ANNUAL 2019 Contents

Commissioner’s message The platypus has been adopted by the Australian 5 Federal Police as a symbol representing the diverse requirements placed on members in the execution of ANNUAL Keeping Safe: Joint their duties. 2019 Counter Terrorism Team foil This unique and tenacious Australian animal is a Christmas plot 6 survivor against increasing pressure from today’s environment. It leaves no stone unturned in its daily pursuits and has equipped itself with a range of Keeping Australia Safe: Protecting features to adapt to changes over many years. children drives investigators 10

It is capable of passing unnoticed if required, yet it Cover images: Selected demonstrates an unfailing dedication to explore all photos from this edition. ACT Policing Snapshot 14 possibilities in an effort to maintain its special place in Australia’s environment. Busy 40th for AFP 16 Although generally a peaceful animal, the platypus is able to defend itself, if necessary, with a venomous The AFP 1979 - 2019 timeline 22 spur. This is done, at times, against larger and more powerful opponents—a quality admired and respected by members of the Australian Federal Police. Keeping Australia Safe: AFP tracks down financial fraudsters 26 Keeping Australia Safe: The largest meth seizure that almost never was 30 Surprise gift for the AFP’s 40th34 Edition 124 Editor: Dom Byrne Staying on track: AFP family Design: Metka Kosec AFP Media and Engagement honours Detective Sergeant Contributors: Alexia Boland, Gab Knowles, Mark Scott Dominic Lavers, Shelby Houghton & Joe 42 Marsden (AFP National Media). Terry Browne (AFP Museum). Emma Bailey (ACT Keeping Australia Safe: Policing) ISSN 1441-8061 Child protection team closes AFP Platypus Magazine is the journal of the Australian Federal Police. Manila net 44 Requests for permission to reprint material appearing in Platypus, and all general Keeping Australia Safe: Cocaine correspondence, should be addressed to: The Editor import not smooth sailing 48 AFP Platypus Magazine AFP Media and Engagement Fly in, fly out GPO Box 401 52 ACT 2601 Telephone (02) 5126 0000 Platypus marks 40 years Email: [email protected] 58

Opinions expressed in published articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect AFP policy. AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual 3 Commissioner’s message

Welcome to the 2019 Platypus Annual. In October 2019 I was appointed as the AFP’s eighth Commissioner. All AFP members, sworn and unsworn, were As I write this, AFP teams across the country are serving our invited to contribute to a journey of organisational reform community and assisting partner agencies with Australia’s — at its heart, a ‘100 Day Plan of Action’. We commenced response to COVID-19. These are challenging times, and it three key reviews to support reform: one into sensitive AFP is great to see a police force that can rise to that challenge. investigations, conducted by Mr John Lawler AM APM; one The Platypus Annual gives us a chance to look back on the into AFP organisational design, by Ernst and Young; and a previous year, celebrate our successes, and reflect on who review of the structure of the Office of Commissioner and we are as an organisation. the establishment of the National Operations and State When I look at the AFP, I see a police force full of passionate, Services Centre. As we move into 2020 the AFP is surging dedicated people, looking to make a difference to their ahead with implementing the recommendations made by community. Sworn or unsworn, we choose to work in law these reviews. enforcement for a reason. This passion drives us and unites I am no fan of reform for reform’s sake, and in everything us, and when we reflect on our achievements, together, we we do I ask that we consider three key principles: support build our shared identity. the front line, reduce red tape, and enhance relationships 2019 was a significant year. We celebrated the AFP’s with our state and territory partners. The situation in 40th anniversary, with our members commemorating Australia and the world today will test us, and we need to this significant milestone in a variety of ways, notably seize the opportunity to see how we respond. How do the the 2019 AFP Legacy Ball and 40th anniversary awards actions we take, as individuals and teams, strive towards ceremony held in November. our principles? How do we come out of these challenges as a stronger police force? Ask yourself: how do my actions Operationally, we had many successes across the board. today, make a better AFP tomorrow? The Victorian Joint Counter Terrorism Team had a successful outcome in the sentencing of four Melbourne men who Join me as we reflect on some of the AFP’s significant attempted to plot a Christmas terror attack in 2016. The achievements throughout the past year. The Platypus 2019 work of the Joint Anti Child Exploitation Team resulted Annual is part of the story of how we got to where we are in the global rescue of 50 children and the arrest of today. Next year, we will look back at the achievements several predators, with work ongoing to help another 100 that we have made under great adversity, and how we used National Police suspected victims. We also played a key role in the largest- those to make us even stronger. ever methamphetamine seizure on US soil, which was also the largest-ever shipment bound for Australia, and prevented 1.7 tonnes from reaching our community. Remembrance Day We remember Detective Sergeant Mark Scott, who passed away in 2007 after a plane crash in Indonesia, together with Brice Steel. In this Annual, we tell the story of Tuesday, 29 September 2020 Mark’s wife Sally and two daughters Emily and Stephanie, who walked the 146km Kokoda Trail in his honour during April 2019. Commissioner Reece Kershaw



Joint Counter Terrorism

Investigators carried out covert surveillance on the men as they sat at Melbourne’s iconic Team’s swift action Federation Square plotting the holiday terror attack, while crowds passed them by. “Unbeknown to these would-be “During the investigation of Operation “Understanding a terrorists, we were already watching Kastelholm we discovered that just and gathering evidence ready to foil weeks earlier the same group had praised over foiled serious attack was their plans,” he said. been involved in two suspicious blazes and vandalism acts at a Melbourne The fast-acting Melbourne-based JCTT imminent, investigators mosque. They were brought to our had already sprung into action just attention as the main suspects in the were working around days earlier on December 16. They were destruction of the mosque in what was swiftly working to investigate and track Christmas terror plot also an Islamic State-motivated attack.” the clock to monitor the men identified as Ahmed Mohamed, the situation. We brothers Hamza Abbas and Ibrahim In addition, the JCTT identified that By Alexia Boland, AFP National Media Abbas, and their cousin Abdullah both Mohamed and Chaarani had were there watching Chaarani, all aged in their twenties. separately attempted to travel to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in mid-2015. “These men shared significant support Investigators believe the pair would as the four carried for violent jihad and frequently have each continued onto Syria in discussed, downloaded and circulated Four Melbourne men who The AFP, and the attack, while crowds passed them by out reconnaissance hopes of joining IS, should they have terrorist propaganda materials. They attempted to plot a Christmas Australian Security Intelligence on the evening December 20, 2016. been permitted to travel. Organisation (ASIO), were among of Flinders Street, were sympathetic to Islamic State (IS) AFP Counter Terrorism Federal terror attack in public will the agencies involved in the JCTT and in the months leading up to their “Our intelligence indicated that these Agent Lindsay Hall said that the collectively spend at least 122 investigation known as ‘Operation Federation Square and planned attack had viewed a number of men had the intention to carry out group’s blatant daylight meeting violent videos and articles encouraging an attack using improvised explosive years behind bars, having been Kastelholm’. and obvious gesturing towards St Paul’s Cathedral in terrorist acts, including one specifically devices (IEDs), machetes, knives and sentenced in 2019 thanks to Investigators carried out covert the Melbourne landmarks was the Melbourne CBD.” encouraging attacks at Melbourne firearms, with the aim of killing as the efforts of the Victorian Joint surveillance on the men as they sat “chilling” and highlighted their Airport and St Paul’s Cathedral. many citizens as possible,” Federal at Melbourne’s iconic Federation determination to inflict maximum Agent Hall said. Counter Terrorism Team (JCTT). Square plotting the holiday terror violence on the Australian public.



The group’s Intelligence blatant daylight showed that the meeting men intended and obvious to carry out an gesturing attack using towards the improvised Melbourne explosives, landmarks was machetes, knives “chilling”. and firearms, with the aim of killing as many citizens as possible.

Evidence presented in court showed continued to view more Islamic State Federal Agent Hall said that during The remaining trio, Ahmed Mohamed, He said Operation Kastleholm the men were motivated to carry out propaganda videos. formal police interview, Ibrahim Abbas “We found and seized Hamza Abbas and Abdullah Chaarani was another example of the JCTT’s the attack in pursuit of their ideological admitted that the group’s attack had were all found guilty by a jury in commitment to protecting the By December 22, the group’s and religious objectives to wage violent been imminent, while also shedding machetes, partly November 2018, after a 10-week trial. Australian community from extremist preparations continued to ramp up jihad against those they considered to light on their motivation. The group were convicted of one ideologies and the severe threats with the purchase of more materials. be disbelievers and enemies. constructed IEDs, count each of conspiracy to undertake they pose. “He made admissions in relation to “We knew the threat was imminent acts in preparation for or planning a “Understanding a serious attack was the planned terrorist act. He stated electronic devices “Community safety is the prime and it was time to act.” terrorist act, contrary to section 101.6 imminent, investigators were working that it was intended to achieve consideration for all of our of the Criminal Code (Cth). around the clock to monitor the By that evening, just days before maximum bloodshed in order to containing Islamic investigations. situation. We were there watching as Christmas, the Joint Counter Terrorism bring as much fear as possible to the Twenty-four-year-old Hamza State propaganda “We commend the efforts of all of the four carried out reconnaissance of Team swooped. community, in response for military Abbas was sentenced to 22 years’ the JCTT for their work. Our team is Flinders Street, Federation Square and action supported by the Australian imprisonment, with a non-parole “We intercepted Ahmed Mohamed material and bomb- working every day, around the clock, St Paul’s Cathedral in the Melbourne Government in Muslim communities period of 16 years, while 25-year- and Abdullah Chaarani driving in order to intervene as early as CBD,” he explained. overseas,” he said. old Abdullah Chaarani and 27 year through Springvale. Minutes later making instructions, possible and prevent any community old Ahmed Mohamed were each “Our evidence shows the men our teams arrested Ibrahim Abbas at “Meanwhile, during their plea harm and this investigation is another along with a collection sentenced to 26 years’ imprisonment. thoroughly researched instructions his Campbellfield home, along with hearings, Chaarani and Mohamed example of that success. on constructing IEDs along with the Hamza Abbas in Flemington.” admitted to travelling to remote “Those two men, Chaarani and of chemicals.” “The message couldn’t be clearer – materials required to do so. We also locations in regional Victoria to test Mohamed, were already serving a Following their arrests, Operation there is no place for violent extremism know the group travelled to several their IEDs in the days and weeks separate 22 year jail term after being Kastelholm detectives executed in our community, and the AFP remote sites in regional Victoria in before Christmas.” sentenced for engaging in a terrorist search warrants on their homes across along with our law enforcement an attempt to test their homemade act, following their arson and vandalism Melbourne’s north-western suburbs. On November 29, 2019, the men were agency partners will continue to explosives in the days and month attacks on the Imam Ali Islamic Centre all jailed, with each convicted over the work together in a bid to identify and leading up to their planned attack.” “We found and seized machetes, in Fawkner. These incidents were driven foiled plan to use improvised bombs prosecute individuals involved in partly constructed IEDs, electronic by their hatred for Shia Muslims,” Federal Agent Hall said the group’s and machetes in a Christmas terror these activities. devices containing Islamic State “We remain vigilant Federal Agent Hall said. behaviour continued to escalate. attack in Melbourne’s CBD. Ibrahim propaganda material and bomb- “We remain vigilant and together will Abbas earlier pleaded guilty to his role “The charges relating to the planning On December 21, Abbas and Chaarani making instructions, along with a and together will continue to identify and prosecute in the terror plot and was sentenced to of the Christmas terror plot resulted in purchased machetes, with the men collection of chemicals.” those who pose a threat to the 24 years’ jail with a non-parole period continue to identify and a new head sentence of 38 years each, also making return trips to hardware Australian community.” Within hours, the four were formally of 20 years. with a minimum non-parole period of stores to collect galvanised pipes and interviewed, charged and remanded prosecute those who 28 years and six months.” ‘power load cartridges’, along with in custody. chemicals from chemists. The group pose a threat to the Australian community.”


It is the children they including Thailand, the United States “Alarmingly the protect from harm or help and New Zealand to gather evidence about the person using that IP appetite for child rescue from unimaginable address — later found to be Tokputza exploitation material suffering that motivates AFP — then identify other predators and investigators in the agency’s child victims. is increasing and Joint Anti-Child Exploitation During the operation, AFP Detective Teams (JACET). Leading Senior Constable Danielle there are people in Leske, Federal Agent Jonathan Coats our community who “It is heartbreaking that children are and Detective Brevet Sergeant the target of this abhorrent crime but Stephen Hegarty — who were the will abuse vulnerable every child we help strengthens our lead SA JACET investigators — had resolve to hunt down perpetrators and to analyse approximately 900,000 children to facilitate bring them to justice,” team member video and images kept by Tokputza Detective Acting of babies and young children being this vile industry.” – Joshua Walsh said. sexually abused.

Detective Acting Superintendent The South Australian JACET team “We’re no longer surprised by the Joshua Walsh. (SA JACET) — comprised of AFP and depths of human depravity but South Australian Police officers — it is always traumatic to see the helped take down a global child torment that children and infants exploitation ring and put Australia’s are put through by these predators,” worst child sex offender behind Detective Acting Superintendent bars in 2019. Walsh said.

Adelaide predator Ruecha Tokputza “Rescuing children — wherever they was sentenced in May 2019 to 40 years live — is our focus and thinking of the and three months’ jail — with a non- difference we can make to their lives is parole period of 28 years — for abusing what keeps us motivated. several children, the youngest just “The AFP also has a strong support 15 months old. It is the longest prison system in place to ensure that term imposed in Australia for a child investigators are coping and do not sex offender, with the judge describing burn out from having to view this Tokputza as “every child’s worst vile material.” nightmare” and “every parent’s horror”. To remind themselves of the lives they SA JACET launched ‘Operation change, the team has a ‘rescue wall’, Bayldon’ in November 2017 after an with a cartoon of a smiling child to alert via INTERPOL about a South signify each successful rescue. Australian-based IP address detected Adelaide predator accessing child exploitation material. Operation Bayldon was instrumental Ruecha Tokputza in identifying five serious child sex was sentenced The Adelaide link was discovered Protecting children in May 2019 to offenders and more than 26 victims, during an INTERPOL-led operation, 40 years and three assisting to remove 11 children from codenamed Blackwrist, which months’ jail – with immediate harm. a non-parole period was started earlier that year when of 28 years – for its Crimes Against Children unit The international efforts resulted drives dedicated abusing several discovered abusive photos and videos in the global rescue of 50 children children, the on a subscription-based website on youngest just and arrest of several predators, with 15 months old. It is the dark web. work ongoing to help another 100 the longest prison suspected victims. term imposed in SA JACET worked closely with investigators Australia for a child INTERPOL, Europol and law AFP Detective Leading Senior sex offender. enforcement agencies in countries Constable Leske was honoured for her

By Gab Knowles, AFP National Media


To remind themselves of the lives they innovation, tenacity and leadership Priorities for the AFP investigators in “International borders are no Parental and guardian supervision change, the South Australian Joint during Operation Bayldon. the JACET are to remove children from boundary for this crime type. But the for children is a critical factor Anti-Child Exploitation Team has a Since the SA JACET harm of sexual exploitation, target number of arrests are a warning to in preventing self-produced ‘rescue wall’, with a cartoon of a smiling She was awarded the Australasian offenders who travel for the purposes those who are abusing children and child exploitation material and child to signify each successful rescue. Council of Women and Policing’s Most was formed in 2015, of abusing children, and prosecute sharing child exploitation material — online grooming. Outstanding Female Investigator Australians who produce and supply its dedicated they are not anonymous online. in September 2019 and then in A lack of awareness and education child exploitation material. November 2019 was named by AFP investigators have “It does not matter where they are, to the risks posed by using online Commissioner Reece Kershaw as In the 2018-19 financial year, the or if their victims are in a different technologies is regarded as another one of the two recipients of the 2018 AFP received 14,285 reports of charged 224 people country, the AFP actively works contributing factor to the increase Detective of the Year Award. child exploitation from the United with our state and international law in online child exploitation. The AFP States’ National Centre for Missing with child exploitation- enforcement partners to identify urges parents and carers to talk to Since the SA JACET was formed in and Exploited Children, members of perpetrators and bring them to justice their children about the apps, social 2015, its dedicated investigators related offences and the public, foreign law enforcement and ensure children are safe. media and games they are accessing have charged 224 people with child “It is heartbreaking that and Commonwealth and partner online. Offenders regularly use chat exploitation-related offences and helped to rescue “International co-operation is the key agencies. It also shares intelligence rooms and online apps to approach children are the target helped to rescue 120 children globally. to success — and there are passionate, about suspected offenders or victims 120 children globally. and lure children because they believe Among that total, the efforts of the SA skilful investigators around the world outside Australia to law enforcement they are unsupervised and vulnerable. of this abhorrent crime JACET has led to 48 children rescued like us who are committed to sharing agencies in those jurisdictions. but every child we and 81 arrests in the 12 months to information and resources to combat More information about how to October 2019. Advances in technology and this horrific crime.” prevent cybercrime and the risk of increased internet access are online grooming can be found on the help strengthens our Combatting child exploitation within The Federal Government is also believed to have contributed to a rise ‘ThinkUKnow’ website. Australia and offshore is a key priority aiding efforts, launching the AFP-led resolve to hunt down in production and distribution of child for AFP officers across Australia and Australian Centre to Counter abuse images and videos. perpetrators and bring internationally. Child Exploitation (ACCCE) in “Alarmingly the appetite for September 2018. The AFP investigates online child child exploitation material is them to justice,” team exploitation which occurs using a ACCCE brings together specialist increasing and there are people telecommunications service – such expertise from across the public member Detective in our community who will abuse as a mobile phone or computer. and private sectors to support vulnerable children to facilitate Acting Superintendent Grooming and procuring of children investigations and to develop this vile industry,” Detective Acting over the internet is also investigated prevention strategies focused on Superintendent Joshua Walsh said. Joshua Walsh said. by the AFP. creating a safer online environment.

12 AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual 13 JULY: 384 kilograms of cocaine seized and two charged Snapshot 2019: A joint operation between ACT Policing and the resulted in ACT Policing’s largest looking back on the ever drug seizure. The operation began early in 2019 when ACT Policing received information relating to a crime syndicate operating in southern NSW and the ACT. significant wins for When the operation began, members examined a second- hand excavator at Port Botany in FEBRUARY: Sydney — it was subsequently ACT Policing More than 180 cannabis discovered that the arm of the plants seized excavator contained approximately By Emma Bailey, Communications Officer, ACT Policing A 56-year-old man faced court after 384 kilograms of cocaine - worth an a search warrant in the Canberra estimated $144 million. suburb of Downer uncovered 2019 marked another full year for ACT Policing, with many operational success stories That’s 384 kilograms of cocaine will 182 cannabis plants, approximately never hit the streets, which was a great across the board. From large haul cocaine and cannabis jobs to firearms confiscation and 300 cannabis seeds and two result for the Canberra community. investigating daylight shootings – there was more than enough to keep officers busy. kilograms of dried cannabis.

JULY: Tattoo business restrained ACT Policing’s Financial Investigations Team SEPTEMBER: Illicit firearms targeted successfully applied to the NOVEMBER: during national week court for the restraint of a tattoo Forrest shooting MARCH: of action NOVEMBER: Safe return of missing business in the Canberra suburb In response to a serious incident involving the shooting of a member of of . ACT Policing joined police Cook Islands visit children the community in the Canberra suburb of Forrest, significant resources jurisdictions across Australia in a across ACT Policing were deployed with outstanding success. It was all hands on deck when In June police started ACT Policing issued an AMBER alert national week of action targeting the Cook Islands Prime Minister, proceedings in the ACT Supreme seeking the public’s assistance to illicit firearms and safe storage Within three hours of the shooting on Tuesday 5 November, the alleged accompanied by the Cook Islands Court alleging that the business locate four missing children and a by licensed owners. A number of offender was arrested and the firearm believed to have been used in the Police Commissioner, conducted an was laundering money for male known to those children. search warrants were executed and incident was recovered. official visit to Canberra. Outlaw Motor Cycle Gang resulted in the seizure of firearms From the moment the incident was called in, significant resources were As a result of the AMBER alert members. The court granted The visit consisted of 20 and ammunition. allocated and deployed to firstly assist the victim, to manage the two social media post, information approval for the business to be motorcade movements in three crime scenes and then arrest those responsible. The incident started was provided by the public within restrained and on 4 July it was Across the week ACT Policing days. Emergency Management when a man fired at a woman’s vehicle through the driver’s window. 45 minutes, leading to police closed by police. conducted 67 checks at properties and Planning took the lead in locating the vehicle. A short time in the ACT where a total of The woman, who had sustained gunshot and shrapnel wounds, drove to overseeing the event, including later, more information came in 365 firearms were stored. Manuka Oval where she called for help and a security officer provided motorcade routes, staffing, logistics and police located and arrested the and welfare. Traffic Operations One man was arrested and charged her with first aid. man. The children were located safe including Road Safety Operations with two firearms-related offences. This incident pulled together resources from the ACT’s Woden and and well. Team members made up the Police also examined the suitability Patrols, AFP Forensics, Specialist Response Group-Tactical motorcade, including the pilot car, ACT Policing’s Facebook post was for a number of individuals to Response, Criminal Investigations (Nemesis, Homicide, Woden and City outriders and rear escorts. shared over 1,000 times within continue to hold firearms. Five Crime), ACT Policing Video Operations, ACT Policing Traffic Operations, 25 minutes of publishing, which license holders were sent to be ACT Policing Intelligence, Media and Public Engagement and ACT was an incredible result. reviewed by the Registrar. Policing Communications.

14 AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual 15 AFP Museum curator Chris Cranston displays an anniversary Senior Officer Kuala Lumpur Post Superintendent quilt when interviewed by a press gallery member at Jason Byrnes, retired AFP Superintendent Mick Jarratt, and Parliament House in Canberra. Image courtesy of AAP. Royal Malaysia Police Senior Assistant Commissioner Datuk join in cutting the Kuala Lumpur anniversary cake.

The AFP’s 40th anniversary year Morning teas and produced a variety of events that included formal dinners, morning teas, the cutting of cakes reunions and displays to acknowledge Many AFP locations opted for a simple the pride that current and former anniversary morning tea and a cake members have in the success of the cutting ceremony. Photographs of AFP over the past four decades. such ceremonies began arriving for Most events took place publication in early October as the spirit during September, October or of the anniversary began to spread. November 2019, clustered around the anniversary date of 19 October. However, there was one project that ‘40 years, 40 members’ Assisting with the AFP Headquarters festivities were the AFP’s current demanded a long lead time, so it commemorative photo longest serving member Sergeant th began in late 2018. Also in September, a group photograph Peter Theodore and AFP recruit trainee Grace Gopez. A call-out was made in November 2018 was organised in front of the ‘AFP 40 anniversary to AFP members and friends by Globe’ at headquarters. The group was the AFP Museum for assistance in a mix of serving sworn and unsworn creating a commemorative quilt. The members representing the unique responses were rapid, numerous and year in which they joined the AFP, the enthusiastic, resulting in the need to earliest being Steve Turnbull from 1979 creates a busy social year through to a 2019 starter Simon Smith. produce four quilts to accommodate the magnitude of the interest shown. The quilts were displayed in public for In Federation Mall By Terry Browne, AFP History, Traditions and Museum the first time at the 2019 Australasian At the same time as the AFP Legacy Council of Women and Policing Ball was being set up in the Great Conference held in Canberra in early Hall at Parliament House, a mini AFP September. They then appeared at the exhibition was staged at the edge of AFP Legacy Ball at Parliament House, Australian High Commissioner to the Parliament House forecourt. Teams followed by the Brisbane Office Ball. the United Kingdom George Brandis affirmed with AFP members in London his continued affiliation with and respect for the AFP. A member for each year was assembled in front of AFP Headquarters for a photograph to mark the 40th anniversary.

16 AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual 17 AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw welcomes guests to the 2019 AFP Legacy Ball at Parliament House in Canberra.

The official party, including Home Affairs Minister Peter AFP Commissioner Reece Dutton, was piped in to the ballroom at the Emporium Hotel Kershaw addresses guests to to begin the formalities of the Brisbane Office Ball. the Brisbane Office Ball.

The AFP Legacy Ball attracted almost 500 guests who had an entertaining night of dining and dancing. from Missing Persons, ThinkUKnow, 20 former members representing the The Brisbane the AFP Museum, Protection, ACT newly formed AFP Former Members Traffic and the Canine group engaged Association, who had travelled as far Office Ball with the passing public from 10am to afield as Melbourne, the Gold Coast, The Brisbane Office Ball was hosted midday. Passing visitors expressed Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast. by AFP Assistant Commissioner Jamie surprise in the range of police work The formalities began with a video Strauss and attracted more than done by the AFP shown in the mini message of congratulations from Prime 150 guests including special guests display presented by the AFP Museum. Minister Scott Morrison followed by an Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton, address by Commissioner Kershaw. AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw, The Anniversary Ball and Queensland Police Commissioner AFP Legacy President Shane Katarina Carroll. at Parliament House McLennan gave an overview of the night’s events and encouraged The formalities began with an The Great Hall of Parliament House everyone to participate in the inspirational address from Minister provided a grand venue for the 2019 fundraising events scheduled Dutton. He spoke to the great work AFP Legacy Charity Ball which was a throughout the evening. done by the AFP, particularly in co-hosted event between the AFP and Australia’s north. He looked forward AFP Legacy. to hearing more “good stories” of the The AFP’s eighth commissioner Day One staffing list AFP’s successes into the future. and newest AFP Legacy Patron, Former member David Willson put in Commissioner Kershaw followed up Reece Kershaw, and wife Michelle, a tremendous effort in researching with supporting comments and spoke joined other distinguished guests and collating a list of the names of to the long heritage of federal policing and 14 legatee families at a pre-ball officers on duty on 19 October 1979. in Queensland, referencing the ‘egg reception before welcoming everyone Three of those ‘Day One’ officers attack’ on Prime Minister Billy Hughes to the function in the Great Hall. who were still serving were special at Warwick in 1917 and the subsequent guests at the Ball and received their Almost 500 guests attended in their creation of the first Commonwealth 40 year clasps to the AFP Service best outfits to be part of one of the Police two weeks later under the War Medal from Commissioner Kershaw. anniversary’s high profile events. Precautions Act. The recipients were Superintendent Former members in Canberra for the AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw presented Dozens of members travelled from Stephen Turnbull, Detective Sergeant AFP Legacy Ball also visited the AFP Peter Theodore, Ashley Redman and Stephen interstate to take part in the gala Peter Theodore and Leading Senior Museum’s heritage collection. Turnbull with 40-year clasps to the AFP Service event, in particular there were about Constable Ashley Redman. Medal at the AFP Legacy Ball in Canberra.

18 AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual 19 Visitors to the 10th floor of the Sydney office are able to see the history of investigations conducted out of the Sydney Office presented in a timeline researched and designed by Susan Buck.

Many AFP peacekeepers were invited to the launch Members of the AFP Pipes and Drums supported of The Courage for Peace exhibition which opened on the 2019 Remembrance Day Last Post Service at 18 October 2019 at the Australian War Memorial. the Australian War Memorial, joined in the photo by Vice Admiral Michael Noonan, who delivered the oratory in memory of the Unknown Soldier.

Commissioner Kershaw went on to display and also invited in former Cambodia, East Timor, Bougainville and And the band speak of the similarities and important members to its anniversary social. the Solomon Islands. The exhibition differences between his past role of The Melbourne Office has a strong includes artefacts from many AFP played on Northern Territory Police Commissioner tradition in keeping in touch with its overseas missions along with objects, Perhaps the last event on the AFP and his future role with the AFP. former members. images and stories from Defence, anniversary year program was the AFP Foreign Affairs and other departments Pipes and Drums at the Australian Sydney Office At the Australian who have contributed to peacekeeping War Memorial. The band appeared in and humanitarian operations. their alternate guise of the Canberra award ceremony War Memorial In the same week as the opening City Pipes and Drums, but the AFP AFP Sydney Office hosted a combined The anniversary year coincided with Courage for Peace, the long-awaited anniversary drum skin was prominent th as the band provided the ceremonial awards ceremony and 40 anniversary the publication of two additional Volume 1 of the Official Peacekeeping, AFP Deputy Commissioner Karl Kent Acting AFP Assistant Commissioner People celebration on 28 November 2019. volumes of the Official History of Humanitarian and Post-Cold War music for the 2019 Remembrance Day presented awards to around 70 recipients Safety and Security David McLean with Ms Awards were presented to 70 Peacekeeping series. The AFP has Operations was launched. Authored Last Post Ceremony. from the AFP, Police Susan Buck and the 40th anniversary cake in and partner agencies at a combined recipients from the AFP, New South assisted Australian War Memorial by renowned historians Peter Londey, Sydney Office. The AFP Pipes and Drums provide awards and 40th anniversary ceremony on Wales Police and partner agencies. (AWM) researchers to access Rhys Crawley and David Horner, this ceremonial music for a range of AFP 28 November 2019. information about its peacekeeping 900-page tome covers Australian A display timeline highlighting ceremonies — in particular they missions including Cambodia (1992) peacekeeping missions that between 40 years of AFP investigations in set the beat for the National Police and Mozambique (1994). These 1947 and 1982. NSW was launched and received Remembrance Day march. It has been missions are featured in Volume 4 enthusiastic interest. The timeline While it is the first volume, it is also a busy year for the band, accepting published in March 2019. remains on display on the 10th floor the last of the series of six to be invitations to perform at international of the Sydney Office. Past members The AWM’s exhibition curators have published. Covering a large number of events including the Dubai Police were also invited to the event and also included significant references to Defence Force missions, the Australian Graduation parade and Basel Military enjoyed an afternoon of hospitality the AFP’s peacekeeping missions in police role with the United Nations Tattoo in Switzerland. and reminiscing. their latest feature gallery exhibition mission in Cyprus is extensively Locally the AFP Pipes and Drums also Courage for Peace, launched on covered. The other volumes of the played at multiple AFP Graduations, 18 October 2019 and open until set cover Australia’s commitment to award ceremonies, Commissioner’s Melbourne 3 September 2020. peacekeeping and reference the many Former members Ian Hill, Gerry Fletcher and dinners and police funerals. Shanan White enjoyed catching up at the missions the AFP has undertaken. heritage display The exhibition tells the stories of th Sydney Office 40 Year anniversary celebration. The AFP’s 50 anniversary will take For the anniversary period the Australians from a variety of agencies place on 19 October 2029. Melbourne Office added a set of who have served in diverse rolls around timeline banners to its existing foyer the world, from Somalia and Rwanda to

20 AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual 21 Looking back: 40 years of the AFP

1988 The Australian Federal Police Kathy Burdett, first AFP 1979 - 2019 female in Cyprus 1997 1983 Thredbo landslide AFP was among the first 1979 Ron Grey sworn in as responders. 2003 Sir Colin Woods sworn in AFP Commissioner The AFP component of the as AFP Commissioner 1994 2001 Regional AssistanceMission to the Solomon Islands (RAMSI) arrived Peter McAulay sworn in as sworn in Mick Palmer sworn in in Honiara to begin Operation AFP Commissioner. as AFP Commissioner 1982 as AFP Commissioner Helpem Fren. The need for increased numbers of female officers saw some early recruit training courses comprised of significantly more women than men. There were 16 women and 7 men in this intake.

1978In the early hours of 13 February 1978, a bomb exploded outside the Sydney Hilton Hotel which was the venue 1987 2002 for the Commonwealth Heads of Prime Minister Bob Hawke Terror bombings in Government Regional Meeting. visits Cyprus 1993 Bali AFP invited to HILTON BOMBING assist Indonesian 1989 Superintendent Bob Shepherd National Police was among 132 people killed in Acting Commissioner a plane crash in South America In the 40 years since the formation of Colin Winchester killed on 19 May 1993. At the time, he the AFP, it has evolved from a small on duty agency with a defined remit to a was the AFP’s liaison officer in $1.4 billion enterprise with a broad Buenos Aires. range of responsibilities. 1986 2004 Pope John Paul II The AFP’s policing and law The AFP arrives in Papua New Australian Tour 1998 enforcement responsibilities range Guinea for the Enhanced from countering international Operation Linnet 390kg Cooperation Program organised crime to community of heroin seized near policing, and from deterring and Port Macquarie on the prosecuting terrorists to international NSW mid-north coast peacekeeping. The AFP has explored, and will continue to explore, both opportunities and challenges in the current and future global environment. AFP Futures Centre

22 AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual 23 Looking back: 40 years of the AFP 2010 2015 First Wall to Wall Ride for Remembrance Seziure of $8.5 million worth of assets, including a 2014 Ferrari, a 2015 Range Rover, six properties and $180,000 in cash

2006 2000 people attended the opening of the National 2018 2005 Andrew Colvin APM OAM, Police Memorial Australian Federal Police dive team at $2.8 million International Deployment 2013 sworn in as AFP Commissioner Tham Luang Cave. Group training complex was opened Operation Delphinium People by Prime Minister John Howard. 2008 smuggling ring smashed A 12-month investigation by a range of law enforcement agencies resulted in the world’s largest single seizure of ecstasy worth $440 million concealed in a shipment of3000 tomato tins. The investigation led to 16 arrests in Australia. 2019 2009 2012 Operational Response Group members SRG launch 1st July with the being briefed in situ on their tasks in wake amalgamation of the AFP’s of the Black Saturday bush fires in Victoria. 2007 OperationalResponse Group and the ACT Policing’s Specialist The AFP became the first Response and Security teams. 2014 policing agency in the Asia- Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 from Pacific, and only the second Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was in the Southern Hemisphere, downed on 17 July 2014, killing to sign an agreement with all 298 passengers and crew, Europol. including 38 Australians. Operation Arew is the AFP’s contribution to Australia’s whole-of-government Reece P Kershaw APM, response to the incident. Tony Negus sworn in as sworn in as AFP Commissioner AFP Commissioner Mark Scott Brice Steele AFP members Brice Steele and Mark Scott were two of five Australians afforded a repatriation ceremony at Fairbairn Airport following their deaths in the Garuda Airlines crash landing in Yogyakarta on 7 March 2007.


Australia, the US, elsewhere? — the AFP and its partners will track down financial fraudsters

By Gab Knowles, AFP National Media

It can often be dismissed as “When people abuse the tax system the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) a ‘victimless’ crime but the it affects the whole community,” AFP in false GST refunds highlights the Detective Sergeant John Whitehead AFP’s commitment to combatting dedicated AFP investigators said. “It reduces the revenue the financial crimes. who pursue tax offences and Government has to provide services For 11 years, AFP and ATO investigators and it can be linked to other crimes.” other financial frauds against meticulously built a case against the Commonwealth know The pursuit of a former Western Gary Andrew Parsons before he was the cost of such felonies. Australian financier accused of extradited to Perth from the United ripping off almost $800,000 from States to face justice in a WA court.

The New York City apartment building where Gary Parsons lived and ran his business.

26 AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual 27 KEEPING AUSTRALIA SAFE IN 2019 KEEPING AUSTRALIA SAFE IN 2019 Gary Parsons arrives back in Perth in 2017 after being arrested in the US. his ‘agents’. The two countries have a not fight being returned to Perth but good intelligence-sharing relationship initially seemed determined to make but competing requests about large- investigators prove every allegation. scale drug and counter-terrorism It was demanding task. The trial would matters meant it took two years to get have involved more than 70 witnesses back some initial bank records. — many of whom lived overseas — When Parsons was first questioned and about 4,500 pages of data and in early 2007 over the suspicious about 800 exhibits. But Detective rebates, he told ATO auditors he had Sergeant Whitehead said they had done nothing wrong but had lost all all the witnesses ready to attend his records when his computer died. court to give evidence and Parsons, a high-stakes poker player, realised Investigators kept gathering evidence authorities had the winning hand. that tax fraud was Parsons’ sole source of income. They followed the On the second day of a planned six- money trail, collected financial data week District Court trial in late 2018, He was sentenced to five years’ In reality he was holed up in his New Payment on thousands of dollars of and sought to identify evidence of the 53-year-old changed his plea to jail in late 2018 after admitting to York apartment lodging false business lodged claims was then stopped by trading activity in Australia through guilty. None of the stolen money was seven counts of obtaining a financial activity statements in Australia on the ATO as an audit was launched licensed Australian securities and recovered and authorities believe advantage from the Commonwealth behalf of numerous business entities, into the suspicious dealings. futures trading firms, to determine Parsons blew it living the high life by deception and four counts of claiming between $3,000 and $4,000 Gary Parsons had worked as a stockbroker in Perth Detective Sergeant Whitehead was whether any had dealings with in New York, gambling in Las Vegas attempting to obtain a financial a month that was deposited into his before moving to America in 2003. The father of three out-posted to the ATO in Perth when Parsons and issued invoices where and investing in real estate deals that advantage by deception. Australian bank accounts. claimed to be running a global hedge fund involved in an inquiry was started to identify who they had charged him GST for failed during the US housing collapse. futures trading. In a deal with prosecutors, Parsons He even advertised in The New controlled the bank accounts and the brokerage services. He was ordered by the District Court pleaded guilty to a reduced number York Times and on Craigslist — an extent of the linked claims. They also contacted the managers to repay the funds. of charges relating to a fraud of American classified advertisements Parsons had no idea then that the of the properties listed by Parsons almost $520,000. website — offering unwitting US Detective Sergeant Whitehead said Earn $75,000 Tax Free - Risk Free criminal investigation also launched — as business addresses for the citizens $75,000 in return for being he hoped the case would serve as Prosecutors described his offending codenamed ‘Operation Devoir’ — would organisations he claimed to his ‘agent’ and completing refund a warning to anyone contemplating behaviour as “calculated” and stay with him for more than a decade. represent, to check if anyone knew of Completing Paperwork for Australian applications for him. abusing the tax system that “systemic”. The WA District Court Judge those entities. Investment Bank Despite moves to different roles within authorities had the ability to identify who sent him behind bars said financial Between 2004 and 2006, Parsons the AFP — including a stint in uniform “The biggest difficulty in a case like this them and track them down. frauds hurt the community and were lodged more than 220 GST rebate at Perth Airport — Detective Sergeant is trying to prove a negative,” Detective not victimless crimes. claims with the ATO to which he was “It does not matter if you are not Whitehead kept hold of the growing Sergeant Whitehead explained. No cost to set up not entitled. in Australia, the AFP works closely No bs, no intellectual property required Parsons had worked as a stockbroker boxes of documents detailing Parsons’ “Essentially, we had 26 entities over with the ATO and our foreign law No capital required in Perth before moving to America in Alarm bells were set off in late 2006 fraudulent business dealings and this period that were allegedly trading enforcement partners to pursue any No knowledge required 2003. The father of three claimed to be when the ATO identified a number worked on the case whenever he could. in Australia and we were trying to offenders who are trying to evade tax running a global hedge fund involved in of seemingly separate registered All work done via simple paperwork once He said he had gathered so much show they hadn’t traded in Australia.” or defraud the system,” he said. futures trading. business entities sharing common a month for around 2 hours knowledge during the initial years of bank account and address data. In 2010, the AFP with the assistance “Financial crimes can be complex and the inquiry that it would have been Phone 917 977 0328 to find out more of the FBI, executed a search warrant require significant time and resources difficult for someone else to take over. at Parsons’ Manhattan apartment and to investigate — but this case shows or email [email protected] “It just became this case that I seized documentary and electronic we have the dedication and the WOLF HEDGE FUND 720 Fifth Avenue wanted to see through to the end,” he evidence. No charges were laid at that techniques to successfully prosecute.” New York NY 10019 T - 917 977 0328 said. “It was an interesting challenge time and after returning to Australia, he Money laundering, foreign bribery, “Financial crimes can be complex and require and while it wasn’t in itself an overly worked with prosecutors on a brief to insider trading, proceeds of crime and complex matter, it had a lot of extradite Parsons to Western Australia. Gary Parsons even advertised in The New York significant time and resources to investigate unexplained wealth are among the complicating issues.” Times and on Craigslist — an American classified Until Parsons was arrested in the other financial crimes investigated advertisements website — offering unwitting US — but this case shows we have the dedication Australian investigators needed the US and extradited in 2017, Detective by the AFP. Australia is also in an citizens $75,000 in return for being his ‘agent’ and help of their US counterparts to get Sergeant Whitehead did his best alliance with the US, Britain, Canada completing refund applications for him. and the techniques to successfully prosecute.” access to bank records and other to keep tabs on him — hoping he and the Netherlands to better combat financial information about Parsons did not disappear and frustrate the international and transnational tax and the US citizens he had recruited as long-running inquiry. Parsons did crime and money laundering.

28 AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual 29 KEEPING AUSTRALIA SAFE IN 2019 The largest US seizure of methylamphetamine that almost never was…

By Dominic Lavers, AFP National Media

It took eight hours for a joint cargo that Australian authorities “They could have said ‘nah, we’re It was a sleepless night for her and Federal Agent Sutherland recalled The Victorian JOCTF comprises taskforce of United States believed to contain a large and complex done. We’ve spent a whole day going fellow case officer Detective Senior coming into work and telling the rest members of the AFP, Victoria Police, concealment of illicit drugs. through a shipping container and it’s Constable Dave Nolan (Victoria of the team what US authorities had The Australian Border Force, the authorities to cut through a empty. Your intel is wrong’. Police) — and the beginning of a discovered in the two remaining Australian Criminal Intelligence The team found nothing. shipping container’s-worth seemingly endless series of updates shipping containers. Commission (ACIC) and the “But,” she said with both relief and It was 9 January 2019 – halfway through from California over the next Department of Home Affairs. of car audio capacitors at the admiration, “they didn’t.” “It was amazing briefing the team. This the longest US government shutdown 24 hours to confirm drug types and had been a 24/7 job for the Victorian “The seizure was about six times request of the Victorian Joint in history – and they went on working The US authorities moved onto the estimated weights. JOCTF Team 3’s seven members for the larger than what we had anticipated, Organised Crime Taskforce without pay and necessary resources. second of three shipping containers It was the largest-ever previous six months — in addition to an amount equating to what ACIC identified by JOCTF investigators and, (JOCTF), looking for a veritable Victorian JOCTF investigator and AFP methylamphetamine (ice) seizure previous work undertaken by Victoria reporting estimates is more than 80 shortly after, Federal Agent Sutherland motherlode of narcotics. Federal Agent Mandy Sutherland on US soil, and the largest-ever Police’s Echo Taskforce and the per cent of about Victoria’s yearly received a message confirming that a said she wouldn’t have blamed her shipment bound for Australia. The National Anti-Gangs Squad — so the consumption of ice. When you consider With industrial metal-cutting suspicious package had been found in American counterparts for giving up authorities discovered 1.7 tonnes outcome was recognition for many long the impact this would have had on the equipment borrowed from the US Coast one of the car audio capacitors. Then on ‘Operation Hoth’. of ice, 25 kilograms of cocaine and hours on the job.” community, it makes the time we spent Guard, they systematically examined they found another, and another. 5 kilograms of heroin. away from our families, particularly around Christmas, worth it.”

30 AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual 31 AFP members guard a small exhibit of seized Outstanding result: AFP Assistant Commissioner drugs and cash during a media conference in Bruce Hill leads a joint media conference in Melbourne Above: US Following the removal of the drugs, the clear. It was another example of the Federal Agent Sutherland highlighted Melbourne. announcing the seizure of the drugs. authorities US authorities allowed the containers commitment of partner agencies to that trust is the most important spent days to be shipped to Australia, where the the investigation. element when it comes to such cutting through JOCTF investigation continued. investigations. three shipping In Los Angeles, the Los Angeles container’s- doubt result in many more seizures worth of car On 7-8 February 2019, the AFP and Border Enforcement Security “In this instance our work with US search in May 2018. This resulted in the coming years,” Federal Agent Cooperation audio capacitors Victoria Police executed search Taskforce (LA BEST) executed a authorities came down to about 90 in the National Anti-Gangs Squad Sutherland said. “This operation has looking for warrants in Victoria and NSW, search warrant at a warehouse in per cent trust and 10 per cent reliance always the key (NAGS) Victoria conducting two a veritable targeting people allegedly involved in Anaheim, which resulted in the seizure on the intelligence. For our American also given our agencies a chance motherlode of US authorities involved in Operation search warrants in Wollongong, NSW the California-based organised crime of three unregistered firearms. counterparts to continue with what to learn from each other and better narcotics. Hoth included those comprising the US which resulted in seizing two tonnes syndicate believed to be behind the seemed a fruitless task — and in the understand the collective impact we While Federal Agent Sutherland said Immigration and Customs Enforcement of precursors. shipment. Five people were charged middle of the government shutdown can make.” the Victorian JOCTF is a tight-knit and — HSI BEST. These are the US Drug This led to further NAGS investigative with numerous offences. — it can only be due to the trust they In the media, it quickly spread well-oiled machine, she admitted Enforcement Administration, US work that identified people and had in us. across the world that authorities had These arrests also coincided with the international component of Customs and Border Protection Los locations – both in Australian and avoided a ‘tidal wave of ice’ coming operational activity in Canada and operations can pose challenges “The foundations built by our AFP Angeles Field Office, US Coast Guard, overseas – with alleged links to the drug to Australia, and that our country’s Los Angeles. around communication, working liaison officer in Los Angeles were Los Angeles Police Department, Long syndicate operating out of California. styles and timing. However, she critical and we have been able to insatiable appetite for drugs was Beach Police Department, Los Angeles In Canada the Royal Canadian Mounted believes this type of international make his relationships stronger.” emboldening drug cartels to target Port Police, Los Angeles Sherriff’s The Victorian JOCTF took management Police’s Federal Serious and Organised collaboration is formidable in our community with bigger shipments Department and the Orange County of the matter in July 2018, Crime Unit executed five search But the success of this operation combatting organised crime. and more complex concealment Sheriff’s Department. commencing Operation Hoth. This warrants in Burnaby, British Columbia, extends far beyond the 17 million drug methods. But Australian authorities involved further investigations in on 7 February. These search warrants “This operation is the perfect example deals that will never occur in Australia The Victorian Joint Organised Crime and our international partners are Australia, engaging with international resulted in the seizure of $3.5 million of of how law enforcement can achieve because of this seizure. Taskforce (JOCTF) investigation was getting better all the time too. law enforcement agencies to locate suspected proceeds of crime. results across borders. It shows that commenced as a result of Victoria “The US authorities have now been and seize the record consignment of international syndicates can’t win As a Victorian JOCTF member — Police’s Taskforce Echo seizing The Canadian authorities had to wait able to justify the purchase of ice, and making the 7 February 2019 when we all work together,” she said. someone who lived and breathed 25 kilograms of ice during a vehicle for the JOCTF activity in Australia to additional equipment that will no arrests in NSW and Victoria. this investigation — Federal Agent be safely underway before giving Sutherland said she was thrilled to Canadian investigators the green see the strong message being sent It was the largest- light to move in. Ensuring the integrity ever ice seizure to organised crime syndicates about of the operational activity in each on US soil, and international police collaboration and the largest-ever country reduced the likelihood of the risks they are taking. shipment bound evidence being destroyed or any It was the largest-ever methylamphetamine for Australia. suspects slipping through a drag net (ice) seizure on US soil, and the largest-ever “The world’s getting pretty small, and The authorities that literally spanned the globe. we will catch you in the end.” discovered 1.7 tonnes of ice, Canadian investigators waited in their shipment bound for Australia. The authorities 25 kilograms of cocaine and cars on a day when temperatures discovered 1.7 tonnes of ice, 25 kilograms of 5 kilograms of hit -6° celsius for their colleagues heroin. in Australia to give them the all- cocaine and 5 kilograms of heroin.

32 AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual 33 A surprise gift for the AFP’s 40th anniversary

By Terry Browne, AFP History, Traditions and Museum

The AFP’s 40th anniversary included reunions, exhibitions and black tie dinners but there was one event that the anniversary committee had not anticipated.

A three-volume boxed set of the Two chapters in the memoir specifically memoirs of Sir Peter Lawler was deal with the AFP’s formation. presented to the AFP by the Lawler Titled An Unsound Investment the family during a media event held at AFP memoirs chronicle Sir Peter’s journey Headquarters on 13 September 2019. from a childhood spent on a struggling The memoirs were particularly relevant NSW south coast farm, through to to the AFP because Sir Peter chaired establishing himself as one of the the committee that brought about the most noted leaders in the Australian launch of the AFP on 19 October 1979. Public Service.

A three-volume boxed set of the memoirs of Sir Peter Lawler was presented to the AFP by the Lawler family during a media event held at AFP Headquarters in Canberra on 13 September 2019.

34 AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual 35 In a Q&A council workers and a nearby police advisers, Deputy Commissioner John session after the officer as it was being collected. Johnson (ACT Police) and then Acting presentation of Assistant Commissioner Roy Farmer the memoirs it Aside from the NSW Police investigation (). was made clear by to find the perpetrators of the bombing, Chris, Geraldine and John Lawler federal interest in a consolidated In the question and answer session that their father national police was rekindled. that followed the presentation considered his ceremony, it was made clear by Chris, Directed to attend the scene of the playing a role in Geraldine and John that their father the creation of the explosion Sir Peter recalled: “the whole considered his playing a role in the AFP a high point Hilton area was being doubly secured, creation of the AFP had been a high of his career. including by evacuation and temporary point of his career. closure of all shops in its arcades” and the delegates were evacuated to a Sir Peter retired in 1987 with his final retreat in the Southern Highlands. three years of service being spent as Ambassador to Ireland and the Holy The government quickly enlisted See (Vatican). the aid of Sir Robert Mark, who had been Commissioner of the London In 2004 he was invited to provide a Sir Peter’s memoirs Metropolitan Police during many of foreword to the AFP’s 25th anniversary chronicle a journey Representing the Lawler family at the The memoirs also provide a detailed However the dismissal of the Whitlam the 1970’s IRA bomb attacks on that publication Beyond the Call. from a childhood city. He was commissioned on 1 March spent on a struggling event were four of Sir Peter’s children account of the AFP’s ill-fated Government in November 1975 was In it he said: “In the years since its 1978 to report on the organisation of NSW south coast — Geraldine, Chris, Peter and John and forerunner, the Australia Police — an followed by an electoral win that creation, the AFP has developed farm, through to police resources in the Commonwealth their spouses — all of whom spoke organisation developed between 1973 established the Fraser Government. with great success. This shows in the establishing himself area. Sir Robert’s report was tabled by as one of the most lovingly of their father, their family life and 1975 — only to be abandoned The Department of Police and calibre of the women and men who and his achievements. by the incoming Fraser Government Customs was quickly dissolved and the Minister on 13 April 1978. noted leaders in the are its serving members and in the Australian Public following the 11 November 1975 the Commonwealth Police found John was an AFP Deputy Commissioner While there were three options quality and scale of its professional Service. dismissal of the Whitlam Government. itself relocated to the Department of between 2004 and 2009, having suggested, all pointed towards the reach. The AFP has constantly Administrative Services, with Sir Peter joined the AFP as a recruit in 1980. He While campaigning for the 1973 election amalgamation of Compol and the ACT demonstrated dedication and skills as its Secretary. left the AFP in 2009 to become CEO Gough Whitlam had proposed the re- Police via various formulas. of a high order in the line of duty, dealing with complex, difficult and of the Australian Crime Commission invention of the Commonwealth Police Sir Peter wrote: “It was the fact of the Sir Peter observed that there were two often dangerous policing tasks. until October 2013. John more recently that was created in 1960. His proposal ‘wallopers’, the Commonwealth Police, aspects basic to Sir Robert’s concept conducted a review into The AFP’s, raised resistance from the federal being allocated to the Administrative of policing in a free society. “In its cooperation with other police response to and management of opposition and from members of the Services portfolio in January 1976, that forces and agencies in Australia First, he declared that sensitive investigations at the request State police forces who assumed their forced me to think about the need for and abroad the AFP has achieved administratively a police force should of AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw. policing role would be diminished. Australia to have a top class federal acceptance and stature as a valued be, and be seen to be, accountable police force.” colleague. Its own and other Australian Sir Peter wrote: “It was In turn, Chris, Geraldine and John told Whitlam promised that the to government but operationally it governments, and the Australian stories of their father that confirmed Commonwealth Police Force would be However, for the time being, thoughts should be, and be seen to be, as free public, look to it as a guardian of vital the fact of the ‘wallopers’, Sir Peter’s status as one of the most upgraded with better training, pay, and of such a police force would need to as possible from political influence. influential and effective public conditions to meet the growing threat remain in the background. national interests.” the Commonwealth servants in what were ‘golden times’ of terrorism and organised crime. Second, he saw the AFP as accountable Sir Peter leaves no doubt that the 1978 He concluded his comments with the for the public service in Australia. By to the Minister for Administrative Having won the ‘It’s Time’ election bombing outside the Sydney Hilton expression “Ad multos annos, AFP!” Police, being allocated the time Sir Peter retired in 1987 he Services whose role would equate Whitlam set in motion arrangements was the catalyst for the government (Long live the AFP!) had served 11 prime ministers. broadly to that of the Minister for Home to the Administrative to create the Australia Police by revisiting the idea of a consolidated Affairs and the Home Office in Britain. Sir Peter passed away in March 2017 Sir Peter was appointed an Officer of combining the functions of the national police force. The Government adopted Sir Robert’s but through his memoirs provides Services portfolio in the Order of the British Empire in 1965 Commonwealth Police, Northern In February 1978 the Sydney Hilton report and set up a small task force a record of how one man overcame and received a Knighthood from the Territory Police, the Australian Capital January 1976, that forced was the venue for a Commonwealth under an inter-departmental committee a number of life’s difficulties in his Queen in 1981. A Papal Knighthood Territory Police, and the Customs’ Heads of Government Regional chaired by Sir Peter Lawler to private life while managing to make an followed in 1986. Narcotics Bureau. me to think about the Meeting and was primarily under implement its major recommendation, incredibly significant contribution to Speaking about his father’s life John Preparations included creation the security of the NSW Police with the creation of the AFP. Australia in his public life. need for Australia to have said: “There is a lesson in the memoirs of the Department of Police and ‘Compol’, ASIO, and Defence playing The task force was headed by An Unsound Investment: the memoirs a top class federal that’s relevant to every woman and Customs, and developments in the relevant supporting roles. Geoffrey Halliday, a first assistant of Sir Peter Lawler were published by man in the Australian Federal Police. establishment of the portfolio were At 12.40am on 13 February the secretary of the Department of Halstead Press. police force.” It’s a master-class of resilience and supported by regular editions of the explosion of a bomb concealed in Administrative Services, and had strategic thinking.” newsletter CONTACT. a kerbside garbage bin killed two as its members and principal police

36 AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual 37 From left, Stephanie, Sally and Emily on the bus ride to Kokoda Village.

With the backing of AFP Legacy, it was “When you walk the track they will be a fitting tribute to an AFP member who with you, here with us at all times. These had given so much during his time in people should never be forgotten.” the AFP both as Detective Sergeant and a Federal Agent. Hello, and welcome Despite the obvious challenges of Kokoda, Sally kept a keen note of all to the challenge her experiences, expanding on them The day started with an early rise for for AFP Platypus on her return home… our group, which included officers from across Australia, a medic team, other servicemen and women, and Kokoda Arches finally, the legatees.

in sight Although nothing could have prepared After a 35 minute flight north-east us for what was ahead, we received a from Port Moresby to the capital of the beautiful welcome at Kokoda Village Oro Province, Popondetta, the family and met the Legends — our guides embarked on a four-hour bus ride — — who were going to embark on this Above: The soon arriving at ‘The Arches’ that mark trek with us. Through ‘The Arches’ we family — and the beginning of the Kokoda trail. The walked, with a bounce in our steps, their guide Staying on track: time it took us to travel from our hotel soon to realise that the walk was not and ‘legend’ lobby to reach this point heightened going to be this flat for long. Johnathon — at the Kokoda our anticipation and excitement of Arches before AFP family honours Detective what was to come. Vertical uphill, heading out. Kokoda Trek Leader Aiden Grimes then brought us together for a few words vertical downhill Sergeant Mark Scott before we headed out. Over the next eight days we walked 136 kilometres though some of the “Everyday people go to work, and toughest terrain we’ve ever encountered. everyday people get out of bed,” he The uphill sections were almost vertical said. “Then they put their uniforms at times and downhill were equally as In 2007, AFP member Mark Scott passed away after a plane on and turn to their kids and say ‘I’ll steep. There was so much mud and be back home to help you with your everyone was taking tumbles — some accident in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, while he was on posting to homework’. But, you know, some more dramatic than others. Jakarta. Twelve years on his wife Sally, and daughters Emily never make it. and Stephanie remembered Mark by walking the 136 kilometre Stephanie carries her Kokoda Track in Papua New Guinea. pack up a steep section of exposed tree roots.

38 AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual 39 This ‘bridge’ was Templeton’s one of the more crossing on the challenging river Kokoda Track. crossings.

Fortunately, there were no serious On days that felt tough for us, I Other than that it was rinsing off in the When you walk the track and injuries. thought of the hardship that these river. We ate carb-loaded meals and experience the conditions in which men endured, with little resources. were generally in our tents heading to these brave young men fought you Our guides were very mindful of It would have been unimaginable sleep by 7.30-8pm. The best parts of realise just how remarkable this feat taking us along the safest routes for these brave soldiers. At least I the afternoon? Sitting by the fire after actually was. Even more remarkable — some of them walked barefoot knew I only had a couple of days a great meal having conversations with was the work of so called ‘Fuzzy Wuzzy while we skated clumsily in our to go after the crossings. Quite some pretty incredible people. Angels’, local men who carried out hiking boots. In some ways the literally walking in their footsteps the injured Australian soldiers on uphill was easier than the downhill The younger legatees walked together gave me an indescribable sense of stretchers back to makeshift hospitals — you could stop to take a few deep for most of the track and seemed to admiration and pride. or Port Moresby. breaths — but on the downhill you have good fun. There was never a try and not skate and slide. We were extremely lucky with the dull moment during the walk or in the I still can’t believe they were able to do weather — only one afternoon of afternoon at camp. The eruption of that. The strength and courage these Challenges bombarded us in more rain. That afternoon comprised laughter during card games and chats men held left me speechless. ways than one. walking (falling) down mud-filled, was contagious. The bond they made We crossed rivers and creeks on cascading waterfalls. My daughter seemed to be a special one. makeshift bridges constructed Emily said that I reminded her Dawn service, It was a real break from the modern from fallen tree trunks. It was of a pinball machine, bouncing world — no technology, no hassles two-up…and a beer tough on many levels and a real off one wall to the other in rapid or burdens of everyday life. After all, We finished the track on 24 April and test of staying in the present. succession! It was practically a “Life isn’t measured by the number of attended the Anzac Day Dawn Service Aiden taught us to live in the slip-and-slide ride. breaths we take, but by the moments the next day at Bomana cemetery, moment, to not worry about the That same daughter ironically that take our breath away”. where over 3,500 Australian soldiers future — and the hills to come. I An Anzac Day Dawn managed to perform the splits are buried. think he meant literally putting one Service was held at for part of her descent, thanks to foot in front of the other. This was a very moving experience and Bomana cemetery. the exposed, slippery tree roots. Reflection at sunrise something that I will remember forever. Amazing who you bump Nonetheless, many laughs came Each morning started with a beautiful into on the track! Sally from this messy afternoon. When We had breakfast at the police college with AFP member Mark Many crossings, poem about the men who walked Laing – who was hiking makeshift bridges it’s raining it’s very humid — you’re this track in WW2, read by one of our after the ceremony and then went to the with a separate group. completely soaked in sweat. leaders, Peter. It was a truly moving yacht club for some two-up, music and There was certainly no time to take in the true Aussie spirit…a beer…or two. I’m sure we all smelled delightful. way to enjoy the 5am wake ups. Aidan “When you walk the our boots off before we negotiated was also passionate about delivering Walking the track gave me plenty of The Goldie River on the second “When you walk the the history of the track during the war time for self-reflection and history track and experience last day (16 crossings in all!). We Basic facilities, — something I knew very little about. track they will be squelched into camp that night, the conditions in which carrying what seemed like an extra incredible people It was fascinating to hear him with you, here with kilo of mud and water on each Each afternoon we made camp recount the battles and the amazing these brave young men foot. It made me think about the at or near a village. The bathroom story of the Australians, who were us at all times. These WW2 soldiers walking though the facilities were basic to say the least, outnumbered by the Japanese fought you realise just people should never horrendous conditions, with no but after a day of sweating though approximately 10 to 1 – but managed how remarkable this feat end in sight. the jungle, an ice cold shower to hold them at bay. be forgotten.” – piped from the river was wonderful! actually was.” – Sally Trek leader Aiden Grimes

40 AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual 41 Supporting AFP

136 kilometres families in need later the family reaches the end of AFP Legacy was set up to provide ongoing the track. Pictured support and financial assistance to AFP with Acting PNG- Australia Policing employees who suffer the death of an Partnership immediate family member or who are standing Mission by one battling a terminal illness. Commander — and AFP Legacy They are always there to help lessen the burden. President — Shane AFP Legacy contributes to helping legatee McLennan. families via the generous support of police members and the wider community, perpetuating the memory of AFP employees. Should a current member — sworn or professional appreciation. Every day seemed to Closer to Dad — pass away on or off duty, whatever the bring tears to my eyes. Moving poems circumstance (accident, injury or illness), sudden and heartfelt songs. At times there I know this walk meant a lot to my or diagnosed, then support will be offered. This just wasn’t a single pair of dry eyes in daughters, too. My youngest, Emily, support also extends in the instance where a the group. said that it was an opportunity for her partner of a current employee passes. to feel closer to her dad, since the The Kokoda Track tests endurance, trek was something she would have In the past financial year, AFP Legacy paid out not just the physical strain but the loved to share with him. This was truly more than $190,000 in welfare assistance to emotional as well. It took me out something neither she nor Stephanie families in extreme need, those needing further of my comfort zone, but finishing will ever forget. assistance and personal development, and in the walk and seeing those Arches bereavement payments. came with an enormous sense of For anyone thinking about taking part In all, they currently support 55 families, achievement. in the Kokoda Trek, my only advice is to just do it. But don’t forget to train including 99 legatees. Hearing the stories of other police as the hills are very unforgiving. My AFP Legacy also creates opportunities for legatee widows and their various journeys body is still sore but the sense of families to remain connected to the AFP and to was such a beautiful experience. It accomplishment and new formed each other, with three annual scholarships valued was amazing to talk to people who friendships is something I wouldn’t at $9,000 in the names of fallen members Adam have walked a similar path. They are change for the world. Dunning, Brice Steele and Mark Scott. all amazing ladies and I am delighted to have them as friends. We all caught Thank you to everyone who made As a not-for-profit organisation, AFP Legacy does up for a fun weekend in The Hunter it possible for me to walk this track not receive government funding and relies on Valley. They are all amazing women with my two daughters — I know their the generosity of payroll deductions, sponsors, and we provide great support to one father would be exceptionally proud of fundraising and the sale of merchandise to offer crucial opportunities for legatee families, another, I am looking forward to the them (and me) for accomplishing such including major events such as its annual next catch up. a monumental hike, and just a little bit “Hearing the stories amazed at our strength! Kokoda Track Adventure and in welfare support services for families dealing with grief and stress. of other police And a massive thank you to all those The AFP Legacy Board of Management who donated to our fundraising page. widows and their comprises of a team of dedicated volunteer AFP employees who represent a broad cross-section various journeys of the policing community. They are governed by a constitution and guidelines, and are an was such a beautiful Incorporated Association in the ACT. experience. It was amazing to talk to people who have walked a similar path.” – Sally


The search warrant premises in the Philippines. Sydney child protection team closes the net from Manila to Sydney

By Shelby Houghton, AFP National Media

A Sydney man who was For more than five years, the man in exchange for his personalised child involved in the ‘live distant his 50s sat at home on his iPad in abuse material, totalling more than Tregear, Western Sydney. $25,000 over the period. child abuse’ of children He was making video calls over the The scale of the man’s offending, and in the Philippines was internet to the province of Cebu, in the the investigation by the Sydney child sentenced to more than 11 Philippines. On the other end of the protection investigators, can now be years behind bars in 2019, video, children as young as two years told after the man was sentenced in following an AFP Sydney old were being directed to pose in May 2019. He received a maximum sexualised positions. term of 11 years and four months in Joint Anti Child Exploitation prison, with a non-parole period of Over the years, the man watched the Team (JACET) investigation. seven years and four months, after children grow up. He sent money in pleading guilty last year.

A photo taken of the offender’s premises.


Two-and-a-half years’ worth of conversations captured on electronic devices and other data from photos and webcam chats were among a large amount of evidence for the AFP to process.

Australian investigators from the AFP Closing the net “It was a huge brief and I couldn’t Manila post then referred this back have done it without some of my team to their AFP counterparts in Australia Days after the PNP made arrests in mates. Neal Rogers in particular was for review, and it was then the the Philippines in 2016, AFP Sydney phenomenal in really going through breakthrough came. Child Protection investigators some of that fine grain detail.” executed warrants in Western Sydney The painstaking evidence gathering at the home of the middle aged man A device seized from the offender’s paid off. The man was found guilty, and premises by the AFP that contained “Someday I will depicted in the photos. The then his case finished in the Campbelltown child abuse material. 56-year-old was arrested and charged. get found out and District Court in May 2019. Case officer Federal Agent Nicole locked up in jail” The woman in the Philippines had Whelan recalls during interview, He went by the name ‘wolfbaden45’. already been sentenced, and is the man made admissions he had The man had been communicating currently serving 20 years in prison. In September 2016, the PNP executed engaged in the online conversations Following the trail with the Filipino children online for warrants and rescued six children, to the Philippines. He claimed, For Federal Agent Whelan, this ‘Trawling through this The unravelling of this child years by this point. The youngest was who were taken into protective however, his talk was directed to the sentencing signified the closure of a exploitation ring began in Queensland, just two years old when it began. amount of data, from custody. A Filipino woman was Filipino woman. long process – but it was the removal of Australia, in November 2015. His conversations with the children arrested and charged with wilfully, children from harm which was the most involved highly sexualised content The court didn’t accept this version photographs to webcam Queensland Police Taskforce Argos unlawfully and feloniously recruiting, significant aspect of the operation. including references of what the of events. As Federal Agent Whelan executed a search warrant, uncovering obtaining, hiring, providing and chats, and working out offender would do to the child victims explains, the AFP had uncovered “I think that’s been the most a large volume of child exploitation offering a minor, to a foreign customer, in person. evidence to help the case. important part of this case,” she said. what we could use as material. Once the images were for the purposes of prostitution, analysed, investigators were able to pornography and sexual exploitation. At one time, one of the child victims “We had four and a half years’ “This has genuinely impacted young evidence to prove he was trace some to the Philippines. During a search of the house, a discussed how she wanted to marry the worth of conversations captured children’s lives who were being man and start a family with him. She on electronic devices that we had exploited just by virtue of the fact The images were referred to the photograph was uncovered depicting actually communicating was less than 10 years old at the time. to piece all together. Trawling they were in a less developed country AFP’s Manila post to allow the AFP’s a Caucasian man, and one of the through this amount of data, from with a mother who either didn’t international network to engage local young Filippino girls living there. No He replied: “I’m just some old man in with the children was an photographs, webcam chats, and understand, or was just willing, to law enforcement counterparts to try one knew his name. But police feared love with little girls and someday I will working out what we could use as exploit them. No child, anywhere enormous task.” – and locate the children. Soon after, he had done more than just pose for get found and locked up in jail.” He evidence to prove he was actually in the world, should ever have to the Philippine National Police (PNP) an innocent photograph with this girl. was right. Federal Agent Whelan. communicating with the children was experience that.” began an investigation. an enormous task.


Cocaine import not smooth sailing

By Joe Marsden, AFP National Media

Three men who attempted to Queensland investigators commenced drugs inside the body of the boat for import around 70 kilograms the investigation, code-named the duration of the voyage, before ‘Operation Lamister’, in early August using power tools to remove the of cocaine to Australia hidden 2015, based on intelligence provided compressed packages of cocaine in the body of a luxury yacht through the United Kingdom (UK) from the boat’s fibreglass hull once it in 2015 are currently serving National Crime Agency (NCA). arrived in Australia. a total of almost 50 years in The AFP, Queensland Police Service “What they didn’t know is that our custody, thanks to the efforts (QPS) and the Australian Border Force intelligence teams were already aware (ABF), were among the agencies of the vessel and our surveillance of the AFP-led Queensland involved in the QJOCTF investigation. teams were already watching from early Joint Organised Crime 2015 as they went about their plans,” AFP Detective Sergeant Brett Chaffey Detective Sergeant Chaffey said. Taskforce (QJOCTF). said the group’s plan was to hide the


likely destined for distribution to the Detective Sergeant Chaffey said it Above: With an Gold Coast and New South Wales — was extremely pleasing that the estimated street value of $14.5 million dollars, the and the seizure and arrest disrupted sentencing reflected the seriousness compressed packages a number of organised criminal of the threat posed by organised crime of cocaine were likely enterprises seeking to profit from the and underscored the importance of destined for distribution high prices and demand for illegal investigations like Operation Lamister to the Gold Coast and New South Wales. narcotics in Australia. to deliver maximum damage to the criminal environment. Above left: During The three men were convicted in the sentencing, Brisbane Brisbane Supreme Court following an “Operation Lamister was another Supreme Court Justice eight day trial. example of the AFP’s commitment Helen Bowskill said the men were motivated to protecting the Australian During sentencing, Justice Helen by cynical and community from organised crime Bowskill said the men were motivated selfish greed. The group’s plan The skipper of the vessel, Estonian the National Crime Authority in the The next day, at around 5.45pm, the and impact of drug addiction within by cynical and selfish greed while was to hide the national Arthur Rivkin, and the United Kingdom in early August 2015,” pair loaded the packages into a small the community. The QJOCTF is very drugs inside acknowledging the difficulty faced by Australian shore party, British national Detective Sergeant Chaffey said. grey car and drove it to the carpark proud of our collaborative approach the body of the law enforcement in detecting these Martin Mayers, and Jordan Antic, had of a roadhouse in Coomera, where an and outstanding results like this. boat for the The NCA is a national law enforcement kinds of criminal offences. duration of the previously met in Ecuador during the exchange was expected to take place. Organised crime presents a particular agency in the UK and the UK’s lead voyage, before planning phase of the operation to “Stern and severe punishment is challenge in the variety of ways and using power agency against organised crime, drug “We knew the exchange was discuss logistics. warranted in order to protect society lengths they will go to in order to tools to remove trafficking and crime that goes across imminent and that was going to from the deliberate attack made upon it avoid detection and prosecution.” the compressed The ABF, with assistance from the regional and international borders. present the perfect time to take the packages of by persons who would commit offences QPS, monitored the vessel on its Surveillance teams attached to the men into custody.” The Queensland Joint Organised cocaine from of this kind,” Justice Bowskill said. journey to Australia after stops in operation provided surveillance Crime Task Force maintains strong the boat’s It was during this carpark meeting that “When we took them into fibreglass hull Ecuador, Fiji and Vanuatu. recordings, photos and phone “The deterrent aspect of this links with Queensland Police and officers sprang into action, arresting once it arrived intercepts of discussions between the punishment … is regarded as of other Commonwealth agencies, which custody the doors of a in Australia. The 13-metre yacht, named SV Solay, the men at the scene. skipper and the shore party. primary importance in cases of this gives authorities the best possible was identified departing Vanuatu, “When we took them into custody kind because of the difficulty in response to the threat that organised white van were open and bound for Brisbane, Australia on “Our intelligence indicated these the doors of a white van were detecting the offence and the great crime poses to the community. Saturday, 15 August 2015. During the men had arranged further meetings ready for loading, while open and ready for loading, while social consequences that follow from night of Sunday, 23 August 2015, as with members of a Sydney syndicate “There is no place for organised crime Mr Mayers was standing near the its commission.” the vessel neared the Queensland who were impatient to take in our community, and the AFP with Mr Mayers was standing grey car, which was filled with about Coast, it altered course and stole possession of their portion of the They were sentenced as follows: our law enforcement partners work 40 kilograms of cocaine.” near the grey car, which through the Gold Coast Seaway consignment,” he said. • 62-year-old Martin Mayers together to identify and prosecute and into the Coomera River, before Following the arrests, Operation was sentenced to 20 years’ individuals involved in these activities.” After the ship arrived at the Coomera was filled with about mooring at a Coomera pier the Lamister detectives executed a imprisonment. Inlet on the Gold Coast, Rivkin and Australian law enforcement have following morning. search warrant on the vessel at Mayers went to a local hardware • 47-year-old Arthur Rivkin acknowledged the support provided to 40 kilograms of cocaine.” the Coomera River Marina, where Rivkin, who had skippered the vessel store and purchased angle grinders, was sentenced to 16 years’ this operation by European authorities, approximately 30 kilograms of on the journey across the South wrecking bars and power cords, which imprisonment. including Irish Tax and Customs, the cocaine was located on board. Pacific, was greeted on the pier in they then used to cut holes in and French National Customs Intelligence • 67-year-old Jordan Antic Coomera by Mayers. dismantle parts of the vessel’s hull, With an estimated street value of and Investigations Directorate (DNRED) was sentenced to 12 years’ in order to access the compressed $14.5 million dollars, Detective and the Maritime Analysis and “The group had already been brought imprisonment. packages of cocaine. Sergeant Chaffey said the cocaine was Operations Centre-Narcotics (MAOC-N). to our attention by our partners in from

50 AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual 51 Fly in, fly out

By Dom Byrne, Editor - Platypus

A senior manager in a former life had a standard ‘out of office’ email reply when he signed off before holidays. I pretty much knew to expect it, but admit that I came to ignore it. It simply read: “Gone fishin’”. I never bothered to ask him why he kept using what seemed just a throwaway line.

Fly casting lessons with Craig Daly from Clearwater Flyfishing Guides are just the start of the experience.


For sworn and unsworn AFP members - Equipped with waders and boots, AFP “When you’re walking along a river in the need to have a new perspective on life members dip into the cold, cold waters the Snowy Mountains, it’s amazing away from the station or the office is key. of the Thredbo River. how little everything else seems.”

Some years on and it’s clearer. My many people in the organisation — here. It’s something that’s got to be me. When I was having a bad day boss’s real message is embodied in has seen some horrible things. experienced to be believed.” at the AFP and having to view child The way I saw it the work of AFP members Jenna Van exploitation material — I could go “You’ve got two sides of the coin And there’s proof of that already. der Vlist and Craig Martin, who run fishing and get back and feel re- here,” he said. the agency’s Fly Fishing Program for Equipped with waders and boots, energised and ready to ‘fight’ again. The early days of the AFP Fly Fishing program Mental Health. And it’s this: take time “You’ve got people who are doing a members in the first group spent two “I didn’t realise it was having an effect have seen AFP members vocal and positive about out for a holiday, long or short, but really hard job — and have probably days away in early May 2019, and were on me until I actually thought about don’t forget to invest in a ‘thought seen things that are outrageous and grateful for a warm, sunny day when its impact within a … it and had some conversations and break’ while you’re at it. horrible that a normal person would they first dipped into the frigid waters started talking. I think I’d spent a few never contemplate seeing. Then of the Thredbo River. At the AFP — for sworn and unsworn days out fishing and it dawned on me you’ve got those people who are doing members — the need to have a new The fishing continued in earnest until that I hadn’t even thought about work, those kind of jobs later in their career perspective on life away from the the last day, with AFP member Garry hadn’t even given it a second thought. “Congratulations on the energy, commitment and passion and may be affected one day. station or the office is key. Backed by the ‘last person standing’, chasing “Fly fishing helped me get through a that you both have. It makes me smile every time I think former AFP Commissioner Andrew Both camps are welcome to join the Fly some large and active brown trout lot of things and continues to help me Colvin and the AFP National Sports Fishing program — as a reaction to past with Craig. At dinner the previous now. Having something in my life that about the Fly Fishing program! Take care and keep up the Federation, Jenna and Craig have impact or as a time to mentally ‘upskill’ evening, Craig asked the five AFP I could do, either on my own, or with a several times taken AFP members to before things potentially get difficult. members a question: “Did anyone great work.” – Former AFP Commissioner Andrew Colvin friend or group of people, that makes Thredbo in the Snowy Mountains to ‘Let think of work today?” And the quick “It really puts things in perspective life worthwhile and worth living. it fly’ — putting rods and reels in the answer — to most people’s surprise when you’re walking along those rivers 4WD and heading down the highway. was, quite simply, “No”. “It’s not a cure to mental health issues, and how little everything else seems but a way forward and a means to Once there, the aim is not to cancel when you’re out there,” Craig said. Jenna said: “It’s not all about fishing becoming a better person, on the road out worries or talk in depth about “That’s what we’ve been able to give and catching fish, it’s about getting to recovery.” particular issues, it is to re-prioritise to a few AFP members who’ve come out there, trying something new, “Just wanted to reach out and thank you both again for where worries are stacked in the along, and we’d love to be able to disconnecting and noticing the The Fly Fishing program is supported putting on an awesome weekend. It was a really nice mind to gain some perspective before keep doing that and giving more. surroundings.” by the Australian Federal Police heading back to life as they previously Association, Police Bank and the AFP “You know, being out on the river, it’s The benefit to Craig’s law enforcement experience. Your passion, friendship and talents were knew it. And fly casting lessons are National Sports Federation. an amazing feeling — you don’t really career is strong. just the start. think about all the bad things going evident and appreciated. As a result I have purchased a “Fly fishing was a tool I didn’t even Having worked for almost four years on anywhere in the world. You’re know I was using to cope. I didn’t rod and reel and spent some time on Google Earth looking in AFP Child Protection, Craig — like concentrating on what you are doing even realise the benefits it was giving for a good spot to hit.” – Colin, Counter Terrorism

54 AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual 55 It’s not all about fishing and catching fish, it’s about getting “Work issues are not so big after you’ve walked in the out there, trying something new, Snowy Mountains along a river bank stalking trout. [It’s] a disconnecting and noticing the perfect way to focus on nature, the excitement of the chase, surroundings. and to get away from cares and worries. This is one of the best mental health initiatives there could be. I found it gave me a chance for reflection and to put things in perspective. I hope that a few others take up the opportunity.” – Garry

“Thanks for a great weekend! I had a great time getting to know everyone and learning to fish, the weekend was both fun and relaxing and I look forward to the next event.” – Madelyn, Forensics

“I managed to catch a tree, and a rock…actually the same rock twice. I did, however, manage to cast my fly directly above a fish, who darted towards it, but chose not to bite! For me though the real fun was just chatting away.”– Romana, AFP Museum

“At the AFP Sports Federation, we’re committed to encouraging participation in sport to promote health and fitness. We welcome all sports and activities that contribute towards the health of our members. Our Fly Fishing program is a great example and I commend Craig and Jenna for approaching the Sports Federation to kick off the initiative.” –Steve, President, AFP National Sports Federation

56 AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual AFP PLATYPUS MAGAZINE 2019 Annual 57 1991 1979 1987 1985 1992 1984 1980 1995 2002 40 Years of Platypus 1994 Since 1979 we’ve been there. From the dawn of AFP business to the swearing in of our eighth Commissioner, Platypus has reported on what matters to AFP members and our law enforcement allies. While we’ve gone through a few masthead style changes, the Platypus ethos of service has remained constant. Enjoy this trip back in time... 2011 2010 2007 2003 2004 2009 2008 2017 2015 2012 2012 2014 2016