ARCTURUS Gallery Modern and Contemporary Art Hervé GLOAGUEN “Jazz on stages”, photographs “Come up to Jazz”, Editions la Martinière From March 31 to April 25, 2009 Preview and signing on March 31 2009 Galerie ARCTURUS - 65 rue de Seine - 75006 PARIS Tél : 01 43 25 39 02 - fax : 01 43 25 33 89 e-mail :
[email protected] - web : Hervé Gloaguen’s photographical work is marked by his passion for jazz music and painting. From 1960 to 1968, in his youthful years, he photographed the greatest jazz musicians in Paris, New York and the New Orleans. The high intensity of his photographs transposes the jazz clubs atmosphere, the stages and backstage ambience, the singers and musician’s acrobatic dance, and the depth of feelings expressed by such a moving music. He immortalizes these unrivalled and magical moments when the saxophone’s improvisation, the trumpet’s resonance and the vibration of a voice all bring together. He has printed an outstanding jazz photographs collection, which will be out in March, with more than 50 photographs. These photographs, punctuated with texts from writers who definitely have understand what jazz sprit is, are a historical testimony of these unique stage moments. The Arcturus Gallery introduces a selection of the greatest photographs, along with the book “Come up to Jazz”, Editions la Martinière, from March 31, 2009. We will see you by appointment so as to provide you any further information you may need. Anne de la Roussière (06 80 16 15 88) Arcturus Gallery 65, rue de Seine - 75006 Paris T : 01 43 25 39 02 – F : 01 43 25 33 89
[email protected] Miles Davis Galerie ARCTURUS - 65 rue de Seine - 75006 PARIS Tél : 01 43 25 39 02 - fax : 01 43 25 33 89 e-mail :
[email protected] - web : Louis Armstrong Chris White Communiqué de presse “Come up to Jazz”, Editions la Martinière Hervé GLOAGUEN Hervé GLOAGUEN Passionate about Jazz and musician himself, Hervé Gloaguen had the good luck to meet the greatest jazz men in Paris, New York or in New Orleans.