International Journal on Textile Engineering and Processes Vol. 4, Issue 3 July 2018 Optimization of Knit Fabric by Using Different Spinning Methods Shubham Geete, Shreyansh Shah, V.S. Shivankar, P.P. Raichurkar Centre for Textile Functions, MPSTME, NMIMS, Shirpur campus. Email:
[email protected] Abstract: Very few facts are thought when it comes to knitted fabrics and their respective properties, especially when comparing its relationship with the better known woven fabric clothing. The reason for this study was an undertaking to find and record a handful of such basic qualities. Since the fabric range for knitting structures has witnessed an increasing demand to the various known textile materials, by the steady improvement of machineries and manufacturing processes, the work fundamental for a total study would be over the top. Consequently, the present examination has been kept totally reserved for fabrics reasonable for clothing purposes, in which weight and thickness are of equivalent significance with appearance, quality and different properties and not subservient to them as in fabrics for unique purposes. Acquiring comes about through change in machine parameters utilizing distinctive kinds of filaments and turning techniques. Yarn spun with various turning strategies, for example, air-stream and ring spun yarn will be weaved to make sew fabrics tests while changing machine parameters including stich length and cam settings to achieve various design such as Single Jersey, Picket and Fleece design. Factors such as fibre type, yarn size, fabric structure and geometry can affect the handle properties of knitted fabrics. Specifically, manufacturers every year produce examples of accessible knits through new mechanical and technological progressions.