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HECL 2-2006 Impaginato 4.Qxp HISTORY OF EDUCATION & CHILDREN’S LITERATURE I/2 2006 eum History of Education & Children’s Literature Subscription Fees (HECL) Subscriptions to HECL (two issues a year) are half-yearly journal / rivista semestrale available both in print version (with full access Vol. I, n. 1, 2006 to the Online version), and in Online-only for- ISSN 1971-1093 (print) mat. ISSN 1971-1131 (online) Subscription Fees per year: Euro countries € © 2006 E.U.M. (Edizioni Università di Mace- 100,00 (institutions), € 60,00 (individuals); rata, Italy) non Euro countries € 130,00 (institutions), € In attesa di registrazione presso il Tribunale di 90,00 (individuals); Online subscription: € Macerata 80,00 (institutions), € 30,00 (individuals). Single issues: current issue € 50 (Euro coun- Editor / Direttore tries), € 70 (non Euro countries); single back Angelo Ventrone issue € 70 (Euro countries), € 80 (non Euro Scientific Editor / Direttore Scientifico countries). Roberto Sani Distributor for Institutions & Libraries Editorial Office / Redazione Casalini Libri s.p.a., Via Benedetto da Maia- Centro di Documentazione e Ricerca sulla Sto- no, 3 – 50014 Fiesole FI; tel. (39)5550181; fax ria del Libro Scolastico e Letteratura per l’In- (39)555018201; e-mail: [email protected] fanzia c/o Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Educa- Distributor for Individuals zione e della Formazione, Università degli Quodlibet edizioni, Via S. Maria della Porta, 43 Studi di Macerata, Piazz.le Luigi Bertelli (C.da – 62100 Macerata; tel. (39)733264965; fax Vallebona) – 62100 Macerata (39)733267358; e-mail: [email protected] tel. (39)7332585965 – 5967 fax (39) 733 258 5977 Abbonamenti e-mail: [email protected] Abbonamenti annuali ad HECL (due fascicoli web: http://www.hecl.it l’anno) sono disponibili sia per la versione car- tacea (comprensiva di accesso libero a quella Publisher / Editore on-line), che per la sola versione on-line. EUM-Edizioni Università di Macerata, Palazzo Quote annuali: Paesi dell’area Euro € 100,00 Accorretti, vicolo Tornabuoni, 58 – 62100 (enti), € 60,00 (privati); altri paesi € 130,00 Macerata; tel. (39)7332584414, fax (39)733 (enti), € 90,00 (privati); versione on line: € 2584416, e-mail: [email protected]; web: 80,00 (enti), € 30,00 (privati). http://ceum.unimc.it Fascicolo singolo: fascicolo corrente € 50 Design / Progetto grafico (Paesi dell’area Euro), € 70 (altri paesi); fasci- studio crocevia colo arretrato € 70 (area Euro), € 80 (altri paesi). Paging & Graphic / Impaginazione e grafica Quodlibet Edizioni Distributore per Enti e Biblioteche Casalini Libri s.p.a., Via Benedetto da Maia- Printing / Stampa no, 3 – 50014 Fiesole FI; tel. (39)5550181; fax Litografica Com, Capodarco di Fermo (AP) (39)555018201; e-mail: [email protected] Cover Picture / Immagine di copertina Distributore per Privati Letizia Geminiani Quodlibet edizioni, Via S. Maria della Porta, 43 – 62100 Macerata; tel. (39)733264965; fax Finito di stampare nel mese di gennaio 2007 (39)733267358; e-mail: [email protected] ISBN 978-88-6056-042-1 «History of Education & Children’s Literature», I, 2, 2006, pp. 3-5 ISSN 1971-1093 (print)/ISSN 1971-1131 (online) © 2006 E.U.M. (Edizioni Università di Macerata, Italy) Contents Indice 7 Abstracts Essays and Researches Saggi e Ricerche 17 Elemér Kelemen Changes in Educational Policy in Eastern Central Europe in the 1990s 37 Roberto Sani Schools in Italy and Democracy Education in the Aftermath of the Second Word War 55 Michel Ostenc L’historien gênois Vito Vitale et la réforme Gentile de 1923 73 Janine Despinette Les imagiers de la littérature en couleurs 4 CONTENTS / INDICE 91 Pablo Pineau, Rubén Cucuzza Escenas de lectura y libros de texto en la historia de la escuela argentina 103 Giorgio Fabre Tra propaganda ed educazione: il fascismo, la censura e gli edi- tori 131 Alberto Carli La nuova veglia di lettura, la fiaba «moderna» e l’Italia unita. Ferdinando Martini, Emma Perodi e Luigi Capuana tra oralità e scrittura 151 Rocco Cerrato Editoria religiosa ed educazione cristiana in Italia durante la crisi modernista 173 Stefania Valeri La fortuna della letteratura francese per l’infanzia nell’Italia della seconda metà del Settecento 209 Fabio Targhetta Tra riorganizzazione industriale e sviluppo editoriale: la casa editrice Paravia tra le due guerre 231 Sabrina Fava Maria Montessori du côté de enfance 249 Donatella Lombello Dalle «bibliotechine di classe» alla biblioteca scolastica nella rete nazionale 283 Carla Callegari «Non dite mai: non ce la faccio più». Giovani ebrei durante la Shoah e sviluppo della resilienza Sources and Documents Fonti e Documenti 313 Elisabetta Patrizi La genesi dei Tre Libri dell’educatione christiana dei figliuoli di Silvio Antoniano nei carteggi del cardinale Carlo Borromeo CONTENTS / INDICE 5 Critical Reviews and Bibliography Rassegne critiche, Discussioni, Recensioni e Bibliografia Forum / Discussioni 355 Carlo Capra, Simonetta Polenghi L’educazione dei ceti nobiliari in età moderna e contempora- nea. Le suggestioni di un convegno 369 Roberto Sani, Carmela Covato Percorsi dell’editoria scolastica nel ventennio fascista. A pro- posito di un recente volume Notices / Recensioni 387 M. Colin, L’Age d’or de la littérature d’enfance et de jeunesse (Renata Lollo) 389 W. Brezinka, Pädagogik in Österreich. Die Geschichte des Faches an der Universitäten vom 18. bis zum Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts (Simonetta Polenghi) 397 L. Michielon, L’archetipo e le sue metamorfosi. La Bildung nei romanzi di Goethe (Mirella Chiaranda) 403 G. Ziemer, Educazione alla morte. Come si crea un nazista (Davide Montino) 406 N. Lugovskaja, Il diario di Nina (Davide Montino) 410 A. Ascenzi, G. Fattori, L’alfabeto e il catechismo. La diffusione delle scuole di mutuo insegnamento nello Stato Pontificio (1819-1830) (Lorenzo Cantatore) Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca 417 Anna Maria Bernardinis Storia e struttura del «Settore di Ricerca sulla Pedagogia della Lettura e Letteratura giovanile» dell’Università di Padova 429 Carmela Covato Mauro Laeng Historical Museum of Didactics at University Roma Tre: present and future 437 Rules for Contributors Norme redazionali «History of Education & Children’s Literature», I, 2, 2006, pp. 7-13 ISSN 1971-1093 (print)/ISSN 1971-1131 (online) © 2006 E.U.M. (Edizioni Università di Macerata, Italy) Abstracts Elemér Kelemen, Changes in Educational Policy in Eastern Central Europe in the 1990s The study presents the main processes and tendencies of change in educational policy in Eastern Central Europe during the decade following the political turning point of 1990. The survey covers the ‘Visegrad Four’ (the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hun- gary). The introduction outlines the common features of the countries in the region in terms of education, highlighting the contradictory political and economic effects of the change in the system. The changes in educational policy of the last decade are examined in six areas: (1) educational law and administration, (2) funding for education, (3) changes in the school system, (4) changes in content and curriculum, (5) issues concerning teachers, (6) other problems (disadvantaged family backgrounds, ethnic and minority issues, child and youth care and special education). The conclusion emphasises the need for regional cooperation and coordinated improvement. Keywords: Educational Policy; School System; Educational Reform; Central and East- ern Europe; Czech Republic; Poland; Slovakia; Hungary; XXth Century Roberto Sani, Schools in Italy and Democracy Education in the Aftermath of the Second Word War The starting point is the larger historiographical debate, which has recently arisen con- cerning issues such as democracy education and the construction of mass-agreement by the democratic regimes, that were established in Italy and other Western Europe countries, in the aftermath of the Second World War. The A. examines the features and the limits of 8 ABSTRACTS the history of democracy and citizenship education in the Italian school system, inspired by those democratic values which gained force in the period between the fall of the Fascist regime and the war of liberation from the Nazi-Fascism (1943), up to the late fifties of the XX century – when the democratic Republic system was established and consolidated by the ratifying of the Constitution in 1948. A strong debate arose about the process of democratization in the country, and about the new generations’ education in democratic ideals, which were promoted by the anti-Fascist policy towards the end of the Second World War. A new light is thrown on the Sub-Committee for Education of the Allied Mil- itary Government, directed by the American pedagogists Carl Washburn, which played a pre-eminent role in this process. The A. examines the proposals about democracy educa- tion made by the Constituent Assembly responsible for writing the Constitution, and also the global project of democratic citizenship education, planned by the Minister of Educa- tion Guido Gonella (1946-1951) inside his proposal of the Italian school system reform. Even though his project, presented in 1951 to the Parliament, was not approved, at the end of the 50’s the new Minister of Education Aldo Moro (1958) finally supported the introduction of “civic education” in the Italian school. Keywords: History of education; Political Education; Democracy; Italy; XXth Century Michel Ostenc, L’historien gênois Vito Vitale et la réforme Gentile de 1923 / The Genoese historian Vito Vitale and the
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