623 Part 165—Regulated Naviga- Tion Areas And
Coast Guard, DOT Pt. 165 Failure of redundant navigational-safe- Chelsea River, East Boston, Massachu- ty equipment, including but not lim- setts. ited to failure of one of two installed 165.100 Regulated Navigation Area: Navi- radars, where each satisfies § 164.72(a), gable waters within the First Coast Guard District. does not necessitate either a deviation 165.101 Kittery, Maine—regulated naviga- or an authorization. tion area. (1) The initial notice and request for 165.102 Security Zone: Walkers Point, a deviation and an authorization may Kennebunkport, ME. be spoken, but the request must also be 165.103 Safety Zone: Portsmouth Harbor, written. The written request must ex- Portsmouth, New Hampshire. plain why immediate repair is imprac- 165.110 Boston Harbor, Boston, Massachu- ticable, and state when and by whom setts. 165.111 Safety Zone: Boston Harbor, Boston, the repair will be made. Massachusetts. (2) The COTP, upon receiving even a 165.112 Safety Zone: USS CASSIN YOUNG, spoken request, may grant a deviation Boston, Massachusetts. and an authorization from any of the 165.113 Security Zone: Dignitary arrival/de- provisions of §§ 164.70 through 164.82 for parture Logan International Airport, a specified time if he or she decides Boston, MA. that they would not impair the safe 165.114 Safety and Security Zones: Escorted navigation of the vessel under antici- Vessels—Boston Harbor, Massachusetts. pated conditions. 165.115 Safety and Security Zones; Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant, Plymouth, Massa- [CGD 94–020, 61 FR 35075, July 3, 1996] chusetts. 165.120 Safety Zone: Chelsea River, Boston Inner Harbor, Boston, MA.
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