THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1959 tlrtiw rY AveraKe Daily Net Preas Run The Weather iiaurlTpatpr lEBPtting ifpralb Par the Week Ending rogM iat of D. 8. Weather BnreM January 24tH, 1989 said the device* "have been devel­ Once again the average weekly ; league says, Is "the most persistent Mrs. Alvin Baldt. ticket chair* oped in cities and commiinitiea Clearing, windy, eotder tonight. loss of the M ATES was on# pound, and unyielding expression of preju­ man for the musical farce. "Turn Report Cites thousand* of mile* apart to « t - 12,875 Ix>w 29 to 25. Fnir and colder ss reported st their meeting last; dice faplng American Jews today, About Town Back the ao ck ." which I* being clude those of the Jewish faith Member of the Audit evening. Another new member was j and probably the moat damaging." Ratiirdny. High 80 to 85. I ■ - ' presented Feb. A by the lAdice of from desirable middle and higher CRESTFIELD Country Home Bnreau of C3te«latloB welcomed into membership of the j The league's nndings will be pre­ Tlia weekly eatback party of i St. Jame.^. report* a complete *ell- M anchester sented to the Federal Civil Rights income housing.” Manchenter— A City of I'iUnge Cbnrm club. The meeting adjourned st ' Ihe S l p w Chib will be held In th e' out. No ticket* will be availsble at Commission, which will hold hear-1 The league said the survey "re­ 8 o'clock and the men left for a I elubrooma Saturday at 8:30 p.m .' the door. Inga here next Monday and Tues­ veals that such housing discrimina­ and Convalescent Hospital bowling party at Bowling Green. ) Members and friends are welcome i Housing Bias day. tion, once a phenomenon observed (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN.., FRIDAY, JANUARY .30. 19.39 (Classified Advertising on Page 181 PRICE FIVE CENTS The meeting Wednesday of next VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 102 to attend. Marine M. Sgt. Conrad R. Rel- Conditions In many areas were only in the cities of America, ha* 5A5 VERNON ST„ MANCHESTER week will be held at the home of i ------ ' letler l» aerving with the 2nd discussed in detail In the published been following the general popula­ .lo.aeph .1. Sullivan. 317 Spring St. New York. .lari. 2« i/Pv Portions The Homemaker* HoUday group Marine DI\1.slon el Camp l.ejeune. of Connecticut have been described report. tion trend, moving to suburbs and Of the Mencheater Y W C A will jj. C. He i* the eon of Mr and Mr.* The report said "gentlemen's small towns." Young people of .Mu Sigma C’hl as prejudiced in the matter of rent­ Now In Operation meat at the Community Y Wedne*- Reginald Pelletier. 27 Tyler ing or selling hniise.a to Jews. agreements" mot to sell or rent ' The property owner is the key day at 9:80 a.m. Mrs. John J-; circle, and the hu-sband of ihc,for- Group will meet at the second housing to Jews), quota systems factor in the antl-Jewlsh housing Coventry Pupils Aid ^®"; P^*18 Vehicles The Anti-Defamation l^agiia of Congregational fTiurch. Sunday al Bickley. 41 Duval St., who la In ■ mer Mias L. B. Morris of Stella B'nai Brith. national Jewish or- and eliib plan* In suburban hous-; discrimination, the report said, but For complete information Phone Ml 3-2441 charge of the program, will intro-:*;. C. He wa.s promoted to his 6:30 p.m. and leave for the .Man- ......a .,. s re- Ing and in hlgh-rental and cooper-) It added that the real estate duce Mrs. Bartara Lord of the present rank Dec. i. rhe,ater Youth Council rally «t <h* I atlve apartments are numerous. I t : agent's role cannot be overlooked. Whlton Memorial Ubrary. Mr*. South ■Methodist Church Sunday i P"*' ^ Ship Crashes Iceberg, Lord will give a book review. Baby evening. Bishop Pickett of India report bated theae Connecti­ Little Alaskans Get Relations Post The next meeting of the board eittare will be available. of directors of the Msnehester Girl will l>e guest speaker cut areas as having some residen­ Space Unit Scout*. Inc., will he held st the tial aertions virtually closed to Washington, Jan. 30 (/P)— ICiia Patricia C. Carlson. M Girl Seoul office Tiiesdsv nlghl al Tlie Central Connecticut Chap­ Jewa: YOU'RE ALWAYS ASSURED OF GETTING GREATER Ninety-one-year-old Sen. The­ Walker St, and Paul P. Marge- 7:30. ter of the Centenary Alumnae Greater Hartford. Dailen. \\>ler- First 49-Star Banner Wa.shington, Jan. SO i/P)- Assn will meet .Monday night at odore Franci.8 Green (D-RI) lomy of Hartford will be united forri. Greenwieh. Stamford. Man- The Space Agency has or in marriage Saturday at 2 p.m. In Vincent Rsmlri, principal of the 8 o'clc ck at the home of .Mrs eheater. Wateibury and Middle- PLUS today submitted his resigna- Emanuel Laitheran Cburch. Buckley School, will give a coiir.*e rhoriHS W. Collins. 113 Cedar St., bury. tTon‘a.s" chairman of the Sen- 18 proinilsion vehicles Wethersflelri The ofT’cers of the Rock Hill, S. C.. Jan. SO (/P)f')t hundred* pouring entitled "Teaching .Social Studir* I The league aaid theae Connectl- good from all parts of the United State* to be used in the effoft to pul Calls SOS, Aboard S&H ate Foreign Relations Com­ 90 chapter, of which Mrs M. Bnn-e —There’s a mighty Social Groups 1 and 2 will be in the Elementary School" at the init resort areas "Maintain rigid' following publication of the pic­ mittee. He gave failing eye­ a man into spare. In charge of the potluck Saturday Towpath Elementary School in ' Rranl Rd . ;s president, I bars " against .lewish people: The * chance a group of sixth ture. They were from schools, This was di.sriosed by Dr. T. at 6 p.m. In Covenant Congrega­ Avon beginning next week The , will assist the hostess in enter­ 1 Stamford Yacht Club area. Lake GREEN graders in Barrow, right up newspaper."!, display companies, | sight and hearing as his rea­ Keith Cleiinan. head of the Na- tional Church. The supper i.s for coiir.se is one of those offered hy taining. ' Beset k area in Middletown, and near the top of the world, will patriotic organization*, promotion son. tioiiSl Aeronautics and Sjiace STAMPS The committee accepted the Sen­ all church families. The snmial the community exlen.*ion plan of- ' v eas about Candlewood Lake. be the first Alaskans to own firm*. Individiials wantlng Informa- | Agency, in testimony today before Foundering buelnees meeting will follow. I fered hy the School of Edinalion I Nianlic, Black Point Beach. Grot- tion on availability, prices, piocess , ator's resignation after urging the Senate Spare and Prepared­ a new American flag with its st the University of Hartford Keel Mrii l<» (iilo ten-Sc hennccosctt Beach. Belle WHEN YOU used and other details. ) him to leconsirter. He declinerl to ness Commit Ice.*. I Haven Beach Chib. Indian Harbor SHOP AT 49 stars. Policy at the plant calls for such , do so. Glennan said llie vehicle., liave The uTiya and mean.* committer T m <) on Saliirtlav I Yacht Club. Greenwich Country The flag is already on it* way letters to be acknowledged and | Green wrote Senate Denioeratic been ordered from tlie .\rmv Bal- ! At Sea Off 1957 of the Soroptimlsl ('Inh, of whicli ; Club and Greenwich Field Club. from Rock Hill to the little town on then refeireri to the parent com­ Leader Lyndon .lohnsoji of Texa.* li.slir Missile Agency st Hunts­ PLYMOUTH SAVOY Mr*. Ruth .1 Spencer is chairman Disriimmatlon against .lews In : Point Barrow, the norlhernmo.*t pany. M. I.oweiistein A Sons Inc.. lh.ll "while I have the plivsiral ville. Ala. will hold a food sale Satuid,ay at The .Slate organization of the Im- housing e::ists in many ciliea and tip of the United States. I in New York. The acknowledg-’_ stamina to rarry on as chairman. I Altlimigli he did not elahoiate, Greenland V.a 4.000R SEDAN P;30 a m in Hales store, frnlnnng proi’ed Order of Red Men will hold .suburban areas throughout the na­ An Associated Press wirephoto ^,„ts explain Rock Hill Printing am forced to conclude lliat it will It wa.s learned that most of the 18 . supper dishes. ils annual dinner Saturday night tion. according to the report. from the Rock Hill Evening Herald Finishing Co., does not sell or be a long while h''fore mv eyes "b" vehicles will bo Jupiter intei modi- ! CORRECT PRICE at the Hotel Boml in Harlford The housing di.scriminstion, the played a big part In getting it , di*t.ribiite flags and other goods has been fully restored and this ate tinge billi.stic missiles. I Now Vnrk, .Ian. .'10 (/p)— A $1595 Dinner will he served al 7 o'clock, HALE’S Self Serve and Meat ■tarted on its way. , p,,( only prints them to All orders handicap removed. " Some later firing.* will use fa.st- and dancing will follow Tlie high­ Other* with leading roles in the • j,,, parent company. Tile Providence (R. I.) .Tournal nani.ah .^liip with 90 pa.ssen- er. more powerful aolirl piopellant i prnrs and crew aboard struck Not 899S A * Advert1»ed HEADQUARTERS FDR light of the evening will he seler- 300 YEARS' •Tirst Flag to Alaska " drama Poliev nr not. Mrs. Giilford's let- had called editniially yesteniay for loiket.s. The Jupiter is a liquid were the Providence, R.
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