Issue No. 103 Halton - with - Aughton June/July 2018 Welcome to the summer edition of The Prattle. There is a lot of informa- tion inside these pages describing the many events and happenings going on in the area, and bringing you up to date with all the village news. If you want to let us know what you have planned, or comment on any of the articles, or just tell us something interesting that you want to share - travel, recipes, hobbies, anything! - Then why not send an email to
[email protected]? We’re always interested in hearing from our readers! Enjoy your summer, whatever you do, Jan & Dave Editors CONTACT DETAILS FOR THE PRATTLE WHAT’S ON INFO, ARTICLES & LETTERS TO THE EDITORS, JAN & DAVE, by email to:
[email protected] ADVERTISING COPY & ENQUIRIES to HELEN: email
[email protected] or tel 812679 DISTRIBUTION & GENERAL ENQUIRIES: CAROL on 811444 TREASURER: BRIAN ON 811444 DEADLINES for Aug/Sep Advertising Rates: Copy: Wed 11th July 18 Box Ad: £10 Adverts: Wed 11th July 18 Double Box Ad: £20 Delivery: Fri 10th Aug 18 Classified Ad: £1 - 20 words All adverts are published in good faith. The Editorial team can offer no guarantees as to the quality of services advertised. 1 THE CHURCHES OF HALTON-WITH-AUGHTON ST. WILFRID’S, HALTON THE UNITED REFORMED CHURCH RECTOR (from 14.6.18) Revd Susan Seed Minister - currently vacant The Vicarage, 2 Summerfield Drive, Slyne-with-Hest, Lancaster LA2 6AQ Tel: 01524 822128 Services at 9:30 am Temporary Contact: Bookings Barbara Wilkinson 811862 Rev Prof Helen Leathard Tel: 01524 849495.