Minnesota Boys' and Girls' Clubs
ETIN ROOM BULRYL UNIVERSITY FARM LIBRA • AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION DIVISION Special Bulletin No. 18 University Farm, St. Paul January 1918 Published by the Univcrsitr of Minnesota, College of Agriculture, Extension Division, A. D. \tVilson, Director, and chstributed in furtheran ce of the pu!pOses of the coOperative agricultural extension work provided for in the Act of Congress of May 8, 1914. MINNESOTA BOYS' AND GIRLS' CLUBS *T. A. Erickson, State Leader, and Mrs. Margaret B. Baker, Assistant THE SEWING PROJECT Arranged by Miss Annie Shelland, State Supervisor of Rural Schools, and Mrs. Margaret B. Baker, Assistant State Club Leader, from work outlined by the Junior Red Cross. Authorized by Red Cross for sewing work in connection with Little Citizens' Leagues, Boys' and Girls' Clubs, and Junior Red Cross Leagues. The sewing project of the Little Citizens' League or Boys' and Girls' Club, is planned to aid and supplement the Red Cross work. If possible, a Junior Red Cross Auxiliary should be formed, for every child should become actively connected with the Red Cross organization. A Junior Red Cross Auxiliary consists of the teacher or principal and all the childr' n in the school. Membership is granted when for this purpose a sum equal to 25 cents per pupil has been contributed to the Chapter School Fund, an organization connected with the county Reel Cross. Each child can pay 25 cents, or the school can give an entertainment at which admission is charged, and pay a sum equal to 25 cents per pupil to this Chapter School Fund. No Junior Red ross can be organized unless every child in the school is represented in this payment.
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