) Members and friends are welcome i Housing Bias day. tion, once a phenomenon observed (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN.., FRIDAY, JANUARY .30. 19.39 (Classified Advertising on Page 181 PRICE FIVE CENTS The meeting Wednesday of next VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 102 to attend. Marine M. Sgt. Conrad R. Rel- Conditions In many areas were only in the cities of America, ha* 5A5 VERNON ST„ MANCHESTER week will be held at the home of i ------' letler l» aerving with the 2nd discussed in detail In the published been following the general popula­ .lo.aeph .1. Sullivan. 317 Spring St. New York. .lari. 2« i/Pv Portions The Homemaker* HoUday group Marine DI\1.slon el Camp l.ejeune. of Connecticut have been described report. tion trend, moving to suburbs and Of the Mencheater Y W C A will jj. C. He i* the eon of Mr and Mr.* The report said "gentlemen's small towns." Young people of .Mu Sigma C’hl as prejudiced in the matter of rent­ Now In Operation meat at the Community Y Wedne*- Reginald Pelletier. 27 Tyler ing or selling hniise.a to Jews. agreements" mot to sell or rent ' The property owner is the key day at 9:80 a.m. Mrs. John J-; circle, and the hu-sband of ihc,for- Group will meet at the second housing to Jews), quota systems factor in the antl-Jewlsh housing Coventry Pupils Aid ^®"; P^*18 Vehicles The Anti-Defamation l^agiia of Congregational fTiurch. Sunday al Bickley. 41 Duval St., who la In ■ mer Mias L. B. Morris of Stella B'nai Brith. national Jewish or- and eliib plan* In suburban hous-; discrimination, the report said, but For complete information Phone Ml 3-2441 charge of the program, will intro-:*;. C. He wa.s promoted to his 6:30 p.m. and leave for the .Man- ...... a .,. s re- Ing and in hlgh-rental and cooper-) It added that the real estate duce Mrs. Bartara Lord of the present rank Dec. i. rhe,ater Youth Council rally «t e guest speaker cut areas as having some residen­ Space Unit Scout*. Inc., will he held st the tial aertions virtually closed to Washington, Jan. 30 (/P)— ICiia Patricia C. Carlson. M Girl Seoul office Tiiesdsv nlghl al Tlie Central Connecticut Chap­ Jewa: YOU'RE ALWAYS ASSURED OF GETTING GREATER Ninety-one-year-old Sen. The­ Walker St, and Paul P. Marge- 7:30. ter of the Centenary Alumnae Greater Hartford. Dailen. \\>ler- First 49-Star Banner Wa.shington, Jan. SO i/P)- Assn will meet .Monday night at odore Franci.8 Green (D-RI) lomy of Hartford will be united forri. Greenwieh. Stamford. Man- The Space Agency has or in marriage Saturday at 2 p.m. In Vincent Rsmlri, principal of the 8 o'clc ck at the home of .Mrs eheater. Wateibury and Middle- PLUS today submitted his resigna- Emanuel Laitheran Cburch. Buckley School, will give a coiir.*e rhoriHS W. Collins. 113 Cedar St., bury. tTon‘a.s" chairman of the Sen- 18 proinilsion vehicles Wethersflelri The ofT’cers of the Rock Hill, S. C.. Jan. SO (/P)f')t hundred* pouring entitled "Teaching .Social Studir* I The league aaid theae Connectl- good from all parts of the United State* to be used in the effoft to pul Calls SOS, Aboard S&H ate Foreign Relations Com­ 90 chapter, of which Mrs M. Bnn-e —There’s a mighty Social Groups 1 and 2 will be in the Elementary School" at the init resort areas "Maintain rigid' following publication of the pic­ mittee. He gave failing eye­ a man into spare. In charge of the potluck Saturday Towpath Elementary School in ' Rranl Rd . ;s president, I bars " against .lewish people: The * chance a group of sixth ture. They were from schools, This was di.sriosed by Dr. T. at 6 p.m. In Covenant Congrega­ Avon beginning next week The , will assist the hostess in enter­ 1 Stamford Yacht Club area. Lake GREEN graders in Barrow, right up newspaper."!, display companies, | sight and hearing as his rea­ Keith Cleiinan. head of the Na- tional Church. The supper i.s for is one of those offered hy taining. ' Beset k area in Middletown, and near the top of the world, will patriotic organization*, promotion son. tioiiSl Aeronautics and Sjiace STAMPS The committee accepted the Sen­ all church families. The snmial the community exlen.*ion plan of- ' v eas about Candlewood Lake. be the first Alaskans to own firm*. Individiials wantlng Informa- | Agency, in testimony today before Foundering buelnees meeting will follow. I fered hy the School of Edinalion I Nianlic, Black Point Beach. Grot- tion on availability, prices, piocess , ator's resignation after urging the Senate Spare and Prepared­ st the University of Hartford Keel Mrii l<» (iilo ten-Sc hennccosctt Beach. Belle WHEN YOU a new American flag with its used and other details. ) him to leconsirter. He declinerl to ness Commit Ice.*. I Haven Beach Chib. Indian Harbor SHOP AT 49 stars. Policy at the plant calls for such , do so. Glennan said llie vehicle., liave The uTiya and mean.* committer T m <) on Saliirtlav I Yacht Club. Greenwich Country The flag is already on it* way letters to be acknowledged and | Green wrote Senate Denioeratic been ordered from tlie .\rmv Bal- ! At Sea Off 1957 of the Soroptimlsl ('Inh, of whicli ; Club and Greenwich Field Club. from Rock Hill to the little town on then refeireri to the parent com­ Leader Lyndon .lohnsoji of Texa.* li.slir Missile Agency st Hunts­ PLYMOUTH SAVOY Mr*. Ruth .1 Spencer is chairman Disriimmatlon against .lews In : Point Barrow, the norlhernmo.*t pany. M. I.oweiistein A Sons Inc.. lh.ll "while I have the plivsiral ville. Ala. will hold a food sale Satuid,ay at The .Slate organization of the Im- housing e::ists in many ciliea and tip of the United States. I in New York. The acknowledg-’ _ stamina to rarry on as chairman. I Altlimigli he did not elahoiate, Greenland V.a 4.000R SEDAN P;30 a m in Hales store, frnlnnng proi’ed Order of Red Men will hold .suburban areas throughout the na­ An Associated Press wirephoto ^,„ts explain Rock Hill Printing am forced to conclude lliat it will It wa.s learned that most of the 18 . supper dishes. ils annual dinner Saturday night tion. according to the report. from the Rock Hill Evening Herald Finishing Co., does not sell or be a long while h''fore mv eyes "b" vehicles will bo Jupiter intei modi- ! CORRECT PRICE at the Hotel Boml in Harlford The housing di.scriminstion, the played a big part In getting it , di*t.ribiite flags and other goods has been fully restored and this ate tinge billi.stic missiles. I Now Vnrk, .Ian. .'10 (/p)— A $1595 Dinner will he served al 7 o'clock, HALE’S Self Serve and Meat ■tarted on its way. , p,,( only prints them to All orders handicap removed. " Some later firing.* will use and dancing will follow Tlie high­ Other* with leading roles in the • j,,, parent company. Tile Providence (R. I.) .Tournal nani.ah .^liip with 90 pa.ssen- er. more powerful aolirl piopellant i prnrs and crew aboard struck Not 899S A * Advert1»ed HEADQUARTERS FDR light of the evening will he seler- 300 YEARS' •Tirst Flag to Alaska " drama Poliev nr not. Mrs. Giilford's let- had called editniially yesteniay for loiket.s. The Jupiter is a liquid were the Providence, R. I.. Sunday Green to .slon dov m fn'.' i I'l- . an icptioi'E off (Jroenland to­ Incorrectly I'eeterday llon of two members as "Red Men ARTHUR DRUG ter went the desk of Grier, who propeilint weapon. Tepsten* Cigars of ihr Year " WITH ALL THE GOODNESS OF Journal; a Coventry. Conn., school heads printing snri flni.'hing opera­ nian.'hip. The edilnrial aaid it be­ N.\S.\ lecently awarded a con- day. Tlip vc.sspI radioed a dis- Salve Vendrillo of Manchealev. PRESCRIPTIO.N teacher; sixth grade "Pen Pals" lieved Green lacked the';! tiact to .McDonnell .Mr.iifl Corp. EXPERIE.NCE fr$s' ? i c M MAINE SWEET CORN tions for Lowenstein. Along with tres.s signal, sayinpr the engine MORIARTY Reiving as a memher of the com- In Coventry »nd Barrow, and Wil- it went a letter Mrs. Guilford had strength and \*'as too old to hold of .St, I.ouis for conatniclion of a PINE PHARMACY BV OUR PHARMACISTS room wa.s flooding. millee says that many local Red liam H. Grier, executive vii e pi eai- ; encln.eed from Annie Hop.*on, a i spire eipsule. to einy a iniM on RROTHERS Men are planning to attend the af­ dent of Rock Hill Printing and Fin- ) (Continued on Page Sesen) in orbiting fliglit, Otliei lontri'ls The 2,875 ton ship, stricken 87 SOl-Slft Center S t— M l 3-518.1 664 CENTER ST. Barrow sixth grader. miles from Greenland's Icebound fair. ALWAYS Ishing Co. ;!inve bi’cn imioiinred for develop-, The Herald'a picture of the first I men; of engine.* of tiioie Him a coast, called for help. POrULAR new American flags coming off the joiilhoii pound.* of, j>oueiful A ("oast Guard cutter on 'we*th- printing machines at the huge tex­ Public Opinion Soiijjbt eoougl,] to pii.sli minned velinles er station many hours away, far to tile plant appeared in the Provi­ mio .si'iif'- s J i the southwest, sped to the rescue. dence paper on Sunday after it was I A t I ha t I ime. a spokcsma n .said it The ship was Identified a.s the diatrlbuled on the AP Wirephoto I would he at least two years heioie j Hans Hedtofl, a 288-foot vessel fim i Network. a manned spue fl'ghl can he at­ named in honor of the late prime • • • you can say that Exchanging l>etterg 70% Flunk Exams, tempted. minister of Denmark. Mrs. Gertrude Guilfoid. a sixth The .lupiteis will be used in i lie Owned by the government, It CLAM CHOWDER ...... can 21c CUT FROM grade teacher in Coventry, was testing of nuk'lini'is oj early particularly interested her was described as a cargo-carrying YOUNG LAMB I models of the spare caii.-ules in passenger vessel, making year- MINCED CLAM S ...... can 27e students had been exchanging .will h man some day may tide. "pen pal" letters with sixtli grad- Students Comptain round runs between Copenhagen 1 They will be rompai'atively .sliort and Greenland, CORN CHOWDER ...... can 27c .ers in Barrow, flights lo oh.o'ire launching pioh- She wrote Rock Hill Printing It was especially designed for AG lems. .and que.*tions of te-enltv of travel in icy waters. and Finishing Co.: in Iheir strategy of study, "which JACK FROST PURE VEGETABLE Miami. Fla.. ,Ian. 30 Univer­ llie Kalin's almospliere. ami will Tlie ship is opcratei-l by the gov­ LEGS "The A.s.soclated Press Wire- sity cf .Miami physics students re­ has nothing tfi do witli tlie purely provide lor rei-meiy of the cap- . . . the .soi'vic? is frondlior ernment's Greenland Department. CONFECTIONER or SHORTENING photo print in the Providence. R. 1.. angrily to word that nearly mccliaiucal traiel of eyes across suies. The radio message said It had BROWN Sunday Journal yesterday was 70—’ 41 per cent A ,s 4 A of them lliinked iheir tile page. " The full scale space firings of THE SERVICE tS FRIENDLIER keen interest In me, and this morn­ final examinations, The le.'t was, a .30-page cliaplei I'rojei I .Merruiy. as tlie man-m- hit an iceberg 4'io miles south­ west of the Cape Farewell on the ing my sixth grade pupils used it Wlien grade's were announied fiom a hook, flagged in 1 lie inaigin spme project is I'alled. will he ac- CRISCO as s base for the current event dis­ bv linef iplions of important southern tin of Greenland. . . . .arloct ion i.« grpator SUGAR veKlerdat'. tlie glass of a bulletin eoniph.shed. however, with inter­ cussion. We are now mailing the board on which the grades were matter in each paragraph. On the continental lange ballistie ini.s.siles. This Is an area, bordering the Lb. picture along with mir Pen Pal po.sted was broken, some .students last page was a paragra])h in hold perl.aps Hie Atlas The .liipllei Their Sorroiv Turned lo Soy Atlantic, knowTi as the Labrador SELECTION IS GREATER letters to Mrs. Ollie Turner, teach­ Sea. pkes. .1 I.h. Can 89c wept, and otliers assailed their fat'e t\‘p"’ marked "snmmaty. lacks the great power required. Mrs. Frames (.’liumctiio. left, and Mr,s Doinlizn Tavari'z. whose habie.s both were kidnaped and re­ 2 27c er of aixth grade, and her pupil.s professors as indifferent teachers Periv .saiil 99 per cent of Ihi- turned safely recently, smile as lliey meet in the Cliiomhio home in Brooktyn yesterday for the first The Coast Guard dispatched Its FULLY COOKED SMOKED (little Eskimos I in Barrow, Alas­ studepl.s began at the beginning Lunik Shot Success . . . ninrp ronvonirtifp or theorists. In earlier testimony, direc tois of lime. Baby Lisa Rose Cbionchio. who was snatched from a hospital crlh, yawns disinterestedly. Mrs. I cutter Campbell from an ocean ka." Several jumped in their ears and and conlinueri to read straiglil Tavarez" son, .lohn, wlio was taken from the Tataiez apartment, is recovering in .New York'* I weather station, about 250 miles PREMIER FANCY She asked the cost of the flag tiiis nation's space effort sairl the MORE CONVENIENCE rared wildly around the campii.* to j ahead for the 20 minute duration Soviet lunik, or moonshol. was a Roosevelt Hospital. This is an exclusive photo from the New York Mirror. (AP Photofaxi. away, to aid the stricken ehlp. ALBACORE BORDEN'S with the 49 stars "because we let off steam. Police were called of the teat. ] h have promised the little Eskimos. . siic< ess. I*atesl message from the ship, COMPLETELY NEW but no arrests were made. j Only 1.3 of the 1.500 students Three expeil.s of .\AS.A testified the Coast Guard said, was a terse DAINTIES we will send them a U.f*. flag with •Still others complaiiieil to Miamij taking Hie test turned to the last ,. . qu aliti' i.erator. 102 ST. IN Ml ST.VRD DRESSING Kremlin votei-ans added to the de.ti at mn. IHE T i r m m k f : Save On , said he did not think the course llventy six persons were reported plosion aeeurred at old town land­ Open Thursdays TUI 9 Mikhail Peix'ukhin. funner am- He lefused. however, to stay a A swift of e-.-enis yester­ plundered the village of Santa Ana. unfair, 15 Days More in I he home at the time of the fire, ing In a remote area 18 mile* Mexico's government Party of bas.Mador to Communist P^ (ler- liiwet court oidei directing the ad- day brought these deveiopmen!s Open Fridays Till 9 Frozen Foods Cans 2 Cans 39c iiFAVORITES "I have a g o o d mathematics A voliintee.i fireman, Danold south of here and about 8.5 irjie* 2 31c Revolutionary Institutions i PRT i background and that proved to be many, and Maxim Sabuiov. for­ iiu.*<.s;on of four Negro pupils Mon- i School offle lals ui .Norfolk an- Sloffregen 1.5. wa.s reported to south nf .Memphis, Tenn. called on half a million persons to the important tiling," he said. 111 School Year mer high-ranking economic plan­ flay lo Sliatford .Junior High , . oun ed plan.s tu lerifien six while liav,. l•ollapsed and died at the Piclsweet Sliced KRAFT'S VELV^tETA MIRACLE WHIP assemble in Mexico City Siindav ner. were t'he under fire. .‘=?chool 1 While) in Arlington. .secondary schools, clo.sed sin.c siene. EXTENSIO.V APPROVED before tlie Presidential Palace to An arcount of Leningrarl party .About 1,700 .Htudent.s from the September, no an integrated ba.sis STRAWBERRIES PRINCIPLES OF STUDY 'I'tii. injured were being rustled to Mashlngton, .Ian. 80 CPI— The A Really Good demonstrate support for President Hartford. .Ian. 30 lA*. -Public chief Ivan Spii idonov .s .sneu< h to two Char loiiesville schools have Monday and .alleil on the piililo Cambridge. Jan. 30 T' Klmlnirsi .Memorial Hospital in a House .Armed Service* Commit­ Adolfo Ivopez Mateos reaction was .sought today b\ a the Congres.s yesterdav. published lo "show un.lerstaivling and .o- Salad Dressing Tlie head of the Harvard tlnives- been idled since Die facilities weie nearby suliurb Doelois said the tee today approved a 4-yebr ex­ Cheese Spread I*opez Mateos broke diplomatii- legislative spon.sor of, a bill In In the parly newspaper f^ravda. shut la.^l Sept. 22 under Viigina's operation lo a.ssure a smooth or­ 3 For 89c CREATED BV KR.AI T sily Bureau of study counsel s.liri lengthen the s'hnol year by l.i lirsi brouglii in were not .seriously tension of the draft. The bill relations with Guatemala last linked Pervukhin and Saburov derly opening ..." headed for action In the House today a student may be a fas.t days to provide "more learning mjiued ^\^stinghouse French week after President Miguel Ydi- with the five men all fadv removed Gov. J l..iiidsa,\' Almond .Ir re- next ueek. The measure i* a gora.s Fuentes rejected a Mexican reader and understand what he lime." ' from high party and government The burning building was a eon. Cut Bean For Qt. reads and still not know how In je.ted the appeals of a segiegn- straight extension of selective 2 35c 2 I.b. I'kg. 89c 59c protest against the strafing of Rep. J. Tyler Patterson said hi.* posts fui opposing Premier verted man.sion, three stories liigli service, including special provi­ study proposal would have the effeot of lionist bloc in the General .As­ witli a lower that has been i iiown EYE SAVING Ham! Mexican fishing boats. Three fish­ Khnishrhev's poliries. News Tidl)ils sembly for approval of e.iiiergem v sions for doctor draft and for aid Cul William G Percy said a new in tile neighborhood a.s "Tlie Cas- ermen were killed. C.iiatemala .adding the fqiMvalent cf one e:- .Spiridonu\ kicked off a cam- lo niilitarv dependents. The four WHITE Were talking about a fully cooked h.vm with real test tried this fall showed that 99 lia year to tlie 12-year elementary Culled Irom .M’ Wires legislation that w. ild delay the- II i.s more tlian a (lalf een- Corn For claimed they were trespassing. paign ye.slerdav to bring out the year extension would begin June \ LIGHT BULBS flavor, the kiml that onl>’ long .-uigai luring and 2 31c per cent of the Freshmen who en­ and high .school run. integration plans in Norfolk and tury old Willi a slueeo exterior and .'several thou.sand residents held anti-part'’ group before the Con­ Arlington. .30. evpiratinn date nf the pres­ proper .amokuig bring.* .-Vnd we i c talking F'reiu'h a meeting to hack Ixipez Mateos tered Harvard all excellent read­ "I realize this i.' a controversial gress In answer for its actions. Wood paneied interior. -A showdown lietween the no- Kiremen icported lliey did not ent draft law. about .Rkinle.R.R. .Rhankle.SR ham . . the kind where Fries For BROCCOLI, large bunch...... 35c last night in Acapulco, a major ers showed serious mi.simder- hill." the Old Lyme AruniTlmg to the published text of Ejjyplian pilous Itaininp Iraqi the round half is just about like a center cut. 2 29c slanding of the principles of good declared, ".\11 I am a.sking is that Air Foire lo fly Soviet jet fight­ integration forces and the Almond know tinw many of the 2fi persons S O 28c fishing port a* well as re.sort on his statement, he said lliat Per- RED .AI.ANPOA5 ER c VT WATT «ACH CARROTS, 2 cello packs...... 27c studying. parent.*, educator.s and school chil- ers return lo 4 atro today . .. Mamie in the home were patients and how the west coast. vukhiii and Saburov also should he (fkinflniied on I'afe .Seven) many were on the staff. i London, Jan. 30 CPI— The So- We offer these ham.s a.* the special value of the New Crop Reports from Tapachula, largest He said the major reading dif- called before the Congress to ex­ F.isenliower and .sister plan to re­ week . . buy lu.Rt the size \ ou need a w hole LEHUCE, large h e a d ...... 19e Mexican citv on the .’lOO-mile bor­ fionllv of Freshmen seems to lie (Continiicd on Page Two) turn to Arizona liealth and beauty alel I'ninn announeed tonight its plain their actions. armed forces have been cut by t o o 2 8 e 10 to 14 Ih. haul, portions or halves Our meat PICTSWEET der and military headquarters for Those condemned previously resort next month. WATT SACH men will gladly rut slices from your half or whole IDAHO BAKING POTATOES...... 5 lbs. 45c the district, aaid a aponlaneoiis Uncle Sam plans lo refinance I aiiolher .AOO.OOtl men. \ Aloseow j were former Premiers Oeurgi Mai- i briiadeast said the new reduction ham I no slices from portion culsl. Chiffon Cate demonstration on the Guatemalan ■ enkov and Nikolai Mulganin. for- iiciirly $1.5 billion of the national Cost $5 Billion, $400 Million IN TWO oeuicious ruAVona I nas eonipleted Jan. I. atx'ording EGGPLANT ...... lb. 19c Side oMhe Sucliiate River got out i mer Foreign Ministers N. M. Mol­ debt by marketing more Kovern- of control ve.slerday. It resulted in menl securities . , . Tuscarur* In- I to plan. Tass .New* Agency said cocoa*.— -''' State Constitution Bars otov and Dimitri Sliepilov.’ and ; the cut was" made largeij' by dls- ORANGE SUNKIST L E M O N S ...... 4 for 23c destruction of the bridge linking ! former Deputy Premier Lazar <**•*"’' '"'■ject N. Stale bid to ac­ IITHER FLAVOR Ayutl*. Guatemala, with Ciudad quire part of then land for the i bonding military unit*' and es- Fred Miller of Coventry HANDEE-DANDEE HAMS DELICIOUS APPLES ...... 2 lbs. 29c I Kaganovich They have been 37.000 Killed by Autos, I fahllshments In Soviet territniy. "BsOZjOiockert. Hidalgo. Mexico, the reports aaid. ! transferred to minor post-s at vari- Niagara power project. Tapachula also reported that a Air For.e condiirls hitilil.v suc­ will bring in large fresh GRAPEFRUIT, large size ...... 3 f o r ^ c Rail, Bus Line Subsidies ! oua points in the Soviet Union ASK .N-BAN EXCEPTIO.V Whole Hant.i c and. so far as is known, have not cessful static cnRine lest with JUICE Package ((.'ontinned on Page Seven) powerful Titan K'BM al Cape Can­ 1.300.000 Gravely Hurt Geneva. Jan. 30 t/P) — The 10 to 12 lbs. > ...... I,b. O 7 C 6 oz. CA.\S CALIFORNIA ORANGES ...... dei. 79e been expelled from the paity. Roasting Chickens, pos­ Hartford, Jan. 30 i/Pi— A rail- Cieorge Alpett. president of the ' i .‘-'.vuKh'n M a rindiv.ate mem­ averal . . . Jonii .Madala. security I'nlted States proposed today Butt Half or Round Portion Chiffon Cate 5 3 j-- that nuclear explosions for load criaiF in 1873 may have a New Haven Railroad, has repeated- ber of the party Presidium and director at Hialeah I’*ark. shot by sibly some pullets, and lastinjr effect on quite a different suggested federal* .subsidies ! Saburov i.s a member of the parly Maxim Gay, 7.5-year-old tip -sheet Chicago, Jan. 30 iJ’' Traffic ac-» Despite the 2-year downtrend in: peaceful purposes be exempted Shanklesa .Skinless Round Half of thi.s de­ Choking Smog crisis in 1959.' would help his railroad's problems. Central Committee. Both were at i -waking revenge for be- rldenls in the United States took; fatalitx' .statistics, the death toll' from any ban nn atomic and we will fiave plenty of lirious from which one or two slices The trouble in 1873 was that too But he also wants subsidies from Ihe opening se.s.sion of the Con- ousted from track. a heavy toll in 1958 but the num-i wa.s roughly equal to the 1950 pop-, hydrogen weapons test*. With 4 for 89' many railroacW" were competing in the commuter county of Fairfield. Four homemade bombs thrown ber of persons killed, 37.000. was]ulalion of Port.smoiith. Ohio, nr | Britain"* support. U.S. .\mbaa- can be cut. Special a l ...... I.h. i wC Pillsbury’s giess Tiie.sda" and presumablv 3V4 lb. chickens fresh IT’S Lifts Slightly Coniieoticut. As a result, the The railroad Ilke.s the idea of I against homes of two supervisors ' lowest since ---- 1954. ! Newport. R. I.jisl year's deaths *aPi - inent between the So’i'let Union 1 11 V.. XXXXyV period show that in the l^Os there Joplin Mo sirp^rt on one engine , price we becoming more and more aroused and Jugoslavia w'aa not lul- meant there would be no repetition was one big railroad - it is now would rule out even state help. | ^ liryd and drawn but still sr.iil- 43 Tea Bags 65c " Three small children burned („ are still paying for highway acci- over the needless bloodshed and de- niled. and blamed the fisilure oa of the "Yellow Doath" amog that the New Haven Railroad' — - and The 5-member commission this ’■’’'‘I'’ d';'' killed 12.000 people In Britain in night after claiming the world stru'.-tion on the streets and high- the Soviet linlon. Drago Kune, A u r w ^ many little ones. • t , week suggested federal subsidies d«44b When flames destroy their ic adped. speaking for the government. 1952. reco-d for staying awake 225 shantv in Riverhead. New York.. r i o u R Various citie.s entered the com­ for the New Haven.- Stale aid, it Maid that for 1958 the volume Freshly chopped Pinehurst special S in 1 blend of Beef- Enough fog was left, however, hours. Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt lays little cause for complacency of Thirty-one stales reported fewer! Upton's is the "BRISK TEA" that's ideal for cold petition for e.stabllshiTient of local added, is "probably politically and of trade was supposed to reMh Pork-Veal for meat loaf will sell at 7Be lb.; lean chuck to slow all road and rail traffic. Da .e Hunter of VVZRO at Jack­ bouquet of pink carnations °ri salisfaclion over the redurtion of traffic death."* in 1958 than in 1957,: lines. Some of them made gener­ perhaps legally out of the ques­ the equivalent of 8130 million. at 69e. weather meals! The capital * airport. 20 mile* from sonville Beach turned off his rec- grave of late president at annual '■"^^'•^^th toil. ranging from 27 per cent in V ei-1 ous coiitiibutlons to railroad tion.” I But, he added, the volume of the city center, was completely The amendment of 1877 also af- o"* l'"'" table a. 6:09 p.min the ceremony marking his birthday The traffic death toll of 37,(j00 mont to 3 per cent In Missouri. Of treasuries. By 1875. some 33 of the 693 cities reporting to the council. trade foreseen ”fo f this year, Save 3e on Brown ‘n Sene Sausage at 54r ho,\. closed in. .state's 160 municipalities had feels municipal kid to one large ■'"'room of a Jacksonville au to -; today. .Vet erpn-diver, trapped Jor was 1.700 lower than m 1951 which ALW AYS AMPLE FREE PARKING AT THE REAU OF OUR STORE! 308 had fewer deaths than the pre­ 108 million I.* bigger than the Dense smog settled on Manche.*- made contributions. Connecticut bus line. After the He .lad been there j more than six'hours in 75 feel of ■’ftd been approximately 900 below vious year. Toledo's 41 per. cent re^ amount actually reached in 1058. ter, metropolis of the north. But , In the competitive, melee, some Connecticut (Jompany warned re- records 9 .days, 9 hours, i icy water deep under Chicago the total of .39.628 in 1958. Thus, Try Pinehurst If you are looking for the finest Idaho or fLOWINQ duction was the gi'eatest among a quick break in the we.stern ap- railroads went bankrupt. In 1877, cehtiv that'lt l* in severe financial ! 9 jninules and 9 seconds. street, rescued after a desperate the council said, the re.sult was a Green Mountain native potatoe*. . . tHOCOUJfl^VO* 4 9 g Green Stomps for larger cities. However, 133'. cities d e f e n s e t a l k c a l l e d . pcoache* gave ahipa the chamce to the State Railroad Commission ob­ straits, several of the state'.*! '" ^ e n it wa* over, two ambu- battle. ' 2-yeai saving of 2,600 live*, had perfect no-death recordp for susH*uTTo* onsniti purchases in meat and run for Welsh, port*. served that railroad competition mayors suggested their towns j lance attendants put hini on a Small boy who wa.s terribly achieved in the face of a 6 per Washlagtoo, Jan. SO ■ the year. $ 1*12 .. Apples . . Slacs . . Baldwin and Delicious are from grocery department navy Government scientists warned' had as its • chief characteristics might Jielp the firm out financial- stretcher and drove him to his | burned bv steam as a baby w hile' cent in i)ighway travel for retary of State Dnllea allied' la Pero and we will have more qf thokc jiiicy Indian River J W . H A U thkt the concentration of smoke ‘recklessness and instability ly. I -home — in Jacksonville------A ---.- 6each. . ' his------mother was bathing him in an that period. The 1958 death rate , The council reported the 3,600 a blue, ribbon advisory group toe- Pink Seedlem Orapefmit selling at 4 for 39r. Thd CORR being issued at grocery Then the State Coiiatitutlon wa* His wife Nancy had dinner; apartment bouse kitchen sink as 5.6 deaths for every 100 million traffic deaths in December were 3 day for talks on the Issue of ia- aiid poisonouB fumes in the fog al- But the amendment that result­ check>eut for your con­ rMuly vvas woriie than on the first amended tO’ prohibit any more mu­ ed from tlie crisis oi the 1870s waiting for him. Then he went to'w ins, 8350,000 damage suit against vehicle n\iles. > per .cent fewer than in December tefnatkmal safeguards agaMia* ' MANCHISTSR COMH- venience. 4lay of the killer *mog seven De- nicipal aid to railroadi. niies out municipal aid to railroads bed. apartment house owners. ' In”21 or the pai^t 24 njoiUhs, the 1957. The fatalities represented maaaive surprise a t t a ^ la tka n m U R S T STORE HOURS: DAILY 8 A.M. TILL 6 P.M, — THURSDAY and FRIDAY OPEN TILL 9 P.M. CORNER M AIN and O AK STREETS eember* ago . Now, in 1959, the atirvlving rail­ — and' the Connecticut Company is Hunter expected to aleep a* he Sharp earthquake rocks Tokyo, council said, the death toll w a* drops under December 1057 in 27 apace Ag*. The q u a a ^ la.. road would like to gat finailclal a division o f the N ew Haven Rail­ but no damage rei>orted imme-: lower than the same month of the states. Nineteen slatqs had heavier whether to gaopaa ae(onallm (CoatlaiMii «■ r « t « Mven) help from many area*. road. - ' < ' (OoBtiaDed ea F ag * Sevea) riiafaiv ■" preceding year. '* tolls and. two h«d no change. wtUi'-OaHlh. :■ \

. /

r-i : /■' ■ :

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 80, 19B9 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONNw. FRIDAY, JANUARY 80, 19B9 PAGE T H R E E rsAllaed until long AfUr tha com­ cuMM, bufore 'and after achool tar dti and tha boys dim bad Uia pletion of the new 7-year plan. bank and akirtad tha fanca which Columbia hours. SometlmeR they put in as m B i l l Proposes Top Red Chiefs Suelnv al*n mentioned the anti- F6ur Charged separates several Walker S t back much as an eight-hour day, with Sheinwold on Bridge 18 V e h i c l e s party group, but only a few brief yards from the parking lo t Oapt. no relief. Thle ta eupeclally true lines on hi* remark* in thl* re­ on bad weather days when all Label 2 More Cassells said. 15 Days More spect were made public. School Board activities are witktn th« school. A WATKINS- In Damaging Tbs' rear of the duplex apart­ North dearkr A parade of other apeaker*. In­ ment at 24 Walker St. overlooks committee of teachers Is working DON’T OPEN YOIJE DOOR < O r d e r e d b y cluding regional Soviet official* TO ANT DESPERADOES North-Sonth v«l— Mu As Parly Foes the parking lot. Session Goes on this. In School Year NM OH and representatives of foreign WEST Of Automobile Police said two large rocks Patros told the Bodrd that tha. 0 By Alfred Sheinwold A * 7 4 Communist parties, followed flua- found near the car may have been teachera would like an opportunity (Oentlaaad rrom P»ge Om) Maateru Team Champion 9F AQ9IC4 >ace U n i t (Conttnn^d from Tiifft Oiif) Inv to the roatnim. Like the oth­ Funaral Sanlea Three teenagers and the SO-year- used to smash the windows. Police Past Midnight to meet with the Board to discuss If bandita break into your ♦ Q7 4 ers they aasBilcd the United a proposed change in the present old mha who allegedly supen.’tsed said they could not explain why dren give the matter Mrioua house, you are entitled to all the ♦ A wei'e present yesterday for States and Yugoslavls and en- salary schedule. The Board wel­ ORMOND J. WEST. Dtrcctar them In damaging an automobile the sounds of destruction, if any, tbought.” aympathy you auk for. If you open W IST EAST (CeiatiaiMd li'tin Pogo Oae) Spli'idnnov'a attack. doraert Khniahrhev'a policle*. were not heard within the house. In a meeting which lasted well comed the opportunity for a meet­ 4 Q 6 2 4 9 S Sptrh onov noted that Bulganin 142 EAST CEN'tER ST. at 14 Walker at. Wednesday n i^ t after midnight, the Board of Edu­ The meaeure, Houae BiU 2861, the door and let them in, however ETTMtEd by M&nchEstftr Po* ing at any time, but suggested wUt be oomlng up for public heer- the eympathy may be mixed with WR153 WKT2 6,000 mllea to a target with an hart ronfe.ase(4 his party In the TITO REDR RETURN FIRE Mitchell 9-7196 cation handled two months’ busi­ that disousston may be facilitated Uee in Ehat Hartfdrd last night ing before the education comunlt* a unlcker. „ , w 4 K 9 4 A 6 5 S error of lew than 15 to 20 miles. "treasonable conspiracy" to the Belgrade, Yugoalavla, Jan, .Ifi (/Ti ness, at their January meeting If proposals were brought to the 4QX 10 52 4 9 8 7 6 party Central Committee hut said A treated were Daniel' B. Balkus tee within Uie next month or w>. Weet opened the queen of cluM, Queations by the Senate Space The Yugoalav Communist party Andover Boy, 17, held earlier in the week. The De­ Board by the principal. SOUTH "A eanrtirtate member of the Pre- 3r., 17, Robert A . Coryns. 18. Rob­ cember meeting was canceled due "I hope the prou and coni of the and dummy won with the ace. De- and ^eparedneas groups inquiring today said the Soviet party is try­ It was voted to supplement the elmer got to hlu hand with the mc 4 AKJ105 into military might In^cated that sirtliim (Pei'vuhkin) and a mem­ Mancheater’a Oldeat ert K. F. HaU Jr.. 17, and Morrll to the holidays. hUl will be fully aired,” he aeid. W 7 ing to blacken President Tito's with Fbiett FaciUHea. Hurl in Accident present salary schedule policy by Before deciding on what etand of trumps and ruffed a low club the Sovieta remain ahead in the ber of the Central Committee N. Smith, 30, all of East Hartford. The enumeration flgurcs com­ Inserting a policy concerning reli­ ♦ I 10 8 2 regime for two reasons: i Ofl-Sfreet Parltlng TTiey were i^a^ed "with tamper­ to take, Patterson said the fol­ In dummy. Then he finessed the race for Outer Space. (Sahuiov) have kept ailent on pleted this fall show a need for gious holidays of those of the 4 K 4 3 their ro!e.s" t Yugoslav workers are better] Eatabllahed 1574 ing with a motor vehicle and are | William Harriman, 17. of Park- two additional teachera in the lowing points should be consid­ Jack of spades. Sen. Lyndon B. Johnaon (D - off than anv others in the Com-| Orthodox faith. Policy regulation Weet won with the queen of Ne«fh last SwrUi West due to appear, in court Feb. 9. Each i er Bridge Rd., Andover, suffered 19,')9-60 school year. Superintend­ ered; \ Tex), chairman of both the Space "For half a year they have not munist world | presently mentions the Christian apadea and looked around deaper- 1 W Fata 1 4 B ut an(l Preparednesa group, recounted WM releaKd under a $500 bond, 'head injuries late laat ^l^nt Georae E. Graff was author The proposed effective date of 2 W Pas* 3 4 Piuu told the par, they played in the 2. The Russians don't want to Tlie four are accused of break-1 an au^omobjle accident on Old He- seek candidates for the and Jewish faiths only. any such legislation would bs ately for a way to get three more the eeriea of spectacular Soviet group," he continued. "How are The Board approved Patros 4 4 All Past admit Miat they are copying the ing the windows smd slashing three j bron Rd., Hebron. 1 two positions. With the addition 8«f>t 1, 1960. Aa towns comply, trteks. The situation was pretty aucceasea with aateUltqd and then we to understand this silence. passenger in a i attending the American Associa­ hopeless unless his partner had the Opening lead — 4 Q Yugoslavs in giving more rights tlra of a car belonging to Ronald Harriman was a passeng two, the Btaff will number they would receive a $10 per pu- said; "We demand of yo i to answer to their people, decentralizing gov- | tion of School Administrators con­ ace of dlamonda. “This conuntttee (wants to know ClFountain,______borther o* Smith’.- es-1 car driven by Allen R. Lyr i’nian, o f ; jg ,nipty class- pN additional state grant. before this Congres.s. the fust ernment economic operations and M tranged wife who Is living st the I Hebron. Lyman waa driving , room.s in the school those in the vention to be held in Atlantic Since the cost of the extra 18 So West crossed his fingers and where we now stand. 'When can since the group conspiracy was A K J 10 5, Heart— 7, DlamoBd— giving more Incentives to prodiic- I Walker St. address. j north on Old Hebron Rd., went pagmient level of the original City, February 15-19. days would baslcBlly Involve trans­ led the king of diamonds. East sig­ the Americam-'’people expect to iincovereri" Other Business naled encouragement by playing J 10 8 2, Oub— K 4 8. W hat db catch up with the Rusalans ? era. j The arrests were made by RgL j around a curve and ran off theaiding thought of as "emergency portation and salaries, the extra Mrs. Rkatenna Fiirtseva, the A 12-column article in Borha, the Walter Ferguson and Patrolman | right side of road, striking a tree, will be presaed Into Bills totaling $29,828 were ap­ the six of diamonds, but the thing you say? Dr. Olennan, accompanied by only woman member of the Pre­ claa.arooms State aid could be used, in part, Answer: Bid one spade. A mini­ Yugoslav parly paper, Walter Csssells Jr. witli the co- ] State Police said, service. proved for payment. The major for compensating teachers for the that encouraged West most was Stewart and Dr. William H. Pick­ sidium, also waa vitiollr in de­ operation of Blast Hartford Police. | Lyman was arrested for failure portion of this was to cover tuition the fact that hla king won the mum, but a perfectly sound open­ ering, director of NASA's Jet pro­ teplled to Soviet Premier Khruah- : ’This does not mean that the extra time. scribing the anti-paily group. ( hev's criticisms of the Yugoslav! CapL Walter Cassells Sr., who | to travel on the right side of the school will be filled to capacity payment for the first half-year to trick. ing bid. pulsion laboratory, answered ques­ The overall school year would (Copyright 1969, General Foa- She said they were eontemptihle PRAU headed the investigation, said I road by State Policeman Richard Immediately, however. There are the Town of Windham. West led hla remaining diamond tions about the Soviet moon shot. politicos. system in his speech Tuesday at I have to be extended only one week to the ace and ruffed the diamond tures Corp.) Glennan said it proved that the the opening of the Soviet Commii i Smith is reported 4o have let the i Maynard of Colchester barracks, 328 pupils enrolled now. Donald The Board was told that the or so where towns would eliminate Pravdn's piiblicat ioii of her air out df his vidfe’s car's tires on i Harriman waa taken to Windham Tuttle, rhairman of the School Slate Auditor’s report, as It per­ return. Thla defeated'the contract, Russians have substantially more speech showed ahe also. nisi parly Congress In Moscow, i SIGN CO. the week-long -winter and spring much to South’s discomfiture. thrust or power for satellites and The Yugoslav parly is the only | past occasions ’’to get even with Community Memorial Hospital, Board, said. The desired number tained to the school program rec­ vacations. 1. Assailed Yugosla ia'a art and her." I Willimantic. ■ A relative said this in an.v one classroom Is 25. he ommended that an adequate fire­ "Bad luck, partner," said North, missiles than this country had de­ culture pmgram, charging it lacks Communist parly not represented More Urns would be provided for with all the cheerfulness he could at the Congress. For Signs On Wednesday night, Capt. Cas-j morning that he has a concussion said, hut there can be up to 30 If proof safe to hold records be ob­ both the slow-learners and the veloped. relationship with Marxial-Lenin sells necessary and ao with 16 rooms tained for school use and that the muster. Organir.ers of the anll-Vugoslav said. Smith drove the three 1 as well as abrasions, gifted students. MILITARY Stewart eetimated that a power Iheory. youths to Manchester and remain-' Harriman’s 13-year-old sister, in use there would be room for as trea.surer of the lunch program and Luck had nothing to do with it, thrust of between 250.000 and one 2, Warned that hourgeois capi­ campaign in the .Soviet bloc, said ed in his car while they battered j Deborah, la a patient at Manches- many as 480. The overall educational level of for the contract was cold. South Borha. are forced "to use melliods activity fund be borfded. No ac­ the schools would, be raised, with million pounds was used to hurl talist Idea a remain "spry and the LaFoimtaln vehicle. The wind-i ter Memorial Hospital where ahe Because of the Increasing tion was taken at this meeting. opened the door to defeat when h? WHIST the Lunik into space. vital" in the minds of Russians foreign to socialism, perversions of shield was shattered and the win- j waa admitted yesterday for treat- growth of the school, Mrs. Lydia Diane Sanden and Gail Carpen­ students being better prepared due finessed the Jack of spades. ’The With advanced equipment, he fart and open forgeries, " to to the increased learning opportu­ correct play is to win with the and must be fought. They will mil dow in the right rear door was ; ment of a respiratory ailment. Allen, music siipervlsor, will be ter, two eighth grade girls, have SPONSORED BY THE said, the moon shot vehicle might die by themselves, slie said. der Yiigo.slavia in tho eyes of their smashed. Three tires were slashed .Motorist Hurt engaged for an additional day or completed the drawings of two nities. kli^ of trumps. succeed with as low as a quarter of own peoples in order to hide the Patterson, who doubts that he ■niis leaves one opponent with LADIES OF COLUMBUS ,3. Listed numerous Euro­ with s razor blade. In an auto arcldent in Andover two days a week. large maps showing the transpor­ a million pound thrust. If the pean radio stations, including the fad that Yugoslavia's example is Smith parked his car in the rear yesterday morning, .Stanley R. Alan Howland, who has been will win any popularity contest the queen of spades, with all the now in a amaller degree accepted tation routes. These will be dis­ among school children, said he THURSDAY equipment was poor it might take American-manned Radio Free Of th* Shopping Plaza on E. Cen- Martin, 47, of Willimantic, Buffered teaching on a permanent substi­ played and bus routes charted on other trumps drawn. South then a million pounds, he added. ■m' in other Communist countries. doesn’t think his proposal will hurt leads diamonds to knock out the Europe, that she said carried on a a cut lip. tute basis since Joining the staff them. FEBRUARY 5 Ste(vart said the guidance di­ move books from the old Sykes building into a truck Welle Leonard DeCarll, upper left, looks on. At tho new hulKling campaign of slander against I lie State Police said Martin’s car In November, will, on recommen­ the physical makeup of youths at­ ace and king. The defenders can It was decided to limit the eighth recting the shot was "of good ^ ^ “ 0 1 a n u X . of pieces of heavy machinery, used in Uie In under the direction of Kenneth Little, pointing to ,ts new location sh Soviet Union. Few can be heard Fofi t iition Ini proved hit the rear of another car operat­ dation of Superintendent Graff, be tending school. He said they will take two diamonds an the queen quality” and timing of the shot in­ (Herald Photos by Salcrnisi, grade claas trip to a one day af­ still have over two months summer of trumps, but nothing else. K.ofC. HOME under thedirectionofKennethLittle, pointing to Us new location shown by stnp.s of masking tape. here regularly. ed by Richard A. Gagnon, 18, of engaged on a permanent basts for fair. In the past several years the dicated an effort either to hit the vacation. Furthermore, he added, Dally Qtiestlon Mikhail A. Suslov. a member of Washington Better vision 11 Lake Rd., Andover which waa mak­ School Safety Rating graduating class has been allowed 8 P.M. moon or pass close to it. children are pretty anxious to re­ As dealer, you fiold: Spade— the ruling party Presi­ der fog conditions ran he altalned | ing a left turn into a private drive The superintendent told ‘ the an overnight trip. This, it was Pickering said tracking stations off Rt. 6. board of the self-inspection re­ turn to school in the fall—having dium, echoed Khrushchev's senti­ by using polarizing filters on | felt, was working a hardship on the had enough of their vacation. In California tried to catch the ments with regard to llie transi­ searchlight lenses and filters with I Martin waa charged with reck­ port for schools which Is com­ school personnel and delegating re­ Russian moon shot on its initial Rockville High Transfers to Vernon The veteran lawyer-legislator tion of Soviet society from social­ opposite polarization on viewing ; less driving by State Policeman pleted each year by the principal sponsibility above and beyond the ’Thomas Gauthier of Colchester and a member of the fire depart­ Knight Will Open said he expected to be heavily crit­ phase and missed but later re­ ism to communism. glasses. When using this method, 1 call of duty. ceived several hours of signals made when he visited the. new Like Khnishchev, he said that the reflections from water droplets | barracks. ment. At this lime there appears icized for his bill. "But so far UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT The monumental task of mov-. In the midst of the organized! Kenneth Little, head of the In­ to be no hazardous fire condition Report cards Issued to the sev­ I’ve gotten no criticism, and some from far out in Outer Space. confusion of moving equipment dustrial and Technical Arts De- scliool this moining. would tie a long procese, not to be are minimized. I- enth and eighth grades this year, Y Money Forum He said other tracking stations ing tons of equipment from the old existing and constant vigil will be comments have been quite favor­ POLISH-AMERICAN Rockville High School into the used by 740 high school students, pai'tment, said he did not think maintained in this area, he said. for the first time In about six also received weak signals. the move would have been possible The first evening session of the able.” "It did go out past the moon,” new high school on Loveland Hill, other equipment was moved into The children are subjected to fire years, were approved by the Board Patterson said the public is be­ the Sykes Building and Building in so short a lime without the help Discount Prices with a few minor changes to be Money Management Forum, con­ dickering said. Vernon, was reported ahead of ■50i -Sedan drilLs twice a mouth, weather con­ coming more education conscious DANCING A by junior high achool students. of the students in his department. made before adoption. ducted by the Adult Education EVERY FRIDAY-SATURDAY NIGHT ' Glennan, in a prepared state­ .schedule today. All Departments ditions warranting them George In recent years, realizing that some Leonard DeCarli. owner of the They brought station wagon He .said that all floor plans for the Patros, principal said they can Group of the YWCA will be held ment, said that after a year the placement of equipment in the new ■'■'■■ICE ’Tuesday evening at the Commu­ of the school products should pos­ United States has made "no moi-e DcCarli Express Co. .said the mov­ loads of books, maps, bulletin empty the school in a 43-aecond Manchester Evening Herald Cn- STEPHEN'^ POLISH boards and other small pieces of building were drawn up by his stu­ ARTHUR DRUG lutnbla correspondent, Mrs. Donald nity Y. sess more learning. than a first step" In efforts “to ing job, begun yesterday after­ average. "I think it.s chances of passage noon while cla.sses were still in equipment to ready their rooms for dents as part of their class work The school has been named to R. Tuttle, telephone ' ACademy Opening the series of six weekly explore the distant unknowns of He said that a number of pieces talks will be N. William Knight, are better now than 10 years ago," RESTAURANT session, should be completed by 6 Monday cla.sses. the honor roll of the National 8-S4S5, 154 SHELDON ST.— HARTFORD Space.” of new- equipment being installed V-^>' vice president of the Connecticut |!}« added. He said this has included both p.m. today. Heavy Equipment School Safety Council. Certain PHONE JA 7-5671 Junior High and high school stu­ pai t of the Job was the in the building weie designed by activities and standards must be Bank and Trust Co., Manchester successes and failures. the students and then custom built office, who will speak on "You and MUSIC BY IFAMOUS NAME BAND dent,s were given the day off today moving of 15 tons of industrial arts ■ RANGE maintained before any school is Tiirkin^on Slates so that the work can be finished. machinery and tools. A five-man by outside contractors at large T a month placed on this list. Your Community Bank.” ’This is a All of New England and the savings ovei' the coat of .aimilai V \ II flannel board presentation. .lo.seph McCu.^ker. high school erdw a.ssisted by a fork lift truck Health Topics it Dine, Dance it Have Fun •tate of New Jersey could fit equipment bought I'eady made. rUEL OIL Austrian Concert Knight is a graduate of the within the borders of Nebraska. principal, said he expects that all spent this morning loading the Graff hroiight out the problems Graduate School of Banking, Rut­ Every will be ready for the students heavy lathes, drill presses, shapers, Superintendent of Schools Ray­ which will be encountered in the ’THURS., FRI. and SAT. when they return to classes Mon­ and other pieces of heavy machln- mond E. Ramsdell said things were - r - n K - t e r m s GASOLINE school due to the withdrawal of Roger Turklnglon. a Fulbiight gers University; American Insti­ tute of Banking, New York Chap­ MIKE STANKO’S day at the new high school and at erv onto a flat bed trailer truck going along a little ahead of sched­ the services of a district nurse, student at the University of Aus­ ule and he waa "extremely tria. Ennsbruck, is enjoying a two ter; and has lectured at the Uni­ the old high school, which now be- and then unloading them at the engaged by the Stale Department ’ comes the Junior high school. pleased " with the. progress being of Health, Such service have been weeks vacation skiing at Aber- versity of Connecticut, before new building m Vernon. PTA and church groups, and high {O A K GRILL McCusker said toniorrow and BANTLY OIL available for more than 30 years gui'glc, Seefeld and St. Anton, 30 Oak St., filanchester FCR famous .skiing resorts. school classes. Sunday would be .spent in getting ,d,' OEALt.R ( .IMT . INC, In well-child confeiences and only No Cover, No Minimum glassroms in the new high .school this past year dl.-iconlinued. Since While in Austria Tuiklngton has The series will be conducted on ; 'I M \i\ - Im;i,i taken in many operas and con- each Tuesday evening except Feb. | W _ _A^X’LE_^PAIWIN(^ S A F E m SAKE ready to receive the students by have been of much value the Monday. He expects he and his BUHERSCOTCH RIPPLE V^t-COnVILLE board will endeavor to .seek ways cert.s. He i.s scheduled to give a 17 and March 17. And Lengar Tir# Wear TEL. Mitchell 9-4575 violin concert in Ennsbruck in staff of 48 teachers will finish their OPEN EVENINGS through which some of the serv­ work by Sunday afternoon. ROCKVILLE TR 5-3271 ices may be lestorcd. Mai'ch. Drive In For Our Riittersenteh sauce rippled Correspondence with H. Chester An article which he wrote while Biggest Jill) through vanilla, man—what DeCarli said this job is the big­ Nelson, principal of 'VVlndham a student at Wesleyan University, flavor, (vhat taste I In pinta, from which he graduated in June, BEST SHOWS gest his company has ever tackled, STILL GOING STRONG... DON’T MISS IT! High School has assured the local quarts and half gallnna at board that the high school health has been published in the "Analy­ F R E E but waa pleased that everything staff will cooperate with the local tical Chemi.stry" magazine. He has TOMIGHT is going smoothly. j'oiir near(**t Royal Ice staff in the area of pupil health received many, congratulations on Jenn Simmons Rhonda Fleming Front End, Brake and Seventy-five persons and seven Cream dealer’* store. THEYRE NOT DYING YOUNG the article, and there have been a trucks began moving equipment at and welfare. Patros explained that "Home Before Dai^" CHANNEL Shock Absorber this is particularly lielpful in case number of requests for reprints. R:tO 1 p.m. yesterday. About 1,100 Since the beginning of this century, the nation's population of a contagious illness where there He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Inspection. pieces of industrial arts machinery See iia for: Ice Cream Cakea, and equipment weighing nearly 15 has more than doubled. Most people just aren't dying as. young are younger children in tlie fam­ William Turklnglon, 28 Bigelow Work done by experts on all Novelties, Stenciled Slice*, etc. as they used to. In fact, the number of people over 6,’> ha.s not ily who might carry germs. The St. Glenn Ford Red Buttons tons. 7,000 books, and ranges, Quality at It# best! eonventtonal makes of cars. washer, dryers and di.shes from the j merely doubled—it ha.i quadrupled since 1900. F'olks are living high school nurse could notify "Imitation General" Porter School and the children, if S:SO-10:tB home economics department are j longer, healthier, happier lives because of the wonder drugs in in" attendance, could be advised ELECTRONICS MORIARTY nearly all transferred to the new I the prescriptions that doctors write today. Thal'.s why we say.. against attending scliool. high school. | ICE CREAM CO. TODAY'S PRESCRIPTION IS THE BIGGEST A dental survey here ha.s found Sat. 1 p.ra. Grent Kid Show 5:30 LABORATORIES BROTHERS DeCarli said Ihi'ee loads (vere , r f t o i p o L I 227 children with teeth m good moved between 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. ALL-WOOL BARGAIN IN HISTORY. Cedi B. DeMille Preftenlt: ‘•FRANCIS IN THE NAVY” JOHNNY PALMER fOl-SIS CENTER STREET condition; TiH needing dental care; yesterday, by nine men. Today, 25 I Published in the interest of pharmacy and medicine b.v Telephone MI S-51S5 I MANUFAfTUREBS 4»f i»Kr iJ'e.UL.i z- a 1 47 having some work done and 9 f Cartoons 277 BROAD men, 3 trailer trucks and 4 straight | k 2.7 WARREN 8T„ MANCHESTER—MI S-6950 “THE BUCCANEER” THE EARLY SHOW body trucks were completing the i with no work done. *‘I.MITATION GENERAL** ’rear-lier Requests In Trchnloolor Job. I Yul Brynnpr C. Heston RADIO T [ l [ V t S I 0 N The Connecticut Education Assn - CInird Bloom rhnrles Boyer '♦The M averick Queen” endorsed proposal dealing witli Shown 1 :SD-€;M-9:55 Barbara Stanwyck WESTOWM Sub.. “THE BrCCANKEBS” 1st. Conn. T elecast ChaBBei B New Havea. Coaa. 9:30 (33-30) THE THIN MAN a half hour duty-free time for A lso: “ RESTLESS YEARS” Ckarael tZ SprlBgfietd. Uasa. ♦♦Oatraceoas Lady** 5Js®n5iisi5Jsii5AiajB®aiB)BJ5iaisiaia)Bisisi5iB]!!iaiaiaisjis®iSJaiiaEiaian5iBiB^ PHARMACY*^ all teachera at lunch time, w;as Ckaaael SB New Britaia. Coaa. ( 3-40) PLAY-HOUSE OF STARS discus.sed at .some length and Chaanel 40 Holyoke, Mass. “ And Practically Straafers” "The Party Crashers" NEXT WEEK WED. - SAT. L’hnnael 53 Waterbary Cnnn,______( 6-63) 77 SUNSET STRIP 459 Hartford Road— (Corner of McKee)—MI 9-9916 ; finally tabled until the next meet- Connie Stevens Bobbie Driscoll “ Dark Veaffeaace** i ing. Shown S:S5>8:S5 “ Cat On A Hot Tin Root” 7 :0 0 3:00 THE BIG PAYOFF FEATURED IN KEITH'S MID-WINTER SALES! (33-30) YO rN O DR. MALONE MEN’S SUITS At the present time, except on a “ Lg! l«a! Parisleaaa'* BARRY BARENTS ( 8"0S) BEAT THE CLOCK rotating basis, ail teachers are re­ San. ♦•PARTY GIRL’* U Color (40) ALL 8TAB PLAYHOC8E quired to be with their pupils dur­ 3:30 ( 3-40) THE VERDICT IS YOURS W. H. ENGLAND WNBC NEWS AT 7 <33>30) FROM THESE ROOTS ing the lunch hour and for play­ < B) CONNECTICUT BAND< ground supervision through re- STAND LUMBER GO. (68) WHO DO YOU TRUST? 7:10 4:00 ( 3) BANGER ANDY OPEN ALL DAY (Z2-S0> QUEEN FOR A OAV NEVER LOWER PRICED SHIRLEY PALMER ( ft-53) AMERICAN BANDSTAND SATURDAYS SPECIAL SALE (40) IT’S FUN TO REDUCE WEATHERVANE 4:16 (40) THE SECRET STORM 4:30 ( 3^0) THE EDGE OF NIGHT 10:M ( S) THE LIME L'P STATE (32-30) COUNTY FAIR "Th. Cor.y Catildy Caa." 6:M ( 3) FEATURE FILM OZ-3.) CAVALCADE UE 8PUBTS ALUMINUM “ Top Can” Tony Anthony vt. Boahon NOW and SATURDAY 7:15 (23) FIRffr SHOW Varynt, 10 rd. LIMITED QUANTITY COMPLETE Tonight ContlnuoiiH 5:15 HUNTIEY-BRINKUY “ On the Barrier Reef” bout Feature Tonight 6:40-8:45 (SO) ROY ROGERS 140) DEATH VALLEY DAYS COMBINATION WINDOWS (40) BIN TIN TIN 10;S0 ( l-40> PKB80N TO PEB80M NBC NEWS Walter "Bed” Smith and BinoT umn s m wile, and Dafinar and her ALTERATIONS - - HMWIO hutband Danay Dayton ergman RAINBOW CLUB Nichols T ID i: ( U S ) JOHN DALY. NEWS B 7:30 1I:U I Ml NEWS. WEATHfcB. SPOBTS Monehester ■ Inc. (JS) SPOBTSLIOHT8 INCLUDED Jurgen s KEITH LARSON (M) SPOBTS CAMERA NEW YORK FLOOR SHOW ISS) THE EABLY LATE SHOW — R oum r NORTHWEST PASSAGE GOODYEAR 11:00 ( SI NEWS, WEATHER. SPORTS Sea^ Donat COLOR ( SI WORLD’S BEST MOVIES EVERY SATURDAY NISHT "The Three Maiketoer.” NYLON TIRES . (2S) BIO NEWS 'NW 9 ' x r n J (30) NEWS A.WEATHER 8:00 (40) FEATURE POBTY 1 COLOR ONLY 88.00 MINIMUM PER OOUPU GEORGE NADER store end Plant 295 Broad St, ll:lB -( SI FEATURE FILM » rf!APPiN’€SSJ “ A Woman'. Venceane.” BUnON-FREE j DC LUXE ROUTE 6"^4A — BOLTON ELLERY QUEEN (30) JACK PARS SHOW. \ tv - w> ,..^-ee--.*444e TEL. Ml 3-5179 11:80 (23) JACK PAAR gROW PHONE Ml 9-8023 l t : U (57) NEWS < 7) NEWS » WEATHER OFF “ THE LEGEND t;S . ( MS) MICEEY HOUSE CLUB MATTRESS Plus: OF ELDORADO” (M) THE EABLY SHOW 9 :0 0 “ The Maverlch llueea” SATURDAY In Color <4.) TWIL10H1 1‘UKA'rER LOOK • Magnificent all wool worsteds I MANUFACTURER'S LIST LEE M.IRVIN (;M ( HI COI'KY r. rHKATKii 17:*7 ( 7) LONE RANGER (tS) THE LATE MATINEE (22-74) TRUE B T O B Y _ ' t:lS ( S) WEATHER, NEWS A ( 8) STAGECOACH THEATER SQUAD SPOBTS (44) SATURDAY WESTERN e Rich, wanted oil wool flonnelsl TOMORROW 2 P.M. N\ (;S0 (K) SPORTS DOORS OPEN 1 :S0 H:4« (S2I SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT lt :M (27-34) DETECTIVE’S DIART m r BINGO * TEEN HOP 4:45 ( S-SS) NEWS ONLY 227 9:30 ( H) NEWS « WEATHER 1:M ( 3) MAN WITHOUT A GUN MORIARTY BROS. e Luxurious comfort, perfect fit! EVERY EVERY PETER LAWHORD ( «) BHEBIFF OF COCHISE We have only 227 Aluminum Combination (lMW-44) NEWS * WEATHER . 8 E L U N O , 28.88 Windows left which were Manufacturer’s mis- (tS) MOLLY GOLDBERG UNpOLNS — MEROUBY e Today's most popular stylings. (St potternsl , MONDAY FRIDAY THE THm MAN 7:11 (40) DOUGLAS KD- AND ques (not sizes called for on orders) at a very (27) HIOBUOHTS ENGU8H FORDS low price. All windows are perfect and carry (M) NEWS BUYS! NIGHT NIGHT 10:00 CAVALCADE 7:70 ( S-4«) YOUR HIT PARADE 815 ClENTER STr-M l 8-5188 • Long wearing good looks, expert tailoring! a fall factory (fOR^nfee. They are 3 track tilt OF SPORTS (72-70) NORTHWEST PASSAGE Mafdilnfl box afMina 889.99 7:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. (Coler) “ The 4th Bretlier" extruded Alco Aluminum windows. Most TONY ANTHONY ( HAS) BIN *nN ‘H n ( 7) B .P .D ." No. 7 o SmeeBi-iep. "o huinpt, «o lympt popular sizes available. Call now before your V«. , "Malar MockhiKUrd" ' 1:44 ( 7) TBffi IS UCONN o HundroA of firm-iopport ebilt BEl’BBN VABOAS l:M ( 7-40) HAWfllDE ( *) UNCLE AL sizes^ are grone. Install them yourself o r we (77-70) E I X n Y 41UEEN (Color) (77) SATURDAY BIO SHOW . o Cnnh-preof, pro-boil* bordon woe’* wg “ Death tJken It Hot” “ The Roarinjr Twentlea” ^ will install them for $2.00 each window. ( 7) WALT DISNEY PRESENTS (SO) SATURDAY HORY o Dvroblo, docoroter-dotignwl cover “ The Peter TehalkoYaky (40) CANDLEPIN HOW UNO • Top whio o* 4m low, low prico A WONDERFUL STORY BOWLING Story” 1:14 (§4) AS WE WEBB OF. A BOY' And HIS DOG! (77) LIBEBACE ^ 1:74 ( 1) PBONTIEB DOGTOB 7:7. (O) CONRAD NAGEL THEATER ( H) 8ATUEDAT MATINEE CALL NOW Ml 3-28S6 EVERY NIGHT.-6 P.M. t ;H ( S-47) PHIL SILVERS SHOW (44) ADVENTURE IN HAND Walter 8rennan "Bilko’a Grand Halel" AB'rS U<« eur convtnifnR (77-74)> Mar.AAVTan -S ^ A D < 7:44 < S-M) PRO HOCKEY . Erondon DeWilde SONPAY-2 P.M. “Tke Jornper" (Detroit Bed friaxa vo. Boa- (HO HtOHWAV PATROL tea Bmlae) ___ lay-away plan MAN WITH A CAMERA (M> BATUBDAT X A T IN E S ^GiKNlbyaMy Lady” STORE HOURS f t , no axtra chorguf POLISH-AMERICAN O P E N E Don WILLIS Garage Open HoiMiay Through Saturday^ BOW BROWN and CllARLIE PRINGLE • PLUS • From I A.M. Until 5:80 P.M.. Open K m itt Fiit'niturt* s P E o t A U tm m Every lliareday Evening Until ft. ^'f5{T0UR BOCAL HOME IMPROVEMENT DEALERS A BASKETF'UL OF CITIZENS' HALL WHEEL AUONBIBNV «sd COLOR CARTOONS BRAKE SERVICE SOUTH WINDSOR BERLIN ■X; 89 PURNELL PLACE 24 VILIA6E ST. — ROCKVILU GENERM. ^UTO H^AIR ______in ) MAIN ST. MANCHESTER A I X CHILDREN 25c Mltehon 8-4581—18 MAIN OT.. UAM0BB8mai FREE PARKING! ONRT.SAT mEIASTHARTTORD UNt ON TI4t MRMN BIHfffl^ HARTFQRO, 340 CArtTOl AVI.—NIW IRITMN. 7*4 PARR 7T. ■ ' ■ 1 . . i a ; I ./ / K- V' / g V l' "S S i */■ A

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 80, 1959 MAN('HESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY .80, 1950 PAGE FTVl ^ PAGB FOUR Robert H. Wilcox, w aiter L. TRorp dtrmiM F. B^iiwln bf OWMbn- by tha Unlvdraal Fodd Stbra In o r MANCHESTER Coventry bury. The affifiir will alfb **rv* *z Storm. Har fiance attended Wind­ Sr., Horace Rfoolt*' Nfe. Driver toFace Cost Estimated at $29^000 | ^Regiorud District 8. a MluU to party lea8«rt and ham High School and la a graduate George Rector. iFUrmiEROj^^ Mitchell Rockville-V ernon .lembera of tha General Aiaembly. of the Windham Regional Techni­ Event# Tomorrow 0-7878 JANUARY CARPET SALE Reaervatlona to the program cal School. He la employed b:^ the Third degree S t Jude Council 188 W EST MIDDLE TURNPIKE Stop Sign Coiinii Cover Robertson Pipes G}-op Names Acme Engineering Co. In Wllll- No. 4313, 8 p.m. at the Campbell NOW OOINO ON s House Bill Would Establish must be made with Mr*. Olaenor CORNER DURANT 8T. Gas Heat Opponents Petition Chappell# on or before Thuraday. mantic. A July wedding Is planned. Council home in Manchester; food Three automobile accidents, two yesterday afternoon and one In the | Heads OeoUe DHva ‘South Olmreh' Service# sals, 10 e.m.. Tremblay'e store by The oost of fill to cover the eon-' Martin will review them for poa- New Lieader Communion Sunday will be ob­ S t Mary's S t Germaine Guild; NEW LARGER QUARTERS evening, were reported by M an-! BIG BARGAINS Regional Board of FinanW; Mra. Gerard Dubord will be For'' Special Town Meeting dulls In Robertson Park will he aiblf Inelnalon In the budget for the chairman of thA annual 04rl Scout served during tne 10:4.8 a.m. aerv- Snip, Snap and Sew 4-H, 2 p.m., rhealer Police today. One accident 19.59-60 fiscal year, which begins PLENTY OF FRONT AND REAR PARKING about $29,000, Town Engineer Mn. Frederick C. Mohr Jr. has cookie drive froM Sunday through Icea Sunday at the First Congrega­ home Mra. Louts TutUe. reaulted In an attest. j .luly 1. Hebron*. 8Ut« Rwt. Mrs. Crl-tand per^n.Utle. hM « tional Church. The Rev. James R. 6 p.m.; emd Feb. 10, from 6 to 8:30 August K. Appletans. 32, of Hsrt- ‘ Jamsa Sheekey eallmaled today. # Broodlooms fered her services to stage a musl been elected president of the South Feb. 26. A group of Vernon residents wllW The Robertson data will now be nan Franbel and Wcbard Keefe MecArthur 'will deliver a short Manoheater Evening Herald AUTO GLASS INSTALLED p.m. ford, was arrested after a collision Sheekey said his Engiiieeiing cal variety production to raise Coventry Cooperative Nursery and All troop# will ^ k a part in ^petition for a, special town meeting sttidied hy all town depaitmenta * have introduced a bill to provide meditation aermon. Nagy on Board at Linden and Myrtle Sl.s. si 2:4.5 | Department haa completed a con­ money for high school band uni­ getting order# for the cookies to Coventry rorreepondeat Mrs. F. in a fight against installing gas and agencies whirli might have • Wall-To-Wall “ enablinc lemalaUon for a Rerional Kindergarten. The Pilgrim Fellowehlp will Paidina U ttle, telephone Pltgrlm GLASS FURNITURE TOPS Lester E. Nagy of South St. has and charged with passing a stop tour map and other data showing forms. be delivered at a later date. Prof­ siiggeattona on development of the 1 Board of Finance. The bill was Others elected at the annual its will go toward improving the meat a t' 3 p.m. Sunday at the 2-8281. heat at the elementary school be­ been named to the Rockville Re­ sign. Police said Appleton drove: the re-grading nereasary to cover Mrs. Brennan la a resident of »„uou, Qiiandt Memorial Hall for a work paik and its relation to surround­ . . AND 3IANY OTHERS - introduced at the request of the Glastonbury Girl Scout Odmp m ir r o r s ing built on Lake St. development Agency by Mayor .south on Linden St., failed to no­ the pipes Inainlled last summer to; ing land and facilllies. This In- Marlborough and will be working meeting .tVeiinesdsy night follow, meeting. The group will have aup, (Hr*pl«e# and DMr) Z Hebron Board of Finance. with a group of residents from the i Mrs, Ronald Knapp. Nice president, Laurel In Lebanon The group which met last rvtgt)t Herman G. Olson. Nagy'a ap­ tice the slop sign at Myrtle St., enclose Lydall and White Brooks. | rliides the Recreation Departmenl. BUY NOW - . • SAVE! - The Befional Finance Board er at the church veatry with a at the home of Kran Kilpatrick in pointment completes the 5-man and drove into the inlerseetion snd His eslimale. Sheekey said, in-' three towns of the district who will ' Mrs. .lohn M. Slone .Ir., secretary: •North Church’ Sertioe iiisineta meeting following. PICTURE FRAMING (dl typM) Park Department, Board of Edu- Z would have the same powers in Talcottville, claims it is "not a board. into the path of a vehicle driven cltidea the cost of tran.sporting fill,! cntlon, Llhraiy Board. Ihc Park­ ■» rotation to the district as local sponsor the show. ' Mrs. Edgsr M. Boisvert, Iressur- The Rev, C. Arthur Bradley will use "Christian Unity” aa hU aef- Meetings Monda.v group of mere dtssidenls and trou- Other members are: Harr>' W. west on Myille St. hy Mis. Ethel addlllons such aa a drlvewav, and i ing .\iitlioritv Town Planning ; Boards of Finance have In their Church. school or social organl-; er. WINDOW and PLATE GLASS Islemaker.s, but people generally Flamm, chairman; Alderman Clar­ zatlons in each town are asked to | Coiumillee chairmen sre; Mrs. nion topic during the 11 a.m.' The 4-H Town Committee will INCOHE TAX B. Drew, 40. of 91 E.ssex St. cohtingeneiea. 1t’ornniis-sion, and the 5’MCA Boaid MANCHESTER CARPET CENTER - towna At the conclusion of each meet at 8 p.m. Monday at the concerned not only w'ith the safety ence J . McCarthy; Alty. Leo B. Damage was minor police said, ;; fiscal year, a report would be is- appoint two representatives to be ' ruidley A. F'ergiison, membership; services Sunday at the Second CONTRACTORS! WE HAVE IN STOCK The total amount of fill would of Trustees. members of the sponsoring group. I Mr,^ R. C. Worden, health and Booth-Dimock Memorial Library. factors Involved, but the cost to Flaherty Jr. and Alderman Rich­ and no injuries were repotted. be 21.4,54 cubic yards, he aald. And 1 308 MAIN STREET — TEL. Ml 9-4343 • sued 'includlnp reports of the Congregational Church. TTie Senior Girl Scout Troop RETURNS As soon as sll members have been Iranspoiiatinn, Mrs. Richard G. Mrs. Richard Slayton will be In MEDICINE CABINETS and SHOWER DOORS the town over the years as the re ard Hiller. Shortly before 8 o'clock Citp- loam foi seeding would amount to » Reg:ional Board of Finance, atiper- will mesFt from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. suit of gas Installation." Polloeman's Ball stance M. Miller. 2.5. of 17 Bank Intendenfs report and aurdltor's appointed, an organisational meet- .lodry. publicity; Mr and Mrs. Fred charge of the nuraery claaa at the PREPARED 2,180 cubic yards. A CONCRETE EXAMPLE Monday at the Nathan Hale Com­ Thilr views were made known The annual ball of the Rock'ville Sliidlmrni;. St., and William D. Wil.son. 38, of The re-grading visualizes a ing will be held. ' S. .Tohnston, conslnicllon; Mrs. CTiurch Community House during OPEN SATURDAYS—OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS Dept. of Vi.-nsl Kdnratlon, N.Y.C. X report. munity Center. Girls between 14 In afnrepared statement released Police Department will .be held 30 Cole St., were involved in a slope extending generally fiom the OF DEPENDABILITV - The bill is considered a "ikcle- An estimated J.i.oOO will be ; Boisvert and Mrs. Marion. V. Greg- the worship services. Assistingng herhei EXPERIENCED and ESTIMATES OLADLV GIVEN and 18 j^ars are eligible to join. todayT)y Kilpatrick. , . May 23 at the VFW Home. j rrash at Main and Havnes SSs. aouthein border of the park down ISTHE FAST AND „ 2 ton” bill, subject to change, but it needed to provide the uniforms. ory. ways and means; Mrs. William will be Ellen Adams and "Chip' Applicationa -will he closed at the THOROUGH WORK Visits Methodists r e lia b le service o f which will be needed if the band is Pelroi cia, program; and Mrs. Ar- Glenney. "We have sought Independent Sgt. Lester Bartlett heads the j Police said Mra. Miller slopned to a nalnral diainage dip norlli - iprovides that etch town of the dis- Feb. 8 meeting. Mrs. Henry A, Bay Bishop .1. A'askom Pickett, re- \ The report to the congregation technical advice outside of the committee in charge, with Capt. 1 her car heading nortli on Main SI , of llie pipe. Land around the Rob­ . Self PICK-UP X trlct may vote at its annual town tn participate and to compete in ^ nol ^ EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT AT 7:30 North Off • the RHAM High School Dramatic two boilers. ersfield. as well sa fomier party Coventry. disease which attacks the roots of The gas opponent.-; state: "Cer­ Backhaus. Middle Rd.. Ellington: when he sllldled the so-called fall fair hete bantam fowl were L Club will be "All My Sons" by An executive session on the prin­ delegates in Congress, stale of- Miss Hernberg attended Wind­ certain nerves. Blisters form on virus takes over. This happens Kenneth Aiz.t II. 99 Davis Ave.: "mass movements" to ClirisUanity. siib.stituled for sheep in .sheepdog .35 Delivered ■ Arthur Miller. It will be presented with the flu virus in hogs. The tain proponents of the ga.s in­ W OHANGK HALL. 72 KAS’I CKNTKR ST, .5IANeHKSTLIl cipal's and clerks' salaries will he flrers and former State Chairman ham High School and is employed the akin above the virus-injured stallation have .said llial even if Sn.san Arz.t. 99 Davis Ave.; Irene This slud.v ic . still an auiliorily tligda. after the sheep bolted on Tax Incl. West Center St. 7 at 8 p.m. Feb. 8 in the high nerve. The spaces between the virus teems to be present in the LaRnsa, .'ll Village St. in the field of Christian approach their way to the event. Uonfiised at | ^ ^ 2 t t KKOULAR tJA.MKS— 5 SrE(^IALS— 1 SW EEPSTA K E n held at the beginning of the next oil were used in the school, ga.s I'lus Deposit achooTs litde theatre. meeting on Monday at 8 p m. In ribs are very often affected. The animals all the time but they NEW Discharged yesterday; Thomas to on the onl.skii ts of tlie fiist. the dogs did an exeellenl Members of the cast are Richard develop flu only under certain would be needed for a pilot. Thi.s the school llbrsry. AUUmONAL HOURS FOR TOUR CONVENIENCE blisters break after a time, leav­ seemed to be a strong argument: Harper Tolland; Ben Hindu faith. Among other books, | roundup job on the fowl. Shaw, Susan Mercler, John Hamil­ ing raw surfaces which scab over stress conditions. Give the hogs 12 Webster St,; Bernice Pareda. 70] pp p, Uie author of "Christian ' Also on the agenda will be a dis- of the building committee. A tele- , j ,, „ . ton, Bruce Majeskl, Dennis Pelch- and heal slowly. The pain of a “shock” and the whole herd 14(f rusaion of proposed curriculum of­ comes down with influenza. NEW phone call to Superintendent! V j 'l a g e jt : Adeline Peterson Movement.a in India" ami • er, Marlon Burdick. Barbara herpes rosier is especially bother­ Prnspect St.; Mrs. Joan Ertcl and ' ferings In order to determine the Q. "Several friends have given Jam es Clark of the Agawam. "Chrial’.s Way to India'.s Heart." Horne, Ken Lowrey, Barbara some in. older persons—less so in .son. Vernon. number of teachers needed next up smoking but I can’t. What’s Mas.s., .school system revealed that More fs ently he .served a.s j French and Judy Martinez. year; teachers salaries; and pre­ youngsters. A variety of treat­ NEW Admitted today: Theodore Wan­ pre.sidcnt of the-National Chris- | Director of the play Is a faculty BANK SATURDAY MORNINGS ment methods have been uiid, tha reason?’’—d chain smoker, the information concerning the liminary budget propoaala. da. Broad Brook. member, Walter Norris, Another with good results in some cases— A. The ability to stop smoking it pilot is incorrect. In Agawam, tian Council of India, ic.signing EnroilmenI will be increased by Birth today: .\ son to Mr. and not so good in others. Persons apparently related to the amount the Maximilile School, the same in 194", and during the post- faculty member. Miss Sonja Ben­ 80 additional students next year, Mi.s. Leonaid Hemmingwav, 12 son, aa technical director. Is work­ who suffer repeated herpes are of tobacco previously consumed. EAST HARTFORD t.vpe of school we are building, partition nionlh.s in India lie or­ neceasltatlng the purchase of ad­ aometimes vaccinated with small­ One study snowed that men (and , Windermere Ave. ganized and wa.s chairman of the ing with the stage crew on scenery ditional classroom equipment and docs not use a gas pilot, but ordi­ OR THURSDAY EVENINGS 6 to 8 pox vaccine. This may atop the presumably women) who average n nary No. 2 household heating oil. Christian Committee for Relief. and lighting and is In charge of the enlargement of the teaching to Vernon and TalrottA'ille news Is makeup. attacks when other thinft have cigarettes a day can atop, SHOWCASE OF MUSIC "Supt. Clark went on to say I aiding Ihon.sand;, of refugee.s from staff. failed. -The severe pain and dia- those who smoke 18 cigarettes a handled through Tlie Herald's I India and Pakistan, He was ac- Mrs. Norris, also on the faculty. their Maximilitc School u.sing No. Rockville Bureau. 7 W. Main St.. Is assisting widi tickets and pub­ comfort of herpes zoster can be day don't try. and those who I qi.aintcd witli Mahatma Gandhi. M im heeter Evening Herald amoke 20 or more cigarettes daily 2 oil was the school to telephone TRemont ,5-3136, licity. A rehearsal will he held to­ lessened by use of sedatives and 9:10 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. heat in their entire system, room I and i.s a friend and advi.sor of Andover correapondent, Mrs. Paul pain relieving drugs preseribed by are seldom able to stop. Probably ■ msnv of India'.s leadcr.s. morrow from 8 to 10 a.m. and for room. It is less expen.sive than D. PfaasHehl, telephone Pngrim the.... physician. aome 18-a-day men can stop if He wa.s born near Mat shall. Monday from 2:15 to 4:80 p.m. he ph Mond«y through Friday some schools only about half its No BHAM Game Tonight 2-6856. Q.?. Ju Just hose do viruses causa they try. There may be other jASpriiiw Dance Set I Tex., the son of a noted evan­ disiiseaeaf reasons why some people can’t size.” gelist. picachcr and gospel song *rhe home bsaketball game be­ S Tax Rate Increase A. By affecting tissue cells. One stop smoking but how does this Originating From East Hartford F with You don’t wear old- INCORPORATED Dimes, reports that J+0 was property as.sessments. ! Rochemont Associates, made its Day* QF .A ( hII the fabulous Thmiderliird. lords lift \ onr luggage way up to reach raised for the campaign by the The dales and hours set for next 11 ill" Every mile says it’s the King-of-Thrift WHITE — PIN K— RED dvt hr. t* to g.i away I AFRICAN t\s ice as long hecatise they re Imagine .saving up to .SI.iHI on from hsma ia ilia idaal lacand Plant Inside Now, Should Bloom In 7 Wrecks SATURDAY aluminized. Ford's Diamond Lus­ each tankfiil of gas. Well you tin, Plant Outside Mid May, Will Bloom Till Frost ear, Enqlith-bvik Ferdi ara I FOR AS LITTLE A S ...... because Ford lliriies on regular tre Finishes never need costK' ♦lirifty—and M aaiy ta driva. | VIOLETS JANUARY 3 1 it gas. -\nd 20 miles per gallon \s as waxing-resist stone damage like heighlmhooc/ It modali. no other finislie.s you can find. Don't put up an longer with an old-fashioned not uncommon in tests 1-ord has .Slid the new Fashion Star Grille bathroom. Treat your family and your guests to $ 1 . 4 9 $ ' run with average drivers in hord ea. lor 9 A.M . to 5:39 P.M . Sixes. Ford tieeds less oil. too! It is almninmn and cant corrotle. a completely new and modem bathroom atyled each requires oil changes every -liKtO 5 PS sir! Yon just sUirt savjng when to your order and installed in less time than you vmi hiiv a Ford! No Doywi PoyniMtl a Old Faahinn e My CXiolce miles, nnhj! Ford mufflers last think! They Need Sun, Humidity and Moderate Temperature e Mlfoc e Blue Clnater Mtmjuk e Dbl. Neptune In Both these Starves ONE OOKTRACTOR . . . O.VE PAYMENT PLAN ONE RESPONSnHLlTT ^ For Inside Planting a TV Stag Line • I a, Annabeile a Waverlv a Pink Spire a Pink Idea Join the big swing to ... ONLY DOWN e Blue Jewel e Souvenir PHONE Ml 9-a001 a Pink Wonder e Royal Bouquet ' -’I' • Purple Knight e High.Noon ■ f' GLOXINIA BULBS 3 r.r*1,29 '# Velvet Empreea e Snow Lndy F.D.A.F. LOW lANK AAtES e Ruffled. Treamire a Modematre ' '.r. Servkt tnd To None) e Ohindaga Chief a Red Birolor e Tonka Delight e Azure Beauty The J!IIKIIAL4ceM a Doubonette Queen a Sun Bonnet Sue TUBEROUS BEGONIAS • Pink Pettlroat e Blue Elertra - MORMRTY a Dbl. Garnett e September Song • Ann'Rutledge e Ember Pink PETERMAN’S “ ' " * * 1 0 f „ * 1 . 0 0 e n r e Dance . e Blue Jewel • Winn Girl e Autumn. Ehoat CEllOUSE&SON .J M I4II liWM t(. '• Sen Sprite PLUMBING and HEATING CO. e Sugar Babe PLUS and MAI0HIITIR n Dark Beauty OTHERS '(.y WMill Opulvifcj • 244 MAIN STREET . . . MANCHESTER WeGiveS&H,lireen Stamps .KANV ONLY 1 O f A VARIETY 31f MAIN STREET

■4, -^1 ‘ ' I v ■vHitS


ing plane* that non* could take MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., ERIDAY. JANUARY 80, 1959 off. Sen, Green^ 91^ Choking Smog Motortet’s Nlghtmoro Stephen W. ’and Ronald R. ShUr- Report* continued to come In of ...... , 7 ^ f u r r i e r s Integration Slowed thdioMlvM to compoUtlon that U Rockville Pastor ktia. Lifts Slightly highway plleupa Involving dosan* iNiritrotrr , - pncMul ia Mturo. A quintet consisting ot Mary H. CHCSTWS and DESIGNERS Quits Foreign of vehicle*. Fifty auto* and truck* rop if powor poUUca it going to To Address WSCS Alaabury, Oail A. Mtchell, Cynthia tangled In a sequence collision near f r a t t H ere There Perkina, John O. Perkins aiid Birmingham, run tho world, th e n two beauU* Japias S. LeSure will sing “Be Remodel At Charlottesville Relations Post From London At least ’ three persons were The Rev. Simon Peter Montgom­ Skating Advisory ful frlenda would alao nudee two Known to Us."- by Montgomary. YOUR OLD FUR COAT killed and some 30 Injured on the beautiful rivala. In actual fact, ery, minister of the Rockville The Rev. John R. Neubert wllj No skating today or tonight at (Continued from Page One) roads. Hundreds of persons aban­ (Centinued from Png« une) (Continued from Pnge'Ono) toey u-ould already teem , to have Methodist Church, will be the preach on *'Whefa Do Tou Think INTO A NEW any Park Department supervised doned their cars. The Automobile WALTER E. TEDFORD o pond. Assn, said, "It** a motorist's eaUbliahed a goc^ deal of auch guest speaker at the meeting of You’re GoingT" He will aleo. ex­ the importamt post at this time. Weather experts predicted no ' f S A tend the right hand of fellowahlp adminietration appeared imminent Tomorrow noon Center Springs nlKhtmare." the WSCS of the North Methodist a Cape • Stole Green’s letter to Johnson said, early break in the fog belt stretch­ u n rivalry, even during their present COUNTY EDITOR to new members and conduct the • Jacket From M995 in the Legislature. At tha aame and Charter Oak Park akatlng ing from the Yorkshire moors to Scores of trains cancelsd or ran Brentns Exoepi perfect friendship. One takes, for Church Monday night. ordinance of communion. time, Alexandria School offlciala "Aa we both well know, my de- areas will be inspected and a re­ the South Coast. Hoiiriy readings hours late. No rail accident* had Bnlerwl M lh« example, the fact that North ko- The meeting will be held at 8 At 5:30 p.m. the Junior High and Cali MI 9-7*18 or Rockville TR 8-59*9 ciaion to realgn ia not based upon port made on weekend skating on automatic measuring devices been reported. Con.. M were called on to defend In fed­ The underworld benefited from rea was a Russian rone of Influ- The Trouble with January o’clock at the church. Senior High Youth Fellowehipe will For Free Eetlmate In Your Home. misleading newspaper articles or honrs. tended to get worse Before coming to Connecticut, participate In the Manchester eral court their rejection of 14 the concealment of zero visibility. I en-e before the Korean war, and The trouble with January i». I'm sick of it. .The month 3* BURKE ROAD, ROCKVILLE slanted editorials by a few calloua Smoke, Fumes Trapped Three smash-and-grab raids were smscaiPTiuN rates the Rev. Mr. Montgomery served Christian Youth Council annual Negro appUcationa for admission The poison content of the fog _ PWANota Advonco I came out of it a Chinese of in­ started off cold, stayed cold in the middle and is ending up the parishes in Illinois and Maine. In Yovth Week rally at South Meth­ Cc white schools. newspaper writers." reported. Gunman Derek Henry Disc Jockey Claims gradually built up as the black Burgess, 27, made a rope of socks, ...... | n fluence. ■ One takea for another same way. January Should not be. Who could like a month Myatlc, where he formerly served, odist Ghurch. Pr'-isure ■>- as brought to bear, Green underwent an eye opera­ ahroud trapped smoke and other he wsa the first Negro mmlater of tion at Lankenau Hospital in Phila­ climbed out of Wormwood Scrubbs point, the fact that China haa been that starts off with a wild holiday then settles down to be too, on 'Warren County School Sleepless Rfecord fumes which normally would rise Jail near London while no one building and developing into Cen­ an all white congregation in the authorities for the reopening of delphia last fall for tho removal of away from the public’s breathing a mean. Weak, dreary thing? Methodist.churches of the State. a cataract. could see him, and vanished. 10 Gear. tral Asia, and into what used to be There ought to be a law passed* —— “ the ■white Warren County High space. Householders' were asked to He has Just completed a term as A Thou||fat for Today School at Front Royal—closed In Green called a apecial meeting Of over Nine Days rut down on coal fires lo reduce • KBinUtR OF the historic buffer rones between against this month. Congress. .. ] ■ rid...... of\ .lanuary. , Someone , ,usuggerted — chaplain of the SUte Legislature. SHORTEST TERM This beautiful AMERicAN-e^Uttdavd » THE ASSOCIATED PREM Speneored by the Maheheater September along with thj six Nor­ of the Foreign Relations Commit­ the smoke. Shortest vice presidential term Tlio A * » d at^ P r w i» the two powers, much more ambi should get together and rut the we should just ignore the | This month the church which he is tee this morning to consider his iHtl«d to tha UM of rapubitcaftpn of ..... r. . entire 31 days •right out of tfic uw , month momn and ana maybe mayoe itii willwm go away.“’’“J'; ; nresentlv ,«rvinvservinir moved Into its GoobcU of Ohnrdiee folk Mhoola and the two In Char- (Continued from Page One) The peak of the 1952 smog was was served by John Tyler, Who iu*‘ BOWS dtipatehea crodltod to U or tlously and successfully Uian Rus- | would 5x .iBnuary'e ! I’ve been trying to^ do that and it, building ^ lottei^lle by state anti-integration resigpiation. reached after four days. In London was inaugurated vice president on bathroom costs as little as *7”'’ week Sot ^•rwlMouierw,^ endued in tms .r*'— Mpet sia haa. One notes that China, ap­ ; nearly has gone. Just one lawa since ruled unconstitutional. The next ranking Democrat on slept after a iirevious stint at alone 4,000 persons died, mostly be- M arch 4, 1841. President 'W. H. Why put up with an old fashioned bathroom, when you y S alao the locai new* published here. wagon all right. j Program chairman is Mrs. Leon- Some Parenta Say the committee — Green’s probable 3011 risbU oTrepubUcatlon of epeclel parently at momenta when It felt The only problem is: what do wc day and January will be a thing of ^dyard and hoateseea are Seventeen Negro pupils are ched- Ocala, Fla., last year, when he cB\isc of sulphur fum es from fac­ Harrison died April 4, the sam e I can have a new, streamlined one for $7.00? Your new 3 hpatc5ee hentn Are eleo reeerved We will not influence our children successor—is Sen. J. William Ful- went 187 sleeples.s hour.s tory ohlmneys. that thin balances of power in the do with Jan u ary ? Wc can't in making choices and decisions in uled to enter the six Norfolk year, and Tyler became preslc’.ent American-Standard bathroom will not only be modern tn lake that many days completely lut““the real trouble with January j the Ingraham arcle. echools. Counsel for the pupils bright of Arkansas. After that time he slept nine Ninety per cent nf the virllms after having served in the vice | line, but con be in one of eight new decorator colors. * lun ssTTlcs Client of N. E. A. Serv. Kremlin gave it the opportunity, matters of religion. Why not? Fulbright, now 54 years old. has hours, got up long enough to eat then were okier than 45 and al­ '•ice Ibc out of a year without upsetting; U February The ad* will! said all would r .port Monday to presidency for 31 days. These colors make any bathroom, whether large or tiny, —- i>abtM*rs BepresentaflTet: The haa not hesitated to play politics in the Avhole works. And besides. I ------the schools to which they were long taken a special Interest In a dozen eggs and went back to ready had heart or chest ailments fairly sing with color and beauty. *9ultas Mathews Special Agency — New The press will! international affairs. slee; for 12 hours more. Mostly healthy people suffered only arork, CWcaao Detroit and^aton. Ruasla'a European front yard, and things would gel pretty sloppy Bapti.sts lo Close The movies will! assigned. Call THE LONG HILL COMPANY today for your FREE ^ MEMBER ADDIT BDREAtf OF with January Just laying around. P|ai111CI*8 [MarneU Expecta No Trouble Lorlng Studios At present Fulbright is chair­ "I don’t think I could have miner throat irritations. decorating booklet to help you plan a bathroom with that JaRCDutnoNS ______one can guess that any moment The neighbors will! Off hand. I suppose there are . man of the Senate Banking Com­ gone another day," he commented Doctors warned today that old sparkling new look. vhlch finds the Kremlin strong Week for Youth We use our Influence over flow- School Supt. Ray E. Reid of m ittee. Z The HeraM Prtntlnf Company. lots of things we eoiild do with this IVInSOIllf* R ail ______! ers, vegetables, cattle, etc. Shall Arlington said Stratford. Junior Engaged last night. It was a little lard for persons and patients should remain and Peiping uncertain will find drab time. We could give it to the * ITlUSUllIi. AFUIJ FINAL Presumably he would give up him to talk toward the end. But assume* no financial responBibilliy fy Indoors. "If you do go out. wear ^yuoarapblcal errors appearinf In sd. High will open as scheduled Mon­ The engagement of Miss Mary “Where Service 3 Rusiha taking a hand in China's Russians for their Five Year Plan Concli^ing the observance Tw^ dol*’”"' that spot if he took over the for­ he brightened when a gro\ip of a mask or cover your mouth with Weimsementa and other readlns matter day. He said, "We have made Elizabeth Barry to John A. Han eign relations leadership. In that 1n The Manchester Evening Herald. politics, in retallalion. Surely they would welcome five general con millee, composed Youth Week at the Community | selected by the Rev. Arnold Toxer. detai’-J plana for the opening and high schoo. students brought him a scarf,” one advised. Comes First” ley la announced by her parents, case the seniority system would a chocolate cake with nine can­ Conceivably. In fact, this may extra Januarys to make sure their i of members of affiliated Masonic Baptist Church, several young' I expect no trouble." Mr. and Mrs. Bartholomew Barry, Hospitals asked extra staff Display adyeruams cloaln* hours; plan gets finished on time. On sec- organizations. Will assist officers move Sen. A. Willis Robertson (D- dles — one for each day of his members to grope their way to "or Monday-1 p.m. IJ-Way have happened already, in the re­ people will lake part in the wor­ Authorities in both communi­ 116 P ark er St. Va) in as banking chairman. "hr Tuesday—1 p.m Monday ond thought. Russia hasn't given of Manchaster Lodge of Masoqs ship service Sunday morning at m arathon. work to deal with smog victims. E E 3 JUr wiSS«i were to show Russia what Com­ call to worship; Gary W. Ballard, loff in the Charlottesville case said presently employed at the Travel­ HILL a m January between June and July lowing ■ people will serve on this tee on Foreign Relations. Wednesday night after reaching sh\it down. Gatwlck Airport, 27 31 munism rc-'ly could be like invocation; Roberta C. Johns, “The plan outlined by the school ers Insurance Co. H er fiance is a "I believe it only right and. fair JAckson 8-4151 and give our.sclves a longer spring. committee: morning prayer; Elizabeth D. Neu­ his goal of 20 hours. Red Evans of miles south of central London, was BARLESMHAN kBEHT FYlday, January 30 One should remember, too, a Sandwiched between two balmy Robert Muldoon, Harold Hub­ Hurry... before board will undertake a complete graduate cf Hartford Public High to advise you at this time that my WTAL in Tallahassee wore out one of the few major fields still bert, scripture lesson; Jane A. revision of past policies and prac­ fart often shoved Under history’s months like these. January might bard, Burton Rice, Wilbert Had­ School and the University of Ken­ eyesight and defective hearing W ednesday m orning afte r 190 open, and It was so busy with land­ WMumnomommam den, Floyde F’ordc, John L. Von- Reese, dedication of offering. The tices respecting the assigniment of tucky. He served two years with have not improved since -our talk. rnnm a i>74ts Almond’s Course got the hint and behave for a ushers will be E arle G. Lawrence, hours. carpet when we are merely in­ change.- Maybe we haven't real­ Deck. Frank Gakeler, Walter Bar- children to the public schools and the Armed Forces in Germany, This makes my work harder, and A doctor who examined Huntpr In hte first public utterances af­ dulging oiir.selvc.s in alarm over ly been thinking about this thing. blcr, Haroto and Mildred Loomis, the necessary formulation of new and is presently employed at the perhaps less effective. .. said his phycical condition on the ter the recent Virginia court de the existence of two such great Why not split January up and use Mrs. Klla Gallant, Miss Louise they^re gone! elementary school districts to Travelers Insurance Co. "We both know that the work last day of the marathon was aa cisions. Governor Almond sounded Communist counlTie.s, This i.s the pieces of it at our leisure. Think of Dickson, York Strangfeld, Graham equalize the pupil population An October id'.ng is planned. of the chairman of the Senate For­ good or better than when he Clark, Eric S, Anderson and Har- i FOR RENT among the various schools.” eign Relations Committee is exact­ SEE WHAT YOUR DOLLAR as If he were declaring the Civil fp t that the Communist revolu­ it! When we’re feeling lazy, wc started. His blood pressure was could just take an extra long week­ old E. Turklngton. I 8 and 16 min. Movie Projectors "The school board’s present atti­ ing and time-consuming, thus de­ normal. He ,had gained two BUYS AT TOWERS— TWar all over again, and as if tion in China made its own way, a 'Die ball is open lo members of I end and still go back to work on —sound or silent, also 85 mni. tude deserves commendation,” manding eyesight and hearing pounds. Most of the way he went TREMENDOUS SAVINGS liaecession were the least thing he movement abandoned and dis­ Monday. Why not add a week of Uic fraternity and their friends. | slide projectors. Judge Sobeloff added. "It is ap­ Mexico Riled without the impairments I have without medication but a few Twould ask of his General Assembly counted by Russia more often than da.vlight hours to our vacation, or Howard F. Waddell of 30 Tanner | parent that the board should be af­ mentioned. hours before the windup he had DURING THIS "DOLLAR St., senior deacon, is scrovlde for tuition grants forchll- Stevenson, keynoting the annual , were wounded. the laying down of arms. As Lord Ml 3-8185 -dren whose parents elected to send 1*. THE KNOWN NAME, THE KNOWN QUALITY SINCE 1900 Mirchtll 9-56S0 ADMI'TTED YESTERDAY: Mr.*i. convention of the National School Alice Webster. Wapping; Mrs. Gu.rtemala said only one was Cornwallis did not appear, plead­ ANTENNAS REPAIRED 2 DOZEN FOR •them to private achools. Boards As.sociation at San Fran­ M arguerite Coleman. 108 Lock- killed and several woundeo. Three ing illness, Lincoln received the ^m l INSTALLED • Flannels, - Because Governor Almond had boats that ran aground more than sword from the subordinate who cottons, wools, cisco the other day, had hi.s fun — wood St.; Kenneth Prior, 49 Buck- represented him. Quick drying. Stock up ijsounded as If he were prepared to from our land St.; Mrs, Leontlne Bouette, too miles south of the border were rayons, for the day. and made his head- ’• captured. Their 12 crewmen were 3ead an armed rebellion, and be- Wlllimantic; Mrs. Hazel Laskow- Menswear. lines, on a theme which has be- j 5' returned lo Mexico more tt»n now, at this unbelievably • Sizes 7-15, jcause the course of action he haa ski, Ellington; Paul Kalajian, Wap­ come, one must coiifcs.s, over-ripe 1 ping: Mrs. M ary W hite. 115 Olcott three weeks later after paying low price! 10-30, ^hoaen does apparently accept the for a little over-emphasis. 1 St.; Deborah Harriman, Andover; fines of $75 each. RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 14 Vi-24'/,. Guatemala called the strafing tnevltabtllty of some integration in Steven.son a theme for the day ■ ^ Mrs. Ruth West, East Hartford; ■Virginia, developlhenta in Virginia Mrs. Mary Rydlewicz, 13 Union "an ordinary police action" and FULLY INSURED was that the American system to- | : own stock! refused to go into the Interna­ St.; Mrs. Adeline Peterson, 140 iare being welcctmed as an example day spend.*! entirely too much time, ' tional Court of Justice. iof sullen mtkleration which never- Prospect St.. Rockville: Robert effort and emphasis teaching the ' F arrand, 158 Henry St.; John F ar- Sheleaa repreaenta progrcs.s. Reg. $1.50 2 F O R teacher how to leach instead of f,, rand, 158 H enry St.; Mrs. Thelma 1905 Diamond Biggest Wm. Dickson and Son Reg. $1.98 PINWAVE ; On the negative aide, it la to be teaching the teacher what to WATKINS Kollnian, 73 Milford Rd.; Floyd GIRLS’ VALUE! ^wmembered that the escape from teach ^ Lackouskas. 29 Franklin St.. Rock­ Cape Town—The largest gem ■integration Governor Almond now ville; Julius Finkbein, 111 Walnut diamond ever discovered was VALUE! "It seems to me,’’ he said, "that Painting and Decorating Do It .favors, that of the creation of a St. found in 1905 in the T ransvaal. It FLANNEL HOME we should acknowledge the tin- SEMI-ANNUAL weighed 3,106 metric carats and SPECIALIZING IN CHURCH WORK private school aystem for whites. ADMITTED TODAY: Mrs. Char­ Colorful cotton yourself— happy fact that our schools of i was named the Cullinan in honor • established 1915 flannel prints; Jepreaents the one alternative lotte Pease, 'Vernon Haven Con education and teachers' colleges in , r FURNITURE valcscent Home; Mrs. Doris Borre- of Thomas Cullinan, who discov­ MANCHESTER sizes 4-14, look how «iost likely to freeze itself, once ered the mine where it was un­ MI 9-0930 PAJAMAS PERMANENT the main live in isolation from the 1 T Son, Vernon^ T railer Court; Mrs. you save! Adopted, into a permanent pattern sources of intellectual ferment in Pauline Schmidt, South Windsor; earthed. Wherever this does happen. the great universities. Mrs. Sandra Billings, Bolton Lake; Mrs. Jo-Ann Supple, 139 Main St. Jt •will be bad news. "Chancellor Kimpton of the Uni­ ■*- But the,decision aa to whether featured in this store-wide event BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A son Open to a.m. ■ 10 p.m. Monday • Saturday More For Your Money Or Xm Money Back versity of Chicago hag reported to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Toth, 27 Ar not this nhall happen is -not up that these Schools of education SALE Four floors of everything for th« home, Hale Rd. Ext., Rockville; a son to 3bb Governor Faubus, but up to the over the years have developed their Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Perry, 126 S^ticens of each individual com­ courses not in psychology but tn at savings like these! Plymouth Lane; a daughter to Mr. 3 B O X E S munity, and it may be that the en- and Mrs. Johannes Swart, Hazard- Reg. $1.98 educational psychology, not in ville. fr g y and decision . required to physics hut in how to teach phys- j |; F O R ^ DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: VALUE! 400 j|a inch Buch programs will not of. ice, not in history but in the tech- j ^ Reg. 25c Box ten generate itself among ordinary Mrs. Avis Baker, 359 Bidwell St.; GIRLS’ niques of teaching history." 1' You may a.s well own the best . . . it Alen Metivier, South Windsor; Blends of VALUE! Aitizens, and that, instead, the peo All of this, said Stevenson, has costs no more! For Day.strom is l)e■^t Ramona Furphy, Thompsonville; CLEANSING 3^1e_ of many communities - will been reinforced bv state licensing in simple, wear-well .st.vling . . . al­ Mrs. Christine Pelletier, 27 Tyler Orion and KNEE HIGH Circle; John Usher, West Willing Handy to to go^ along vdlh gradual 1 result that the sfu- ways smart, always first with the Xnd regulated Integration, at the • Choose from gorgoous new fabricsl ton; Miss Bertha Warner, Glaston nylon, wool have. dent has become the "ultimate cas­ new. Daystrom i.s i)u;tlit.v-nia(le from 5 pieces i)ury: Mrs. Virginia Latulippe, 14 Stretch SOCKS TISSUES ^ace being set by the- federal ualty." the noii-niar high-pressiire Daystrom- Diane Dr., Vernon; Mrs. Patricia and nylon. courts. Inertia,in . other words, T.s indictment, if sharply made, ite plastic lops down to the se'.f-lo\ cl­ • Cheese from oxciting now %tyiosl Blackwell, 369 E. Middle Tpke.; Sizes 9-11. ' enay combine with ■ conscience to is not too novel. And the emphasis ing swivel leg glides! The steel-strun.g Mrs. Olga Becker, Coventry; Har­ old Sypher, Wlllimantic; Anthon produce a aort of . negative ac- on method rather than content is ’lift-light construction is in Day- • Fick ‘frem>an array of ceiorsl 2epCance of integration. It would 5 9 5 “ Ahrens, Wapping; Frank Eckels, not likely to lead to any total dis­ strom’s e.xclusive non-chipping Color- Mountain Rd., Rockville; Mrs. Appear, at least, that the Virginia aster. amic Bronze. Chairs upholstered with • Many with piushy piie liningsl Olive Turnbull, 108 Ridge St.; Mrs. R ^ . $1.98 {hoioe is now up to the people, in Reg. $79.00 But we can never afford to tan plastic that wipe clean with a Jean Weiss, 323 Spring St.; Emilie Reg. $1 pr. eir individual communities, and MiUer, 17 Barry Rd.; Arthur GIRLS’ INFANTS’ forget that the type of specializa­ damp cloth. 30 x 12-inch drift-wood- • Push-up and cuffed sleevesi VALUE! is to be hoped that the pre­ • / -.1 . Schmidt , East Hartford; Mrs. VALUE! tion bureaucratic professionalism grained to]) extends to .52 inches. Joyce Hodge, 45 Hamlin St.; fP: rdominant pattern ^11 be one of instinctively fosters seldom pro­ • lutten-frentsICiutchjlrentsI Fred Smith. 20 N. Fairfield St.; No Iron cottons GLOVES or OCcepUiTce, grudging, perhaps,’ at ffoar FORO W M UEirS U S E D C A R VAUIIS BETTER duces the high spots of perfor­ I ■ Timothy Becker. 736 Center St.; Brat; but ever more positive in In a variety of Wool for mance in any profession. They Margaret Willis, Burbank Rd £m,y tinanclmg tmrm, Rockville; Geprge Clarke, 40. Mc­ warmth and years to cornel to sh H your hydg, t styles, hard wear.' come from the whole man, from Cabe St.; Mrs. Dooman and daugh. BLOUSES MITTENS the liberal arts man who brings i PARK MISSIS' AN D J u n i o r P it ir s s i z e s ,,, ter, Andover. su e s 3-14. Z How Solid A Solidarity?' much more than rule and rote to 11 A truly elegant setting . . . Day- i DISCHARGED TODAY: Emil I There were-' iMauUful protesta- hla performance. If we had to | FREE Strom’s smart Coloramic Bf^nze, Ijriar BUT NQT EVERY SIZE IN EVERY Mulhite, Windsorvllle; Mrs. Pearl Bona of aoUdarily at Moscow, the make the absolute choice between j ^ V PURNELL woodgrain top and tan sti’ipe-pattern-. Wuthrlch, '2 Hunter Rd., Rock­ H^eT'di^ aa Khrushchev scoffed hUVing ah the teachers of this i parking ville; Dennis Higgins, 107 Grove ed plastic upholstery! Sleek, trim lines St., Rockville; Arthur Gauthier, Reg. $1.98 M W ^ern attempts ,to think there country be merely liberal arts j 1 with steebstrong and lift-light pon- STYLE, FABRIC AND COLOR I Andover, Because of your Ford Deakir’s unprecedentec( sales of new INFANTS’ ■tw $148 INFANTS’ miM be ildiiietlilng less than per- graduates, and that of having them I * VALUE! struction; plump cOntour-curved foam 1969 For^, he’s able to offer outstanding used car valuee. 1 ^ aot^r, "between. Hussia and all be’ merely education courses ' rubber chairs. 'The Daystromite high- Ypu can buy with oon&denoe, too, because your Ford Dealer ■ W "pnd M P nm ier Chou-enLlsd 5 pieces Bergen Music Center qualifiers, we would Instinctively, pressure laminateid plastic top (36 x has tto know-how and fadlities to put every used car in tip­ s;nforlzed SLEEPING HATS or the fountain- and pqrhaps wrdngly, choose the 50 extending to 60 inches) rejects Bergen, Norway—B e r g e n is top condition. When you see hia A-1 label on a w , you know flannels, piints I M of all CSiiinmunist progress former. And as for the require­ stains, heat and liquids: Like all Day­ known for its international music, it lepieaents a best value. And now’s the time to buyl d o e tz l^ drama, and folklore festivals. Its and solids; BAG ment of education courses" for a ; 9950 strom furniture, this set thrives on, Prices are reduced to abeolute rock bottomi See us today! — 1 BONNETS MeeaUiiTieg., ^ would aay that teaching certificate, we would 1 Harmonien Orchestra, founded In siihple soap and water care. This long- 1765, la one of the world's oldest tipper closure. tw o OMtaiminist countries pro^'ably. abolish that entirely. But ’■ Reg. $129.00 lasting easy-to-care-for Daystrom symphony orcheatras. In 1850 Ole ’bfttnt’iN to *' iturry for world the, reaaonaNe, balanced thing to i 5* * dinette is for you Is BplI, the famous vioUnlat-, founded hope for is: a ^ tte r adjustment of ! Norway^* first permanent theacer. 319 MAIN 8 T. YOUR FAMILY SHOPPING STORE wmld Uw capable atandardj practice, until nowhere, And In Bergen Norway’s most fa­ DILLON SALES and SERVICE MANCilESTEB, CONN. -irwr,,’ Tba VdOy .may. mous compoMr, EMvard Grieg, wsus ia -no. inkitution, can. it be inUd 9 A-M. to 5:30 P.M^— Thurs^y oiid Friday Nights to 9— Closod Mondoyi—*935 M o Ir St.— Ml 3-1171 SOUTH WINDSOR BERLIN . bont and spent most of his life. trtll Boad to be that the emphaala on njethod out- Oe B y At mie Kset Hsitlerd Une ■ On .Tlw Beriia Tarnplto SWy*V loo, caa' retrain weiglu that on content. / — Mi mdiMaMMMiiifiMMMitiiimtriwiiipMeaMtirfiiM (iwniTiTrii titiTTirieen-wi ■Miimaiirwr>iiisWMMWMkMiiamaBmimMMaMoaB9iiipBioE|oEMOEM RARirORO,;^ OAmOL AVE.-^NEW 'BRITAIN( 3S6 PARK%. MV-'-'V Ife*' t ■ elud* a report of progrsa* from the Advisory pommltts* which is working on junior high school i pIsnnliQ'; discussion of the request for s'n increase in the teachers’ ■alary schsdule; physical examlna- tlona for staff mambera and trans­ he igh chool orld portation planning for 1959-60. T H S W Prinripal Richard E. Uather will outline the local curriculum for Mias Helen Estca. Faenlty Adriaer the benefit of the Advisory Com­ Complied by Students of Manchester HlRh School WlNy —-Manclie»t«r Herald News mittee. A meeting with members V d. XXV, No. 19 Friday, January of the professional staff and Board WINS^Muslo Mr the rirst tUurt WDRC—World Tonight A study of the latest enumera­ of Education of Manchester has 8S— WPOP—Bob Scott Show WHAY—Hound Dof S;I3— tion report will be mad* by Ihe been scheduled for Feb. 23 when MHS Shooters WCCC—Record Review WHAY^Muslc Alley Board of Education at its meeting Manchester’s currlcuhim will be WKNB-^huck Caron WTIC—Life in tlie World Monday night. Immediate objec­ presented for study. Varsity Drops Sacred Heart Beaten WTIC—Ross Utller WDRC—Music Through the Night Legion of Honor W DRC—A rt Johnson WPOP—Bob Scott Show tive will be the organisation of Te«oher Aides Named BeatMilford W PO P—Conn. B allroom 8 '3S— Claeses fo r 1959-60. M others Who will assist the 4iSS“ ‘WHAY—M usic Alley teacher at the Co-operative Kin­ Two League W iN F—N ew s WTIC—W eatherwatch The enumeration, taken as of - By MHS Swim Team The varsity rifle team climaxed 4 :1 * - WDRC—Music Through tha Night Septem ber 1958, Indicate* 527 dergarten and Nursery next week WINF—Music with Jos Glrsnd WPOP—Bob Scott Show Include Mrs. Alexis Pepin and Mrs. a hard examination week with a children will be enrolled In the ele­ 4 :1 5 - S ;45— mentary school next September. Alfred Barrett, Monday; Mrs. Hoop Games brilliant victory over Milford WHAY—Hound Dos WHAY—Music Alley M anchester Swlm-^yard freestyle, the second event of WCCC—tRecora Review WTIC—Monitor An additional 152 will attend M an­ Stephen Phlllmore and Mrs. Ken- ming Squad, showing fine mid- the night. School by the score of 885 to 770 WKNB—Chuck Caron WDRC—Music Through the Night chester High Sc'. ool, m aking a to­ peth Berry, Tuesday; Mrs. Daniel The Manchester High varsity Kurt Ei(,enbrod splashed home WT * — Ru— idiavi WPOP—Bob Scott Show tal of 670 school children next Post and Mrs. Raymond Boyd, season forr.i, easily defeated Sacred Jan. 23. Shooters Jim Tierney, WDRC—Art Johnson 9:00— A M. to 9 P.M. basketball team dropped two CCIL WPOP—Conn. Ballroom Wednesday; Mrs. Alan Remington TODAY Heart of Waterbury by a 48-29 first In the 50 yard freestyle event, Jack Toomey, and Ron Oambolati WHAY—Music Alley year as counted four months ago. tuts in the past two >'.-eeks, to score on Friday night, Jan. 23 in followed by Co-Captain Jim Davis, 4 ;3 S - W TIC—M onitor The elementary school break­ and Mrs. Theodore Chandler, Wethersfield and to Maloney. The sat in the background witnessing WHAY—Hound Dog WDRC—Music Through the Night Thursday; Mrs. Frank Selble and the spacious high school pool. who placed third to add an addi- the expert shooting of sophomore, WCCC—Record Review WPOP—Mike I.*wleBi down by grades Is; G rade 1, 81; Indians now stand 4-6 on the sea­ tion.ll six points to the Manches­ WKNB—Headlines 9:03— Grade 2, 63; Grade 3, 79; Grade Mrs. James Curry, Friday. The downatate rivals, highly re­ Bucky Kehler, who fired a fine 183. W Uo—Ross Miner son with an coctremely slim chance garded and rated among the top ter total. W IN F—N ew s 4. 66; Grade 5. 70; Grade 6. .58; Food Sale Slated of{r for the annual CIAC Interest was also keen as the ver­ WDRC—Art Johnson 9:10— • The St. Maurice Council of swimming squads in the state, Steven placed in first in the 100- satile and straight-shooting sec­ W PO P—Conn. B allroom W IN F —B an d stan d Grade 7, 58; Grade 8, 52. The TOMORROW A.M. to 5:30 P.M. tourney In New Haven next 4 :4 5 - 9;IS— Catholic Women will conduct could not match the powerful In­ yard orthodo:, breast-stroke vent, retary of the team, Misi Paula WHAY—Hound Dos Board, however, will have in front month. breaking the record for the sec­ WHAY—Music Alley of it Monday right a concrete ex­ coffee hours and a baked goods dian swimmc.r.s. Adams, fired a fine score achieving W i'lC —Russ AtlUel WTIO—Monitor sale after Masaea Sunday in the On Jan. 23, tinderdogr Maloney Sacred Heart, however, pursued ond time this year. The score at her first of five needed letter qual­ W DRC—A rt Johnson WDRC—»■Miislc ■ ■Through the Night ample of how enumeration figures W PO P—Conn. B allroom WPOP- Mike Lawless church hall. High of Meriden handed the In­ the Indian Mermen and forced this point stood at Indians, 24, ifications. S :0 0 - change from year to year and dians a 48-29 setback in the Silver 9:30— them to break four records before S'ianchester managed Dormer and Dave Doremus fin­ to -.OO— ment stood at 476 pupils, an In­ DURING NEW YORK FUR more than capable shooter, he haa WPOP—Conn. Ballroom minutes for the 200 yards. Later ished second and third, respective, WHAY—Music Alley The' five day forecast for Con­ only fifteen markers in the re- In the night Stevens lowered the failed in simple addition. Jim is the i : 3 0 - WTIC—Cavalcade ol Sports crease of 21 pupils over the 1957 ■ maining 24 minutes for their low­ ly, to add four more points for the WHAY—Fred Swanson WDRC—Music Through the Night enumeration. s necticut for the period Saturday Orthodox breast stroke record by only shooter in the history of the w r i t ’—R.iss uiinei through Wednesday calls for tern est offensive total this year. Top hometowners. Stephen Thomas team to fire a 10x99 prone target WDRC—Art Johnson W PO P—M ike L aw less The latest enumeration report MANUFACTURER'S SACRIFICE four-tenths of a second. Steiik The Indiana finished the night In Diane Mather tO:I3— peratures averaging near to ecorer for the Indians was senior lowered the 100-yard freestyle by aa he loat count and fired two bul- W PO P—Conn. B allroom WHAY—Music Alley shows 77 families listed for the center Skip Fisher with qlght true championship fashion by win­ t;4 5 — WTIC—Cavalcade of Sports slightly above normal. four-tenths of a second and Mc­ Watch that forehand! What a leta at the same bull, rewarding ■WHAY—F re d Sw anson first time. There were 85 pre- points, all in the first quarter. The ning the 200-yard freestyle relay Thls week the feminine Legion WDRC—Music Through the Night school and 52 school children in The norm||l mean temperature Clain lowered the butterfly by volley! Winner of that set is no himself with a one-point penalty. WTIi.—Russ Jtllci WPOP—Mike Lawless last hadf was disastrous for the event. Co-Captain Davis, Eigen- of Honor pays due tribute to one WDRC—Art Johnson these families. in the Hartford area for this pe­ three and a half seconds. brod, Towle and Art Nielsen cov- of the most talented musicians at —-riot Alex Olmedo, the U.S. Davis Ron Gambolati also contributed WPOP—Conn. Ballroom 10:30— riod, Jan. 31 to Feb. 4, is 26 de­ Get A Real Buy In visitors, as they went 10 minutes with a fine 182, followed by Bob WHAY—Music Alley Other data on the report shows The Indians himped off to an ered the course in 1:42.5 minutes, Manchester High School, Miss Cup hero, but MHS' own Stephen S:00-^ WTIC—Cavalcade of Sports grees, ranging from a normal without sco rin g after Chuck Murawski, and Bob Rusconi with WHAY—Fred Swanson WDRC—Music Through the Night there were 62 children born in Bol­ Saimond opened the attack with early seven point lead- after the to raise the Manchester score to Diane Sidney Mather. Headed to­ Thomas! WTIC—N ew t ton in 1953. This group will be high temperature of about 35 de­ first event, the medley relay. Steve's tennis adroitness can be 178. This match served as revenge W DRtJ—N ew s: W eather W PO P—M ike a quick third-period basket. Once 48, 19 more than the Sacred Heart ward a successful musical career, 10:43— eligible for school next September. grees to a normal low tempera­ score, recognized by the fact that he has for the Indians, for Notre Dame W PO P—N ew s again, the Indiana were lacking Cliarlie Towie added five points Diane’s talents have been applaud­ S;«S— WHAY—Music Alley When the 1966 count was taken, ture of ai’ound 17. b placing first in the long 200- Clyde Richard '59. been chosen to be a co-captain of was the lone team that defeated W IN F—N ews WTIC—Sports Highlights at the charity line, converting ed by many as she performed last WDRC—Music Through the Night the num ber had increased to 72; in It is expected to bs colder Sat- • FUR COATS this year’s tennis team. tnem last season. only five of 18 attempts. Off the year as principal cellist with the The riflemen met their match on WINF—Music for Evenlnf WPOP—Mike I.awleas 1957, to 75 and last September, iiiday and Sunday and then warm­ To leave the tennis courts and 11 : 00— boards, each team pulled down Springfield Young People’s Sym­ Monday, the 12th, as they were S:I»— reached the current total of 81. er again Tuesday and Wedne.sday. phony, and this year she was also visit the soccer field, we see our W HAY—F re d Sw anson WHAY—N ight Owl Precipitation for the peiiod will 89 apiece, despite the fact that Work Prepared ‘Beauty’ Essay Topic legionnaire participating on the downed by the powerful state- WTIC—Sports W TIC—N ew t Staff Recommendations Manchester had a definite height principal cellist with the All-State WDRC—Art Johnson W DRC—News Superintendent George E. Graff on the average total H to 1 inch highly successful 1958 varsity Soc­ champions, Hamden High 918-905. W PO P—N ews .STOLES Orchestra. Diane's talents have WPOP—Conn. Ballroom occurlng as rain or snow Sunday advantage. For Art Contest In commemoration of Na­ cer Squad. In fact, Steve's great­ The Indians meet Hamden one II !IS— will make recommendations for the won her the honor of performing S.-3C- WHAY—N ight Owl or Sunday night and again about C o-C aptain Phil Olschefeki, tional Beauty Week, Feb. 9-14, est honor was being on the start­ more time this year on their own WHAY—BYed Sw anson staff for 1959-1960 at Monday’s with the Hartford Symphony Or­ W TIC—Cote G lee Club WTIC—Sports- Final meeting. Other agenda Items in- Wednesday. sophomore Bruce Malloy and "Hand me those cuff-links, the Connecticut Institute of ing lineup of this year's CCIL and range, and have hope of evening WDRC—Art Johnson WDRC—Music Through the Night aenlor Paul Kravits lead Maloney's H airdressing is offering a $425 chestra this March on television. up the score. If the Indians hope WPOP—Conn. Ballroom WPOP- Mike Lawless please.” "Where’s the box for my in the p a st she has demon­ State Championship Soccer Team. II :S0- •CAPES attBck with nine, sixteen and scholarship to the winner of an An all-round young man, to capture the state title, they S:43— pin?" "I'd swear I had a frame strated her musical ability as she WHAY—Fred Swanson WHAY—N ight Owl eleven points respectively. A full for that picture!" These o\itbursts c.ssa.v contest it is sponsoring. Steve’s abilities are just as evident will first have to defeat Hamden WTIC—'fhree bia. e.sirs WTIC—UN Radio Review played with the Springfield Sin- WDRC—Irfiw'll Th..mas WDRC—Music Through the Niglit court press by the Spartans In have been familiar around rooms All senior boys and girls who in the classroom. Steve, who fol­ High. WPOP—Mike I.awlesB the third quarter proved to be the are interested in beauty cul­ fonietta. lows the College Prep course, is a Bob Rusconi 69 WPOP—Conn. Ballroom 207 and 209 for the past few 1:00— II a :,— All N.W “Ejonomy Ro-Tilt” Window tumlrtg point in the game as In­ ture are eligible to enter the Talent seems to be a "key word" WHAY—Fred Swanson WHAY—Night Owl • JACKETS top-notch student. He prefers weeks. The reason for thi.s is the W^lC—SlRi light Serenade dian coach E lgin Zatursky's closeness of the Art Awards con­ contest. The essay Is entitled with Diane; her talents have won "trig", chemistry and physics, WTIC—N. E, Ski Report her many scholarships to continue WDRC—Amos n Anov WDRC—Music Through the Night Priced Low! Do It Yourself and Save. charges threw the ball away time test of 1959, sponsored by Scholas­ "Why I am Making Beauty Cul­ which will be relevant to his ca­ W PO P—Bob Scott Show WPOP—Mike Lawless Kerry Ann Getchell. '60, and Pat Platt, '60, were winners of the ture My Career,” and must be her musical education. She is a Seniors, Faculty 12:30— after time. tic Magazine and the Hartford reer In the field of science. He 1 :1 3 - 4r FULL TRIPLE TILT wiNDOW. Led by Dave White (13) and first and second assemblies respectively. In final competition, 500 words long, typewritten, scholarship student with the Hart­ WHAY—Fred Swanson WINF—Sign Oft Courant. hopes to gain acceptance at Wil­ WTIC—Dick Bertel • SCARFS CUSTOM MADE to your order. Tony Morianoa (9), the Red and Pat out-spelled Kerry. (Herald Photo by Pinto). -Students from all arts and crafts and double-spaced. The essays ford School of Music and was one liams or Wesleyan, where he will To Play March 6 WDRC—Amos n Andv will be judged for originality of the scholarship winners to Lau­ * COMPLETELV WEATHERSTRIPPED—-New rigid vinyl White Jayveea clobbered their Ma­ classes of Mrs. Elizabeth Budd and study chemistry or physics. WPOP—Bob Scott Sliow Lions Will Hear weatherstripping throughout. loney counterparts by a 52-36 Miss Lucille Gaudreau have been and sincerity and are due in the rel Music Camp given by the Our "Senior Standout ' has joined A popular topic of discussion 3:Stt- Applications for Fair Guidance Office by March 20. Chaminade Club. Diane is the re­ WHAY—Fred Swanson * FULL HOLLOW SECTION SCREEN INSERT—Insures score. preparing for this big event. in many MHS activities. In the during the Jan. 14 gathering of the WTIC—N ews oi W orld About Jet Age rigidity—no twist—gives maximum strength. Moriasette Domlnatea The winner of the contest must cipient of the Springfield Junior field of dramatics. Steve partici­ WDDC—Answer Please Patricia Platt Manchester High School is rep­ Manchester High School Student W PO P—Bob Scott Show A HEAVY WEDGE TY PE LOCK-:—positive locking positions, On Jan. 16, Wethersfield’s Ron Applications for the Manches­ resented this year by oil paintings, register for training before League Music Scholarship. This pated in Paint and Powder, and for Council was the Senior-Faculty ter .Science F air should be rc- Sept. 1, 1959. There are folders John Ryan, sales repre.senta- cannot slip down—no more rattles—burglar-proof. Morlssette and company tacked a transparent water colors, opaque past summer she was a pupil of the the past two years he has been a Basketball Game, scheduled for * BOTTOM EXPANDER—No cut ting on Job. S4-42 loss on the Indians. Held to turneil in science teachers or to water colors, chalks, crayons and on the Connecticut In.stilute of famed cellist, Leonard Rose, at the member of Sock and Buskin. This Television Programs tive of American Airlines, will be Wins Contest Mr. Anthony G. Alilirio by the M arch 6. A FLANGE TYPE FRAME—for easy Installation. 10 polnU during the first three different variations and combina­ Hairdressing available in the Meadowmount School of Music. year he serves the club in the ca­ Mr. Harry Smith, club adviser, On Page Two the speaker at the dinner meeting q u arters, Captain Morlssette close of school Monday in Room tions. From the crafts classes Guidance Office. Between performances and prac­ pacity of vice-president. Junior gave a brief history of this an­ Installation Optional 247. nils is the final deadline. of the Manchester Lions Club on EACH racked up IS tallies in a fourth Patricia Platt proved herself to lliere are piece.s of silver; copper; ticing, Diane served as a member and Senior Hi-Y have also occupied nual game, the first of which the $12.75 (Small Charge) quarter rout for a 23-polnt total. bp top oral speller in the high of the "Trio La Jeunesse" which some of Steve's time. In his junior Tuesday. The meeting will be held .silver-plated steel; enameled ear­ faculty won partly due to the star GENERAL at the 3 J’s Restaurant at 6:30 Ably assisting Morlssette in the school, and Kerry Ann Getchell rings, rings, pin.s, cuff-links and played at various functions year Steve was elected into Na­ performance rendered by Mr. LIHLE Hoop Inlramurals p.m. scoring departnrent were John the second, in the 2-part spelling tie bars; enameled boxes; and sil- throughout Connecticut last year. tional Honor Societ,v, and he is Dwight Perry. Babel (11) and Billy Stewart (10) bee conducted in a.sscmblica by the Captain Picked Diane also finds time to teach now treasurer of that organization. TV SERVICE Ryan’s topic will be “The Jet MANCHESTER AWNING CO.. MANCHESTER SHOPPING PLAZA ver-cloissono jewelry. President Karl Reichelt asked Age." He will explain the time 305 EAST CENTER ST. Off the boards, Moris.setle was the English Department, Jan. 19. Attract 130 Boys cello and to maintain a very high It is very evident that Steve is a Council members to contact mem­ Days AC A Call CANVAS and ALUMINUM PRODl'CTS whole show, hauling down 13 solo ''Tragedy ' was the most dif­ Tliis year something new has scholastic standing which won her student, a leader and a young man Ntghta Plus Parts saving and added comfort of jet 195 W EST CENTER ST.—Established 1949—TEL. MI 9-8091 been added to the Ci'afls sent to bers of the student body to see if travel, as well as its future po­ rebounds. ficult word for Hie seniors, while By Majorettes The boys’ intramural basketball acceptance into the National Honor of fine character. they preferred a strictly serious TEL. MI 8-6482 Indian CapUln Chuck Saimond "psychology'' determined the win­ the Art Contest in the pewter Society last year. Musically, at Steve holds a part-time job at tential. work being done. program for 1959 was kindled into the A&P on North Main St. In his game or an entirely humorous one. waa the only Silk Towner in double ner of the two assemblie.s. A .sliarp wliistle, thiuc beat of MHS,' she: serves as cd-stirdent di­ It was suggested that the game figures, hitting the cords for 14 ParlicipanUs in the hee were At the beginning of the year, activity Jan. 6, with the number rector of the orchestra. Her busy spare moments he enjoys playing marcliing feet, and the reflection pewter was just an experiment, golf or fishing at Rangeley, Maine. be played seriously with the light­ markers. Pat Mlstretta and Skip chosen by preliminary spelling of participants tallying over 130 schedule at school includes Eng­ er aspect entering during the Fisher each clipped in with nine of silver liatons accompanied the but, as the year progressed the lish IV, US, History, College The songs of popular Ricky Nelson bees In their spelling boys. The popular after-school quarters and the half. points. Mistretta and Fisher lead Freshmen taking part in the as­ Red and White Majorettes onto students enjoyed more and more Physics, Harmony, Orchestra, really rate with Steve. working with this versatile metal. sport is under the supervision of A popular, versatile boy with a A proposal of a game between Oie Indians in rebounds with 10 sembly were: Caroline Macione. the floor of tlic big gym Tuesday Band and Personal Typing. She and 8, while reserve Bill Keish Gail Putnam, Barbara Smith. Rich­ After the crudest pins and jewelry- four teachers, (Mr. Daniel Boylen, lists Harmony and U.S, History as great sense of humor, Steve is a senior girls and women membera pulled down 7. ard Lombardo, Judith Roasano, night, .tan. 13, during half time of backings have come beautiful Mr. Alan Cone, Mr. Jack Early, her favorites. sure bet for a successful future. of the faculty invoked a lively dis­ A team to watch is the MHS Kathleen McMullen. Ronald Pir- the Manchester-East Hartford vases, sugar bowls, creamers, and Mr. Neal Lawrence) and it Manchester High School is indeed Steve is the son of Mrs. Sarah M. cussion. A motion was passed consists of two leagues: A fresh­ Jayvee quintet. With Keish and kc.v, P atricia Vendrillo, Sandra baskotliall game. , bowls, plate.s, and a vari­ fortunate to boast such a talented Thomas, 8 Oxford St. providing for insurance coverage Bill Viot each acoring 11 points, Jacobs. Liz Xeubert, Virginia Hat­ ety of jewelry. There are many, man-sophomore leagtie of five musician as Diane and we feel sure Donna Sundals. for teachers Intending to partici­ The 12 girls, ably led by their teams and a junior-senior loop with pate In the game. The need of uni­ ,.. many pieces of pewter work going A n n o u n c i n g th e Jayvees romped to a 57-33 w in that the future \rill hold much suc­ field. Paula Ballslepcr. Joyce newly elected captain, Pat Little, over th e W ethersfield eecond.s for Doucette, Linda Potter, Carol to the Schola.stic Art Contest, and four teams. cess for her. Diane is the daughter Re.sults of the Scholarship Quali­ forms for team members is also th eir ninth win In 10 starts. P er­ Werdelin, and Amy Raessler. nmrclicd into the crowded gym in if the students keep >ip their cn- An intramural sport Is the em­ of Mr, and Mrs. Richard Berry fying Test that was given la.xt being appraised. Bill Malowsky exact formation beginning their bodiment of sports participation; October may pick up the results haps the varsity picture will not Sophomores were Arlyne Gar- Uuisiasnr for pewter, it will be the Mather of Hebron Rr., Bolton. and Skip Fischer will coach the be so bleak next year. predominant item for next year's everyone on an intramural team, Donna Metcalf, '59. in the Guidance Office. senior team, while the faculty rity, Mary Zeigler, Kathleen Nak- regardless of his ability, plays the Boh Ballard, '59 tenis, Sam McCloud. Donna Grcan. exhibit. have yet to choose their head. Carol Moses '61 game. Therein lies the value, and A letter from Alleen Roat ey, Ronald Prentice, Sandy Car­ attraction, of the intramural sys­ penter, Elaine Kasevich, Tom ketballs, scorebooks, and team have 12-game schedules, most School for Navajo Indians in New THE OPENING OF OUR MANCHESTER STORE tem: there are no "bench warm- Junior Hi-Y Club Dawkins. Malcolm Barlow, Ernest .shirts. teams playing a game every Tues­ Mexico expressed the children’s Kearns, Shirley Doty, Kevin Too- era.” And so it is in MH9 in tra ­ Intramural teams this season will day. Thursday, and every other appreciation for the Christmas mey, Trudi Recknagel, and Arthur mural basketball: Each team mem­ Friday afternoon. At the termina­ candy which was sent them by the Ends Active Term Classic Column ber must play In at least eight min­ tion of league competition, on or Zelonis. Seniors Select Motto MHS council. The money from the Juniors were Priscilla Tennant. utes of every game he shows up about Feb. 20. the teams in each annual school drive is being used Activities, speakers, and a dance Alicia Blandfield, John Jones, The New Yorker has done It for. league shall participate in play­ for school improvement and sup­ hava made the Jr. Hi-Y Club a Linda Canfield, Richard Stephens, again: This time with a beautiful An Integral part of the In­ The newly elected motto offs to determine the "champion” plies. ■ucoeu during the first semester Barry Hopper, Bert Feingold, two-page picture in color of the tramural program is the Intramur­ chosen by the senior graduating of the respective leagues. Mr. Zane 'Vaughn spoke to Monday, February Z The club’s program has been high­ Cynthia de Bandi, and Sandara Roman Forum. Between the New al Officials’ Club. This group^ com­ class of 1959 i.s "Vincit qul Jim W hitehill '60 Council members of the organiza­ lighted by speakers end s dance. Hood. Yorker and the current issue of posed of twenty-five students is in patitur"—^“He that can endure tion of a Model Club which would Two Naval personnel from the Seniors were Marilyn McKay, Readers' Digest with its exception, direct charge of each basketball overcomes.” This choice was be in the interests of all sorts of game; the members act aa ref­ made from a field of approxi­ MHS was visited recently by Groton Naval Base spoke to the Ellen Shapiro, Susan Perras, Mar­ al article "There's No Place Like representatives from Paul Smith's model builders. Airplane meets in 1 club members on submarines, sub garet Reid, Richard Barth, Pris­ Rome." the classics are really erees, scorers, and timekeepers mately ten other prospective the spring would be one of the fea­ during the game and take respon­ mottoes. College and Albertus Magnus Col­ tures. marine 1 if® and submarine opera cilla McKay, Lorraine Alartin, Dale thriving. lege. tlon. They also showed the club a Robinson, 'Tina Abel. Tom Adams, sibility for equipment such as bas- Letters from other %igh schools movie about the things on which Harold Jarvis, and Margaret Ben­ Now that the die has been cast in this area wanting tips on how they had spoken. nett. and midyears are behind us, we all to improve and alter their Student The Hl-Y members also appre­ Marge Stoddard '69 j are breathing signs of relief. Ex­ Council constitutions have been ciated the program and talk given clamations of "Oh I passed!"; "I received and these letters are be­ by Mr. Michael Guadano, who took got a C!” "Miss Kibbe, docs that ing an.swercd. M r. Louis Paulus's place in Bcl- j mean I have a chance for a B?’ Various reports were given by gium last year as an exchange Freshmen Make are om nipresent in rpom 239. Dick Olmstead, Paula Adams, and teacher. Mr. Gaudano's program Bob Seelei t of the Projects Schol­ Included showrlhg many slides tak­ Projects on Book Speaking of exams, if it weren’t arship. and Social Committees re­ en by him in the European coun- for that old villain vocabulary, all spectively. triea which he toured. Mr. Gua­ The novel "Johnny Tremaln" by Cicero students would have proven Doris Michelitech '69 dano pointed out many interesting Esther Forbes has been the study themselves the geniuses they deem differencea between . this country material for Miss Catherine Mc­ themselves to be. and the foreign countries which he Guire's freshnaan English classes Biology Students toured. during the past* four weeks. At the It's been rumored that these mid­ Before exams the club held an end of their study each student was, years are j>ist a toughening up pro­ ..Informal dance for the club mem­ required to do a special project cess for College Board Exams. Conduct Projects bers and their friends. The dance pertaining to the novel. Boy. do we feel tough! was a great auccess and enjoyed Marcia Potterton. made Tipsy "Metabolism” has become the by all who attended. Parson, which is not an intoxi­ Some additions to teenage lingo; theme for Biology projects car­ Judging‘from their activities cated parson as one might think "puer valde itus”' "real gone guy" ried on by students in Mr. Robert for the first half year it can safely at a first glance of this word, but and "palmula gravis” meaning Fenn’s classes. RICHARD RYDER JAMES D. HEWin be Wid that the club will follow rather small pieces of while bread "heavy date.” George Ordway, '61, and P eter THOMAS J. CHARA A. W. GRINOLD ■ Supervisor O f Branches up with an active agenda for the baked in butter. Klock, '61, have constructed Manchester Manager P reald m t General Manager remainder of the year. An excellent soap carving of P a t Little Who says Latin is a dead Ian machine which mqasures the rate George Ordway, '61. Christ’s Church was produced by giiage? M.I.P. (Multum In Parvo) of oxygen consumption in small Palucl Flagg. The Battle of Lex­ performance with a drill and is u.sed in an advertisem ent by animals. Several trial runs have ington was very cleverly depicted march to "The Thunderer." This the stock exchange of Merrill been made using mice obtained under glass by Phillip Rice. Phil precision practice was followed Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith from the University of Connecti­ Delegates Chosen realistically matched the red coats by the familiar pinvyheel forma­ "Willy Nilly," derived from .the cut. EVERYTH im by painting match sticks red with tion, in which the girLs pivot Latin "Volo"—"to want or wiph' Pete Zaglio, '60, and Bob Seelert, WHOLESALE For UN Assembly black. Johnny Tremain's house around an object placed in the Oand "Nolo"—"to be unwilling.was '60, have constructed^ a machine and surroundings were formed by center of the drill area. This dem­ used recently in a newspaper which will force mice to smoke AUTOMOTIVE Dttvid Garaventa of plastic. onstration prec^eded ^ left flank, headline describing one of the pro Delegates to the U.N. Model As- Exceptional word-meaning car­ cigarettes. This machine has not AUTOMOTIVE ■SOmUy to be. held April ir have a friendshfp twirl to the East football teams. been tested ns yet, but such tests toons were drawn by Zenta Ozqls. Hartford students, a rear march, been chosen by the Current Affaire Outstanding personal impressions will be carried out In the near SHoVsERVld Club. They are Stan Auerback, a twirl to Manchester High School Hearci along the Appian Way: future. Mice which have been DISTRIBUTORS PARTS, sc of characters were drawn by Dan­ rooters, a final salute, and the One chariot driver in a'small char­ GRINOLD Bob Ballard Dick Olmatead, Cl)ar- forced to smoke over a period of He Ryan, Pam Barnes, Sue Buck- iel Doll, Carolyn McNamara, and "marching off" drill. iot pulled by small ponies to a Eldward Custer. time will then have a metabolism ley, Nancy Colla and Valerie John- Marge Smachetti, outstandingly chariot driver in a big chariot test given them by Ordway and Excellent original poems based capable leader of the girls earlier senu The alternates are Lorraine pulled by large horses: ■ "There's Klockto .see if there is any TELEPHONE Ml 3-1558 Cormier and Bob Jamaitis. on Johnny Tremain were written by this year, recently resigned, thus nothing like these foreign jobs —^ 191 CENTER STREET MANCHESTER Kidu Grey. Margaret Geoper, Sari change. . . T)m ^puntries they will be repre- enabling Pat, student teacher to only halt the upkeep!" Don Morrison, '61, and John seotlhRare the Soviet Vnion and Pinkman. Douglas Kapeha, Marcia the group, to become captain. Pat Jill Diskan, *60 Potterton, Betsy McLagen, Barry is very well known for her excel­ Urbanettl, '61, are starting work Laos. Dogates and alternates on a machine to measure oxygen wUI tsirifel (to N ew York for an !n- Crouse, and Clifford Rautenberg. lent t^'irling ability as she has STAMPS EXCHANGED Special reports pn historical competed In both state and na­ Mr. Louis Paulus, a former MHS consumption in plants. These terrtkw' wfrii the U.N. Delegate boys, along with Dave Haskell, '61, SERVING CONNECTICUT SINK 1923 characters such as' "Sam Adams, tional championships. The most exchange teacher from Beigtum, frant ^Uss. Soviet Union in order to have jurt complete'd a plqnt sur­ ow raraf ilia views. John Hancock, and Paul .Revere, recent title bertowed upon her is has recently had his English stu­ raaent dub meeting Mr. who took part In important events that of "Miss Majorette of Con­ dents in Belgium corresponding vey and a map of the MHS cam-, taiWia Piper faculty advisor report- throughout the novel, were given necticut.” ‘ with Mr. Laurence Perry and his pus. ' pamphleta from the "Great by several members of all three B arbara M cIntosh, '69. Stamp Club. To date, Mr.’ Perry Some of the projects and other* OUR NINTH STORE TO SERVE YOU BETTER SSSS program had been or- classes.. Also the continuation of has received seven letters, each >viU be entered in the Science Fair w pcaarai questions on the livn of several characters in Seniors who took their College containing a packet of Belgium in February. arodd ia d national af> the atory proved creative ability Bo'ard Entrance Examinations in stamps and a short letter written < Tom Ryaii, ’61. - ’ " ■ '■ '■ ■' ■ . '■ ' - ■' ^ - ■■ ' ■ be naad as material and ima^natlon of many students December may get the scores In in perfect English, and ■with excep­ in the groups. the OuidEmce Office. tionally fine penmanship. The Seniors who expect to take Jtbe ' i f e O h r la o n ^ Nancy FqUaiisbec, '.62. m em bers of the Stamp dub hope Display Work in College Entrance BxsimlnaUon OTHER STORES at HARTFORD, MERIDEN, NEW BRITAIN, TORRINGTON, NEW LONDON, M IDpUgn^N; NE HA,| Kecently a reprcaeiitativb from to exchange letters and stamps Karen Peterson displays the sugar bowl of her pewter sugar bowl and creamer and Mary Kjmz dis­ Board tests in March are reminded in ntfratWng SORinnhis rvprraenUttvM b e j^ Bay Path Junior Oollege spoke with their Belgium pen pals and plays hsi pewter dish with ensmel insert in the handle, Oh the table are other unique pewter to get the applications in the Gpid-’ , atra « it|i'« eoUccUng th® Mcond payment for with juniors and seniors interested fellow philatelists. pieces dope by Ken Ames, John Haberem and GU Pepin. AU are among U^a entries in the Art ance- " Office.rwwma fTCiABA Thee* m u st''’ be in Wadaaikbiy. ' -in sttehdljig this college, Baula IC^amaim H(S Awards contest. (Herald Photo by Pinto).) Prineton by Feb. 14. /■ / / MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CO^^N., FRIDAY, JANUARYiSO, 1969

toward th*.opening of the school o’clock In St. ».«. lard’s Cfliurch, Co. 'WiUt this money they finished Sub Instructor. , library. She invited the parent* to Church lo End ut Town Bray, Cheney Rockville. Burial will be In St. College Asks paying for the first two college Varney Hits inspect the new book* which had S Sentenced Bernard’s Cemetery. 1 uildlngs erected in 1032. They Your Income Tax Primer Speaks to Elks been purchated, and also called Program Series There will be no calling hours. also used the money to make a attention to aome hooks which The Green Thihab Group of the Honored on Half Million down payment on two new stu­ $2 F ee fo r . . . could be donated by members, For Thefts TWCA will meet MOtjday night at Mrs. Thomas Oameron dent dormitories. This left them (Fifth of 12 Chapter*) l.Lmi4v4Tl|IUrak^.utH^hfih.«ti.V« Ma including nuclear energy, / the life of a Moslem girl in a 'her husband. Thomas CamerPn; library. Iwvakito *to lateainto to,a* tar ta c*i* ««n* •tl> m k«toa toatoit* tto v«to« to •*?•«••• «M*k r** v a will be played on March 20. from the Eldrid(te Ball farm In ployes. tiating a 7-year lease for the club line to tax Form 1040 for tise in aM.tM ta «bto> AHMk *Mi V*. otoo ••••>•>*8, to The speaker is a graduate of/the Christian mission school. three sons, William S. Brlghai^ At a reception and dinner, Sis- • •» torn t r*to tatwa. The attendance banner' waa won Water Firm General Manager Richard Mar­ deducting travel and r^mburaed 1953 class at the Submarine S^ool, The program will start al 7:30. Hebron. ! of Hartford, J. Arthur Brigham l*r Mary Theodore, president of on town-owned land. and served on the U.S.S. G^geon, by Miss Harriet Atwood's after­ tin was toastmaster at the affair. Henry Acting expenses. to tohM I Evefyone is welcome. Hot choco­ William Bromley. S5, was sen-j of Newington and Roy Cameron the' college, said the admlnistrfa- Varney said the schedule calling MM*ktotoq kaitoto tmmmMt. fta a submarine operating in tlie Pearl noon class and Mrs. Margaret Bray and Chene^.were presented . 'ihere were so many com­ to* ••*• toW■«to4 to togtayw.’ ow, i*n«i«4 late and cofte will be served. fenced to one year In jail on two : Asks Change of Hartford: and a great grand­ tlon (tlans to raise funds for the for $4 fees for weekends and $2 for tota ito< '*• rtoi to «**• I* awaarvaf wto'to Harbor area. / Boyle’s sixth grade class. 1 sets of porch furnltbfe. plaints about requiring employe.-- ■aglltoI MM' 'vM * raa ewitoar* «to aUc* to bi*»t>* a* Miwia i**a>ii*4 atow counts, sentences to run conrur- child. library hot only from some 2,000 For Governor week".,.'-. was so low that it to*«WMi totoam mA w hot modctuilx. rwwa U r«u aimt ato i* *•« ttai ***rtoa8 He is associated w ith^e Electric rentlv, and to be suspended after Bray has been chii^ custodian Thj funerr 1 will be held at 11 alumnae but from friends of the would hurt the club’s drive for to account for all their expense n •• Ttotol Mto*to* toUla vtoT !••• kto« (Wtoiktow a« Boat Co. of New Lonoon, builders for the town since 1942 an^ befow money that the Internal Revenue tokto-toto kr t«w »«*»>«<. • "Hato" t* totuaA w IHd. •■Imm* ufMiM toattor w «to wMwmA one month. He was placed on pro­ In Bill Filed o’clock tomorrow morning at the college as welL new members who will have to pay , kitoto to tototoM, to «* •••«>•». Ttom to yvw waMiwi • a * ' >> ■ N* ••.aaaiM'' • toll* of the submarine Nautilus which re­ Naval Uniforms that was custodian at the 'Center Service re-studied the'matter and totototo Itolto* ilpA *n4 *ii. tn •kicettJa bation for two j-ears. Taylor and Modeen Funeral Home, Construction of the library will $150 a season. Varney would let the torn Irm torn mwaiqw.' tat til* matarf* cently completed .the first under­ At &>nference came up with a new set of rules IMim** w*M*to. ta •M.ti Lucian J. Dastou. IS. was sen-, Church, Masonic Temple and other be a stepping-stone to doubling of weekend fee stand but raise the Q 0. 0*to> ktoltot* toym*** H* vAtak tm •••• f«la4wi«4 seas voyage acrqto the Arctic Cir­ A bill to amend the charter of local buildings. He was a shee^ 233 Washington St., Hartford. for 1958. The rules cover travel, to tow •mWwf • 7toto awf weltoa *wk itaaa mm Sought by Patrol tonced to one year in jail on two , Burial will be in Cedar Hill Ceme­ the undergraduate capacity and $2 fee for weekdays to $3. « •MWtow1»f cle. counts, sentences to run concur- ' the Rockville Water and Aque­ metal worker for 35 years in Hart­ Thomas P. Henry of West St. Varney, who said his views were transportation, entertainment and luaatiwi, awitatM. ■■ M*v***i*a Speaks at Dinner tery. Hartford. establishing a full program for a other business-connected expenses “ 7" rentlv. and to be su-spended im- duct Co. has been submitted to ford. master’s degree, said Sister Theo­ Ext., Andover, will represent shared by other club members, said Don Borg, local Navy Recruiter, Bray's service ends Feb. 6, but Friends may call at the funeral of employes. mediatelv. SUtes Atty. Joel H. Superior Court Judge William J. the General Assembly. home from 7 to 9 o'clock tonight. dore. Governor Ribicoff at the second the proposed schedule, as a result, PTA at Highland has requested that all cx-Navy en­ Reed told___ the court that immigra­ , Shea of Manchester will be the he will remain at the Municipal would endanger the club’s ability To apply the new regulations, TTvrri ilW listed men that have uniforms ‘ The bill would confirm the eom- The library will also be a boon annual Governors’ Conference on tionnull authorities were waiting for . principal speaker at the testimonial , u. . n • . . j Building for a short period to to raise the revenue it will need the employe must first deter­ which they no longer need or want FOOD STORES Dastou's release to deport him to j Wednesday for retired Po- panys right t° srll water to or- Cfaudia Carrier to the research programs being Civil Rights tomorrow in Detroit. mine which of the following two For Fluoridalioii and who would care lo donate acquaint contracted custodians Claudia Alice Carrier, 13, 277 carried on in the science depart­ to operate and maintain the golf Canada. They claimed Dastou. a | upg chief Herman O. Schendel. ki. with his duties. The contractor. Henry, supervisor of Concilia­ course and pay the town the aver­ categories he is in; • a* attvaat a* *ll them to the Naval Patrol lo con­ YOUR BEST NEIGHBORHOOD STORES the company's pre.sent franchise Green Rd., died last night at Man­ ments. age annual rental of $18,000 called -'_^mployes who were required to D'«» A unanimous decision to support tact him al tlie Navy Recruiting Canadian by birth, had traveled: state Police Commissioner John ' “ ” " General Services Inc., of Manches­ chester Memorial jHospital after a Fifth Building tion and Eir'orcement for the back and forth between the tw o 'c. Keily will also be among the area. The bill, introduced by Rep. ter, has offered part-time work to for in the proposed lease. and did submit an expense vouch­ fluhridallon and tp help get out the Station in Hartford. CARRY SUGAR HEART FOOD PRODUCTS Charles Leonard of Tolland, also lingering illness. The library will "oe the fifth Connecticut Civil Rights Com­ er or other accounting to their em- yhs vote if necessary has been The uniforms are for the countries many times, entering 11- I speakers. Atty Harold W Garrity Bray and he wdll consider it, he She was born in Hartford Dec. But while objecting to the rreens legally the time in October : will be toastmaster. Police officials would reduce the minimum num­ said today. building constructed on the 80- mission, left for Detroit yesterday. ■ployers in which they listed their Jnade by the Highland Park PTA. Naval Patrol, Glastonbury. This 11, 1945, a daughter 6t. Rudolph He has served on the Inter­ fee schedule, Varney said h^ was 4 MECE OUALITY CANNON TOWEL SET 1958. He will be placed on proba-j from communities In the State are ber of directors from 10 to three. Cheney, whose service with the acre campus on Asylum Ave. in not opposed to the lease otherwise. business expenses; or 1$. BaUrato, totalaof.* ate.. !•••« The Manchester Taxpayer's group is made up of between the Suburban Water Services, Inc., and Olympe Poritras CarHer. She West Hartford. Groundbreaking racial Commission dealing direct­ ■ Employes who were not required 11. Umia aM *kll* League is circulating petitions to ages of 12 lo 17. The boys arc In- a voles, thev would overrule a de­ training. Navy ratings and small Drying clothts iMiud. yeur atm* tad todrni a | ^ counts, sentences to run concur- | Tickets can bp purchased from some local persons w'ould be re­ Besides her parents, she leaves a umes, a reading room for 200 per­ Personnel partment for several If you are in the second cate­ cision by the town government lo boat handling. Field (rips to Navy came chief clerk. He was engaged brother, Robert Carrier, and a sis­ not upset in a referendum. It will rently 'and to be suspended after ! any policeman, at the Manchester tained as directors. in the hotel business in Maine sons, an art gallery and lecture years before his present position. mark the end of three years of ne­ gory, then you must file on Form go forward with fluoridation. ships and inalallations are also be­ is easy today... 15 days. He will be placed on pro Main St. office of the Connecticut Charles T, Larus, secretary of ter, Nancy Carrier, both of Man­ hall, a processing department, a The governors or their repre­ gotiations between town and club. 1040 and attach thereto a state­ The Highland PTA took its pro­ ing planned. N«S0FT * ^ before coming to Mnnohester. chester; and her paternal grand­ batloii for two years. Judgment Bank and Trust Co., at the office Connecticut, Water Co., a holding He terr-lnated his town service rare book room, microfilm room sentatives from 18 states will dis­ Varney predicted that golfers ment showing: fluoridation stand at a meeting The Naval Patrol meets every was suspended on a third count of of Probate Judge John J. Wallett, company for Suburban Water mother, Mrs. Annie Carrier of and seminaj: rooms. cuss their experiences with state will choose occasional golfer sta­ 1. The total of all amounts re­ Wcdne.sday. Monday evening from 6:30 to 8 at today. He said his future plans Hartford. Civil Rights laws and the relation­ ceived as advances pr reimburse­ carrying a concealed weapon. at the police station, or at the Services Inc., said today the firm are indefinite right now. The colldg^ librarian. Sister tus to club r.e bershlp because, If you have to list business expenses on your tax i^urn. gel At the meeting, presided over by the Marine Memorial Building. UIALSOAP Spruce St. headquarters of the Funeral services will be held Marie Celine, pointed out, col­ ship of its experience to national ments. including amounts directly UIALSOAP Three New Bedford, Mass, men has no plans to remove any of the he said. It would be more economi­ form from an Internal Revenue Service office. n will help Mi-s. Robert Alesbury, president, Addison Rd.. Glastonbury. Boys Town Fire Department. Monday morning at 8:30 at the W. lege library is a. community li­ policies. or Indirectly charged to the em­ REGULAR were .sentenced for entry to prop­ three local members from the cal under the proposed fee sched­ shcrw the correct Information. Mr.s. Pa\il Willhide. chairman of that are Interested in this group BATH erty belonging to the telephone board of directors of Rockville P. Quish Funeral Home, 225 Main brary.’’ She said tiiat^ many outsid­ Dr. John A. Hannah, Michigan ployer through the use of credit the library committee, reported on may contact Chief Borg for addi­ St., followed by a solemn requiem ule. He pointed out that 40 rounds company. Water and Aqueduct Co., but feels ers now use the limited facilities State University president and of weekend golf during the 6- cards; and the of the commill*e tional information. high Mass at 9 o’clock in St. of the present library.'^mong the chairman of the U.S. Commission 2. Tfour occupation; the number Frank Costa, Arnold Harrison a minimum of 10 is "unusually month season, w'hich he thought day for living expenses and not F or Deal Pack 3 F o r 33c| and Leonard J. Hughes all receiv­ State’s Deficit restrictive.” Bridget'.s Church. Burial will be in users are public school teachers. on Ovil Rights, will be the main of days away from home on busi­ more than 12'oc per mile for Exhibit Returned 2 39c Mt. St. Benedict Cemetery, Bloom­ a fair average, would cost $80. ed suspended sentences of one year He said the firm's attorney has Trinity faculty, and studenta home speaker at a luncheon tomorrow. Twelve rounds of weekend golf, ness; and the total amount of busi­ travel in the U.S. field. on vacation from other college^. ness expenses paid or incurred In jail. They were sentenced on recommended lowering the mini­ Mrs. Elizabeth RuddrII Gov. and Mrs. Williams will the maximum permitted occasion­ To Lutz Miiseuiii two counts each, sentences to run Forecast N ow Friends may call at the funeral The importance of the library tp host at a buffet supper and recep­ during 1958. The expenses must NEXT: Deduction for lllneas. CHICKEN of the SEA UOVALETTES mum at the same time that other Mrs. Elizabeth Smith Ruddell, the science department was ex­ al golfers under the proposed lease, concurrently and were placed on charter changes are being re­ home from 7 to 10 o’clock tomor­ tion tonight. The Saturday confer­ be broken down into broad head­ 76, widow of Richard Ruddell, 69 row night and Sunday from 2 to 4 plained by Sister Mary Clare, head would cost $48. The museum tree exhibit recent­ 400 COUNT probation for two years. quested. Benton St., died this morning at ence and luncheon will be follow­ Thus, this golfer would pay only ings like transportation, meals WHITE MEAT TUNA The trio admitted taking about $10 V2 Million and 7 to 10 p.m. of the chemistry department. ed by a press conference. • and lodging away from home over­ ‘Planning Future’ ly on display at Watkins Bros, and The Rockville f.rm does not feel Manchester Memorial Hospital Because each senior takes part $128 for his year of golf at the 830 in coins from outdoor tele­ that there is any question about after a short illness. The conference was originated in night, entertainment expenses, and the Manchester office of the Con­ Ernest N. Lyman In a research program, spending country club while it would cost other business expense.s. phone booths in Columbia and Hartford, Jan. 3rt Stale its right to sell water to another She was bom in Manchester, 1957 by Williams and former Gov. him $150 if he wanted to buy a Subject of Panel necticut Bank and Trust Co. has so’s home heating 7 o> . 4 1 c 25c Comptroller Raymond ,S. Thatch­ 'Vernon—Ernest Nelson Lyman, many hours on individual work in Avereli Harriman of New York. _ If the advance.s or reimburse­ Hebron. . company, Larus said, but the June 26, 1882, daughter of the late the laboratory which must be sup­ club membership, Varney de­ ments received from your em- been moved to its permanent place Donald L. Adams, 17. of Wind­ er, Democrat, today forecast a Abraham and Jennie Leggett 81, of Rt. 83. Vernon, died at his States participating will include firm's counsel advised that It home early this morning. plemented by man.v hours In the li­ clared. And this $22 difference i)]oyer exactly equal your business A panel discussion on "Planning | at the Lutz Junior Museum. our w ay I ham was given an indeterminate state deficit of JIO.,’5 million would be "desirable” to get a Smith. She was a membcp of St. Connecticut, Cblprado, Illinois, In­ will hurt the club’s membershijp He was born July 12, 1877, in brary, the construction of a li­ diana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, expenses, it is not necessary to for Your Future Now" will i;c The exhibit, depicting important sentence to the Connecticut State almost half of the red ink figure confirmation of that right. Mary’s Episcopal Church, the drive. Varney added. You get premium quality PILLSBURY Reformatory at Cheshire for rape women's auxiliary of the church, East Hampton,„ a son of the brary will help the research pro­ Massachusetts, Michigan, Minneso­ make any further entry on the tax presented at the next meeting of events and dates in Manchester’s UOVAL TISSUEt predicted month by his GOP The firm is admittedly discuss­ But if the weekday greens fee return. If the employer’s payments Mobilheat with UT-98 . . . th# predecessor. and Temple Chapter, Order of late Horace S. and Esther Graves grams. This in turn will swell the ta, Missouri. New Jersey, New the PTSO of the Barnard Junior history, may now be viewed there. PANCAKE FLOUR and Indecent assaiilt. ing water extensions to South were raised to $3. as has been pro­ exceeded your bii.slness expenses, most completely effective fuel Arnold Shane, 23, of Rockville, At that time, retiring Comptrol­ Eastern Star. Lyman. He had been a resident of amount of money received from York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode High School. In commemoration of its 84th Windsor and has been approached Vernon for the past 60 years. private industrie.s which give posed in the past, the occasional the excess must be reported as in­ The meeting will be held Tues­ oil additive in use today. And received a 1-year suspended jail ler Fred R, Zeller, defeated Repub­ by a number of developers aLso She leaves one daughter, Mrs. Island. Washington and Wisconsin. anniversary. Watkins Bros, has F or He is survived by one sister. grants to aid research in colleges. golfer wouid have to say $168 for come on line 5, page 1 of Form day evening at 8 o’clock in the presented a director's chair lo the you get premium service. Au- 2 25c sentence. lican candidate for governor, con­ seeking extension. Fred Finnegan; two sisters, Mrs. a year of gclf and thus find it WITH UNPAID BILLS? 1 I.h, 19c Lhn. 33c Annie I. Smith, and Mrs. Charles Mrs. Aaron Hall of Kensington; Major Research ,1040. If your expenses exceed the auditorium of the high school. museum. tomstic deliveries . . . s bal­ He .was found guilty of rape fidently predicted a $20 million Battery Made for Cold more economical to join the club, employer's payments, the excess after Heading no contest to the general fund deficit when the H. Rogers, all of Manchester, and and several nieces and nephews. At present there are four major Members of the panel will be anced payment plan and many several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at research programs being carried Varney said. may be deducted as provided on Edson M. Bailey, A. Hyatt Sut- chargj the same court Jan. 9 state closes its 2-yeni books June Minneapolis — A small battery Although the $4 and $2 fees are Yiage 6 of the official instructions. other extras designed to make PILLSBURY Judges Lolselle ordered Shane .30, Police Head Aims The funeral will be held Monday the Holmes Funeral Home. 400 on at the college. One is concerned liffe, Mrs. Alba Hotkowski and cM i m Money nttMoett home heating really raiy. PILLSBURY Main St., Manchester, Sunday at that can operate at 100 degrees appealed out in the lease, the Most employes, however, are re­ Mrs. Gertrude Hitchcock, .repre­ placed on nrob-'tlon f c two "ears. Zeller said at that time: "The at 2 p.m. at St. Mary's Episcopal with skin pigment changes and below zero has been developed for Blueberry Pancake FLOUR Robert L. Wagner. 27. of Rock­ Cliurch. Burial will ba in East 2:30 p.m. Burial will be In Elm­ what causes them to change; an­ lease-ordinance contains a pro­ quired to submit detailed expenses senting the high school and junior only fact which appears certain is Al Togetherness low-temperature and high-altitude vision permitting the club to raise accounts to their employers and Ml 3-4168 wirti ville, pleaded innocent today when that. . . there will be an actual gen­ Cemetery. wood Cemetery, Vernon. other is on oxidation of zinc in rub­ high school administrative and Mobilheat IT-91 ------Friends wishing to do so may Friends may call at the funeral electronic equipment. It will oper­ the fees, subject to the approval receive only enough for the em­ guidance staffs. presented on an appeal of a con­ eral fund deficit of approximately ber. with an eye to finding a zinc ate over a 300-degree range. 'This Kansas City, Jan. 30 The, contribute to the Book of Remem- home tomorrow from 7 to 9:30 which will do the least harm to of the Board of Directors, if it ployer to cover their expenses. It Members of the panel will dis­ ciaon-oehon 5Lb8. 52c viction of operating while under $20 million." is said to be the first time appre­ is not necessary for .such employes 29c the influence of intoxicants. The Thatcher, asked by reporters Kansas City Board of Police Com-: brance in her memory, p.m. whitewalled tires; another pro­ finds itself in need of more cuss and answer questions about additiv missioners yesterday adopted a : Friends may call at the Watkins- ciable current below 65 degrees be­ revenue. to attach any statement or list Combine those old bills into one “OK anpeal was from Rockville City about the big disparity between the gram is concerned with the quick low zero has been available in any future trends in the college en­ new policy for the Police Teparl-. Funeral Home, 142 E. ""enter their business expenses on .the re- rollments, and choices facing Loan” with one monthly payment. CHEF BOY-AR-DEE Court. He asked for trial by two predictions over a 2-month identification of mental disease type of battery. torn- SWANSDOWN court. No date was set. period, said his estimate is baaed m^nt—togetherness. 1 st. Sunday 2:30 to 4:30 and 7 to 9 through labeling of minute fluids eighth grade pupils at this tiiii Phone or write now . . . then when The commissioners set as their p.m. F u n e r a ls List SiirpliiHC* with regard to their high school WE GIVE Spaghetti and Meat Balls An appeal of Stephen F. Dazey on the "latest information avail­ in the body; and the last is con­ CUBA TO STUDY GAMING •- However, where reimbursements your loan is approved, just one call at goal for the coming year the break­ cerned with radioactive tracers. program and the procedures to be GREEN STAMPS CAKE MIXES of Hartford on charges of viola­ able." ing of bread with every member of Havana, Jan. SO (/P)—Provi­ Jlxceed expenses, the must our office for the money. Our Manager tion of labor laws was vacated. If the Thatcher forecast de­ Mrs. William hlack files. Ellen L. Macaulcy Until now, said Siste ■ Theodore, Safety Tested followed in making these choices. the department. There will be a Mrs. Anna Wio'.tcy Mack, 67, sional President Manuel Ur- •te incltidcd in the eniployer’s In- likes to say “Your loan is okay!” Manuel Osuna. 46. of Rockville, velops. it will mean the state spent The funeral of Mrs. Ellen L. the college has not attempted to nitla’s cabinet appointed a com­ jfiome. If business expenses exceed There will be a short business l ^ '/ t Oz. 2 For 49c buffet luncheon every 20 days in wife of William Mack, 91 Chest­ meeting. Parents who have not Devil Food 29e pleaded innocent to a charge of $43..5 million more than it took in the office of Chief Bernard C. Macaule.v, i l l Holl St., was held at use publicity to call attention to mittee today to draft a law •the reimbursements and tlie em­ non-support appealed from Rock-j in tax revenue for the 1957-59 nut St., died yesterday at Man­ 2 o’clock ve.sterday afternoon at its accomplishments and financial regulating gambling in casinos SPECIALS yet joined the PTSO will be given MORIARTY Brannon and perhaps three or four chester Memorial Hospital. ploye wants to deduct the excess, PREFERRED FINANCE CO., INC. ville City Court, and asked for biennium. The stale started out the dinners. the Holmes Funeral Home, with needs. The Sisters of Mercy have and night clubs. The committee i e must submit with his return a an opportunity to do so at this 988 MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER Yellow 29e i trial by Jury of six. j period July 1, 1957, with a $33 mil- She was Ixirn in France, and the Rev. Laurence Almond, minis­ paid for the la.nd, the buildings, Is scheduled to report to the meeting. Taxpayers won’t foot the bill. had been a resident of Manches­ '58 OLDS. $3495 ^11. statement giving the informal Phone; Mitchell 8-4168 BROTHERS LOG CABIN Sylvester Giacomini, 42. of Ell- Hon surplus and apparently will The money will come from the Po­ ter of the South Methodist Church, and the education themselves. cabinet later today. An an­ 4ion specified in paragraphs. mim- By STUDEBAKER Ington, pleaded guilty to breaking end \ip with $10.5 million .short at ter for the past 36 years. officiating. Burial was in East (The college is not supported by nouncement said the cabinet De Luxe 98 Holiday A loan of $100.00 cotta $20.60 when promptly SYRUP lice Recreation Fund, derived from Besides her h sband, she leaves Coupe. Jered 1 and 2, above, relative to Apple Chip 35e and entering at the Town Line the end of next June. such sources as proceeds of vend- . , , - Cemetery. the archbishop.) then will take a decision, which “Employes who are not required to repaid in 12 conaecutlve monthly Inatallmrntn Ml 3-5135 Auto Body Shop and to two Observers note that this will put ing machines in the stations and | '1 daughter. Mrs. Theron Blow of Bearers were Miller Haugh, Several years ago, the Sisters Is expected to spell out the^ JccoUnt to their employers. FOR INCOME TAX NOT TOO SMALL of $10.06 each. 301-31S Center St. counts of theft. He will be sen- , Increased pressure on Governor sales of unclaimed property. Tolland; a son, William E. Mack Russell Roberts, Charles Lesper- sold a tract of land adjacent to terms under which the Amerl-" '58 FORD $2995 *• 'To "account to your employer" LOANS FROM $25 to $600. o': 29c oi 59c Chocolate Chip 35e fenced Feb. 22. after a pre-sen- ^ Ribicoff to present a balanced There are about 715 officers, not "f Glastonbury; a sister. Mr.s Wil- ance, Bernard Fogart.v, George the college site on Asylum Ave. casinos can be re­ Country Squire 3^eanS to give the a detailed ASSISTANCE, CALL NOT TOO BIG •fence Investigation. I budget and hold to his campaign to mention nerson.qpersons employedemnloveri in ham Vogler of Lawrence, Mass , DeCormier and Joseph Johnson. to Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance opened. Station W'agon. ■written report of your expepdl- ANDERSON — I promise of "no new taxes” and four grandcliildren. BUT JUST RIGHT other capacities. 'lures. However, det'iled reports 24 OZ. Thatcher envisioned "an up­ Purpose of the get-togethers: To Private funeral services will be •are not needed if your employer Ml 9-4764; Ml 9-0854 VERMONT MAID MAPLE SYRUP 59e ward trend in the economy" which acquaint every policeman V"’th the held tomorrow morning al 8:15 '57 OLDS. $2395 Xives you not more than- $15 per Troops in Japan |will help tax yield, but, he noted commissioners and vice versa and at the T. P. Holloran Funeral 88 Hardtop. FROM that because of "the recession" to promote fellowship. Home, 175 Center St., and at 9 Teach Job Skills |general fund revenue estimates '56 DODGE $1495 __ ( have been sliced by about $7.1 mil­ Custom Royal 4-Door. Zama, Japan—American soldiers lion from original estimates on be your own Interior decorator with are voluntarily spending off-duty which the budget was predicated. PLANTLAND'S '55 OLDS. $1395 hours to help ease the forthcoming He foresees the need for a defi­ SPECIALS 88 4-Door. SATURDAY ciency appropriation of $16 mil­ FOR economic shock facing Japanese lion by the pre.sent legislature to HOUSE PLANT SALE Product O'Tl.. Month employes of the Army when U S. meet extra slate expenses for '55 PLYM. $845 2-DOOR SEDAN units leave the islands. which the 1957 session did pot pro­ SATURDAY SI^RIMP PLANT Club Sedan. Officers and enlisted men are vide. IVY GERANIUM Radio, heater, undercoating, while devoting free time to train these 1-argest chunk of this, some $13 JANUARY 31st CACTI SET tires, transportation, etc., extra. ■workers in auto repairing, food WAX BEGONIA SUNSET GERANIUM '54 OLDS. $895 Last Day Of Our For Quieter Living! ■ million, will go to the slate wel- 3 CACTI PLANTS 88 2-Door. preparation on a commercial basis, ' fare department. which was AND A SKIES OF ITALY business accounting and other j forced to spend above its appro- DOUBLE BEGONIA PLASTIC PLANT RACK Drive One Today fields. ' prialion. GERANIUM ‘54 PLYM. $695 1 This Japanwide vocational train­ STRAWBERRY 4-Door. IN BCOROOMe IN KITCHBNS ing as part of a government meas­ Thatcher said these extra ONLY! A L L FOR HAPPY THOUGHT ure designed to compensate for the ^ costs were produced mainly by 60c reduction of labor accompanying I factors over which the depart­ BEGONIA GERANIUM '53 CHEV. $595 1958 NEW Withdrawal of U S. forces, ment had no control. | 210 2-Door. JANUARY . The training provides the work­ Thatcher indicated the general ! POHED AZALEA-tPOHED MUMS CYCLAMEN AND EXECUTIVE er-students with a wider range of fund deficit would run much high­ er if it were not for lapsed ap- '53 NASH $495 re-employment opportunities by 4-Door. teaching them new skills or add­ I propriations of $13.3 million, rep- MORE ~ MORE ing professional status to those al­ ' resenting money voted but not 300 NEW BUELL AFRICAN VIOLETS EDSELS spent. '52 HUDSON $395 ready partially acquired. It also BULBS. •. FOR INDOOR CULTURE helps the students to maintain the "This unu.sually high estimate i Hornet 4-Door. ’58 4-DOOR SEDAN CLEARANCE 1 of lapsed appropriations is the ^ LEGS OF LAMB ■elf-confidence that enabled many of them to be important and , result of allotment restrictions put IMPORTED ’68 CONVERTIBLE necessary mainstays of the Army BELGIUM GLOXINIA '52 PACK. $295 into effect by the Governorii' the 4-Door. in Japan for the past 12 years i Hampton Democrat sard. 4 OF THE pEST COLORS TUBEROUS BEGONIAS ’58 STATION WAGON The program is supervised by 1 He placed the highway fu'nd; CAMELLIA 4 % the Qvllian Personnel Office $2195 ’68 2-DOOR SEDAN NU-WOOD” y at balance at about $1.7 million. | Serve CARNATION < c _ '57 OLDS. Headquarters, U.S, Army Japan, Thatcher noted that the p r 1 o r ^ With FRILLED ** r o r 88 4-Door. Random Pattarn Tila which coordinates ' the assignment report - - prepared by Zeller and 1 REGULAR Freshpak HANGING BIO BULBS PRICES START AT of instructors, supply of essential BASKET i'A ” And Up predicting a $19 million deficit— I STYLE Mint BIG3 BULBS 2'/<” AND UP '57 OLDS. $2595 equipment, and allocation of train­ "failed to record an estimated re- | ing areas. lb. Jelly A SELECnON OF 8 COLORIS S-88 Convertible. venue of about $20 million’’ from i IK VUN R eO M S Nt LIVIN * initiative of the Japanese stu­ federal aid. nooi*« dents who complete the courses is Thus, the Democratic comptroller ’ HYBRID AMARYLLIS IMPORTED AMARYLLIS '57 OLDS. $2295 recognized by formal graduation MIXED COLORS S-88 4-Door. ceremonies, attended by both Jap­ said, the apparent big hlghway|| HYBRIDS BY COLOR anese and American officials, when deficit has actually been turned into |' DOUBLE EACH the students receive tertificates figuring In of ; '57 BUICK $2195 Mm F or I of'completion as documented evi-' th a .1 A rt i .1, FRESH PORK 98c 2.50 Special Hardtop. DELIVERED WITH dence • i r i - iHETimNS INVITATION ported, an increase of 25 per centj Cans O C 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. ^ MANCHESTER B o r York, Jan. 10 «S->At the over, the previous year. « , ORANGE JUICE 4 7 -'-1 u( U.S. Ibianfial lead* ------. ------MOTORS 1215 Tolland Tpke. CJJIOtlSEsSONsssO sssssssS ss I 1^ ' Cm SZSSSSSSSSSCSIS Pwaldent Arturo TRUCE OPTER RENEWED Ray Dwyer, Ueed Car Mgr. PLUMBING And SUPPLY COs 410 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST 336 NORTH MAIN, tdday rang the goug Paris, Jsn. 30 —President Plm dloind M anchester "Selling and Servicing New P. T. BUSH JR., PreaMimt and TrMWurer WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS tito New fork . MANCHBSTER Oldamoblleo for Over 28 “IF ITS HARDWARE WE HAVE IT" Charles do Gaoilo renewed to­ ■ Open-Daily 7 A.M* *e 6 tosued an night bis offer to Algerian rebel OPEir MONDAY, TUESDAY, lO AJif. to fi P.M. r > n till I ’ III, ___ Year*** 877 MAIN ST. — WE DELIVER — TEL. Ml 8-4428 own. It was to leaders to oome to France and WEDNESDAY, THDItSDAT, FRIDAY. 0 AJd. to 0 PAL -TEL., MI 9-2508 . 612 WEST OENtBB ST.' ‘ SATDBDAY, 0 AJR. to 8 PJW. WE GIVE jttoC ORipEN STAMPS AfiMnap — t m * to Mivsst la bit arrange a eease-llro in thq $• MI S -U ll—4>pea Eveniaga. 'N*.- jaar-eid'war. ■ ' V ’.' • '' • .s- '^A i: •6>. u p 'J ./ /:


THE Kentucky and St. Herald Angle -<#> » y aOtLlKNG EARL YOST Tony Anthony L as Angeles sport* Editor Snaps St. John s Win Streak Starts Move Or New York A l TO.MOTIVE LEAGUE «> CHURCH LEAGUE ■» WES’^ 8IDE nrxi * WOMEN'S LEAGUE Pro* Do the Unusual Things • Htandings I Standings ! Standings I StMidinf* Pet ! W. U P et "W e do the unusual things. That’s what makes profession^ W L. Pet. St. James' (2) ...... 57' 11 .750 W .7501 Center CTon^os (ll ..61 21 .671 Ollvs’s Esso ...... 33 .7*6: Walnut Rtstaurant 87 II ,771 football the great game that it is toda.v,” Andy RobustelH In New Ranks To Get Bout Cunliffe MotcH's . . . . 9 3 New York, Jan. 80 (/P)__fw as eubatltuting freely before theydefense as the BillUtene fl3>2) DcCorinlcr Motors . 9 3 .750' North,Methodist (2) .48 21 .632 Pagani's ...... 23 .6001 Hobby Shoinie . . , . 23 25 .479 Long-time basketball powers half ended as his 'Cats swept into! from the Misaouri Valley Confer­ told those assembled at the 18th Gold Key Dinner Monday Hollywood Service .. 6 6 .500 SI. John's .639 Darl-Matd ...... 28 667: White Glass -----; 23 25 .479 a M-25 lead by hitting half their ence won their loth straight since night at the Waverly Inn, "There is no ‘fixing’ in our league,” New York, Jan. 30 (A5— Tony New York, Jan. 30 (ff*)— St. James' 111 .. .530 McCaitn's Service .... 26 •*ll> i Jon-Di'a ...... 23 25 ,479 Kentuck.v and St. Ixiuis are shots. Anthony opens a 1959 campaign A lc a r ...... 5 7 .417 early season losses to Cincinnati the great end of the New York Giants added. An all-star Na­ The "aecret” finally is out. Man. Auto Parts 8 .333 St. Mary's ...... 539 Renn's Tavern ...... 22 ■524' Manor Soda Shop .. 2 1 27 .438 riding higlier than ever today 1 only Ed Diddle of Western Ken- and Kentucky. . Bradley, . another that he hopes will earn him a St. Bt’Idgel's ----- ,.500 Hartford Rd. Grill .... 16 ■3*1' Fleteher Glass ...... 17 31 .854 lofty ranking in the heavyweight Heavyweight Chaippion Floyd Manchester Rsdlalor 3 9 .2,50 —the Wildcat.s after nailing tucky, among active coaches, has. Mo Valley teant, had handed St. tional League selection on the defensive team, Robustelli Temple Belli . . . . .500 West Side Tavern ---- * League-leading Walnut Reataur- spoke out at those who suspect^ ^ division when he faces Reuben Patterson is going to figlit Cunliffe Motors nipped Hollv- Coat'll Adolph Rupp's fiOOth " ’“ i ®" tnany as 600 at one school. John's its only previous loss, Second Armory Tavern ...... 6 ant may have ver;' wall clinched that National League games were Vargas of Richmond, Calif., to­ Sweden’s Ingemar Johansson. wnod .Service 2-1 litis past week While Oliva's Esso Station victorv an.l the Blllikens aftc-r^"'* midway through his Sehlen Not Enough ■ to gain a tie for first place with Congregational ajiother regular championship this .snapping ,St. John's win streak at "es^un with'the Hllltoppers; A1 Seiden lotted 26 points for 'fixed' during the past season. night at Madson Square Garden. Best guess on the site and Commnnily Baptist .10J Darl-Mald have been waging a two-' y;|th » 3.0 shutout vlo- "Take the case of Yale Lary of .,% e 23-year-old New Yorker al­ week's leaders. DeConulet nine and ballooning their own to| Tile late Ed Adams topped 600 St. John's, which moves on to date is New York or Los Angeles .461 team battle for lop honoia. P a -n „.y ti,y runncr-up Hobby Chicago to play Lo.vola and to Detroit during the regular season. ready is No. 1 contender in the in June or Seplemher. Motors Whq lost b.v a 2-1 pr.opr\'”o^nc^^ 32 10 In a row i at Texas Smilhern before his death light heavy class ruled by Archie _ to fourth % l«ce Alcar. Cellar-! Ccnle.-_LonR^ .32 .421 gant'a had remained pi'clly j simppe. With a whopping 14-game Kentucky put Rupp in the! last fall, and Hank Iba of Okla- South Bend to try Notre Dame This was the first time that I Some 10 days ago Promoter Bill Emanuel Lulheian . .408 in the background until now. With; ^ „ very doubtful If the before Jieading home. qeard anything about games be­ Moore. Instead of waiting for Rosenaohn said the match was dwrUinj; Manclirslev Riullalor also i charmcfl 600 circle in his 20th i homa .Slate and Phog Allen, who pinned a 2-1 triumph over the 1 Concoidla Lutheian .408 a 2-1 \rin over ()hvn a this P«»ti other contender* are capable of coaching year with a lOS ^.l victory i retired two years ago at Kansas, Memphis State's Jim Hockaday ing 'fixed' In our league. With a another crack at Moore, who slop­ “ 90 per cent made.” A week ago Zion Lutheran ...... 3,56 week. Pagan, s have taken DllVrando’* over Ceorgia at l.a'xington. ,St.| both won more than 600 but not at held scoring ace Bailey Howell to fourth down situation, Lary went p y him In September, 1957, An­ it waa all aet but the a 1 g n i n g. Manchester Auto Parts at the Y ^ Methodist .329lsolepo.saeashm of second place and jon-Dl’a his career low of 10 points but back to punt. Instead he ran with t o n y wants to make his bid After prolonged negotiations hy a alley.s. l»ui.s. led by 6-R Boli Ferry and! the same school. ,Sr. 127-348, Archie Match result.*: North .Methodist tiail the leadeis b> nnl\ scored aimllar 2-1 wins oVer Charles Hull filled the gap for the ball and was tackled by Cliff among the heavies. .He is a 3 staff of legal brains, the two Carl Bohn Dari-Maid dropped 6-7 George Burkel, whipped St.; Allen bagged 771 victories In a td 1 favorite over Vargas. LaRochelle 125-126-362, Don Car-' H ' <- Community Baptist 0; North , p , 'Fletcher Glass and Mandr Sod* John's 72-63 in the game that was (6-year coaching career. .391 as Missi.ssipipi State with 19 points Livingston, failing to pick up a warriors finally signed yesterday first down. We took over the ball (Tony still can make the 175- penler 130-352, Jer. v Chappell 133- | Methodist I2i 2, St. James' ( 1 1 2 ;! supposed to Indicate whether the head man at Kansas, ’ lia has a including two clinching free throws in the shadow of the smorgnshord 141-375, John Malor'ca 136-318, Ted , Rridgel s 3. Zion Lulhersn 1. points , in the past two weeka. in- I New 'Vork Hedirien had made it all career total of 62.3, of which .313; with 10 seconds left and scored and went on to win the {ftlund limit without any trouble. at a Swedish restaurant. hiding two to sixth place Hofl-1 1- game. Ho'wever, he is grovtdng into a: (”hnmhcrs 351. Earl Everett 347. Center Congregational 111 4, St. Rd.- Grill - ...... this week. Other re- week s leading pinners inr the way back to their national have come at Oklahoma State. Dartmouth, which has won each But the mystery Isn't over yet. Howie August 347, Ed Buinuclus John's 0; Concordia Lutheran 4. eluded Ann White 105-116-128-349.* prominence of a decade ago "I’ve looked at the moviaa of mu fledged heavy. In the match, The dale and site are to be named August ______rt. 0. sulla had McCann'a Service shut- •St. John's, ,\'o. 1 nationally, of its lost tnree ..ames by two ,3,5.5 and A1 Bujaucius 335 topped Second t ongrcgallonal 0, St. ^ jp Armory Tavern 3 0 Alice Beelc 122-109-833, Doris Mississippi Stale, beaten only by look a 12-1 recoril and nine in a this play over and over again. with Vargas, the former Golden I within 30 days. At the moment. pointa, nipped Boston U. on Rudy Glove champ will be giving away I all participant.*. Mavya 4 Sou h Methodist 0; Tern-I ^ Renn's Tavern nipping the Grlscl 118-118-331, Shirley Vllther iinhealcn Auburn made it .3-1 in; row to St. Lo'iis. the ,1rat atop on Lanisso's jump shot as the buzzer They clearly showed that 10 of the Rosenaohn says New York and 11 Giants on the field were com­ about 15 pounds. I n , Side Tavern 2-1. 113-123-329, Amy PlrUey 118-108'- a .33 .32 suiieaker ovei Memphis three-gam. road trip | scur.ded, Kudy, who sat out most Lo.s Angeles are the winter book Lutheran 1; Center Congregation- „ „ , Slate and nailmouih won its pletely fooled and the fellow who Anthony has a seven-fight win­ 329. Flo Johnson 123-105-328, Ldl in ". hich the Redmen hoped to ; of the first half, set up the winm • favorite.* with Colorado Spring.* a Y FRUIT Ij:.\GUE al (21 3. at. James' (2) 1. 1 7,T “ n"v!’ r. n' ,'n sfa' Molumphy 100. Edna Hilsinkt 108- seveiitli straight for an 11-4 ledger, made the tackle, Lavingston. was ning streak going for him against strong third. He can stage the Week's best scores: Howard R e-i i^' baneUi 12,. Rob Guthne 111-349, .stamp themselves as the New by tying 'he score at 62 with a his 25-year-oId opponent who is .stnnding* 109, Maiide Carpenter 107, VJ 64-62 over Boston I'niversity in 3'ork area's first national power in jumper with 90 seconds remaining, out of position. It's plays like these bout anytime between now and I that# help make pro football. reputed to be a stiff puncher. W L tei s 1,53-128-398. Nick Nicola 145-, Chapman 122, Helene Dey 118^ other fealiires of the .slim Thursday nearly'a decade. | Dick Wright's driving layup and Sept. 30...... 43 29 ..507 301, Pay Bean 132-131-385. Fl ank ! prog ra rn “Take the case of Lary (De­ Among his 1958 victims- were Fipj Bars ...... 126-.343, Tom Ralmondo 147-342. 9 ox Ruth Ostrander 112,- Heletl Wil­ The Redmen of Joe I-^ipchick i a two-minnle freeze enabled Fur- Within the next week nr two, Dales (Sr N»its ...... 39 33 ,542 ' Mouelte 131-352, Howard Holmes i Have Kiisy TImi' troit's fine punter) a week before. Yvon Durelle, Artie Miller, Orville Kochln 131-.362, Stan .Sasiela 160-382. helm 116, Doris Prentice 107, BIU got up to within two point.s with man to turn back Presbyterian Rosensohn will vi.sil Philadelphia. Berries ...... 38 34 .528 133-347 Paul Hildebrand 138 Nuii- Staiim 119 and Flo Kloter 112. ' He faked a kick against the Cleve­ Pitts, Cal Brad, Sonny Ray and Minneapolis, Indianapolis. (Colo­ Larry Bates 142-33*, Tom Martin Kenliii ky 16 1 and lop-ranked about three minutes remaining I87-86. Baltimore Lo.vola used John Archie McBride .(twice). The PcHihos ...... 36 36 ,500 ' zio Lupacchlno 133-366, Stan nationally liad an easy lime with, but in the end it was St. Louis land Browns, ran with the ball, rado Springs and Los Angeles. 39 .1.58 ! Grzyh 129, Oil Wilson 136-357, Bob 140-343, Bill Pagan! Sr. 131, Al , Heagney'.s 22 points for a 68-66 made 'the first down and then lanky New Yorker stopped Du­ Sugar Plums ...... 33 Wilhelm 349, An Masaaro 353. j oulclassed Georgia Rupp, -now 600- which proved itself. victory over Creighton, and West­ relle, the Canadian who almost up­ First, he will meet with .Mayor HnneyrlowR ...... 24 48 .333 I Minnich 125, Sonny Chandler 354. . CtOUNTRY CLUB WOMEN 104 since he took his first and only FeiTV scored 2.'- broke the game wide open for the Wagner of New York. P'ch. 3, Sklppv Kearns 129-1.32-.3R1, Jerry ' points and minister of 1,'tah downed Adams Lions. It’s the unexpected plays set Moore In Montreal last month. Swccfring all four points f,-om Gerry Chappell 337, Sandy Hanna Smith’ 131-133-.369 and niarlic Standing* college jo b ' at Kentucky in 1930, Biirkey added 1.3 and sparkled on ' State of Colorado, 88-66. Slight Problem W. L. Pet. that helped stimulate the great in­ Knockout Record | the last i)lace Honevdews. the Fig IMonroe 337, Howard Whelan 128-3,56. With Tony It has been a case There 1.* one slight prolilem, as Bars moved into sole po.*.*easion i 341, Fritz Wllkiiyson 128,^ Sliders ...... 38 22 .633 terest in our league. " far as Rosensohn is concerned. The , .617 * » * ' of knock the man out or be knock-! , eek a.* , Nelson 145-360, Irv Carlson Splnucrs ...... 37 23 ed out. His record is 37-5-1 with 1 contract permits Patter.son to take ca-leaders. Dates & Nut.s! 128. Harry Kovensky 126, Ken Ix>8- , GlllL'S ,n NIOR LEAGUE Strikes ...... 33 27 .550 Birdie Tchhells Stresses Points Here Sunday 28 knockouts. He was stopped : another fight before Johansson. ,,,.oppp^, ap fn„,- points to the fifth he 127. Fred .MeCurry 335 and StandingN Splits ...... 28 , 32 -.467 Brollirr Act Tops In all of his five defeats. In his And there is no such thing as a place Sugar Plums. The fourth Nino Aceto 336. W. L Pet Setups ...... 26 S4 .433 Handy Andy, an eight year vet­ non-title bout for a heavyweight .750 j Spares ...... 18 42 .300 eran of the pay-for-play boys in last outing, Nov. 14 he whipped: place Peaches scoced a mild upset ! Sparrows ...... 15 5 champ. Bine Jays ...... 12 8 .600 ; In Conlesls at Y the greatest football league of Ray in 10 rounds at the Garden. by upending the thinl place Berries , c m NTKV CLUB MK.N All three matches were decldixl Perini Will Not Sell Braves 'The 10-rotmd match, making Ciis D'Amato. Patler.*ons man­ 3-1 in another malih j Robins ...... 8 12 .400; by a 4-0 score, with the Spinners them all, will be In Manchester Standings .250 I Kiwanians Get Inside Talk on College Foolhall Not wishing to Ire outdone by Sunday afternoon in the capacity Vargas' debut in the Garden, will ager, won't say ,ves and he won't Noteworthy single game efforts i Larks ...... ■'> 15 ■shutting out the Slider*, Strikes his .yoiinger brother Richard, ANDY ROBLSTELU say no. The best he wi\l say is. W. L. Pci. Job In coaching college football 1* the other hine months of the year. College hall, as it of K basketball player and coach. be carried on network (NBCil ra­ were lolled by Janet Mailliot "'?• 1 9 3 .750 •Singles of 8(1 or hctior: ,Mai llyii ! blanking the Splits and Spares Roger .Maejilnne went out and And Boston Needs Yawkey dio and television starting at 10 "Floyd will have a .shaipenet one Werner 94, .lane Mokiills 85-85. | whllrwa.shlngthe Setups. The' re- ta played today, is based on recniiUng," Bob Ingalls told Manchester Klwanls Club members ye.s- He will lead the New York Giants’ session of the ball nea, midfield 115-105 (337), Ruth Paine ' ’ ■ 1 ' 9 3 .750 I'liptiired the .liinlor foul shoot­ cagers against the Red Embers at and inches to go late in the fourth p.m. (EST) .) As usual in New i way or another. " That could mean Beulah Shorts 113, Ceal Taft 110, Suc Stark S3 and Linda .Smith 80. | suits left the second place Spin- tM^ay noon at the Club 21. The UConn head grid mentor is shown above with two former col­ Zora Folley, right, finds his mark with a hard right to the body an April match with someone like Putters ...... 5 7 .417 lege players, now local Klwanls members. left to right, Pierre Teets, one-time Brown Universily ing contest at the V last night. Boston. Jan. 30 (/Pi ‘Lou Perinri ball is that media have pro­ the high school gym. period against the CoILs in th* York, two judges and a referee of Alex Miteff in the fifth round of their lO-round fight in Denver Shirley Prince 108. Mary Lmas Note: Thi.* la niiollier league i I'crs one game behind the This marks the first time two 4(511 score it by .rounds. They will Brian London as Promoter Harry 107. Chlckie Janicke 107, Fl-o Klo- S))oon.s ...... 5 7 .4 17 end who played in the first Rose Bowl game, Ingalls and Bill Thornton, former Dartmouth guard. will not Bell the Milwaukee Braves vided millions of new fans for the "You couldn't give me a niiMion championship ' game. Instead of last night. ( AP Photofax)). Drivers ...... which should turn in its results no | league-leading Slider*. brothers have won the respec­ use a supplementary point system Levene of London has been trying ler 106 and Marge Holme.* 105. 5 7 .417 91vclyn Lorentzen 107-114-108- (Herald Photo by Oflaral. arid Boston cannot afford to do I game who cannot go out and see dollars to throw a football game," running the ball, coach Jim Let Blaslcr.s ...... 3 9 .250 later than Monday morning in the tive contests. ■ Rirharil - having without the ownership of the Red a professional team In’ their own Robuetellf told the 600, plus, din­ Howell of the Giants called for In case of even rounds. to arrange. Or it could mean one Note to Mary Bonham: A check future. i 329, Jean Gaudlno 129, Rory Simon garnered .Midget honors Sox' Torii Yawkey. area. Vargas is not too well known in of Cus' secret fights in the gym, of the slaodings show 213 wins and Malcli results: Drivers 2. Mash- 111,' Nila Terry 108 and Isabelle ers at the fine Cheshire estery. Don Chandler to punt. The Colts iea 1; (.'leeks 3, Putters 0; Blasters Wednesday night. Birdie Tebbetts, the Nashua, "I"s time for a change.” he said. thetie parts. Hia record is 17-6 D'Amato appear* to lean to­ 219 lo.sses. Should there bn this Parciak 108 chalked up the week’* "That would be like eating irieat got the ball and moved within 2, Spoons 1. After missing three of Ids N. H., native who recently became He added he firmly believed base­ on Friday. for 23 fights with 13 knockouts. ward Colorado Springs as a site difference of six games? V .IlM O R BOY R best score*. Big Men on Both Sides Bristol First di.stance of the Giant goal posts He was stoppecl twice by Pat Mc- Noteworthy scores. (3arence first four fries from the 16-foot executive vice president at Mil­ ball should get another major "E4'erybody pvea out 100 per where Bert Rechlchar split the Savage Two-Fisted for one of Patterson’s defense.*. Standings Murtry in 19.5'7 and by Monroe “They offer such a high guar­ Finlev 137-348, Vin BogginI 140- W, L. Pet. line, Roger .Miu-aione bounced waukee. stressed these point.* league, should pla.v Inter-league cent all the way. Professional foot­ uprights with only seconds left Ratliff last year. He won three antee ($500,000 gate) that they ELK’S LE.AGUF, 343. Bundi Tarca 129-343. Ray Tigers ...... 13 3 .813 VILLAGE OHAJ»3EBS Of Touirhics bark with 13 conversions In the last night at the 20th B o s t o n games, utilize young players now ball is a rough, tough game but to play to knot the score and force 4 of five in 1958. qualify for serious consideration, ” nclla9'cra 341. Mel Hadfield 125 Indians ...... U -5 -688 Standings ne.vt 16 shots to wind up with Baseball Writers’ Chapter Dinner. sitting on the bench and. In gen­ it is honejjt." With that, the burly an overtime. The Colts won in the W. L. Pet. ' When Giants Play Reds It hits in 20 attempts. Ed he said. Although the Johans.*on and .Stan Hilinski 125. Cardinals ...... ^ '5 -375 W, L, Pet, Praise for Yswkey and a sug­ eral, alter the game to suit the end from Stamford back marched extra period. Folley Attaek Wins Armoiy Package .12 4 .750 (''/.arnotii placed a close second match waa being discussed at the Giants ...... 2 14 126 Man. Auto Pari* 44 18 .611 For In dians gestion for baseball to change changing times. to his seat amidst a fine round of Patten Builder.* . .12 4 .7,50 ; with 13 snecessfiit free throws s time, it is possible he might con- . , Singles of 95 or better: Paul Garden Grove .. . 41 31 .569 with the times h.v Richard Car­ Commissioner Ford Frick called applause. .10 6 .625 ( TELEPHONE LEAGUE 32 There will be bruisers on both sides Sunday afternoon in while George Mav. Bob Cowles, it a night of "hall and farewell." C op y C at SASKETBAUi aider some other opponent for | ^ca s Market Wilhelm 111, Paul Buck 97 and Vic ' oward Oil . ... . 40 .556 By PAT BOI.IM (' dinal C u s h in g , tribirte to new s * ♦ . 6 10 ,375 Standings Jqhnson Paint .. . 35 37 .486 the exhibition basketball attraction at the liiKh .school gym. i Fred MiCnrry, Bill .MeMuMln American League Prc.sident Joe He praised outgoing American One of Joe Christian's secrets Denver, Jan. 30 i/l’i A tripham-* hush and fought off Folley for the Colorado's Centennial and then a 1 Equipment .250 , Salclus 95. SCOBES. real of the round. Johansson match in September. | 9 red s Package . 4 12 \V L Jarvis Really .. . , . 30 42 .417 FMtured will be members of the New York footliall (Jiants, ■ Beginning with lonighl's 8 39 and ,1ohn MrCiirthy all had 12 Cronin and a tearful goodbye to League President Will Harridge Water over the Dam . as coach of the ‘University of Con­ mer left and one savage two-fisted 12 .2.50 game against Bri.stol at the Bristol . 4 Nassiff Arms . .. . . 26 46 .361 Eastern (Conference champions of the .National Football for 20. Boston b.v .linimy Pier- for 27 years of serrire and .added One of the honored guest-s at necticut baseball team, copied afi- flurry in the fifth round carried It was obvious after this whirl­ Armory, Manchester High's punch- The younger .Macaione topped Y MIDGET LE.AOI E heTaWedt:T".su,rminion d"o'lIm'^ laM week's pacesetter Ar- cable '55fi . Y « EDNESDAY LEAGI E Two matches - Jarvis Realty ]>ague, and tt.e local Red Embers.*------sail were other highlights of the "I don't know an.vone who has the Gold Key head table was Big ter Casey Stengel of the Yankees, cool Zora Folley to an unanimou.* wind sortie by Folley that Alex moiy Package Store lost a 3-1 cle ..... loss basketball milnlcl faces three a flehl. of 19 Ixi.vs Wednesday, .standing!^ gate" by D'Amato, who has no Central Office ■5-56 Standings over Johnson Pa t and Nassiff Art Quimby Bill Schmidt and j , affair. contribute'd more to baseball than Tommy Rylilec of Meriden who was explained at the Gold Key din­ decision over Argentina's Alcxjhaq land a knockout punch to icision to Capitol Equipment. Pat- i,jnemen enicnlioned loughics in Us final bid to qualify hitting on nine of 15 charity he has. All of us will miss him.” ner. W. L. Pot. Miteff in their 10-round heavy escape a healing. He pounded away idea of missing out on sucli a .5.56 \v Ret. j Arm over Garden Grove—result- Fred Diute, three local atarters. ■ ®slated to play are Alex Webster, for the forthcoming Cla.s.s A Tour­ In an obvious rebuttal to recent played three games with the local j ten Builders captured three points p p x axe all well over the 200 pound losses. Richard was presscsl rumors Tebbetts said: "And it’s hail, of course, to Joe Realizing that .Stengel mtist be Fletcher Glass ...... 8 1 .889 weight fight last night. ^ at the Chandler. Ariz., fighter's bonanza by losing the title before -j-33 Manchester Motors 33 .733 I ^0 in similar 3-1 victories W'hile Ken MacAfee. Bob Schnelkpr and nament in New Haven It s a crag­ h.v Boh Constantine and Paul grid Merchants following his ca­ Elks ...... 7 2 ,778 Tlioroiighly beaten tliough he j from Deri’s Drive-In to gam a Repair ...... 333 Correntl's Insurance 28 ■‘’22 j i)ie pacesetting Manchester Auto mark as well as standing belter "Mr. Perini is not coming to Cronin,” Frick said. "His story Is reer at AIC. After Army service successful for many reasons. midseclion whenever he could, but then. 'deadlock for first place. A third Kyle Rote. gy road ahead since the Indians Qua-snltselika who tied for nin- one' of the most amazing in his- Pagani Caterer* . . . . 6 3 .665 wa.*, the black-haired butcher boy seemed to have no effective defense "I would like to fight four This week's Central Don Willis Garage 25 ■559 I Parts battled Howard Oil to a 2-2 than six feet. Qui.Tiby and Schmidt need five victories in their remain­ Boston and he is not going to buy he joined the Detroit Lion.s. After Christy, one of the Gold Key re­ match at the Double Strike alleys are. In fact, each 6-6. Tickets will go on sale Siimla.v ner-np hniinrs with seven hits the Red .Sox. Mr. 5'awkey is top.s. tcry. He came up as a player and cipients, said he had observed Keith’s Variety . . . . . 4 4 .500 from Buenos Aires .said *'e is far against Folley's left-and-right times this year," said Patterson. Office 2. PBX 1: Installation 2 E * S Gage 21 ■^‘’7 I gialemate in a third match. afternoon at 1 o'clock at the .school ing six games. In 15 tries. the dinner we were talking and Peck Lumber ...... 4 5 .444 from ready to call quits to his ring had Lea’s Market shutting out Repair 1: Linemen 2, Cable 1 Green Barbers 18 The Giants, on the other hand, moved through manager and gen­ Stengel both in the flesh and on combinations. "This is a guy (F'loydl who Fi ed's Package Store 4-0. '•091 Anita St. Pierre 127. Ellen box office. Prelim starts at 2 with After Bristol comes stieressive Must Keep Vawke.v I brought up an incident at Mt. Man. Auto Parts . . . . . 2 6 .2,50 career. Though hi.* right eye was Week's best scores: Dan O'Con­ Merrill's Market 10 •222 ; Reichert 109-113, Shirley Holmea will present a couple of 6-6 men eral manager to become president Neho during his senior year when teevee and noticed one move that Folley, who weighed 194'2 to would like to fight 12 times a The list of best scores included the main event at 3:1,3. meetings with Hall lat home Tues- ‘ In.slcad of some of us in New of the league. he made which has come in handy. Wyman Fuel ...... 2 6 .2.50 puCed nearly shut, the 24-year-old year,4 said D'Amato. "I favor do­ nell 134-340. While the league-leading Man-1 119, Clara Mathlason 111, Ruth In Rosy Grier and Roosevelt dayi and unbeaten Windham lin he was banished from a game be­ Alex insisted Folley "Did not hurt Miteff's 204'2, showed poise and Red Tamttlis 341. Carl Hunter 125, England talking about 5’awkey "Lots of people are going to "I’m still baseball coach and Ha Ma's 4 Bill’s ...... 2 6 .250 finesse in shooting his punches ing whatever is good for the fight­ Chester Motor Sales dropped a 2-1 j Oak man 109 khd Jo Lucaa 107 Brown. Only difference will be in Willimantic one week from to­ selling, let's think of ways to con­ tween Meriden and Manchester me once. " » At Atkina 130-354, (Tharlie Harris weight Grier is a 280 pounder and First Division come to you. Joe. and ask you got so that when I made an ap­ home, then getting out of danger. er, regardless of the cost or ef­ 134-373. Tom Blanchard 135-348, decision to fourth place E * S topped all participants. night 1 All three rivals hold earlier vince him to stay. You cannot af­ what's wrong with baseball. My High, along with Jimmy Roach ■ Fletcher Glass took over undis­ It didn't look that way to most REHTAURANT I.EAOUE Brown Ups the Fairbanks at 265. R i d g e Clubhouse of the home club. “It was a mU- pearance on the field during a Miteff never gave up and carried fort.” Chis has said several time.* Paul Correnli 131-127-369. Bill Col­ Gage this past week, runrier-up ------wins over the -Silk Towners. Bris­ ford to do without tile ownership an.swer is simple. Nothing. More game I get the same sort of greet­ puted possession of first place of the 6.878 fans who filled the that Patterson will be in the 95 Standings Correntl's Insurance shut out the | « considerably more than anyone thei tol winning 54-38, Hall ,3.3-52 in a of Yawkey. " understanding,” the Silver City Auditorium Arena and paid a the fight to the 26-year-old 9’olley lins 335 and John Madigan 335. V\'. L. Pet. Embers can match. Both Grier and ’ Goal of Cubs kids are playing baseball than ever ings from the fans that Casey Is last night as they put their best per cent income bracket this year. Green Barbers lo move within five! TI ESDATf HOUSBW1YTB8 Set for Oeeupaiiey real squeaker and Windham ,57-41 Tebbetts was answering talk in our history today, Joe, there's player said. At the time, Ryhlec, team effort tq set a new league gro. gate of $23,951 In Denver's as late as the eighth round. Hia Walnut ...... 48 24 .867 B r o ^ were great tackles with the accustomed to. blows larked authority - - in fact, There is another hitch that games of the leaders. Third place : Standings with a tremendous first half per I Chtcagn. Jan. 30 iTi Owner P. that \rith former General Man­ nothing wrong with baseball.' may­ a tackle, was Meriden's big star record defeating Pagan! Caterers, profe.ssional fight card in sev­ Oak Grill ...... 42 30 .583 Don Willis Garage also blanked W. L. Pet. Giants. formance. while Roach was on his way to I thought that as long as I was eral months. the South American said after­ could delay matters. kiddie MERCANTILE LEAGUE Cavey’.* ...... 38 34 .528 Andy Robustelli, who serves as 111 Late Februarv I K W rig ley fnrc.see.s the Chicago ager Cronin moving up to his new be with the people who run it, but going to be treated like Casey 60-44. Peck Lumber contin'ued to Machen. knocked out by Johans- Standings Merrill’s Market 3-0 In a third Spatulas ...... 64 18 .750 Not to he overlooked are the re­ I Cub.s hitting the div ision and post, Yawkey might sell out. He not the game.” setting new records for a Man­ be the giant killers as they pulled Blood flowed from a cut under ward: "I was tired from the first Lake House ...... 36 36 .500 match. Rolling Pins ...... 39 33 .542 player-coach of the* Giants, plans chester High player. The pair were I might just as well adopt some Miteff's right eye in the fourth round,", and could give no rea.*on ,*on in September, is suing to force W. L. Pot. Ellington Ridge Country Club turn battles against Conard lat ! says the up.swing can be at- then tiiimed to the Braves and ru­ Piersall. one of the greatest de­ of his methods.V the upset of the year in handing Chatterbox ...... 29 43 .403 Bowling honors for the week, Flying Saucers to bring an eight or nine man sent to the showers early for fight­ round and he said later he couldn't why. him to go through with an al­ Herm'.* Camera . . . 4? 22 .656 Ray's ...... 23 49 .319 clubhouse is expected to be ready home Tuesday. Feb ini. Platt I tribnteil mainly to "harmony mors Perini might pul the Na­ fensive the game has the Elks their second setback, 27- leged rematch agreement. Paoera .641 J i ■ * ■' X i‘ ,1 went to Ray Johnson who pinned SkUlot.*? *...... squad to Manchester. Other Giant (Friday. Feb, 1.3 in Meriden i and ing. Both later played with the "Now I jump out of the dugout see from the eye from the fifth Folley finished in dazzling style, Man. .Yulo I’arts . n 23 I for occupancy late in Fchriiary ■ throughout the orgamzalinn." tional League back in New York. known, said his farewell. He had and when I get to the foul line I 22. have been served on the fighter Rain -ow C lu l'...... 38 26 ..594 Second place Oak Grill sliced ^ j j games of 159. 128 i Coffee Cups .. East Hartford laway on Friday, "Everybody Ls pulling together "Mr. Perini is not going to New been traded to Cleveland for 'Vic Merchants. round on. landing 14 lefts without a return front-nnl-runnmg Walnut Restaur- _ _ Double Boilers ► according to Pre-sident Fred .Mc- apit on my hands and rub them to­ Fletcher’s displayed the best as the lOtli roond began. Despite and Edwin Ahlquist. pio- (warden Realaurant 38 26 .594 and 127. Other fine scores were Double Boilers P'eb. 201 Two setbarks In six I again and there is fine spirit and York,” Tebbetts said, "He is going Man-Eating Tiger ant'.* lead to six games thi.* week 3-1 score j Kone. Acceptam e of the premises Wertz. Piersall spoke haltingly and gether. If the saliva oozes out the brand of basketball shown at the the furious exchanges almost from moler, and adviser to the Eu­ Gaudet Jewelers . 36 28 ..563 authored by Art Johnson 136-137- Despite winning by contests and the Indians will be 1 co-operation in every department.” to stay in Milwaukee and the choked with emotion: T this year to put a stop to big Only Miteff's gameness and good ^90,'Don Carpenter^^l^ John over the cellar-dwelling Double I marks the start of acliial Country $1,900 Play left side of my closed fists, I bring conditiononditjon .seemed t Keepkeep mmhim go- the start, there were no knock ropean champ. However, Ro.*en- Jon-Di's ...... 36 28 „563 Club operations. finished insofar as the 1958-59 ram- I he said. "It's quite a contrast to Braves are not for sale. If they "I have prayed to the Good Lord Rick Daley and his Pagani outfit. ^ Simmons 128, Stan Hlllnaki 130- Boilers, the runners-up Rolling 30-MINUTE FREE paign is enneerned. Manchester al- in a lefthander. If it comes nut the ing after 9'olley (pronounced 9'o - ! downs. - sohn and all concerned claim lliey Manchester Optical 32 32 .500 [ the picture three years ago when are, I made a helluva mistake." I'd never have to try to put into "V\ e call the play in which we other side I bring in a righthand­ Daley scored 33 points for the have been as.sured the threatened .Memoi ial Store . . . 21 43 .328 place Cavey a Restaniant also non Bundi Tarca 13.5-3.52, Dorn Pins still trail the ' pacesetting I Club officers and the Board of readv is dead in the rare for CCII, Jim Gallagher (busines.s manngcj l ley) sprang upon him like a man-i Referee Max Baer, former heavy four points from the Chatterbox, Governors are looking forward Cardinal Cushing referred to words what I feel now. All I can punted in the playoff game with er. losing Caterers but it was the eating tiger as the bell rang for 1 weight champion, scored it 49-43 suit will be no problem .Manchester Trust . 19 45 .297 Farr 130-3.54, Pete Aceto 355, Spatulas. 3-1 loser* to the Coffee INSTALLATION laurels. Its only consolation is to and Wid Matthews (director of Yawkey a.s Boston's indispensable sav la - thank you - and good­ Baltimore the $1,900 play," Andy and the Bolton Lake House rap­ w ith.keen anticipation to improve or. its piescnt fifth place "And do you know, the system combined effort of Bob Constan­ the fifth round. I for 9"ollcy. giving Miteff only the Johansson, first Swede to box Crown Cleaner.* . . . 17 47 .266 Tony Salvatore 133, Stan Wal- Cups, by 16 gomes. In a third player personnel i were with ii.s. man. bye.” Robustelli of the Giants told me. tine with 16 points. Steve Cole for a world ring title, is a hand­ tured a 3-1 verdict over Ray's Res­ ckowski 130-357. Jim O'Reillv 133- match at the Y alley*, the Skillets of getting things in running or­ position works pretty good. " “ My manager suggested I try sixth round and scoring two even, Quick now, who's in place? taurant . in other action at the They just couldn't get along with "In Boston we pride ourselves, "That’s the difference in each The UConns will be loaded for with 16, Paul Quasnilschka 14, and some 26-year-old boxer with a 362. Ell Fish 123-132-360 and Lar- turned back the Flying Saucer* der. such as hiring a competent Need One to ((iinllfy each other. " something different, " Folley saici, ' JiKlge Joe Ullmer gave 9'olley a 60- The Manchester >uto Paits? No, Double Strike alleys. and always have, in being the BLAI4ES WIN .AT HO.ME winning and ksing share."' The bear this spring with perhaps the Rick Schauster 10, that led to the dimpled chin and lon.-ielcd dark that was last week. Herra’s Cam- ry Bates 136-373. 3-1, leaving both teams deadlocked : staff, ■ ordeimg materials and Coach Toby A'ega's racy Rams, In a slrakeup in the club's front "so I threw a right hand with the 45 edge and Judge Bob Sauer 49- Two bowlers. Bill LaRivlerre ! planning golf and swimming acliv- best baseball citv In the country, New Haven. Jan, 30 (/Pi The New play in question was a fourth down finest all around diamond team ip Classmen’s 'victory. Mark and Al first punch and it nearly stopj/ed 43. n ie As.*ocialcd Press tally also brown hair. He has a perfect 21-0 pi a ? That's right, the Camera- for third post. currently .sporting a fine S-.3 won I office John Holland and Bill Hey- and we are proud to claim Mr. (137-157-397) and Paul Correnti iUes. Haven Blades defeated the Wash­ situation with the Giants in pos- the college's history. Oaknian, ' witji help from John the fight. This was the first, lime j showed 49-43 for 9’olley. record as a pio with 12 kno< ko.d.*. men, who held the top rung two Single games of 106, or better: and lost record after Tiiesdav’s I mans look over the jobs of Baseball himself Tom 5'aw- He vaulted into the No. 1 con­ (134-142-3971 barely mlsaed join­ BOYS’ JUNIOR LEAGUE ington Presidents 6-3 last night in Holme*, played^ well for Paganis I ever tried anything like that." ! The Arizona veteran has been weeks ago. regained he lead this ing the 400 Club. Others turning in Claire Obremski 125, Helen Gal­ I Board of Governors has also comeback 65-62 win over Torring- , Matthews and Gallagher, respec- key," the Cardinal said. "He loves but they could not stop the Glass- tender position by knocking out Standings Free Installation I announced to the membership club an Eastern Hockey League game. The looping right-handed blow I rated by many as chiefly a coun- week with a 3-1 win over the third scores of note were Joe Sylvester ' lagher 107-111, Alice Huy 10*. ton, need only one more triumph I lively. Holland was made a vire the game and takes good care of men. Machen in one round. The one blot W L Prt, Evelyn Lorentzen 107 and Bea and pool fees for the sea.son I president and Heymans .secretary- Gordie Stratton and Don Davidson Lot of Man.. 752 Pounds spun Miteff partly aiound and' terpuncher. He showed last night place Rainbow Club. Only one 126-134-352, Al Bertu.s.*i 128-337, to qualify for the Class A toiiimey. his players and others associated Peck Lumber got off to a great on hia record was hia disqualifica­ Bruins ...... 6 4 .600 Cormier 105. Due-s for the current year will In CCIL warfare the Bell Towmers ! treasurer. put In two goals each for the then Folley pounded him against that given the light opportunity he game behind In second spot are the with the operation qf the team, " Blades*. After being tied twice ear­ start as Al Norris and' Gary tion for running and not fighting Rangers ...... 6 4 .600 i be payable in three installments, show a 7-2 mark, and are dead­ I "Holland la In charge of the the ropes with a flurry of rights can mount a dangerous attack Autn Paris who dropped a 3-1 de­ 386, Walt Hilinski 128, Bill Royals ...... 6 4 .600 SENT COUERS The Cardinal, a sandlotler in his lier. the Blades took a 4-2 lead in (Wigren put them in front 10-1 In and lefts too fast to count. .Some- 1 wdth that ever-threatening left to in the 1952 Olympic finals against cision lo fourtii place Garden Res­ t one each on the first da\ in March, locked for sfKond plare with Hall, I player side and Heymans handles the late Ed Sanders of the United Sheekey 127-348, Nino Aceto 338, Lions ...... 5 5 .500 MORNING GLORY LEAGUE youth, said that the problem radio the third period and held it the rest Meal Tab $40 a Day the first quarter. They led 19-11 how, Alex slipped out of this am- 1 lead the wav. taurant. Only six games separate Tony Desimone 341. Dan Ma- j June and .September The board two full games behind pacesetting 1 the business end,” .said Wrigley. and television has created for Slates. He elaimed he wag advised Red Wings ...... 4 6 .400 Standing* Windham. Tile P-ams' three de­ "But if advice Ls needed in any de­ of the game. lit intermission as Norris contin­ Herm'.* and sixth place Jon-Dl's. linguaggi 336 and Gene Phaneuf will welcome payment in full for ued hitting and Joe Gallas found 1 to stay back and make the other Hawks ...... 3 7 .300 W: L. Pet. I the years dues, exclusive of pool feats came at the hands of Hall partment and an opinion is needed 4-0 victors over Manchester Trust. 343. Pittsburgh, Jan. 30 (JP)—Big hundred and fifty pounds feels the ra. ge also. The Elks bounced 1 y ^ ^ -m -m j man lead. Singles of 90 or heller: Raloh Petunias ...... 3 0 1.000 TR/PLEMf fees, after March 1. Paul Willey is 172-451, Weaver i.56-531 and Wind­ ; for a deci.sion. Heyman.s is the "If he gives me his chin, 1 knock In two other matches at the 0 1.000 ham (70-54 1 Huniphrey’s meal tab comes just right and wrasslin’ every back in the last half but^hey were O r l C f A m C l t e U r Manche.ster B'lwllng Green, fifth Russo 104. Bruce Edwards 93, Carnations ...... 3 club treasurer. j nian they turn to. him out." Johan.sson said while Iris ...... Z. 1 .667 "I believe wore beginning to to $40 a day. That's lot of night keeps me in condition.” too far down to anake it in the place Gaudet Jewelers blanked THURSD.6 Y HOUSEWIVES ; Gary Fleming 92. Larry Lisciotti Iris STO R E S^ Nine holes will be ready for use Bristol's starting five Includes, posing for pictures. "I hope to win. 91 and Randy Smith 91. Mums ...... 2 1 .667 scoring averages between paren­ reap re.siill.s of this organization's man—752 pounds. Big Humphrey wa6 bom final minutes. Richard Lovett. Memorial Corner Store 4-0 and Standings this spring and 18 hnle.s are cx- Doctor Plenty Busy "So fah as ah know, ah’m Art Brainard, and Tommie Greer If I didn't- why would 1 want such W. L. Pet. To insure apiiearnnee in fill* col- ; 'TulipsTulips ...... 2 1 .667 I pected to be ready for the 1960 theses. Johnnv Rea-don (9.3i. and spirit and team work, and It's and reared on a Georgia cot­ a flgjttt? (Good Questiont” Manchester Optical turned back 2 .333 •81 MAIN ST.—Ml S-6771 hoiimi to he reflected on the field. the biggest man in the Wxyld,” ton farm, one of 12 children. played beat for the losers while Crown if Russians Drop Out ! Ten Pins ...... 50 18 .735 limn these Satiircla.v morning re -' Gardenias . 1 season. Eddie Beardsley (10.91, forwards. Dangerous Foe rellai-dw,^lling Crown Cleaners Violets . .. - ...... 1 2 .333 Jerry O'Brien (15 2( renter, and I believe tile Cub.s have reached said Humphrey in his Georgia He said he weighed 22 >i Ricljard Macaione and Ron Cote 3-1. Pinups ...... 34 34 .500 suits should he turned in on Slon- drawl. helped Norris and Gallas for the Patler.son called the Swede the 1 Hi-Fi's ...... 37 .4.56 Tiger Lilies ...... 1 2 .333 Captain Tom Kelley (lO.Ri and tile (Citiial point where they arc During Hockey Brawl poilnds at birth and 150 most dangerous opponent he has Week’s top winners incliKled -■•1 Orchids ...... 0 3 .000 Fran Murphy (3.8(, guards. As in­ on tile verge of going over the For the benefit of those un­ pounds at the age of three. winning Lumbermen. Sanliiigo. Omle. Jan. 30 l/P) -- • Police escorted the officials from 1 Bowl-a-Jels . t“. : ___ 31 ,37 ,4.56 The United .States finds out to- j the court as the demonstration met. "He knocked out the No. 1 John Simmons 140-372, George Roses ...... 0 3 .000 dicated by the average.s Vega's hump to become a first division familiar with Humphrey—he’s He says he got his start in 1 Rdrkette.s ...... 30 28 .441 EAST SIDE JUNIORS night whether the world amateur | continued after the g a m e . A contender (Machen)C he said. Dovnn 138-363, Nick Twerdy 137- GARDEN GROVE CATERERS Scores of 105 or better: Caroline club boasts exrelleni balHiice and . team. a professional wrestler, cur­ wrestling when he succes.s- After getting off to a slow start. 359. Andy Kiavontka 140-126-3,54. ' Bowl-a-Dear* ..... 28 40 .412 New York, Jan. 30 (,T*)—The doctor was almost as buav rently appearing in the Pitts­ basketball championship will re- i police guard of 350 formed a pro- "That speaks for itself. 1 hear he Standings Janicke 112, Jean Naretto ‘‘111, no other league team has better "I am cel tain if we get over that fully wrestled a bear that was Songailo Construction moved Al Atkins 151-3.55) Bob V o z z o lo '^ T h e b-ading Ten Pins maintained W. L. Pet. Arlyne Noske llO.-Doris Tedfprd overall speed. liump, well have a team again as the players in Detroit's 4-1 National Hockey League vic­ burgh area. taking on all comers In a car­ main in the country where: the 1 tective cordon for the U.S. players Is a verv hard puncher.” 346, Doug MacLaehlin , 25-340, ! theii^fi-game niargln after rolfing ahead to turn back L. T. Wood game was originated more than! when they left the stadium for a It wlil be Johansson's biggest Receptions...... 8 4 .667'107, Dot Jacob* 107, Chlckie Jan- Zatiirsky is expected to pick his like we did 20 vears ago, when all tory over the Montreal Canadians last night. At times the "Mah waistline measures 85 nival. The owner of the show 59-44 in the first game in the Jun­ Rus* Wilson 132-339, Sal | “ 2-2 tie with the runners-up Pin- 50 years ago. bus ride to their hotel. The bus pay day for he gets 20 per cent uf C utings...... 7 5 .583 ! icke 106, Helen Gutzmer 106, Alva starters from among Pat Mi.stretla, we needed to remain a contender game took on aspects of a pier six brawl. Inches.” said big Humphrey fired the bear and hired him. ior League at the East Side Rec. 135-338. Sonny (jhandler 129-335. ups this past week al the Y alleys Chuck Saimond, Skip Fiahej, Bill yesterday as he dug into a If Russia goes through with its wa.s escorted by .six armed police­ the gale and TV-radlo mone.v or a Also, the Hi-Fi’s and Bowl-a-Jets Buffet* ...... 6 6 .500 ; Doucette 106 and Pinkey Flaherty season after season was to replace, ------*' "When it was all over, the Red Big Humphrey runs into In the nightcap. Nassiff Arms $100,000 guarantee. Patter.son gets Pete Spelas 337 and Bill Ander­ Smorgasbord* ... 6 6 .500 10-5. Malausky. Bdb Soelert, Bill Keish one man or two, ’ banquet of roast beef and spa­ predicaments now • and then announced decision not to play men. split four points to remain stale­ ANNOUNCEMENT C; 1 V xi 1 1 Wings had their first victorv of the pulled away in the final period lo One Pla.ver tHit 40 per cent or $300,000, whichever son 125. Weddings ...... 5 7 .4171 This is another league which and Mike Reardon. Only -Mistretta The Cub.s flnrshed in a fifth place ghetti "but it used to meas­ but remains carefree. About grab a 61-48 win over Manchester Nationalist China because of po­ mated in third spot. The sixth (10.61 and Saimond (10.11 arc aver­ o c n a y c s L , n e c k e c l season over Montreal after six ure 90. Ah brought my Ron Olsen of Bremerton. Wash., ia lafger. The rematch agreement I The league'* second annual mid- Clambakes ... 4 8 tic with St, Isolds last year. They doctors and diets, Humphrey Parkade. litical reasons, then the U.S. can -sea-son dance, will be held Satur­ place Bowl-a-Dears pinned a sur­ aging double figures. i losses and three ties and were in weight dowm from 900 pounds was the only American with any­ call* for a return within 90 days A 3-1 victory over the fifth place j •ug after the matches are rolled^. . haven't made the first division has this to say: Paced by Wayne Reynolds, retain the title by defeating a day night from 9-1 at the British prising 3-1 win over the fifth place sinee 1946, when thev wound up in D U t I O U l l ! ? S t e r S ‘ 'ou^lh place by a one-point margin by cutting down on meals! thing to show for the fans’ out­ at 30-30 percentages if Johsrssun Rockettes in the final conleat. Wetidinge left the league-leading}' ------:------^------r3 j over the Boston Bruins. “When mah doctor tells me league-leading Songailo piit on a strong Brazil team tonight. -'The wins. To make sure he will go American Club on Bissell St. third place. TTiey had won the NL Used to eat 10 a day, now ah to go on a diet, ah get a new stretch 'drive in the final period to U.S. has a 4-1 record, Brazil 3-1 break. He received a slight cut on Turning in singles "of 105 or bel­ Receptions one full game ahead of 1 ^ INTERMEDIATE LEAGL*E ED EHLERS Most of the action which reqilr- through . with such a rematch. the runners-up Outings who also pennant in 194.5. r a c e l-^ ia i *:5U t c e f e h . the doctor’s assistance came in oat only six or seven. Seven doctor.” sail on to an easy win. After with the U.S., and a none too the cheek when hit b.v a piece of ter were Caroline Janicke 114-114, Standing* Johansson must put, his entire chalked up a 3-1 verdict over the ------the first period. Goalie Terry Saw- battling to a 12-12 tl^ at the end strong (Chilean team still on its peach thrown b.v a fah. MERCHANTS LEAGltE Martha Randall 117, Miriam Mc­ W. L. Pet. ' Fonmriy AtlonHc Service While declining to offer any ali­ pur,se hi escrow. Cormick 111, Clara Trueman 106 cellar-dwelling Clambakes. A third vnnUee* New York, Jan. 30 (/P»—"What chuk of Detroit came out of a of the first period the winners schedule. . Rosensohn, former vice pres­ Standing* Yankees ...... 6 2 .760 moved out to hold a 24-23 half- bi. American Coach (Tharles W. L. Pet. : and Mary FCvart 105. 3-1 .success was scored b.v the i iDodgers ^ . ; ...... 4 4 .500 NOW DOING lUSINESS AS Basketball would h a p p e n If our Dolph I scramble with a cut at the corner Traific Fierce, Pros Crowded Should the RuAlans decide to (Buzz) Bennett of Duluth, Minn., ident of a closed circuit TV com­ WEST .SIDE JL'NIORS ______.______1 of1 of his his left left eyebrow, eyebrow, inflicted inflicted eilh- eith­ ' take the floor against China, the pany (Teleprompte'r) aald no TV Community Pre.*s ...2 1 .667 Braves ...... 4 4 .500, Schayes would become unavail­ said any of the first 10 college leaving the two teams lied for,; ...... 2 6 •250 I In the first game of a double er by Dickie Moore's stick or a P” '"^i’’ !.U.S. ha.* no chance. It makes no plans had been made. He said he Vic’s Soda .Shop ....2 1 .667^ JUNIOR GIRLS Red Sox . able ...lik e through old age?’’, teams in the U-S. could run the Howard’s third spot. Week's finest single game ef­ SUNDAY 3:15 I header at the Verplanck School, shot. The cut required five stitches. H an 7 ’^'^ difference whether the Russians might go to home television if Standing* Noteworthy singles were garner­ Syracuse fans often wonder. Within Margin of Five Strokes Russian team off the court. Landscaping ...... 2 1 ' .667 | forts were produced by Johp Mc­ I I Manchester Trust defeated Gus’s Claude Provost of Montreal got “ f 'u • win or lose. They now have a 5-0 He revealed that the Americans such a move would asaure him of W. L. Pet. ed by Marie Hebenstreit 105, I Grinders in an overtime thriller, Well, the National Basketball five to close a cut across, the no?a a weekly series. While Glass . ..'...... 1 2 .3.33 i 12 4 .750 Carthy 122, Al Fyler 100, Ron HIGH SCHOOL GYM Poe settingLuiZ\he*^!iLce the pace with 19 tal- 1 ^ “ ‘“ be b^t goals for and had been beaten in practice games Dari’s Dairy ...... 1 2 .333 j Pojnaettias ...... Chlckie Janicke 111. Kitty Sibrinsz Boudi'ieau 129. Roger Macaione EHLERS’ 56-54. The second game saw House Assn. Nats would probably turn to after being hit by Billy McNeill's San Diego, 0.1if., Jan. 30 (/P)—< Bolt settled tor a 36-36-72, and The Broadway crowd, wary of Tulips . . . . ( ...... 11 5 .688 112, Alba Sobiski 107-106, Jennie .lies while hustling Donny Long by George Washington and Ameri­ & Hale dump Fairfield Market, their younger aet to do the work., stick. And Jean-Guy Talbot, also The traffic was fierce today with the issue in event of a' tie. They foreign heay>’weights already has Moriai'ty Bro.*...... 1 2 ,333) .500 117-101, John Salciua 107, Ray Py- Palmer, v.’ho won this event in followed with 10. can University in Washington be­ Opening second round result*: ' Orchids...... 8 8 Lata 113. Millie Oliva 110, Dot ,54-40. They did the job last night as the i Canadians, got three over S6 profesaionals crowded within beat the U.S. 62-37 Wednesday made Patterson a 12 to 5 favorite. 5 11 ..... —- ...... - - - . 7 ----- " .v 'k a 100. Mike Voronovltch 116, 1957, had 34,-38-72. Bruce Badger aet the pace as fore leaving jfqr South America. Community Press 2, White Glass j Roses ...... At the end of regulation play in Nats turned in a 117-91 victory | P!"'Y* “ the result of being a margin of five strokes as play 8 18 i ''^***’ ®**"’*^*!.®'1 Rocky DowXrt 110 and Tony Ru* Souchak, who won four tourna­ NaasllI Arms staged a fine uphijl night. With no college or AAU club 1; Vic's Soda Shop 2. Dart's 1 Gardenias ...... •1^'Amy Plrkey 114, Edle Correnti 94 I " Dodgers aet AMOCO SERVICE the first game the spore was tied ! over the Minneapolis Lakers in " "■ flying puck. swung into the second round of Officials of the International . 3 13 ments In 1956, didn’t Icore again battle to upend the Parkade. teams available, the U:S.' piayere Dairy 1; Howard's Landscaping 2, | Lady Slippers ...... 188 (^^^thout a mark ■'and Ann Meyei-s , ^ ^ single of 612 this past .50-.50, Gus's seemed to have the * Houston, Tex • ■econd periqd was compara- the. 320,000 San Diego Golf Tour­ Basketball' Federation have ap- bettei;: until he hit the St. Paul Open Trailing throughout, 32-24 half­ were selected through an adver- Moriarty Bros. 1. .j Singles of 80 or Jane ; 95 without the benefit of a mark. I *■week. * S59 MAIN ST.~M I 3-1477 game almost won in the overtime lively quiet. But In the third a real nament. last year -for the second time but noimced that all of Russia’s tlaement published In an Air Force Sport Schedule Crandall 92, Paula Roagn^ 83r88. period as they held a 54-53 lead time, the winners closed the gap Week’s best scoies: Ed Biijau- n isx t t o f i r s t n a t i o n a l b a n k irreata ir'the NBA^ airt^h^s i ‘ ‘'reatened. Provost drew Heading, the procession with a he won 321,089 in 1958, to trail 44-41 at the end of the games 'Will be . forfeited if they do, paper. The ad asked for volunteers. clus 136-125-378. Charlie Harris Linda Bellefleur 89, Kathy Cole- 1 OPPOSITE MABT CHENEY LIBRARY with 1,2 seconds remaining on the I 31 and has | ^ major penalty for Inflicting a cut precarious lead, as the 141 pros not play the Chinese. man 86. Linda Taft 85. Carole DOUBLE STRltlE LEAGUB I 3IIXKD DOl'BLBS , been tha mainstay of tha Nats for \ McNeill with a hiah atirk Tn One stroke behind thd co-leaders; third period. In the final period Players desiring a tryout had to Today ,130-340, Ken Seaton 137-368, Standings clock. At this point J. V. Camposeo again attacked the {Mr 36-36-72 were Bo Wlninger, who had 31-36 Should the hand , picked Air pass their request thro,ugh chan Nolan 84, Apdrea Macaione • 81, Incorrect standings and incom-j was fouled in the act of shooting. the winners put the game on Ice High vs. Bristol, 8:30—^Bristol. Frank Larson 125-135-371, George Pet. game average. L«s.t night though, h'iscion Valley Coimtry Club and might have done even better, as they outscored their opponeta. Force personnel ijepresenUng the nels which could be vetoed any Johnson 137-340, Joe Picaut 156, Barbara May 81, Judy Piach 81 plete match results were received ; Aiva-Ed Doucette ...... i.3 .667 He received two chances and made Richard of Montreal were given oouree were Mike Souchak and U.S. win the title by default, there Cheney at Ellington, 8:80. and Ellen Gallichant 80-. - . this week but top scores were' re- ;Nancy-Norm War^a ..... 10 .687 he got only six. The job was minora for high sticking. if his ailing shoulder hadn't begun 20-4. While Badger connected for where along the line by superiors. Al Plrkey 143-141-375. Al Heim .8(XI good on both to give the.Bankers -Bob Duden. to kick t^, and young Doug la one thing certain. It will be an Bennett said the players, select­ High swimmers vs. Crosby, 7:30 Note: Are these atandings cor­ corded by Jim Martin H,0-129-361 8-, o i w " • .600 - FAST COURTEOUS SERVICE! a hard earned 65-54 victory. handled by three playbrs who are As ' for the scoring, Marcel 20 points, Doug Pearson and Dave 130, Carl Bolin Jr. 344, Fran 25 and another who is 23. ‘ Souchak, 31-year-old veteran of Sanders of Miami Beach,-- Fla Tupper added 11 and 10 points unpopular victory. ed are former college varsity men, —High School. Benevenlo 346 and Jim Gladys 337. rect? They don't add tip right. Ed Slowik 149-373, Gene Phaneuf ! Yoat...... 9 .600 J. R. Camposeo was high man Pronovost and Norm Ullman gave tournament ) ^ y from Grossinger, High riflemen vs. Ktngswood— 147-361 and Dyke Pleasant 129. 1 Barbara-pick McConvill* .583 with 36-31. t espectlvely. For the .losers, Gary Red iiot Olilean fans have ex­ but not top stars and were, for the ■' lAnne-NIck Twerd-y ...... f N.Y.FOOTOALL for the Bankers with 23 points: Larry Costello, who scored 18 Detroit a 2-1 lead in the second N.Y., and Datdon, 38, of Oswego, pressed dissatisfaction from, the Armory. ' ■ . LURRICABON # CAR WASHINQ points, and Ed Cbnliri and A1 Among the threats cnainmed. McConnell waa top point man with most part, the fourth and fifth MIXED DOltRLES (Jean-Bill Thurston ...... « Cousin,. J. V. Camposeo was next period and Jack McIntyre added Ore., each went arotind In 83-32-65 start of the tournament over the Rockville at Middletown. mdSkii ih>i' bi.k8 jiiXEn iiouniKS Unda-Don .Harrison ...... J with Bianchi, each with' 16, set most two more in the third. Henri Rich­ into the five-stroke margin 'were- 1'5 markers while. Jack Reid men on their teams. XUndin*! fitaiidino Standlns* GIANTS yesterday. poor caliber of play shown by the RHAM vs. -Waterford, 7 -r He­ L Pet. I . W L Pet. ' Irls-Sam. VseanU ...... The second game saw House A of the pace. Hal Greer, only 23, ard accounted for Montreal’s goal. Jay Hebert and Bill Casper In the chipped In with 1,2 in a losing W L Pet. ; W ...... 26 14' .641.Thala-Reglnald Mosher Played lik e Oharopion 67 group; Jack Burke Jr., Dou»- cause. Amei'lca,na. And last night they bron. Aiilta-Ziggy OIbcrt ...... 36 12 . 760 I Rena-Lou Damatu ...... 11 .x33__ Marge-John Cushing . 14 .641 Maurecn-Don Moaaer ..... • REPAIRING vs. Hale pul on a blistering last quar­ also chipped In. with 18. Johnny Wilson, Detroit leftwing­ Liz-Tony Salafla...... 32 16-..667 ' Kaiicy-John Gaudlno ...... I .667'.Gladya-Herb Smith ...... 25 I . Duden has never won a major Ford and SUn Leonard in the 68 let the Americans know it vocally Lockman Sign* ' ' Saturday, Jon. St 17 . 646 Coiinle-Jack Tatro...... I .667 I Ruth-Bob Ostrander ...... 24 15 .615 -«enevleve-FTank Kqp^a .jf ter surge to trounce FalrflelcL The Nats, two hours late In er,- ran hia string of consecutive PGA tournament, and his earn­ RHAM va. Waterford. '7-Hebron. Audrey-Honry ' Frey ...... 31 JSSjBdna-John Hedlund ... 1* .699 i Mafso-Giwrg*^ games to 495, just 13 short of the bracket; and Julius Boros and a and physically as the U.S. rallied Marlon-Harry Burliminater 27 21 ,5a - Myrtle-Bill LaRlvIere ...... M 16 .So (FnaxMS'Alberi House & Hale outscored the Mark­ arriving from Minneapolis, moved ings last year amounted to 31,- College Basketball in the second half for a 64-55 vic­ San Franclaco, Jan. SO (/P)— Sunday, jfeb. I Mildred-Howard Hanirn.. 27 21 ,563 i Ruth-Ernle Pohl ...... ' ImlHilUe-OIUe Jarvis ...... g RED EMBERS eteers 19-8 to turn the game into in front 24-22 just before the end record set by Murray Murdock of host of lesser-llghU in the next Ruth-Ernle Oakman ...... 24 24 .600 Ollve-Joe Rosaetto ,600;^paiay-Ru*^MorrlMn . ,,«*« •S IT .•« 1 HltorJIHekP r^V'-r-i'd 070 but he played like a champion, two groups, . St. Louis -72. Si. John’s 63. tory fiver (Jhlle. ■Whltey Lockman, handyman-of the Red Ember va. N. Y, Giants, •27 .43* Margarlte-Neil Thomas ...... t £m-lSmleVcNeill ...... 21 11 JR ‘ BdDobo-“ * OliEN STAMPS * Preliminary At 2:00 a rout. ■ • ^ of the #irtt period and never were the Hew York Raiigars more than 3; 15-High Schoioi. Peg-Bill Smith ...... 21 ...... 31 20 yeara ago. yesterday. He finished well In front The main casualty yesterday Dartmouth 64. Boston U. 62. The fans peppered the Ameri­ , la ready- to Alwtne-Bin Liak ...... 21 27 .436 Aim5*aul Correnti ...... Frank Boyd and Billy Belekewici headed. They had been detained of euch proven stars as U.8. Open Green Manor va. Bloomfield. RuUi'Fi-an Donohue '...... 21 27 .438 .Pat-AI,L*gr


HBlp WAntB4l-»>FtmAlB 35 KituBtioRB Wmafad-Y^ - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,. FRIDAY, JANUARY 80, 1W9 Trailers «-A I'HERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY FAGALY Bnd SHORTEN FcmBle - 88 PARTY demonstrAtori TERRnnC aavinga—G ieat Lakes DAILY CROSSWORD PWLE New 19.59 line of over soo. new-eat, iH tli MAJOR ROOPLB "41". Front kitchen, two bed­ BwalEOTTOM 15‘t.iE TOa;N!S FOREMOST A nd the LEAST THE OTHER SiX DAYS OF BUGS BUNNY smartest, most unique naltdnslly REU a BLE woman itkca bBby-alt- CLASSIFIED rooms, completely furnished. CHURCHGOER'. HE'S THE GlM VjHO'S GOT THE THE WEEK - advertised Items, Full or S,.are- 88.300. only *12« down. Jensen’s, ting. 7Bc an hour.- Cali MI 8-SB58. ( thank fiOOONESS. MOST COMfiClENCt EVERY SaNOKV - tlme money-making opportuhitics. T u « r r ' OWINK THIS .TWN Inc. ialwsva rellablei. Rolling YOU- . HE'S'FINALLY HO!sot eyen ' Experience' unnecessary, f'all or BABY firirm oTlit^in* or ilfiit \0US0ME WEAProe A WHILEt m c K ’ Hills. Rdute-44A, MansHeid, GA YOU CAN‘1 , a rriiN a dwowsy!' Anawar to Prtvloua Pupta f FlRiTTOfiHOW UP AE U6UAL.MR. ADA'i^SRiFF' write HOP Home Parties, 8 Pros-, housahold dutlea. Can fumiah .HCfTMlUC: r r u PUT,, 0UT, MARTHA —-THfeMAN^ ADVERTISING 9-4474. VBOLGEtOTIOMrouR COWaREOKTiOH ^ FORECLOSE 150 '•0^4 peel Hill Drive Warehouse Point, good written rsffrencea. Phone VOUTO )(T iU N I « / « indeed FORTUM ate id HMt , NOW! OsE LET A » 6BT tH « TW l and Thdt DuT- Conn NA 3-5091 MI 9-8740. stECP.'y APoci CI.ASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT DEPT. HOURS ______Ruchanob. e, MORE «lEEHf; r r r T / 5 r uplifting PLEASE! DOWN 8:15 A.M. lo 4:.10 P.M. Auto Driving School 7-A ; YOUNG ladies wanted for gAneral WOMAN wants light houaework or ^h o r t a s e o pI AOBOBB ------' ' MEMBEa' 'fOO’LL fsclory work. Apply Manchester companionship to 1 or 2 persona. RUIAl '• B > 10S,HE>l0 ULT>flAY6 ‘S 1 -H-and hart 1 _ _ and faak MORTLOGK'S Manchester's lead­ ’ Modes, Inc., Pine f(t. Manchester. MI 3-0941. Uft! ME ACCEPT THE (flN<5 4 -~ -« fllln foU SSaetad image COPY CUISING TIME FOR a.ASSlFlED ADVT. ing driving school. TYiree skilled, A% AfilPT/AFTER AtL, H6 I ------I reelingand MUXDAY Thru FRIDAY I0;S0 A.M.-rSATDRDAY.» A.M. courteous instructors. Clasa room BOoiScEETElt, expertencad in an . pareal 4 Hera and — InstruOttons fo r 15. 18, 'IT year Help Wnnted— Male .36 phases, payroll, quarterly reporta, taxes. To do In mvn home. Will L»T A\E REPEAT IHCASE'IT X I t ——-craam I Irdand PLEASE READ YOUR AD olds. Telephona Mr. Mortlock, aeda Director of Driver Education. pick up and deliver. Call JA 8-6308 EipN'T SINK IN-~ 1 1>0NTJ • Ate away “EAirN^mSO \\i =:k k l y ~ after 3 p m, IF ^ * I t —— and flra T'Placa ’ CiMalflad or "W ant Ada" are taken over the phone aa a con- Ml 9-7S08. IN YOl'R SPARK TIME 14 Lamb'a gNut venlanve. The advertlarr should read hie ad the FIRST DAY IT ^ * 1 1 “Aiaya t i ST Loyal 41 Heap* APPF.ARS and REPORT ERRORS In time for the next inaer- LARSON’S Connecticut’s -first li­ • Landed WE NEED RELIABLE SituationA Wanted— Male 39 10 Aaeand 21 Exchangt 42 Racaa* In HoHi The Herald l» responaible for only OKE Incorreet or omitted censed driving school trained. It Put an II Scottifh etpa premium a church Inarrtinn for any adverttiiement and then only to the extent- of a Certified and approved, is •’ow of­ MEN AT ONCE HAVE AMpmON If Prtoecupatioa 39 Danomination 43 Snow vahlela "make good” Inaartlon. Errors which, do not leasen the value of fering claaproom and behind IT Peaceful IF »Y V. T, HAMLIN witjl fax 18 Wipe out 11 Staid 44 Beach' the advertisement will not be corrected by "make good” insertion. wheel Instruction for lee'.agers. ! WILL WORK A L L E Y OOP l^fcama in 53 Sofa S3 Surgical 48 Turn----- MI |.«075. You are over 21. 'TO ALL PRACTICAL I KNOW, BUT 1 UrW«»,.VES,\'lOU'U. FIND THE wPricet 4T Antitoxin* You are hondable. INCTEED I 00, I BELIEVE OFFICE OF THE 54 Bay thread YOUR 'fiOPERATIO.N WILL [ After achooi and BSlUrday Job I HJRTOSES.TOUR b l it I ADVISE KEEPING tl Aniar 88 Attack 48 Daah ATTENTION teenagers, ne\y driver You have a car. SUTASISEE , THE TUNA'-TICS 'tOUVEGOT/lTALIAN MINISTRY SSPoamf BE APPRECIATED Dial Ml 3-2711 I wanted by High School iluillor. rr.THis IS A ' MR.OXV tw enty- TOLDTOU SlOardan of 40 Trivial SOGretk lettar education classes Starting Satur­ You are pie.aeiitly employed OUT OF THIS .. A PO IN T y O F FOREIGN AFFAIRS 31 Having ear* Won't VOU give me a chancaT m a t t e r f o r ' HE C A M E day. Call Mr. Miclette. Manches­ You ran work 1012 houra a week FR O M THE for a w h il e , TH ER E < 1 k i n t u b N E X T M Stupor ter Driving Academy. Coventry, days or eveninga in your ! THE ITAUAN , BLOCK \ H r r r r r Lost and Found 1 Automobiles for Sale Tall MT n-5524 GOVERNMENT MOON! .ANYWAY ta Norta fed . r P I 2-7249. spare lime. WANTED -aean IM O-1954 Chevy, ST Danea ftap fl ^f 6 u n d ~ 10 Soviat eity | 1 IT Ford or Plymouth. 2 Or 4 door, y^i/tvAlTS YOU CAN F.ARN *3 00 TO 4/4Q/OL 5Cil«P'A.or Dogs—Birds—Pets 41 St Appaaranca A wav to save your back ana heart from private party; Must be rea­ *6 00 AN H o rn r r A Busine.s.s Services Offered 13 /trg «t o.' l G NO EXPERIENCE NF.Kir'.D St Suparflcial sonable, Call Mr. Parker, any ho.sro\ 4,rfK. 1 COCKER SPANIEL pup,, red, 31000 16 covarinf ParKway Service Center T H IC K E R „ F h Z6 time, MI 9-3422. HILI^' TELEVisiON Service. 1-SO We Train You To Run 5'our male, * week's old. AKC regis­ SS — - add tered. *25. Tel. MI 9-1838. TH^NWATEI?, TT Call Ml 9-8093 Available at all times. Phllco fac- Own Floor Waxing Route 3 M T IT ? i i J 84 Suparlatlva f ton' supervised service! Tel. Ml suAx 19,52 CHEVROLET. Good condition, WE GCARANTF:E I'OU WANTED Good home for a good p a For a apvt on our automatic snow, 9-9898. erSTOMERS AND ST Cellasa eflldal STf T r m removal serMc* *150. Call Itn 3-7489 after 4 p.m. Household Services 1 Roofing and ChlmneyB 16-A Bonds— Slock.s Mortgages 31 house dog. Call MI 9-6205 af'sr 2 SI Gait of a i IMMEDIATE INCOME' p.m. ir FLOOR SANDING and reflnishlng. Offered 13-A . - horia JT r 51 FOUND--Collie, sable and white. ' NO DOWN PAYMENT Specialtxing In old floors. MI ROOFING--Bpeclallxlng in repay­ CONSOUDATE debts with a sec­ ond mortgage loan at *22 25 per \\f fiimt.ah equipment. Bun|*IirB, I — CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER tOCufhioni P male. Call I,ee Frarchia, D og' Snrill Weekly Payments 9-57.50. DICK’S WEATHERSTRIP Com­ ing roofs of all kinds. Alsc new trainmir and (”tTRTOMKRS ‘lo tliflt | Articles For Sile !J roofs. Gutter work. Chimneys month for each *1,000 t>orrowed. ^ im >T *TA B«rA.« !»». t M Bn U.B fm BH . 4t XtavralUn food r Warden. MI 3-8594. pany, doors and windows, custom ] YOU CAN nuN YOUR OWN — r— :------;— TTT 4S Propiatty Itam r 1949 Clievrolet CONNIE’S TV and Radio Service, work, guaranteed. Call Ml 9-1888 cleaned repaired, 26 years exper­ Dial CH 6-8897 and ask Frank FLOOR w a x in g ROOTF We flOTTND AND split dry oak wood, 45 Thorny , r LOST—Black, part German Police,' Club Coupe, haa heater and sig- available all hours. Satisfaction ience. l('ree estimates. Call How- Burke or Mrs. Carter to explain ut fireplace, furnace ar.d stovo i i after 6 p.m. f ’o ^ ic cu Mortgag; Exchange, : h *'’« THOCSANDS of people ..ailing ^ IIY AL VERMEER tlD lnlnf room. a i white markings. Children's p*t.,nal lights, good condition. *125. guaranteed. Call Ml 9-1815 ley, Manchester. Ml S-SS61. *in per load, dellversd. IM M SriLLA’S POP Bbalf i « Reward, Call MI 3-7945. WEAVING of bums, moth holes 15 Lewi* SI . H*rtfo7d. . " f V (^ ,i PI 2-78*6, UPHOLSTERING, a 1 1 p c o v e ra. ______. ,. ; of thii prnnomicAl floor V'flxing ! ^ I WAS AFRAID YOU'D BE /^BUT, MOM!' II Par (praflx) \l 17 18 19.52 Plymouth and torn clothing, hosiery runs, , o w . f t r r drapes. Cu.stom made. P A M Heating and Plumbing 17 ‘ Bprvire. SNOW BU1WER3—R*o, SoowWrd, CARLVLE! LIKE MOST BOYS! THEY (THAT'S WHERE IS Cifpatehad i Sedan, has rsdio. heater and sig­ handbags repaired, aipper re­ Business Opportunities '2, „ , , , , , . . , ALL WANT TO ROCKET T H E Y 'L L BE 18 Hitch----- IT r SI Announcements 2 nal lights, two tone with white Upholsterv shops, 207 North Main placement, umbrellas "epalred, i...... _ ____ For local Interview nr appointment and Toro. Push and fel(-prop«ll4d. I'M SO St., phone MI 9-6324 or 9-9608. s/WATSON, PLUMBING end heat­ Capitol Equipment, 88 Main MI '“ ( T t ) THE M O O N ! -i n e e d i n g ' 84 War god wslls. *325. men's shirt collars reversed and ARE YOU happy and secure in -c a ll Hartford fTI 9 5248 collect. GLAD BRIDOES AND 55 Whirlpool r R S*l INCOME TAXES prepared -i your replaced. Marlow’a Little Mend­ ing conlraclor. New installations, 3-79.58, LEAVE YOUR rubbish worries to alteration work and repair work. your present work? Consl.ler your j HIGHWAYS SI Chemical home Or by appointment, ELxper- 1952 Ford ing Shop. ~ “ t o o iT m a k T'.rs HAHDICAPPeo fufllxei r SI w lenced tax ‘work. 24 iiour »rvice. me I Cellars. attics cleaned. MI 9-3808. progress earning* and security | PRE SEASON chain aaw apacial. V8 radio and heater, signal Ijght tnicklng of all Kinds, for at the pie-flent lime It might he ■ Save up 30% on Clinton aawa. -peRSONS 87 Tin — call Ml 3-4723. lights, two tone, white walls. *325. SAVE 50% on laundering. Wet AND home.*, storea and offices. Norm’s wash, damp or fl'iff dry. Folded 24 HOUR immediate servic. Re­ beneficial to investigate nd con- ] New and used. Capitol Equipment DIY' modeling. repairing, new installa­ FEDERAI, INCOME taxes pre­ EDDIE’S AUTO SERVICE Trucking. Ml 3-8905. and wrapped free. Manchester aider ynur opportunity in the *ei v- FIRST CLASS MACHINl.STsi ’ Ml 8-7958, pared with your savings in mind, Laundromat. 660 Center St. tions, electric sewer cleaning, ice station husines*. as a Texaco | r i Reasonable rates. Call Ml 9-824*. 3*7 OAKLAND ST. drainpipes cleaned fast end effi­ dealer. Finam-isl aasislsnce avail-' BY PRANK O’NEAL For work on close tolerance Air­ SHORT RIBS MORTENSEN TV. Specialised RCA HAVE YOUR Hoover cleaner or ciently. Will R. Guy, MI 3-0877. able to those who qualify. Oppor-! GOLF CLUBS with cart, nln« f ' Open evenings until 9 television, service. Ml 9-4641. craft Precision Paris. Irons, three woods. Call M l 8-1877. MI 3-1208 any make serviced or rebuilt. tiinltie* available on Tolland ; Personals .1 Tpke. in Rockville, For Inform*- ] 6IVE ME OHt REASON WKN W£ FLOOR SANDING a specialty also Ca'H JA 8-4949 after 4 p in for Moving—Trucking— HIGH HOURLY RATF;S SHINERS for ire fishing, whole* r U , 1955 FORD Fairlane Victoria, gor­ fast service and guaranteed work. tinn and interview with Texaco! CANT LITE 0.^ OCR BUD6ET1 VACUUM CLEANERS repaired In! light carpentry work. Call MI Storage 20 representative phone during bust- ' sale and reiaii. Camp Meeting geous two tone green with a 9-8919. if you don't qualify for one of Rd. Bnlion, MI 9-5885. my own home ehop. Porw years | matching green and white leather 1 BELMONT Rug Cleaning Com­ ness hours Mr. Bellefleur at BU i factory experience. All makes, low . MANCHESTER MOVING and these positions, please do not ap­ ^ r , interior. Exceptionally low mile- ‘ RLECTRICAI,. work by Walt pany—For thoae who care about 9-3481, after 5 p m. Mr. H H. , rates, free eatimatei, free pickup! Tmcking Co, Ixical and long dis­ ply. i;sED LUMBER, building and age, Haa Fordomatic rsdio and j Zemanek aa.sures your safety. thetr ruga— phone Ml f-0012. Stephenson, MI 9-2447, Mr. Dana' plumbing supplies, furnace*, hot amd delivery. Mr. Miller JA tance moving. Weekly van servic* MAL TOOL & heater. This car muat be Been. | Don't wait, call Xfl 9-8976 now'. Free pickup and delivery. Free Davis, RIvervlew 9 3567. water healers, window* and 2-8904 to New York. Ml 3-6563. ENGINEERING COMPANY BY AF, CAPP and BOB 1,UBBERS See -lack Clancy, Eddie's Auto I Be wise and modernire. estimates given. We specialize in doors. Choman's Housewrecklng, LONG SAM furniture and wall to wall carpet­ tp:x a c o s e r v ic e JOIN THE MATF.S (Men’s Asso­ Service, 367 Oakland St. O p e n ------MANCHESTER Package Delivery. 291 ADAMS STREET at Slock Place. Open SatunUy in­ ing. IF YOU'RE NOTMA(?(?ieP. ciation to Enjoy Slimming). Ixiae evenings until 9. MI 3-1208. ITV ANTENNAS repaired and Light trucking and package deliv­ 8-4. daily 3:30-5, nr cajl Ml 9>2892. stalled. Call Modem T\' Service, ery. Refrigerators, washer* and STATION FOR LEASE YOUNG MAN ovei- 18 for general WaJLX>... WOULD VO) weight the fun wav For informa­ 1951 DE SOTO four door, winter­ TV SERVICE — Potterton’a, all tion call CH 4-9732, \H 9-8705, MI j Xn 3-8185. stove moving specialty. Folding drug store work. Full time. Some USED TV eet, new Metorolte for Bg WILLIN'T'marry ized, snow tire.e, good condition. makes. Highest quality guaranteed Tolland Tpke., Rockville. Oj n high trades Don't wonder. Call 3-5664. chairs for rant. MI 9-0752. experience neiesssrv Musi have *195 or best offer. MT 9-84*4. j ELECTROLUX OWNERS- Proni^t work and parts, over 47 year's ex-1 house to Interview prospective Gonder, Ml 9-14*6. [ 1 perience. Famous for service since i driver's license. W'rite Box A. I friendly aeridce on your Electro­ AUSTIN A, CHAMBERS Co. Ixical dealer* will he held *1 th* above 1-30 1931 Phone MI 9-4537 for best Herald. " CHOl^HES’^I^TORS lux (R1 cleaner. Pick up and de- moving, packing, storage. Ix)W location, on the following date*. AUTOMATIC Neechl tewing ma* Automobiles for Sale 4 service. . ! livery. Call Electrolux authortxed rates on long distance moves to FRIEND LY lee Crsam has open­ rhiiie, eoai *250 new. Will taka $SS Your iocsl Dodge and Chrysler,, sales ano service. Ml 9-0843 or JA January 30—3 p.m.-9 p.m. rash. Write Box V. Herald. VIMtW! BEFORE YOU BUY a used car FURNmiRE REPAIRING - An­ 48 stales. Ml S-.5187, ing for part-time worker evenings SORRY dealer offers you these specisls, 2-0108. Please ask for Augiiatlr.e Jamiar.v 31— 11 a.m.-S p.m. and weekends, for those who wish | see Gorman Motor Sales. Buick Kamienski. tiques restored. Furniture Repair Sales and Service. 285 Mam' 1958 Dodge Convertible V-.500 en- ■ Service. Talcottvllle. Ml 8-7449. Februar.v 1—2 p.m.-6 p.m. lo ronlinue with iis through the' .O'-;’ I ASKED. gine, power hrskes. power steering, PaintinK— Papering 21 summer .Must he neat in appesr- STF,NOTYPE machine. Call Ml Street. .Ml 9-4.571. Open evenings. I ATTENTION residents! Homes, low mileage. SAVE. Mr, Davis will be al th* location anre with pleasant personality. ; 3-75.39. commercial. Industrial. Diasatia- PAINTING AND paperhanging. FOR SALE-1952 Ford Victoria, 1956 Buick Super 4-door. Hard­ to discus* the opportunity In the Call MI 9-8196 for appointment. i fied with present rubbish service? Baildind— Contractinji 14 Good clean workmanship at rea­ four door, good condition. Call Ml top. Fully powered. *1.495, eervice station business with 4 : . ttt U.O. P«I ML ' We invite inquiries. Full time sonable rates. SO years In Man­ PAINT SALES trainee wanted by ' TWO SNOW lire*, new Goodyear*, 9-5184 after 4. 1956 Dodge 4-door Sedaiy. Auto­ service MA.M Rubbish Co., MI ALTERATIONS to kitchens, bath­ Texaco, or rail the Texas Com­ j 850x14, Best offer. MI 9-8484. T« It, u. I. ta O,. - u 1*^ iwtnii, I-to ^ IMP %i MU aarvtaa. IrA chester. Raymond Fiske. Ml pany, BU 9-3481, well known paint manufacturer Cm, matic transmission. tl.lflS. 9-97.57, ■ rooms, attics, cellars, porches, or "Sha haa laryngitia and wanta bar huaband JEEP—FOUR wheel drive, Plym­ playroom. Plumbing, carpentry, 9-92.37. for greater Thompaonville, South TRACTOR made from Ford tmek, outh - 19.50 convertible, led, *125. 19.55 Ford 9 passenger Country electrical and masonry. .Aluminum Windaor and Stafford Snringa four speed transmission. Interna* BV KEN B ALD and .JERRY BRONDFIELD taught lip-reading!" Squire Station Wagon. Automatic LAWN MOWERS sharpened and EXTERIOR and intenot painting. area. Sales experleme required. JUDD SAXON Klernan, 427 Hartford Rd. Call Ml repaired All work ^laranteed. siding. Garages, cottages, out­ Help Wanted— Female 35 llonal pick-up truck. PI 3-7111. 9-4100. transmission. *1,195. Celling* reflnished. Papernanglng. Esiahlished lerrilory Starting OH, HELLO, LAURA... ) YES. I HEARO THERE'S really / I POUBT IT, LAURA, DEAR.'/SOUNDS Free pick-up and delivery 10% buildings. room additions. Nuald* V IN FACT, I'M GOING TO /ominous ♦ mmrMA>»AaOaAC*j^m^ j Wallpaper booka. Eatlmatea given. CI.ERK TYPIST aalary *2.50 per month plua bonua , 60INS TO SEE ,^S0V\ETHING'5 NOTHING more you , NEED A CAR and had your credit off on sharpening until March Engineering Company, Inc., 34 Fully covered by insurance. Call CAN tx>, though, y.JUPP SAXON, UNDERTAKE THE UN- ,--- ... BUT CAN ! CHORCHES MOTORS Oak St. m 3-142,5. and car allowance. ExrellenI ad­ COIN COLLECTION for sale. Ml STEVE WRkJHT? ) a t t a c k e d H IS afford turned dow'n? Short on down pay­ 1st. Bruno Moske, MI 3-0^1. Edward R. Pnc*. Ml v-ioos. With knowledge of shorthand /CENTRAL NERVOUS LAURA, ITS ALL r-^ SOMETIMES I'vE PI FA^ANT BY ROUSON 80 OAKIJlND ST.v MANCHESTER vancement opportunity. Stale age, 3 0737. BEEN CONE / THE FEELING VOU RE JOB OF coffee I ,m i E SPORTS ment? Had a repossession'’ Don't wanted lor general office work. TYPEWRITERS and office ma­ BIDWELL HOME Improvement PAINTER and paperhanger, deco- aend reaume of education i nd ex­ ■/SAVING ONE THING I PROVING —~ ~ ~ i FORTWOf give up! See Douglas Motors, get 1954 OLDSMOBILE Super 88 four j 17 ' T V. CONSOLE *45, 80 f t l. COp* chines repaired. Salet, Service and Co. Alterations, additions, ga-1 rating. Good clean job, r easonable | Apply perience to Box S, Herald. AND MEANING another the lowdown on the lowest down door sedan. Financing arranged. per water tank, *45. Both llK9 -.€dK—r- rentals. Ml 9-3477. rages. Roofing and aiding expert*, j price. S. Yencha, MI 9-6914 after ; MANCHE.STER MODES, INC. and smallest payments anywhere. 75 Pine St. MI 9-3.50.3 after 5 p.m. Aluminum clapboards a specialty. PHARMACIST, top experience. new. MI 9-1562. Not a small loan or finance com­ .lack'.s Auto Seat Covers Unexcelled workmanship. Easy ^ ______I Pine Street Full or part-time, excelleni work pany plan. Douglas Motors, 333 1951 CHEVROLET truck. U tons budget terms MI 9-6495 or TR Manchester. Conn. ing condition*. Replie* confiden- KI.ECTRIC blanket, dual control*. CEILING refinished, interior paint­ T*hree mirror*,' base cabinet. MI Main Street. No reasonable offer refused. MI I 430 Hartford Rd. Manchester, Conn, 5-9109. tisl. Write Box H, Herald. ing. Evening* and Saturdays Call 9-6772. 9-2895. j .vn 3-4295 MI 4-8016. ■ i e j ^ Y r i e n c e ^ MUST SELL 1957 Chrysler four CARPENTERS, experienced In door hardtop power steering and REBUILT 1952 Studebaker engine, I All types of car and truck building and contracting, altera­ SEWING MACHINE Help Wanted— ORIfIn TA iTRUG '(Wilton). 9x12^ *25; Man'* tuxedo, *11, gtrl'a 24" brakes, green and white. No rea- starter, generator and clutch tions, additions, porches, e’ c. Spe­ Courses and Classes 27 Male or Female 37 aonable offer refused. Will con-1 plate. MI 3-841*. upholstery. Convertible tops. OPERATOR.S hii’vrie, all excellent condition. cializing in eottages, garages, sid­ AIRLINE Several young men and aider trade for '53 or '54. <"aU M I ------ing* Guaranteed workmanship. WANTED Men, women, raiae Ml'9-1912 9-9116 between 5;15 and *;30 • All work guaranteed women will be selected immedi­ BY JOHNNY HART Ml S-073I or AD 3-597*. ately for training for altra''tive. MANCHESTER MODES, Inc. bait for 118 at home. Full, apsre B. C. 1949 FORD four door aedan. good time. Doesn't take up apace. We VOLKSWAGEN 1956 de luxe sedan, nmning condition. *85. MI 3-2984. RADIO-TV REPAIRS any make high-.aalaried positions a* airline MOVING West Gas Stove, flre- ANY KIND of carpentry and cabi­ Pine St., Manchester furniah everything. Sherwood. privately .owned, in excellent con­ ears, amplifiers, phonographs and secretary,, reaervatinnist, placa set. Call MI 3-8988. BY S lic in g an a n t h ill net work done. Honest and relia­ Dept T-68, Stetson, Maine. BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE THBINE. dition. Low mileage. Call TR 19.59 HTLI.AIAN, tan, good condi­ changers. Over 47 years total ex­ communicationiat, atation agent, AVON SEES itself. Our beautiful IS HALF, IT E N A B L E S ONE perience. 90 days guarantee on all ble workmanship. Call Roscoe 5-7715. tion, New tires. Private owner. Thompson, Ml 3-1895 for esti­ paasenger agent, ticket agent, rec­ packages and contalneT* are their Diamonds— Watches— ~ Call MI 3-0917 after 8 p.m. work Potterton's, MI 9-4.537. TO s t u d y t h e INTBRIOH mates ord*. Enjoy free travel passes, own saleamen. You take orders Situations Wanted— Jewelry 48 DWELLINGS. TV SERVICE, antenna service. vacations, insurance. Short low- for Avon toiletries, perfumes, F'emale 38 Tel. MI 9-1486. Don t wonder, cal! CARPENTER desires repair work, coat training ran qualifj'. Must be fragrance*. Earn 40% commis­ LEONARD W. TOST, Jeweler, re­ Trailers 6-A 17-39. have high school education Gonder. all types of remodeling. Dial PI sion. Call JA 2-1758. TOP NOTCH secretary wishes part pair*, adjusu watehea experUy. SEPTIC TANKS 2-7728. and pleating peraonality. Include* time permanent job Five days, no Reasonable prlcee. Open dally- TRAILER Detroiter 1957 ’ ’40". two AND GRINDING and sharpening—Farm special training in personal devel­ Saturdavs, Hours flexible. Write Thursday evening*. 129 Sptuca bedroom, completely furnished, LEG AL SECRETARY. Writ* Box and household tool*, lawn mowers opment for women. All inquiries Box M,'Herald. Street. MT 9-488T. price *2.600. Call between 6 :80-8 and saws precision sharpened, Roofins—Siding 16 confidential. Write giving ad­ J, Herald, stating experience. PLUG6ED SEWERS p.m. An 4-1945. dress and phone number to motors serviced. Empson H INSURANCE agency—experienced HAT-A-TA-f Aborn, Maple St.. Ellington, TR COUGHLIN ROOFING Company. Training Division. National School Inc. Aluminum siding, asphalt- onl.v. Part or full-time. Hand writ­ t Machine Gleanei 5-7166. of Aeronautics, Box D. Manches­ Continued on Next Pago TA -TAT-TAT asbestos roofing. Also aluminum, ten reply to PO Box .589, Manchea- SepKe Tanks, Dr,v Weils, Sewer ter Evening Herald. TAT-TAT galvanized or copper gutter* and ter. Line* Installed—Cellar Water­ EVEREAD Y -Ashes, rubbish re­ TAT-TAT leaders. MI 8-7707. eiw». »•' YM ItiM Trito, IM. proofing Done. moval. Cellars and attics cleaned Private Instructions 28 i-je No job too big or small MI {YIowEVER, 1,000 miles away at penguin R A Y ’S ROOFING CO., shingle and IV auXiHARY STATION, THE EARTH TREMORS BY DICK C A V A L L l 9-.5045. W ILL TT’TOR English. social MORIY MEEKLE McKin n e y b r o s . ' c o n v e r s e _ I built-up roof*, gutter and conduc­ studies and reading improvement AS WEU AS THE BLIIZARP, ARE MUCH WORSE, tor work; roof, chimney repairs, VOUHE’TRYING TO ■ iC O HAVE A VERY COMPETENT I TREES PRUNED and removed. in mv home. MI 3-1085. Special FOR THE VERY BEST IN HOMES CALL Sawarage Disposal Co. JR. Rav Hagenow, Ml 9-2214; Ray 0 0 TOO nujchyouwelf; STAFF h e r e w h o s h o u l d I Lots cleared. Call -Ml 9-496' after 180-182 Pear] St.— M l 8-5808 Jackaon, Ml 3-8325. MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD MR. BOOMER. VOU'LL BE DOING THAT WORK 1 5. ^ Discount On GET SICK IF'lOU DON'T ROOFING, SIDING, painting. Car­ R. F. DIM OCK CO. rniL' M-' 'THE REMAINING THIRD 1 BEQUEATH, IN THE F0LL0W1H, "AND HAVING OOTLIVBP RELATIVES SLOWDOWN pentry. Alteration* and additions. MANCHESTER SEE OUR CLASSIFIED ADS XXXX ^7* AND FRIENDIJ BEQUEATH TWO-THIRDS MANNER, TO THE FOUOwSg PEOPLe-ALLOF WHOM PAINTINQ anA t FEEL DESERVE TO BE REWARDED FOR Ceilings. Workmanship Guaran­ WELDING SERVICE OIL FURNACES Ml e-5245 TtUT LAWYER MUST BE t DOUBT ITf SHE OF MY ESTATE TO VARIOUS CHARITIES BARBARA WOODS JOSEPH N. ASHFORD PROBABLY HAD A whole -AS LISTED m THE CODICIL OF THIS / VARIOUS THINGS THEY HAVE DONE'* PAPER HANGING teed A. A. Dion, Inc., 299 Autumn h o u r REAPIN' Tie WIU NOW, ARE YOUR CAR MI 9-7702 MI 9-9818 CLANCY' I WONDER wJlODMTWAUT'IOS»Y ANyTHOtG^ ^ DRINK, coee. LIGHT/... IT'S GETTING Authorixed Deqler for $ 1 7 ,5 0 0 Industrial Building DARK...IN HERE! display at all times. FHOMT OFCX.BARMCV. BWaueV. -t— __ THAT BARNBY-TMI* BARNEY- LjWWHAT VOlfRC SAVING?/ IT--UOT UNTIL t WAS ICANOO. STRAIGHT/ <- RIG ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD CAW LfSTEM TO MOTHH; R3FOR • MAY EC AN IMPOSTOR? SURE.'THAT'S WHVIDOVr JUeuTENANT? • BERKELEY 4,800 SQ. FT.— 2 FLOORS HEAVEN'S^;,wia fwHT YOU 1D LEAVE IDMeHT/ JARVIS REALTY GO. Up to M MIlea Far Oalioii JARVIS REALTY 00. LOW DOWN PAYMENTS—LOW INTEREST RATE .I'LLKIJOWTOMORROW- , KEAI.TORS—INSUROK'S 288 F-. Center St. PLEAS!/ AVAILAILE FEB, Ut. © 288 E. Ceatcr S,f. (Corner of I.enox) W i i i ' 1 • GOGGOMOIIL (Corner .of Lenox) ■ M I 8-4112— M I 9-1200 AMPLE PARKING M I 8-4112—MI. >'■1200 1 MI't-187S GORM/IN MOTOR SA LE i lilOb Mancheateir'a Neweat' Car ''ft' 28SMAINST. Phone iMI M571, MANCHiSTK^ FINE SELECTION R E D CBOSS RED CROSS W RITE P.O; BOX 914 OF c l e a n ‘‘On tho . Job “ On the Job w i wbep .von whon yon MANCHESTER. CONH* Y O U R IU ICK OEAlfBa USED OARS ’moat." Boed it mnat.** •fry*- ;.j* ,f. • ■ L,-7 4 ^ • / ■ V i ^ ' 2 - PAQiS SEVENTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN m"FRIDAY, JANUARY 80, 1969

\ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 80, 1989 Wanted— Real Estate 77 .Cask and G lory PAOiB SIXT E E N Houses for Sale 72 Lots for Sale 73 •Hal Boyle • 72 Hoom s for Sale Houses for Rent 65 Houses for Sale 72 Houuci for Sak b u il d in g ' iJ6t (Ml WUliama Rd. BIANCHESTBR—Large aingle or Spokane. Jan. 30 OH—Two bowl­ Rooms Without Bosrd 59 Apartments— FlaUh— multiple dwelling. Tel. hu 9-7453 c o r d s LTNESBlacet, 2-car garage, nicely garage. Large lot. John H. Lap- 4 caah, the other, only glory. Clem $139 month. Ideal for family. MI MANCHESTER—Six room Cape. penrinc. MI 9-5261. comer lot. Aeaume 4%% mortgage BUY — SELL — TRADE Kelly, bowling In the Elks' League, ALL $4.88 FOR $SA8 CLASSIFIED man. St Birch St. FOUR ROOM unheated apartment. scaped. Reasonably priced. Suburban for Sale 75 Want to sell your prop'*rty7 9-9130. Aluminum storma and ecreena with small down payment. Kitchen fired the first perfect game, sanc­ Adults. Call Ml 3-7443. hot water heater. Convenient Annum, MI 9-9244. $14,900 RANCH, brick front, three equipped with dishwasher and dta* Greenwood, Inc.- will buy for all HIGHHOEUTY HEATED ROOM for one or two ROCKVILLE — Three bedroom tioned by the American Bowling gentlemen. Free parking. 54 High MANCHESTER. Center St.—Five shopping, schools and buses^^lce SPECIAL FOR newly-weds or re­ bedrooms, fireplace, cellar, baae- poau. CSoea to shopping -and cash, or work out a trade. Quick Of Apartness Congreas, on city alleys In 11 STEREO Suburban for Rent 66 yard. Priced to eell immejlwely at board heat, treea, near bus, schools, ranch, fireplace, bay windoU*, ga­ action assured. Call and gat our advertising St. roome, heated, aecond floor. Call tired folks, 4 roomi;, one floor, nice rage, fence, 3 minutes from Wil­ years. He wat awarded $600 by the only $12,900. R. F. Dprfock Co., stores, school. Carlton W. Hutch­ deal, nO obligation. MI 9-4589 , 5 a.m. • 5 p.m. PARKER STREET, Coventry—Six lot, fully fenced yard. Low. down^ $1S,900 — Seven room home in ex bur Cross Parkway. $14,900. TR alley proprietor and $1,600 from $2.98 And Up ROOM WITH kitchen privilegee. Realtors, Ml 9-9245.. ins. MI 9-5132. ; GREENW OOD, INC., city merchants. In addition, he will CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS room apartment, aecond 'loot, hot payment. John H. Lappen, Inc. MI cellent condition. Large kitchen 5-9625. New York (ffi—Curbstone com­ thing about these three iadlee — Large Selection Bablet accepted. Centrally locat­ FIVE IJIRGE rooms, aecond floor, 9-5261. MI 8-1577 ments of a Pavement Plato: they are all talented, etrong- receive a diamond ring from the 8:]6 A.M. to 4i80 P.M. ed. Apply Mra. Doraey, 14 /.rch St. on bus line. $7.5 to responsible water and heat. PI 2-6293. $90 a MANCHESTER suburb—Ideal for with pantry. New Timken ,'.ot air month, free parking. heatiiv cyatem, also 2-car garage. VERNON—Three bedroom ranch How can life be made better for minded decisive women. Herein ABC. Jim Hanson, a l7-ycar-old party. MI 3 6526, 335 Center St. HOLL STREET — Two-family du­ retired couple. Fouf large rooms, high school student, also hit the n. PLEASANT large heated room, FOUR BEDROOM older Colonial. fireplace, hot water oil neat. Ga­ Xxtm building lot available. home in residential Vernon Cen' all In thia woman's world we now may He the real key to the mys­ COPY CLOSING TIME TOR CL^|\ftED ADVT. ANDOVER— Four room heated plex 9-9, two burners, need re­ ter on 16,000 sq. ft. lot overlook­ tery of why so many women avoid charmed circle. But as an Ameri­ free parking, on buallne. 145 Cen­ f 6 u R r o o m apartment in Coven­ ExceUem condition. Two-car ga­ pairs, $13,500. Schwartz Real Es­ rage. Large lot. Excellent value. dwell in? P o t t e r t o n c MON. THRO fKI. lOJO A.M.—teAlXRDAl B A..M. ter St. MI 3-S003. try. All modem convenience!, apartment, $50. Garage included. rage: St. James Parish. $17,300. R- $12,500. H. B. Grady, Broker. MI $1$,606 T- ^ la ■ room ranch will ing valley. Quiet development, no cigars, or openly attack them. can Junior Bowling Congress com­ PI 2-6042. tate Realtor. AD 6-1241 or CH through traffic. House fully in­ BOY SCOUT Well, here’s an Idea for a start­ petitor, Hanson couldn’t accept Maacheitter’e Largest Radio, TV, Record and AppUanoe 8 t« n winterized, lake privileges. Call Dimock Co., Realtors. Ml 9-9249. 3-8009. ■oon be ready for occupancy. 3 er; Why not encourage the ladiea At the risk of alienating the un­ 180 CENTER ST. CORNER OF CHDRCB FURNISHED ROOM, conventenUy 2-2865. bedroome, flt^lnce, convenient l0‘ sulated, with aluminum storm enlightened addicts of other forms any cash prizes wlthmit forfeiting T O t * COOPERATION W UJ' D i f l l M l 3-2711 MI 3-0305 after 3 :30. ROCKVILLE!—Tenement, 3 to take up cigar smoking? BK appreciated * * located. One minute from Main (XXIII) cation, basement garage. doors and windows. Automatic oil ISotes and New?s or nicotine, I’d like to point out his rights as an AJBC bowler. and bath,' $30. Two apartihenta of SPRUCE ST. investment—Busineaa In an era in which more and St. Light houaekeeping. Woman FOUR r o o m single house. Heated Legal Notice heat and hot water. Attached ga­ ths basic superiority of the cigar four rooms and bath, $43yCnildre'n Zone n, 8 room brick home, 1^ SHERWOOD A. BEECHLER, more value la placed on together only. Ml B-7968. veranda and garage. Call MI BOLTON—Six room spttl level, acres. For details call John H. rage. Pull basement with large smoker over both the cigarette and 4-1089. accepted. See George”'^ Pschich wooded lot. Three bedrooms, fire­ knotty pine paneled recreation Hie January meeting of Pack 54 neas, the cigar remains one of the holtz, 65 Mountain Lappen, Inc. MI 9-5261. UMITATION ORDER the pipe smoker. OMiiBHad F n n Prendiat Page WELL HEATED room, one block place, excellent condition. $16,800. AT A COURT OF PROBATE. heM Realtor room, workshop, and studio with was opened at 7 o’clock Wednes­ few symbols of apartness. Your typical cigarette smoker from Main St; Separate entrance. CENTENNIAL APARTMENTS at Manchester, within and for tha ROCKVILLE, BWoklyn St.- Four R. F. Dimock Co., Realtors. Ml COVENTRY— Custom built five M I 8-6969 running tester. Automatic heat In Women today talk like men, is often nervous and Indecisive. Gentleman, parking. MI 3-4724. 9-9245, District of Manchester on the 36th day basement. Grounds nicely land­ day night at tlie Hollister St. Household Goods 51 CHESTNUT STRPIET room apartifienf, no heat, refer room contemporary, three bed- of January, 1959. work like men, dreja like men and Your typical pipe man Is a life- \ WESLEY R. SMITH, Associate scaped, fruit trees, berry bush School with a preeentation and Fuel and Feed 49-A PLEASANT room in quiet home, ences required, $40. TR 5-4931. roorh, full cellar, recreation room, Present. Hon. John J. Wallett, Judge. drink like men. But very few—in beaten philosbpher sending up (XXV) Estate of Rose Oray Fenton, lata of M I 9-S9S3- and asparagus beds. A bargain at salute to the flag lead by Den 1 WELL BBIASONED hardwood, fire-:Three piece mahogany bedroom^ next to bath, ahower, parking, MI When available 2-3-4 Rooms large wooded lot. Make an offer Manchester In said District, deceased. this country anyway— have learn­ smoke signals of futility. This is what you get COVENTRY—Attractive four room Call Mrs. Culver. NA 3-1188 or AD $17,850. Call John E Baker, TR ed to smoke like men. But your typical cigar smoker Mr fumt-cs, 15 510 loads j spt ...... u -d ’ * ' ii-0587. NEW SIX room Cape, West Side, On motion of Willard Olds of Mans­ 5-7203. Den 9 followed the opening with furnished house. Forced hot air 2-2724. Connecticut Real Estate field. Connecticut, executor. MANCHES’TER VICINITY a short skit dramatizing the life So far. In their Invasion of for­ is an expansive, aggressive, force­ § S ^ W d M S-a»4. i'lT'rre piece mahogany hedronni Well heated apartment built tn range and oven, vestibule. ORDERED: That six months from FUEL SAVERS heal, large yard, children wel­ act 1120 ri,EASANT heated furnished room Hot water Exchange. AD 3-9651. the 26lh dav of January. 1959. be and like new, four room ranch.’ VERNON—Under construction 5H of Ernie Pyle, The theme of Cub mer masculine prerogatives, the ful optimist — a man of action, with private bath. Kitchen fa- come, $7.5 per month. Also lop Choice location'. Large lot, $16,200 cigar has defeated them. Stick a forthright and decisive. I give you, SEASONED hardwood for fum -; Nine piece mahogany dining Electric Refrigerator . ' R. F. Dimock Co., Realtors, i:i the same are limited and allowed for Youngstown kitchen, ceramic bath, room custom ranch, 3 fine bed­ Scouting during the month of If you are not uslnp: storm doors, storm windows and weatheratripplng you don’ t know acea flreplacea. atoveg. Top qual- room aet $125 cilittea available. Call Ml 9-4575. Gas Range floor four room unfurnished, newly the creditors within which to bring In storm windows and doors, fire­ January was "Reporting the cigar in the average woman's kiss­ for examples, U.S. Grant, Oen. decorated apartment, $29 per 9,5245. Iheir claims against said estate, and rooms. fireplace, built-in electric how much heat yon arc wasting. The use of these items can effect Wg savings. Ity, irw delivery. Ed Yeomana. Four gnfaa $20. $.10, $40. $.V) each Gaa for cooking influded Legal Notice said executor la directed to give public place, baaement garage, acre stove and oven, garage, large News.” This theme was the basis er, and she doesn’t know what to George S. Patton and Winston Maple breakfagl get ...... $20 BEAUTIFUL furnished room, new­ month. Adults only. Welles Agen­ do with it. She looks a bit like an Churchill. PI 1-5002. ly decorated, well heated, tile I.OW Price $«9 (XXVI) notice to the creditors to bring In their lot Shme retainer walls, well lot with abundance of birch trees for skits enacted by Dens 1 and 3, Nine piece dining room gel $30 cy,- Coventry. PI 2-73,56. LIMITATION ORDER claims within said time allowed hy landscaped. 8% FHA. 10% VA to in excellent location, early occu­ a television report of. the news of anteater trying to blow up a foot­ The man who smokes cigars is , bath, private home. 315 Spruce St, CALI. MI O MI 9-9779 AT A COURT OF PROWTE. held publishing a copy of this order In some a man who can make up his mind. BOLTON—New five room ranch at Manchester, within and' tor the newspaper haring a citrulatlon in said qualified buyer. Asking $12,500. pancy, $16,800. George J. Cole­ Alaskan statehood, and a display ball. WATKINS probate district within ten days from But it is doubtful If fair woman­ This, I submit, is why so few wom­ Household Goods .51 ' NP:WLY DECORATED room with ONE P’Oyjt'T one five room part- Wanted to Rent 68 fireplace, basement garage. Two District of Manchester, on the 23rd day Large six room Cape, oreezeway man, Conn. Bank and Trust Co. and commentary of historical USED FURNITURE ! shower in private home. Call MI acre wooded lot. $15,200. R. F. of .laimary. 1959. , , the dale of this order and return make and garage, plastered walls, large Bldg., Rockville, TR 5-4710, TR American flags, Including the new hood will ever make a real success en today smoke cigars. They aren’t ment West Side, Automatic Present. Hon. John J. Wallett. Judge. to thic court of the notice given. the' kind of people who really like Prekung paT.«! i-S OFF on waUpaper. Wall EXCHANGE 9-83.54, REASONABLE, five or six room Dimork Co., Realtors, MI 9-5245, Estate of Florence J. Niese, late of kitchen, bay window in dining 5-4045. 49-star banner. of the equal rights movement until hcajt-^nd hot water $70. Write JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. the ladles master the art of strik­ to make up their mind. tiles 4c a tUe. Kentile. from 7c 15 OAK STREET P, Herald. rent in South Windsor. Mar.ches- Manchester in said District, deceased. room, fireplace, 1V4 baths, two In a brief ceremony. Barry each. Green Paint and Wallpaper, BROOKFIELD ST. — Convenient, ter or East Hartford. BIT 9-0040. (XXVII) On motion of Richard E. Niese of large bedrooms up with wolk-tn ROCKVILLE—New 6 room Cape. ing a kitchen match on the bottom For all their vaunted present Open Thursday Evenings twin bedroom, next to bath, 'TW said Manchester, administrator. DISTRICT .OF COVENTRY as.. Pro­ Two unfinished. Fireplace. full Hayes and Thomas Walsh were, of their .slack.s and lighting up a power and Influence, women still at the Green. ______F'OUR ROOM heated apartment ORDERED; That six months from bate Court. January 29, 1959. cloeets. Storm windows and ioors. inducted into the pack as bob­ linlil 9 free parking. Gentlemen. ^-Ml SINGLE HOUSE or nice six room MANCHESTER — Beautiful seven the 23rd day of January. 19.59. he and Estate of Verona Rounds, late of Awnings. House just painted out­ cellar basement. City conven­ cigar in confident ease. prefer to get by through their age- CombiHUtiOH dosed Mondays . with stove, refrigerator nd ga­ Coventry, in said District, an Incapable cats. Richard Peck, Mward Gir­ m u st s e l l GE freeaer. 15 cubic 9-6801 after 5 p.m. rage, Centrally located. Rent $100. apartment. Could option to buy. room Colonial. 24 foot living the. same are limited and allowed for side. Separate washing drain, fully iences. $12,990. George J. Cole­ Why don’t more women take up old arts of charm and evasion. As room, large kitchen, full din­ the creditors within w-hich to bring in persom now deceased. man, Rockville. TR 5-4710, TR ard, Jeffrey Squires and James feet, IB excellent condition. Ml Call MI 3-468,’!. Approximately $125. Manchester their claims against said estate, and Upon the application of Mi’s. Joyce tiled basement floor. Large well cigar smoking. Well, not for the a cat hates tp get its feet wet, a ELECTRIC glove, two ovens with FURNISHED ROOM, complete area, MI 3-0777 after 5 p.m. ing room,, nice den. 1'4 baths. 5-4045. Bruneau were awarded wolf woman still hates to make up her S-5S33. 1 automatic controls, three burners, said administrator Is directed to give, E, Farr. Conservator, praying that a landscaped lot. Immediate occu­ reasons they give. They say cigars ______housekeeping faciljW^s, near Cen­ FIVE ROOM tenement. '.11 Im­ One car garage, apacloua screened public notice io the creditors tn bring hearing on the Conservator's final ac­ pancy. Full price only $14,900. badges. The bear badge was are dirty and nasty and smell up mind and take direct action. When DON'T THE BOAT! deep well cooker Excellent con-1 ter. Women onlyi-.-'Call Ml 3-5S39. provements heat, garage. 84 Sum. THREE OR FOUR rooms unfur­ porch, Amesite drive. Situated on in Iheir claims within said time al­ count be approved as per application presented to Daniel Kane, ■who It comes to real power, woman is mss dition. Call MI 3-4920. i lowed by publishing a copy of this on file more fully appears. It Is For-information or the draperies. They say cigars taste PRE.HUNG mit SI. MI 3-54.10. nished by March 1 for business a well landscaped one acre plus order in some newspaper having a cir- ORDERED: That said application he Wanted— Real Estate 77 also received his gold and silver bad- a slander if ever there was still a fence sitter at heart. Brother Here’s The Biggest, CLEAN w^t heated room Central woman, parking area nave dog. lot. Priced to sell at $23,800. R. F. heard and determined at the Probate Other Listings .95 F'OR SALE—Three piece bedroom ijghl houaekeeping if rulatlon in said probate district with­ arrows for the wolf rank. Other one. There are few aromas in na­ Her heroine is still Cleopatra, Most Sensational Bargain locatioiliOOr Uf TWO ROOM furnished apartment Write Box K. Herald. Dimock Co., Realtors, Ml 9-5245. in ten days from the dale of thla order Office, in Coventry in said dlatrlct, on LAWRENCE F. FIANO, LISTINGS WANTED, single and silver Arrows were won by Robert COMBINATION DOORS ^34 S C I $40. child a desk $3. 7 chests deslceB. Parking. 14 Wadsworth and return make to this court of the the 9lh dav of February, A.D. 1969. at ture more delicate and pleasurable v/ho ruled Mark Antony by roman­ You’ll Ever Get In Your Life ; on I-ake St. ’ i-mlle from Rl. 44.‘. 3 o'clock in the 'afternoon, and that Broker two-family houses. Member of Brown, Thomas Lombardo, Allan tic wiles. But she overlooks the of drawers $7 to $12. Six 32 ' Vene­ Ml ,1-4921. RESPONSIBLE executive vishes notice given MLS. Howard R. Hastings. Real than a puff of smoke from a fine — And The Easiest Terms and 6. $10 per week. Phone MI XXIX JOHN J. WAU.ETT, Judge. public notice be given of the pendency MacDonald and Graham MacDon­ clear Havana. fact that If Cleopatra had been a tian blinds $1 each, two maple 9-4895. to rent three bedroom home. Near of said application and the time and MI 9-5910 tor. MI 9-1107 any time. Ever Made single beds $10 and $15. Maple COMFORTABLE room on bus line, schools preferable. Willing to pay MANCHESTER ROAD, Glaston- place of hearing thereon, by publishing ald. Denner etripes were presented Many women with a connois­ really virile cigar-smoking type convenient location. 91 Main St. DI^TRICT OF COVENTRY Pro- a cop.v of this order once in some news­ to David Tedfoi'd and Jonathan seur’s palate for the finer joys of she would have ruled not only An­ Yes Sir! That’s Right! Ing room set $125. Utility tabje $4. SIX ROOM flat, second floor, oil up to $1.10 monthly. Call Mr. j. bui-y—Large four room ranch, bate Cnurl, January 29. 1969 SELLING TOUR home? For ALUMINUM Cedar rhesi $6 Washing m'achine MI 9-1077. paper having a circulation In said Dis­ Career Woman’s Choice prompt, efficient, courteous serv Nelson. life have discovered this. They tony but Rome Itself. Take 1, 2. or 3 Years To Pay steam heat, automatic hot water. Campbell. JA 7-1801. .ceramic tile bath, fireplace, com­ Estate of Wilfred SI. James late of trict. and by posting a copy thereof on $15 TV stand $3. Four desks, two Available any time. 25 Spruce St. bination windows, fully plastered. Coventry, In said Distrirt. deceased. the public sign-post in the Town of ice and appraising without obliga­ Den 4 then presented historical range from "Poker Alice," the And mark my word now — the "SUPER DE LUXE” I maple arm chaira. t^o marble ROOMS—Single or double. Work­ Upon the application of Gerard R. Coventry in said District, at least five Thoughtfully planned better type tion, call S. A. Beechler. Realtor, lady gambler of the western fron­ day American women stop kid­ ROOMS OF FURNITURE ing people, free parking. $8 week-1 unfurnished Breezeway, patio, one-car garage. St. James. Executor of said estate days before said dav of hearing. sketches of the lives of famous Combination 3 I lop dressers, three marble top duplex Business Property for Sale 70 praying to compromise a claim home surrounded by uerennial Ml 3-6969 or Wesley R. Smith, As­ newsmen and journalists, followed tier, to poetess Amy Lowell, who ding around and really shoulder All 100% Guaranteed tv, MI 3-2822. 100x200 landscaped lot. A clean El.MORE TURKINGTON. Judge. tables,, record cabinet, china ______apartment. Porch, yard. garage, home throughout. Asking $15,900. as per application on file more fully gardens. Fence for privacy. Living sociates. Ml 9-8952. Member Multi­ by a comedy news report with was the very spirit of New Eng­ the responsibility of running the ONLY $433 i loset.'and-Ediaon phonograph. MI heat and hot water. Stove and re­ GIJVSTONBURY - 10.000 sq. ft. appears. it is LI5IITATION ORDF.B room, fireplace, bookshelves, cabi­ ple Listing Service. land. The Italian actress, Anna country will be the day after they PAT ONLY 117.33 Month FURNISHED light housekeeping i R. F. Dlmock Co. Realtors, Ml ORDERED: That said application be AT A GOURT OF PROBATE, held pantomime by members of Den 2. W indow s 3-7449 frigerator, $75, Adults. MI 3-8603. warehouse for sale or lease. Build­ 9-5245. heard and determined at tne Pr(»bale net. TWo large bedrooms, tile bath, Magnani. is among the noted fem­ all bite the end off a stogie, clamp — YOU GET - room with electric refrigerator, ing In very good condition. P. at Manchester, withirf and for the WANT TO SELL? For action on In the final skit of the evening gas and lights included. Middle-1 Office. In Coventry, in said district, on Distrirt of Manchester, on the 23rd day dining area, picture window, over­ inine cigar smokers of today. it in their jaws and order the near­ 15-PIECE BEDROOM Tongren, Broker.-MI 3-6321. the 9th day of February A.D. 1959 at of January. 1959. looking garden. Efficiency" kitchen. homes, building lots, acreage, Den 6 gave an authentic coverage But you will note one pertinent est male, "Light me, little man!" aged lady. MI 3-6388, ! XXXIV 11 o'clock In the. forenoon, and that Present. Hon. John J. Wallett. Judge.’ commercial property call us. .so 15-PIECE LIVING ROOM Ei-ECTRIC RANGE for sale. 15 SIX ROOMS with garage. 48 Wood­ public notice he given of the pendency Second floor. TV room, one unfin­ of today’s headlines, sports and 13-PlECB KITCHEN | Main St, Ml 9-4192. land St. Estate of Arlington H. Chapin. late ished room. ’ Walk-out basement, Ready buyers. Call Carl Schwarz weather, complete with commer­ *15 CLEAN. COMFORTABLE. for j Houses for Sale 72 COVENTRY—Attractive five room of said application and the lime and of Mancheirter in said District, de- — Plug — working gentleman or girl. Inquire ranch. Large kitchen, three bed­ place of hearing thereon, hy publishing cea.^e.d. fireplace, ahower. lavatory, refrig­ or Esther Pitkin Schwarz, Brok­ cials from assorted sponsors. ELECTRIC MAPLE TWIN beds, complete with I-DVRLY five-room apartment, a ropy of this order once in some On motion of Liira Lyman Phelpa or ers, MI 3-0154. 1.12 Birch St. MI .1-8,5,56. WEST SIDE—Attractive f've room rooms. nice living room, large lot. newsuaper liaviiig a ciiTulation in said said Manchester, executrix. erator, stove, sink, cabinets. Following an announcement that REFRIGERATOR apiings. ladder and side ’ ail.ake. of thi.s order- in some newspaper having but letters which are defamatory or abusive will be rejected. Conn. General ...... 338 353 parking apace. 1 or 2 small chil­ free parking. $100. MI 3-4957. Completclv landscaped. Call MI wooded lot with patio, fireplace. s circulation in said Districl. al least Edward Mainville, lion badges; Mitchell 315]] ANTIQUE FURNITURE, ailver, dren accepted. PI 2-7545. Convenient location. MI 9-4831. five days before the day of said hear- and Raymond Overton, bear Htfd. Steam Boiler 113 120 3-8271. 9 to 5. Travelers ...... 93 96 glass,ilaas. cmna.china, andano used rumuurr furniture i W ANTED TO BUY THREE AND four room apart­ Dispntea ‘Worried Parent' «'haf'r^ that might arise from the badge, two silver arrows and a TWO ROOM furnished apartment, WEST SIDE — Three bedroom JOHN J. WALI.ETT. .Iuiix». Public Utilltirs bought and sold.^m lture Repair , resaiable furniture, ments, 1st floor, heat, hot water FOR RENT or Sale—Six room To the Editor, ’ ' use of sodium fluoride. My feeling gold arrow. Service. Ml .3-7449.______| ^g^, gmaji upright and spinet 105 Bir.'h St. Call MI 9-5601 after and gas for rooking. Electric re­ ranch, immediate occupancy. 1/3 home, garage, good condition, 5 p.m. May I say this to "A Worried l.s this, if there is a possibility of The meeting closed with three of 'ri 67 Read Herald Advs. frigerator and gas stove. MI mile off Route 6, 3'/4 miles from large rooms, nice lot. Owner MI this befng harmful why not avoid Hartford Electric Lt. 67 UNTVERSAI^ electric range, good ; piaJtoa. 3-8568 Parent?" the dens putting on short skits Hartford Gas Co. . . 41 APARTMENT—Three rooms and 9-4071 after 5 p.m. Bolton Notch. Call between 8 a.m. A Pretty Set! In reply to your letter printed the use of it ? dealing with news, the theme for ' Watkins Used Furniture and 4 p.m. BU 9-5720, ask 'or Mr. Souther.. New Bnglann hath, private entrance overlook­ FOR RENT Four room, steam oil In The Herald Jan. 28, I am in­ I received an anon.vmous call thi.s month. 45 Exchange Mlcolctti. Telephone ...... 43 --- L .------:------1 ing Bolton Lak’e. $85 per month heat and garage. Inquire 219 Cen- TOP VALUE $13,600 5078 clined to heartily disagree with Wednesday by a man who. of Cub Pack 53 held its January OtanufHctunng Companies includes heal, lights and hot course, did not agree with me. - — 1. IT i 15 Oak Street i ter St. Tel. MI 3-7931. GLENWOOD ST. - - Four room you. meeting this week at the Waddell Arrow. Hart, Heg. .. 62'2 O E WRINGER washer, Fngi-1______water. Call Mi 9-3466. Brand new 38’ Ranch—30 year You speak of "theorie.s” that He asked me if I thought the med­ School. daire, $15 each. MI 9-2975. ranch, excellent condition and lo­ VA-FHA mortgage. Ten minutes Associated Spring .. 19*4 WILL SHARE my four room apart­ cation Oil heat. $11,900. Owner "gifted students and slow learners ical profession would agree with Carrying out the monthly SMAIX I'SFID greenhouse. Rea.son- FOUR ROOM apartment on Cen­ from Manchester. City water 100' Bristol Brass ..... 10'4 SOMETHING NEW ON ment with another woman. All make better progress when placed me. I told him because of the STOVE—Florence parlor oil heat- ter. Stove and parking apace. MI 3-6.526. theme, a skit, "Newsmen:” was Collins ...... 86 ! able. Ml 3-7830. the comforts of home. MI 9-3.129. frontage. View, full cellar. Frigi- in special classes away from the work I am in they have not agreed presented by one den, and an­ er. One burner, excellent condi-, Rent $70. Second floor, close to daire furnace, Crane fixtures. Dunham Bush ...... 9'^ tim. $25. MI 3-0303. | ROCKVILLE—Clean as a whistle! average student. ” with me for 35 years and did not other den presented "Amateur Em-Hart ...... 50'j Rooms Without Board 59 stores, churches and schools On Three bedroom ranch cape, large Gregg kitchen rabinets. Formica bus line. Write Box E, Herrld. Business Locations 1 do not think this is a theory at this time expect they would Night" Fafnir Bearing .... 80 STOVE and refrigerator, good porch off kitchen, full cellar, ga­ counters and vanity. Ceramic, tile j for Rent 61 bath. $77 per month total pay­ but a fact. either. He wanted to discuss fluo­ Achievement awards were given Landers, Frary, Clark 19 condition. Best offer takes them. rage. amesite drive, beautiful lot. A child with an above average rine rather then sodium fluoride. I FURNISHED ROOM for rent at ments. Call on this, to Michael U'Auria, wolf badge; N. B. M achine...... 28'j BROAD STREET ★ House just 6 years old, many it MI 9-3783. THREE ROOM heated apartment, I.Q. should certainly be given the He would not give his name. Barry Elliott, silver arrow on I 106 Birch St. Ml 9-3884. extras and all for Just $ 4,600. North and Judd .... 26 garage, $60. Call MI 9-2849. STORE FOR rent. Suitsble for EUSIE MEYER AGENCY, opportunity to moive ahead at their When you are approached to wolf; and Alcn Daly, assistant Russell Mfg...... 24'j store or office. Call 5-7, Ml 3-8441. Elsie Mever Agency, Realtors. own rate and held back by sign a petition calling for a ref­ denner .stripe. FIVE ROOMS, first floor, on bus MI 9-5524,’ MI .1-69,10.’ Realtors Stanley Works .... 44 the less Intelligent child. erendum on this matter by all Terry S team ...... 45 line Working people preferr«d. No COMMERCIAL business or ''ffice I doubt very much that in such means sign it if you are for or pels. Tel. xn 3-0211, - space for rent. Up *o 6500 square TWO FAMILIES $15,200. 4-4 duplex, MI 9-55‘2'l Torrington ...... 30'4 32^4 MANCHESTER separate furnaces. $15,900 6-6 a system a child would be ‘‘push­ against it. Installation Totlay U.S. Envelope, com. . 24'/4 26^ BEAUPRE MOTORS Suburban feet. Will sub-dlvidc. Main St. Lo­ ed’’ or "doing high school work in cated near Center. Plenty of park­ duplex. two-car garage. Three Other letters will be found in U.S. Envelope, pfd. ••12 14 UnusuaUy attractiva 5- family $18,000 4-4-4. good condi­ Course of Construction the sixth grade.” You also stated this column for and against but Veeder R o o t ...... 4814 5114 Prosents room Cape. This house ing. Phone Ml 9-5229 or bU 1-7444. "growth of character is so much New York, Jan. 30 (/I’l Joe Homes tion, central location. Paul J. 3 and 4 Bedroom Colonials let us not get abusive ' or per­ Cronin officially will be installed The above quotations are not to FINEST IN RECONDITIONED USED CARS could not be in better more important than acholastlc The VACANT STORE - Will remodel for Correnti. Broker. MI 3-5363. sonal. as president of the American be construed as actual markets. condiUwi. Neat and beau­ for the finest In Bolton, And­ office or business. Parking and Porter St. area, attached 2-car achievements.” Geo. A. Caillouctle, D. C. tiful as a June Bride. That is a mlsconcepted idea, for League when the major league over and Coventry listings centrally located. Ml 9-3627. MANCHESTER—6'i room colonial, garage, kitchen equipped with oven 119 Center St. club owners hold their annual mid­ 1957 PLYMOUTH 12x18’ kitchen. I'v blocks priced from O H A nice condition, new furnace, one- and range, I 'l baths, 2 fireplaces, only through education can one 1957 FORD 10()»/o GUARANTEE to bus. Just call MI Editor’s Note: Sodium fluoride, winter baseball meetings here Sat­ Night’s Fights X-DOOR SEDAN ‘ Call / up. car garage. Not in tract. Many i recreation room optional. frie themselves from ignorance Last 4-DOOR SEDAN 3-1108 anytime and we ll extras, full price $14,800. Beauti- i and bigotry. Only through educa­ obviously, is being added to the urday. The Hall of Famer, who 1958 CHEVROLET Savoy Model. Color: Red and be happy to All you In on fill two-family, excellent ■ ondi- Sherwood A. Beechler, Realtor tion and guidance can we build drinking water of millions of starred at for Washing­ Custom 300, V8 engine, radio, 4-DOOR SEDAN white, radio, heater, defroster, JARVIS REALTY CO. Americans, who decided they ton and Boston for many years, re­ Denver — Zora Folley, 194’4> heater. F'ordomatic transmis­ whitewalls, pushbutton tnas* the details. P&M tion, $17,900. New ranches from Ml 3-6969 8279 honesty, integrity and a knowledge Chandler, Ariz., outpointed Alex Color; Snow crest white, ra­ Ml 3-4112—PI 2-8811 $11,900 up. Don’t forget Mitten can wanted it, and who applaud its cently resigned as general man­ sion. Color: Snow white. New dio, heater,,defrll SEDAN 1 YOUR CONVENIENCE. Priced al $14.m . John H. I>appen. ranch, carport, screened porch, be a welcome Improvement. I bless the' modern educators of 4-DOOR STATION WAGON 4-DOOR STATION WAGON TAIRLANE 1 CALL Ml 8-6824 Inc. MI 9-5261. Ist-class mailing add lOe for each Mrs. Russell Tucker Manchester who have made these Custom Pre-engineered V8 engine, tutone paint, radio, MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE cellar, small cash assumes pattern. Print name, address with Color; Baby Blue, radio, healer, Tutone paint, radio, heater, de­ Tutone/Tialnt, radio, heater, de- I mortgage, $98 month. Carlton W. Brighten up the towel rack with classes possible for my child. I defroster, Fordomatic trans­ froster, whitewall tires, V8 en­ heater, whitewalls, Fordomatic froster, whitewall . Urea, aeat M zone, style No. and size. Some Questions now know that these classes make transmission. One owner. Hutchins. MI 9-5132. a set of these colorful ,jday-of-the- Send 35c now for the new Spring mission, whitewall tires. Like gine. Low mileage. covstB, V8 engine. Idke new. M week towels! Embroidered in sil­ To the Editor, for a happier, better adjusted 1 new. OF THE MANCHESTER; Space. Uribllity. and Summer '59 issue of our pat- ' child. A child in these classes no houette cross-stitch, the designs tern magazine Basic Fsahion. On Wed., Jan. 28, I had a let­ Easy to care for. modern three ter In the open forum speaking longer has to sit staring out of * 1 2 9 5 ^ [ bedroom ranch. In community of are worked in a jiffy. * 1 8 9 5 ° ° * 1 6 9 5 ° ° Wontvd To Rm t Or Pattern No. 6078 haa hot-iron out against the use of sodium a window while his class "catches 1 * 1 4 9 5 ° ° f p r Rent responsible home o ile rs. Near fluoride in our water. A footnote up.” he no longer runs through MANCHESTER BOARD OF REALTORS LooM-SinqIo Homo bus, shopping, schools. H. B transfer for 7 designs; stitch illus­ trations. NOTICE OE PUBLIC waa added by the editor which was the halls delivering messages to Not Too Old In Grady, Broke;|j. MI 3-8009, kill time. Instead, he enjoys stim­ JmrviB BealtY Co. Arthur A. Knofla Ellawnrth Mitten Wellea Agency or Lease To order, send 25c in coins to h e a r i n g o n welcomed by me for I feel this Hiqh C lo is Anne Cgbot, Manchester Evening ASSESSMENTS TO BE peraon la In a poaltlon to answer ulating discussions, lakes pleasure MI $^11S sn 3-5440 .’Vn 3-8080 PI 2-7858 in school and meets classmates 1955 PLYMOUTH Rosidontlol . Herald. 1150 AVE. OF .hBIERI- MADE FOR a few questions that will enlighten GARAGES 100% GUAgANTEE 1955 FORD CAS. NEW YORK 86, N. Y. many of ua. First will you tell our v/ho have the same interests and F rifd from 4-DOOR SEDAN Elsie Meyer Gaston Realty John H. Lappen, Inc. Noighborhood CONSTRUCTION AND readera if sodium fluoride is not hopes for the future.. Instead of X-DOOR SEDAN MI 8-5781 Ml 9-5281 McKinney Brothers BUSINESS For first-class mailing add 10c. 1958 RENAULT 2-tone paint, V8 engine, radl^ BO HOUSE FOR RENT INSTALLATION OF a by product of some other ele­ a bored, lazy child who 'eels he is X-tone paint, V8 engine, radio, Inc. Print name, address with zone and 4-pOOR SEDAN $ heater, defroster, whUewau Bn 8-0060 . . . Must have 2-rar ga. 5 RO O M S pattern number. SANITARY SEWER IN ment for instance aluminum. Will smarter than the rest of the chil­ heater, whitewall tires, seat tires, Powerflite tranzmleslon. rage, business executive dren, we have a child who hasn’t Sea Ostrtnsky BUILDING K’s ready—the '59 Needlework GROVE STREET you kindly tell ua in what other covers. Excellent condition. Dauphine Model. Cofor: Id. .c V f”' ■ and family o f 4 accus­ manner these huge piles of sodium lime to be bored, a child who gray, radio, heater, defrost­ 1395 BO 8v51S8 Centrally Located Album! Fifty-six pages of pretty YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI­ $99500 Stanley Bray tomed tn tiring in a liix- designs; plus free patterns for cro­ FIED that the .President and Dl- ' fluoride have been used other knows there is someone smarter; er. Econom; F U U PRICE iir.v home in a high class Ml 8-0278 or STORE Tel. M i 9-3291 chet and knit ltem.s. 25c a copy! rectors of the Eighth School and then rat poisons and insect pow­ than he is, a child who haa a de- [ neighborhood. ‘•Excellent sire to enter into all activities. I * 7 9 5 °° WUUaiB E. BeMore Utilities District of the' Town of ders. reputation credit wise, Facing Middle Turnpike Manchester will hold a public hear­ Another questio'n I would like to We are npt alone in our feeling. ' AceiMy T. J. Crockett etc. West. 960 s4|uare feet, oU Friends of ours moved to Man- , BO »416e BO 8-1S7T ing concerning the asseesmente to , aak. la the water up in Highland 1953 NASH heat, ample parking. be made for 'the construction and ■ park going to be adulterated with Chester although its location was 1953 MERCURY 1953 CHEVROLET 1955 BUIGK Phone MI 8-7961; BH Vernon Avenue—Off Robte 80 not convenient to their business • NO MONEY DOWN X-DOOR HARDTOP W rit* Box Z SOLD installation of a sanitary aewer on ' thia sodium fluoride? If not I do CONVERTIBLE 4-DOOR SEDAN 3-4987 nr Inquire at 172 Grove Street in the Town of Men- . not think it fair for any on« in because they feel as we do, Man­ 4-DOOR SEDAN Ptjwer steering, power brakes, ■hsrwoedA. Beechler Goodchlld Realty VERNON CENTER C O - Horold West Middle Tpke. b what you will hear iinleha yon cheater. The hearing will be held that area to push the use of this chester’s educational system of 1st PaymBnt OCT* T'utone paint, radio, heater, Radio, heater, defroster, Power power windows, power seat, ra­ Radio, heater, automatic traoa* BO S-6MB Bn 8-7025 special classes is well worth anjj^ Glide transmission, whitewall Beautiful new 8i/i room ranch phone t(May to see our new list­ on February 9. 1969, at 7:30 p.m. stuff. whitewall tires, overdrive dio, heater, whitewall Urea. mission. Excellent contUUon. home featuring an attractive ing at 66 Oxford St. 7 rooms, at the.; Fire House, at Main and Another queation Is this, we get other inconvenience. transmission. Low mileage. tires. Wonderful condition. Thia is a rare' car. Bemle OMitor Walton W. Grant kitchen, plenty of birch cabi­ 11 X 20 living rooin. Detached Hllliiird Streets, tn the Town of our Water from a number of You can’t make a gifted child TBcmoat S-S$9S Agency nets, built-in oven and range, garage with full basement. Manchester. A copy of the pro­ sourcea, if our water does not all happy by keeping hjm at his age' $ 2 9 5 ° ° Bn„8-1I58 atalnlesa steel sink. Attrbetive posed assessments ere' on file in ’ some through ’ a central point la group level when his mind has FREE * 6 9 5 *1095 living room with paneling, at­ the office of the clerk of the machinery going to be set up j$t already outgrown that level and (With * 5 9 5 Eighth School and Utilltiee Dis­ you can’t make a slov/ child happy CUPOLA evtry AUm CUmp«$ John S. BIgsell tractive tile bath with colored •"*“ »15,500 each source of supply? trict and available for inspection when he knows he can never keep BO % 4 B 4 » : M. L. S. No. 904 PI 2-6828 6 ROOM RANCH flxtiirea, S spacious bedroonia, The sum of $15,000 has been the fNirc|iii|M d uripi FEB. CAR ALWAYS SEE - 'm closet space galore. Oil hot wa­ by the public. estimate for setting up the ma­ up with his classmates. WHEN YOU WANT TO BUY A CAR OR SELL A ter heat, baseboard radiation, JARVIS REAL’TY GO. Dated at Manchester,. Connectl- ' chinery to get thia stuff into our . My, slncert thanks go to CtUTord Ha s sen For the discrimlnati'ng buyer Interested in suburban living, in Cut, this 29th day of January, 1959. ' Carlton \\. Hntchina atone front; 100x200 plot with *88 E. Center St. water. Is there not a poasibiUty educators who re$dlze the im- BO S-24M Bownrd Hnstinga Uarren Howland Vernon. 3 large bedrooms, 24’ living room, with Oreplace. 8’ THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD -po.ftance of letting children go UNIVERSAL BUILDERS CORP. BO M 101 BH S-I108 Ml 0-8182 shade treea. .Near parkway, and (Comer of Lenox) that thia is only an eatlmata that - 'ii- thermo-pane picture windows, front ond rear, oversize 2-car ga­ shopping. down.' OP DIRECTORS OF THE along at their own pace, without Bfl 8-4112—Bit 8-1157 EIGHTH SCHOOL AND UTIU- might run much-higher 7 BOX 1 /0 8 - 65 suns 81.. NfW HAVfN. CONN. Corteir rage and patio connected by 12’ hreezeway, recreation room PI 2-8811—Ba 9-1878 I am Interested In the welfare hurting the rest of tlie children This sfon't last long tot $18,900. TIE8 d is t r ic t in the school aystem. “Worried Bnrle 8. Rohnn Madellna Smitli Elva Tjler with fireplace. This attractive Ban'cl^ Is situated on 2 acres fully By of children aa you are. I am also j Without bbligation please send FREE catalojue 5,4 j BEAUPRE MOTOR BO S-T48S m 9-184t BO 9-4460 Intarasted In the welfare of the Parent” should realize that this landscaped ’lot with hedgerow on three gidee for privacy. Reason- , RED CROSS Darid Marks, President aystem Is on a volunteer b«sis. WEBSTER AGENCY. Bernard August, Director * adult as you muat be. ! NAM E______■ cm :-- — ! OPEN EVEWNGS — RROAR ST. AT WRIT ably priced. “On the Job I do-not believe that either (me No child is fome

.. y- /■-.•: : L. ■ I ■

FRIDAY, JANUARY 80, 1959 ■ PACE fETOHTEEN Average Daily Net Pteaa Run The Waather l®attrljP0tpr lEufttitig l|prali» ForecMt of D. 8. Weather For tho Week Ending donunr]' 34th, IfiSB Partly eloody, breecy, fair aM Dick Steele will be the caller for 4he Mancheeter Square Dance polder tonight and Bunday. .Unr About Town Club tomorrow night from 8 to 11 12,875 tonight 1« to la. High 8tmday \ ' ...... o’clock at the Waddell School. Member of the Audit near 80, Th* R*cre*Uon Department I* President of the Old Colony Bureau of CUrcnlatlon eponsorin* • roUer akaUng party Calleia and Teachera Aaan., he ia 1 Mancheater— A City of Village Charm tor all chUdren of the fourth, fifth the caller for the Minute Men’a and sixth (rad«a tomorrow after­ Square Dancers of Lexington,; (ClaMifled AdxerOilng on Pago 10) PRICE FIVE CENTS noon from 1 to 3 o'clock at the Maaa.. and for many other groups. ■ VOL. LXXVill, NO. 103 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 31. 1959 Community Y. The party win be The danca will be open to all club under the aupervialon of the Play­ dancers. ! time Rollerskating Co. of Holyoke, Maas. All members of Gibbons Aa.sem- i bly, Catholic Ladies of Columbus, ; G e f Btik Modean. formerly of The Eisenhower to Virginia SeenT-|^ • l aie urged to attend an important j Herald atalf, and now head of the summons meeting Tuesday night r RaliKipUa New* S en io e of the N a­ Mt the Knights of Columbus Hom8. tional ■ f^theran Counoll and a jnemberlif the board of manager! Zion Lutheran I.,adles Aid Soci­ Push Toward Talk ’ L^aniSIl Feared Lost of the Religious Newswrlter* ety members have set the date of Tuition Plans Asan.. wiU be one of the judgea in Friday, Feb. «, for a chow mein the 1938 Supple Memorial award supper St 8 p.m. in the Assembly Richmoni^, 'V*., Jan. 31 (43—Sen­ contest for excellence in reporting room, which is open to members religloue newa. and friends. Plans for the mesi On Berlin Impasse ate supporters of Gov. J. Lindsay will be completed st the meeting Almond say they believe they have A meeting of the committee of of the Society Wednesdax-, si 7:30 enough votes to complete passage arrangements for the Card Party p.m. st the church plus DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS SATURDAY today of his legislative program and Food Sale of tha Manchester Washington, Jan. 31 (JP) .^he a good thing if Russia withdrew After Crash into Iceberg its occupation troops from East to ease the impart of school inte­ hairdressers woll be held Monday The DeMolay Mothers Circle The Eisenhower Administra­ gration, due Monday in two locall- at 7:30 p.m. at the Weldon Beauty will hold its monthly meeting Germany. Hungary and Romania. Studio. P9 E. Center Sf. Reports tion apparently is in line for "I am not particularly optimis­ tiea. Monday at 7:30 pm In the some sharp prodding from the A ruling was expected soon- - will be made of tickets sold and Masonic Temple. tic about Russia’s making any possibly today—from Chief Justice other plans dl.scussed for the af­ 9:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. WITH ALL CASH S A LES -! Senate to move toward high agreem ents in this field. B ut it Earl Warren of the Arlington Reds Told ai y.-L.t', .m fair, scheduled for Feb. 11 at l:.3n level negotiations with Ru.ssia i.s time we Board's request for s last-1 No Traces m. at the American Legion the responsibility for ''"g enrollment of four i onie, The use of the hall has Chaiiiinadc Club ! on the Berlin impasse. & This was clearly indicated as agree instead of just saying No j all-white Stratford 1 been donated by the Legionnaires E.O.M. CLEARANCE SALE everytime they propose some-1 , Saturday — Last Day CLOSEOUT TABLE Sen. J. William Fulbrlght (D-Ark), Castro Got Of Over 90 The profits will be devoted to the 3 To H«'ar Chorus a persistent critic of Administra­ V.. X. • 1 V, irf' In Norfolk, school officials said work of the Manchester branch of Oi Hale's Great January DISCONTINUED LADIES' BROKEN SIZES AND STYLES Fulbright emphasized he would ..^^erything is in readiness ’ for | Children’s Services, 577 Main St. tion foreign policies, prepared to The .Naysug Male Chorus of take over as chairman of the im­ not support, a withdrawal of U.S.; imeK. aied re-opening at 9 a.m.' GUatonhuiy will present a pro­ troops there was an accept- ■ schools closed last Leftist Aid On Vessel FLANNEL GOWNS, PAJAMAS portant Senate Foreign Relations able agreement on Berlin. gram of songs at Ihe monthly DRESSES Committee. meeting of Ihe Chaminade Club Dulles Faces Stiff Quiz .Approved by House Soroptimist Calling for East-West talks on By THE ASSOCl.YTED PRF«SS By THE ASSOCIA'TED PRESS The meeting will be held Monday Cotton, Rayon Slips, Gowns Colleagues said they expect Fill-1 Almond program granting High 8pns and whistling evening at R.l.') in M hall the German problem, Fulbrighl bright, who often has criticized , tuition payments to those who A Cuban delegate to the FOOD SALE said he thinks it would he “quite polar wind.s hampered search of Center Congregational Church. $7.99 ,4ND .MANY' OTHER ITE.MS Secretary of State Dulles, to spon-. don't want to alteml integrated 21st Coniniuni.'it party con­ HALE’8 STORE "The Blenders,' s barbershop $8.98 to $10.98...... NOW proper to enter into a discussion of sor wich stiffer examinations of schools and repealing compulsory gress in Moscow claimed to- today for the Danish ship Saturday, Jan. .31—9:.30 A.M. quartcl lompnsed of four mem­ REGULAR $1.98 to $3.99 the withdrawal of troops from Administration policies than was school attendance already ha.s fijjy (i,p left wing People’s Hans Hedtoft, feared lost af­ Featuring Supper Dishes bers of Ihe chorus, will also lake Berlin." Not Optlmlatic the rule under Green. pas.aed the House of Delegates. Socialist Pai'tv of Cuba b a d a ter hilling an iceberg off the part in the program. Fulbright told the news confer-: It now is before the Sena.e f j . . , • „ 'o,., Hie Preceding the progiam, a ppt- This is your lost chonco to stock up at real savings The 63-year-old Arkansas Sena­ ence he still stands by hl.a declara-‘ nance Oommlttee, whose m em ber- big pait 111 O teitni owing JllC south tip of Greenland. luck Will be held at 6:30 in the on: Sheets, Coses, Blankets, Mattress Pods and $0.99 *1.00 *2.59 tor, who will succeed next week lion in an Aug. i9.38. Senate .ship inchidca most of the Senators . tator rulgencio natisla. The small German trawler Robbins room of the rhiirrh. Mein- $12.98 to $14.98...... NOW to the chairmanship vacated yes­ speech that the Administration'a who had been seeking stronger ac-' The parly, "working iindor- Johannes Kruess reported sh* hers are reminded to bring a plate, . Covers, Bed Pillows, Spreads, Towels, etc. terday by Sen. Theodore Francis foreign policies are ''inadequate, tion than Almond sought from the ground, a; the price of the lives could find no trace of the cargo- passenger ship wilh from 90 to 130 cup and silver. Green (D-RI), made it clear he outmoded and misdirected." special .session. of many of ila leaders, actually HAM The public Is invited to attend isn’t very optimistic about dealing launched tlie struggle for unifica­ persona aboard in the area given SAVE ON DAN RIVER SHEETS AND CASES by Ihe vessel in her final SOS yes­ the entertainment tn Memorial COSTUME with the Ru.ssians. (Continued on Page Five) (Continued on Page Twelve) tion of all Cuban revolutionary hall. / ! $0.99 Special But Fulbright said he thinks the forces, " said .Sivero Aguirre, a terday. The message said the ship SUPPER TYPE 130 DAN RIVER MUSLIN $17.98 to $19.98...... NOW Eisenhower Administration has representative of the National j was slowly sinking, been remiss in not coming up with Committee of the Peoples' Social- ; A U .S, Navy radar patrol plane TALCOTTVILLE Sale JEWELRY circled above the 20-foot waves In RK(;i:L.\U S2.1!)—fia X 9!) ...... 'i;i.'>9 Not all size.s and colors. All sales final some proposal to counter the So­ isls. CONGREGATIONAL viet's demand that West Berlin be "The Communists were in the , the North Atlantic and found no Choose frotn a large assortment of pin.s, earrings, neck- Irsce of the 'ahlp or lifeboats. CHURCH RKCliL.AK 1S2.29—«a x 108 ...... $1.79 BE.XDY TO WEAR DEPT.—Second Floor made a I’free city." AEC Reveals Tests first rank of the insurgent ranks | SQUARE lace.s and*'brncelets in new spring styles and colors. A'so Ice packs were closing In from RK(;L:1,.\R .S2.19— 72 x 108 ...... S1.89 Contending the Administration in Cuba and managed to win full ^ the north, adding to the hazards Sponsored By simulated pearls. apparently has stalled on dead cen­ leap e d of their comrades in arm s.” i GOLDEN RULE CLUB .$2.09—81 x 108 ...... $1.99 for other ahipa ateaming north DANCE ter in dealing with Russia’s Berlin Aguirre told the Kremlin meet­ from the North Atlantic shipping FREE AD5IISSION RKCl'l-.AR ,>9f— 12 X a« I'lLl.OWC ASK.S ...... l.'tc E O.M. CLEARAN CE ON demand. Fulbright told a news For Safe N-Weapons ing. ' lanes to Join the scaixth. Saturday, Jan. 31 Music By The RKCIU.AK .$2.19— FlTTKl) BOTTOM $ 1 . 0 0 conference veslerday: Refutes U.S. Claims i Sale Price "Personally, I think it is im­ In the van were the U.S. Coast SITTINGS 5 and « Rhythm Ronqkrs TWIN islZI'; ...... $1.89 He declared that the new Fidel Guard cutter Campbell and the for portant to move toward the with­ Castro regime "has the support of • By FRANK CAREV ( weapons have special sensitivities German fiahing vessel Poseidon. ADULTS »1.50 SUNDAY, FEB. 1 REOUl.AR $2.09-FlTTKl) BOTTOM 2 ,*1 drawal of foreign troops. It would the whole of our people and Us ex­ (,\r Science M'rlteZ) ' requiring inten.sive safety le.sLing. Children 6 to 12—75r SPORTSWEAR Severs! other vessels were en 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. FUU, SIZK ...... $1.99 W ashington, .Tan. 31 i.'P' The j f'p until six months ago at perience refutes American a.sser-! route hut with little hope of reach­ Tickets will be available Atomic Energy Commisaion hinted, weapon de.sign and safety lions that a successful struggle ' ing the scene before darkness clos­ at the door. CITY VIEW HALL against imperialism Is impossible 400 Keejiey St., .Manrhester |{,| REtiULAR fine EXTRA HE.AVV Farms Income today it ia developing quicker-on- requirement.s have resulted in only ed In again. KLA.NNEL BACK DRILL DRESSES the-irigger weapons that appar­ partial assembly of weapona. The in Latin America." Denmark's Greeland Department Aguirre, among the first Latin SILICONE IRONING IRONING BOARD REG. $5.98— NOW REG. $8.98— NOW ently need extra safety tests. essential triggering devices need­ said there were 55 passengers and J NYLON HOSIERY Of Future Seen In its 25lh semi-annual report to ed to set off the fission of fusion Americatj delegates to speak at the a crew of 40. The U.S. Coast Guard BOARD COVER COVERS, the AEC indirectly re­ reaction have been left out of the congress.* was given one of the reported 130 aboard. The ship was I Regular*. Kit.a up to 60" Arkwright first (lualit.x' streakfree seamless nylons. 400 ported it •sliil is stressing research assembly until the time ap­ , longest and loudest ovations at registered to carry a maximum of Fa.ster imniiig heat leflevt- boards. W'c sell bundieds of needle miuofilm with reinforced heel and toe for extra Cut by Milbons and development on siuh objec­ proached for the use of the I today's session. 60 paaaengera and 40 crewmen. iiig surface, lower ironing heal. these at every sale. You know wear! Colors: Simtonc, graytone, beigetone and shade- tives as ''smaller, immediately weapon. I "When an entire people ri.scs up The Greenland Department aatd Will fit any A A r wiial quality is! — *3.99 *5.99 ready that is. ready within min­ Built-in Safety Device* I in arms and takes the destiny of a the Hans Hedtoft carried three tone. Sfie.s 81.x to 1 0 'o. By OVID A. 54ARTIN standard hoard. Each “ “ W E a c h ...... O/C Cottons, rayon.a, cotton and acetate utes and more rugged weapons, ■Speculation is that the "ready country in ila own hands, victory light alloy metal lifeboats that Washington, Jan. 31 i/Pi Farm for use in more advanced weapons Is ensured," he said as the dele­ could accom modate a total of 100 Income may be cut hundreds of within minutes" concept would in­ systems. " volve full assembly at manufac­ gates applauded. persons. Each was equipped with millions of dollars over the next It also reported it still ia trying The launching of the Soviet space Friends crowded pier tn Copenhsigen seeing off passengers on the ill-fated Danish vessel Hans hand-operated radio transmitters. BED PILLOW VALUES few years by new changes in figur­ ture, but with built-in safety de­ Hedloft whicli slnick an iceberg oft Greenland yesterday. On the right is a recent photo of Capt. c to develop nuclear weapons of vices. rocket was a new victory over the There were, in addition, four nib- NOTICE SWEATERS ing agricultural price supports. greatly reduced radioactive fallout forces of capitalism, said the Cu­ r. I. Rasmussen at the railing of his ship. lUsmussen, .58, ha$.pavigsleri the treacherous waters ber llferafts able tn carry 24 per­ Among other highlights of the REG. $.3.9.3. B K. GOODRICH Compare For Secretary of Agriculture Benson in a variety of sizes. around Greenland for more than 30 year.s, lain colors, plaid and The commission said a year ago nuclear powered surface ships un­ ate inquiry into the atatus of U.S ate spare and preparedness sub- falling off, a hopeful factor. GIRLS’ DEPT. products. that "the fiossi'bility of an acci­ der conalr icUon, but they will not Faces Trio in : preparedness touched off specula- rpmmittees. paisley designs' .■Xges 4 to 7. S'! ftQ The development may well influ­ Visibility varied widely, ranging REG. 29c FACE C L O T H ...... 25c dental nuclear explosion while be ready, before next year. Russia i tion that Senate Democrats may Johnson. chairman of both Pair Drifted 8 up to R or 9 miles, then lowering Reg. $2.98 Sale P ric e ...... K ach I • 7 O ence this year’s returns front such transporting or storing nuclear has announced its nuclear pro- groups, said public testimony so ; other crops as soybean.s. cotton­ try to expand President Ehsenhow- to a mile in the and fall of the M.ade c.specia ly for us by one of the country’s inlll.s, .Sexen GIRLS' DRESSES weapons is so remote as to be pelle.i iceb-eaker will be ready for Sedition Case er'a defense budget. far by top defense, space and mis- ] storm , the Guard said. colors and xvhite. seed, flax.seed and dry beans. negligible” actual use this spring. sile officials indicate there sie de- : Days in Din«jhy A good selection of cottons and also dacron and nylons In 1960 and following yeara, i(r Eisenhower is recommending The 6.30-ton Kruess reached the in print and solid colors. Sizes 7 to l.-l. Blit the wording of the current 4 The United States still has San Francisco. Jan. 31'lAb—Thr slightly over $40 billion In defen.'>c ficienries which must be explored could affect income not only from report about safety tests appeared three defendants in the Powell spending for the fiscal y ear begin­ behind closed doors because of (Continued on Page Five) RKCUl.AR $.5.98. all these crops but from wheat, to indicate that newly enviaioned ((V>ntinJiei1 on Page Three) sedition case, their trial declared a military secrets involved. Didn’t Get Fish MATTRESS PADS and COVERS Housewares Department corn, oats, barley and sorghum ning July 1. Both he and Secretary NOW ...... mistrial ye.sterday. faced today the of Defense McElroy contend this i.r John.son said the next phase will HALE’S ( HARMHOt SE *3 99 grains as well. Mayporl. Fla.. Jan. 31 iVPc F'or HEAVY QUALITY I added charge of treason. adequate to cope wilh any Soviet cover "information as tn the ag­ FOOD KING ZIPPERED WARDROBE CLOSET ...... $8.98 The action involved a revision In a swift procession of events threat. eight days George Harrington and HTTED .MATTRESS PADS RKCl’LAR $7.98 and $8.98. in the Department's formula for gressive forces that might be MATTRESS COVERS Double size, sliding door. Cedar impregnated plastic. 66’’ $120 Million at Stake yesterday, U.S, District Chief H oum Resdie* Hearings thrown against u.s." Harley Crowell sat in a 10-foot NOW ...... *S.99 determining parity prices of farm Judge I^uis E. Goodman declared As the Senate inquiry went into rubber dinghy, thinking and fish­ Bulletins X 2P" X 21 \ Referring to what he called the Reg. $.3.98. Reg. $1.9.3. products, which are price stand­ a mistrial, a new complaint charg­ until the middle of next ing. They didn't catch any fish. Twin sire. *4.49 $3.69 ards declared by law to be fair tb derision by McElroy to slash funds from the AP Wires WEEKEND SPECIALS EXPELLO ...... ^ ...... fi9e ing trea.son was filed, and the de­ week. Chairman Overton Brooks and forces for the varioiis military They only floated helpless in the farmers in relation to prices charg­ fendants were arraigned on the iD-Lal of the House Spare Com­ open Atlantic. Reg. $6.98. Full or Ixvin sizes. E x tra ’ PRETEEN DRESSES ed them. Paris Scandal Involves program s, .lohn.son said "The key .lust bang your closet nr xvardrohe. new charge and releaaed on the mittee announced hearlnga paral- "We are thankful to be here," Full sir.e . *5.49 heaxv. Dre.sses for any occasion in this groii)) to choose from. Und?r farm law, price supports considerations that he took into BRIDGEPORT GANG HELD bail. account could be discuased only be­ the two said last night in an in­ Cottons, nylons and dacron and cotlon. Size.s 8 to I I. BISSELL UP/OLSTERY SHAMPOO KIT for most products are based on the The three are John W. Powell. terview aboard the Netherlands Bridgeport, Jan. 31 (/P)—A FOOD KINO U. S. TOP CHOICE QL AUTY BEEF DEPT. HALE’S STURDY3VEAR parity prices. This new formula 39. editor of the since discontinued hind closed doors " ■' aircraft carrier Karel Doorman. gang of rtght men are under ar­ LATEX-FO.A.M 3Vith rnntriilled foam fejipUciitiir. Bribery, Mnrder Plots Could Use More l'^lnds BOX-STITCHED QUILTED RROL l.AR $7.98 and $8.98. O O Reg. $3.90. Save $1.50. NOW . . $2.49 China Monthly Review; his wife, The Dutch ship, enroute here for rest by Bridgeport ixillce today In U. S. TOP CHOICE MATTRESS TOPPER PADS 3I.ATTRESS PADS NOW ...... (Continued on Page Two) ----- I Sylvia. 38. and Julian Schuman, 38, News Tidbits In yesterday's testimony, Roy maneuvers with the US; Navy, Connecticut with a soiics' of WITH CORNER ELASTIC Johnson, director of the Pentagon's found the shipwrecked pair east of hurglarle* here during the past HALL1TE 2Vs QT. TEA KETTLE By PRESTON GROVER " great business sense—they a m a s s - ; of New York, associate editors, Ci(lled from AP Wires Advanced Research Projects Agen­ SIRLOIN STEAKS N. T. Style Lh. 79c Reg. $9.98. REGULAR $10.98 and $12.98. Paris, Jan. ?1 i4’i—A scandal in­ ed a fortune dealing in art and I U.S. Ally. Robert H. Schnacke Bermuda. five months In which loot valued Reg. $8.98. * “Wearever" nilII aluminum; never needs imlishin'g. $6.98 cy, whicli handles military missile at “upwards of $100,000” was Full be'y to indict the three on charges taken,' Supt. John A. Lyddy an­ FOOD KING HEAVY XXTHSTEKN ECONO-BEEF DEPT. over inheritance of one of France’s New York City’s 800 evening use an additional $300 million Harrington and Crowell lived off nounced. Four alleged.’’fences”, I'.ggest fortunes, is griping the laruvre is bidding for it. of treason. The sedition and trea, a can of tuna and a small Reg. $7.98. Reg. $4.98. son charges probably would be high school teachers vote to quit above budget e.stimates. three from 'Stratford and one DI^RFOOT FAR5IS SMOKED interest of Paris. Every paper is They swept into the big time in Monday salary dispute i.s He said this .would speed up de­ bottle of grape juice each day, Twin bed alie. $5.99 ,34 X 76 full size. $3.69 Die ill Fire at combined, he added. l- "We had enough rations to last from West Haven, are held on PRETEEN SKIRTS packed with it. France, soclall.y and that way met settled. . . Police say the.v have velopment of powerful booster en­ charges of receiving stolen goods It has touched off speculation •lean Walter, one of France’s lead­ Judge Goodman declared a mis­ fis about a month," Harrington SHOULDERS 5-7 Lh. Avg. Lb. 3 Sc Flared and straighl .styles, wonderful value.s. Size.3 8 uncovered a s«<'ond m ajor drug gines needed to put biggen pay- in connection with the case. that people in the National As- ing engineers. He was alread.v rich trial because of the way his own ring with arrest of two women and said. to 14. . \ Toiletries, Etc.... Nursing Home •sembly and perhaps in the gov­ loads up for space vehicles and They started from New York and getting richer through ex­ remarks Thursday had • been a man during a raid on a home in satellites. REPORT TUMORS SLOWED GRADE ‘A' FRESH T remendous ernment may be tainted by the ploitation of a lead-zinc mine at treated by local newspaper head­ City Jan. 9 In Harrington's 47-foot REGULAR $.5.98. Cm Boston's Hyde Park section. Other inquiury highlights: Austin. Tex., Jan. 31 (.T) —A .S1.2.‘l Noxzema Skin Cream ...... ,99c Glen Ell,vn. 111.. Jan. 31 (4>1—Fire affair. Zellidga in Morocco, near the Al­ lines. Gov. G. Mennen Williams pro­ sloop Alair. ^ which ripped through the Glen 1. Dr. Wernher Von Braun. University of Te.xas research EGGS E xtra Lg. Doz. 55c Med. 'Dec. 47c 69c Pep.sodent Toothpaste with Ft ee Hair Brush . .. .69c Mingled in the scandal are two gerian frontier. At that time he was ruling out posed that Michigan- B4lopt state I "I wanted In go down to Puerto Ellyn Acrea Nursing Home yes­ In 19.34 art dealer Guillaume a Korean War veteran's intended Army niis.sile chief, estimated that I Rico and the Virgin Islands to look team has developed a chemical BLANKET VALUEI 69c Pepsodent Tooth Brushes ...... 2 for 98c beautiful call girls and a rich incxime tax and other tax revisions if the Russians continue to push compound which greatl.v slows • REGULAR $7.98 and $8.98. C p > terday took the lives of eight died. The widow needed an heir to testimony that Chineae Commu-, to bring in estimated $140,000,000 them over because m.v wife Gina 7.5c Bayer's Aspirin 'Fablels ...... 67c elderly patients and led to the widow, heiress to two massive for­ ahead it will take the United down growth of tumors In mice. FULL SI%E WHITE SLICED Reg. $6.98. Hale’s “luron" 72 x 90, NOW .. '5.99 tunes and a whopping art collec­ ward off grasping relatives. Soon nist propaganda demoralized aome in added tax revenfTe. . . United and I have been planning to settle 60c Alka Seltzer ...... 54c death of a volunteer fireman. baby Jean Paul appeared in the American prisoners of war. The States five years to match Soviet in that area," Harrington explain It Is part of their Investigation Bfk C A 1^ Freah Baked tion. States slgvia nine project agree­ developments in IntercontinenOil Into what causes cancer. Drs. O RtA tf Dally Nylon, rayon blend. . : ...... *4.99 GIRLS’ DEPARTMENT—Second Floor Geritol Tablets or L iqud...... $2.98 and $4.98 Passereby, firemen and nursing household and in 1941 .she form al­ veteran was not permitted to so ments to, finance U.S. techgical and ed. "She was going to fly down to Loav»! 29c home employes risked their lives The fortune in the widow's hands i ballistic missiles. Charles G. Skinner and William Unicaps Mult' Vitam ins...... $.5.11 and $6.96 ia variously estim ated by the ly adopted him. Soon afterward, te.stify. economic assistance programs in San Juan and meet us.” Reg. $7.98 0iatham 72 x 90. to save 12 other patients, two of The government charges sonie The Germart-born missile pioneer It was a fairly good trip until Shlve and Scientists George F. newspapers at around 60 billion in 1941, she m arried Jean W alter, Pakistan this year,' McKenna and T. J. McCord de­ FANCY' NEW FLORIDA •\crilan, rayon blend...... CHILDREN'S FLANNEL Large Vidaylin ...... $4.19 whom were injured seriously and the engineer. said unless U.S. missile and space thev hit rough weather on Jaiu 19 *5.99 Large Listerne .Antiseptic ...... hospitalized. francs ($120 million.) Rep. Cheater Bowles (D-Conn) veloped the compound af the ...... 89c The fall guy is a 24-year-old AUhouglt^she grew cold to the (Continued on Page Five) says he will introduce bill fOr re­ efforts are accelerated, this coun­ about 465 miles east of Bermuda. Reg. $9.98. Hale's “Charmhouse’' 72 x 90. Scene of the tragedy was a Du try would find itself helpless in In winds up to 65 miles an hour., University’s Clayton Foundation CABBAGE Solid Green Head*. Lb. 7 c Large Laco Sham poo...... 89c Page County landmark built in former Paratrooper, who fought adopted son, .lean Walter liked habilitating and modernizing Coast Biochemical Institute. Nylon, rayttn blend...... Economy Han Deodorant ...... him and looked after him. Mean^ Guard Academy at New London about a decade. the sloop began to leak and sink. *6.99 PAIAMAS ...... 98c 7934 suid modeled after am Italian bravely in Algeria and also won "We had a radio on the sloop hut a reputation for dissipation. He time the IValter fortune burgeon'd with $6 Vi million appropriation.,. . 2. William M. Holaday, Penta­ FAMOUS Paquin Hand Cream ...... 59c and 98c villa.' Debbie, Eddie Ask If was out of order when we needed J. I„ LEWIS HOSPITALIZED Reg. $i:i.98. 100''r wwl 72 x 90. Two piece pajamas in aaaorted prinlc and The dead ranged In age from 67 is Jean Paul Guillaume, adopted when American capital came in, Industrialist Cjtus Eaton of Cleve­ gon mi-sailea chief, said his recom ­ Large .Johnson Baby Powder ...... 59c including some brought In by the land says Soviet Premier Nikita' mendations to speed building of It," Harrington said. Washington, Jan. 81 (/P) — Orrspun blankets...... '...... styles. Sizes $ to 14; teens 10 to 16. $0.29 to 90. The charred bodies of sev- son of Madame Dominique Walter. John L. Lewis, 78. preaident of DOVALETTES - Boxes 43c *10.99 New Toni Home Permanent ...... $2.00 She inherited the fortunes and put late Mrs. Margaret Biddle, .Ameri­ For Quick Divorce Khrushchev wantS" to visit United eral victlms were found in smolder­ (Continued on Page Five) the I'nlted Mine Workers o< Reg. $1.7,95. Hale’s “Charmhouse” 72 x 90. I,arge Anacir Tablets ...... '...$1.19 ing beds. Son)e ■victims 'nanaged to her brother, Jean Lacaze, In can mining heiress. The new money States and Canada but never haa (Continned on Page Three) REG. $2.98 . . . . NOW permitted building new smelteva' Los Angeles, Jan. 31 0P>—A received an Invitation. .\merlca. today is In George­ U B B r MACARONI and CHEESE lOO^'r acrilan...... Adorn Hair S p ray...... ;...... $1.50 and $2.25 get only a few feet from their beds charge of a big lead and zinc mine town University hospital here *12 95 before the flames engulfed them.- -in .^frica. and refineries near the Morocco meeting of minds has lieen effected Abandoning his diplomatic ap­ * mine. It becapie one of the world's between Debbie Reynolds and Ed­ proach to the incident, Soviet Aiii- for observation. Dr. John Minor Most of the dead were trapped The story hinkes about alleged CASSEROLE Pkg*. 29c Reg. $16.98. Kenwood 72 X 90. $ 1 > | A O leading ni-oducers. die Fisher. bassador Mikola! T. Fedorenko said the mine workers’ chief when a portion of the roof col­ attempts of Madame Walter and had had a Bttle trouble the past 100'‘r wool...... 1 4 * 7 0 We welcome charge accounts! Green Trading Stamps are given wilh lapsed. .lean Walter Killed They are In agreem ent on: (1) charges that a drunken Japanese The Teenage Music her brother to ge rid of the adopt­ B ut in 1957. .lean Vi'alter was A quick divorce, (2) A property stevedore «had deliberately chal­ ' few days and there wae some cash .sales and also to customers yyho pay Iheir charge account withn Glen Ellyn's assistant fire chief, ed Giillldutne who—unless dead or Former Chenev Double S&H Donald Stoffregen, 58, suffered a riding with Madame Walter and i settlement. lenged'him to a fight. . . Retired question as to whetlier It had fifteen (15) days after billing date. ri;ined in reputation—will inherit Adni. Arthur W. Radford saya he been a heart attack. Lewis suf­ Mills WHAT A VALUE! heart attack shortly after arriving Dr. Maurice Ijicour near Paris WTien they advised the court An inescapable part of modern life, Jf you live -within range of a big part of the fortune. She Walter stenped out of the car and yesterday that they want a di­ bellev'os “bualneas-as-usual’’ com­ fered a minor hesut attaurk tn Hartford Road * Green Stomps at the scene. He died a few mo­ long ago turned cold to the son Juke box or radio, is the throb of twanging guitar and nasal ALL WOOL PLAID AUTO ROBES ments later. Glen Ellyn, 35 miles wa., hit by a passing automobile vorce as quickly as possible, her placency ia one of big threata to 1935. and Pine Si reel she adopted. .-Ameflca’a future. • voice lamenting a lost love. It’s the sound of Rock 'n Roll, or Three emart'.coiors: combination in green, blue and red. Free Parking Rear Of Store ■west of CSilcago, haa a volunteer and was injured fatally. • suit was set for trial Feb, 17. one of Us relatives a new kind of muaic that has crowded out Manchester, Conn. Sot. With All department. ' Sources of Fortunes Tliat left her and the adopted While the property settlement Soviet Union discloses details of FOG^CRABH iULLS 7 : Can also he uaed for tKrowa at home. A it The fortune had two sources. •>ver increasing’^ aid program for Jazz and'swing to monopolize thb popular music Industry. Makea an ideal gift, SPECIAL ...... "^ 0.00 Damage to the structure "k-as son heirs of the joint fortunes. has hot been aigned, attorneys aay Milan, Italy, Jan . 81 (47 estimated In excess of $50,000. During the lush, 1620'i, Madame At that point, begins the alleged a verbal agreement has been reach­ underdeveloped countries that is It’s a revolution that firida the teendger klnj; of the pop tunes, streetc ar and a bus coUkle4.*tll ,(K “Where Queens Cosh Soles From Cause of the fire was not Im­ Walter, a girl ao beautiful she plot. So fa r only cgie m an 1* un- ed. Terma of the Settlement were already running into billions of and virtually the only market for them .. dense fog outside 'MQaa -imijr,’ ■ Shop For Kins: OUR FIFTH SHIPMENT! EXTRA SPECIAL mediately . determined. However, made even painters gasp, * made ,der arrest. He is Jean Lacfize, the not disclosed. rubies . . . Typewriter a partially Gone are the days when everyone whistled the latiMt hit. To- fhe bus then' earsfikidi Sized Values*’ 9 A.M, to Investigators Said the nre' aiipear- her way into artistii circlqa that brother bf the rich widow. He, has Debbie and the singer separated paralyzed patient can operate with e sweetie of the adopted son Taylor, 'wldoiy of Mike 'Todd, to forehead developed ^t Boston Uni­ AP colurhnist Bob 'i'homaa has taKen a hard look around the More than in ethera amin j^ N D A Y THRU THURSDAY Good quality, extra size 81 x 108. Buy several at this low price 5:30 P.M. MAHCHESm COKH* 3-story frame and stucco building. Modigliani. . . of offering Wg bribes last De- i New York night clubs. Fisher anfl versity SChodl . of, Medicine and jpopular music world. He reports hla findings—some autprleing waiting and those anMjid for *uch a large size. Sllght-^regulsrs of $3.98. $2.99 Firemen and other volunteers en­ For some she posed, and the camberiber .if they would accuse the Mias Taylor have been constant Boston' City Hospital. - A.M.-10 P.M. FRIDAY and SATURDAY —in a readable 5-part serlea starting Monday In The vehlelM ww# Injurtd. ** CORNER MAIN and OAK STREETS tered the smoke-filled buildii^ to portrait of her by Derain now ia .adopted son of procuring, or bring companions since. He is not con­ YIcLoulh Steel Corp.’s 48-hqur dent sleeanNl*'1» •'#* lead out patients on the first m or. a prize. Tlien she married Paul iii^ in clients for prostitutes. testing Debbie’s suit. Debbie plans wildcat "sa f^ strike nettled and »attlio« III “ * Guillauma, a ttruggUng art dealer. to go to Spain late next month to three ateel plants .resaibe pr^uc- lEtt^nins ffwaliL aboot 19 .((teOMsd M Faf* Xwo) . With her aid—aha avidently haa a M Page Tkne) ‘‘ make a movlt. tion n<^ week * f. ■I I / I / I : ■ , ( 'S. * ■I ' ■ " I. r ■/' ■ . t ■ r i /■